Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 44 - The Transgender Debate

Episode Date: July 17, 2017

What does it actually mean to be transgender? Why does one person identifying as transgender scare, disgust, or enrage so many others? Does it really matter? Listen, be entertained, and maybe gain a ...new perspective on a topic you either knew nothing about, or learn something new about a topic you know a lot about, as I throw out some Transgender info and speak with a Transgender Timesucker in the Suck's first ever interview.  To contact Erica directly, please email her at saryisworld@gmail.com  And - follow the show on Instagram to help pick the show's next bonus topic! @timesuckpodcast on Instagram. CIA experiment MK ULTRA, the Heaven's Gate Cult, or convicted hitman, Richard "the Iceman" Kuklinski

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What does it mean to be transgender? And why have people been so fired up about it for the past few years? From the hit Amazon show, transparent to the great North Carolina public restroom debate, to Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlin Jenner, to stunning female Canadian country singer, Jade Maya, who is born a boy, but transitioned to a girl at 12, to just last week actor Brian Michael Smith, who stars on Oprah Winfrey's critically acclaimed drama, Queen Sugar, he just came out as transgender. There is a lot of news about the issue,
Starting point is 00:00:28 but I think very little understanding. I know that I myself was extremely misinformed and frankly, pretty judgmental about something I really didn't know shit about is recently just a few months ago. So let's dig in. Let's look at some opinions, look at some science. Let's talk to one of our very own time suckers
Starting point is 00:00:42 who happens to be transgender and let's get sucked on the most open-minded And I think possibly the most important time suck yet Happy Monday everybody. I'm Dan Cummins. Thanks for listening once again to the suck If you haven't already check out's Vlad the Impaler Dracula bonus episode. Pretty happy, pretty happy with how that one came out. Thanks for all the I-Tune reviews, new subscriptions, new recommendations for others to listen. This show grows because of you.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I read them, I read, check out those reviews from time to time, and man, so flattering. It really helps the show. Makes me feel great, makes me look great. Makes me work even harder to make the suck a little better each week. Love it. Thanks to you, suckheads, who hit the Amazon button to at timesuckpodcast.com, to your Amazon shop and free way to donate to the show. You just click the link, shop how you normally would shop and then the show has helped out a ton that no extra charge to you. And a huge thanks to time suckers for going above and beyond this week to support
Starting point is 00:01:45 the show by stopping by the shop at TimeSuckpodcast.com, buying some signed books. Those Daddy Bear three rabbits meet the real world books. Some don't like the bear CDs that are signed. And all three generations of the Time Suck T-shirt, you know, which are made out of, you know, unicorn scrotums and qualanises and chinchilla labias, a little bit of gerboteers, just, you know, just soft shit, making that much more cush, and chinchilla labias, a little bit of gerbiltierce, just soft shit, making that much more cushy and comfy. But it doesn't make me happy to know that you care that much.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Stony stickers, gotta get those maids, still gonna get those maids, putting in a hat order this week, actually two hats working on with Anduin, the logo designer for weeks, very happy with how those have come together. And we have almost every size of each shirt in stock right now, by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And also special thanks to Erica, our shirt in stock right now by the way. And also special thanks to Erica, our guest today, for recommending today's topic, and then also for doing an interview. First one, I don't know the show, actually actually did two interviews. I'll explain that later. First before we dive into the rest of the show, let's get into this week is from Jessica Sharp. She's the time sucker who ignited the great pussy debate of time suck that occurred over the last few episodes when she wrote in about me saying pussy. And she said me another great email life. Get
Starting point is 00:03:00 portions here and there just kind of limit it that topic but but she says Dear Master Sucker, thanks for reading my email on the show. Wow. I did not expect my email to blow up into such a debate. I'm sure you got some really interesting comments. I did. Honestly, didn't even notice the the dick move comment I made and how that would be considered offensive and I guess I could have chosen my words better. To me, Colin someone to dick means they're a hyper masculine rude person who uses words like pussy to remind people that he thinks women are inferior. Now I didn't mean to say that I think you believe that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I just wanted you to see why words can be hurtful. As for people that got there or they got on there, don't tell me what not to say so box. I feel I should point out that I wasn't just correcting some random guy in the street who said the word pussy. I was giving feedback to a person in entertainment and the media industry who asked for people to ride in with their constructive criticism.
Starting point is 00:03:51 That is an excellent point. And one that I didn't think of, and one that wasn't brought up. This is a place where feedback is encouraged and your feedback matters. And I feel like I learn and grow because of feedback. I've never liked a person who just doesn't want to hear any feedback.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's like, no, I fucking know everything. I got it all figured out, okay? That's not realistic. And actually today's episode is based on some more feedback. I got feedback that also helped me grow as a person. So, I love that you pointed that out. And then Jessica says, I assume that someone asking for feedback
Starting point is 00:04:18 is okay with me explaining why something they said was offensive to me, which I was totally okay with, and could potentially be offensive to other viewers. I appreciate you voicing different opinions on your podcast. It really is a great way to show how diverse your audience is. There is nothing wrong with an intellectual debate as long as people can remain civil and not devolve
Starting point is 00:04:34 into screaming at each other, no, you're wrong. I listen to Time Suck, not only for your hilarious commentary, but also because I feel like I'm part of a community that is willing to learn new things and to change beliefs and opinions if we are presented with new and conflicting information into that, I say, fuck yes. Uh-huh. That is exactly what time is about. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's what it's about. It's a place where we can all agree, disagree, take other viewpoints into consideration, and then just get the fuck over it. You know, when you don't agree with those viewpoints. And then she finishes with, I can see where people might get upset or offended by what I said, but my opinions are just as valid as theirs. As long as we can all remember that,
Starting point is 00:05:13 I think we'll be fine. Anyways, keep on sucking. Well, you know what, I will keep on sucking. You fucking keep on sucking too. And we are all gonna be fine. We're all gonna be fine if we can, just like you said, just remember that, you know, everybody's opinion is valid. Hear it out, you don't have to agree with. If we can just like you said, just remember that you know everybody's opinion is valid here at Al you don't
Starting point is 00:05:26 agree with it. You can be annoyed by it, whatever, but at least hear it. Also Mark Rebel and several times talk about last had some comments about last week's it into the internet section where there was this jackass in that I talked about in the comment section of a Vlad the impaler video who said, Kike, and I thought it was a racial slur for Germans. The racial slur for Germans is, or one of them, is a crowd. I don't know if there's, I don't know how many there are. Maybe that is the only one for all I know. Kike is an offensive term for Jewish people. So yeah, I guess there's just too many racial slurs for me to keep track of. So the itted, I was making fun of, was actually anti-Semitic, not anti-German.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So, you know, I appreciate that, because that is a big reference. So thanks for brushing me up on my racial epithets. Also, because I love cool movies, I wanted to share this update, Time Soccer, Eric Radiker, who also manages the Time Soc shop. He says, we mess, you're just kind of here and there,
Starting point is 00:06:21 not too many, but I was checking what he does. And he sent me a link recently to a new movie in the works about the topic of the 18th episode of Time석 Charles Manson. I love a really good movie, just saw one by the way. Just saw literally a few hours ago, I saw a baby driver, there's a lot of hype about that. And you know what, fucking lived up to it. God damn it, that was a good movie.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I also see the preview for it. Holy shit, does that look scary. A lot of you know that I'm scared of clowns already. Fuck that movie, looks intense. I'm gonna see it, cause I like, I like scared the shit out of myself from time to time, but there's anyway. The Hollywood Reporter, just reported a few days ago
Starting point is 00:06:58 that Quentin Tarantino has written a script for a movie based on the infamous Manson Family Murders, Sharon Tate Murders, and he's set to direct the untitled, as of yet project frequent Tarantino producers, Harvey and Bob Weinstein are attached, and apparently Tarantino is currently finishing up the script, Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Pitt,
Starting point is 00:07:16 have already been approached, they are not attached, but you know, how exciting is that? Tarantino and some A-list talent, whether it's Cino Lawrence and Brad Pitt, it's gonna be fucking good actors. This could be a very entertaining movie. You know, if they're just getting into the works now, it's probably not going to come out and tell, you know, late next year at the earliest, but man, I would love to see Tarantino's take on a young Charles Manson. That'd be fucking great. So thanks for sending in those updates. Be at the contact form at timesuckpodcast.com. You can also just email me directly
Starting point is 00:07:46 if you want to send in feedback or send in some topics at Bojangles at timesuckpodcast.com. I've got the Bojangles handle and I'm loving it. Now let's get into today's topic. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Okay, I'm gonna kick this off by not even trying
Starting point is 00:08:06 to hide the fact that today's topic is a little bit personal. For me, some of the topics, you know, I've sucked so far, like the dark web, Mandela, Fact Bonnie and Clyde, you know, that was stuff I either hadn't heard of before at all before I started time suck, or I'd heard of it, but not really ever thought that much about.
Starting point is 00:08:21 This one's different, today is different. I've thought about gender norms and sexual preferences, you ways, pretty much for my whole life going back to slightly before puberty. And you probably have two. We all have our various ideas of what we expect to be, quote, unquote, normal. And when you hit puberty and begin to sexualize those norms are transported into the sexual sphere. What is normal to be attracted to? What is okay to be attracted to? What kind of girls can define sex? What kind of boys am I only allowed to find boys or girls sexy?
Starting point is 00:08:51 You know, what dudes are cool? Or dudes who like women or all dudes? Are gay dudes cool? Are they weak? Are they strong? What is wrong with them? Is there something wrong with them? Can it be fixed?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Does it need to be fixed? Why does that person not look like a man? Why do they not look like a woman? What does undrgyny mean? What's wrong with them? What's right with them? You know, why doesn't that woman have long hair? Why does she have leg hair or armpit hair? Why doesn't she wear a dress? Why doesn't she have a boyfriend or a husband? Why does that girl dress like a boy and only want to play with boys? Why is she into sports more than other boys? Why doesn't she ever have a crush on any of the boys? Why do you not like me and kick my ass constantly
Starting point is 00:09:25 in both track and basketball Becky? That last one was a real girl. Now what's school with? Well, we all experience a variety of questions and we all look to those around us for answers and we start to shape our worldview as kids. And I don't believe, obviously, at this price, it doesn't even need to be said,
Starting point is 00:09:40 but I'll say it anyway, that no one's born racist, no one's born xenophobic. It's all learned behavior. No one's born racist, no one's born xenophobic, it's all learned behavior, no one's born homophobic, it's a choice. And when I was growing up, I learned and I chose to be homophobic. I learned and I chose to be somewhat racist. I learned and chose to be xenophobic, culturally scared.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And now I teach my kids those same things, because I fucking like it. I encourage my kids to be as racist and as homophobic as possible at all times. White power. Wait, what? That's totally fucking kidding on the last one.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Can you imagine how be, can you imagine how be trade, you'd feel? If you've been listening to what you thought was an expiration of knowledge, of tolerance, of laughing and learning and evolving together, and then the whole time, it was really just a sick ploy by me to get you to become a white supremacist. How fucking super weird since...
