Too Scary; Didn't Watch - IT FOLLOWS with Rebecca Lee Robertson

Episode Date: March 4, 2020

STD metaphors, masturbation dens, and a monster that seemingly "scrunches" you death - we're recapping David Robert Mitchell's It Follows! Rebecca Lee Robertson (From Your TV to UCB, Dow Jone...s, Kajillionaire) walks us through this 2014 coming-of-age horror film, and together we reflect on the inevitability of our own deaths. Pretty sure the takeaway is...YOLO?! Follow the show: @TSDWpodcast on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. Check out our Patreon for bonus episodes and additional content! Rate Too Scary; Didn’t Watch 5 Stars on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and leave a review for Emily, Henley, and Sammy. Advertise on Too Scary; Didn't Watch via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Emily, Henley, and Sammy, and you're listening to Too Scary, Didn't Watch. Hi, everybody. Welcome to Too Scary, Didn't Watch, the horror movie recap podcast for those too scared to watch for themselves. I'm Emily, and I am too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Henley, and I'm also too scared to watch for themselves. I'm Emily and I am too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Henley and I'm also too scared to watch scary movies. I am Sammy and I love watching scary movies. I love them. She's a freak. Damn it, Henley. Sorry, I'm going to stop doing that. I really don't know if you can. I don't know. It's like part of the script. I know. I think that it's involuntary for you at this point. Did anything scary happen to us this week?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Something scary happened to me. Someone gifted me a book, which I'm really enjoying. However, the title of it is Underbug, and it's all about termites. Oh, yuck. And it's fascinating, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about termites. But
Starting point is 00:01:03 Jesus fucking Christ, like reading it before going to bed is causing me to have pretty disgusting dreams termites are fascinating i don't i could talk for a long time about it it's not worth anyone's time right now but um i look up the book underbug highly recommend i don't know that i don't know that i really don't like for the termite enthusiasts out there. Honestly it's it's it I know it doesn't sound compelling right now but the writer is
Starting point is 00:01:32 really funny and immediately pulls you in and there's a lot more to a termite's life than you might be expecting. Henley are you the writer? Yeah. I'm plugging my own book that I've secretly been working on this is wild though we've never heard about it really kept it under wraps i know um i dress
Starting point is 00:01:52 like a termite one jesus oh god okay what about you guys um well i also cried during yoga oh my god cried just a little bit during the Shavasana. That's where it happens. No, you know what? Actually, it was in the final child's pose. Okay, okay. Before the Shavasana. And it was a very hard class.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And they always have like a theme that you can think about during the class if you want to. And this time it was patience. And we were in that child's pose, slowing down our heart rate. And she was going on and on about all the things to have patience for in our lives. And like when things aren't going the way that you, you know, what, what it means to have patience. And I really, it really got me. I love that. It was like right place, right time for me to be there. And it's just like getting in touch with your body and getting in touch with your emotions getting it all and to be so just like tired and sweaty and like depleted it's really good um okay so he's gonna be mad that i'm saying this but um i recently got a big haircut a big big haircut
Starting point is 00:02:58 oh it looks so good listeners it looks so good But a friend told me that I looked like a female Val Kilmer from Top Gun. I was like, who is this he that you're referring to? Now I know. As a compliment. I won't say his name just in case. But he knows who he is. He knows who he is. And we know who he is.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Just, yeah, he meant it as a compliment and was like kind of shocked that I didn't take it as a compliment. To be fair, it was of shocked that I didn't take it as a compliment to be fair it was because you were silhouetted in a way that reminded him it was more the moment but he has also previously told me that I look like Matthew Modine and I'm just not loving all these
Starting point is 00:03:37 in his defense at that point I was dressed as Niles from Frasier for Halloween that is a huge that is a huge asterisk to that story that you were dressed like a band intentionally yeah i guess he wouldn't be like wow you look like a beautiful woman today and he says that every other day it's weird he's a weird friend um but okay so other scary thing i did this week what i mentioned before this was the fourth scary movie i watched this week. This week's movie is It
Starting point is 00:04:05 Follows. It came out in 2014, written and directed by David Robert Mitchell, not to be confused with David Mitchell of Peep Show, one of my favorite shows of all time. Just saying. Okay. Starring Maka Munro, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zavado,
Starting point is 00:04:22 Jake Weary, and Lily Sepp. Oh, and that's it. And that's it. And those are the people in the movie. Those are them. And here to talk about it with us this week is a very lovely and wonderful actor, writer, comedian Rebecca Lee Robertson. Hi!
Starting point is 00:04:37 Hi Rebecca! Hello! Welcome! Thank you. Your haircut, look, I don't know what you looked like before the haircut, but I know what you look like after and it's pretty damn good. Thank you so much haircut, look, I don't know what you looked like before the haircut, but I know what you look like after. And it's pretty damn good. Thank you so much. Very thick hair. I have a lot of hair.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I'm so jealous. I can't grow hair to save my life. It's the grass is greener on the other side because I actually hate having so much hair. Because it's too much to do anything with. It's actually very fine hair. Just a lot of it is what my hair says. Oh my God, Sammy, stop bragging. Honestly, I would rather have that. Much rather have that than my current hair. When you're like 70 years old,
Starting point is 00:05:12 you're going to be so fucking hot with your thick hair. True. A beautiful silver mane. Just some gorge locks. I know. I can't wait. I can't wait to be 70. Oh, I can't wait to be 70.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And love my hair. Rebecca, did anything scary happen to you this week? Gosh, I feel like a couple scary things happened. We'll hear them all. So, one thing that's actually scary that happened. So, do you know Robin Von Swank? Does anybody here know Robin Von Swank? She's a photographer.
Starting point is 00:05:44 She is doing her directorial debut and she wrote a horror short film that I was in. And I got to play like a fun, like new age, goopy Gwyneth Paltrow character. Oh, hell yeah. Great. Love it. Turns out it's very in my wheelhouse. But that was scary and fun and bloody and and great that's awesome yeah but i've also been experiencing like connection to the universe which i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:06:13 say is scary as much as it is like it can be sometimes overwhelming yeah if you feel like alarming a little alarming yeah it just like sort of is a jolt to your system. Yeah, like there's little things like I was watching Big Mouth on Netflix. And has anybody seen that show? Great show. I love it. Fucking great show. But like the audio was what would it would play for like six minutes in the picture. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And the audio would go out and I'd be like, what's happening? And then the next day it sounded like my my door to my house shut as i was sleeping in the middle of the night but it didn't i woke up and then i i just sort of sat up and i have a tv like that and the tv turned on okay and there was the remote wasn't close to me i saw it it was on the other side of casey um my fiance and i was like okay this is a little weird but it didn't feel scary weird it felt like yeah it felt like in touch with the universe weird i don't know if that even makes sense but then another thing happened a couple other things happened i should do this quick but i had a dream about a fire like a fire was burning down a
Starting point is 00:07:21 building last night and i woke up case Casey's sister was doing like a trivia night And then that night the bar next door burnt down Yeah, let this happen about the bar next to the bar She was at burnt down last night as I was dreaming about a building burning down. That's why I did this one's kind of stupid I did an improv scene today About animals without arms or legs Then I listened to y'all's podcast An hour later
Starting point is 00:07:53 And someone had a dream about their cat Not having That was me I picked out of all of them I picked the one that had that in it That's crazy An hour after doing this improv scene about a cat not having arms or legs that's really weird that is crazy so it's like not scary but definitely
Starting point is 00:08:12 like whoa yeah you're just like tuned in tuned in you're really tuned in right now i'll tell myself or i'll be scared oh no i like that i think that's very interesting isn't that interesting maybe you're developing some kind of like psychic energy that's what I was thinking, have you watched the goop episodes? no I haven't there's one on they go to a psychic and it's like so wild you should watch it
Starting point is 00:08:34 what she says is we all have psychic potential but it's obviously stronger with some than others so maybe tap into it has anyone heard of the book it's called signs and it's like secret language of the universe um it's called signs it signs and it's like the secret language of the universe is like the sub not the m night shaman it's not the m night shaman movie it's not so this is a book it's a book based on the space on the m night shaman
Starting point is 00:08:56 the very successful m night shaman film um it is about essentially i haven't read it but a friend of mine read it and is obsessed with it and keeps trying to get me to read it. So, man, I'm sorry. I'll read it at some point. But that it's about that, about like how we can choose to sort of open ourselves to be more receptive and like things like that are sort of constantly happening. Right. I guess. And there are ways to like become more aware of it.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And I don't know. I'm very intrigued. Me too. That's fucking cool. We should all read that book. Yeah, maybe that's really great after i finished the termite book yeah everyone read the list of to-do's i sold that book hard oh boy um well rebecca what's your relationship to scary movies oh man it's a great word it's a great relationship uh uh i so in remember when blockbuster was a thing oh yeah of course
Starting point is 00:09:48 some people don't um in the fifth grade i watched my first horror movie i remember it vividly i was with my friend uh she i was gonna say her name but maybe i should i'm not going to it doesn't matter i could um uh but we got it the the original Curry one yes which was like a mini series or what have you watched it and in it there's a lot of like you know it's a sewer thing so there's like coming out of the
Starting point is 00:10:17 shower drain I got so scared I wouldn't shower without my mom sitting on the toilet like for like two weeks but I loved I don't know why I loved it so then every time I got to Blockbuster I'd pick like all the children of the corn, leprechaun
Starting point is 00:10:32 Texas chains like all the greats and that was the first year I went to Halloween Horror Nights I used to live in Florida a couple hours from Orlando and so in fifth grade was the first year I went to Halloween Horror Nights I went every year after that for ten years until I moved out of the state. So it was like, so I'm like a horror head.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Wow. Yeah, like I love it. I saw all those movies at Blockbuster and I was like, Henley, look away. I used to avoid those aisles because I couldn't even look at the picture. You'd get too spooked. I would get too spooked. I would get way too scared just seeing the cover of the goddamn movie. I get it.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It's scary. Candyman, do you remember that cover? It's like a moth and like it's it's a bee there's one that has a moth on the back cover oh oh gross there's some cut there's some major covers yeah there's some major covers that used to be a i'm now yeah that's a real thing of accidentally seeing like a scary scary images i mean yeah that's how you pick the movie. Like you just go by and go, God, blockbuster. It was so great.
