Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 410 - The Love Has Won Cult

Episode Date: July 8, 2024

The Love Has Won Cult was led by Amy Carlson, who died from alcohol abuse, anorexia, and colloidal silver dosing at the age of only 45 on April 16th, 2021. She'd badly needed medical treatment for two... years, but didn't trust "3D hospitals" because she thought she was Mother God, a 5D being. And one of her galactic spiritual advisors, Robin Williams, forbid her from receiving treatment. Oh yeah,  this is an especially weird one...Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qlw0BAZwi1IMerch and more: www.badmagicproductions.com Timesuck Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious PrivateFacebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch-related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard? Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast.Sign up through Patreon, and for $5 a month, you get access to the entire Secret Suck catalog (295 episodes) PLUS the entire catalog of Timesuck, AD FREE. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. And you get the download link for my secret standup album, Feel the Heat.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God is a woman. She is here on earth. This was the signature catchphrase of a very strange and short-lived little cult called Love Has Won. The Love Has Won cult was led by a woman named Amy Carlson who referred to herself as Mother God. Many called Love Has Won a cult, including me. But Amy's followers naturally disagreed. Still disagree. They believed that they were all truly enlightened beings who were living in a higher frequency than the rest of us in our 3D world. Totally. Amy Carlson, whose followers lovingly called her mom, described herself as the creator
Starting point is 00:00:33 of the universe, God in the flesh. Amy proclaimed that she was 19 billion years old and she'd already lived 534 lifetimes on this planet. Reincarnating throughout history, coming back as people like, you know, Jesus Christ, Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Marilyn Monroe. Hell yeah. Amy Carlson was now the final reincarnation of Mother God, her final physical vessel. And when her vessel was ready, she was going to ascend into not the fourth dimension, now
Starting point is 00:01:01 she's going to skip that one. And she was going to ascend directly into the fifth dimension, the dimension of spirit, and of course take all of her loyal followers, you know, with her. This was a fun one to work on. This nonsense only scratches the surface of this group's unusual beliefs. Amy would say that former President Donald Trump was her father in a past life. She believed that she spoke to and received continual guidance from the spirit of Robin Williams and many other historical, largely pop culture figures she called the Galactics.
Starting point is 00:01:29 The group also believed in conspiracies involving Atlantis and the lost civilization of Lemuria, the Anunnaki, space lizard reptilians, and Illuminati Cabal, the infamous QAnon. So much to play with. They believed the Cabal or the world's elite are keeping humanity in a low vibrational state and that only they know the full truth. They told new potential recruits that if they joined and supported Love Has Won, they too could reach a higher consciousness level. Like an infomercial, you too can reach a higher consciousness level if you just call this
Starting point is 00:02:02 number. Amy shared her strange messages on social media amassed enough of a following to not have to work and just be supported by her cult members. She recruited a devoted team who lived with her full-time, waited on her hand and foot, attending to her every need. Behind a public image of peace, love, and harmony and higher consciousness, Amy was high and drunk when she wasn't asleep for the most part. She was also often verbally abusive towards her followers, who she professed to love so much. As the years passed, Amy's drinking and drug use led to her
Starting point is 00:02:30 body starting to shut down. She lost a dramatic amount of weight, became so frail, she lost the majority of her mobility. She drank colloidal silver more than she drank water towards the end, which greatly accelerated her decline. By early 2021 Amy was dying, needlessly so, but dying. She told her followers it was time for her to ascend. John Lennon from the Beatles will be picking her up in his spaceship, seriously. And then Amy Carlson did die in April of 2021, very again avoidable death if she would have just been taken to the hospital, stopped drinking the silver. John Lennon did not swing by in his spaceship and then instead of reporting her death to her family whom Amy had abandoned years earlier or having a proper funeral for her other leader, her followers
Starting point is 00:03:13 wrapped her corpse up in some Christmas lights and transported her body across state lines, concealing her death for days at least probably for weeks. They just kept partying with their now dead cult leader, and of course waiting for John Lennon. Finding the police discovered Amy's now partially mummified body, April 28th, 2021, after a corps member turned on Love Has Won and reported them. To this day, there are still people who believe Amy Carlson was truly mother god, despite the fact that none of her predictions came true. This week we're getting extra weird, extra wackadoodle. We'll learn about the beliefs of Love Has Won, how Amy Carlson became a cult leader, how she died, what happened to her followers after her body was found, and more on
Starting point is 00:03:53 this Lemurian Atlantean QAnon crystal and cross cult cult cult cult edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday and welcome to the Cult of the Curious. I'm Dan Cummins, the master sucker, the Peckerwood podcaster, Dick Byrd's Dr. Frankenstein, stick attack, abuse fan and advocate, E-list Elvis impersonator and you are listening to Time Suck. Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, praise be to good boy Bojangles and glory be to Triple M. I forgot last week to mention the new merch drop for July. I know I mentioned it before it came out, but I forgot to do it last week. So introducing a fun fan art collection now from Raymond Roll featuring a bunch of new designs including arts and crafts with Ed Gein, Mount Dickmore, Whipple Aid and more.
Starting point is 00:04:55 A bunch of cool shit. And reintroducing a couple classic favorites, the Knowledge and Truth tea and the Baba Yaga tea. And Raymond, if you recognize that name, he has done our collector cards for a while now. Very cool artist out of Australia. So head on over to badmagicproductions.com. Check it all out. Now, a couple things about today's episode. First, this button. Ding.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yippee! That's Amy Carlson. I actually covered this cult on the Secret Suck, the former companion podcast, the Time Suck on Patreon. In episode 170 of that podcast back on May 27, 2021, Remember this cult on the secret suck, the former companion podcast at time suck on Patreon in episode 170 of that podcast back on May 27th, 2021, an episode titled love has won cult. And that little sounder of Amy became one of my favorite buttons to push on that show
Starting point is 00:05:36 for months going forward. I love getting to revisit this cult. Love getting to revisit that button today. Amy sounds so happy there and she was happy a lot of the time because she was drunk and high and you know being adored by her strange little group of followers. Her beliefs were so fucking out there and she seemed so obviously insane. It's hard for a lot of people to understand why anyone would ever follow someone like her. And I think I found a great way of explaining why anybody can join a cult like this or why someone, not necessarily anybody, why
Starting point is 00:06:07 someone can. It's something I've said versions of before but never as well is what Garth Ennis wrote for the second episode of season four of The Boys on Amazon. I love that show. The episode's titled Life Among the Sceptics. And this is not some paid advertisements. I've been a huge fan of both The boys, graphic novels, and of the show since it came out, or shortly after it came out. A huge fan of everything Garth Ennis does, actually. Anyways, in this episode, a superhero named Sister Sage is at this convention full of truthers and conspiracy theorists, and she has just watched this other soup, Firecracker,
Starting point is 00:06:42 give this speech about the global elites, QAnon, Satanic celebrities, drinking children's adrenochrome, chemtrails, all sorts of dumb shit. And then Firecracker is at her convention booth after her presentation, selling shit to people who believed all her wackadoodle, you know, conspiracy nonsense. And Sister Sage approaches her and asks simply, what are you selling? And at first, Firecracker's offended, pretends it's not a grift. But then Sister Sage gets her to be honest, and Firecracker says, and I think this is so perfect, she says, purpose. I sell purpose.
Starting point is 00:07:16 These people got nothing. Maybe they lost a job or a house or a kid to oxy. Politicians don't give a shit. Mainstream media tells them to be ashamed of their skin color so I bring them together and tell them a story. Give them a purpose. Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil? Or that you're a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember? Holy shit I love that scene. I rewatched that scene several times.
Starting point is 00:07:46 That's it. That's how you get somebody to join a cult like Love has won. You give them purpose. You give someone who's really struggling with their life, someone not happy with the state of their life, someone emotionally fragile, who feels worthless, broken, someone who hates their life, doesn't see a way to make it better. You give them a way out. You give them purpose. You give them a calling. You're not a bad mom who give them purpose. You give them a calling. You're not a bad mom who lost her kids. You're not a loser who walked away from their job and got arrested over and over and started abusing meth and ended up homeless.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You're an angel. You're God. You've been chosen by God to help God heal the entire planet, the universe. And you're going to be exalted in this fifth dimension forever because you're one of the most important and beautiful people to have ever lived. I mean, what a sales pitch. How can you compete with that? What a purpose. What a beautiful dream. What a wonderful story to believe in. That is why people followed Amy as crazy as she was. She gave people, largely very broken people, a purpose.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And it's why so many stayed with her until the bitter end. They just did not want to accept that their new purpose was a lie. You know, they don't want to return home and apologize to loved ones for the hurt they caused by abandoning them. They don't want to put in the work of making amends, you know, struggling to pick up the pieces of their broken dreams. They desperately, desperately wanted to keep living the lie that Amy sold them. Just something to keep in mind during today's Suck. Another thing to think about when it comes to just tarot belief systems and why people cling so fiercely to them in general.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Now let's fucking go! Starting things off today with the cult cult cult origin story of Mother God, followed by an overview of the cult's very interesting beliefs and rules to live by. Oh, so fun. Information from their archived website. Thank you, internet archivers. Then we'll dive into the cult's beliefs and certain conspiracies, followed by a timeline of the real life of Amy Carlson, how she got involved in New Age spirituality, and ultimately how she became the rare female cult leader Several sources have described love has one's theology as being a fluid
Starting point is 00:09:52 It's a nice word Fluid can be interpreted as being a very nice word for fucking gibberish Amy combined elements of all kinds of shit New Age spirituality Christianity indigenous religious beliefs, conspiracy theories, very interesting mashup. She also constantly was just pulling new claims out of her increasingly skinny and blue ass. Yes, blue, thanks to all that colloidal silver and adding to her personal lore as mother god. Ding. Yippee. Now let's dive into Love Has One's origin story. According to Amy Carlson, the following story was originally told by Love Has One follower Lauren Suarez aka Archia Aurora,
Starting point is 00:10:32 her cult name, in video format which is then transcribed into a PDF. We'll learn more about Lauren in the timeline. She's a key member, was a key member of Love Has One. She's still into all this shit. After a brief introduction, Lauren dives into her tale saying, so if you don't know, we are in a full-blown planetary ascension and this is basically the evolution of consciousness. So humanity as a collective is evolving from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. And this is something that has been prophesied for thousands of years in the Bible, in the book of revelations, in the Hopi prophecy, the Celestine prophecy.
Starting point is 00:11:17 They all describe different returns that Jesus would return. White buffalo calf woman, spider woman, great spirit, that they would return and that humanity would evolve out of the third dimension or the matrix and back into 5D. I don't think they said any of that about the 5D stuff. Which is pure love vibrations where nothing lower exists. And the good news is that Great Spirit has returned to this planet. Great Spirit, white buffalo calf woman, prime source creator, and God is a woman. She is prime source creator. So Mother of all creation is God, Mother God. She created all of our souls along with Father God
Starting point is 00:12:06 and they began this journey of this ascension process 19 billion years ago. And it started back when creation began. Mom was birthed from love and the unknown. That is her essence. And just as you have birth parents in physical incarnation and just like your birth mother gave birth to you, mother of all creation gave birth to your soul. It is the micro to the macro as above, so below.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It is the same. Just as we have birth parents, we have soul parents. Okay, I'm gonna go drink a juice now. That was a really long way of just really not saying shit. That was a lot of nonsense. White Buffalo Calf Woman. By the way, sacred figure and Lakota spiritual beliefs. Considered a prophet.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Spider woman or spider grandmother, part of many Native American tribes' belief systems, primarily tribes based in Southwest. I was kind of bummed to find that out or be reminded of that. I think I had heard that actually. But I was just hoping there for a little bit that they just threw in a fucking superhero. Like into that mix from Marvel. You know? And she's part Jesus, also part Buddha, and also Catwoman, and Vixen, and Jessica Jones. Did I mention Amy and her followers were high so fucking much? Went on a lot of heavy psychedelic trips together.
Starting point is 00:13:26 They were and they did. That's where a lot of stuff comes from. As described by Suarez, Amy Carlson aka Mother God came into existence 19 billion years ago. Did they just throw a fucking dart at a board to come up with that number? And she created all of humanity as well as her partner Father God. Which is no small feat. She created humanity, made her own God partner, so she could get some of that celestial deep dicking. Even gods need their bicycles ridden,
Starting point is 00:13:51 driven into space ditches and off you know galaxy ramps and stuff. The role of the masculine in this case, Father God, is to support the physical manifestors of feminine creative power. Whatever the fuck that means. A lot of their beliefs, I strongly assume, don't make sense to even them. A lot of wackadoodle word salad in this ideology. A lot of people saying all kinds of crazy shit and then other people just listening going, oh yeah, I like that. Acting like it makes sense. In contrast to the Adam and Eve creation story where a man created woman, mother God created father God, this means according to Amy, everything that you have ever been told is a lie. And you know what? As a non-religious person, I do think
Starting point is 00:14:30 much of what we've been taught about how life works actually has been lies. But that doesn't mean Amy has suddenly found the truth. To me, as is typical with cult leaders, you know, she just replaced some old lies with some new lies. After mother god and father god created the 144,000 souls, Amy taught that creation expanded with the universe and planets. It's interesting that people came first, everything else came second. Wonder what it was like just to be a soul drifting out there in the void. The concept of the 144,000, by the way, part of Christianity, it's come up in a lot of cultsucks,
Starting point is 00:15:01 especially ones that lean heavily on doomsday predictions. Big important number central to the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, numerous other Christian sects, sects that seem to spawn more cults than most. 144,000 are mentioned in Revelation 7-4. Then I heard the number of those who were sealed. 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. Many believe, you know, that this is a literal thing, this verse, and that 144,000 people will live through the end time, second coming of Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people get to have eternal life with God in heaven. Obviously this verse is up for interpretation, as are literally all religious verses when you get right down
Starting point is 00:15:43 to it, and beliefs about the 144,000 vary widely So according to love has one how did we get to where we are today? Well an archangel named Jehovah separated from all creation because he wanted to be God without God The angel Jehovah mysterious being that appears in the Old Testament of the Bible mainly the book of Genesis Angels nature is unclear some say it could be Jehovah himself acting on behalf of another Jehovah or a divine being distinct from Jehovah. Jehovah not referred to as Jehovah in the King James version, New International version, or living version of the Bible. Some of the most popular ones. Entity is usually just called the Angel of the Lord, but the Angel of the Lord is
Starting point is 00:16:20 called Jehovah in the American Standard Version, for example. Just clearing this up if you're Christian you're thinking, ah no there's no Jehovah in the American Standard Version, for example. Just clearing this up if you're Christian, you're thinking, ah, no, there's no Jehovah angel in my book of Genesis. Jehovah, again, according to Love Has Won Beliefs, was the original fallen angel separated from unity consciousness and took over some planets. And then because he was apparently a naughty little bad boy who didn't like to go pee in the potty, Jehovah created dark realms and dark species because he's a fucking dick. And this is the origin of the separation between light and darkness. According to Suarez in the beginning it was all light. It was all love until the original separation
Starting point is 00:16:55 happened. Alright so this is their Adam and Eve twist. But fear not! There's no need to worry about the darkness because Mother and Father God have made a plan. They separated 19 billion years ago. Father God was sent into the lower realms to master the darkness. This is already getting pretty complicated. It feels like Mother God could have just saved us all from this darkness by just destroying Jehovah, her creation. What's the fucking point of being the most powerful God in the universe if you can't
Starting point is 00:17:19 destroy lesser gods to keep them from fucking your shit up? Or why couldn't Mother God at least just clean up the mess Jehovah made? Why has it been taking Father God fucking 19 billion years to fix things? Come on motherfucker hurry up! As told by Suarez, and his Father God's lower aspect is Lucifer. So surprise, Lucifer is Father God. So, men were evil. That's a bummer. I guess I'm not really surprised though. We are a pretty naughty bunch.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Mother god remained in the light, continued creating. Cool, but also, what the fuck, mother god, how about you put your head out of your ass, take a break from hiding in the light, go clean up some darkness, you lazy bitch. Sorry, I know I probably shouldn't say things like that. It's just that I'm a guy, and I'm'm evil and I'm just trapped by my lower nature. Mother God next created the father of the multiverse from her heart. That sounds cool. Father multiverse was her love mirror and she continued creating with him in Father
Starting point is 00:18:17 God's absence. And what does that mean? Well, no one knows. I don't even think Amy probably knew. But it's cool to say, multiverse is like a fun word to toss around if you want to make yourself sound smarter than you are. It can make you sound really smart if you're a good enough actor to pretend like you truly understand it. Mother God, Father God, Father Multiverse, they are the Holy Trinity of love has one.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Mother God represents the Holy Spirit, but they are patriarchal masters leave out the feminine when describing the Trinity. And Suarez says, so to disempower them and hide us from the truth. They convinced us that God was just a man and there was no feminine aspect, but that is not true. I wonder sometimes why does God get, or why do people, excuse me, get so hung up on God having a gender? It's almost like as Sigmund Freud once suggested that God was created in man's image and not vice versa. Like do we turn God into one of us because that's easier to wrap our minds around than it is to think about an entity that's beyond gender? Easier than imagining some kind of a powerful life
Starting point is 00:19:17 force that exists outside of any concept of an earthly body like ours? Why can't God be just a collection of sentient starlight? Why can't God be the universe in its entirety? And in that universe, we're the equivalent of little atoms making up our own bodies. Anyways, Father God worked his way up from the darkness. Mother God worked her way down into the 3D realm, which is our shithole realm. And for billions of years, 19 billion years, they've been working to meet in the middle to heal the final planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I gotta say I am so sick of having to deal with slow ass inept gods. Where the fuck up already you two lazy piles of shit? You're gods! Even working for 19 billion years! I feel like I can get so much shit done in just one billion years. I'd be able to check so many things off my to-do list in a billion years. I hope. I hope I wouldn't just think and procrastinate, off my to-do list in a billion years. I hope. I hope I wouldn't just think and procrastinate, you know, for the first 999 million years
Starting point is 00:20:09 and then he's like, oh, shit, and there's panic. Amy Carlson taught her followers that Earth would be the final planet to ascend. All other planets have ascended. Mother and Father God saved Earth for last because Earth is the heart of the universe, obviously, and it's Mother God's heart. So that's pretty cool. Mother God is sweet on Earth, considers it the heart of the universe, and it's Mother God's heart. So that's pretty cool. Mother God is sweet on earth, considers it the heart of the universe, and because of that we get to
Starting point is 00:20:28 suffer for the longest before she heals it. Ding! Yippee! During his long long journey, Father God has been gathering all the darkness on planet Earth. What an asshole. And now Mother God, arrived here many generations ago, has been reincarnating on planet Earth to try to bring in Christ consciousness Obviously to help the ascension process stay with me the life of Amy Carlson was mother God's 534th lifetime Fuck man these guys move slow took her 19 million years to get to fix an earth now after 40 400 534 Lifetimes here shit's still broken hard to find a a good God these days.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Mother God's biggest, most important lifetime prior to this most recent one was when she lived with Jesus Christ. Suarez says, Jesus was a woman and they flipped it on us and created all these belief systems about Jesus and told us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and we were all forgiven. But none of that was true. Alright, so what is true? As Jesus, mother God, feminine Jesus, tried to bring in higher consciousness and spread the truth to get everyone to move into loved based frequencies and then she was killed for it. Quick question. How hot do you think lady Jesus was? Like, dude Jesus, pretty hot, right? Come on, great abs. Mega-chad jawline, solid shoulders and pecs, luscious locks, piercing blue eyes that just
Starting point is 00:21:51 melt your heart. You know, nice quads, calves. I wonder, what do you think Lady Jesus's tits would look like? Right, we can wonder that. I just wonder if I had grown up in churches with pictures of hot Lady Jesus, right, stretched out on the cross. It's that a hot dude Jesus. Would I be Christian right now? Would I be more into bondage fantasies? Would I be praying every night to a super hot probably seek up perky titted Jesus with a small waist and full hips and big Old juicy peach of an ass but an average-sized labia would I have a boner while I prayed to a God that hot? How could I not? Would that God be hotter than, say, even Mendez?
