Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - FOTM Open Holiday Zoom: Toronto Mike'd #963

Episode Date: December 9, 2021

Mike chats with FOTMs on an Open Zoom, including Cam Gordon, Steve Paikin, Mike Eppel, Mark Hebscher, Peter Gross, Lorne Honickman, Mike Richards, Bruce Dowbiggin and many more. Also, a big announceme...nt is made!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 963 of Toronto Mic'd. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. A fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times and brewing amazing beer. Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Chef Drop. Access top chef and restaurant prepared meal kits shipped across southern Ontario. Get $50 off your first order with the promo code FOTM50. The Yes We Are Open podcast. A Moneris podcast production.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Telling the stories of Canadian small businesses and their perseverance in the face of overwhelming adversity. Subscribe to this podcast at McKay's CEO Forums, the highest impact and least time intensive peer group for over 1,200 CEOs, executives, and business owners around the world., create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. And Redley Funeral Home. Pillars of the community since 1921. Happy holidays, FOTMs! How's everybody doing here? I'm waiting for my esteemed co-host, Cam Gordon, but we have a gentleman on the Zoom here
Starting point is 00:01:54 who is going to be at the Leaf game, which means he only has a couple of minutes here, but I want to say hello to one of the great FOTMs, Steve Paikin. How you doing, buddy? Hi, Mike. I can barely hear you. You won't believe it, but I'm at a very noisy hockey arena.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Well, then I won't keep you long. Let me just say, go Ticats. I guess we lost Steve Pagan. At least we have some evidence he was on this Zoom call. But Steve, thanks for checking in. I've got a jersey on just for you, Mike. Oh, what is that?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Look at that. Okay, you know what? I was at that game and it wasn't a great game for the Argos, but you were a happy duck, and that makes me happy. So I'll be rooting for you guys on Sunday. Please do. I've been waiting 49 years for this to happen, okay? Last time I saw Hamilton host a great cup was 1972,
Starting point is 00:02:47 and I went to the game with a buddy of mine from Hamilton, and that buddy and I are going to this weekend's game again because we did so well last week against the Argonauts. We're going to hopefully keep the band together and get another win. I hope you do. I saw after the game, was that you roughing up some of the Argonaut players? Was that you? It was definitely not me. No, no. I saw after the game, was that you roughing up some of the Argonaut players? Was that you? It was definitely not me.
Starting point is 00:03:07 No, no. I got no time for that. I think that was unfortunate. The rest of the game was, the first half was not very interesting, but I liked the second half a lot, Mike. I never saw a single Argos touchdown, so it was very disappointing.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Is there anything significant about this Leaf game that you're going to tonight? Is this a special game for you, or you go to all the games? No, I go to one game a year, and I figured let's go see the Stanley Cup champions, so that's why I picked this game. Wow, the 1967 Stanley Cup champions. Very funny. Very funny.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hey, Steve, thanks for checking in, buddy. Honestly, you're a great FOTM, and we'll have you on the show again. Any excuse I have to get Pagan on the show, I'm going to do it. But can you just confirm or deny one rumor before you go? And I hope you can hear me. Are you Polkaroo? Oh, I think I have to go, Mike. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:03 They're just about to drop the mic right now. See you later, buddy. See have to go, Mike. I'm sorry. They're just about to drop the bus right now. See you later, buddy. See you, Steve. Goodbye. Those TG's are pretty good. They can take your job pretty soon. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:16 No, Steve has listened to the FOTM KOTJ. KOTJ. You got it. Thanks, buddy. Yeah. Be well. Thank you. Peace and love to you. Okay, so everybody who's joining us here, I'm going to go solo here while we wait for Cam Gordon to join us.
Starting point is 00:04:29 We have another Cam, but we'll get to him in a bit. Who do we start with here? Oh, here comes my co-host. Let me chastise him, and then we'll start checking in with some of the great FOTMs who joined Steve Paikin and I on this program here. Paikin's a good man because he did that outside of the Scotiabank Arena. Like, that's not easy to do. So, nice to see him.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Cam, you there, buddy? I'm here. I made it. How come my co-host was late? I was actually here right on time uh precise precisely you know why i started early because steve pakin was here are you serious yeah you missed him like like oh my god just like poker so he's outside the leaf game he's going to leaf game and he's outside the Scotiabank Arena. It was like now or never to capture Paken. So I just went.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's huge. I've actually spent a little time in his office at TV Ontario. A lot of sports memorabilia in there. A lot of Red Sox stuff and Ticat stuff. Sounds about right. How are you doing? Have I seen you since TMLX8?
