Too Scary; Didn't Watch - TRAP

Episode Date: August 7, 2024

One original album by Saleka Shyamalan, one Josh HOTnett and one foolproof fbi plan - we’re recapping M. Night’s latest flick TRAP, a film that asks us, ‘why have 1 deus ex machina when... you can have… 1,000,000?’Movie stats @ 24:07Recap starts @ 29:42MERCH!!!!! ALL HAIL HELLCHELLA!!!Follow the show: @TSDWpodcast on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.Check out our Patreon for bonus episodes and additional content!Rate Too Scary; Didn’t Watch 5 Stars on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and leave a review for Emily, Henley, and Sammy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. This is Emily, Henley and Sammy, and you're listening to Too Scary, Didn't Watch. Hi everyone, welcome to Too Scary, Didn't Watch, the horror movie recap podcast for those too scared to watch for themselves. I'm Emily and I am too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Henley and I'm also too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Sammy and I love watching scary movies and so I watch them so that you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:00:41 But today's movie is pretty much a comedy. It is, it is, it is, I'm so excited for this one. I'm so excited for this movie. Oh my God, I am so excited. Oh my God, you guys are in for a wild ride and a treat. Amazing. I'm excited. I can't wait to tell you about it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 But first, we have a little bit of haunted housekeeping. Halchella, final month. Unbelievable, I can't, I can't believe it. God, I'm gonna miss it. I'm really gonna miss it. I looked at my calendar the other day and was like, wait. It's gone by so fast. Who will I be without Helcella?
Starting point is 00:01:18 I don't know. It's like a pillar of my personality now. I'll look in the mirror and I won't recognize myself. Well, listeners, if you are afraid of a life without Helcella, what better way to prevent that than getting a Helcella t-shirt so that you'll have a piece of Helcella with you always. We still have t-shirts for sale at slash Hellchella. Really great shirts.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I'm very excited for mine to arrive. They are shipping in batches. So when you order them, it might not ship for, you can like check the ship date, but mine's I think coming in a couple of weeks. And yeah, yeah, yeah And I can't freaking wait. Me too, I can't wait. They're great. And then the other piece of news is just that
Starting point is 00:02:11 we have our final live show on Patreon on, I did not write it down, oopsie. August 25th? Here I am saying a date. Without being sure that I'm right. You are correct. It is August 25th at 4.30 PM Pacific, 7.30 Eastern. We will be recapping Alien Romulus live on Patreon, slash TSDW podcast. I'm so freaking excited for that one. Me too. I think it's going to be scary. It's directed by Fede Alvarez, who directed Evil Dead, which had me floating around the room with joy.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And I really, fingers crossed, I'm hoping that I'll get the same reaction to Alien Romulus. I want to see it. And everybody is telling me I shouldn't. They are trying to keep me away. I think you should try and you could always walk out. Yeah, you can always walk out.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I could always walk out if I don't. You can also always cover your ears and close your eyes. Joel truly keeps being like, every time it comes up, he's like, Emily wants to see it, she's crazy. And I'm like, you're curious. She's curious. You're curious. Yeah. I'm a little curious too. But I mean, it might be a huge, it might be a huge mistake.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I'm prepared to admit that it might be a huge mistake, but I still think I want to try. Yeah, I think it's just cause it's Fede Alvarez who has done Evil Dead and Don't Breathe, which neither of those, I don't think you would enjoy watching. No, no. And it will be, I know it's going to be really fucking scary.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Scary and probably very gross. Yeah. Because he does a lot of gore. I think it's the grossness that I'm worried about. Yeah. I think it's the level of- There's a lot of, you know, chest, chest bursters and face huggers and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:44 A lot of chest stuff and sucking thingsers and facehuggers and stuff. Chest stuff and sucking and the fluids, alien fluids coming out of things. Going into places that alien fluids should not go. I think you should try. Why the hell not? What's the worst that could happen? Why the hell not? El Chella. El Chella. El Chella. Anything can happen.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Emily goes into like a catatonic state and doesn't. That's the worst that could happen. That would be bad. That would be really bad. She just has to watch Mission Impossible over and over and over again until she's back to her true self. And that's fine. And that's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'm not upset about that. I could do that. Great. Well, I can't wait, but that's the extent of our haunted housekeeping. So did anything scary happen to you guys this week? I just need to tell you guys about traveling from Maryland back to Connecticut. I'm very grateful. I have a dad that is willing to just get in the car and drive anywhere, anytime.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I'm very grateful for that. The only issue is that my dad also refuses to use Google Maps. He does not use Google Maps. He has a Garmin GPS that's gotta be from like 2005. Yeah, we used to have a Garmin. He has that. Then he has the car GPS, you know, the one in the car that neither of neither of them
Starting point is 00:05:09 work. Neither of them are giving you up to date traffic information. Neither of them are giving you the fastest route. Okay. We also have my mom in the passenger seat using Google Maps secretly on her phone. Chiming in every once in a while. So I'm in the way back. I'm trying to manage May, who's like crying and freaking out, and Silas, who like also is, you know, having a hard time.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That's a long drive. I'm just trying to keep quiet. So if everything goes smoothly, this is a drive that can be accomplished in, I would say four and a half hours. Okay. If everything goes really smoothly. Okay. The drive from Maryland to Connecticut with my dad
Starting point is 00:05:51 took about eight and a half hours. Oh no. Oh my God. And what percentage of that was traffic? Let me tell you. And you know what? It didn't even bother me because I am so used to this behavior. This is the type of shit I grew up with.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And I was just in the back letting it roll off my back. Whatever, you know, it's fine. He does shit. OK, he pulls the craziest shit, you guys. All right. So like the GPS says one thing, another GPS says another thing, my mom's telling him He does shit. Okay, he pulls the craziest shit, you guys. All right. So like the GPS says one thing, another GPS says another thing.
Starting point is 00:06:28 My mom's telling him a different thing. He then just will take an exit. He'll just go, maybe we can go. Maybe we can go this way. Maybe it's this way. Maybe we can go this way. What an interesting. It's one thing to like stay on the road
Starting point is 00:06:43 when the thing is telling you get off and take a different route. That's a kind, that's a psychology I can understand. Being like, no, I'm gonna stick to the chosen course, but taking just a roll the dice, maybe I'll go this way. He literally is like, I feel like Connecticut is in this direction. Let's head that way.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Like as if he's in a Target looking for the shoe section. Exactly, where the paper towels are. Like eventually you'll get to it, right? Like if you just keep going, eventually it'll direct you back to where you started. And he doesn't communicate, like so he will not tell you what he's planning on doing. He just does things impulsively. This is really interesting. And Silas is singing loudly right outside my door. So he's just standing at that door singing.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I can't hear it, but I can hear you. Okay, sorry. It's really loud. Anyway, so that is absolutely maddening behavior. And my mom is also kind of like losing her shit in the passenger seat, but trying to like keep it together. And things would happen like we would be in standstill traffic. And my mom would have her Google Maps out.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Okay, if anyone understands this route, you'll know this is crazy. We decided to take the Tappan Zee Bridge so we could avoid the George Washington Bridge traffic. Nonetheless, we still drove through Fort Lee, which is the town right before George Washington Bridge, which is the whole point of avoiding Fort Lee. Somehow we both drove through Fort Lee and took the Tappan Zee Bridge. None of this makes sense. None of it makes any fucking sense. So we're stuck. We're not moving. The car is not moving. My mom is in the passenger seat looking at her phone going, okay, you need to exit in 0.9 miles. My dad's in the passenger seat looking at her phone going, okay, you need to exit
Starting point is 00:08:25 in point nine miles. My dad's in the far left lane. You got to exit off the right, right? Point nine miles, we got to exit. Cars not moving. Car inches forward. My mom, point eight miles. Point eight miles, you need to exit. My dad, stone cold, no response. So anxious as well. Both of them are vibrating with anxiety. And this back and forth lasts for like a solid 15 minutes. My mom counting down 0.7 miles, 0.6 miles. Finally, she gets to 0.3 miles. My dad has still not gotten closer to the right. And she goes, is there something you know that I don't know? Why are you not moving closer to the exit?
Starting point is 00:09:04 He will not respond. He gets, they get into this state where like he is on a completely different plane. They're actually like in different, yeah, total states of being. This is the thing that I do think happens like deep into a marriage where it's like all of a sudden each person is on an island and yet. Yeah, okay, okay. And it's so funny, Tim and I share locations. So like he's in London and nonetheless was like looking at our location.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Like what are you doing? And he was like texting me being like, are you okay? Like, where are you guys? You're still in the car? Wait, you're only at the Vince Lombardo. Oh my God. It took us twice as long. You're still in the car? Wait, you're only at the Vince Lombardo. It took us twice as long. And afterwards, I was like, Mom, what the hell happened? And she was like, he decided he did make it to the exit. It was fine. But my mom was like, he wanted, he decided he wanted to find a new route. He decided he was going to find a new
Starting point is 00:10:01 route this way. He's being an explorer. And he wanted to do that with a three-year-old and a nine-month-old in the car. Without asking if anyone else was down with that. No. And hey, guess what? The new route? Bad. Really bad. Don't recommend it.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's a really bad one. You don't want to take that route. Some of the routes are what they are because that is just the way to get from point A to point B. Yeah. It's funny to have an explorer mentality in a place that has already been completely explored for over a hundred years and everything's been built and mapped out. Yeah, we've developed it.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And then the best part, we finally get home. Guess who's locked out of the apartment? Me. I don't have my keys. Oh, we got to drive back. There's someone here who could come open it up. So it's like really no big deal. But I was like, are you fucking kidding me? After all that, I can't even get in. Anyway, it's fine. What time did you leave and what time did you arrive?
Starting point is 00:10:55 We left at 8 a.m. and we got there at like 4 p.m. Oh, maybe five. It was so long and we stopped. I mean, we had to stop bunch to like it was like it was tough. It was tough, you guys. It was tough. That's yeah, that's tough. I am. That is that is tough.
