Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 58 - The Bermuda Triangle

Episode Date: October 23, 2017

What actually goes on in the Bermuda Triangle? Do more ships and airplanes disappear within it’s borders than they do anywhere elsewhere? And if they are disappearing - where the Hell do they go!?! ...Who or what is to blame? Nature? UFOs? Some electro-magnetic anomaly? Lucifina? Let’s find out as we suck deep and hard on this multi-faceted mystery. Allow your mind go to both the strange and the scientific in this two-sided and surreal edition of Timesuck. This episode of Timesuck is brought to you by World of Warships! Download a free-to-play, historical, online combat game from Wargaming and get special bonus content when you go to www.commandwarships.com and enter the invite code TIMESUCK17 Today's Timesuck is also brought to you by RxBars! Delicious snack bars that are gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and free of any added sugar, artificial colors/ flavors, preservatives, or fillers. No bullshit with Rx Bars and they taste amazing! For 25% off your first order, visit RXBAR.com/timesuck AND ENTER PROMO CODE: TIMESUCK AT CHECKOUT. To donate to the California wildfires go to https://www.gofundme.com/raise-funds/CAfirerelief Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What actually goes on in the Bermuda Triangle? Do more ships and airplanes disappear within its borders than they do elsewhere, on or above the open sea? And if they are disappearing, where the hell do they go? Are the disappearances the result of methane, gas eruptions from under the sea floor, quickly and radically changing the density of both the water and the sky above it, momentarily taking away both the ship's ability to float, and a plane's ability to soar above the water?
Starting point is 00:00:24 Is some strange electromagnetic field to blame, wreaking havoc on compasses and navigation instruments and possibly even causing dimensional transmutations, time warps, and time tunnels? Are there wormholes leading to unknown destinations in this mysterious section of the North Atlantic? Rifts in the space-time continuum? Are UFOs to blame? We're the missing taken by some extraterrestrial race we know little to nothing about? Is Luz the Fender to blame? Time suck devil, Satan, sister, and reek of havoc on the high seas? Or is it all a bunch of bullshit? Are Bermuda Triangle disappear in such a result of mother nature, mechanical failure, decades of journalistic sensationalism,
Starting point is 00:01:00 no more dangerous or mysterious than any other place in the world. Let's find out as we suck on this multifaceted mystery. Let's grab the Bermuda Triangle by the balls and really suck. Allow our minds to go to both the strange and the scientific and this two-sided and surreal addition of Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck. Hello time suckers, I'm Dan Cummins and you are listening to Time Suck. Whether you're new listener or a returning member of the Cult of the Curious, welcome. Glad you're here, future space listener. Hope you are excited and eager to learn something new and hopefully have a lot of fun doing
Starting point is 00:01:41 it. Learning and fun in together, let's get some fun and done. I just found out fun and is a real world, a real word by the way and I love it. So get ready to pay a little less attention to your day job and a little more attention to your inquisitive nature. Thank you so much for all the recent ITN reviews again. Man, they are pouring in and it makes me feel fucking great.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Love to know that our strange little clubhouse is expanding hail Memoroth, closed in on 1,400 reviews, which will keep those bonus episodes rolling on in. Just rolling on in. And speaking of bonus episodes, time for another Instagram vote to determine what the November 3rd episode is gonna be.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'd like to offer up some runner-ups from the last two bonus episode votes. That feels right, right? How about either the Zodiac Killer, the mysterious plain hijacker, DB Cooper, or if you wanna go in a totally different direction, how about something I've gotten a lot of emails about recently, America's gun control debate.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And I truly will not pick sides on this debate. I wanna present info regarding our current gun laws, history of gun laws, you know, stance regarding if it is actually more dangerous or not to have them as accurately as possible, right? Want to be open and fair. I both love personally the right to bear arms and I respect those who don't want anything to do with guns, right?
Starting point is 00:02:54 So follow us on Instagram and start voting now into the bonus suck post. Voting will end Friday, October 27th at midnight, Pacific Day like time. Get curious, get engaged, practice those future space lizard skills by helping determine the direction of the show. Thanks to time suckers and future space lizards who came out to Jersey, including long time member
Starting point is 00:03:12 the Bojangles Research Team Sarah Lilly, and yes, New York time suckers, I'm working on getting a show in the city for 2018. Finally, I know many of you have no interest in heading over to Jersey when there are a million comedy venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Coming up for the rest of the year, I'm going to be the date no high off funny bone November 2nd to the 5th, Spokane Comedy Club, Spokane, Washington, November 9th, through the 11th, Dr. Grins and Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 30th through December 2nd,
Starting point is 00:03:37 St. Louis, Fonybone, and St. Louis, Missouri, December 7th through the 10th, Comedy Club on State, Madison, Wisconsin, December 14th through 16th and comedy works in Denver, Colorado, December 8th through New Year's Eve. And if you have trouble with ticketing on any of those plays, just call the venue. Yeah, I just have no control over them getting their shit together sometimes. And sometimes I'm on my shit together, but yeah, just call the venue. I'm on the books for those dates and all those places and they'll get you squared away with some tickets. Now, let's get mysterious.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Let's get Yamotime sucked. Let's grab old jangles by the tail. And let's get lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Okay, so let's kick this off by defining just exactly where the hell the Bermuda Triangle is located. Turns out it's about two to three inches inside of Garrett, but hole. Now you know, mystery solved. Many is shipping a plane. I've got lost inside the Bucy's colon. No, the remuter triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is
Starting point is 00:04:35 located wherever two men having sex with one woman, give each other double high five. Wait, never mind. That's a devil's threesome. Totally different triangle. Good luck explaining that one parents Hey kids, I got I thought we were we're just gonna be talking about the meter triangle today I thought this is gonna be a safe one devil Devil's threesome is Some nonsense that that comments made up. He's a degenerate and he's a liar. He's a liar. You know that so no more questions
Starting point is 00:05:04 Just no more don't don't Don't say that term again. No more talk about it. Just listen to the rest of the episode be quiet No, for real is time no more fun and With where it is for me to triangle which truly sometimes is called the devil's triangle Is an area of the North Atlantic can be found by drawing three lines the first between Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico Positive thoughts man for all the people in Puerto Rico, man, too, by the way, man, fucking devastated over there. So there's lots of go-fun campaigns
Starting point is 00:05:29 and all different stuff on the web. If you do a quick Google, you can figure that out. The second line is between San Juan and Bermuda. Final line connection is between Bermuda and Miami. So that's the triangle. Bermuda for reference is about 900 miles east of Charleston, South Carolina, about 700 miles south of the southernmost coast of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia being just east of Maine, if you know nothing of Canadian geography and it really does form a nice little triangle there a big one
Starting point is 00:05:54 And while there are a fair amount of islands between Miami and Puerto Rico There there you know the many many islands of the Bahamas, you know, Turks and K-Ghosts, that kind of thing, there's fucking nothing between Puerto Rico and Bermuda and nothing between Miami and Bermuda. It's just a vast stretch of just open seas. Roughly 500,000 square miles, nothing but open water. That's a lot of square miles. Bermuda itself is an archipelago made up of a group of low-forming volcanoes, collection of 181 islands actually, forming a total of roughly
Starting point is 00:06:25 20 square miles of land. So it's not big. The eight larger populated islands are connected by bridges. It only has two incorporated cities, St. George's and Hamilton, two villages, flats and summer set, total of about 65,000 residents. So it's way out there and there's not a lot of people once you get there. It's also one of the world's premier banking kind of destinations thanks to zero corporate income tax companies like Google Save billions every year in taxes by locating themselves at least on paper in Bermuda and it's the largest at least in terms of Population remaining dependent territory of the British crown. I didn't know that. I thought that was kind of cool At least since Britain a relinquished control of Hong Kong in 1997, you know after giving it back to China So interesting place originally discovered by the Spanish explorer at least since Britain relinquished control of Hong Kong in 1997, you know, after giving it back to China.
Starting point is 00:07:05 So, interesting place originally discovered by the Spanish explorer, Juan de Bermudez in 1503, legend of Suneros of spirits and devils. Now, I thought to have stemmed from the calls of local birds and grunts of wild hogs that had made it to the island prior to the explorers. The hogs probably by swimming there from shipwrecks, you know, and the waters around it. So, you combine those noises with frequent storm racked conditions, dangerous reefs, and the archipelago became known as the Isle of Devils. The Isle of Devils.
Starting point is 00:07:32 So pretty bad ass name. Neither Spain nor Portugal attempted to settle it, and no indigenous people live there. I don't know that either. Due to its extremely remote and inaccessible location. So from the very beginning, it's had an air of mystery in aura of spookiness. Later in 1607, English settlers on their way to Jamestown and the American colonies ended up in Bermuda by accident,
Starting point is 00:07:55 thanks to a storm and all 150 members of the Sea Venture, the boat that Wreckdum Bermuda survived, and then in 1610, they sailed into Jamestown. Shakespeare's play The Tempest is thought to have been inspired by the Bermuda landing. Yeah, in 1612, England was sending settlers there on purpose. St. George's was established that year. His oldest continually inhabited English town in the New World. Can you imagine just fucking ending up on an uninhabited island with 150 people?
