Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Celebrity Jams: Toronto Mike'd #783

Episode Date: January 7, 2021

This 43rd Pandemic Friday, Mike kicks out celebrity jams with Cam Gordon and Stu Stone....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 2021, I need to bike more, get outside, enjoy the beautiful, beautiful city of Toronto. It's time now for Pandemic Fridays, starring Toronto Mike, Stu Stone and Cam Gordon. Toronto. VK on the beat. I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love. I'm from Toronto where you wanna get the city love. I'm a Toronto Mike, wanna get the city love. My city love me back for my city love. Welcome to episode 783 of Toronto Miked, a weekly podcast about anything and everything.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb.
Starting point is 00:01:03 She's barb at Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. And Ridley Funeral Home, pillars of the community since 1921. I'm Mike from and joining me for this 43rd Pandemic Friday, Stu Stone and Cam Gordon.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Hey, Mike. How are you? There we go. Let's get started with the horn, the air horn. How are you guys? Were you just not paying attention? I was trying to get your attention for the last two minutes. Oh, sorry. I was looking at some emails. I mean, I was wasting like so many. Actually, I have a new one, like Adrian Adonis. Good, good. I was waiting.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Like he was kind of like that. Yes. Yeah. He was also a very small figure. Anyway, Mike, you can just put yourself on mute. Adrian Adonis figure seemed very small considering he was a good-sized man. Problematic, right? Because he was like a biker, tough guy, and then they had him as a flamboyant flower shop guy.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's right, and would wear dresses. And there was an insinuation, as I recall, that him being a flower shop guy somehow made him weaker than like it was uh like I feel like the the modern approach would be that he would be just as tough a man as a flower lover absolutely he was uh I feel like he teamed with Jesse Ventura he may have just been he may have just been evil by association Mike maybe his like sexual preference had nothing to do with it maybe you're just looking too deep I mean he did hang with some pretty unsavory characters like Jimmy Hart,
Starting point is 00:03:08 Don Magnificent Morocco, Bob Orton. I mean, these were not, you know, these were not good guys. So Bob Orton, is he the guy at the cast? Perennial broken arm. That's right. That's right. Boy, we have lost everything. We'll get him back here.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Okay. So I need to know, I want to do a quick check-in. And we're not fooling anybody here. We're recording this Pandemic Friday on a Wednesday night, which we've never done, right? Like, this is our first time doing a Wednesday night recording. I don't know about that. I mean, we've had so many of these.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I feel like we probably had a Wednesday in the mix, but could be right. Could be right. In the mix. Mix 99 be right. In the mix. Mix 99.9. Alright, so Carla Collins, Larry Fedorek, and Tom Rivers.
Starting point is 00:03:55 That was like a real morning show on Mix 99.9. Carla Collins and Tom Rivers were together? Yeah. Yeah, listen, you've clearly not listened to the... Yeah yeah i heard that one see stew is ahead of you now i don't believe him but all right let's check in real briefly here so lots going on the world this episode will be like an escape from the what the chaos in this uh the
Starting point is 00:04:19 world we live in but off the top i just want to check in with each of you individually we'll start with you cam gordon how are you doing uh good good yeah just uh getting back in the swing of things uh with work you know monday was kind of quiet and then uh today a bit less quiet over at uh the internet company i work for well i'm not going to put you on the spot because that's not how i roll here but is there a prepared statement you want to read? Yeah, I mean, it currently resides at our handle, at Twitter Safety, about some content that we actioned tonight. So all the FOTMs can hop over to the Twitter app
Starting point is 00:05:01 and go to Twitter Safety. But you can't read it for us? I'm not asking you for your personal opinion. Yeah, well, as a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three at-real
Starting point is 00:05:18 Donald Trump tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our civic integrity policy. So, I mean, this has been something we've been talking about for many, many, many months, both with regards to... For many episodes. For many episodes, yes. With that account and, you know, other accounts that don't abide by the rules. And what happens when you don't abide by the rules?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay, I'll let you off the hook now. Thank you for reading that. You're a rule breaker. Like, that's a good segue. Thank you for reading that. You're a rule breaker. That's a good segue. If you break the rules, you're a rule breaker. Like Cowboy Bob Orton, the Magnificent Morocco, and Adrian Harris. Yes, exactly. It all ties together.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Like pro wrestling. Cam, all I'm going to ask you, since you might work for that internet company, I just want to know, were you in the room when the decision was made? Well, considering we've all been working from home for the last 10 months, no. Okay, were you in the room when the decision was made? Well, considering we've all been working from home for the last 10 months, no. Okay, were you in the Zoom room or wherever you guys meet? Yeah, I mean, this is
Starting point is 00:06:11 probably a bit of inside baseball, but yeah, they don't get my opinion on when these decisions are made. The comms person from Canada, they don't quite get his opinion. However, if it was Justin Trudeau's account... Well, I mean...
Starting point is 00:06:28 Good points, Stu. Good thing you're with me in the war room. Good thing you probably never have to worry about that. Although, he does tweet in French, and I don't know what he's saying. All right, so big news in the world, of course. We all watched... Most of us were watching what was happening
Starting point is 00:06:44 on Capitol Hill there in Washington, D.C. So if you want real news, go to CBC and watch that. Otherwise, you're here with us, hopefully escaping from reality for a couple hours at least. Stewstone, how are you doing? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good. It's been a very stressful sort of chaotic week above and beyond just the normals of chaotic life that we're all living right now. There's still a raging pandemic going on and that's still happening. And there's lockdowns, new lockdowns, new enforcements, new restrictions, all sorts of new stuff on the horizon. Also, you know, in the United States, specifically, excuse me, specifically today when we were recording the show, you know, most people probably saw what happened.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It was like a scene from a Jerry Bruckheimer 90s movie. I mean, we were it was like a Nicolas Cage dropping out of a helicopter away from actually being bizarro 90s action movie world. I couldn't believe what was happening. And it's like, the crazy thing is that, we've talked about this before, on 9-11,
Starting point is 00:07:57 that was a surreal thing. What the fuck am I watching? Is this real? In the last four years, there's been so many of those moments. And it was like a 20 year break in between those kind of feelings of just being like, what the fuck? I mean, just this year, there's been so many different times when I cannot believe what I'm seeing on the television. And I would say six months ago when we saw people storming a police station and lighting it on fire. It was pretty shocking.
Starting point is 00:08:26 This is a whole other level of shock what we saw today, which was basically a scene from a fucking movie. I mean, the president had a rally out, you know, a couple blocks away from where they were doing the certification of the election that he won or didn't win, depending on who you ask. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got to chime in there, just like our friends at Twitter. Look at the labels on the tweets. I don't want to offend Sheila, who's listening. Just gentle.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't think she's listening, actually. Okay, good. I will say, though, that it seems like it was pretty, you know, this is exactly what was supposed to happen. I mean, what did you think was going to happen? I just didn't expect it to go that far where they're literally storming the building. Now, God, thank God or whoever you believe in or whatever you don't believe in. You know, it wasn't too it was I don't know what's going to happen tonight.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But from what we've seen so far, someone was shot and killed, which is which which was completely unavoidable, completely avoidable. But, you know, from the looks of it, it wasn't as crazy as it maybe could have been. I mean, it was crazier than it could have been just by being what it was. But it wasn't like Cobra Commander was there with like, you know, the Cobras and we needed the Joes. It was just these. I don't know. I don't even know how to explain it. There's someone went into Nancy Pelosi's office and kicked his feet up right it was just like wow this is really happening yeah i i am so curious what measures are going to be in place on inauguration day because i mean i don't know like i almost wonder like not do they call it off and just almost do sort of the city hall ceremony version of Inauguration Day.
Starting point is 00:10:09 But yeah, if today's any indication, I don't know. I'll tell you what. It could be similarly bumpy in a couple weeks. And something else even happened in the world today on Twitter, which is a great platform. in the world today on Twitter, which is a great platform. The Iron Sheik tweeted out his disappointment in what the behavior was of what was happening on all of our television phones and said he's willing to make peace with at Hulk Hogan in order. And, you know, he's going to lead by example and everyone should make peace with each other. He's going to lead by example and make peace with Hulk Hogan.
Starting point is 00:10:44 The Iron Sheik tweeted that today. That is one of the evergreen tweets in this madness, in my opinion. and everyone should make peace with each other. He's going to lead by example and make peace with Hulk Hogan. Wow. The Iron Sheik tweeted that today. That is one of the evergreen tweets in this madness, in my opinion. Oh, what? What a classy guy. One mention. Was the Iron Sheik, was he in the room with Jack when Twitter suspended Trump's account?
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's what I've heard. But they do consult Cheeky Baby for some more stuff sort of in the sort of payment realm that needs to be actioned. All right, we got to lighten things up. I know there's some serious stuff. Okay. I'm sorry. You weren't finished. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Okay. Just to be clear though, I think I speak on behalf of all of us that this needs to stop. We need to do a better job of trying to find some common ground here because this is no way to move forward, especially in the times we're living in.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah. But who are you talking to right now? I'm talking to people that, you know, we, people who disagree with us, we don't have to hate them and they shouldn't hate us. In the Venn diagram of like the people who need to hear that message and take it in.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like, for example, Tim, you know, Tim is a real piece of shit. And he, I'm just kidding. Okay. Let me say kidding Let me check in with
Starting point is 00:11:48 Ian Service It's amazing because how does Ian know this is happening when here we are discreetly on a Wednesday night recording the Pandemic Friday and again we don't do very many Wednesday night recordings like this but here's Ian on the Zoom call You've already broken my embargo that we were supposed to hold
Starting point is 00:12:04 this so I hope this is still being released on thursday yeah i could drop the mp3 tomorrow and then this could be like a facebook exclusive but again just that's actually a good segue before we check in of ian ian uh he's gonna let me know how the development's going of our put it out tonight i don't care okay well make up your mind now last week we were live on Facebook and a couple of record companies squawked and blocked, but then one of them said, okay, whatever, go with it. But then one of them wouldn't do that. So basically Warner Music blocked last week's Pandemic Friday because we played Simply Red, Holding Back the Years.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Wait, who played that? Well, we played it on the show. But whose fault is it? Cam Gordon's, I believe. That's right. Cam Gordon, ladies and gentlemen. So this week, we're on Facebook, and right now we're still there, because I haven't played anything, but we're going to play
Starting point is 00:12:56 15 Celebrity Jams. That's the topic tonight. Celebrity Jams. We'll find out who gets Hanson tonight. That's a little bit of a teaser. But let me hear from Ian Service. Ian, what's the status of the slash live where we're going to break all the rules and get away with it? So on the video side of things, we're good to go. The chat is quite the ordeal. So I'm working on,
Starting point is 00:13:24 it's a lot of code, but it's going to be awesome. Do you have an ETA? You're not going to commit to any timelines. I have three full-time jobs, and I've added this fourth one. By the way, this sounds to me like a paywall.
Starting point is 00:13:41 If you want to pay, I could have it done next week. I'm saying to the listeners, this is the pay wall we've been hoping for. Let's be clear, because when you say pay wall, Ian's looking for money for his services. Ian can get in on this action. I'm talking about there's like a
Starting point is 00:13:55 pay wall to be able to be on these broadcasts, the live broadcasts, and be in the chat. That is a pay wall. I like it. Lots to think about. I'm going to read uh comment on toronto that was left last week after uh i i wrote an entry about like where can you live stream and play a copyrighted piece of music and not get like blocked like where is this magic place it used to be periscope and now periscope's gonna be uh gone soon thank you twitter so i got this and i want
Starting point is 00:14:23 you cam to pay special attention well Well, you, Ian, and Stu as well, but I want to know who this is. They called themselves Slim. S-L-I-M. Slim. Here's what they wrote. Hey, Mike. Been following you for many years and you've written the occasional article on my
Starting point is 00:14:40 career. LOL. In short, there's no way you can have video and music together just based on an old copyright law you can stream live on twitch but as you've experienced they might mute big portions of the show long story short he then says that mix cloud has a paid service where you can actually play like simply red holding back the years and you can let it live hope this helps so does any of you have any idea who is Slim? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Like it's the clue, the big clue is that I've written about the occasional article, which suggests more than one, on Slim's career. I feel like this is a music industry person, someone who has some chops. You know, I'm just, we're just spitballing here. Sure, of course, of course. Crazy idea. Dean Blundell. New year, new you. Could it be him
Starting point is 00:15:34 trying to make nice? Dean Slim Blundell. Is that at all possible? Well, he did the LOL. You've written about my career, LOL. Like that, I kind of like that guess actually it's not bad uh bob mccowan it's not bob though that's too like but the dean guess is interesting because
Starting point is 00:15:53 dean knows enough about live streaming i think he goes live on twitch and and i feel like maybe that yeah yeah but but it seems awfully nice for dean that That's my only problem. But this is also a comment on your website, though, right? Yeah, it's on the website. Okay, so I think that greatly narrows it down based on your site traffic last I saw. So the Slim character I've written about, does anyone else in the Zoom room have a guess as to who Slim might be?
Starting point is 00:16:23 I'm going to go with Norm Willner because he's slimmed down. He actually looks pretty good. I feel like he just called himself Norm. It's got to be somebody who purposely is being discreet. You know what I mean? This seems to be like... Do you know the answer? No, I do not know the answer.