Starting point is 00:11:20 That's tough. Um, what about wait, tell me what about you guys? Um, I'll give Sammy a little break from talking about her colon, tell me, what about you guys? I'll give Sammy a little break from talking about her colon and I'll talk about mine. Ooh, colon talk. It's just been, you guys know this, this happened when you were in town, Hen. I've been having, I like, or I told you about it
Starting point is 00:11:36 when you were in town. Intermittently, I will have what one might describe as an unreasonable amount of pain. And, you know, I've been, I've been ignoring it because it'll come for a couple of days and then it'll go away. And it's like what pain it never happened. But you know, I've been feeling like I should, I should address it and it came back again. It's this like pretty intense cramping in my lower left abdomen. I've only done Googling. You know, all I'm doing is Googling. I'm not
Starting point is 00:12:05 seeing a professional. I will say, I will say a couple of years ago, I did go see a doctor and cause some people might have this question and he did suggest that I make sure it was not ovarian and I did and it's not. So that has been checked off the list. So I do believe it is related to my colon again, based only on Googling,, you know, it came around again this week and all the Googling also says that you should just go on a liquid diet when that happens. And every time I've been like, no thank you, I will continue to not change my life at all.
Starting point is 00:12:36 For how long? Well, you know, this time I thought I'd try it. And I thought I would do a liquid diet just right away, try it for a couple of days. And unfortunately it did work. Oh, how quickly did it work? Like immediately. Like immediately I was in so much less pain.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So, yeah. Cause less digesting happening, I guess. Less digesting happening. Yeah, I was just giving everything a break, I think. So I was having, you know, I was having smoothies. I love smoothies. I was having bone broth. And then I was having, you know, I was having smoothies. I love smoothies. I was having bone broth. And then I worked my way up to, I decided I could have like, uh, I had like the one
Starting point is 00:13:13 of the saddest looking meals of my entire life because Joel was also, he had dinner plans with a friend and I was like, I'm not going to put effort into this. Like I already can't eat anything exciting. I'm not gonna put effort into this. Like I already can't eat anything exciting. I'm not gonna cook. And I had gotten myself canned pureed sweet potatoes. Nice. And I decided I was gonna have some of that
Starting point is 00:13:32 with some toast. Not a bad meal. But for toast, the only bread we had was hot dog buns left over from the 4th of July that we put in the freezer. So I had defrosted, sort of like crumbled, hot dog bun toast with a bowl of pure ice cream. Damn it's so gross.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And it was the saddest looking thing. But you know what, I made it through. I made it through and I did and I got acupuncture the other day for the first time. Cause I thought maybe let's try, let's try this. I don't know. And that was, I mean, that was nice. I don't know if it's going to help. It was a little bit, it was a weird sensation for sure.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I don't know. I'm just, it's really, I just want my body to do what I want it to do without having to make any adjustments is the thing. I know that's a trick about getting older. It's only adjustment as we get older. That's the freaking dream. So we're going to see, I do have an appointment with a, with my doctor. One of the things this acupuncturist told me though, who was lovely, recommend from
Starting point is 00:14:42 Sammy really, really loved her. But she did say, and this does make sense, she was like, one of the things we say with digestive issues in Chinese medicine is to not eat any raw vegetables. Yes, that is a big thing for me as well. Anytime I'm having any symptoms flaring up, I'll cut out raw vegetables.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, where it's like, oh, so I shouldn't do what I do, which is just plain lettuce and dressing every single day for lunch, every single day of my life, I bring lettuce and dressing to work and it's just have that as my lunch. You gotta do like a cooked salad. You can do like a cooked spinach with cooked veggies and chicken
Starting point is 00:15:20 and you can still serve it cold. But everything has everything just cooked. Yeah. Yeah. So the, you know, what's scary is I'm going to have to put some effort in. Yeah. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It sucks. It sucks you guys. I just want to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it, eat whatever the hell I want. Not feel bad. And feel my best. Not just not bad. I would like to feel my best. I'd like to feel really good.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Which you guys, you should be proud of me speaking of making some adjustments. I've been trying to exercise for years now. You know, it's been years and years and years. Oh, it's hard. That one is really hard. And I bit the bullet and I signed up for some 30 minute personal training sessions at the Y down the street. Oh my God, very Greenwich of you.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And I am, because I really like for the longest time me exercising was I would just like go for a run, but I need to. I mean that counts. No, but I mean, I need like strength. I like feel my muscles like atrophy. Like I feel like I like- Well they do that too. My like posture is so, so, so bad.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I feel like I have like no core strength whatsoever. And I just need someone to tell me what to do. I need someone, I've watched a million videos. I need like a real person in front of me saying, this is what you do. And then watching me and forcing me to do it. So that then, and also like looking at my body and like being able to tell what I need to do.
Starting point is 00:16:47 But anyway, so yeah, you're looking at me now, like when you guys, I mean, when you see me in September, I'm just gonna be like, absolutely jacked. I'm gonna be jacked. I'm gonna be swole. I'm sorry, we're going on a lot of tangents, so we still need to know what Sammy's scary thing is, but this reminds me, I've been watching some Olympics
Starting point is 00:17:05 and muscles I didn't even know existed. I'm seeing on these bodies. We were watching synchronized diving yesterday, which I fucking love. So yeah, I do like that. The thighs on these divers, muscles were coming out near the hip that I was like. Like it's coming out like, like, like, like, it's coming out, like a three dimensional,
Starting point is 00:17:26 like out where, where I think it just, it only goes in, but it was going out. It was going out. Thigh muscles that are like wider, deeper, bigger than a, than like a chair. I'm like, how is a body? I just, I just can't. It's amazing. It's also is I've been watching a lot of those side by side videos of like gymnastic floor routine and like the eighties versus now. And it is really funny. Like in the eighties, they're just like,
Starting point is 00:17:55 do do do like popping around. Bling bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing b and then now they're just fucking flinging themselves into the air doing a thousand flips. They go so high. They go so high. It's really wild. Anyway, I've just really been, it's been a really body focused stretch of time for me. Yeah. And you know I wanna think about my body as little as possible. I wanna not know that it's there in an ideal world.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, this is a good lead in to my scary thing. Oh no. Is I have long hair now for the first time in a while. Long hair. Oh, I thought you said lung hair. Long hair. And I was like, what is that? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:18:37 What? Long hair. Long hair. Lungs? So I have long hair. I hope I don't have lung hair. That sounds really bad. It sounds really bad.
Starting point is 00:18:47 This is new. This is new. I haven't heard of this one. But it's also extremely hot in Los Angeles. And so I had kind of forgotten about this aspect of long hair, of it just feeling like a warm blanket on your back. And I'm like so sweaty on my upper back all the time now, getting back knee. Also like so much hair falls out.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Like so much hair falls out. It's really how is so much hair falling out. And you guys know that I'm like disgusted by hair. It's like my main. Well, and Sammy, for me too, I'm losing so much hair falling out? And you guys know that I'm like disgusted by hair. It's like my main- I know. Well, and Sammy, for me too, I'm losing so much hair. My hair's long too, but it's also dark. And dark hair is the grossest hair to see around. I was not as grossed out by my hair when it was blonde.
Starting point is 00:19:36 It's so crazy and so like irrational, but like once a strand of hair leaves my head, I'm like disgusted by it. Just like- Even if it's your own hair. Interesting. Yes, yes. It's like mostly my own hair, I'm disgusted by it. Even if it's your own hair. Interesting. Yes, it's mostly my own hair that I'm dealing with, obviously. In the shower, it's just my personal hell in there. Just hair.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Which is already a hard place for you. It's already a hard place. I will say it's gotten easier in summer because I am, well, a, a lot sweatier and when I'm very sweaty, I am very motivated to shower. So that helps. And then also I'm not worried about being cold when I get out of the shower. In fact, I would embrace being-
Starting point is 00:20:15 Welcome it. Yeah, I would welcome it. And so it's a nice way to cool off as someone without any, you know, pool or beach access. So just a little shower. Central AC. Central AC, yeah just a little shower. Central AC. Central AC, yeah, a little shower is a great way to cool down. But yeah, I guess I just, these past couple months
Starting point is 00:20:35 have been horrified by this side effect of long hair. And I'm like, I think I'm gonna have to cut it. Like eventually, I like wanna keep it long, a little longer, And I'm like, I think I'm gonna have to cut it. Eventually, I like wanna keep it long, a little longer, but I'm like, it's genuinely everyday, like something about it really grosses me out. I'm just like, oh, I'm so sweaty. It's like, it's in the way, it's like always in my face, it's always all over my clothes and like-
Starting point is 00:21:03 Oh, it like gets in my food. Gets in food, it's everywhere. Like it gets in my face, it's always all over my clothes. It gets in my food. It gets in food, it's everywhere. It gets in my coffee a lot. I'll go to move my hair out of the way and be like, it's wet, and then be like, it's fucking coffee. When did I get coffee in, when did I lean over? And it's like, ugh. I have to have my hair up all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I have to have my hair up all the time. That's what I've been doing. I have to have my hair up all the time because if I leave it down, Mae will rip it out of my head so quickly and so much of it. She just takes her like fat little hand and just grabs a big old chunk and just pulls as hard as she can. It's like all she wants to do. They got that grip. Is rip your hair out.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Not having a hair tie is like something I fear. Yeah. Wow. I fear that. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know. It's, it's, I really like the long hair aesthetically, but basically everything else about it is
Starting point is 00:21:57 annoying. Well, winter's coming. It'll be here before you know it. Yeah. And then maybe you'll appreciate- You'll wash that blanket on your head. You'll appreciate having that long hair. Maybe, but then what about turtlenecks and scarves? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I will be, I am keeping my hair long for the wedding, but I am cutting it like immediately after. I'm so, I like have to get it. I also like, it's like. Should we all shave our heads? Let's make a pact right now. Make a pact with me right now that we're shaving shave our heads? Let's make a pact right now. Make a pact with me right now
Starting point is 00:22:26 that we're shaving our heads after your wedding. Make a pact with me. Well, you guys know I have a huge crater in my head. Yeah, I have a big bump in my skull and I'm not trying to show that off if I can help it. How do you even know? I think I have a lot of moles on my head. Oh, you can feel mine.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I've made you feel mine. Yeah, I've made you feel it. There's an extremely large crater. That's how I know, because it's really big. And remember because mine could fit in Sammy's. Yeah, that's what if we shave our heads, we have to. Sammy's goes in and mine goes out. I have a crater too.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I have a little crater right here. I can fit in both of yours. If we shave our heads, we have to puzzle piece our heads together. I also have always said that I would like to put a hot dog in it because it's about that shape and size. Fun fun fun fun. I think I could put like a tiny little hat on mine. A little terrifier hat. Like a terrifying hat. Or like the clown. Or like don't they put little faces on them in their little on in Fury Road? I can't remember. Doesn't one of the guys have like having some memory of one of the guys.