Starting point is 00:11:27 It really was fun. Hi everybody. It is cocktail hour. And this week's cocktail is a, there it is to make this drink. You will need an ounce of Scotch whiskey, an ounce of Geneva, a half an ounce of Luxardo Maraschino liqueur, and an ounce of blood orange juice.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You'll shake all those ingredients with ice and strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass and garnish with a blood orange slice. I was pretty nervous about this drink because it's combining two different base liquors, whiskey and Geneva. because it's combining two different base liquors, whiskey and Geneva. But Geneva is basically somewhere between whiskey and gin. So it actually combines really nicely. And this drink ended up being really delicious. And I'm a fan. Try it. You're going to like the way it tastes.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I guarantee it. Cheers. Do we have any trivia about this movie? I have it. Cheers. Do we have any trivia about this movie? I have some. Just a few small things. I didn't look anything up. I should have looked something up. I looked one thing up.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. But it was more like it was budget. I was like, what was the budget on this movie? We saw that. Yeah. Two million. Two million. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:41 That's low. Which is really low. And then it made like $ million or something um i don't know it made it made a lot back it was like a much bigger success than they thought they were originally going to release it like a little bit in theaters and then mostly vod and then it like did so well in the limited release that they're like oh let's just roll it out as a full theatrical release and it did really well i wonder what it is about certain horror i feel like there's something about certain horror movies that like catch
Starting point is 00:13:10 fire in this crazy way that like other movies don't it's just when they're good it's just when they're good oh i see this is just a good movie i hadn't thought of that but i think that's what it is i mean because it's like word of mouth and people being like you got to see it's like really good and really scary yeah it's almost like what are the elements to make a good horror movie? Right, right, right, right. I think it's taking an emotion or an experience that we're all super familiar with and just like turning it on its head and making it super scary in a way we've never seen or done before. Because like, I don't think horror movies. I think it's just that.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Done. So we got the new speaker. We got the new ladies and gentlemen. It's just this. The. We got the new Speedburger movie, ladies and gentlemen. It's just this. The new Wes Craven. And original. There we go. Done.
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's what I meant to say. And have like a mediocre budget. Yeah. Well, should we watch the trailer for this movie? Yeah. Did you have more things? Well, I'll just say that David Robert Mitchell said that the basic idea of this movie came from a recurring nightmare of his.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Oh. Okay. Just leave me with that. I don't like that at all. Do you know anything about this movie? Either of you? It's like known as like an STD horror film, right? Or like that that's sort of what they're mapping over kind of.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I would say that's one of the layers. One of the layers. I would say that's the most obvious of layers. Oh great, I can't wait to peel that. I want to dig into that a little bit. Let's watch the trailer. Okay. Are you awake?
Starting point is 00:14:38 You're not going to believe me. I need you to remember what I'm saying. This thing is going to follow you. Somebody gave it to me and I passed it to you. Wherever you are, it's somewhere, walking straight for you.
Starting point is 00:14:59 All you can do is pass it along to someone else. Mom? No, it's me. Everything's okay. All you can do is pass it along to someone else. Mom? No, it's me. Everything's okay. It could look like someone you know, or it could be a stranger in a crowd. Whatever helps it get close to you. I'm so fucking excited. People love this movie.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I've been thinking about this movie all day. It's a great movie. The soundtrack is phenomenal. I was going to say, the trailer kind of gives you the vibe of that like it's very synthy um but it's also like specifically displaced in time like there are a lot of things that are that they sort of don't they intentionally they even in the seasons like there's times when they're in bikinis and times where they're in like coats and like that's really some of the cars are like classic cars
Starting point is 00:16:05 some are like 80s cars and then they have like weird futuristic gadgets as well like TVs from like the 70s black and white picture and then this girl has a like a kid what would be a Kindle like an e-reader on this like funky like clamshell
Starting point is 00:16:21 device so and I rewatched this movie again i've watched it multiple times just specifically looking for like timeline elements or time of like something to give you a sense of anything and it does not give it to you and i love that about it are there smartphones do people have like cell phones no landlines no cell phones landlines and part of me is like well did they do this because some of the plot if you could if facebook existed would this plot point not be able to occur right so that did they strategically is that one of the reasons they did it is it just so like it can survive the test of time that's what i was thinking maybe it's just so that it never feels like dated just to one
Starting point is 00:16:59 moment kind of exist yeah without having to like represent a certain time. Right. But the soundtrack, gold. I have it in my car. I listen to it driving. It's really good. Great. I'm so excited. How does this, where do we start?
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Starting point is 00:18:22 because I just loved getting all the things that I needed that I would use every day in class. I still to this day have nightmares about showing up in class without notebooks or number two pencils. Really scary stuff. But luckily I wake up and I realize I don't actually need notebooks or number two pencils anymore. But this fall there is something that I will be using every day and would be terrified to be caught without, and that's Raycon's best-selling everyday earbuds. I've been trying to go on walks every day, and so I need earbuds that I can rely on to listen to all my favorite podcasts and I know you guys listen to podcasts as well so you know what I'm talking about. I got my Raycons in carbon black because that's my vibe but they come in other cool colors as well like like Forest Green and Brush Violet. But my favorite thing about them is the battery life.
Starting point is 00:19:27 They stay charged for 32 hours and they have a new quick charge function. So 10 minutes of charging gets you 90 minutes of battery life. Really freaking convenient for, I don't know, say a long morning walk. You forgot to charge them and you just need a little bit of juice to listen to one episode of a podcast. It's only going to take you 10 minutes. It's incredible. So go to slash too scary today to get 20 to 40% off site wide. That's right. You'll get up to 40% off everything on Raycon's website when you go to slash too scary slash too scary. So we start out with this younger, I would say like teenage, maybe early 20s woman
Starting point is 00:20:28 who's running out of her house. And the cool thing about this movie is like the camera moves are phenomenal. The cinematography is really cool. The production design, it's beautifully done. A lot of long shots and like the camera just pans to kind of give you 360
Starting point is 00:20:44 views of things a lot. Like rather than cutting, there's more just like pans to kind of give you 360 views of things a lot. Like rather than cutting, there's more just like long shots. That really contributes to the scariness when you're looking for something in the environment. It really puts the viewer in the shoes of characters when they do shots like that. So she comes out of her house. Someone down the street's like, are you OK? What's going on? She's like, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm fine. Her dad comes out, is calling her name. And street's like, are you okay? What's going on? She's like, I'm fine. I'm fine. Her dad comes out and is calling her name and she's like, everything's fine, dad. She goes back into the house, grabs car keys. We don't, we, this is all in one shot. Cool. Of the cameras and like a street view. So it's like a wide and we're just
Starting point is 00:21:20 spinning around to see different people's points of view. She grabs the keys, grabs the car. I'm sorry. Grabs the keys, gets in the car Drives away, right? And so she drives We see she ends up on this beach The car headlights are staring directly at her Everything's dark except these car headlights
Starting point is 00:21:36 That are beaming in on her She calls her dad and she's like, dad, I love you I'm sorry for being such a shithead You know, I'm just like a crazy teen And I'm sorry, I love you shithead. You know, I'm just like a crazy teen. And I'm sorry. I love you so much. She like looks really scared. Very scared.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And we we kind of pan around and we see nothing. Just like a bunch of landscape trees. Nothing in particular. But she's like looking like something is coming. She's like nervously looking around. Yes. She's scared. She's scared out of her mind.