Starting point is 00:16:41 This is awful. If we guess, we won't even get it right. It's someone that doesn't want to be known. So no more guests. I feel like it could be somebody who was on your show but doesn't want to be in public giving you advice. Although if it was, I don't know why they would do it in a public forum. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Like your comment section. You've written the occasional article on my career. Like it's not Uncle Bobby cause he's passed away. So it's, uh, anyway, there's something for people to chew on. You can let me know if you have a guess as to who slim might be.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'm very curious. And I opened this show today with the cold open was a clip of me on CTV news on New Year's day. Oh, that's right. You were on TV. I forgot about that. Right. So yes,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I'm Hollywood sweet. Uh, or where, where was that? No, but it has its view count is impressive like i think more people might have seen i'm just kidding just kidding but no that's not a joke i i it's okay you can yeah i was just like randomly like i was looking i was honestly i went on a bike ride to find that monolith that showed up on the, uh, on the lake shore. And I, I was trying to find it.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And then the CT. That's gotta be a movie of some kind, right? I think it's an artist project, but I don't have an answer again. But my guess is it's like a, an artist project. Cam, do you have any idea what the monoliths are about? I hate to say the cynic in me is like sort of you know corporate uh surprise and delight like a new uh maybe a new uh hbo show or something like yeah or like a car or like even like an album you know the new beyonce album monument monolith sure but uh yeah so i was on ctv news on um
Starting point is 00:18:23 jan 1 i'm gonna pop open a Lakes beer, if you don't mind. That effect, man. This is a lake effect, by the way. I'm enjoying a lake effect because I live near the lake, and there's a lake effect out there. Shout out to Great Lakes for providing us with the beverages. I can't wait till you guys are back in my backyard where I could drink with you and enjoy.
Starting point is 00:18:49 It won't be long. And Mike, just before we get into the tunes, how are all your children adjusting to online schooling? You know, I'll be honest. The six-year-old is fine. He's only done, what are we now, Wednesday? So he's done three days and he's actually got it down he's he's a like an old pro at this the four-year-old it's a gong show like just at least she knows how to mute and unmute herself like that was a big
Starting point is 00:19:16 deal and she's got that mastered which you know the teacher literally says okay everyone mute yourselves and then she'll say morgan yourself. And then they do their dialogue. But it is kind of crazy. How are we supposed to work when we're like IT? I mean, I need Barb Paluskowicz here to be providing like 24-7 IT support for Morgan and her JK online. Amen.
Starting point is 00:19:39 So do I. Shout out to Barb, by the way, who has a great book. It's called IT Scams and she'll send it to any FOTM who writes her an email and asks her for a copy of the book. So here's a call to action. Let Barb know you heard
Starting point is 00:19:55 about CDN Technologies on Toronto Mic'd and you'd like a copy of IT Scams. It's barb at Remember the old days, back in the early days of Pandemic Fridays when she gave out her number? Those were the days.
Starting point is 00:20:11 If I had the note, I'd give it to you right now. Oh yeah, she did do it. Okay, well I have it here. It's 905. Oh, is it? He's got it. 905. In fact, phone her right now. You remember that on Tim, ladies and gentlemen, for those who aren't watching.
Starting point is 00:20:30 He just snap called and knew the number. That's a real Barb fan. I only hear it twice a day. Does he still do it? Saul Corman. Saul Corman. 5, 6, 9, Dan, 4th Avenue. Come on down to Korman.
Starting point is 00:20:46 We got some really good baklava in the store today. Barb's like a... Yeah, that's right. It was always... Yeah, right. Shout out to Saul. I think he's still with us. So that's good for Saul.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Kory's Clothier. Right. Barb is 905-542-9759. And StickerU. Shout out to StickerU. What tremendous partners they are re-upping for 2021. They're in Liberty Village and it's quality stuff. When I do my bike
Starting point is 00:21:12 rides on the waterfront trail, I can see a couple of strategic locations where I put Toronto Mike stickers made by StickerU. And they're in like brand new. They look like they're brand new and they're like years old. Like the quality of these stickers is off the charts. So thank you Hey, we got to shout out Tyler Campbell, the VP of sales, because he put forward some great effort. And this is important for anyone
Starting point is 00:21:34 listening because you'll be the people who give a shit about this. But he put all the kick out the jams we've done, these unofficial pandemic Friday jam kickings, and he's put all that data, all the songs we've chosen, into the official Kick Out the Jam spreadsheet. Which is like he did that as a tool specifically for Al. So when Al is doing his special on
Starting point is 00:21:58 Pandemic Friday Best Of Volume Fun, it's very easy for him to just look through and pick and choose the moments. Sort it. Sort it. Exactly. It's like easy for him to just look through and, and, you know, pick and choose. Sort it, sort it by alphabetical order. Pre-sorted. It's already,
Starting point is 00:22:10 the heavy lifting's done, Al. The heavy lifting is done. It's all right there. So I'll tweet a link. I have tweeted. I'll tweet another link and post something. Can you tag Al in that tweet just so he has no excuses that he didn't see it or,
Starting point is 00:22:22 you know? Totally. Okay. I'm playing a bit of a jam. I want you to soak it in for a couple minutes and then react. This song is by Gorillaz. It's called November Has Come. And the feature here is MF Doom. All caps, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Sue Stone, we lost MF Doom last week. Yeah, that's crazy. I mean, this is a guy that had a lot of organic, real, like a whole movement that loved him. You know, he was one of these larger-than-life characters that also was a fucking great rapper. You'd have to think that guys like Tyler
Starting point is 00:23:09 the Creator probably were heavily influenced by MF Doom. I don't know that for a fact, but I can only assume. And many others. This whole kind of new sort of underground hip-hop sort of movement that's still going on to this day.
Starting point is 00:23:31 MF Doom and his style and his music are definitely laid the groundwork for a lot of the stuff that's kind of cool today. So definitely a big loss for the hip-hop community. Very talented guy. And famously, he wore a mask. That's right. And then he passed away in the year in which we're all wearing masks rapper that cam would have been uh into i'd be surprised if he wasn't yeah i was sort of like i think i was just more aware of him to be honest i never really checked
Starting point is 00:23:58 him out i find him to be a rapper's rapper in that you talk to any MC out there from Chuck D to Tyler, the creator, and they're going to sing the praises of MF Doom. But he's not famous to the masses. You know what I mean? Like MF Doom is not exactly. But he can sell like, you know, a couple thousand tickets no matter what, wherever he goes. He's big enough to tour all the time. Wow. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:24:24 We lost MF Doom. But on the bright side, it does look like Dr. Dre is doing better because I know he... Yeah, that was crazy. That was crazy. But he seems to be doing better and hope he hangs in there. Okay. So what did you guys think of this week's topic? Because I was impressed by the plethora of songs available to us by kicking out celebrity jams.
Starting point is 00:24:46 How was your experience putting together your lists? I had similar thoughts. A sneaky, robust topic. It's amazing how many famous folks also have dabbled in music over the years. And I'm curious because I feel like at least one or two of my picks, we could sort of argue, well, were they musicians first
Starting point is 00:25:06 or were they famous for other reasons first? And we'll have that argument. But I think the core thing here is that they have to be most famous for not being a singer. Correct. Correct. This is a fine topic. A fine topic, for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Now, famous. Now, let's just like celebrity just to make sure we can use people that have like a youtube channel or is that not famous well we'll have to discuss it as it comes up by you instantly from pulling some metallica kind of shenanigans and be like no this is from like ads you you know, I have Brother Bill's blessing. He's really famous. I have Brother Bill's blessing. I think that's all I need on the Metallica Hero of the Day front. But I'm excited to kick out Cam's first jam because it was also selected. I actually think this jam,
Starting point is 00:25:57 like I purposely didn't select this jam anticipating one of you would pick it, and you both took it. That's how popular this jam was. So let's kick it and talk about it. She's like the wind Through my tree She rides the night I like pictured Cam
Starting point is 00:26:32 Kind of like lip syncing This damn F Slow dance Yeah She leads me to moonlight All in the burning sun What a jam I almost don't want
Starting point is 00:26:42 To fade it down But She's taking my heart We're gonna We're gonna get into it Okay give me like What a jam. I almost don't want to fade it down, but... Babe, take it. We're going to get into it. Okay, give me like another 30 seconds of this, baby. Happy to. Okay, here it comes, guys. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:21 That's the name of the song, She's Like the Wind, by the late, great Patrick Swayze. So this song is, of course, from the major motion picture, Dirty Dancing, that this tune came out in December of 1987. Would you believe this was a number one hit in Canada? Patrick Swayze at the top of the charts. Does that sound about right? I would believe it.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I believe it too, because a fervent listener of 680 CFTR, all hits, radio, this song was played all the time and I loved it. Absolutely. I was kind of joking about slow dancing to the song. I definitely did. I remember this. Stu, I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 00:28:01 We would have been like grade 6 or so in like 1988. I definitely, well, you weren't because you were born in 1980. Based on your page. I'm happy that you got specific with that reference. His Wikipedia page as well.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I just want to point it out. Also my J-Date profile. Yeah, I mean, we've talked about it a lot. The late 80s were the time of this is not a power ballad but just these really kind of schmaltzy over the top ballads
Starting point is 00:28:31 I think of this sort of along with like Eric Carman and Chicago and Richard Marks right here waiting fits right in fits right in MF that MF Doom oh my goodness holy smokes i just realized that um you mentioned eric carmen and you're right because the same soundtrack had uh eric
Starting point is 00:28:55 carmen's big big hit right hungry eyes right yeah no what a what a juggernaut of uh of a soundtrack i think there was there was two soundtracks to Dirty Dancing. Yeah, there sure was. Wow. Also, they had like, Do You Love Me? Now That I Can Dance. The Contours? Was that The Contours?
Starting point is 00:29:13 I think so. Yeah, I believe so. Or the beloved I've Had the Time of My Life. Wow. And I've Never Felt Like This Before. Which was an early Pandemic Friday jam when I was talking about artists that were like big in the 50s but had a resurgence later in their careers. Absolutely, with Bill, also late, great Bill Medley.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So yeah, this song was number one in Canada, number three in the US, top 10 hit in Australia, Norway, Sweden and Ireland. A bunch of fun facts about sort of a combination of things uh this is sort of a fun fact i found on wikipedia this is a new one from in in august of this year i guess rob lowe was on the joe rogan podcast and mentioned that patrick swayze tried to shop this song to the producers of the rob lowe film, Youngblood. Oh, hockey movie. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:07 exactly. Which I feel like was maybe filmed in Toronto. I think for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but the song was rejected. There weren't any interest in She's Like the Wind for that, that great hockey flick starring the ever hunky Rob Lowe,
Starting point is 00:30:21 who I think we were talking about Rob Lowe last week for some reason. Well, there's many reasons to talk about Rob Lowe. And the man does not age, right? He kind of seems to be the same age he was when he made Youngblood. That's not a joke. That's real. And he was in Wayne's World, for God's sakes. Now, I feel like this track could have also been a great fit for one of our One Hit Wonders episodes.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Do you guys know any other songs that patrick swayze released i do have a few here okay hit me because i don't know of any other patrick swayze song okay so we've got a song uh actually i guess two songs raising heaven in brackets in hell tonight so that could be for your parentheses right Much discussed for potential parentheses. Maybe coming next week. Yeah, so there's that song and Clip's Edge, both from the Roadhouse soundtrack. Jeff Healy.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah, we've got something called Brothers, which is a duet with the Larry Gatlin. The Gatlin Brothers or the Gatlin Boys? Well, the Gatlin Boys are referenced,
Starting point is 00:31:21 I feel like they're referenced in Coward of the County. Yeah. I think it's the Gatlin Brothers or the band, so this is Swayze and Larry Gatlin boys are referenced. I feel like they're referenced in Coward of the County. Yeah. I think it's the Gatlin brothers or the band. So this is Swayze and Larry Gatlin from a movie called Necks of Kin, which I don't really remember what that is. Huh.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So that was from, those are both from 1989. And then we go all the way to 2003. And there's a song called When You Dance, which is from a film called One last dance who's getting a phone call stew's getting it he's gonna mute himself and take that call keep going cam yeah so this this this film which i'm guessing nobody remembers was actually co-produced by patrick swayze and his wife lisa niemi and it was actually this movie was sort of a dance movie romance a little dance romance filmed in Winnipeg Wow Wow but I thought this would be a good segue because when I worked in the agency world one of this is here's
Starting point is 00:32:21 cams sort of career stories. Universal Home Movies was like a client at why I worked at High Road Communications. And there was some straight to DVD movie that Lisa Niemi had. This is like 2011. And her and Swayze came to Toronto, did a massive film junket. This was like shortly before he passed away. I feel like he left us about a year later um my main memory of that is that apparently they were both like really bad chain smokers which is kind of sad but they were like doing the rounds they were doing breakfast television
Starting point is 00:32:56 and can't am and ch morning live and uh probably cbc news maybe they were on metro morning and stuff this is probably like 2008 2009 or so do you have the fun fact that patrick swayze was a chippendales dancer competing against chris farley that's right in an iconic uh saturday night live i feel like we see that in gif format it's a bit of a meme. Yeah, he passed away in September 2009. He's been gone 11 years. Wow, gone way too soon. Absolutely. But at least he left us with a few great films and a great track here.