Starting point is 00:23:25 He like says one of his bulges is like, he gives it a name. Yeah, you'll have to do that for sure. War Boy. But let's just hope that it doesn't come to that. But I will be cutting. I'm also, the longer my hair gets, maybe you can relate to this Sammy,
Starting point is 00:23:36 the longer my hair gets, the more I'm aware that like hair is dead. No, I haven't had that, but it's true. Like I'm like, this is a dead thing just hanging off my head. Wow. This has been long dead. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:50 This has been dead for so long. Yeah. I mean, ew. Ew. Yeah, really gross. So, just kind of scary realization. Scary. But okay, let's talk about something much less scary,
Starting point is 00:24:05 which is the new movie by M. Night Shyamalan, Trap in theaters now. They just keep letting him make movies. They think he- Thank God, thank God. They don't let him handle it. He finances them himself. He just makes them.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I forgot. He's always financed, or maybe not always, but for a long time he has done, he's completely finances his own movies. Who is paying for them though? Like who is actually paying for these? Him, him. No, but it can't just be,
Starting point is 00:24:37 like he has to be getting people. It's just him, no. It's literally his own money. Yes. It's always his own money. I mean, he has a lot of money. Yes. I didn't realize that. That's fucking nuts. I'm pretty sure, yeah. And he does keep making money. It's always his own money. I mean, he has a lot of money. Yes. I didn't realize that.
Starting point is 00:24:45 That's pretty sure. Yeah. And he does keep making money like his movies do keep making money. Yeah. We love a self-motivated king. So, yes, this is written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, starring Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donahue, Hayley Mills, Allison Pille and Salika Shyamalan, his daughter, different from the daughter that directed The Watchers.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I believe that's Ashana Shyamalan. And so both of his daughters having a good year, a big year. Yeah. What do you guys know about this movie? Do you guys know the basic plot? I actually do. I know it involves a concert. And I know that I hope do. I know that it involves a concert. And I know that, I hope this isn't the twist it can't be.
Starting point is 00:25:28 No, no, no, cause it's like, like Josh Hartnett is a bad guy. Yep. He's a dad, but he's also a bad guy, which is like, wait. But he is still definitely a hot dad, which is, which is- I am loving Hartnett just being like out and about again. I don't know that he ever really went anywhere, but I am all of a sudden like so aware of him again,
Starting point is 00:25:52 and I'm really thrilled. What else is he in these days? He was an Oppenheimer. Oh, right, right. He makes a little, he has a small part in season three of The Bear, which was interesting. Oh, that's right, I made it to that, and then I stopped. We've all been a little slow moving on the bear.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I think season three in general, people have been a little bummed on, but I'll get there. I'll make it through. And Josh Hartnett is certainly a welcome addition. John Cena was a little bit less of a welcome addition for me personally, but Josh Hartnett, I was happy about. Okay, well, I think that we should watch the trailer at the end anyways, just because we don't need to see it to get the recap. So that will be available on our Patreon if you want to watch our trailer reaction.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But I'll just tell you guys some stats. Trap has a 47% on Rotten Tomatoes, 53 on Metacritic, and a 6.2 on IMDB. Of course it does. The budget, 30 million. So far it has made 15.6 million, but at the time of this recording, it's only been out for three days.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Okay, but hoping he doesn't lose $15 million. Yeah, with his own personal money. He won't, he won't. He'll make it back personal money. He won't. He'll make it back. It'll make it back. He'll make it back. Something fun I read in the trivia, but didn't notice in the movie. But apparently in the movie, there's a billboard for the watchers. She's kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:27:16 That's nice. Girl, dad, just supporting. God, what a good girl. Dad. His children love to see it. Nepotism wins. So heartwarming. I did not see the Watchers, but I do want to watch it eventually. I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:27:34 We just did, we skipped it for Hell Chella, but. We skipped it, we skipped it. Maybe we'll come back to it. But that's all the trivia I have. Should we just freaking get into this recap? Oh my God. This will be so silly. It's so silly trivia I have. Should we just freaking get into this recap? This movie is so silly. It's so silly. There's almost zero scary moments at all.
Starting point is 00:27:50 It's just, it's fun. Comedy, a little thrillery. Our theater was laughing the whole time. Also the AC in our theater was broken. So that was a little scary. It was so hot. And it was like sold out, big theater. So, so much body heat.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I was like dripping sweat. So that was- Oh, I'm so glad you already just had COVID. Cause I have something about it being hot makes me feel like it's like COVID was like, yes, yes, yes. Like swimming in the thick air. Where did you see this? AMC Burbank, baby, where I always see everything.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm just shocked that they would have this sort of situation happen. I know, I thought about getting up and complaining. I mean, I guess the power grid just cannot handle what we're needing it to do. It's been very hot in LA, and I'm sure, yeah, everybody's AC is on constantly. I was upset recently, saw a movie,
Starting point is 00:28:42 and one of the seats, the seat itself was broken, and it was a full theater and it was my assigned seat and I was like this is a not right but I didn't do a thing about it because what was I supposed to do? You mean it was like the reclining seat that didn't recline? No, no, no, like the seat was like the seat itself was like broken like like a physical break in the seat. Oh no. That's so uncomfortable. It was. That sucks. Joel insisted upon sitting in it because he's a chauvinistic pig. Let me sit in my own broken seat.
Starting point is 00:29:18 How fucking dare you? No, he's what a sweet man. What a sweet man. Selfless. Oh Joel. He takes my discomfort from me. God. No, he's what a sweet man. What a sweet man. Selfless. Oh, Joel. He takes my discomfort from me. God.
Starting point is 00:29:29 God, we love him. God, we love him. All right, well, let's freaking, I'm glad you stuck out the heat for this, Sammy. Yeah, I'm really glad. I can't wait to hear about this movie. Can't have been easy. If you're a new parent, a bad day means
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Starting point is 00:30:16 Named best diaper subscription by New York Magazine and winner of the 2022 Good Housekeeping Parenting Award, Hello Bello will keep you well stocked on diapers and wipes. Go to I used to love back to school shopping so much that I would tell my mom that I wanted to work at Staples when I grew up because I just loved getting all the things that I needed that I would use every day in class. I still to this day have nightmares about showing up in class without notebooks or number two pencils. Really scary stuff. But luckily I wake up and I realize I don't actually need notebooks
Starting point is 00:31:11 or number two pencils anymore. But this fall there is something that I will be using every day and would be terrified to be caught without. And that's Raycon's best selling everyday earbuds. I've been trying to go on walks every day and so I need earbuds that I can rely on to listen to all my favorite podcasts and I know you guys listen to podcasts as well so you know what I'm talking about. I got my Raycons in carbon black because that's my vibe, but they come in other cool colors
Starting point is 00:31:47 as well like forest green and brush violet. But my favorite thing about them is the battery life. They stay charged for 32 hours and they have a new quick charge function. So 10 minutes of charging gets you 90 minutes of battery life. Really freaking convenient for, I don't know, say a long morning walk. You forgot to charge them and you just need a little bit of juice to listen to one episode of a podcast. It's only gonna take you 10 minutes. It's incredible. So go to slash too scary today to get 20 to 40% off site wide. That's right. You'll get up to 40% off everything on Raycon's website when you go to slash
Starting point is 00:32:42 too scary. slash too scary by slash too scary. We start with a father and daughter arriving at a concert venue. Father is hot Josh Hartnett. Josh Hotnett. Josh Hotnett. Which looking like huge too. I feel like I saw the trailer for this and he looks just like so...
Starting point is 00:33:05 He's probably pretty tall, right? Big. Maybe it's because he's mostly next to a small girl. Exactly. That's why. And everyone else in the audience is small girls. Yeah, maybe. So he's just like... It could be relative.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Immediately weird. Yeah, he stands out for sure. And his name is Cooper. His daughter's name is Riley. She is like preteen age. She looks distractingly like Amy Schumer. Oh really? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:35 That's funny. I don't remember that. I saw this with Jenna and she leaned over and she was like, she looks like Amy Schumer. And then from then I was like, is it Amy Schumer's daughter? And I was like, is that the twist? Is that the twist? Amy Schumer doesn't have And I was like, is that the twist? Is that the twist? Amy Schumer doesn't have a 12-year-old daughter.
Starting point is 00:33:47 What the fuck? The resemblance was striking. I just have to call it out. OK. Riley is so excited for this concert. They're seeing Lady Raven, who's a pop star that she's obsessed with, they're listening to her music in the car ride over. And then Cooper asks, like checks in with Riley
Starting point is 00:34:07 about some problems she's been having with some of the girls at school. Some of her friends have started being mean to her and not including her in their plans anymore. We've all been their frenemies. And I guess she was supposed to go to this concert with them but her dad is taking her as a kind of way to cheer her up and got better seats than they got. So they've got floor
Starting point is 00:34:30 seats. Nice. And Riley is just so excited. They arrive at the venue and go around back to watch Lady Raven arrive. A crowd has gathered to kind of just see her get out of her limousine or whatever and walk backstage and we're all screaming, oh my God, there she is, there she is. And then they go inside, get to their great seats, floor seats, which are all folding chairs, which I feel like seemed really wrong to me. But then I thought about it more and I was like, I guess that probably is what they do because a lot of times the floor has
Starting point is 00:35:04 no seats, right? Exactly, they do that. Yes, I remember at Heim, I think we were in folding seats because we had floor seats. Yeah, it just seems like. Because it's like a sports arena. Yes. So they're, then the floor seats are on the actual,
Starting point is 00:35:20 you know, where they usually play the sports. It's where the sports happen. It's where the sports usually play. Yes, so there can't be seats sports. It's where the sports happen. It's where the sports usually play. Yes, so there can't be seats there. Can't be seats there permanently. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I would get in the way.
