Tomorrow - 235: Everybody's talking about balls

Episode Date: September 20, 2021

On this episode of Tomorrow, Josh and Ryan tear about the recent Apple event, change their minds about Deathloop, and salivate over the Alan Wake remake. Oh yeah! And there's way too much talk about N...icki Minaj's cousin's friend's balls. Very cool. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey and welcome to Tomorrow, I'm your host Joshua Toposki. Today on the podcast we discuss Nicki Nick Yvonnej's cousins, friends, balls. I don't always want to admit it. Let's get right into it. We're back, Ryan. We're back and we're centered. Our Chi has been aligned.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Our Chi has been brewed. Yeah, we're all set. We're just very chill, dude. A couple of chill dudes ready to bring you some information about the world. They're bringing the heat. I mean, are we bringing, are we sharing information or are we simply processing the information
Starting point is 00:01:03 that has been shared with us? That's one to think about. Anyway, it's been an interesting week. There's been a little of everything going on. I'm actually just for the first time while we're chatting because this is what I do. During all the podcasts, I'm actually just checking out something in the background. In this case, I'm just looking at my spam folder, which I haven't opened for a long time. I got to tell you there's some amazing offers in here. The truth is, I now have made so many things. I have now listed so many real things as spam that I don't even get like the Viagra spam anymore. I don't even see the sexy ladies in your area
Starting point is 00:01:43 wanna bang. Like, I have actual things that I'm pushing to spam now. Like, peel cases, peel iPhone cases. They keep trying to sell me an iPhone case. I'm not gonna buy your iPhone case. Sorry, I keep cutting you off. I have spam filters set up for obviously, like spam goes to my spam, I'm not an idiot.
Starting point is 00:02:07 But also I have specialty filters for PR people who are not on the up and up. Because what people don't tell you is that when you get into tech coverage, we're really any kind of journalism. I mean, I got a little of this when I was writing about books. But oh boy, oh boy, they want to capfish you or steal,
Starting point is 00:02:27 or like people really come for tech reporters, emails. Oh yeah, you mean like people who are, what do you call it? Like people who are malicious. There's a malicious element that you've got to be careful of. Then there's regular spam, which normal people get. Then on top of all of that is there are PR people who are not, they would very much like it if you listed links to their website on our website and, you know, quote unquote, like traded links or whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Like there's a relentless amount of that. There's, I mean, what I think maybe a lot of people don't know is there's all sorts of levels of weird PR, emails that you get. You do, there is also a whole strain of emails that I would like to write an article. I'll pay you to write this article. Yeah, or to let me write my article. There are a lot of people who are like the ability
Starting point is 00:03:21 to write this article. They're like, I couldn't help it. They're like, I'm loving the content. I love the stuff you guys are writing about electric scooters. Would you be interested in publishing my- Yes, post? Electric, my guest post and it's like, it's like why the, why the revel electric scooter
Starting point is 00:03:37 is gonna change transportation as we know it. I'm like, we're like, yeah, no, I don't think we're gonna publish that. But then, you know, interestingly, you also get, I don't understand. Maybe people, every once in a while, we do get a PR email and it's something that's interesting, but it's very few and far apart. This goes for every site. I mean, not just input, but many of the sites, certainly in my, throughout my career, I've gotten all sorts of forms of PR. But people are like, story idea, this is my favorite one,
Starting point is 00:04:10 is the people who are like, who are like, story idea? And it's like, okay, let's see, what happened today? The iPhone 13 was announced, okay? And there's a person who does PR for a, a child psychologist who just wrote a book about raising your kids in a post pandemic world. And it's like story idea, what the world's foremost child psychologist has to say about the iPhone 13 in a post pandemic America. And it's like, yeah, we're not gonna do that one.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Like, that's not really an idea. And maybe stop trying to fit yourself into a conversation that you're not a part of. But it's interesting because people have their whole career. And I feel bad, honestly. I mean, I feel a little bit bad for some PR people, because their job is they have to keep, I mean, the level of rejection they experience
Starting point is 00:05:08 is unbelievable. And they have to just keep emailing these things. I mean, they don't, they could obviously do something else. They could do something besides pop into my inbox and be like, this Chinese manufacturer is kickstarting iPhone lightning cables under a new brand name. Would you like to write about it? We'll send you a cable to review.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And you're like, I'm actually good on this, but you can't respond because if you respond, that's encouraging them. I actually just looked at our inbox and I see that we have continued to get. We actually, because we've done some on input, we've done some sex product coverage, we get some really good.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Those are the good ones. Well, we've just got, we've been getting a steady pulse of a steady drum beat, of a steady thump of these Rose vibrators. Their vibrators are everywhere. The roses, the roses, it looks like a rose, but it's a vibrator, which I think it says it all, it's a single message from your significant other. It's like, I'm feeling romantic about you here as a red rose.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Also it goes in your vagina. It goes in your vagina. Put it in a hole. This will go, not only in my feeling romantic, but this goes right up your ass. So I think you understand the full realm of my feelings for you, which are both sensual and romantic and highly, highly sexual. Do you see the, oh, the Tesla email we got today?
Starting point is 00:06:38 I was sponsored. This is for me, Elon. Is it for me, Elon? I shouldn't have, but I did. That someone emailed us. Never respond if you don't, unless you really want to engage. So many of us have said,
Starting point is 00:06:48 hey, just so you know, Tesla's aren't just for wealthy people, and it's actually really biased and judgmental that you would call people who have kind of forwarded a Tesla wealthy, and it's not impartial reporting. And I just wrote back and was like, hello, yes it is.
