Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Elvis KOTJ: Toronto Mike'd #252

Episode Date: July 15, 2017

Mike and Elvis play and discuss his ten favourite songs....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And right now, right now, right now it's time to... Take out the jams, motherfuckers! I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm from Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm a Toronto Mike, wanna get the city love My city love me back, for my city love I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love Welcome to episode 252 of Toronto Miked A weekly podcast about anything and everything Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery
Starting point is 00:00:41 A local independent brewery producing fresh craft beer. And, Toronto real estate done right. I'm Mike from and joining me is a man celebrating the big 4-1, Elvis. Happy birthday Mike No Bacardi here though though, because you just cracked open a Great Lakes beer. I did. Blonde lager. This might have been the single greatest idea I've ever had in my entire life, to do a birthday podcast, because it just feeds the beast.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It feeds the beast that is my birthday. It's so great. The first big question is, okay, you're making a big deal out of this birthday. Correct. Something I did not see last year when you turned 40. Correct. Are you aware that 41 is not a milestone birthday? Oh, this is a milestone birthday, my friend.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Here's the thinking. Everyone expects I do make a big deal about my birthday, regardless of the age. And obviously, turning 40 is a pretty significant age. People tend to make a big deal about it. There's cards and balloons and all this shit. And so I figured everyone was expecting me to have this big, massive blowout. And instead, I did nothing. I bowled with my children, took them out for lunch, and then sat in my basement for the rest of the day last year. So this year year on January 1st, I announced that there would be a huge celebration on my birthday. And, um, you know, people bought it, people believed it. And so then I actually had to plan something. Okay. So you were originally goofing around, like pretending you were going to
Starting point is 00:02:42 have a bunch of things. Correct. And then when people said like, I'm into it, you're like, now I got to do this. Yeah. But I still don't know how many people are coming. I don't think anyone really is going to come. There will be a couple of people, but. Can you share with me a little bit about like the plan today, the itinerary? Sure, sure, sure, sure. So right now we should, wait, right now we should tell people it is Saturday at.
Starting point is 00:03:02 July 15th. At 1 p.m. That's right. So this was the beginning of the itinerary. Actually, no. That's a lie. The beginning of the itinerary, which I didn't publicize, was that I had a massage this morning.
Starting point is 00:03:13 A massage. And then I'm here now doing this birthday podcast. Very excited about this. Kicking out the jams theme that you have going. You're kicking out the jams and drinking some cold beer on a hot Saturday afternoon. I just ate a vegan apple fritter that your wife was very lovely enough to get for me. So it was vegan, right?
Starting point is 00:03:33 Oh, sure. Yeah, I'm positive. I made sure it tasted vegan. So then after this, I'll head into the Big Smoke, as they call it. I'm going to hit up the Mill Street Brewery and grab some beers, maybe a tour. Then I'm going to go to the Spirits of York, which is a distillery in the distillery district. Hit some free samples there. Then go to Rodney's Oyster House, have some dinner.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And then go to PJ O'Brien's, which is my favorite pub in the city. And again, all of this could very well be happening 100% solo, which I think would be exceptionally funny. That's a big, that's like, I mean, that's a jam-packed itinerary. It is, especially for an old person like me. Yeah. And it's the full Saturday plans and starting whatever, whenever you left North Oshawa, it was kid free. Like you may.
Starting point is 00:04:25 No, no, no, no. They're going to show up at the oyster bar. No, no, no. Kid stuff was this morning. Okay. Yeah. I was like, cause they, and, and then also spending the day with them tomorrow as well. And Mrs. Elvis.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Correct. That's what matters. Hold on. I'm going to crack open. My octopus wants to fight. We were discussing earlier that this is the, one of the very first times that I've outed myself. As you know, I'm Elvis. You're gay. On the podcast. I'm not gay, Elvis, on the podcast, nor am I gay in real life. But I did include the podcast on my itinerary. And I've received a
Starting point is 00:05:02 number of, in my real life, received a number of inquiries about what this podcast is all about, and if they could listen. Some people thought that they could listen live. Other people wanted to call in. You could be Facebook Live-ing this right now. I could be. I could be, but I choose not to. We could get James to hold the camera.
Starting point is 00:05:20 A friend of mine asked why I don't want them to listen. And I can't really come up with a good reason other than maybe I like the fact that I have an alter ego. And I just maybe like being Elvis once a month for an hour and a half. But now that Elvis has become a little kinder and gentler, Elvis and your other persona, the real one, are not that different. No, they're not. I can't tell the difference. They're not. I just don't know what I'm going to say. Maybe can't tell the difference. They're not. I just
Starting point is 00:05:45 don't know what I'm going to say. Maybe I'll drop the N-word or something. No, you're not dropping the N-word. I thought maybe I need to come to grips with the reality that I don't know the real you. I only know Elvis. Yeah, I think that that's probably a big component of this, that I don't even know who I am. I probably wouldn't like that other guy. I'm sticking with Elvis. This is so great. Your persona and your real person are really close together. They're very similar.
Starting point is 00:06:14 They're very similar. Maybe exactly the same. There's real Mike and then there's Toronto Mike. Correct. I'm too lazy to make them different. They're exactly the same. I think it's the Robin Quivers thing where whenever she gets in trouble, she says that what she does on the radio is a character,
Starting point is 00:06:31 which is also clearly not true. There are several fine young men who I'm sure are going to go far. Ladies and gentlemen, the Ramones. Ah, these minstrels will soothe my jangled nerves. I'd just like to say this gig sucks. Hey, up yours, Springfield. One, two, three, four. Happy birthday to you.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Bernstein. Happy birthday to you. Go to hell, you old bastard. Hey, I think they liked us. Have the Rolling Stones killed? Sir, those aren't... Do as I say.
Starting point is 00:07:13 A little warm-up, since we're going to be kicking out the jams in a few minutes. That's going to be fun. I'm excited. Can I tell you, when do I tell you how hard this was? You can tell me that now. That's all preamble. So this is really difficult. So for those of you who've never listened to
Starting point is 00:07:28 Kicking Out the Jams, Toronto Mic'd version. And what's wrong with you? Correct. But also the idea is that I was asked to come up with my 10 favorite songs. And I believe there's only one rule, correct? And the rule is that no one is allowed to make fun of me for my choices.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Absolutely. I won't accept any criticism of somebody's taste. The most subjective, in fact, by definition, the most subjective thing there is, you cannot say someone's taste sucks. You can say, oh, I don't like that song, but you cannot say that is a terrible song. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I mean, it could very well be a terrible song, but you just can't say that you're terrible for picking that song. So here's the sort of mind fuck I got into. I'm supposed to pick my favorite songs of all time. Does that mean the best songs? Do I have to make sure I include a Canadian band in here? No, I know. Like what kind of...
Starting point is 00:08:20 No, but these are all questions that I was putting in, like sort of all these constructs. Then it was like, are these songs that mean something to me? Do I have to have a memory associated with them? Or is it just a favorite song because it's just really good? Or is it a favorite song because it invokes a special memory or because I think it's catchy and it's fun and it's like a guilty pleasure? Like I really couldn't, it was really difficult to sort of come up with it. And I ended up coming up with all these sub lists, like my top 10 favorite Canadian band songs or top 10 favorite solo artists or top 10 favorite 70s songs and then 80s songs and 90s songs or grunge songs or songs that I always listen to when I run. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:09:01 That's the downside of drinking. Do you remember last episode you were here? We had that moment where we were laughing so hard we couldn't speak. That's the downside of... Do you remember last episode you were here, we had that moment where we were laughing so hard we couldn't speak? That's right. My brother Steve told me that it wasn't that funny, he told me, but I think it had to be there, right? Yeah, yeah. We thought it was great.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I forgot that your brother Steve was in there. Oh, yeah, he listens to every episode. Hey, Steve. In fact, when I see him at family events and stuff, like my daughter who turns 13 in a couple of weeks, so Steve will come over, and he'll be like, I don't need to find out what's going on because I hear so much from you every week.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's amazing. Like when he's walking to work and back, I'm in his ears talking because there's a lot of content being generated out of this little production here. That's right. So all those Elvis people who have come over to listen, I've got to alert Ian Service. Make sure you've got your fattest server going full service.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Ian Server. That's right. Because I'm expecting the Elvis bump to come out of this. Okay, so this is a very difficult exercise. Ultimately, the 10 songs that I ended up with, I've quickly discovered that I think about eight of them, maybe seven, are really epic anthem type of songs. They're long. They're long.