Starting point is 00:35:32 But at first I was like, what the fuck? These seats must have been so expensive and they're folding chairs. It does seem... Who do I complain to? It does seem rude. But anyways, we're noticing as we're walking in a very heavy police presence at this concert, more like armed police in a way that you wouldn't really expect at this concert. And Cooper's a little shifty-eyed
Starting point is 00:35:55 looking extra aware of this and kind of on edge about it. As they make their way to their seats he's scanning the crowd and clocking where each of the groups of police are and seeing them pulling men out of seats at random and taking them away to question them or all the men that are being taken away look so confused, what's going on? I didn't do anything. So something is up and we don't know quite what yet, but Cooper's looking antsy and he says to Riley
Starting point is 00:36:28 that he's got to go to the bathroom and he's like, stay in your seat, like don't move from this spot, or you can come with me to the bathroom and like wait outside. And she's like, no, no, I'll stay, I wanna stay. So she stays. The concert starts by the way.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And I was thinking like, I don't know, maybe this isn't true, but it like seems like kind of a difficult production to have most of this take place during a concert, because there's always... So much noise. Noise, outfit changes, and I mean, I'm sure they recorded without the noise, but it just seems like a lot of coordination. It was like hurting my brain trying to figure out how to like make that those like storyboards. But anyway, so it's a pretty professional looking production. They did a good job like making it seem like a Britney Spears type concert. Maybe not quite
Starting point is 00:37:15 that level, but it's like elaborate and like cool outfits and effects and smoke and TV screens and all the girls are screaming and singing along and taking videos on their phones and stuff and so he's like, okay, I'd go to the bathroom. She's like, I'm staying. So he goes to the bathroom and he goes into a stall and takes out his cell phone, opens it up, pulls up a live feed video to a man chained up
Starting point is 00:37:43 in a basement. Oh my god. Hell yeah. Oh my god, we get right to it. He has this somewhat expressionless face as he's taking this in. He looks like he's thinking about something but he doesn't look upset,
Starting point is 00:38:02 doesn't look necessarily happy, just kind of blank faced reminding himself of this man in the basement. It's just an everyday thing. This is his job. Yes, yes. His job is changing up people in the basement and it's pretty common.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's just another day at the office. So he goes out, he washes his hands and he turns to the sink next to him and sees an old woman, but like in the sea of men washing their hands, this old woman who just kind of looks like she's wandered into the men's bathroom. And then another man like walks between them and then he moves away and the old woman is gone. Don't know what to make of that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 As he's leaving the bathroom, he runs into the mother of the frenemy who apologizes to him and says, I'm so sorry about so-and-so being getting in that fight with Riley. Like, you know how teenage girls are. I want to do whatever we can to try to fix this. But she's like very in his face about it in a way, and the way that a lot of this is filmed is just close up, straight on shots
Starting point is 00:39:13 that are a little disorienting and feel very, I think it's a choice to make it feel very aware of the performance aspect of his life. He's playing a character, and so it doesn't... It just keeps you aware of the fact that he's acting. For some reason, it did for me at least, because it's like, you know, normally a conversation would kind of go at a 45-degree angle.
Starting point is 00:39:42 It feels more natural that way. I don't know. Someone who's like a cinematographer would understand the kind of... It's like a straight on his face and then a straight on her face kind of like back and forth. Yes. It's like POV from each of their eyes type of thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:59 It's like he's doing an audition or something. It's like a self tape almost. And so it feels a little unnatural. And I think the choice is yet to show that he's like playing a character in his life. Interesting. OK. So he's, you know, not super concerned with this woman right now. It's not his priority to like fix this rift between his daughter and his friend. But he's doing his best to be like, yeah, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Like another time, let's talk about this and get a playdate set up for them or whatever you would call a playdate for 12 year olds. And he rushes away and sees FBI agents now starting to surround the building, like hundreds of them, just forming a perimeter around the whole venue. And so he goes back in, he's looking like a little stressed, but he goes, he goes back into his seat. And then there's an intermission. So they go, everybody files into the merch table area or getting snacks or drinks or
Starting point is 00:41:06 whatever. So they stop the merch table and Riley asks for a particular shirt in small, but they only have one left and one other girl's a brat about it and it's like, I was here first, I should get the small. And Riley says, okay, yeah, she couldn't have it. And the vendor selling the shirts feels bad for her and says to Cooper, her dad, like, oh, like, sorry, man, it was nice of you guys to let her have it. I think I have more downstairs.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I'll restock in a bit. If you want to come back in 10 minutes or so, I can hold one aside for you. So they have a little moment of like, thanks man, this is nice of you. And Cooper takes this moment to like pull him aside. So it's like, hey, so what's with all this police presence here? And this is when things start getting really silly
Starting point is 00:41:59 because this guy just again, like facing forward to camera says, oh, I'm not supposed to tell you. I could get in a lot of trouble for telling you this, but you know the butcher, that crazy guy that chops people up? Well, the police got a tip that he's going to be here tonight. So they created a trap for him. They're sealing all the exits except for backstage, but nobody's allowed backstage anyways, except for Lady Raven and just gives this essentially monologue about everything that he needs to know.
Starting point is 00:42:32 That is so funny. What is so funny? And my child is like, how should he find this out? How should he find this out? I know someone will just tell him everything. I'll have someone tell him in full. I'll have someone tell him in full. Almost everything that anybody does or says in this movie is realistic.
Starting point is 00:42:46 It's very silly, but it makes it fun. We were all laughing and having a good time. Great. Okay. So Josh Hartnett in this conversation is kind of wide-eyed, nodding like, whoa, oh, that's so crazy. Wow. I hope they catch him.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And he says, okay, I'll be back in 10 minutes. So now Cooper's a little more urgently walking around the perimeter of the venue, like checking each exit to see if there are any that are unguarded. There are not. And Riley is now saying like, dad, what's going on? Like you're being a little weird.
Starting point is 00:43:24 He's like, we should just like get a little bit of air. Don't you think? Don't you want some air? And she's like, no, like I want to go back in. It's going to start again. And he's like, okay, okay. And so they go back. They're starting to walk back towards the entrance
Starting point is 00:43:38 into the like seating area. And he sees this very drunk girl standing at the top of a staircase and slowly walks up behind her and pushes her down the stairs, which are like pretty high, like cement looking stairs, a pretty nasty fall. And it causes a commotion and everybody turns and like runs to help her. And he's trying to obviously create a distraction and he like sees like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 I think at this point you see him a little bit, make his mind up that he needs to get out of there, whether or not he can convince Riley to leave with him. I think he would like rather leave her in this place. She's, she's safe there ish, I guess. He's more... I got to get out. Yeah. He's like, if I just... He's like, I'm the butcher. I'm the butcher. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I mean, I'm the butcher. I'm the butcher. I got to go. They're looking for me. And so he... What is their plan? They're going to interview every man in the stadium, I guess? Yes, because it's primarily young girls there. Right, so it's not too many men. So it's not a lot of adult men,
Starting point is 00:44:50 but there are, you know, they do eventually say the numbers that it's like 12,000 people and like 2,000 men. So it's a low percentage, but it is still a crazy plan and I don't think this would ever happen in real life. But if we suspend our disbelief, we can have some fun. Okay, down. So he pushes her downstairs, it creates a distraction, but not a big enough distraction. There's still FBI agents like outside guarding. And so he's like, fuck that like didn't work.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So they go back to their seats. And the show continues. And there's a song where she's, Lady Raven is on stage saying like, oh, this song I collaborated with so and so. And like, wouldn't it be so cool if he was here tonight? Maybe if we all call his name really loud, he'll come and like sing the song with me and everyone's so excited. Oh my God, a special guest is gonna be here.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Like, like it's like Justin Bieber type of thing. Like everyone wants this guy to come. And so we're all screaming his name. And then from the floor directly next to where Riley and Cooper are sitting, it like opens up this little compartment where he's elevated from below the stage. And it, of course, opens this gap where you could climb down into the backstage area. And he comes out singing and everybody's screaming and he's walking towards the stage and they just leave this compartment open.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And Cooper turns to Jamie and is like, whoa, check it out down there. Like, that's so cool. Whoa, that's where you wanna be. Maybe we should go under the stage. And he says to her, wouldn't it be cool if we went down there? Should we try to climb down there?
Starting point is 00:46:38 And Riley's like, what? I know. No, we can't do that. And he realizes how insane he sounds. He's like, Oh, you're no, you're right. You're right. And he's seeing like more men being pulled in the crowd scanning, sweating. And then he says, Okay, I'm going to go I'm going to go get your shirt now.
Starting point is 00:46:59 The guy's probably got your shirt. So you stay here and I'll go get the shirt. She's like, Okay. Okay. And so he goes back to the merch booth. This guy's name is Jamie. I think I just called Riley Jamie, but this guy's Jamie. And Jamie is not a real person at all. Nothing he does is anything anybody would do. It's like, hey, man, like, oh, great to see you again. And I got the shirt. We gotta go downstairs though. You wanna come with me to the store room, which like wouldn't happen.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Okay, okay. Jamie's done for. So they go to the entrance to the store room and Jamie swipes his employee key card to get down there. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. Go to find this cardboard box full of shirts. It's a little high so he can't reach it. So Cooper says, let me help you with that.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And as he leans up. He's so tall. He's really tall. And as he leans up, he swipes that key card out of Jamie's back pocket. And Jamie's like, oh, thanks man. Thanks for grabbing that. It's so nice of you.
Starting point is 00:48:04 You're such a good dude. And- Definitely not the serial killer they're looking for here. And he tells him just, he's like, just between you and me, I'm actually a little bit obsessed with the butcher. Like I've been following his crimes for a long time and been trying to like piece things together, a little bit of an amateur sleuth type of thing.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Like, do you want to see these photos of his crime scenes? Like fucking crazy. And as he's about to show him a photo on his phone, he hands him his open box cutter that he was using for the, for opening the box. He's like, will you hold this for me for a second? And these moments are very funny
Starting point is 00:48:41 because Josh Hartnett just is kind of very calm faced, like smiling like, mm-hmm. Oh my God. Oh my God. And kind of eyeing the box cutter, getting some ideas, but decides, nah, he doesn't need to kill this guy. He says he's just asking more about the security steps being taken to get information from him.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And Jamie, just with these loose lips, is absolutely spilling everything and says, yeah, they gave. Because they would definitely tell the t-shirt salesman all of this information. The FBI would make sure that he was in on those intimate details of the plan. Well, he says they did give all of the employees a code word if we ever are suspected or pulled aside. We can say, Hamilton lets them know that we've been briefed
Starting point is 00:49:28 and had our background checks and whatever. And so, but don't tell anybody I said you that, like I said that to you, I shouldn't have said that, but you know, you're a good guy and that's fine. So he gets the shirt and they part ways. He's got a key card and passcode now. So he's feeling pretty good. And he heads straight to the employee lounge.