Starting point is 00:22:25 What would that amount of hot even fucking look like? Probably too hot for stupid little naughty boy man brain like me to even comprehend. It's a lot to think about. Amy Carlson's life was Mother God's final lifetime, which sucks because she's dead and nothing really changed. So, you know, we're screwed. Bad news, everybody listening, we're screwed. She fucked it. Before she died, she was finally with father God in physical form though a reunion 19 billion years in the making so much build up and
Starting point is 00:22:54 Really a letdown in the end just two not really attractive people Who are out of their minds and fucking high all the time being crazy? Lauren Suarez in her long-winded explanation of Amy Carlson theology now transitions into a history of how earth was overtaken by darkness. Did you know that originally earth was a 5d planet? Yeah totally was 100% I'd bet your life on it but now it's just 3d and 3d is bullshit and fake wake up but 5d true and. And why is that? Well, because five has two more dimensions than three, dummy. It's a bigger number. And the more dimensions, the better because don't even, don't think about it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Amy taught that Mother God, so herself, was once the queen of the lost civilization of Lemuria. Donald Trump was once her father in Lemuria. Did you know that Donald Trump was Lemurian? That's where he got his debate skills from. He used to debate a lot in Lemuria and it's why his hair doesn't look like human hair. Looks more like a bird's nest. That is how Lemurian hair looks. It's not supposed to look. She really did believe that she and Donald Trump were once in Lemuria. I feel like she used like Mad Libs books to come up with her theology. And the Lemurian mother god was the daughter of blank, name a famous person.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Sora says we lived in love vibrations in the civilization of Lemuria, but then the love vibrations were disrupted when the Atlanteans stole the Lemurians crystal technology. Those fucking Atlanteans, typical. They attempted to use it which backfired big time because it was 5d technology and Alanis not in a 5d Frequency at that time so the entire planet exploded but didn't explode because it's still here But but was thrust into darkness, but it's still light now. I don't know We've talked about the muri before good old Madame Blavatsky's theosophical madness The muri is a fictional
Starting point is 00:24:43 Emphasis on fictional, lost civilization, real in some people's minds, similar to the concept of the lost city of Atlantis, also fictional. The concept of Lemuria, first proposed in 1864 by British geologist Philip Sclatter, theorized that the continent Lemuria sank underneath the Indian Ocean. This theory of the continent of Lemuria was later discredited as scientists learned more about plate tectonics and continental drift in the 20th century. But before being discredited, Lemuria was later discredited as scientists learned more about plate tectonics and continental drift in the 20th century. But before being discredited, Lemuria was proposed as an explanation for the presence of lemur fossils in Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent rather than Africa or the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:15 German biologist Ernest Hackel suggested in 1870 that Lemuria could be the ancestral home, excuse me, of humans. And then Helena Blavatsky, oh that batshit crazy grifter, founder of a 19th century new religious movement called Theosophy, added Lemuria to her religious doctrine and said it was the home of human ancestors, a root race, one of the most important root races, called the Lemurians. Lemuria often comes up when discussing the mysteries of Mount Shasta in Northern California. Some people believe that inside the volcano is the hidden city
Starting point is 00:25:46 of Telos, city of light, a 5D city inhabited by the surviving 5D Lemurians from the lost continent. An 1899 book that isn't good titled A Dweller on Two Planets claims that survivors from Lemuria were living in or on Mount Shasta. They lived in complex tunnels with jeweled walls and had fur carpets and were sometimes seen walking above ground or flying in and out of Mount Shasta in their spaceships. Some people believe that they're very active around Mount Shasta today but you can't see them probably
Starting point is 00:26:18 because you haven't ascended. You haven't raised your frequencies. You're vibrating at a different frequency. They're a 5d creature and you are probably a 3D dipshit. Sorry to tell you that. Okay, so they can see all of your dimensions, but you haven't worked hard enough to fucking evolve your little 3D pea brain to see their dimensions. And a lot of New Age beliefs I should add the fifth dimension is the spiritual realm, the spiritual dimension. Transitioning back to the love is one culture origin story. realm, the spiritual dimension. Transitioning back to the love is one cult's origin story, the explosion with Atlantis, the Atlanteans knocked planet Earth and all its inhabitants down into the third dimension, which gave us
Starting point is 00:26:52 amnesia for some reason, but didn't kill us. And now we couldn't remember Mother God and her creations. And then, ho ho, holy fucking shit, Earth was then, this is big, taken over by the Anunnaki, which is pronounced that way, typically when referring to a group of Deedies of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, more frequently pronounced as Anunnaki, when referring to the all-powerful space lizard reptilians, the real Illuminati, and the secret global cabal. Ding. Yippee!
Starting point is 00:27:23 And while I'm not sure I reference them by the name of Anunnaki in the first episode of Time Suck, that's what I was talking about in that Lizard People episode. And the cabal are the minions of the reptilians and Anunnaki. They are the upper 1% of the upper 1% that run the country and the planet serving their fucking lizard overlords. And this cabal realized they had to keep everyone on Earth in low vibrations because they have to stay in low vibrations because they can only rise a certain frequency levels you know they kind of tap out you know below 5d because they're dark naughty boy pieces of poop then Anaki
Starting point is 00:27:56 often referenced by conspiracy theorists like David Icke seen as evil extraterrestrials who literally feed on our fear. They keep us trapped, enslaved in a matrix of fake reality in order to keep us afraid and in pain so they can keep psychically feeding off us. If we ever unplugged like Neo in the matrix we could see the truth and destroy them and live in some kind of almost unimaginable paradise free from pain and strife like our ancestors used to back before the Atlanteans ruined everything! That's the basic belief. Versions of this belief permeate all sorts of conspiracy lore. The historical Anunnaki were descendants of
Starting point is 00:28:29 the gods of the heavens and the earth goddess, god of the heavens and the earth goddess, excuse me, two gods there. And ancient peoples in Mesopotamia believed these Anunnaki decreed the fates of humanity. Religious beliefs about the Anunnaki, of course, different in different historical text. For example, the Hittites who lived in modern-day Turkey in the second millennium BC referred to a set of former gods who were banished to the netherworld by a newer generation of gods. These former gods were the Anunnaki. Other texts like the Epic of Gilgamesh described the Anunnaki as the gods of the underworld. Some believed that the Anunnaki inhabit a planet called Nibiru,
Starting point is 00:29:06 that people who don't trust astronomers believe exists in the outer edges of our solar system, which it does not. Sometimes referred to as Planet X or X. According to an interpretation of Mesopotamian religious texts, a giant planet called Nibiru passes by Earth every 3,600 years, and its sentient extraterrestrial inhabitants interact with humanity. Some doomsday conspiracy theorists believe that this planet, again which does not exist, may crash into Earth or that the Anunnaki, conspiracy pronunciation again, will take over Earth or have already. According to Love Has Won, the Cabal, the minions of the Anunnaki,
Starting point is 00:29:44 know that if the Earth beings created by Mother God rose into Love Has Won, the Cabal, the minions of the Anunnaki, know that if the earth beings created by Mother God rose into a higher frequency, the planet would descend into the fifth dimension and thus the Cabal could no longer control them because they couldn't exist there. So to keep this from happening, the Cabal created the Ego Programmed Mind. Ego is an acronym and Love Has Won cult, cult, cult speak, which stands for edging God out. And it's not that kind of edgy, not getting really close to coming, but then stopping, but then getting close to coming and stopping. Suarez tells us, and this is basically a cluster of belief systems
Starting point is 00:30:14 that are passed down from generation to generation. So we are constantly kept from the truth. The ego, Amy taught, is based in fear, which means everything we are taught is based in fear, which keeps us in a low frequency. Right. If any of you ever get really sick of my steady stream of dick jokes and references and other low-brow humor here on Time Suck, cut me some slack. I can't help it. I'm a product of my low frequency existence. However, maybe soon we'll all climb out of this low frequency fucking cesspool, because when Amy Carlson was born, it was quote quote the first time ever in all of creation that mom has anchored in her full mother of creation essence and consciousness into a physical vessel totally what she said
Starting point is 00:30:55 it was also the first time the father God was fully anchored into a physical vessel and this gave everyone else the opportunity to anchor their highest selves into their physical vessels fuck yeah, bro hip hip hooray ding yippee Suarez says that is the goal that is the contract that we all signed that we would come down We would remember who we are we would find mom and the physical and recognize her and support her and we would anchor in our higher selves and we would Be in love and we would be love and we would participate in this ascension process.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Seems like their ascension process as we'll get into later was mostly just drinking a bunch of alcohol, colloidal silver, doing a bunch of drugs and being insane. Didn't seem to ascend anyone, but based on all the videos I watched many of them featured in the 2023 docu-series Love Has Won, The Cult and the Mother God. They had a great time for a long time. So why didn't any of Amy's followers ascend? Well, because the divine plan changed when no one woke up and realized Amy's truth. 19 billion years of buildup for fucking nothing! That's some serious edging. Mother God, in the form of Amy Carlson, was on a mission for more than a decade to help people ascend. Sora has stated she has all the tools and all the solutions, all of them.
Starting point is 00:32:07 She knows exactly how to transform, exactly how to anchor in your higher self. She's the only one who knows what's going on. And she's the only one leading this planetary ascension. Okay. All right, now that we know more about the cult's convoluted origin story, let's take a look at some of their beliefs, rules, products, and services that they offered to recruit more followers and to fund their lifestyle right after today's first of two mid-show sponsor breaks. And I'm back! If you don't want to hear these ads get the entire catalog ad free and more by
Starting point is 00:32:37 signing up to be a Spacesuit on Patreon for five bucks a month. And now let's take a look at some of their beliefs, rules, and the products and services they offered to recruit more followers and fund their lifestyle. Most of the following absolutely true information comes straight from the Love Has One archived website. Amy Carlson wrote a profile page about herself on the no longer active love has one dot org website reiterating that it was her five hundred and thirty fourth reincarnation on this planet. So cool.
Starting point is 00:33:07 According to Amy, again, she lived as Jesus. Uh, she was Amelia Earhart. Uh, she was Pocahontas. She was Marilyn Monroe and she was Harry Tubman. Just to name a small handful of her many past lives. I love when people make crazy claims like this, but don't bother to look up, like in this example, when the historical figures lived to try and make sure that their lives didn't overlap. Amy Carlson claims to have been, or claimed to have been, Harriet Tubman and Amelia Earhart, both of those women, also mother god, but Harriet Tubman didn't die until 1913 and
Starting point is 00:33:38 Amelia Earhart was born in 1897. So their lives over overlapped for 16 years. So was Amy both women for 16 years? Or was she just kind of lazy when it came to making up her bullshit? Amy wrote that she survived such specific numbers. She survived 589 assassination attempts but was not killed because tada love has won! Ding! Yippee! Amy wrote, I've done my part and now you have to get a move on, because you wasted eons thinking you had a life under the manipulation of the cabal who used you like cattle.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You are either with me or against me. The experiment of free will has been declared a failure. It is void! Everything exists under divine will once more! Okay. Love has one publisher mission statement on their website. We are Rainbow Warriors of Love, choosing to be love in action. We are here to support mother of all creation and co-create heaven on earth equals heart. The Garden of Eden here now. We love you all. I wonder if they hired a seventh grader to write that. Feels like something, you know, written by a seventh grader. This page features several feels like something written by a seventh grader. This page features several key statements about their purpose.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We are here to be in service to love. We are here to be our greatest and grandest selves. The essence of our calling is summed up in a single word, love. We nurture each other in faith. We pursue God's divine will. Love has one also listed out 21 universal laws that everyone was supposed to follow. Support honesty and truth. Support Mother Earth and Heaven. Support happiness, joy, creativity, peace, and harmony. Support who you truly are as God's goddesses. Support unconditional love and God.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Support passion, playfulness, and laughter. Don't think about Titan, warm lady Jesus' puss, probably as when you pray at night. Hail, Lucifina. That was one of my universal laws. Back to their laws. Support beauty, perfect health and healing. Support all creation and set intentions for the highest good. Support vision, faith and miracles. Support kindness and smiles. Support oneness, grandness and living in the moment. Support the one river of life. Support abundance, treasures, and gifts. Support living in a state of gratitude. Support true freedom and live life real. Support nature and all her beauty and wisdom. Support manifesting all of one's dreams and wishes.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Support rainbows and building bridges of love to one another. Support angels and all who serve the highest God. Support becoming the greatest, grandest vision version one can be. And support our Galactic brothers and sisters. This mission was supported by the Galactic Federations of Light team. Did you know about the Galactic Federation of Light team? I touched on them in the cold open. They're so fucking cool. One of the best teams, if not the best team ever assembled in the galaxy. The first contact ground crew team, not as cool of a team, pretty cool, were Amy's children in the physical who promoted the cult and
Starting point is 00:36:28 served her directly. So her followers, her cult members, which she had between a dozen and twenty for most of the lifetime of her cult. But the real team, her A team, was the Galactic Federation of Light. Amy claimed that she regularly, as in daily, received messages from this team, from the spirits of important historical figures whom she called the Galactics. One of the Galactics, the most important, was deceased actor and comedian Robin Williams, whom she called Archangel Zadkiel. For fuck's sake. We covered Zadkiel in episode 260, Wonderful Minds Rise and Fall, one of my favorite episodes. Cool dude, but why would an all-powerful God need to take the advice of an earthly comedian?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Doesn't make a lot of sense. Another was the Count of St. Germain, an 18th century adventurer with mysterious origins. Amy called St. Germain the master of the violet flame. Chohan of the seventh ray. Yeah, fucking totally. I was about to call him the same shit. Former member of the Beatles and husband to the greatest vocalist of all time, Yoko Ono. Wow! Uh, John Lennon was also part of Amy's Galactic Federation of Light team. Second most important member next to Rob Williams. So yeah, Rob Williams is number one. Fucking John Lennon is number two. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Amy believed that John Lennon commanded the main Starship. That would help with their ascension into the 5D. He was like a Starship pilot. I mean, John Lennon did for sure put out Starship commander vibes. I mean, who the fuck else is going to fly the ship? Ringo? Donald Trump, also a key part of Amy's team, which is weird because he's not dead. At least not as I record this.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Other members, all dead. But Donald is that important. He's that powerful. He's the living member. So many wonderful members. Check this out. David Bowie, Steve the Croc Hunter Erwin, Tupac, Leonard Nimoy, aka Spock from Star Trek.
Starting point is 00:38:29 One of my favorite comics ever, Bill Hicks, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Betty Page, Carrie Fisher, aka Princess Leia, Patrick Swayze, Regis Philbin, he's on the A team, yeah. John Candy, of course, Kobe Bryant. Dom DeLuise, that's a wild card Chris Farley Prince fucking Kenny Rogers. Okay, the gambler Bob Marley Jean Wilder Mr. Rogers, you know Fred Rogers John Denver. All right, Joan of Arc George Michael got a faith George Burns
Starting point is 00:39:01 Richard fucking Pryor Judy Garland aka the Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, and Tom Petty. So pretty good team. I mean if I was a god and I needed a little bit of help, you know, pulling up humanity's vibrational frequencies from 3D all the way to 5D, definitely would want a little assistance from Spock, Princess Leia, Kobe Bryant. Gonna need that Mamba mentality motherfucker. And of course Dom fucking Delwes!
Starting point is 00:39:23 Ho ho! The voice of Itchy fur from All Dogs Go To Heaven. How could he not be on the Celestial All-Star team? Do you even have a team if you don't have Dom, Delewes, bat and clean up? Amy would tell her followers that these Galactics constantly send her messages to share to the world. They guided her on everything from what to have for dinner, to where the cult should move over the years. Oh, that's fun. Amy, are you okay with having spaghetti tonight?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, no, I'd love... Hold on, hold on. What was that, Kobe? Yeah, mm-hmm. Okay, no, scratch the spaghetti, Lauren. We're having frog legs. There's a honey garlic sauce tonight. And what was that? Can you repeat that, Dom Delahue? Dom insists that we have New York style cheesecake for dessert. You know a lot of people thought that Amy was out of her mind, but you know I just I don't see it. Also, she also believed in her previous life she gave birth to Elvis. Maybe that's why Elvis, you know, got so into pills, became so crazy towards the end of his life.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah, his mom was Amy Carlson. Thank you very much. Her followers even more insane. Let's now discuss the logistical side of Love is One. Specifically, how the fuck did these ding-dongs make any money to keep their cult running? Right? She's that crazy. How crazy do you have to be to believe all this? But again, purpose. She would give them purpose and it would just overcome this insanity. Amy's first contact ground crew team. her only team since the galactic team is
Starting point is 00:40:47 nonsense, only existed in her constantly drunk or high mind. Well they ran a company called Ascension Essentials which sold products quote, designed to support inner healing, full awakening, self-empowerment, expansion, spiritual growth with her energy. Her of course being Mother God. They promoted and sold ascension services, quote, to aid you, align, to aid you, align, okay, to aid you in aligning maybe, with the ascension mission, Mother God has designed a series of sessions with the guidance of the angels. These sessions are vital for you to re-heart who God is and who you are, what is love and what role you play in that mission.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Love is one offered numerous sessions, which all had different purposes. One of the most popular sessions was an etheric surgery, which was supposed to remove sickness and negative energy from the body. These virtual sessions, which never healed anyone, because this is a bunch of bullshit, no different from Benny Hinn, fucking some other phony, you know, laying their hands on you, cost $88 each. The website stated, Mother God is the only being who can successfully extract from your physical vessel every inorganic element that have been put there by the cabal to
Starting point is 00:41:52 control your life and limit your experiences. To what serves their obscure agenda. Mm-hmm. Only Amy could heal you. Cult, cult, cult. Too bad she couldn't heal herself, apparently. Died a very avoidable death. Team also ran the website and social media, mainly Facebook and YouTube. They did daily live streams called Daily Ascension Updates. Updates labeled as channelings from God herself. Amy also offered co-creation projects with Mother God. Her Love is One partners were businesses affiliated with the co-creation project, which helped
Starting point is 00:42:23 provide additional income. One of these businesses was Gaia's Whole Healing which sold super sketchy wellness products. The website stated, Gaia's, you know what, I feel like I need, I can't just read this. I gotta get the mood. Gaia's Whole Healing Essentials is a non-profit charity, which functions as a spiritual organization dedicated to the healing of Mother Earth and humanity. We gathered together as a team to share our collective ideas and skills in doing so we have created the highest selection of products to assist with accessing whole healing. Our products heal any and all diseases,
Starting point is 00:43:06 ailments, energetic imbalances and more, as everything is vibration. We have ensured divine vibration is assimilated into each product. What sets us apart from other manufacturers is our ancient knowledge of holistic medicine, our experience, awareness and pure conscious intentions. The products we hand make are created through conscious awareness of our own energetic systems, through meditation, positive intention and prayer. The key element to all of our creations, slash products, is love. It is love that changes the composition, vibrations, and frequency of our products.
