Toni and Ryan - Three Mystery Women
Episode Date: February 23, 2025Ryan is finally opening up about his spicy past!!!! Love u xoxoxCheck out our Patreon at, and make sure you join our Facebook Group! Find #ToniAndRyan on Instagram @tonilo...dge and @ryan.jon OR on TikTok @toniandryanpodcast Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Welcome home, my boy.
He's now streaming on AirMount Plus.
He is much more impressive than the hedgehog I fought previously. Dude, I'm standing right here. Welcome to the Tony Ryan podcast.
I'm Tony.
That's right.
And let's go Josh who's in Sacramento.
Hot Girl Josh.
That feels like, like the real life Sacramento. Hot Girl Josh. Yep. That feels like, like the real life Sacramento.
Like, you know, that show that they used to make, like the real life.
She's the real life and the real housewives.
They no, no bounds.
Hot Girl Josh, how you doing?
Good, guys. How are you?
We're very, better for talking to you, Josh.
How's Sacramento?
It's cold and rainy.
Oh, that's not when we picture California. I don't like that Josh. I don't like that Josh.
No, can't do that. Tony, he's just joking around.
Just joking. I don't like that.
Uh, Josh, will you approve today's episode?
At the fucking willy.
Yeah, you will.
Sorry, that was Valley Girl. That wasn't the same thing.
It sure was. It never rains't the same thing. Yeah.
It never rains in the valley in my mind.
No, not at all.
This is Josh from Sacramento, California, and I approve this podcast.
Coming up today, I don't know if anyone else has this, but like a few moments of your past that just make you cringe.
Maybe you never got answers or you did something silly and you're just like, oh, if I could
see those people again, I'd just love to say this or I'm sorry.
Or I just, a bit of a closed loop maybe in your life.
There's something that happened in my life
about 10 or 15 years ago that I don't really know
what happened after I left.
Oh my God.
And I haven't ever been able to find out.
So it's a bit of a, like a public call out
for these three girls.
And we'll get to that soon.
Might have three kids you don't know about.
Oh, sorry.
No, sorry.
Well, this is kind of might be a little bit of one of those reminders for people
listening and for you, Ryan, because I was chatting with a friend of mine, like over the weekend, they're in between jobs at the moment.
And can I just say that that is the coolest phrase, like how to take something that could
be like you, the way you could phrase that it is just the most fancy way of phrasing,
like I don't have a job.
And because you can be without a job for many reasons, you might be like on
sabbatical or, you know, you might've just been made redundant or you've just
been like fucking so amazingly fired.
Or you're just looking for a new thing.
There's like lots of reasons you could not have a job.
Do we think the in between dot dot dot could be used in other areas?
For example, there's this girl who
I follow on TikTok and she kind of like met her life partner and was like so mentally
like this is my forever guy and like, but it hasn't like worked out. So she's kind of
like going through it at the moment. And does the term in between boyfriends at the moment,
you know what I mean?
I love that. What what a power move.
Yeah, because take it back.
I never had any issue.
Like I liked being single and being on my own.
But some people just really like the comfort of having a partner.
And as soon as they break up with someone, they're like, oh my God, where do I find
this next partner?
And I think she should just embrace being in between boyfriends and not take it on.
But I also think that saying in between boyfriends
feels like just tongue in cheek.
It's hilarious.
And like, whatever.
I don't think it necessarily means
like not enjoying being single.
It is very funny.
You imagine the power move if like you're at a cafe
or something and someone's like,
oh, what are you having?
You go, I'm actually in between coffees right now.
Like I need another one and it's not on the way yet.
What about when I say something that I think's funny,
but it turns out like maybe it's not that funny.
Am I just like in between good jokes?
At all times.
Such as this.
Just perpetually between jokes.
Maybe I'm always between jokes.
No, but you're doing the joke.
You know what I mean?
You're funny all the time.
I'm in between being funny.
Ryan goes, I'm actually in between personalities.