Starting point is 00:07:04 The average person in this country makes $30,000 a year and is $100,000 in debt. We'll never purchase a new car. You are wealthy. I'm so sorry that you're not as wealthy as Jeff Bezos, but have you considered volunteer work? If this is your mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I mean, I do appreciate, I do appreciate not to get off topic of ours, which is not even, we weren't even on topics, just discussing spam, but I do appreciate all of the Tesla guys out there. I don't think I'll be honest with you, and I don't wanna be sexist or anything, but I've never seen a woman come to Elon Musk's defense.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Like I just, I just have it. It's like 100% guys on, like reply guys on Twitter. And they're so motivated. Like maybe they own, I guess maybe they own stock in the company and I, you know, kudos to you. But for me, that they don't have to pick between doing crimes being a Tesla apologist and in cell behavior.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Do they know they don't have to do any of those things, actually? They're not on the menu. they know they don't have to do any of those things actually? They're not on the menu. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think, it seems like most of the men that have ever reached out to me, it's one of those three things. And very rarely is it someone being like,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I really enjoyed that game, you're recommended. Thank you. Yeah, no, it's not, you don't get a lot of, you don't get a lot of like, reasonable, like that was a useful tip. I really appreciated the content No, it's not, you don't get a lot of, you don't get a lot of like reasonable, like, that was a useful tip. I really appreciated the content that you put on the internet. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:31 No, it's usually like, kill yourself. The PlayStation 5 is the greatest thing that's ever existed. Yeah, no, no. Well, I mean, you did write a scathing takedown of the PlayStation 5, which is, frankly, you know, you were asking for it. Whatever you got in return was, you had a, you had a comment. I knew it was coming, but, you know, sometimes return was you had a, you had a comment. I knew it was coming, but you know, sometimes sometimes you, you, you order something and, and you know what you're
Starting point is 00:08:48 going. Yeah, exactly. Uh, you're like, give me the shit sandwich and they, and they bring it with a side of fries and you're not surprised. Any help but, but, but yeah, the Tesla guys are great. I think there, there's, I mean, there's a great meme, which is, I believe it's, I don't know, it's a Simpsons meme that I've seen, which is, and I've shared at times, when I hear the, when the Elon reply guys show up. And it's something like I wanna say,
Starting point is 00:09:15 it's one of the Simpsons characters diving in front of a poo who runs the E. No, it's a poo diving in front of his employee. Oh, it's a poo diving in front of one of the other characters. And like there's, I think the guy who's always the criminal has like a shotgun pointed at him. And it's like got, you know, taxed. And it's like the person who's being aimed at
Starting point is 00:09:35 is Elon Musk and then it's like weird nerds on Twitter is what a poo has labeled on him because he's like diving in front of the shotgun blaster or whatever. And or like weird shotgun. of the shotgun blast or whatever. And, uh, and the shock on him. The shotgun says perfectly valid criticism. Yeah, it's like valid criticism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But, uh, but I have to assume that a lot of the Tesla guys that you see online have bought Tesla stock because I think it's not just about, I do understand. No, I've seen all of them. All of them. Tesla is about pump and dump scheme. And I think even they know that. Yeah. And I've seen all of the, I've seen all of the versions of fan boys
Starting point is 00:10:10 that like you can see. I've been, I've experienced all levels of and breeds of fan boy. And I have to assume that one of the sort of unifying factors of the Tesla fan boys is that they also made a monitor, not just like they bought a car or they leased a car or whatever it is and they really like it.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Which is like, you know, with an iPhone, with Apple fanboys, they're like, I really like this computer, you know, and it's how I get my work done in there. Like that's what they want. This is my identity, the fact that my tabs go this way, is what I believe. Yeah, and the Microsoft people,
Starting point is 00:10:44 I mean, they're the same. The Microsoft people are like apples and evil organization and by supporting this other corporation, I am taking them down. You're like, okay, all right. Yeah, everybody fucking breathe. I do understand a little bit at least that, you know, I don't know what I actually don't understand.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't care. Don't care. But don't work for them. If they want to be understood, they can keep tweeting. But I think one of the big defining factors of the Tesla fan boy, or fan man, if you will, because I think most of them are adults. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:16 It's that, is that they also bought some Tesla stock. And so they have, there's real skin in the game for them in the sense of they think this is their ticket to eat to Elon Musk level to Elon Musk status. And of course they're terribly wrong. All I needed was to invest five grand of my parents money. What they don't, what they don't realize is that they're his ticket to Elon Musk. That is. So at any rate, and I say this is a person who's just about
Starting point is 00:11:45 to turn in his Tesla after a two-year lease. Are you gonna get another one? I get it. Well, I'm thinking, I'm actually, right now I'm in an interesting place because I'm not driving obviously nearly as much as I thought I would be over this. I pick the worst time to get a car that has a really a long range because I have no money
Starting point is 00:12:07 anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. I think my lease had that I was going to drive 15,000 miles a year, was the lease term, and I've driven a total, I believe, of 9,000 miles over two years. So that's giving you an idea of how off the mark I was, thanks coronavirus. So they're like really high pressure now. They're like, oh, what are you gonna do? You're gonna get into a new Tesla loose.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You wanna try it, you wanna buy one, you wanna, you know, what's the plan? Like, they're texting me, they're calling me, they're emailing me. They really are going full sales person right now on me, which is great. But I am debating what to do because on the one hand, you know, there are things about the car that I like.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I certainly would not get another three because it's too low to the ground for me. It's like, I have to slide into the, I'm doing like, you know that move that, you know, in smooth criminal in the video, Michael Jackson in his dancing group of,, I guess like prohibition era, like backup dancers with machine guns. They do that. They have Tommy guns. Yeah, they have Tommy guns. You know, they like, you know, they do that thing
Starting point is 00:13:18 where they lean and it's like impossible to imagine how a body could do that because but their shoes are like attached to the floor. That's like, I have to do something like that to get into my test, but now I have to do, I have to get my body like horizontal before I can enter the car because it's so low to the ground and I'm so tall. So I have to figure out, one, I can't get the same car, but also I'm not driving a lot. And also there's some really interesting new electric cars like this new Hyundai, which is called the Ionic 5, but they've pushed it back and I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I'll get nothing. I have an old Range Rover, which I just got done sound proofing and redoing a the stereo system in by myself, which I think I've talked about. And you know,
Starting point is 00:13:59 it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. Take the car payment you would have been making. Put it in an example. And then at the end of that six months to see how that feels. Well, I think I might do that because I'm not driving that much.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And so maybe that's what I'm gonna do. And maybe I'll take mass transit to get if when I have to go to the city. I mean, I could drive my old car there. I mean, it's probably won't explode, probably. At any rate, so yeah, okay. So I think what was he playing on talking about Tesla? Let's talk about the big news this week.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Nikki Minnage's friends, cousins, balls. Yeah. Can you actually explain this to me because I missed, okay. I came into this Nikki Minnage conversation. I don't want to be the old guy, but I was like not online that day and Everybody was talking about Nicki Minaj and like some balls situation and I was like, okay, that seems like Something normal like probably a normal situation. Hardly than I