Starting point is 00:08:21 There's no structures of any kind. No beds, no homes, no stores. You just have to kind of figure beds, no homes, no stores. You just have to kind of figure shit out while you repair the ship. How terrible would that be? No thanks, or I guess while a new ship, wait for a new ship to come find you.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Ah, I might be into trying that for like a few days, maybe a week, you know, some sense a rugged adventure. That's it. That is it, not indefinitely. Uh-uh. Some people live for years on uninhabited islands, you know, back in the day. Just build a little hut in the woods with rudimentary tools. That is it, not indefinitely. Uh-uh. Some people live for years on uninhabited islands, you know, back in the day.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Just build a little hut in the woods with rudimentary tools. Can you imagine not being able to buy literally anything? Like, whatever you have when you show up on the island, that's all you get forever, unless you can build it with whatever you happen to bring. Like, no 7-11, no Amazon, nothing. I can't even fathom that. The closest experience to that,
Starting point is 00:09:03 to the average first world nation resident has is to go camping. And the last time I went camping, Glacier National Park last summer, you know, beautiful by the way. Campground had a clean running water, firewood for sale, indoor bathrooms and showers. And about two miles from the campsite,
Starting point is 00:09:17 giant gift shop restaurant bar ice cream. I've got some fishing lures and some bear spray. No, don't even worry about it. Just went in and bought more in day two. Cell phone battery gets low. Nope, no biggie. Just plug it into the F-150. Right, it's got electrical outlets in the front and the back.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Gotta love that truck so much. But anyway, if you get shipwrecked, anything you forgot to grab when your ship was sinking, yeah, anything you weren't allowed to take with you when you got thrown off the boat, just tough shit, Embray. You either make it or you do without just fuck that. I get pissed when I'm touring and there isn't a Starbucks within walking distance in my hotel.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Just like, why God, why has that forsaken me? Why do I have to drink hotel coffee? No. Yeah, enough about our Bermuda. Let's talk about the triangle. The term Bermuda triangle is first coined in either 1955 or 1964. It was coined in 1955 according to a dude named Gian Quasar, author of numerous books about the Bermuda Triangle mystery, such as Into the Bermuda Triangle,
Starting point is 00:10:18 they flew into Oblivion, a passage into Oblivion, hellship. Or it was first uttered in 1964 according to basically every other article I can find on the internet. So one dude says 1955 in a documentary I watched called World of Mysteries, Bermuda Triangle, everyone else says 1964. So let's go with 1964. Especially since Gion seems like a bit of a loon. When he popped up on the documentary, I immediately was like, no, uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:10:45 This guy just is making it up as he goes along. In February of 1964, Vincent Gattis used the term Bermuda Triangle for the first time that we know of in a cover story for Argusy Magazine regarding the disappearance of Flight 19. And imaginations have been running wild with speculation about the area ever since. Here is a bit of that original article titled The Deadly Bermuda Triangle. What is there about this particular slice of the world that has destroyed hundreds of ships and planes without a trace? With the crew of 39, the tanker Marine Sulphur Queen, be in its final voyage on February 2, 1963 from Beaumont, Texas, with a cargo of molten
Starting point is 00:11:21 Sulphur. Its destination was Norfolk, Virginia, but it actually sailed into the unknown. A routine radio message on the night of February 3rd placed the ship near the dry to Tugas. The 254 foot vessel was overdue on February 6th and a search was launched for it. Plains took off from the coast guard stations from Florida to Virginia, while cutters patrolled the Atlantic coast. With no trace was found, the search was abandoned on February 14. Five days later, in the Florida Straits, 14 miles southeast of Key West, a navy torpedo retriever picked up a life jacket in several bits of debris believed to have come from the tanker. Nothing more has ever been found. On August 28, 1963, 2 KC-135, 4-engine Strato-Tanker jets took off from homestead air force base
Starting point is 00:12:12 south of Miami-Floor on a classified refueling missing over the Atlantic. The crews told 11 men the weather was clear. At noon, the planes radioed their position as 800 miles northeast of Miami and 300 miles west of Bermuda. The planes were new, in radio contact with each other, and they were not flying close together according to an Air Force spokesman. Then the planes vanished. An extensive search was launched, planes crisscrossed the area in formation, following a carefully planned pattern of observation vessels churned
Starting point is 00:12:45 the surface of the sea. On the following day, debris was discovered floating on the water about 260 miles southwest of Bermuda. No survivors of bodies were found. It was presumed that the two planes had collided in the air, but two days after the disappearance more debris was located, but it was 160 miles from the first discovery. What happened remains a mystery. The mysterious menistat Hans Siddlandikov, our southeastern coast, has claimed two more
Starting point is 00:13:13 victims before this article reaches printed may strike again, swallowing a plain or ship, or leaving behind a derelict with no life aboard. The last sentence through me, my first read it. Before this article, I can only recall hearing the term derelict being used when referring to a bump, some, some drag of society, some lazy person, some burden on the system.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You know, like this is a nice neighborhood for the junkies and all these other derelicts, you know, swarmed in, camping out. Now it's a safe place to walk around the night. All these goddamn derelicts everywhere. Turns out a derelict can also mean a piece of property, especially a ship abandoned by the owner and in poor condition. Where the Bermuda Triangle, leaving behind an abandoned ship,
Starting point is 00:13:53 makes way more sense than the Triangle leaving behind a random bump. Yesterday, a giant freighter was due to arrive at this dock when it didn't the rescue team was sent out and that ship was nowhere to be found. However, the rescue team did manage to find Whiskey Pete. No ship, not a single sailor, but there's Whiskey Pete floating out alone, 300 miles from shore, with only a bottle of old crow bourbon in his unbearable stink to keep him company. But I digress, back to Gattis' article. Other
Starting point is 00:14:21 recent cases. Two months earlier, on July 1st, the 63-foot fishing boat Snowboy under U.S. Registry sailed from Kingston, Jamaica for Northeast Key, a small island, 80 miles, southeast of Jamaica, 40 persons were aboard. When it was overdue, the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard launched a search several bits of debris believed to be from the vessel were observed. Finally, after ten days the search was abandoned. On January 8, 1962, a KB-50 Air Force tanker rolled down a runway at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, and headed eastbound from the Azoors. Major Robert Tali was in command of a crew of eight men. A short time later, the tower at Langley received weak radio signals from the plane. Then the signals faded into silence. Again, there was an extensive search, but there was no trace of wreckage or of bodies. After 1700 fruitless man hours, the search was ended. During the
Starting point is 00:15:16 past two decades alone, the sea mystery at our back door has claimed almost a thousand lives. But even this is only an inference, in this series of disasters not one body has ever been recovered. U.S. Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard investigators have admitted they are baffled. The few clues we have only add to the mystery. Draw a line from Florida to Bermuda, another from Bermuda to Puerto Rico,
Starting point is 00:15:41 and a third line back to Florida through the Bahamas. Within this area, known as the Bermuda Triangle, most of the total vanishings have occurred. This area is by no means isolated. The coasts of Florida and the Carolinas are well-populated, as well as the islands involved. Sea distances are relatively short. Day and night there is traffic over the sea and air lanes. The waters are well-patrolled by the Coast Guard the Navy, and the Air Force, and yet this
Starting point is 00:16:05 relatively limited area is the scene of disappearances that total far beyond the laws of chance. Its history of mystery dates back to the never explained, inigmatic light observed by Columbus when he first approached his landfall in the Bahamas. The Bermuda Triangle underlines the fact that despite swift wings in the voice of radio, we still have a world large enough so that men and their machines and ships can disappear without a trace. Whatever this menace that lurks within a triangle of tragedy so close to home, it was responsible for the most incredible mystery in the history of aviation, the lost patrol. Here is that amazing story. Man, he really fucking, wordsmith, this guy really builds up this mystery.
Starting point is 00:16:47 All right, well the story he's referring to, the Lost Patrol. We're gonna get to him just a moment. First, my origin story was a Broomy to Triangle. I first heard about it when I was reading a book in junior high that my dad had read and left line around the apartment. The world of strange phenomena written by linguist and paranormal author Charles Burlitz. It's out of print. I just ordered a used copy just from nostalgia sake off Amazon.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Hopefully they'll get here in a week or two. You remember his name from the Atlantis episode, Charles Burlitz. He wrote numerous books on Atlantis. He thought Atlantis was inside of me to try and go and he wrote about a lot of other weird shit like spontaneous combustion, Roswell, possible location of Noah's Ark, all kinds of stuff. And he was not respected by basically anyone in the scientific community,
Starting point is 00:17:29 but I thank him for getting me curious about the magical and about the mystical, about the mythological. Okay, so now back to the story of the lost patrol flight 19. The disappearance of flight 19 is probably the most enduring mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. So let's talk about it first. Let's delve into a variety of more triangle mysteries.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And then we can examine both paranormal and scientific possible explanations for all of them. So let's get into some weird facts. V-V-L-O-R-B-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R was an arguably most scientific modern Bermuda Triangle tailed, the main focus of Gannis' article, kind of a misnomer actually, Flight 19 has actually several planes. At 2.10 pm on December 5th, 1945, TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers took off from a naval air station Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the planes collectively known as Flight 19,
Starting point is 00:18:20 were scheduled to tackle a three hour exercise known as navigation problem number one. It was a routine training flight that all completed numerous times before and their triangular flight plan called for them to head east From the Florida coast and conduct bombing runs at a place called hens and chickens shoals Some very strangely named shoals a shoals essentially being underwater sand banks, you know We're like the waters shallow and ships can run aground Not positive how these got the names, hands and chickens. Very likely though, I mean, probably.
Starting point is 00:18:48 They were named after a local variation down there of amphibious chicken. It's indigenous to the area. Yeah, so they have these chickens down there that can live. I guess mostly underwater from what I read. They can eat, sleep, lay eggs, fully submerged. Only kind of come up to the surface to breathe here and there. It's nuts. Yeah, they can kind of float on to the surface to breathe here and there. Nuts. Yeah, they can kind of float on the surface, you know, for a long period of time. Guess there's a lot of them by these sand bars. If you've ever seen these
Starting point is 00:19:12 that meat near the tuna section, the grocery store called chicken and seed, this is where they catch those chickens. Catch a lot of them. Anyway, these flight 19 guys, they would turn north and proceed over Grand Bahama Island before changing course a third time and flying southwest back to the base. Save for one plane that only carried two men, each of the avengers was crewed by three Navy men, or Marines, most of whom had logged about 300 hours in the air. The flights leader was Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor, an experienced pilot in veteran of several combat missions in World War II's Pacific theater. Remember that chicken of the sea story?
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah, that was bullshit. That was nonsense. That's just a brand of tuna. There are no such things. There are no such things as sea chickens. But I really hope that some of you were trying to imagine them and thought that there were for at least 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:19:56 The rest of what I said was true. God, I hope that at least one person got distracted after I talked about my sea chicken nonsense and they had to stop listening to the show and then they didn't get back to it. And so for the rest of their life, they just occasionally are thinking about mythical Caribbean seafall. And hopefully talking about it, people, no, it is true. John, a sea chicken is down in Bahamas.
Starting point is 00:20:20 First flight 19s, a little flight path proceeded just as smoothly as the previous 18 other flight missions at day. Taylor and his pilots buzzed over heads and chicken shoals about 2.30 p.m. dropped their practice bombs without incident. Shortly after the patrol turned north for the second leg of his journey, something weird happened. For reasons that may remain unclear forever, Taylor became convinced that his avenger's compass was malfunctioning, and that his plane had been flying in the wrong direction.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And then the trouble only gets worse from there. Storm front blows in, brings rain, gusting winds, heavy cloud cover, and flight 19 becomes hopelessly disorientated. Disoriented. I don't know where we are, one of the pilots said over the radio. We must have got lost after the last run, or after the last turn. Lieutenant Robert F. Cox, another Navy flight instructor who is flying near the Florida coast
Starting point is 00:21:07 was the first to overhear the patrol's radio communications. He immediately informed the air station of the situation, contacted the group of Avengers to ask if they needed assistance. Both my compasses are out and I'm trying to find Fort Lauderdale Florida, Taylor said. His voice sounded anxious. I'm over the land, but it's broken.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I'm sure I'm in the keys, but I don't know I'm sure I'm in the keys But I don't know how far down Taylor's Florida keys claim didn't make any sense He made his scheduled pass over heads and chicken shows in Bahamas less than an hour earlier But he now believed his plans had somehow drifted hundreds of miles off course and ended up in the Florida keys And maybe because the 27 year old had just transferred from Florida to Florida Latter-day from Miami and Many have since speculated that he may have just confused some of the islands of the Bahamas, for the islands of the Keys.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Under normal circumstances, pilots lost in the Atlantic were supposed to point their planes towards the setting sun, fly west towards the mainland. But Taylor had become convinced that he might be over the Gulf of Mexico. And so that wouldn't be an option. He was hoping to locate the Florida peninsula. He made a fateful decision to steer flight 19 North East. Of course, it would only take him further out to open sea. Some of his pilots seem to have recognized he was making a mistake. Damn it. One man griped over the radio. If we would just fly west, we would get home. But he didn't fly west. His orders were to, this guy,
Starting point is 00:22:18 you know, following him didn't fly west. His orders were to follow his flight leader. And that's what he did. And they all followed him further out into the triangle. Tata was eventually persuaded to turn around head west, but shortly after 6 p.m. He seems to have canceled that order. And once again, change his direction. Same we didn't go far enough east. He's still worried that he might be in the Gulf. We may as well just turn around and go east again. His pilot has probably argued against the decision.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Some investigators even believe that one plane broke off against orders and flew in a different direction, trying to make it home. Flight 19's radio transmissions soon became increasingly faint after this as he meanders out further and further and to see when fuel began to run low, Taylor was hurt prepping his men for a potential crash landing in the ocean. All planes close up tight, he said,
Starting point is 00:23:01 we'll have to ditch, we'll have to ditch, unless landfall. When the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together. Ooh, man, a few minutes later, the Avengers' last radio communications were replaced by an eerie buzz of static. The Navy immediately scrambled search planes to hunt for the missing patrol. Around 7.30 pm, a pair of PBM, Marina flying boats took off from the air station north of Fort Lauderdale. Just 20 minutes later, however, one of them seemed to follow Flight 19's lead by just vanishing off radar.