There's two good ones either side, but I'm in that real grumpy one in the middle.
I'm in between good moods.
How are you feeling today?
I'm just in between good moods.
I'm just between two good nights of sleep.
I haven't had the first one or the second one.
I'd love to be anywhere near a good night's sleep.
Yeah, okay.
So they're in between jobs.
I love it too.
But I just think it really, maybe it's a little bit corporate shit,
but I just think it sounds so fucking fancy.
Yeah, same.
Anyway, and then, so we've kind of been talking about how he
liked it and have a job and he goes, I'm in between jobs. And I knew that he had an interview last
week. Um, so I was like, Oh my God, like, give me the ghost. How'd you go? Like what's going on?
And he goes, Oh, it wasn't great. And I was like, Oh, did like the interview question, you know,
when sometimes I throw you a fucking hairy one and you go, that's not what I really thought.
Or they start describing like the scope of a job that you go, I don't think that's what
I'm here for.
I really need a job, but I really don't want to or know how to do anything you just talked
I don't think that's the one for me.
Yeah. Anyway, and I was like, oh, so yeah, like in there, was it just like real stressful?
They go before all that.
And I was like, how can it go badly before you get in the room?
Oh, yeah.
And they're like, I was so nervous.
I drove into the car park and I, and he goes like, I see a car park.
I'm like, thank God.
And it's kind of like a business park where there's like five or six businesses.
There's like, you know, a workshop and upstairs there's like the more corporate,
like there's like a bank place and you know, that kind of thing and shared
car park out the front.
Shared car parks.
Drive into the car park. Go.
I'll just straighten up a little bit and backed into another car in the fucking car park.
Fuck. Fuck.
I thought you were going to say I parked in the boss's spot and backing into a car is
significantly worse than that.
And so-
Because the nerves that got them or are they just a shit parker?
No, no, no.
Just like so fucking nervous.
Are you prepared to out this shit parker?
Do I know them?
No, no, no, no, no, you don't.
Anyway, so you must do.
You're in between knowing who it is.
Anyway, backs into this other car and is kind of like, I would never normally even consider
not saying anything, but they're like, I just, I'm so, I'm so nervous.
I'm so embarrassed.
And what if this stops me from getting this job?
Like because-
Wouldn't if they found out later that it was you significantly impact your ability.
Like that's-
Like if someone-
But short term, I think you're like, I just won't say anything.
Yeah. And maybe you're running late, like that's going to take time and you've got to leave a note.
And who the fuck's got a pen? Yeah.
And because it's this big shared building, he goes, it's not as if I can just walk in and go-
Who's got that Mazda?
Yeah. He's like, I then have to go to all of the buildings. Where do you work? I don't. Yeah. He's like, I then have to go to all of the building.
Where do you work? I don't see you for an interview.
Oh, yeah. Well, I'm hoping to work upstairs at that bank.
Yeah. Hopefully I get the job so then I can earn some money to pay for your bumper.
Yeah, because I, yeah, I really need it.
He's like, fuck, is it? Was it the boss's car? Was it?
You know, like going through all of the things anyway, he's walking around.
And it turns out it was like the boss of the business next door, but he walks in there and he's
just like, Oh, I'm just wondering if that someone's fucking Mazda.
I've just, I'm so sorry, but like, I'm here for an interview upstairs and I've, you know,
and they'll go, Oh my God, like, is the car okay?
And he's like, no, no, no, it's fine.
And I've got insurance, it's fine.
But then everybody from that business walks over to the car.
And everyone upstairs in all the businesses obviously go, what's going on down in the car?
There's a commotion downstairs.
There's a hubbub.
A brouhaha happening in the car park.
And you know, when you look up at like windows and everyone's, you can see them all looking down.
So there's like three businesses upstairs.
All of them are standing at the windows of the upstairs, looking down into the car park.
And they're looking at this Mazda and going like, Oh fuck, you know, they're taking
photos and exchanging information anyway.
