Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 59 - The Shadow People

Episode Date: October 30, 2017

Welcome to a Halloween edition of Timesuck! Have you ever felt like something in the shadows was watching you? Something ominous. Have you ever woken up to the sensation that a strange, dark, presence... was in your room? Or, have you actually seen a shadowy figure, darker than the night around it, a menacing human shape with no eyes or, ever worse, red, glowing eyes? If yes, you have encountered a shadow person. But what even is a shadow person? A demonic entity? An extraterrestrial? Some astral traveller or being from another dimension? Or, was your mind just playing tricks on you? Can science explain this phenomenon? All of this addressed, plus several chilling, first-hand Shadow People stories shared, on today's Timesuck! Timesuck is brought to you by World of Warships! Download a free-to-play, historical, online combat game from Wargaming and get special bonus content when you go to www.commandwarships.comand enter the invite code TIMESUCK17 Timesuck is also brought to you by by the socially conscious on-line fantastic mattress store LEESA! Go to www.leesa.com/timesuckto get $100 off of one of their incredible mattresses and help both the environment and the homeless while doing so! Timesuck is also sponsored by the wonderful podcast, Hello from the Magic Tavern, a fully improvised comedy chat show set in a magical world, you know, sort of like Narnia or Middle Earth. Arnie Niekamp fell through dimensional portal behind a Burger King in Chicago into the magical land of Foon and instead of going off on adventures he decided to start a podcast interviewing adventurers, monsters and talking plants with the help of his co-hosts: a wizard and a talking badge. So fun! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or check out hellofromthemagictavern.com Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an extremely paranormal, Halloween edition of Time Suck. If you want hard empirical, definitive scientific evidence for the existence of demonic shadow people, you're not going to find it here. You're not going to find it anywhere because it doesn't exist. And yet many, many people seem to believe in these creatures' existence. So for we skeptics, let's have some fun. Do our best to suspend our disbelief of the unexplained, that which can't be empirically proven, let's become a little childlike again, believe in magic. Bad magic.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Let's delve into the unsubstantiated world of mystery, a mystery that not one or two or a few people claim to believe, but one that many, many, many people profess to have individually encountered and experienced. Thousands have not a million to lesser terrified of shadow people, some believing to have been directly attacked by these dark entities. Prior to the Amityville episode, I would have felt 100% certain in believing that there is just no such thing as shadow people. Nearly a bunch of overactive imaginations combined with exposure to superstition, false memories syndrome, and full effect. But now thanks to some interesting concepts thrown around by people much smarter than I, people like English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, and thanks to a renewed sense
Starting point is 00:01:09 of, well, maybe not everything in this world can be studied and defined, owed to the incredibly troubling circumstances of the Amityville defaill family murders, who knows. Maybe these monsters are real. Maybe sometimes, alone in the dark, we should be afraid. Today, we're going to examine psychological and medical studies that will provide a rational explanation of the shadow people for some. Maybe the results of these studies will be enough to reaffirm what you already believed, that there is no paranormal basis for shadow people. Or if you do believe in shadow people, but don't understand what they are,
Starting point is 00:01:40 maybe these results will give you some comfort, set your mind at ease. But then again, maybe not. In honor of Halloween, we're gonna suck deep and hard on some paranormal possibilities that are pretty damn unnerving. You might not be afraid of shadow people at all heading into this suck,
Starting point is 00:01:54 and you might come out on the other side with some brand new nightmare fodder. So you're welcome for that. This one might scare the absolute shit out of you. I hope it does. It's fun to be scared, right? Especially this time of year. At least it's fun until the shadow people show up in the corner of your room.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Fun until they're standing at the foot of your bed when your eyes pop open at 3 a.m. Fun until you just can't shake the sense of something watching you. Something watching you from the darkness. Something with terrible intentions. Something that does mean you harm. Something not of this world that just might be able to inflict unimaginable horror upon you. So get ready for some chills, get ready to fill some primal and prehistoric fear on
Starting point is 00:02:35 today's dark, demonic, shadow people addition of time suck. Welcome to Time Sook Time Sookers, I'm Dan Cummins and you just stepped into the clubhouse for the cult of the curious, welcome future space lizard hailedin mod, praisebo jangles, begone loose afina, and well wishes to both Michael motherfucking McDonald and James Ingram. Can't forget sweet soulful Jimmy and apologize for my voice today. I kind of lost it a little bit last night trying to freak out my dog of all things. And that plus a little bit of maybe a cold or something. I just can't shake this sound that's in my way my voice sounds right now. But then everything I can today to try and get it a little bit more powerful.
Starting point is 00:03:25 This is all I got. Maybe it fits. Maybe it's a creepy voice for a creepy episode. Today's time stock is brought to you by the Fantastic Podcast. Hello from the Magic Tavern. Hello from the Magic Tavern is a fully improvised comedy chat show set in a super fun magical world. Sort of like Narnia or Middle-Earth. Host Arnie and I camp, he felt through a dimensional portal behind a Chicago Burger King into the magical land of Foon and instead of going off on adventures, he decided to start a podcast. Interviewing adventures, monsters, talking plants
Starting point is 00:03:55 with the help of his co-host, a wizard and talking badger and it's so good, it's so fun, so creative. Chicago is the motherland of comedic improv and Arnie and the gang do their cities legacy very proud You really get invested in food after just one episode. I know I did The show is very very bingeable. So be careful They have really fun guest performers as well past notable guests include Felicia Day as a wizard Wait, wait, don't tell me Peter Segal is a unicorn Paul F. Tomkins as a satire
Starting point is 00:04:24 Weight, weight, don't tell me Peter Segal is a unicorn, Paul F. Tompkins is a satyr, Rester Colt Cabana is a half man, half bear and many more. They just had Gilbert Gottfried as a cockroach clown. Again, it's absurd, it's fun, very funny. And if you like to binge listen, you can start with episode one, follow the full arc of the story, but you can also jump in the most recent episode and just try it out. You'll miss a few callbacks, but overall you're going to get it. It's like time sucked that way. You know, just like new listeners are at first a little confused by Nimrod, just who the hell's Nimrod? Why is he keep talking about both jangles? What's going on with all the Michael McDonald talk? Same thing with hello from the Magic Tavron. I jumped in well after the first episode and I didn't feel lost at all.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I love it. It's exceptionally creative. Clever, fun. So subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Stitcher or checkout. Hello from themagictavern.com. It's like cheers set on Middle Earth or all we sunny. Satinarnia.
Starting point is 00:05:19 You're going to love it. So enjoy. This Halloween week time suck is also brought to you by the world of warships. Everyone would have might be liked to captain some of the greatest warships of World War II. Then you should check out World of Warships. The free to play historical online combat game from war gaming. Download World of Warships for free today at command warships.com. Begin your naval adventure and enter the code time suck 17, all caps. And that's T I M E S U C K one seven.
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's the number 17. Yeah, all caps. It is case sensitive. So do that when you download your free game to get a ton of bonus content, courtesy of this podcast, little something extra for the time suckers. With our download, you get a free premium ship, the famous cruiser Aurora, a pile of in-game currency to jump start your epic World War 2 Naval experience so download world of warships today at command warships.com and start playing Thanks once again for all the reviews man
Starting point is 00:06:15 just welcome to To this podcast I just like to extend welcome to the Aldi astonishing legends podcasts listeners I know a lot of those came over this past week and thank you guys for the great feedback and I hope you're still enjoying time suck. Right around 1500 reviews on iTunes now so the bonus episode just keep rolling out, which is very exciting. Makes me very, very happy, very grateful
Starting point is 00:06:37 that you guys care that much. Speaking of bonus episodes this Friday, we are sucking on the Zodiac Killer. This topic won the Instagram bonus vote landslide victory last week. Beating the disappearance of DB Cooper and gun control, the other two possible topics by over 200 votes. If you don't like that, follow the suck on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:06:55 At TimeSuck Podcast, get out there and vote next time. Over 1500 ITM reviews now, or right around again, 1500 ITM reviews, probably is by the time you're listening to this over 1500. So we have at least three more bonus sucks coming every three weeks after the Zodiac. So keep writing the suck in the bonus episodes. We'll keep rolling out and we'll get your topic eventually.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And thanks for all the seed chicken emails. Let me know that I actually got you to hop on Google and look into the existence of amphibious hens and roosters laying eggs off the South Florida coast. It's past week. Every single email and social post I've off the South Florida coast this past week. Every single email and social post I've gotten, it's made me really, really smile. More tour dates coming up, please come out and see me.
Starting point is 00:07:33 The more people that come out to shows, the more touring I can do. And then I'll be able to do in 2018. That's how it works, man. You show up, the club makes money, I get to keep touring. No one shows up, the club doesn't book me back, and even worse, my agent won't be interested in booking me into new clubs. But luckily attendance has been picking up. So let's keep that going. And tell your friends, I need that grassroots support. I'll be at the Dayton Ohio funny bone November 2nd to the 5th. Spokane comedy club. Spokane washed in November
Starting point is 00:07:57 9th to the 11th. Dr. Grins and Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 30th through December 2nd, St. Louis, uh, funny bone and St. Louis, Missouri, December 7th to the 10 comedy club and, uh, on state and Madison, Wisconsin, December 14th to the 16th, Appleton, Wisconsin, just added on the, on the 13th of December, right before Madison, one night only skyline comedy club, Appleton, Wisconsin, rounding out the year at comedy works in Denver, Colorado, December 28th through New Year's Eve, come to those shows, man. Come support me.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Have fun. Enjoy a good night out with some live stand up. And right now, enjoy the suck on the Shadow People. All right. So what is a shadow person? The best definition I can find comes from pararational.com and admittedly non-academic website, very non-academic. On the homepage, the primary categories of information offered are Bigfoot, Black Eyed Kids, Cryptids,
Starting point is 00:08:56 UFOs, and other. So, you know, there you go. And under the category of other, then under the subcategory of entities is a post titled types of shadow people, what they are and what they want. And I hear a little bit of information from that post. The post begins with a good bit of confusion exists over just what a shadow person is
Starting point is 00:09:18 and how to define them. It is obvious that there are several types of shadow people all with different sources and motives. So obvious guys, lots of different shadow people, lots of different motives, wake up, okay? Wake up about their motives. Some of them want to kill you in your sleep, all right? That's a given. However, some just want to sell you some term life insurance, right? Some want to give you some want to give you a full rub. That's all. That's their only motive to spread relaxation through a firm understanding of ancient Chinese
Starting point is 00:09:46 reflexology. And they know that a lot of people get weird about little shadow creatures sneaking up on them middle of the night and rubbing their feet. And that's why they're so quiet. That's why they have to be so sneaky and creepy. God, if you only understood their motives, then he goes on. Shadow people are a pariah to our darkest fears. Anyone can imagine waking in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:10:09 I'm not sure if Pryor works in that example, whatever, I don't know, maybe it does. Anyway, anyone can imagine waking in the middle of the night only to see in their sleepy haze, a shape standing in the dark doorway to their room, a shape that is darker than the surrounding night, a shape that seems malevolent, standing, and watching you as you sleep.
Starting point is 00:10:28 You can imagine the thoughts that would go to your head. What is it? Where did it come from? What does it want? How long has it been there? Okay, full disclosure, I have thought weird shadowy things were watching me in the dark at night, and always assumed it was my mind playing trick-sommie.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Hopefully, I still think that by the end of the suck. So I have thought in the past that I've seen weird little shadow kind of creature-like shapes. I just assumed I was really tired and I was hallucinating. Okay, so, okay. We'll continue. In this article, we will look at some basic information that is common to all shadow people and then break things down into some possible classes
Starting point is 00:11:05 of shadow people that people may encounter. Basic definition of shadow people. Before we delve into the types of shadow people, we should go over the commonalities of the entities that fall under the category of shadow people. Some common features of shadow people are, one, a shape that is generally male in appearance. Why does that to be a dude?