Starting point is 00:05:49 I don't think so. Where would we have seen each other? I don't know. I'm asking the tough questions here. I know we do have our covert meeting planned next week. I didn't reveal who that was.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I just said it was a secret FOTM. The secret's out the bag. Yeah. Maybe we'll do a mini app. So what we're going to do, my friend, is we're going to check in with the early birds here who are here at the proper starting time.
Starting point is 00:06:20 We're going to check in with some FOTMs. And then I'm sure some other... People are just showing up left, right, and center. So we got to get rocking because I have an announcement I need to make at some point. So nobody leave early. There's going to be fireworks. But I want to start with like some fresh meat. Like I see, see all the dings mean people are showing up.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I don't want to turn it off because it alerts me to let people in. But I want to start with a guy that I don't think we've met before. Todd D. Taylor. Hey, Mike. So, Todd, have we met before? No, we have not. I've chatted with you a little bit on Twitter, but I have not been to one of these Zoom get-togethers.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And you're a big Hebzion sports fan, right? Correct. And do you live in the GTA? I do not. I'm in St. Catharines. But I spent a lot of my teenage years in Toronto. Well, welcome, my friend. Happy holidays to you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Same to you. And the same to everybody else. And then I'm going to move on to somebody else here. And we might get back to you. This is going to be like crazy. And Cam, you're my co-host. You can chime in anytime. But I want to say hello to somebody who uh just recently started a podcast uh called the feminine warriors and she's a fantastic photographer and in fact there
Starting point is 00:07:53 were a couple of ladies that were on this uh zoom before i pressed record and i was telling them that you also do like really neat like um what's it called? Meditation? Yeah. Okay, so Helen Tansey, say hello to everybody. Hi, everybody. Hi. You missed Steve Paikin. He was here and then he left, but I'm glad you're here.
Starting point is 00:08:19 How are things going? I just listened back to your appearance on Dana Levinson's on the DL, and you guys sounded fantastic. Oh, good. I'm glad. I'm glad you liked it. It was nice to be on our show. So everybody on this has a podcast? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:38 They wish. They wish. One of these. It's an open Zoom. Wow, that's a lot of podcasters it's an open zoom so people kind of will drop in uh here there'll be a big announcement later but we're gonna check in with a bunch of people and uh yeah and cam and i have some twitter facts about fotms we're gonna share with everybody shortly but uh helen i wanted to get to you right away uh great photographer as well thank you
Starting point is 00:09:07 thank you cam do you want to start with a few facts before we uh chat with some other great fot yeah for sure i'm just trying to change my background make it something more festive come on just just bear with just bear with me while we're doing that, let me bring in Rob Del Mundo, who made his Toronto Mike debut this past, was that the summer, Rob? Yeah, that was the Monday after Labor Day. Monday to Tuesday, the Tuesday after Labor Day, that's right, the Tuesday. See, it's all a blur to me. I just know I was outside.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's all I remember. Yeah, no, I just remember it was episode 9-11, how prophetic that was. But no, that was a lot of fun. Thanks for having me. No, you were fantastic, and you've written some great Leaf books, and you're a big music fan too,
Starting point is 00:09:56 so kicking out the jams was a great thrill for me with you. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Like we said, I just happened to think of Canadian artists, but if I get the chance to do it again, I could pick 10 songs and none of them are Canadian. So it was just how it worked out. Who's the artist who mentioned you when she was on stage? This happened recently.