Starting point is 00:14:58 Panned them of course. I've heard the discourse, but I haven't really no one has really explained to me what the discourse is about. I've seen the discourse on Twitter. I don't know the root of this discourse. Can you please tell me? It begins, our story begins with Nikki Minasha's brother, who is a pedophile. Oh, convicted. She paid for his legal fees, but ends up,
Starting point is 00:15:22 a limited amount of money could not. Like a pedophile like, he wasn't like purchasing dark web porn. He was like full on. Right, I guess, I guess there are degrees, okay? I guess if you're a pedophile and you only, I'm not in the job of ranking them. Oh my God, right.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Well, I guess I'm saying is he like, yes, he's like Pete Townsend who downloaded child porn or he's an actual doing actual assaults. And I guess it'm saying is he like, yes, he's like Pete Townsend who downloaded a child porn or he's an actual doing actual assaults. And I guess it's the latter. Yeah, he had some time in place. I guess I should say, let me back up. I don't make any distinction. I think if you're interested in child pornography or actually doing things that children,
Starting point is 00:15:58 you're bad and you need help and please seek help. Thank you. But I guess I was just sort of curious about what where he was at on the spectrum of So then she went on to hang out with or de other people who had a lot of legal trial problems with sexualizing underage people. There's a series of pedophiles that she's hung out with. Her husband her husband is recently
Starting point is 00:16:30 her husband is recently convicted of sexual assault and there's also a lawsuit pending that Nikki in pursuit of ending that for her husband paid for some pretty serious harassment of the woman who accused him. And he was asked, he was commanded, commanded. He was told to register as a sex offender, which is a legal requirement, you don't get the option, you have to do it. He refused to do it. So then the court came after him for that. And obviously Nicki Minaj, being a wonderful person,
Starting point is 00:17:02 as at no point apologized, or stepped down her level of vitriol for anyone who doesn't think her husband should be a nod on a sex offender list. Anyway, so all of this is going on and she really needs to distract from it because the growing conversation is that Nicki Minaj is a horrible person and we shouldn't support her. Okay, so in order to do that, she's been canceling events so that, which the ongoing meme is that all the events are within, within a, a, a, a, spitting distance of an elementary school, what they are, but also she's been canceling events so she doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:39 have to go, she doesn't have to face the discussion. Then the day of the Met Gala, she said that she wasn't going to the mech alla. Okay, yeah, because they require vaccinations and she had heard from her cousin's friend in Barbados that he got the vaccine and his balls swelled up. I'm sorry. And he became completely unable to have an erection and his balls were really big and he was infertile. And so the woman left him at the altar because of that. So she said, I'm not getting the vaccination for any event and told her fans, you better do your research. And her fans were like, hey, fuck you,
Starting point is 00:18:15 that's really dumb, you're an idiot, even the barbs. And most of them, some of them did a protest several days later saying, Nicki Minaj was the only one to tell us the truth about the vaccine and that was very cool. But the barbs, later saying, Nicki Minaj was the only one to tell us the truth about the vaccine and that was very cool. But the barbs, you definitely want Nicki Minaj to be your the voice of reason. Family positions too.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Whether or not you should get a vaccine. When I think about who I want advise to be, it's Nicki Minaj number one and then, you know, a doctor, maybe. I heard about this whole COVID thing and I said let's go to the beach each. So in any event doctor doctor Minaj. Dr. the Reverend doctor, Nicole Minaj. She then went on a tweeting spree about how it's okay that she was suspicious of the vaccine and that we're all sheep
Starting point is 00:19:06 and Also, you should just do your quote-unquote research and that she do your research and then when all the fans got mad She was like, oh, I never said not to get vaccinated. I said do your research and make your own decision I never said and you're all so unreasonable and then Tucker Carlson and Republican started agreeing with her and because she's a complete idiot and an artist. She started thanking them and and and and retreating Candace Owens and saying, oh look. And then when people got mad about that, she said, I'm a free American and I'm allowed to I don't have to be I don't have to do everything the Democrats say and you're actually racist and you hate women. Because you won't let me be friends with Tucker Carlson
Starting point is 00:19:45 and tell people not to get vaccinated. Then her fans started doing protests of the vaccine, which is very cool. That's so good. So cool. And now conservatives love Nicki Minaj. They've always been fans actually and they're huge.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And a fan's not like, I'm like, I'm sorry. You know what song all the conservatives have? It's Wap. They love Wap. I'm sorry, I'm fairly sure. I'm fairly sure, God, the, the, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You know what song all the conservative rap? It's a rap. They love rap. I'm sorry, I'm fairly serious. I'm fairly sorry, God, I'm so impressed. I'm always so impressed by, first off,
Starting point is 00:20:11 I wanna thank you. That was really weird. No, I thank you for enlightening me about the situation. I actually, after you gave me the kind of rundown, I called up the, I got the quote, the tweet is, she said, her cousin's friend and Trinidad suffered swollen testicles, became impotent and had to cancel his way as a result of the COVID vaccine. Anyhow, but which is a good, and then our politicians and also Trinidad's politicians had to go on TV and say, this is not true. There is no evidence that this has ever happened.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They're like, this never happened. This person does not exist. But no, literally, it's like, I'm sorry, it's her cousin's friend. Okay. So I think what I was talking about was like, I was talking about how the cousin's friend and Trinidad thing is like, okay. Yeah, I like how it's literally like a cousin's friend is this is the thing that it's no one believes. You know, it's like the Canadian girlfriend situation. Like a cousin's friend.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like you can't get. Oh, as we're recording Nicki Minaj is leaking the phone numbers of reporters. I thought that's good on her Instagram. As we're recording Nicki Minaj is leaking the phone numbers of reporters by the time. That's good. On her Instagram. I'm so happy about everything. I'm so happy about the state of the world. I'm so glad that we've made it completely acceptable
Starting point is 00:21:34 for people to be completely ignorant and totally stupid and rude and not give a shit about their impact on the rest of the world. I mean, up and list, by the way, up until this point, I didn't know any of that other stuff about Nicki Minaj, and I've, you know, I've always enjoyed her music, not always, but it's not, you know, whatever. It's like, there's some pretty entertaining.
Starting point is 00:21:57 She's got some pretty entertaining songs. I really like her music when she's not plugging products or going, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha But, but! Yeah, this just seems really dumb and horrible and bad. And it's like, it's like, you know, it's basically tweeting through it, or attempting to tweet through it, which is like doubling and tripling down on like the bad ideas. But more than anything,
Starting point is 00:22:37 more than anything like so many of the debates that we're all having in reality right now, there is this idea that when you're a complete asshole who does things that suck and people are like, you're wrong and that was also horrible and you're rude and you should apologize, the response is not for people to go, you know, I might have, like, I might have made a mistake there. Maybe they're right. I should actually rethink this. Maybe I should, you know should say, hey, you know what, I didn't really think that through.