Starting point is 00:22:01 So we like hard cut. And when when the camera comes back she is dead on a beach with like her legs bent back it's so crazy i like texted jenna being like four minutes into the movie is like such an upsetting image it's like it will forever be ingrained in your mind her leg it one of her legs is like bent backwards like the knee I think is bent the opposite way 90 degrees her other foot is taken off what and she's
Starting point is 00:22:32 just like contorted in this very very horrible upsetting way so how was she actually killed do you think she was literally just scrunched up like what does that mean yeah someone came in scrunched her like what does this look like scrunched up. Like, what does that mean? Yeah, someone came in scrunched. Like, what does this look like? Scrunched to death.
Starting point is 00:22:47 A bad way to go. She got smushed. I don't want to be scrunched. It sounds bad. It looks bad. We don't know at this point. Yeah, we don't know. We don't even know what she's looking for.
Starting point is 00:22:58 We have seen nothing. We know nothing. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So then we, from there, we go into a backyard, an above ground pool. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So then we from there we go into a backyard and above above ground pool. And our main character, Jay, is floating in the pool, just like looking at the sky. It's very tranquil, very nice. Her sister comes out. It's like, what are you doing tonight? She's like, oh, I have a date. She's like, OK, well, we're all watching a movie.
Starting point is 00:23:24 If you want to come watch a movie, she's like, cool. So she goes in, she's like oh i have a date she's like okay well we're all watching a movie if you want to come watch my movie she's like cool um so she goes in she's getting ready for her date and uh we go we cut to a movie theater they're in line at the movies and she's like her her date's name is oh hugh hugh so her and hugh are in line at the movies and she's like oh do you want to play a game while we're waiting in line me and my sister used to play this in when we were driving in the car for long road trips look around you and and find someone that you would want to switch lives with find someone they want to switch lives with and don't tell me it and i have two guesses to guess who you would switch lives with oh that's a fun game that's a fun i think it's very fun i would like to try yeah yeah and so he's like
Starting point is 00:24:02 okay i got one and she's like this lady over here who's like making out with someone. He's like, no. And she's like, oh, it's like this little kid. Look, he has his whole life ahead of him. He's like with his two parents. So happy. He looks so happy. People are taking care of them. And she's like, OK, cool. So then they get their popcorn, whatever. They go into the movie theater. They sit down and she's like, OK, my turn. And so he's looking around. He's like, oh, that that woman in the yellow dress. it down and she's like okay my turn and so he's looking around he's like oh that that woman in the yellow dress and she's like what woman in the yellow dress and he's like right there in the in the aisleway the woman in the yellow dress and she's like are you fucking with me there's nobody there and the camera like pans over there's nobody there and he's like okay we gotta go we gotta go
Starting point is 00:24:39 we have to go now no and she's like what's wrong did you see somebody that you know and he's like i just we had to leave so they they don't stay for the movie. They automatically leave. She's like she feels really weird like maybe he saw an ex-girlfriend or something. They go into a diner. They eat. They have somewhat of a good night. Yep. They go home. Yes. What's next? They like she like
Starting point is 00:24:57 talks to her sister about it like have you had sex yet right? And she says no. Yeah. And then it's like pretty quickly to their next date yeah they go pretty close to it yeah it's like the next night I guess we are introduced to our other characters yeah so she lives with her mom and her sister mom
Starting point is 00:25:14 we barely see the fun thing about this movie is we barely see any parents no it's like very much just teenagers well they're in like college right they are I think she's in college I think the younger sister she's the younger sister that we saw. She might be a little younger. So there's three other characters.
Starting point is 00:25:30 There's a boy. Paul and Yara as the other friend. So Kelly is her sister. Then Paul and Yara are the two friends that are always over at their house. So we see them. They're watching a movie. They're like, do you want to come watch this movie? It's a black and white movie on this TV that looks like
Starting point is 00:25:46 it's from the 70s. Yara's reading on her clamshell. Her clamshell e-book. So it's like very ambiguous of what the time is. We see the mom in the background. We don't ever see her face really. We maybe see it once out of focus. Which is very fun because we live in this adolescent world this whole movie.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So she goes on another date. Not a second date. They've known each other for a little bit, right? Yeah. So they goes on a another date not a second date they've known each other for a little bit right yeah um so they go on this other date and they go to uh like a lake like a lake they walk through woods um they go to a lake they hold hands they start kissing blah blah blah and she's like hey can we go back to your car like yeah so then they are we cut back to the car they're having sex in the car it's nice yep it's nice it's nice it's nice and it was her idea it was her idea uh-huh this is nice it was it was nice and uh so she they finish he goes he goes to get something out of the trunk of the car and she's we have a shot on her like a beautiful shot on her and she's
Starting point is 00:26:44 playing with those flowers that you saw in the trailer. She's just talking about how she imagined life would be as a teenager and young adult and what love would be like. And this beautiful picture of like driving down the road with somebody that she loves and like midway through, he comes back to lay next to her. And he has like a shirt in his hand and he covers her mouth with it oh no he like chloroforms her he chloroforms her so she struggles struggles struggles and then eventually passes out that's it's very upsetting so so so yeah and she lost her virginity here we think right no no no okay this is the first time she had sex with him. OK. But not the first time that she's had sex. OK. OK. So then the next shot is we're in this empty, creepy building, like an old maybe like plant
Starting point is 00:27:33 of some type. Very creepy, deserted building. She is in a wheelchair with her arms tied to the arms of the wheelchair. So she's like tied up. No, thank you. And he's looking around. We see arms of the wheelchair. So she's like tied up. No, thank you. And he's looking around. We see him in the flashlight. He's looking around, looking around the whole building. She wakes up, is screaming for help. And he's like, listen, I have to tell you something
Starting point is 00:27:53 and you're not going to believe me. And the reason you're I'm not going to hurt you. The reason I tied you up is because if you don't see this, you're not going to believe it. So I need you to see this and I need you to listen because this is your life on the line. And he's like, someone gave this to me and I just gave it to you. It's going to follow you.
Starting point is 00:28:11 We don't know what it is. It follows you and it kills you. And once it kills you, it goes down the chain and it's going to go to me. And after it kills me, it's going to go to the person that gave it to me and so on and so on and so on. So you need to sleep with someone as soon as you can and pass it on. And we need to create as many people in between us and it as possible. And she's like he also says it can look
Starting point is 00:28:34 like someone you know or it can look like a stranger in a crowd. Whatever helps it to get close to you. Oh my God. I kind of feel like it looks like someone that you love just to hurt you is what he says. So it can look like anything. And he also says, but it's slow moving. Never be in anywhere that only has one entrance or exit.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You need to be every room you be in has to have two, you know, two ways to get in and out. It's slow. It can't run. It only walks. Wow. Oh, my God. And then they like he's like, I see it. I. Whoa. Oh my God. And then they like he's like I see it I see it
Starting point is 00:29:05 and like wheels her over to the edge of the building and they look out and there's a naked woman walking over train tracks like slow walking towards them. Like a mid
Starting point is 00:29:15 a mid 50s woman. Yeah. And he holds her there in the wheelchair and he's like I just you need to see it
Starting point is 00:29:24 and lets the woman get pretty close and is like shining a wheelchair and he's like I just you need to see it and lets the woman get pretty close and is like shining a flashlight while he's saying all this stuff like this isn't a joke you need to like hear the rules and then like as it's like getting close he runs so he lets it get like where the distance that we are
Starting point is 00:29:40 so this is like six feet apart before he grabs it and runs her wheels her out because it can't run so he like knows that he'll be able to get away from it but it's just very and the fun thing about this scene is that the camera they mount it on the
Starting point is 00:29:55 wheelchair yeah it's a really cool shot so this whole time we're with her and we see like coming closer yeah but it's like it's a very fun camera move. And so he they put her in the car. He puts her in the car. Then we go back
Starting point is 00:30:12 to her house and we see the three friends. They're playing poker or something. They're drinking a little bit having a good time. They're like, where's Jay? So then his car comes screeching up. They're like, what's going on? He picks up Jay from the car, lays her in the street and then peels off really fast. So they're like, what's good?