Starting point is 00:10:06 They're epic. They're really intricate. And you'll see when we go through them, I'm still not entirely sure that they're my top ten favorite songs, but they definitely, it was the list that I settled on because I was most comfortable being able to talk about these songs and confident that if these songs came on the radio, I would never turn the channel. I would be able to sing along with them. Which you're welcome to do today.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And all of these mean something significant to me in a different way. And they invoke emotion when I hear them. And so I'm pretty confident with the list. Epic is a good word for it because as I loaded your 10 songs into my soundboard, I quickly realized that your songs are really long. A typical song might be four minutes. But most of your songs are maybe twice as long as that. These are some long songs. Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So I'm going to try to listen to every second of every song. So this could be a very long episode. Can I tell you a couple of vulnerable mentions, though? You want to do it at the top, or do you want to do it at the end? I don't know which way works better. Why don't we do it at the top, because I sort of feel like let's leave the 10.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Okay, but hold that, though, because I need to burn through the 10 episodes you've missed since you were last here to find out, A, have you listened, and B, will you listen? Correct. Mike Wilner came by to kick out the jams. I will listen. I have not.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Fred Penner came by. He didn't kick out the jams, but he did take out his guitar and play. Did he really? Yes. I did not listen. I would listen to that. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Part of me doesn't want to listen because Fred Penner is Fred Penner and I don't want to ruin it. It's not going to ruin it. It's going to enhance it. Seeing a picture of Fred Penner is Fred Penner and I don't want to ruin it. It's not going to ruin it. It's going to enhance it. Seeing a picture of Fred Penner kind of ruined it for me because he looks older. Apparently that happens. That's good. That means you didn't die.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I'm in favor of this. You should listen to Fred Penner. Mark Weisblot from 1236 came by. You don't listen to those. I read his newsletter every day and I endorse it. I believe, I read... You don't listen to those. I read his newsletter every day. And I endorse it., I believe. It's a great newsletter.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Bob Makowitz came by. I don't know if you're familiar with Mako Jr. No, I feel like I should be, but I'm not, so I won't listen. It's a great discussion. He talks openly about why he needed to leave due to some anxiety issues that came off of some insomnia. Because of, well, you got to listen. It's a very revealing and very interesting discussion with Bob Makowitz. Come on. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Siobhan Morris from 1010 came over to kick out the jams. Oh, look at that. Nice. That was our third jam kicker. Ziggy. I guess you're not listening to Siobhan Morris. I'm not. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And Ziggy, I feel like I know Ziggy, but that might be the most risque photo I've ever seen of you and a guest. Can I give you a kiss? Can she kiss me? Yeah. Can I give you a kiss and a photo? That's because if you listen to the episode, I tell the story about when I'm in high school and me and my buddy Andre encounter her in Runnymede Station. And we're like, oh, my God, there's Ziggy. And then she says, she walks by and she goes, hi.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Hello, boys. Nice. And we were like blown away. Like that was Ziggy. Major boner time. And then I said, that was to finish that, to get the kiss, finally. Nice. You going to listen to Ziggy?
Starting point is 00:13:18 No, probably not. Good episode, Ziggy. Very interesting. I'm sure it is. Listen. Oh, yeah, you're not into nostalgia. My opinion doesn't mean anything. I forgot. I know. I know that more than anything. I'm sure it is. Listen. Oh yeah, you're not into nostalgia. My opinion doesn't mean anything. I forgot. I know. I know that more than anything.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I know. Alan Cross and Michael Hainsworth came by. Can you explain to me why they both came at the same time? Because they are restarting a podcast they do together called Geeks and Beats. Gotcha. Okay. That's the part I missed. I'm like, I want to hear both
Starting point is 00:13:44 of them independently. Well, Alan's been part I missed. I'm like, I want to hear both of them independently. Well, Alan's been on already in episode 66. And Michael Hainsworth, we do a deep dive into Michael Hainsworth, and then we catch up with Alan. It's pretty well structured. How is Alan doing? Alan's great. If somebody died today, like, I don't know, heaven forbid, Stone Gossard passes away today from Pearl Jam,
Starting point is 00:14:03 Alan's going to be on 42 different stations between TV and radio talking about, this is what he does when somebody, when a singer, when Cornell died, for example,
Starting point is 00:14:14 Alan does like 36 hits on different radio stations and television stations. Does he live in the city or does he live outside the city? Oakville, I think. Oakville. And he does,
Starting point is 00:14:23 he records his stuff from home. O-Town. And he's onny uh for an hour every week night sorry what's cfny mike edge 102 it's still the call letters the call letters don't disappear uh you idiot uh come on it's still cfrb it's my news talk 10 10 but you're still CFRB. Come on. I know how the industry works. Come on. I'm good. Did you hear that Z105 or Z103.5 has had their hands slapped a couple of times because they don't mention that they're Orangeville, I think. Orangeville, that's the one. They haven't been mentioning that. That's a scam that these stations are doing.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Even 640 is really a Markham or Richmond Hill or something. Like even CFNY was Brampton, right? Yep. The Oshawa station is doing this now. They're trying to brand themselves as like GTA Rock or whatever, but they're an Oshawa station. You know that better than anybody. Yeah, but the thing is, there are actual rules
Starting point is 00:15:18 that you have to say your call letters a certain amount of time. You have to say who owns the radio station a certain amount of time. You've got to talk about the mayor of Orangeville. You've got to say your numbers, your call signs and stuff a certain... Like, that's mandated by the CRTC, and if you don't do it, you could theoretically lose your license or get fined. The traffic in Orangeville
Starting point is 00:15:34 must be mentioned. Yeah, that's right. Something like that. That's right. Andrew Stokely, who you've met him, right? I have met him. I met him in Oshawa, actually. He was doing the Canadian Curling Championships. He kicked out the jams last week. Nice. I did not listen, but I would.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Did he criticize the mic quality at all? No. Why would he? He chose these mics. I feel like that would be ironic. If he just said the sound in here sucks. I'd be like, blame yourself, asshole. How come the walls still aren't sounded up?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Because these mics don't need that. Because if we're right on these things, it sounds great. Man, I'm too busy to even think about changing the thing. I'm just glad it all works. Stokely kicked out the jams. And then very recently, Jim Van Horn came by to kick out the jams. That man has the best set of hair. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Best set? Yeah, he's got great hair. The best hair of an older gentleman I think I've ever seen. He clearly hasn't lost any, and in fact, he has more than he did before. This man, it's amazing. He's amazing because he's got the rock jog past.
Starting point is 00:16:37 He's a Canadian sports media personality, and those two worlds don't collide too often in one person. That's kind of cool. I would agree. So he kicked out the jams, and it two worlds don't collide too often in one person. That's kind of cool. I would agree. So he kicked out the jams, and it was a lot of fun. And you're here today to kick out the jams. I am.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Scheduled to kick out the jams earlier this week was Mike Stafford. Oh. Mike put his back out. Oh, no. So he postponed his jam kicking, because you've got to make sure your back is feeling good before you kick out your jams. Oh, no. But here's the real
Starting point is 00:17:06 oh, no. So is that yesterday his mother passed away? Oh, no. That's a real oh, no. So I just want to send my condolences to Mike Stafford,
Starting point is 00:17:14 friend of the show. And I'm sorry, Mike. Sorry, Mike. About your mom. That sucks. And I feel like Casey Kasem right now because I'm coming down
Starting point is 00:17:22 off of that. And now I'm going to tell people to contribute to my Patreon account. I can't do that at low tempo because I'm coming down off of that. And now I'm going to tell people to contribute to my Patreon account. I can't do that. Low tempo, up tempo. I need a segue. Low tempo, up tempo.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Well, here, let's do this first. It's one of the greatest. That's another song. It's my birthday. That's another song. It's my birthday, Mike. My daughter made me steal that song for her a few years ago for her iPod. And it's called Birthday. So when I did a search for the word birthday in my collection, it showed up. Love it.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I don't even know who sings it. All right, everybody listening at home. If you can contribute to Toronto Mike to keep this going, especially all of Elvis' friends, family members, and colleagues that are listening for the first time. Elvis, for his birthday, the big 4-1, wants you to go to
Starting point is 00:18:13 Have they not changed the name of that site yet? It's horrible. Well, that's right. It's slash Toronto Mike. And if you can't remember that, because no one can, go to slash Toronto Mike. And if you can't remember that because no one can, go to
Starting point is 00:18:28 and click the big orange button that says become a patron and give what you can and help keep this going so there can be more jam kicking and more introspective deep dive conversations with the greats like Ziggy Lorink
Starting point is 00:18:41 and the Christmas. I'm looking at Maestro Fresh West right now. By the way, Ziggy Lawrence, it's spelt like it should be Lorin, but it's Lawrence. Really? Yes, I just thought I'd tell you all that. Yes, you're hoping you breathe in.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Is Patreon an English word, or is that like a made-up word? I think it's made up, because it's like Patreon, but somebody had, so they're like your Patreon. So weird. I don't know. Are they a Canadian company? No. No, they're American. Apparently so they're like your Patreon. So weird. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Are they a Canadian company? No. No, they're American. Apparently they're killing it. I'm hearing about if they've been in the news recently about all these big things that they have.