Starting point is 00:23:30 The remains of the Mariner and its 13 crewmen were never recovered, but many believe that the sea plane exploded shortly after takeoff, but there's no witnesses to this. Flying boats were notoriously accident prone though, and were even nicknamed flying gas tanks for their propensity to catch on fire Man, that sounds like a real fun plane to pilot Jesus Lieutenant Mitchell reporting for duty sir, which plane will I be piloting sir? Mitchum, I like you soldier, but unfortunately I don't like you quite as much as I like my other lieutenants So I'm gonna put you in the cockpit of one of our flying gas tanks
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yes, sir, that's fine, sir, but, sir, aren't those planes the planes that catch fire and explode mid-air on a regular basis, sir? Yes, Minnesum, indeed they are. And I'm putting you in our oldest, rickidious flying gas tank. Never passed a single inspection. A sane leader would have grounded her months ago, but I'm not that leader. That sounds very dangerous, sir. I'm quite scared, sir.
Starting point is 00:24:21 As you should be, Minnesum. As you should be. Each time you take off, I give you no better odds than a coin toss of making it back to base. Now, good going. You've got 10 trips alone to make today. Suspissions at the C-plane may have gone up in flames. We're all but confirmed by a passing merchant ship which spotted a fireball and found evidence
Starting point is 00:24:40 of an oil slick in the ocean. So I guess somebody did witness a fireball that possibly was that was that plane. At the crack of dawn, the next morning, the Navy dispatched more than 300 boats and aircraft to look for flight 19 in the missing mariner, search parties spent five days coming through more than 300,000 square miles of territory, and the search just didn't turn up a single clue.
Starting point is 00:24:59 They just vanished. Navy Lieutenant David White later recalled, we had hundreds of planes outlooking and we searched over land and water for days, and nobody ever found the bodies or any debris. A Navy Board of Investigation also left scratching his head. While it argued that Taylor might have confused the Bahamas for the Florida Keys after his compass malfunctioned, it could find no clear explanation for why flight 19 had become so disoriented.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Its members eventually attributed the loss to causes or reasons unknown. And that's a story of flight 19. Big mystery number one, occurring in 1945, and then receiving media coverage again in 1964, and then Charles Burlitz would write his first book on the triangle, titled the Bermuda Triangle in 1974. And more examination and pull up fiction would soon follow like the Bermuda Triangle Solves in 1975 by Larry Kusch,
Starting point is 00:25:45 another book titled The Burmudo Triangle written by Jim Collins in 77, Secrets of the Burmudo Triangle by Alan Landsberg in 78, and on and on and on. So let's look at some of the other mysteries that have since the 1964 article came out, been attributed to this triangle of water that was never before defined that way
Starting point is 00:26:03 before we look at possible explanations. One incident attributed to the triangle involves the schooner the James B. Chester. On February 28th, 1855, the general vicinity of the Azores, the crew of the merchantman marathon, cited the bark James B. Chester. The ship was sailing erratically as if no one was at the helm and did not answer hails. The ship was sailing erratically, as if no one was at the helm and did not answer hails. Mate Thomas boarded her and found her deserted as if deserted in the Great Hurrie. The cabins had evidently been ransacked. Tables and chairs were overturned, clothes and books lying around.
Starting point is 00:26:34 The ships, papers and compass were missing, but the wool cargo and provisions were still there. The captain of the marathon then had a crew take the chester to the Albert Docks and Liverpool. And there the chester became a spooky tourist attraction, queued the spooky music. And abandoned ship afloat it seemed and it really is spooky. Makes me think it was pirate to the Caribbean movies, you know. That there's a ghost ship kept in by black Timmy, the most feared name on the seven seas. Old black Timmy. He's a shame, he doesn't have a more ominous nickname like Bart or Dread, the Black Dread. He's a shame he doesn't have a more ominous nickname like Bart Dred the Black Dred
Starting point is 00:27:06 That's a much more nefarious nickname than black Timmy. Anywho All right the USS Cyclops let's talk about this one of the Navy's largest fuel ships The Cyclops was last seen on March 4th in 18 or 1918 when it stopped in the West Indies on its way from Brazil to Baltimore, carrying 10,800 tons of manganese to be used in manufacturing munitions. Manganese for those who don't know is the metal used to make kryptonite. And kryptonite is a fuel that nuclear reactors run on. And until 1988, manganese was also listed among the main ingredients of wheaties, along with nitrous oxide and plutonium and uranium and black gunpowder, arsenic, fric frac and poop loop.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Is anyone still believing this? Is anyone still on board after poop loop being listed as the main ingredient of wheaties? No, manganese is a metal, often used in stainless steel alloys, used mainly for its rust and corrosion kind of preventative properties. But the big ship carrying manganese never made it to Baltimore, nor did any of its 300 or so passengers and crewmembers. Despite an exhaustive search effort, no trace was ever found in the ship. Naval investigators never landed on a definitive cause for its disappearance.
Starting point is 00:28:19 So where did they go? Another victim of black Timmy, working with Lucaphina herself to drag sailors to the ocean dips. Damn, that sexy siren. On January 28, 1948, the small British South American airways plane, the Star Tiger, started from Libson, Portugal, for its first leg of a journey to Santa Maria and the Azores. Supposed to be a short halt in the Azores for refueling, but due to bad weather conditions and strong winds, the captain Brian W. McMillan decided they would fly to Bermuda the next
Starting point is 00:28:49 day. So then on January 29th, the flight takes off from Santa Maria despite strong winds. There were 25 passengers on board. One of them, a very distinguished person, Air Marshall Sir Arthur Cunningham, a hero of World War II, the captain decided to fly at an exceptionally low altitude of 2,000 feet in order to avoid a strong Gulf Stream headwind over the Atlantic. At 3.15am, when many of the passengers were sleeping or dozing, the radio operator of the flight pressed a button to get position of the plane from Bermuda's radio operator.
Starting point is 00:29:18 The Bermuda operator responded, giving the position of the plane to 72 degrees. On receiving the message, the captain McMill, and the flight operator agreed that the estimated time of arrival of Bermuda would be 5 a.m. The Bermuda operator tried to contact the star tiger later at 3.50 a.m. no response. Try to get it 4.40 a.m. no response. And the plane's landing time of 5 a.m. passes and there's no trace of the flight. There's been no distress call raised by the captain of the flight. So why didn't he call in? What could have happened so suddenly for him not to send a distress signal? There was a massive rescue operation launched by the USAAF personnel with 26 aircraft flying for 882 hours to search for the Star Tiger.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Operation lands lasted for five days, but they found no trace. Nothing. January 31st, 1948, the news of the passenger Sir Arthur Cunningham's death shared the front page of the New York Times, along with other terrible news of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination in the death of Orville Wright. Sadly Cunningham's name seems to have faded a bit more than those other two, right? Gandhi, heard him for sure. Orville Wright, absolutely. Arthur Cunningham. Who the fuck is that? Sounds like the name of an old guy who bartends at a British pub. Just who?
Starting point is 00:30:30 You know, Arthur, Arthur Cunningham. Bartender, down at Yield Kingshead Tavern. You know, the guy we used to call bangers of mesh, you know, when you get hammered. Remember, you started doing that after that World Cup match. The guy, the guy who yelled, you yelled out. You were like, yeah, fuck cricket. When you know, when we were Kevin's bachelor party. Okay. This next is apparent super weird. This is the Piper Navajo disappearance on December, excuse me, November 3rd, 1978. Irving Rivers left St. Croix, part of the US Virgin Islands in a Piper Navajo. He was piloting for Eastern Caribbean airways. The experienced pilot was making his solo flight to position the plane in St. Thomas to pick up passengers. Visibility was good. Temperatures are was making his solo flight to position the plane in St. Thomas to pick up passengers.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Visibility was good, temperatures are warm. During the flight, the control tower radios of flight Suggestion to avoid a small shower, little storm and rivers radios his acknowledgement. You know, makes the adjustment. As he nears the airport in St. Thomas, the plane is cleared for landing. The controller sees the planes red and green lights Blinking as it's making its approach. Soon after another plane makes its plan departure, the controller looks back and realizes he can no longer see the planes lights and it's disappeared from radar. And emergency search effort is launched, nothing's ever found. Even though it's within a mile of landing, they can see it. No wreckage ever found, right?
Starting point is 00:31:42 How do you fucking lose track of it when it's less than a mile away? That one weirds me out. Okay, before we get to our next disappearance, let's hear from our first sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you by World of Warships. How perfect is that as we talk about all these maritime mysteries? Everyone would have liked to captain some of the greatest warships of World War II. Then you should check out World of Warships. It's free to play historical online combat game from War Gaming. And that works for Time Suck, because you know this is absolutely a historical podcast. With World of Warships, you will command a massive naval fleet, featuring some of history's most iconic war vessels, like the USS Arizona, the USS Indianapolis.
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Starting point is 00:33:37 On August 19, 1920, the Deering prepared to sail from Norfolk, Virginia to Rio de Janeiro with a cargo of coal. The ship was captain by William H. Merritt. Merritt son, Suel, was his first mate. He had a 10-man crew made up entirely of Scandinavians. Known to be some of the dumbest people on the planet, look, I don't want to be needlessly offensive, but I just read a study written by scientists who hate Scandinavia.
Starting point is 00:34:00 The Scandinavians actually have more in common with chimpanzees than do other humans. Yeah, seriously, yeah, I read that. I read that their DNA more closely resembles the DNA of dogs, specifically dumb filthy dogs, mutts, mangy muts than it does with other human DNA. And that offends you? Then you know why go fuck yourself. You stupid Viking?
Starting point is 00:34:20 Look, I get it. No one likes being called dumb, but science is science and you're stupid, and your language is annoying. And everyone thinks so, and the rest of the world hates you. No one cares about fucking Lincoln berries, okay? All right, if I had it my way, I'd take all the world's pedophiles and murderers and rape as an I'd dump them in Sweden,
Starting point is 00:34:35 Norway and Finland, which I combine into one big, worthless country called Who Gives A Shit A Stan, and I'd fence it off. And year after year, those fucking derelicts and debuts would terrorize this place And after like four or five years I would drop all of the world's nuclear bombs on all of them every single nuclear bomb Katie, of course Katie, of course. I love Scandinavia I just wanted to go crazy for a second. Okay, sorry Scandinavia. You took the brunt of that. I have relatives in Sweden
Starting point is 00:35:01 I've never met actually hope to someday my wife's been to Sweden and Norway as well. She said it was stunningly beautiful. And I'm part in a region, part Swedish. Just need to be ridiculous sometimes. Did you get some of nonsense out of my system? I also have a growing number of Scandinavian time suckers, man, Sweden just moved to the top five for countries with the most time suckers.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So hopefully I didn't lose all of you. I seriously doubt I did. Europeans have a great sense of humor I found just in general. So hello, Swedes. Uffta, uffta, uffta! Keeps breadin' the suck over there. Get enough people so I can fly over for a show, man.