Starting point is 00:11:24 What can be a sweet curvy lady? Shadow, you know, creeping up and creeping up to your bed, middle of the night. What can I be some sort of Jane Mansfield? Betty Page, you know, that kind of shape. Some loose a fiend of bicks and, nah, it's gotta be the school janitor instead. It's gotta be the goth kid, trench coat, greasy hair.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Nah, number two, they are aware of us and react to our observing them. Number three, the typical shadow person is tall, ranging from about six foot to seven foot. I'm not sure about that one. I know we're talking about something that may not even be a real thing, so it might seem ridiculous to nitpick the supposed physical height attribute
Starting point is 00:12:01 of a mythical creature, but a lot of other sources I looked into regarding shadow creatures described them as turning to be shorter than the average person, more like four feet tall. Right, maybe that's different kind of shadow person. And again, I know how dorky it is to even bother adding this note, but I feel compelled to do so. Don't wanna rile up any shadow people purist out there.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Just, you know, whoa, whoa, whoa, seven foot tall shadow person. Okay, buddy, okay, okay, guess you just lost a list there. Seven foot tall shadow person, what are you gonna talk about next? Two foot tall Sasquatch, 10 foot tall shadow person. Okay, buddy. Okay, okay, guess you just lost a list there. Seven foot tall shadow person. What are you gonna talk about next? Two foot tall Sasquatch, 10 foot tall Chibokabra, 16-high sea chicken. How am I supposed to take you seriously
Starting point is 00:12:33 if you don't know the height of mythical creatures? So who knows? Maybe they're big, maybe they're little, maybe they're average size. Number four, very often shadow people seem to be wrapped in a cloak or large old fashioned cloak. Hats are not uncommon.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I love these details. I hope if I see a real shadow person, it's wearing a hat, an old fashioned cloak, because I would make it a little less scary to me. Like if I woke up to a dark, ominous, humanoid shadowy shape, the foot of my bed, I'd be fucking terrified, terrified. You know, like if it's right there in the room, oh Jesus Christ, but then if I notice it's wearing an old-fashioned cloak,
Starting point is 00:13:09 a little bit less scared. You know, just like, dude, who wears a cloak? What are you, are you demon? Or are you just a weird drama club nerd who wandered into my house? Are you demon? Or are you a lurky goth kid? What is it?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Which is it? But I'd still be pretty scared. But then if it was wearing a haturkey goth kid, which is it? Which is it? But it's still be pretty scared. But then if it was wearing a hat on top of the cloak, I feel like it'd be a little bit more less scared, right? Like even more less scared. Like what kind of monster wears a hat? How evil can this little guy be? Is he rocking a fedora?
Starting point is 00:13:37 He's not a shadow person. He's a dark sleepy hip, hipster, looking for a place to crash night. Okay? He just had a little too many, few too many micro-boosts, that's all. Few too many PBR tall boys, that's all he had. Actually, a hat wearing shadow people could be pretty evil
Starting point is 00:13:53 as it turns out. We're gonna talk about the hat man slash top hat demon shadow person at the end of the suck and he does not fuck around. Very scary critter as it turns out, hat or not. Okay, more details. Their appearance has depth to it, unlike a shadow cast on a wall that is flat. No, that's scary.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I don't like that at all. A dark shadow that seems to hold physical weight and depth. No thank you. Do not care for that. Number six, quite typically they have no visible eyes, but some will have glowing red eyes. No eyes or red eyes. Shit. Those are terrible eye options. Those are terrible choices.
Starting point is 00:14:31 No eyes where I should be. That's very scary. Red eyes, even scarier. I think neither option is good. That's like choosing between being killed by being burned alive or being killed by being boiled alive. So can I, can I please have another option? These two are equally and completely horrific. Number seven, shadow people are rarely reported
Starting point is 00:14:50 to have spoken or tried to communicate. Don't like that either. I'd rather have them just be quiet, like always be quiet, because I doubt they're going to say anything to make themselves less creepy. I wish they were said shadow people have never been, you know, no one has ever claimed to hear a shadow person speak or communicate that'd be way better. Because if it's gonna talk, it's gonna say something fucking horrible, something monstrous. It's not gonna open its scary mouth and just be like, um, excuse me, I, I, I to bother you, but, uh, do you know where I can find a good late night meal? Something not fried or whipped up by a short order cook on an unagreased grill.
Starting point is 00:15:25 But I know Denny's and I hopper open 24 hours a day. And of course, there's Taco Bell and Jack in the box down the street, but I'd rather hit up a healthier option if you know of something nearby. A 24 hour deli, that would be ideal, even a local diner, maybe these fresh ingredients, maybe like a farm to table situation. Someone record a nice Montenball soup, perhaps a turkey chili. Again, I'm sorry to startle you. If I could hold on to physical things or have money,
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'd have a smartphone and just GPS it like any other asshole, but alas, they don't make iPhones for shadow people. So we're at trying to take the terrifying down a notch, but unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about the glowing red ice. Very aware, they appear quite threatening off putting, I've tried everything, by Zine Benadrill. I don't know, I'm gonna take off now. You still seem a little too scared to speak, so I,
Starting point is 00:16:15 I'll show myself out. Sorry guys, that shadow person was a talker. Chetty, chetty shadow person, that's a chetty shadow. Number eight, physical objects seem to not matter to shadow people and they can walk through walls. Number nine, can have a demonic shape and demeanor. What the hell is demonic shape? Horns, let's fries, spiky tail. What's a demonic demeanor? Aggressive and antagonistic, tricky? I'm sure it's not good. And then there are the different basic types of shadow people, such as number one, the lurker.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Lurking shadow people describe as those generally found in homes and very often around bedrooms, the classic people, sorry, the classic shadow people tend to be lurking. They will stand in doorways or corners and just watch their victims. These guys sound more like shadow perverts than shadow people, maybe shadow warriors, maybe shadow jerkers, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:11 Maybe it's shadow under the Chico Tilos. Do not mind me, do not mind me. I am just shadow perv. I angrily jerk in soft, useless Ukrainian dick in corner. Do not be scared. I'm much scarier in real life than now. If this is nothing compared to what I used to do. Well, apparently these guys seem to flee once noticed.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So that's good. If you're gonna see a shadow person, this is the kind you wanna see. Number two, the visitors. There also seem to be a class of shadow people that are less interested in what we are doing, but have their own agenda. Like they seem typically,
Starting point is 00:17:44 they seem to be there, seem typically going from one place to another and seem not particularly interested in the goings-ons of those that observe them. These sounds like even better ones to run into. There's passing through, man. Don't mind me. I don't know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I don't have time to run anyone. Are you kidding me? Are you shit me? I got a lot of my plate. I have an appointment with the Banshee, 215. I got a meeting with the, what are we gonna do about the current Lycan throat problem in the dark forest next to the Village Committee, 330.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Ah, man, I wish. I wish, I dream of having time to haunt people. Now, I gotta be in my way, I gotta get out of here. Number three, omens. Some shideen, sideens of shadow people appear to be omens or portance of something bad happening. These entities are generally associated with just one person. And they're more of a transitory, a current stopping after the event or tragedy is taking
Starting point is 00:18:33 place. Number four, haunting shadows. The last main class of shadow people are those tied to a location and seem to haunt only one area. In general, though, those that haunt a location tend to be more malevolent and dangerous to encounter. That's great. They're less likely to flee when spotted and may actually choose to attack instead. So, you know, if you notice, like a shadow buddy, it is very into a part of your house. If, you know, you may want to remodel around that part of the house, you
Starting point is 00:19:02 know, just honey bed news. We can't, we can't use the kitchen anymore. We can't walk into the kitchen. We can't even look at the kitchen anymore. Nope. We either we either got a buy new house or we live on takeout in paper plates and bottle beverages. Well, there is a shadow person who is very attached to the area around the sink. Hey, oh, hey, get him out of here. You're welcome to try and kick him out yourself. But before you go do that, you probably will know he did just choke out one of our kids.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Jamal is gone forever. Yeah, yep, Jamal's gone now. I know, I know Gabby's gone last week. After Gabby last week and Jamal this week, you know, we're down two. We're down two kids, we got two left. So, you know, this is a problem, starting to become serious. You know, we may want to avoid the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Finally, whoever is running at, running pararachial.com thought it was important to add how shadow people behavior seems to be related to shadow people's shape. There's, there's human shape. Human shape shadow people seem to be make of the bulk of the shadow people's sightings and include the typical cloaked figure and shadow people were in hats.
Starting point is 00:20:02 These come in a variety of combinations. Obviously, what these shadow people are is pure speculation at this point in time. The persistent shadow, people of the lurking variety, don't generally seem to be purely evil in intent and almost seem more interested in us, or at least feeding off our energy. Others are simply negative manifestations of spirits,
Starting point is 00:20:18 almost universally though. They're, they're sign of something negative. I like almost universally negative. It's not like there's a chance that there's a handful of shadow sweeties out there. You know, just really, really friendly shadows. Just baby, what'd you look at that? That shadow guy's, well he's, oh, golly,
Starting point is 00:20:34 he just baked us some chocolate chip cookies with walnut chocolate. Man, those smell good. And now he's like, let's first come get him other hot. Oh my, oh my god, no, no he did that. Did he just pour some hot cocoa top top with homemade whipped cream? Oh, my whipped cream is in the heart of a, in the shape of a heart.
Starting point is 00:20:53 What do you look at that? Oh, yours is a white rose. Aw, thanks, Shadow Sweetie. I doubt that's a thing. And then there is a black mass shadow people. These are not sound sweet at all. Less human there is a black mass shadow people. These are not sound sweet at all. Less human informed, the black mass shadow people. Still of the general size,
Starting point is 00:21:09 and the black mass type of shadow people give the impression of being a human figure but more fuzzy or blurred. They can change in shape, form and more of a cloud, but the impression is always that an entity is there. It's my assertion that many of these black mass shadow people are former negative spirits that have begun growing in power and
Starting point is 00:21:26 Are losing their human identity. Fuck that doesn't sound fun What identity are they form as they move away from human monster in closet identity monster under the bed identity? As they absorb more and more negative emotion their sense of being human and who they are fades and becomes disordered in the end They become a great they become a form of the following type of shadow people, demonic, great. They're demons in training. They are most, most certainly not sweet at all. And then there's the demonic shadow people with red eyes, definitely the most dangerous of the types of shadow people, demonic shadow should be avoided at all costs.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, you have to assume so. Never heard a story about a friendly, well-intentioned demon, you know. Among shadow people, these are one of the few types that you can sometimes see the eyes of, many accounts of them, talk of glowing red eyes, which is a particularly bad sign. Okay, well now I know that I would rather see no eyes than red eyes. Man, still joking, but a little, a little creeped out. I am, I am doing all of this in the dark by the way. I decided to add the intensity of this recording.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'm by myself, my desk that faces the corner to my left. So the proof of me in my vision is this like a little dark hallway, like very dark hallway laundry, kind of hallway. It doesn't, it's like a dead end. And then darkness behind me that goes back towards like, uh, where my bedroom is and stuff. So, ah, it is, it is, I, I did it intentionally to add to this. So I get some real fear going, but even though I, I, I knew I was going to do that. Now that I'm in the middle of it, they're definitely all these feelings of like, I wish I kind of wouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I wish I, ah, I don't like not being able to look to my left. Because if I see anything, I'm gonna lose my shit. Okay, and I don't like having my back to the rest of the house or anything to walk. Okay, I gotta stop talking about this. I just focus on the, focus on the, what I'm talking about. Focus on shadow people, not other places,
Starting point is 00:23:18 not shadow people behind me. All right, let's get back into demons. There, yeah, that'll make me feel better. God dang it. Okay, so demonic forms vary widely, but usually retain a humanoid shape, but are often exaggerated in height, wings or horns or elongated fingers. That's fucking creepy. They do not give the impression of being a normal ghost or sentient entity. Luckily, these demonic shadow people are typically tied to one location. So I guess that's good. Unless the location is your bedroom and you
Starting point is 00:23:44 can't afford to move. That's very bad. That's very unfortunate Finally, there's the kind of like miscellaneous category of shadow people. There are It says there are yet more forms that fall into the shadow people categories one that is more common is the old Hag shadow person What is the old hag shadow person? Well, I found a thought code.com article that explains it. It says, about a year and a half ago, I was awoken in the night by a strong warm breeze. I could not move and could not scream. It lasted about 30 seconds and was gone. I saw nothing. Last week it happened again. I was lying in bed and again was awoken. I felt a strong force holding me down. I could not sit up. I tried to scream out for my daughter
Starting point is 00:24:23 and could not get any noise to come out. I tried to hit the wall with my arm and this force would not let me. It again lasted about 30 seconds and was over. I really don't believe in ghosts and didn't see anything at all. I am just really scared and confused. Have you ever had a similar experience? The above incident is a classic example of what has become known as the old hag syndrome, and is one of many sets letters I received from readers each month. And this is the thought co-author. The victims' awake find that they cannot move, even though they can see, hear, feel, and smell. There is sometimes a feeling of a great weight on the chest and the sense that there is a sinister or evil presence in the room. And like the above reader, they are often quite frightened about what is happening to
Starting point is 00:25:04 them. The name of the phenomenon comes from the superstitious belief that a witch, or an old hag, sits or rides the chest of the victims rendering them immobile. The experience is so frightening because the victims all do paralyze seem to have full sense or full use of their senses. In fact, it is often accompanied by strange smells, the sound of approaching footsteps, apparitions, weird shadows, glowing eyes, and the oppressive weight on the chest making breathing difficult if not impossible. All of the body senses are telling the victims that something real and unusual is happening to them.