And he goes, all right, so I'll actually got to go cause I've got it.
I've got an interview upstairs and then walks up there and they're like,
you're the guy that caused the
and then, but is it one of those things where like, you know, when you're running a bit You're the guy that caused the bruise on my down-sand. And then-
But is it one of those things where like, you know, when you're running a bit late,
well, you might not know this. Or maybe you do because-
Because I get into a flat if I'm running late.
But then like, it's like your whole fucking day's off.
Totally. Oh yeah. Which is why I don't run late to try and avoid that.
Oh, but if you slept in and even if you called up your boss and you go,
man, I know I started at 8.30, I'm not going to be there till 9 30. Cause I've just, and they go totally fine. All good.
But you still get there and you're absolutely. And then you got to go in and be cool and calm
and educated and smart and stuff. And an interview. And it's not like if you called your boss,
like where you already work and go, Oh my God, bro. I'm so, so like I've slept in.
I'm on my way though.
And I'll just work late or something.
You can't do that to an interview.
I've slept in.
Can we push the interview back an hour?
They go, just don't bother, babe.
Oh, good.
Just don't bother coming in.
Uh, do we have an update?
They got the job.
What the fuck?
Holy shit.
And the boss of the, where they were actually interviewing
like upstairs at the bank. They were like, Oh fuck, what was that down there? And this boss
is just like so fucking chill. And they're like, what are, and he goes, Oh, I'm so sorry. Like I
hit the car from the guy next door and I'm like, like in such a fight. And he goes, huh, shit.
And just like walks away.
I was gonna go, oh, is the boss next door?
That guy's a fucking piece of people.
You know?
And he goes, you're hired.
He goes, yeah, I hate that.
He's always parking in my spot.
Yeah, cause we're assuming he likes the guy.
Yeah, or you're just assuming that you're like, oh.
And you know, driving's not necessary for the job.
So you know, maybe it's okay.
Yeah, and now he got the job at the delivery expo.
He's now an Uber Eats driver.
Well done, mate.
Welcome to the team.
Appreciate it.
This is Josh from Sacramento, California,
and this is Tony and Ryan.
With the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan.
You know for texting and stuff and if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan
you're not with Fizz. Switch today conditions apply details at
Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Welcome home my my boy. He's now streaming on Paramount+. He is much more impressive than the hedgehog I fought previously.
Dude, I'm standing right here.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3, now streaming on Paramount+. A massive shout out to a few of our champion tapas over at our Patreon.
Thank you so much for being here.
Makala Seekit, good on you Makala.
Mari Simmons love you Mari.
Tyler Klinger, hardly know her.
Natalie Hasselhoff.
Not Hasselhoff.
Just letting you know.
I'm still stuck on the clinger from before.
Those three girls from before. Those three.
Andrew McEwen, good on you, Andrew and Melanne.
It might be Melanie.
Cause it's M-E-L-A-I-N-E and it might supposed to be N-I-E.
Oh yeah. Do you know what I mean? No, but sure. M-E-L-A-I-N-E and it might supposed to be N-I-E.
Oh, yeah. Do you know what I mean?
No, but sure.
When you start throwing letters at me,
you might as well just punch me in the mouth.
But it might be Milan, but that would be like Italy.
Yeah. Like M-I-L-A-N.
Anyway, Melania, maybe.
I've got two little tidbits on the job interview story.
Oh yeah.
Well, first of all,
if anyone else has a cracking job interview story. But funny. Well, first of all, if anyone else has a cracking job interview story.
But funny.
But funny.
And bonus point,
you don't have to have got the job,
a bonus point if you got the job.
Even better.
Put it in today's episode thread.
I'd love to hear that.
But I've got a cracking question.
I've heard this on three separate podcasts
in the last few months.
So I feel like I'm gonna make it the fourth podcast today.
Coincidence chat.
Yeah, yeah.