Starting point is 00:10:26 How weird would that be since I can tell by Instagram accounts and emails that a very large portion of my audience is not white. But you know what, hey, if Teela Tequila can be a Vietnamese white supremacist, fucking so can you, all right? But seriously, growing up in an extremely white, extremely openly straight, little backwards-eyed hotel, you know, I definitely had some backwards beliefs growing up. I was never racist or homophobic in some big public way, never running around yelling racial or other horrible slurs, but I definitely thought, you know, and privately shared and joked around in mean-spirited ways,
Starting point is 00:10:55 about a lot of shitty things over the years. And then regarding each and every prejudice I've had, later in life, experience would change my opinion and prove me wrong. Growing up, I remember being very homophobic for a while, stereotypically straight, male, homophobic. had later in life experience would change my opinion and prove me wrong. Growing up I remember being very homophobic for a while, stereotypically straight male homophobic. The thought of two women together was fine. That was more than fine.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That was actually fantastic. It was porn, it was fantasy, never bothered me at all. But the thought of two men grossed me out, repulsed me, but kind of also made me scared somehow. Like, could I do that? What would the world think of me if I did that? Why are they fucking doing that? Well, I never found out because the end of the day I've never been sexually interested in dudes. I can openly admire the attractiveness of another man more than some of my male friends seem to be comfortable
Starting point is 00:11:35 with, but I still have no interest in just grabbing that dude's heart dick. But I was fascinated. I was weird that I had to add a heart. I wouldn't, like, as if I'm just grabbing soft dicks, left and right. Nah, I just didn't grab any kind of dicks. But I was fascinated growing up with knowing that some guys were into that. Like, why?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Why do they want to have sex with other dudes? Why would they let someone put a dick in their mouth? Why would they let someone put a dick in their ass? Like, it simultaneously grossed me out and just like fascinated me. And I was surrounded by a lot of people who believed that these gay men weren't born that way. That was another kind of thing I was raised around culturally.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I was raised to think that everybody was born straight. You know, everyone was born to be straight, just like me, but they chose some other kind of life for a variety of deviant reasons. So that got under my head at a young age. You know, I believed that homosexuals were just either just plain sick in the head, or they wanted to piss off their family,
Starting point is 00:12:25 or they had chosen some devilish path of decadence that started with homosexuality, but would surely lead eventually to beastiality and pedophilia if it didn't already. You know, and for whatever reason, I just accepted these ideas. Didn't do any research, didn't think deeply upon them, just, you know, just thought anything other than being straight was fucked up, as did everyone around me. And yes, I know today's episode is about transactuals, not homosexuality, deeply upon them, just thought anything other than being straight was fucked up, as did everyone around me. And yes, I know today's episode is about transsexuals, not homosexuality, but I didn't know about transsexuality as a kid. And I think the story I'm telling now about to get into does relate to the message of tolerance
Starting point is 00:12:57 that I'm hoping to spread with this episode. So also growing up, I had an uncle who was gay, but it wasn't really talked about in the family. He wasn't close to my dad, his my dad's brother. It wasn't really spoken much about the other uncles I had who would come into contact with them, you know, didn't really keep it that much touch with them. It was like one brother, he kind of kept in touch with mostly. But my uncle, Paul, he did actually live with us
Starting point is 00:13:18 when I was about five years old. I lived with my dad and me, my mom, and my sister, and another Uncle of mine, Uncle John. We all lived together shortly before my parents got divorced. And Paul was so young that maybe 19 or 20, maybe 21. And I remember he was way more into fashion than my dad or Uncle John.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I could see that at five. He was really into music, like really into like new wave and all that stuff. And he had fancy hair dudes all the time. His hair was always dyed or highlighted. You know, he had earrings. He dyed my hair for Halloween. Dressed me up like a little David Bowie.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Ziggy starred us kind of look. I didn't even know what gay was then. I'm not sure he'd actually officially came out to his brothers by that point, but I'm sure they knew. Like, you know, he was like, what I would say is obviously gay. Like some people, you're like,
Starting point is 00:14:01 oh, I didn't know they were gay. And some people like, oh, of course, I would have been absolutely shocked if they'd been like, no, they're straight. But anyway, my parents divorced. I moved back, moved with my mom from Anchorage, Alaska, where we'd been a few years, moved back to Rickens, Idaho. I was about seven. And I only saw a Monkle Paul one time after that, maybe three, four years later. And I moved, you know, and I was living in town where no one appeared to be gay at all. So I really wasn't around the culture. And then my dad was living just outside
Starting point is 00:14:26 of Sedona, Arizona, a few years later, one summer. My sister and I were staying with him for a few months. Uncle Paul came to visit along with his mom, my grandma Carol. And I remember then thinking, you know, that he just seemed cool. You know, he was different. He smoked, he wore cool fucking cowboy boots.
Starting point is 00:14:39 He had a fucking kind of attitude. He was sassy, sarcastic. And I also realized like he was the black sheep of the family. There was something different about him. And again, I just didn't know what it was. And then I learned years later that Paul was raised as a Pentecostal preacher's son, and he was gay. And that's a rough combo to be dealt in life.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Because he was gay, his parents would never, ever accept him for who he was. I really think about that, ever, to be never accepted by your parents for who you are. I remember I believe that all homosexuals were abominations in the eyes of God and when face the fires of hell, the flames of a turtle hell when they passed through on from this earth. And she believed that shit until she died. And so Paul, you know, he hid his lifestyle, he lived in shame, he was ostracized by his family, no one really kept him that close to touch with him. And then he also kind of fell into the Coke party,
Starting point is 00:15:26 scene of the 80s, seen that I'm sure accepted him a million times more than his own family did, and it became an addict. Not that it was totally their fault, it became an addict. A lot of that's his choices. But again, when you need somebody to accept you, which we all do, and no one around you is doing it,
Starting point is 00:15:40 it's gonna increase the odds that you're gonna fall into some fucking bad groups. And instead of asking, you know, he didn't ask a family member for help or his family once he became an addict, you know, because he don't want to explain. I'm sure who he was. And because they were ashamed of their gay son, ashamed of their gay brother, you know, and Paul just kind of did whatever it took to get the money for the drugs he needed. And that ended up being prostitution. And he ended up living in San Francisco, walking the streets from what I understand is a gay prostitute and he got AIDS And he got AIDS when a lot of people in this country still died of AIDS and
Starting point is 00:16:10 You know this early 90s in my uncle Paul did die of AIDS. He died in a San Francisco hospital bed Man of about you know almost six feet tall reduced to To a skeleton of far less than a hundred pounds and My dad who hadn't seen him in years, visited him on his literal deathbed, his mom, my grandma Carol visited him as well. And she almost got thrown out of the hospital for trying to force Paul to renounce who he was on his deathbed, begged him to say he wasn't gay.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You know, say that he accepted Jesus, so he wouldn't burn in hell. His mom rejected him right up to the very end. And he died in that hospital bed, never once accepted by his own mother. And then in the experience changed my dad. Like, you know, he'd always been, I'd say a little casually homophobic, not like aggressively homophobic, but also, you know, didn't let me get my ear pierced until I was 16. And then I had to wait until I was, I think 18
Starting point is 00:17:01 to get both ears pierced because, youced because in his mind that meant that I guess I was gay or maybe that it would help make me gay or something. He did also say later that if I was gay he would still love me. So again, not aggressively homophobic, but also weird to think that letting your son get their ears pierced is going to make him gay. And also not let him do that, which clearly is conveying a message of, you know, you don't want them to be gay. So, you know, definitely a little homophobic. You know, like most dads were in the early 90s.
Starting point is 00:17:30 That is such funny logic, you know, if you really think about it. As if letting a boy, a straight boy, get both of his ears pierced, which is somehow directly lead to homosexuality. Like, what are you doing today? I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, fooling around in her house while her parents start work.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Nice, nice. What are you doing tomorrow? I'm gonna get my ears pier, fooling around in her house while her parents start work. Nice, nice. What are you doing tomorrow? I'm gonna get my ears pierced. I'm gonna get both my ears pierced tomorrow. Sweet, it's awesome, it's awesome dude. What are you gonna do to that the day after that? Probably just find as many dicks as I can,
Starting point is 00:17:55 shove them in my mouth, cause I'll have my ears pierced. So, I guess that's what's gonna happen. Just ridiculous nonsense. Anyway, after Uncle Paul dies, my dad and I bury him in the cemetery in Riggins, Idaho. Bury his ashes in the same plot of land as his grandma. No headstone, no funeral.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Probably looking back. I doubt we even asked the cemetery if we could do this. Just my dad, a brother he barely knew the last 10 years of his life. And me and nephew, you really didn't know it all. Just digging a little hole, my great grandma's grave and putting his ashes in there. And I still get emotional sometimes when I think about that, just the pure utter fucking sadness of that, like the saddest fucking funeral.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Not even someone you fucking were close to spreading your ashes around. Just how alone he was when he died. And this is a human who was somebody's kid. My dad's brother, he was a teenager, he was a man who was rejected his whole fucking life all because he was attracted to other men instead of women. And if you're listening in your homophobic, okay, you know, you can choose to be whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But if you're listening in private and not in front of your bros or your peers who might judge you for being a little more open mind than usual, please just take a second. Really think about how fucking silly that is to reject someone as a family member as a friend because because what's because they like dick instead of vagina. Like why do some of us worry so much about that?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Worry about it like it's a disease as contagious. Like we'll be, you know, some vagina-loven dude one second and then after spending one minute too many with a gay cousin, just find ourselves in a back alley with just a line of dicks waiting for our mouths. It's just such nonsense. If you really, really think about it. You know, because why does someone else's private
Starting point is 00:19:41 sexual life matter so much? I could point to the finger at religious fundamentalism, but I think the issue is much deeper than that. I think there's plenty of atheists who are homophobic too. You know, and I think part of it is because we become so reductionary in our thoughts when it comes to homosexuality. We think of straight friends in complex ways. They're funny, hardworking, good parents, bad parents, athletic, not athletic, etc. But when we think of someone who's gay, a lot of us primarily, it's just like, that's all we think about.
Starting point is 00:20:06 They're just throwing it, they're just gay. Sexuality is somehow only their only dominant trait. I don't know why that is. You feel like, you know, character should matter so much more, you know? Because what a waste. It's not be someone's friends, not be a good brother, sister or father or mother to someone
Starting point is 00:20:21 just because they prefer something different in the bedroom. I don't know. So anyway, even after burying my uncle, I still, in my life, allowed myself to be homophobic. You know, maybe I just, I don't know, rationalized feeling sad or something in this sense of thinking that maybe he deserved it. You know, like that's what he gets. That's what you get when you choose to be gay. I remember taking that thought to college actually. A friend told me that his aunt was gay and that she and her partner went to the same church he did and it annoyed me.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And I was going to church this time and I asked him, I said, why would they even bother? Like they're gay. They're going to burn and hell anyway. I really thought that. And of course we argued because that's a fucking dick thing to say to somebody. But I didn't just say it. I believed it. As if I had some direct pipeline to God and human morality.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I fucking knew exactly where everyone was heading. You know, like a fair amount of 19 year olds, as a cocky little fuck. But then when I was in college, you know, also a little bit later after that, I came across a song of all things that changed my life forever. I'm sure you've heard it. It's just darling. I know I'm just another head on your pillow. If only just a night girl.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Let me hear you lie just a little. And tell me I'm the only man that you ever really loved Da da real love Real love Okay, that never happened and I know that went on too long that was a little real love by the one the only the white hair Jedi of soul the bar of time so Grammy winner Platinum recording hardest Michael mother fuck him McDonald's true story My dog Penny started growling on me and she almost never growls when I practiced singing that song and I still sang it horribly. It's tough rhythm for some reason.