Starting point is 00:10:14 That was Hannah Georges. She played a tour recently, which started in Oshawa a couple of weeks ago. She finished it up in Paris, Ontario last night. You can tell I'm sort of a big fan. But yeah, no, after every show, I just get to talk to her backstage, not backstage, but when she comes out
Starting point is 00:10:33 and signs for the fans and stuff. And then I'm always approaching her to play this one song from her first album from like 12 years ago. And yeah, when I saw her show in Oshawa, she comes on stage and says, is Rob here? And I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm the only Rob in the crowd.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I'm just there, okay, is Rob going to pipe up? And then she said, well, Rob always asks me to play this song. I'm like, oh, wait, wait, that's me. That's me, that's me. So then she played that song and yeah, I mean, she'd be a great guest, Mike, if you reach out to her publicist or herself personally. I would highly recommend her. I think I could probably just get my buddy Rob Del Mundo to put in a word and you'd be a great guest, Mike, if you reach out to her publicist or herself personally. I would highly recommend her.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I think I could probably just get my buddy Rob Del Mundo to put in a word and you'd be… Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I'll mention it. I mean, I talk to her on Instagram here and there. Again, like me and probably several of her other fans as well type of thing, right? Hey, she remembered me enough to play that song, so she'll remember me enough to put in a word for your podcast if I mention it to her, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:28 You know, dude, glad you're here. For a minute, I was going to go ask Wendell Clark. I saw Wendell Clark was in the Zoom room, and I got very excited for a moment. I want to hear what sideways Mike Epple has to say. That seems interesting. Wait, should I go get Bojana? Because if she hears Mike Epple's here, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Is it literally sideways? Yes. Yes, sir. For me it is. It's literally sideways. So, Mike, you'd think you'd be... Things gone sideways. There you go.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Aren't you a professional, Mr. Epple? But hang on a second. A typical broadcast, and anybody who films anything for any type of social media should always go lengthwise yeah with the phone not up and down so landscape we call that right thank you lance i'm on radio what do you want from me no mike i'm so glad you're here buddy i'm so glad you're here hey good to I'm so glad you're here. Hey, good to be here. I'm going to crack open a Great Lakes beer. Does anyone on this call have a Great Lakes beer? Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:31 That's a, oh, it's over. I forgot to get my Great Lakes. No, let me go up and upstairs and grab one. Okay, while I wait for you. I got a piece. They didn't have any at the beer store. Oh, well, you got to go to LCBOs to get your Great Lakes. Everybody, every FOTM knows that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Hey, can we check in with somebody who is going to be visiting me on Festivus? And I haven't seen this son of a gun in a long time. Is the great Elvis on this call? You son of a bitch. You motorboat son of a bitch. This is fucking PG already? You can swear. I haven't been on the podcast in almost a bitch. This is fucking PG already? You can swear. I haven't been on the podcast in almost a year.
Starting point is 00:13:09 No, no, no. I was just worried. Mike Epple is not a big swearer, so I was worried about swearing in front of Mike Epple. Oh, right. Sorry. No, it's perfectly fine. Swear away.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Okay, swear. I'm going upstairs. Okay. You should hear me around my kids. Elvis, can you show us that beautiful face of yours? Is it clean shaven? I have to change it from gallery.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I have it on gallery. Maybe it's been three days. I have sideburns. How do you do it? COVID and you don't have the homeless beard? COVID does a lot of weird things to a lot of weird people. I don't know what the fuck is going on. Do I shave? Do I not shave?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I feel that we should just say hello to Moose Grumpy now because we heard her voice. And I guess I would... I'm not like a strict... Just know, people can just talk. I don't want to make this a lot of rules or whatever. Moose Grumpy, thanks for being here.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Thanks, Mike. I don't want to shit on... Who are you going to shit on? That must have been a big shock. I don't want to shit on Great Lakes Brewery. I love Great Lakes Brewery. However, being in Oshawa myself, I am drinking Brock Street Brewery,
Starting point is 00:14:26 which is just in Whitby, and it is a local brewery here, which is quite good. So if you're ever out in this neck of the woods. Oh, don't worry. I'll edit that out. They've got an excellent restaurant. They do. They do. I'm going to open up.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I have an advent calendar because I celebrate Christmas and I love Jesus the beer for today is Juicy Peach IPA so I'm wondering what gift Jesus is going to bring me today in this can that I'm going to open I'm opening my can right now so I'm going to open a burst from Great Lakes
Starting point is 00:15:02 Mike what was the status of GLB the Lakeshore location? It's a great question. You said you were going to talk to Troy about it. You were going to get the inside scoop on that. I think he's going to show up tonight. So Elvis, you sit tight.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm going to just say hello to somebody because I know he doesn't have much time and he's an FOTM like yourself. Is Bruce Dobigan on this call? Yes, I just chimed in here. Just working my way around this thing. How are you? Bruce, good to see you.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Let's use this opportunity to tease the fact that next week you're going to be on Toronto Mike to kick out the jams. Yeah, looking forward to it. I had a great time the first time. Heard back from lots of people who actually listened to the show. Yeah, no, looking forward. Although this list, this top 10 list of music is ruining my holiday here. It's getting
Starting point is 00:15:57 down to 10 songs. I'm a 68-year-old guy. That's a lot of music to sort of cut down for. It's tough, right? Yeah. May that be the worst. Does Bruce know Dave Hodge gets 100 songs? There could be options. Dave went, well, I could listen.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I would divide it into four types of music, maybe. Jazz, pop, opera, or something else. Maybe fourth, things like that. Maybe we could do it that way. But Dave earned it after what he went through with Harold Ballard. He earned 100 songs. That's the real talk right there. I don't actually listen to your show.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Does Dave play all 100 songs in entirety? No, no, no. We have Apple playlists and Spotify playlists that the great VP of sales puts together, Tyler Campbell. We just play the top 10. And Bruce and Elvis. Elvis, you should listen to Toronto Mike. That's a great podcast. Bruce, I'm going to pause you because I got distracted when my seven-year-old showed up.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I know. He's so cute. Jarvis. Is Jarvis on the Zoom? Yes, I'm on the Zoom. Hi. There he is. Hey, how you doing, big guy? Good.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Where's your sister? She's watching TV and she said she doesn't want to go on the call. Okay. She's smart. Unless she gets paid scale. Do you have a special message for all the FOTMs on this holiday open Zoom? What? Do you have a special message for everybody? No.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I thought you had it in French and everything. No? You weren't going to say something in French? Ah. Joyeux Noël. Hey. That sounds good to me. All right, buddy. Love you. You can hang around if you like.