Starting point is 00:43:48 This in turn allows the highest healing benefits for those who acquire our products. Ding! Yippee! How cool! Any and all diseases! Stage 4 cancer! Get the fuck out of here! Don't sweat it! Just drink this energetic imbalance elixir made out of love. Just get yourself some of the best vibrations. Good vibrations. Come on. Coming from the most pure conscious intentions. Any doctor with half a shit knows they can cure whatever you got with pure conscious intentions. Come on. These weirdos should have sold vibrators. The best vibrating vibrators with the most pus pleasing conscious intentions. Enough to blow the seat off your bicycles ladies. The website claimed that
Starting point is 00:44:28 their healing practices render the pharmaceutical and medical industry obsolete. Oh boy these creations included colloidal silver, colloidal gold, CBS oils, body butters, crystal wands, fucking wands, and more. A site also included a link to a GoFundMe if you wanted to donate to their cause without having to buy a bunch of dumb hippie maybe smoke a bit less weed bullshit. Guy as Whole Healing added the following disclaimer, we are not medical professionals, cannot offer any medical opinions or diagnoses, nor do we provide any FDA-approved advice or products. However, we do provide our personal experiences of healing and success using colloidal
Starting point is 00:45:04 silver and other alternative medicines as well as the guidance of its amazing healing properties from Mother of All Creation. We suggest that the use of colloidal for healing purposes be used in conjunction with all of our spiritual techniques and tools. We do not guarantee or make any promises of its effectiveness, well actually you just did, in healing or curing any diseases or illnesses, that's exactly literally exactly what you just did as every being must take responsibility for the healing of their personal energetics Personal energetics you are responsible for healing your own vigor your Constitution chakra stability a chi stretchiness or something They'd include that disclaimer for legal reasons a
Starting point is 00:45:41 Cloydle silver for example often promoted by those interested in alternative medicine, it has never been proven to heal. What does Peddler's claim? It has been proven to have very dangerous side effects. It's fucking poison. Despite truly being a bunch of snake oil, sellers claim that colloidal silver can improve immune health, fight cancer, you know, fucking wipe out HIV, COVID, shingles, herpes, acne, etc. It's a miracle drug, but it is for sure not. According to the Mayo Clinic, who I trust fucking infinitely more than anybody who chooses Regis Philbin to be one of their spirit guides, colloidal silver is not safe or effective for health claims,
Starting point is 00:46:19 and silver is not an essential mineral. Colloidal silver products contain tiny silver particles floating in liquid. Colloidal silver can kill some bacteria. It was previously used in wound dressing and some idiots will point to that as proof of how good for you it is. No, it's not. Bleach can also kill bacteria. But just like with colloidal silver, you shouldn't drink it. Some idiots do, but you shouldn't. Shouldn't drink Windex or hydrogen peroxide or water that is actively still boiling Even though all of those things kill bacteria you can kill most bacteria by burning it Probably shouldn't set yourself on fire as the best way to get rid of bacteria
Starting point is 00:46:57 It is not known how much colloidal silver you can handle before it becomes harmful I'm just gonna say just never drink any of it. Side effects include a blue-gray tint to the skin, eyes, organs, nails, and gums. You just fuckin' all blue-gray. Too much colloidal silver can cause severe problems such as kidney damage, seizures, and just overall organ failure and death. The blue tint thing is fuckin' wild.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Amy, shortly before she died, was like ridiculously blue. Like a deep tinge of blue-gray. She looked like she had makeup on, like she was auditioning for like a role in some sci-fi movie to be an alien. She didn't look human, but she kept drinking it. FDA actually issued a warning letter to Gaia's Whole Healing Essentials, LLC, April 1st, 2020. It was not an April Fool's joke.
Starting point is 00:47:40 The FDA determined that the cult's colloidal silver products were unapproved new drugs sold in violation of the federal food drug and cosmetic act And they interpreted that as you know fucking matrix stopping us Selling unregulated health products not the only dangerous and wildly irresponsible thing the cult did They also will popular conspiracy theories into their mythology promoted them to influence members and gain new recruits Thousands of people watched the Colts live streams listen to. Amanda Montell, an author and podcast host specialized in conspirituality, told the magazine Marie Claire that love has one's vocabulary, quote, co-ops and bastardizes the technical language of physics and combines it with the lofty language
Starting point is 00:48:17 of spiritual mysticism to imply that those who know it are tapped into a wisdom higher than science. Well said, Amanda. Yeah, great way to describe good old wackadoodle word salad. Mix up a bunch of highfalutin words with new age linguistic hallmarks like vibrations, dimensions, frequencies, and convince others that if they don't get it, it's because, you know, it's just it's so lofty and intelligent, it's just hard to grasp at first. Montell further explained language works to convert, condition, and coerce certain followers, coaxing them on board with more and more extreme versions of whatever idea they were already open to. Whether it's the notion that a certain cult leader has the secrets to eternal salvation or a multi-level marketing recruiter has the
Starting point is 00:48:58 key to making a million dollars in a year. In 2017, the Pew Research Center conducted a survey that found that New Age spirituality appeals to an increasing number of Americans who described themselves as spiritual but not religious. A 2018 Pew Research survey they found that 75% of people who identify as spiritual but not religious believe in at least one of the following concepts. Astrology, psychics, reincarnation, or that objects contain spiritual energy. Therefore, if somebody already holds these beliefs, you know, if they were to watch live streams from a group like Love is One, would they be more willing to
Starting point is 00:49:33 believe what they're saying? Would they be more open to believing in conspiracy theories? Well, you bet your quartz crystal-stuffed high-vibration ass they will! Love is One members have publicly speculated that the COVID pandemic was planned, that events like the Sandy Hook shooting 9-11 and the Holocaust, all hoaxes. Members also said that Hitler's intention was to quote serve the light oh yeah and claim that quote Jews wanted everyone else to do the work and they would take the money. Oh for fuck's sake the idea behind the concentration camps was to teach them to work. God! So dark but I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Right? Conspiracy lore is full of anti-semitic beliefs. If you're a hardcore conspiracist you probably don't like Jewish people. Once you hear someone talking about the Illuminati, some secret cabal controlling the world from the shadows, there's about a 99% chance that they believe the secret cabal is composed of you know mostly you or all Jewish people. With the rise of the internet and social media has become increasingly common in recent years to see spiritual people who believe in and promote conspiracies. Two belief systems seem to go hand in hand. In early 2021, the Toronto Star published an
Starting point is 00:50:37 article on spirituality. The concept of course combines conspiracy and spirituality again. The star wrote, conspiracy theories provide content for an ideology that says horrible things are happening in the world and spirituality offers a prescription, a requirement to be the change you wish to see in the world. I might have used the word solution instead of prescription but yeah, conspiracy theories you know they tell you what secret evil forces are up to. Spirituality offers up a solution to destroy these forces. An answer. The term Conspiraturality defined by David Vowes and Charlotte Ward in 2011 in a paper
Starting point is 00:51:11 for the Journal of Contemporary Religion. They wrote that there are two main tenets of Conspiraturality. That a secret group covertly controls the political and social order and that humanity is undergoing a paradigm shift in consciousness or awareness. It's the age of Aquarius. Voesson Ward wrote back then before that 9-11 conspiracies had entered new age communities and that some of these communities identified as lightworkers or as indigo children. Oh god, people who claim they can sense human energy in a spiritual dimension. Every time I fucking hear the term indigo children, I just cringe. I think about this crazy ass stepmom I had when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:51:47 calling. Very new agey. She got way into the Indigo children right before I stopped talking to her. One of our last talks I think was 2004 was about the Indigo children. She got so mad when I refused to believe in any of it and laughed about it. That didn't go well. Like a lot of these cult members she was so arrogant in her beliefs and so pushy about them. Super confident. She seemed to have all the answers. Always act like she knew everything. You're an idiot if you didn't agree. And yet, she never really accomplished anything in life. Other than burning through a lot of jobs, pissing a lot of people off, watching every romantic relationship,
Starting point is 00:52:17 or every relationship, every kind she had. Romantic, platonic, familial, fizzle out and die. All she ever did was fail and her life was in constant shambles and yet she carried the confidence of a highly sought after guru. Ridiculous. Maybe she's part of the reason these people fire me up. What many conspiracy theorists and spiritualists have in common is that they both believe enlightenment exists in a dimension above the 3D dimension we live in. This 3D existence, we're trapped in. This is the matrix and it's fake. David Vowes told the Star.com, today's society is odd because it's given us democracy, which puts us on an even playing field, but it's also created new forms of authority based on expert
Starting point is 00:52:57 knowledge and other things that make us influential. So if you don't have those sayings, you may tend to feel resentment and want to fight against the elitist forces that tend to be in control. Vo is also described how influencers promote spirituality because it grabs more attention. For the audience, it's like, oh hell yeah, it's an exciting fucking narrative. It gets people's attention.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Love Has One members spoke about their belief in QAnon, that popular conspiracy we covered in episode 241. QAnon evolved from another conspiracy, Pizza Gate, that we covered in Episode 64. For a refresher, in 2016, the website Wikileaks released numerous emails that Russian hackers had stole from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chair, during the 2016 election. On a message board website called 4chan, anonymous users posted that the term cheese pizza in the emails was actually a code word for child pornography. And that a pizzeria in DC called Comet Ping Pong, which Podesta ordered from,
Starting point is 00:53:48 was engaged in heavy child trafficking, like sexual trafficking, exploitation. Pizgate believers wrote that Comet Ping Pong was operating a child sex trafficking ring out of its basement organized by satanic cannibals. Of course, that would go way too far. Why can't it just be like creeps? No, it's got to be satanic cannibals. Always the satanic cannibals. Of course. They always go way too far. Why can't it just be like creeps? No, it's got to be satanic cannibals. Always the satanic cannibals. That's what we have to worry about. Not the guy down the streets, right? I mean, who cares that there are case after case after Christian child molesters getting caught or of non-religious pedos getting caught? But no, we don't have to worry about them.
Starting point is 00:54:21 No, it's the satanic cannibals. We got to worry about Such a fucking childish tired story It is promoting this conspiracy never bothered to look into whether or not comment ping-pong even has a basement or not. It doesn't Despite this Edgar Welch a believer in pizza gate decided to investigate for himself and on December 4 2016 He drove from North Carolina to DC armed with an AR-15, a revolver and very little brain matter. He entered the pizzeria, fired some shots, demanding to get to the basement that did not exist, and then surrendered to the police. 2017 he was sentenced to four years in prison on federal weapons charges. Probably not enough. Since his release, he's avoided talking to the media, has not answered questions about whether or not he is still a complete fucking moron. Also in 2017, the QAnon conspiracy theory originated from some posts on 4chan.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Supporters of this conspiracy believed that former President Donald Trump was waging a secret war against the cabal of, of course, satanic cannibalistic pedophiles in Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the deep state within the US government. So many satanic cannibal pedophiles. In October 28, 2017, an individual or group only known as Q posted on 4chan claiming that the arrest of Hillary Clinton was already in motion but she was never arrested. In another post Q claimed to be a government official connected to the
Starting point is 00:55:35 Trump administration with top-secret Q clearance. Q wrote that Trump would initiate the storm an attack on deep state officials responsible for the cabal involved in pizzeria Which he definitely did not during four years of presidency The concept of the storm originates from Trump's statement during an October 2017 photo op with military generals where he said You guys know what this represents. Maybe it's the column before the storm Probably was joking around But that theory became known as QAnon
Starting point is 00:56:03 Q drops is the term for cryptic posts that contain alleged intelligence from higher-ups. These posts feed the conspiracy. They really kind of like, I don't even know if they're doing them anymore. I haven't heard of any for quite a while. There was around 5,000 QDrops, most of them between 2018 and 2020. Bakers became the term for the content creators and 4chan and Reddit users who helped organize these drops into the QAnon narrative. These idiots. In early 2018, the QDrops moved 8chan, a similar message board
Starting point is 00:56:34 owned by American expat Jim Watkins. Later that year, reddit banned its most active QAnon forums for inciting violence. As time passed, bakers, other QAnon believers expanded the QAnon lore in response to major world events and Donald Trump's actions. Trump's supporting politicians, and occasionally Trump himself, spoke on issues that QAnon believers also discussed in the message boards. Trump retweeted QAnon posts, other conspiracy theories. Later came out that some of these posts were made by accounts run by Russian intelligence. Fucking Russians, right? They've been having a fucking field day, very successfully firing us up and dividing our culture for years now. So many KGB bots. Well, the equivalent of KGB. So many, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:09 their intelligence agency bots. In 2020, QAnon or their, oh my gosh, propaganda department bots. 2020, QAnon believers spread false information about COVID-19 and the election which recruited even more believers. For example, QAnon believers wrote that drinking industrial bleach could cure COVID. It will kill it if you just pour it on it, but it's not great for your insights. A number of the people who have participated in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot were hardcore QAnon followers. That wasn't surprising. Other QAnon believers have been charged with kidnappings and murders, all kinds of dumb shit. Over the years, QAnon believers have
Starting point is 00:57:43 recruited a number of evangelical Christians, also a lot of new age people. People interested mostly in yoga and meditation, but also who want to fight the satanic lizard people, pedophile cannibal monster things. People like the members of Love has won. Ding. Yippee! Now that we know more about the cult's background beliefs, some of the topics they discuss in their daily live streams, let's dive into the timeline of the true origins of Amy Carlson, learn more about her personal life, who she was before she became a cult, cult, cult leader, and how the love has one cult came to be. Right after today's second of two mid-show sponsor breaks.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Thank you for listening to those sponsors. Timeline time for real now. Shrap on those boots soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. Amy Renee Carlson. Born November 30th, 1975. Amy was born in McPherson, Kansas. She said in one video diary,
Starting point is 00:58:46 if you take a map and put an X in the middle of the U.S., United States, that's where I was born. Little town of McPherson, Kansas. It was Tornado Alley. Tornado showed up wherever I was. Too bad one didn't fucking get her. At some point in her childhood, she never publicly said exactly when, to my knowledge.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Amy's family moved over 400 miles away to Rotelet, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Amy's parents Linda Hawthorne, Dennis Carlson. Sources report she has two younger sisters, Tara Flores and Chelsea Reniger. Chelsea may be a half sister. Dennis Carlson recently passed away April 30th, 2024 in McPherson, Kansas. He worked as an engineering manager, maintenance manager, partially owned a plastic extrusion company. His obituary lists him as having six kids, including Amy and Tara. In her interview for the 2023 three-part HBO Max docu-series,
Starting point is 00:59:34 Love Has Won, The Cult of Mother God, one of our sources and a well-done doc, I thought. Her mom, Linda, said that they didn't have much money, but the kids didn't realize it. She was just 20 when Amy, her first daughter, was born. Linda described little Amy as mischievous but overall a really good kid. She enjoyed dressing up, acting in plays, telling her little sister Tara what to do. Linda and Dennis divorced when Amy was seven. In her interview Linda said that he was never home and she
Starting point is 01:00:00 just got tired of being alone and that he wasn't kind to her when she left him. Amy lived with her father for a while but there was animosity between Amy's new And she just got tired of being alone. And that he wasn't kind to her when she left him. Amy lived with her father for a while, but there was animosity between Amy's new stepmom and Linda. And the stepmom seems to have taken out her negative feelings on or out on Amy. Linda claims she once picked Amy up, saw a very large bruise on her left leg
Starting point is 01:00:17 left by her stepmom. And Amy just said, she'll kill me. Linda also said that Amy's stepmom would put her in a closet and would quote, make her do things. But she didn't explain what those things were other than alluding to some kind of abuse. Not sure if it was physical, mental, sexual. Linda told the documentary producers, we did talk about it, but we didn't dwell on it, I guess. I didn't want to have her go back and dwell on something that she did not want to remember.
Starting point is 01:00:40 As she got older, Amy earned A's and B's, participated in the school choir. Linda said about her daughter, Amy had dreams. She wanted to go somewhere. She wanted to be somebody. She also spoke about how Amy was an especially beautiful young woman and loved the attention she got from men. And looking at old videos before all of her, you know, years of hard partying and so much colloidal silver, she really was beautiful. She looked to me like the singer-songwriter Jewel looked when she was young, when her first album came out. She also based on some old karaoke videos, had a great voice, you know, she could really sing. I mean, maybe, I know this is kind of a big statement, but maybe even like a little bit better than Yoko
Starting point is 01:01:17 Ono. Okay. Ah. Even as a joke, it starts to make me mad. Amy was 19 when she got pregnant with her first child, a son named Cole. She was 20 when he was born. Cole's dad was a man Amy met at a party. Their relationship didn't sound like she got pregnant, you know, from a hookup at a party. Relationship did not continue. And then when he found out that she was pregnant, you know, he would be involved as a dad.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Shortly after Cole was born, Amy got into another relationship, had a daughter named Maddie. Amy later married this man, had a third kid, a son. Source is used for this episode. Don't name the husband or the child. Cole and Maddie have spoken out to news outlets posted on social media about this but the unnamed son seems to prefer his privacy. Amy's mom and sister Tara said she continually got into
Starting point is 01:02:12 relationships with men who wanted to control her, men who would abuse her. According to her mother she was drawn towards abusive men. If a man did not treat her badly she wouldn't stay with them for very long. Linda also said that she frequently took care of the kids while Amy would go off to do her own thing and her own thing seems to have largely been going to the bar, drinking, partying with friends, you know, hanging out with whatever dude she was seeing. She seemed to enjoy that a lot more than she enjoyed, you know, raising her kids. Family said that Amy's last romantic relationship while she was still raising
Starting point is 01:02:41 her kids was especially bad, that they never had much money. Amy's sister Tara told her that she could move in with her if she needed to. Asked her if she needed to call the police. Amy despite seeming to be afraid of this guy said that she just couldn't do that. The Love Is One docuseries does not describe Amy's partner as her husband but an article from the Washington Post does use the word husband so maybe they were married. By the early 2000s Amy was the manager of a McDonald's in Dallas and proud of it. Proud of how quickly she got promoted. Her employees liked her. Seems like she was a good manager. Seemed like Amy had the gift of always knowing what to say
Starting point is 01:03:14 to people, you know, to make them feel good about themselves. As a young adult with children to support Amy wanted to keep increasing her income, keep climbing the ladder. But then her life changed in the early 2000s when she began exploring spirituality after she took a big dose of Molly one night. Amy is not a good spokesperson for the use of psychedelics I fucking love Molly but I'm also aware that it is a drug and that not all of the revelations you're gonna have while you're on Molly are good ones you know you can't listen to all of them this This work is bullshit, man. It's all ego. We should spend all of our time hugging,
Starting point is 01:03:48 you know, each other just singing, dancing, making love, laughing, sharing in the joy, joy of the miracle of the collective human experience. Shut the fuck up, Molly! You got bills to pay, got kids to send to college, got a retirement to fund. Hugs don't pay the mortgage, fucking dipshit. Yeah, all good things in moderation, including model usage for sure. In her audio diary, Amy said she took ecstasy because she wanted to see what the hoopla was about it,
Starting point is 01:04:14 what would happen to her. And she recalled that for about 20 minutes, quote, I was just rolling, rolling, rolling on these waves of love and joy and happiness. I was like, this is reality. Did they take that from me? Who stole this? No one stole it. No one stole it. I mean, you can access it again by taking more Amali. Again, I fucking love to roll Amali, but not reality. It is your brain being flooded with a preposterous, very unnatural amount of the mood elevating neurotransmitters
Starting point is 01:04:45 serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Feels good because it's giving you a feeling of joy and serenity you literally cannot experience without that drug because your body wouldn't produce the same amounts of that shit. Right? You feel all that joy because you're fucking high. And then when you come down you feel worse than you did before. You got high because now you're working with the neurotransmitter deficit which can make you reflect on it, you know, and be even more sad and then get stuck in this fucking cycle. Yeah, you gotta be careful.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Follow this experience. Amy began researching spiritualism online. Her sister Tara thought she was searching for something she felt was missing in her life. Getting high on Molly may have been the pivot point in Amy's life, but had she not dated one abusive shithead after another, dude she now had three kids with, had she not felt miserable about her day-to-day life, highly doubt she would have ended up on this weird spiritual quest that ultimately destroyed her. She wanted to
Starting point is 01:05:36 abandon her old life before the mullet. Soon Amy began talking about starships, other strange things her family was unfamiliar with. She started saying things like earth equals love, earth equals heaven. I'm talking about angels, energy, a fifth dimension all the time. Super annoying I'm sure. Also around this time she met a interesting dude online called Amerith White Eagle, real name Robert Saltzgaver. Amy was around 30s old when she met Bobby Saltlick and Bob looked based on pictures of the couple and videos of him in the docu-series. I'm gonna guess he was about 130 years old. I'm joking a little bit, but he looks very old.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And not like a handsome, you know, he's aged like a fine wine old. Not like a Sean Connery. More like someone, hey, you know, maybe somebody should talk to that guy, that old homeless guy by the dumpster, taking his dick out in front of the 7-Eleven. The grizzled old fucking wizard. These two were such an odd couple. Like imagine the singer Jewel when she's about 15 years younger than now, suddenly dating a guy who looks like Gandalf. If Gandalf did a lot of meth, was a big dead head, and ate about 500 to 1,000 calories a day.