Starting point is 00:23:08 That was sort of dumb. Won't do it again. People's, now, because we're in a post-Trump, like we're in reality show reality, everything is like, oh yeah, you won't let me, oh, they're trying to suppress my voice, or they won't let me tell the truth or, oh, this is a political, this is political.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It's like, no, dude, you just sounded like a fucking idiot and you said something dumb and people are like rightfully, like that was dumb. I think our abilities are in not all opinions are created equal. I mean, that's right. Whatever, opinions can be created by university scientists or they can be created by a complete moron who, but it's less about the opinion and more about the reaction to unlearning that people were unhappy or surprised or upset about what you said, which is, you know, we've created this environment where
Starting point is 00:24:10 and this is, I mean, this has so much to do with Donald Trump and the example that he set for people in the public eye, not the least of, of, you know, which are our politicians. But everybody now thinks that, you know, you could say fake news. Like literally a fucking Taliban guy was like, oh, that's fake news. Like, I just heard a report on MPR. They're like, oh, there's infighting happening. Unsurprisingly, the new Taliban that is running Afghanistan,
Starting point is 00:24:40 they're having some kind of like disagreements internally. And people are like, oh, this one Taliban member was like, he was missing and people didn't know where he was. And there were all these questions about whether he'd been killed. And he's like, no, sorry, I just didn't have, I wasn't going to respond to your fake news. And it's like, okay, I think we have a problem when it's like that term just becomes a way to wiggle out of answering, but that whole mentality is like, everything is fake, everything is a lie, everything's an attack, everybody, people just want to keep me down,
Starting point is 00:25:06 they want to suppress me, they don't want to hear the truth. And it's like, actually, once in a while, it's a good idea to say, I fucked up, or I made a mistake, or you're right, I should listen, and everybody can move on. Like, this has gone on, I have to, I've had, I've seen people talking about this Nicki Minaj thing for days
Starting point is 00:25:25 and days. And now you're like, she's doxing journalists and it's like, listen, learn to admit when you're wrong. I think a great, here's a great thing everybody can do in life. And if you have kids, something you can teach your kids, I highly recommend this. I've learned, through many hard situations, to be able to go, you know what? know what, you're right and I'm wrong. What I said was stupid or what I said was incorrect or was, I made an opinion that frankly was off
Starting point is 00:25:57 of where I should have been and just go, yeah, like, well, now I know better and I learned something from it and I can move on with my life and so can you. It's actually not that hard, but we've now, we've now like, I mean, America, of course, is always guilty of never wanting to back down from an argument, no matter how bad the argument is. And I think, you know, that's kind of a cornerstone of our society here.
Starting point is 00:26:19 But it just sucks. All right, anyhow, let's not talk about vaccines anymore. Let's talk about the new iPhone. The only thing I really want to inject into my veins, which is the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Thank you. Really, you want to inject your veins? No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I could generally... No, no, I'm thinking I'm skipping. Look, is this the talk? Really, you can't... This might be the talk. If it's the tick talk, or is this the tick, whatever they call it. I don't know, you know, the thing about Apple is like they have the skip it year
Starting point is 00:26:48 and the you should upgrade year. It's like, if you did an upgrade last year, this one is probably a pretty good upgrade. If you did upgrade last year, then this probably is not worth your time. I don't know, I mean, I watched this. I watched part of the Apple event. I just don't care.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I guess I just don't care about what they're doing. Whatever it is they're doing, they're like, we have the greatest camera. It's like, all right, I mean, care. I guess I just don't care about what they're doing. Whatever it is they're doing, we have the greatest camera. It's like, all right, I mean, yeah, I guess. Sure, rack focus during your fake rack focus while you're doing your video shooting. I'm sure it's fun. My guess is in practice in the hands of not a expert.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It probably doesn't look that great, but it can probably produce okay results. The thing that was most agitating about the, first of it's insane that they keep doing these events. I have to say, as a person who used to love them and was excited about them, and then eventually went to them because I had to, and then was very happy that I never had to anymore,
Starting point is 00:27:50 I can say like it's crazy and obviously people don't go to them because of the pandemic, but it's crazy to me that they're still doing this thing where they get up. And we were talking about this when the event was going on about how they keep going like this is our most pro iPhone ever. This is our greatest iPhone ever. It's like I can't believe you still say this stuff. Like you should be embarrassed that you can't find a more intelligent or interesting way. Which is the most professional phone that's ever been created. No, it's crazy. They're like pro, pro-level workflows. It's like, what does that mean? Like, what are you talking about? And then just like hearing them say our fastest chip ever, our best camera ever, I'm sorry, but I understand like you've got to do this, but maybe there's
Starting point is 00:28:25 a slightly more intelligent or interesting way to do it, because it just felt, it feels so, I mean, I, it's a waste of talking. We know whatever iPhone comes out will be the fastest and the best and the smoothest way. It'd be weird. It'd be weird if you were, they say, worse version. Like, I don't think, but, but what we would like to know is tell me anything, I don't remember a single feature coming to this phone, except for the 120-hertz screen. That's just, and that's only because it's overdue. Which is like, I think, I mean, I don't think most users,
Starting point is 00:28:56 most people are like, can process that or care about that at all. And I think, and I think it's like, I know they're trying to, it's like sort of keeping up with whatever the kind of status quo is on Android right now for people who are like, well, Android has the 120 Hertz screen, but it's like, sure, okay, I mean, nice, thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:14 That's good. But I mean, there's nothing wrong with the iPhone, okay? I mean, I don't, it's not a bad device. I'm just tired of this like, this conversation that we're all having about it. But the worst thing about, the worst't, it's not a bad device. I'm just tired of this conversation that we're all having about it. But the worst thing about it was to me was they had Catherine Bigelow
Starting point is 00:29:32 and they're like, this new iPhone is so pro that we can give it to a professional, real deal film director. And she's gonna show you how fucking amazing you can make your own movies on this thing. All you need is an iPhone. Literally like her and I don't know who she was, there was another person she was talking to. I was so like flustered by the whole thing
Starting point is 00:29:52 that I didn't even notice what his name was, but maybe he was another director. But they were like, this is a new paradigm for filmmaking. It's like, no, it's not, it's not actually. They showed like stuff that she shot, like little movies that she made with the iPhone and it looked like Shit that I made on my camcorder when I was 13 with like my brother and our friends. It was like Embarrassingly bad did not look like a film it looked like it looked like
Starting point is 00:30:18 You know in Rushmore when they do the plays that are like the, you know, high school theater version of, you know, born on the 4th of July or what, I can't remember what movie it is, but it's like, kind of look like that, like a parody, like a joke. And I was like, I don't, they need to, this happens like every couple of cycles, like Google did it a few years ago with the Pixel. They're like, we had, we shot this video all on the Google, you know, Pixel 5 or what a 4 or whatever. It's like, yeah, it looks like it was shot on a phone. Like it looks okay, but Like, please stop pretending like this is gonna replace a red camera. It's not pretty. It was pretty cool that Tangerine was made on a phone
Starting point is 00:30:57 That's a cool thing. Yeah, but that's different. They put a lot of work into making the phone not look like a phone But it still was a part of it wasn't a part of the aesthetic as well phone not look like a phone, but it still was again. But isn't it part of, was it a part of the aesthetic as well? Like I think it was like, it looks like it's a- They did a lot of work to make it look like this was all, that they intentionally wanted a shot on a phone and then they did a lot of work so that even though
Starting point is 00:31:22 it was being shot on a phone and it was identifiably being shot on a phone, it still didn't look like garbage. But ultimately, nobody in their day-to-day life, especially nobody who wants to make a film outside of a child, is going to use the iPhone. And so why don't you show me what I can use these features for outside of being a child who's shooting a thing
Starting point is 00:31:45 with active figures, show me how this feature is at all helpful in my day-to-day life, show me at a sports game. Show me at my exercise, it's fucking session. Maybe there, maybe. Why are you showing me, should I never, I'm never gonna make my version of knives out
Starting point is 00:32:00 on an iPhone around my house. Anyway, Apple rolled out a whole bunch of screens that run iOS. All of them are slightly faster than the old screens that are in iOS, but there's nothing really new there. They have new watches, which have slightly larger screens on the body of the watch, and a keyboard. I don't know how many people want to type on their watch,
Starting point is 00:32:21 but that seems if it works, like a great, if I did it. I don't really know why anyone would buy any of this. I finally got it. You know, I've had many who looks different than it did before. I mean, the single, but again, none of this is cool. I'm not like, oh shit, I gotta get on the blower. I gotta spend some fucking cat. Do you have my Apple card?