Starting point is 00:17:50 There might be some bad words, but that's okay. Just don't say see you in French and we'll be fine. Stephanie Wilkinson are you there she's muted Stephanie how you doing I know that you're a big star now that you've been on the
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yes We Are Open podcast a Moneris podcast presentation I bookended it 1 and 8 and if you were here right now, I'd have a wonderful wireless speaker so you could listen to the Yes, We Are Open podcast. But I'm not.
Starting point is 00:18:34 You're not here. And hosted by an FOTM who is not here, actually. Yeah, I think he had a work thing tonight. Hmm. Good to see you. I actually do want to check in with you later, but I can't tell you why until it happens. But I'm going to just quickly see if Rush Mike is Rush Mike on the open Zoom.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Hey, Mike. Hey, everyone. I'm here. Hey, Brian. How you doing, buddy? I haven't seen you in a long time. Doing well, thanks. Do you miss Elvis?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Do you think he should be on more often? Right. He should be on way more often. Good answer. Good answer. Nice to see you. I'm going now. Oh, you're going now?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Okay. Love you, Jarvis. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Helen, we're going to get a photograph done at your photography, and Jarvis will be all ready for that. Oh, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He's so cute. And Rush Mike, how are things in your world? Yeah, it's busy, very busy right now, but all good. Back to work three days a week, back to the office three days a week. So getting caught up on my episode listening because when I was home, it just didn't happen. So the travel time is allowing that to happen. Well, you know, when I think of you, I think of Michael Lang
Starting point is 00:19:59 because he's so competitive with you in terms of FOTMs batting 1,000 at TMLX events. Michael Lang, what episode of Toronto Mic'd are you at now? You're way behind, right? I am way behind. I'm about July of last year. I picked a couple in there. The holiday kick out the jams I'm listening to.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'm listening to Gord Depp and Sandy Horn right now. That's like me Langer. I'm in July of 1998. We don't believe you because we don't believe you listen to any episodes. If the FOTM with the really loud background noise just has to mute themselves,
Starting point is 00:20:48 it'll just clean up the audio. Langer, good to see you, buddy. I will get back to you in a bit. I'm going to just burn through some people and then we'll get back to you, of course. But Brian, are you on the call? Hi. How are you doing, buddy?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yes. Great. Have you been to a TMLX event? I have not. Well, we got, okay. Sorry, I get distracted. I realize now this is not good for me and I get easily just like a squirrel
Starting point is 00:21:16 and I get distracted and all these things going on. But Brian, man, I'm so glad you're here. Dude, good to see you. Happy holidays to you, my friend. Yes, me too. Greetings to everybody. Greetings. Before I
Starting point is 00:21:31 get to this special guest who, oh, he came in twice here just to mess with me. How are you doing? James Edgar, how are you doing? I'm good. I'm kind of eating while I'm joining, but I'm good. What are you eating? I'm actually. I'm kind of eating while I'm joining, but I'm good. What are you eating?