Starting point is 00:30:29 They freak out. They grab her and they call the police. And then the neighbor is watching from a window when all the police are there. And like, what's going on? And they're like, I don't know. That family is like weird. And then we cut his name that neighbor greg greg and then we see um her speaking to a police officer and the first thing
Starting point is 00:30:50 the police officer says is it was consensual and she says yeah and then he says do you know where he lives or have you been to his house she says i know where he lives but i've never been there he said he was embarrassed of his house and then she goes to the hospital right they take her to the hospital take her to the hospital quickly uh what happens after the hospital um i think nothing really i think she's just like that's not the scene from the trailer where something's walking towards her that's later that's later so then we go to her at school right school yes yeah so she's at. That's later. So then we go to her at school, right? School, yes. So she's at school. She's sitting. The teacher's talking about some shit. Greg, her neighbor,
Starting point is 00:31:32 is also in her class. We see him and she's kind of daydreaming. She looks out of the window and this is what the film is so great at doing is these really wide shots where there's a bunch of different people walking. So you sort of have to figure out who it is just like she does.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You don't know. It could be anybody. So that's what this movie is so great at. And they still utilize these 360 circular panning shots. I know that's not the right term, but hopefully you know what I'm saying. I think it works. So we see in the distance
Starting point is 00:32:04 something walking towards her. We see a lot of things, but then we see one thing in particular that's uh continues to walk towards her we cut back to the classroom it's a couple different cuts back and forth and this thing's coming closer and closer closer she freaks out and she leaves she grabs her backpack what what's the bitch doing and she she runs out into the hallway and she passes these two people that are opening their locker and she turns around and there's this old woman like a nasty nightgown and like a hospital nightgown. Almost like the vibe that I got. Yeah. And it's coming closer. And she says, hello.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And the two girls who are by their locker like what? Because they don't see this thing. Oh, so you're the only one who can see it. Right. Right. Right. Anyone else it's happened to. Correct. OK. We don't see this thing oh so you're the only one who can see it right right right it's happened to correct okay we don't really know that yet
Starting point is 00:32:49 but it would see because she couldn't see the yellow dress but then he could see the whatever she saw yes so we do know that we do know that smarter than we are so they're like what what do you want and so she's like oh she's like oh fuck this is the
Starting point is 00:33:08 thing so she runs out so she like drives to her sister's work at her she works at ice cream store and josh also works there and she's like basically tells them the whole story like maybe she hadn't told them yet what he said to her and she's's like, you know, this thing's following me. I know it sounds crazy. And they're like, that's not real. Like, it's not real. Yeah. That guy's a creep.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Like, none of this is real, I swear. Yeah. But they can see that she's really freaked out. And Paul is like, why don't I spend the night tonight? And we should say, Paul, at this point, we can tell he has feelings for Jay. Yeah. Yeah. He's a little nerdy.
Starting point is 00:33:44 You know, that typical indie movie nervous. Right. 2000s vibe of... 100%. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Very much so. And Kelly, her sister, is even like, no, you don't need to stay the night, dude. They're like, okay, that's fine. And she's like, okay, well, lock your
Starting point is 00:34:00 door tonight, Jay. He's got a crush. Yeah, he wants to do it with you. And, okay, so they have a sleepover, right? They have a sleepover. He's sleeping downstairs on the couch. She comes down and she's like, I can't sleep.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And he's like, you could sleep out here with me if you want. And then they also, they both get on the couch. It's a tiny couch. I'm like, we're not sleeping on that couch. You barely fit on that couch, both of you. So they reminisce.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Oh, they reminisce about how they were each other's first kiss. Yes. But she says she says, but you, what did she say? You didn't. And then you kissed Susie whatever. No, her sister. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:38 She's like, yeah, we had we kissed and then I didn't even realize that. And then she says, you kissed two sisters like that's pretty gross and he's like you can tell he's like really kicking himself for kissing Kelly yeah that was a mistake and I think like I think Kelly likes him yes I think so too
Starting point is 00:34:54 we don't I don't know that for certain but like I get those five they spend all their time together there's gonna be crushes that's what happens yeah there's gonna be crushes you know I love this movie another reason I love this movie because it's like I love coming of age movies. And it's like a coming of age movie mixed with a horror movie. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And those are my two favorite genres of movie. And they do it so well. Okay, so we're at the sleepover. Okay, they're having a conversation. You kiss Kelly, blah, blah, blah. Very nice. It's a little flirty. It's a little flirty.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And we hear a window break. And so they're like, she freaks out and he's like, it's okay, it's okay. I'm going to go check and see what's going on. He goes into the kitchen. She's left there and he's like, okay, a window's broken, but there's nobody in there. I'm going to go tell Kelly. I feel like I'm going to go wake her up. She should know this.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So he goes upstairs. So it's just her in this room now. So then she gets up and goes to the kitchen and got some rad music i think at this point and uh it's nighttime so it's dark it's nighttime it's dark and we see in the kitchen is this um a woman her boobs are out they're like out of her bra she's not like naked but her clothes are just like all kind of off and i say this because it has like I'm not just saying it because her boobs her titties are out. No it's just unsettling.
Starting point is 00:36:08 But it's unsettling and it's like there's a lot of these characters end up being naked and that's another thing we can talk about. She also has her like her makeup is all smeared. She looks like she's been crying kind of. And she starts peeing. She's peeing herself. Oh that's not good.
Starting point is 00:36:24 She's peeing herself. P's peeing herself pees coming down onto the floor our heroine is backing up it's that like typical horror slow-mo backing up against the wall screenshot beautifully shot we go we're panning back and forth between or cutting rather back and forth to two different characters
Starting point is 00:36:40 and she freaks out and runs upstairs shuts the door and locks it so she's alone in her bedroom now in her bedroom and this freaks out and runs upstairs shuts the door and locks it so she's alone in her bedroom now in her bedroom and this is freaking out upstairs um and yeah you need to exit i feel like you wouldn't be scared of horror movies if you watch it because you know all the tricks i'm so by doing this podcast you know all the tricks you know like you know what i mean and you'd like cover your eyes or ears in the right time. I just feel like you would know. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Nope. I don't know. Look at her. She's scared just imagining it. Her body language, she can't even imagine it. But I'm excited. Do you know what I mean? I like want to know what happens. I want to go to a horror movie with you now. It'll be, I'll scream a lot. Scream to the trailer. That's the most fun.
Starting point is 00:37:24 She'll straight up scream. That's who I only want to see your movies it's thrilling okay okay so she's upstairs she's locked herself in her room she's crying she's freaking out Paul and Kelly are banging on the door like it's us it's us let us in so freaky that like she could be right next to them and they wouldn't know like that's like very
Starting point is 00:37:39 gross yeah they would have no idea they can't see it staring at her and she I don't like that. Okay. Okay. So they're like let us in, let us in. She's like fine. She lets them in, locks the door right after them again. And I can't remember what she says. She's like I saw
Starting point is 00:37:55 a woman downstairs. And they're like nobody's down there. They checked. No one's down there. Obviously that's not reassuring. No. Yeah. And then there's another knock at the door and they walk over to like go open it and it's yara yara announces herself their other friend she's like no it's me like what's going on girl okay clamshell girl she has big glasses and she reads a clamshell this is important just to distinguish her versus kelly yeah and um j Jay is like don't open the door
Starting point is 00:38:25 don't open the door they open it and she's like it's just Yara and she's like what's going on like what are you guys freaking out about and then from the like shadows behind her the tallest man you've ever seen it's a different person it changes every single time you see
Starting point is 00:38:42 it it's different it's different every time and this man this is one of so he like walks in, she freaks out. But one of the trivias I wrote down, this man is, his name is Mike Lanier. How tall is he? He is seven foot seven. Oh my God. Oh my God. He was part, he just died.
Starting point is 00:38:56 He's taller than a normal doorframe. So how did he get sweat? He just died last year. Oh. He was part of a set of twins that were the tallest like twins in the world yes wow it's pretty interesting because i like had to look up him he scared me so badly that i had to look up a photo i watched this movie with my fiance and he let the other night and that was the person that scared him the most yes like didn't scare wasn't the one that scared me the
Starting point is 00:39:21 most um god but it's a tall man. He has no eyeballs? Yes. He just has eye sockets? Yeah, it's all red and brown around his eyes. Ew, ew, ew. Okay, okay. But not in like a... It's like a sunken skull type way. I keep using the word fun.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Fun noise, right? Pretty fun. Yeah, he has a chemical burn, but it like a real flirty fun kind of like his thing everybody needs a thing but it's not like it's not like poorly done special effects makeup is what i want to say it's not that's not this movie if you're looking for like a bunch of gore and right a lot of like practical effects like almost like the lack of focus on it is what makes it scary. He just looks like that. We're not in a close-up of him.