Starting point is 00:33:34 She is like the wind. I said she is like the wind. She's like the wind. That was a monster jam. CFTR feasted on that monster jam, as I recall. It was heavy, heavy. But it sounded good today, right? I'm listening to it in as I recall but it sounded good today I'm listening to it in the cans I think it's like sentimentally good
Starting point is 00:33:51 but you know I have a Patrick Swayze connection as well I don't know if you were going to touch upon that I know it but I want you to share it with us yeah he's done I was just waiting for you to interject because I assume there were some... Well, we once danced together.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Can I ask, is this when you were filming the rolling of the sag? Did he toss you above his head? No, but Patrick was in Donnie Darko. He was one of the lead characters in Donnie Darko. I spent a lot of time with him and never got him to sing that song for me.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But definitely a sweetheart of a guy and definitely left us too soon. Yeah, Patrick Swayze, yeah, gone far too soon, man. What a mensch he was. Now, I mentioned that last jam there, She's Like the Wind. Stu, you also wanted to kick that out. And then I left that one for you guys. There's another jam I left for you guys. Cause I thought it was a slam dunk pick and it's this one. Stu,
Starting point is 00:34:48 do you want to say anything before I kick this out? I'm assuming that this is what I think it is, but this is, this is a jam. Now, listen, you just played, she's like the wind and we all sort of remember it and you know, it just sounds so like, yeah, it's going to be so good, but it doesn't really hold up. Does it? This song holds up. I guess you've got to wait for the
Starting point is 00:35:42 patience. Patience. Patience. Stewart. I guess you've got to wait for her. Patience. Patience, Stuart. Big intro. Why you wanna hurt me? After all of the things I've done for you I buy you champagne and rosers Put diamonds on your finger Diamonds on your finger And still you hang out all night
Starting point is 00:36:21 What am I to do? My girl wants to party all the time. Party all the time. Party all the time. My girl wants to party all the time. Party all the time. That's good stuff. Eddie Murphy, Party All the Time, coming in at number two for the third week in a row.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Blocked by the number one song for three weeks. Do you know what song it's going to be? Do you guys know? Rockwell, I get the feeling. The song that kept this song out of the number one spot. It peaked at number two. Michael Jackson's Beat It. You have a guess, Cameron?
Starting point is 00:37:01 This song's 1986. Oh, it's 86. 85. 85. Oh, it's 86. 85. 85. Oh, it's Shoo Shoo Shoo Dio by. Yeah. Oh, like Power of Love or Heart of Rock and Roll, like a Huey Lewis song. All quality guesses.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But this was the era of the ballad, as Cam said. So the number one slot belonged to a man who sang a song. George Michael. Say you, say me. Say it together say me. Say it together. Oh, that's the way it should be. Lionel Richie.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Say you, say me. Kept party all the time out of the number one spot. So Patrick Swayze, still the only number one spot that we've played so far. Good on Eddie Murphy for getting to number two on the Billboard Hot 100. Party all the time. Eddie Murphy. Written and produced by I'm sure you know this. Cam, got any guesses? Who wrote and produced My Girl Wants to Party
Starting point is 00:37:53 All the Time? I don't know. Well, I'm going to give you the answer. Are you ready? Quincy Jones. Ladies and gentlemen, Rick James. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Rick James, written and produced by Rick James.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And the song has a bit of a Toronto connection, sort of. Okay, because Rick James has a Toronto connection. Well, I'm not talking about Rick James. I'm talking about this song. The song was actually recorded in a recording studio in Buffalo, New York. That's a weak connection. It's not even the same country. Well, WUTV.
Starting point is 00:38:31 But Rick James did spend a lot of time in Toronto with the Miner Birds. Neil Young was in the band for a short period of time. Absolutely. Go ahead, sorry. I was going to say, Rick James, actually, he must have been in Toronto a lot because he actually had a home in Buffalo, New York as well.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And that's where his studio was where he brought in Eddie Murphy, who in 1985, nobody was hotter than Eddie Murphy. You know, you had Beverly Hills Cop, you had Trading Places, you had Saturday Night Live. Eddie Murphy was everywhere and was just killing it everywhere. So in like Raw and Delirious. So he was ripe to release a song because that's what big celebrities do. They record hit songs.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He was like top five, like most famous people. Well, you also know that he's very serious about his singing. This wasn't like a one-shot deal. Eddie Murphy's been releasing music for the last 20 years. He's released reggae albums. He's released R&B albums. He has famous videos with Michael Jackson back in the day. He's been very much a part of the music scene his whole career almost.
Starting point is 00:39:36 No joke. Now, he's never come close to this success. Obviously, no. But once you make party all the time you don't really need to you know he couldn't just stop there hey cam uh rick james was a draft dodger right he came here to avoid vietnam right yeah that's yeah i believe that's the story i mean he was from buffalo i think he was from buff actually i feel like maybe he's from detroit originally and then he ended up in buffalo yeah because i mean i'm a big fan of like the the neil
Starting point is 00:40:05 young uh biography if you will and rick james showing up there in the early days of the minor birds it's a cool trauma actually right around a year ago i i spent a weekend in buffalo with uh mf and we went to like a uh a western new york like history museum of some sort which was actually more interesting than it sounds, but they had a, they had a music section and they actually had like Rick James jacket. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:30 So it's more than just a Irv Weinstein when you go to that. Well, they had some Ani DeFranco stuff. Oh, wow. I didn't even know she was Buffalo. The Goo Goo Dolls. They had some Goo Goo.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah. Not Chris Berman. Who's the guy who passed away? A news guy. There's a news guy. I'm going to have to Google it to remember his name. Popular, famous newscaster. Not David Horowitz.
Starting point is 00:40:53 No, it wasn't David Horowitz. Nobody is bigger than David Horowitz. Yeah, David Horowitz. I think it was Retro Ontario we were talking about a show. Fight Back. We played his theme song i think but okay so we're off to a killer start here because uh that dirty dancing song uh she's like the wind and that eddie murphy
Starting point is 00:41:14 party all the time are huge celebrity jams i can't win this round it's not really a competition anyways but i do want to hold my own. It is. Okay. Well, you got to respect this choice. Now if you disrespect everybody that you run into I know why do you think anybody's supposed to respect you If you don't give a heck about the man with the Bible in his hand Just get out the way And let the gentleman do his thing You're the kind of gentleman That wants everything that it weighs Take a seat on the fade wall
Starting point is 00:42:24 It's a brand new day Respect yourself Respect yourself If you don't respect yourself Ain't nobody gonna give a fuck Respect yourself. Ain't nobody gonna give a fuck. No, no, no. Respect yourself.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Okay, this is actually why I wanted this theme for this week is actually because I was reminded of this song from Bruce Willis. This is Respect Yourself. And I bought this 45 single at the Sam the record man at jane and bluer that's yeah that's how much i liked this and i when i bought it i didn't realize it was a cover so i did not realize it was a cover uh song and uh of course it's the staple singers respect yourself as the original and then basically it got me to kind of dive into the Staple Singers. And I fell in love with the Staple Singers, particularly Mavis, but the whole, and Pops, I can't forget Pops.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And I'm sure everyone on this Zoom call knows the great, the band, because we always talk about Scorsese, what happened to that SCTV documentary. But The Last Waltz was a fantastic concert film. And in that movie, the Staples Singers joined the band for The Weight. And it's by far my preferred version of The Weight, which is a kick-ass all-time jam itself. And I love that version of The Weight
Starting point is 00:44:03 by the Staples Singers. Cool story, man. Cool story, bro. Tell it again. That was good. What was the name of this album? Oh, The Return of Bruno. Bruno, right.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Was that his nickname? For some reason, my memory doesn't have Bruce Willis singing that. I thought it was Don Johnson. That's another song. No, and this, I can share with you that this song actually was not kicked out, but I was surprised. But Don Johnson had a top five hit. Yeah, he had a song like
Starting point is 00:44:31 Heartbeat. Heartbeat, yes. Heartbeat. Yes, Don Johnson had a hit with Heartbeat around the same time. But this is Bruce Willis, where I guess at this time, he's like a moonlighting guy. And moonlighting, which I quite liked, but this is pre...
Starting point is 00:44:47 I think this is before... I think it's before Die Hard. But yeah, The Return of Bruno was the album. This is Respect Yourself. Bruce Willis, of course, is one of our great actors. He's in Pulp Fiction, for God's sakes. And thanks to this single, which I owned a 45
Starting point is 00:45:03 single of, I fell in love with the Staple Singers. What does Bruce Willis do now? Is he still in movies? Is he still doing stuff? Like expendable stuff? He does expendables type things, right? He shows up in places. I don't think he has to work, so probably he doesn't need to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Stu, you're in the business. What would be the film that was most lucrative for him? Would it be a Die Hard sequel? Because he probably did Die Hard 1 for scale or something, and then for 2 and 3 he could probably cash in, right? I would have to say that the Die Hard movies, probably even the later ones, like four five whatever those ones are probably big big paydays for him i think hudson hawk was a legendary sort of payday for him as well right um and then i i know his career
Starting point is 00:45:56 has had so many uh comebacks you know one of the ones the one of the more you know pulp fiction obviously put him and travolta back on the map because he was kind of quiet there for a minute. But I will say that the one where the kid sees dead people, that brought him back big. Success. That Armageddon. Wasn't he in Armageddon?
Starting point is 00:46:18 That was a big deal. Hey, here's a trivia question for you. Name another movie, another popular movie that starred John Travolta and bruce willis get shorty it's a good guess uh it's kind of a trick one because you never see bruce willis but they both start and look who's talking i i was gonna say that i i sort of knew that i'm sorry he was the voice of like the talking baby yes he was the baby and travolta was the dad and they reunited in pulp fiction I sort of knew that. I'm sorry. Was he the voice of the talking baby? Yes. He was the baby and Travolta was the dad
Starting point is 00:46:46 and then they reunited in Pulp Fiction. Right. That's huge. That is huge there. And I don't think they let Kirstie Alley come into Pulp Fiction though. She didn't get to come over. But okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Cool start, guys. I'm anxious to play the second jam from Cam just to hear Stu's reaction. So can I kick it, Cam? Yeah, go for it. I can tell that you're watching me And you're probably gonna like what you didn't see Well I just need a little space to breathe Can you please respect my privacy?
Starting point is 00:47:46 Why can't you just let me do the things I wanna do? I just wanna be me. I don't understand why would you wanna bring me down? When I'm only having fun. I'm gonna live my life. What do we wanna do? I'm tired of rumors starting. I'm sick of people lying, saying what they want about me. Why can't they back up on me?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Why can't they let me live? I'm gonna do it my way, take this gorgeous what it is. Here we are back up in the club. Is that Lindsay Lohan? Wow. Yeah, good, good, good. I didn't think you'd get it, Stu. I didn't think you'd get it.
Starting point is 00:48:28 It's kind of funny because like now I listen to Howard Stern and he's got Tan Mom doing songs. It kind of sounds like a parody. It's hard to believe like the lyrics and everything. It's like a real song, but it's actually not bad. Like the hook is kind of hooky. Yeah, I mean, it's very much of the era. So that's uh yeah lindsey lohan her first ever single it's like a britney spears song that britney didn't
Starting point is 00:48:52 record yet well it's very interesting the background of this song so this song came out in 2004 so very much in kind of that sweet spot of uh i i guess this is almost like post britney pre katie perry i feel like there was kind of a of uh i i guess this is almost like post britney pre katie perry i feel like there was kind of a middle ground i feel like this is around the time hillary duff was putting out music and ashley simpson and you saw you know sort of this wave of a young female artist disney channel folks coming out of the woodwork. Lindsay Lohan, this song was actually written by four people. Lindsay Lohan is one of the writers credited.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Two of the other four writers are very interesting. Two of Tito Jackson's kids wrote this. 3T? 66.6666% of 3T wrote this. It was Terrell and TJ Jackson,
Starting point is 00:49:48 along with someone named Corey Rooney. Maybe that's like Andy Rooney's kids. Who knows? His grandkids, maybe. Yeah, this is from our debut album, which is called Speak. Did any of you guys own Speak back in the day? No.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I feel like Lindsay Lohan is just like, it's a different generation. Like, we were already in our 20s and stuff when she became a big deal. I think, like, the crazy part is that, like, it's kind of scary that so much time has passed that if you asked a younger person, they wouldn't know who Lindsay Lohan is. And she might have been, you know, her and Paris Hilton were the two biggest stars of that era just before social media. Absolutely. her and Paris Hilton were the two biggest stars of that era just before social media. Like, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:50:26 And, uh, you know, I think if you asked your daughter, Cam, she probably doesn't know who Lindsay Lohan is. And that's sad. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I will. Your daughter's 12. Yes. She probably does know mean girls. I feel at 12, you probably know mean girls. I doubt it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:39 I'm trying to think what are, okay. So mean girls is probably Lindsay Lohan's signature performance. What is, what would she be second most famous? Oh, The Parent Trap.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Is that The Parent? Yeah, The Parent Trap. Yeah. Ian's nodding his head so he agrees with me. Okay. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:53 but that's it, right? Like, that's the only two movies that come to mind in my mind. She never had a sex tape, right?
Starting point is 00:50:59 No. I just think of her, like, she had, like, a lot of abuse issues and, like,
Starting point is 00:51:04 she had one of those, I remember seeing a photo of her like she had like a lot of abuse issues and like she had one of those. I remember seeing a photo of her once, one of those, let's say, radial collars. That's more like what you put on like a caribou or something like an ankle thing, like a tracker. Oh, great. Right. And had some like plastic surgery and whatnot. But yeah, like for to Stu's point for like 18 months she was as famous as anyone in that cohort running around with a paris hilton and then i feel like sure how the kardashians
Starting point is 00:51:31 or whoever came along and market corrected her but you know it was a real five tool talent you know it was releasing albums and putting out movies and all over the the tabloids and on the the much or the mtv award she was. She was ubiquitous. She only put out one more album and that actually came out in 2005. The next year it was called A Little More Personal in brackets Raw that I didn't really do so well. About half the album was covers. Namely she did a cover of I Want You To Want Me. She did a trick song as well as a cover of i want you to want me she did a cheap trick song as well as
Starting point is 00:52:05 a cover of stevie nicks edge of sam 17 um which i can't say i've heard either perform that at like one of those award shows do you remember she had like a live performance with with fleetwood mac maybe or something yeah i mean that's that sounds about right i feel like that was also like at the time before everyone rediscovered fleetwood Mac, the young folk. Dreams is everywhere now. That sounds about right, Cam. But Stu, you didn't sound about right there. Did you do something to your audio?