Starting point is 00:25:37 The spell is broken and the victim is recovered, often on point of lujing consciousness, fully awakened well they sit up, completely baffled by what just happened to them since now the room is entirely normal. The phenomenon occurs to both men and women of various ages and seems to happen to about 15% of the population at least once in a lifetime. It can occur while the victim is sleeping during the day or night, and it is a worldwide phenomenon that has been documented since ancient times. In the second century, the Greek physician Galen attributed it to indigestion according to the encyclopedia of ghosts and spirits by Rosemary Ellen Giley.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Some individuals suffer repeated attacks over a lifetime, or excuse me, some individuals suffer repeated attacks over a limited period of time, others have repeated attacks for years. So that is the old hag shadow person. She sounds positively delightful. Just a nice old witch that sits in your chest and paralyzes you and tells you, you know, and tell you're about to feel like you're about to die. And then she knows and then she leaves.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Doesn't sound like she does anything, you know, really that bad, you know, some people prefer to sit and recliner. Some people prefer to sit on the floor, some people like a firm office chair, and the old hag prefers the chest of a stranger who is terrified and paralyzed, all right? It's just have preference.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Other less common reports are of shadow people that are non-human, but seem more alien than demonic in nature. And of course, there are also other shadow entities such as dogs. And of course, the most frightening of the shadow dogs is shadow bow jangles, three legs, all black shadowy people shape one red eye. This bizarre world bow jangles is the creation
Starting point is 00:27:04 of Lucifina, damn Lucifinaangles is the creation of Lucifina. Damn, Lucifina and her shadow things. And Lucifina, that corset wearing vixen was some really cool leather thigh-high heel boots, uses shadow-bojangles to slander the reputation of our beloved canon mascot and protector and profite of Nimrod. Shadow-bojangles does what both jangles would never do. Instead of protecting the poor, the oppressed, the free,
Starting point is 00:27:24 shadow-bojangles terrifies children in the middle of the night, that you press the free, shadow-boiled jangles, terrifies children in the middle of the night. Especially orphans, yeah. That's how sick it is. Particularly sickly orphans. The sicklier and the orphanier, the better for the vile shadow-boiled jangles. If you've lost your parents,
Starting point is 00:27:37 and your grandparents, and your step-parents, and your foster parents, and your friends' parents, and your neighbor's parents at a young age. And you have a walk in pneumonia, and a lot of dietary and your neighbor's parents at a young age. And you have walking pneumonia, and a lot of dietary allergy problems, like gluten intolerance and peanuts,
Starting point is 00:27:49 make a breakout in Hives, and you have irritable bowel syndrome, and one leg is longer than the other, and you have a club foot, and a shallow rib cage, and hang nail, and you have to rely on dirty crutch to get around, and you live on moldy gluten-free bread, and cold porch, and always, I mean, always have a considerable amount of dried snot
Starting point is 00:28:04 on your upper lip that you don't even consider cleaning off. Well, then shadow boat jangles never leaves your bed at night. Sorry, that went on a bit long. And then the, uh, the parent, uh, rational post wraps up with, in fact, there is likely a class of shadow people that are actually aliens, but simply present to us a shadowy form as they interact with us. Huh, all right, well, there you go. You get demons and ghosts and then you get some fucking aliens. All right. Before we get into where the term shadow people originated, let's hear from our third and final sponsor. Time suck is brought to you today by Lisa, an innovative direct consumer online mattress brand that is also socially conscious. You can give back while you sleep,
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Starting point is 00:29:02 Very cool. And none of that matters though, if they're not extremely comfortable, they are. I now have a Lisa mattresses. I don't know, Lisa mattresses. I don't know why I had to plural. I have A Lisa mattress. I don't have a pile of Lisa mattresses. That's too much.
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Starting point is 00:29:57 It was all rolled up and vacuum sealed. I unrolled it, cut the wrapping off, took more than three minutes for all this, no awkward mattress to lift your door frames, and then I just expanded the full king size, like a fucking weird magic trick. Like it was this magical Chiapet mattress. And then it was super firm within like 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I have to get a frame, figure out how to get rid of my old sleep number bed. Now because, you know, Lisa is my new sleep home. My kids are already slumber party on it, the first night and the second night. They got to use it. They thought it was so cool how to expand it out of the box. I could go on and on.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Highly recommend Lisa if you need a new mattress or just wanna upgrade your sleep. Very, very cool. Try Lisa mattress in your home. 100 nights risk free with free shipping always. And you get a hundred dollars off when you go to leesa.com, leesay.com-S-A, dot com slash time suck, $100 bucks off for time suckers. Yes, that is a substantial discount. That's L-E-E-S-A,
Starting point is 00:30:53 dot com slash time suck. Okay, so now we have some understanding of what a shadow person is, what they're supposed to be, you know, and we'll get more firsthand to counsel later that I'll really go into detail about someone's alleged experience with these things. But I was wondering where do the term shadow people come from? What does this term originate? Well, it's hard to say when the term originated because various cultures had mythologies regarding kind of shadow people since the very beginning of human history. Shadow people have been associated with demons, extraterrestrial beings, beings from a parallel dimension,
Starting point is 00:31:26 ghosts, et cetera, for centuries. In ancient Roman and Greek mythology, there's the shade, and the shade is the spirit or ghost of some deceased member of this world, now residing in some underworld like Hades, who can cross over into our world, sometimes appearing as a dark shadow-like apparition. So that's the shade going way back to the beginnings of recorded history.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Before we dig further into the historical origins, let's take a second to examine when Shadow People first began to be widely talked about in modern culture. We do have an actual date for that. In modern culture, the popularity of so-called Shadow People can be traced to April 12th, 2001, when Native American elder to Thunder strikes, aka Harley Swift Dear Reagan appeared on an episode of Art Bell's Late Night Paranormal Radio Show, Coast to Coast, AM. And then listeners were encouraged to submit drawings, oh shadow people, they'd seen to the show's website.
Starting point is 00:32:19 If you're not familiar with the show, Coast to Coast, AM in our current podcast, smartphone, Bluetooth audio, satellite radio, Pandora Spotify, On and On, kind of media option world. It was a great show to listen to. When all you had in the car was AM FM radio, you know, CD player. And especially if you were driving, you know, to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, if you didn't feel like listening to music or some book on CD or some sports talk show or religious programming, a lot of times the only other option was ARPL, right? In the middle of the night, a lot of times, I found that Coast Coast AM was sometimes the only radio station that would come in period. And the show, you know, it would go on for hours, you know, throughout the night. And ARPL
Starting point is 00:33:01 would talk to various experts, you know experts about all sorts of interesting fringe subjects, government conspiracies, UFO phenomenon, cryptozoology, the paranormal, the occult. It was a precursor to TimeSug, but one that only dealt with the fringes of topics. Art Bell was a total believer, and he presented all this info in a very professional and well-produced show
Starting point is 00:33:19 that gained a cult following. The show kicked off in 1924, Art would broadcast it out of Perumpan, Nevada. A little town of about 60 miles west of Las Vegas near Death Valley. And when art started to show, we had about 2000 people in it. And that location totally attitudes appeal. Here's a strange man talking about weird shit in the middle of the night, broadcasting it from his home studio in the middle of the Nevada desert. And sometimes he'd also have a mainstream guest calling like George Carlin, Dan Acroyd, Leonard Nimoy, ex-files creator, Chris Carter, Dean Coons, Willie Nelson randomly. Oh, it was great. Very unique and fun. And maybe still
Starting point is 00:33:54 is. It is still around, amstations all around the US, Canada, Guam, apparently Australia, elsewhere. But enough of the history of coast to coast. I just wanted to establish that shadow people really became somewhat buzzworthy and spawned a subsequent internet mythology in 2001 due to being discussed on a popular paranormal show broadcast in roughly 600 markets worldwide. And here's a little samplarts shadow people episode. I don't even remember now. It was, oh, it was at least a week, a week and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I had a caller who said, art, I see shadow people. And I'm like, I see dead people. I see shadow people. And that began a chain of events that's leading to the show that we're just now going to do. At nighttime, I remember sitting in bed and holding conversations with people inside my bedroom. They'd come to me and sometimes while sitting on my bed, they'd talk to me.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Now as an adult, I would be skeptical of this story if I didn't actually have proof from my parents who heard the conversations. There seem to be things that you will see moving in your peripheral vision every now and then. It's just like what the hell was that? It moved and you look and there's nothing there. Okay, so that's our show. Okay, now we know kind of where they were first brought up,
Starting point is 00:35:25 shadow people as far as, you know, and modern American culture. And let's go back a little bit more history with them. The ancient Egyptians also had their version of shadow people. We've already established the ancient Roman, and Greek people with their shades. Now the ancient Egyptians believed that the human soul was made up of essentially five parts. And one of these parts was the shadow. Essentially, the ancient Egyptians believed that the human soul was made up of essentially five
Starting point is 00:35:45 parts, and one of these parts was the shadow. Essentially, they believed that your actual shadow contained a little piece of your total soul, like a little portion of your soul exists in the shadow, and the shadow wasn't tied to your body in death, and it could leave, it could wander. In some Egyptian tombs, there was actually a special box believed to store one shadow. As you know, the pharaohs had their little shadow boxes. And it was, you know, their shadow that would venture into the underworld. So in theory, you could see one of these shadows alone on its way to the afterlife.
Starting point is 00:36:13 And perhaps, you know, on the way, some of these shadows got lost. We don't know much about what the everyday Egyptian believed about shadow people, because there's so much we don't know about everyday ancient Egyptians, but they did have shadow people. There's shadow people native American mythology. The part of various Native American mythologies like the Choctaw, the Choctaw used to inhabit present day Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, parts of Texas, Louisiana. And the Choctaw believed that every man had a Shalombish, the outside shadow, which always followed
Starting point is 00:36:40 him in the Shalom, the inside shadow or ghost, which after death goes to the land of ghosts. The Shlumbish was supposed to remain upon the earth and wander relentlessly about its former home, often moaning to frighten its surviving friends, as to make them forsake the spot and seek another place to live. It was also supposed to assume the form of a fox or owl, and by barking like one of those animals, screeching like one of those animals, screeching like one of those animals, it would cause great anxiety and dread for the cry, it was considered ominous of bad things to come and the chaktaus believed they could tell
Starting point is 00:37:11 between the shillembush and the animal that was imitating when a fox barks or an owl screeches, another fox or owl replies, but when the shillembush, shillembush imitates the sound of either animal no response is given. So that's the chakta belief in something that could be considered a shadow person. An African mythology, an ancient Africa, an Nigeria,
Starting point is 00:37:32 the Jiruba people believe that a person has at least three spiritual beings, kind of like the Egyptians, whether fragmented, their soul is fragment in different portions. There's the Imi meaning breath, is a vital force that keeps a man alive. It resides in the heart and lungs and is fed by the wind. There's the OGG and that's a shadow that follows his owner and awaits his return in heaven when he dies. The third being the Alida or a spirit which must
Starting point is 00:37:56 be fed by sacrifices. These spiritual beings flee the body at the time of death and all the weight has returned in heaven and I'm sure there were plenty of rumors about you know someone's OGG getting lost not making it to heaven. Maybe terrorizing some kids were plenty of rumors about, you know, someone's old Gigi getting lost, not making him to heaven. Maybe terrorizing some kids, you don't go to bed on time or finish her chores or listen to their parents, you know. Did you not bring water back from the well,
Starting point is 00:38:13 like it was supposed to, young jacari. All right, if the old Gigi comes tonight and attacks you in your sleep, I guess you know what? I don't know why that was Russian. I was gonna do no accents. And then halfway into it, I decided to try to do an African accent. And then I couldn't think of something that Russian. I was gonna do no accents, and then halfway through I decided to try to do an African accent, and then I couldn't think of something
Starting point is 00:38:27 that wouldn't possibly be horrifically offensive, and then I somehow, I tried to self-travel through the came out Russian. It was, Chikotilo is still stuck in my brain. He wants to find, he sometimes he wonders into Africa, where does he jerks his self-to-peaness.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Oh God. OK, there was medieval Europe. There was shadow people in various regions of medieval Europe. There was belief that shadow beans is our blood, and couldn't be reborn without it, the shadow world, and some sort of shadow people, whether it's the shadow demons of Christianity or the gins of the ancient Arabian world, some form of shadow person exists,
Starting point is 00:39:01 and almost every ancient culture is folklore. And actually, in the early Arabian and Islamic mythology and theology, the Jin are considered by some to be a type of shadow person. The Jin are supernatural creatures according to the Quran, and certain ancient records, the Jin were created from the smokeless and scorching fire according to Rosemary Gaili author of the Jin connection. One of the many forms of the Jin is the shadow people. The Jin, according to Islam, are another life form, separate from humans, angels, and demons.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And they exist essentially in a parallel universe alongside or on top of ours. They are living entities with supernatural powers and can, through various ways, that differ according to various mythology, interact with our world and with us. They can cross over, so to speak, and like us, some are good, some are bad, and some when they appear in our world to take a dark shadowy form. And they can mess with us, do us harm, possess us, and there are shadow people like equivalent spirits and or creatures ancient Hindu, you know, and Buddhist and Jewish folklore. Every culture has its bad guys. A lot of them are associated with the night, with the world of shadows, the evil absence of light. So why have humans seemingly always believed in various sorts of nefarious evil shadow creatures?
