Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 63 - BTK Killer: Bind. Torture. Kill.

Episode Date: November 27, 2017

BTK. Bind. Torture. Kill. The name Wichita Serial Killer Dennis Rader gave to himself in the 1970s in letters he sent to the Wichita press where he would flaunt his crimes and taunt the police. He bou...nd, tortured, and killed various residents of Wichita for nearly two decades and made residents fear him for three, all while raising two kids, being a devoted husband and becoming President of his church. Is it possible to be a good dad and be a cold-blooded sadistic murdered? Find out in this Midwest serial killer edition of Timesuck. Timesuck is also brought to you by by the socially conscious on-line fantastic mattress store LEESA! Go to www.leesa.com/timesuck to get $100 off of one of their incredible mattresses and help both the environment and the homeless while doing so! Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BTK, bind, torture, kill. The name Wichita Serokiller Dennis Raider gave to himself in the 1970s and letters sent into the Wichita Press, where BTK would flaunt his crimes and taunt the police. He made a city living fear and then took a job at ADT, installing security systems for people afraid of the crimes he had committed. He tormented Wichita for three decades,angling men, women, and children, but mostly women, leaving blood and semen and dead bodies in his wake. And then afterwards he'd send in letters and even poems with the gruesome details of his
Starting point is 00:00:33 crimes. And all the while he raised two kids and was by all accounts, a great father, great husband, who also became president of his local Lutheran church, volunteered with the Cub scouts, taught his kids how to fish, ate at home during his lunch break to save money for the fam. Is it possible to be a good family man, and also be a cold-blooded, sadistic murderer? Kind of? Dennis Raider is living proof. And you're going to become very familiar with his many, many horrific crimes about two
Starting point is 00:01:00 hours from now if you don't stop listening to this serial killer edition of Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck. Welcome to Time Suck, Time Suckers. Happy Monday, happy whatever day that happens to be when you're listening, I'm Dan Cummins, and this is Time Suck. I've been thrown in too many announcements again. In the beginning of these episodes lately, not getting back to the story quick enough.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So you know what? Today, moving faster, few tour date announcements, and then we're on to BTK, all other announcements regarding the last sale we just had and all this other stuff, uh, will be at the end before the time sucker updates. So I'm going to be a doctor, Grins and Grans, Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend, November 30th through December 2nd. Next week at the St. Louis funny bone in St. Louis, Missouri, December 7th to the 10 following that Apple 10 was constant one night only December 13th Skyline comedy club. Then the rest of that week, I'll be in
Starting point is 00:02:00 Madison, Wisconsin at the comedy club on state, December 14th through 16th, finish off the year. The comedy works in Denver, Colorado, December 28th through New Year's Eve, 2018 tour dates being posted now at Dan Cummins.tv, which you can link to from time sub podcast.com, Morty's comedy joint in Indianapolis, January 5th and 6th, comedy connection and Providence, Rhode Island, January 19th through 20th, Cabbitt Providence, Rhode Island, January 19th to 20th, Cabbitt Comedy Club, and Jikapee, Massachusetts, January 21st, and then the punchline and Philly, January 27th through the 27th. And then on after that, I'm going to be a busy son of a bitch for a while.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Got a lot of work to do. Take a link in the episode description. And of course, Detroit on February 16th, 2018, the Magic Bag, pre-buy those now, so me and the guys from Small Town murder can do a swap cast. Right, add that to that Motor City show, and then hopefully duplicate it around the country.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And now in record time, four time suck, we're back to the topic, diving right in to a time suck timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time-suck timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time-suck timeline. Dennis Lynn Raider was born in a quiet corner of hell on March 9, 1945. His dad was a mid-tier demon stuck in a supervisory role
Starting point is 00:03:21 with very little chance for career advancement. In the, I think, I feel something watching me mildly terrifying department American Midwest Division of Hell. His mother was a lost soul, sent to hell for letting her kids watch too much TV, read one too many trashy romance novels for for God's taste. So you know, he was teased quite a bit by the other young miscreants of Satan's Lair for not being raised by more respectable super fucking scary monsters. Even Luciferifer himself wanted nothing to do with young Dennis. No. He was born on March 9th, 1945, but he was born close to where Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri
Starting point is 00:03:52 all meet in a little town of Pittsburgh, Kansas, which is a lot like Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, minus anything interesting or fun. Pittsburgh, Kansas is the most popular city in Crawford County, with, as of the 2010 census, a population of 20,233 people. 17,000 of those people in a surveyed not yet conducted said they would strongly prefer to live somewhere anywhere else. Pittsburgh started as a railroad town in 1876 and is home to Pittsburgh State University, a school I'm pretty sure I performed at it one time where I'm pretty sure I made fun
Starting point is 00:04:21 of their mascot, Gus the Gorilla. Go Gorillas. God, that does not roll off the tongue, does it? where I'm pretty sure I made fun of their mascot, Gus the Gorilla. Go Gorillas. God, that does not roll off the tongue, does it? There's the only college in the country with the gorilla for a mascot in a town where there are no actual gorillas, interesting choice. I guess they'll know weirder than a lot of other mascots.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It's not like Oakland has a large pirate, you know, probably they're dealing with that would explain the raiders. Cool shit though, if they did. Can you imagine if you had to be careful boatin' around San Francisco in Oakland because there was a crazy amount of pirates in the water out there in the bay?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Even better, if they were traditional 17th century pirates. Sire Matys, let us pray for fruit to stave off the scurvy today and the yacht of some foolish dot com in St. Millionaire de Plunder. Let us feel their Snapchat feed with blood and terror. Blind me. They'll sign over a majority ownership or we'll blow the man down to David Jones locker. Pittsburgh is 87% white. Every Labor Day weekend, they host the little Balkan days festival where young children are forced to dress and strange outfits and do weird dances.
Starting point is 00:05:21 In celebration of the town's European ancestors, mining a shit ton of coal from around 1880 to around 1920. Because so many of the residents of the area came from the Balkan region of Europe to work the coal mines, the coal fields became known as the Balkans of Kansas. And now in honor of that heritage, a lot of sausages are eaten.
Starting point is 00:05:40 There's a classic car show, Quilt Raffle, cake walk. A lot of other really fun, authentic Balkan happenings. They could not get enough of classic America 1950s automobiles in the Balkan region of Europe in the 19th century. So you know, book your tickets now. Dennis was the first of four sons born to William and Dorthea Raider. He was baptized at Zion Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh.
Starting point is 00:06:02 His father was a member of the US Marine Corps who later worked for the electric utility KG and E starting in 1948. Family moved to the largest city in Kansas, Wichita. Wichita, which when Dennis was a young boy, around a quarter of a million Midwest blue collar Americans living in Wichita at that time. The Raiders settled into a modest, pleasant home on North Santa Custrate. As a young kid, Dennis appeared outwardly at least pretty, you know, normal. Join the Boy Scouts, participated in church youth group activities. He attended Riverview Elementary School, where he was an average to mediocre
Starting point is 00:06:37 student with withdrawn tendencies. By his own admission, he says he developed fantasies about bondage, control, and torture from an early age while still in grade school After hitting puberty and becoming sexual, he dreamed of tying girls up and having his way with them You know like all like all boys do, right? Just part of life. You hit puberty, you get a boner And then you start thinking how do I get these girls? I keep seeing the class and it recess tied up and trapped in my basement pleading for their lives It was a fucked up kid He got aroused with his mom spanked him. When Raider visited his grandparents farm when he was young, he'd
Starting point is 00:07:08 watch with fascination as chickens were slaughtered. One day he got a hold of a cat and he hanged it. And then he hangs some more critters around the farm and he loved it. He loved watching them die. He enjoyed the control that comes along with taking something's life like that power. You ever see that old 1993 McCulley Colken Elijah Wood movie, the good son? Well, it actually might be McCulley's best flick. Good move. I haven't seen a number of years, but I remember being a very good movie. And he plays this little bastard Henry, who is essentially just born evil, you know, nature one out in a nature versus nurture battle. and Henry's nature is just bad to the bone
Starting point is 00:07:46 Good parents no early trauma just just born wicked Well Dennis Raider seems to have been born horrific as well. Just just truly a bad seed so weird how certain people you know developed the fantasies they do young Dennis developed a crush on TV and movie star Annette Funicello and his crush unlike what I'm hoping is the fantasies of most boys Involved bondage and net was a child star only three years older than Dennis Who is one of the most popular members of the Mickey Mouse Club and then she became a teen pop singer charting such hits as tall Paul and pineapple princess Do you remember pineapple princess? No, you don't have that on several of your Spotify playlists? Well, here's a little taste of that, did he?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like ill up above the bay, I have princess, I love you, you're... You know, if I would have heard that song, I also would have fantasized about tying a net up in my basement, but the motivation would not have been sexual. I just would have wanted to keep her from releasing another song like that. I might end up hearing on the radio. I was terrible.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I will say though, super hot. She was super hot. As a young adult, to be very clear, as a a young adult not when she was a mouse coutier Dennis also learned to keep his developing in a world of bondage torture and death fantasies to seek from everybody Again, so strange the way we all develop, you know I really was expecting to find some reference to him being molested or tied up himself as a kid, you know severely abused To somehow explain his strange fantasies and what he'd later do But nothing comes up by all accounts in his own admission,
Starting point is 00:09:26 he seemed to have a pretty normal childhood. Couldn't find a single mention, a lot of searching about, you know, some abusive alcoholic father, some deadbeat dad that wasn't around, some dominating verbally abusive mom, some traumatic divorce that ripped his world apart as a kid. I mean, his mom was Uber religious, you know, his parents restrict, you know, his mom did tell him
Starting point is 00:09:43 after finding some semen stained underwear when he's going through puberty that masturbation was a sin and that if he kept doing it, God would come and kill him. That's pretty hard, core pretty fucked up, but sadly, probably not that uncommon for a kid to hear something like that and a religious fundamentalist household in the 1950s or 1960s. You know, I'm sure a lot of kids, you know, still hear nonsense like that. And the overwhelming majority of them do not go on to kill or even have severe psychological problems when they get older. Dennis also came across some bondage-themed porn omags as a kid, images that left quite an impression on him, but I don't think you can blame porn on becoming the BTK killer.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like that always bothers me when Bundy tried to blame his, you know, his murders on porn. It's like, fuck you, dude. You just, you just chose to be a monster. You chose that, you know, I think it's a porn thing with these killers. It's one of those like what came first, chicken or the egg type of arguments, you know, did porn give him violent sexual fantasies that he suddenly just, you know, had to give into or did he love the images he saw because he already had violent fantasies? He was going to carry out anyway. Total speculation here, but I think the porn could have given shape to various acts he already wanted to commit in some form.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You know, take away the pictures, and he's still gonna do something sexually terrible, I think. If porn could compel us to carry out the acts we see and act it in some fantasy way, in photos or videos, society would be in far worse shape than it is in now. Rape would spike by about a million percent. fantasy way and photos or videos, society would be in far worse shape than it is in now. Rape would spike by about a million percent. You know, I've seen, you know, photos here and there
Starting point is 00:11:10 of shit that I've never, ever wanted to actually do myself. And I'm sure a lot of other people are in that same category. Some people, I feel like unfortunately, just cannot draw a firm line between fantasy and reality. And when those people have dark fantasies, well, they end up doing some dark shit regardless of what magazine or website I think they happen to look at. The honest account of his
Starting point is 00:11:32 childhood, I could find in various books and interviews from sources other than, you know, Raider himself almost laughed there. Spellcheck was constantly trying in my notes to correct his name and turn it into Vader, like Darth Vader. It's very weird to think of, you know, a bondage-fascinated, you know, Darth Vader instead of using the force, you know. Well, I guess you did, you know, use the force to choke people. So, you know, Vader, I guess some similarities. Now I'm picturing, you know, Vader taking off his mask now in that one famous scene where he tells the look that he's his dad and he's got like a fucking, he has to also take out the
Starting point is 00:12:11 gimp ball, the little weird rubber ball in his mouth, whatever. Okay, I'm like, I can't wait for that. That was not part of the plan. But I guess the weirdest thing was that Raider had no sense of humor. He was socially withdrawn, quiet, you know, it's like that odd cliche or old cliche, the, you know, it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, especially the quiet ones quietly hanging cats
Starting point is 00:12:32 and their grandparents farm, no early trauma, no murders or, you know, origin story, if you will. It's one of the scariest things about BTK is laid out in the book, Buying Torture Killed, the inside story of BTK, the serial killer next door. It says, the fact is, some people kill for no reason. And many people from Broken or alcoholic
Starting point is 00:12:50 or single parent homes turn out well. Exactly. You know, his story also reminds me of a kid I recently heard about from someone I know very well. This person I know recently made a decision to keep their kid away, at least unsupervised from his other kid, basically permanently,
Starting point is 00:13:03 because this other kid, who's, because it's other kid, who's only around six years old, has been doing a ton of really creepy, sexual, aggressive shit lately. Not only extremely age inappropriate stuff, but stuff inappropriate for any age, stuff in the realm of violent sexuality. And there's no evidence, at least not yet,
Starting point is 00:13:19 after counselors, visits, and all kinds of stuff, that anything similar has ever been done to this kid, that this kid has ever been victimized. And I'm keeping things a little vague and I respect for the people involved. But it's kind of like again, I'm a Cully Cokin, Raider, it's just, God, some people are just fucking born monsters.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Despite the environment they grow up in, which is terrifying as a parent. It would be much more satisfying to think that if we only just knew the cause, like with the disease, we could work on prevention and work on a cure for these kind of people, but if they're born evil, there's nothing you can do about it, you know, you can you can you can create a totally stable loving home environment and still end up with a fucking monster, not enjoyable to think about. Young Dennis was odd, but not alarming.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Those who knew him personally described him as quiet, polite, referred to keep to himself, didn't show interest in music at the times, you know, I guess outside of a net, his mouse-cuttier singer. He chose his words before speaking, gave you his full attention as he spoke, sometimes tried to tie you up and choke you to death from parents and teachers and other authority figures weren't looking. No red flags. No, but really there weren't any red flags. He had started to engage in a little peeping Tom fuller in high school on his own, but I don't think that's that unusual. You know, a lot of peeping done by teen boys out there, ladies suckers, beware.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Have some good blinds, have some good drapes. I wanna close them when you walk around naked around the house, you know, if you do that, might wanna make sure the windows shut in your bathroom and you shower. Might wanna make sure the bedroom blinds are drawn tight when you're changing. If you've ever noticed a teen and teen boy in your bathroom in your shower. I want to make sure the bedroom blinds are drawn tight when you're changing.