Starting point is 00:19:15 They're doing big things. Apparently. You're drinking a Great Lakes beer. I'm drinking a Great Lakes beer. You have a six pack in front. I know you said at your birthday celebrations include some Mill Street nonsense,
Starting point is 00:19:25 but you're going to be drinking the Great Lakes beer. Oh, I will be drinking the Great Lakes brewery. Don't worry. Room for as many different beers in your life as possible. Absolutely. But I don't know what I threw in that pack. What you got? Some Summerside in there?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Yeah, it's good shit, man. It's some Pompous Ass, which I've been described as in the past. A couple of those. It looks like I've got the Octopus. Octopus wants to fight IPA. I might have to keep that one because it disappears for like six months. Sunnyside Session IPA which is good. And then some blonde lager.
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's Monica's favorite. Oh, and then Canuck Pale Ale. I like this one here too. It's got a good can with that lumberjack on it. Some guy's going to run a marathon dressed as that guy. Really? That guy's got a name and everything and I wish I could remember it, but it's some French-Canadian name. I'm going to be running a marathon in a Hartford Whalers t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh, right. Yes, you mentioned last episode. Yeah. I still haven't bought it yet, though. Well, it's hard to find those things, you know. No, but it's on the NHL store. I know. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:16 They'll sell anything there. They absolutely will. They can't. Assholes. Now, when you're drinking that beer at home, you're going to... How many Brian Gerstein property in the You know what?
Starting point is 00:20:26 I feel like I don't need another one. Brian, I love your glasses. They're amazing, but I think I'm going to save it for a guest who doesn't have two at home. People like those glasses. Brian Gerstein, he's a good guy. Did you know that he has a website? What is his website?
Starting point is 00:20:44 And it's spelt the way that you would think it would be spelt, but Brian is with an I, not with a website. What is his website? and it's spelt the way that you would think it would be spelt, but Brian is with an I, not with a Y. Well, tell me this. Are you ever going to leave northern Oshawa to live closer to the big smoke? If there is a God in heaven, I will be leaving
Starting point is 00:20:59 north Oshawa. But you know there's not. Other than that, because that's ridiculous. I don't really know. Mrs. Elvis has 100% of this decision-making capability. Can I tell you a funny story? I went to go see Ricky Gervais last night at Massey Hall. And he had a bit where he talked about the fact that God doesn't exist, clearly. If you know him, you know that he is a raging atheist. And he said, but just in case it did happen, he has two questions for God.
Starting point is 00:21:30 The first question is, why would you make chocolate deathly allergic? Or why would you make dogs deathly allergic to chocolate? That just seems mean. And two would be, if you are God, why don't you just kill the devil? Because you're omnipotent. Then that would be it. Not impotent, omnipotent. And then, of course, his response as God was
Starting point is 00:21:53 shut up. There was no response. That's the only response. He was quite funny and I heard from a couple of people that they knew I was in the crowd because they could hear me. Oh, the laugh. I think he's funny too. could hear me. Oh, the laugh. The Elvis laugh.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, that's right. I think he's funny too. I like that guy. I like Ricky. He was good. It's his first stand-up special or stand-up tour in seven years or something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Wow. All new content, apparently. Now that there's an extra pint glass that Elvis isn't taking another one, if you want that pint glass and a six-pack of Great Lakes beer, call Brian, Brian Gerstein at 416-873-0292 if you're planning to buy and or sell in the next six months.
Starting point is 00:22:43 If there's a God, that will be Elvis making the phone call. Just by meeting Brian, you get the six-pack, as I mentioned, from Great Lakes Beer and one of his amazing property in the six pint glasses. Brian Gerstein is a real estate sales representative with PSR Brokerage, which, by the way, this morning, I went to Mountain Meck. I'll call it Meck because I can never remember what it stands for.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Is there one around here? No, it's at King and Peter Street, the King and Spadina around there on King Street. So I'm biking there and I'm going there because I'm going to take a course on how to adjust my derailleur, like how to maintain my derailleur system on the bicycle. It's like an hour and a half training session. It's really cool. But I'm biking along, and on King Street, across from Meck, is PSR Brokerage.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Nice. So I said, hey, I wonder if they have property in the six pint glasses in there. But then I kept going to Meck. So please give Brian a call. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. And I got a good question for you, Elvis. Hit me, baby.
Starting point is 00:23:47 One more time. Is that one of your jams? No, that would have been on the sentimental list. Are you ready to kick out the jams? I was born ready. Let's fucking do it, man. Return the cinder. Return the cinder Return the cinder
Starting point is 00:24:06 I gave a letter to the postman He put it in his sack Bright and early next morning He brought my letter back She wrote upon it Return the sender. Address unknown. No such number.
Starting point is 00:24:34 No such song. Elvis opens with Elvis Presley. So clearly not one of the epic songs that we were talking about before. But this is one of those artists where, you know, there's a few artists I didn't choose a song from, because either I like too many songs from that artist, or I like an album, and it's difficult for me to break up the album. And of course, I didn't think I could do this without having an Elvis song. This is my favorite Elvis song that isn't a love song. I guess it is a love song in a way, but this is
Starting point is 00:25:08 much more poppy. It's also very early on in his career. I just think it is very clever. I like the chorus. I like the lyrics. It's one of the few songs that I could sing every single word of the song. I'm just
Starting point is 00:25:23 fascinated by the song. I'm just fascinated by the song. I think it's just a perfect package of early 60s Elvis. I wasn't sure if you would be leading with Presley or Costello, but I knew we were going to get an Elvis track. Absolutely. It's fucking great. I love this song so much. I don't know why, because it's cheesy.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I would probably have picked picked if it was an album i'd pick you know aloha from hawaii which is oh that was another thing i did i made there are songs that i love that are live and i made that a rule for myself that i couldn't pick that so like heart doing stairway to heaven at the kennedy awards center uh thing no, or the version of the from the Hall of Fame where what's his name was inducted, George Harrison, and they did I can't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But Prince played on it and it was like Tom Petty and all that. So great song. When Prince passed, I saw that on YouTube. I didn't want to pick that. Or like a live concert version of something that was exceptionally good. U2 was another band. There's no U2 on my list.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Spoiler alert. There's so many U2 songs that I like that I couldn't just pick one and I figured that it was better if we were to come up with 10 bands that they would be in that. Again, this is a very, very difficult... I haven't done this myself.
Starting point is 00:26:40 That's how difficult this is. And everybody so far who's done it told me that was really tough. Didn't Damien Cox tell you that... He was down to 60. I've got to get an update from him. A couple of other honorable mentions before we go on to number two. If I Had a Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies, just such a
Starting point is 00:26:55 massively impactful song on my youth. Just huge. I listen to it all the time. The other one I didn't send you was Money City Maniacs by Sloan. Sloan is one of my favorite bands. That song in particular is a song that I listened to for usually 10 to 11 Saturdays in a row as I was creating the Western Mustangs football pregame show. I would record it on Friday nights and that was my theme song for the pregame show. And I just love that song so much. That siren air horn at the beginning is just
Starting point is 00:27:23 fantastic. And then just like jumps right into super fast rock. Did you know Chris Murphy's been here? Yeah. Have you listened to that episode? I haven't. I know, I know. I'm a bad person. I'm sorry. So Return to Center, number one. In no order. And again, that was a two minute song, which
Starting point is 00:27:40 contradicts everything we said off the top, but every other song will be, you know, the songs that the DJ plays because he's got to take a leak. That's right. That's exactly what it is. Let's hear your second jam. Oh, I got shivers when it comes in on that right channel, man. That guitar on the right channel just, oh.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball. shivers when it comes in on that right channel, man. That guitar on the right channel just, ugh. He stands like a statue Becomes part of the machine Feeling all the pain Sometimes we can chat a little and they don't come back when you get certain parts of the song, but this is The Who, Pinball Wizard.
Starting point is 00:28:59 For me, the reason why I love this song, it's the lyrics. It's just so simple. It's just so simple. It's just so simple. And probably some lyrics that they wouldn't be able to get away with today. But it's just, man. The melody. You don't have bands with multiple singers anymore.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And they're singing just so perfectly together. bands with multiple singers anymore and they're singing just so perfectly together like i just can't imagine hearing this live like i don't know it's just produced so exceptionally well don't see no lights flashing And that in the back. There's just so many. It's just, I can't, it's hard to put into words. I remember introducing this song to my brother. And as he was growing up, he started to move away from liking crisscross and he was big into crisscross and you know like you know like bullshit that you listen to when you're when you're
Starting point is 00:30:11 younger they missed the bus correct and that is something that they'll never ever ever do again that's right ever ever ever do again and uh and so i was introducing him to some you know good music and i remember specifically introducing him to this song and I said, this is, you have to listen to this song. Listen to the lyrics. It's just so good. It was one of those moments in my life where I felt as though
Starting point is 00:30:31 I did something good in terms of passing my knowledge down to the younger generation. I made a big deal about all the songs being really long, but this is actually
Starting point is 00:30:43 only like three minutes long, this track. We'll make up for it, though. Of course. By the way, I was at the final game by Pinball Clemens, the final Argonauts game by Pinball Clemens, and they played the mess out of that track on the scoreboard showing highlights, and they kept playing that throughout the game.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Amazing. So there's my CFL memory. A rare CFL memory. So I was asked again to go to a Narcos game and declined. For free. Is that because you live in North Oshawa? No, no. It's because...