Starting point is 00:32:40 We need to make payment for the next three years. So I can only. The single, the single biggest thing they could have done was Put a USB-C port on the iPhone like the where is that when I was so crazy is I I actually I now have several Apple products that use USB-C like my iPad Pro and my M1 Macbook Air and then I have products that don't, like my iPhone and my AirPods Pro, and I literally the other day I was trying to plug in, because I thought the AirPods had
Starting point is 00:33:14 a USB-C port, because I couldn't remember, and also the Lightning port and USB-C port are very, very similar. And I was like trying to plug in a USB-C plug, and I'm like, why isn't this fit in? I was like, oh, like... Why does lightning still exist? I don't understand. Well, I assume you could make an argument that I'm like, why isn't this fit in? I was like, oh, why does lightning still exist? I don't understand. Well, I assume you could make an argument. They're like, well, so all these accessories and cables
Starting point is 00:33:29 support it and people would have to change their whole thing. But it's like, come on. I mean, what are we doing here? Obviously, you are moving towards a different standard. Obviously, the entire industry has moved. They put it on the iPads. So I don't know. It's very unusual.
Starting point is 00:33:42 But yeah, I mean, listen, I mean, there's not a lot. Yeah, I mean, what they, what they're announcing, I understand this is just what they do every year. I don't need phones to be mind-blowing. I just, I guess, then don't have the event. Right, then that's what I'm saying. We're doing a spec bump on the iPhone. It's not anyone, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:03 You know what, it's very wasteful of us to do a whole marketing campaign over something that's exactly the same. So we're just gonna be cool this year. See it? But you know what they had? That I would be like, you know what? Apple's kind of fucking cool. But instead they're scanning my photos and making me pay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 But they had to, you know, honestly, you know, in their defense and in defense of the event, there were like two and a half million people watching it on YouTube or something live, okay? I mean, yeah, shareholder mine. No, I mean, I think people are, people used to love those events and I think they're still like,
Starting point is 00:34:33 oh my God, maybe they'll announce something crazy, which they truly don't ever do anymore. What a way to squander that reputation? I mean, to continually not announce anything and have two million people show up for this point and result. All of Twitter was like this sucks. No, it's regular normies that I follow.
Starting point is 00:34:51 We're like this sucks. No, there was a whole, like the next day there were like memes that people were doing about how bad and boring the iPhone event was and how bad and boring the new iPhones are. And it is like maybe change it up when you've got the version that's like a nice spec bump and some better cameras roll out some
Starting point is 00:35:06 Colors that aren't just like we went from dark blue No, but even if they don't do that maybe make a baby frame the marketing I know maybe there's a different way to do it anyhow. I mean, I don't want to be like the bitter old you know gadget guy Who's complaining about their event but but Please do what's interesting, but what is interesting about Apple at this moment is that it is a really kind of an influx time for them as a business because what has happened, we haven't even really talked about this in detail. What has happened, we talked about it a little bit when that ruling came down.
Starting point is 00:35:38 But what's happened over the last few weeks and months is that there has been a ton of increased scrutiny on Apple as a monopoly or Apple as an unfair player in certain markets. And there has been this huge case with Epic that had a very interesting ruling, which much of it went against what Epic was hoping for. But there was a significant part of the ruling that said Apple can't prohibit developers from putting in methods to purchase subscriptions or in-app stuff in another way. And now there's sort of like this gray area about whether it means they can have their own in-app purchases or you have to send somebody out to a web page or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:24 But the long and short of it is like, it would not be very hard for a developer to say, like, oh, yeah, okay, we're gonna do an in-app thing that is, it opens a modal with a browser in it and like a kind of, some kind of portal that makes it easy to do a purchase or whatever. I mean, it's kind of like splitting hairs at this point, but one of the major issues that has come up
Starting point is 00:36:46 with the app store and the way it has arranged, like, you know, you have your Amazon account, your amp, you know, the Amazon app you can buy things in, but if you go to the, I mean, they may have changed this recently, but because I think partially because of this pressure, but there was a long time where like in the Kindle app, the Kindle had a store. You could buy books in the Kindle app on any other platform, but on the iPhone.