Starting point is 00:14:46 If you've ever noticed a teen and teen boy in your neighborhood, they are walking boners. And if there was a boob to be seen by God, they're gonna see it. 1963, Dennis graduated from Wichita Heights High School. He worked at a local supermarket where he often got yelled at for taking way too much time, tying off the trash bags
Starting point is 00:15:02 before carrying them out to the dumpster. He would just tie not after not, after not, just mownin' while he did it. You like that trash bag? Mm, you're like, I wanna tie you so tight. Yeah, you do, you want me to tie you up so tight? He'd even carry the trash bag outside by hanging it off his massive bondage boner.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And the supervisor would have to be like, hey, Dennis, when you take the trash out, less knots, buddy, lot less boner. It's a grocery store, not a carnival side show training center, okay? None of that happened other than he did work at the grocery store. And he continued to live at home. So again, doubtful as home life was terrible. If he kept living there for a couple of years after graduating from high school, he did
Starting point is 00:15:42 admit at least in one of his many letters to police before he got caught. Around this time he'd sneak into a neighbor's homes and steal some panties. Do a little sniffing. Do a little stranger panties swiping a little stranger panties sniffing. Some sexual deviant 101 stuff. 1965, he entered Kansas, Wesley and college in Selena, Go Coyotes. 90 miles away. Celina's was just too far from which Todd to live at home. He was a mediocre student there with poor grades. He was a top student in the how to be a sneaky creep 101 class. So forced to work in order to support himself. He was constantly busy, even reportedly returned to which time the weekends to continue his supermarket job. Got a tie and retie.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Those sexy ass trash bags. He also joined a fraternity for a brief time, tried to reinvent himself as a little more of an extrovert, didn't work. According to some journals he kept, it was during this period that he first started trolling for victims he wanted to do harm to. Although there was no mention of, of actually, you know, any real attempts, any success in this regard. He did, however, however, successfully break and enter into homes and buildings, swiping more trophies like, you know, panties and he found this deviant behavior exhilarating. And he continued his peeping Tom ways.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I wonder what some of these monsters, apart of the deal is they're just super fucked up thrill junkies, you know? I remember the thrill I got when I stole stuff in high school, you knew if you got caught, there'd be a huge price to pay, the legal trouble being the least of it, there'd be the shame at home, the family punishment,
Starting point is 00:17:06 the grounding, the loss of privileges, loss of respect in the eyes of family members, social repercussions at school, loss of reputation. Loss of reputation is being a good person. What's troubling for me? And honestly, all that risk made the act of taking something, a rush. If dentists didn't value human life anymore than I valued private property when I was a teen,
Starting point is 00:17:27 I guess murder would have provided a substantially bigger rush for him. Now he's risking his, his entire family saying goodbye to him forever, risking his freedom forever, risking his life and legacy. In the summer of 1966 at age 21, Raider joined the US Air Force. He was sent to Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas for basic training. Spent time at Shepherd Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas while doing technical training there.
Starting point is 00:17:50 In early 1967, he stationed at Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama, and appears to have been there until January 1968 when he was sent to Kadina Air Force Base in Okinawa in the West Pacific. He remained stationed in Okinawa for six months. In July 1968, he was moved to mainland Japan, stationed at the large Tachikawa Air Base located near Tokyo. He appears to have been based there until the end of his service in 1970, by his own description.
Starting point is 00:18:17 He also spent time in Korea, Greece, and Turkey while serving in the Air Force. And when you see pictures of him from this area, from this era, he's a handsome dude, which makes this story even scarier to me in the way that kind of Bundy scared me. He wasn't some creep looking bug-eyed fucking maniac, you know, or he can be like, oh, totally. I can totally see that guy choking out of family. Look at him. Look at him. He's walking on his tiptoes. He's creeping around. One of his eyes is bigger than the other by a lot. His teeth are pointy and yellow. He has blood on his hands, which look like claws more than hands. His skin is insanely pale like he only
Starting point is 00:18:49 comes outside the murder. He's wearing a t-shirt for Christ's sake that says the only good girl is a dead girl. That's the guy we need to watch out for. If we can avoid him, we'll all be fine. The Air Force raider attained the rank of sergeant working on the installation of a tenant equipment among other non-combat tasks. By his own description, it was during this period that he started to have in sexual relations, using local prostitutes attempting to get them to allow him to tie them up and failing. Smart women, they weren't into it. I wonder how things would have gone if his initial attempts at bondage were successful, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Like, what if he would have found some girl, some girls really into some kinky shit? Would that have been enough to satisfy his urges, keep him from acting out and murdering, you know, later on, I doubt it. I think murder was part of the fantasy. You know, I think the bondage fixed if anything might have just accelerated his progression along this dark path. You know, he wanted to watch women struggle for, for error and then fail at getting some the same way he watched those, those cats get hanged back on the farm
Starting point is 00:19:48 He also stocked women he fantasized about tying up but according to his journals and later admissions never actually got a Whole these any any these women again. He did describe one incident where he was successfully broken to the base library Pill for the book there as always, you know, he never got caught Think about never getting caught as contributing to his later crimes, you know, what if early on he would have gotten caught breaking to someplace, stealing some panties or something? Maybe the shame his family would have felt for him, maybe would have deterred him from future crimes. I guess we'll never know, but again, I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I think the urge to kill was just there. It was rooted and there was nothing going to, you know, unrooted. One former buddy for those times was totally shocked. We found out Raider was BTK in 2005, said Dennis was just one of the guys, sort of blended in. And I'm sure on the surface level, you know, he did, which again makes these people that much scarier. You know, it's not like they're ever going to lean over and reveal who they are, just,
Starting point is 00:20:34 you know, at a bar and, you know, in between drinks, it's, hey, buddy, I know I seem pretty chill, but first chance I get someone is going to fucking die here. Rader received the Air Force Good Conduct metal, the small arms expert marksmanship ribbon and the national defense service metal was discharged from active duty in the summer of 1970 and return home to Wichita. He would serve two more years there in the reserves. Once back in Wichita and done with active duty, Dennis went back to school studying electronics at Butler Community College, 25 miles away in El Dorado, Kansas. And he ran into politics. A fellow Lutheran three years younger than Dennis
Starting point is 00:21:09 who had attended the same high school as he did. He remembered wanting to tie her up, torture and kill her back in high school. But now he's not, you know, maybe I should marry her instead. So we flipped a coin. Heads to get married, raise a family, tails, she, you know, she gets tied up and destroyed and heads heads of us. No, not sure what made him choose her for marriage and choose others for his dark fantasies. Guessing she appealed to his decent public side. You know, and he could find others to feed his dark hunger. Less than a year after his return to Wichita on May 22nd, 1971,
Starting point is 00:21:40 Dennis Raider and Paula Deetz were married and settled in Park City, Kansas, not far from the Raider home in North Wichita. Now, a little suburb. Dennis was working in the meat department of the IGA supermarket. Paula was a bookkeeper. Oh, Dennis, back at the grocery store, throwing meat and garbage bag in time. So many fucking knots. So rock hard from all those sexy knots.
Starting point is 00:21:59 1972 Raider went to work at the Coleman company, a manufacturing company, a manufacturer of campaigns, which is a to work at the Coleman company, a manufacturing company, a manufacturer of campaigns, applies, which it has largest employer at the time. He worked 13 months there until 19 July of 1973. He then found employment with Sesna, the small aircraft manufacturer. You know, until just the past few years, Rich, Wichita enjoyed status as the air capital of the world. I did not know that Boeing, SesESDA, beach, Learjet, more aviation companies all had huge manufacturing centers there. There still are a lot of aviation industry jobs there. Wichita manufactured to sent 1600 B29 super fortress bombers to World War II. 1600 did not know that either. My only experience with Wichita was years ago to comedy club called
Starting point is 00:22:43 the Looney Bin and that club was a shithole and Coleman the campaign supply company. I bought a lot of gear from over the years founded and headquartered in Wichita It's founder William Coffin Coleman was the mayor of Wichita in 1923 in 1924 back when Dennis worked there It's still actually manufactured most of its goods in America As opposed to China, you know like it it does now. I mean, a coffin. What a fucked up middle name. What should his middle name be, Pa? Coffin, I told you, I didn't want any more children, Mrs. Coleman. Coffin shall be his middle name.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And I think his first name should be, can't wait to bury him and his. You know, life was good for most people in Wichita. Tons of solid American companies, providing thousands of good paying white and blue collar jobs. Pizza Hut kicked off in Wichita, tons of solid American companies providing thousands of good paying white and blue-collar jobs Pizza Hut kicked off in Wichita, 1958 Koch Industries, Cargo, the two largest
Starting point is 00:23:31 Largest privately held companies in the US both operate headquarter facilities in Wichita The cost of living in Wichita below average compared to a US average of 100 the cost of living in Dex for the city's 84 As of 2013 the median home value in the city was 117,500. Median selected monthly owner cost was just under 1200 for housing units with a mortgage and $419 for those without. The median gross rent was $690. However, out of a US news and world report study of the best US cities to live in 2015,
Starting point is 00:24:06 Wichita did rank near the bottom of that study. Out of 62 cities, it ranked 60th in education. Ranked 51st for health. Tulsa was dead last in education. Memphis was second last. But you know what, if you don't care about your health or your smarts, get your ass to Wichita. Get on over there.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Go on, get a job at Cargill. Eat double fried french fries. Read nothing but memes and pamphlets. Of a back a bacterial rater, he was living in the city of about a quarter of a million people average crime rate, good jobs, house in the suburbs, very average, you know, American life. He had a good job, girly went to high school with, whose parents were Lutheran, just like his. You might as well address the son of a bitch in a star's and strives tracksuit. He was living the American dream. 1973 rater earned an associate's degree at two-year degree in electronics from Butler County Community College.
Starting point is 00:24:48 In the fall of 1973 Raider began his studies at Wichita State University. Go Shockers! Get to go after that bachelor's, take in some night classes. Oh, whoo, shock! One of the creepiest looking mascots in all of American higher learning. He's supposed to be a shock of wheat. How sad is that for a mascot, by the way? Not a bulldog, not a dragon, not a goddamn Viking warrior,
Starting point is 00:25:09 a shock of wheat. But he doesn't look like a shock of wheat. He looks like a psychopathic killer, honestly. Looks like a serial killer. Look up that demented angrily can son of a bitch, woo shock, if you doubt me. Then in the late 1973 during the oil embargo crisis, aircraft sales plummeted and he was let go of, he was let go by cesset.