Starting point is 01:06:43 This dude could have used one of fucking Elvis's fool's gold, fool's gold loaf sandwiches. Gotta push some bacon in your belly baby. Thank you very much. If I'm Amy's family just seen here with this fucking medieval times gesture looking guy, right? Just the visual. Not knowing anything else about him. That makes me think Amy's not doing well mentally. The two men on the website called lightworkers.org, it's still around, it's still fucking crazy, I checked it out, Amy's been posting there for a while. The term Lightworker was possibly first coined by author and teacher Michael Murdad in the early 80s or late 70s. No one seems absolutely
Starting point is 01:07:18 certain. This Michael guy is, I don't know, I don't know a lot about him. I only spent about five minutes on his website but I feel confident He's a huge grifter dude thinks very highly of himself on his website Michaelmerdad.com in the about page He says he's an expert in 42 different areas. I added him up Here's a few of the areas. He is a expert like a master level of knowledge in ancient civilizations dark night of the soul metaphysical biblical interpretation from Genesis to Revelation, miracles, sacred sexuality. Oh, fuck yeah, bro.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Spirits, ghosts, and nature spirits, twin souls. He's a twin flames guy too. Prophecy, spiritual mastery, divine feminine, reincarnation, energy systems, reality and illusion, multi-dimensionality. Basically anything that cannot be scientifically proven, he is a self-proclaimed expert in. He also is an expert in having a very punchable face if you look at him. Then in 1997 a woman named Doreen Virtue published a book called The Lightworker's
Starting point is 01:08:17 Way. I'm guessing that's not her birth name. Ms. Virtue pulled a huge 180. Now her whole brand is being very anti-New Age. I guess she made enough money being New Age, maxed out. I was like, how can I reverse this grift? The first sentence from her about me on her website states, Doreen Virtue is a born-again Christian who was saved out of New Age deception in 2017. In 2020, she published a book called Deceived No More! How Jesus led me out of the New Age and into His world.
Starting point is 01:08:44 She seems to have jumped out of the New Age and into his world. She seems to have jumped out of extreme New Age beliefs straight into extreme Christian ideology. If Doreen is in on something, she's all in. The biggest commonality among sources about Lightworkers is that Lightworkers are empaths. That they feel a powerful need to serve and enlighten others. I would add they also talk to either ancients or fucking angels or aliens all the time. That seems to be what comes up with lightworkers. Mr. White Eagle, ol' fucking Bobby Saltlick, that crazy ol' wizard-flavored beef jerky strip of a man.
Starting point is 01:09:13 He introduced Amy to deeper, more intense spirituality. He was the one who helped convince her she was a divine being. And wouldn't you know it, it was around this time that Amy claims she started to experience strange supernatural phenomena. The power of suggestion can be powerful. In his interview for the docu-series, the Marith White Eagle, who does not look like he is native at all, by the way, said he and Amy talked regularly and he could tell she wasn't happy with her life. He started calling himself Father God.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Shortly after the two got together because that's the kind of dude he is. And he told Amy that she's Mother God. He also told Amy that they were twin flames. After 17 days of chatting online, Amy and Amerith decided to meet in person and that would lead to her completely abandoning her children. Some point in 2006, Amy walked away from her family, her job, her entire life in Texas. Sources differ on when exactly Amy left. Some say it was 2005, 2006, 2007. Amy herself said she was called on to a mission in 2006. So let's go with that. Her mom, Linda, her sister, Tara, said Amy just got up,
Starting point is 01:10:14 walked out during the middle of a family birthday dinner at some restaurant. Just told everybody goodbye and just left. Like they thought she was just saying goodbye for the night. No, she was saying goodbye forever. When the family returned home, just all her shit was gone. She left no word where she had left to. Just left her kids. Left her three kids. Amy's son Cole was with his dad when he learned his mom just bounced. Her daughter Maddie was only five. Amy completely cut off contact
Starting point is 01:10:37 with her family. Mom, sisters, dad, kids, everyone started traveling around with fucking Bobby Cotton-top Wizard lizard. He brought Amy to Crestone, Colorado, which is considered a highly spiritual place by many in the New Age community. It's kind of like Mount Shasta, California, Sedona, Arizona. Actually, I didn't really know anything about this place before this week. It's a place with a veil between this dimension and others is supposedly thin. Crestone is a tiny town in Sawatch County, located at the foot of the Sangra de Cristo Mountain Range. Actually I think when I talked about this in the Secret Sack I think I did talk about Crestone a little bit. Crestone was first platted in 1880 by landowner George Adams and since then it has grown
Starting point is 01:11:15 very slowly. 2020 the population just 141 people. Despite not many people when Amy lived there full of businesses like Chambalaa Cafe, the Bliss Cafe, the Secret Garden Bar, Elephant Cloud, health food store. You get a picture of this place? There was also two different Buddhist spiritual centers, a Hindu spiritual center, the Academy of Awn, whatever the fuck that is. According to its website, the word Awn signifies the light of the awakened consciousness, the divine I Am. The temples and halls of the Academy in the city of Awn in ancient Egypt constituted the greatest center of learning of the ancient world. The work of the Academy of Awn links origins to the consciousness raising light program Israel to the present space-time
Starting point is 01:12:00 overlap at the end of the cycle. Oh boy, Tree of Life teachings and the spiritual sciences of the cycle. Oh boy tree of life teachings and the spiritual sciences of the many universes, holy shit, are preparation for the world to come. There is also the Shumei International Institute. It's Japanese new religious movement and organization founded in 1970. Shumei believes in the pursuit of beauty through art, appreciation of nature, and natural agriculture, a method of food cultivation. They also practiced Jorei, type of spiritual healing. Adherents of
Starting point is 01:12:28 Shume believe that in building architectural masterpieces in remote locations they are restoring the earth's balance. Okay? There's also the Chamaling center, makes me want to say Shamalama Ding Dong, based in some kind of offshoot of Tibetan Buddhism. And over the years, numerous new age groups have called the city home, like the Lindisfarne Association, which had a chapel in Crestone, was a center for the study and realization of a new planetary culture. And there was an interfaith organization based largely in Native American spirituality there
Starting point is 01:12:59 called the Manitou Institute. Crestone has been described, not surprisingly, as America's spiritual center. It's remote, well over a hundred miles from a major city like Colorado Springs or Denver. Great place to get away from the rest of the world. Fucking just hunker down, dig into whatever just obscure, fringy spiritual beliefs you want to pursue for better or for worse. No belief system seems to be too strange for Crestone. Not gonna get as many weird stares there if you're in a cult as you would almost anywhere else on earth probably. They're real used to it. Fucking walk around in the robe, fucking carry your wizard
Starting point is 01:13:30 staff, you know, fucking weird-ass haircut, whatever you want to do. You know, dude, strange chance, beat a weird drum, whatever you want to do there. Crestone area also includes the Baca Grande, some sacred religious site in the hills above the city, city, town. Indigenous people, fucking village, Indigenous people called Crestone the bloodless valley because allegedly no battles have ever occurred there. Crestone was kind of planned to be a spiritual center. It became a home to, you know, spirituality of all kinds
Starting point is 01:13:58 due to the work of Hanne and Marie Strong, a wealthy Canadian couple who moved to Crestone seeking to turn the town into an interfaith center. And they did. Maurice, born in 1929, was president of the Power Corporation of Canada, a big financial management company. Later, the executive director of the UN Environment Program, some estimates online, put his net worth at over $100 million before he passed in 2015.
Starting point is 01:14:22 And the New Yorker wrote about Maurice, the survival of civilization in something like its present form might depend significantly on the efforts of a single man. Okay. Hane and Maurice Strong traveled to the US in 1978 for a business trip, visited a ranch in Crestone and fell in love with the area, felt it was an opportunity for them to help transform civilization. They lived in Crestone for years. Maurice passed away as I stated in 2015. Hane, still living there. At least as recently as 2021. Over 20,000 people visit Crestone every year.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Most of them for spiritual purposes, it seems. Amy and Amerith moved to Crestone, partially due to rumors that the sky above the town is just fucking flooded with UFOs. They began talking a lot about Ascension, the process of stepping out of the programmed world, attaining that higher vibrational 5D consciousness, according to Amerith. He and Amy talked about wanting to create a heaven on earth where everybody just could be a big old family, but of course they would be in charge.
Starting point is 01:15:15 And also pretty fucking hypocritical for a woman who just straight up abandoned all three of her kids to talk about family, right? Oh boy. Ding. Yippee. Amy started posting online more and more. They're sharing her ideas with more and more people.
Starting point is 01:15:28 She and Amerith established the Galactic Free Press and started calling themselves Divine Mother Father God. They began posting videos on YouTube in 2009 under the channel name of the Galactic Federation of Light, something Amy clearly ran with. At first, Amy posted videos with voiceover, but then started showing her face on the screen in 2013. Apparently liked the feedback she got.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Slowly but surely built up a small but devoted following. More and more people interacted with her chats and messages. They believed what she was saying, agreed with her ideas about the universe and ascension, wanted to hear more. Sure, some of them just thought she was pretty. Amy became addicted to this new found attention. The power that came with it, wanted more followers.
Starting point is 01:16:07 A fucking dead giveaway that she wanted to be a cult leader. Come on. They had a giveaway. They had a giveaway. My neighbor got big testicles cause we see this dude everyday. Everyday. We eat ribs.
Starting point is 01:16:19 With this dude. I still love that jingle so much. I was gonna call it a single. like it's from a hit record. Marith said that this attention changed Amy dramatically. She went from believing that we are all, you know, gods in our way to believing that she was like more of a god compared to others, more special. And regarding the belief that she was an enlightened soul that was a gift to humanity, he said she took it on like it was her destiny. Marith added she took the jewels, the information that I shared with her.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh yeah, his precious jewels. And then she kind of put her own thing to it. I guess she started realizing that people liked what she was saying. A student man by the name of Michael Silver joined her chat rooms. Started to interact with Amy online. Michael's real name is Miguel Lamboy. He's described in some sources as a computer whiz who lived in New York City and worked in finance.
Starting point is 01:17:04 But then he got sick Yeah, he got cancer and Michael came to believe that Amy cured his cancer because she told him she did You know when his cancer which he was receiving medical treatment for did go into remission I'm gonna guess that the medical treatment had more to do with it than Amy He and Amy agreed that he should join her in Colorado So he booked a flight and whisked her away into their own little place according to Amerith. Amerith clearly now on his way out. Amy began calling Miguel Archangel Michael and said he was the second father God. Right? So that wizard was the first. Now this guy's the second. And then Amerith
Starting point is 01:17:37 left Amy in 2014 to, I don't know, probably find a fucking cave and work on his spells. While Amy's relationship with Michael didn't seem to last very long, in a romantic sense, he would be her right-hand man for years and manage the group's finances and housing for the rest of her life. This is also the beginning of a pattern for Amy where she'll romantically involve herself with one follower for a little while then meet somebody new, bring him in, have sex with him for a while while keeping the first guy in the periphery then move on to another new dude, keep the first two dudes around the
Starting point is 01:18:03 background, maybe sometimes sleep with one of them. You know, keep their hopes up and just, you know, keep that cycle going. Uh, Amy's next father god. Father god number three. A young man named Andrew Puface. Uh, I thought there was only supposed to be one father god that mother god created 19 billion years ago and that she should recognize, you know, who he is, but I guess not. In an interview with Vice, Andrew said he was seeking a spiritual mission in life after he had a near-death experience as a teenager. In the HBO documentary series, Andrew said that from 2012 to 2014, he was struggling with addiction to painkillers
Starting point is 01:18:34 and feeling tricked into his addiction. Thank you, Big Pharma! He started researching online to discover what was true about the world, what wasn't. He started off with 9-11 conspiracy theories. Then soon began learning about aliens, conspiracies involving powerful banking families and their bloodlines. Wake up sheeple, the reptilian Rothschilds! They control the world! Thanks David Icke, you fucking piece of shit. Eventually he stumbled upon some Amy Carlson's conspiracy videos.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Then he started dreaming about her several times a week. I'm gonna guess those dreams were wet. When he paid for a private chat with Amy, she told Andrew she was having the same dreams. She said that she had spoken with the angels and he was needed in Colorado to help her usher in a beautiful new earth. What great news. Andrew said that at the time he didn't know that Amy had chosen him to be her next father God. He recalled that when he arrived in Colorado, Michael and Amy, the archangel and mother God, had been tripping on magic mushrooms for about 36 hours straight.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Between the sleep deprivation and the psilocybin and the beliefs they already held when they were sober, they're out of their fucking minds. If I was at the end of 36 hours straight of tripping, there was a very good chance that I would think that I was probably God. I would at the very least think that I've been talking to God for quite some time. I thought I was to be thinking I knew some shit. Archangel Michael and Mother God gave new God Daddy a large dose of shrooms, a hero dose. Amy told Andrew while his mind was so fragile and he's feeling extra mystical that he was one of the most brilliant beings in the universe. Then she instructed him to let her know when he was ready to make love to her. Andrew
Starting point is 01:20:08 said he thought he was pretty but he wasn't that attracted to her. Still he thought this was some kind of lesson. He went along with it. Despite he rode her bicycle against his will, he took it for a little stroll around the block. Despite his initial hesitation, lack of attraction, he and Amy had a fantastic romantic relationship. He fell deeply in love with her. She was the mother god. He was her minion. But he said he liked taking care of, you know, Amy, not mother god. Andrew said in his interview, she was a very sexually charged person, passionate. But then he added, if we're being frank, a little bit lazy. Right? She wanted to fuck her followers and be worshiped and be taken care of. Not a dude cult leader this time, but
Starting point is 01:20:44 still classic personality of a cult leader. The group didn't have money at this time, but Andrew was receiving 700 bucks a week in unemployment. He gave it all to Amy and Michael. One of their biggest expenses was weed. Andrew said, you were high from the moment you woke up to the moment you went to bed. Sounds about right. Searching more ways to serve Amy, Andrew decided to utilize his background in website building, social media marketing. I'm guessing that's probably partially why she picked him. The group's website was originally called firstcontactgroundcrewteam.com but they brainstormed, came up with the name of Love Has Won. Andrew cleaned up
Starting point is 01:21:17 the website, published articles across all social platforms, claimed that he helped turn Love Has Won into a pre-eminent spiritual group He didn't they never got very big While he worked in the background Amy remained, of course the face of the group. Excuse me Right. She's fucking she's fucking mother. Good Tom Petty and Betty page insisted She'd be the face of Kenny Rogers Regis Philbin. They would have lost her shit Amy wasn't marketed as mother. God. everybody listen up, Regis Philbin here. Amy's mother god. You know it and I know it.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Now who's ready to play who wants to be a millionaire? Sorry, I can't do Regis Philbin's voice. He has such a distinct voice too, if I was an impressionist. As we learned before the timeline, the group started selling spiritual healings that they called awakening sessions. Their followers also started donating to the cause.
Starting point is 01:22:03 A follower once donated $7,700, one lump sum. That's a lot of weed, a lot of shrooms. I bet Crestone is a great place to buy some good psychedelics, by the way. Love Has One turned into a business operation at this point, according to some former members, and the money took precedence now over everything else. They needed money for their basic living expenses and drug use. Also needed to fund Amy's shopping addiction. She liked to browse Amazon, buy a lot of dresses, crystals, jewelry, other trinkets.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Andrew, while still devoted to Amy, starts to have doubts about how spiritually significant she is. He said, I was never 100% sold she was God. I mean, I didn't feel like God or some father God. I was just Andrew. But nobody wanted to even look at or consider the possibility that what we were doing wasn't true. Or that this wasn't real. You know, just wasn't a popular idea. Yeah, there's no money in your ideas here, Andrew. Andrew had fallen in love with Amy the person, began to try and talk her out of her delusions.