Starting point is 00:49:53 There's door marked employee lounge. He's now got a key card to get in there. Goes in, there's seemingly a SWAT team of 40 or 50 guys in suits and guns looking very intimidating, having a meeting where they're going over some of what the FBI profiler has said this guy's deal will be like it'll probably be a white guy in his 40s. I don't remember exactly what they're saying, but Cooper is standing watching this, slowly walking towards them, almost like he's enjoying it, you know, how in movies and maybe in real life,
Starting point is 00:50:34 serial killers are like, they a little bit like want to be caught or they want like people to be talking about them, at least. They're like, look how cool, look how much I've done. Look at all this work I've accomplished. And they're obsessed with me. Oh my God. And he starts like gently pushing through the crowd
Starting point is 00:50:53 of all the SWAT guys going like, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. And he's like, just getting some coffee, getting some coffee. And he goes to the coffee table, fills up some coffee. And on his way out to the coffee table, fills up some coffee. And on his way out of the employee room snags a walkie talkie from the cops. So now he has a way to hear all of what's going on with them. That's like a little earpiece that he
Starting point is 00:51:20 puts in so that he can now hear on their channel what orders everyone is getting. Wow. Wow. And here we hear the FBI profiler who's kind of in charge of this operation. We saw her a little earlier. It's an old woman, but not the same old woman that was in the bathroom, but similar looking. And she's saying over the line, our guy that we're looking for won't be panicking. He'll have figured out by now that we're here for him and he'll be looking for a way out. He might try to cause some chaos and we see at this moment, Josh Hartnett had been making his way toward a fire alarm to pull it and then she says like, he'll probably pull a fire alarm and he decides not to now.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And so he heads back to the seat to check on Riley again, but getting like shiftier and a little weirder. And Riley's definitely noticing and it's like, what's up with you? You're being so weird, is something wrong? And he's like, oh, I forgot my credit card at the t-shirt stand. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And so he leaves her again. She's made friends with some of the girls next to her and their mom. And so I think he's also feeling a little better about leaving her there. So he goes up to the food court and he's looking around seeing what sort of chaos he can cause to create distractions, see if he can find any unguarded things or just like any way out.
Starting point is 00:52:58 He notices like stairs to upstairs, but it's in this employee area behind a like burger and fry stand. And he has his employee card, but he's not in any sort of uniform. And so he doesn't think he'd be able to get back there. But he sees a fryer like an oil, you know, where you dunk fries into and all these big glass jugs of frying oil and somehow gets these jugs into the boiling oil and one of the employees walks over and is noticing something, oh, and he turns up the heat to like 500 degrees and she walks up and is noticing something. Oh, and he turns up the heat to like 500 degrees.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And she walks up and is looking, seeing this is boiling more than the other ones and is trying to figure out what's going wrong. And as she's like leaning over it, the glass jugs of boiling oil explode. Oh, shit. Which is scary, but it doesn't really show it. It like you see him kind of walking away and you hear it in the background
Starting point is 00:54:07 and see her from behind screaming and screaming, but it's enough to imagine what, yeah, having boiling oil exploding in your face would be really bad. And in this brief commotion, he leans in and takes an apron of theirs so that he can blend in a little more. And then he walks to the to the roof and feels like all of this he's doing very calm confidently.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Seems like he feels like this is going to be a way out. No way they're going to be guarding the roof, but he gets out there and sure enough they are. And so he just like walks out onto the roof, the building straight into an FBI agent essentially and this guy's you know what are you doing up here and he's like oh oh my god there was just an accident downstairs and I just like needed some air it was pretty intense and he's doing like a horrible job acting here intentionally but also I'm like, come on, like he's being really over the top. And the FBI agent says like, what's the code passcode? He says, Hamilton, obviously. My guy's like, okay, looking at him a little suspiciously. And he's like, do you have your card that you got at the security meeting? And he's like, yeah, duh, and reaches into the apron pocket.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And there's a wallet in there and he opens it and pulls out this card and hands it to the guy. And we see that the ID that's in there is of like, obviously totally different looking person. And he like smiles and hands him the other card, which has no photo element to it. And so the guy's like, okay, you're good. He's like, thanks, man. Hope you catch the guy. And then he before he leaves says, actually, I saw this lady with like gray hair and old lady like what's her deal? Who's that?
Starting point is 00:56:06 She's just an insane thing to do. It's basically like, so I'm the butcher and I wanna know the details here. This FBI agent doesn't seem to be suspicious of this question and just answers, says, ah, she's the FBI profiler, She's in charge here. She's the one that like set up this whole operation. She's giving everybody orders. She's the one in charge. He's like, oh, cool. All right, man. See ya.
Starting point is 00:56:36 It's like, so I'll go kill her. And goes back to the seat again. And it looked like they had caught some guy as he's like walking back to his seat, they're apprehending a man that seems to be fighting back in a way that's maybe letting us know that this could be the guy or they're at least thinking that, right?
Starting point is 00:57:00 And so he's like, ooh, maybe that's my way out of here is like somebody else fucks up and seems like the killer. But then he hears over the headset, the woman FBI profiler, I should look up her name. I didn't think to do that. But she is saying like, he wasn't our guy, like, I'll know our guy. So that that didn't work. And her name is Dr. Grant. Okay. So he's like, well, shoot, that didn't work. And he's talking to Riley a bit trying to pretend like, Oh, yeah, this is so fun. We're having so much fun. Both of us are having a good time. And Riley says it's almost time for them
Starting point is 00:57:49 to pick a Dreamer girl. She does this every concert. Lady Raven always picks for her song Dreamer Girl, someone out of the audience to come on stage and sing with her. And he's kind of half listening like, yeah, yeah, sounds really cool, sounds really cool. And she's like, and you get to go backstage. He's like, what backstage? Well, that would
Starting point is 00:58:13 be really cool. Because we know that's the only place that has an unguarded exit. And so now he's looking around and he sees someone that is wearing like tags that shows that they work with Lady Raven. I can't, I can't remember, but this is M. Night Shyamalan. You know, he likes to have his little cameos. He pays for the movie. He can do whatever he wants. Exactly. And his daughter is Lady Raven, by the way. I forgot to say that. And I thought she was very good. And she wrote all the songs and performs as this pop star. I feel like that's cool.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It's fun. That's fun. So he goes over to M. Night Shyamalan and says, oh, like, my daughter's having such a good time. Thank you guys so much. The show's been so fun. And the guy's like, Hey, like, I'm so happy, man. I'm glad you're having a good time. Like, she's actually my niece. And I'm just so glad to hear you guys are having a good time. And he's like, Yeah, this and it's like extra good because my daughter's like just recovered from leukemia and it's been a really hard couple of years. And this has been her one dream to come to this show
Starting point is 00:59:31 and see M. Night Shyamalan getting an idea, looking back and forth between the stage and Riley and like, hey man, I'll be right back. Stay here, stay here. Like which seats are you in? And walks away. And then of course, she gets picked to be Dreamer Girl. Some employees, people from Lady Raven's team
Starting point is 00:59:56 walk over quietly to their seats and are like, hey, come with us, come with us. You're gonna be the Dreamer Girl. This is so exciting. Riley is absolutely shitting herself. Fucking losing her mind. And at some point right here, really unexpectedly, Kid Cudi comes on stage.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Whoa. Oh, so was he like the surprise? No, there was a different surprise guest. And so he's another one, but yeah, they do have like a duo that they sing and he's wearing this like long platinum blonde wig. His vibe is so funny. I'm obsessed with it. I saw it with Jenna, who is a huge Kid Cudi fan. She squeezed my arm really tight. I thought I was going to get a bruise, but I didn't. But she was so excited.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And so they're performing as Riley and Cooper are taken backstage. Cooper, of course, scanning everything, trying to get a full lay of the land. Where are the doors? Who's back here? There are still police back here, but there's gotta be some way to get out without having them do the full check. They passed police as they went backstage and M. Night Shyamalan showed his badge or whatever
Starting point is 01:01:15 and was like, they're with us, they're good. And so they made it past police already. So this is looking possible. Promising. Promising, we'll see and Dreamer Girl starts playing Riley is brought on stage and there's a moment of Josh Hartnett like watching her just looking like really proud and happy for her and not thinking about how he's being pursued by the FBI gets gets a little caught up in the moment watching her dance on stage and sweet.
Starting point is 01:01:47 He's still a sweet dad. He's still a sweet dad. And a hot dad reminder. He just, in his spare time, likes to keep people in his basement and drop them off from time to time. He has nothing to do with him being a good dad. And there's kind of a funny slash very silly moment
Starting point is 01:02:06 where we see her frenemy in the audience in her worst seats, like seeing Riley on stage getting so pissed at her mom being like, if we had better seats, that could have been us up there. This girl's a bitch. Got it. Driving that home. And as Riley's on stage, Cooper turns to basically their handler that's been telling them where
Starting point is 01:02:28 to go. This woman with a headset and official looking badge and stuff. And he's like, Hey, so after this, can we go out the back door? She's like, Yeah, yeah, totally. He's like, Okay, cool. Like, it'd be nice to like beat the crowd to our car. And she's like, Yeah, no problem at all. It's like, yeah, no problem at all. It's like great.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Really such a big loophole for considering you've gone to all this effort. Really crazy to just leave one door. You know, it's like, just to make things interesting, just make things a little more fun for us. Yeah. I mean, it's the thrill of the chase. You want to still have that opportunity
Starting point is 01:03:02 to keep the chase going. Yep. So the show ends, I guess that's the finale, and they're getting ushered into the backstage area down these halls where the green rooms are. And we see Kid Cudi going into Lady Raven's green room. And again, his vibe is so funny. He's like a diva. He's like screaming at his assistant, like, don't touch me. I thought, his vibe is so funny. He's like a diva. He's like screaming
Starting point is 01:03:25 at his assistant like, don't touch me. I thought I told you to do this. And then like Lady Raven opens the door and he's like, hey. It's very funny. And then the handler comes back and checks in with them and is just like, just so you know, like we want to have a little photo op with Riley and Lady Raven. And then you guys are good to go. And you'll just have to go through the security checkpoint here in the backstage area. It's a little annoying, but we do have extra security measures tonight,
Starting point is 01:03:51 but it's not a big deal, and then you can go. And he's like, I thought, I think he says, oh, there's security back here too. And she says, yeah, only Lady Raven and her close personal team are not going to be checked. They've already like done their security check or whatever. He's like, oh, cool, cool. Great. And then Kid Cudi comes out of Lady Raven's room and there's a very strange moment where Riley waves at him because obviously he's obviously a famous person as well and she's so excited to see him and
Starting point is 01:04:26 he like flips his hair and like winks and waves and smiles at them is such a Unexpected way and it's like a long shot of him like walking away from them like smiling and waving Really interesting choice. I loved it. It's just like so Also just really, really perfect. And then Lady Raven comes out to greet Riley and Riley is again beside herself, just like she's meeting her Britney Spears, like crying tears of happiness.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Like, oh my God, oh my God. Oh, this is so exciting. Josh Hartnett leans into Lady Raven's ear, whispers to her, hey, I think you heard about my daughter's health issues. Could I just talk to you privately for a second? And Lady Raven looks a little confused, but was like, yeah, totally, of course.