Starting point is 00:35:32 That'll be fucking, that'll be a dream come true. Hail Nimrod! Anyway, August 22nd, 1920, the Dearing Left, Newport News, Virginia. In late August, Captain Merritt Fellill had to be let off at the port of Luz Delaware, along with his son, the Dearing Company hastily recruited Captain WB Wormel, a retired 66-year-old veteran captain to replace him. Charles B. McLellan was hired on his first mate, the vessel set sail for Rio on September 8th, 1920, arrived there, delivered its first cargo without incident.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Wormel gave his crew, leave, and met with Captain Goodwin, an old friend who'd Captain another cargo vessel, the daring left Rion December 2nd, 1920, and stopped for supplies in Barbados. The ship was next-sided by the cape lookout light ship in North Carolina on January 28, 1921, when the vessel hailed it. The light ship's keeper, Captain Jacobson, reported that a thin man with reddish hair and a foreign accent, probably Scandinavian, told him that the vessel had lost its anchors in a storm of Cape Fear. On January 31, 1921, the deering was cited run aground on diamond shoals, an area off
Starting point is 00:36:35 the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina that is long winded to a common side of ship wrecks. Rescue ships were unable to approach the vessel, owing to bad weather, the ship was not bored until February 4 and became clear that the ship had been completely abandoned. Another one of those ghost ships, black timmy, just got a hold of. The US government launched an extensive investigation into the disappearance of the crew of the dehrine, five departments of the government, commerce, treasury, justice, navy, and state,
Starting point is 00:37:01 looked into the case. Herbert Hoover, then Secretary of Commerce, was intrigued by the fact that several other vessels of various nationalities, most notably the sulfur freighter Hewitt, had also disappeared and roughly the same area. In the Bermuda Triangle. Though most of these vessels were later revealed to have been sailing in the vicinity of a series of particularly vicious hurricanes, the Hewitt and Deering were proven to have been sailing away from the area of the storm at that time.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Hoover's assistant Lawrence Richie was placed in charge of the investigation. Richie tried to chart what happened to the vessel between his last siding and Cape lookout and it's running to ground at Diamond Sholes by reading the logbooks of the Coast Guard light ship station at those places and then nothing. And the investigation was closed in late 1922 without an official finding on the incident. Okay, one more, Bermuda disappearance. The witchcraft. Wow, that's right. I just felt like I saw that name and I'm like, ooh, I have to add that one.
Starting point is 00:37:54 On December 22, 1967, experienced Yotsman, Dan Burek and his friend, father Patrick Hogan, set sail in the 23 foot luxury yacht yacht, which craft to see the holiday lights out to coast of Miami, unfortunately after just one mile to pair experience difficulty when it seemed as if the yacht had hit something. Buret calmly called by the Miami Coast Guard to report the trouble and request assistance. The official who took the call, later commented that Buret seemed unconcerned, perhaps because the yacht was fitted with a special flotation device that was supposed to make the vessel
Starting point is 00:38:23 unsinkable. The Coast Guard arrived at the scene just 19 minutes after the call and were surprised to find no trace of anything. Not the yacht, no debris, no sign, a bureauc or hogan. Over the next six days hundreds of square miles of ocean were searched but nothing was ever found and the witchcraft has been chalked up as another vessel mysteriously lost to the Bermuda Triangle. Another Bermuda Triangle disappearance with nothing but a set of weird facts surrounding it. Okay, so now we have a few disappearances to wonder about. Let's try and explain them. And let's look at both scientific and paranormal possibilities. First science, one kind of terrifying and definitely fascinating possible scientific explanation for the disappearances in the Bimino triangle is methane gas eruptions. Large amounts of methane
Starting point is 00:39:16 gas are trapped thousands of feet below the sea floor. And if this gas gets released, water density in the area, depending on the amount of methane release could reduce significantly the density of the water and the frothy water could no longer provide the proper buoyancy required to keep a ship afloat. So if you're already afraid of the ocean like I am, now you're more scared. The knowledge that at least theoretically your boat could suddenly and without warning to singing to the ocean depths were you undoubtedly be attacked and eaten by previously undiscovered and terrifying fish-like monsters with crazy teeth and dead heartless fish eyes.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And probably some weird spiky shit around their heads, who knows. But the methane gas theory for disappearance of the ships and planes in the Buna Triangle didn't gain popularity until 1988. When Dr. Ben Clennell of Leeds University in England delivered a lecture at Wales about methane gas becoming a big source of future energy. He mentioned that volumes of methane gas can get released as a result of landslides under the ocean floor.
Starting point is 00:40:12 He went on to state that in such an event, the water density in that area and right up to the surface can get so low that it can make a ship drop like a rock. And since the gas is highly combustible, theoretically, an eruption could also cause a plane flying above it to catch fire and be incinerated. Jesus Christ. Now the reason to be scared to fly over the ocean, is if crashing into the water and dying on impact or drowning or being eaten by creepy monster fishes and bad enough, now you can add being obliterated and a methane fireball to the list. However, this is a theory, there's no definitive evidence that such, you know, this methane effect is actually caused to disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle or anywhere else. And it's highly
Starting point is 00:40:47 unlikely that methane gas eruptions are to blame for these disappearances. And here's why the largest chunks of methane reserves are actually found at a distance away from the Bermuda Triangle and not really inside the area where many of these disappearances have taken place. If methane gas is to erupt, it has to cross thousands of feet of sediments below the ocean floor and then more than a thousand feet of water in Ramuda Triangle to reach the surface and then sink a ship and it has to rise far beyond to burn an aircraft. The odds that this would A happen and B happen when a ship is in the perfect spot to be sunk or a plane is in the perfect spot to be caught on fire is beyond
Starting point is 00:41:22 extremely low. Also methane gas eruptions don't explain my ships and planes lost near the Bahamas, where water depth is only 50 feet or so, for example, haven't been found. And then there's examples of drilling rigs unknowingly boring into the methane layer under the sea floor and starting to sink, but they've always sank really slowly. Slow enough to give their crews plenty of time to send out distress signals and be rescued. There's never been any casualties in any of these situations, in many of these cases, helicopters circling around the area taking pictures of these incidents, had never been harmed, let alone caught on fire.
Starting point is 00:41:53 So, probably not methane. Another possible explanation for sudden disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle are water spouts. The Coast Guard notes that unpredictable Caribbean Atlantic storms can yield water spouts that often spell disaster for pilots and mariners. A water spout being a rotating column of water and spray formed by a whirlwind occurring over the sea or other body of water. So basically like a water tornado does not sound fun. The largest water spouts can have diameters of 100 meters, 330 feet last up for like an hour. Though the average time is just about five to 10 minutes for the average water spout, the average wind speed is only 50 miles an hour, but because it's extremely hard to gather
Starting point is 00:42:35 measurement evidence about these things, scientists don't really know how fast the winds can get inside these things. So who knows what a giant one could actually do. Then there's the possibility of magnetic anomalies in the area, giving pilots and captains the winds can get inside these tanks. So who knows what a giant one could actually do. Then there's the possibility of magnetic anomalies in the area, giving pilots and captains navigation errors by throwing off their equipment like that flight 19, like if it's compass really to start freaking out. This one's backed up scientifically in other parts of the world, but not necessarily
Starting point is 00:42:58 in the Bermuda Triangle. At least not yet. One famous known magnetic anomaly is Russia's Kursk magnetic anomaly. The Earth possesses a magnetic field generated from millions of tons of iron and other metals deep within the planet's core. Armagnetic field helps to deflect harmful solar wind, so we're not irradiated. Strongest near the North and South poles, this magnetic field is pretty consistent across various degrees of latitude, however there are exceptions. Often resulting from unusually high levels of metal in one area. A magnetic anomaly is a change in the Earth's magnetic field that's different from what's
Starting point is 00:43:32 expected. That means there's such a large amount of metal in the crust, in a certain place it can override the rest of Earth's massive magnetic field. And Russia's Kirksk magnetic anomaly located on the eastern border of Russia near the Ukraine, near the Killzone, actually, of last week's time-stop topic, Andre Chikotilo, is one of these places. With more than 30 billion tons of iron ore spread across nearly 50,000 square miles, it's a size of countries like Greece and Cuba. So large, some estimates say it accounts for about half of all the Earth's iron or reserves. So thanks to all
Starting point is 00:44:07 that iron in the ground compasses here will spend in an extra 15 degrees and in some areas even confuse south with east and north with west. So this unique geological phenomena has one the area of the nickname Earth's third magnetic pole. So does something similar go on in the Bermuda Triangle? again, no scientific evidence of any disruptive magnetic forces there, but there is a lot of speculation about them. There's a lot of people who have claimed that their compasses have just started freaking out. Their navigational devices have gone all wonky in the triangle. So, who knows? Now, the main scientific explanation for the Bermuda Triangle is that it's bullshit
Starting point is 00:44:41 in that there is no mystery. Then it's just a product of journalistic sensationalism and that planes and boats don't actually disappear there any more frequently than any other place in the ocean. One article I found said, planes and boats do not go missing in the space between Puerto Rico, Florida and Vermuda, any more than they do in any other part of the world. There's no statistical significance to this region at all. Even though there are plenty of natural mechanisms, which could stink boats over the oceans, almost none of them exist in the triangle. Now, scientists point out that while bodies and wreckage
Starting point is 00:45:11 have never been found in many cases, this isn't surprising considering that it's a massive body of water and most of it is incredibly deep. Even today, the wreckage of planes and boats are rarely located in other areas of the ocean despite massive advances in reconnaissance and tracking technology. Like, think about Amelia Earhart, right, from her time suck a few weeks ago. She didn't disappear anywhere near the Bermuda Triangle, and the wreckage of her plane, if it did, you know, sink has never
Starting point is 00:45:33 been found. There was a disappearance of four Boeing B-47 Stratogets flying from Florida to Morocco. Sorry, one of four, one of four, that changed the story. The disappearance of one of four Boeing B-47's strategy that's flying from Florida to Morocco in March of 1956, this plane just vanished over the Mediterranean while carrying two capsules of nuclear weapons material. The plane, crew, nuclear material, never been found.
Starting point is 00:45:57 There was a discipline, that one sounds sketchy to me, that sounds like one of these guys like we can fucking sell this shit. We can sell this nuclear stuff to somebody in Africa. So maybe they just who knows, but it never been found. There was this appearance of big band leader Glenn Miller in 1944. On December 15th, 1944, he boarded a small plane, a single engine UC 64 Norseman took off from Paris and route to London with two other occupants, Lieutenant Colonel Norman Basel, pilot John Morgan,
Starting point is 00:46:25 departed on a cold foggy day, and neither he, nor the plane, nor the other passers ever seen again. The official report is that the plane crashed into the English channel as a result of iced over wings or engine complications, but no wreckage has ever been found, so that's speculation. All there's no uncertainty is that the plane left for its seemingly short trip on December 5th and vanished.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And ships disappear around the world too, man, like the SS Poet in 1979. First a ship was called the General Omar Bundy and hauled troops in World War II. Later she hauled Steel as the port in 1979, she was acquired by the Eugenia Corporation of Hawaii, who gave her the last names you'd ever hold to Poets. Nothing particularly mysterious about the Poets last job in 1979. Her hold was filled with 13,500 tons of corn. She was scheduled to haul from Philadelphia to Port Set, Egypt, or rather routine and dull job.
Starting point is 00:47:15 You know, there's just one problem the poet never reached Port Set. In fact, her last communication came only six hours after leaving Philadelphia. When one of her officers spoke to his wife. After that, she failed to report for her 48-hour check-in. She failed to give any kind of distress signal. She failed to communicate ever again.