Starting point is 01:22:55 He pointed out some of Amy's hypocrisies. You know, like the fact that she claims she was 100% light, no darkness. Had nothing, no darkness in her. And that's why she was mother God. While she said she resolved all her past issues, had no trauma, right? She got drunk every single night. Andrew claimed that there were a couple of times when he did get Amy to admit, maybe you're right, maybe I'm not mother God, but as quickly as she would admit that, she would recant and go back to believing she was God in the flesh. According to Andrew, it was Archangel Michael mostly who convinced her that these delusions were real during their private conversations. He told Amy not to listen to Andrew
Starting point is 01:23:30 because he was trying to destroy what they were building. And of course, this would lead to Andrew being, you know, kicked out of the group. He was given an ultimatum by Amy and Michael. He could just shut the fuck up about his doubts or he could leave the team forever. He chose the latter. Good for him. Following his departure, Love Has Won would leave Colorado. They moved to Florida, spent time in Clearwater and Yankee Town. Eventually returned west, settled in Mount Shasta for a while, then rented a large cabin in the 6,000-ish person mountain town of Salida, Colorado. Hours drive south of Crestone where 12 to 20 people live together at one time. This is also where most of their daily live streams would take
Starting point is 01:24:05 place. 2018 was a big year for Love Has Won. Amy recruited several new members to come to Colorado, live with her and the other members. Some of these members would become part of her inner circle until the very end of her life. One of the new recruits was a young woman who went by the name of Faith. Just one word, Faith identified as a spiritual healer. She was offering chakra healing sessions before she met Amy and that tracks. Amy needed help managing all the healing sessions that she was doing. The people were, you know, booking with her on the website. These like virtual healing sessions that are just nonsense. So Faith started to help her. Faith then reached out to a young woman named Ashley Paluso, invited her to join them. After she joined the group, Ashley started going by the name of Archia Hope. And real quick, Ashley's mother Debbie worried that her daughter was
Starting point is 01:24:49 in a cult because she was. In her interview for the Love is One docuseries, Debbie said that Ashley left everything behind after her relationship of hers ended and she lost her job. So she's going through a tough time. She needs purpose. She was distraught from the recent breakup. She booked a healing session with Crazy pants McGee. A week later she's fired. Now decides to have a second healing session. Ashley's healing guide now tells her that the angel said she had transcended attachments. Leave your family! You no longer need these earthly attachments. Ashley said in the interview with Marie Claire, I felt something happening. I realized when I opened my eyes that my ex wasn't the first
Starting point is 01:25:24 thing I thought of. I realized when I opened my eyes that my ex wasn't the first thing I thought of I had never felt such inner peace According to Debbie Ashley was a normal kid But she and Ashley's father divorced when Ashley was still in grade school had to sell their house Then Debbie and her daughters moved back in with her parents, which was hard for everybody including the girls When Ashley left she was angry with her mom about her childhood cut off contact with her Debbie started watching the group's daily live streams now, became very concerned about all the crazy fucking light work of bullshit they were spewing.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Became even more concerned when she saw that Ashley lost a significant amount of weight. Most of the members of Love has one, you know, very thin, right? Which is what happens when you're high all the time and thinking about wacky little spiritual shit, vibrations and frequencies instead of, I don't know, fucking having a sandwich, working out, getting some good rest. This is what happens when you dedicate your life to someone who thinks that John Lennon is gonna pick him up in a spaceship. That Robin Williams is gonna, you know, say when they're all getting picked up. Ash appeared in the background of the live streams at first, but she later started to host the
Starting point is 01:26:20 streams herself, started to recruit more followers. Debbie decided to start her own group. She called it Love Has Won Exposed. She wanted to connect with other parents and family members who shared worries, you know, about family members in this group. She put the message out there, asked if anyone had information about the cult, and she started to, you know, receive calls, texts, Facebook messages from families who are all going through the same shit. Around the time Ashley joined, another young woman named Lauren Suarez booked a healing session with Faith.
Starting point is 01:26:48 We've met Lauren. Lauren booked her session when she was preparing to graduate law school. She's educated, but they still got her. Because she was also very conspiratorial. In an interview with Marie Claire, Lauren said that she first got into conspiracies between 2012 and 2016. She was aware of the War of the Cabal. Oh boy. Then when she was 19 years old,
Starting point is 01:27:08 she woke up, started to realize things aren't what they seem. Lauren said, from the time I was a child, and I'm sure my parents would agree, I questioned everything. The answer I received was, that's just the way things are. But that's not true. There's a reason we are here. And there's reasons, that doesn't mean it's a fucking weird Cabal lizard people shit Lauren felt like she was missing something But she would know when she found it and then she found Amy Carlson man. What a bummer Searching for years smart person only to land on this dud During her healing session faith told Lauren that she was an archangel and Lauren loved hearing that. Oh, wow I was gonna be a lawyer and that was pretty cool. But Archangel? Oh shit! I'll be working directly with God? Oh what a fun story.
Starting point is 01:27:48 That's a powerful purpose. She decided to leave her life in Florida behind and join Love is One. She started going by the name of Aurora. Archia Aurora. She and Ashley Peluso became the main spokespeople for Love is One. Amy was still present on social media, but as time passed and her health declined, those appearances, you know, become less and less. Ashley and Lauren believed that Amy had healed cancer, Lyme disease, addiction, suicidal thoughts. They thought Amy was mother God. They'll call her mother or mother God or just mom for the rest of Amy's life. In her interview
Starting point is 01:28:17 with HBO, Ashley aka Aurora seemed like she was still sold on Amy's divinity over a year after her death saying, you have to be open to seeing her as something other than Amy Carlson to understand that she's got Yes, there's been crazy people that have been labeled as cults, but who are we to judge? Fucking human beings with brains. It's like what's a cult a fucking a bunch of nonsensical beliefs Highly controlled system where people are sleep-depriving you and know, trying to talk you out of, you know, cutting off of or staying with your family, you know, removing social context. She says people not believing what's mainstream, which is God's a man and that you find him in a church that wants money. That is not true. You know, just not believing in the patriarchal Christian, you know, religion doesn't mean you're in a cult.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Actually, we keep notes of almost everything Amy said or did, which she called the actual story of Jesus. Lauren said about her own faith in Amy, they'll ask me how I know she's God, and I have a million answers to that question. But I always ask them, how do you know you're in love with someone? You just know, it's just a feeling. Yeah, but trusting a feeling is not a great way to make these kinds of decisions, oftentimes. People fall in love for example with pieces of shit all the time who use them, abuse them, shine them on, break their hearts etc and then they stay because oh they're in love. Love can be very deceptive. Amy's and misunderstood Amy's social media
Starting point is 01:29:38 following continues to grow in 2018. A select few additional followers you know feel called to join the group in person. Michael was the one who greeted people, but everyone was warm and welcoming, especially Amy. That made people feel loved and accepted. Eventually, reality and daily life would set in. Amy would reveal a different side of herself. Less godly, more petulant, and insane. And while the core group remained, a fair amount of others would come and go. Another new recruit in 2018 was a man in his late 20s named John Henry Robertson. John spent six total years in the US military with two years of inactive service. When he left the military he felt hopeless until he found love is won.
Starting point is 01:30:14 He became close with Amy and in their online conversations Amy told him he was a brilliant man. That he carried father energy. He joined the Colton person, became the next father god. Father god number four just fucking running through father gods. I mean if you want a new dad to take a spin on your bike, fine, just let him ride. You don't have to, you know, call him father god maybe. Want a new dude, probably should have said dude instead of dad. But that was her pickup line, right? That was her go-to. You were god daddy. But then John soon ousted himself as father god after taking a bunch of psychedelics and tripping balls.
Starting point is 01:30:46 He told Amy he felt like there was another father god out there somewhere. Well, the next father god. Fucking number five. Wait a minute. Was this guy number five? No, he was number four. Okay. Gotta track these fuckers. A man named Jason Castillo who joined the group online at first mid 2018. Jason Castillo previously managed a blockbuster video store in Las Vegas. Sounds like a job for a powerful father god. Claimed he was offered a $50,000 salary, but then they fucked him in the ass. Didn't materialize and felt disrespected.
Starting point is 01:31:14 He would get really mad actually about this stuff. Little did he know he's about to get a huge promotion. Yeah, fuck you Blockbuster. You're about to go under. I'm about to rise. You can take your microwave popcorn and DVDs, shove them up your ass, love has won. Ding. Yippee.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Jason lived on the streets for several years after Blockbuster bent, got over, and fucking rammed him. Then he worked a couple jobs, doing some appliance installation, and as a personal trainer, then he got into meth and got into some trouble. There were charges against him in Nevada, Wisconsin, Florida, included child neglect, criminal mischief,
Starting point is 01:31:44 driving while intoxicated, trespassing, breaking and entering. In 2019, he spent six months in a Florida jail. Strong father-god material. Gouver Magazine also reported that Amy had at least one DUI and a warrant out for her arrest when she died. Like the other members, Jason was a spiritual seeker. Listened to Amy Carlson once and decided, that's it. That's my destiny. I'm gonna join Love Has Won. A corps member named Ryan
Starting point is 01:32:08 Kramer who went by the name El Moira picked him up in Vegas when he was ready to head to the compound. When Jason arrived at the Colt's house he wanted to make himself useful so he started doing some maintenance work. After he fixed the wiring of a broken lamp, Amy took him aside. She's hammered drunk and told him you're brilliant. If you haven't noticed by, this is Amy's go-to move and recruiting a new father God, she said the same thing the former father gods Andrew Pafacci and John Robertson, right? You're brilliant No one ever told Jason he was brilliant before and in his words. He now had a realization Thinking you know what? I am fucking brilliant. That's what he said
Starting point is 01:32:41 What the fuck didn't anyone ever share that with me? Because you're not. Jason, I've watched you in many interviews. I don't want to be a dick, but I assure you you're not brilliant. But she gave him purpose, right? You know? Share his underappreciated brilliance with the world. This new belief in himself would wreak havoc with Jason's ego. He is not mentally stable. Even the other cult members thought this guy was insane. I think everybody who's asked about him was like, nah, that guy was a problem. In his docu-series interview, Jason recalled how one day
Starting point is 01:33:12 he spent several hours raking the yard, he looked around, saw the other group members having some fun and he felt something come over him, some anger. He looked at everyone and thought, this is my fucking house. This is what he says. Soon after, Jason's promoted to Father God, which sends him on a big power trip, now he believes he and Amy are twin flames. As mentioned earlier in the timeline, Amy drank excessively and after she'd passed out every night, he would take over and give everyone orders. In the docu-series, group members complained that Jason drank too much as well. He was controlling, controlled everything, even the music they
Starting point is 01:33:42 listened to. They hated how he always listened to metal super loud. A member, Lauren Suarez, aka Aurora, said that Jason was, quote, embodying all the lower masculine energy you've ever seen on the planet all in one vessel. Okay, Ryan Kramer, aka El Mora, said he would go out on the weekends, just puff, puff up his chest and just be so mad about whatever, and leave and go do meth and then come back. Mom would yell at him and he'd go live in the basement. It was a fucking nightmare. What a shit show. Father God, God can't stay off meth. God what a low-rent deity. That's a weird God to pray to. One where you have to worry about them getting their shit together instead of helping you with your shit.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Dear Heavenly Father, I hope you've been able to stay off meth lately. Hang in there, God. We love you. We believe in you. You can do this, Lord. Don't give up. We all love and worship you. We just want you to get better.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Amen. Most of the people in the house dislike Jason, but Amy taught them that if they could love somebody they perceived as being the lowest or the darkest, well that could change everything. So Jason, Jason's a test. And it was a test, he was a test that Father God number four didn't like. Demoted Father God, John Henry spoke to Amy multiple times about Jason, telling her that he didn't think that Jason was the right Father God, he was actually the Father God. He shouldn't have said that they should have found another one. Amy told him that Jason was the true Father God, but she did give John Henry a cool new title. He is Father Multiverse. Oh, hell yeah! Ding! Yippee! If you remember, Father Multiverse
Starting point is 01:35:18 was referenced in the Love Has One origin story, being part of the Holy Trinity with Mother and Father God. They got a little throuple now, now for fuck's sake Amy decided they needed to move again because the energy was too intense and Moffat's where they now live Moffat's about a hundred people and showing you like ten minutes down the road from Crestone Amy's Galactic's her spirit guides now now instruct her and her followers to move to Oregon John Candy and Judy Garland like what the fuck why are we still in Colorado? Mother God? How are you not in Oregon already? Everyone's waiting Prince is there Bob Marley's there
Starting point is 01:35:49 He and Prince and David Bowie want to jam with Regis Philbin wants to co-host a morning show with you Amy and the corps members decided to leave Jason behind Father God's in the doghouse Amy told Jason father God he's in his lower state and just she can't be around him He can't be around the group, but if he's truly father God, he'll get his shit together. He'll find him The Galactic told Amy that everyone else needed to go to Crestone where it all started. So just down the road They had nowhere to stay. So now they just camped down the road for about six weeks They'll go to public places with internet so they can you know, keep running love has one's businesses and social media before they go back to the woods Oh
Starting point is 01:36:24 Wow, all cults are crazy. But this, what a ragtag crew of misfits. Jason reunited with the group in Oregon 24 days later and he proposed and Amy accepted. Cool. Core group upgraded their accommodations from a camper to rent a house now. And life was good for Love Has One in Oregon. They're staying along the Snake River, spent a lot of time playing in the water. It is beautiful there. But then on July 7th 2018 their new house burns down. A group member named Erin had joined them at the house. She is a nut. And just interviews. And on the day, on that day, she said she felt guided by angels to start burning sage in a very dry area, super prone to
Starting point is 01:37:05 fires and she started a massive brush fire that burned the house down. Stupid angels set her up. Man, too bad Smokey the Bear wasn't on Amy's galactic team. You know, good reminded cold members. You know, about how only you can prevent forest fires. Erin confessed that she accidentally started the fire to Amy but Amy reassured her. She already knew because angels told her. Totally. After the fire, the core group now returned to Colorado, uh, set up shop again in Moffat. Uh, Miguel Lamboy, AKA Michael, rented a home in a subdivision called Casita Park. Then Miguel purchased that property for $63,000 in December of 2020. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:37:40 if you're wondering how the hell could they get a house for $63,000? It was a shithole. I've seen the video. It's a fucking complete shithole. That same year Miguel Incorporated Love Has Won is a non-profit in Colorado, listing himself as president. The article by Marie Claire states that the group was split between two properties now, rental in Salida, about 44 miles away from the home owned by Miguel and Moffat just next to Crestone. Once they returned to the Crestone area, Amy started training her disciples Hope and Aurora to communicate with Robin Williams and the rest of the Galactics. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Man, I bet it was so fun for Hope and Aurora to chit chat with Whitney Houston and the Croc Hunter. About like what's for dinner, you know? Amy's health started to decline around this time. Love His One members believed Amy was suffering because she was supporting the energy of the entire world the dark low vibrational frequency energy It's just punishing her They didn't think her health problems had anything to do with drinking until she passed out every night smoking weed all day eating junk food Taking fucking molly and shrooms all the time drinking so much colloidal silver Jason said their health deteriorated when he came home He felt that he brought some dark energy lower frequencies with him and it killed Amy, you know energetically
Starting point is 01:38:46 Followers that Amy started to become angry believe she was suffering because she managed wasn't receiving her message She was in severe pain, you know most of the day at one point her skin broke out and boils She looks terrible and vigorous from this time She reaches a point where she struggles to walk loses feeling and her legs has to be carried around by Jason or other group members. And the worse she felt, the more she drank. Highly encouraged by her followers, both alcohol and colloidal silver. One of her followers referred to drugs and alcohol as tools of joy. Tools of joy, how fun. You're not an alcoholic. You're just somebody who can't stop tinkering with the joy tools. Another follower referred to Amy's drinking as taking her medicine. She was just medicating. And the sicker she became, the more medicine she took. One member said about her drinking, for the untrained eye, it would look like a severe case of alcoholism. But
Starting point is 01:39:32 she's the only human being I can see consume that amount and keep that level of coherence. Yeah, because she's an alcoholic. Soon she was drinking a half liter of colloidal silver every day, which caused her skin to turn blue, fucked with her liver. Alcohol also, of course, fucked with her liver. She was drinking by the sounds of it over a fifth of liquor a day, like a lot. And she's not a big person. She lost around 50 pounds. She wasn't big to begin with. Becomes extremely frail. She's close to like a hundred pounds now. According to Amy Mother God, her main galactic guide Robin Williams told her she needed to be that skinny so the starships could pick her up and
Starting point is 01:40:04 Robin Williams told her she needed to be that skinny so the Starships could pick her up and take her into fifth dimension ascension. She could not exceed 103, 104 pounds if she wanted to catch a ride on the Starship. That's what she believed. John Lennon would not pick her up if she weighed 105 or more pounds. That's a tough break. I'm kind of surprised they couldn't have built a bigger stronger Starship with a more reasonable weight limit. I would have to lose over 130 pounds just to get to that starship. I'd have to be a fucking skeleton just hanging around hoping to catch a ride to heaven or wherever they thought they were going. Amy's disciples, Hope and Aurora, were in charge of her food and tracking her weight, got to get her skinnier.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Now Amy's having her calories restricted and fucking pounding colloidal silver and getting just hammered every single day. So high all the time too. The more Amy drank, the worse her temper became. She cursed at her followers, criticized them when they displeased her. Some of her angry nonsensical rants were captured during live streams. Jason and Amy also got into heated arguments, some of which were recorded. Videos have emerged showing Amy having meltdowns. In a now infamous video, she screams at John Robertson, father multiverse, because he made her meatballs one night instead of chicken parmesan, which is what Robin Williams asked for.
Starting point is 01:41:15 God damn it. Listen to what Mother God has to say, though. This. No, no, no, not you. Stop it, Yoko Ono. Oh, God, that was painful. Thought I was done with it. Okay, here, this one right here. My vision. This is her was chicken parmesan So the fucking Adams turn around on me and get me
Starting point is 01:41:36 meatballs, yeah, I didn't say meatballs. Mm-hmm. I love meatballs Chicken parmesan. I get fucked up every fucking moment by you fucking motherfucking whores. This is God talking to me. My atoms. All right. I just need a tequila. Like, it takes five rounds of whores to get me a tequila. Uh huh. Wait, are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me? You know what? You can take your half assed god and shove it up your fucking ass.
Starting point is 01:42:18 I'm gonna take another tequila shot. I fucking knew that shit. She is laying in bed. Where's drinking tequila with a joint in her other hand. I picture Regis Philbin yelling, why is her taking five rounds of horse for her to get a tequila? Get the woman a drink. Her atoms needed. God damn it. Also, was that what you expected? God, it sounded like not exactly what I expected.
Starting point is 01:42:45 The group believed or at least said they believed that these criticisms were coming from other spirits that were using Amy's vessel to test them. It wasn't Amy. No, it was these other spirits just hopping into her vessel. That is a legendary level of rationalization ability they just unlocked. Former Father God Andrew Puface later told Vice.com, Amy at that point in time was definitely one of the most brilliant, insightful people I've ever met. You need to meet more people.
Starting point is 01:43:09 But it all changed after dinner. She could drink like I've never seen before. She would fill a highball glass almost the whole way with vodka and just spritz water on top. She probably drank eight or nine of those a night. That is fucking crazy. She turned into somebody else. She would become angry. She would
Starting point is 01:43:25 talk smack and just be very bitter about things, yelling and cussing. A lot of former members would express concern over Amy's drinking. Jeremy Brown, who lived with the cult for six weeks, spoke to writer B. Schofield for her article in Gouver Magazine saying, one of the reasons they believe Amy is God is because she can drink so much alcohol. What a weird way to think someone's God. That's God, motherfucker! God don't drink like no fucking pussy! God can fucking pound that shit all night, bro! Shotgun! He recalled Amy drinking 24 tequila shots in a row one time. 24, one after another. That would kill me, I think.