Starting point is 00:40:09 Well, first, I think we should look at some science. There is, the brain might be malfunctioning. There's one explanation for it. Your mind might truly be playing tricks on you, according to, for example, a 2006 study done by neurologist Olaf Bittblank. Olaf asked you to imagine the following scenario. You're walking down an empty street alone, for example a 2006 study done by neurologist Olaf Bittblank. Olaf asked you to imagine a following scenario.
Starting point is 00:40:27 You're walking down an empty street alone, and suddenly you have the eerie feeling that someone's following you. Where does that feeling come from? According to Olaf and other researchers, it comes from a specific region of the brain called the Temporo, Temporo parietal, mother fucker, that is a crazy word.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I practiced it so many times before this recording, and then I actually even pause the recording to practice some more and then still get it wrong. It has, it's just, it's too much. Temporal parietal. Yeah. And when the TPJ is stimulated, it can create the illusion of a shadow person, given that such experiences are often heightened in psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia and paranoia, and even in those who believe they've been abducted by aliens, Olaf believes that the results of the spining could lead to a better understanding
Starting point is 00:41:11 of these neurological conditions. The finding emerged by accident when Olaf blank of the Brain Mind Institute in Lose On Switzerland and his colleagues were attempting to identify the source of epileptic seizures in a 23-year-old woman. They applied a mild current through surgically implanted electrodes to various regions of her brain, not much happened until the researchers stimulated the woman's left T.P.J. located roughly above the left ear. Suddenly, she reported filling the presence of a mystery person behind her,
Starting point is 00:41:40 emotionless and speechless shadow that imitated her body posture and actions. He lay beneath her when she lay down, sat behind her when she sat down and attempted to take a test card from her when she tried to participate in a language exercise. Such delusions are similar to those seen in patients with schizophrenia, says Blank. Schizophrenics often mistake their own bodies to be someone else's, for example, and attribute their own actions to others. They also have frequent illusions of being followed or controlled by a stranger, as do those who claim to have been manipulated by aliens.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Blank says the shadow person phenomenon may shed light on how the brain perceives self. In order to recognize its own body, he says the brain uses sensory information, such as visual and pro-pryoceptive cues, which indicate the position of body parts relative to each other and everything else. And then the TPJ is known to put some of these cues together. When this function is disrupted, for whatever reason, the brain perceives two bodies, instead of one, and makes the second that of a stranger, the researchers proposed in their study. Man, mind blown. Think about that for a moment.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Our brains have to internally process our body as belonging to us, right? Because I guess you know that's something you just take for granted, why would you think about that? It's like, yeah, of course this is my body. This is my body. It belongs to me. I can touch it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I'm putting my hands on my legs right now and I'm just on my chest right now, this is me. But it's like your brain has to process that it has to feel you send a signal to you, you know, just be like, yep, this is us. It's like constantly running all these computer background codes, you know, to make sure that we're taking in sensory information the proper way.
Starting point is 00:43:27 There's all these things constantly running in the background and sometimes these things can get messed up and something as crazy as that sounds, it's like your brain could stop being able to realize that you are you and it could see you as somebody else. That's fucking my, ah, makes my brain hurt to keep thinking about that. So yeah, fascinating stuff, fascinating stuff. For some reason, it just projects what should be you, is this dark kind of carbon copy, a shadow person, if you will. And then there's the whole sleep paralysis association with shadow people.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I've kind of summarized and put into layman's terms some findings, Stephanie De Silva, found for me in a study published earlier this year in the US National Library of Medicine called Sleep paralysis, the ghostly bedroom intruder and out of body experiences, the role of mirror neurons, a study conducted by Beland Jalal, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University who also worked at Harvard and Villain-New York, S. Rammachan Ramachandran, another neuroscientist and current professor in the Department of Psychology and the Graduate Program in Neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego. And by the way, as I'm doing these names, I think some people are like,
Starting point is 00:44:33 Jesus Christ, why can't he pronounce these names right? Why can't he pronounce all names right? And all of them are right. I felt so much better. I got called in for jury duty. And those of you who are familiar with my stand-up, I'm sure you find that hilarious. Yep, I still get called in despite my jury duty. And those of you who are familiar with my standup, I'm sure you find that hilarious. Yep, I still get called in despite my jury duty meltdown experience.
Starting point is 00:44:48 But I got called in and the prosecutor, the prosecutor in attorney had some, I think you like a Ukrainian type name or Serbian or something, anyway the judge who was like an esteemed local judge, apparently I found out, you know, and he was. He seemed like a really cool dude. He could not pronounce her name,
Starting point is 00:45:08 and he just referred to her as like, let's say her first name was Sadie. He was like, I will just be referring to her as Miss Sadie because I cannot pronounce her name to save my life. So this is the guy, he's a judge, still can't pronounce certain fucking names. So there you go. Made me feel a lot better,
Starting point is 00:45:24 because Jesus Christ, man. It's one thing to read all this stuff, but when you're writing it all out, sometimes you just get these names like the one I just saw. If you're raised in India, the fuck sure. Of course, you can be like, yeah, that's just bittittittittittittittittittittitt. Of course, it's familiar to you. If you're raised in Idaho, and then you see a name with buck and 75 consonants, you know, you're just like, ah, but I don't know. Okay, I'm enough of my rant.
Starting point is 00:45:53 So anyway, two very intelligent people, two very, very intelligent neuroscientists, and this second guy, this Ramachandron, current professor in the department of psychology and the graduate program in neuroscience at the University of California of San Diego. So some of you might even have him as a professor. You can be like, is name actually is pronounced blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 All right, here's what they found. Rapid eye movement, REM sleep is referred to as paradoxical sleep, our blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, become elevated, and EEG recordings show up a cooler, lower voltage and mixed frequency pattern, the firing pattern of most neurons during REM sleep resembles those of wakefulness. And in some cases, neurons fire even more intense bursts than when we are awake. Why are our neurons firing because we have our most vivid and emotionally charged dreams
Starting point is 00:46:41 during REM sleep, often involving the complex storyplacts. We don't know why we have those, but we know that we do have these complex dreams. In order for us not to act out these complex dreams and potentially hurt ourselves when we're fucking fighting bad guys, or jumping off a building or whatever in our dreams, our brain leaves us temporarily paralyzed from head to toe to keep us from killing ourselves. This paralysis is triggered by the ponds and the ventral medial medulla that suppress skeletal muscle tone during REM sleep. Occasionally, we start to wake up mentally while under the spell of REM paralysis, the result is a curious condition called sleep paralysis, where the person
Starting point is 00:47:20 is left trapped, unable to move or speak upon falling asleep or upon awakening. Now during sleep paralysis, the sensory system is clear, and ocular and respiratory movements remain intact, culminating in a state of semi-consciousness coupled with body paralysis. While one sought to only arise in the context of narcolepsy, a rare autoimmune sleep disorder affecting less than 1% of the population, we now know that 20%, 1 in 5, members of the general population have sleep paralysis episodes. During SP, the vivid and sometimes terrifying dreams of REM sleep can spill over into emerging wakefulness.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Hallucinations occur and include out-of-body experiences, and sensing the scene, the presence of menacing intruders in one's bedroom. Well, Belond and Villanueur have proposed that a functional disturbance of the right parietal cortex may give rise to the common bedroom and trutor hallucination during sleep paralysis. As described, the absence of atheraff, a pharynx sensory signals might cause this disturbance of body image, implicating regions such as the right superior parietal, lobeule, and the temporal parietal junction, TPJ, and fucking nailed it that time,
Starting point is 00:48:32 goddamn critical for the construction of a neural representation of the body. There is hallucinated projection of a genetically hardwired body map due to conflicting neural conduction. This hypothesis is broadly consistent with the finding that disrupting the TPJ using focal electrical stimulation can induce the feeling of an illusory other shadow-like person, mimicking one's body postures, and the hyperactivity in the temporal parietal cortex of schizophrenia can lead to the misattribution of their own actions to others.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Wow, I know that was a lot of info. In a nutshell, what I took from that attribution of their own actions to others. Wow. I know that was a lot of info. In a nutshell, what I took from that is the combination of sleep paralysis and some sort of disturbance to the TPJ, few other portions of the brain would leave you paralyzed, prone to seeing REM dreamlike hallucinations and give you the feeling that a dark shadow figure
Starting point is 00:49:26 is nearby and watching you, right? That like just some brain malfunction in a variety of ways, this interesting phenomena of sleep paralysis with your kind of awake, but not totally awake. You still have the REM kind of dream attributes going, but you also are semi-conscious. The convergence of all this stuff could lead to scientifically seeing the shadow person. I love learning this kind of shit. So, you know, I think if we're gonna attribute shadow people to science, I think Scarface, you know, said it best with the Get A Boys back in 1991. I keep looking over my soul to be around Tom's My mind is playing tricks on me
Starting point is 00:50:10 God, that's a good song. It holds up It holds up 1991 still sounding legit All right, so that was one possible scientific explanation for shadow people Now let's look into another one a weird science explanation Something touched on by a genius you've probably heard of Nimrod. Regarding Shadow People, Lord Nimrod says, Beholding of the dark, beholding it, beholding it, thou is darkest dark, be scared of it, be scared and infightened and of, thou
Starting point is 00:50:37 darkesty dark, dark shadow dark and mean spirit thing of Mbobbin. And if thou is ever hath thine encounter within, shadow is shadow people. Only one word can keep thou thingest safest. And that word is, and then unfortunately Nimrod was struck with sleep paralysis. Even Lord Nimrod must rest. And even he gets occasionally paralysis. And sadly, he can get to finish his thoughts. He's busy, and he's hard to understand, and he's crazy. He had other thoughts to get to. No, let's look into the real genius. I was moving towards British theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking. Hawking and some of his colleagues,
Starting point is 00:51:12 they've toyed with a mind-boggling concept that involves the existence of various hidden dimensions of space, dark matter that exists underneath us in a sense, underneath our own world. Stephen says, to think of our world as a brain world, like B-R-A-N-E, like as in membrane. And since about 1994, him and some other colleagues have theorized this concept of curling up the extra dimensions of space into these brains.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And if particles can be viewed as occupying points in space and strings are seen as lines, then brains are too dimensionaldimensional or even higher-dimensional entities. In this concept, a two-brain entity is like a two-dimensional membrane. Hawking and his colleagues believe that the universe may be one of these such brains and it is expanding like the surface of an inflated balloon. The quote is the idea is that matter and light would be confined to the brain so we cannot travel through or see through the extra dimension. So I don't even be honest right here. I don't know the fuck he's talking about. I should have just read Chinese. I should have just read used to have a different language right there.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Because a lot of times I can read these things and kind of sum it up. Fuck, I got nothing. I got nothing. But this brain theory apparently suggests that the universe can have up to 26 different dimensions. And that's all I wanted to get to. He thinks there could be different dimensions. He thinks 95% of the material of the universe is invisible. It's just made up of all this dark matter. And interesting quote he has says, there could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars,
Starting point is 00:52:39 and even shadow people. Science fiction characters like Dr. Who are always traveling through other dimensions, but now it seems that other dimensions may be more science fact than science fiction. We now have reason to believe that space time may have more than three dimensions of space in one dimension of time that we experience. See, I even see even Hockiman, believes in the possibility of shadow people. Not demons or rates or something else like paranormal in this view, but still creeping
Starting point is 00:53:04 disturbing on some level. You know, what are parallel beans and one of these parallel brains have figured out how to fuck with this? I'm not like it. There are also various people. You can find on Reddit, random message boards who believe that shadow people are tied to astral projection. This belief that your spirit can leave your sleeping body
Starting point is 00:53:17 and actually travel to basically anywhere. And some of you believe that these shadows we see are the spirits of astral travelers. So somebody's, they're, I don't know, their bodies are sleep somewhere and they're out projecting and we see their projection which comes across the shadow. All right, we're finished with the analytical portion of this suck. Now let's dive into some darkness. Let's look at the wicked side of mystery.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I'm going to share a few tales of what people believe happen to them and I encourage you to let your mind just kind of wonder, you know, what if they did see what they thought they saw. And then good luck peacefully fall asleep tonight. All right, time for some first hand accounts of shadow people encounters. Good old Halloween scary story stuff. Maybe they made them up, but what if they didn't know these first two tales are from website called ShadowPeople.org. Story number one from Name with Held by Request, subject my shadow account.