So here, you know at the end how they always go,
did you have any questions for us? Oh yeah, in aidence chat. Yeah. Yeah. So he, you know, at the end, how they always go, did you have any questions for us?
Oh yeah.
In a job interview.
Here's the question for you.
He's a, and it's not for me, like I've heard this and I've gone, that sounds good.
Actually Tony, you asked me and I'm going for the job.
Oh, well, Ryan, everything looks absolutely phenomenal.
Just wondering before we head off, like, do you have any questions for any of us?
It's a panel interview.
Yeah. Um, say, you know, this interview goes really well and I get the job.
That would be awesome.
What would I have to do in the first 12 months for you to in a year's time go,
Oh, we've hired the right guy.
He was fantastic.
Eat my pussy.
Because well, here's, there's actually a few things for it. First of all, if you do get the job, they're literally giving you the answers to the quiz.
Cause they go, what do you really want to see me do?
And they go, Oh, to be honest, we just really need someone to see this, this and this and
get along with these guys.
And you go, thank you for the answers to the quiz.
I will do those things.
I can now see what my year looks like.
Yeah. But here's the-
You'd be so impressed hearing that question as it-
No, but here's the real fucking trick.
As someone currently hiring people.
Here's the real trick.
Here's the answers to the quiz.
Ask that if we're interviewing you.
Please ask that.
In fact, if you don't ask that, bad luck.
You're out.
Cause it means you don't listen to this fuck-a-fuck-a-fuck.
We're hiring a meme lord, by the way.
What it does is that person starts visualizing you doing a really good job.
Because you say, imagine I do a really good job and they kind of, the boss would
go, Oh yeah, you're doing this, that you're doing that.
And I wouldn't have to worry about this because you'd take care of that.
And, and they're envisaging you doing the thing they want you to do.
Like they can literally see it in their mind.
You know what I mean?
I think even, um, that's a great exercise for, yeah, but a great
exercise for anybody that's like, what do I actually want you to do?
Not what is the role of this job?
What am I supposed to say?
But in 12 months, what would I love to see you achieve?
That's awesome. Yeah. And you're right. Great question for you see you achieve? Yeah. That's awesome.
Yeah, and you're right.
I've got a question for you.
Oh yeah, Charles.
No, Charles, I'm not taking that question on.
In the next 12 months, if this job was to go well and I was to make it through my probation,
in the next 12 months, what would you?
Big if.
When is your probation up?
Because I'm so excited to.
Don't you dare.
Charles is absolutely wonderful.
I'm guessing that your
probation's up in what like June, cause she started here like full time in January. It's like six months.
I think. Yeah. June. Oh, financial year. That's good for us. Is it?
I've never seen someone say something so confidently and then like be absolutely, I don't know.
So you guys, have you heard of acting?
Is this new thing?
And basically what it is, is you just pretended to be someone.
Just then I was pretending to be someone that understands what a financial year means.
Imagine if you're an actor and you're auditioning for a role and you say to the director,
say you cast me in this film and it turns out that I nailed the role, what would that look like?
And they're imagining the film.
Yeah and I'd see you doing this and you'd be really concentrating on these scenes and
nailing this part of it.
And then you and Robert Pattinson would kiss at the end.
So that would obviously be...
Also, whatever they say, you just go, I can do that.
You know, done.
Anyway, there's a free one for you.
That's good.
I like that.
But yeah, I mean, we would love to hear though, when you haven't done that
and when it fucked up, put it in the episode thread today.
All right.
So when I was at Pitch picture partners, the accounting firm,
for 2000 and fuck, it's going to age me like almost 15 years ago.
What year was it?
So hang on.
I think I finished my thesis in 2011, which means I would have started with
them in 2012, maybe.
Did you do a thesis for accounting?
Well, I did an honours, like I wrote a dissertation.
So you get your bachelor of whatever, but if you want the honours bracket, that's an
extra year in your writer thing.
Oh, that's cool.
Not really, no.
But like, cool.