Starting point is 01:44:05 And I've like, I've had a fairly high alcohol tolerance. There's no way it like my hardest binge drinking days when I was like 21 or 22 that I could have drank 24 tequila shots in a row and not just immediately have to be taken to the hospital. I would want somebody to call the ambulance before I took the first shot. Oh, you also remembered her once drinking a full bottle of concentrated THC. Amy clearly didn't take care of her own body, encouraged followers, you know, not to take care of theirs either. Mother God taught her followers that the less they ate, the higher their vibrational frequency state would be. And most of the
Starting point is 01:44:38 members of Love Has Won ended up being very thin. Jeremy Brown said he lost 25 pounds in six weeks. From Love Has One's food rationing. He claimed Amy believed that both food and sleep were obstacles to ascension. Yikes! Her sleep cycle was all over the place, right? Because of that no one else got to keep a healthy sleep schedule either. Brown also said that Amy had sex with a lot of her followers, not just the dudes. He was aware of a female student who performed oral sex on Amy, which he found surprising because the cult was I guess pretty homophobic. They believe being gay was the ego being resistant to God's divine plan. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:12 He alleged that at least three people were kicked out during the six weeks with love as one because they were in low energy. One woman was dumped off in a campground with no supplies. Others were sent to live in the woods in an area they called Desolation Row where they could be punished and reformed. Oh my god, ex-members also accused a group of sleep deprivation alleging they were only allowed to sleep four to five hours a night expected to survey me throughout the day sometimes throughout the night as well whenever she was up. The Sawatch County Sheriff's Office received numerous calls from family members concerned you know asking for wellness checks on their
Starting point is 01:45:42 loved ones and the loved ones when the police would check didn't look well, but they were adults and free to follow a mad cult leader if that's what they chose. A woman identified as Sarah lived with Love Has Won for a year and a half. She said in her interview for this big Marie Claire piece that she had past trauma from sexual abuse and bullying as a child. As an adult, she was hospitalized for autoimmune liver failure. She had to quit her job. Her boyfriend broke up with her. She had to
Starting point is 01:46:06 move in with her parents, at which point she started to read about spirituality and ended up finding love has won. They sold her some sweet, sweet purpose. She wasn't someone living back at home and unemployed. She was an angel of light, helping Mother God heal the universe. She watched her live streams, saw their advertisements for spiritual surgeries. The healer who performed her surgery guessed that she was abused as a child, which helped convince her to move to Colorado because she was. One Sarah, Sarah spent most of her time cooking, cleaning, helping take care of one member's babies. On her free time, she copied and pasted supposed messages from angels or spirit
Starting point is 01:46:39 guys or fucking Tom Petty or Michael Jackson or whatever onto the Love Is One's website. Also copied and pasted messages from other New Age websites. Sarah explained that because Amy thought she was God, she believed everything on the internet belonged to her. Therefore, it wasn't plagiarism, wasn't stealing. Love how cults just, you know, make up their own rules. Sarah confirmed that members could only sleep when Mother God slept. Amy typically slept four to five hours a night. By the end of Sarah's time with the cult, she was only sleeping two hours a night in case Amy needed something. Wow. Members were sometimes punished for napping. Also said they could only eat food from food banks. Couldn't eat because anything else because that was ego behavior. Sarah once
Starting point is 01:47:18 left the house to go find some pizza, but Miguel Lamboy, aka Archangel Michael, told her that was self-important behavior. She shouldn't spend money on food. Members were encouraged to call each other out for egonic traits or negative frequencies. For example, one would say, You're in a frequency of jealousy. Reminds me of the Twin Flames. While Love is One leaders never outright demanded money from members, there was a lot of pressure to donate or contribute.
Starting point is 01:47:43 The group was always trying to figure out ways to make money. Sarah said that if she needed her debit card she would use it but then Amy would throw a fit and she would feel guilty for offending God. Sarah finally left because as she said I was pulling more than my weight but everything I did was wrong and I didn't have any more fucks to give. She left her on March 14th 2020 while Mother God was on vacation. What what is what does she need a vacation for? She wasn't working. Maybe Tupac or Prince, you know, wanted to spend some time on a beach somewhere. Work out the final details of her Ascension plan. Sarah called for a taxi, but then other members in the household canceled a ride, still determined to go. Sarah grabbed her things, just started walking. A few
Starting point is 01:48:17 people tried to stop her, but she told them, if you come toward me and try to hug me, I'm going to punch you. Former member Ash McCoy described the escape as well. She waited until Amy passed out drunk one night then messaged her to tell her she was going home for a quick visit. She then convinced Father Multiverse to drive her to the Denver Airport. On the way there Amy realized she wasn't coming back, called Father Multiverse a bitch, as God does, for helping her leave. Amy blatantly was using her followers to fund her non-stop party. The mother of one former member told Guru Magazine Amy collected her daughter's monthly disability checks for a year,
Starting point is 01:48:54 and she allegedly collected elderly members' Social Security checks. Others donated large sums of money to the cult. Former member Jeremy Brown reported that in 2019, a group member named Bob Foley disappeared after he gave his $10,000 trust fund and his SUV to the cult. His last Facebook post was made in August of 2019, which was around the time he left. Taylor, another former member, told Vice, It's a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of mental manipulation, a lot of brainwash. She, Carlson, only let us sleep for four hours.
Starting point is 01:49:25 We have to wake up every day at 5 a.m. We start the live stream at 6 a.m. May 23rd, 2020, a man named Alex Whitten was found naked and dehydrated in the desert north of Crestone, had cactus needles in his feet, and he appeared to be hallucinating. Three days later, he had abandoned his family to join Love Has Won. A regretful decision. His story really speaks to how sad and destructive these beliefs are. Alex's wife, Ariane, said that he watched Love Has Won videos for six weeks and just became super brainwashed. Before Love Has Won, Alex identified as a conservative Republican, financially
Starting point is 01:49:58 responsible person. He and his family lived in a nice home, had a six figure job that allowed Ariane to stay home with the kids. Alex had no history of mental illness, never was interested in spirituality before. However, he was interested in conspiracy lore like QAnon, theories like that before, which led him to Love Has Won. To their Facebook page, then he started to watch their daily live streams. Life in the compound looked awesome, looked fun, a party, no kids to take care of. Signed up for one of the cults, etheric surgery sessions.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Sessions that can allegedly remove negative energy and sickness from the body. He then participated in more and more sessions on behalf of his wife, kids, neighbors, right? He paid a mother god to heal other people through him, apparently. Alex ended up losing his job because he started to miss shifts to watch this shit. Then he donated between 15,000 to 20,000 of his severance package to the cult. Started sleeping less, following the schedule that aligned with the seven colors of the chakra as deemed by Amy. On certain days he would eat certain foods, wear certain clothes that would all match the chakra color. He also started to stare at the Sun, just directly stare at the Sun
Starting point is 01:51:04 for extended periods of time so he could receive light codes. Oh, this is so stupid. God, if you feel lost and disillusioned enough, there was just almost no limit to the dumb shit you'll do to try and find meaning in life. Ariane asked her family for help. She read books called Psychiatrists. She tried to reason with Alex, but he just kept falling deeper and deeper into the cult
Starting point is 01:51:24 spell or under it. The family was in granted power of attorney over Alex. They put the house up for sale. Ariane considered divorce to avoid falling into debt. They unsuccessfully tried to put Alex in a psychiatric facility. Ariane sent the kids away from home because she worried Alex was gonna indoctrinate them somehow. Oh man, their life is unraveling. Then May 12th, or excuse me, May 19th, 2020, Alex was following Ariane home out of a parking lot when he suddenly just took a left instead of a right, you know, to follow her. She turns around, follows him to the airport, begs him to stay, but he simply says, Mother God has called me home. Oh boy. Alex appeared in a May 21st
Starting point is 01:52:02 livestream now. Now he's at the compound where he said, I'm eternally grateful to have found the mother. I've dropped everything in order to be here to honor mother, the physical mother Jesus on earth. We need you all to get here, come to mom and help mom in all ways possible. Alex told his wife he spent the next morning removing the darkness from father God, AKA Jason Castillo.
Starting point is 01:52:25 Jason told Alex he could not handle the darkness on his own and that he needed Alex to take some of the burden away from him. He told Alex you have three days and then they literally sent him out into the wilderness alone for three days on a lot of psychedelics. Alex's family believes, you know, he was heavily drugged at this point. When Alex was found later in the desert, he thought he was telepathically still communicating with Amy. At 3 p.m., he called his mom, told her he was walking to the airport.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Oh my God, it was like three hours away. His family then couldn't reach him after that. When the family saw the next Love Is One livestream, the group talked about not liking Alex's energy. Well, that's poor bastard. He gave everything to them. He showed up and they were like, nah, pass. They laughed, said he ended up on the wrong side of the mountain. One individual commented, I don't think Alex Witten was feeling the love
Starting point is 01:53:12 when y'all dumped him for dead. My God. Remember, Kareem Jackson responded, we are not Alex's babysitter. You know him, go find out. We're here for God, not whores that desert God. Oh, okay. Alex's family contacted the police, organized a rescue mission. Arianne received a call from a local hospital. A doctor informed her that her husband was found wandering in the wilderness, butt naked, dehydrated, a bunch of cactus needles in his feet. And he, oh God, and he had stared at his son for so long he had burned his eyeballs. Oh my god, he refused treatment when he was taken to the hospital because he said the
Starting point is 01:53:48 group was going to heal him. But they didn't want him. A stranger saw the family's post, drove over an hour to find Alex, then spent seven hours just sitting and talking to him under a bridge near Salida trying to keep him there. His family convinced him to stay in a hotel for the night with his brother and then he did return home the next day. And according to Ariane, when Alex reunited with his brother, he thought he had ascended the world into this 5D matrix and had done what Mother God and
Starting point is 01:54:11 Father God wanted him to do. We had to play a game with him. You know saying stuff like, yes you did it, you're done. Holy shit. Ariane Whitten told Euror magazine that Love is One told her Alex was with family when he was missing, which obviously was not true. And they knew that. They also said they checked in on, checked on him when he's in front of the hospital, but staff said no group members ever showed up. Alex would end up going through six months of reprogramming therapy to try to get back to a normal life. Arian Whitten would tell the Denver Post in 2021, he is still healing. He will be for a long time from this. He has tons of shame, tons of guilt.
Starting point is 01:54:44 He just can't believe he did what he did. He just can't fathom it now that his mind is clear God poor bastard. Can you imagine I feel embarrassed too? You know, I would just worry like what am I gonna fall for next? I ended up fucking naked out in the desert Cactus needles thinking I was telepathically communicating with this drug fucking addicted maniac Ariane Whitten her sister-in-law Amanda, tried to expose the group now to get the FBI, CBI, local police involved, found that another family who lost a loved one to the cult had started working with the group Rising Above Love is One.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Rising Above was tracking the cult social media posts, movements, would take notes on insider information to document alleged abuse to try to get the police to act and take him down. take notes on insider information to document alleged abuse to try to get the police to act and take him down. August of 2020, the Galactics, her Galactic team, her all stars, fucking Dom DeLauise, tells the group they had to travel down to Hawaii to get Amy feeling better. Patrick Swayze demands it. George Michael would have fucking killed all of them if they wouldn't have headed to Hawaii. Amy told her followers that when she ascended a giant hole was gonna open up in the ocean.
Starting point is 01:55:47 A hole that would lead to the fifth dimension. I think it's hard to understand what they were talking about a lot of time. Because that hole, well, they needed to be near the sea and Colorado wasn't gonna cut it. Amy was now claiming that she had cancer and was paralyzed from the waist down. She wasn't. She was just batshit crazy and her mind was super fucked up from being high and drunk all day every day and the colloidal silver not helping. Her mobility is limited. Her skin color is noticeably changed from drinking too much colloidal silver.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Love has one did not seek treatment for Amy because they did not believe in modern medicine. They don't trust no 3D hospitals. Uh-uh. One of her cult members was asked by a producer in the docu-series, One of her cult members was asked by a producer in the docu-series, did you ever want to bring mom to a 3D hospital? Would you just regular hospital? And she said, no, mom would never set foot in the 3D hospital. I would never set foot in the 3D hospital. That's a death sentence. That's not pounding Chloe Dole Silver though, day after day is.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Amy's followers believe that all illnesses are caused by energy imbalances and that the medical system is designed to keep people sick. Keep people sick. All doctors and surgeons, all nurses, they're all liars, right? They all work for the reptilians. The cult believed that eating lemons and baking soda was all you had to do to cure cancer. Turmeric? That'll knock out your diabetes.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Just bam, gone. Frankincense? Uh-uh. Depressed? No more. In their Ascension Guide, the cult wrote that sun blindness was a myth. People trying to keep it from the sun. Instead, their guide says, as the sun enters your eyes, it burns away the darkness within you. Yes, stare as long as you can. Not gonna hurt you. Spock said
Starting point is 01:57:18 it was okay. George Burns said it's good for you. What are you waiting for? Tupac wants you to stare at the fucking sun. In a video from September of 2020, one member actually said a heart attack was just a heart expanding, expanding in love. They added the dark side has fooled all of humanity into thinking you're having a heart attack. But when your heart is expanding, you can get pain in your chest sometimes down your arms. Just breathe. You are growing in love. Don't run for the doctors. They're not going to help you. Love is helping you. These people are so incredibly dumb. Yeah, totally. No one ever dies of heart attacks. Mm-mm. Globally,
Starting point is 01:57:56 cardiovascular diseases, which include heart attacks and strokes. Definitely not the leading cause of fucking death worldwide. Definitely don't kill about 18 million people a year. Amy's sister, Tara, I'm gonna have a heart attack doing this episode. Amy's sister, Tara, started watching the live streams every morning while the group was in Hawaii so she could check on Amy. Found a Skype number, was able to speak to her. When Tara told Amy she was concerned about her sister's health, Amy laughed and said, why are you concerned about me? I'm mother god. Through her fucking blue face. Tara and Linda discussed what they could do, who they could reach out to for help, and they decided to contact Dr. Phil. Amy appeared on the Dr. Phil show via Skype in September of 2020. She thought it would be a good platform to spread her message. Linda told Amy she loved and
Starting point is 01:58:36 missed her. She wanted Amy to come home so they could help her. When Dr. Phil questioned Amy about abandoning her children in 2006, she said, um, for me I did not abandon my children. I begged my angels. I didn't want to leave. And they told me I had to go on a mission. If I didn't do it, no one else would. What a great way to rationalize any terrible choice you ever make. Just act like other entities are forcing your hand. Stop yelling at me. I didn't want to steal your car. Okay? George Michael, on the other hand, said I had to. I tried to get Dom DeLuis to talk some sense into him, but he wouldn't listen. After appearing on the show, Amy said she felt betrayed by her Earth family.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Meanwhile, troubles brewing between Love Has Won and the locals on the island of Kauai. People started posting on Kauai Facebook groups saying, I love that island, oh my god, saying the cult was a danger to the island. Then Amy, worse in tensions by announcing she had a special message for the world. She claimed that she was Pele, Hawaiian goddess of fire. And that didn't set well with locals. Big group of locals started to protest the cult's presence outside the house they're staying in. You can watch videos of them, it's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:59:37 It's like a tutorial on how to get rid of a cult. They just mocked and harassed them into leaving the community. The cult was involved in a violent multi-day standoff with protesters who lit fires, said prayers outside the property. As tensions rose, they threw eggs and rocks at the house. They smashed the windows of the group's rental car,
Starting point is 01:59:54 yelled at them through megaphones. One lady with a megaphone shouted, why would you abandon your children and then get people to follow you as a fake mother? You're a fraud. You need help. Fucking nailed it. Ding.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Yippee. The mayor of Kauai County ended up getting involved, spoke to Love Has Won about leaving the islands. September 6th, 2020, the police escorted the group to the airport. In a statement, the mayor's chief of staff explained that no members of the group were cited arrested or ordered to leave. They were just offered assistance if they wanted to relocate and I'm sure probably pressured to like hey this isn't gonna end well for you here. Amy, Jason, Miguel, Lamboi now flew
Starting point is 02:00:31 to Maui to try and relocate the group there but while they were filling out travel forms at the airport screeners saw they had reservations it's a some non-approved location and Jason now said there was a misunderstanding and that it was in the group's best interest to return to the mainland. So they go back to Cresto in Colorado, at least that area. Lauren Suarez aka Archia Aurora told the Denver Post once they returned to Colorado, I feel a lot of it was miscommunication. There was obviously a deep energetic there that they don't like outsiders, you know, regarding Hawaii. They clearly don't like anyone from the mainland. No, they just
Starting point is 02:01:04 don't like fucking jokers like you and Amy Carlson and the rest of you weirdos. Amy became depressed after Love is One left Hawaii. She stayed in bed most of the day. We talked about her ascension, you know, that became more serious. It was no longer a far-off dream or an abstract concept. It was becoming a reality. Her physical body was for sure failing thanks to her refusal to ever go to a 3D hospital or a 3D rehab clinic. Love has won members who were interviewed for the docu-series talked about how they now to start now started seeing starships in the clouds which meant the Galactics were coming for Amy soon. I saw videos of them you know
Starting point is 02:01:36 claiming that they're seeing these starships. They're for sure just clouds. Just a bunch of high as fuck cult members looking at totally regular ass clouds not even like necessarily cool looking clouds and just being like, okay, there's a starship. All right. Okay, we got another starship right there. There's a starship. People in the background.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Yeah. They prayed continuously for the starships to pick her up, but it seemed like Amy's spirit guides just weren't listening. She must have weighed more than 104 pounds, you know, and John Lennon. If you know anything about John Lennon, you know, he's a sticker for the rules. He's not going to bend them, not even for mother God. Rules, they be rules, as John liked to say. Amy now started spinning. She was having doubts about her identity as God. She sometimes questioned him. She just made everything up, but her core followers like, no, no, no, you didn't. Please don't
Starting point is 02:02:19 say that. Oh God, I sacrificed light to be here. They believe that when Amy ascended her physical body, starships would come help her followers also reach that 5d consciousness level without any pain. Non-believers, oh the rest of us we were gonna be sent to live on the central galactic sun or we were gonna be turned into rocks. Mm-hmm. She ascended the dozen or so dipshit still long for this ride. They were gonna go to the fifth dimension. The rest of us, you know, plebes, we were gonna have to live on some hot as fuck sun or just be rocks. Makes a lot of sense. Ding. Yippee! According to former member Ash McCoy, every night they claimed starships were
Starting point is 02:02:57 coming to get Amy and that's the night she was going to ascend. Amy would say, I'm at 2% of energy needed to transform, and find a way to blame everyone else. When she didn't, it's the world's fault. Members began to feel disappointed every time Amy woke up now instead of ascending, i.e. dying. They were literally rooting for her to die now. Ascend Amy, ascend, come on, cult, cult, cult. As stated by McCoy, they were hanging on the edge
Starting point is 02:03:20 of their seats waiting for her to go. In the process, they're traumatized and drained. Amy continued drinking colloidal silver alcohol all day every day When Amy's sister Tara saw a photo of her on the love is one exposed page She was taken aback by how sick and frail Amy now looked she called the police for another wellness check Again told they can't do anything. Amy's an adult. She can do what she wants, you know in these regards Amy's right-hand woman Lauren Suarez Aurora once admitted on a live stream that they were, excuse me, there were moments when Amy actually asked them to take her to a 3D hospital, but they refused. That was because Amy had spoken out
Starting point is 02:03:53 against modern medicine for so many years. Amy's mother, Linda Hawthorne, would tell the Denver Post she believed Amy truly wanted real medical care in her final months. Right? The irony. The followers she had brainwashed ended up helping to kill her because of how thoroughly she had brainwashed them. What a strange way to die. To shit on hospitals over and over again. So thoroughly you convince others that they are bullshit and then you die because those same others won't take you to one of these hospitals when you need one to keep you alive. So, December 2020, Amy's daughter Maddie posted a story time on TikTok. Let's talk about her cult leader mother, how Mother God abandoned her family when she was a kid.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Maddie also emailed her mom asking her to remember her real daughter. And Amy responded, Madison, I love you. If you ever want to come to my house, you're welcome. Well, there you have it. You know what? She is a great mom. No one moms like Mother God. Hey, stop by sometime. Stop by the compound sometime, daughter. Around December 2020, the Galactics told Amy she needed to go to California now. Probably Kobe Bryant. Probably wanted to catch a Lakers game, you know. Her primary support team, Hope, Aurora, Michael, they stayed in Crestone to manage the business and some live streams. March of 2021, Love is One members, some of them traveled to Mount Shasta in California. This was where Amy was supposed to ascend, right? With the Lemurians.