Starting point is 00:47:30 To make matters worse, the Eugenia Corporation didn't report her missing until six days after she last made contact. Even then, the Coast Guard didn't bother searching for another five days. So, you know, we weren't really on top of ship for that ship. No trace of the poet was ever found. So many, you know, disappearances that are, that are not unique to the
Starting point is 00:47:47 Bermuda Triangle. So those are the main scientific explanations. In short, maybe it's methan explosion, explosions, but probably not. Maybe it's water spouts, probably not. Maybe it's magnetic anomalies, probably not very, very, very likely total bullshit. And there's no mystery to the Bermuda Triangle. Things just disappear over the ocean, especially. And there's a lot of ocean for things to disappear in around the premium triangle. So that's the science part for you.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Just taking another shit on fun and mystery scientists. Damn it. So let's take a look at some paranormal explanations. Let's get mysterious again. But before we do, let's check in with another sponsor. TimeSug is brought to you today by RXBAR, a whole food protein bar made with a few simple, clean ingredients, which all serve a purpose. Egg whites for protein, dates to bind, nuts for texture.
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Starting point is 00:49:52 I love the natural ingredients, man. You can see the nuts in there. You know, it's not just all ground up in that weird powdery paste. So get some, get 25% off your first order. Visit rxbar.com slash time suck. And enter promo code time suck at checkout, right? That's rxbar.com slash time suck, promo code, time suck. For 25% off your first order,
Starting point is 00:50:16 I mean, you will love these. I promise you will love these. All right, let's get paranormal. What paranormal explanations are there for the Bermuda Triangle disappearances? UFOs. You know, do UFOs have anything to do with Bermuda Triangle? Are aliens occasionally plucking people from a boat
Starting point is 00:50:32 or a plane? Who knows, maybe, maybe not. I don't know. There have been numerous claims of UFO sightings over the years of Bermuda Triangle. Various UFO enthusiasts claim it's an alien hotbed. Space lizard nut job, David Ike. He of the lizard illuminati fame claimed in
Starting point is 00:50:45 2012 that a giant crystal pyramid had been discovered in the waters of the Reader Triangle of course he did. So it's goddamn Space Lizards hiding in their moon base and controlling our thoughts and living in their Bermuda crystal pyramid, sinking our ships with their crystal powers, fucking Space Lizards constantly ruining shit, so they can psychically feed off of our turmoil and angst. God I can't wait to launch the secret suck and have your excuse just to learn so much more about David Ike than anyone ever should learn so much about his space lizard thoughts. I'm gonna be more of an expert in space lizard lizard than David Ike is but time like a year or so. Anyway here's
Starting point is 00:51:22 the here's the best per meter UFO tale tale I found. It was written by long time UFO researcher and writer Billy Booth for Thoughtco.com and Billy says, a well-documented count of a UFO hovering over the USS John F. Kennedy while in the infamous Bermuda triangle was given to me personally. Of course it was, by a crew member who was a communications expert and an eyewitness to Strange Events in 1971. Our witness had served a year on the ship, and when the incident occurred, the vessel was returning to Norfolk, Virginia after a two-week readiness exercise in the Caribbean. Our witness was on duty in the communications center, monitoring eight separate teletype
Starting point is 00:51:58 machines. These teletypes printed out fleet broadcasts. The array of eight was comprised of four on top, which each logged different channels and four on the bottom, which unlike the top row monitored different frequencies. If any messages were received, they were to be sent to the facilities control center, which would in turn monitor the messages. On the opposite side of the room was the Naval Communications Operations Network, which was a ship-to-shore circuit.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Beside it was the task group circuit for ship to ship messaging. At about 2030 hours, the ship had completed an 18-hour flight ops. A routine message had just been logged and turning back to the teletypes are witnessed, notice that all the information coming in was garbage. He checked the alternate machines, and they too were sending garbage. Walking to the intercom, he informed the facilities control center about the problem, a reply to hold him that all the communication hardware was malfunctioning. In the corner of the room was the pneumatic tube system, which had an intercom which communicated with the bridge.
Starting point is 00:52:55 All of those on duty in the communications room heard someone in a loud voice proclaim, there's something hovering over the ship. A moment or two later, another voice shouted, it's the end of the world. End of the world, easy drama queen. It's quite the leap there. Talk about a lot of psychological projection, man.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I feel like so many of us assume that if we do see UFOs, they've just come here to fuck us up. You know, and I think we assume that because that's what we've done to each other throughout history. Like historically, when one of our cultures encounters another one, we generally haven't shown up to be like buddies and you know, play a, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:30 connect four. We've shown up to conquer and or colonize, colonize, you know, we assume aliens probably do the same thing I guess, you know. Why can't they just come to talk? How cool would that be? If they came, we just wanted to share some new info man. Give us some technology.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Give us a teleporter bracelet so we don't have to sit and traffic anymore. Go to the airport. Give us nanobots, medical nanobots that we can pour into our bloodstream, repair our DNA, and cure diseases. As we march towards transhumanism and post-humanism. But no, we have to assume it's death and annihilation. The six men in the communications room immediately went to take a look at what was happening. They ran the approximately 50 feet to the hatch that opened into the catwalk on the edge
Starting point is 00:54:08 of the flight deck. This happened at the time of No Horizon, which occurs in the morning and evening because of the sun rising or setting and during this time it's difficult if not impossible to tell where the sky and sea meet. I should take a moment here to actually point out another possible scientific explanation for planes getting lost over the meter triangle. And other vast expanses of ocean, when the weather is bad and pilots have no land reference to guide themselves by and can't tell where the horizon is while they while they're over
Starting point is 00:54:33 open water, they can experience spatial disorientation and vertigo when just everything looks the same. Like the sky, the sea, it's hard to tell where they meet, very disorientating. I guess pilots use a horizon as an important navigational reference, and when that reference isn't there, when it can't be determined, things just get super confusing. Like in the waters of the meter triangle, elsewhere in the ocean, you know, a foggy haze can really obscure the horizon
Starting point is 00:54:55 and totally disorientate pilots, especially I'm sure back in time when we had less navigational tools, you know, you add that to some instrument panel trouble and you can get lost real quick. Okay, back to this guy's story. As they looked up, they were shocked to see a large glowing sphere hovering above the ship, yet without a horizon for reference, it was difficult to estimate its size. But best guesses from the witnesses put it at 200 to 300 feet in diameter. There was no sound coming from the UFO, the light of the otherworldly craft seemed diffused
Starting point is 00:55:23 and the yellow, and it was a yellow-to-orange color. After gays and its UFO for about 20 seconds, battle station alerts went off. Their officers met them on their way back to the communication room, urging them to rush back to work. After about 20 minutes of sitting with nothing to do, the communications came back online. There were no messages out going about the giant UFO at any time. The next few hours were uneventful, except for a good friend of our witness who worked in the Combat Information Center who told him that during the time the UFO hovered over the
Starting point is 00:55:50 ship all of the radar screens glowed. Another ship made of his who worked on the navigation bridge informed him that all of the compasses had malfunctioned during the event. He would also be told that two F4 phantoms would not start while the UFO was near the ship. Scuttled but on the ship passed rumors. Not too long after the event, several men and trench coats had landed on the ship and questioned those who had seen the phenomena. A few days afterward as the ship was nearing this destination of Norfolk, a captain came
Starting point is 00:56:18 on the closed circuit television station and reminded the crew that anything that happens on the ship stays on the ship. Although the UFO was not mentioned specifically, other than that the gossip among crew members, this was the only reference to the unusual occurrence on the USS John F. Kennedy in the Bimina Triangle. Our witness is still haunted by what he saw and heard that day and is actively pursuing details about this event and other UFO's heightens. All, look, I believe in the possibility of UFOs I really do, but yet again, uh, disinpointed with another ledge-siding story.
Starting point is 00:56:52 This particular story locks me when Billy said that after just seeing a UFO above the ship and gazing at it for 20 seconds, everyone just goes back to their posts and things with an uneventful for the next few hours, shut the fuck up. Things would not be uneventful. People would be losing their goddamn mind. So there's a giant spaceship hovering about the ship. Really? You're not gonna see an alien and then be bored.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Ten minutes later, just man. When is this shift gonna be over? Time is dragging today with nothing to do. Why aren't our instruments working again? Oh yeah, Stu is spaceship up front, since I'm massing them up. One of those dumb aliens aliens gonna get out of here so things can go back to being eventful.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And the dudes in trench coat showed up, nah. Why do they always have to be in trench coats or dress all in black? Why can't I like the men in black type, like why can't the alien dudes show up on like Hawaiian shirts or something, you know, downplay the whole thing. Make it, you know, do a little mistrack,
Starting point is 00:57:41 make a little more casual. Just be a little, you know, hey guys, hey guys, oh man, that was a wacky saucer, huh? Probably think it's aliens, don't ya? Nah, man, we got you, we got you. I'm Captain Donnie Winkler on the head of the Navy's prank division. Hey, and we just got you, oh man, you just got winked. You just got winked by the Winkler. You should have seen your faces
Starting point is 00:58:05 when you thought an alien death's author was hovering above you. You possibly prepared to utterly destroy the ship and every life for a monotone. Man, you guys were so scared. Oh, show hands, who shit their pants? Come on, get him up. Who's got stinky drawers?
Starting point is 00:58:19 Who just made a poop and butt cheek Sammy? Come on, I can smell at least one. Oh, rotten, any who. Thanks for letting us mess around with our new projectory and working on. We can project cool images onto the clouds. Great for pranks, as you know now. All right, guys, see you around.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm gonna leave a little bag of hand buzzers and whoopie cushions for you to mess around with just courtesy of the Navy's prank division. They take care of everybody. No, that'd be great if that's, it'd get to be super fucking annoying, but you know, however, when someone disappears, who knows, you know, I guess it could always be aliens in my mind.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And maybe they have some powerful cloaking technology we can't see them. Maybe they come here all the time. Who knows. Maybe they freeze time. Walk amongst this. Who the hell knows? All I do know is in the context of Bermuda Triangle,
Starting point is 00:59:03 I wasn't able to find one example of Bermuda Triangle UFO story that made me think, yeah, this is definitely UFOs. Okay, other than UFOs, leading paranormal explanation to the Bermuda Triangle mystery is that there's some kind of dimensional portal there, some type of fluctuating gateway to another place of time, you know, like there are those who believe that various planes and ships have fallen to wormholes, possibly popping out in some other world or making it to some other time.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Here's one interesting first-hand story I came across in a documentary about a guy who believes he flew into a time tunnel. On December 4, 1979, Florida property developer Bruce Gernan says that he and a friend and his dad were flying back to Florida in Bahamas, specifically from Andros Island to Bimini to Palm Beach International. And then they took a flight from Andros Island at exactly 3pm and then a hundred miles from Miami, violent thunder clouds showed up ahead. He tried to fly around the storm when suddenly a tunnel opened up in the clouds and he flew into its opening. And then once inside, suddenly these strange lines appeared on the edge of the tunnel,
Starting point is 01:00:09 like these rotating counterclockwise lines and this perfectly formed tunnel. It was about 10 miles long. And while inside the tunnel, air traffic and control of Miami just couldn't locate him, just disappeared. And then less than a minute after entering the tunnel, Bruce and his passengers are back out, the fog dissipates and suddenly they're flying over Miami. And he realizes he traveled 100 miles in roughly 3 minutes, which is impossible in this little plane in his.