Starting point is 00:25:29 The embargo began in October 1973 when members of the organization of Arab petroleum exporting countries proclaimed an oil embargo. The embargo was targeted at nations perceived as supporting Israel during the Yam Kapoor War. The initial nations targeted were Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, United States. By the end of the embargo, in March 1974, the price of oil had risen from US $3 per barrel to nearly $12 globally.
Starting point is 00:25:53 US prices were significantly higher. Incidentally, within inflation taken into account, gas has been on average more expensive in the US the past few years than it was during the crisis of 1973. And we have no crisis right now. Why do we get fucked over by oil companies year after year after year at the gas pumps? Need to suck on that someday for sure. Anywho Vader gets laid off in 1973 finds himself unemployed with time on his hands.
Starting point is 00:26:19 He slips deeper into his bondage fantasies. A world he's known since childhood starts to get, you know, it starts to really, really want to know what would it feel like to strangle somebody to death? You know, to tie him up and then strangle him. And in early 1974, unemployed Dennis drives his wife to work and spends his days trolling around which it's off, picking women and girls who, you know, catches eye and he starts following him.
Starting point is 00:26:41 There's practicing his stocking skills, taking notes. You know, wonders what it would be like to pluck one of these women from the street from their home, just snuff their light out. He's like an athlete practicing for a very evil sport of capture, torture, and murder. A Hispanic family, the Oteros had just moved into a cornerhouse at Edgemore and Murdoch in one of the neighborhoods Dennis Trollde, Joe 38 and Julie 34 had lived in Camden, New Jersey, and then the Panama Canal Zone for seven years, and then their native Puerto Rico with relatives for a few months. They had bought their house in Wichita only 10 months earlier.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Wichita was, as I laid out earlier, big airplane manufacturing center, and this was perfect for Joe Otero. He'd retired as a technical sergeant after 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, now worked on airplanes in Todd Flying at Cookfield, a few miles outside of which top. The Oteros had five kids, Charlie 15, Danny 14, Joey 9, Carmen 13 and Josie 11. And they were not traditional serial killer victims. You know, Joe had been a champion boxer in Spanish Harlem.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Julie practiced judo and taught judo to the kids. Joe knew how to use gun. They had a large dog in the yard to keep an eye out from intruders. But Dennis had seen little Josie and decided he had to have her. Josio Taro, 11 years old, just beginning to hit puberty. 5, 415 pounds, already as tall as a dad, taller than her mom. She wore glasses and wrote poetry, drew pictures, and worried about her looks. Just started wearing a bra, growing her hair out.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Josie woke up that morning, Dennis Raider crept to her back door, holding the handgun and saw something that made him sweat, a paw print in the snowy backyard. He had not expected a dog. He pulled his cold woodsman 22 from the waistband, slunk into the garage wall. And the house, Josie just pulled on a blue t-shirt,
Starting point is 00:28:22 walked from her room to the kitchen. It was a short walk, it was a small house. Her mom, Julie, was in the kitchen, wearing a blue house coat. She had to set the house, Josie just pulled on a blue t-shirt, walked from her room to the kitchen. It was a short walk. It was a small house. Her mom, Julie, was in the kitchen wearing a blue house coat. She had to set the table, put it in a cereal, milk for breakfast, tins a pot of meat for school lunch sandwiches, Joe's eating canned pears, raider to stock them for weeks. He'd take a note. He followed Julie several times as she drove Josie and Joey to school. He knew that they left about 8.45 and then it took Julie seven minutes to get back home. He knew the husband left for work around 8 a.m.
Starting point is 00:28:48 He did not want to confront the husband, so he timed his own arrival for about 8.20. The husband should be gone. The boy would be there, but he was incidental to the plant. He could kill the boy, but he didn't want him. He wanted the girl. He wanted Josie. And now on January 15th, just after 8 a.m., Dennis was on the Otero property. He cut the phone line. He barged into the back door to not find things as he expected them. Joe was there. Raider ordered Joey to put the dog
Starting point is 00:29:12 in the backyard at gunpoint. He told him he wanted to, he was a wanted criminal and he just needed some money, some food, and a car to escape. At first, Joe was dumbfounded, asking if there's some kind of joke set up by his brother-in-law. Raider ordered everyone to lie down in the living room, then change his mind and send
Starting point is 00:29:26 him all into a bedroom. Using his vagrant story, he was able to keep the Otero's calm enough to get him all tied up with some cords he'd brought over in his homemade bondage kind of murder kit. Pre-cut cords already knotted. He told him he just needed money to get out of town. He was on the run, authorities were looking for him, he just take his money, be on his way, and he just had to tie them up, you know, before he left. So he'd have time to escape before they called the authorities. Well, this sick fuck had no intentions of letting anyone escape. Dennis would later say in court
Starting point is 00:29:52 that he just wanted the girl that initially he was just going to tie everybody up and let them live, but then he realized he hadn't worn a mask and you know, they'd seen his face and they could identify him. And then he decided to kill him all bullshit. He knew from the second he knew that house that everyone there was gonna die You know, he was a planner if you wanted to plan for a mask, he would have wore one You know after your terrorist world tied up, Raider put a bag over Joe's head Joe fought hard tearing holes in the bag Raider had to devise a cord ligature to subdue him and kill him He attempted to manually strangle Julie, but it was harder than he thought took several tries and between attempts
Starting point is 00:30:24 You know, she's she begged him not to kill the kids. She told him, God, have mercy on your soul. Nine year old Joey was next. Writer took him into his bedroom, tied a bag over the boy's head, brought a chair into the bedroom and sat there and watched the boy die. Although he never admitted it, there's a real possibility. He also brought the boy's sister, Josie, into the room to watch her brother die rather than leave her unguarded. Eleven year old-old Josie was a final victim that day and the reason he was
Starting point is 00:30:48 there he forced her to walk down to the basement or carried her. He put a new surrounding neck and informed her she would be going to heaven to join the rest of her family. And then he hung her over a dirty sewer pipe and watched her die. Then either before or after killing her, he'd say after, he undid her bra, pulled herid her bra, pulled her panties down, blow her knees, and masturbated onto her lake. Let's so much seem in fact that investigators
Starting point is 00:31:10 based on the volume of it initially thought it had to be from at least two men. Who knows if this was really before or after death? None of his victims would ever show signs of having been penetrated. Actual rape was not part of his dark fantasy, I guess. Man, man, my god! I read this self and I start thinking about committing murders myself. actual rape was not part of his dark fantasy, I guess. Man, man, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I read this self and I start thinking about commit murders myself, just murdering sick fucks like this guy. Who in my opinion, you know, these people, they just forfeit any chance that redemption or forgiveness when they cross a line like this. A bullet to the head should be the most humane option left for you when you do something that's destructive.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Then after killing Josie, Dennis, I described leaving the Otero House later in court testimony saying, I went through the house, kind of cleaned it up. It's called the right hand rule. You go from room to room, clean things up. I think I took Mr. Otero's watch. I guess I took a radio. I had forgot about that, but apparently took a radio.
Starting point is 00:32:00 The Otero's 15-year-old son Charlie came home later that day and discovered the bodies. How terrible is that? And then Danny and Carmen, the other two kids came home as well, realizing all of them, that cold January, which ton of day, that some fucking monster had destroyed their family. Dude killed a mother and father and two children, left three other kids orphans. Also, he could jerk off on the corpse of a suffocated 11-year-old. The selfishness of these monsters will never cease to amaze me. You know, I don't normally advocate suicide,
Starting point is 00:32:27 but if your sexual fantasy is to murder, is to murder a child, and then ejaculate on the corpse, and you've gone to therapy to have this fantasy taken care of, and you just can't shake it, and the urge is keeps growing stronger, and you actually find yourself stocking potential victims, planning to murder, you know it's inevitable, throw yourself stocking potential victims, planning to murder you, you know, it's inevitable. Throw yourself off a fucking building. Slit your wrists, shoot yourself in the head.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Jump into a pool with live, you know, some severed telephone wire before you snuff the life out of someone who's done nothing to you. Go get help first, get all the help available, but if nothing works, maybe you're just a monster. I think they exist. I think they're beyond rehabilitation. I'm sure I'm gonna get some emails for that, but I'm not backing off that. Man, I just, I think some people are pure hate, pure mayhem, pure just whatever you wanna call it, evil. And death is the only cure for their disease.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You know, just like you shouldn't let a rabbit dog roam a kid's playground, you shouldn't let a homicide obsessed monster roam any place outside the walls of a prison, or even better, just put him in the dirt, man. Well, Dennis Raider, he didn't kill himself. Unfortunately, didn't get caught after snuffing out four members of the Otero family.
Starting point is 00:33:35 He went back to driving his wife to work. Looking for a new job, fantasized about new people to kill. And the only bright spot in all of this is that he wasn't able to get a good solid night's sleep courtesy of today's sponsor, Lisa mattresses. How's that for transition? Yes. Today's time suckers brought to you by Lisa mattresses, the socially conscious mattress company.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Lisa is an innovative direct to consumer online mattress brand driven by the mission to provide a better place to sleep for everybody. For every 10 mattresses, Lisa sells, they donate one to a shelter. Dennis Raider would never do that. No, but they do through their one 10 program. Lisa also plans one tree for every mattress sold. Donates 1% of each employees time to volunteer for local causes. Would BTK have done that if he was running Lisa mattresses?
Starting point is 00:34:21 You know, God damn well, he wouldn't. And best of all, Lisa mattresses are so comfortable. I've been sleeping on mine for weeks now and I sleep hard. No middle of the night bathroom breaks even, which is, you know, kind of new for me. Uh, I didn't realize that was a mattress situation. I thought I was just, you know, as I got older, it was just part of my life now. Now I sleep through it, I sleep through the night. Uh, I don't notice when my wife gets up on her side of the bed, which I love so comfy,
Starting point is 00:34:44 so much support, but still so soft. And they're available online in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, the 100% American made mattress, ships compressed any box to your door like magic. So you can save a trip to the store. So try at least a mattress today. Try one in your own home for a hundred nights, risk free with free shipping always and get a hundred bucks off for being a time sucker. The suck saving you a hundred nights risk free with free shipping always and get a hundred bucks off for being a time sucker. The suck saving you a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Get a hundred dollars off when you go to Lisa.com. That's L E E S A dot com slash time suck L E S A dot com slash time suck. All right, just a few months later April 1974 Radar stocks Catherine Bright He's seen her one day entering her rented home in Wichita and then he started watching like a lion watches the gazelle a weird fucked up Pervert lion who wants to hurt instead of eat she lived it 3 2 1 7 East 13th Street for only a year she was 21 Had one semester at the University of Kansas and Lawrence You know, she had been going there for one semester the the University of Kansas and Lawrence, you know, she had been going there for one semester at the left room, missing her family. So she came home, worked at
Starting point is 00:35:48 Coleman, where Julia Otero had worked for about a month on April 4th. Dennis broke in via the back porch and hid in a bedroom around 2 p.m. Catherine arrived home accompanied by her 19 year old brother Kevin. Another surprise. Dennis had not expected Kevin. He wasn't even a little bit interested in choking Kevin. Uh, you know, he wasn't spending countless nights at home locking himself in the bathroom jerking off to the thought of Kevin. God, how sick is that? The guy really was jerking off probably so much thinking about future murder victims. Some people are so unbelievably messed up like if hell is real and so are demons and someone was like, do you want to be attacked by a literal demon or Dennis raider? Uh, honestly, you don't know what Ed's right give. You
Starting point is 00:36:23 know, there's no good choice there. Just, you know, whatever you pick, dealers choice. They're both sadistic monsters. So anyway, Dennis is surprised by Kevin being there in addition to Catherine. Kevin would surprise him in a variety of ways. Uh, Kevin didn't live there. He gone with the sister that day to the bank. Rader pops out of the bedroom, pointed gun at them, uses the same story he'd used on the Oteros. He was a wanted criminal. He was on his way, you know, from from California, on his way, you know, from California, on his way to New York. He needed a car, needed some money.