Starting point is 00:54:15 I had an incident with the shadows when I was about 10 years old. I was sick with the flu. And when I stayed in my mother's house, I've been watching TV in her bedroom and I fell asleep. Sleeping fitfully, I was awoken by the sound in my mother's house, I've been watching TV in her bedroom, and I fell asleep. Sleeping fitfully, I was awoken by the sound of my mother screaming ferociously. She was lying next to me, and it was now about 2 a.m. And she was sitting up and pointing at the wooden dresser. The silhouette of a man was perched on top of it, which was very high, and it was crouched there. Its face fixed upon my shrieking mom. It had no detail.
Starting point is 00:54:44 It was just a featureless humanoid shape with my shrieking mom. It had no detail. It was just a featureless humanoid shape with narrow white eyes. It turned its head to me when it found out I had awoken as well and it just sort of stared at me when my mom continued to howl at it. It then leapt off the dresser, looked at me again and then ran out the door where light from a hallway was streaming in. The way it ran it just sort of became a blurry streak that vanished around the corner faster than any man could run. The next morning my mom was so very nervous, and I brought up to the shadow. She started
Starting point is 00:55:12 acting very skittish and told me not to talk about it ever again. I brought it up several more times in the future, and each time she admitted that she never wanted to think about it again. The interesting thing was she felt a great evil force emanating from the shadow. She told me that she told me that much and that it was a spawn of the devil. However, I felt nothing more than curiosity from it and the fact that it was on my side of the bed
Starting point is 00:55:37 and the way it was looking at me, gave me the impression that it was there to watch me. As it only fled fled when I noticed, I, when it noticed, I had glimpsed it. God, what if that actually happened? Can you imagine as a kid, not only seeing some shadowy demon thing, but then, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:55 after being awoken by your screaming mother who also sees it, then you see this thing. I mean, holy shit, I mean, when you're 10 and you think you're, you know, you've seen some monster, your parents, or the other people who are supposed to tell you, ah, no, it's just your imagination, sweetie. They're not supposed to say, yeah, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I know you saw it. I saw it too. I was right there. Because now it's real. God, what do you just cry yourself to sleep for the rest of your childhood after that? All right, you know, or do what this kid supposedly did and try and tell yourself the way you did see it. It's okay, because it didn't try and hurt you.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I guess that would be how you'd have to rationalize it. But yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I saw it, but it didn't hurt me, so no big whoops. Wow. Well, then it goes on. This was not the least of my encounters. For years, both before and after the incident, I always noticed that there were times when it was dark, that there had seemed to be a presence lurking in the shadows, a force that made you feel like something was staring at you. At times, it was merely uncomfortable. But others, God, I'm getting creeped out now. God dang it, I just looked over, I saw two glowing lights to my left, it's the fucking printer lights.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Cause I'm doing this in utter darkness to just make myself more scared. And it's working, it's working. If you're listening to this right now and you're like, man, that's not that scary. Okay, press pause and then like go to a dark closet in your house, lock yourself in a dark closet and then listen to it there by yourself.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And don't close your eyes and then just keep your eyes so you can look around and stuff. And then see if it's scary. I promise you, it has to be that that would have to scare you. All right, if that doesn't scare you, much respect, much respect. If you're just, you know, you get nerves of steel, I guess. Okay, back to this story.
Starting point is 00:57:36 At times it was merely uncomfortable, but others gave the impression that it wanted to hurt you, that the darkness hated you. And times like that, I would run as though I were being chased back into the company of others. This only happened at night when I would be riding my bike home alone from a friend's house or when I was walking my dog and he would start growling at nothing or when I would walk into my dark room and would feel a horrible malevolence until I turn the lights on. Sometimes I would stare at the ceiling and only moonlight would be streaming in through my
Starting point is 00:58:02 blinds and it seemed as though the room would get darker and darker slowly in the sense of being watched would increase. And I would start seeing shapes moving at the corners of my eyes. I knew these events were strange because not all darkness or shadows give the impression of harboring unseen watchers. Most nights nothing at all would be out of the ordinary. I didn't encounter a full shadow again until I was 15 and had moved into a new house this time with my dad. I was sitting in the living room at 10 a.m. broad daylight outside and then I felt like something was wrong.
Starting point is 00:58:30 That feeling of being watched and I had something smack hard against the window which had the curtain drawn. My heart froze as I saw what made the sound a man or rather the outline of a man about five foot tall was pressed against the glass. Arms stretched out and bent upwards at the elbows. Palms was pressed against the glass. Arms stretched out and bent upward at the elbows. Palms pressed flat against the glass. The man had no features, no clothes. Just the generic human outline I remember from the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:58:53 This took all of one second, as the shadow then turned and streaked away very fast. The thing that bothered me about it the most was that whenever it was pressed right against the window and it should have been solid, but it had been almost transparent, with only the curtains catching the pale greatness of its outline. I had felt definite malice this time, and it only got worse. I saw a shadow at night walking my dog, he barked and bare his teeth, I felt a sensation again, and he looked quickly to the side and saw a shadow shape duck behind a boat in a neighbor's driveway. And then when I went to look, there was nothing there.
Starting point is 00:59:25 I saw it again when I was in my kitchen getting some food. There were no other lights on in the living room and hall were nearly pitch black except for a tiny night light. And from that I felt the watching feeling in turn fast to notice a man's head with no ears and red eyes looking around the corner from the hallway. It shrank back when I noticed. The worst was when I'd fallen asleep doing homework and had a disturbing nightmare. Awakening to the sound of a shadow standing over my bed outlined by the light coming in from the hallway through my half of the open bedroom. God dammit, I have to fucking turn on the light.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I freaking myself out. Which then quickly back to way and then turned into dark modes when I saw when it saw I had noticed it. Just like usual. The entire time I lived in that house dark places almost always seemed to radiate anger and a sense of being washed. My dog always shied away from the dark corners and would bark and growl at nothing. The worst dreams I ever had came when I lived there and I know it had something to do with the shadows that didn't want to be seen, but would always let you catch them looking at you. Two more minor instance where when I was walking down the stairs at midnight, the bottom floor being pitch black, I saw a shape with red eyes that looked wide and flowing. I
Starting point is 01:00:35 think was supposed to be glowing. With a bald human head and no fuck that. Why is that make it so scary? Why the hell? Why did the bald human head just really freak me out? And no arms and legs, ah, radiating no malice, just surprise. And then a month later, where I stepped outside my bedroom, I saw a hulking shadow whose head brushed the ceiling that had no eyes in a shape that was human,
Starting point is 01:00:57 but for the strange, that was not human. Wait, a shape that was human, but for the strange jagged outline, I don't know, these trying to say there. It stood in my way and even reached out, and then it turned and vanished down the wall into deeper shadows. It hadn't seemed evil either. I still see dark shapes out of the corner of my eye quite often, in occasion the sense that
Starting point is 01:01:14 a dim room is getting darker towards the ceiling, but the sense of being watched isn't quite as frequent as it was. I'm 23 now, and they must have gotten more careful because they don't let me see them fully anymore. Although I do catch them disappearing around corners or other objects. I've had two friends who didn't know about these incidents. See Shadow Man once as well. And my friend's mother and grandmother said they saw a shadow man with narrow white eyes walk into their house. Look at them and then turn and walk away. It's vindicating to know that I wasn't imagining it and I often dwell upon it to remind me that
Starting point is 01:01:45 not all in this world is as it seems. My mom still hates talking about it to this day. Okay, so that's story number one. Either this person has a complete and total wackadoodle or they are living an absolute fucking nightmar of a life full of red-eyed and white-eyed and no-eyed menacing shadow figures always watching him. Jesus Christ, for the sake of our sleep tonight, let's hope that they're crazy. Because if these kind of stories, like these stories freak me out because we just did all the science, but it's like, you know, this isn't about sleep paralysis. Not in every example that he's talked about.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Some parts of the story, okay, you can write off a sleep paralysis, but when he's out like, fucking riding his bike and stuff, he's very awake. You know, if you're truly seeing something there, oh, God, okay, second story. From Name With Held by Request Again, subject, I witness account of a shadow person, or I'm sorry, I witness account of shadow being phenomena.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I am more than a little skeptical of ghosts and the paranormal, but about 17 years ago, I hadn't experienced with a house that my father and I moved into in 1986. A few years ago, I started noticing stories about shadow people and realized that some other people have had similar experiences. I would like to share this experience with anyone who can relate to it. You have my full permission to use this account in your website, please exclude my name and email address.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Okay, so that already happened. This experience involved what I can only describe as shadow beans. When I first moved in, I thought I saw one of the neighborhood children running into the house and down the hall. When I went to look for him, there was no one there. All of the doors were closed, and there was no way out of the house in that direction. I didn't think anything of this at that time. I didn't think anything of this at the time. What the- why would you think of this? I would think a lot of that at the time. If I went into a house, if I wanted to fucking my house
Starting point is 01:03:33 and some fucking weird kid, I see some kid run down the hall and I go up there and then the hall doesn't lead to anywhere that could lead back outside. And I can't find the kid. I'm not gonna be like, nah, whatever. That was weird. I'm going to go grab a sandwich now. No, I'd be like, we got to, we got to figure out how to sell this house immediately. I know we just closed on it two days ago. We got to get back out of this house.