Starting point is 00:22:08 But so you know, you're not the only one who hates getting McDonald. My dog also cannot stand it when I do that. So you're trying to take a nap and then she started growling, like very much a growl of like, Dad, just shut the fuck up. Why are you doing that? Anyway, that didn't happen. That's not what changed me. What really happened, that did change my opinions
Starting point is 00:22:27 was that I met a super cool fellow student who happened to be gay. A gay student who I became great friends with and he told me about how he just recently come out of the closet, he was so in the closet, he had a girlfriend for the last two years of high school. I asked him why he did that, if he was truly gay, like why would you ever do that if you really were gay?
Starting point is 00:22:42 And he said because he didn't wanna be gay. He was afraid, just like Uncle Paul, that if he came out, his family and friends wouldn't accept him, he'd be rejected. So he tried to force himself to like women, even though the thought of a vagina was as repulsive to him is the thought of someone else's dick is to a straight man. He felt guilty for leading the girl on, you know, a girl he did love platonically, you know, he'd make excuses as to why he wouldn't sleep with her. And then finally, you know, he couldn't live with this line anymore and he came out.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And of course, you know, she was not supportive. She hated him and probably does to this day and you can definitely see her side of that. But then, you know, he did make a bunch of new friends, found a new community where he could be himself and also found out that his family still loved him. So it worked out for him in that way. But he also discovered some new kinds of hate.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You know, I remember there were some kids he can zag, I remember talking to him the night after this happens. Some kids that didn't like who he was now. And then I guess one night, you know, he's in his dorm room and all of a sudden, like, a, basically a drunken mob. Uh, two in the morning came around his room and started screaming queer and screaming bagging it and like, pounded on his door and stuff that, you know, really, really scared him to the point that he almost transferred. He was terrified and I understood why he was scared because this all happened around the time that the Matthew Sheppard incident happened.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Where I don't know if you remember that, but Matthew Sheppard was beaten, tortured, pistol whipped, left to die of severe head injuries, which he did die. He died tied to offense by some homophobic red necks. He was tied out to offense outside of Laramie, Wyoming in 1998. And apparently, they initially just wanted to rob him, but flew into a rage when he supposedly hit on one of them
Starting point is 00:24:10 and then they found out he was gay. And then after really kind of being around all this, I just, it finally sunk in. Like I finally realized how fucking stupid it was to hate someone so much for something that has nothing to do with you. You know, it was like I really woke up from the silliness of my feelings on this issue for the first
Starting point is 00:24:26 time and I went on to have more gay friends. Without fail, they always told me that they knew on some level who they really were from a very young age. It wasn't as I was taught a choice to want to be gay, which is something that they felt it's very strongly that they were born with. And I believe that as well now. Why would someone choose to invite extra ridicule into their life, to ridicule being homosexual or trans, sexual has historically entailed. And then I studied
Starting point is 00:24:50 psychology, ended up getting the degree in psychology, studied sexuality academically, and came to believe that being born gay was no different than being born straight, or white, or male, or female, or black, or Asian, or what the fuck ever. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to live our lives, trying to find love, happiness, value, respect, some common ground with our family. And then gradually, as I traveled the world, you know, a bit doing some stand-up, I let go with some other ignorant prejudices. I had about sexual orientation, about race, you know, ignorant fears of different cultures. I still think some cultural aspects of some cultures like racism or misogyny are fucked
Starting point is 00:25:21 up in ignorant, but I'm much more tolerant. And I'm a much more tolerant version of myself than I was 20 or 10 or even five years ago. And then after all that, after all this evolving, the transgender debate comes around and I go right back to my old ways. When I first heard about the whole transgender thing,
Starting point is 00:25:39 my initial thought was being totally honest, just what the fuck? This is too much. This is too much. This is too much. I understand being born straight or gay or black or white as being born as a man or woman, whatever. But now you think we're born the wrong gender. Now you wanna involve a surgeon.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Now you're cutting off your dick. This is fucking crazy. This is mental illness. What next? People are gonna say that they were born a man, but they should have been a golden retriever. And we're gonna start getting species reassignment surgeons. I remember thinking all these thoughts. Bruce Jenner came out as Caitlin,
Starting point is 00:26:11 and that actually made me mad as if he personally did something to me. As if it affected my life in some real way, which it didn't, and I was thinking stuff like, I have no problem with either one of my kids being gay, I don't care at all, but I remember thinking that if my son wants to be a girl or my daughter wants to be a dude, I was like, no, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It's too much. It's too weird. I'm not cool with that. And then something woke me up once more. I came across Michael McDonald's 1991 hit. I'm just fucking with you. How annoyed were you just first second there when you thought I was gonna sing another Michael McDonald's song. No, what happened was I read an email from a time-sector. I'm not gonna read her full name, but her first name is Erica. And she wants
Starting point is 00:26:57 me, you know, she's to respect her privacy. I understand why, but I just got an email from Erica and who we're gonna talk to here soon. And the subject line asked, why is O and he dressed in women's clothing, a tagline for psychos? And here's what the email said, it said, hey, master sucker, starting off, please don't read this letter on time suck unless you really feel like opening the can of worms
Starting point is 00:27:18 that is transgender topics to an audience that may or may not be hostile to it. Well, you know what, I fucking trust you guys. So I'm reading it and we're doing this topic. I wouldn't want you losing viewers because of the inherently, inherently political nature of my existence. I'm transgender, I am a woman, I have to struggle to get the world
Starting point is 00:27:35 to accept that sometimes, but nonetheless, to who I am. I honestly have no problem with the way you mention cross-dressing or possible trans people on your podcast. It's always an account given by another source and it comes up naturally in the list of other quote unquote odd things people do. But every time I hear another tagline halfway through a description of a person with questionable mental health and it's mentioned that they like to dress in women's clothing, it pisses me off at the general attitude of the world because it comes up on every other podcast. Marilyn and Roe episode, The Kennedy Brother, Colligula, Half the Serial Killers and I'm sure I'm forgetting
Starting point is 00:28:04 others. You dig into weird topics and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. You dig into weird topics and I live a weird life, and this is a funky intersection of the two. From your point of view, why the hell is cross-dressing a tagline for crazy people? Those people all had sex and probably explored different sexual experiences too. I don't think that's any weirder. It's all exploration of gender. I'm riding this at 130 a.m. and you can feel free to ignore this email.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Naturally, I have no power over the mighty sucker Oh, sorry over the master's sucker But it's been the only thing bugging me about the topics you cover since I started listening I've listened to every podcast and I love the show and then she signs off her name followed by AKA that transgender person the media says everyone should be scared of and then I realized that I was scared of transgender as well Right, I was scared of the debate and I suddenly felt like a fucking old fool. You know, like, I'm like, why am I threatened in any way by someone else's gender identity? Why does that matter to me? And we started emailing back and forth. And then I decided that the issue
Starting point is 00:28:57 of being transgender was one I had to explore. I had to educate myself and you know, and hopefully educate others. And I told Erica, my new friend, that I was gonna do this episode. But I wanted to wait a bit. Hope the listenership will continue to grow. Hope I can get the show into some more ear holes. And listenership has grown. And I really hope a lot of time suckers
Starting point is 00:29:16 listen to this episode. And I also decided to do my first ever interview on time suck by interviewing, you know, who else but Erica, a time sucker, just felt right. And I also took her suggestion to read a book to get my head around what it means to be transgender, a book called Gender Outlaws, the Next Generation by Kate Bernstein and S. Bear Bergman. And it's fantastic. Before I call Erica, today, I want to explain
Starting point is 00:29:38 as best I can, kind of what it means to be transgender and to spell some myths because I didn't know. Maryam Webster defines transgender as of relating to or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex of the person had. This differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth. Of relating to or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex, the person had or was identified as having a birth transsexual. Transsexual is defined by Maryam Webster as of relating to or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having birth at birth
Starting point is 00:30:16 as well. Note transsexual people may or may not undergo surgery in hormone therapy to obtain a physical appearance typical of the gender they identify as. Now both jangles defines transgender and transactual as whatever he chooses to do behind closed doors with three legs, one eye, and huge pitbull dick, and it's none of your goddamn business. And if you want to call him tranny or any other slur, good luck saying it to his fucking face because both jangles
Starting point is 00:30:40 is rumored to have slept with hundreds of pitbulls, most of whom were thought to have been female, hundreds of human women, a list that includes Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, Jenna Jamison, Lindsey Lohan, Oprah Winfrey, Selena Gomez, all of the Dixie chicks. He's also rumored to have slept with several male grizzly bears, more as a display of power, and a test of his abilities to submit any creature to his will than anything overtly sexual. He's also slept with at least two human males, Chuck Norris and Michael Motherfucker, Michael Motherfucker, McDowell, for reasons he doesn't want to get into. But seriously, both transsexual and transgender
Starting point is 00:31:12 are relatively new terms. Transgender is first known usage occurred in 1974, transsexual is first known usage occurred in 1957. And really thinking about these terms, I think what always threw me off about, and I'm just gonna focus on transgender's, the one word, is I wanted it to be one thing. I really didn't understand what the hell it was about
Starting point is 00:31:31 for so long, so I'm like, wait, is it a dude who wears dresses? Is that what transgender is? And then I would hear, especially talking to Erica, like, yes, okay, is it a guy who now has surgery and now has a vagina instead of penis? Yes, okay, well, wait, is it a guy who now has surgery and now has a vagina instead of penis? Yes. Okay, well, wait, is it a guy who has like breasts from hormones, but also still has a penis?