Starting point is 00:36:48 After some initial resistance, after Catherine telling him to fuck off and get lost, he did force the two of them into a bedroom. He had not brought and he wrote this time. He assumed Catherine would be alone, easy to control. He was gonna tire up with pantyhose or whatever she happened to have. So that when the cops found her body,
Starting point is 00:37:02 they would see a different method from the Otero murders. But now Mr. Bind, torture and kill had two people to deal with and nothing to time up with. You went through Catherine's dressers found band-inners, belts, Nylon's t-shirts. Yes, brother Kevin to tie his sister up, then Dennis tied up Kevin and decided to get him out of the way first, just like he had done with Joe Tarot. But suddenly Kevin broke free from his nylon leg bindings, jumped up, charged, hands still behind him. Raider pulled out his 22 pistol and shot Kevin in the head.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Kevin fell blood poured out of his head. Raider ran into the next room where Catherine was freaking out, struggling and screaming, what have you done to my brother? Raider told her that her brother was trying to fight, that he had to shoot him, but that he'd recover. He'd be fine. He was just, you know, he was saying whatever he thought
Starting point is 00:37:45 would call him, Catherine Downey. He had no idea he was actually right. Raider left the bedroom, a few moments later to make sure Ken was dead, goes over, you know, kicks the body, makes sure he's dead. Kevin leaps up, charges again, break the bindings on his wrist now, grabs the gun. It's like a fucking scene out of every bad slash movie
Starting point is 00:38:02 you've ever watched, except it's the good guy that gets back up now. When you were sure he was dead, not the monster. Dennis should be the guy popping up after getting shot to the head, not Kevin, and then Kevin should be finishing him off. Unfortunately, the slasher is not in a B movie. For a few moments, Dennis did think he was going to die right then and there. Too bad he did not. This episode will be a lot shorter, but the story would be a lot less disgusting. Kevin got his hand on the trigger, tried to pull it, you know, but Dennis blocked him. They fought grunting and straining until Raider broke free. Shot Kevin in the face, dropping
Starting point is 00:38:32 him again. Shot two times in the fucking head now. Raider then goes back to check on Catherine. Things are not going well. She's thrashing. She's threatening to break free. He picks up a piece of cloth, loops it around her throat begins to pull back and choker. She breaks free from the charied hadter on. Now the murderer soon to be known as BTK began to feel real fear. He punches Catherine in the face and the head, shoulders. She's still conscious, still trying to get away. Someone probably heard the shots he's thinking. He pulls out a knife he'd brought, you know, and she's still fighting like a wild animal later. He described Catherine as a hell cat. He stabs her in the back once twice. Again, then spins her around stabs her in the gut.
Starting point is 00:39:07 She still fights. He keeps stabbing. He's a thrash around the room. Finally, she goes down and then he hears a sound from the next room. He runs back out to see what the noise is and Kevin, the dude he had shot twice in the head, is gone. Kevin has run out the door. The front door is still open.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Dennis steps outside, blood covers his hands and clothes, soaking his suede shoes. You can see Kevin running down the street. Dennis goes back inside where Catherine is laying groaning, blood coming out of 11 separate stab wounds. Kevin makes it to a neighbor's house, tells them his sister's in trouble. They call the police. Man, what a tough son of a bitch. The police make it to Catherine. It's just minutes after Raider is fled. She's still alive. She can barely speak. You know, she's not able to give the arriving officer any clues as to who hurt her. When the ambulance arrived, she edders her last words, help me before passing out and never regaining consciousness. She dies four hours later in the hospital. Kevin would not only live. He would want to go look
Starting point is 00:39:58 for Dennis that same night. One bullet had grazed his forehead, bouncing off his skull. The other had knocked two teeth out of his upper jaw. You know, he was only five six and 115 pounds. No bigger than Josio Tarot actually, but he fought off Dennis Raider and lived very rare feet. He was a hell of a lot tougher than his stature indicated. He told police that the killer was 511 roughly 180 pounds around the age of 28 with fair skin, dark hair, a mustache.
Starting point is 00:40:23 He wore a witch toaster University stocking cap, gloves, and army coat. But the description led to no real leads, too many dudes in Wichita looked like Dennis Raider. Wichita cops didn't even connect with the Otero murders. They thought those were drug related because they were 1970s white Wichita cops. And as some Hispanic family,
Starting point is 00:40:41 knew the area was attacked. It had to be drugs, right? Just a little, little casual racism there. Dennis had gotten away that night, ran to his parents, hid his murder weapons and bloodstained clothes in a shed and a chicken coop cleaned up, then went home to his wife like nothing had happened. He waited to get caught. He read the paper every day afterwards to see how the investigation was going.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Then on July 7th, 1974, six months after the Otero murders, four other people in their early 20s were killed in Wichita after dispute over $27.50. Three of the victims died in a duplex at 1117 Dayton Street on the west side of town. The killer and his accomplice drove the fourth victim, a 21 year old named Beth Kusnerite to a real spot in neighboring Butler County. The man with the 38 was James Eddie Bell. He was a big guy with a menacing temper and then Kushnerite pleaded with Bell and to no avail. He gave her two minutes to pray, then shot her in the face. As he put it later, he blew her head off.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Bell and his accomplice were picked up, tried and convicted. The new murders took public and police attention away from the Otero family murders and the murder of Catherine Bright. Dennis Raider, not even 30 years old, had just killed five people in six months and gotten away with it. He continues to go to church every Sunday with his young wife and their parents. He helps with the youth group. He reads crime novels and detective magazines.
Starting point is 00:41:57 More accurately, he studies them. He continues with his bondage pornography fetish. He keeps trophies from his kills and his little 960 square foot house. He and his wife share. He wears Joe O'Terra's watch. Where's it to work? Studies administration, justice at Wichita State University
Starting point is 00:42:12 is new major, his homework involved. The careful study of how police officers gathered evidence pursued suspects. He loved the irony. He loved to play with handcuffs and jerk off. Thinking about tying up the terrifying. He was a sick, sick puppy.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I began to keep a journal about what he done. He wrote that Joe Otero had first thought his breaking was a practical joke. If I was riding in a binder, started to sign off his journal entries with the letters BTK bind, torture, kill. In October 1974, Dennis still reading the witch taught eagle every day for references to his crimes, read something to piss them off. Three guys in jail already for other crimes started trying to take credit for the Otero
Starting point is 00:42:50 family murders. So Dennis puts a call into columnist, Don Granger. He says, listen and listen good. I'm only going to say this once. There is a letter about the Otero case in a book in the public library. And then he told Don which book it was and he hung up the phone. The crazy bastard, he just got in a way clean with public library. And then he told Don, which book it was, and he hung up the phone. The crazy bastard, he just got in a way clean with five murders and now he's risking getting caught, just so some other douchebags don't get credit for his murders.
Starting point is 00:43:13 The ego and arrogance of this prick. Well, Dennis Raider had left the letter in a self-published book. He had written called Dennis Raider's Guide to Bondage and Torture, and the police never even bothered to question him. Seemed too obvious, I guess. Years later, they discovered that one of the chapters was actually called How to Kill People, and which it taught, and get away with it. But they never checked.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Lazy, lazy work. No, of course that never happened. Come on, stop it. The book was called Applied Engineering Mechanics, and it was written by who gives a shit, it sounds terrible. And here's what the letter inside written by Dennis said, said, I write this letter to you for the sake of the taxpayer as well as your time. What? Those three dude you have in custody are just talking to get publicity for the Otero murdersse, they know nothing at all. I did it by myself and with no one's help.
Starting point is 00:44:08 There has been no talk either. Let's put it straight. The letter then accurately describes the positions of all four Otero bodies, names the rope, cord and knots that bound them. He used a lot of variety of like kind of fancy knots. The letters, notations about Joe C Otero, for example, red, red Josephine position hanging by the neck in the Northwest part of the basement dryer or freezer north of her body bondage Hand tie with bind blind cord feet and lower knees upper knees and waist with clothesline cord All one length Garrett
Starting point is 00:44:40 Rough hemp rope one fourth diameter Garrett rough hemp rope one fourth diameter, noose with four or five turns, new clothes, dark, bra, cut in the middle, sock, death, strangulation, once hung, comments, rest of her clothes at the bottom of stairs, green pants and panties, her glasses in the southwest, but so fucking weird. It's like he's doing just, you know, entries like, like he's making sure there's the proper camp equipment, you know, in the, in the lodge, some Cubscapt, you know, kind of thing, you know, just three thermos is check, sleeping bag, yet Coleman lantern, yes.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Fuck, the letter contained details, only cops and the killer knew the writers seem to confirm Cornwell's suspicion, one of the detectives that the killer had tortured the Oteros, he had strangled Julie Otero twice. I mean, he says going on in the letter, he says, I'm sorry. This happened to the society. They are the ones who suffer the most. It's hard to control myself. You probably call me psychotic with sexual perversion hang up. Where this monster enter my brain, I will never know, but it here to stay. How does one cure himself? If you ask for help that you have
Starting point is 00:45:52 killed four people, they will laugh or hit the panic button and call the cops. I can't stop it. So the monster goes on and hurt me as well as society. Society can be thankful that there are ways for people like me to relieve myself at time by daydreams of some victim being tortor and being mine. It's a bag. It's a big complicated game, my friend, of the monster play putting victims number down. Follow them, checking up on them, waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting. The pressure is great. And sometimes he run the game to his liking. Maybe you can stop him. I can't. He has a redly chosen his next victims or victims. I don't know who they are yet the next day after I read the paper. I will know, but it too late. Good luck hunting
Starting point is 00:46:45 yours. Truly guilty. The misspelled and grammatically incorrect letter gave detectives a sick feeling. They had failed to catch the killer for nine months. And now he said he would kill again. He was now even giving himself a name as though he were, you know, some Boston Stranger Jack the reprisis PS since sex criminals do not change their mo or by nature cannot do so I will not change mine. The code words for me will be bind them torture them kill them BTK. You will see it. You will see at it again. They will be on the next victim. I wonder I wonder if it pissed the police off like a little more that he would seem so fucking dumb by how he wrote a letter. Like, I had to be even more insulting that they couldn't catch a man who appeared to be
Starting point is 00:47:30 a fucking moron. Shortly after sending in this letter, BTK goes to work for the security alarm company, ADT, after the Otero and Bright murders, ADT business with Booman locally. They were installing a lot of fucking security systems. New job put, BTK inside homes as an installer, you know, getting work, he created his own market for this for this work. If you know more ambitious, you should have opened up his own security company. Again, Raider enjoyed the irony of this deviant little game he's playing with the people
Starting point is 00:47:59 of Wichita. Love how he doesn't have the balls to accept responsibility by the way for his crimes. You know, he didn't do it. Not really. Just technically some monster who invaded his head did it. You know, just a monster crawling in his brain. No, asshole. You are the monster and you alone did what you did. I'll be killing yourself in prison.
Starting point is 00:48:14 You pathetic piece of shit. Better yet, I hope in your old age, I hope some, you know, sadist gets ahold of you and you die in a state of hours of terror. Which Todd is now scared shitless. They now knew the Otero murders were not some drug hit, something you could feel safe about. You know, as long as you weren't involved in the drug trade, you're not going to get, you know, hit. But now between the Oteros and Bright siblings attack, it felt like no one was safe.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Well, two months after Cos found the message in the library, Witchtaws, other paper, the Witchtaws son decided to publish a story on December 11, 1974 about finding the letter and for the first time, alerting the population of witch tosh that there actually was a serial killer in their midst. You know, it's very scary in witch tosh. An early summer of 1975, less than two years after Kylene Otero's and Catherine Dennis, who is busier at ADT than ever. And his wife Paula, welcome their first kid to the world.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Brian, a rater would later blame his young family for a lull in his murder sane and I quote At a wife at work, you know You can't go out and prowl around till three or four in the morning without your wife being suspicious What a strange moral code this maniac had he'd kill a kid jerk off on her dead body But he's not gonna go out trolling for more victims. He was poor wife at home Not not alone with a new baby, he's not something to generate. He'll shoot a man a couple of times in the face so we can go back to choking her sister to death,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but you know what, he's not gonna rock the boat, back at the homestead, not gonna risk an argument, you know, with mama, and getting to some baby mama drama at home, incredible how he can keep the monster in his head calm and under control when it comes to his family. It's almost like there isn't a monster The strange rules we choose to follow man to give ourselves some semblance or order in the world some center of
Starting point is 00:49:52 Normalsie to kind of anchor ourselves to Mark 17 1977 St. Patrick's Day Raider puts on dress shoes nice slacks and a tweed sports jacket. Carries a briefcase with this with his murder tools. Tape, cord, gun, plastic bags. Carries a photograph of his family. That's a tool as well. He's going to show it to people to make him think he's a detective searching for a lost boy.