Starting point is 02:05:10 Amy stayed with her partner Jason and her loyal healer Faith. In early 2021, she started to text her daughter Maddie, even talked on the phone with her sister Tara. Amy told Tara she was dying. Tara asked if she needed to go, if she needed her to call the police or an ambulance. Amy said no. Tara offered Amy a place to stay inside her home, but Amy didn't want to be a burden to her family. She said it now took four people to care for her. At some point in April 2021, Jason moved Amy 75 miles to Ashland, Oregon, southern Oregon. They booked a room at Callahan's Mountain Lodge. This is a very like new agey place as well. Ashland's, you know, also very big in that community. Why this move? Well, member Ashleyuso aka Archie Hope felt called by angels to
Starting point is 02:05:50 go to Oregon right? Fuck what Kobe Bryant wants but my angels told me Oregon. She and Lauren Suarez left Colorado without telling anybody. They were gonna tell Amy that it was time for her to ascend. Ashley recalled about Amy's final days. Mom was just holding on. She said she didn't know what else to do except maybe like go to a hospital. But you know, most of the time the Galactics would just tell her no. You know, it's not us. If mom really wanted to go to a hospital, we would surrender to it. But most of the time she would say things and then Robin or Jermaine, as in Robin Williams
Starting point is 02:06:20 or Saint Jermaine, would come through and be like, no, fucking Robin Williams. Who does he think he is? Right. He killed her. He killed mother God. He just will not, he just would not let her, uh, you know, go to a 3d hospital. Uh, according to Ashley, the galactic told Amy, she could take a muscle relaxer to ease her pain and after taking that muscle relaxer, she lost her verbal and cognitive
Starting point is 02:06:40 functioning and could no longer move. And Amy's healer faith now decided she's out. She couldn't save her. She's going to go. Asji and some others decided to stay until Amy's physical body has ascended and they expected her to just like poof, just to vanish up into the spaceship. Amy took her last breath at 6 p.m. according to her followers. The authorities aren't exactly sure when she died. According to Amanda Ray, one of the leaders of Rising Above, love has won. And the sister-in-law of the man who was abandoned
Starting point is 02:07:07 in the desert, Amy was still alive April 10th. She spoke to the group's landlord in California who said he spoke to Amy that day and that she appeared to be dying. On April 16th, the photo of Jason holding Amy was shared in some private chat rooms. And in the photo, Amy is either dead or real close to being dead.
Starting point is 02:07:23 And she looked so fucking rough the final weeks of her life She honestly looked dead for quite some time before she was dead. Her skin was so blue gray Did not look human Amanda Ray and Amy's mother Linda Hawthorne or haythorn started calling the police EMS fire sheriff's fire department sheriff's office You know DA to ask for intervention, but they were unsuccessful and getting one After Amy died her followers weren't sure what to do now. Jason told them they had to pull it together. Amy was still with them, and the group celebrated with Amy's body inside the hotel room.
Starting point is 02:07:53 A fucking party around her corpse. Ashley Paluso said that Amy went into a stasis mode now, and now the group would give Amy water. Mm-hmm. They were just pouring water on the lips of a dead woman. They took care of her physical vessel for three days, wiping her body down. I don't know, they thought she might come back. They claimed her body was still warm and loose and that they were getting electromagnetic frequencies from her. By this point, after three days, a hotel staff is now asking to do a wellness check on Amy. They're getting lots of calls. They're knocking on the door trying to get into the room. Jason's telling everybody they gotta leave so nobody can take Amy's body from them. They wait until night and then they sneak Amy's body out of the hotel room
Starting point is 02:08:28 into into the forest. Oh boy. They drive out in the forest. On the way they're pulled over with the body in the car. They had Amy propped up wrapped in a fucking blanket with a hat and sunglasses. When the officer shined his flashlight into the car he thought Amy was just asleep. It's fucking weekend at Bernie's now. Weekend it with Amy's. Weekend with Mother hat and sunglasses. When the officer shined his flash light in the car, he thought Amy was just asleep. It's fucking weekend at Bernie's now. Weekend with Amy's. Weekend with Mother God and the Galactics. Weekend with Amy and Regis Philbin. The other corps members came to the National Forest camp with Amy's body. Jason was asleep beside Amy's body in a tent at night. This is so gross. Members were confused about why the body was still with them. Some of the members, they thought the Galactics should have picked Amy up, right? In the starships. But now
Starting point is 02:09:06 what's going on? What's gonna happen? These are my favorite moments in a cult life cycle near the very end when the big crazy prediction they've all bet the farm on just doesn't come true and they're scrambling to figure out what to do next, trying to rationalize it. John Robertson, father of multiverse, said it was inconceivable to me that she would leave her body. I felt it was only possible to ascend the planet with her in a body. I was just like, we're gonna, you know, put her on a, on that wooden board, float her down the river together and shoot arrows, flaming arrows, you know, and have this grand thing that only God could get.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Oh boy. April 26, 2021, Jason Castillo encourages everyone to go shower and do their laundry in town now. Almost everyone leaves except for follower Ryan Kramer and John Robertson, April 26, 2021 Jason Castillo encourages everyone to go shower and do their laundry in town now. Almost everyone leaves except for follower Ryan Kramer and John Robertson. Those followers Jason decides that it's now time to leave and he bounces and John now drives him from Oregon back to Colorado with Amy's body. Colt's life as they knew it was coming to an abrupt end. According to Ashley, a few days before Jason leaves Miguel Lamboy pulled $200,000 out of the Colts bank account. They thought Jason went back to Colorado to try and stop him from taking any more money. Some point during the drive to Colorado, Ryan Kramer calls Lauren Suarez, says Michael took the last $50,000.
Starting point is 02:10:15 In total, I guess he took over $300,000. If you remember, Lamboy managed the finances and almost all of the Colts assets were actually in his name, so technically he's not stealing. I mean, he is, but it's not illegal Miguel Lamboy one of the rare cult members who gives up everything to join a cult and then somehow ends up with more money in the end than when he started Jason John Robertson Ryan Kramer four others end up in Moffat Colorado with Amy's body they put the body on a bed in a back room set up shrine, just kept talking about galactics, ascension, frequencies and shit. Excuse me, Miguel Lamboy came to the house April 27th, 2021, saw Amy's body.
Starting point is 02:10:51 He left the house. I'm surprised he didn't have a confrontation with this guy, but I guess he didn't. The guy that stole all his money. He left the house, went to the police station in Salida to file a report about a body and have the cult removed from what he considered his house. Yeah, so that happens April 28th, 2021. Amy's mummified corpse is discovered after the Sawatch County Sheriff's Office executes a search warrant on the house in Moffett.
Starting point is 02:11:13 When the officers asked Jason about Amy, he was recorded saying, Mother is in rest. She has rested. That's one way of putting it. He's not wrong. Amy's body was found inside a sleeping bag, wrapped in Christmas lights, her deflated fucking eye sockets, decorated with glitter. What a sight. Sheriff Dan Warrick later told Dateline that the group burned sage in the room and covered Amy in essential oils to keep the odors down.
Starting point is 02:11:38 Warrick was quoted as saying, wow, I mean, it's just you shake and go, wow, there's not much more I can say. I've been doing this for 26 years. I used to say I've seen it all. I don't say that anymore. Captain Ken Wilson from the Sheriff's Office said it appeared that Amy had been dead for several weeks to a month based on the state of her decay. My God.
Starting point is 02:11:56 Investigators also searched an SUV on the property saw that the backseat was put in a position consistent with someone transporting mummified remains. Seven group members now charged with the abuse of a corpse and child abuse because two kids were on the property. So 45 year old Jason Castillo, 32 year old John Robertson, right? That's Archangel. That's Father God, the first guy. Father Multiverse.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Then you got 30 year old Ryan Kramer, 52 year old Abdulia Franco, 35 year old Christopher Royer, 35 year old Sarah Rudolph, and 47 year old Corinne Raymond. Castillo, Robertson, Franco, and Kramer charged with tampering of deceased human remains and child abuse. Royer and Rudolph charged with abuse of corpse and child abuse. Raymond charged with abuse of corpse, child abuse, and false imprisonment. After the arrest, several cult members who were not arrested and were living on cult property in Colorado and California fled. Several people ended up camping out in Vermont. And by property in California, I don't think they owned anything. I think there's rents in the spot around Mount Shasta.
Starting point is 02:12:54 In the HBO documentary, Jason spoke about how he felt after he was arrested. He said, we didn't know what was going to happen. You know, mom had never stated to us directly how this was going to be. We're just awaiting divine information. Mother shared with us that she would come back into her body. I felt that she would start to breathe. I felt that she would come back stronger. I really felt that. Mom had never given me any reason to not trust her and what she was saying. I've never loved a person like that." And he teared up. He got emotional talking about this. I think he
Starting point is 02:13:20 really believed she was gonna reanimate. Amy's body was so decomposed by the time it was found, the coroner could not identify her by fingerprints, which delays her autopsy. While the autopsy results are pending, Sheriff Dan Warwick said there was no evidence of foul play. A lot of evidence of weird play. Tons of evidence of creepy play, whole bunch of evidence of what the fuck are you idiots thinking play, but no evidence of foul play. In the days that followed the discovery, the public learned more about how the report was made.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Miguel Lamboy told the police that on April 27th, he drove to Montrose, Colorado to drop off a computer, then drove someone to the Denver Airport. He returned to his home in Moffat, found five people there who were in need of a place to stay. Jason Castillo, John Robertson, Crystal Raymond, Karen Raymond, and Raymond and Ryan Kramer. He allowed them to stay, he said, and on April 28th, he left the house to go to Denver. A three-hour trip from Denver, he drove 100 miles to Buena Vista. From Buena Vista, he drove 64 miles back to Moffat. That was when he found Leah Carlson inside his home. Authorities not sure why he used a fake name for Amy. Notice that her skin was gray in color and also noticed, also happened to notice that her eyes were missing. Notice that the
Starting point is 02:14:29 body appeared to be mummified and her teeth were exposed through her lips. Ah, I hope by missing he meant sunken in. I hope they weren't actually missing. Oh, but maybe they had rotted away. He attempted to take his two-year-old son out of the house but the cult wouldn't let him leave with the boy. That was when he went to the police. It was reported that the other child in the property, a 13-year-old girl, was a daughter of Karen Raymond or Corinne. Man, that poor kid. What a weird chapter of her childhood. Saturday, May 1st, Love Is One Follower posted a message on social media, you know, getting updating everybody, wants going on with mom. Wrote,
Starting point is 02:15:03 Mom had told us all this was coming she prepared the team and all who feel her for these moments so many weird capital letters in this by the way sharing frequently stories of 2008 when the Galactic took mom to see the ships and shared with her this was a death mission we thank everyone for their full surrender to the divine plan mom will give you the next step in your heart in every present moment you're there momenters. The team are respectfully honoring the process law enforcement require and we are grateful for their diligence in protecting humanity. Mom deeply loves our law enforcement officers as she does
Starting point is 02:15:35 each and every one of her children. Man, they are just truly living in their own poorly created reality that does not translate to the rest of the world. May 2nd, 2021, group members post on the Love Is One Facebook page, Mom has ascended. She has completed her contract. The court hearing May 5th, Deputy DA Alex Reins said that at least two defendants, Castillo and Robertson, would be charged with tampering instead of abuse for corpse. That came with a maximum sentence of 12 years. At the hearing, the defense attorney told the judge that Miguel Lamboy, the one who
Starting point is 02:16:04 reported the body, took the group's money and had left the country. So he's gone. Corner revealed that he had still not positively identified the body and was waiting on dental records now. After Amy's body was found, Miguel Lamboi took the website offline. Live streams continued, but none of the Corps members were seen for weeks. Instead, the live streams were now being led by international members and a woman from Tennessee. However, May 20th, 2021, CBS reported that Love Has One reappeared online under the name 5D. Full disclosure, the new website's tagline was God was here, she ascended, now it's our turn. Nice. Hope and Ashley appeared in a Facebook
Starting point is 02:16:43 live stream for this group on May 20th titled The Return of the Oracle. Love has One members continued to post daily live streams up to up until October 2021. Love is One Exposed. Love is One Exposed. The group tracking them shared an email from Lamboi confirming he shut down the group's website. He denied claims that he was a true mastermind behind the group. Also said he still believed in Amy's divinity. Amy's mother, Linda Haythorne, sent a DNA sample to the Sawatch County coroner's office to help identify Amy's remains. And she was officially then identified July of 2021. Sawatch County prosecutors only applied the upgraded tampering with the
Starting point is 02:17:20 court charges to four of the seven defendants. And then in August, 2021, a defense attorney for Jason Castillo told the court that the ADA was working on a possible dismissal of charges. The attorney requested Jason be allowed to plead not guilty so the case could proceed to trial hearing was set for September 14th on that day, uh, criminal charges against six defendants were dropped. The Swatch County, uh, court Clerk's Office wrote in an email to the Associated Press that no case existed for the seventh person who was charged. So it's all done now. The DA's office did not explain why the charges were dropped,
Starting point is 02:17:54 but the Valley Courier reported that ADA Alex Reigns asked the judge to dismiss all charges at the hearing and the defense requested the records be sealed. They just want to be done with this. Sawatch County DA Alonzo Payne spoke to Dateline about the decision to drop the charges saying, our office looked at all the documents and everything that was provided. And from our perspective, the allegations could not be met beyond a reasonable doubt. In the 2023 HBO docu-series, it was said that charges were dropped because
Starting point is 02:18:19 there was no signs of trauma to the body. So maybe her eyes were not taken out of her head. I hope not. Eyes do start to rot within six hours of death. I learned that after googling, how long does it take for your eyes to rot out of your head? My search history is so completely fucked. Just between the recent short suck on porn where I was trying to figure out if Pornhub still had child porn, I was googling like hey does Pornhub still have child porn? And then asking about eyes rotting out of heads.
Starting point is 02:18:45 There has to be a decent chance I'm going to be questioned by authorities soon. Amy's autopsy report was released December 1st, 2021. Listing her cause of death is alcohol abuse, anorexia and cloidal silver dosing. I would also add stupidity that she died mostly from stupidity, right? She never needed to drink all that silver. She could have eaten. She could have went to rehab for alcoholism. Her death was so entirely avoidable. You know, it took a long time. But she just chose to keep believing in a lot of really stupid shit. Dr. Emily Russell from the El Paso County Coroner's Office wrote, based on the information
Starting point is 02:19:18 available to me at the time of the report, it is my opinion that Amy Renee Stroud Carlson, a 45 year old adult white female died as a result of global decline in the setting of alcohol abuse, anorexia and chronic colloidal silver ingestion. The report concluded her death was natural, no it wasn't, not by my definition, and stated that traces of silver were found in Amy's liver. So watch County Coroner Tom Perrin told the Gourou magazine that the delay in the autopsy was because Regis Philbin told him he needed to work slowly.
Starting point is 02:19:47 Or it was because he was trying to find a lab to test Amy's remains for metals. And with that, let's leave this timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Barely. So there you have it. The love has one cult. What a crazy half-baked little group of believers. I'm certain I could have put together a more cohesive theology than what Amy cooked up over several years in less time than it took to get these notes together for this recording.
Starting point is 02:20:22 The dumber the set of the beliefs, the more fascinating the cult is to me. Right? Purpose. You just need to find some people who feel so desperate for purpose that they will believe just about anything. You tell them, right? They believe they just want to hear what they've been waiting their whole lives to hear. That they're very, very important. Oh, that was a fun one. Happy to revisit Mother God. I love that she had a team of advisors most entirely composed up of deceased actors musicians and comedians I'm gonna give her points for creativity for that. That was a fun little cult twist Robin Williams her most trusted spiritual advisor John Lennon Captain of her spaceship fucking Dom DeLuis. What a random pick
Starting point is 02:21:03 She was able to find between 12 and 20 people who weren't very alarmed by that. That she was receiving you know some of her advice from Dom Deluise and Regis Philbin. They still wanted to abandon their families and do anything she asked of them. Life is a lot of things but it is never boring. This episode read partially as a powerful just-say-no to drugs commercial to some of my favorite drugs sadly. Amy's life took a turn into crazy town after she took ecstasy for the first time. Yes, psychedelics can be a lot of fun. They can be very beneficial to your mental health, but they're powerful mind-altering substances. And you have to remember that the epiphanies
Starting point is 02:21:36 you feel like you're having when you're, you know, under the influence of them might not actually be epiphanies. You might just be, you know, thinking some crazy shit like you think when you're very high. Years ago, over like over a dozen years ago when I tripped really hard on some acid, I used the voice recorder on my phone to capture these groundbreaking, unravelling, the mysteries of the universe breakthrough thoughts I was having. And I listened to them the next day. It was very disappointing. It was just drug-fueled gibberish. Like not even worth it. Just nonsense. I hadn't figured out shit. But I felt like I did, because I was high as fuck. Be careful when it comes to making huge life-altering decisions based on how you felt when you were
Starting point is 02:22:10 high. Now let's look back on all this crazy and learn something new in today's takeaways. Number one, before she became a cult leader leader Amy Carlson led a fairly normal life But she did experience trauma her parents divorced when she was a kid She was abused by her stepmom also then abused later by numerous romantic partners Amy would have three kids She would manage to build a somewhat stable life herself got promoted to manager at a local McDonald's still wasn't happy though Wanted more out of life. She started to explore spirituality and conspiracy websites. Then after chat with
Starting point is 02:22:48 a man who convinced her she was a divine entity. A man who gave her a new purpose. She abandoned her family in 2006 and evolved into Mother God. Number two, Amy's cult was called Love Has Won. She told her followers she was a 19 billion year old being who created the universe. She had been reincarnated 534 times and this was her last chance to help others see the truth before she ascended forever into the fifth dimension. Ding. Yippee. What if she actually is up there in the fifth dimension with all of the followers of Marshall Applewhite, right? The Heaven's Gate cult members. Number three, life was not always full of peace, harmony and happiness amongst Amy and her followers.
Starting point is 02:23:28 Former members complained about verbal abuse, being pressured to donate money and sleep deprived. May of 2020, love is won, kicked a new recruit out of their house. He was found naked and dangerously dehydrated later in the desert and tripping balls. Number four, Amy's health declined over a period of about two years because of her excessive drinking and use of colloidal silver. She died in April of 2021.
Starting point is 02:23:49 Her followers believe she had finally ascended even though John fucking Lenin just completely biffed it. Didn't swing by in a spaceship. Oh, so they transported her body across state lines, set up a shrine for her at their home base in Colorado. Her body was found April 28, 2021. Cause of death was organ failure caused by anorexia, alcohol abuse, and ingesting colloidal silver. At number five, new info. Where they are now. A year after Amy's death, Lauren Suarez, aka Archia Aurora, and Ashley Peluso, aka Archia Hope, moved to Florida and were living together. They have been hosting a spirituality web series called the daily disclosure So show on the daily disclosure dot VHX dot TV, which they call the first 5d news show on planet Earth They're still crazy. They discuss global events politics spirituality ascension news and collective energy updates. Oh, that's so cool
Starting point is 02:24:44 Yeah, here is the trailer for their new show. This is really something. Like, do do down down. This is the trailer. How many Facebook employees watch our stream and just wait for us to say just the right thing and then they're like, cut it. Cut it.