Starting point is 00:40:10 We never see a close-up of him. But I love that about it. Does he follow her into the room? He comes over top of Yara who can't see it and walks in and Jay freaks the fuck out and jumps out the window. There was a little balcony
Starting point is 00:40:25 that she had, so she had another exit. Okay, that's good. Technically, it could have taken the form of one of her friends, right? Yeah. That's a lot. I have a feeling that's gonna happen. We don't know. So she
Starting point is 00:40:40 hops out of, I think, a second story window and gets onto her bike and rides to a park. And is, like, sitting on a swing set. So her friends roll up. The three people roll up on their bikes. I guess she doesn't know at first that it's them. It's, like, scary because she's obviously on edge thinking that anyone that comes is going to be it.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah. So they talk. And then another person comes strolling up. Is that right? Yes. And they're like, who up is that right yes and they're like what the fuck is that and they're like oh it's greg the other sorry i ruined the you ruined it i was trying really hard to build suspense and you ruined it it's greg it's just greg don't worry don't be scared it's greg that's good uh okay so greg comes up and he's like i don't love
Starting point is 00:41:23 greg you guys i also don't love Greg. I never loved Greg and I'm assuming that's what they wanted. I guess so. I feel like they didn't really want us to care about Greg, but maybe they did. I don't know. Because he's like a tertiary character. He's not one of the main four. And the first introduction we really have to him is him
Starting point is 00:41:39 watching from a window. He was like, washing his car. Oh, washing the car. I forgot about that for a moment. He likes his car and then through the window like his mom calling them their family weird. So we don't love him but he comes rolling up like kind of like trying to be a knight in shining armor. Yeah. What's going
Starting point is 00:41:56 on? And she explains it and he's like, is he the one who's like, well, we have to get as far away as possible. Who says that? Who's idea is that? So she says we need to find Hugh. Hugh. That's right.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Because I need to talk to him. I've got some questions. And she's like, I know where he lives. Uh-huh. And so he's like, well, I can drive us. So they all get in the car and they drive off to, oh, I should probably tell you this takes place in the suburbs of Detroit. Don't know if that matters to you. I was going to ask if they told us.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Okay, so they jump in their car. It's a cool ride. And they go to this house. They do a really good job of showing us this trip of just what it looks like driving down these streets of Detroit. Because now we're not so much in the suburbs. We're coming up on
Starting point is 00:42:42 the city. And it's just a change in atmosphere tonally it looks like a little more rough of an area uh this house is real rundown run i was gonna say decrepit decrepit i think that works too uh boarded up house and she's like this yeah it's like a band abandoned yeah abandoned and oh okay not a not a real living place. Yes, it's clear that nobody lives there and that this was a fake address, but they go inside and there's newspaper taped over all the
Starting point is 00:43:11 windows and these little booby traps set up, like cans hanging from strings on all the windows. Well, so that if anybody comes in, he could hear it. So he could hear if someone came in. Yeah, sorry, not booby-dropped for them. Can you not really fight back against the thing? We don't really know. We don't know. All they know is that they're trying to run away from it.
Starting point is 00:43:27 You just have to get away from it. And it sounds like everyone's solution thus far has been pass it on. Is just have sex with someone else. Yeah, just like make it somebody else's problem. But she's been told this and thus far she's been like, I'm not going to do that. Yeah. I'm not going to do that to another person. It's fucking crazy to do that. She's like, I do not want to pass this on and give this
Starting point is 00:43:43 to someone else. I want to figure it out. I want to whatever. Yeah. So she hasn't slept with anyone at this point. But everybody's telling her to. Yeah. OK, so we're in the house. They find like a mattress on the floor.
Starting point is 00:43:55 They found some like porn magazines and like used tissues on the floor, which made me laugh. When I saw that this time, I was like, what is this for? Why did we put this here And I would love to hear your opinion on it Because I have a crazy idea but I don't think I'm right So I wouldn't like to hear yours What are we saying This doesn't fit with his character though
Starting point is 00:44:14 But it would be like not wanting to have sex with people So you're like jerking off more But he did have sex with people But he desperately wanted to So here's my idea And I don't think it's right But what if in the beginning he desperately wanted to so here's my idea tell me and i don't think it's right okay but like what if in the beginning he was like oh maybe if i jerk off enough it'll like go away
Starting point is 00:44:31 that feels like a very uh male thought about this oh my god thank you so much yeah like if i just come enough times that's what it is that's what it is. And it'll just like go out into the universe. This last time I saw it, because I've seen it a bunch, but this last time I was like, I wonder why they did that. Because it's very specific. And they like. It was a choice that they made. It was a choice.
Starting point is 00:44:53 100%. There's definitely a choice. There's definitely a reason. And we're not sure what that is. No. But I was like, maybe his first thought was like, oh my God, if I just chiseled off, it would be done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Maybe it's almost like trying to make him seem not as awful because like look he tried yeah yeah yeah hey you guys he did this first yeah maybe so then they find a photograph of of it's a high school photograph of him and another a woman and they're wearing a letterman or one of them's wearing a letterman jacket we don't know who she is but they recognize what the high school is and so they're're like... What's high school? Is it like Lennox or something? It's an L or something like that. Yeah, it's an L. Okay, so they're like, I recognize this. Let's go to... Let's call it Lennox.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I don't think that's right, but maybe it is. It's definitely an L. It sounds right. I believe it. Thank you. Thank you so much. So they go to Lennox, right? And they're like, hey, we got to check out your yearbooks. Another rotating shot of them going to the front office. We rotate around.
Starting point is 00:45:48 We see people walking. We see one person that's walking closer. We rotate around and we see them. They're looking through the yearbook. And then where do we go after that? They find him and they find his address. Yes, they get his address and they go to his house. His real name is Jeff.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Oh, man. So he was playing a long con. Long con. He had a fake name, a fake address. Yes, they get his address and they go to his house. His real name is Jeff. Oh, man. So he was playing a long con. He had a fake name, a fake address. Damn. And they... That feels like a lot of work. Is that necessary work? I don't know. I'm going to dwell on this for the rest of the movie. Right? Couldn't you just have sex with someone? Interesting. He talks a little bit
Starting point is 00:46:19 about why he couldn't have sex. He's basically like, it's really hard you guys. Nobody wants to have sex with me. Okay. Alright, fair enough. He's like, I tried to have one night stand. There's a moment where he's like... Trying to explain himself. Yeah. So they go to this
Starting point is 00:46:35 house. The mom answers the door. She's like, what do you want? And they're like, hey, we got to see Jeff. They're like, okay, Jeff's here. They go to the backyard. They sit down. They start having a conversation. Jeff is like, sitting in a circle and he's like, dude, just sleep with somebody. That's the only thing you can do. And she's like, this can't be the only thing I can do, Jeff. And Jeff's like, no, I swear to God, I know this is the only thing you can do to get rid
Starting point is 00:46:53 of it. Just fuck somebody like your girl. It's easy. It's easy. It's easy. You're a girl. You could just have sex with anybody. And then we see someone coming up from behind them.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Oh, no. And he's kind of like looking like a little scared but still having the conversation but looking and he's like but really do you see that person right there do you see them and everybody's like yeah and so we know it's not the thing and it keeps it's like a he's just like a soccer player that paranoid um i don't blame him for being paranoid i don't be paranoid not at all um and i think this is where he tells them, like, if you go far, if you put some distance between you and it, you can have some time to figure out a plan or whatever you're going to do. Is it confined to Detroit?