Starting point is 00:50:15 He trolls picks out targets backs off, you know, serial killing would be like fish and he'd later say sometimes you're unlucky. Or you get tangled up with chores, work in school. It's got just the way just the way he can just dehumanize it. His primary target this day lived at 1207 South Greenwood. And if she didn't work out, he had a backup just to block to the east at 1243 South hydraulic. And if those targets didn't work out, he had other backups. He had stocked multiple women in this area, switching surveillance from one to
Starting point is 00:50:41 another for weeks, taking notes, pondering his escape routes. He can't such a game to this dude. If only more people took their careers and relationships as seriously, as Dennis Raider took stocking women to choke out, the world would be much happier, more productive place. Dennis wanted a woman named Cheryl that day. She was in his opinion, a loose woman.
Starting point is 00:51:01 The nerve of this sadistic psychopath, the cast judgment on anyone, you know, just what a slut. She's probably slept with more people than I've killed. Whoor. Well, Dennis had watched Cheryl Drink and party at the blackout of college bar. I followed her home, spied on her in a roommates for weeks. Cheryl Gilmore lived with the roommate Judy Clark, the third woman, uh, Raider Head, was Judy's 16 year old, Citchard Carrin, who frequently stayed at the house. So those were plans, A, B, and C, two doors down at 13 11 South, hydraulic. There was another woman with three kids
Starting point is 00:51:32 who Raider had not targeted, Shirley Vienn. Shirley and her kids are vying, Shirley vying and her kids. They had the flu and that was about to become the least shitty part of their day. When the kids got hungry at lunchtime, Shirley had called Dylan's grocery store, block away to tell them she was sending one
Starting point is 00:51:49 of her little boys over for food. Steven, age six, bot soup, walked back home where his mom told him it was a wrong kind of soup. So we walked back to Dylan's and got the right kind of soup. Man, a six year old doing grocery shopping for the family, I need to talk to my kids about stepping up their home game. I have an 11 year old and a nine year old, and they can barely order for themselves at a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And that's when I'm sitting next to them. And they start getting them out of the house more. They're gonna be, you know, ordering off the kids menu when they're 40. And I'm still gonna be paying. Well, just a little bit, you know, just before little Stephen got back home, a tall man with the briefcase stopped and asked him a question.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Raider pulled out a photo of his wife and son, you know, have you seen these people? He asked even, the boy looked at the photograph. No, he said, are you sure? Yes. The boy walked away. Raider watched him for a moment. Then he walked to Cheryl's door. He glanced down the street again, saw the boy looking at him. Raider knocked on Cheryl's door. When he got no answer, he walked to the boy's house. He's really kind of going off the rails here. Steven's brother and sister were playing when Steven came home. Bud was eight, Stephanie four. Stephen crawled into bed with his mom, moments later he heard a knock and sprinted for the door, started bud, they liked to race. Stephen beat Bud this time, opened the door,
Starting point is 00:52:52 and it was Andre Chica Teelo actually, the butcher of Rostov. Why are you in this story? Why you keep putting me in the story? Why you keep putting me in time, sir? What do you want me to do? Kill family here? Maybe a rascal mother? Get angry over soft, flattered, useless shame, cock, kill whole family and murder rage? Chica Tilo did not kill kids, okay? All right? Okay, okay, okay. Maybe Chica Tilo killed many kids.
Starting point is 00:53:15 But Chica Tilo did not kill mother and children together. Chica Tilo, not that kind of monster. Oh, wait. Chica Tilo may have done exactly that. Now that I think about it, Chica Tilo, very bad monster. Oh wait, oh wait. Uh, Chikotilo may have done exactly that. Now, do they think about it? Uh, Chikotilo. Very bad monster. Chikotilo deserves mocking. I do what Chikotilo has wished. Now, why don't Chikotilo is Dennis Raider? He saw their mom, pushed the door open, saying he was a detective. He showed Shirley a fake business card and he pushed the door,
Starting point is 00:53:40 she had pulled out the gun, Shirley begged him not to hurt her or hurt her kids. He told surely a new story. He had not used on the Oteros or the Brights. Said he had sex fantasy problem, which was true. He would tie her up, have some sex, you know, take some pictures. It would now be a pleasant thing, he said, but everyone would be okay. That's when you know, God, that's when you know you truly, truly are a monster. When in order to calm a victim down from the truth that's gonna happen to them,
Starting point is 00:54:07 you tell them it's just gonna be some time up and some rapin'. Fuck. So he ties up to kids, he opens his briefcase, he calls on it, calling it a hit kit this day. Takes out some ropes, starts to tie up the older boy, he starts to scream, frustrated. You know, he tells Shirley, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:21 to help him get these kids quieted, and they end up shutting the kids in the bathroom, which had two doors. He ties the west door shut from the inside, loop in a quarter on the knob, tying it under the sink. There were boys in living room, there were toys on the living room floor and airplane and fire truck a little carry. He grabs those, dumps them into the bathroom for the kids, tosses in blankets and pillows.
Starting point is 00:54:38 You know, how thoughtful. Play with these airplanes, kids. Why choke your mom out down the hall. Uh, it takes Shirley into her bedroom, shuts the East bathroom door, shoves her bed against it to block it, takes off all her clothes, wraps electrical tape around her forearms and calves, ties her wrist with the cord and nylon stocking, ties her ankles with the cord, and the bathroom, the kids are screaming, pounding the door, you know, leave my mother alone, leave my mother alone.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Get out of here, Steven's yelling, you know, I'm going to break out of here. I don't think you want to raid her shouts back. I'll blow your head off. So I guess he's not comfortable with the kids that much. He makes surely, surely live face down on the bed, ties her feet to the metal head rail, runs a long cord to her throat, walks into the kitchen, fetches her glass of water, because she's thirsty.
Starting point is 00:55:19 He wanted, he wanted a comforter, he'd say later. He actually considered himself a nice guy, even during the crimes. You know, when Julio Taro had complained that her hands were going numb from her bindings, he'd adjusted those. When Joe Otero had said his chest hurt from lying on the floor because he had some broken ribs, he had fetched a coat for Joe to rest on. Now surely doesn't feel so, you know, well, he's sick, so he gives her some water.
Starting point is 00:55:40 But then it takes a plastic bag out of his head, pulls it over ahead and suffocates her to death. What a fucking lunatic! He wanted to strangle her boys, you know, strangle and then sexually defile her daughter, but the phone wouldn't stop bringing. He gets nervous. So he just grabs two pairs of panties from her drawer and he takes off. Short time later, the kids bust out of the bedroom, find their dead mom, alert a neighbor who calls the police, Dennis was long gone by the time the police got there and Shirley was dead. And then just BTK walked back and do his normal Wichita life like nothing had ever happened. And I wonder what Cheryl Gilmore, Judy Clark and Judy 16 year old sister, Corinne thought when, you know, years later, they were undoubtedly informed that Dennis, you know, was actually
Starting point is 00:56:19 targeting them that day. Like if any one of them would have happened to have been home, they would have died in a nightmare at the hands of a living demon. That December 1977, Raider strikes again. He'd become obsessed with Nancy Fox, a 25 year old hard work in woman who'd taken a part time job at Hillsburg Jewelers in the mall to earn extra money to buy Christmas presents for her family. She was already working full time as a secretary for the law company and architectural firm. On the evening of December 8th,
Starting point is 00:56:48 BTK breaks into her duplex via a rear bedroom window after first cutting the phone line, waits for her to get home. Nancy lived alone. Dennis knew that. When she came inside, he's a prize or in the kitchen gun drawn.
Starting point is 00:56:59 And he gives her the same story. He'd given Shirley his new story. He states he's got a sexual issue. He needs to tire up, he's the raper. He orders Nancy into the bedroom. I've taken off some of her clothes. He ties her to the bed and for the first time at one of his crime scenes he takes off his clothes. That point he announces who he really is makes it clear. You know, he was the person who killed the oteros and then precedes the strangle her to death with the cord and then he jerks off on her nightgown. God, he really is a lot like Chikotillo. He has got some weird dick issues.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Apparently his dick did work, but he was afraid to use it on his victims for whatever reason. Probably didn't want to cheat on his wife. He probably had such a deranged moral code that he could live with choking people to death and occasionally jerking off on their corpses but couldn't bring himself to sleep with a woman
Starting point is 00:57:39 who is not his wife. He taken vows. Come on guys, he taken vows. Man, if only his wife had made him right, better vows. None of this would have happened. If only Dennis had said, I promise to remain faithful to cherish you. And to not strangle or hang or suffocate any strangers and also not jerk off on their bodies and or night counts.
Starting point is 00:57:59 If only that would have been, wouldn't have been done, which is how it would have been safe. After he was done, Raider slipped back under the night, slipped back into his old life. Authorities know closer to catching him than they were after the Otero murders. Next day, he dials a police dispatcher from a pay phone and says, yes, you will find a homicide at 843 South Persian, Nancy Fox, that is correct. And leaves the receiver dangling.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Police rushed to the residence, find the lifeless body still lying on the bed, a tape recording of that call is eventually played repeatedly over and over in the Wichita media, but no one, including Raider's co-workers or family, are able to recognize the voice. Early 1978 Raider attempts to send a postcard with the sarcastic poem,
Starting point is 00:58:40 Shirley Locke's to the Wichita Eagle, and a letter a few days later. In this letter, Dennis takes full responsibility for the Otero, Shirley Locke, to the Wichita Eagle, and a letter a few days later. In this letter, Dennis takes full responsibility for the Otero, Shirley Vian, Nancy Fox murders, plus an unnamed seventh victim later, assumed to be Catherine Bright. His poem, the letter, sorry, the letter was written in the same style as the 1974 letter and then has the weird poem, O Death to Nancy, that mimic an old folk song called O Death. Here's how it, here's what he wrote. O Death to Nancy.
Starting point is 00:59:07 What is this that I can see? Cold icy hands taking hold of me. For death has come, you all can see. Hell has opened its gate to trick me. O Death. O Death can't you spare me? Over for another year? All stuff your jaws till you can't talk. I'll bind your legs till you can't you spare me over for another year. All stuff your jaws tell you can't talk.
Starting point is 00:59:26 All bind your legs till you can't walk. I'll tie your hands till you can't make a stand and finally I'll close your eyes so you can't see. I'll bring sexual death onto you for me, BTK. Wow, this bastard really enjoying himself, really getting off on rubbing the local authorities faces and his kills, enjoying further victimizing the families and friends of everyone he's killed. I feel like, you know, when that was read in court after he was found guilty, you know, or after, I guess, you know, when
Starting point is 00:59:53 that was read in court after he confessed, if someone would have just walked up to him, somehow gotten the gun into the court and just blew his brains out, that person should get no punishment. Like how could you punish someone for killing somebody after God, he's such a piece of shit. The woman at which time, the 1970s began to routinely check the dial tone of their phones, the second they came home,
Starting point is 01:00:15 make sure the cord hadn't been cut. Yeah, I bet they did. Business at ADT Security, Booman, June in 1978, Dennis's wife, Pauli Gives birth to their second and final child, Kerry. Paula had been pregnant through all the events during and following Nancy Fox's murder. I think about that, man.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Dennis terrorizing and choking Nancy to death and running home to check on his baby boy, make sure his pregnant wife doesn't need anything from the store. Sorry, baby. I told her if you got to grab some pickles. I wrote it down, but I think I left a note at the home with the woman I just strangled. BTK waited almost a year and a half to strike again in April, 1979. He broke into the home of Anna Williams, a 63 year old widow who had
Starting point is 01:00:54 recently lost her husband. He hid in her house, waited for her to come home, given up before she finally showed up late that evening. So he doesn't get her. And in June of that year, just days before Raider's graduation ceremony at WSU Anna received a package in the mail with a poem entitled oh Anna. Why didn't you appear a Drawing of what Raider had intended to do to her and a few of the things he'd stolen Not surprisingly
Starting point is 01:01:17 Anna moved out of town smart one the day after his package to her a similar package arrives at the studios of KAK TV in Wichita, and this is the poem he wrote in that one, says, Oh Anna, why didn't you appear? T'was the perfect plan of deviant pleasure, so bold and not spring night, my inner feeling hot with propension of the new awakening season. Okay. Worn, wet with inner fear and rapture, my pleasure of entanglement, like new vines at night.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Oh Anna, why didn't you appear? Drop of fear, fresh spring rain, would roll down from your nakedness to scent to lofty fever that burned within. And that small world of longing, fear, rapture and desperation, the game we play, fall on devil ears. Fantasy, spring, I'm not gonna fucking read you more. It's so bad, It's so bad. What a weirdo.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Dude is writing shitty poetry about murder, and about murder, he wants to commit, but is not able to. I hope you had to listen to co-workers at ADT make fun of how bad his poems were. Just, hey Larry, did you see that BTK wrote another poem? God, a dumb shit can barely spell.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Now he's trying to write poems. Why didn't you write a poem about how he, you know, he's mad that his dick doesn't work or how he must have mommy issues or, you know, some kind of shit to be doing this to women. What do you think of this sick bastard, Dennis? What do you just want to choke the life out of him? I don't know. He probably just misunderstood. Guys, I'm criminal genius. Early, please, okay. What was that, Dennis? I couldn't hear you. Speak out, you freak. I said, I would also like to choke him out, Larry. That would be swell.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I would love to choke out Dennis Raider. I mean, the monster that tells him what to, I mean, the BTK guy, whatever his name is, is that probably, probably is not my name. That would be unusual. Then after sending in this shitty poem, BTK just disappears. Suddenly as you showed up, police still know where near catch and Dennis Raider. Not even on the on the most remote fringes of their radar, but he didn't stop killing,
Starting point is 01:03:12 not quite yet. Marine Hedge, 53 was found along a dirt road eight days after she was abducted from her home on April 27th, 1985, when she had spent the evening eating dinner and playing bingo with her boyfriend. She'd been strangled, a was born in the year of the year of the year. She was born in the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year
Starting point is 01:03:29 year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the year. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider.