Starting point is 00:31:15 I love that it has to be North. Thank you for clarifying North Oshawa. Well, to me, it's a big difference. I was going to show up at my fucking house now. Well, you know, I've been to the GM place and all that. You have, yep. You're in a whole different world. Yes, it's Poshua, I think.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Let's put it this way. When I get off the 401, the adventure's just beginning. It's true. It's a tale of two cities, that's for sure. But you said no to another Argos ticket. I did, and it was free. And I just can't go see the Argos at BMO Field. I'll go see them in Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I want to go see that. Aren't you curious? Nope, not at all. It just wants to see what it's like? Well, I know. I can see on TV. You're sounding like Freddie P at all. That just wants to see what it's like? Well, I know. I can see on TV. You're sounding like Freddie P right now. No one is there.
Starting point is 00:31:47 It is really embarrassing. No one is there. There's at least 10,000 people there. Or is that the books? Sometimes, maybe not. Someone's cooking the books over there. It's pretty crazy. If you watch that game on TV,
Starting point is 00:31:57 the stands are very, very empty. Well, get two tickets. I'll go with you. I need to see what this is. I need to see what this is like. All right, let's hear your third jam. at this point in the song, you're still nervous when you're dancing with the girl because you can't believe she said yes
Starting point is 00:32:51 when this song came on. And you're, depending on how old you are, you just prayed that you didn't get a boner. Because there's no escaping it. You're there for a good eight minutes, eight and a half minutes. My boner comes
Starting point is 00:33:11 when the fast part kicks in. But then you also don't know how to dance to that either because you're still dancing slow. That's part of the song. You don't know what to do when that happens. So I'm telling the people
Starting point is 00:33:23 since it's warming up here still it takes a while to percolate this song so i muted elvis and i to chat with him about the fact i was going to finish mowing the lawn and i'd be back in five minutes because just get started and then we could if i just let this play until you know that first i'm just saying this was gonna be a great song if i had to go put the kids to bed or make them dinner. Read them a story. So, it's just... So, grade five.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yes. Changed schools. Went to French Immersion. And I didn't know anyone. I didn't know anyone because everyone in those French immersion schools, everyone comes from all over the city. And so I knew zero people. And I moved middle of the semester as well.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So I started in January, I think, of grade five. So I didn't have a lot of friends, believe it or not. I believe it. I was a, the younger Elvis was a shy Elvis, was an Elvis who was still trying to figure out who he was. And me and Fred connected. And I would go to Fred's house. And Fred was into music much more than I was at the time.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And we went into his living room. At the time. And we went into his living room. And he put Led Zeppelin IV vinyl on the turntable. Lit you with fatty. And I heard this song for the first time. And it changed my life. It absolutely changed my life.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I own every single Led Zeppelin song at least once. Probably have multiple versions of a whole bunch of shit. Anything that they've released, I have purchased. This is by far my favorite band of all time. And this song is just epically good. I know it's cheese. I know that people maybe don't like it. But it is... If you just...
Starting point is 00:35:26 If people don't like it, it's only because they've heard it too many times. That's fair. If you play a song too many times, it's like, oh, I can't hear that again. It's the classic Wayne World joke, right? Right. When they're in the guitar shop and...
Starting point is 00:35:38 No stairway. Starts to play this on the guitar. Which was a really good joke because they probably couldn't afford to license that song for the movie. Which was a really good joke because they probably couldn't afford to license that song for the movie. It's true. That first one
Starting point is 00:35:49 was done on a shoestring budget. But you're right. When it kicks in in about seven minutes, it's 17 minutes. Oh no, we'll be quiet
Starting point is 00:35:58 and jack that part up. It's coming. Like I said, it's a slow burn but it's worthwhile. I have to say my first Zeppelin experience was with Led Zeppelin IV as well. I think that is the first album most guys like us who didn't live through the 70s,
Starting point is 00:36:11 or we don't remember the 70s. Yeah, Led Zeppelin IV, it's great. It's everything. Black Dog, rock and roll, this. Going to California. Yeah. Oh, fuck. Which was remade by Pearl Jam jam and they gave it a different
Starting point is 00:36:26 name this has to be a song though where the the band was like it's just all robert plant right the whole thing is all robert plant until like jimmy page must have just said fuck you man just wait let me i need my friend right let right let me ask you this while we wait for this to brew have you heard the song that these guys are accused of ripping
Starting point is 00:36:50 off this melody yes I have so what do you think I don't it's pretty similar though it's really hard to in my mind with my ear
Starting point is 00:36:58 which is not a highly trained ear I don't know I think it's so hard to say that someone ripped them off. You know, like, if it was one,
Starting point is 00:37:08 if this was their only song, fine, but Led Zeppelin doesn't need to rip people off. Right? They have hundreds of songs and dozens of amazingly good ones.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Good ones. This is so epic. Like, it tells a story. Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow? And did you know This is so epic. Like, it tells a story. So good. Mike, I have a boner. I see. Wait for it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 This is where Jimmy Payne's just like, fuck you, Robert. Spill them out for it. This is where Jimmy Payne is like, fuck you, Robert. He's building up for it. See? He thought it was going to be now. But now it's not. Another question for you while we wait for it was there really a Fred? there was you told this story
Starting point is 00:38:10 about Fred and you're in Fred's living room Fred sounds to me like an imaginary friend no no no Fred B I'm not going to say
Starting point is 00:38:16 his last name there's a real Fred though yeah there's a real guy promise me Frederico that's his real name his mother's from Peru and his father's Italian
Starting point is 00:38:22 listen you gave your imaginary friend lots of details. And then Robert says, No, guys, you can't have the spotlight. You can't do it. I got to come back in. There walks a lady we all know Who shines bright light and wants to share How everything still turns to stone And if you listen very hard The chill will come under your eyes
Starting point is 00:39:22 Now I want it, want it all This is such a great song to make out to. So good. You're so gentle, Mike. Your lips are so moist. Look at us, man. Saturday afternoon in my basement. Cold beers. It's just like it was with Fred.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I didn't have beer oh hold on hold on and she's buying a stair away to heaven
Starting point is 00:40:02 fucking hell right said Fred some good shit right there to heaven. Fucking hell. Right said, Fred. Some good shit right there. Holy shit. How do we top that? Holy smoke. I'm sweating. I need a shower.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I know. I'm exhausted. It's fucking great. I just love this shit. That's only track number three? What the fuck do I do? Okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I'm going to run out of space and need service. Do we have to pay so-can for any of this shit? Let's move on What the fuck do I do? Okay. I don't know. I'm going to run out of space and need service. Yeah. Do we have to pay Sokay in front of this shit? Let's move on and play the fourth jam. The last two minutes don't count. They couldn't hear me when I mouthed the words 840. 840. It's not fair this guy's dead, man. Purple rain, purple rain
Starting point is 00:41:32 Songs like this, I feel I don't even need to tell people this is Prince's Purple Rain. Purple rain, purple rain Great choice. What a tremendous song. It's unbelievable. It's epic. It's just epic. It's perfect. It's an absolute. It chokes me up. It's a perfect song. Again, it's the build, the slow build. See, yeah, and I'll do my psychoanalysis at the end of your 10 track.
Starting point is 00:42:18 You mentioned the word epic, but there's an anthemic quality to a lot of these songs. They are anthemic. The build up and then the explosion, if you will. The climax, if I may yeah and you're right it kind of gets in you and it kind of takes over your mood and who doesn't like a song with a fucking choir
Starting point is 00:42:36 not really a choir but it sounds like one Jim Van Horn and I talked about that yeah you throw a choir in a song yeah and there's another one coming up with a choir, right? Yeah, that's right. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:42:53 That was one talented mofo. It was. It was. Now, am I incorrect in saying that this was recorded live? I do not know. I'm pretty sure that this is a live recording. As in the album is a live recording. The original track is a live recording. I know he was good at basketball.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And making pancakes. Darkness. Charlie Memphis. You know what I sing sometimes with the kids? It just randomly comes out of me. When Doves Cry. Great song. That's a track that just spills out of me at times.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I have... Mrs. Elvis from my birthday last year gave me those lyrics framed. Why do we scream at each other? It's fucking great. Even Milhouse quoted it once when doves cry, I believe. Why do doves cry? And when do they?