Starting point is 00:37:10 If you wanted to read a book and you wanted to buy it, you couldn't do it in the Kindle app. You would have to load Amazon on a web page and buy it there and then go back to the app, which is like, because you couldn't buy digital content. Right. Because, partially because Apple was like, well, we'll get a 30% cut of app, which is like, because you couldn't buy digital content. Right, because partially because Apple was like, well, we'll get a 30% cut of that, which is really insane when you think about it, because it's like, if you think about anything
Starting point is 00:37:32 that is abstract from the app store, which many things are, I mean, think about, okay, for example, Amazon is perfect, right? Amazon did not build its business on the app store. Amazon, Amazon being on the app store is a plus for the App Store, not the other way around, right? Obviously, I mean, obviously, Amazon had a very loyal and large web-based business,
Starting point is 00:37:53 and that would have fortnight is doing for- Right, fortnight didn't build its business on the App Store, but if it wanted to sell you something, suddenly the App Store is like, actually, we'll take a piece of that. And it's like, so it's interesting now that they're going to be inhibited from being able to step in between every one of these transactions. And how it'll play out technically is, I think, currently at this debate that is happening. But the key is that Apple has lost a little bit of its ground in its ability to exercise this tax that
Starting point is 00:38:25 it exerts on people who use the app store. And I think that that's kind of a wedge that could crack open to other sort of repositioning of how they operate as a business. And I do think it speaks to this problem that we have that we've talked about a lot, increasingly with technology, where everybody wants their thing to be the only thing. And they want you to buy the iPhone and to use Apple Mail and to buy the Apple speakers and use those in your house and use Siri as your personal assistant and they want you to use Safari as your browser and they want you to use Apple music and read Apple news.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And it's like this is not normal. That's not normal for human beings. It is you do not buy a house, a serious robot house actually in the old days you did buy a serious robot house and you bought a serious sofa to put in it and you bought some serious beds. But that's like the Sears catalog was the only place you could buy things. Okay and we moved on to a place where there was like the idea of variety and choice, talk about like people complaining about their freedom and their choices. It's interesting, but they're all too happy to just completely be streamlined into an ecosystem
Starting point is 00:39:40 by a company like Apple. But I think increasingly, and I hope this happens somewhat rapidly, I hope there's legislation around this, that we see more of this where it's like, it's not fair anymore to treat this thing like you are gifting your audience to people and they must submit to this tax.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Maybe I'm feeling a little bit motivated about this because I've been watching the John Adams miniseries that HBO produced many years ago, which of course is about the the revolutionary war and our independence, the American independence from Britain and John Adams played by a played by Paul Giamatti, brilliant wonderful actor, unlike the most unlikely star. But anyhow, and it's interesting to think about this idea that we are kind of living in these fiefdoms, like this Apple fiefdom.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Now, the judge actually ruled in a lot of ways that isn't the case, but the reality is for a lot of users that is the expectation, that is the company's expectation, that is what developers are grappling with. And in fact, we saw, I mean, a classic monopolistic move, Apple basically booted or banned this, you know, made it impossible for this app, this keyboard for the blind called FlickType
Starting point is 00:40:54 that was in the app store. We covered this, you know, the day after the event or the day of the event. And they basically created a clone of the keyboard that they've put into the new Apple Watch. And it's their remarkably. No, I mean, it's like, I'm sorry. That is, to me, that is, I understand like everybody's kind
Starting point is 00:41:14 of borrowing everybody else's ideas, but Apple has a pattern of this. They have a pattern of, then you can pay that person. Yes, buy, flip, buy, yes, hire the developer and say, we want you to bring this anywhere else. Well, you unlimited, literally unlimited money. Right, exactly. And they don't have, they don't really have like
Starting point is 00:41:31 deniability in these cases. And this has happened many times. They did it with their kind of night vision thing that they were, you know, they're whatever their screen dimming technology was another app that they basically ripped off. I mean, they do it all the time, but it's like, it is, that is classic monopolistic shit.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Amazon does the same thing. Amazon is, it's egregious at Amazon. Success is not a, yeah. No, I mean, but it's like, it's like the way that it harms the market is, you can't even imagine. And I do think, Apple, I don't know. I mean, what is the logical end of Apple? What is the, I mean, where is the end game for them?
Starting point is 00:42:07 You know, they make more, they have more money in the bank than pretty much anybody. They, I mean, the end game for them, the big goal is to swallow up as much of all software and technology as is possible without crossing over into radio. But to what end? But to what end, I mean, it's like where, why?
Starting point is 00:42:25 To like money? They think, I mean, I would like to say, I'd like to believe it there. It's the heart of things. Apple truly believes it can deliver a better experience than anyone else. They just want to make users so happy and give them so much.
Starting point is 00:42:39 But the reality is, that's not true. It's never been true. It's impossible for it to be true. They do some things better and they do some things worse. And I think anyhow, it's boring at this point to think about it and to talk about it even and to continue to live in this world where we're all pretending that being inside of Apple's ecosystem
Starting point is 00:43:01 is actually the best experience for the end user. And I just wish like legislation, this is the same by the way, for Facebook, I'd love to see Facebook broken up into pieces, many, many pieces, and then shot into the moon. You know, I think there are arguments around some of the stuff that Microsoft does. I mean, Microsoft actually has already been broken up, but I'm sure we could make some arguments. Google, for sure, you can make some arguments that their business is far too big.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I mean, when I think just about our business, the industry of media and content, and how much power Google and Facebook combined have over what you are able to see in here. I mean, talk about you, Nicky, you wanna be mad about something. And it's not about like, you know, quiet and conservative voices. It's just like the amount Google, Amazon, Facebook,
Starting point is 00:43:49 Microsoft, and Apple control more than the US government. I think it's probably fair to say about society. And I mean, I think they probably have more, can have more direct and immediate impact on the lives of everybody in, at least in America, for sure, than the government can at least in America for sure, then the government can at this point. I mean, in many ways.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And it's shocking to me. I mean, it's not shocking. It should be shocking is what I'm saying. It should be shocking that the US government looks at something like Amazon or Apple and says like, we can't find anything. We don't know any reason we should break this up. We can't think of a single way to control their power.
Starting point is 00:44:28 They're just, so it's like, yes, our laws were written before these things existed. Like over 40 years ago, they came into existence, 50 years ago, whatever. They came into existence and rose to a level of power where they commanded some of the market. And then slowly over time, slowly for them, but very quickly for the law,
Starting point is 00:44:48 they have amassed an enormous amount of power and we weren't necessarily prepared, but it does mean that you have to do your job in the... Well, I mean, you have to reign the men. I mean, it's absurd. You have to remember, though, a lot of those politicians think they might go to get a job in the private sector when they're done
Starting point is 00:45:04 with their careers of politicians. So, you know, you can't, you don't want to mess that up by bringing some kind of legislation against these companies. All right, we should probably get, we should probably, I want to, what do you want to do on one other thing? I want to talk about two other things. Well, I want to talk about just very quickly because we talked about the Matrix last week, the Matrix Resurrection. Oh, that was a reaction. Okay, good. just very quickly because we talked about the Matrix last week, the Matrix Resurrection. Oh, that was a reaction. Okay, good. And this was not well-message or well-known, but it turns out that, and we sort of were
Starting point is 00:45:31 talking about it a little bit, we sort of hinted at, or were in the, you know, in the conversation a little bit about this, but I, they're rebasely rebooting the series. They are retconning, they're basically saying the second and third movie didn't happen. And they didn't, so I'm glad that they didn't. Yeah, I'm happy. Because they never, they never have. But I think it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Because my whole thing was like, I think it's amazing because my whole thing was like, like my whole thing was, those last two movies are like forgettable and bad. And like I hope they kind of reboot. I even said like, oh, this is like a reboot opportunity for them. And that's what they're doing. They're basically like it picks up
Starting point is 00:46:22 where the first movie ended, which is interesting. Really interesting. Anyhow, that's what they're doing. They're basically like, it picks up where the first movie ended, which is interesting. Really interesting. Anyhow, that's it. I have the same address. Can I just say, a Tony named Brent came into my Twitter G.M. A what? And said to me that their theory is that
Starting point is 00:46:41 the matrix in the trailer is actually real life for some reason, like robots have given up on controlling humans through software and they're just gonna use regular capitalism and algorithms, but that our heroes will need to go in to the matrix where they have to like fight the AI or whatever. Oh, so you're saying. Rattid and Melli were around. and so when he's talking to the therapist the therapist is like this is reality and he's right it is really you're saying
Starting point is 00:47:12 We are you saying that this is what brand so okay, this is a just a person who DM you but the idea is the thing we see him at his therapist or whatever, we see like the city, there are people, a bunch of people looking at their phones and stuff. And that's real. That's not the Matrix. And then deep within our network, our networks. So it's a kind of a, it's kind of a SkyNet situation. Although the Matrix always was kind of a SkyNet thing.