Starting point is 01:03:38 She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. She lived on the same street as Dennis Raider. for an active and non-carstery serial killer. After a strangling marine, he dragged her nude body out to her car, wrapped in bed covers.
Starting point is 01:03:46 She was a tiny little woman, but he could barely lift her because he was a weak fuck of a man who prayed on small women. God, how he would love to be locked up in a room with him, which is him and baseball bat. Play a little game of old man's skull, home run derby. I hate him so much. After Dennis stuffed her into the truck,
Starting point is 01:04:02 he drove to his own church, Christ Lutheran, where he'd spent many a Sunday pretending to be a good Christian. And now he played gone with her corpse strapped high heels on her cold feet, posed her bound body into lured, you know, positions, took photographs. He could save her later took her to the country, dumped her body in the woods. The crime scene was different enough that police did not suspect BTK of killing this time at that, at that time. I killed Vicki wedgerly 28 on September 16, 1986. She'd be found strangled in her bed. Her two-year-old son was home,
Starting point is 01:04:32 but not harmed. Thank God for that small kindness. He'll nimbrat. Instead of suspecting BTK, detectives suspected her husband Bill, especially after he failed to lie detector tests when initially questioned, as far as the people of whichichita were concerned BTK still had not come back and Dennis for whatever reason was fine at the moment for letting them think that. January 19, 1921, 1991, another five-year gap, Dolores Davis 62 is abducted from her home on January 19th and found 13 days later under a bridge. She had been strangled. Her hands feet and knees were bound with pantyhose. Detectives associated this murder with the murder of marine hedge in 85 but attributed neither to BTK because the victims were both older. Their bodies had been dumped,
Starting point is 01:05:14 which did not fit his previous MO. And in his communication with the people of which it all remained close, you know, Dennis wouldn't speak publicly again until 2004. In the meantime, Dennis became more active in his church. He eventually become church president. He became a cup scout leader when his son Brian was old enough for that. In fact, Brian would eventually attain the status of Eagle Scout, undoubtedly under the guidance of BTK. He stopped working at ADT. Got a job as a compliance and animal control officer.
Starting point is 01:05:41 He became a combination dog catcher and local code enforcer in his park city suburb It was technically working in law enforcement how strange apparently was a super strict animal control officer and wouldn't hesitate to put a dog down Several residents followed complaints that their pets hadn't done anything and he put them down anyway Surprise one of those owners didn't kill a man if someone got a hold of sweet fur baby penny, you know put her down Oh, there's a good chance they would disappear within the next few weeks Maybe Penny, you know, put her down. Oh, there's a good chance they would disappear within the next few weeks. During his long vacation from being a monster, Raider's daughter, Kerry grew up graduated, attended Kansas State University.
Starting point is 01:06:11 The school had a football team. Dennis was a huge fan of. He's out there rooting for the fucking, you know, Kansas City team. Jesus, man, Joe Siotero, she didn't get to grow up. You know, his daughter did so messed up in 2003. Kerry married a man from Michigan and went to live there. His son Brian joined the Navy left the area for the East Coast and Dennis could have got away with it all.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Could have become a grandpa, quietly killed a few more people, quietly killed 10 more, 20 more. But his ego got the better of him in 2004. January 2004, the 30th anniversary of the Otero murders and the Wichita Eagle ran a story about BTK who had largely been kind of forgotten about, you know, by local media for a number
Starting point is 01:06:47 of years. In conjunction with the article, the eagle also mentioned the publication of local attorney, Robert Bede's new book about BTK. And Dennis did not like someone else telling his story. And on March 17, 2004, the long dormant BTK was back. Didn't like that, you know, Robert didn't know a lot about what he'd been up to. And it's really strange. He hadn't killed in 13 years now.
Starting point is 01:07:09 That's an extremely long dormant period for an active serial killer. He hadn't sent a letter into the press for almost 25 years, but he sends a letter now. It contained three photograph pictures of his own photos of the dying Vicki wedgely, taken in 1986 as well as a photocopy of her missing driver's license.
Starting point is 01:07:25 As soon as the story of this new letter and new murder admission hit the media, BTK was back. And Wichita to Dennis' delight was more scared than ever. May 5, 2004, Raider sent a second letter, a second letter this time to the studio of KAKE TV, the Wichita ABC affiliates. There was a lengthy word puzzle containing columns of letters and a few numbers mixed in. The FBI verified this also came from BTK.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Is he characteristically used his unique signature, but no one could make any particular sense out of the puzzle because it was fucking ridiculous. He was a big fan of, you know, other serial killers, such as the son of Sam, such as Zodiac. He just wasn't as smart as Zodiac and did not know how to build a code.
Starting point is 01:08:07 On January, excuse me, June 9th, 2004, Raider left a package taped to a stop sign of the corner of first in Kansas in the middle of the city. This contained a disturbing collection of documents, including a letter detailing the grizzly murders of the Otero family in a sketch of a nude and bound female thought to be young, Josie Otero, hanging by a rope. The sketch was labeled, this sexual thrill is my bill. Oh, wow. This jackass is a real word Smith, real poet.
Starting point is 01:08:34 You know, he was so proud of rhyming to simple sentence, you know, some of the average 10 year old could do a much better job of him. On July 17, 2004, a package marked BTK was found in a book return at the Wichita Public Library downtown. It contained a worrisome message said, I have spotted a female that I think lives alone and or is a spotted latchkey kid. Just got to work out the details. I'm much older, not feeble now and have to conditions myself carefully. Also, my thinking process is not as sharp as it uses to be. I think fall or winter would be just right about right.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Would be just about right for the hit. Got to do it this year or next. Time is running out for me. Ah man, just do this. Just again, all this is just a game to him. Another drop occurs on October 22, 2004, when a UPS worker finds a strange vanilla envelope while picking up the contents of the UPS box
Starting point is 01:09:31 at the Omnistenter by second Kansas in Wichita, inside is a collage of pictures of kids with bindings trying to cross their bodies and faces. There was also what BTK claimed to be his autobiography, listening to a number of details about his life, such as being born in 1939, his dad dying in the war, his mom dating a railroad detective, well, that's very specific, a railroad detective.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Are you a detective? Yes. What agency do you work at? The Pinkerton's? Now I work at a railroad detective. I find missing railroads, situations, find the cards that detach from the trains. I track them, I track them down.
Starting point is 01:10:08 That's what I do. Almost all this was false information and just an attempt to mislead police into research and false clues. I think the guy just, I think the guy like fucking with the police more than he liked actually strangling people. He just loved the power, I guess the feeling of power that gave him. On December 1st, 2004, officers at the Wichita Police Department stormed the house of Roger Valadez, who lived in a house in Wichita with peeling paint, but inside of railroad tracks,
Starting point is 01:10:33 he was suspected of being the BTK killer based on some false clues or, you know, radar given the police DNA test quickly exonerated him. Ultimately, police would take some 1300 DNA swabs of men searching for a match to BTK seam and left at crime scenes. They would, you know, look at the 1300 of the wrong guys. December 14, 2004, Raiders 6 drop is found. A man walking through Murdoch Park that night noticed a package wrapped in white plastic leaning against a tree. At a curiosity, he took it home, he opened it, and it contained Michael Motherfuck at McDonald's new album, released only a few months earlier, Motown 2, featuring Michael's classic take
Starting point is 01:11:13 on such Motown hit says, things in what they used to be. No, no, no. And baby, I need your lovin' baby. I need your love and got to have all your love in that album would crack the top 10 on the Billboard top 200 charts and you just got Michael mother fuck and McDonald. Got it fired me up on that one. Motown. Okay, that's not what was in the package. What was in it was a doll. Dolls head had a plastic bag tied over it, creepy as shit. Tans were tied behind his back. Its feet were bound together.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Tied to the feet was a real driver's license belonging to BTK murder victim Nancy Fox, whom he killed in December of 77. January 1st, 2005, the Dennis Raider officially became the new president of the church council at Christ Lutheran. So you know, he's fucking standing off dolls with bags on their head, taunting murder victims families, and is you know, moving up the ranks at the Christ Lutheran church. Jesus. January 8th, 2005, eight days into the new year. He left a special K-serial box marked BTK and bomb in the bed of a pickup truck parked at home depot in North woodland Wood lawn The truck belonged to an employee of home of that home depot first driver thought it was trash put it in trash can home
Starting point is 01:12:34 And by the way, this is he fucks. This is where he starts to fuck up luckily The employer forgot to put the trash can out for collection on January 25th when police arrived at the home depot looking for clues and BT case haven't been tipped off by a postcard from BTK and he would send you a little bit later, the man realized the significance of the box and was able to retrieve it. By reviewing surveillance tape, the parking lot for January 8th, the police had their first glimpse of BTK, but the image was too far away, too blurry for identification, but by measuring the wheelbase of the black vehicle he was driving, it was determined that the vehicle was a jeep
Starting point is 01:13:04 Cherokee. Despite having installed alarm systems for a living, radar was apparently unaware that surveillance cameras had become a commonplace item. The box itself contained information about some intended victims, Dennis had watched or stocked, also contained more misleading information of how he lived in a three-story home witch-daw, had an elevator, had a bomb in the basement, it was rigged or explode, if the house was invaded by detectives. He also asked a peculiar question to detectives.
Starting point is 01:13:28 This is one of the weirdest things the whole story to me. He asked, if he put his writings on a computer disc, would it be traceable? He requested a response to be posted in the Wichita Eagle Classified ads in the miscellaneous category using his codename Rex. How weird.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Hey, hey cops, you know, I'm a fuck with you guys for like 30 years, right? And you've got nowhere. And I was thinking, I kind of want to keep fuck with you guys. But here's the thing, I'm not totally up on new technology. Usually I'd ask my kids, but they're out of town. They've been super busy. And I'm a daughter's married, you know how it goes. Could you trace a floppy disk? Could you trace it to me? Cause I'm in, I'm in a real pickle here. I want
Starting point is 01:14:08 to send you some more harassing and threatening info. I would like to spread more fear, you know, uh, around the city, but I don't want to get caught. So that's, you know, that's where I'm at. So could you, could you tell me how to send you harassing information, but not getting trouble? Thanks guys, you're the best. Love in this game. Love in this game. January 25, 2005, the eighth drop is a certain other silver box from the serial killer. You know, that's why he was leaving serial boxes. This corny fuck. This one was a post toasties box. Post toasties is a serial no longer made because it has a terrible name.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Mmm, mom are these toasties? No sweetie, these are post toasties. These are old toasties that used to be totally toast-erific, but now are either stale or soggy. There are people who don't feel like they deserve toasties, or for moms who don't wanna buy their kids toasties. They're terrible and so are you. So why don't you choke on them? You stupid jerk. That is real dialogue from a 2005 post toasties commercial I just made up. Well, the cereal box was discovered on January 25th.