It just bought me a year to not get a job.
Yeah, totally.
You know?
Oh no, I've got an extra year of doing honours, yeah.
So yeah, it must be 2012.
And they've got this thing called the Harold at Pitcher Partners.
Or the Harry, something like that.
And basically, everyone-
Who's that?
Well, it's based on this old story or this old bloke who was a bit of a fucking legend or something.
There's a story behind it.
But anyway, it's like a dress up pub crawl fucking fun thing.
Oh, so it just not a person.
No, but it might've been called that because Harry created it back in the day.
But when you said the Harry, I'm imagining like, he's the Harry this year.
Like you're the shit cunt of the office.
You don't have to beat that legally.
You can keep shit cunt in.
Thank God we've agreed to keep in shit cunt.
Don't overdo it though. Don't be a shit coming in. Yeah. Um, thank God we've agreed to keep in shit can't. Don't overdo it though.
Don't be a shit can't.
You don't tell me what to do.
My name's first.
So how do you see the next 12 months playing out for you?
How do you say the next seven minutes playing out?
So I'm pretty sure at five o'clock you get your first clue
and you got to figure it out
and you're all dressed up as a theme
and I was dressed as Batman.
So maybe it was like a superhero is whatever.
Sure, yeah, or movie character.
Yeah, and it kind of gets to the late afternoon on a Friday
and everyone knows it's like the Harry Knight
or the Harold or whatever.
And everyone starts like, you know,
the laptops start closing and the brewskis start coming out.
And that's quite fun.
I'm a fan of corporate fun.
Well, and what's good, because the firm had like 500 people, there's kind of.
And so there's like.
500 accountants.
That sounds boring.
Well, that's why we do shit like this to make it slightly less boring.
Um, and you kind of get paired up like,
oh, group seven is like some old partner
from the risk department and someone from over there.
And so you get to meet all these new people and whatever.
And so you get all these clues and it turns out
the clues take you to the first bar
and there's, you know, free drinks for an hour or so.
And then after the free drinks,
but they all here's clue to,
and you end up going to three or 40 different places
and you end up at this nightclub.
And it's all through the city and it's a really fun night.
And everyone's dressed up.
Everyone's dressed up.
And so throughout the city,
you're seeing random fucking people and you go,
oh, they must be with us because you know,
and it's just, you know, it's a really fun night.
And out of 500 people, you wouldn't know anyone else.
No, and I was a grad,
so I'd probably been there for a month and a half.
So you barely know anyone.
And the firms that big,
you probably go your whole life not meeting every,
you know, like, yeah.
And so I got to the last,
so few drinks in the afternoon,
go to the first place, few drinks, second place.
We get to the last place.
And I don't know if you know this feeling,
but you just go,
I am probably one beer away from just.
This is it.
Like, if I don't figure out how I'm getting home, if I have one more, like I just, I'm on the, my tipping point.
And I've, I've realized this. I'm on one, I'm one beer away from fucking being in a bit of trouble here.
You know, when that always happens to me.
After the first one.
No. Oh yeah, actually. Yes. After one drink, I'm like, I probably should get home in the toilet.
When it's quiet.
I was like, I probably should get home in the toilet. When it's quiet, all of a sudden-
Because you're chatting and you're on
and you're fucking whizzing around.
Then you're like, oh, hang on,
I'm just gonna go do a wee.
And you sit down and you go, who am I?
Who am I?
I think when you walk outside and it's just like quiet,
because the whole time you're like, yeah, what?
And then she said, oh my God.
And the energy.
And then you walk outside and you go,
fucking hell, I'm a fuck.
And maybe I was that,
maybe I went to the bathroom or outside.
And I was like,
Holy shit.
Actually, you know what?
I fucking should try and figure out
how to fucking get home because I'm-
To fucking Elpham.
So, yeah.
I think I got a message from a friend
that was like, come meet us somewhere else.