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yes. And I was like, wait, how could it all be all these things? It's just a spectrum. So if you're born straight male, what I, never mind, let me take it back. If you're born male, but you identify in any way with wanting to be all over part of a different gender, whether it means like wanting to be able to, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:12 cross dress here and there publicly or want to get a surgery and become biologically woman or want to always wear women's clothing and be taken in the public eye as a woman but not have the surgery. And actually, a lot of other nuances, it's all the spectrum of transgender. So that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And while I'm sure I heard those terms, you know, before at some point in my life, I definitely heard the term, tranny, never totally understood with that many there. I don't remember ever really thinking about what it meant to be transgender on any level until 2014. And that's when Amazon came out with a critically acclaimed comedy drama series transparent, starring the incredibly talented Jeffrey Tambor, that he's a hilarious dad from arrest development,
Starting point is 00:32:53 and he starts his father who comes out to his grown children and he is transgender. And I'd have more to say about it, but sadly, I haven't watched a show yet. Not because it doesn't sound good, there's just too many other good shows out there. And because I keep forgetting, honestly, that Amazon has original programming, I keep forgetting that Amazon is the thing I can watch, even though I personally have a program on Amazon now. I have a special call Don't Wake the Bear. And I forget that I only have my, oh yeah, I could even watch my own thing. Not that I would watch that, but you know what I mean. So I haven't seen the show, but it did get me, it did get me to start thinking
Starting point is 00:33:24 about what it means to be transgender. And then in 2015, the issue of being transgender became one of the hottest topics in the country that April, everyone was talking about it when Caitlin Jenner came out to the world. In April 2020, interview with Diane Sawyer, Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic de-Cathalon gold medalist, the 1976 AP male athlete of the year, 1980 inductee into the US track and field hall of fame, the man who appeared one of the Year, 1980 Inducty, into the U.S. track and field hall of fame. The man who appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated, Playgirl, and a box of Weedies announced to the world at 66 years old that he was now going to be
Starting point is 00:33:53 referred to as Caitlyn Jenner. And then Caitlyn posed for the July 2015 cover of Vanity Fair, and then the E Channel began airing eight hour-long episodes of a new series called IMKate, and I wanted to fucking throw up. Because I thought, is there fucking nothing the Kardashians won't do for attention. Jesus, what like ratings got low for their little bullshit, we're famous because we're famous media empire and so they convinced Bruce to cut his dick off. Now at the time, Caitlin had not undergone gender reassignment surgery.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So she didn't actually cut her dick off her fame. She does now no longer have a penis. She has gone under gender reassignment surgery and from reading various articles, it doesn't appear like she did this for attention, which would be so fucked up. Like can you imagine if you were that desperate to be famous that when your reality shows ratings got low, even though you were a straight dude who loved your dick,
Starting point is 00:34:44 you decided to cut it off, have facial reconstruction surgery, get breast implants, have hormone therapy, just to stay in the public eye. Oh my God. Anyway, apparently Caitlin had wanted to go public for many years, going back to when she was Bruce and Bruce was a famous athlete,
Starting point is 00:35:01 but was just afraid of the public backlash because he's a male sports icon. So I don't know. And then in 2016, the transgender discussion and debate heated up even more with the great North Carolina bathroom debate. And that's when I really started really talking about it with other people. And this is when the transgender people were allowed to go number one, if you recall, but not number two in
Starting point is 00:35:26 North Carolina's public restrooms. That's what that whole debate was about. They were allowed to pee but not poop in in various bathrooms. No, that's not what that's about. How weird an interesting would it be though if that's what it was about? Like how fun would it be to watch lawmakers be okay? Like just discussing just to watch some discusses like they're okay with transgender people using whichever You know bathroom they they identify with, gender wise, but by God, they're not gonna be taking a shit in those bathrooms, you know? Just watch them on the, on the Senate floor.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yes, Senator Dick Richardson, you have the floor. Thank you, Senator Richard Pickletickler. I don't know about all of you, but I'm not about to stand by and allow people, bonus men, people, bond to have pale, hairy pale hairy butt talks people born to take great big full-pound beef and cheese burrito size Shits and then allow them to clog the toilets of our great states lady rooms. No, sir No, sir. Let them piss on the occasional seat Let them wash them man hands in the lady's sinks, but they will be no defecating
Starting point is 00:36:23 There will be no Cleveland steamers, dropped in Charlotte's sweet lady's stall, which is my name isn't Richard Pickleticla. Now, now what happened, what actually happened was some legislation was passed. North Carolina passed House Bill 2, the public facilities privacy and security act in early 2016,
Starting point is 00:36:40 instituting a statewide policy that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex. Now then in response to this, the NBA decided to take away Charlotte's bid to hold the NBA All-Star Game in 2017. And then just a few months ago, the NBA allowed Charlotte to host the 2019 NBA All-Star Game when North Carolina partially repealed the bill just as past spring. As when Governor Roy Cooper signed the measure into law saying for over a year now house bill
Starting point is 00:37:09 two has been a dark cloud hanging over our great state. It has stained our reputation. It is discriminated against our people and it has caused great economic harm in many of our communities. Cooper said the new law is not perfect. It is not my preferred solution. And then he said that he wanted a law that added protections for LGBTQ, which stands for Lesbian Gay, bisexual, transsexual, and queer, North Carolinians, but said that there wasn't enough public in sport to get that past to the legislature. And then fierce criticism remains about the repeal from LGBTQ groups, which say the new bill, which eliminates rules about who can use which restroom, but retains other features, such as still allowing for discrimination against transgender
Starting point is 00:37:48 people, because the repeal effectively maintained a key feature of HB2 by leaving regulation of bathroom access solely in control of the legislature. It prevents local governments until December 2020 from passing or amending their own non-discrimination ordinances relating to private employment and public accommodations. So basically until at least 2020, North Carolina bathroom still can discriminate against transgender people by not allowing them to use the bathroom that they associate with and identify with.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So why is it a big deal to allow transgenders to use the bathroom with the gender they've chosen to identify with? Well, if you were transgender and you are identifying just to see one side of it, and you're identifying as a woman, and you believe that yes, you were not biologically born a woman, but you are a woman, that is who you feel in the depths of your soul
Starting point is 00:38:36 that you are, and then now society is telling you, you don't get to use the woman's bathroom. I can see and hopefully you can see how that would be offensive if that's what you believe. Now the belief against it, the main argument I've heard is that opening up the bathroom in locker rooms to transgender users will open up a flood of basically male sex fiends into women's bathrooms. Like there's just, there's all these dudes that have just been waiting for this opportunity. Like all the sudden, dudes of all shapes and sizes are just going to be hanging out in women's bathrooms in locker rooms just, you, just taking pictures of women's piss in and jerking off in the stalls and raping women
Starting point is 00:39:07 in the locker room, just left and right. I really do remember hearing the most insane arguments made about all this. Now full disclosure, when all this was coming out in the news last year, I still couldn't wrap my head around why anyone would want to even get a sex change, and I did think it seemed crazy. But I did. Also, I never thought bathroom and locker usage would lead to more sex crimes.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And here's why. Because first off, it's not like anyone was considering allowing dudes to start jerking off in my most restrooms or to start taking photos there. That would still be illegal. And people who are willing to do that, they're not just gonna wait for a bathroom opportunity. They're just gonna try and do it anyway. Like they're not basically like,
Starting point is 00:39:47 so what is the argument, right? That it's gonna lead to all these new crimes, you know, it doesn't make any sense because that's supposed that there's already a bunch of people out there waiting to, you know, taking decent pictures or waiting to rape or waiting to molest, but they're not doing that currently
Starting point is 00:40:02 because they don't have access to the bathrooms or the locker room. Like that's the one fucking thing that's been holding them back. You know, just easy access to bathrooms and locker rooms is the only thing keeping them from raping and just fingering the fuck out of everyone they can get their hands on.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That's idiotic, you know? And especially like, think about women's bathrooms. There's no urinals, so it's not like some pervert dude is gonna see anything anyway. You know, and no one's gonna see him in his stall, flapping his dick around. And if they do, they would just call the police. He would just be arrested.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So where is the harm? And finally, there's just zero statistical evidence to back up any claims that allowing transgender bathroom access is gonna lead two sex crimes happening in these bathrooms. I actually googled, does transgender bathroom access lead to rape? Because, you know, why not? Over the course of this podcast,
Starting point is 00:40:49 my Google search history has become just completely entirely fucked. And I came across a May 2016 article in Time Magazine that really broke it down. And it said, among other things, it said, New York City has banned discrimination based on gender identity for more than a decade in its bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:41:03 California has affirmed the rights of K through 12 students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms. They align with their gender identity for years. Advocates say that while there are some past examples of heterosexual men dressing up like women to gain access to women's spaces, there's no record of that behavior,
Starting point is 00:41:20 increasing when there's LGBT non-discrimination laws in the books. So you see, I'm saying it's like, these dudes were doing it anyway. Some dude who really wants to see in the women's bathroom or a locker room, he's just gonna dress up like a woman and just fucking sneak in there. It's no law.
Starting point is 00:41:34 He's not waiting for it to be legal on some level. You know, that's what he needs. And then they said in this thing, we have so many places that do prohibit discrimination where this has never come up, says the Equality Federation for Becca Isaacs. This is a red herring. So this is nonsense.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Police and school officials say they haven't seen it either. Media matters, a liberal media watchdog has asked state leaders, law enforcement and school officials in places where with these protections, whether they've seen any increase in sexual assault or rape after passing these laws. And they repeatedly have said they haven't. We have not seen that at Des Moines Police Department spokesman told the outlet in 2014, I doubt that's gonna encourage the behavior.
Starting point is 00:42:10 If the behavior's there, sexual predators are gonna believe, as they're gonna, or excuse me, are gonna behave as they're gonna behave no matter what the laws are, which is exactly what I said. If there's a fucking molester or rapist, he's gonna sneak in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:42:23 whether it's legal or not. It's making it legal isn't gonna open up the floodgates. The nation's leading organization dedicated to stopping violence against women, the national task force to end sexual and domestic violence, signed a letter saying that the argument is a myth, saying these initiatives utilize and perpetuate the myth that protecting transgender people's access to restrooms
Starting point is 00:42:41 and locker rooms, and dangers, the safety, or privacy of Others. As rape crisis centers, shelters, and other service providers who work each and every day to meet the needs of all survivors and reduce sexual assault and domestic violence throughout society, we speak from experience and expertise when we state that these claims are false. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:43:03 It's a myth. Whether or not you want to believe it's a myth, it is a myth. A myth that gets tossed around in political circles as if it's back like Bill O'Reilly, who said in May 2016, if you have a young daughter, you should be accepting of the fact that a transgender boy could shower next to her after an athletic exposition. That is insane. And knowing to people, you know, people like myself, you know, would hear something like that and think, wait, that is fucking insane. And millions of people, you know, people like myself, you know, would hear something like that and think, wait, that is fucking insane. Side note, I've always hated Bill O'Reilly.