Starting point is 01:15:19 The post toasties box is found to lean up against a road sign. Another doll inside, you know, rope tied around his neck tied to a plumbing fixture simulating the hanging of Josephine O'Taro church president doing this such a sadist. And then the 10th drop was another postcard that arrived on February 3rd again sent in to KAKE. Return address was Hap Kekman, a 1950s character from KAKE's past. Rater wrote, thank you for your quick response on number seven and eight. Thank to the news team for their efforts.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Jesus Christ. It's like he doesn't understand. He's talking about murder. Sorry about Susan and Jeff's colds, business issues. Tell WPD that I received newspaper tip for a go. Test run soon. Thanks. PS may want to use KTV
Starting point is 01:16:06 PC, etc. code number and letters from me for my verification code to you. Now, here's your friend there to the newspaper ad and the Wichita Eagle, place their bi detectives to answer his question about the safety of sending a computer disk. The responding added a shirt him, you know, in an agreed upon code, Rex, it will be okay. I just can't get over. I just can't get over how this is just like such a fun little game for him. You know, like he's acting like everyone's loving this. Like everyone's a new station. It's like, hey, guys, good news.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Oh, buddy, old pal Dennis sent another letter. Man, what a, I wish he'd come by. Grab a donut with his one of these mornings. You know, like if the police caught him, they're just gonna be like, ah, we got you, you rascal. Oh, you really gave it's good chase, everybody. Good, good game, pal. Good game, pal, good game. Get in the jail cell, I gotta put you in there, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I, I, I, feel up to me, huh? Throw you, fucking parade. You're, man, you've been so much fun to hang out with. Drop number 11 arrives at the studios of KSAS TV on February 16th, contains a letter, piece of jewelry, and a purple discat, referred to as test floppy for WPD review. Detectives waste little time analyzing the discat find software on it from Christ Lutheran church in Wichita in the name Dennis.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Raider had apparently thought he had erased the original contents of the discat and then it would be safe to use for his purposes. What a fucking idiot. It might still be out there. You just bought a new disc. We was like, well, but why bother? Man, my buddies, my buddy, old palace at the police station. They said it would be okay. They're not gonna lie to me. Man, that's, that's not how the game works. You know, you don't break the rules.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Quick internet search brought up a website for his church mentioning its current president, Dennis Raider. So a group of detectives quietly drive by his house in Park City, note a black Jeep Cherokee parked in the driveway. Cherokee, just like the one they saw on the surveillance camera in the home depot parking lot. Raiders placed under surveillance. Asapina is secretly obtained for a DNA sample from his daughter from a recent gynecological exam. Now the familial DNA was a match to DNA found from cement at BTK crimes. And the case is basically solved right there. Fitting that his daughter led to his capture. Tiny bit of poetic justice after what he did
Starting point is 01:18:05 to the Otero daughter, you know, and other women, Jesus. I for living in the office, I for leaving the office to eat lunch at his home as was his custom on February 25th, 2005, Raider's driving home. When he notices, he's totally surrounded by a huge number of police.
Starting point is 01:18:20 He doesn't try to escape. He just, you know, stops his car, he just surrenders quietly and calmly. He's led to awaiting police cars handcuffed. He greets the head of the investigation when he gets into the car. Hello, Mr. Lawnwer. Hello, Mr. Raider, Lieutenant Ken Lawnwer response. And now finally, over 30 years after it's begun, BTK's stranglehold over the city of Wichita is over.
Starting point is 01:18:41 And so is this time-soc timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. which a ta is over and so is this time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. So that was a tale of BTK's three decade reign of terror. Might be the longest timeline we've had so far in time suck, man, at least for one part episode.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Before I give a brief summary of his trial, current whereabouts, my thoughts about him, let's check in with the idiots. See what they have to say about BTK, the old idiots of the internet. Under a YouTube video of Dennis Raider confessing in court to all of his crimes, a video called BTK Confession, full version, user stat 63 posts, I've never seen a bigger loser nerd. Okay, I think of a lot of insulting terms to throw a Dennis Raider like fuckface, monster, psychopath, narcissist, sadist, sadist, excuse me, coward even, but nerd, that's a weird one.
Starting point is 01:19:46 User AM421630 doesn't like any insulting words being flung at raider. He seems to admire him in a way, posting, you are just jealous that he pursued his dream and accomplished them better than you will ever do. Huh, that's an interesting takeaway from all of this. You admire how he followed and accomplished his dreams. Never really saw BTK as inspirational. He'd make a dark motivational speaker, you know. Find your passion and pursue it vigorously. Don't let anyone stop you from accomplishing your goals. Don't let the police stop you. Don't the father of the family stop you. Don't let someone's brother be in there when you didn't think they were going to be there. Stop you you don't let someone's brother be in there when you didn't think they were gonna be there stop you don't don't let someone fighting for
Starting point is 01:20:27 their life like literally fighting for breath get in the way of you doing what you want to do I hope that all you graduating seniors get everything you want out of life and given the opportunity I would I would gladly snuff the life out of about half of you user Diana Bell cracked me up when she posted every serial killer should have their dick cut off and stuck in their mouth. So specific, I'm not opposed to this element, but so specific.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Everyone, even ones with sad, limp dicks, like Chickatilo. Hey, you all the, all the marks, Chickatilo, an episode, why take another shot? Why Chickatilo dick, not good enough to get stuffed in mouth? All dick's be limp when stuffed in mouth. Who get in hard dick? Stuffed in mouth.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Who dick hard when the dick cut off? Who get in the erect penis, stuffed in mouth? It may no sense. User Ryan Smith wouldn't like that joke. He didn't like Diana Bell's comment posting how petty and childish. What? What, Ryan? You're listening to a video of a man discussing murdering children and other people in great detail,
Starting point is 01:21:31 but this post offends you. This is what upsets you. Go fuck yourself. And then there's our last idiot of today, a real champion, a user low life who posts Dennis Raider is a delist serial killer. He is a disorganized slob who can't even kill people correctly. Listen to his stories, not only is he having to re-strangle people because he's a piss poor murderer, but he's obsessed with controlling the situation, yet he completely loses all control over his victims. He's got people running out the front door, damn near escaping. He's got victims biting through plastic bags.
Starting point is 01:22:04 He even got disarmed by a kid. Dennis Raider is one of the most pathetically shitty serial killers what the fuck what even armchair serial killer well if I were fucking kill these people I would have just done it in a nice tidy fashion man I'm not choking no one twice man you just fucking get in there you get in there and you grab you grab hard and you don't it's not hard It's not as simple. You just don't let go good I'm weird And this is what bothers you about a video about BTK that he didn't kill as efficiently as other monsters user low-life How fitting at name low life?
Starting point is 01:22:40 This is the kind of person who's taking their interest in serial killer to a very unhealthy level Like like forgetting that they're they're actually killers low life. This is the kind of person who's taken their interest in serial killer to a very unhealthy level. Like forgetting that they're actually killers. This isn't like a movie. This isn't a video game. Real people with real families have died. These aren't professional athletes with stats to be casually examined. Jesus, right. They're reminders. These people that you can't lightly trust the world around you because monsters live amongst us. The fact that he killed anyone at all should bother you far more than how he did it. The tale of BTK should outrage you. You sick fuck. I get more of a bit fascination with serial killers. I mean, I clearly have it.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I'm doing an episode about BTK and I've done others. But don't let it run over into total apathy. You know, I still get outraged. Someone saying someone is like a delus serial killer implies that there's an a-list. You know, like still get outraged. Someone saying someone is like a delusional killer implies that there's an a-list, you know, like they should be heralded, like this guy. Eh, let me introduce you to Ted. Let me introduce you to Ted Bundy.
Starting point is 01:23:31 This guy, he knows how to do his job. He fucking knocks out of the park every time. Now, the piece of shit, all of them, their lives, all of their lives, have less values than the most forgettable non-serial killer who has ever lived. Yeah, their names will live in infamy, you know? a little bit be forever, but not in a good way. I would rather have no one know that I live at all. They have a billion people know I was a complete
Starting point is 01:23:53 and total degenerate piece of shit. All right, so last thoughts kind of wrap up about Dennis Raider. Once apprehended, he confessed pretty quick. He resisted for a moment, but then when they told him about his name, being on the computer disk, he just poured it all out. He told them all they wanted to hear and more,
Starting point is 01:24:15 talked for literally 30 hours of tape confessions over the course of a few days. Confessed to everything, seemed proud of it. He was disappointed that the police had lied to him about the disc. He really thought they were getting along well and that he could trust him. Yeah, he was that crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:29 That actually bothered him. He was charged with 10 counts of first degree murder, the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church where he was president, was left stunned, confused, bewildered, of course they were. The death penalty was not in effect for the period of his killings. It would apply again to murders committed after 1994.
Starting point is 01:24:46 So that was not on the table for him, unfortunately. His trial began on June 27th, 2005. His wife filed for it and was granted a divorce on July 26th. And again, I know that there are problems with the death penalty when I say these kind of things. I know that there's people who put there wrongly, falsely convicted, and that's why we got to be careful with it. But it seemed like there should be like an obvious clause. Like if you've obviously killed and confessed to a lot of people, then there
Starting point is 01:25:13 should be an exception. Anyway, Rader, he's now 60 years old, was given the maximum sense permitted by laws and cans at the time, 175 years to life eligible for parole in 2180 long after he'll be dead. He's left in solitary confinement. He gets a shower three times a week. He gets to come out of his cell for an hour of activity a day So you know 23 hours. He's left in there alone good But through good behavior he has earned reading and TV privileges, which I think is ridiculous I think he's only be able to read hate mail. He's only be allowed to watch videos of people making fun of his dumbass But that's that's me He's been interviewed numerous times over the years. Many of those interviews are on YouTube and
Starting point is 01:25:46 elsewhere. If you're curious, little Google in will pull up a lot of BTK. In October 2017, very recently, Netflix's crime drama, Mine Hunter, a critically acclaimed show. One of its serial killer characters is known as the ADT man, and that is, of course, based on Raider. His daughter, Carrie and Charlie Otero have recently spoke out about the devastating effects Dennis has had on their lives. You can find as the ADT man. And that is, of course, based on Raider, his daughter Carrie and Charlie Otero have recently spoke out about the devastating effects Dennis has had on their lives. You can find some articles about that as well on the web. Dennis is currently 72 years old incarcerated to El Dorado correctional facility in El Dorado, Kansas, a mere 35 minute drive from which part of his old stomping grounds. Uh, he really, really just never left the area.
Starting point is 01:26:26 And now it is time for top five takeaways. Time suck. Top five takeaway. Number one, Dennis Raider, aka the BTK killer killed 10 people in Wichita from 1974 to 1991 and terrorized Wichita until 2005. The acronym BTK stands for bind, torture, kill. Number two, when BTK resurfaced in 2004, it had been 13 years since he'd killed anyone.
Starting point is 01:26:54 He could have gone away with all of it, but he needed to harass the people of Wichita and local authorities more than he needed to tie people up and kill them. Number three, Dennis Raider had a normal childhood. No out of the ordinary physical abuse for a religious household of 1940s, 50s or 60s, no broken home, no out of the picture, dad,
Starting point is 01:27:12 no sexual abuse. He just seems to have been born a sadistic sociopath. That little feeling of guilt you have, when you've done something you know is wrong, or maybe even have if you just think about doing something you know is wrong, he does not have that. Number four, Dennis Raider first contacted the local witch top press and took credit for his first kills in 1974.
Starting point is 01:27:32 And he was still contacting local press and authorities and taunting them about his crimes in 2005. He terrorized a city for over 30 years. That's almost as scary to me as he kill himself. Number five, new info over the years Raider kept almost as scary to me as he kill himself. Number five, new info. Over the years, Raider kept detailed notes on the people he wanted to kill, the people he stalked, he called them projects.