Starting point is 00:52:37 Okay. All right. So I'll see if that issue persists there with the Stu Stone audio. Okay. So Lindsay Lohan, I didn't know that song, I'll be very honest. Not familiar to me at all. Have you ever heard that before? Me? No. Ian, do you know that song?
Starting point is 00:52:54 Rumors? I've heard it once. You heard it once, like right now, right? I will say one final comment about this song and this sort of relates to stew's comment about that generation right before social media i i definitely remember seeing the video for this song a lot so i guess that was also sort of the dying days of maybe like music television um 2004 like i don't know i guess i was still watching mtv yeah i might have bailed i might have bailed by then actually like actually. Maybe Jen Hollett would throw to it on Much On Demand or whatever those shows were.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Right. By the way, Mike, have you listened to any of Erica M's podcasts? No, you know what? I have not. I know I should, but I have not listened. But How Is It is good, right? I know I should, but I've not listened. But how is it? It's good, right?
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah, it's interesting because she talks a lot about her own experience. But I'm trying to think. I listened to the one with Teresa Roncon. I listened to part of the Steve Anthony one, the Denise Donlan one. I don't know. I feel like she's sort of stepping into your terrain. Yeah. She just had Christopher Ward on.
Starting point is 00:54:11 She totally, by the way, she totally is. And there's really nothing I can do about it. She didn't have Andrew Ward. That's true. That's true. She's totally on my turf, but it's like she walked the walk. So I have to let her talk some of the talk now i guess and uh cream will rise at the end of the day let's i wish her luck absolutely and i i do feel like we haven't really poked fun at sort of the opening of her appearance on your show the first few minutes
Starting point is 00:54:36 go ahead i got a note this week as we've discussed i got a note this week from a faithful listener uh shout out to richard i'll just call him Richard H. to protect his secret identity. But he listens to every episode and he ordered me never to have Erica M. on Toronto Mic'd again. And I asked him why. And he felt that she came on
Starting point is 00:54:56 and was just trying to make it about her and her agenda. And he did not think she was playing nicely with me. Well, hold on a minute. In her defense. Yes, since you are her lawyer, go ahead. agenda and he did not think she was playing nicely with me. Since you are her lawyer, go ahead. You know, what is she supposed to do? She's coming on your podcast
Starting point is 00:55:11 to promote something and it's about her. I know, but listeners of this show are not used to somebody coming on to promote a specific thing. That's not really the vibe of this show. It's a breakfast television thing. When is he coming down down to the i don't even know how much to put in public about this i've been kind of discreet about it but uh basically his people had demands
Starting point is 00:55:36 that i was not willing to adhere to so i don't think that's happening because i'm not gonna i'm not gonna like comply with these specific demands. And I never heard back when I kind of replied with the, that's not how it works here. This is how it works. And then I never heard back. So I don't think... This is a Wendy, sir.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Right, exactly. So, you know, this is not that kind of show. Well, you know those PR people. This is not the type of show where people can come on and promote their things. No, everyone gets to promote their damn things. They all get to promote. I promoted the hell out of
Starting point is 00:56:13 Eric M's thing and I would promote the hell out of Brandon Gones' thing. But you can't come on and just talk for 15 to 20 minutes about that thing. We have to talk about CP24 and some other things and then we'll talk about that thing that's how it works on toronto white there you go okay laying down the law yeah now i want to lay down this jam but i know stew sometimes has a an intro i just want to see if
Starting point is 00:56:36 cam is going to know who this uh it's actually a super group that does this next song a super group of famous folks oh yeah so i'm gonna name so I'm going to name some of the famous folks. Okay, are you going to... I'm glad you didn't play it. Okay, do you want me to stop it and do it again? Like I started it. Ah, well. Well, we didn't talk about this, do we?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Here, let's listen to it and then you can talk about it. training camp. We're Chicago, a Super Bowl champ. And we're not doing this because we're greedy. The Bears are doing it to feed the needy. We didn't come here to look for trouble. We're just competing through the Super Bowl shuffle. This is Petey Willis, and I'm world class. I like running, but I love to get the pass. All right, we're going to play a seven-minute song, so you can bring it down if you want.
Starting point is 00:57:39 But this is the Super Bowl shuffle, folks. The Chicago Bears Super Bowl Shuffle. The Bears. Very controversial song for many reasons. Before we get into the controversy, let's talk about how cool it is. Because hip-hop was not like the mainstream popular kind of music at that point. You know, there's probably a handful of rap songs that were popular. And then this song comes around and it just, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:11 it may have been a lot of people's first experience with rap would be the Super Bowl Shuffle, dare I say. It's possible. The Super Bowl Shuffle, of course, was recorded by the Chicago Bears in 1985. Now, this was actually a song that was recorded not after they won the Super Bowl. This song was recorded on week 15 or something of the NFL season. The playoffs hadn't even started yet. And as a matter of fact, the recording of this song,
Starting point is 00:58:41 they only lost one game all season, Mike. I vividly remember this team because of this song. They only lost one game all season, Mike. I vividly remember this team because of William Perry. There's a documentary, a great ESPN 30 for 30 on this team. Yes, and the headband. Yeah. So this is a legendary Bears team. There's a great
Starting point is 00:58:57 30 for 30 that is definitely worth checking out. But the only loss they had in the whole season was the day before they recorded this song. There's actually they ended up being the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:59:14 They did go on to win the Super Bowl, so that worked out. Initially, they were getting together not to be braggadocious, but it was around the same era as We Are the World and other sort of songs where groups of celebrities were getting together. This was the idea was to get these guys together and raise money for charity. Now, that didn't necessarily happen.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And it took lawsuits many years later to get the money actually donated to, some of the money you get actually donated to the charity because the money was sort of, it got a little wishy-washy when the song accidentally became a huge successful hit. It sold lots of copies. It actually even charted on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at number 41, but did get a lot of radio play, airplay, did get the music video was played. And I definitely have memories of it. It instantly became a mainstream phenomenon. The single sold more than half a million copies.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Now let's just think about that. Sloan's greatest album. 80,000 copies. Super Bowl shuffle. Half a million. Are you still there? Yeah, and I'm thinking now. What can I say?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Stu Stone and Jamie Kennedy, 300,000 copies. Yes. So basically, here's how the song came about. There was a guy named Randy Weigand. He's a diehard Bears fan. He's a music lover. He came up with this idea to write, produce, and choreograph a rap song for the Chicago Bears.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Lucky for him, his girlfriend was a Chicago Bears cheerleader who introduced them to Willie Galt. Remember Willie Galt? Football fan. Yes. Maybe I love that. I do. He put them in touch with the other Bears player and the Super Bowl shuffle was born.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Every player that appeared on the song had some sort of a rap. Some of them had solo raps, as you heard in the opening. You had sweetness, the greatest running back that ever did it. Walter Payton saying, you know, we're not doing this to be greedy. We are doing this to feed the needy.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And he meant it. Right. Nice sentiment. In 85, the Chicago Bears were the first sports team. They were actually the first sports team to have their own rap video. The song was nominated. Are you ready for this? Nominated for a Grammy Award in 1985 for best R&B performance by a duo or group.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Wow. Wow. That. Wow. And this is the... That's shameful. This is the crazy part. They lost the category to a song called Kiss by Prince. Yeah. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:57 So how does Prince win best R&B performance by a duo or group? Oh. Nothing makes sense. I'm Alan cross. And I was there. Was it never gets old. Um, he wasn't there.
Starting point is 01:02:13 He wasn't there. I'm going to interrupt for a moment. Stu, just ask you because I'm hearing the echo back again. Yeah. I'm going to unplug and plug back in. Sorry. I don't want to be the difficult one here.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I am the producer of this fine program. We have high standards on Toronto Mic for audio quality. Okay, we're back. Here's the players that appear on the song. Tyrone Keys, Stefan Humphries, Reggie Phillips, Calvin Thomas, Mike Tomczak, Maury Buford, William the Refrigerator Perry, Gary Fenkick, Richard Dent, Mike Richardson, Steve Mark Fuller, Otis Wilson, Jim McMahon, Mike McElterre, Willie Galt, and the great Walter Payton. Bears defensive end Dan Hampton declined involvement with the shuffle, thinking it may have been, quote, too arrogant.
Starting point is 01:03:03 with the shuffle, thinking it may have been, quote, too arrogant. But it does take a bit of swagger to record that before you win the Super Bowl. I agree. Then, you know, after there was a whole bunch of copycats after this song came out, the Seattle Seahawks did the Blue Wave is on a Roll. The Patriots recorded a song called New England, The Patriots Are We. The Raiders released the silver and black attack. The Rams released.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Let's ram it. But if you call your song Super Bowl shuffle and let's say they lose in the conference final, everyone will blame the song. Like they're going to blame the fact that they had this, you know you know you know what i'm saying is that they had this arrogance that they had already thought they won it all and they recorded the song and then they lost like this could have gone horribly wrong that's why this was like it was sort of misinterpreted because really this was just supposed to be like a let's raise money for charity thing and it came across as a braggadocious thing right and anyway there was lawsuits that went on the players and some of the estates of the players were suing for the money because royalties were, have been collected over the years,
Starting point is 01:04:09 never paid out to the charity, never paid out to the players. And I believe there is good news here. Although, you know, the, the listeners of this show, they love to correct me. So I'm not going to speculate on whether those funds actually made it to the charity in the end, but the Superbowl shuffle by chicago bears coming in number two great that's a great choice do well done uh shout out to to resident because uh he reminded me on twitter just now that he pitched this topic now i i can't give him i think it's maybe that's what sparked it uh i thought it was because uh i wrote a blog entry on about uh respect yourself but because I wrote a blog entry on about Respect Yourself, but maybe I wrote the blog entry
Starting point is 01:04:47 based on a tweet by T.O. Resident so that he is actually responsible for the blog entry, which then sparked this topic. I don't know, but shout out to T.O. Resident regardless. And I'm going to just dive into my second jam. I'm looking
Starting point is 01:05:03 on the Facebook. Can I just make one comment? This is very tangential. I don't know if you guys caught this weekend, Boomer Esiason threw some snark the CFL's way. The CFL
Starting point is 01:05:20 on one of the broadcasts saying, what is this, the CFL or something when there was an incomplete pass or something. Right. The FOTM Marty York had some choice words. And then through that, I realized, through someone tipped me off, I guess Marty York has made his Twitter account public again. Oh, that's big news for everybody.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah, which is a pretty sort of unique development, just in time to slag the raptors at every occasion and maybe maybe for the first time ever rightfully so because the raptors are not looking so hot but this is like uh it's only six games but i met my son and i now want a lottery pick so that's where it's already gone but there you go marty hork uh one thing about a blind squirrel finding a nut now and then is that he just, he's consistent with the whole Raptors are terrible and overrated. And he was very,
Starting point is 01:06:10 very wrong. The blue Jays and the Maple Leafs in any Toronto team. Yeah. Especially if Rogers, uh, communications is involved at all, but, wrong,
Starting point is 01:06:18 wrong, wrong, wrong. And at some point he's going to be like completely correct on this. It's just a broken clock being right twice a day. So there you go. There you go. Shout out to Marty York,
Starting point is 01:06:28 who was very nice. I had a good time with the guy. He's just a bat shit crazy on Twitter, but what can you do? All right. My second jam here. And I think Marty York would approve of this jam. Honky Honky the Christmas Goose Got so fat that he was no use
Starting point is 01:06:56 Till he learned how to blow his nose Honk the way a goose nose blows After that and just for fun it was a simple matter he would blow his honky horn to see the people scatter cars and planes and trucks and trains would get out of his way and when they heard that honky horn, this is what they say. Oh, honky, honky, the Christmas goose. Miss Goose, come on, sing with me, everybody. Okay, we're a couple of weeks late for a Christmas jam, but this is Honky the Christmas Goose.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Does anyone out there know who is singing this fine jam? I do. Stu, do you know? It's Toronto Maple Leaf great Johnny Bauer. it's uh i i do stew do you know it's a toronto maple leaf great johnny bauer correctamundo absolutely so johnny bauer recorded this song like you said toronto maple leaf's goaltender legend who only left us fairly recently i want to say in the last few years, we lost Johnny Bauer. But this is 1965, and it's officially credited to Johnny Bauer with Little John and the Rinky Dinks,
Starting point is 01:08:16 and came out in 65. Problematic. Problematic band name. Problematic song name. It was a different time. It was a more innocent time. But it got a significant amount of... Little Johnny and the Rinky Dinks.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Right. Little Johnny and the Rinky Dinks. And it got significant airplay in this market. It made it to number 29 on the Canadian music charts and stations like 1050 Chum played the mess out of it. It's like the Mariah Carey of the 60s. That's a perfect analogy, a perfect comparison. So Johnny Bauer had
Starting point is 01:08:49 a hit song that was played, you know, especially at the Christmas, well, I think only the Christmas season. I don't think they played it a lot in July or whatever. But Johnny Bauer, Honky the Christmas Goose. Now we're all too... Cam and I actually saw the Rinky Dinks
Starting point is 01:09:05 at Lee's Palace, but Little John and Johnny Bauer weren't there. It was just the Rinky Dinks. But they were good. Yeah, it was like one original member. Banjo Dunk was actually... Banjo Dunk. Yes, that would make complete sense.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Shout out to Banjo Dunk. Do you guys know Johnny Bauer's nickname? Honky that's problematic actually do you know Cam? yeah I do but why don't you
Starting point is 01:09:36 remind us again we're all too young to remember the Johnny Bauer era or that song when it was a big hit but he was known as the China wall. Right. Right. So,
Starting point is 01:09:48 and again, by all accounts, a true gentleman and, uh, it was just a delight to, to be around. And if you got to get his autograph or line up at some, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:59 you know, memorabilia place where he was, you know, signing. Which he frequented. He was at almost every card show. I was going to say, we'd have to run the numbers on this. I feel like he'd be the easiest member of the Hockey Hall of Fame
Starting point is 01:10:13 to get his autograph. Because, yeah, he seemed quite ubiquitous on the autograph circuit for many, many, many years. So the Great China Wall there. And, yeah, Hon years. So the Great China Wall there and, yeah, Honky the Christmas Cue. Now, the Rinky Dinks, they didn't sign anywhere.