And I was like,
Oh, okay, I'll have to go now because yeah. So because we've been in the nightclub and we've been hot
and sweaty and whatever, the very tight, very leather outfit that I was wearing, that was a
little bit too small, had started like- The kids Batman costume.
Yeah. It started to like stick to me a little bit. Like it was, and so obviously when you're in a
group of people dressed up, it's fun.
But as soon as you start going on my catching a train to Altham and you go, well, do I want to be dressed as Batman by myself going home at me?
You know what I mean?
Like grad students, you don't have Uber money or taxi.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not even part of the question.
It's train or nah.
Yeah. Train or bus.
And you go train or call on mum and be like, can you fuck, come get me?
No, I don't want to mum to see me in that state. But kind of.
And so I go, fuck, I'm going to have to get back to the office
and like take this clothes off.
I'll chuck my suit back on.
And at least I look like in a shirt and pants.
I just look like a regular person.
You've just finished work and that's fine.
And it's all fine.
So I go, okay, I'll get back to the office.
And I'm, so we get there,
it's probably midnight in the accounting firm.
So there's a couple of like emergency safety lights,
but it's, you know, it's kind of a bit dim and whatever.
And I'm like, you know, when you like read your phone,
but you have to close one eye.
Like you're in what you're like, you're proper.
Oh mate, I know.
Like we said, after one drink, I'm familiar.
But it was one of those like,
the room was starting to spin.
I couldn't really concentrate on much.
And then I'm like, the suit was really stuck to me.
Did you start feeling like, you know,
when you get a little bit like anky
about like things being too tight.
Yeah, and also I'm pretty sure like the last train's
like 12.40 and if you miss the last one,
like that's kind of it until 5 a.m.
You're really taking me with you
because this is so stressful.
I'm sweating.
And so I'm starting to do that.
I'm like, fuck, I like, I'm going to make it if I get changed now, but I'm like,
I'm fucking stuck.
I like, I've got to figure out how to fucking-
Did you shit on the floor of the picture partners?
No, I would never do that to them.
Sounds like you did.
So then I hear these like giggles from, you know, down the hallway.
And I go, okay, there was someone else here. And it's, it's actually kind of normal on a Friday night for people to go out,
I'll go back and get my jacket on the way home.
And so it's not strange that there's a couple of, you know, how's your night been?
Oh, pretty good. Yeah.
You may have a good.
And so I'll hear these kind of giggles and I kind of walk down there and,
and I go, oh, what's going on here?
And they're, and you know, they're dressed up and fucked and whatever.
And they were like, we were coming back to go to the toilet before we had home.
Yeah. Kind of same sort of deal.
And I was like, I fucking can't get this suit off.
Can you help me take this?
Like it's fucking stuck and I'm sweaty.
Oh, you girls don't mind helping me take these pants.
No, like it sounds smooth, but the state I was in and the stickiness and just how like,
the stickiness.
But like the unflatteringness of this outfit.
It wasn't sexy at all.
So I've like wandered down the hall on with them.
They like had to unzip me at the back and I could, cause I couldn't reach and then they
like the three of them like, and they're all pissing themselves laughing and then hammered
as well, like peel me out of this full black bodysuit.
And then so they've like taken my clothes off and then I've realized that like I'm
down the hall, like my staff is, you know, it's not like, oh,
just put this on, put this back on.
I hadn't really thought past getting the suit off.
Yeah. And that like the consequence of taking the costume off was then being naked.
And then I was like, Oh, I got to go get my, and then, and they're just like
giggling and laughing and fucking whatever.
But also it was 2011.
What was the rig like?
Pretty deice.
It's better than this one.
Oh, I mean, I'd take this one on, but you know.
So anyway, I, um, I go and find my clothes, put them on, scurry to the train station, catch the
train out and see my mate, Tom, you know, and I end up going home.
Tom Wood?
No, Tom, Tom Lock, Tom Wood.
But he was, yeah, anyway.
So in 2025, I still don't know who they are.