Starting point is 00:44:06 I've never seen a dove cry. If we're going to be literal. How do you know they don't, is what I would ask. I don't. And I love that when he passed, so many musicians came out to say, oh, by the way, that amazing singer-songwriter was the best damn guitarist I ever saw. Yeah, I saw him at the government, which is now not there. Yeah, it was a cool house, right?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, it was his birthday show. And it was, speaking of birthdays you know it was like that was when i realized he was a great guitarist because i saw him live and i just you know and i love guitars all my songs are rock pretty much and so you've got guitar great guitars on there like we heard jimmy page already you're gonna hear another iconic another two iconic guitarists um coming up as well and you know prince is one of those guys that is just what people go and watch the hall of fame ceremony where they played the george harrison song and he just shreds it his wife george harrison's wife did not want prince to play on that song because he said that she said that he wasn't a fan and and he admitted he wasn't he had never heard of
Starting point is 00:45:30 the song before he was asked to be part of it but Tom Petty was a legend to him and he really wanted to play a song with Tom Petty and so he asked to be part of it and he just shreds the song at the end like he just destroys the guitar and his george harrison's son is on stage and you just see the look of pure joy on him as he's watching he's playing but he's watching prince just completely own that performance incredible oh fuck i love this guy so much now though of course there must have been a radio edit of this song Oh, fuck. I love this guy so much. Now, of course, there must have been a radio edit of this song. This is the album cut that I have.
Starting point is 00:46:13 But I'm sure there was a four minute radio edit. It does go on at the end. Like the last two minutes are, you know, you can cut it. He does do this. He does scream a lot at the end, too. Like this, whatever you would call this but this is also another good makeout song because you get time right are you trying to seduce me i think they would play the radio edit of this song too in strip joints
Starting point is 00:46:36 otherwise the stripper would just be like i can't dance to this song for this long that's right. Oh, it's just epic. I would cut it, but I feel that would be sacrilege. You can cut it after this part. How many more minutes are left? Two minutes? Really? Honestly, two more minutes. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It's amazing. It just goes on and on and on. Why not four? It's epic. It's amazing. It just goes on and on and on. Why not four? It's epic. It's epic. Like, when does it end? It must have had something to do with the movie. I haven't seen the movie in ages.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I've never seen the movie, period. You haven't? No. I haven't seen it in a long time. It must have had something to do with the movie. It's kind of hypnotic, though. I kind of dig it. Fuck, it's my show.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'm playing the whole damn thing. Made me emotional, Mike. That's the plan, buddy. 41. You don't have that many years left. I'm halfway to 82. Is that average for us guys in Canada? I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm going to say 85, I think. Oh, it's going up. Maybe by the time we're really old, it'll have shot up to 90. I don't know if you saw my status on Facebook earlier this morning, but I said I'm closer to zero than I am to 100. That's a fact. It is a fact. That's a fact. It is a fact. It is a fact. That's an inarguable
Starting point is 00:48:27 mathematical fact. Ricky Gervais talked last night about you can't have an opinion about facts. Facts are facts. Well, that's a good example. Like 41 is closer to zero than 100. There's nothing more to say. That's it. This is true. It's absolutely
Starting point is 00:48:44 true. He spoke a lot of truth yesterday. I like Ricky Gervais. I like that show, Derek. And I like that Fix You with Coldplay, speaking of jams. When he, I don't know any spoiler alerts, but I think it's the finale when his dad tries to reconcile with him and he doesn't want to hear it. And his dad starts driving away because his dad's dying. Oh, you never see Derek? I saw like one episode.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I don't want to do a spoiler on this except that I honestly, if I play that clip on YouTube or whatnot, I will tear up. I will tear up. I've got a couple of those. It's a cool place to fix you. All right, Elvis.
Starting point is 00:49:19 You still got energy left for your fifth jam? All right, hit me. I can't remember what order they're in. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Buckle up. Caught in a landslide Though we escape from reality
Starting point is 00:49:38 Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I don't even know how you begin to write this song. So there was going to be a Queen song, Fat Bottom Girl, another one Bites the Dust. I went epic. You're an epic kind of guy. This hits the bill perfectly. I like to brag to, my brothers will attest to this, I like to brag to people that I was into this song before Wayne's World. I was just going to say, I will admit,
Starting point is 00:50:42 the first time I heard this song was in the Wayne's World movie. You're not alone for people your age. You're not alone. But I had the Queen's Greatest Hits on vinyl. And this was the track I always gravitated to because it's crazy, right? What is this? It's like an opera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It's a rock opera. And it's so good. It's like one of those songs. I don't know how it would sound live, but it's one of those sounds, like maybe it's very produced, but it's exceptional. I do.
Starting point is 00:51:12 That's a great... I can't believe this guy's dead too. Yeah, he's been dead a while. I don't remember him being alive. I do. He didn't die until like... Well like You're only two years younger than me He died in 94 I want to say Is that when it was?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Around there Come on So I guess I do remember him being alive then I must There's an epically famous concert At Wembley Live Of these guys
Starting point is 00:51:43 And it's just This is also a guy though at Wembley live of these guys. And it's just... This is also a guy, though, that when you look back, you wonder how anyone even argued he wasn't gay. That's true. It seems very obvious, right?
Starting point is 00:52:00 You just played in a lot of story times. Like Liberace, right? Correct. How did you not know? George Michael. Go look at some of those videos back in the day. And it's like, if I'm going to stereotype you, that's the box I'm putting you in. Or Elton John, even.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah, it's true. Obviously, that doesn't matter. Not that there's anything wrong with that. That's true. I often wish I was gay. Might make life a little bit easier. Or harder. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche, Scaramouche Will you do the bandango? Thunderbolts and lightning Very, very frightening me Galileo Galileo Galileo I Galileo. Galileo.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo. Galileo.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Galileo. I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me. He's just a poor boy from a poor family, sparing his life on this monstrosity. And soon you have that part where you have to bang your head as per Wayne's World. You have no say in the matter. Let him go. We will not let you go. Let him go. Bismillah. We will not let you go. Let him go. You have to bang your head as per Wayne's world. You have no say in the matter. Mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia, let me go. The El Zip-O has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me. Listen to the vocals on this.
Starting point is 00:53:39 So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye So you think you can love me and leave me to die Oh, baby Can't do this to me, baby Just gotta get out Just gotta get right out of here Amazing vocals. What a great singer.
Starting point is 00:54:06 What a performer. What a frontman. Yeah, he's one of the best frontmen of all time. I guess that's another consistent thing with My West. There's some bands here with pretty epic frontmen. Epic bands have epic frontmen. That's a fact. And I don't believe I have any female artists, do I?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Spoiler alert. I do. There is no female artists. Yeah. Sorry about that. And no Canadian artists either, but instead of spoiler. At least these guys are British. They're not all American.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Oh, yeah. The Who are British, too. So is Led Zeppelin. So great. british too so it was let's have lots of ones so great there are no new listeners left they all bang their heads off during that last sequence. Everyone is tuned out. Guys, this is just... These songs. No, the Elvis fans, and I learned last episode there's a few of them. Apparently there is.
Starting point is 00:55:12 More than there used to be. You're winning over. Maybe the convergence of Elvis and my true self. Something changed last episode because there were comments like, I don't hate this. I feel like... That was almost like people suggested
Starting point is 00:55:26 kind of that they looked forward to the next episode. It was weird. I kind of like the chat between these two guys and Elvis didn't ruin it. I bet you there's a lot of listeners to Elvis kicking out the jams and I bet you they're still tuned in.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And I'm telling you, they all, when they heard that part of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, they all were banging their heads. Had to. Had to. It's the law. But they not only banged their heads, but they thought of that scene in White's World. The four guys in the car. One thing about Bohemian Rhapsody,
Starting point is 00:55:57 which was very long for its time, because that's back when you didn't make six-minute singles. Like, what are you doing? But, you know, six-minute single. And there's no radio edit to that thing, man. You got to go six minutes on that thing. That's it. But it's one of the first music videos. They had a video for it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 You could see all the heads. And that's like before everybody was making music videos. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Queen got really big into music videos towards the end. Let's hear your sixth jam. guitar solo Do a long and narrow talk about Take your pictures down and shake it out Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Starting point is 00:57:16 Here's that evidence, race it around There goes my hero Watch him as he goes There goes my hero Sergeant Harry Sgt. Mary Foo Fighters, my hero. This is one of the only songs within the last 20 years, I'd say, too, right? Yeah, that's true. Everything else is pretty old.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yep. This would have been in the early 2000s. By the way, you're very, yeah, well, you know what? Color and the Shape, I'm thinking you're off by quite a bit because I'm thinking that's like 97 maybe? Like it's the late 90s? Yeah, yeah, you're probably right. Because Nirvana dies in 94.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Right, yeah. He kicks off Foo Fighters in mid-90s, right? With the, you can't talk about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pimento's ass. That's fucking great. And this was the epic follow-up to that, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:27 The color and the shape. Yeah. Which has like the best, what might make my top 10 ever long. Yes. Ever long? Yeah. Yeah, I was confused. Yeah, Longview is Green Day.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Ever long is Foo Fighters. What a track. But this track is great. We talked about this on the Father's Day episode. We did, and that's why I picked it, because it reminds me of my dad. And, you know, I don't think of it as a dying song. Because it's, you know, he has that lyric, there he goes. Watch him as he goes.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And I think people think of it like, watch him as he goes away. Like, because he's dead. I think of it more of like, there goes my dad. Yeah. Like, working. I don't think of it as a dying song at all. Like, that's why I told you I think about Wayne Gretzky. Because they played it when he was last spinning around the Ottawa Corral Center
Starting point is 00:59:07 or whatever it was. Yeah, to me it's just the bass, the heaviness. It's a rockin' track. Yeah, it's just, it's, I love it. And it just makes me think of my dad which gives me a good feeling inside that is the best reason I've ever heard for putting a song on your 10 jam list yeah great track
Starting point is 00:59:34 great album that color and the shape I love it it's just good. And there goes my hero. It's the right amount of heavy. Yeah, it's great. Foodfighter.