Starting point is 01:00:32 So Bruce co-wrote a book about the experience called The Fog, a never before published of the Mutatangal phenomena published in 2005 and I don't buy any of it for a fucking second. And here's why. I watched two separate interviews with Bruce Dernan about this incident and he gave two different accounts of the story, you know, because he's given them in the days before YouTube and DVRs when odds are no one can notice the discrepancies. But I noticed in one interview, he said he was flying towards Florida when he sees a large
Starting point is 01:00:58 lenticular cloud, which is a stationary lens shape cloud that forms in the troposphere, normally in perpendicular alignment to the wind direction. This one in his words was at least 60,000 feet high. It's pretty big. And realizing he couldn't fly above it, that's what he said in one video, he's like, I couldn't fly above it. He decided to fly straight into it and he just flies into the storm. No tunnel is noticed.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And then after he's inside the cloud, then he notices a tunnel and he makes a big deal about not being able to fly above it again. And then in the other interview, he says they were trying to fly around a storm and that's where he saw a tunnel in the storm and dove in. Two separate stories, which is did you fly around it and then dive into a tunnel or did you realize you couldn't fly above it and then go into the storm and then notice a tunnel. And bigger discrepancy, if you think that's nitpicky, in one story he's flying with his dad and a friend, and in the other story it's just his dad.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Get out of here, Bruce, you fucking wack a doodle. One story, oh yeah, also this. One story he never mentions aliens. But in the other story he mentioned seen aliens on other trips in the area before his time, tunnel adventure, and so there's some connection with UFOs. And of course the UFO thing was like the second,
Starting point is 01:02:06 like interview in time. So he gives one, know if UFOs, a little bit later, he's like, I should've like sprinkled some UFO shit into this story and make a little more, little more panache, you know? So, and also, who else has flown through a time tunnel in the Bermuda Triangle, and also talked about it, and also seen UFOs?
Starting point is 01:02:22 No one, just Bruce. I like to make up stories for fun and profit, Dernan. Okay, so Bruce's story does not hold up at least for me, at all. But what about other stories I mentioned in Weird Facts? Let's examine those. We'll save Flight 19 for the end. And actually before we examine any of them, let's see what the idiots of the internet
Starting point is 01:02:40 have to say about the Bermuda Triangle. It is an adventure that can't be. Okay, so many idiots today to pick from. When I picked a Bermuda Triangle, I knew I'd find no shortage of intellectual underachievers. The first is under the second YouTube video I found about Bruce Gurrenen. It's user Kelly Carver and she has her own strange phenomena to share with us, typing. I have seen five planes disappear in the last month. Weird, right? I love how this starts. Hey everyone, I saw five planes vanish into thin air. Is that normal? I love that you need some sort of validation that this is indeed strange. As if there's a chance everyone would just come back
Starting point is 01:03:21 with, oh no, no, that's not weird. No, no, no, planes just disappear now. That's a thing now. You know, most planes disappear, actually. It's amazing that anyone even wants to fly anymore, considering that nearly all planes disappear forever. You think you'd be on the news more. And then Kelly gives us the deets of surrounding these disappearances, saying, they were flying west at a fairly high altitude above
Starting point is 01:03:42 what it looks like of what looks like Birmingham, Ohio. Sometimes, there were some clouds and others. There are no nearby clouds at all. I know it sounds really weird, but they just seem to disappear. I'm wondering what kind of technology the secret government has now has now all caps with has that it's sophisticated enough to allow all caps such a thing. One day, this was filled with Kimtrail jets all day and then a different plane that looked shark-like through the sky as if it were inspecting the work that the Kimtrail jets had accomplished, like a supervisor or something. When the shark reached the area of what looks to be above Birmingham, it disappeared all caps. This was the second time I
Starting point is 01:04:22 have seen a jet disappear in the same spot. Others have happened since then. The government is doing some very strange and offensive things, and I don't trust them not to be causing harm to us in the planet. Chemtrails alone are a sick thing to do to people. Wow. Alright, first off, I would literally feel comfortable betting my life, my actual life that Kelly didn't see any of this shit. Especially since some of it's not real. Like, chemtrail planes, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Like, that's a thing. Like, there are just planes flying around for the specific purpose of spraying biological and or chemical components into the air to either exterminate us, harm us, sterilize us, kill us. The trails you see behind planes are normal water-based contrails, condensation trails that are routinely left
Starting point is 01:05:07 by high-flying aircraft under certain, you know, atmospheric conditions. No one's spraying fucking sterilization spread at anybody, and if they are, it's not working. Not doing a good job, right? They're not spraying the right people because wackadoodles and the willfully ignorant are just popping out babies at alarming rates all the time.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So they're trying to sterilize the portion of the population that they would consider undesirable, doing a fucking terrible job. You know, and we're living longer than ever, so they're not doing a very good job killing us either. Are they? But I love that Kelly A accepts the planes regularly dispensed chemtrails,
Starting point is 01:05:38 you know, upon the human population, like that's just a documented scientific fact, and B, wants to make sure that she doesn't, that we know that she doesn't agree with the ethics of chemtrails. You know, when she adds that, chemtrails alone are a sick thing to do to people. As if she didn't add that last part,
Starting point is 01:05:53 we'd assume that she was pro-chemtrail. You know, like she gets some replies in the threads. Hey Kelly, agree with you about plane disappearing on a regular basis? However, unlike you, I do not condone chemtrails, not cool chemtrail lover, not cool. Well, no one replied to Kelly. So let's move on. Uh, okay, let's let's let's talk about someone who really loves the caps lock key, YouTuber
Starting point is 01:06:18 YFLO international who posted under the same video. Shit is time more bro. Period all caps. I've seen the documentaries. I've seen the evidence. When fools try to dismiss the Bermuda triangle as having something to do with the weather, dot dot dot and then all caps for the rest of this post, they are fucking absolutely fucking totally fucking stupid. Dot dot dot and dot dot dot.
Starting point is 01:06:43 They sound dot dot dot completely dot, and, dot, dot, dot, they sound, dot, dot, dot, completely fucking stupid, dot, dot, dot, dot, trying to explain it away, dot, dot, dot, at some weather shit period. The Bermuda Triangle is a trans-dimensional, a trans-dimensional gateway, dot, dot, dot, fact, dot. So much about this I like. Starting with bro. I feel like adding bro to an argument
Starting point is 01:07:07 almost always means you're gonna be wrong. Just now bro, that's not how you compound interest man. That's not how common interest works at all bro. You add a bro. If your APR is 5% bro, that means you have an extra 5% more money. The second you see that shit. I'll give you $100 bro.
Starting point is 01:07:22 You give me five bucks right then and there bro. And the next day, if the APR is 4%, why you give me four more dollars bro? Pa, every day, I get paid every day on my APR money bro. I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to ask you to leave the bank, sir. We normally take anyone's money, but you're far too dumb to be expected
Starting point is 01:07:40 for us to deal with you on a regular basis. First to be expected deal with you. After bro, I loved it. Why FLO international thinks that not only are people who believe you can explain a way strange to me to triangle phenomena with weather, he not only believes they're fucking stupid, he also believes they sound fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:07:57 That's an important distinction. That's an important second point. Hey bro, you're fucking stupid. Now I'll tell you another thing. You fucking sound stupid too. You know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about? I love the irony of him pointing this out that you know, you're fucking stupid. Now I'll tell you another thing. You fucking sound stupid too, you know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about? I love the irony of him pointing this out,
Starting point is 01:08:08 that you know, by pointing this out, he's making sound sound that much more stupid. And then my next favorite part is closing that with fact. Let me tell you about some facts, bro. You fucking stupid, fact, bro. You sound stupid, fact, bro. It's not some relationship, bro, fact, bro. It's a transmission of gateway, fact, bro. YF. It's not some weather chip, bro. FAC-Bro. It's a Transdimensional Gateway FAC-Bro. YFO, YF, L.O. International is a complete
Starting point is 01:08:28 moron who will be unbearable to talk to for more than 30 seconds, bro. FAC-Bro. FAC-Bro. Bro FAC-T. Okay. One more idiot underneath the video I jumped to from the last video titled Two UFOs Found in Bermuda Triangle. Sometimes it really cracks me up whenever you're comments written by someone who clearly has access to either computer, tablet or smartphone, knows how to type, but doesn't know how to complete a single coherent thought, like not one.
Starting point is 01:08:56 This next comment really just cracked my shit up. User Crystal Guero a year ago writes, all his lies is not true long years until now. Only American make clear their experimental theory to penetrate the whole world and focus. Why America bow bombing atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan, 70 decade ago? And now you are always talking, talks the alien base
Starting point is 01:09:21 and that heart of Bermuda Triangle. The report many of cargo ship and airplane disappear many years ago. If that Bermuda Triangle is miraculous, why not put bomb a super power nuclear bomb? On behalf of everyone, what? What are you talking about? Like, what are you actually trying to say? Because I truly don't know. Let's start at the beginning.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Lies is not true years until now. What in the fuck is that supposed to mean? The lies aren't true? Yeah, that's how lies work. You don't need to add that a lie isn't true. That's incredibly redundant. And years until now, what? So the lies weren't true for years, but now or true.
Starting point is 01:10:03 So now we have true lies. Are you talking about that Swartz- Nager, Damely Curtis movie? You know, came out maybe in the early 90s. I don't know, I give up. And then you're talking about some experimental theory, and that theory has to do with the world and focus. Was the world out of focus before? Did you just copy and paste some fucked up game of Maglibs into the comment section?
Starting point is 01:10:21 That's really how it sounds. This is very hard to follow. And then there's the two crazy sentences when you reference the bombing here, Hiroshima, Hiroshima, and somehow try to connect that to an alien base in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Did aliens bomb Hiroshima? You know, and if so, what does that have to do with the next sentence?
Starting point is 01:10:38 When you talk about cargo and plane disappearances, I suspect if you were here with me right now and I was able to ask you these questions in person, I'd be more confused. I feel like the more I would talk to you, the more confused I would be as would everybody else. Just Hiroshima, aliens hiding in the cargo. When you think 70 decades is has miracle needs is Chiapet penetrate the crystal skull has energy rainbows. Why is Bermuda or is is, can have is, haven't. What? Crystal, you end by saying that if Bermuda is miraculous, which the video you left is coming under, never claims,
Starting point is 01:11:11 I know because I suffered through it. Why not put bomb a superpower nuclear bomb? What the hell are you talking about? Are we supposed to bomb the Bermuda triangle? What is that proof? Have you ever made sense once in your life? So confusing. Do you have a job in tech support?
Starting point is 01:11:26 Did I talk to you when my wife I went down a month ago? I feel like I did. Oh, and by the way, Hiroshima wasn't bombed as you stated. 70 decades ago, seven decades ago. I hope you're not trying to learn a second language by fucking around YouTube. I actually hope you are,
Starting point is 01:11:41 cause then that would make it excusable. In some level, a few others pointed out how nonsensical crystal wherewero is and then Crystal hits back with one of them with one of the strangest comebacks ever and I hope that English is her second language. If English is her first language, oh fuck. She's not doing great because she comes back with, don't say I'm uneducated, which I'm assuming was supposed to be uneducated. That's sad.
Starting point is 01:12:04 When you're trying to defend your education level and you can't spell the word uneducated, pay attention to school kids. Any kids listening right now, pay attention. You may not think your education is always valuable. I promise it is. Crystal continues with, you are crazy and you don't know what your ideas is.