Starting point is 01:10:30 So if you have a Rinky Dinks autograph, that might be something. Especially if it was by John. Yeah, like signed by Johnny Bauer and then Little John and the Rinky Dinks. There's four Stigs on there.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Excellent stuff, guys. Good, good work. Once upon a time, there was a little black girl in the Brewster Projects of Detroit, Michigan. At 15, she was spotted by an Ebony Fashion Fair talent scout, and her modeling career took off. You better work. I don't know about this one. Hold your fire. Because I'm dancing over here.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Hold that fire. No. Okay. I feel like we can bring it down. Why don't we try something different? Stu's got that poo-poo face on. Boo-poo face. Both, really. Stu, you look unhappy over there. Well, I mean, the category was celebrities that have songs, right?
Starting point is 01:11:49 Right. Yes. This was a song guy that became a celebrity. This guy wasn't a celebrity before this. He was a musician. RuPaul, right? This RuPaul. Was he?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yes and no. Was RuPaul a famous person before this song? I think in certain circles, depending on where you're hanging out. Wasn't RuPaul just launched as a music artist? That's how we met RuPaul? I know, I get Stu's point is interesting. I see where you're coming from. This is a celebrity, yes, but maybe you just didn't realize That he actually became famous
Starting point is 01:12:28 From this song Well but I feel like RuPaul Was kind of around Before this or would we not have heard RuPaul prior to this Ian's got RuPaul already on his browser So in 1993 RuPaul records this
Starting point is 01:12:44 Song Supermodel of the World. Released on Tommy Boy, by the way. Wait, isn't Cam giving us these fun facts? Go ahead, Cam. So prior to that, he worked the Georgia club scene and was known, let's see here. Yeah. What was he doing? Hold on.
Starting point is 01:13:04 What was he doing? What was he up to? Let's see here. Yeah. What was he doing? Hold on. What was he doing? What was he up to? Let's see here. Hanging out. I mean, I still appreciate the song and I'll learn about it, but Cam's going
Starting point is 01:13:11 to have to concede that this is not an appropriate, this is disqualified. He was in a one act science fiction parody called My Pet Homo.
Starting point is 01:13:19 So it's a My Pet Monster. We all saw it growing up. It's a My Pet Monster thing. That stew was in My Pet Monster. I actually did one of the voices.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I played Chunky in that version. In that flick. Well, I thought this would be topical. And Mike, I feel like you discussed this recently when 1236 was down in the backyard with the death of Michael Alec, the famous and infamous club kid who just got out of
Starting point is 01:13:50 jail within the last few years and just died of a heroin overdose on Christmas day but came up through the same scene with RuPaul and yeah you know what I think Stu's got a great point you know what I'm gonna take a mulligan on this I think Stu might be right that this. You know what? I'm going to take a mulligan on this. I think Stu might be right.
Starting point is 01:14:06 This choice is fit for the pit. Yeah, I feel like it. Okay, let me pop the hood a bit on this. This was the song I picked because one of my other tracks, Stu, I was eating. I was trying to finish lunch.
Starting point is 01:14:23 That is true. This was the replacement jam for the jam that he had to give up because... So this, I mean, Mike, this seems like this could be a different category where somebody started as a musical artist
Starting point is 01:14:39 and then became famous. Yes. I'm learning a lot. Stu, you know what? At first I thought, I think this is okay because RuPaul is known for being famous. He's more famous for other stuff
Starting point is 01:14:53 than he is for being a singer. You guys should just be respectful of my fandom of RuPaul in that I knew that information. What a talent, right? You know who else was a big RuPaul fan, supposedly, according to Wikipedia, was Kurt Cobain.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Wow, I didn't know that. Yeah, he said that this song, and I don't know, you know, Kurt Cobain could be quite sarcastic, but he said this song was one of his favorite singles of 1993. It's a great single. Okay, he would...
Starting point is 01:15:20 My pick that's coming up was voted the worst single of 1993. Well, there you go. But there was a photo of kurt cobain and rupaul together if you google that you'll be able to dig it up that's amazing now before i let uh before i pass the mic to stew stone to set up this third jam of his i will just tell the universe that i had to give this to stew so much like you had to give up a jam that we're going to hear in a moment. I gave this one up to Stu. One of the songs, I just kind of inadvertently teased that this was going to be the worst song
Starting point is 01:15:52 released in 1993. That is incorrect. That's my next song. So I jumped the gun there. My bad. So this one, this one we're about to play, is this the worst song in 93?
Starting point is 01:16:03 This is not the worst song in 93, but it's definitely not the best song in 93 either. But it was, okay. I won't say anything more, but I chose it because I remember it from the radio. Anyways, I'll let you set up your own jam.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Samesies. So do you want me to play? When I realized that this song was available, it became available for me to choose. The only thing that I could instinctively say was, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Why is my baby blue?
Starting point is 01:16:55 Can't see the colors of a sunny day Stuck in that point of view What can I do to take your tears away? Oh, I'm not denying, there's a time for crying Just tell me why you look so sad tonight I know it's crazy, living in the world is this world If you take me by the hand Woo! There's nothing my love can't fix for you, baby.
Starting point is 01:17:32 I'm positive of this up to you. There's nothing my love can't fix for you, baby. Pretty good, actually. I'm going to... Pretty good. This is a gentleman. You know who this is, of course. A gentleman by the name of You're not asking me
Starting point is 01:17:48 You're asking Cam Joey Lawrence Joseph Lawrence Joey Lawrence Gowan Joey Lawrence of course The star of the hit television program at the time Or the co-star But definitely the hunk of the era
Starting point is 01:18:03 From his time on the show. Blossom, who remembers Blossom 6 and Blossom and all the hats. Big deal, that show. A lot of floppy hats. Of course, Joey Lawrence. Not a bad, he's pretty good. It kind of sounds like a Diet kind of Bobby Brown hit from years prior. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:24 You know, this is probably like a little late in the New Jack Swing kind of Bobby Brown hit from years prior. This is probably a little late in the New Jack Swing kind of era, but it was still there and still on the radio. I remember kids in school liking the song and girls specifically. I liked it as well. This is
Starting point is 01:18:39 Nothing My Love Can't Fix by Joey Lawrence, which was released in 1993. Like a Glenn Medeiros, right? Like a little Glenn Medeiros, maybe. Yeah, well, I would say more like Bobby Brown, New Kids on the Block type of vibe. I mean, without seeing the video,
Starting point is 01:18:57 I have a memory of him wearing like, you know, a tank top with a leather jacket and like cowboy boots and like a plaid shirt. I think, first of all, I think it's safe to say Andy Pandy is listening right now and thoroughly enjoying this jam. I think this is right in the middle.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Andrew Ward, if he's listening as well. The other Andy Pandy. Joey Lawrence actually got a credit as one of the writers on the song, which is something you don't see a lot from these sort of celebrity, let's make our see a lot from these like sort of celebrity. Let's make our album with him. He's popular type of guy. So that shows that I give him credit for that.
Starting point is 01:19:29 The song is Joey Lawrence's most successful single peaking at number 19 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and number 10 on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40. So that's pretty good. It also reached number 13 in the UK, number 22 in Ireland, number 50 in Canada. How about that? I definitely remember it getting heavy airplay.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I have a very fun fact, though. Okay. The producer of this song, this new Jack Swing sort of pop song, who also went on to produce such artists as... This guy has credits producing for such artists as Kenny Loggins, Seals and Croft, Apollonia, Player, Animotion, The Triplets, The Fix, Dave Coz, and Boys to Men. That's a pretty
Starting point is 01:20:26 vast career The producer was a gentleman by the name of Anthony Peluso who people might remember as the guitarist from The Carpenters Oh wow. That's a fun fact How about that mind blow? The Carpenters
Starting point is 01:20:42 guitarist produced Joey Lawrence, Nothing My Love Can't Fix For Ya Baby. You know, I'm hesitant to go here because I'm blessed. I'm follically blessed, and I'm well aware of that. So I'm just going to put that privilege on the table right here. I have a thick head of hair. Get in with this shit.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Well, hold on. Here I'm going with this. I distinctly remember the Joey Lawrence career being very tied to his hair. Like, hold on. Here I'm going with this. I distinctly remember the Joey Lawrence career being very tied to his hair. Like a beautiful hair. He had the best hair. But when he shaved his head, he was still quite handsome. Was he? Oh, yeah. Because I don't think the
Starting point is 01:21:16 sales figures matched up to that. No, no. I think just like he aged. I think he just aged out, but he's still around. I'm sure he's doing like Lifetime movies, Hallmark movies, stuff like that. I just assumed he was done. I didn't know that. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:21:31 You know who I think of when I remember this video and I hear this song? Tarzan Dan. Like this seems like it would have been like a bullseye Tarzan. On AM640, the mix of Toronto. Plus the YTV show he had. Like he'd be in the weird sort of colorful spaceship or whatever his gimmick was. Speaking of YTV, do you guys remember Nicholas Piccolis?
Starting point is 01:21:57 Sure. Yeah, of course. Does that name ring a bell at all with you, Stu? Yeah, definitely. He hosted, I want to say, liketv like clips or one of these types of video countdown i think and liza fromer might have been a co-host for a while there uh but anyway he's booked on toronto mic'd so that's happening uh and noah mince is next week no noah mince i'm going down the noah mince that's going to be great definitely next week drop our names and
Starting point is 01:22:21 see if you get a reaction like serious question serious question or serious request. Can you ask Noah what the music scene was like at Thornley? I honestly would like to know because I know he was in a band with Hayden. I'm just curious what Noah and Paul Hayden Desser thought of like the
Starting point is 01:22:40 Moxie Fervis guys. If there's any overlap in bands. If you wouldn't mind if time permits i'd love to are you kidding me i'll open with that shit so what's so uh do you mind asking him and this is a bit more of a stretch but is he aware of me does he know who i am because i'm a huge fan does he know me yeah well what about those that 24 uh t-shirts let's move on okay so hold on who are some of the other bands that were there? Moxie Fruvis?
Starting point is 01:23:08 Moxie Fruvis, Hayden. There was a band called Polito that was I assume named after a Dinosaur Junior song. I feel like Zygote. Oh, the Scam Artists. Take Recorder 3 and ask
Starting point is 01:23:24 if you ever played at S.W.A.Y. S.W.A.Y. is an acronym. S-W-E. Some wonderful entertainment. That was like the talent show at Thornley. I would love to know if no, Mintz was a headliner at S.W.A.Y. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 His brother was a Thornley controversial political figure, was the student council president that was impeached absolutely wow this is gold guys honestly honestly that's like two hours of material you know he's actually going to be zooming with me he's at going to be at his parents house in british columbia i don't think he knows what he signed up for here i don't think he's interested in any of the questions that we just gave him yeah but that's that's toronto mike i don't yeah that's that's going to be questions that we just gave him. That's Toronto, Mike. That's going to be the whole episode. I'm going to forget to get
Starting point is 01:24:07 to the whole take controversy. Can you get Head to do a reunion show? You know what you need to do, Mike? The goal is to do this interview and have it go so well that Head performs at our TMLX7. Palooza. I was going to say Head
Starting point is 01:24:23 headlines. Yeah, like our CanConcella show that's going to take place at the Danforth Music Hall. Yeah. I'm so excited. Head would be a great head for the first time in 20 years.
Starting point is 01:24:36 It's like Head, Rusty, Doughboys. It's like that's the trouble chargers there. That's the show. Absolutely. Yeah, as long as we make room for the official Toronto Mike House band, Lowest of the Low, we're good to go. That's the show. Absolutely. Yeah, as long as we make room for the official Toronto Mike House band, Lowest of the Low, we're good to go. Of course. Yes. That's a given.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Okay. All right. That's a great jam you chose by Joey Lawrence. So good. I actually had it on my original list. I'm really impressed with everybody's picks so far, other than the RuPaul misstep there. I think we're kicking ass, taking names. And here's a name for you. You ready for my third jam?
Starting point is 01:25:13 I don't know about this. Hold your fire. Jesus Christ. Come on. What's going on why are there so many songs about rainbows and what's on the other side rainbows are visions but only illusions and rainbows have nothing to hide So we've been told and some choose to believe it I know they're wrong, wait and see Someday we'll find it The rainbow connection
Starting point is 01:26:05 The lovers, the dreamers, and me I mean, this is a layup win for Stu Stone this week. More disqualifications just coming. I'm dying to know. I'm dying to know. Okay, so let me tell the people this is... You're dying to know? I'm dying to know what you object to here.
Starting point is 01:26:25 You're claiming Kermit the Frog never sang a fucking song before. That's like his 80th song. He fucking sang the theme song for The Muppet Show. He was famous for being not for being... He's not famous for being a singer. He was a famous newscaster. Well, amongst other things. Kermit the Frog is not first famous for being a singer.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Variety show. He sang a fucking lot of songs. Okay, so the song is called Rainbow Connection and it's by Kermit the Frog. It's a great fucking song. Beautiful song, but this is not... You're telling me that Kermit the Frog is first famous for being a singer?