Starting point is 00:47:44 But you're saying deep within our networks, it's a sky-net ready player-one situation where he's got to go in to fight the business. But you're saying that they, but you're saying that what they're, the new, they don't have us in pods, you're saying they're just using our regular style, like my high-pitched style,
Starting point is 00:48:03 and using out of the, I mean sort of like the idea of that, but at the end of the day, what's the danger to humanity that we bought something from an Instagram ad? Like, I mean, capitalism is literally to grind a lot of the world. I do like the idea of, you know, Nio's like,
Starting point is 00:48:21 we need to go into the matrix and stop them, and you know, Trinity's like, why? And he's like, people are buying, you know, Nio's like, we need to go into the Matrix and stop them. And you know, Trinity's like, why? And he's like, people are buying, you know, really stupid stuff on Instagram. We have to stop them. They're buying all this weird shit on Etsy. And the planet is fucking, they bought their buying jackets from a place
Starting point is 00:48:36 called Forman Thread. And I don't even think it's a real business that even has an office. I literally bought one of those jackets, by the way. I don't know, no sponsorship, but they're great, they're great, sort of house jacket. So anyhow, but the point, they're on deep hop,
Starting point is 00:48:48 eight layers deep buying image. They're selling vintage 90s. They're selling stock, stock exoscilling Nike shoes for four times their original value. They have to be stopped, Trinity. I like, I do like a Matrix where the stage. Trinity doing backflips around a Google. Yeah, I do like a Matrix where the state Trinity doing backflips around a good
Starting point is 00:49:10 Like a matrix where the stakes are a lot lower you know, yeah, and They're like we can't let it be great if it was just like a canary is like we can't let Jeff Bezos a crew anymore Any more value maybe they're right Maybe they're like wow this sucks out here. Let's go into the matrix. I think what actually, what if it's a flip on the whole Joey Pantilliano thing, you know, his character where he's like, I don't care if I'm in the matrix. They're like, can we get back?
Starting point is 00:49:35 We get back in the matrix because it sucks out here. They're like, I keep buying like door stops, like fancy door stops I see on Instagram for absolutely no reason. I'd like to be in a cooler world. I bought a, I bought a, I bought a door mat that says, take off your lube and thoughts. Yeah. It's like, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I love lube. I can't afford lube and thoughts. I want you though, because I keep buying all these lube and thoughts. And he's like, that's exactly the problem We have to stop a trinity Anyhow yeah, he's like this he shows him like somebody shows him like Facebook stories and he's like whoa
Starting point is 00:50:19 Anyhow I don't know there's a new Morpheus they like recast Morpheus. He's like a young He's like a younger hotter Morpheus is the idea which like I endorse you know, I'm into it But anyhow, I don't know, wherever it goes, I'm excited to see it and there's a pretty good chance. Now I'm gonna take my vacs up, ask to a movie theater to watch it and that is one to grow on. Can we talk about death loop? Oh my God, I'd love to talk about death loop
Starting point is 00:50:42 because I'm close to purchasing it because oh I'm eating shit all the time. We were like, I don't about death loop. Oh my God, I'd love to talk about death loop because I'm close to purchasing it because, oh, I'm eating shit, big time. We were like, I don't care about that. I heard, and I'm over here. I heard, fucking jacked into the meat. I heard rumors. The death loop is actually has a pretty good story and is not just like a Fortnite light or whatever
Starting point is 00:50:58 with like some, no, it's great. Is it gonna have a story? It has a story. Okay, because now I'm locked in. Although I did just buy Ry's son of Rome for $2.34 on the Steam Store. And I gotta tell you, I don't like the game exactly, but it's like pretty impressive game for two bucks.
Starting point is 00:51:13 It's like, I know it's from 2014 or whatever, but I love when I get a game that I just slapped on completely and it's like four years later and it cost five cents. And it's like a full game. It's like a full, I would have paid $60 for it. One of the things about Deathloop is like, I'm like, I know, at some point in the near future,
Starting point is 00:51:32 Deathloop is going to be marked down to $45.99 or something. And I'm going to be like, now I'm going to buy it. I bet you January 2022, Deathloop goes for 30 bucks. Yeah, I'm going to wait, man. I'm going to get this chill. Yeah, I'm gonna wait, man. I'm gonna chill. I definitely recommend playing it on the PC. I'm playing it on PlayStation 5. That was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:51:50 That was a huge mistake. That's horrible. I heard it sucks. Well, I wanted to use the dual sense and get a general vibe at professionally. You wanted to pretend that your investment in the PlayStation could somehow be redeemed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I wanted to give them a chance. That was a big mistake. It is a game very much built for the PC. But it's stunning and it's very fun. And I'm eating shit because we talked all that shit about it's aesthetic. I actually really like it. I'm having a good time.
Starting point is 00:52:20 So I wanted to just say, if you were laughing at us for joking about death loop, were right and we were wrong and That it's great go buy it very good not indeed my nice thing, but a nice thing. I mean, it's you know, it's something Speaking of Do you want to be want to do nice things? I mean I'm trying to think if if I have a nice thing. I'm trying to think of what my nice things might be I finished putting my car back together, I already mentioned that, but that's a big,
Starting point is 00:52:47 that's a big nice thing, although it has not, I've not dealt with the actual sound problem which appears to be like, I'm just gonna have to get a new muffler because my muffler is too loud. I think like ultimately I've done everything I can in the interior or nearly everything, and I just have to, it's not very loud. It's not muffled enough.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I need to be like a womb, I need to be inside deep inside a womb as usual Anyhow, no, I don't have I don't have a big nice my nice thing is I got I got a video game for two dollars And it's like a triple A title that has really good graph actually really impressive graphics for being from 2014 Oh, and also I started playing remember I we talked about Alan Wake, and I started replaying Alan Wake. I bought the PC version, which you can crank up every setting. I would try to assume it's what they're going to do in the PS5. It literally just looks like that.