Starting point is 02:25:03 Because I wanted to share this actually, because you know, my fuck you for today, we're not at eight 50 yet, but fuck you, Facebook. Oh, yeah. Tiago. Fuck you. Their account got disabled for lying and saying you created Facebook because we all know you did. And fuck you for the censorship of the collective voice. Fuck you for the censorship of the collective voice. Fuck you for allowing such idiocy on Facebook,
Starting point is 02:25:30 but yet disabling and blocking anyone who says anything real whatsoever. Fuck you for suggesting people change their profile picture to have a COVID ring around it. Fuck you for fact checkers. Yeah, fact checkers, you suck. Like, fuck all of it. Fuck you. Fuck you for blocking and taking down all of mom's groups. Mm-hmm. Fuck you for throttling her platforms.
Starting point is 02:25:50 And I personally hope Facebook goes down in flames. So if you want more of that in your life, you can find them. That's the, that's, that's, again, that's the trailer. That's the best of their show. As she reunited with her estranged mother in early 2000s, she was a mother of three. more of that in your life, you can find them. Again, that's the trailer. That's the best of their show. As she reunited with her estranged mother in early 2023, Aurora, she also appears on a website called New Earth Transitionary Government.
Starting point is 02:26:16 She's busy. The website is similar to the Love Has One website and states, the New Earth Transitionary Government was designed to be a blueprint for humanity as to how to connect plus collaborate as sovereign beings in order to guide humanity through the transit into new earth. The NETG is a group of beings who are awakened and will be leading the leaders of new earth. So after all that bullshit with Amy, she didn't learn her lesson. She's like, now I'm'm gonna stick around this world. As recently as 2023, Jason Castillo, Father God,
Starting point is 02:26:47 number five, the final boss, John, Father Multiverse, they were living together in Wisconsin where they started a group called Joy Reigns, still active. They post videos that don't make much sense using the names Father God and Father Multiverse. Here's the start of their most recent video from two months ago. This is where they're at. Hello children! Mother and father of all.
Starting point is 02:27:15 Huh? Love is one and joy reigns two. Okay. You got your mama Bob Luthor. He's babbles for quite a while. What's cool is it while he's singing the camera, just recording, the camera's not on him or any people. It's just recording these chipmunks eating out of a bird feeder laying in the dirt next to some scattered toys. I feel like they should probably be in a mental hospital instead of making YouTube videos. They
Starting point is 02:27:48 need help. Faith is still working as an energy healer in Colorado. That's cool. Yeah, that's good for her. That's great. Ryan Kramer aka El Moira, he moved to Florida and has amassed so far as of this recording over 40,000 followers on Telegram, a messaging app under the handle 5DFullDisclosure17, where he posts a non-stop stream of barely intelligible conspiracy memes. Fucking awesome. Amy's son Cole, not wasting his life on all this dumb shit. He studied microbiology in Germany when the documentary premiered, so that is awesome.
Starting point is 02:28:21 Her daughter Maddie also seems stable, moved to Colorado wants to be a nurse Good for them. They've overcome a lot Miguel Lambo aka Michael aka Archangel Michael father guy number two He is still missing it seems Not in contact with former members still might be living overseas somewhere with the Colts money It's probably spent at all his Facebook page hasn't been updated since 2020 and what about fucking Bobby Saltlick? What about a Marathe white? Robert Saltzgaver, aka Walking Wizard flavored beef jerky strip? Well, he's probably still in a cave. Probably in a cave made out of crystals inside of Mount Shasta, working on spells, trying to raise vibrations or frequencies of humanity. So we can all ascend out of this 3D nightmare.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Ding. Yippee! send out of this 3d nightmare. The love has one cult has been sucked. I want to hit that button again. I love it. Thank you. She was so high there. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for helping making Time Suck. Starting with Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsay Cummins. Thanks also to Logan Keith, recording this episode. Designing merch for the store at badmagicproductions.com. Get that new stuff in there. Thank you to Olivia Lee for her initial research again. Thanks to the All Seen Eyes moderating the Cult of the Curious, private Facebook page, the Mod Squad, making sure Discord keeps running smooth. And everybody over
Starting point is 02:29:41 on the Time Suck subreddit and Bad Magic subreddit. And now it's time for this week's Time Sucker Updates. He almost ended up with a serial killer for his daddy, Ret Rodriguez, uh, meat sack, sent in a subject line of, my mom dated the i-5 killer in the Golden State killer ran through her backyard Oh boy that got my attention this message as good as advertised Rhett has written Give me your best. Yep. Yep. Yah master sucker. Yeah Because I'm waiting to write this email since I first started listening to your podcast six years ago, and I'm not holding back now I mean, thanks for listening that long. My name is Rhett Rodriguez from Fresno, California.
Starting point is 02:30:27 My mom, Margaret dated the I-5 killer, Randy Woodfield. To give you a little backstory, my mom is from Visalia, California. He wrote out, yeah, Vi like his visor, as in visor, salia. You've only mispronounced it every time you've said it. Please spare my ears. I will say in my defense, your local fucking news reporters save Visalia. I've listened to them. Anyway, my mom met Woodfield in the late summer slash
Starting point is 02:30:50 early fall of 1979 at Huntington Beach in Southern California when she was 19. She says Woodfield approached her and her friends while they were at the beach started asking for my mom's number. She made it clear she wasn't interested. Even though my mom made her feelings known for him, her friends decided to give him her number anyway. Fast forward a couple months, my mom and Woodfield had talked several times over the phone, that sounds like him. Eventually decided to see the premiere
Starting point is 02:31:13 of American Gigolo together in Visalia. Woodfield drove down from Oregon, picked up my mom from my grandparents' house in Visalia. She said they had a great time together and that he was the perfect gentleman. By the time Woodfield dropped my mom off it was late. My grandparents offered him to stay the night but he said he was used to driving late, had somewhere to be in the morning. Fast forward a year. They went on several more
Starting point is 02:31:34 dates, continued to stay in touch over the phone. My mom says during the time police were closing in on him she could tell something was wrong. She was used to the random late night calls from Woodfield but she said something would change in his demeanor and when she asked him if everything was okay, he asked her to marry him. She politely said, no, you're just down on your luck. And it turns out he was arrested just a couple of days later after that phone call. The day news outlets reported Woodfield had been arrested and charged with murder, my grandpa grabbed every single letter Woodfield had written to my mom and took them to the police.
Starting point is 02:32:08 My mom says the news was a complete shock to her because he was always so nice. He was always the perfect gentleman. Looking back now my mom says the only reason she doesn't think she was assaulted or killed was because she was chubby at the time. She struggled with her weight when she was younger but now thinks it's what kept her alive. Turns out this wasn't the only close encounter my mom had with a serial killer. Five years earlier when she was 15, Joseph D'Angelo, the Golden State killer, ran through her backyard after he committed his first murder of Claude Snelling, the professor at the College of the Sequoias. She says she woke up that night to police going through their backyard. Turns out he ran into their badminton net as he ran away from the crime scene. This means
Starting point is 02:32:43 two serial killers stepped foot onto the property of my mom's childhood home, which is insane to me. And you even mention them both in the same episode. I got my mom into Time Suck six years ago, and ever since she heard the Golden State killer suck, she's asked me every week, when are you going to cover Randall? Please give a shout out to her. She's the best mom I could ask for, is always there for me, and anyone else who needs love and support, P.S. she loves it when you yell Bobby Willie. Holy shit, Rhett. Your mom is
Starting point is 02:33:08 truly lucky to be alive. Also, you need to look into your dad immediately. Check in with your local dad watch office. Have his background thoroughly investigated. Clearly something about your mom attracts serial killers. You need to prepare yourself for finding out who your dad really is. I'm guessing he's killed, I don't know, somewhere between 10 and 15 people. Fucking lower male vibrations and frequencies. Your dad might even be 2D instead of 3D. Now I want to hear from your mom.
Starting point is 02:33:33 Get your mom to write in. Bobby Willis? Bobby Willis, come in the house. Scrub Mama's front butt. Mrs. Rodriguez, please send in a message telling us about the time you first met Cocky Steel. I remember meeting you, Mrs. Rodriguez. Oh boy, howdy do I. I'm still alive and well and hard
Starting point is 02:33:49 if you want to head to Salem for a chat. But for real, thanks for sending that message, Rhett. That's fucking crazy. Two very prolific serial killers visited your mom's house. She dated one who asked her to marry him. That's a great update. Next up, an anonymous sack sending a subject line of the Jesus Stick.
Starting point is 02:34:05 Let's talk about another ass whooping. Dan, I have to tell you about the Jesus Stick. I am one of three boys in my family, the middle child and two years apart from my older and younger brother. Due to our closeness and age, we were very close growing up, which ultimately led us to fucking with one another like brothers do. We were never too physical with each other like other brothers were, however, we were craftier. One day my older brother came home from a school field trip with a walking stick. For reasons that could comprise an email of its own, it was
Starting point is 02:34:33 eloquently dubbed the Jesus Stick. Being the older brother, he immediately used the Jesus Stick to poke and prod his younger brothers. After a while, my little brother and I were able to wrestle it from him, pretty handily. We thought that would be the end of it. We thought wrong. I don't know what provoked him to do this or how he even thought of this, but the Jesus stick was about to get an upgrade. One evening, I'm minding my own business when suddenly I feel an all too familiar pinch. My older brother set a mousetrap off under my arm.
Starting point is 02:34:58 This wasn't new. So I turned around ready to retaliate, but then WAP! The Jesus stick knocked me right back down. I was shook and it took me a second to realize what was going on. I couldn't fucking believe it. My older brother had duct taped a mousetrap to the end of the walking stick. That is awesome. I cannot express how frustrating it is to not be able to retaliate to a mousetrap attack because it's taped to the end of a fucking walking stick. So simple yet so effective. We terrorized each other with this demonic contraption for years. It just so happens that we were all visiting my
Starting point is 02:35:28 parents here a couple weeks back and lo and behold I found the Jesus stick in all its glory. Naturally and drunk as shit, I snapped my little brother on the ass like we were still kids. I of course did this in front of his new girlfriend rendering him a mere Melvin and completely stick-mogging him like the gigachat I am. Thanks for keeping me entertained during the long hours of wheat harvest here in Nebraska. Not sorry for the length of this email. Three out of five stars. Wouldn't change a thing.
Starting point is 02:35:51 And if you happen to read this, please keep my name anonymous. I start my new job as a high school teacher this fall and I got to be especially careful about what I have floating around in the cyberspace. Those fucking kids can and will find anything they can on you. Kick rocks, fly kite, get bent, and God bless, teacher, farmer, meat sack. Well, anonymous teacher, farmer, meat sack, thank you for doing both of those important jobs now. We always need food and we always could use more education.
Starting point is 02:36:15 I love that you guys added a mouse trap to the end of a stick. God, I wish I would have had one of those as a kid. There were some neighbor kids I would have for sure tried that out on. Might have gotten beat up for it, but it probably would have been worth it. Yeah, thanks for cracking me up. I hope you have a great harvest this year and good luck this fall. Now for a sweet shout out request from a sweet sucker, Crystal Fleming, who wrote in with the subject line of birthday shout
Starting point is 02:36:38 out. Hello, I'm writing to request a birthday shout out. My husband Zachary Fleming is a huge fan of the podcast. We listen while we're on the road. We listen when we are on road trips. Half since early on every week when it comes out we fall asleep listening to the new episode. Oh thanks. He mentioned emailing you previously about an episode about Finland and offering advice about potential job steps to take for your son if he's interested in joining the Foreign Service or working for the State Department.
Starting point is 02:37:03 Excuse me. It would be such a fun way to surprise him as I know he will be tuning into the episode especially as it is during our home leave in the U.S. before our family moves for a job to Africa again. His birthday is July 10th. We met in high school. Then he joined the Marines. We got married.
Starting point is 02:37:19 We have just celebrated our 12-year wedding anniversary in March. I'm still trying to come up with fun surprises and gifts after 15 years. I purchased him some gifts, but this would be such a fun thing. It would put a smile on his face. I want to shout out to say something like, happy birthday Zachary. Thanks for being a phenomenal husband, amazing father to our kids and my best friend. Wishing you the best today and every day. Love you forever and always, Crystal.
Starting point is 02:37:39 Thank you, Crystal Fleming. Crystal, what a great partner, wife and friend you are. And I will assume lover as well. Hello, Zofina. And Africa, how cool is that? What an adventurous life you're living. Hope you're enjoying the hell out of it. Zachary, happy birthday! Thank you for your service.
Starting point is 02:37:54 Thanks for listening to the show. Best of luck in Africa. Hail, Nimrod. Hope you get a chance to see some amazing sights, enjoy some awesome food, and meet some wonderful people. And now one more. Holy shit, this made me laugh. Hilarious and somehow not overly traumatized sucker, Chelsea Rae writes in with the subject line of whiplash from whip outs.
Starting point is 02:38:15 Hey there. I'm a long time sucker, first time writer. I just felt like I couldn't help myself after listening to Randy and Cocky Steals Adventures last week. As I was driving into the city for work, sipping my coffee, and listening to all of Cocky Steals Adventures last week. As I was driving into the city for work, skipping my coffee, and listening to all of Cocky the sock puppet's appearances, I'm reminded of my run-in with five unwanted dick shows in four years. None of these shows were a class act, I might add.
Starting point is 02:38:35 Definitely not worthy of Mother Mary's bushes. All of them 100% creepy. But I thought, hey, why not share a few? So here's three. 2009 jam-packed, sweaty crowd in an Austin music festival. We're all just starting to dance as the band starts up. And the dude behind my group just pulls out his limp noodle to join the party. Seriously, how does that add to the mood?
Starting point is 02:38:56 2011, H-E-B parking lot. I'm 20 and waiting on an of age buddy to come out with the beer. I'm a little nervous because you know 20 and all of a sudden this guy looking a little wild and wearing a dirty green trench coat. Oh my god. Locks eyes with me through the front windshield, opens his coat to reveal he is completely naked. Almost never underage drank again just from pure shock. 2012 this one takes skill. I am driving home from a rainbow gathering, crossing through Mississippi to get back to Texas, driving for two or three hours in the rain alongside another car for most
Starting point is 02:39:31 of that time. Wow. The rain breaks and I roll my window down to circulate the car while shoving goldfish in my mouth. Right? Little goldfish crackers. I notice the car is really lagging next to me instead of just instead of the distance space we were holding before I Look over to see this guy full-on masturbating no seat belt while lifting himself up out of his seat So I can see what he's doing and he's driving like 65 miles an hour I think how long has he been doing that I choked on my goldfish in a horror and amazement and quickly rolled my windows up And safely moved away Anyways, the years have passed and I haven't seen an unwanted fellow around.
Starting point is 02:40:07 I find myself wondering, am I past the age of being flashed? Have dick pics really saved us from the in-person testy sightings? How many potential serial killers have I brushed past with? Also, how exactly would I whip my puss out in a grocery store? What would my puss puppet sound like? All questions I've spent entirely too much time thinking about today. Thank you for that. If you do happen to read this on air, could you please shout out Stan Green. He got me turned on to the suck verse and it just might be his birthday
Starting point is 02:40:36 when you read this. Well happy birthday Stan Green. Thank you Bad Magic Team for all you do. Dan for being who you are unapologetically and filling our ear holes every week with the sound of your mush mouth madness. And Lindsay keep resisting wild woman. Hail Lusifena. Chelsea Ray. Chelsea I love you. Chelsea holy shit what a great message.
Starting point is 02:40:55 That's a lot of public dick. The guy in the car kills me. I hope he fucking wrecked his car shortly after he saw him. And either took himself out or at least like mangled his dick. He sounds dangerous. That's intense. He also does sound very good at driving. He probably didn't wreck. I think I would wreck if I tried that. I don't even know if I don't know if I could jerk off like that. I don't think I'm coordinated enough. Regarding your puss. While you can't yeah
Starting point is 02:41:19 literally whip it out. You could give it that kind of whip it out gusto when you flash it right. You probably have to wear a skirt that you can kind of like rip away. I don't know what kind of skirt that is. I don't know enough clothing terms. But some kind of skirt you can rip. You know, like a like a wrestler's outfit. Like how they rip their shirts off. Something like that. Or like a Velcro cover on some shorts. Some loose shorts situation. You know, because they're gonna have to be dropped down obviously. Unless you have like a strangely high puss.
Starting point is 02:41:44 Also, probably gonna want to be dropped down, obviously. Unless you have like a strangely high puss. Also, probably gonna want to grow your pubes out. Full length. For maximum intimidation. Also, is Mother Mary's Bushes Slaying for Vagina? I hadn't heard that one. Finally, how would your puss sound? I don't know. Maybe like this. What if it's like a really, what if I made it sound really gross? Maybe like, I'm a puss. Hey, sound really gross? Maybe like I'm a puss.
Starting point is 02:42:06 Hey guy, look at me, I'm a puss. Like a really old man, masculine voice. I think it'd be funny for a puss Chelsea. Disturbing too. You should try that in the bedroom. Hey, get in here like I want some of that old dick. Get on in here. Get in this salty cave.
Starting point is 02:42:23 Hope I made you laugh like you made me laugh. And thank you for the messages, everybody. Thanks, Time Suckers. I needed that. We are dead. Thanks for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast. Scared to death and Time Suck each week. Short sucks, I don't know why I'm pausing. Nightmare fuel on the Nightmare Suck and Scared to Death and time suck each week. Short sucks, I don't know why I'm pausing. Nightmare fuel on the night of time suck and scared to death podcast feed some weeks. Still thinking about Chelsea Ray's old man puss.
Starting point is 02:42:51 Please don't look for purpose in new age conspiracy websites this week. If you're struggling for purpose, go volunteer. Walk a dog from a shelter. Visit a nursing home. Talk to seniors who have no family to visit them. Help raise money for a cause you believe in. Hop on a dating app. Go get your dick sucked. Or go get your butt sucked. Maybe roll on some good clean molly. You know you've tested for fentanyl. Don't take your thoughts, you know, new
Starting point is 02:43:16 thoughts too seriously. Put a lollipop in your mouth so you don't grind the enamel off your teeth and just keep on sucking. Formal Beadle, current Starship Captain for the Galactic Federation of Light. There was a mix-up at the meeting time regarding Mother God's ascension. Robert Williams and I got into a pretty heated argument over spaghetti and tacos, which was better. Somehow mixed up the time. If you know where Mother God is, please tell her we're ready now. And if you've seen Tom Petty or Dom DeLuise's spirits, please let them know they need to return to the ship immediately. Tupac and Kobe Bryant desperately missed them both. Take care and never forget.
Starting point is 02:44:10 Love has come. Or perhaps it's won. Love has come and won. Maybe it's... is it done? Love has done. Love has won and is done coming. Oh, I can't recall. This 3D space is hard for me to navigate now that I'm a 5D bean. It's also hard to remember my accents. British or Australian
Starting point is 02:44:32 voice. I'm mixed up. Frequencies, vibrations, you know, it's so sensitive. Take care of each other. Easy on the molly. Goodbye.

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