Starting point is 01:26:59 No, but still, it's different. If it was like Triumph the Dog had a hit song, that'd be a different thing. Or Ed the Song. Cam, I need to hear some sense in the air here. Stu's out to lunch, right? I'll say this. I mean, this is
Starting point is 01:27:16 probably the song that Kermit the Frog put out. I would say it's not quite as bad as my pick, but, I mean, Kermit the Frog has always been and continues to be this day a great song and dance frog.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Yes, totally. I mean, you know, this is like Frank Sinatra, Old Blue Eyes, Dean Martin. You know, I'm trying to think what a modern day equivalent would, like even someone like Drake I hate to say
Starting point is 01:27:46 I don't love this pick I just don't Drake would be disqualified even if Drake was an actor first Drake gets disqualified for being he'd be disqualified for being most famous for being a musician without a doubt he'd be most famous for being a musician. No, no, no, no. Yeah, without a doubt, he'd be disqualified.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Most famous for being a musician, not an actor. There'd be an argument made better than your Kermit the Frog argument. Kermit the Frog sang a lot of songs before this. And was this song ever like a released song? Yes, yes. Wasn't it just in the movie? It was in the Muppet movie, the wonderful 1979 film. This is like a radio played single?
Starting point is 01:28:20 Yes. Yes, it was. On like your Fisher Price radio? No, it actually hit. I'm so glad you brought this up, Stu Stone. It actually hit number 25 on the Billboard Hot 100. Well, good for Kermit. Kermit had the number 20.
Starting point is 01:28:34 He had the Kermit the Frog. They had the Sesame Disco album. He was on that one. They had the Sesame Street, like six or seven Sesame Street albums. Most famous for being a, for not for being a singer here. Those were unspoken word albums. Those were songs on those albums.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Rubber Ducky, You're the One. These are songs. That was Ernie. But okay, I'll tell you some fun facts here. So this song, which was a big hit, as I said. In fact, this song won an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song. Did Kermit write it?
Starting point is 01:29:06 It was, no. Paul Williams wrote this fucking song. I was going to say, I think another factor I think we need to look at, what's the exact name of this episode, too? Celebrity Jams. Celebrities. Yeah, and it'll be inferred that these are not musician celebrities. Or even human celebrities.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Right, okay. Come on, you don't have to be human to qualify for celebrity games. I'll just say this, Mike. You and I did a bit of banter off the top about what a deep category this was. All I meant that one of my picks was kind of shitty. I cashed it the best of that pick.
Starting point is 01:29:48 It's so deep and wonderful that you went with that shitty low hand song. I know you guys like it. It's middle of a road. That low hand song did nothing for me. I just want to put maybe it's the beer talking. I don't know. Did nothing for me. Why don't you let the very reasonably and well-spoken and quite handsome uh tim uh chime in okay yes ian service uh rainbow connection by kermit the frog yay or
Starting point is 01:30:12 nay fantastic song do not agree for this topic okay thank you i trusted you ian i trusted you he just pens you fuck that okay I'm going to move on to... Through the barbershop window. Brutus the Barber Beefcake. Great song. Rainbow Connection is a song, by the way, that if the right singer performs it, and I've seen this done before,
Starting point is 01:30:36 it's a really beautiful song. Kermit has this sort of earnest sort of way of singing it, but when you have a real powerhouse singer that covers it on an American Idol type of show or whatever, it's always a really stunning sort of way of singing it, but when you have a real powerhouse singer that covers it on an American Idol type of show or whatever, it's always a really stunning sort of song. I guess Weezer also did a cover of it, but it's a really beautiful song that really has a deep
Starting point is 01:30:54 meaning, and it was way ahead of its time as far as what its messaging kind of was. It's famously like Willie Nelson. Oh yeah, Willie Nelson and Kacey Musgraves yeah but i just want to shout out lisa lobe and cross the kermit but boy uh two disqualified songs within the same episode i'm running away with this thing cambrio is gonna have a fucking party stew remind us how
Starting point is 01:31:17 you're connected to the lovely and talented lisa lobe well you say uh i only hear what i want to but uh we were in a film together why is this lisa lobe covered this song yeah she also covered this uh song lisa lobe uh yes hi ho kermit the frog here that's me three news i'm here with you three little pigs i just spent some time i spent some time with bugs bunny eric bowser and he breaks into character, and it's great. That Cam Gordon Kermit impression is top shelf. Like I said, it's the one impression
Starting point is 01:31:52 that, well, it's that and Andre. Andre is great. Kermit is top shelf of a very small bar. I can only say the one line, too. I can't believe you went to that. Oh, he's good. He's so good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:08 That's actually not bad. It's very good. Speaking of good, this is a... What's up, Mac? Fuckering. See, I can do voices. When he does the Daffy, because I've heard him do it twice now,
Starting point is 01:32:23 and when he does the Daffy, he likes to tell you do it twice now, and when he does the Daffy he likes to tell you it's not pandemic friendly because he spits everywhere. Alright here, boys and girls. By the way, is spending time with him a bit like hanging out with Dave Coulier where it's funny for about 10 minutes? Cut it out. Okay, here's the fourth jam for Cam Gordon.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Okay. I don't know. It's the same problem as the RuPaul song. It's good. No, it's good. That's bullshit, Stu. It's a great song. It's kind of like an ABBA song.
Starting point is 01:33:19 It's got a lot of fun stuff. I really like this song when it used to come on. us they never heard of us I guess I really like this song when it used to come on television. We had the cameo right with Paul McCartney. Absolutely. So what we're listening to is They Don't Care and the voice you're hearing
Starting point is 01:33:39 is Tracy Allman. One of those people I really don't know much about, but I've got like a shitload of fun facts here. So let's just get right into it. Tracy Ullman is from Slough. You guys watch the British office?
Starting point is 01:33:58 Yeah. That's the only thing I know about Slough. That's where that office is from. That's a city. Yeah, like in the UK. I thought like a some kind of a uk tv show i never heard of okay i got you now i feel mike might know this uh tim might know this do i probably not um the fact this is a cover song i knew that and who did the original i don't know it was uh kirsty mccall oh the late great yeah who we just talked about when we talked about uh that steaming pilot oh no maybe that was the 1236 episode with the john oh no that was 12 i didn't play it for us i but
Starting point is 01:34:39 i was forced to play it for wise blood and it was awful it was awful yeah and if you ever want to get really if you and i'm sorry to even say this but if you ever want to get really sad uh reading about her death it's one of the saddest things you'll ever read oh it's a whole lawsuit like it's it's yeah it's it's brutal um but anyway it's sort of in brighter times for christy mccall when she was alive um this song actually came out in June 1979. The original version came out on Stiff Records, which is the famous punk label that brought us Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe and a bunch of other people, Reckless Eric.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And then this Tracy Ullman version came out in October 1983. I didn't realize quite what a massive song this was this was a top five hit in canada uh peaked at number five went to number two in the uk top 10 in the us was also number one in ireland and norway um and yeah like a very sort of memorable video at a time where i don't think there was that many music videos i'm guessing this probably got a bump from like the early days of MTV. That's what I remember seeing it. Yeah, it was just as Mike mentioned, Paul McCartney had a cameo. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Kind of. Like memorable, right? Like in the backseat of the car. It was I remember the video. Was she already doing stuff before this? Well, I mean, here's the thing. Like she was already a comedian. She was already on television in the UK as part of a sketch troupe called Three of a Kind.
Starting point is 01:36:12 And it was when she was on that TV show as a working actor in the UK, she had a chance encounter with one of the founders at Stiff Records who suggested, you know, have you ever thought about doing music? And she didn't really. founders at stiff records who suggested you know have you ever thought about doing music and she she didn't really but then several years later she decided to put out an album the name of this album was you broke my heart in 17 places um god i have so many fun facts in honor of wendell clark i think she chose the number 17 big wendell clark fan she likes that hero of the day montage actually quite bad absolutely so what year does the tracy allman show debut uh that was much after that's why i was
Starting point is 01:36:50 thinking i thought this again i thought this is a rupaul thing because in america she became famous from this song so she had the song and then she got the show so that's why i thought this was another rupaul kind of thing well again like when, like when we... Okay, now I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to defend this pick here because when we decided to do this, it was people who put out songs that are most famous for not being musicians. No, it was Celebrity James.
Starting point is 01:37:17 No, I think... What's the difference? What's the difference? Okay, I always... The way I interpreted this topic was famous people, so long as they're not famous for being musicians. You're famous for something else
Starting point is 01:37:31 and you have a song. Like Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis is not famous for being... Not a good pick. Kermit the Frog, not so much. Kermit's a great pick as well. But I think Tracy Allman, I think it's a great pick.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Well, it's a good pick. It definitely checks out. Now I said, I initially thought because I wasn't aware of her fame pre this song. I thought this song launched her. If you're... This was before the Tracy Ullman
Starting point is 01:37:54 show. What if you're a famous... When the Tracy Ullman show came out, it was advertised oh, that's the girl from that song. Correct. I'm saying that makes this a problematic jam. I don't think it is. I think the spirit of this topic is adhered to by Cam's selection.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Well, let's see what Tim has to say. Yeah, what do you think, Tim? I do want to give credit to a chat message that Tim put into the Zoom, which reminds me of Tracy Allman did try to take, she wanted royalties for the Simpsons success because- Well, she probably deserved that, to be honest. Well, she didn't get it. Like, I think she got some kind of like a,
Starting point is 01:38:33 some buyout, like one time only. I mean, she's the one that put them on. Well, I'm not, like, I don't have the facts in front of me, but it was her show that hosted the first Simpsons appearances. Right, so it's her show that hosted the first Simpsons appearance. So it's her screen time that she gave up to that cartoon. Do you guys know when that was?
Starting point is 01:38:51 I would guess 87 or so. Okay, what month? September. I don't know. Okay, no, very good. It was April 1987. Only because I know the Simpsons debut in December 1989. Okay. Only because I know The Simpsons debut in December 1989. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:07 There you go. Well, I guess it's kind of her fault for like not doing like a deal like with them. Like, hey,
Starting point is 01:39:14 I'll put this on if I now have the rights to this for the rest of eternity. If you watch the Tracy Allman show, all the voice, almost all the voices
Starting point is 01:39:21 from the Tracy Allman show ended up voicing The Simpsons. Okay. Right. Right. So Tracy Allman show ended up voicing the Simpsons. Right. So Tracy Allman should have got herself a juicy voice role on the Simpsons. She should have got a taste.
Starting point is 01:39:33 She was not selfish. She was selfless. Can I ask a stupid question? Yes, you always do. You do, all the time. This is why I don't try to talk about hip-hop. I don't try to talk about television. What is the Tracy Allllman show about?
Starting point is 01:39:47 It's a variety show, like The Muppet Show. Sorry, I'm scaring the frog. Yeah. More of like a skit comedy show. It's a skit comedy show. Is that like sketch comedy? Yeah, sketch comedy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Sketch comedy, okay. And they did have some... Like a variety show, because there was lots of singing and dancing as well. Yeah, well, I'll say this. Tracy Ullman took home a shitload of hardware at the awards over the years well she also had a show where she played a man that was uh that was like yeah in the last like 10 or 15 years talented person yeah she has seven seven emmy awards and 27 nominations. That's a lot. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Anyway, great song. I'll stand behind this pick. Okay, let's get Ian's final verdict. I'll take Stu's counsel on it, but I think this pick stands. This is not the root. I mean, I gave it to you. I'm just saying it has its issues. Let me be clear, because Levi
Starting point is 01:40:43 Fumka is going to be listening to this, and I want to be very clear about this. Ian is not a judge. He has no actual power. I'm just saying it has its issues. Let me be clear because Levee Fumka is going to be listening to this and I want to be very clear about this. Ian is not a judge. He has no actual power. I'm just naturally curious. It's like a Canadian senator. This is your boy. This is the guy that's working hours on your website to build you a chat and you're saying he has
Starting point is 01:40:59 no power? Why is he wasting time on the Zoom when he could be working? Ian, I just want to know your two cents. I am of the opinion this is a good choice for this topic. It's like the Don Meredith of the Toronto Mike podcast. Right.
Starting point is 01:41:15 The Burgess Meredith. Oh, yeah. Slip the jab, Rocky. Ian, yay or nay on this jam from Cam? I had no idea about her previous past there you go i only know her from the tracy ellman show so there you go which came after the song so i think that's a thumbs up looks like a thumbs down and the or more like a middle leaning down it's whatever stew this jam you stole from the clutches of cam gordon he had chosen because unlike cam gets his
Starting point is 01:41:44 picks in much earlier than you do, which I appreciate, because it gives me time to know what's available to me. So thank you, Cam, for doing that. Now, this song was the worst song of 1993. Mortal Kombat! Pogre, Pogre, what a man
Starting point is 01:42:15 When you see him, it's wham, bam Let's go! Let's go! Listen, listen, never turtle You do that, they'll call you Myrtle Let's go! Let's go. Listen, listen, never turn. You do that, they'll call you Myrtle. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Too good to be true. Do I have to fade it down? Okay, Stu, talk to me. I got to get to the best part who else Bobby Orr let's go there it was he can score what a fall from grace
Starting point is 01:42:55 for Bobby Orr though like if we had played this maybe two months ago we'd be like what a legend and now all I think about is that Trump endorsement I forgot about that Don Cherry ago we'd be like what a legend and now all i think about is that trump endorsement i forgot about that uh don cherry rock'em sock'em techmo is the name of the song i always thought the song was called let's go but it uh it is more on the nose it's rock'em sock'em tech techno
Starting point is 01:43:20 sounds a lot like other awful songs of the era, like Mortal Kombat. Right. Just an awful, awful song, but definitely has its kitsch to it. I know Cam and I used to rap this song in the hallways. We can bump this in the ride. He can shoot, he can score. Number four, Bobby Orr, Let's
Starting point is 01:43:39 Go, is a very popular rap line of the era. Song made its debut on Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em 5. Rock'em Sock'em 5. So it took four Rock'em Sock'ems before they were like, hey, let's do a song with Don Cherry. Now, who are they, you might ask. You'll be happy to learn.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Are you ready? Are you sitting down? I'm ready. Cam, who are they, you might ask? You'll be happy to learn. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? I'm ready. Cam, are you ready? You know who is responsible for this song? I think I know. Can I guess? I think I know. Well, I'd rather just do the impression. Here we go. Maybe turn up
Starting point is 01:44:17 the volume a little bit of the song. Okay, stand by. Give me a second. I've got a lot of windows open. Here we go. Is it playing? The sound is not great here. Uh, I'll just do the impression.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Pirate radio, Chris Shepard. Come on in pirate radio. Chris Shepard. Don Cherry Rock. I'm sorry. I'm tech. No. Chris Shepard, Don Cherry, Rock'em Sock'em Techno. Chris Shepard on a Friday night. Chris Shepard.