Starting point is 00:59:49 It's the right amount of heavy. Did you know? Fun fact. Okay. I hope everybody's ready for this fun fact. The guy from Foodfighters, Dave Rowe, was the drummer for Nirvana. Holy shit. Didn't we?
Starting point is 01:00:03 We talked about this in an earlier episode too. He's one of the few guys that has been monstrously successful in multiple bands. Right. And we talked about how he'll just drum on a Queens of the Stone Age track or something. Yeah, yeah. Or Probot.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Remember Probot? Yeah, yeah. Lemmy was... Yeah, there's a great track of Lemmy from Monad who's also left us. Lemmy's gone. Poor Lemmy. There goes my hero.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Good selection there. And also only four minutes. A nice feedback at the end too. It's just... Well, let's turn that up then. The best distortion is the end of that Radiohead track. Is it Karma Police?
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yes. Oh, that's... I jack it up. I don't like Radiohead. You don't like a lot of great bands just two just pearl jam and radio head that's right those are the two that i think you like the tragically him i'm not getting into that good choice food fighters color in the shape that whole album and it has that uh this is kind of a you know this already we've had two wayne's world
Starting point is 01:01:01 references because we talked about wayne's world in Stairway to Heaven. And then, of course, we had to talk about Wayne's World in the Bohemian Rhapsody. I think Jarvis is taking a dump in that bathroom over there. I hope that doesn't remove from the ambience here. That's what he thinks of my list. He heard my hero. He went to take a dump. Anyways, that's because you did this on a Saturday.
Starting point is 01:01:24 They're running wild. There's four kids just running wild. I think Morgan might be asleep right now. I can't say Morgan without starting to say Michelle. Maybe if you didn't name all your kids with the same letter. Oh, that's a whole different. I need a whole different psychoanalysis. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:40 So that was My Hero Foo Fighters. Great band. Again, Color in the Shape. It has a track on there, Walking After You. And then they did a different version for the X-Files movie. Do you remember this at all? No, I don't remember the X-Files movie. So there's a version of, I think it's Walking.
Starting point is 01:01:55 It's kind of a stalker song, the words. Anyways, Dave Grohl, Walking After You, the X-Files version. I love this track. I'm just throwing it out there. What a great jam that is. Seek that out and listen. Beacon of Foo Fighters. Stream it on the way. Yeah. To the next stop in your birthday adventure.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Holy smokes. Let's hear your seventh jam. Oh. Yes. Bear with us, folks. We'll be right back. guitar solo Thank you. I can't remember anything Can't tell if this is true or a dream Deep down inside I feel the scream
Starting point is 01:04:12 This terrible silence stops me Now that the war is through with me I'm waking up I cannot see That there's not much left in me Nothing is real but pain now Hold my breath as I wish for death Oh please God, wake me Back in the womb it's much too real Sorry, I tweeted a picture of you kicking out the jams there.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Oh, good. I was wondering what you were doing. Of course, for those who don't know, Metallica's won another epic anthem. And I believe this is their first music video. Great video, too. Yeah. It's a model that's inspired by Johnny Got a Gun, which is a very obscure movie about a vet from Vietnam
Starting point is 01:05:19 who loses his arms and legs and basically is a vegetable. But he has his mental capacity, apparently, or something. So he can't talk or communicate. And so the song is about him wanting to reach out to the world. And the video is like a little movie because you have discussions between doctors and stuff. Correct. It's a great epic video for an epic song, and it's the first Metallica song I ever heard.
Starting point is 01:05:48 A lot of the people in the band are no longer in the band in this video as well. Tell me who, because I know one guy dies in that terrible... Cliff Burton. Yes. And then Dave Mustaine. But I believe Dave Mustaine had already left before this video, before this album.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Now, let me tell you a story about Metallica here. Dude, we have lots of time. We still have four minutes to go. Again, not that I feel ashamed, but my introduction to Metallica was late, was the Black Album, which is probably not all that late given that that was their biggest commercial success at the time.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And if you could ever wear out a CD, I would have worn out the Black Album. But what then happened after listening to the Black Album is that I went back and consumed via mixtape
Starting point is 01:06:41 every single one of their other albums and fell in love with the kings of hard rock. Metal, I guess, at the time they would have been called. I know they're not now, but... This is... Running to this is just epic. Absolutely. Lars is on fire with this drumming. Heavy, heavy. I was never a huge Metallica guy.
Starting point is 01:07:43 My buds rolled into the Black album and, of course, Justice for All. By the Lightning. Yeah, and I was like, ah, they're kind of a little bit too metal, maybe a little too loud. But this particular song, I liked from day one. There's something, there's a melody in this song that makes it like just a great tune as opposed to like a wall of noise. Fair, fair fair i really like this track it's it's it's epic that's a i mean it's just epic and it really they did a version of this on uh howard stern a few years ago and uh you know these guys the first time i saw them in
Starting point is 01:08:19 concert was at the skydome and uhdome sucks for concerts as we know. They played and I may get criticized for this but that concert sounded exactly like the album. It was remarkable for them to be able to play the way they played and to have that live show sound like I was listening to their CD. Now you't always want that I get that but these guys are just fucking pros and they can put together a good hard rock song no I recently saw a sort of a concert documentary movie in Gatineau of all places my wife's cousin's husband played it for me and we watched it and I had a great appreciation for this band because great musicians, great songs.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Even if you're not a big fan, you can totally appreciate these guys as musicians. It was Through the Darkness? Yeah, something like that. It's like a concert movie. Yes, and it was very cool. It's framed by some guy on a skateboard. And they actually put a camera on the stage And it was very cool. Yeah. It's framed by some guy on a skateboard thing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:25 And they actually put a camera on the stage and filmed the audience so that you could see what they see. And they play all their hits and it sounds really good and it's in HD. It's just amazing. Blu-ray, I think we saw it on.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah, it's cool. But much like Purple Rain was eight minutes, this one's eight minutes. I don't know what Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven was exactly, but it was like seven, eight minutes. And then bohemian rhapsody is a small six minutes so we'll see does elvis have any more epics in store i think the next one's a long one too isn't it that's what she said it is oh buddy get ready for some air guitar what a great track we have coming up this is elvis's eighth jam
Starting point is 01:10:05 shivers Shivers. Thank you. When I look into your eyes I can see your love restrained. Darling, when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same? Nothing lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain Thank you. Love is always coming Love is always going No one's really sure Who's letting go today Walking away
Starting point is 01:12:31 I can take the time To lay it on the line I can rest my head Just knowing that you are mine Oh, my. Oh, my. If you want to love me, then, darling, don't betray me. I'll just end up walking in the cold November rain. Do you need some time on your own?
Starting point is 01:13:20 Do you need some time all alone? Oh, everybody needs some time on their own Don't you know you need some time all alone I know it's hard to keep an open heart When even friends seem out to harm you But if you could heal the broken heart Wouldn't time be out to charm you Guns and fucking roses. Holy shit, man.
Starting point is 01:14:06 November rain. So epic. So one of the best music videos of all time, right? Has to be. Again, it's like a movie. I see Slash right now with the wind blowing his hair. He's doing the solo. And Stephanie Seymour, her epic wedding dress.