Starting point is 01:05:18 So they go back into her dressing room. It's just the two of them. And- Just truly in no universe would that happen. Yeah. No. There'd be like a million bodyguards. No, no. Absolutely, we're not letting a man alone
Starting point is 01:05:30 in a room with this pop star. Certainly not one where we think a man is a butcher here. Yeah, exactly. So... But we're suspending our disbelief. We gotta suspend it. We're suspending it, it's suspended. We gotta suspend it a lot.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I'm gonna suspend it, I'm gonna suspend it. And he pulls out his phone as he's talking about carbon monoxide and how quickly carbon monoxide can kill you, and he's like, do you know that? How fast carbon monoxide can kill people? And she's like, what are you talking about? And he's like, I think you're looking for me. And she says, what?
Starting point is 01:06:04 And he's like, I think all of this for me. And she says, what? And he's like, I think all of this, all the security and stuff is for me. And he shows her his phone and the guy locked up in a basement and says, there's a button on my phone that I can press that will fill this room with carbon monoxide and he'll die immediately. And she's obviously looking terrified. He's like, unless you just take my daughter
Starting point is 01:06:27 and I in your limousine back to our house. And she's, you know, frozen in fear, but complying. And then, and then I won't kill that guy some other way later. That's the thing is there's a lot of and also like, and she won't tell anyone exactly what you look like and who you are. And we'll know his address, his home address. Yes. Yeah, my home address. Bring us to my home address.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And I'll just hope that you never- Bring it up again. Speak of it again. Water under the bridge, baby. But I guess she's not thinking things through. And so- Fair enough, fair enough. she's not thinking things through. And so she does agree to this. And after she's like trying to act normal, Riley is so excited to be hanging out with her. And she says, Riley, would you like to get a
Starting point is 01:07:17 ride home with me and my limo? And Riley's of course like, Oh my God, yes, like amazing. And Josh Hartnett is like smiling so big, like, isn't this so cool? Oh my God, yes, like amazing. And Josh Hartnett is like smiling so big, like isn't this so cool, oh my God, this is amazing. And he keeps like wiggling his phone at Lady Raven like showing her. And this is all like played as fully like comedy. Great, it's very funny. When he was writing it,
Starting point is 01:07:41 do you think he was like, this is funny? Or do you think when they were filming it, he was like, oh no, this is funny, we've got to just lean into it. I think he's got to know it, do you think he was like, this is funny? Or do you think when they were filming it, he was like, oh no, this is funny. We've got to just lean into it. It's funny. I think he's got to know it's funny. It's like. I think he knows it's funny.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Okay. It's crazy for me to imagine that he didn't know this was funny. Because it's like Josh Hartnett is like, well yeah, I guess I see what you're saying that maybe they discovered it in the filming process, but. Right. No, I think it, I'd be curious to read the script,
Starting point is 01:08:05 but I feel like it was written to be funny. Oh boy, okay. So as they're in the limo, Josh Hartnett gives the limo driver their home address, real home address. And Lady Raven is looking like, you know, wheels are turning in her mind. She's like, what can I do here? What can I do here? While trying to like, remain normal seeming to Riley, who's having the best day of her life. And as they're approaching the house, Lady Raven
Starting point is 01:08:39 says, Hey Riley, could I come see your house? And Josh Hartnett is giving her this look like, you bitch, don't you fucking dare. Wiggling his phone and it's this like, just a guy sitting in the back of the limo going. And these parts are so funny to me. I was, I really loved this part of the movie where it's just them having this secret standoff. Showdown.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Yeah, showdown. And Riley's like, oh my God, yeah, I'll call my mom right now. Make sure that we have some snacks or something. And she calls her mom and she's like, oh my God, Mom, you're never going to believe it. Lady Raven wants to come over. Her mom's like, what? Oh my God. I'll get some snacks out, some snacks ready.
Starting point is 01:09:25 And- Lady Raven wants to come over. What? Is Lady Raven okay? Get the snacks! Get the snacks! The whole situation is so insane. And they arrive at the house, very nice suburban neighborhood, nice house, very typical middle
Starting point is 01:09:44 class, upper middle-class family. Allison Pill plays his wife and he has a son as well. So just like very cookie cutter. Everything looking good and nice here. Big smiles. Oh my God, Lady Raven, welcome to our home. So amazing to meet you. Come on in, come on in, sit down. They all sit around in the living room with snacks and Lady Raven is just kind of looking around trying to figure out what to do. Riley's mom, Rachel is her name, Allison Pill, so like, how was the show? Like, did you guys have so much fun? And Josh Hartnett this whole time is just staring daggers at Lady Raven, just like, shhh, don't you fucking dare say anything. And she says, you know, actually, it was kind
Starting point is 01:10:38 of a weird day today. I don't know if you've heard about the butcher. Do you know about the butcher?" And she's like, oh, the serial killer? Yeah. Why do you bring that up? And Lady Raven says, well, the FBI got a tip that he was going to be at my concert. And so there was a lot of FBI and cops there. And so it was just like a kind of weird vibe. And Rachel is looking like completely like shocked by this, like, whoa, that's so crazy. I can't believe it. And she's like, yeah, it's really crazy. And I had a couple of meetings with the FBI to set this whole thing up.
Starting point is 01:11:16 And they said that this guy is probably a white guy in his forties. He probably has a normal life. He probably lives here. So Lady Raven is like, I guess I got to take it into my own hands. It's a wild, wild choice. She's like, no one's going to get it done but me. I guess I shouldn't just leave and immediately tell the police where this man lives.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Really, really wild choice, but made for some great comedy. And she says he probably has a family and a whole separate life that seems really normal, probably a wife and kids. They also said he probably has OCD because all of the crime scenes have been like really clean or something, and this house surprisingly looks really clean. And he probably had a pretty contentious relationship with his mother. And we've seen like a couple glimpses of this old woman that he's seeing. And so we're kind of piecing together that he's having visions of his mother.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Okay. Got it. Oh, and this FBI profiler is an old lady too. Uh-oh, he's going to take out some of his anger about his mom on his FBI profiler. Or is it his mom? Is that the twist? That's M. Night Shyamalan twist? Is that his mom has been the FBI profiler the whole time?
Starting point is 01:12:32 We've seen both of them and they're not the same person, but I can't, you know, it could be, I guess. There could be a twist. You never know. He loves a twist. And she says they found a torn receipt to tickets to my concert at one of the houses that a victim was found in. So that's how this whole thing got set up. Huge mistake to make. And that someone called in this tip anonymously, oh, to like the location of the house
Starting point is 01:13:05 where this body was found. Someone called it in, like go see this house. You'll find. There might be a clue there. There might be a clue. And you see Josh Hartnett hearing this, like what the fuck? Oh, like did my wife, did Alison kill?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Maybe. He's trying to piece things together. And he's like, I think you should probably go. It's been a long day for you. Aren't you so tired and you don't, you need to rest. And she's like, yeah, you're right, you're right. And she gets up and then sees a piano in the corner and says, maybe just one song before I go.
Starting point is 01:13:41 What? It's so funny to imagine the universe where she's just a pop star who's like, I just really want to hang out. Fine, I guess I'll play a song. Don't make me sing. Oh my God. Riley again, oh my God,
Starting point is 01:13:56 Laila wants to play a song on our piano. She sits down, she plays a song, and then she's like, all right, I guess I should get going. But first, we've got to take a selfie, obviously. And she very quickly snatches Cooper's phone from his hands under the guise of like, just to take a selfie for you guys. And turns around and is taking a selfie with Riley. He immediately is like freaking out that she took his phone, obviously, but like being very uncool about it in front of his whole family who are like, Cooper, what's your deal?
Starting point is 01:14:30 Like she can, she's just taking a photo and he's like, I need my phone back. I need my phone back. This movie has gone in a direction. I did not see it going whatsoever. It really same, same. It really, this movie really feels to me like it was like two people sitting across from each other at a table being like, and then this could happen. And then that could happen. And then this could happen. But then this could happen too.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Then she sings a song. I think that you're probably right, but it was just one person and it was in her shop. And he's like, and then this and then this. The problem is that it's one person and there's nobody else to be like, maybe not. Okay, great, great. And as his wife and kids are being like, dad, calm down, what is your deal?
Starting point is 01:15:18 She goes, you know, I got to go to the bathroom. I'm so sorry. His bathroom right here goes inside the bathroom with his phone locks the door. As you you hear him banging on the door like, give me my phone back, give me my phone back. And his wife being like, Cooper, calm down. What is going on? What is your deal? And Lady Raven immediately opens the phone and finds the app, I guess. The video? It's like murder app? They're a ring camera, I guess, that has some, it has like a speaker that she can turn on and speak to him. And she's like, can you hear me? Can you hear me? And he's like nodding. Yes, like help me get me out of here. And she's like, I need to know where you are.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Did you see anything as you were being like, tell me what you remember. Like call the FBI. what are you doing bitch? It's a really crazy thing to be like. She'll be like, I'll take this in my own hands. She does at least text her limo driver, call the police and he's waiting outside. But as he is- You call the police? Yeah. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:16:18 Really insane. And she gets some details from this guy's like, well, I didn't see much, but there was a statue with, like a lion statue with half of its head missing right across from a blue door. And we went into the house with the blue door. She's like, okay, it's not much, but I'll see what I can do. Then she goes on a live stream on her Instagram and says,
Starting point is 01:16:43 guys, I need your help. Oh my God. Does anybody live in an area where there is a statue of a lion with half of his head missing across from a blue door? And we're seeing all the comments coming in being like, I love you, Lady Raven. Oh my God, you're the best, I'm obsessed with you. And then someone being like, I have a lion statue,
Starting point is 01:17:03 but it's a complete lion statue, no head missing. And then someone is like, I have, there's a lion with half of its head missing. People are chiming in. She says, okay, you, I need you to grab all the adults you know and go to the house with the blue door.