Starting point is 00:53:37 It does look like that. I have to say some of it's really clunky, like some of the movement and I would be nice if they actually did re-render some of their pre-reddered scenes because they look really like, people's joints aren't right. I know, it's like. Playing the Mass Effect Remastered, listen, I love Mass Effect. I talked about it a whole bunch when I was playing it.
Starting point is 00:53:54 It's a great script. A lot cannot just be done procedurally to make it look better. There's a lot of fine tuning. We were very forgiving of people not actually holding coffee cups, just the coffee cup is floating around their hand and then they lifted to their face.
Starting point is 00:54:10 That was fine in 2006. Yeah. Nowadays it's rough. Some of this stuff is rough and I'm hoping if they're putting any money into this Alan Wake thing at all that they do a little fine tuning because I have replayed Alan Wake the 360 all that they do a little fine-tuning because I have replayed Alan Wake the 360 version on Series X with all the improvements that the Series
Starting point is 00:54:30 X can make and it is not enough improvements. No, I mean, I have everything absolutely cranked to the max and, you know, it looks pretty good in some places, but it's definitely like a multiple generations old game. And you can tell a lot of the ideas that are there were amazing, but have clearly been refined elsewhere. Yeah, I mean, you could see in control, they basically took some of their best ideas and they were like, let's make it really, really good.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Let's make it good. Yeah. And it is good. And I will say the writing and the whole vibe of it is so fun and like so good. And I was like, as I've been replaying it, which is enjoyable for the most part, because it actually has a story, which as you know I love,
Starting point is 00:55:08 that I am excited, I really want them to make a new Alan Wake. And I was thinking about how amazing on a new PC or a, you know, one of these next-gen systems, how amazing a new Alan Wake can look. And so I hope that they do it. I'm very excited about it. I think that's a great, it was one of the best games I've ever played when I played it.
Starting point is 00:55:27 One of the greatest story lines that I've ever played in a game. And I sincerely hope they remake it. I'm gonna, I'll probably, I mean, not remake it. Sorry, do a sequel to it because I think it's like, the games like Control or Alan Wake, I put them in there. They're in like the Resident Evil category.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Although the last one was kind of a disappointment, I still kind of enjoyed it, but it was like eh. But there are just like, there aren't that many games, like the BioShock series. These are handful of games that are both like incredibly fun action games, action adventure games that also have just a really killer storyline. And I play a lot of games and I just feel totally fatigued by, like I've been playing the game Dying Light, which is actually an amazing, an amazing game.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And if you play it on like a high-end PC, the graphics are fucking incredible. Even though it was seriously, I think I bought it for my Xbox 360, maybe. I know, I mean, the graphics of Dying Light are. They're so good. And I just kind of picked it up. I started playing, again, I bought it for my Xbox 360, maybe. I know, I mean, the graphics of the Banglight art. They're so good. And I just kind of picked it up. I started playing, again, I bought it.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I think I bought it on sale for like $5 or something on Steam, because I had it for my 360 or one of those systems. And I started playing it again. And now I'm like, I literally got to a place in the game I'd never been. I was like, wow, I had no idea this was even here. The game's good.
Starting point is 00:56:42 It's super fun to play. It's got these fun little missions. But as a total, as an all-encompassing story, it's like pretty thin, you know? It's like muscular guys got to do submissions and save the people. It's like, okay, that's a game. But like alien isolation, great fucking story, great game.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Or absolutely nightmare to play. But anyhow, they're few and far between, I wish the people made more of them, I guess it absolutely nightmare to play. But anyhow, they're a few and far between I wish that people made more of them, I guess it's hard to do. Obviously, last of us falls into that category. Mostly, they're very depressing. Alan Wake is like one that, I also forgot that Alan Wake does this amazing thing, which is like every part of the game is kind of ends like an episode from a prestige TV show with music and stuff. And it feels it's a really fun little device they use. It works really well. And I guess that's my nice thing. All right, you go ahead. I went and saw a movie that is coming out today. Is it June? No, no. I saw last week a movie at SoHo has called
Starting point is 00:57:47 Everybody's Talking About Jimmy, which is an adaptation of a stage musical that is an adaptation of a documentary. What up? Yeah. And it is about a teenager in very white UK, I will say the movie is pretty white, who wants to become a drag queen
Starting point is 00:58:05 and whose teachers are like, you shouldn't do that. And I thought, this is gonna be a little glee-esque, but I'll get stoned and it'll be cute. Listen, is it the greatest movie musical that has ever been released? Obviously not, but, because we all know that that's Chicago, but I absolutely had a delightful time and I am so happy that Quirteens the world over especially the ones that want to do drag because Lord knows RuPaul's gonna need more grist for the mill
Starting point is 00:58:35 Are now have their own version of high school musical their own version of west side story their own version of Greece it was Delightful story, their own version of Greece. It was delightful, completely exactly what you think it's going to be. You know, the beat for beat story plays out pretty much how you would guess. Probably because it had to be based on real life, but it was so inspiring. The music was really good. The production value was there. Everyone's performances was great. Sharon Horton was in it. She's just a delight. I walked out of there, again, I was stone. So, upon a rewatch it is cheesier and a little crazier than I thought, oops.
Starting point is 00:59:10 But I walked out thinking that was the most fun I've had at the movies. And the first time I kind of forgot about the state of the world in a very long time. I don't know how long, but for quite a while. And I have to recommend it, it'll be on Amazon Prime. So, even better because it'll be in the living rooms of people all around the world who whose parents are already paying
Starting point is 00:59:29 for Amazon Prime and who could benefit from having this in their life. And I had a great time. So if you've timed this weekend and you're just hanging out or if you've kids, especially any kids who've ever showed any interest in the arts, it is a great fun time and you should go watch it. And it is everything that Dear Evan Hansen told you it was gonna be and obviously wasn't. Well, I have enhanced and sucks. That sounds great. That's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Well, let's get out of here. I mean, we said we're gonna do a short one but it's not that short and I think we owe it to Tony to leave on a high note. Don't worry Josh, I'll cut out 20 to 40 minutes of meat. There's easily, you would easily cut out most of what I said in this episode, I think. And I'm going to encourage you to do so.
Starting point is 01:00:11 All right, goodbye. Goodbye. Well that is our show for this week. We'll be back next week with more tomorrow and as always I wish you and your family the very best though I've just heard about your family's balls and it's not good. you

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