Starting point is 00:47:38 It can only walk. It just can only walk. So the further they go. Which I was reading about the writer director and it was like he was talking about how some of his favorite horror movies were like original zombie movies where zombies are very slow moving which inspired
Starting point is 00:47:54 him a little bit which is interesting because I feel like nowadays we're like oh it's not scary if they move slow but it still sounds like scary like some of the original zombie movies are just slow moving things and it's still scary. He's like, just put distance between you, drive far away
Starting point is 00:48:10 and the... Is it Greg that has a beach house? So Greg, the cool guy with the car, he's like, you guys, my family has a beach house or a lake house rather. Let's go there. So they all go to this lake house. Oh gosh. First they just get a this lake house. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Well, first they just get a night's sleep for the first time since the incident. Because they feel confident enough that they've put enough distance between them. When they drive to the beach house? Yeah. Okay. So they drive all night, get their sleep. Next morning, Greg goes out to... There's a little garage on the shore.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Like a shed? A shed thing. Like a boat shed. A boat shed. And he has like a little gun in a lockbox and... We see him take it out, right? Oh, he takes it out and they do shoot, he shows her how to shoot a gun basically. Do we know yet if we can kill this thing? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:00 We don't know anything about that at this point. So they do a little target practice and then they're all just chilling, talking on the beach, right? They're chit-chatting it up. Yara is in the water. She's on like a float. The other three, four people are chatting on the beach.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Is that right? Do they believe her now? Yeah. It seems like they believe her. They all went to the lake house. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So they're at this lake house to chit-chatting it up and she is facing the water in like a folding chair and so all the shots on her and everyone's like facing her kind of um but the shot there's a shot on her and you just see a person in the background walking up but but they're all facing her but they can't see it and so it's like played like such a very normal, like no one in the scene is stressed except for you, the viewer. And you just see it getting closer. Seems like they should have brought Jeff
Starting point is 00:49:53 with them. Jeff ain't going there. He trying to be as far away from it as possible. I feel like. You don't want to be next to the next person. Because he'll be the next one. Because then you're immediately in the line of danger. Wouldn't you just be doing 360s constantly if you were her? I would just be standing doing
Starting point is 00:50:09 360s. You'd be holding like a mirror. Yeah. So we see that and we're like, oh, fucker. And then we see a shot of her, but no one's behind her anymore. So the person that was behind her is gone. And then we see her hair
Starting point is 00:50:25 stand up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's like a conjuring. So we're basically seeing from the other people, the other character's point of view because they can't see. We see what they see. But they see her hair invisibly lift up.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Oh, fuck. And they, Paul runs at like where he imagines the thing to be and like hits a lawn chair over it and it flings Paul backwards. So he like flies through the air and they kind,
Starting point is 00:50:59 they like break away. And we're still not seeing the, no, we're not seeing it. And they break away and they like run to the shed. At some point you see that it is Yara. Like it is as it is in the form of her friend Yara. Oh, no. But so then they go into the shed and Greg was like peeing in the bushes at this time.
Starting point is 00:51:22 So he's like further away. Yeah. So they're all in the bushes at this time so he's like further away yeah so they're all in the shed she gets out the gun and Yara is like walking towards them the bad Yara okay bad Yara good Yara's with her yeah okay good to know good to know and so she starts shooting
Starting point is 00:51:38 and like then you see from Greg's point of view where it's like he can't see anyone it's just like bullets coming at him because he's trying to run to them and he's like stop shooting stop shooting does she hit yeah she hits bad Yara bad Yara hits the ground
Starting point is 00:51:53 and we're like oh fuck yes like it can get shot like it can get shot it blood came out like and then just as quick as she went to the ground she stands back up and starts coming back at her so we're like okay momentary yeah it's a momentary thing we were like
Starting point is 00:52:09 okay so it there was definitely blood she definitely got shot she definitely hit the floor she got back up immediately and started walking towards them so then they closed the shed door they like tried to lock her out oh no okay okay okay and then you see through the like window of the shed
Starting point is 00:52:25 the really tall man again for a second. Oh no. Just for a second. Just for that. And then I think it goes like quiet for a second and so or no the bottom half of the door like bursts open like the
Starting point is 00:52:41 like someone kicks it like it looked like someone kicked it. You need another exit? I was gonna say that was the only exit wasn't it no there's a window there was like there's like a sliding barn door on the other side so someone kicks it yeah where you take the boat out so someone kicks it and then pops their head through but it's just greg and greg's like what's going on uh where's my car he doesn't say where's my car but i doesn't say where's my car, but I don't know that he's thinking it. He's thinking it. He's definitely thinking it. And so then they run into... She runs out of... Sorry, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Jay. Jay runs out the sliding door. No, first she comes up closer to where Greg is sticking his head through the hole and then Greg moves out of the way and a crazy little boy pops through. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I forgot about that. He's in like suspenders. He looks like a like an Oregon Trail boy or something. Like an old timey boy. Like an old timey boy. And I think he like he like makes this crazy scream noise. He's like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:39 He does some like hissing noise. Yeah. And then she runs out. You get a bit of a jump scare as an audience member. And then she runs out. We get a bit of a jump scare as an audience member. And then she runs out the back. She jumps in the car and she leaves their asses there. She just floors it.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Not after them. And you see them running and they're like, wait, we're left us. And she fucking floors it. A really great shot. So she floors it. She leaves everybody else behind and she's driving down the freeway. She's freaking the fuck out. As she's driving, it's like a country-ish road.
Starting point is 00:54:09 We see a pickup truck come into her where she's driving. She tries not to hit it. So she swerves into a cornfield, hits her head in the steering wheel, blacks out. So we go black. And when we pick back up, she's in the hospital. Again. She has a cast on her arm now. She has a bandage on her head. Bandage on her head.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And this is the scene from the trailer where she's like terrified in the hospital. And she's... Because everybody's with her. All of her friends are here. They're all there. But she hears someone walking up the hall. So this whole movie is just like you're just on the edge of your seat because you just never know.
Starting point is 00:54:47 It could be anybody. Yeah. It's just dread. So you hear slow. It's just dread. So you hear slow walking and she is just like silently freaking out. She is. She is really great.
Starting point is 00:54:57 She's really good. She's crying silently in this hospital bed and a nurse walks by and keeps walking. She's like relieved. Another fun thing, the nurse's outfits, did you see what they looked like? They're very like old timey. It's just another thing. They have those little white hats that they add
Starting point is 00:55:15 at a different time period or whatever. So we're there and Greg is like She like makes some eye contact with Greg. Everyone else is asleep. It's like the middle of the night I think. And they like kind of have a moment of like, OK, and they have sex. He comes into the room and he's like, I think she's just like, I need help. Well, they've had sex before.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yes. We find out that they then have them. But then the had sex before them too they've done it but the sex is so it's like he knows what that means yes and he's willing to take that responsibility that's wild he wants to do it he wants to help her we didn't say this so when they were in other dudes's house, the abandoned house, there is a shot of Yara searching
Starting point is 00:56:09 in the kitchen for like a cup or something. And from Greg's point of view, we have a pan down and up like he's checking her out. So we see that Greg is a little bit flirty. He's a little bit. So he says he's willing to take this responsibility on.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Do we know that he's actually willing? He just wants to get laid. We don't know. What men will do. But we do know. But we. I will literally die. Just one time.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Just to put it in your puss. Just one time. Just for this one moment. I'm horny and it's worth it. It's worth it. But the sex is like pretty um unsexy she is just yeah i mean when you're doing it to get death off your back they kiss they at first it's like she gets a little caught up in it and then i was like i didn't expect that and then she like
Starting point is 00:56:59 turns and just stares out the door like for the whole duration. I hate that. I hate watching that in movies anytime that happens. Yeah, like she's just so she's so scared and also, okay, but don't they hold hands or something? Yeah. So then it has like a kind of a little after another like a little montage. Almost we see her still
Starting point is 00:57:19 in the hospital. We see Paul watching them hold. Oh no. First we see a shot of him with his arm around another girl. Oh, yeah. So we see a shot of him with his arm around another girl oh yeah so we see a shot of him at school like a quick montage shot oh greg or paul greg okay so he's trying to pass it off now he's trying to pass it off immediately right right right um and we see him with his arm around a girl he does not give a fuck who gets this this murderous disease he's willing to pass it on. Then we see another shot of him in the car.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Greg in a car holding hands with Jay. Right. She's still in the hospital. And I think they're and Paul is like in another in the waiting room
Starting point is 00:57:56 of the hospital like was seeing it without them knowing. We see that he looks kind of jealous. Yes. And he's but yeah, Greg is like
Starting point is 00:58:04 you know, talking and flirting with Jay and acting like he's her knight in shining armor. I don't know what Greg's deal is, to be honest with you. I think he's just like a horny 20 year old who I don't know that he believes he doesn't because at this point he's like, it's not real. He's like, oh, no. He's like, it's been three days and I haven't seen anything but that's because he's already passed
Starting point is 00:58:27 it on right I don't know we don't really establish okay because that's what that's like what I because I didn't get that the first time but this time I was like oh like the reason he hasn't seen it is because he like had sex with that girl that he had his arm around maybe we don't know that for certain we don't know for certain it's it's
Starting point is 00:58:43 not it's not explicitly said but for some reason he doesn't it doesn't he has no interaction like the three friends are like you know jay's really messed up she's still really upset about this she's locked in her room she won't come out are you sure you haven't seen anything and he's like no it's been three days i haven't seen anything and and so he's like it's not real you guys they're like okay well then what happened on the beach what was that then oh and also on the beach paul like lifted up his shirt oh yeah paul like i mean got flung across the beach and he like lifted up his shirt and he had like huge like claw marks on his what on his body so i mean they they all believe it except for
Starting point is 00:59:22 greg but greg's like it's not real it's not real. It's not real. Something happened on the beach, but it's not what Jay thinks it is. Okay? It's not real. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. So, Greg. He's so wrong. He's going to die and is going to come back to Jay.