Starting point is 00:43:30 So while I may have agreed in some moments with some of his thoughts, I'm embarrassed by now, never liked that guy. This guy has no sense of humor about himself. Always comes across to me like a condescending, or condescending, hate-mongering bully. But anyway, is it insane? Is letting a transgender boy who identifies as a girl
Starting point is 00:43:46 shower with your daughter any more insane than allowing her to shower with other girls? Some of whom statistically will later identify as lesbian. Is it any more insane to let a girl who identifies as a boy shower with your son as it is to let your boy shower around other boys? Some of whom statistically will grow up and identify as gay. All right, so let's take this to the adult level. We don't want men going into women's bathrooms
Starting point is 00:44:09 because of what? Some sexual fear? Well, lesbian women are already using women's bathrooms. Right, so there already exists an atmosphere of sexuality in these bathrooms. It's already there. You know, and there are also already humans attracted to dudes. Man attracted to dudes using the men's bathrooms. Why are we suddenly afraid something sexual is going to happen in a place, again, that is already filled with potential sexuality. To use a personal example, my college roommate came out of the closet after we were roommates for a year, and I changed in front of him numerous times. And you know
Starting point is 00:44:45 what? Nothing happened. Never once. When I was bent over, grabbing some clean boxers, did he just run over and just start fucking me or, you know, sucking on me? Now he's a real prude that way. Now, but seriously, you know, we're already around this stuff. So let's stop kidding ourselves. We're not adding further danger by giving transgender people bathroom access. Okay. So, before I introduce my guess, which we are going to get to here very soon, let's dig into some other myths. One, is there a link between, and again, sometimes I use homosexual in this because there just isn't the data on transgender, but I think people make the same arguments about both transgender and homosexuals. So, is there a link between homosexuality
Starting point is 00:45:24 and pedophilia? Well gay people have often been portrayed as a threat to kids. Back in 1977, when a need a Bryant campaign successfully to repeal a dayed county Florida ordinance prohibiting anti-gay discrimination, she named her organization Save Our Children. And she warned that a particularly deviant-minded gay teacher could sexually molest children, to say, and people like, yeah, that sounds right. One recent year's anti-gay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters as well. This argument was made in debates about the Boy Scout of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scout masters.
Starting point is 00:45:58 More recently, in the wake of Republican Mark Follies resignation from the US House for representatives in 2006, anti-gay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this claim. It's also been raised in connection with scandals about the Catholic Church's attempts to cover up the abuse of young males by priests. Indeed, the Vatican's early response to the 2002 revelations of widespread church cover-ups of sexual abuse by priests was to declare that, you know, gay men shouldn't be ordained. Now know, that's why these kids are remalesced because they had gay priests. Because, you know, gay priests are just pedophiles. Not again, nonsense.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And in a 1970 national survey, more than 70% have responded to greed with the assertion that homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children. Well, researchers recently reviewed, just a couple years, and last couple years, they reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexual abuse children's scene in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And the molester was gay or lesbian, a gay or lesbian adult, and fewer than 1% of the cases, in which an adult molester could be identified. In another approach to studying adult sexual attraction to children, some Canadian researchers observed how homosexual and heterosexual adult men responded to slides of males and females of various ages. You know, child, pubescent, mature adults, all of the research subjects were first screened
Starting point is 00:47:20 to ensure that they preferred physically mature sexual partners. In some of the slides shown to subjects, the model was clothed, and others, here she was nude. The slides were accompanied by audio recordings. The recordings paired with the nude models described an imaginary sexual interaction between the model and the subject. The recordings paired with the pictures of cloth models described the model engaged in neutral activities, like swimming, to measure sexual arousal, changes in the subject's penis volume,
Starting point is 00:47:46 or monitored, while they watch the slides and listen to the audio tapes. So while the researchers found that homosexual males responded no more to male children than heterosexual males responded to female children. So, you know, in each of these studies, they fail to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual males to molest kids, or to be sexually attracted to kids, or adolescents as opposed to adults. So again, there you fucking have it. Zero link. Zero link between sexual preference with gender and a tendency to be a sexual predator. And I bring this stuff up again to rebuff the sexual deviancy slippery slope type arguments, which I have heard.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Well, if you start letting them do that, then it's going to lead to fucking this and pretty soon some kids are going to be fucked. Well, now it turns out that they're not going to be fucked anymore than they're already being fucked by his straight predators. You know, transgender and-or homosexuality is not some gateway to like Nambla or some shit, which by the way is the North American man boy love associates. I don't even fucking understand how it's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:48:48 It's a pedophile advocacy group whose members in my opinion need to be rounded up and then dropped on our deserted island with no way to survive other than resorting to candle a little bit of the Lism and they can eat each other off the fucking planet. Anyway, on to Beastieality. Is there a link between pedophile or excuse me homosexuality and B.C. Alley. And again, I know this sounds outrageous, but I bring it up because numerous people I have heard tried to make this link over the years. Well, if you can't fucking let men have sex with men, what's next? You can let a man marry a man? What are you gonna
Starting point is 00:49:17 fucking let him marry his dog next? Fuck his dog? No, there's no link. 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson, he tried to link homosexuality to both Nambla and Beastiality in various rhetoric he made along the campaign trail. I mean, this is just, this is very recent and there's zero evidence that homosexuals or transgenders want to fuck animals any more than straight people do. And the argument of legalizing gay marriage leading to the legalization of Beastiality is embarrassing. Any lawmaker trying to link those two should be forbidden
Starting point is 00:49:45 from being allowed to be in politics of any kind ever again. Because homosexual marriage still involves consenting adults. It's still a consensual agreement. Transgender marriage is consenting adults. Consent is impossible with an animal that doesn't speak any human language. They can't consent. End of argument.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Next myth. Another myth is that gay parents create gay kids and this I've heard a lot You know like the gay people shouldn't a lot of be allowed to adopt because they're gonna they're gonna just turn their kids gay And again, it's nonsense, you know Like like some kid who would otherwise be straight who was born straight would just be turned gay by his upbringing and then according to the southern Poverty Law Center and the American Psychological Association by his upbringing. And according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Psychological Association, no scientifically sound study has ever definitively linked sexual orientation or identity with parental role modeling or childhood sexual abuse, which leads us to another
Starting point is 00:50:36 myth that homosexuals were just molested. That's why they became gay because they got diddled and it made them gay somehow. Again, again nonsense. The American Psychiatric Association, noted in a 2000 fact sheet available on the association of gay and lesbian psychiatrists that dealing with gay, lesbian and bisexual issues that sexual abuse does not appear to be any more prevalent among children who grow up and identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, then in children who grow up and identify as heterosexual. So there you go. There's just no studies that back up any of these crazy claims. And then another another thought is that being transgender is a mental illness. Well, that's changing. In 2017,
Starting point is 00:51:18 just this year, Denmark became the first nation in the world to officially remove transgender from a list of recognized mental illnesses. Also, the American Psychology Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM, its Bible for Diagnosing Mental Illnesses, removed gender identity disorder from its list of mental disorders with the fifth win, the fifth edition was published in 2013. It declassified homosexuality, by the by the way is mental disorder in 1973. So you know, the thoughts are changing on this. As the evidence and studies are being done, more and more people are realizing that it's not actually mental illness.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I've also heard a lot of chatter regarding like, well, why is all this happening now? You know, if these conditions are not mental disorders and they've been around, why haven't we been talking about them for the last few hundred years? Like why is this coming to our attention right now all of a sudden? You know, because they're definitely that argument of like, well, it's good, you know, you allowed this to happen and now this has happened and fucking you wait You see where it's gonna go next like we're just creating all of this Why have a simple answer for why it hasn't happened before in this way in its fear? Society didn't allow these things to be discussed openly previously
Starting point is 00:52:28 There were more severe repercussions than exists today. I mean, there's still an atmosphere of violence around some of these issues. People are still murdered over them, but not on a scale that it used to happen. You know, laws and codes prohibiting homosexual practices were enforced in Europe from the fourth to the 20th centuries. Muslim countries had similar laws in the beginning with the beginnings of Islam in the 7th century up to and including the present day.
Starting point is 00:52:48 You know, openly homosexual people were often killed, were often hanged or burned as a stake for being heretics. You know, during the Middle Ages the Kingdom of France and the city of Florence, you know, and stated the death penalty for homosexuality. And one of many examples, in Florence some young boy named Giovanni, the Giovanni, same first and last name, interesting, was castrated and burned between the thighs with the red hot iron by court under this law. That sounds like some flabby and paler shit. Punishment continued into the Renaissance,
Starting point is 00:53:16 spread to Switzerland, other places, some night-richered von Hohenberg died in 1482 when he was burned to stake, together with his lover, his young squire, France, French writer Jacques Chasson, who was burned alive for attempting to seduce the son of a novelman, not can burn alive. Jesus, and on and on and on. There's just a few of many, many, many, many examples. In England, the Buggery Act of 1534 made Sodomy and B. Stiality punishable by death. The act was replaced in 1828, but Sodomy remained punishable by death under the New Act until
Starting point is 00:53:47 1861, and people were still executed for Sodomy as recently as 1835. Much of the Middle East, consensual sex between two adults at the same sex is still not only a crime, but also still punishable by death. Still punishable by death in the countries of K, Yemen, Brunei, Iran, all together 72 countries in the world still criminalize consensual sexual acts between adults the same gender. And obviously, gay and transgender people are still being killed today for being gay or transgender in a lot of other countries, just not necessarily legally.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It hasn't been that long since Matthew Shepard think about the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando. It happened just over a year ago. When 49 people were killed in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. All right, so almost to the interview part of this episode, I promise, but before we talk to a wonderful time-sucker who happens to be transgender,
Starting point is 00:54:38 I wondered how many people in the US are also transgender? Well, UCLA's Williams Institute estimates that there are 1.4 million Americans who are transgender translating to 0.6% of the overall population. In the study, 80% of participants were transgender women. Those who had been assigned the male sex at birth, but identify as female. The participants reported becoming aware they were transgender at a mean age of five years old. Which kind of goes back to what I was saying earlier about, you know, like
Starting point is 00:55:08 the gay friends I had made where they always, you know, would tell me when I came up that they knew at an early age who they were. More than three quarters of participants, 76% reported experiencing social rejection related to their feelings about gender, most commonly by family members. And nearly two-thirds said they had been a victim of violence related to their gender identity. Two-thirds. A separate 2012 study found that 57% of transgender youth who did not have supportive parents attempted
Starting point is 00:55:35 to commit suicide in the past year, while just 4% of transgender youth were with very supportive parents did. And this last study leads me to a message written in by a time-sucker named Taylor who wrote in, correcting me also on the Kijk-slash-Krout or error earlier in the updates. And Taylor said, I'm a really conservative person
Starting point is 00:55:54 and a huge fan of the podcast. But if you don't, at least ask the question about the high rates of suicide in the transgender community, it's going to come across as a liberal circle jerk. If you don't know, there are two groups with similar suicide rates as transgenders. Jewish people living in Nazi Germany and the clinically insane. So unless they're being treated as horribly as Jews were by Hitler, there may be something wrong, which is no big deal to me, but it has to be addressed for any real discussion things
Starting point is 00:56:18 for all you do. Well, thank you, Taylor. I do appreciate you writing in. I appreciate it very much. And I know I'm kind of sneaking in another time-soccer update, but it's important. Well, I did think about like, you know, is it a mental illness? And I've definitely had that thought before. According to a new study published Tuesday in the Journal of the Lancet Psychiatry,
Starting point is 00:56:37 social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress. As opposed to the distress, being solely the result of being transgender, that distinction matters because it has implications for how transgender people are treated in healthcare
Starting point is 00:56:54 as well as how they are viewed in society. So you hear what I'm saying? Basically, it's not the mental illness that's leading transgender people to attempt or commit suicide. It's not like identifying as transgender also means you're just inherently gonna wanna kill yourself. What makes you wanna kill yourself
Starting point is 00:57:13 is an extremely high rate of family and societal rejection. And to use the Jewish thing that was brought up, while there isn't the same level of intolerance towards transgenders that there was towards Jewish people in Hitler's Germany, we aren't at the end of the day, herd animals. And if you grew up feeling like there was no herd that you could ever accept you and your own family's rejected you, you're going to feel suicidal.