Starting point is 01:03:51 That's terrifying. Okay. As time passed, I began seeing something in my peripheral vision just outside of my direct view. But when I would turn to look at it, there would be nothing there. I always assumed that a car had driven down the road and was just casting an odd shadow. I was like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, but when I would turn to look at it, there would be nothing there. I always assumed that a car had driven down the road and was just casting an odd shadow. Then, during the winter of 1997, something odd began happening.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Very late at night, the television in the empty living room would turn on with the volume turned all the way up to a channel with empty static. The first time it happened, I opened the door to turn the television off. When I did this, I thought I heard unintelligible chattering and footsteps, footsteps. This frightened me so I left the television on and bolted back in my room. This only happened a few times over a period of three years. Well, a few times too many. God, I just got the chills. When I read the thing about unintelligible chattering and footsteps in the middle of the night fuck that any of this stuff would I would lose my mind I've never
Starting point is 01:04:50 Earlier I talked about having an experience of sleep paralysis. I have never I yeah, I've thought I've seen maybe some weird shadow things like vaguely vaguely Out of the corner of my eyes and then like looked and then there was nothing ever nothing This intense ever thank God and then like looked and then there was nothing ever. Nothing, this intense, ever. Thank God. Okay. Back in this person's story, winter 1987, the first unmistakable encounter with a shadow bean
Starting point is 01:05:12 was sometime in late 1997. My door would mysteriously come a jar during the middle of the night, and I would have to get up and close it. This happened dozens of times. Then one night when I went to get up to close it, I saw a tall shadow with a fedora hat standing on the other side of the door. It I went to get up to close it, I saw a tall shadow with a fedora hat standing on the other side of the door. It was blacker than the darkness
Starting point is 01:05:29 surrounded, featureless and was staring right at me. Terrified and feeling I had no place to run, I picked up a screwdriver and lunged at the figure. As I did this, it slipped into the wall to the right of me within a split second. It made no sound, went through a solid wall. I was so frightened I thought I was going to die. After I slept with kitchen knives, hidden under my bed and put a 30 pound stack of encyclopedias in front of the door at night to keep the door from opening. I would totally do something like that. In the few instances where I heard the television turn itself on in the middle of the night, I let my father handle it. My father never once accused me of turning the television set on, which I thought odd. He did ask me if I heard the television set come on in the middle of the
Starting point is 01:06:05 night also to reassure himself that he wasn't the only one who had seen it. A few times, I also remember here in my dad down the hall, apparently telling what he thought was me that it was too late at night, and that he had to get to work in the morning. I got the distinct impression that after this happened a few times, he realized that it wasn't me. He began sleeping in the den in 1929 rather than his own room, which happened to be right near the area where the shadows usually appeared. Other than hearing knocking on the wall between my room and the kitchen and occasionally having
Starting point is 01:06:35 objects on shelves start shaking and sometimes being knocked off for what seemed like no reason the disturbance had stopped for a while. I, oh my God, I got the chills again, just thinking about that. If I was that kid. Okay, second encounter, spring night's the 88. I had the second encounter. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a shadow try to move through the door. It sort of looked like an amorphous blob of smoke.
Starting point is 01:06:58 At first, I thought it was a neighbor's cockatiel. So I love that, it's random conclusion, that it escaped from its cage, but then I realized it was black, violently grasping, that it was a black, violently grasping, skeletal hand. When I raised up out of bed, the rest of the figure began coming through the door.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I knocked on a wall and screamed from my father to come. He ran in the hall, the hand, arm, and the rest of the figure yanked itself out the door and the figure flew away. My father flung the door open. I told him I had seen something something but I couldn't describe it. We went looking around the house to find some kind of animal because we had both seen something." Man, skeleton hand, made out of black smoke. I might just throw myself out of a window if I saw that. I just, rather than have to live with that memory. My God. Winter 1988,
Starting point is 01:07:47 third encounter. I became deathly ill with pneumonia. At this time, I remember getting up at the middle of the night to go down to the hall to use the bathroom and seeing hanging upside down from the ceiling, what looked like the upper torso of a pitch black skeleton with an unusually large head, waving its arms. I will never forget this image, that personal caps. Again, this figure was darker than the darkness around that I turned the whole light on and slipped it, and I turned the whole light on and it slipped up into the ceiling in a split second. I also remember at least two times in the three years I lived in the house seeing a small figure about three feet in height with the Huron. It was always toward the back of the hall where my father's room is
Starting point is 01:08:24 where I'd seen the figure of a child when I first moved into the house. As soon as I made eye contact with it, it would recede into the darkness by floating backward. In 1989, my father and I moved out of the house since that time, I believe it has been torn down. I have never experienced anything like this since that time. I can't explain these experiences. I don't believe in ghosts and do not exclude the possibility that the house may have been built in an area with naturally strong or erratic electromagnetic field that makes people hallucinate or that it has happened to have a very vivid waking dreams while living in the house. All I know is that you couldn't pay me enough to
Starting point is 01:09:00 go back to that place. Note there were a few facts that might help make this story more credible. Other people had seen shadow like figures in and around that house and described them to me without me telling them about my own experiences. Animals like the neighbors dogs and cats would not set foot onto the property. I often saw the neighbors dog grow out of the front window at the house, but she would never go near it. At least a couple times I came home from riding my bike to see a friend knocking on my door, asking to be let in as though he were convinced I was inside. When I told him there was no one home, he said he had seen someone in the house and thought it was me when he realized it wasn't me and the house he turned sheet white.
Starting point is 01:09:34 F**k, I got the chills. Thinking about that, I don't even know where this house is. The only advice I can offer anyone about a problem like this is that whatever it is, it just seems to be tied to a specific location. If you're seeing this sort of thing, just move and only gets worse. Fuck, wow, man. Whoo.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Whoo, there you go. Either that happened or it didn't. I love how people grab knives to protect themselves from the paranormal. As if you could stab something that doesn't have an actual body. However, I would probably do the same thing. I think it just feels better when you're scared to have a weapon. I wish I would probably do the same thing. I think it just feels better when you're scared to have a weapon. I wish I had a knife right now. I wish I had a
Starting point is 01:10:08 knife for a bat. I wish I had a bat right now. Oh, I may have to whisk out here soon and just turn on the light, but I'm going to try and power through the rest of these stories. And now, and now some stories that we're going to close on these stories for the scary part. These are ones about the Hatman, also known as the Top Hat Demon. There's a website called demonicpedia.com. It defines this creature as the Hatman is a shadow person or demon, depending on your source, that has been reported all over the world.
Starting point is 01:10:38 The entity is usually described as a tall shadow man dressed in a long black trench coat and wearing a wide brimmed hat or a fedora. He is distinctly male and witnesses say that he has no face or a shadowy blurred face. Most shadow entities are usually seen for a moment or two before disappearing, but the hat man seems to be different, often staying for a prolonged period of time and sometimes even touches, chokes or assaults his victims. Great. Another aspect of the hat man that is eerie and more sinister than other shadow people is that the hat man is often associated with hostile environments, aggression, and is sometimes an indicator that something evil
Starting point is 01:11:13 will happen. Okay, so basically, he's an especially unpleasant shadow person, and most of them are very unpleasant. So he's the most unpleasant out of the unpleasant things we're talking about. Okay. Following stories we're taking from the Hatman project.com, message board described by its creator with the following paragraph. My name is Tim Brown. I am the site owner, administrator, and researcher for the Hatman project. The purpose of this site is to research the phenomenon that has come to be known as the Hatman. Reports of the Hatman and other shadow beans have been on the rise within the last 10,15 years. It was due to my own experience and my awareness of other people's sightings of the Hatman that I decided to begin this research project. The aim of this website is to explore the stories of many sightings that have been reported.
Starting point is 01:11:58 This is the very first and only website solely devoted to researching, collecting, and archiving information and stories related to the Hatman. As more stories are researched and collected, they will be posted on this site regularly. Here we go, let's see what Tim has to offer. February 14, 2016, an entry titled, He looked blacker than the night I could feel the evil. I was 23 when I saw what I think experienced what people call the hat man.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Sorry, some of these answers are going to be rough because I'm just reading what they wrote. It was by far the most terrifying experience of my life. First, let me say it was early morning and still dark. My mother and I are both nurses, so working day shifts, we left early for work before daylight. I was staying with my mom to save up money, single mom worries. My mother would drop my five-year-old son off to daycare for me because it was on her way to work. We lived on five acres, with large lights on wooden poles throughout the property that
Starting point is 01:12:56 turned on by a timer. It gave a sense of protection because it could get really dark. And I can testify to that, man. If you've never really spent for whatever reason, time out in the country, you don't know how dark the world can get. I remember when I brought my wife Lindsay out to Idaho where I grew up the first time. That was one of the things that stuck out to her
Starting point is 01:13:15 was just at night how dark it is. When you're not near any urban center, you're near no street lights. It is just a special kind of darkness that you do not experience Living in the city or living in you know in a really big town because of there's always light Bouncing up into the sky from you know in the area that you're in but once you get way out in the country And you turn off all the lights in the house and there's just no light for literally miles and miles miles very dark very dark, very dark.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So I understand putting on some lights on the property just to make yourself feel better. Okay, and then she goes, this illusion was dispelled instantly this morning. Walking to our vehicles, I noticed a man standing under one of the lights closest to the house. I couldn't see his clothes per se,
Starting point is 01:14:01 but they're outlines. He didn't have a trench coat. It looked to be mid-thye Victorian era coat tapered. He had on boots from what the outline suggested a stove hat, and he was looking at a watch on a chain. He didn't cast a shadow of his own. He was black as night. It's amazing the things that go through your head when something like this is happening.
Starting point is 01:14:21 I could feel the evil coming off him in waves. It was almost like my adrenaline was about to make my heart explode. I was so terrified I actually felt my eyes dilate. I began screaming at my mother to put my son in the car, just go, go, write the fuck now, not my usual vocabulary. Plus they couldn't see or feel what I was feeling. My mother kept yelling, what's wrong? What's wrong? I walked back to the car and put my son in the seat and literally forced my mom into leaving without me. All the while, it's watching. I can't see it smiling, but I can, if that makes sense. It made me sick to my stomach. We had a 500-foot-long driveway that led to a dirt road very isolated. I didn't get in my car and follow my mother and
Starting point is 01:14:59 son until they were at the end. I had to make sure it wouldn't follow them. I just looked straight at it, my heart running to 10k and I'm standing still. I left finally to find my mother waiting for me at the end of the dirt road to the highway. Be wildered, I made her leave and called her from my cell to explain why I had acted like a crazy person. Strangely, she believed me. I don't think it was used to my reaction. I had to protect my family, even though I knew it was there for me, I don't know how I knew this, I just did. I hope to never feel that type of intense fear again, ever. I've met my quota in spades.
Starting point is 01:15:33 God, seeing a demon after you wake up in the morning, damn it, that just doesn't seem fair. Like once you make it to the middle of the night, creepy stuff is supposed to fade away, right? Like you made it. You made it through the night, you get a break during the day. Seeing a demon after you wake up for work is like out running a mugger
Starting point is 01:15:49 and then making it into your house and then locking the door behind you only to have another mugger just right there in your face. Like someone else has broken into your house and then that person beat you up and takes your money and he's like, come on, I just fucking, I just out ran someone else trying to take my money and slap me around and I got home and then you fucking slap me around and take my money. It's like, come on, man, I just, fuck, I just out ran someone else trying to take my money and slap me around. And I got home and then you fucking slap me
Starting point is 01:16:07 around and take my money. It's not cool. It's not, that's not fair. All right, here's another story. This is an entry title I have never felt fear like this from December 13, 2015. The first time I seen this figure, I was about 16. I was lying in bed and couldn't sleep from where my bed was positioned. I could see down the hallway. I seen him standing down the hallway outside my brother's where my bed was positioned, I could see down the hallway. I seen him standing down the hallway outside my brother's room. He was facing my brother's bedroom door, so I was looking at a side profile.
Starting point is 01:16:31 He was tall. Wearing a long trench coat and a foot door like hat, he had no distinguishable features. It was dark as the hallway light. It was dark as the hallway light was on, yet I still couldn't see any features like mouth or eyes. I was frozen with fear and after a minute or so he just walked into my brother's room and out of view. I lay terrified waiting for something to happen because I knew it was something more realistic than a ghost. After about 15 minutes of lying terrified, I love looking at stuff. I love like
Starting point is 01:17:02 15 minutes, that does just crack me up. We're like, you see this, the most fearful entity you've ever seen go into your brother's room. And then you're like, I'm just gonna fucking stay here and just be quiet. As opposed to like, I should go help my brother. It's like, oh, thank God, it's him, not me. They God, it's him, not me. Oh, after 15 minutes of lying terrified,
Starting point is 01:17:23 I got the courage to go wake my parents. Their bedroom was just past my brother. So as I was passing, I looked around the room as quickly as I could. My brother was still sound asleep and no tall man in sight. My dad searched the house making sure I hadn't seen him. I doubt he told his dad that it was 15 minutes passed by. He's like, Dad, I just, I just saw it going to the room right now. I just saw like five seconds ago. It's five seconds ago, something went into the room. That's I ran and I ran to get you as soon as I saw it. That's about to do 15 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I saw what may have been a dangerous stranger walking to my brother's room, walking to your son's room. Okay, four months later, I seen the exact same thing. He was standing in the same place and walked away in the same way. Then until one night, He was standing in the same place and walked away in the same way. Then until one night, he was standing in the foot of my bed. He wasn't looking at me, but looking down towards the floor, frozen with fear, I shouted for my parents as loud as I could, and at that moment, again, he just slowly walked out of view. My parents again thought nothing of it. One night, I woke up to the feeling of someone sitting down on the end of my bed over in the corner there. He was.