Starting point is 01:14:24 But epic is the word. We keep saying this word because a lot of your favorite tracks here are like, I'm sure some guys at home listening to The Clash or Ramones or something going, fucking pretentious, man. But I'm telling you, it's epic. It's larger than life. Axl Rose got married in a pirate shirt in this video. Like, it's just, it's from, so there is a part of the song here that I,
Starting point is 01:14:50 I never forget the moment in the video, but it's Slash's solo, right? Which is coming up and he gets on top, in the video, he gets on top of the piano on stage. And it was just the epitome of cool the way he just the way he played the guitar in that particular scene like i wanted to be slashed i wanted to get the big curly hair and the big top hat and unbutton my shirt down to my belly button and just play the guitar the way he did and that and dance the way he did and i just can't that's not obviously it's not going to happen. Do you remember, was this on Use Your Illusion 1 or Use Your Illusion 2?
Starting point is 01:15:30 I believe this was 1. I believe this was the blue one. The blue one is 1, correct? And the orange one and red was 2? Well, I picked them both up on the first day they were for sale. So I bought the first three CDs I bought ever was Black Album and Use Your Illusion 1 and 2. All three of them.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And it came, if the CDs came at that time with the big cardboard, like they were enclosed in this big long cardboard thing, like just such a waste, just such a waste of paper.
Starting point is 01:16:02 The, oh, I remember spinning those two discs, Use Your Illusion 1 and 2 constantly. And I remember spinning those two discs use your illusion one and two yeah once the main I never don't cry was on both of them that's right different versions that's right and then Civil War and I think the first track we heard was uh I think we mentioned this before but the trailer for Terminator 2 that's right and you could be mine that's right my Michelle was on it too
Starting point is 01:16:23 wasn't it was it on no no no that was appetite for distress right that's right you're right after this mine. That's right. My Michelle was on a two, wasn't it? Was it on? No, no, no. That was appetite for destruction. That's right. That's right. You're right. After this part, I'm going to jack this part up and we're going to fucking rock out here and I'm going to come back and tell you a little bit, a little story about this flag and about, remind people that you and I are going to see Guns N' Roses this October. That's right. At the ACC. Slash better get on the piano. Here it comes.
Starting point is 01:16:41 He's walking up there. Here it comes. Climax. Coming up. I feel my heart. My heart's going, man. Yeah. That's what music does to you. That's when you connect with it. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I'm glad you're here for the journey, people. Hello to Elvis' colleagues. guitar solo You're not the only one Don't you think that you need somebody? Don't you think that you need somebody? You're not the only one You're not the only one You're not the only one Don't you think that you need somebody? Don't you think that you need somebody? You're not the only one
Starting point is 01:18:02 You're not the only one You're not the only one Diolch yn fawr iawn am wylio'r fideo. Shivers. So great. Apparently this was a tortured song for Axel. He spent a long time trying to create the greatest rock opera. That was what he wanted to do. Way better than the video of the dolphins. Video of the dolphins? You don't remember?
Starting point is 01:19:02 A later single on was the... Spaghetti Incident? No, no, no, no, no. It's on one of the Use Your Illusions, but You don't remember? A later single on... Was the... Spaghetti Incident? No, no, no, no, no. It's on one of the Use Your Illusions, but I can't remember. That was pretentious. Like this one, like he dances on the line
Starting point is 01:19:13 and he's like, okay, I'm going to be... I'm going to make this enjoyable regardless of whether you think it's pretentious or not. And then he dances. He swims with dolphins. There's a whole dolphin video.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And it's another attempt to make like a November rain that fails. It's later. Gotcha dolphin video. And it's another attempt to make a November rain that fails. It's later. Gotcha. Okay. But it's from the same couple albums. Gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:31 By the way, I forgot how much I enjoy November rain. Right? It's good. It's so great. It's great. You're right. Off the top, you said you hear these songs on the radio, and you ain't touching that dial.
Starting point is 01:19:42 It's true. It's got cut on it. But this is also a band where it was really hard to pick a song because there's Paradise City. Mr. Brownstone. Mr. Brownstone. There's Patience. There's Welcome to the Jungle.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Patience might be on my list. My Michelle. Rocket Queen. But at this point in time, I was already down the epic hole. So I said, you know what? I'm going epic. Go big or go home. That's what I say.
Starting point is 01:20:06 So this flag that no one can see except you, Elvis, that I bought in like 1990 at a head shop downtown, I had to change it. You notice how the computer now covers slash the skeleton? Yes. This is a Guns N' Roses app. Jarvis told me that he didn't like using the downstairs bathroom because the skeletons were scaring him. Oh, no. And I said, okay, what do I do?
Starting point is 01:20:32 I can't get rid of my appetite for destruction flag. So you just moved it down. So I just rearranged things. So I told him that Daddy took care of it. The skeletons, the Axl Rose and Slash skeletons are covered now. Poor Jarvis. Guns N' Fucking Roses. You know, before Grungeash Skeletons are covered now. Poor Jarvis. Guns N' Fuckin' Roses. You know, before Grunge, that was my band right there.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah, I would agree. I would definitely agree. I remember the first time I heard a Guns N' Roses song, I was like, what the fuck is this? This is insane. I remember it well. I remember it well. It's amazing. Top 10 of 10 on Q107, and it was Welcome to the Jungle. Yeah, that song is crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:07 We got two more left, right? I can't remember my last one. I think I know what this one is. I'm glad. You can be surprised. I think this one is going to satisfy everyone's prediction as to which two artists were going to appear. Oh no, I do remember. I don't know spoilers, but it's safe
Starting point is 01:21:24 to say that these two, you didn't pick these for us, though. You picked these for you. These are legitimate choices. These are actually legitimate songs that I love. picking their 10 tracks to please the audience.
Starting point is 01:21:33 No, but I did chuckle and smile to myself when I put them down because I knew that people were going to say, of course these are on. Number nine. We'll be right back. guitar solo Oh, oh, oh We're all in need
Starting point is 01:22:49 To the guitar mate Yeah, yeah Oh Stand up and be content For what you are about to receive We are the dealers We'll give you everything you need Hail, hail to the good times
Starting point is 01:23:18 Cause work has got to run away We ain't gonna let you need no cash We're just living for the day This song ends every single ACDC concert, and the crowd goes bonkers. Cannons come out. They fire cannons into the audience as you'll listen at the end. Just, I mean, you know ACDC is one of my favorite bands. I do.
Starting point is 01:24:04 This song, there's other songs I like, I mean, you know ACDC is one of my favorite bands. I do. This song, there's other songs I like, I love. But this song is just, this is ACDC. This has everything they talk about. Everything that they talk about. Sex, drugs, sex mostly. And rock and roll. And rock and roll. And the title of this track,
Starting point is 01:24:25 For Those About to Rock, and then in parentheses it says, We salute you. That's right. Which is a cheesy move. And that's it. You know what I mean? In parentheses.
Starting point is 01:24:35 That's like everything I do. I do it for you. That's true. That's true. They could have just called this For Those About to Rock. Correct. Now, the interesting part is that you chose
Starting point is 01:24:46 the Brian Johnson version of this. Bon Scott does a version of this as well. You know, I didn't even know I did that. But that's fine, because this is... I think it's more famous. Which would you have chosen? I would have chosen this one. And this is also the one exception where I probably would have chosen a live version.
Starting point is 01:25:02 But this is epic. Still just as epic. Yeah, I mean, this screams ACDC. So in university, I don't know if you... Are you aware of what the Century Club is, Mike? It's when you run 100 miles. There's the cannons in the background.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Century Club is doing a shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes. No, I did not know this. And if you can do that without vomiting, you become a member of the Century Club. Oh, I thought you were going to say you get alcohol poisoning. Well, I mean, that's usually what results in the vomiting. It's so great. It's the only song on the list that has cannons in it. So anyway, I was doing the Century Club for the first time.
Starting point is 01:25:47 And I think I got to 89 and vomited. And this is in university. Yeah. And my roommate threw me into my room on an air mattress because we had guests over. Threw me in the room at at some really early hour, like maybe 7 or 8 o'clock at night, in my underwear, because I had thrown up on myself, of course, turned this on repeat on my CD player,
Starting point is 01:26:13 cranked at 10 out of 10 volume, and I didn't wake up until like 8 o'clock the next morning. I'm just glad you woke up at all after 89. Unbelievable. I've done the Century Club twice since successfully. What are you going to do when you're three children, when one of them says, Dad, I'm going to do this thing where I do 100 drinks,
Starting point is 01:26:37 what is your answer going to be? Oh, yeah, good luck. I hope you get to 100. Or is it going to be like, That's not a great idea. It sounds dangerous. Yeah, maybe both.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Maybe both, Mike. I'm not sure what I would say. My oldest is already in the century club. Is it 14 or 15? He's 15 and a half. He's not in the century club. That was a joke, everybody. Big finish. Listen to those cannons so Fire! The best is watching people get hit
Starting point is 01:27:26 with the actual cannonballs. I thought they were tennis balls. It makes for an epic end to the show. Can I ask you about ACDC? I had Back in Black. That was the first album after Bon Scott died.