Starting point is 00:57:35 And there's a big, also a big difference between being Jewish in Hitler's Germany and being transgender today while the Nazis wanted to and did execute many Jewish people. Obviously, we all know that. Unless you're a Holocaust and I are, then you're on a level of fucking idiocy comfortable to flat earth believers. The Jewish people still had each other while they were persecuted.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Small consolation, when you're fucking being killed, living on hell on earth, but psychologically important nonetheless. But imagine being some transgender kid in some little town, maybe a little town like Riggins where I grew up, a town where there is no local LGBTQ, yeah, LGBTQ community, she's at all a town where your family doesn't wanna hear it.
Starting point is 00:58:14 The rest of the town mocks you or worst if you come out as you are. That's just such a different level of being despised and ridiculed and I can't even really imagine. And that's obviously I think gonna be enough to make you wanna to kill yourself. Like if you're literally no one in your entire fucking community wants anything to do with you at all, that's why I think the suicide risk is there.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Okay, so now that I've thrown out a lot of info, let's get personal. Let's talk to our guests about one person's experience of living in the US right now while identifying as being transgender. Okay, okay. Oh, man, I am talking with Erica, our guest, and we've actually been talking for about 40 minutes, but because I'm a moron, I didn't hit the record button twice. And so we just did an extended warm-up where we got to know each other really. Erica, I am so sorry for that. Thank you for not only agreeing to be on the show, but for agreeing to continue talking
Starting point is 00:59:19 after we've already been talking. And you are how old? I am 27 years old. Okay, 27 years old and I know that again, we just talked about this, but you it's okay, you can call me young again. You're very young. That's right. That's right. You are very, very young and you did not publicly identify with you know as being transgender until it, was it 21 you said? Yes, I was, I was 21 years old before I allowed myself to begin to transition.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Wow, yeah, that's right. And then, but you said that you knew from a very early age that you didn't feel comfortable with your biological gender. And then your mom also knew from when you were a young age that she didn't know, I guess, probably what it was, but that there was something different. Yeah. You know, even from when I was, when I was 10 or younger, I was in the fact that I had to cut my hair. I would resent the fact that I had to wear very specific clothes.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I would always be upset when I was told to go play with certain groups of kids, not even like just go play with the boys, but that I wasn't encouraged to go play with people I felt comfortable with, which was often for girls. But okay, so you were not allowed to be and then we talked about that before where When so you're your I don't know 20 years old 21 I guess that but you meet somebody online The lead to your you know public identification and I think this is really cool You met them as you said in like you also do fiction writing you met them in a not on some dating sites Online but in a in a writing forum.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yep, I've actually both of my significant others who have lasted for a while. I've met on unexpected ways. So the first was a writing role play forum. So, you know, people would pick a character and then you construct a novel style story. Oh wow, okay, cool. Yeah. And then my wife, Garlie Mary-Due, she had posted a poem on Craigslist. A poem? Yeah, like not a single's ad. Right, right, right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It was just like, hey, want to talk for three years about this? And that's what happened. So. No wait, was that in the post? That was on the Craigslist ad? Was do you wanna talk about this poem for three years? No, that was my basic response to it.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Oh, okay, that makes more sense. I thought I'm like, this sounds a little different where someone just puts a poem and they're like, hey, who wants to talk for three years about my poem? And you're like, you're like, I do. I want to talk. Yes. I want to be your internet stock. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:12 So you met somebody and you met your first significant relationship. You met Nevada. Right. Move to Nevada to be with her. And in the process of getting to know her and, you know, exploring our relationship, little things would come up that she would ask why I was so scared of them. Because for the first 20 years of my life, I had built an identity for myself and that identity did not allow any compassion or acceptance for breaking gender norms. Right, because you said previously that you actually were like aggressively opposed
Starting point is 01:02:52 to the idea of transgender, I thought they were disgusting. Yeah, I didn't go out and do anything about it, but I was writing those douchebags who's kind of like, oh gross, like, why can't you dress the way that I want women to dress? Right, right. like, why can't you dress the way that I want women to dress? Right, right. So you weren't wearing like a rose before Ho's t-shirts, but you had the inner thoughts of, okay, okay. I have the inner demons of something douchebag white. Right, okay, okay, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:03:20 So you're in this relationship with somebody, and I think this is important to note too, just don't forget details from before Who was bisexual now, but I forgot to ask earlier did you know when you go to Nevada? Are you guys living together or just kind of taking trips to see each other? We had lived we when I moved to Nevada. We lived close to each okay, so you live okay? I picked an apartment so that I could see her often. Okay, so you moved to Nevada for this person for her and and live. I was I was moving away from a
Starting point is 01:03:52 Firearms manufacturing facility where every little thing that I did that wasn't hyper masculine God, all my coworkers talked about Interested. Oh, wait. So we didn't that's great. We didn't talk about that before. You mentioned before that you'd work to the firearms manufacturing facility. But this is before you transitioned. And this is, and you're saying that they did pick up
Starting point is 01:04:16 on like, wait a minute, why isn't, you know, so and so doing this, why are they saying that? And you felt out of place. Because even though I was pretty transmissalgenistic, I had these cruel thoughts about trans people. At the same time, I still identified as female, even if I was fighting it with all my strength. So there's certain things that a person that
Starting point is 01:04:41 identifies as female will be more prone to do. You know, having more sympathy for women in hypothetical situations, making stories or watching movies that have female leads more often. It's a little things like that that in a in a rural conservative area can make everyone else be like, hey, why? Why do you care that the news is publishing the story about some skank? And I'm like, oh my god. But it's not a skank, like, and that's enough. That's all it took to know.
Starting point is 01:05:13 That's so, oh god. I'm having flashbacks. I'm having flashbacks in my own youth right now, where it's like, I wish it wasn't this way, and I'm sure in some places it isn't, and there's obviously people who live in small towns who are incredibly open minded. I know them. It's not't, and there's obviously people who live in small towns who are incredibly up in mind, did I know them?
Starting point is 01:05:25 It's not all, and not all conservative people think these thoughts at all. I know plenty of conservatives who are very great with social issues and blah, blah, blah, but they're at least used to be, and I'm guessing Pricil is a huge element of that, where I remember those terms, I remember cringing at those terms
Starting point is 01:05:41 when I was growing up of like, fucking slut, God, what you deserved, fucking skank, it's like, kind of you get older, I'm like, that is so horrific that those thoughts are around. And again, I'm sure there is probably more diversity even in that gun manufacturing thing, but I'm picturing the worst.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I'm picturing like you're working with the group of dudes who watch Jody Foster and the accused, and they're like, fuck yeah, there we go. Like just monsters. And there's even, so one thing that I picked up on really that always bothered me. And growing up pretending to be a guy in high school, rape jokes.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Oh God, yeah. Mm-hmm. Like every time it came up internally, I'd be like, what the fuck? Like, what how are you so curable? Right. One second to make that joke. Yeah. And then completely bypass it the next second. But then, you know, I grew up in a not so conservative area. So my reaction was just, oh, this person is more sensitive, whatever. That
Starting point is 01:06:45 was their reaction. Right. Right. And there is the kind of person that's like shock value jokes. There's that kind of person who just wants to say outland is shit. But then they're also definitely is the person who's like joking quote unquote, but trying to fish for that social approval of like, it's fucking cool, right guys. Yeah, and there's there's also so your comedian and I've watched a lot or listened to a lot of your comedy. Okay, I listened to a lot of different comedians. Sure. And this included back when I had anti transgender sentiments. Okay. I would listen to and watch comedians that at the time resonated.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Right. comedians that would make those types of jokes. Oh right. And then you heard slow stroke and you're like, this guy's fucking gross. No point, Dan. No, but I know what you're saying. Yes, you're trying to reinforce the thoughts you're trying to have. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And there's a huge difference when I went from in denial to embracing who I was and being like, hey, I would rather not, you know, bury myself in misery and commit suicide eventually. I would rather transition and live a happy life. Right. Right. And we did talk about that before, which I don't want to like not say, you know, now that we're recording about how you referenced, you get to this point where it's like,
Starting point is 01:08:08 I have to make the transition or I'm gonna die and how that is such a common thing. And I did mention earlier on this podcast about the stats, the backed that up where suicide rates are extremely high for the transgender community. And I believe, and I'm just guessing that you would probably agree
Starting point is 01:08:24 where there's just such little support, which is what we touched on earlier, where it's like, when somebody comes out as transgender, if they live in a small town, and their family's not behind them, they're literally alone, especially before the internet. It's like, now thank God there are at least, like you talked about, there's forums and things
Starting point is 01:08:40 where you can find other people, which also, even that is probably hard, but God, but without that, I just can't, I can't imagine. I can't imagine that feeling of total being completely and totally ostracized from your entire community. Yeah, I'm allowing you that must feel. I think most, not most, there are a lot of transgender people that have suicidal thoughts. Yeah. not most. There are a lot of transgender people that have suicidal thoughts. And there's
Starting point is 01:09:14 out of the transgender people, I know personally a good amount of them had that breaking point where they okay. And it's the breaking point that I had, which is, you know, I finally went and saw a therapist after years of telling myself therapists are dumb, you know. Yeah, I got back before that. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And after finally seeing therapists after going to them for like eight months, they tell me, hey, have you thought about why you have X fetish? Right. You know, whatever fetish it was. Okay. Right, you know, whatever fetish it was. Okay, and I'm like, well,
Starting point is 01:09:48 I like the idea of Smoothness, okay, okay. Yeah, and my therapist is just like Do you like it because of the idea of they're not being genitalia? And that was my mom was like Wow, I've been burying and I haven't I Yeah, I've literally been turning for 20 years. We're not 20 years, but you know, the 10 year plus, I've been burying, wanting to be female. Right. And in a fetish.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Yeah. So that I could avoid it. And do you think you buried it? And do you think that, I know you can't speak behalf of an entire community, but do you think that the reason a lot of friends and your people get to the point of considering suicide because a fear of not being accepted for who you are? Like a very deep fear for the world basically rejecting who you want to be and who you
Starting point is 01:10:38 are? So that was part of it, the knowledge that growing up the only people, to be fair, growing up as a little white boy, the only times I ever heard of transgender people were jokes. Okay. And not positive jokes. For example, there's a lot of media that all enjoy for a while, and I'll reach a joke that for them was just a throw away. But for me, I can't watch anymore. I grew up surrounded by that same type of environment where transgender people
Starting point is 01:11:18 were joke, were disgusting, were generally weird. And I'm not made of stone. That same stuff seeped in. It attributed to my self-hatred for a long time. And when it got to the point where I was realizing I can't avoid the fact that I am female. I can no longer keep playing this role. And when it came to that breaking point, there were two things that made it very hard to keep going. I can no longer keep playing this role. And when it came to that breaking point, there were two things that made it very hard to keep going.