Starting point is 01:18:24 someone sitting down on the end of my bed over in the corner there. He was. I wasn't leaving because he had made me feel terrified but then I started seeing him in broad daylight. For example, I was in the kitchen making a sandwich and from the side of my eye, I seen somebody walking across the hallway. I wasn't expecting anyone to be home so when I focused and realized it was him, I had never felt fear like that. I kept watching him and he just walked into the living room at a sight. I was so terrified I locked myself in the kitchen with my dog and a knife. I'm not willing to believe in ghosts, et cetera, but this is too real.
Starting point is 01:18:48 I'm 20 now and even thinking about him terrifies me. Again, man, not cool, top hat demon. Once we make it a daylight, you're supposed to leave us alone, right? And if you know why don't come at us at the daylight we're making a tasty sandwich as a dick move, all right? One last story. A quick entry into the Hatman project from March 19th, 2012 from Kelly Merriman. And Kelly says, my experience with
Starting point is 01:19:13 the Hatman, the incident occurred around this time last year in the early hours of the morning. I was embedd asleep next to my boyfriend when I suddenly woke up. Oh man, this one's, I'm remembering this one, reading it before now, as I'm doing this, oh God. I was paralyzed and had the overwhelming feeling of fear. I was lying on my back when I saw the figure. It felt like pure evil and had the aura of a male. He was wearing what looked like a long dust. Jesus Christ, I started to carve right by and it fucking scared the shit out of me.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Oh man! Okay, I'm gonna try. This is the scariest part. I'm still in the dark. I'm not gonna turn the lights. I'm not gonna miss out. I don't know why. I'm way too old for this stuff. Freak me out like it is. I feel like I scared a little kid right now. Okay. Man, that car scared the shit out of me when I drove by. Woo, okay. Okay, that's another car. All right, sorry. I know you guys can't hear. This is probably really annoying. I'm gonna focus.
Starting point is 01:20:18 All right, so I was bed at sleep. Next to my boyfriend, when I suddenly woke up, I was paralyzed and had the overwhelming feeling of fear. I was lying on my back when I saw the figure. It felt like pure evil and had the aura of a male. He was wearing what looked like a long duster jacket with a collar turned up. Old fashioned fedora style hat with wild, bushy hair flowing from under it. The whole figure was like solid black and he was standing sideways at the end of the bed
Starting point is 01:20:38 facing me. Then he disappeared and it felt like something was trying to crawl up my legs as if it was trying to get to my face. I managed to move my hand a little and I touched it. It was hands with really long fingers and nails. It was like it was trying to claw its way up to me. At this point, I tried with all my might to move and manage to lightly tap my boyfriend on the back. He turned around and looked at me for a second and turned back. A few seconds later, I was no longer paralyzed and quickly woke my boyfriend up. I screamed at him that something was crawling up my legs.
Starting point is 01:21:09 He lifted the covers and it stopped. I was petrified. After this when I was talking about it with my boyfriend, he said when he lifted the covers, he caught a glimpse of a hand at my ankle, then it disappeared at the end of the bed. I never slept in that bedroom again. I ended up sleeping in the living room. I moved out of that house five months later. Fuck hell, yes, you moved out of that house. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Oh, man, if this is true, that's the scariest story of the bunch to be because A, Kelly didn't just claim to see something. She claimed to feel something. Touch her. B, she claimed to touch it as well. C, the visual description. Fuck, it just creeps me out. And D, making it far away, scarier than the other stories, if true, is that her boyfriend claims you have seen the handed her ankle also, and that this thing disappeared. Two people seeing the same creepy thing.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Oh, man, if that happened to me, I don't know how I'd mentally handle that. I really don't. My first thought was, I couldn't sleep in that bed again, but then I thought, well, who's the state's associated anyway with the bed or the room? You know, what if it's after me? And it doesn't matter where I go, damn it.
Starting point is 01:22:05 You know, be a little hard to sleep after that. Ah, it's gonna be hard for me to sleep tonight. That's enough of today's super scary stuff. Slips, slaps, thots. Slips, slaps, slaps, slaps, slaps, slaps. Okay, before I share any brief final thoughts on the Shadow People, let's get completely away from scary. Let's lighten things up a bit.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Let's check in with people we know are making up stories about Shadow People. People who are, for sure, idiots of the internet. All right, the first comment, this episode comes from underneath the YouTube video of the Art Bell Coast to Coast shadow people episode I was talking about earlier, user crucial 13 YouTube user crucial 13 states, tell people the devil is anti nature anti organic. That is why being healthy is an aspect in this spiritual war. This is the first comment underneath the video about shadow people. What a strange angle to take on why they're around. I'll tell you why we're suddenly seen all these shadow people.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Too much chemical fertilizer out there. Oh yeah, pesticides, herbicides. And I'm just gonna answer my friend. They increase the strength of the dark lord and his shadow minions. Wake up. Less organic produce at the grocery store. More demons in your bedroom. How do you not see that?
Starting point is 01:23:26 You want to find the devil? Gross and vegetables at home. Gross and beats, gross and radishes. Don't use anything to do it other than filtered water and homemade compost. Me personally, I shit directly at my garden. I make my own compost. I don't trust the store bought compost because who knows what the animals ate before this shit on the stuff that was supposed to make the compost. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:23:46 How did a video about shadow people inspire you to talk about organic produce? And then the first reply under this comment is even weirder. User Brit O responds with no doubt. You hit the nail on the head. When I try to tell my family and whoever else, what and who is working against Yahweh and his people, they are like, why would they want to destroy us and destroy our land? They don't understand they hate Yahweh creations. These serpents want to run us down. We all need to grow the healer of the nation's herb Kwanne bosom. It heals the land in the people since our silicon trees were wiped out. We are very short in oxygen. Why we don't live 300 to 500 years anymore.
Starting point is 01:24:28 YouTube, there are no forests. Oh YouTube, there are no forests on Flat Earth wake up. So I guess you know YouTube that video. Yahweh blessed you. Find the dark with light, peace from a dusty desert town in California. Why that was so much crazy. The Silicon Trees references from an unbelievably idiotic YouTube video for some Russian dude called There Are No Forest on Flat Earth Wake Up. It's utter lunacy, and I think I talked about it in a previous episode. This Russian guy thinks that the whole earth, which is flat, this whole flat earth, was covered with giant trees, kind of like tree-like forms during what he calls the silicon tree era. And then the trees were, they were six to a hundred kilometers tall. And each were so huge that after the flood and nuclear blasts, nuclear blasts, I know
Starting point is 01:25:15 I still get shit about my nuclear pronunciation. Huge dump nowadays are mistaken for hills. It's just fucking gibberish. It's gibberish. And user Brito has apparently watched this video and accepted the convoluted ramblings of a maniac as undisputed truth. I googled a quanay bosom and it's an alleged
Starting point is 01:25:32 biblical allusion to marijuana. I'm guessing on quanay, so it's Q-A-N-E-H. So basically user Brito took user crucial 13's produce angle and pushed it in a pro-weed direction, You know, just yeah, bro, totally, totally. Organic produce, it fights the devil. And his shadow minions, 100% bro, 100%. You hit the nail in the head, bro. Great work.
Starting point is 01:25:55 And what is the best kind of produce for fighting evil? It's weed, it's weed, bro. And if we had more weed, we had more trees, not only would there be less shadow people, we'd be like 500 years old again. As if that was the thing. Both these stupid assholes clearly have like this pre-programmed agenda that they just shoehorn into every subject they talk about, you know, just one of those people. Yeah, bro, that was a good baseball game last night, man. Totally, totally.
Starting point is 01:26:18 You know, we'd have a lot more good baseball games if there were more trees on Earth, and we could smoke more, you know, more weed all the time and live to 500 years old again. Think about how many more home runs someone could hit. If their career, you know, lasted until they were like 300, 400 years old, like it, like it used to, you know, bro. Man, it's a good steak. It's a good steak, man. Yeah, bro, it's so good. It would, you know, it would taste even better if the chef had like three or four hundred years to hone their craft like they used to, but not idiots. Let's see what let's see what other comment gold is in this thread. User Grant Redman cracked me the hell up when I read
Starting point is 01:26:53 this comment. How do I keep the shadow people from using my room as a dimension? How do I keep the shadow people from using my room as a dimensional jack-off booth. I'm freaking sick of the shady buttholes jacking at all day and night all over my things. That made me laugh so hard my first thought that, uh, maybe I've now, you know, like he's haunted by the shadow of Chicatilo, the Ukrainian butcher of Rostov just do not mind me and corner a shadow now. I cannot come on stuff. I only shadow come. It, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it on stuff, I only shadow come. It's, it's
Starting point is 01:27:26 clean off, much easier. It wipe off easier. Shadow come like dust, please. Just let me jerk soft cursed penis in the room corner. I bother no one now. Love it, man. He's obviously joking, clearly joking, but sweet, but dumb as a rock YouTuber, uh, Leoneela Lucotero doesn't understand these joking and offers advice on how to get rid of this. Trouble some shadow jerker. Like you can tell this person seriously, think things that someone, even if it's jerk it off in someone's room and they're going to help him. And she says prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Hope you look for him too. Your gift came from God. You open the door for them. So the only way to get rid of is in Jesus name. You're, you word have power. Fear within you will keep the close to you. So when the authority and God's power make them leave. Oh, Leonelia, you mean well, you do. I know you do. And if you love the Bible, good for you, truly, but you may also want to read some other books. Maybe something of a satirical or at least a sarcastic bent. Some humorous essays.
Starting point is 01:28:30 You know, you clearly never properly learn how to joke around. Taken this way too seriously. Just what? There's a demon masturbating in your room. Deus mío. This is terrible. You must pray. You cannot continue to endure this perversion.
Starting point is 01:28:44 You don't have to helplessly see, watch him, sinfully, pleasure himself, and literally spread his demon seat all over you precious belongings. Pray to God, ask the Lord, dear Heavenly Father, please rid my room of this jerking shadow. Please, make him put his shadow, dig back in his shadow pants." And then Andres, you know, Chikotilo Shadow would interrupt his prayer, this, what is, what is big deal? I am harm no one with Shadow Juck. I not even have offensive hard Shadow Cuck. It is limp, non threatening Shadow penis.