They are 100% telling people this story. They're going, have you seen that guy
who does like things you can say in the bedroom? Because I've seen him all kinds of naked. Yeah,
and like the least flattering kind, you know, like there's, there's sexy take my clothes off
and there's like peeling sweatiness off the, you know. And so I rock up to work on the Monday and I know, and it was on my floor.
So I know that someone here, three of them took my clothes off and peeled me off
and saw like my little butt run through the office, but I can't go around going,
Hey, was that your phone?
And they go, what?
And I go nothing.
And also, you know, they go, why, what did you do?
Like people then are like asking questions.
Why were you back here getting naked in the office?
And so I-
And does there need to be an inquiry
into what you've done?
But I kind of half expected maybe, like comically,
not like being a dick,
but I was kind of half expecting in the next few days, someone to walk past and be like, Oh, can you
get, get a home, right?
Maybe like, how you going Batman?
And you go, okay.
Yeah, never happened.
So, okay.
I'm not being funny.
I've got, I think I know what happened.
It was three ghosts.
Casper, that little slush.
It was ghost. Ghosts.
Maybe it's ghosts, but I would like to know 14 years ago, did you or anyone you know,
strip me out of a sweaty Batman costume?
Or alternate question.
Do you know three ghosts that love Tony and Ryan?
And love accounting.
Cause that might be us. That is fucking amazing.
Yeah. Like I said, I, and always, anytime I see someone dressed as Batman,
every time I walk through the city and I see the office that used to be on the corner of William Street and Clinders Lane. And I go,
or I see someone I used to work with,
or someone pops up on picture partners on LinkedIn and go, oh, this person's been promoted to partner. And I go, or I see someone I used to work with, or someone pops up on picture
partners on LinkedIn and go, Oh, this person's been promoted to partner.
And I go, have they seen me?
Was that them?
And I'll never know.
And I'll never know.
Oh, the dangers of working in a huge office.
Luckily it's just, you know, yeah.
Um, I saw two people making out of work the other day.
Oh, can I, can I just, while we're talking about people in the office.
Um, we have a wonderful team here.
All of what?
I get a photo.
Was it from Tony or from Charles?
It was not from Charles.
I sent it.
There was a photo from Tony with Charles sitting at Tony's table and they were
just having McDonald's together.
And say what the text said.
It said, we're just having Maccas without you.
No, no, it said, wish you were here.
Maybe it should have said wish we invited you.
Subtle, but very big difference.
Big difference.
I would have invited you, but you were on important business meeting beforehand.
When I left the office, you were...
Charles, I don't think you can make it any better.
I'm really sorry.
You've said enough.
That was not okay.
I really love to say it here, just to bring it back a little bit.
Bring us back.
Remember last week we started talking about hot dogs?
Hot dogs!
Hot dogs!
I love hot dogs.
Hot dogs are great.
Why did we even say that you were just saying in an accent?
No, no accent, but we were talking about Costco.
That's right. And I said, you just want to go and get a hot dog.
All right. Let me send you this picture.
And this is sent in by Charlie Walker.
Oh, so cute.
What do you see? A little hot dog on the floor.
A little dush and like a little sausage dog like passed out on the floor.
This is my little sausage dog.
His name is Otto.
A literal hot dog says Charlie.
His little sausage dog and he is by definition an hot dog.
P.S. Please don't mind his blotchiness.
He has sensitive skin and little sore paws.
I get it.
Tony gets it.
Don't mind my sensitive skin, you know?
And I think when I watch you sleep,
you look just as peaceful as the little hot dog there.
Do you think he looks like Bronn?
His face?
Yeah, which is so strange because obviously
he's like an eighth of the size.
Yeah, but he's such a little cutie.
So thanks Charlie for sending-
I love a little sausage dog.
After that, I Googled it and I was like, oh, aren't they fun?
But a little hot dog.
Very cute.
I've also got to love to see it here.
This popped up for me on Facebook.