Starting point is 01:11:50 One of it was this deep seated feeling of, I am wrong. I messed up broken and sick. And that's hard to break down. You know, I've been here two years of seeing a therapist every week. For me to get to the point where I could openly tell people, I'm transgender without facing it with, hey, do you want to be my friend for like a year
Starting point is 01:12:17 so that I can make sure you like me after I say this? Yeah, yeah, because you internalized all society's continual viewpoint on that. Yeah, and then the second half of that push towards evening, it was the knowledge that I was about to go down a path. Some people don't survive. Right. Some transgender people get to, you know, they do everything right. They transition, they keep themselves mentally and physically healthy, they have support network, and then they get shot.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Jesus, yeah. Yeah. And when I was first messaging you about this possibly being an episode, as a writer, something I like to do is think of like, what's my, what is the reason I'm doing, whatever I'm doing? You know, what is my motivation? And my motivation for coming on this podcast, it's not to convince all your listeners that transgender people are great. Okay. There are going to be people out there who listen to me and they're like, wow, this guy thinks he, that he should check really sure. Fine Find whatever. My purpose for coming on to the podcast is to spread enough information to convince people,
Starting point is 01:13:30 hey, it would be really great if you stopped condoning us being murdered. Like that would be progress for me. Anything you want to do is fucking gravy, you know? Wow, yeah, yeah. Okay, that's intense. That's intense. Like I can't imagine. Yeah, I can't imagine living in that kind of fear where it's like, yeah, anybody could be randomly murdered, but to live having that specific
Starting point is 01:13:57 targets where and again, going back to like the fear of just dick, some people have, you know, where it's like, what an insane thing to be so enraged by what somebody else is doing in the privacy of their own bedroom, like you would want to murder them. Like it would be one thing on an anger level if allowing people to be transgender meant they got to kick in your door and wake you up
Starting point is 01:14:24 in the middle of the night and fucking your bedroom. And no. The middle of the night I think is the worst part of all that. That's where it makes it really evil is that they get to wake you up in the middle of the night. Right, you're right. The day you would be fine. It's one thing it's one thing was midday. But if they have a friend hold you down and then another friend peel your eyes open
Starting point is 01:14:42 and force you to watch them fuck in your own bedroom. Just, then I would get some level of like, ugh, why? One of the big goals in being transgender is passing. You know, we want to pass. If I walk past you on the street, you will not be on transgender. Right, right, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Mm-hmm. Passing as the gender that you identify as is very important to a lot of us, but the fact that transgender people can pass leads to this mental headspace of like they're everywhere. Anyone I sleep with could have genitalia. I'm not comfortable. Right. On anyone that I meet on the street, you know, and that goes into the turf, trans-exclusionary
Starting point is 01:15:28 radical feminists, they strongly believe any trans woman is a man trying to infiltrate their woman-only spaces. Right, right. And this attitude of us being infiltrators and deceivers and trying to trick people. It's so scary because I don't like dick. You fare men, you're fine, you can do whatever you want with yours. I'm getting rid of mine. I don't like it at all. Don't need more of them. So you don't want to wake up to to a dick in your bedroom.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Exactly. But to me, if I went out on a date with somebody, that appears attracted to me and in all senses, that seems to be what I think they are, which is already an assumption. And they say, I'm a trans woman. My next step isn't, oh God, run away. My next step is, I'd like to still try to get to know you. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable having sex with you. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Let's keep going. You know, there's this attitude of because male and female are so heavily coded. A man is expected to be dominant, forceful and in charge. A man is expected to want sex, be doing whatever they're doing with a member of the opposite sex to get sex. So when a man goes on a date with a woman, the assumption at that point is he wants to have sex with her. Right. Yeah. So then if she turns out to be a trans woman, right, the thing isn't, oh, this relationship needs to develop further to see if we're comfortable with this, the immediate thing is, oh, I wanted to fuck a man.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Oh, right, right, right. In this weird homophobic thought that because I couldn't tell that this person who looked absolutely 100% like a woman, a very attractive woman who I would normally be totally into because they happen to have a dick, that must mean I'm gay, and that it's this person's fault that they're making me be gay and then there's Because they tricked they tricked me and then there's rage god I hadn't thought I hadn't broken it down like that mentally But you're I think you're absolutely right I have to wrap up here in in a in a few minutes But I didn't want to ask I never found it before earlier. Does your family know now like your mom?
Starting point is 01:18:04 that you are Have have identified as female? Yeah, so how's your family? How did your family take that? And how are they with it now? So, I, about a year before I came out and told them, my dad revealed to the family that he was gay. Okay. And that back when my mom and dad had got married, they're the whole support network they had, the church, the family, everybody was just like,
Starting point is 01:18:39 pretend you aren't, have kids, it'll all work out. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. So your dad early on came out to certain people in his church and said, I think I might be gay. And they were like, no, no, no, no, no, just that's just some thoughts you're having. And to your mom. Yeah. And everybody was like, no, you're just
Starting point is 01:18:56 thinking some silly thoughts. Tough it out. Yep. Wow. And so he suffered through that 40 years. 40 years? Yeah, and three good. Are you, are you, are you,
Starting point is 01:19:09 are you, your dad like very close now? Yeah, oh yeah. We're good. How was he doing? How was he doing, by the way, with his, in his new life? He's doing better. He's very, he's very private because in, in the past, he was kind of forced to be both the man and the woman in the family.
Starting point is 01:19:27 He was forced to take all the stereotypically manly roles and he had to care for the kids. Interesting, okay. So he, now it's like, hey, he's kind of, you know, the friend of us kids. Okay, okay. So we don't load him down with the burden of being, you know, dad necessarily, but we respect him and care for him like our dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it. Okay. But so he had come out as gay and right after that, I had told him something to the tune of, I think something's up with me. And I was before I'd really figured it out
Starting point is 01:20:06 with my therapist. So when I finally figured it out, that day I sent my mom a text saying, Hey, is Erica a nice name if I was to be a girl? Right. Okay. That's how you lay out. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, maybe not the most, uh, most thoughtful way to reveal it. Right. But she she liked the name so that's good enough for me And you and your mom how are you two doing now? We're kind of distant my my mom had a lot of troubles when we were growing up a lot of health issues and mental health issues and So you're not distant because of transgender? No.
Starting point is 01:20:46 OK. OK. So separate. I got extraordinarily lucky. OK. I have a huge stack of privilege. I have a family that accepts me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:57 I'm white. Non-white transgender people have a huge rate of rejection and abuse and suicide because world treats them unfairly no matter why. Yeah, yeah. So I've got a fairly well-paying job. My boss knows that I'm trans and supports me. I get to work from home, so I don't have to worry about dressing up every day.
Starting point is 01:21:20 I've got all these privileges lined up for me. So I'm in a pretty good place. Yeah. Yeah. And what would you like, if you could have people, I don't know, just change one one way of thinking they have about transgender or if you could get them to think about one aspect or pose one question to them, like, you know, what would that be? Because being transgender is so tied into our thoughts of gender. I think as a society, we have to question our relationship with gender first before, you know, as much as being transgender is extremely important to me, I believe if our issues with race and our issues with gender were resolved, I believe a lot less trans people would die.
Starting point is 01:22:14 So I can't do much about it, but when it comes to gender, I believe that everyone should evaluate their own relationship with their gender. Yeah, that is excellent stuff to think about. And thank you so much for doing this. If you're giving you time to do a really important subject that I think it's time for, you know, just a lot of people to think about. And thanks for continuing, yeah, to listen to the show too. And two quick little things.
Starting point is 01:22:44 One, what do you think about Bojangles? How do you, what's your feeling about Bojangles? I passionately want Bojangles in this episode at any cost. Okay, okay. People are mixed on Bojangles. So that's good. He's very polarizing Bojangles. I, like, if I could write a short novella on Bojangles at the end of time.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Please do. To be fair, I'd completely alienate half your listeners because I'd totally make him a trans man. Well, you know, Bojangles, he changes. He's been around a long time back from the days of Atlantis, you know, he's a mythic character. He's like, Dr. Hill, but with more teeth. There we go. Well, I guess he still has more legs, actually, because he still has three. I'm sorry, he still has one more leg. And then the last thing, how bad am I at impersonating Michael McDonald? I feel like I put a lot of heart into it, but I feel like the voices in there is microtech
Starting point is 01:23:43 with myself. Dan, as much as I value honestly. Yeah. I don't want to destroy you as a person. Okay, okay, so we can skip that. You're amazing. Okay, okay, good, thank you. Because my dog strongly disagrees. My puppy Penny, for the first time ever,
Starting point is 01:24:02 growled at me as I was working out some new Michael McDonald lyrics. Literally from across the room growled at me like, Dad, shut the fuck up enough is enough. That's like, that's some intense foreshadowing. Right. I'm just imagining like, like, you die in the middle of the Michael McDonald's lyric and you're just like, I knew it.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You thought it was tonight. So that's what she was trying to warn me. And like if some of your, if you want to pass on questions to me, like from some of your listeners, I'm here for that. Because to me, a lot of it is you don't know when you see a transgender person a lot of the time. Or if you do, it's a transgender person
Starting point is 01:24:44 who is worn down by the grief of the world. Got it, got it. Okay. Try not to break, you know. Yeah. So since I've got all the privilege and I've got some time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:57 I will do that. We'll talk after the show. And you'll just, we'll figure out what email you're comfortable with me passing along. And absolutely, anybody listening, you got a question about it and you want to or you got a question about this episode specifically for Erica I'll put I'll put you guys in touch. That would be great. Thank you so much. Not a problem it was lots of fun and I I hope the rest of the episode is lots of fun to listen to because I haven't really yet. Yeah, exactly. Well, it's coming tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:25:25 It's going to come quick. So I hope you to enjoy it. Thank you, Erica. Thank you. Well, time suckers. I hope you enjoyed my discussion with Erica. Sometimes I think it's good to humanize topics like this. I think it's harder to hate a person sometimes
Starting point is 01:25:44 than it is to hate a word or a concept like transgender. And if you'd like to hit Erica up with questions about today's show or anything else, just email her at seriisworldatgmail.com. That's S-A-R-Y-I-S-W-O-R-L-D. Seriisworldatgmail.com. I'll have her email up in the episode description as well so you can find it there. Or you could just choose to learn more about today's topic by reading comments left under
Starting point is 01:26:11 transgender YouTube videos. Get some very different perspectives there. Let's check out one of those perspectives with today's idiots of the internet. Idiots and be internet. Internet. Alright, today's in it to the Internet could be called Idiot of the Internet, just singular, because I'm just focusing on one more on and one comment that represents a lot of comments left under videos that deal with being transgender. The comment I picked up today came from a video called Transgender Teen Shares Powerful Message. It's a heartwarming video about Cory Mason,
Starting point is 01:26:46 a 14 year old girl who was born a boy. A beautiful young teen who you would never guess had once been a boy in a million years just looking at her. Her mother, Erica Mason of New Baltimore, Michigan, said that Cory had been identifying as a female since she was two years old, and she was bullied so badly in grade school. They switched schools after some kid injured her face,
Starting point is 01:27:04 pushed her down an ice-covered hill. And recently, this girl, his brave girl, made a video for the bully project, a social activist campaign aimed at trying to end transgender bullying. And in this video, young Corey relays her story, staring straight into the camera, telling her tale via flashcards, flashcards that say stuff like, we're not a threat. We are just like any other kids. We only want people to accept and love us for who we are. When I turned 14, I started taking female hormones
Starting point is 01:27:30 to start puberty as a girl. The day I took my first dose was the happiest day of my life. I am so happy now to all kids out there, bullying is never okay. And 90% of the comments under this video that's received a few million views are positive. And then there is human pile of garbage, user Michelle Kieskomm, who chose to type just this past Saturday the following words underneath this video.