Starting point is 01:44:51 That was my guess. And his group called BKS. Right, right. Which featured Chris Shepard, Henny Becker, and Greg Kavanaugh. BKS standing for Becker, Kavanaugh, BKS standing for Becker Kavanaugh Shepard. Wow. They were best known. Are you ready for this?
Starting point is 01:45:11 Their career. They were best known for collaborating with hockey person, Howdy Don Cherry, to create the song Rock'em Sock'em Techno. BKS worked with Don Cherry on the song. The resulting video was named by MuchMusic and Erica M Great guest, no agenda The worst video of 1993 Okay, that must be
Starting point is 01:45:34 From a fromage episode And I'm thinking if it's 93 That's Christopher Ward coming back To To do the fromage Here's a kick in the nuts You ready for a kick in the nuts? Ward coming back to do the fromage. Here's a kick in the nuts. You ready for a kick in the nuts?
Starting point is 01:45:52 Sloan, their best album. 80,000 copies. Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em Techno 550,000 copies. Wait, wait. You're talking about the VHS. You had to buy the videocassette. Right, right. That's not a fair...
Starting point is 01:46:07 Still, that is a huge number. There's 30 million people in Canada. So if half a million people owned Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em 5, that's a big percentage of the population. Right. So there you go. Don Cherry, the franchise,
Starting point is 01:46:23 sold over 2 million units to date, continues to be one of the highest selling sports videos with installments traditionally being released in December for the holiday season. Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em 30 was the series finale. Oh. Came out in 2018. I didn't know it was over. Don Cherry said he'll miss doing it.
Starting point is 01:46:41 He loved working on the show all those years. His son worked on those, yeah. He said he'll miss doing it. He loved working on the show. His son worked on those, yeah. The only time he was happier was when he got to go see people actually play hockey. He wanted to thank all of his fans for supporting it. You're a beautiful boy.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Nice, beautiful kid. Good kid. Look at that. Good kid. He's a beautiful kid. Look at Cam Gordon. Beautiful kid. Plays the game the right way. Hey, let's go.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Don, of course, is a fellow podcaster. We have the same job right now. Don Cherry, rock'em, sock'em Tecmo, let's go. I remember that band, BKS, because they had a song called, I think,
Starting point is 01:47:20 Astroplane or Astro Glide. I thought it was called Lips or something like that. Well, they turned into Love Inc. Love Inc, right. They morphed into Love Inc. And speaking of Love Inc, I don't know if you guys caught any of the CBC New Year's Eve special at all.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I did not. I was going to different parts of Canada and different musical artists and had some indigenous artists and all sorts of interesting stuff. But one of the artists, I think, in Niagara Falls was Simone Denny, who you may recall was the vocalist for Loving, saying like Broken Bones and Tonight You're a Superstar.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Of course. Of course. So I was sort of surprised to see Simone kind of uh simone denny making an appearance wow many years look it's all it all comes together here on pandemic fridays holy smokes our 43rd and we finally got the hang of this now i'm kicking out my penultimate jam here goes any moment now she came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge she studied sculpture at St. Martin's
Starting point is 01:48:35 College that's where I caught her eye she told me that her dad was loaded I said in that case I'll have a rum and Coca-Cola. She said fine. And in 30 seconds time, she said, I want to live like common people. I want to do whatever common people do. I want to sleep with common people. I want to sleep with common people like you. Well, what else could I do? I said, I'll see what I can do.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Gentlemen, here's some more CanCon. My second CanCon jam, by the way. William Shatner covering common people. Any objections, Stu Stone? Well, no. Could have been other choices of songs that he's put out, but William Shatner definitely was famous as an actor and celebrity before he decided to start singing or rapping or whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Some fun facts. This is from his 2004 album Has Been. It's of course a cover of Pulp's Common People. Still one of my favorite songs
Starting point is 01:50:01 of all time. Love that jam. This album was produced and arranged by none other than Ben Folds. There you go. You know he's been married like five times and has, I think, ten kids or something. Ben?
Starting point is 01:50:22 Yeah, he's got... I think he has a lot of child support. I think it's Ben Folds I'm thinking of. Because William Shatner has been married a lot of times. And I thought at first, I thought you were talking about Shatner, but you're talking about Ben Folds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:36 By the way, there probably won't be a segue in this episode. We've got to talk about that. Amy Mann. Oh yeah. Pipe bomb revelation about Dave Foley. Like, oh, my God. Okay, so tell the people what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:50:49 What was this fun fact that Tyler Campbell shared with us? Yeah, that Amy Mann, who some of us may know from Till Tuesday fame and others may know as a very accomplished solo artist and has put out many fine albums. Also married to Michael Penn. I knew that. Yeah. But yeah, she just...
Starting point is 01:51:11 I don't even know where this came up. If she was doing an interview with someone talking about the song Save Me that I think won an Academy Award from the movie Magnolia. Which, by the way, is a tremendous movie. The best Tom Cruise movie you're ever going to see. Yeah, like big fucking deal.
Starting point is 01:51:26 And that was basically... Pretty good movie. Yeah. And that song was, you know, kind of one of the featured songs on the soundtrack of that. That song was actually about Dave Foley and a brief tryst that Amy Mann and Dave Foley had when Dave Foley, it sounds like,
Starting point is 01:51:41 right around the time he's getting divorced from... Canadian journalist Tabitha Southie yeah this is an amazing I mean again all credit due to Tyler for discovering this and sharing it with us that's connecting like a lot of worlds like what a revelation though
Starting point is 01:51:58 yeah who would have thought I don't know yeah that is a big one I'm glad you remembered to bring that up and there is no great segue to that. But hey, why not do it during Common People? The cover by William Shatner, produced and arranged by Ben Folds. And this is like Joe Jackson singing background vocals too. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 01:52:17 You know what? You're right. I think it's Joe Jackson. Yes, it is Joe Jackson on the vocals. You're absolutely right. Yep. Good for you, buddy. Look at you.
Starting point is 01:52:27 And by the way, just ready for this? Ready for this? On this William Shatner album, which is called Has Been, there's a song called That's Me Trying, which is a Ben Folds wrote it. Amy Mann is the guest vocalist on that song. Okay. Amy Mann. Just guest vocalist on that song. Okay. Amy Mann. Just unplug everything, Mike.
Starting point is 01:52:51 That's, we, yeah. And that! There's some breaking news going on, by the way. Oh, God, I can't take anymore. Tell us, Stu, what's going on? I mean, I'm reading just now, like, an alert came in that there's members of the Congress are meeting to potentially invoke the 25th Amendment and remove donald trump and name mike pence as the president now i don't know that that's going to happen or not by the time people hear this pence could be the president
Starting point is 01:53:14 or this might just be a bunch of kerfuffle wow but definitely a lot of buzz on twitter about it and uh cnn has a little thing about it but uh right at the top of their website with this news break that we could be seeing some history unfold. Yeah. Folds. I don't know. I've been on Twitter like six years and lived through a lot of interesting days at Twitter.
Starting point is 01:53:38 This one, I don't know. This might be a top five. Did you ever think this might be some evil genius shit, though? This is the only way that he could have had it so that Pence becomes president and can pardon him in the next 13 days or something like that? But that would mean he was really, really smart. And I'm sorry, I don't believe it. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:57 It's just a wild time, and it's going to be over in about two weeks. Yeah. 14 days. Oh, boy. Okay. Thank you for the breaking news let us know if there's any further developments before we kick out our final jams this is important stuff and uh okay i'm gonna kick out your last jam cam gordon great great pick by the way mike thank you thank you Thank you. Thank you. And I like this pic as well by you.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Nice one. Soap stud. This is more like a post. I think is what we're talking about. Actually, the haunted house on Kirby Road, I used this on the trailer. Oh, wow. It all comes back to Stu. Thank you. If you rock and roll, rock on. And you have to be good from here. Which is the way that's clear. Still looking for that routine.
Starting point is 01:55:17 This is way worse than I remember. Yeah, because it sounded like... This sucks. But can I ask you guys guys when you guys first heard this like when in real at the time yeah i thought it was great but were you like me and my ignorance of bruce willis's respect yourself did you think this was an original i had no idea it was a cover yeah same here no idea same here i liked it though mainly and i'm gonna get to this part of the fun facts i knew it mainly because it was on the soundtrack to a dream a
Starting point is 01:55:45 little dream the uh cory feldman cory haim vehicle um so anyway what we're listening to is rock on by michael damien um you may notice other than sort of talking about tracy ellman being from slough i didn't do my uh one artist where I went through their hometown. That's because most of the artists today were actually from pretty large places. But we actually heard two artists who are from San Diego. Michael Damien and RuPaul, originally.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Wow. Who was the cover? Who was the original again? The original was by David Essex. I think the David Essex version is the one that's in the curvy road trailer maybe is that okay well i i don't think like i don't think michael damien switched it up all that much like i just i think it is the michael damien song if i heard the song even the original one i would say oh michael damien yeah well i mean this was a number one hit in both canada
Starting point is 01:56:45 and the u.s so you you you know you would not be faulted for thinking that because this is a big a big fucking hit i mean he's no robbie neville well say love you um now so let me let me sort of uh you know kind of do my brett screwed brett here. Now, Michael began his musical career as a member of the family band The Weirers with a Z. I guess Damien is perhaps his stage name. Maybe he's a big Jake the Snake fan. The Omen.
Starting point is 01:57:15 Yeah, who released two self-titled albums, one in 1975 and one in 1979. Shout out to Smashing Pumpkins. Now, they did have a Michael Damien did have a pretty decent-sized hit in 1981, a cover of the Eric Carman tune. There's that name again. Big Trump guy, by the way. Called She Did It. That went to number 69.
Starting point is 01:57:42 In 1981. Again, number 69. But then throughout the 80s, Michael Damon was obviously more famous for being on Young and the Restless. And then right at the end of the decade, 1989, he surfaced on the, again, the soundtrack of this movie,
Starting point is 01:57:57 Dream a Little Dream. That was a complete bomb. But did have quite a good cast other than the Corys. Can I ask? Okay. Harry Dean Stenon. Yeah, he's always good cast other than the Corys. Can I ask? Harry Dean Sten. Yeah, he's always good, too. He's always good. Wow.
Starting point is 01:58:12 You know who else was in that movie? Patrick Dempsey. Victoria Jackson. Oh, my God. Another Trumper. Yeah, speaking of Trump supporters, an early Tea Party supporter, along with Mo Tucker and various other Americans. Right. If I could break into this little piece of news I just saw that was distracting me, I just want to share it with you guys because you're my friends.
Starting point is 01:58:31 But the New York Times reports that, OK, so the National Guard was eventually deployed in D.C. today. OK, it took a long time, but eventually the National Guard got deployed. The New York Times reports that it's Mike Pence who approved the order to deploy the D.C. National Guard, not Donald Trump. There's no, and it's unclear at this time, why the president, who, as you know, is still the commander in chief, never would get, wouldn't give the order. So it's just interesting that the VP stepped in to deploy the National Guard in no... Like, this is really... And you know what, though? We shouldn't be surprised. Like, we kind of...
Starting point is 01:59:10 We all should have seen this coming over the last four years. And it's just bananas to see it unfold in real time. Yeah, like, I'm kind of just speechless. Like, sort of nothing surprises me. Like, there's all this stuff happening today and this is also like a president basically refusing to leave and saying the whole thing was a lie and that he won by a landslide when he lost right like it's fucking crazy like if you really take a big step back and like park everything aside just see it in the complete abstract
Starting point is 01:59:40 like it's it's wild like wild. It really is. All right, let's kick out. Actually, Stu, do you have any rock on? Yeah, I feel like Michael Damien, who we did, I was too busy looking at Pence, but I don't know if Cam covered Michael Damien's fame. I guess we just should assume everyone knows who he's famous for, but he was a soap opera star. There's a couple other guys that sort of had some success,
Starting point is 02:00:05 even more so than him, namingly Rick Springfield would have been probably a great, somebody that got Hanson today because he was like the biggest soap star. No, Rick Springfield would have been disqualified for being most. He was a famous soap star. You don't get that. Dude, that's not the topic. He is mostly famous for being a singer.
Starting point is 02:00:26 No. If you got in a time machine and went back to 1981, you would only know him as an actor. I don't care. I think Stu's right here. I wish you had... Cambrio thinks you're always right.
Starting point is 02:00:41 John Stamos would be an example of somebody who is famous on a soap opera. It's not about what you're famous for first it's what your career uh what you're most famous for in your career and rick springfield in his career is by far it's like just like just like a singer he was a famous right most famous soap opera star just like drake drake was an actor before he was a famous musician right okay okay was way more famous than Drake was as an actor. Okay, if you're saying this line of reasoning is sound, then I'm actually going to redact my tough talk about RuPaul being hard on myself.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Yeah, don't, don't, Cam, don't. No, I know, I'm going to. I'm going to. Wow. Mike's podcast. No, not anymore. I'm rushing the gates. I'm on the phone now with the national
Starting point is 02:01:26 guard and they seem to be busy so you may know we're we're gonna get like monica to toronto mike pence that's right yeah oh oh i never thought of that there's a lot of us mics out here i have a question if trump's twitter account is suspended which it is as of this recording yeah he still has that like atOTUS account. Can he just log in on that account and start going? That's a good question. Oh, and Cam, I'm not going to ask you to comment on this.