Starting point is 01:27:52 While he killed 10 people, he actually had files on a total of 55 human beings. 55, 45 additional people were on BTK's kill lists and got away. People whose movements were recorded, their habits were monitored, people he watched would eventually deemed too risky to murder,
Starting point is 01:28:10 or they weren't home when he knocked. Or they were at Michael McDonald's concerts. He was touring for most of BTK's killing years. Triple M could have saved, I'm guessing a good 30 of those extra lives. Hail Triple M, hail Nimrod. Time suck. Top five take away. Well, thanks for listening to the BTK edition of Time Suck everybody. Now, some of those announcements that used to be the top of the show. I want
Starting point is 01:28:38 to thank everybody again for all the I tune in Facebook reviews this past week. They helped so much and they keep coming in. and I'm so grateful. And thanks for following the suck on social media at time suck podcast on IG, Twitter, and Facebook. I'll hopefully on social media the next few weeks. I'll be getting some picks up of moving into the new studio and getting that set up, which is going to be a lot of work, but very exciting. Beta test on the app has been going well. First version of time suck app is going to be out, you know, this Monday, December 4th, unless some horrible calamity befalls us. So be gone, Luciferina. Stay away from this suck this week.
Starting point is 01:29:09 And then we'll have a few months to get the secret suck ready, man. Get the lizard illuminati shit going. Add a few more updates, troubleshoot the app a bit more. I'm really excited to have that app out. I think it's an awesome podcast player already. You know, you click a button, you know, you get immediate access to PDFs of show notes from every episode, just one of the fun features with it. You're not going to find on some other app. And also, if you didn't already hear a stimesuck is on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Currently, it's on the Spotify app only, not on the desktop version. Hopefully that'll change, but at least it's on there. And I know things are still fucked up on Google Play. I cannot get them to fix it. So annoying. So irritated with Google Play. I've emailed them many, many times now about like, what is going on with this last episode, only shown up as 55 minutes there and showing up completely fine everywhere else.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Hopefully when the app comes out of your Google Play user, you can just get the app and start using that instead. Because again, I can't fix it on their ends. I can only send their proper feed to them and that's been done. Time suck is a days away from being on YouTube as well. And it's not gonna, no videos, not for now, at least, but every episode will exist on the Time suck YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:30:20 in its entirety because YouTube is actually the only place that I can, you know, directly upload to. Everything else I upload to the episodes to a site that kicks the RSS feed out to every place else, but YouTube, I can actually get the episodes there and unless YouTube crashes, they're going to be there to listen to. So I just want that to be a place where, you know, if the suck isn't working for you on whatever app you usually use, go to YouTube, it'll be there and you can listen to it. So that is coming real real quick. The new employee of TimeSuck, Mr. Josh Crel has been cranking those out the past few weeks, a lot of rendering on the big files on his computer.
Starting point is 01:30:55 And it's the final hours of the Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale, 25% off, everything in the TimeSuck podcast.com sale when you use the promo code, Hail Nimrod at checkout. A lot of the shirts are already sold out in various sizes. It's going to take a minute to restock those. Sorry about that. You know, I just never know how many things are going to sell. New shirts coming in soon. Thanks to everybody so much who bought merch this past weekend. I've already rolled out money back into help and pay for the new studio recording equipment. Thanks to those of you who use the Amazon affiliate button and time suck podcast dot com today to do your do your shopping, supporting the suck while you get your cyber Monday deals,
Starting point is 01:31:30 special thanks to time suckers Mike Aldrich, Dylan Horscht, Taylor Sandell, Heather Avery Brandon Stover, Ryan Sauders, Matt Wolf, Hannah Carpenter, Riley King, anyone else I missed for suggesting today's topic. I hope you liked it. And if you want to send in your own topics, email them to both jangles at timeswarkpodcast.com. Next week we're taking a total of left turn and we're getting weird. We're getting real weird. We're going into pizza gate.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I've heard about it for a long time. From a lot of you suckers, I finally looked into it myself. Holy shit. It's just a strange fake scandal slash conspiracy theory slash just pure craziness. It's just, you know, wacky doodle theory that many people still believe in the falsely claims that emails made public by Wickel eaks and the fall of 2016 emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager contained coded messages referring to some child sex ring that involved numerous members of the Democratic Party, including the Obama's, you know, just all these
Starting point is 01:32:23 Democrats, man, just fucking, their whole career is based on just getting powerful enough to fuck a bunch of kids. This is a flat earth meets lizard illuminati type hysteria. This is some Alex Jones type of lunacy. The edit to the internet segment alone is going to be off the charts this next week. How exactly did this theory begin? What exactly is it claiming? How did it evolve to become known as pido gate? How did it start to evolve to new world order? So much conspiracy, not insanity.
Starting point is 01:32:52 And I know some of you, you know, critique me about using the conspiracy nut term, like it makes all conspiracies. And the people who believe them seem crazy. No, some conspiracies are legit. And some are fucking whacking noodle Some are just out there and and the ones who believe those are nuts and this is one of those you can get bonkers The most interesting slash scary part of these to me is always how many people believe them So now let's get to the cult of the curious time for some time sucker updates time for some time, sucker updates. Updates, get your time, sucker updates. First update, just a simple shout out, man.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Please don't be mad if you sent a request like this and it did make the show. Get a lot of these. And sometimes they just, you know, they come in at the right time when I'm prepping the episode and someone gets through and this one is from Morgan Miller. Time, sucker, Morgan Miller says, here this, Dan, you beautiful bastard. My boyfriend and our huge fans of your material, our birthdays are super close together. His is from Morgan Miller. Time sucker, Morgan Miller says, Here this Dan, you beautiful bastard.
Starting point is 01:33:45 My boyfriend and our huge fans of your material, our birthdays are super close together. His is December 2nd. Mine is the fifth. It would make my day if you could have, give him a happy birthday shout out on your podcast. No pressure, but it would make my day as well. Keep on sucking Morgan Miller,
Starting point is 01:33:59 praise be to Nimrod and his prophet, but Jangles. Well happy birthday Morgan, and other person who you did not name, whose name you did not give me. Happy birthday, Morgan's boyfriend. I mean, people do this all the time, it cracks me up. You know, after a show, can you sign this book for my brother? Yeah, if you can give me his name, that will be helpful
Starting point is 01:34:18 since I have never met this human being. That you know very well, but I have not met once. So, you know, happy birthday to Morgan and Morgan's person and Morgan's special someone. And now for another unnamed sucker, this is from someone referring to themselves as the Skitzo sucker, saying, to the sucker most high,
Starting point is 01:34:36 I am a relatively new convert to the curious and a sucker of the suck. I have been blazing through all your previous teachings and servings of the suck and as my loyalty and curiosity continue to grow, so does respect. I am a schizophrenic. And like most people with mental health issues, I can tell you that we are not usually painted in a good light. And we're usually described as dangerous. And the amazing thing is that you've done just the opposite. I don't really know how, but you continue to talk about these crazy fucks and everything they have done and not
Starting point is 01:35:04 once have you implied that people, that all people with mental health issues could be or are dangerous like the subjects of the suck. It's a rarity these days to not be so quickly judged. So thank you for being compassionate and understanding your loyal soldier of the suck, praise me to Nimrod, this gets a sucker. Well, thank you, Skitso, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:35:21 I don't think being a paranoid Skitso, Fredic makes you inherently dangerous or a bad person or anything. You just got some, you know, you just got some stuff to deal with, but we all do. We all have our stuff. We all have our quirks, some more serious than others, and not all just happen to have names, you know, or labels. I've met people with so-called serious mental illness
Starting point is 01:35:40 that seem a whole hell of a lot more stable unless crazy to me, then, you know, undiagnosed, so-called, you know, regular people I've met who seem just fucking bonkers. Love you fucking nuts. I'm one of you. My head is a hornet's nest of self-doubt, bouts of, you know, mania, paranoia, occasional thoughts of murder. I haven't, I've went into, to get diagnosed, but I would not be surprised if I had one or a few things. Not joking there. I probably feel I feel a little too many all the time. Update on an update. Hey, remember the rocket man and flat-earther Mike Hughes from last week's update or last episode's update? Well, he never launched his homemade rocket over the weekend. Surprise, surprise. He did not
Starting point is 01:36:22 have the required federal permits for his motor home slash rocket launcher. Plus he had some mechanical problems because he doesn't know how to build a fucking rocket because he's an idiot. If he does finally launch someone, please let me know. All right, last one for today. We end on an epic tale of an email sent in by Times Sucker and Wordsmith Grant Shepard, Clever Bastard. if there ever was one, he writes, dear, great chief stumbles on words, do I ever? Hear this, I just finished listening to your latest podcasts, and I'm pleased to tell you that the Diathlon Pass incident is no longer a mystery because slap me silly and call me Sherlock,
Starting point is 01:36:58 I have cracked the case in the Diathlon episode. You mentioned that the hikers might have been attacked by a jingle jangle. Now Grant here is referring to a monster that I in that episode went on to admit that I just made up the jingle, the jingle jangle. I said, it could have killed the hikers in the same way the big foot could have, you know, I would just say that if you're going to blame big foot, some monster that I don't think is real, anything else is up for grabs, including stuff I just make up on the fly. So Grant continues. And I said to myself, hey, self, that sounds familiar. Well, well, well, after a few Googles later, I came across two
Starting point is 01:37:31 mythical creatures, not one. You may be familiar with that I believe are responsible for the downfall of the hikers, none other than jingle and jangle, two elves from Santa's workshop. Now, we know that jingle and jangle are operative elves who range from the North Pole in order to defend Christmas at all costs. Even traveling as far as Southtown, USA. So it is even more likely the Jingle and Jingle wouldn't counter the hikers in Russia, a place just a few miles from the North Pole, aka Santa's workshop. Now, you may say, hey, genius, the Deatloft Pass is actually thousands of miles away from the Arctic Circle, let alone the North Pole. And I would say, how dare you use that condescending tongue with me, and if you ever put your hands in me again, I will call the police you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:38:12 I would also say, well, Dan, that's where you're wrong again. You're forgetting that the Earth is actually flat. If you look at the actual map of the world, you'd see that the North Pole is in fact just a hop-skip and a reindeer jump away. But did Jingle and Jangle kill the hikers? Would two jolly elves be capable of murder and cold blood? Probably not. So what did kill them? Well, what other fierce Christmas critters are known to prey on elves and hikers? A bomb and a bulls snowman, also known as Bumble, of course. These winter monsters, not to be confused with yetis, are known to be fiercely territorial and
Starting point is 01:38:43 attack anything including elves, reindeer and humans like the late great prospector Yukon Cornelius. See the resemblance to the victims? And what else do we know about Bumbles? They bounce! A roughly 60 foot adult male bumble, Wayne roughly 3 to 4 tons in full bounce, would generate enough concussive force to cause internal hemorrhaging and pressure fractures consistent with the hikers fatal injuries. The other hikers outside of the balanced blast radius
Starting point is 01:39:08 would be disorientated and days leaving them to succumb to hypothermia later. So timeline, the hikers are awakened by jingle and jangle investigating the campsite. Obviously scared of being caught and placed on the naughty list the hikers cut their way through the side of their tent to sneak out. They are swiftly caught by the two veteran Christmas soldiers and marched down the slope in an orderly fashion to be interrogated in Santa's workshop, unbeknownst to them, but be knownst to us. They are led right into the territory of a pissed-off bumble. Two of the hikers sees the opportunity to attack their captors and run resulting in the
Starting point is 01:39:39 injuries to their knuckles. Another scales up a tree, causing a tree to escape, causing the scraping injuries from the tree, the bumble then bounces, crushing the ribcage of the other hiker and immediately killing another with internal head injuries. Jingle and jangle fly off on a reindeer to safety, drawing the bumble away and leaving everyone for dead. What happened to their eyes and tongues you ask? Stop asking so many questions. Why do you think you're so smart? Have a little faith, asshole. So I hope this clears everything up for you and your listeners. Hail Nimrod and happy Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Love, longtime listener, first time emailer, your loyal sucker, Grand Shepherd, aka he, with too much time on hands. PS, I hope you take this email with a grain of salt, maybe some tequila and also lime. I'm a huge fan of your comedy, love the podcast, can't wait to be a space lizard and I hope to see you live sometime soon give both jangles and penny a nice pet for me and keep on SUUUUUCK in Grant that was fucking beautiful. I love how creative and clever so many of you time suckers are Thanks for making the entertainment a two-way street in the entertainment a two-way street. Next time suckers, I need a net.
Starting point is 01:40:49 We all did. We'll have a great week everybody. Keep spreading the suck. Don't be a serial killer. Keep having fun with learning some new stuff. And you know know keep on second

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