Starting point is 01:17:19 There's a man in the basement that needs to be rescued. Oh my God, Lady Raven, girl. To be fair, to be fair, I really don't know what's gonna happen. Like I have no idea what's coming next. I, yeah, this is- So that's at least nice. I'm not like, there's nothing I can predict
Starting point is 01:17:40 about this movie. Been there, done that. And we're hearing still more commotion outside. You know, Josh Hartney banging on the door, let me out, give me my phone back, give me my phone back. His wife screaming, Cooper, calm down, what's going on? And Lady Raven yells out, Rachel, your husband is the butcher. He is the butcher.
Starting point is 01:17:59 You're married to the butcher. You're out there standing next to him. I'm in here. All of us are unprotected. I am going to make a really loud announcement that will threaten our lives. You hear some doors slamming and their voices getting more distant. And then just Josh Hart and it comes back. We don't know what happened to his family. And he breaks, finally breaks the door down, grabs her, pulls her out, can't see where the family is. As she's like dragged through the house to the garage and his car, he like throws her in the car.
Starting point is 01:18:39 He's got a knife now, like behind her back. And he's like, don't fucking move, I'll kill you. Obviously, I'm the butcher. Obviously I'll kill you. And this is a very weird scene. So he gets in the driver's seat, she's in the passenger seat. This is a weird scene, the first weird scene.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I was like, what now? This is the first time you were saying it. And now we have one weird scene. And now we have one weird scene. Okay. Where she, Lady Raven starts to pretend she's his mother and is talking to him, like trying to pull some like psychological tricks on him, being like, I know you're a good boy.
Starting point is 01:19:21 You're not a monster, Cooper. You've always been a good boy. I know you're a good boy. You're not a monster, Cooper. You've always been a good boy. I know you're a good boy. And he's like, I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do. Oh my God. What? But it is like seemingly distracting him a little bit, even though he's not really buying into it.
Starting point is 01:19:38 He is battling some demons and he's like, these two lives were never meant to cross. Like this is never supposed to happen. Like this isn't what's, this isn't right. Like you can't be here and my family, I need to protect my family. And she's like, and you can cause you're a good person. I know you are. You've always been a good person. And he's like, nope, not buying it. Presses the button to open the garage door and his whole family is standing in solidarity in front of the car saying, you can't leave.
Starting point is 01:20:13 What? Cooper, this has to end. What? You're the butcher. What? So he has a son too. Yeah, the son looks younger, like nine, eight, should I say. They're just standing in a row. And so the Henley, I'm not a mom, so you tell me, does it seem like something a mother would do to put her children In front of a vehicle.
Starting point is 01:20:36 behind the car of a known serial killer? In order to save the life of a pop star you've never met before? Correct. Absolutely not. We would be halfway to out of the country at this point. And if your dad's driving, we're getting nowhere to go. Absolutely, yeah. We're gonna make our own route.
Starting point is 01:20:55 No, we're not enlisting my dad to drive. We're gonna see if we can find a new route. Absolutely not. I'm in a life or death situation. Oh. To escape the butcher. Yeah, this is also if she, do we think that she's the one who's sending the tip or is it like the daughter who's sending the tip? Is that going to be, she's like, I want to be the butcher too.
Starting point is 01:21:16 When I grow up, I want to be a butcher just like my daddy. Maybe we don't know yet. So yeah, his whole family is standing in front of his car. As you do, as you do. And he does seem like, oh, darn it, gosh, darn it. I will hate to have to run over my children. He's like, I locked them in the room, but there's a window that goes out to a tree.
Starting point is 01:21:39 They must have climbed out. I've never looked through this house through that lens before. He says that? Yes. And he can't run him over. He loves his family. This is two separate lives he has. Sure. And never the two may cross and he's like glitching a bit from this and he's like,
Starting point is 01:22:02 and so Lady Raven slowly gets out of the car and joins his family and he gets out of the car and like looks at them and smiles and just closes the garage door between them. As the police arrive, sure, because the limo driver has called the police and they set up, you know, perimeter. Everyone is like, we've got him cornered. He's in the house. And they go in and find that he has escaped through a tunnel that he dug that goes out into the neighbors. And he's self-respecting serial killer, has a tunnel. It says emergency escape tunnel. They're going to have one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:43 It's just like every day a sex machina. It's like at every turn. It's like... Uh-huh. Oh, and they're not done. We're not done. Yay. And Lady Raven's like hugging the family like, oh my God, like, thank God they're going to get him obviously. They haven't heard the news yet that they're not getting him. And so she gets in her limousine to leave and we see something happening and the driver gets out and gets back in and she's seeing like, I guess he just needed a quick fresh air break.
Starting point is 01:23:17 And she's like, okay, time to- Certainly the police aren't gonna need to keep me here for questioning, I can just go. I'm gonna go. And so they drive off and of course the driver is, Cooper stops, she's like, where are we going? This isn't right. This is so funny.
Starting point is 01:23:37 He stops the car, he comes into the back and he handcuffs her to a little like bar on the side of the limo. So she can't quite reach the door handle and then he's like continuing to drive with her, but then drives through this like huge crowd of people somehow. And someone notices that it's her in the car.
Starting point is 01:23:59 He's like, oh my God, that's Lady Raven, that's Lady Raven. And Josh Hartnett's like, fuck, fuck, fuck, god damn it. And she was able to hit the thing to roll the window down, even though she can't open the door. And she's just like, help me, help me. And then Josh Harden rolls it back up. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:24:17 And people are like, oh, does she need help? What's going on? And they just like surround the car so that it can't drive. And eventually Lady Raven breaks the bar thing that she's handcuffed to so she's able to get out of the car. Police have been following and surround the car, guns drawn, aimed at. And then he goes through the tunnel he built the road. He dropped off the bottom of the taxi. Honestly, essentially, yes, we don't see how it happens because it is impossible.
Starting point is 01:24:48 He sets up. I love that. We can't, we're not even gonna show them. We won't show them, but it'll just happen. Because they're literally impossible because this limo is surrounded by people and police and he somehow is able to set up a pile of clothes because there's like merch in this car. He sets up a pile of clothes to like look like a person in the drivers
Starting point is 01:25:12 as he changes into the merch like regular clothes because he had previously changed into a SWAT uniform, I guess, presumably killed an officer and taken his clothes, and now he's changing out of those into Lady Raven merch. And we see him in the crowd, blending in, getting away. How? Magic, I think, or the tunnel. Magic. What?
Starting point is 01:25:44 We go back to his house where Rachel is, his wife is speaking to the FBI profiler woman, Dr. what's her name? I forgot already. Grant. Dr. Grant and some other officers. And they're saying, are you sure you don't want to go to the safe house
Starting point is 01:26:02 with your children? And she's like, yeah, I would like to be alone tonight as if that's something that's just like up to her. Okay. So she's the butcher. That's what I thought at this moment. I was like, okay, so she's in on it. So she is now home alone with her husband, the serial killer on the loose and- With her kids? No, the kids are in the safe house. Oh, okay. She didn't want to go with them. They don't need her right now. Okay. And she's in the kitchen when she sees Cooper
Starting point is 01:26:41 sitting at the dining table. He's already inside looking pretty angry, but still keeping his calm demeanor, but just seething below the surface. He's like, I know it was you. I know you called in that tip. She's shaking in fear. So she wasn't in on it, but I mean, she's not like- The butcher.
Starting point is 01:27:04 A killer. Mrs. Butcher, she's... Mrs. Butcher. But she did, yes, call in the tip. And he's like, I should have known. All those late nights, me coming home in different clothes, you must have thought I was having an affair and you must have followed me. And she was like, I would have thought
Starting point is 01:27:22 you were having an affair, but you always came home smelling like disinfectant, like at the hospital. And she's like, so I did follow you to this house and saw you going in there and just sitting in there. And she's like, I could see you through the window and you just sat for a couple hours and then left. And it freaked me out, obviously. And then she says, and there was also a time where the neighbor came
Starting point is 01:27:52 up to us and invited us to something and you just so immediately and easily lied about a different thing that we had to do. And that like made my skin crawl. But I was like, can't everybody do that when someone is like, hey, do you have a moment for climate change? Oh my God, no, I'm so sorry. I'm actually extremely late for an appointment. Like I think those things are actually pretty easy. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Pretty easy, pretty easy. But anyways, all that to say that I think those things are actually pretty easy. But yeah. Yeah. Pretty easy. Pretty easy. But anyways, all that to say that I think it's not so difficult to tell a white lie to get out of a situation you don't wanna be in. If a neighbor's like, hey, I'm having a- Murderer, murderer, murderer. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:28:37 You wouldn't be like, he's a murderer. But she did just watch him like go to a vacant house and sit inside for three hours in silence. And so- And he comes home smelling disinfectant and different clothes. And so, so it's just another piece of small piece for larger puzzle. Exactly. And she says after he was gone from the house, she went in and I don't know, saw evidence of
Starting point is 01:28:59 that he was the butcher. I can't remember what she saw because the guy wasn't there yet, but, or I don't know, it's a little unclear. Also, you know, I'm not sure what one would do in this circumstance, but I feel like it's pretty wild to send the FBI to a whole big stadium full of people rather than saying, I think my husband might be the butcher. Yeah, it's not the best course of action. She could have.
Starting point is 01:29:22 It doesn't make any sense, makes, but none of it makes sense. Yeah, that's okay. We don't need it to. I can see why not wanting to be like, I think my husband is the butcher would be. Sure, sure. Because if it doesn't pan out
Starting point is 01:29:33 and they can't find any evidence, like I could see wanting to make sure he doesn't know you were the one that called in this tip. Fair enough. And I guess she just sent them to the address and they found the receipt. She didn't say like the butcher's going to be at the concert or did she say that? But she planted the receipt there because he was like, I would absolutely never make
Starting point is 01:29:51 such a dumb mistake. And so yes, that is that is on her and we could have probably figured out a smarter idea there. But so he knows everything now and they're sitting staring at each other and he's like, well, essentially I'll have to, I guess I'm gonna, it's gonna end the way this always ends. Gonna have to kill you and then I'm gonna have to kill myself.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Like, good job, look what you've done. And she- I mean, honestly. Fair point. What else is he supposed to do, but you must have known that this would be a option. Yeah. Which is really scary. What would you, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Now I'm trying to think of like what I would have done. How it's a, I would absolutely think that he was going to have to kill, kill me and then kill himself. Well, I would have a meat. If I thought my husband was the butcher, I would take my children leave, get as far away as possible. Then call him. So he could never find me and then call the FBI and be like, my husband's the butcher.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Or I suspect the butcher lives at this address and then anonymously hang up. Yeah. Hey, let's all hope that our husbands are never the butcher, but if they were. This is what we would do. We know how we would handle it. Not to victim blame, but it is. But she fucked up. So easy to do in these communities.