Starting point is 02:01:54 I'm just going to say to you both as if you were just buddies. I heard that Trump and his team are not giving up those generic accounts. They're not going to give up the at VP and at POTUS and those, those that are supposed to be transferred to the next. I know,
Starting point is 02:02:11 but I did hear they were going to like keep those passwords and logins for their own use, even after they leave the. Yeah. There's, there's been some reporting on this. So I think you got sort of the, the broad strokes on that.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Right. Thank you. Thank you for reading. Recode. Yeah whatever you can get out on the internet. That's right. Okay. Good on you. Stu, set up your final jam, brother. Yeah, I want to set up my final jam.
Starting point is 02:02:37 And, you know, you guys had controversial picks. Mike had two of them. One of them. Yeah, Mike had one of them. Cam had two of them. No, Cam didn't have two two cam had one and a half uh but uh very good showing from you guys and i have a controversial jam as well right that i'm going to kick out right now one two three one two three All right. Put your hand on your hip, step Get your back on your ship You don't want to say
Starting point is 02:03:27 All right, stop the music. Hold on, Stu Stone. Stop the music. Stop the rock and roll. This is Wilson Pickett, who is a very famous guy. You know, he has... You know, this song is actually
Starting point is 02:03:41 not even Wilson Pickett. This is just the most famous version of this song, I would imagine. But there's like actually lots of other versions of this song prior to this coming out. This was the one that had, I believe, and I could be wrong about this, but like, the na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na may have come in this version. This is the most famous version of this song. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:04 And also, you know, Wilson Pickett, he's the man. You know, in the last, in our lifetime, you know, not only this song is a little bit before our time, but do you remember the movie The Commitments? Of course. He scored that movie, which I was unaware of, and that was a big musical sort of movie. And of course, he was a big movie star in the Blues Brothers film as Mr. Pickett. All right. So that's that's my celebrity jam here.
Starting point is 02:04:34 The End of a Thousand Dances. Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I think my mind blow is ready to be queued up right now. You got to know how to pony Like pony maroney You got to know how to twist I still love this song, Stu. You do the last mistake Do you want to keep it jacked
Starting point is 02:05:20 or do you want it brought down? You're such a yo-yo Yo. You got to move like the Sheik. So good. Am I missing links like this in the background? Land of a Thousand Dances by the, quote, by the wrestlers. That's whose credit it is.
Starting point is 02:05:39 The wrestlers is the name of the group composed of an all-star who's who of the era of pro wrestling. And I actually have the list of everybody that appeared. Would you like to hear that, Kay? Go slowly. I want to hear the whole list. Okay, and should we... Do you want to do the guess if they're alive or passed away?
Starting point is 02:05:59 Okay, I'll do that. All right. Captain Lou Albano. Dead. Yes. B. Brian Blair of the killer bees alive yes classy Freddie Blassie dead yes Ricky the dragon steamboat alive yes jumping Jim Brunzel of the killer bees alive yes you're doing very Alive. Yes. Jumping Jim Brunzel of the Killer Bees.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Alive. Yes. You're doing very well. King Kong Bundy. Sadly dead. True. Rick Derringer. Cam, I got to call a friend here. I think he's alive.
Starting point is 02:06:39 I think he's alive, too. I don't have a confirmation on him. SD Special Delivery Jones. I think he's alive. No.'t have a confirmation on him. SD Special Delivery Jones. I think he's alive. No. No? He's dead? Yes.
Starting point is 02:06:50 The fabulous Mula. Dead, for sure. But back to SD really quickly. I think he was the worst wrestler to get one of those figurines. No, you needed guys like that. I know. I said to get one of those figurines, though. You needed a figure of his because you had to have some squash matches.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Okay, but I... Go ahead, Cam. Okay, this is an important question for you, Stu. And I bet the answer is yes. The red shirt. I bet the answer... No, it's not that. Remember the faceless referee?
Starting point is 02:07:19 There was just like a figure that was just the referee. Yes. And it wasn't Dave Hefner. It wasn't anybody. Correct. Did you pretend that was dangerous Danny Davis? Oh wasn't dave hefner wasn't anybody correct did you pretend that was dangerous danny davis oh yeah right i did for sure yeah for sure because he wasn't yeah anyway carry on keep going who was oh haku was in that he was he was known as King Tonga. I'm going to say alive. He's alive.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Howard Finkel. He's dead. He just left us this year. Yeah, he passed away. Uncle Elmer. Alive. Long gone. Is he?
Starting point is 02:07:55 Long gone. Oh, long gone. Mr. Fuji. By the way, Uncle Elmer, I think, did Kamala Part 2. Different guy. Was that not him? I think, did Kamala Part 2. Different guy. Was that not him? I think it was Cousin Junior or something like that. Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Fuji is dead. Fuji is dead. Bret the Hitman Hark. Alive. The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hark. Alive. Alive. Bobby the Brain Heenan.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Dead. Dead. Hulk Hogan. Alive. Cousin Junior, we just mentioned. Is he alive? I don't think so. I'll say he's probably dead. Steve Gator Wolfousin Junior, we just mentioned. Is he alive? I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:08:27 I'll say he's probably dead. Steve Gator Wolf. I don't even know who that is. He was a jobber, was he not? There was somebody that got credited as Mona Flambé. Oh, that's Cyndi Lauper. That's Cyndi Lauper. Alive.
Starting point is 02:08:43 Brutus the Bar beefcake he's alive right Vince McMahon alive here's another shocker fun fact what if I told you wait wait is this pause for effect and what was this supposed to be are you there stew this is a bit i was i i totally thought it was a pause for effect and i was just hanging on what i'm talking about can you hear me now? I can hear you, but you weren't heard for a while.
Starting point is 02:09:31 That's really weird. Who else you got on that list? That's really weird. Oh, so you're on a different mic. Maybe in zoom, it changed the mic. Anyway,
Starting point is 02:09:42 I was trying to tell you, and I think the mic's going to be bad now, but it's okay we're almost done who meatloaf meatloaf's in that song yeah i didn't know that from roadhouse meatloaf with jeff healy holy smoke and patrick swayze it all came full circle we should shut this thing down right now you want to tie it even closer together i don't know if you guys caught this week uh the the daughter of the president of the united states she tweeted out a photo of them going to the rally in georgia um earlier this week and she tagged a bunch of accounts it was probably like white house and don trump but accidentally uh tagged meatloaf in the photo. I'm not
Starting point is 02:10:28 really sure why. I think there's a few articles about this. He was good in Fight Club. He was bitch tits in Fight Club. Yeah. Well, I think he is a big Trump guy, so maybe she meant to. Maybe she meant to. Shout out to Todd Rundgren. That hell holds up. I'm telling you, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 02:10:44 All right. Amazing. I'm going to kick out the last jam. I a hell holds up I'm telling you it's fantastic alright amazing I'm gonna kick out the last jam I think you guys will enjoy it because you're big retro Jays fans so let me kick it out and we'll wrap this up before hello can you hear me well yeah it's obviously the mic changed okay but I just can I just shout and tell you the rest of the
Starting point is 02:11:00 wrestlers that were on here oh I thought you were done I'm sorry man oh Gorilla Monsoon Hillbilly Jim, Don Morocco, Jim the Anvil Neidhart, Mean Gene Okerlund, Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff, Cowboy Bob Orton, Nikolai Volkov,
Starting point is 02:11:11 Rowdy Roddy Piper, Wendy Richter, Junkyard Dog, The Missing Link, Mike Rotundo, Macho Man Randy Savage, Tito Santana, George the Animal Steel,
Starting point is 02:11:18 Greg the Hammer Valentine, Johnny Valiant, The Iron Sheik, Barry Windham, Barry O. And there you go. Wow. But Barry O.
Starting point is 02:11:27 Barry O had a... Vince sexually assaulted him. And he was on the Donahue show. Allegedly. Allegedly. We got to watch out for those litigious... I think he was Cowboy Bob Arden's brother, too. He is, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:43 Barry O. Wow. Yeah. They go like this. Well, I'm glad. I am glad that Stu's brother, too. He is, yeah. Very old. Wow. They go like this. Well, I'm glad. I am glad that Stu's mic conked out at the very end, because I'm just going to kick out this jam, share a couple of facts, and we'll say goodbye.
Starting point is 02:11:53 I do want to say somebody was Hanson tonight. And it's funny, because Stu Stone chose this name for the Zoom, and he was Hanson. So, Stu, what was your name on the Zoom call? David Hasselhoff. So, I was actually, like, I had no interest in kicking out any David Hasselhoff. I couldn't even name one, but I was pretty sure
Starting point is 02:12:13 Stu would kick out a Hoff song. I just felt like that wasn't his. We've already done that this year. Okay, I just wondered if you would. So, here, because Stu sounds terrible now, I'm going to kick out my final jam. Get ready, guys. You'll love it. He hit a rocket over the right field bench You knew from contact
Starting point is 02:12:49 That that one was airmail special delivery Once again, we're near the end And pennantime is here Blue Jay fans, be prepared We might win it all this year Now the start is slow Everybody knows we're not always on the move When the chips are down
Starting point is 02:13:19 We'll come around and catch an awesome groove Cam and Stu, you're both huge Jays fans. Who is that rapping on this song? I think that's Lloyd Mosby, is it not? That is absolutely Lloyd fucking Mosby. And this song is called Shaker's Rap I gotta shout out
Starting point is 02:13:50 an FOTM Stephanie Wilkinson who many many moons ago when I was a mere blogger well before there was any hint of Toronto Mike in the air
Starting point is 02:14:00 she couriered or mailed to me a bunch of CDs she had that were the Variety uh blue jay cds you remember these from the early 90s yeah absolutely had that like carnival barker guy like right in the middle yes that's right and there's a lot of great you know from um the ballad of tom henke to you you know, Jay's To The Top and
Starting point is 02:14:25 Along Came Joe. I think that was an earlier, but yes, that was definitely one of the great Jay's songs. And I actually always loved these Jay's songs. Yeah, there was, I feel like we've talked about this here, you know the Beach Boys
Starting point is 02:14:41 song, Sloop John B? Yeah, that's Hang On Blue Jays, yeah. Yeah, a version with a gentleman, I'll just say, feigning a very bad, say, accent from somewhere in India. I would say that has probably... Yeah, Hoodad. His name is Hoodad Singer. Hoodad, yes. We come along the TTC, I won't do the accent,
Starting point is 02:15:02 to play with my good buddy Mookie. It was one of the big lines in that but uh yeah yeah it's tough i mean that was those that was like a charity yeah for variety village okay so this here this actual cut we're listening to right now came out in 1986 and it was actually part a 12 inch single believe it or or not, Shaker Moe's Shaker's Rap. And somebody... Hey, welcome back, Stu Stone. But basically, I love it because it opens with Tom Chic doing a great home run call,
Starting point is 02:15:35 and then Lloyd Mosby takes it from there, and it's got that great, like... That's like the... That sound is sort of reminiscent of, like... Speaking of Eddie Murphy, who started things off for us, but like a Beverly Hills Cop kind of vibe. You know what I mean? Yeah, like a Herbie Hancock type. You mean, yeah, Herbie Hancock, sure, or Harold Fathelmeyer.
Starting point is 02:15:59 That's what I mean, right. I couldn't remember the fucking name. So, guys, what do you think of Shaker's rap, Lloyd Mosby time? You know, it's much better than the Coca-Cola Blue Jays song. Do you remember that one? Of course. It's like the days are in the series and everything is great. Oh, I kind of like that.
Starting point is 02:16:17 It's always the Blue Jays. And you know why we like it? Because it's the first thing we saw, basically, when they went to commercial after we won the fucking World Series. So it's like you have that memory. Carter's at the plate and all the roots at first. All the roots at first, right. So what a sweet swing that Johnny O had.
Starting point is 02:16:40 Holy moly. Oh, yeah. There also was Cam, I think, said it, but along came Joe. Robbie and what was it? Robbie and Devo coming to TO. I think it's going to snow. Along came big, bad bashing Joe. Right.
Starting point is 02:16:56 I mean, all these are just mint. At some point in the history of Toronto, Mike, Mike Wilner came over and we just kicked out those old, those old Jays uh I would say they all sound like they were ridden in about like five minutes like this is not high brow uh and remember the uh Genesis right you're right the land lies down on Broadway this is you know this is kind of basic you're right you're right and just remember FOTM Keith Hampshire we kicked him out very very recently because he sang.
Starting point is 02:17:26 Okay. Blue Jays. There you go. Which always anger those things, guys. I know there's a lot of news in the world right now, and I know you're probably heading off to check out what you missed, but,
Starting point is 02:17:35 uh, thanks for taking a couple of hours to escape the madness and, uh, kick out some celebrity jams. Yeah. Another stew stone victory. And hopefully everybody has a really safe weekend, and I'll be back here again next week with my co-host Mike and Cam.
Starting point is 02:17:51 Mike, there's two things that I didn't say, by the way. Okay, say them now, man. That I meant to say. Go ahead. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that brings us to the end of our 783rd show.
Starting point is 02:18:18 You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. Stu is at Stu Stone. Cam is at Cam underscore Gordon. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta. They're at Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Sticker U is at Sticker U. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. And Ridley Funeral Home is at Ridley FH. See you all next week. This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Roam Phone.
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