I've just sent you a photo, but basically it's this like
motorbike Facebook group that just randomly showed up in my thing.
And basically this guy is saying, like, oh, I've got this XYZ type of fucking
bike and it's really heavy and I live in an apartment and I've just gotten,
um, someone posted a complaint in their like building thing because the bike was
putting little divots in the freshly laid asphalt.
Oh, heaven for fucking bid.
And so, and because it's on, you know, like a bike on that stand, it's quite a small,
it's obviously really strong, but it's little.
It's a little stand and a very heavy bike.
Yeah, I get it.
Anyway, and it's quite a meaty, like tough looking bike.
And then the solution that this guy, Ty, has found was that his kids got a hard
little McDonald's crock with a Happy Meal. And it happened to be the exact right size to fit
underneath the little stand, but give it a little bit more surface area so it didn't put the little divots in the thing.
And so there's this, we'll put this in our episode, it is so funny.
It's a crock for a motorbike stand.
It is, but it's this really meaty, juicy, like, lads bike with a tiny plastic red crock on the bottom.
And I saw that and I laughed so hard.
I just thought it was so fucking funny.
It's so cute.
I love it.
And also how clever.
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
And you've always, you have always said that.
And can I just say we're learning over the journey.
That there are pros and cons to Crocs.
Sure, they're costing New Zealand
$2 million a year in injuries.
Sure, it ripped your toenail off and it's the grossest fucking thing you've ever seen.
I'm now just knee and Ryan.
Good note, Toe.
Don't mean knee and Ryan in the crotch.
I'm just between comedy at the moment.
But hey, that does do some good.
Yeah, Crocs are saving lives.
All over the world.
And asphalt in apartment car parks.
Um, I love to say that made me laugh so much.
All right.
Tomorrow on the show, we've got confessions.
Someone said, don't say where I work.
And they've slightly changed the name of their employer.
But I think we'll all figure it out.
Oh, um, Jenny from Schmulworths.
Oh, okay.
I've said too much. I've said too much.
I've said too much.
But basically a large supermarket chain.
No fucking way.
It's actually a supermarket.
That was a complete guess.
Yeah, and it's not Coles.
They've got like a,
and most big businesses will have like a staff discount scheme or this or blah, blah, blah.
Guys, they've taken this to the next, like they're bleeding them dry.
It's not a scam because it's legit, but it's like, you know, when someone's got their points, things dialed in.
Locked in.
Take advantage of it.
But like, that's good.
Anyway, if you work at a big Australian supermarket that isn't Aldi or Coles,
a play by play tomorrow on how to get it done.
Love you. Bye. This episode is brought to you by Audible. You can listen to the new Audible original podcast,
The Unusual Suspects with Kenya Barris and Malcolm Gladwell.
Now, when I hear the words Malcolm Gladwell,
I'm just like, sign me up.
Oh, really?
Because I'm one of his like OG super fans, super stans.
The tipping point.
Well, guess who we've got in the studio.
Wheel him in.
No, sorry, sorry.
The tipping point in Outliers,
like he's written heaps and heaps of books,
but they were like some of the first books I've, like he's written heaps and heaps of books, but they were like
some of the first books I've read and that he's like incredible and his podcast since
then have been pretty great. So anytime I see Malcolm Gladwell doing anything, I mean,
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Gladwell, ordered, collected, see you at the gate.
Oh, well, would you like to hear some information about this brand new podcast? They bypass
pleasantries and promotional banter to deliver raw,
unfiltered conversations with some of today's most influential figures.
Yeah, there's Jimmy Kimmel who I love as well.
And he's got a really interesting story. So that'll be awesome.
Dr. Dre, which is, I mean, yeah.
Rapper, producer, executive, like amazing.
Creator of beats and the billion dollar headphones and all that. Unbelievable story.
You just forget about stuff people do.
Don't you?
Um, well you can learn all about it and never forget again, pop your headphones on,
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