Starting point is 00:59:36 He goes back to his house. Jay is watching from her bedroom window. They live across the street from each other. They live across the street from each other. They don't see anything that is coming for him. Correct. And another Greg walks up to the house. Oh, that's spooky.
Starting point is 00:59:51 In like long johns. Long johns? That's very spooky. And he wiggles the doorknob. It's locked. Throws a rock through the window. Climbs in through the window. And she calls him on the phone and he doesn't answer. She runs over. Tries to get in through the window. And she calls him on the phone. And he doesn't answer.
Starting point is 01:00:06 She runs over. Tries to get in the door also. Climbs in through the window. Walks up the staircase. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:00:15 This is a good one. It's a good one. No, this is like. This is like my favorite one. It's a good bad one. Good bad one. Okay. So then she walks up the stairs.
Starting point is 01:00:24 And it's shot so well. And's a good bad one. Okay, so then she walks up the stairs and it's shot so well. And we see Greg's mom and she's banging on his door. And she's in like a silky nightgown, night robe or something like that. And Jay is like, don't open the door, Greg. Don't open the door. And he opens the door
Starting point is 01:00:40 and he's like, mom, what the fuck? In typical Greg fashion. And the mom fucking jumps on him oh god oh jay freaks out and jay's like no and then runs down and we see what what's going on in the room and the mom is fucking the son she's like raping him and like bending his limbs the wrong way like we saw earlier on the beach so not only you get murdered you also get raped correct no thanks
Starting point is 01:01:12 no thank you at least that's how this one was I guess we don't know this is the first time we see the thing killing a person because we haven't seen the actual event happen so Jay sees this Jay sees this. Jay sees this. Greg's face is like
Starting point is 01:01:27 dark gray, like a very very dead color. He's very dead. He's very dead and the mom is having sex with the son. And she's next. And she's next now. And then yeah, Jay's like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 01:01:43 So Jay runs out of the house. And now she knows what it can do. Yeah, that's not good. I don't like that. It's not good. You don't want to know about that. No. Okay, so Jay runs out of the house. I think she... We have a boat situation at some point. Yeah, she gets back in the car.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Or she gets in his car, I guess, and drives. And you see Greg now, Greg coming out and like slowly walking after her. She drives back to the beach or lakefront or wherever and sleeps on the hood of the car for the night, wakes up in the morning and sees a boat. This boat has like three or four dudes on it. They're like fishing. They're partying. They're drinking.
Starting point is 01:02:22 It's like young dudes. They're having a good time, having a good weekend. And she looks at them and she takes off her clothes. She's still wearing like she's wearing like a tank top and underwear or something. And she swims out to this boat. Oh, God. And we cut. We don't see what happens after that.
Starting point is 01:02:38 We just cut to her wet, wet driving home, crying, crying. Her mascara is like running. She's soaking wet. Oh my god. Oh, that's sad. So she had sex with someone on that boat. I feel like maybe everyone on that boat. I think maybe everyone on that boat. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:02:57 But I guess I don't know the rules of it. We don't know. We don't know. It cuts, so we don't know. We don't know. That is the impression that they want you to think. I'll say that. Yeah. It wasn't know. It cut, so we don't know. We don't know. That is the impression that they want you to think. I'll say that. It wasn't good. So then she's at home in her room. She's
Starting point is 01:03:13 zombie-like, not doing well, kind of in the dark on the floor in her room. Paul knocks on the door and comes in. They have a little conversation where he has the audacity to be mad at her for sleeping with Greg. He was like, well, he basically is like, why did you pick Greg? Right.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I like you, too. And it's like Greg is dead now. You know what happened to Greg? It wasn't good. It wasn't good. And she says. This isn't like a romantic choice she made. And she said, well, Greg wasn't scared and I thought it would be OK.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And we had had sex before. And Paul, like, leans in for a kiss and she like turned turns away. Read the room, my friend. Not great at it. And I think he says, do you remember where we were the first time we kissed? And this is when they like form their little plan. So they form a plan. They were in like an indoor swimming pool area closer to Detroit when they had their first kiss.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So they have a plan. We don't really know what that plan is. Is that right? Yes. They pack up a car with we don't know what. And they drive. All four of them. So they go to this indoor pool.
Starting point is 01:04:27 And there's a fun monologue, too, at this point. Oh, when they're walking? No, I think they're in the car at this point. But Yara's reading off of her clamshell, these fun quotes from time to time. And they're fun voiceover moments that go over the montage of the city. And she's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:41 my parents never used to let me go this far south of 8 Mile or north of 8 mile or something it's like dangerous it's it's just sort of like a ode to childhood versus adulthood right um just like small things like that i think are really cool about this movie so they go into this indoor swimming pool area and they set up uh electronic devices so like a lamp a vcr a tv they plug them all in and they set them up around the perimeter of this pool and they say jay go in the pool we're like basically using you as bait we're gonna try to kill this motherfucker like they're gonna try to lure it into the pool and electrocute it okay why not sure let's try it um can it swim we don't know we don't know anything we don't know
Starting point is 01:05:26 we know it got shot once it fell it got back yeah but okay worth this is their idea yeah electrocution will work though yeah different principles yeah yeah um so they wait they wait she's in the center of the pool she's sitting just sitting in water. Yeah. Sitting in water. Don't love it. And eventually she's like, it's here. It's here. They can't see it. They're like, point at it, point at it, point at it. And
Starting point is 01:05:56 they go, what's it look like? And she says, I don't want to tell you. Oh, no. Oh, because it's we don't know. We don't know. Um, and we see it, but as don't know. We don't know. And... We see it, but as an audience member, we don't recognize this person. But she recognizes this person. Uh-oh. And she says,
Starting point is 01:06:12 I don't want to tell you. Oh, okay. It does not get into the pool. Doesn't get into the pool. Instead, it decides to hurl these items at Jay, who's in the pool, in an attempt to hit her and also electrocute her. Oh!
Starting point is 01:06:26 I mean, literally, duh. Like, of course. Uh, duh. Of course the thing is going to try to electrocute her if they were all trying to electrocute it. The director said that this specifically was written to be a bad plan. Like, he was like, this is their, like, Scooby-Doo moment. Right. And it's like, this is what you would do if you were, like just trying to yeah right yes so it's hurling tvs at her it's
Starting point is 01:06:50 hitting jay jay is getting forced underwater because they're hitting her and as soon as she comes back up to get a breath of air another thing is thrown at her right so she's like she's basically drowning she's up and down and each time um time Paul is like Point point keep pointing Because he has the gun And he's trying to shoot Not getting it And Eventually
Starting point is 01:07:14 Eventually he's shooting at it and he shoots Yara Oh my god that's right He shoots Yara in the leg And they see Because he cannot see this fucking thing. Jay's drowning in the middle of the pool. And Kelly grabs a blanket and is like, where is it?
Starting point is 01:07:32 Tell me where it is. And attempt to like put the blanket over and form an outline. Well, just form an outline so that they can see it. Push it in or whatever. So she finally throws the blanket, finds it, finds an outline. And he takes the gun to the temple of this outline under a blanket, shoots it, finds an outline, and he takes the gun to the temple of this outline under a blanket, shoots it. It falls into the water.
Starting point is 01:07:49 She's in the water. They're both in the water at this point. So they're like, Jay, Jay, Jay, come on. Get out, get out, get out, get out. So she's swimming, she's swimming, she's swimming. They're trying to get her out. They're trying to get her out. And they do.
Starting point is 01:07:57 They get her. They pull her. They pull her. They pull her up. And then she gets pulled back down. No! No! She gets pulled back down into the bottom of the pool.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And Jay is now at the bottom of the pool being held down by the thing. I don't want to call it it because it sounds like the clown, but by the thing. And she can't come up for air. So they're freaking out. So they take the gun and they are shooting this thing through the water in an attempt to avoid Jay but hit this thing.