Starting point is 01:12:19 You are stupid Indian man. Just need bow and arrow to climb up the hills. Climb up the hills with what? Since when did Indians need to climb up hills and why would you need a bow and arrow to climb up the said hill? I'd hate to go mountaineering with this nut. Okay everybody, let's grab our climbing gear. You're not gonna make it up this hill unless you bring A, a bow and B, arrow.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Both are very important to climb with. What I like to do is I like to stand on my boastering and shoot myself into the air like a cartoon I once saw. I shoot myself to top of hill, then I stick arrow into hill. And so I not fall back down again, much like Indians used to do. It's his only way to climb. It is only way to be idiot of internet. Okay, let's get back to examining the Bermuda Triangle disappearance as I mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Let's start with witchcraft, right? Start with that one, the witchcraft. The witchcraft was the yacht that disappeared on December 22, 1967, just off the coast of Miami when yachtsman Dan Burek requested co-guard assist, coast guard assistance, just a mile into the journey. Coast guard made it to the location of the distress signal, 19 miles after they called nothings found. Right? So, so why did that happen? Well, we don't know. There's never been an explanation for this one. Do do do do do do do do So let's put a point on the board for mystery,
Starting point is 01:13:45 all right, of the Vermutor Triangle, point for the triangle. Next up, Carol, a daring, that five-mastage commercial schooner that was found to run a ground off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, 1921, no one on board, you know, that one crewed by those goddamn Scandinavians, irandably and unjustifiably attacked
Starting point is 01:14:02 so viciously earlier than apologized for. Shortly after the disappearance of this ship seemed like you know the mystery was solved in April 11, 1921 when a man named Christopher Gray claimed to have found a message in a bottle floating in the waters of Bucston Beach, North Carolina. He swiftly turned it over to authorities and it said, Deering, captured by oil burning boats, something like chaser, taking off everything, handcuffing crew, crew hiding all over ship, no chance to make escape, finding or find or please notify headquarters during. However, upon further investigation into this letter in a bottle turned out gray forged it.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I guess just to get attention or something. So that sucks. Investigators at the time, while unable to find out what happened to 11 man crew, they assumed that either a mutiny or piracy resulted in the abandonment of the ship, but no one knows for sure because the crew was never found. So point two for the triangle. Then there's the Piper Navajo disappearance man that went and just fucking vanished a mile from the runway in St. Thomas. Well, nothing was ever found there. Ever. You know, you know, just in a vanish so close to the airport, how is nothing found? Just gone. Definite point for mystery.
Starting point is 01:15:06 So, what about the Star Tiger, that British South American Airlines passenger plane that departed Lisbon on January 28th, 1948, disappeared the next day after refueling in the Azores and routes of Bermuda? Less than two hours from Bermuda, it just loses contact with air traffic radio control, just vanishes.
Starting point is 01:15:22 You know, after giving up, it starts to find the plane that the British Aviation Ministry investigation team released the following troubling report. In closing this report, it may truly be said that no more baffling problem has ever been presented for investigation. In a complete absence of any reliable evidence as to either the nature or the cause of the accident of Star Tiger, the court has not been able to do more than suggest possibilities, none of
Starting point is 01:15:45 which reaches the level even of probability, into all activities which involve the cooperation of man and machine, two elements enter of a very diverse character. There is an inculcurable element of the human equation dependent upon imperfectly known factors, and there is the mechanical element subject to quite different laws. A breakdown may occur in either separately or in both in conjunction, or some external cause may overwhelm both man and machine. What happened in this case will never be known in the fate of Star Tiger will remain in unsolved mystery.
Starting point is 01:16:18 So 0.4 for sure for mystery, other metatronial. So score 4-0. Now, still looking to disappearance of the USS Cyclops, Big Navy, fuel ship carrying 10,800 tons of manganese, fucking weedies and gradients from Brazil to Baltimore. Cyclops, it was last seen on March 4th, 1918 when it stopped in the West Indies. Where did it go? I want to hear some theories. Captain Warley was hated, I guess, by most of his fellow staff and officers. They accused him of being pro-German. It was actually found a later the Captain Warly
Starting point is 01:16:45 was a German-born person and had a different name earlier in his life. Gotchock. No, I'm sorry, he had a different name early. It was not mentioned in the article. Also, Gotchock, the US Consulate General of Rio, who surprisingly boarded the ship along with 73 other local sailors, was very popular among the German
Starting point is 01:17:03 community in Brazil. Since the US war with Germany already had broken out by then, did the captain and Gostock commit sabotage and sink the ship full of needed wartime metal or did they just take it all the way to Germany? Another possibility is that the cyclops was overloaded with manganese plus fuel and many persons aboard and that the load was more than the ship was designed to handle. A heavy mid-oceanic storm could have hit the ship and just overturned it, sinking it and his heavy cargo to the bottom of the ocean.
Starting point is 01:17:28 But wreckage has never been found, so who notes? Or maybe the ship was blasted by a German underwater mine or torpedoed by German sub. The US Navy claims that such possibility does not exist if the ship had been on its right course. However, had the ship deviated from its course, there was a high possibility that that could have happened. So who knows, I'm gonna move the score to five to zero
Starting point is 01:17:50 in favor of the triangle. Now we got the James P. Chester, the schooner, the ship that turned up without a crew on February 28th, 1855, the general vicinity of the Azores, the one taken to Albor Dox and Liverpool to be the spooky tourist attraction. The one taken by Black Timmy. Well, the answer to this mystery was found in the archives of the New York Times. On April 3, the news that the marathon found the Chester. This is back, you know, April 3, 1855,
Starting point is 01:18:17 reached New York. The cargo is valued at 150 grand. Turns out someone had tried to bore holes into the hole. Two of three lifeboats were missing. It's believed that the crew murdered the captain, fled into boats. Another article on the same page reports that the crew of the James Chester was picked up by the schooner two friends on March 15th than on April 6th. The owners are notified that the captain arrives in Wilenton, Delaware. On April 10th, eight crew members of the Chester, and these are all different articles, disembarked from the Dutch ship Two Friends in Savannah
Starting point is 01:18:48 on April 7th and were arrested for murder. On April 11th, two crew members testified that the captain was sick, bored holes into the hole with mates, and offered hush money to other crew members. One sailor states that there was only one foot of water in the hole, not seven as the log claims. Captain, why did the Chester arrives in Boston and denies any knowledge of the holes in the hole and asserts the crew abandoned the ship
Starting point is 01:19:07 because she was in danger of sinking. April 12th, Captain White and the mates Chason and Packwood are arrested for baritory, which is an old term for a seafaring crime, which means fraud or gross negligence of a ship's master or crew at the expense of its owners or users. Six crew members testify that there was only one foot of water in the hole than nothing else was wrong with the ship. This article hints that rum may be to blame for the whole affair. April 13th, the two mates accused the captain of unnecessarily abandoning the ship as there was only a foot of water in the hole and she was seeworthy, a crewman calls the voyage,
Starting point is 01:19:40 a Bucknellian frolic. So finally an answer, I didn't know what to find out if he actually got convicted, but the crew did not disappear. It sounded like they got hammered. Captain tried to sink the ship for some reason, maybe to steal that $150,000 cargo. So finally, this point goes to Derbeck humans and alcohol. Last mystery, the big one, flight 19, what happened to those five planes? The five TBM Aven TBM Avenger Tortero Bombers that left Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on 210 PM on December 5th, 1945, on that routine training flight that all completed numerous times before,
Starting point is 01:20:14 and then they get disoriented, lost and vanished. Well, the most likely scenario is that the planes eventually ran out of gas and ditched into the ocean somewhere off the coast of Florida, leaving any survivors at the mercy of rough seas and deep water. 1991, a group of treasure hunters seemed to have finally solved the puzzle. When they stumbled upon the watery graves of five World War II era avengers near Fort Lauderdale. Sounds good, right? Sounds like a wrap-up.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Nope. Unfortunately, it was later found that the hulks of these belonged to a different group of navy planes, whose serial numbers did not match those of the fabled lost patrol. Many believe the wrecks of flight 19 and its doomed rescue plane may still lurk somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, but while the search continues to this day, no definitive signs of the six aircraft, you know, because they were that extra one that went looking for them, or the 27 total crewmen have ever been found. So another point for mystery, another point for the unknown, six, one final tally for mystery of those seven disappearances.
Starting point is 01:21:09 So what do we learn? Well, I think we learned that Bruce Gernan, his full of shit, did not fly through a time tunnel or electric fog as he also called it. We learned that statistically planes and ships don't go missing in the Buna triangle anymore than anywhere else, but we also learned that ships and planes do go missing
Starting point is 01:21:24 in the Buna triangle, sometimes in very strange and unsettling ways. We learn that maybe there is some type of electromagnetic interference to go is on out there as it does in other parts of the world. And we learn that despite all of your advance, all of our advancements and technology, there's still a lot of mystery on earth, you know?
Starting point is 01:21:40 As advanced as our civilizations have become, we still don't have all the answers. And I think that's pretty cool actually. I hope we never get them all. I hope we always keep at least some element of mystery in our lives. What fun would life be if we took all the mystery out of it? Okay, time for one more look back with some top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, in February of 1964, Vincent Gattis used the term Top 5 Takeaway! Number 1. In February of 1964, Vincent Gatt has used the term,
Starting point is 01:22:07 Vermeutatriangle, in a cover story for Argusy Magazine regarding the disappearance of flight 19 titled, The Deadly Vermeutatriangle, and people have been talking about its mysteries ever since. Number 2. Hens and chicken shoals off the South Florida coast is where sea chickens come from, those delicious and fibious waterfowl that taste remarkably like chicken.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Number three, the scientific community's general consensus regarding the Bermuda Triangle disappearances is that there is no such thing as the Bermuda Triangle. It's just a fabricated geographical area. It's all a bunch of bullshit and things don't mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. Things mysteriously disappear everywhere. Well, thanks, scientists. That's more disconcerty. Not reassuring. Number four, highly unlikely that a methane gas eruption has sunk a ship or blown up a plane, but very likely,
Starting point is 01:22:53 methane gas eruptions will be the disaster premise for a future shitty sci-fi channel movie sometime in the near future. Number five, new info. In 1970, a doctor slash utter lunatic named Dr. Ray Brown claimed to locate a crystal pyramid on the sea floor. Remember that, that fucking David Ike referenced? He claimed to locate a crystal pyramid on the sea floor approximately 100 miles from Bimini or Bimini that he attributed to the lost city of Atlantis.
Starting point is 01:23:24 And then other maniacs believed him and convinced themselves that this crystal pyramid was used to store energy for the Atlantians. And now morons, like Crystal Quarrow, still believe in this pyramid. The known is actually ever found because it doesn't exist. But listen to this liar talk about it on an episode of In Search Of. A show about mystery is hosted by Spock, hosted by Leonard Nimoy from 1976 to 1982. This is something else. [♪ music playing in background, music playing in background,
Starting point is 01:23:54 music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background,
Starting point is 01:24:00 music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in the music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in the music playing in the music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in the music playing in background, music playing in background,
Starting point is 01:24:04 music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music spotted the tip of a submerged pyramid, barely visible above the ocean floor. Okay. Looking at the structure shape and the size, it would be approximately 400 feet tall. I went in and opening, and in this opening, in the center of the room, there was a pedestal. No, there wasn't.
Starting point is 01:24:25 And on the pedestal were two human hands. Brass were bronze. And in the center of the hands was the crystal. My first impression in the room was the shaft that was metallic, hanging straight down from the ceiling. We had the crystal. and it was gold color. I swam because it was still, the room was full of water. I swam up to the ceiling and tried to pry the rod loose.