Starting point is 01:29:13 I, I toggle around for fun in dark corner of room. You barely, you barely see me. Just go back to sleep. And then finally, under a separate video titled Shadow People Caught on Camera, Terrifying Footage, user, uh, Terrent, won the internet for me with a comment that made me laugh loudly while sitting by myself in a Starbucks. Uh, to the point I definitely got some weird concern glances throughout my way. Writing, would a shadow person be offended if I align my own shadow with it and pretend but fucking it's so good. So good to me. I just
Starting point is 01:29:47 picture sneaking up on a shadow person, you know, you get your own shadow right behind it's shadow like it's all trying to be scary. And then you sneak your shadow behind it's shadow. And then you start thrusting your hips back and forth really fast, right? It's so stupid, so juvenile, so funny. Oh, man. Thank you very much, Terrent, for making me laugh after sipping through so many comments that maybe want to cry on today's Idiots of the Internet. ["The Idiots of the Internet"] Idiots, I'll be into that.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I'll be into that. All right. That was a fun little break from today's terror. I hope you did get scared today. If you didn't, I hope you had fun. I'll learn about something strange, unusual. What do I think about shadow people after all this? The scientific explanation of sleep paralysis
Starting point is 01:30:31 and brain malfunction does make sense to me, actually. I do think that's probably what it is. I really do. However, if I saw some shadowy humanoid shape sitting on my dresser room at you know, my room at night, I don't think science would be all that comforting, you know, right now, dark room. I am pretty sketched out. Oh man, with the paranormal man, it's easy to ride it off during the daylight, but much harder
Starting point is 01:30:59 to do so at night. And you also can't ever completely prove it's not real. Any more than you can, you know, prove that God doesn't exist. or religion isn't really, it isn't matter of faith in the end. It comes down to, you know, do you believe in the possibility of things that science can't, you know, scientifically explain or not. It's a personal choice. Me personally, I must believe a tiny bit in the paranormal because right now, again, man, in the dark, a little scared to say I don't believe. I'm afraid of what might show up to change my mind.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Like not crazy, crazy scared, but enough, enough scared to not want to tempt the shadow people. And speaking of shadow people, let's take a few more looks back at them with some top five takeaways. Number one, shadow people, if they are around at all, have always been around with version showing up in ancient Egyptian, Roman, Greek, African, Arabian, and other cultures. Number two, studies have proven that an electrical stimulation given to the temporal,
Starting point is 01:32:01 parietal junction can create the illusion of a shadow person. This combined with hallucinations brought in by sleep paralysis is the most widely accepted scientific reason for shadow people's sightings. Our minds are playing tricks on us. And in a way, to me,
Starting point is 01:32:16 the fact that our minds can create the hallucination of some sketchy shadow dude is almost as scary as an actual shadow dude. Number three, there could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars, and even shadow people. That is not a quote attributed to YouTuber, Brit O, that's Stephen Hawking. Maybe the shadow world really is always around us.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Number four, if you do see a shadow person, your best off scene one that doesn't have eyes. I know no eyes is scary, but the only other option is red eyes, and that apparently is demonic. So, you know, I hope to see a monster rather than a demon, I guess. Number five, new info. There have been at least two shadow people movies, 2013 shadow people and 2017's The Shadow People. Ain't it cool news favorably reviewed the 2013 movie,
Starting point is 01:33:05 saying, it made me think twice about turning on the light as I went to bed. Any film that does that is a winner in my book. 2017's The Shadow People hasn't seemed to receive any critical reviews of notes. A mention this podcast is the most pressest film has received so far, but if you want to watch it, you can read on Amazon for $0.99,
Starting point is 01:33:24 and it does have $3.4 out of 5 rating. Not bad. So if you still haven't gotten your shadow people fix, knock yourself out. Time suck. Top 5 takeaway. So that was a shadow people time suck, man. I hope it left you with a little more knowledge than you had when you started listening. Special thanks to time suckers JJ Austin Jones Stephanie De Silva Amber Jeff Patique and I'm sure many others I have missed for
Starting point is 01:33:48 suggesting this week's topic excited to suck on the bonus topic the Zodiac Killer this Friday between December 1968, October 1969. Someone referring to themselves as the Zodiac and a letter written to the San Francisco Examiner is believed by law enforcement to have killed at least five victims and injured two others. The killer is claimed 37 total victims and they've never been caught. Someone taunted central California authorities in the late 60s and the early 70s sending an includes to their identity, writing letters to the press, claiming victims and making new threats until at least 1974. A hoard of suspects have been investigated since the initial murders, but no one has ever
Starting point is 01:34:28 been charged with the crimes. Who did it? And all these years later, are they still even out there? Are they still killing? Are they dead? Are they sitting in a prison cell? You know, convicted of other crimes? The whole case, it's going to get broken down on Friday's suck.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Eager to learn about a mystery I would have never taken the time to investigate without this podcast. Big thanks to TimeSuck Editor, Jesse Dobner, for eliminating a lot of mistakes I would have received emails for with today's episode. If you have any professional editing needs, man, hit him up, Jesse Dobner at Outlook.com, that's J-E-S-S-E-D-O-B-N-E-R, at Outlook.com. And as always, thanks to Timesex Social Media Organizer, Sydney Shives for helping me with the posts,
Starting point is 01:35:10 social media posts, organizing emails, much more. And also, today's episode, Stephanie De Silva, for helping with the initial research and pointing me in a lot of good directions, and get me excited for this topic. Yeah, big thanks to Stephanie, a member of the Bojangles research team. Thanks to all of you who follow the show on social media at TimeSug podcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. It means so much that you take the time to do that.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Social media now has an awesome new look. Thanks to Danger Brain. Still need to get I think the Instagram one updated in a few others. It's all coming together though with Danger Brain. If you need a graphic design, work, logo, illustration work, go to thedangerbrain.com. Work with some super cool, super talented dudes. And I appreciate the recent PayPal donations. So generous, very grateful for that. It helps out this independently produced podcast very much.
Starting point is 01:35:59 And I appreciate those of you who have chosen to use the Amazon link at timesoakedpodcast.com to do your Amazon shop and to help the show. And thanks for buying those shirts, hats, albums, and books off timesoakedpodcast.com in the shop. Finally, working on some new merch ideas right now. Figuring that out, got to figure out what exotic endangered animals for,
Starting point is 01:36:21 slash skin slash genitals I'm gonna need to give you a quality soft product. All right, let's catch up on some previous episodes and recent happenings with some time sucker updates. What's your time sucker updates? What's your time sucker updates? Couple of pronunciation mistakes with last week's permuta episode,
Starting point is 01:36:40 permuta triangle, my battle with the English language continues, I feel especially mushed mouth today. I got a little cold or something. The debate over whether or not I speak any language fluently rages on. Time Sucker Noah Wooten wrote in with the subject line, Holy Sheet Dan, you speaketh so badrest. And then he said, Hey Dan, I was recently listening to you to your Bermuda Triangle episode. And I thought just recently listening to you to your Bermuda triangle episode. And I thought you might like to know that you mispronounced a word. And then in parentheses, like always, yeah, that's fair. You pronounced eradicated with a rat.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Like I just did right now. It's supposed to be irradiated. You pronounced a rat irradiated with a rat like bouncing the smoothies guys head with so rad. It is actually pronounced irradiated with a raid, like Bojangles always enjoys raiding communist munition bunkers. I love the examples Noah, I really do. I know this is probably only one of the thousands of emails from grammar nazis like me, still thought how I put it might make your day a little bit better, did. Hey, I'll lose a peanut and may she sink all the ships, Noah Wooten. Well, thank you Noah. I know some of you think this stuff is a
Starting point is 01:37:47 little nitpicky, but I need to know, you know, I mean, obviously, sometimes I just sometimes often I flood words and correct myself, but sometimes I clearly don't have pronounce words. And so I do like to have pointed out to me. So I speak a little more clearly going forward. Alright, also a Scandinavian update. Remember, I mean, needlessly and absurdly and just horrifically trashing this geographical region? Well, I didn't even get the region right.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Here I am making fun of some region for being idiots in an absurd way that I didn't mean. Then ironically, I don't even have the region correct. So who's the idiot? Who's the really the guy speaking? Well, Nordic Time sucker, Alexander, a guard, wrote in with the following. Greetings, Grand Poo Bob, Sucka Stan. He whose voice is the song of most revered Nimrod. That's beautiful. A short note in regard to your tangent about Scandinavia during the Bermuda
Starting point is 01:38:40 triangle episode. I realized that it wasn't really part of the greater story and is rather insignificant, but hear me out. You talked about Scandinavians and then mentioned Sweden Norway in Finland. The latter is where the issue lies. It is a rather common misconception that Finland is a part of Scandinavia, but it isn't. Scandinavia is a region of northern Europe
Starting point is 01:38:58 that shares cultural, historical, and linguistic roots. The countries that are part of it are Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, in order of size, not importance, no one likes Sweden. I'm sure that's a joke. Finland is connected to the former two by land. Yes, it even shares some cultural roots, but linguistically, it has more in common with Estonia and Hungary. There is a way out though. Another common term is the Nordics. This refers to the Scandinavian countries and to other countries, often associated with Scandinavia,
Starting point is 01:39:28 Iceland and Finland. Iceland's reason for being considered part of Scandinavia is purely geographical, as it does share all of the required routes with the Scandinavian countries. Oh yeah, don't bother trying to pronounce my surname and thanks for the many hours of entertainment and quite interesting topics, keep on sucking. Cheers, Alexander. Well, thank you, Alexander. And I think I did pronounce your surname correctly because I found a YouTube video about
Starting point is 01:39:51 a guard jewelry, same spelling, hopefully said the same way. Hail, Nimrod, my Viking brother. And now I know, man, it's Denmark. That's right. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, not Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Okay, many of you wrote in this past week about the newly declassified JFK documents, including future research intern for Times like Maddie Teeter, to let me know that Trump did not declassify all the documents, damn it!
Starting point is 01:40:20 Now, I know Trump did declassify a lot of them, but not all of them, which makes me really think something sketchy did go on. Back in that assassination attempt, it makes me think the CIA really did have something to do with his assassination. Because if not, why would information still be that sensitive over 50 years later? When odds are anyone who actually did something super shady, it's dead. Why are we still hiding it? It had to be, I think, really bad.
Starting point is 01:40:47 I don't know. I mean, maybe they're hiding it for reasons I just can't comprehend. And it would, I don't know, be some kind of security breach in some way for, I don't fight. And it doesn't fucking make sense to me that they're still hiding this so long after the fact. But some new information has been released, like a memo written the day Oswald was killed
Starting point is 01:41:08 where FBI director Jay Edgar Hoover expressed concern about the spread of conspiracy theories saying the thing I'm concerned about is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin. There's been interesting language there so that we can convince the public
Starting point is 01:41:23 that Oswald is the real assassin, like why are they feeling like they need to convince them. Some other memos reveal the FBI had warned Dallas police of a death threat made against Oswald. FBI director Jay Edgar Hoover said, we at once notified the chief of police and he assured us Oswald would be given sufficient protection. However, this was not done.
Starting point is 01:41:43 The documents also revealed the Soviets thought the assassination wasn't inside job. Another Hoover memo details information from a source within the USSR on the Soviet reaction to the Kennedy's death. The source said the news was met with great shock and consternation and church bells were told in the memory of President Kennedy. The Soviets were shocked by the development and preferred Kennedy as the head of the US government as they felt they had a mutual understanding with him. The Soviet Communist Party believed the assassination was an ultra right act and in effect, a coup.
Starting point is 01:42:12 But nothing released yet answers any real questions. Hopefully the answer will come in a future time sucker update, man. Man, that was a disappointed. We didn't get we didn't get more there. Finally, one of the most heartwarming updates I've had in a while. This one comes in from new time sucker, Danita Weins. She says, I'm loving the suck. I'm a fairly new listener and have been binge-listing to your podcast. I'm a PhD candidate in psychology. Planning on defending my dissertation soon and my dissertation is on developing an effective intervention to reduce racism among college students. During my academic process, I've read a lot of articles that I've heard a lot of people talk about race relations in America. I have to say your MLK junior podcast was so moving and thorough. I experienced a variety of emotions listening to the history you outlined. I was mad, then sad, then empowered, and proud. It was a damn roller
Starting point is 01:42:59 coaster. I wasn't ready to experience. As a black female, you spoke to my experiences and my family's experiences. Thank you for this podcast. It's informative, educational, and relevant. Keep fucking sucking. Ah, love that. Love hearing that to need it. I needed to read your message today too while I feel like such a mush mouth idiot going through half of today's episode. So I appreciate that. You made an Idaho man starting to get some grains beard feel pretty you know pretty damn good Maybe feel like you know, maybe my body's getting a little older but by staying curious maybe my mind is staying young You know, I feel like that's how you keep it young by by keep you know working it evolving the older I get You know the sillier prejudice based on race or gender or sexual sexual orientation is to me just such a
Starting point is 01:43:44 Truly such a waste of time, such a waste of energy. So unnecessarily hurtful. I mean, there was that cliche of like, if you weren't doing that, you could be carrying cancer. But there is like truth to like that. If we weren't just so fucking busy tearing each other down, for the most nonsensical reasons,
Starting point is 01:44:02 because you happen to have more pigment, or less than somebody else, we could be accomplishing so much more. Next time, suckers, I need a net. We all did. All right, that's all for today, time suckers. I hope this episode is entertaining. I definitely feel like when you get a cold,
Starting point is 01:44:25 your thoughts are a little cloudy. So I hope that I was able to trust my notes and put forth a clear and fun episode. I hope it wasn't truly all over the place. And if it was truly all over the place, I hope it wasn't entertaining all over the place. And happy Halloween. Enjoy getting or receiving some candy,
Starting point is 01:44:42 wearing some sexy outfits, or seeing others wear sexy outfits, or seeing others wear a sexy outfits, or just wearing a fun outfit, or wearing something scary. Just have fun, have fun, you nuts, you know, just be careful out there in the dark. And if it feels like something has washed you from the shadows, just know that there is a chance something has washed you from the shadows and take my advice and don't look at it. Don't risk seeing some red eyes staring back at you or a hat or worst-case scenario, red eyes in a hat. And keep on sucking.
Starting point is 01:45:15 you

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