Starting point is 01:31:09 So easy. And so after he says this, he takes off his shirt, which is like really unsettling. And for the whole movie, basically leading up to here, Josh Hartnett is doing a really silly, over the top performance of like, everything's fine. I'm not the butcher. What, ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:31:29 And this is the first time where he gets like really sinister. And- I mean, that's fun, cause he is a really good actor. Yeah. And it's fun that he like can do that. Yeah. And so he just like slowly takes his shirt off and Rachel says like,
Starting point is 01:31:44 but Riley made this pie. We should at least have a slice of this pie before we die. Oh, my God. And he's like, okay, one slice of pie, that's it. Like, don't try anything or I'm gonna kill you. And he's got a knife in his hand again. And is wielding it very, you know, menacingly. So she sits with him at the dining table
Starting point is 01:32:12 as they each have a slice of pie. Is it cyanide pie? And he's saying, this is so strange. I feel out of control. Or maybe he says that earlier. He says, I'm feeling something I don't usually feel. I'm feeling really, really angry.
Starting point is 01:32:37 And this performance is pretty good. This part, you're like, ooh, this is scary. And Allison Pills looking terrified. And he is glaring at her and he's like, I think that I hate you. You want to know why I hate you? Because I'm not going to get to see our children grow up and that's because of you. And it's like a really chilling moment. And he's still like going back and forth between this calm demeanor that he tries to put on, but you can see he's like so angry. And he finishes his pie and he's like, well, and time to die. Like, you're not gonna get to see them grow up either.
Starting point is 01:33:28 And then he notices the powdered sugar on his plate looking a little weird. And he drags his finger through it and holds it up to her. And he's like, you found my stash. And she's like, is this what you used to drug your victims? And she has drugged the pie so that he's now stumbling around, swinging his knife trying to kill her like, come here, I'm gonna kill you,
Starting point is 01:33:59 but he can't balance and he's falling over. And the cops show up again and tase him so many times and he's like for the first three tasers completely unaffected which I don't know how this is possible either but it like seems like he's he can't be tased but then like six of them come and he's being tased from every angle. And eventually he is restrained and they're all like grabbing him, taking him out of the house. He's going to be put in the back of the SWAT vehicle, like the truck. And as they're taking him out of the front door on the front lawn, his daughter's bike is knocked over and he says, just give me
Starting point is 01:34:45 a second. And he has to pick up the bike and straighten it because he has OCD. What? Give me a second? And they're like, okay, you do you, bro. Yep. And then they load him into the back of the car alone. No officers go back there with him. Seems wrong. I can't believe this movie is still happening. This movie has had like 12. I know that it's crazy how many times it should have ended. Could have and should have.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And then we get a shot of. I just had one where I was like, I'm still in trap. With the trap continues. I'm still, we're trapped. Trap is still happening to me. And we get a slow zoom in on the bike and the spoke of the bike's wheel has been taken and we go back into the back.
Starting point is 01:35:40 The dexterity on this man and his ability to do things like remove a spoke from a bicycle in a moment's time. Dig a tunnel right in the middle of the street, right in the middle of the crowded street. Through concrete, through a whole car. And we see him in the back of the SWAT truck, picking the lock on his handcuffs, getting his hands free and smiling,
Starting point is 01:36:03 straight into camera, laughing. That's the end of the movie. Oh, it happened. It finally happened, but then we get a mid-credit scene. Woo! Of Jamie, the t-shirt vendor, watching the news, seeing a photo of Cooper being put up and he goes, whoa, oh my God, I helped him, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:36:27 And that's the end. So it is a comedy. We really needed that. Oh my God. It's very silly. That was. And it's insane. Deeply unnecessary.
Starting point is 01:36:39 But I would say I prefer it to Knock at the Cabin. Sure. I like this version of M. Night Shyamalan I would say I prefer it to Knock at the Cabin. Sure. I like this version of M. Night Shyamalan because it is so ridiculous, but it's not quite reaching old levels for me. Sure, sure. No big twist also.
Starting point is 01:36:57 It's like completely not scary at all. The only twist is that it's, the movie just goes on and on and on. Yeah, it's just like a cat and mouse game where every moment he's able to get out of anything with ease and in completely impossible situations. Good for him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:37:20 That's trap. That's trap, baby, that's trap. And we're free. We were trapped by trap, but, that's trap. And we're free. We were trapped by trap, but now we're free. Now we're free. Now we're free. Yeah, so. We've learned so much.
Starting point is 01:37:33 I don't even know what, you know, my brain feels devoid of any thought or emotion right now. It's hard to have any reaction to it really. It's just like, all right. Okay. That's one way to do it. That was a movie. That was a movie.
Starting point is 01:37:52 They made one. One thing you can't take away from it is that it was a movie. It is, it was, and all of the profit will be going straight into M. Night Shyamalan's pockets. Wow. Wow. Wow. I mean, it wouldn't have felt like fair
Starting point is 01:38:08 to do a whole hell cella, a whole summer of new horror and not have an M. Night Shyamalan movie. So for that, I feel as though everything is as it should be. I agree, I agree. Do you guys think the movie would have been better or worse if you tried to do a twist at the end? I, better, I always want a twist. Yeah, better, I think.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Crazier the better. What would have been like a good twist? What would you have wanted to be the twist? Great question. I think like... The crazier the better, for sure. Maybe he's not the butcher, his wife is the butcher, and he's been trying to protect her the whole time.
Starting point is 01:38:49 And so... That's what I was thinking was gonna happen. Or like they're a family of butchers, even the nine-year-olds butchering. Yeah, yeah, something, something... They're butchering the frenemy at some point. That's what I thought at one point was he's killing, like, everyone that's ever wronged any of his family members because in the like FBI
Starting point is 01:39:07 Presentation that he walks in on they're like one of the guys he killed is a teacher a kind man That was a just a respected teacher at this elementary school and I was like, oh, well, that's definitely her teacher That was like mean to her but that never came back. I think a fun twist would be He's a serial killer, but that never came back. I think a fun twist would be he's a serial killer, but he's not the butcher. A different serial killer. That he's a serial killer, but then it's like, well then there's the real butcher.
Starting point is 01:39:33 And he's like, fuck, they think I'm the butcher. I'm just some other serial killer. What if the butcher gets him? Yeah, that would've been good. What if he's a regular serial killer, but he doesn't know his wife is the butcher and she's like, you fucked up and brought all this police presence to our house.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I was doing really well as the butcher. There we go. That might be fun. I was gonna say the twist could be that it's an elaborate setup for his daughter to learn how to be an FBI agent. But she's always just wanted to be part of the FBI. And so he set this whole thing up to teach her
Starting point is 01:40:10 about the ins and outs of FBI profiling. I like the idea of it's a face off of serial killers, but I don't think I want it to be his wife. I kind of want it to be like the t-shirt guy or something. That's fun. Or yeah, just like somebody else that then he falls into his trap. Trap within a trap.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Ooh, or that the actual butcher set this trap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For that guy. For this guy. He like found another serial killer and was like, I'll get someone else caught so that it gets them off my tail. And... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Yeah, I'd watch any of those movies, but I had also watched this movie and I did. And I had a fine time. There will be more M. Night Shyamalan twists in our future. I sure hope so. You know, it's really hard. There's he's had some really good ones. And just right now, all I'm thinking about is The Visit,
Starting point is 01:41:05 which is kind of an all-time great twist. So it's like, who are we to be so greedy as to demand more of those? You get what you get, you know? The Visit was so good. An excellent, excellent one. I mean, and we forget even fucking Sixth Sense, which is maybe the best twist of all time.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Obviously the twist, yeah. And it's not even silly. It's just very, very good. No, I mean, that's like the best movie ever made. It's in like a different league, yeah. It's unbelievable that the same man who's made all these movies also made Sixth Sense. This is like for sure, yeah,
Starting point is 01:41:38 like a completely different era for M. Night. Yeah. And I like this era as well. Yeah, I'll take it. I'm all for Silly Unhinged, Shyamalan. Night. Yeah. And I like this era as well. Yeah, I'll take it. I will take it. I'm all for silly, unhinged Shyamalan. Silly Billy.
Starting point is 01:41:49 Silly Billy Shyamalan. Yep, keep him coming. And voices, was there voices? Not really. Not that I can recall. So- You could just do long legs again. Yeah, I like that idea.
Starting point is 01:42:07 It's all about that, the inhale. I was doing it the other day for Joel. I did it because you left a voice memo for our friend Steph's birthday in our group text as long legs and it really made me laugh and I was doing it for Joel and he was like, your long legs is really good. And I was like, well, I'm doing Sam.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Like, I don't know what long legs sounds like. I'm just doing Sammy doing long legs. really good. And I was like, well, I'm doing Sam. Like, I don't know what long legs sounds like. I'm just doing Sammy doing long legs. So I guess, I guess there it is. Cause any, any time it's anybody's birthday from here on out for the rest of my life, I will be going, there she is. There she is. The almost birthday girl.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Oh, stop, stop it right now. I said I wanted it, but I take it back. I don't want it. Happy birthday to you. My favorite thing is the joy in your eyes. You look so happy when you're doing mom things. I want you to see him because he's pretty joyful when he does it as well.
Starting point is 01:43:04 We got to, whenever that scene comes on YouTube, we gotta look, but okay. From all of us here. And too scary, didn't watch. Goodbye. Oh. Is that too scary for the rest of our lives. We did it. We made it. Thank you all for listening to another episode of Too Scary Didn't Watch.
Starting point is 01:43:34 If you enjoy the show, please remember to subscribe and rate us on Spotify and Apple podcasts. Five stars only or we will haunt you. And if you simply can't get enough of us, we have good news for you. We have lots of bonus content available on our Patreon at slash TSTW podcast. You'll get access to video trailer reactions, two bonus episodes a month, the power to vote for upcoming episodes, and more. And last but not least, you can follow us on social media at TSTW podcast. We'll be back next week with a new episode. We love you.
Starting point is 01:44:11 That was a hate gum podcast.

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