Starting point is 01:24:57 It wouldn't budge, so I settled back down to the floor. And I reached my hand in between the fingers of the metal hands and I found the crystals loose and it was the only thing in the room that I could take home. Shut the fuck and then they show a picture of this silly little crystal with a little triangle in it. Oh yeah, I'm sure that little crystal has been examined by the scientific community and you're like, oh yeah, no this is for sure, thousands of years old.
Starting point is 01:25:25 I'm sure it's like a three months old and there's a receipt where you had it fucking custom built at some chinchy little guest job. You jet, this guy looks like such a jackass. Man, I'm not sure what old doctor Ray Brown's doctor does in, but I'm guessing bullshit. I'm guessing in pathological line. You know, he's a slap of salmon punch a bear dude if I ever guessing bullshit. I'm guessing in pathological line. You know, he's a slap of salmon, punch a bear, dude, if I ever seen one. Time suck, tough, five, take away.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Well, thanks for listening. That was a nice silly one, man. I needed that after the darkness. We marched through the past few weeks. Next Monday, though, is October 30th at the coming Monday. So we're gonna need a dark again. It's the last episode before Halloween. And we're gonna talk about the coming Monday. So we're going to need a dark again. It's the last episode, the last episode before Halloween. And we're going to talk about the shadow people. I have a feeling it's going to get creepy as shit. Number of religions, legends,
Starting point is 01:26:11 and belief systems describe shadowy spiritual beings or supernatural entities, such as shades of the underworld, and various shadowy creatures have a long been a staple of folklore and ghost stories. Native American folklore references, the existence of shadow people, paranormal investigators, talk about them as well, and some people claim to have been attacked by them. Where did these stories come from? I suspect we'll come up with some non-paranormal answers that will make sense, but that also will scare the hell out of myself. And I'll be seeing things in the corners of my fucking eyes. I'll be seeing things in dark corners in the room which were quite a while
Starting point is 01:26:44 after finishing that episode, I'm sure. I should probably record it at night again, like I did with Amityville, so I can, you know, project some real fear that I feel into the episode. So that's a Monday, October 30th. Thanks to Damien,
Starting point is 01:26:55 Savon Gino, Dennis V, Angie Lott, Steven Zapp, Ryan Killa, Klo, I don't fucking know, K-I-L-L-O-U-G-H. Sean Davis, Will Butler, Kyle Nutter, Richard Brockman, Peter Dalberg, Joel Morris, and so many other time suckers. I know who I missed and finding your request for this topic. A lot of others requested as well. Hope you guys all enjoyed it as much as I did.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Thanks again to time sucker Sidney Shives for keeping track of all the email topics and more. Thanks all of you who have started to follow the show on social media at TimeSug podcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, you know, so you can have a fine touring announcements, episode trivia, previews of TimeSug artwork, merch, other fun stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Thanks to all those who came out to Banana's Comedy Club in Jersey this past weekend, I will for sure try to find a different venue to play in the New York City area next time, man. Nice staff there. And they're getting new ownership. And I like the new owners of the club may improve, but, oh, wow, weird gig, weird atmosphere.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I feel like I was performing in an Elk Sludge in 1995, or as one time sucker, an audience member said who was there, felt like a rotary club meeting. I didn't realize it was just going to be a fucking hotel meeting room. It's like a, it's been a comedy club forever. I thought it was like a real club like I'm used to performing in if you're there, yeah, you know what I mean, strange. Thanks for all the Amazon purchases made via time suck podcast.com for the store purchases of time suck hats, T sign book CDs, all that helps so much, man. Just got more sizes back in stock
Starting point is 01:28:19 of various t-shirts made out of imported muskrat Lebia, unicorn scrotum, imported Kuala aines, bald eagle feathers, still got those Komodo dragon toenail and turtle weener hats, and still got those stickers made out of grizzly bear foreskin. So so much imported animal goodness, worked in this into the merch, and we'll get more merch eventually just been focusing on all my extra energy on on stand trying to on top of logo revision with Danger Brain app development, app artwork recently. All of that in the shop at timesuckpodcast.com.
Starting point is 01:28:49 All right, let's catch up on previous episodes with some time-soaker updates. Updates, get your time-soaker updates. All right, all right, the first update is JFK update. JFK assassination update. This one came in from time sucker Joshua Russell. I know others wrote in as well. Joshua says, when I've read the only person who can block the reveal is the president, who can block it for up to 25 years. According to a curator of the archives, the plan is to upload and release all of them
Starting point is 01:29:28 at the same time on the same day. So with that amount of rapid information, don't expect to see any real info to be revealed worth any substance for a while, but I'm hoping to hear some juicy info from it. Hoping for the CIA conspiracy to be real, that would be equally fucked up and great. Apparently some in the CIA are trying to prevent the document reveal, so maybe it's true.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah, and apparently Trump has no plans to withhold this. I mean, he kind of like left some caveat, some weird wording where he's like, he technically could maybe change his mind, which I guess you know, anybody could, but it looks like he is going to reveal it. Man, I really do hope that happens. You know, I doubt if it's anything super juicy that we're going to get it. Like I feel like that, again, like I said that before, I think last week, that it would make the paper shredder. But who knows? Who notes?
Starting point is 01:30:12 Maybe we really will get the CIA documents, you know, like the real ones and find out what actually happened to JFK and maybe it'll be mind blowing. That'd be fucking awesome. So I think I updated this last week as well, but it's just, it's so cool. I wanted to hit it again. Amityville update from Time Sucker with the email handle of Kid Vicious. My Lord Master Sucker, profit of the Almighty Bojangles. I'm listening to the Amityville episode in the daylight
Starting point is 01:30:34 at the public library with a very steady Wi-Fi signal. And this is the only segment of any podcast that I've had technical issues with. I've had to reset my iPad approximately six times in an hour. I don't believe in the hauntings at all, but you know, you mentioned your tech trouble. Thought I'd mentioned mine not trying to scare anyone but weird shit happened playing this episode that never happened before. I'm going to pray extra hard to both jangles. And thanks for helping me during the California fires. Please let the firefighters know how much we appreciate them saving us, love the suck. Definitely sending positive thoughts to time suckers who've endured the horrific fires
Starting point is 01:31:08 in North Central California and those awesome, literally life-saving firefighters. Thanks for doing what you do. If you'd like to help out the victims of the California wildfires, there are many places you can donate. GoFundMe has a list of verified fire relief crowdfunding campaigns. You can go to www.gofundme.com slash raise-funds slash CA fire relief crowdfunding campaigns, you can go to www.gofundme.com slash raise dash funds, slash CA fire relief. I'll put the link up in the episode description.
Starting point is 01:31:32 And so many other places you can donate if you'd like. And yeah, man, amanyville stuff, I actually have got emails from other listeners that had weird shit go on when they were listening. My cousin said some weird stuff. I mean, yeah, who knows? Who knows? Again, I'm right with you, man. I don't, I think I don't believe in that stuff,
Starting point is 01:31:46 but sometimes sometimes you get freaked out and it's interesting that a bunch of weird should happen around that episode. Another amity bill update, Dan, like you, I absolutely believe Butch DeFail killed his family and am baffled by the fact that they were all in bed with no sign of them trying to run. Here's another oddball thing.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Butch fired eight shots total from a Marlin 336 lever action revival, rifle revival. It had 35 Marlin, I guess it's also called maybe a 336 lever. Is the specific type of 35 Marlin, 35 caliber Marlin, with a magazine capacity of six rounds. So, at most, he could have had six in the magazine and one in the chamber to start the killing. So, that means he had to pause at least once to reload. Yeah, giving just the slightest moment added to the time for anyone to wake up, run, or try to fight back, but yet nothing. The mystery of how he killed them all in bed is still the most baffling part of the case
Starting point is 01:32:34 to me. Hail Nimrod Stephen Klan. Well, thanks for pointing out the magazine capacity, which makes me, you know, even more interested in that. Like, how did no one wake up? That's the part that by far creeps me out the most about the Amityville thing. You know, this guy, he shot what six people, and he had to reload. And the last victim still sleeps through all that. It makes no sense. Weird for the neighbors not to hear those gunshots, preposterous that the victims of the house, the last victims did not hear
Starting point is 01:33:01 them. And then just an interesting update from Nick Glazer, Dear Suck King Dan, thank you for your episode of the Mandela Effect. I now realize that I had been under its spell for a while because I had heard of it many times and had a false memory of understanding it. I am now certain that I never really did, I'm now certain in a way that I never really did
Starting point is 01:33:19 until you explain it. It's helped me in many ways. I have a tumultuous relationship with my parents and they don't deserve it. They're really, really good people who care a lot about doing the right thing whenever they can, but I've been mad at them for years over some petty shit.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Your episode made me realize that I've been pushing them away for decades over something that probably didn't even happen the way I remember it. I sat in silence after listing and thought long and hard about my life and decided that it was time to apologize to my folks and forgive them and get this monkey off my back. I haven't done that yet, but thanks to the Mandela effect, I have a distinct memory that I did do that, and I no longer feel bad about it.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Thanks, time suck. Nick Ola Sucker. I just had to share that with you guys, because that fucking cracked me up. Well played, Nick. A little payback from me, Mr. Recton, you guys all the time. I hope you bought that seat chicken shit today for a little bit, a little bit. You really got me with that. When I thought it was a heartfelt email until the end. So, well played, well played, that was a nice misdirect. And now finally, we'll end on a cool email
Starting point is 01:34:19 from Time Sucker Brian Stewart, showing how diverse the suck community is becoming. Oh, thou that sucketh most. I've been into vowed suckhead since I caught your act in Jacksonville this past spring. I'm a bit behind, just finished the textious rangers today, but I suck as hard and frequent as I can. Most times, twice a day, I'm my way to and from work,
Starting point is 01:34:36 breaking into spontaneous laughter is not uncommon as are the weird looks I get from fellow travelers. But hey, it curves my road rage, so there's a plus. I work for a local state college and in the assessment center of the other day, I was giving pre-test instructions. One of the little nose miners in the room decided he wanted to correct me on something otherwise trivial. When he was done, I just looked at him squarely and said, thanks, I needed that. Before I knew it from the back of the room, I heard, we all did. In a hush tone. I looked up meeting the surprise gaze of the embarrassed youth and half-smiled, trying not to bust a gut.
Starting point is 01:35:08 It was as if we were sharing a telepathic language, not unlike the lizard illuminati. This past week and I shared the suck with my parents, but I doubt they listened past episode one. They just wouldn't appreciate your flair with expletives. Their loss. It will probably be a while before I hear this if you read it in the time-sucker updates, but I will catch up. Thanks and keep on sucking as only you can Brian I love that so much, Brian man building a secret world the secret world of time-suckers future space lizards and it's spreading
Starting point is 01:35:33 Both teacher and student getting down with the suck. I love hearing that. It's great I do understand by the way the expletives not for everyone, but you know what? Oh well. Oh well We'll find the people who are okay with it. I do hope you hear this update down the road, Brian. Thank you so much for sharing it. And thanks for sucking so hard, everybody. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net.
Starting point is 01:35:56 We all did. All right, everyone, have a great week. Thanks for spreading this suck to your friends, to your coworkers, on the web, on social media. Keep on sucking, man. You know, just keep it going. Keep it going. Minute by minute by minute by minute.
Starting point is 01:36:12 I keep holding on. I keep holding on. Oh!

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