Starting point is 01:08:22 And it's a cool shot and they eventually do. They shoot it in the head. They shoot it in the head and Jay swims out and she lays on the deck of the pool and she's gasping for air. She's breathing and they're like, Jay, it's still in there, right? They say like, go and look
Starting point is 01:08:38 and see if it's still there. It's a cool shot too. She's crawling and it's like a profile shot of her crawling towards the pool and she's slowly cool shot, too. She's crawling, and it's like a profile shot of her crawling towards the pool. And she's slowly, slowly, slowly going. And she looks over the edge. And it's just that shot that we saw in the trailer of all that blood that's in the pool. The pool just filling with blood.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You can't see anybody in it. It's just blood. And then we cut to... I don't remember. It's like cut straight to her and Paul. No. We have to do something in between that. I feel like I don't think we do. There's nothing in between that? I don't know. Do you remember anything?
Starting point is 01:09:12 I like scrolled through it and that was what I had. I was like really confused. I do remember like. So their assumption is that they killed it. I don't. I mean it's like it's particularly ambiguous but um so we cut to her and paul but they fuck no oh it like cuts to them having sex and i feel like it's maybe
Starting point is 01:09:35 them having sex with thinking that it's they're free now oh like it's that i don't know i thought it would they were having sex like just in case. Like he wants to be able to see it. Yes. So that makes more sense. So they have sex. It's kind of sweet.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Yeah, it's actually very nice. It's a nice sex. Okay, a nice sex. I feel like that's rare in movies to see like a nice sex. Yeah, it is. It's so rare.
Starting point is 01:10:02 It's rare. It's usually like a rough the girl comes in like 30 seconds. As happens. Yeah, because I just you just got to stick it in me twice, do a couple of pumps and I'm there. Just the body
Starting point is 01:10:17 of a man is so unrealistic. But it's very nice. And then what happens? Then they go to visit Yara in the hospital because she has been shot. Yara has been shot. What else is she doing but reading? She's reading from a clamshell.
Starting point is 01:10:32 She's reading from a clamshell and eating a tuna fish sandwich. Oh my god, I like this girl more and more. No, like I love Yara. Like, I love her. So she's reading from a clamshell and this passage, we should look it up and read that passage. It's like a very. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:10:50 It really sums everything up. Oh, that's funny. I bet we could find it. I think so. I don't want to even say anything about it. It's Dostoyevsky. I know. And I read like a critic review of it.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And they're like, what 20-year-old is reading? Is reading Dostoyevsky? A fucking clamshell she has glasses and has a clamshell ebook don't fuck with Yara bitch you do not know her Dostoevsky is like a number one thing that you're assigned in like high school and college so
Starting point is 01:11:17 no come on fuck that guy oh you found it tell me if this sounds wrong okay um when there is torture there is pain and wounds physical agony and all this distracts the mind from mental suffering so that one is tormented by the wounds until the moment of death and the most terrible agony may not be in the wounds themselves but in knowing for certain that within an hour then within 10 minutes, then
Starting point is 01:11:45 within half a minute, now at this very instant, your soul will leave your body and you will no longer be a person and that this is certain. The worst thing is that this is certain. So they have that voice or no, it's not a voiceover. She's reading out of a clamshell. Oh, brutal. And it's so good. Oh, and then we cut to we cut to jay and paul holding hands walking down a
Starting point is 01:12:08 street a neighborhood street and with they're just walking and they love each other they're giving each other like lovely looks oh they love each other they love each other and this is really bonded them i guess so sure it has and then we see someone behind them. No, no, no, no, no. And they're walking behind them. And then we cut to black. And that's the end of the movie. Is it really? Yeah. We don't know if it's just, it's so indistinguishable.
Starting point is 01:12:36 It could be anybody. We don't know. We don't know anything about it. It could be just somebody walking down the street. It could be the thing. It could be anything. Is there going to be a second one? They talked about it, but I don't think they're it could be the thing it could be anything is there gonna be a second oh they talked about it but i don't think they're doing it i think it's
Starting point is 01:12:48 been too long they like they because there was talk about it but that was already a couple years ago yeah i mean who knows maybe i would i hope they don't yeah i'll say that i hope they don't yeah holy shit great i loved it i loved every second of it i'm surprised it's a really good movie it's so good yeah and this is the movie where you after you watch it You google like meaning of it Follows I'm like really ready to read a bunch of articles about it The easiest one is you know
Starting point is 01:13:15 Let's peel back the layers Yeah let's peel back the layers I'm interested to hear I think the one that stands out is STDs Is AIDS That is the one that is out is STDs is AIDS is is that is the one that that is prominent right yeah and especially the slow you're condemning someone else the slow approaching
Starting point is 01:13:30 of it too it's like no matter what you do like it's well and then also just ties into just death like death well that's what it is death is just that last quote quote that she reads is just about like death is the whole movie is a euphemism for well death is gonna come
Starting point is 01:13:45 so we might as well have love and sex and relationships in the meantime because it's gonna happen regardless in these moments like there really is nothing you can do no there's nothing and how fucking terrifying is that awful it's true whenever any fucking
Starting point is 01:14:01 any fucking moment you can die so you have to like decide what you stand for your morals what you want you know the type of person you want to be do that thing knowing that like even if you do everything quote-unquote right you it's not right you can die
Starting point is 01:14:17 there's no fucking structure to life yeah it's chaos so you have to like just do what what you want to do within like the boundaries that you have to like just do what what you want to do within like the boundaries that you've decided that you want to have you know right i think it's also probably an argument for why it's good i think um obviously all of us are gonna die and we somehow know that but i don't think it's top of mind all the time oh god it is for me and so but i think that maybe it's an argument for you know
Starting point is 01:14:46 everything in life's a balance you don't want it to be that top of mind you don't want your life to be like completely controlled and manipulated and like everything you're doing is like dictated by the fact that you know that you're gonna die sure i think that you should be aware that you're you're gonna die because it helps to be aware of it but um i don't know because if we're talking about the movie being a metaphor for just being aware of death like that'll fucking fuck your life up then if it's i think it's oh yeah go ahead i think it's how like that's becoming an adult is also like becoming aware of that i feel like that's a part of it too is maybe like coming of age film yeah it's like oh you realize hard truths and also you like choices have consequences and at the end of the day all you can do is make your own choices like greg decided he was up for whatever it meant to do that and that's on greg that's greg's choice
Starting point is 01:15:40 she decided to sleep with someone we're not like that ultimately is i like the idea of it being part of adulthood right like that because the that coming of age film mixed with a horror movie that's really interesting it's so interesting um it's horrific being an adult so i totally get it yeah um yeah i'm very i wasn't scared by us talking about the movie but this last these last two minutes have really thrown me death comes for us all just really thrown me right now here in this moment yeah it's the scariest thing it's the scariest thing wow what a treat i'm so glad to know about this movie. It's great. It's fucking good. I feel like it's one of the few horror movies that really nails just like filmmaking in general, which is very cool.
Starting point is 01:16:37 I feel like this genre often doesn't do that. Yeah. Rebecca, literally you've been the best guest ever. Thank you so much. Of course. What a great movie. Seriously, what a great movie. Thank you for picking it. There were no scary, scary voices in it.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Usually we like to have like an outro with like a scary voice. That's OK. We can just do our regular voices. I mean, I can make it up. Yeah, sure. There is no scary voices in this movie. Exactly. And they don't talk.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And they don't talk. They just sort of appear. Wow. Maybe it could just be silent. Just silent. Oh, oh, oh. We'll just be silent. And then they won't know when we're going to hit them with the outro.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Good idea. Like silent. I don't know the outro. Someone's going to have to do it. But like, let's leave some silence. And then out of nowhere, someone do the outro. Sammy, you got to edit that in. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:17:19 We can just do it. Yeah. OK. Sammy, do you have any stock audio of silence? We'll just do it. We'll just do it. Ready? We're doing it. Don't say anything. Don's do it. Sammy, do you have any stock audio of us silence? We'll just do it. We'll just do it. Ready? We're doing it.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Shh. Goodbye. I loved it. I loved it. Hi, guys. Sammy here.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Too Scary Didn't Watch. We had such a great time with Rebecca hearing all about It Follows. And if you want to see more of Rebecca, because why wouldn't you? She's the freaking best. She has a show at UCB Franklin called From Your TV to UCB. You can also see her perform with her all-female improv team, Dow Jones. And she's also in an upcoming Miranda July movie called Kajillionaire, which sounds awesome. So keep an eye out for that. And another thing to add to your to-do list is to please head on over to Apple Podcasts and rate and review us.
Starting point is 01:18:21 It helps other people find our podcast and it means a lot to us. So it would be really really dope if you could do that. And subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us on social media. We are on Instagram and Twitter at TSDWPodcast.
Starting point is 01:18:38 We are now also on Stardust where you can actually see our faces as we react to these movies. And it's a lot of fun. If you like movies and TV, you're going to like this app. I think that's it. I think that's everything I have to say. Thank you so much for listening. We love you so much. Bye-bye.

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