Starting point is 01:27:42 It was their most popular one? Correct. I didn't know if Thunderstruck had taken the reins or whatever, The first album after Bon Scott died. Right, and it was their most popular one? Correct, yep. I didn't know if Thunderstruck had taken the reins or whatever, taken the crown. Okay, so because it had Shook Me All Night Long, which in high school, Shook Me All Night Long and Back in Black were these two, speaking of epic tracks, you had to like... Hell's Bells. Highway to Hell was on it.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Highway to Hell was on it. Are you sure? I don't think so. Not on that one? I think that was earlier. Could be earlier. I think Hell's Bells might have been on it. See, I? I don't think so. Not on that one? I think that was earlier. Could be earlier. I think Hell's Bells might have been on it. See, I don't know why I had this at all.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Don't ask me why. I had a soundtrack to Maximum Overdrive. Nice. Nice. And it had Hell's Bells on it. Yes. So anyway, this is neither here nor there, except to say that you had your Shook Me All Night Long
Starting point is 01:28:20 and you had your Back in Black. Correct. I think the pink might have been in there. I don't know. I can't remember. But then there was like later Thunderstruck. That's right. But I guess my question is, has ACDC ever recorded a ballad?
Starting point is 01:28:34 No. Ever? Because a lot of these rock bands, these Motley Crue or whatever, like Home Sweet Home. Home Sweet Home. That's a great song. That almost made my face. You know I'm a dreamer. That's a great song. It's a great song. It is a great song. It is a great song. No, I'm not even joking. That's a great song. It is a great song. That almost made my list. You know I'm a dreamer. That's a great song.
Starting point is 01:28:45 It is a great song. It is a great song. No, I'm not even joking. That's a great song. It is a great song. But no. Poison had Every Rose. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Did that almost make your list? That was no. But I could do a cheesy rock band list. And that's where Def Leppard and Bon Jovi and Poison. Okay, wait, wait. Cinderella and. Warrant had Cherry Pie. Warrant, that's right Def Leppard and Bon Jovi and Poison and Cinderella and... Warrant had cherry pie. Warrant, that's right.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Do you remember? There's a picture of your house. Do you remember this song? Picture of your house standing by the door. No. Memories. I don't want to be a Superman. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Dun, dun, dun. I can't remember. Is this on your top ten? No. This is hard rock acts that do ballads. Oh, extreme, of course. More than words. Yes, more than words. I'm trying to make it like hard rock bands. That's the most epic one, I think top 10? No. This is hard rock bands that do ballads. Oh, Extreme, of course, More Than Words. Yes, More Than Words. I'm trying to make it like hard rock bands. That's the most epic one, I think, right?
Starting point is 01:29:29 Yeah. More Than Words? Because it's really just, it's almost acapella. And it's so different than their other stuff, which was like hard rock. You can't even tell that it's them. A lot of soccer moms bought the disc thinking, oh, this is a nice CHFI type stuff. It's a new Chris DeBerg album.
Starting point is 01:29:45 What's this He-Man-Woman-Hater shit? That's right. All right, so there's no ballads from ACDC. And there's no ballads on, well, I guess, there's no really ballads on my list either, I guess. No, not on your list. No, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:29:57 It's definitely guitars. Like, if you don't like guitars, The closest you have to a ballad is November Rain? Maybe the next track. Maybe. Maybe? I don't know. But maybe, because Purple Rain's not really a ballad. Okay, so this next track maybe maybe i don't know but maybe because purple rain's not
Starting point is 01:30:06 really this okay so this next track is is also you know an epic track i think you're going to know right away it's also one of the few songs where many people don't know who the band is because it the lead singer this is the only track in which he sounds like this and doesn't really sound like any of the other stuff that they've ever recorded. And it is a song that was essentially their first single and carried them through a better part of a decade. They had other stuff, but not as popular until the early 90s. Until Run DMC discovered them.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Until they exploded again. On this track, though, late 80s, early 90s. There was an Elvis episode of Toronto Mic'd where we played this track. We actually already kicked this jam in a previous episode. I don't know if you remember that. No, I don't. Because it was the, I consider it the perfect montage song for sports montage or whatever. And I talked all, if you have a great sports montage and you want to set it to music, this is the track.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Let's play this. Let's get this track kicking. Sorry, it's not a track. Let's get this jam kicking. This is Elvis' final jam, number 10. guitar solo Every time that I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone
Starting point is 01:32:12 It went back like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the do's and not the ways. Yeah. I know nobody knows where it comes and where it goes. I know everybody's saying you've got to lose to know Half my life's in books, written pages Living and learning from fools and from sages I'm Sing with me, sing for the year Sing for the laugh and sing for the tear Sing with me, just for today
Starting point is 01:33:30 Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away Aerosmith, dream on. You can trust this with Ragdoll or Permanent Vacation or Living on the Edge or Eat the Rich. Love in an Elevator. Like, wow.
Starting point is 01:33:52 This band. This certainly... And you're right. This does not sound like Steven Tyler. Does not. And talk about a band with two different careers, right? Metallica is another band like that.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Maybe three from Metallica. But it's another epic track yeah i mean this was the first band that i had the opportunity to obsess about i did not have obviously the internet with led zeppelin i had their cds but i didn't have stuff to read about or to other than what was in magazines and whatever and it's not like as if I had a lot of money. With these guys, there was just copious amounts of stuff
Starting point is 01:34:29 that came out with permanent vacation videos and, and, and movies. Pump was a great album. Yeah, Pump.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yeah, movies and stuff and liner notes that were, you know, expansive and, yeah, I just was obsessed
Starting point is 01:34:41 with these guys and another amazing guitarist in Joe Perry. Like those vocals and then you got Robert Plant and Axl Rose. I feel like those are your top three vocalists right there in terms of rock, right? It's hard to match that. But you know, I love this track. And I'm not as big an Aerosmith song fan as you, but I totally like, I used to listen to the cassette of Pump.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Yep. And I liked, what was it, Toys in the Attic? Yep. Yeah, yep. And I like the Run DMC. Janie's Got a Gun. Yeah. Epic song, too, right?
Starting point is 01:35:28 Yeah, so great. That Pump album was great with that pickup truck on the back of a pickup truck. And that's a good example. That Janie's Got a Gun, man, that was great. Yeah. Anyway. Wow. I love this track.
Starting point is 01:35:40 I'm spent. Well, I got to say, I like these Kick Out the Jam episodes because you know how during a regular episode, you can't remember the name of something and you never get back to it because it's constant conversation. There's no time to Google something or whatever. But when we play these 10-minute songs you've chosen for us, I can Google it and I can tell you now,
Starting point is 01:36:00 I have Googled it and I can say the Guns N' Roses Dolphins track, the pretentious Guns N' Roses Dolphin track from Use Your Illusion 2 was estranged. Oh, yes. Yes. Now I remember. I'm going to have to watch that video. You need to watch that video.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I'm going to watch that video. Or just watch November Rain again, which is much, much, much better. Oh, my friend. Thank you, Mike. Dream on. Wow. Thank you. November Rain Again, which is much, much, much better. Oh, my friend, Dream On. Wow. Thank you. You know, when we do the Best of Toronto Mike,
Starting point is 01:36:27 and we show the replays of the great moments we've shared, we're going to set it to Dream On by Aerosmith. That will be the song that accompanies it. That would take a lot of editing, wouldn't it? I have the time. I'll make the time. Once again, from the entire subscriber base, happy birthday.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Happy 41st birthday, Elvis. Thank you, Mike. Thank you to everyone who is going to listen to this. Always appreciate the comments, negative or positive. But really, this was a lot of fun to do on my birthday. Thank you i appreciate it best present ever will you link to this episode on your facebook i'm seriously considering it wow what percent chance of this having because it would make my day i don't know i gave you uh monica went to san remo bakery and got you a special donuts lovely you were supposed to bring me a pizza i I was. I yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I said and you know what you wrote me. You wrote me. You said make be hungry. You're like stay hungry. So that's right. I made sure I was
Starting point is 01:37:32 really hungry for your arrival because the pizza was going to show. Well you know next time you're going to get pizza. Well I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:38 I might have to have you back sooner than I planned. And that brings us to the end of our 250 second show. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. And Elvis,
Starting point is 01:37:52 well, Elvis is at Oshawa Elvis. There's another guy. He hasn't, I'll leave that with him to decide when he wants to tell us about his other persona and what that Twitter handle is. Our friends at Great Lakes Beer, Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer,
Starting point is 01:38:09 and is at Brian Gerstein. See you all next week. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. It's coming up, rosy and green Yeah, the wind is cold But the snow, snow Warms me today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine
Starting point is 01:38:33 And it won't go away Cause everything is rosy and green Well, you've been under my skin For more than eight years It's been eight years of laughter and eight years of tears

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