Starting point is 01:27:57 So you know, I guess maybe Kory could see them. Michelle types, like if you agree with me when I say that she kind of deserves to be bullied if she was a boy wanting to be a girl Because she is a freaking fag and then she goes all caps You are so stupid and your parents are too for letting you be transgender lots of exclamation points Still all caps anyone transgender is a freaking idiot and the bullies were smart So many more exclamation points. Then she goes back lowercase. I'm not saying that I would be one of the bullies
Starting point is 01:28:29 because I would probably get sued from the freaking stupid government and her, his, all caps, stupid freaking parents lost exclamation points back to lowercase. So, or comment if you agree the what she's believing in is a load of crap. And if anybody comments at all, no matter what it is that they say, I will just consider the comment some other form of agreement back to all caps.
Starting point is 01:28:57 So take that, all you stupid faggots, misspelled, that think that is okay to change gender exclamation points back to lower case. Like if you freaking agree with the truth. Oh, and by the way, I have complete proof that this is the truth back to all caps for the fucking tirade heading on out. Just read the Bible exclamation points, God made you who you are and no matter what you do, what lies you spread, you can't change it. You can't change the truth.
Starting point is 01:29:27 You can't change the things that God did to this world. You can't change your freaking gender. So many exclamation points followed by so many frowny face kind of angry, the little red dude angry face, I guess emoticon followed by a bunch of the little devil emoticons followed by lowercase, like a few agree. Ha!
Starting point is 01:29:47 Ha! I wonder if Michelle has ever read the Bible herself. She seems to have missed the book of Matthew, chapter seven, verse one, when God said judge not, less to eby judged. Michelle also seemed to skip over the book of Romans, chapter two, verse one, therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art, that judgeist. For wearing thou judgeist another,
Starting point is 01:30:06 thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgeist does the same things. Yeah, you condemnest thyselfist, Michelleist, Kaisa Comest, so just shut the fuck up, and stop with judgeinist, some 14 year old girlist, you fucking shit wagonist.
Starting point is 01:30:23 God, I fucking have a hard time tolerating fake Christians. Throwing around biblical verses, leves and write, to back up nothing but their own non-Christian judgment and hate. Go fuck yourself, Michelle. I hope you lose your job to someone who's transgender. If you have a job, check it out. And I hope that all of you are probably, you know, 10 or 13 kids, all Mary people who are transgender, and then they all band in you forever, leaving you with nothing but your humble figurines and cat
Starting point is 01:30:47 calendars to look at. Christianity is about nothing at all if it's not about forgiveness. And if you don't understand that, Michelle, then this agnostic borderline atheist asshole talking right now knows more about the heart of your religion than do you. You fucking idiot. God what an idiot she is. If you want to believe God hates transsexuals fucking, go be that person I guess.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Believe in a God who apparently is just as much of an asshole as you are. But don't post your hate on some 14 year old girl, some kids, anti-bullying video. What the fuck? Look, there's a lot of shit I don't like. A lot of stuff I shit on.
Starting point is 01:31:23 I'm shitin' on my show right now. I'm being very judgmental. You know of stuff I shit on. I'm shitin' on Michelle right now. Been very judgmental, you know? But I shit on it and I beat judgmental in my own house. Not theirs. I shit on Bill O'Reilly. I shit on him earlier in this podcast. But you know what I didn't do? I didn't go to his fucking Facebook page.
Starting point is 01:31:35 I didn't find his YouTube videos and shit on him there. That's his place. That's his place to spew whatever old, angry, white man, bigoted nonsense he wants to spew. You know, if he wants to be just a fucking evolutionary leftover, uh, that's fine. He can do that in his space. You know, if I don't like it, I don't have to go read it. You know, and I don't, I don't anymore.
Starting point is 01:31:54 And if you don't like little Cory's transgender message, no fucking watch your videos. What, what, what, stick to watching videos you like. You know, videos about the coming into the world or how centers are gonna die or how heavy metal leads to satanic worship or whatever other horse shit you're mentally digesting. Or, you know, it just keeps viewing poorly spelled hate across the internet and just become a recurring guest
Starting point is 01:32:13 on idiots of the internet. I can't turn back. Well, I hope you liked this episode, and I do hope it didn't come across as some kind of liberal circle jerk, just like Eric had us identify with being a man. I don't identify with being a liberal, actually, it may be hard for some people to believe. There's Democrats I like, there's Republicans I like, and actually there's a lot of libertarians I seem to like. I might like them the best in some ways, even though some of them are fucking loony tunes.
Starting point is 01:32:40 But anyway, I try not to put any spin on anything, try not to have an agenda other than an agenda of just trying to be honest. I'm just trying to really examine why things bother me, why I have certain opinions on things, et cetera, why we think the way we do. And after that first email from AirHead came in, I just realized that my poorly thought out opinions about what transgender meant and maybe about what gender roles themselves were, were just fucking wrong. Just kind of outdated, you know, I just needed to, uh, and into download a new update, go
Starting point is 01:33:09 to fucking Cummins version 40.1 or wherever I'm at now. Uh, I don't know. I just think this stuff scares us because, you know, A, we like having some kind of social rules out there to define our lives. Even if those roles and rules, and rules are completely arbitrarily constructed. And B, because we're lazy thinkers as humans, often just resistant to change. It's easier to think this is a boy,
Starting point is 01:33:34 this is a girl, period, case closed, moving on. That's much easier than trying to re-imagine gender as existing on a spectrum or continuum instead of being binary. That takes some work. And a lot of times we still still wanna put it in the work. So that's what I think. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:33:49 You're gonna think what you want. And I hope you at least thought today's show is entertaining. And we're gonna think about it for just a few minutes more with some top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways. TAKE A WAY Number one, transgender is defined as of relating to or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.
Starting point is 01:34:13 And it can take on, as we know now, a lot of different forms. Number 2. A 2012 study found that 57% of transgender youth who did not have supportive parents attempted to commit suicide in the past year while just 4% of transgender youth with very supportive parents did. How heavy is that shit? Man, support your kids parents. They don't need to grow up to be like you. They just need to grow up and be happy.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Number 3, Bo Jangles. Once fucked, Michael Motherfucking McDonald. Trouble M. And a couple grizzly bears. Facts. Number 4, even though I'm sure young Corey Mason will soon be getting rid of some testicles by posting her inspirational video and refusing to give into bullies like Michelle, she'll still have more balls and a lot of fucking dudes out there.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Number five, new info, new study shows that 20% of transgender people have served in the military in the US, double the percentage of US general population that has served. Man, this study will soon be published in a forthcoming issue of the LGBTQ public policy journal at the Harvard Kennedy School. And I think it's worth bringing up to dispel some myths that transgender people aren't as tough
Starting point is 01:35:17 or maybe as traditionally masculine as the rest of us. I myself never served in the military, so at least 20% transgender people, according to this study, are probably tougher and have done more tangible things to help our country than I have. So if you're a transgender military listener, I fucking double thank you for fighting for freedom in different different ways. Time, suck, tough, five, take away.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Well, thanks, suckheads. If I listen to another time suck and I hope to see some of you on the road soon, see it in person. I'll be the Lafayne School Comedy to see some of you on the road soon. See you in person. I'll be the Lafayne School Comedy Club July 27th to 30th, the Tampa improv August 3rd to 6th, the Syracuse Funnybone August 17th to 20th, and the Irvine improv, then Irvine California August 24th to 27th,
Starting point is 01:35:57 more dates coming up soon. Also, the first ever time suck trivia night is tomorrow night at Maxline Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado Tuesday, July 18th, 7pm, head there for some cool time-sok prizes being given away and to meet other cool time suckers. That's maxlinebrewing.com for more details. If you want to run trivia night in your own town, Time Sok trivia night, hit me up at admin at TimeSokpodcast.com or actually hit me up at Dan at TimeSokpodcast.com.
Starting point is 01:36:24 There we go. Dan at TimeSokpodcast.com for discounted Time up a Dan at time suck podcast.com. There we go. Dan at time suck podcast.com for discounted time suck merch to give away. Also, if you haven't already, you can watch my latest special. Don't wait the bear on Amazon Prime where it streams for free for prime members. Please check it out. Rate it if you'd be so kind and follow the suck on the social media at time suck podcasts on Instagram, Twitter, slash time suck podcast on Facebook and you're going to want to do that if you're interested in the next bonus episode in order to determine what the next bonus episode's topic is going to be
Starting point is 01:36:52 I'm going to leave it up to you Follow time suck on Instagram at at time suck podcast where I have posted three possible topics for the 800 review bonus suck Comment with the topic you want to have. So, should it be, there's gonna be three. Should it be Project MK Ultra, Secret CIA experiments involving shit like mind control, just crazy conspiracy stuff, or should it be the Heaven's Gate Cult?
Starting point is 01:37:16 A cult that ended on March 26, 1997, when police discovered the bodies of 39 members who had participated in a mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an extra terrestrial spacecraft following comet Halebop fucking crazy shit. Or should it be the iceman Richard Kalinsky a former mafia hitman convicted of killing five men but who very likely killed dozens more. So you decide whoever gets more votes in the next two weeks and you have to leave the votes on Time sucks Instagram page just post a topic you want under the post of these three topics and
Starting point is 01:37:52 That topic is going to be the next time suck. We'll cut off voting on July 31st That's so we'll vote for the rest of the month and then announce on Instagram what the next bonus suck will be and be sure to listen next week as We suck ourselves into the communist heart of North Korea. Who the fuck is Kim Jong-un? What's he doing over there? What has he been doing? What was his dad up to?
Starting point is 01:38:10 What is life like for the average North Korean? How did Kim Jong-un the fucking regime get started in the first place? So many questions. So much suck is going to happen. And until then, be kind to those who have done you no harm. And you know the fucking drill. Keep on sucking.

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