Starting point is 00:21:47 I'm actually eating a tortier. Oh, can you spell that? Fancy. No, I cannot. Not that fancy. It's a frozen one from a grocery store. How do you say that in French? Tortier.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Tortier. We'll get Jarvis back. That's exactly how you say it in French. Okay. My wife is from France. I can guarantee that. I saw James not too recently but he lived near
Starting point is 00:22:11 where Jarvis was playing soccer and you were walking your dog and I was there watching the game and we got to spend some time together. That was very nice. It was good. The soccer field is now gone. And also Jarvis has moved on to bigger and better soccer games, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, he's playing for TFC next season. Oh, sweet. So Elvis will see him there. I didn't realize they were recruiting so young. James, hang on there. I'm going to get back to you. Is there a lawyer on this Zoom call? I need a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:22:51 You all seem to need a lawyer. I'm going to mute Alan S. for a moment because I think he's the offender here. Can we sue Alan S. for noisy Zoom? Lauren Honickman, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, everybody. Nice to see you all. That was actually funny, Mike. That was good. That was ladies and gentlemen. Hi, everybody. Nice to see you all. That was actually funny, Mike.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That was good. That was a good line. Thanks, Elvis. Lauren, have you ever met Elvis? No, no. Is he in the house? Hi, Lauren. Hey, how are you?
Starting point is 00:23:16 Nice to meet you. Lauren, of course, is a bigger Dylan fan. He's the biggest Bob Dylan fan I know. You mean, am I the only one on here that can say that? I don't know. Maybe more can say that, but Elvis is a big Elvis fan, hence the nickname. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:23:36 But how are things? You're busy, eh, bud? Yeah, I am, but I wanted to come on and say hi. I haven't talked to you in a while and say hi to everybody and wish everybody the best in this crazy, crazy, insane world we're living in right now. So I'm glad you did, buddy. I miss it. We are regular visits have slowed down a bit because of your workload.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But if my wishes come true for 2022, there will be a Lauren Honigickman podcast all about bob dylan yes we'll call it a daily dose of dylan or a weekly dose how about that well just make it up let's uh let's make that happen and you're welcome to hang out with us i'm gonna check in with a few more people here but dude just hearing your voice brings me back i love it so much. Nice to see you. Always a pleasure. I thought I'd come on for a few minutes. Great pipes. Bruce Dobigan is on the call. Have you ever crossed paths
Starting point is 00:24:32 with Bruce Dobigan? No, but we worked at the same time, Bruce. I saw you on there and it's great to see another older dude here. Lauren is one of the guys, Lauren is one of the guys who I would listen to and say, if only God had given me pipes like that, you know, I could be Peter Mansbridge if I had those kinds of pipes.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Can I tell a quick Elvis story? Yep, of course. Hall of Famer this year, of course, Jerome McGinley, his father came from Nigeria to become a Canadian citizen and they told him he had to adopt a Canadian name and so Jerome McGinley's father's North American name is Elvis. Elvis McGinley. I love it. Elvis, did you know that story? I did not. And I also didn't know the goalie for, what was it? Who did the Leafs just beat? Was it Columbus? The Rangers? No. Columbus, I think, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:29 That his name was Elvis. I thought the whole Elvis thing was, I thought it was the oldest Elvis fan. Elvis is something like that. Cam Gordon, didn't you see Elvis Duico returning a VCR at a Towers or something um it
Starting point is 00:25:46 was actually it was the future shop at 16th and young street and thornhill and it was actually right around the holidays it was like on boxing day so uh way to thread the needle mike that's it's a great story for sure it's my favorite i got what it was what was the story I was criticized for? Was it the, oh, it was the Dan Gallagher. Sprinkler. Yes. That was a good, that's a nice sprinkler. I like the Dan Gallagher sprinkler story. And I also like the Elvis Stoico forehead VCR,
Starting point is 00:26:16 high five VCR return at Best Future Shop or whatever. He returned the VCR for head? Is that what he said? Because I have a few VCRs that I can return. I bet you do. I have another great
Starting point is 00:26:35 classic, one of the great FOTMs of our time, but first let me go to a lesser FOTM. Just kidding. Lieve Fumke, how the hell are you doing? I'm good. I'm good. Thank you. And Juan. Lieve Fumka, how the hell are you doing? I'm good. I'm good. Thank you. And Juan. You were good until that intro. Juan, thank you for kicking out a jam
Starting point is 00:26:51 on the third volume of those FOTM kick out of the jam holiday editions. If you went incognito, you were ashamed of yourself? Why didn't you name? No name check. YYZ Gord made sure everybody knew his jam was from YYZ Gord, but Juan, you didn't name check did yyz gourd made sure everybody knew it was a his jam was by from yyz gourd but juan you didn't uh name yourself right yeah he did i did oh did i
Starting point is 00:27:13 totally miss it yeah oh i got bad intelligence husband i i apologize i really didn't i i thought i listened twice so leave a fumieve Fumke and Juan, I have something I need to talk to you about later, so I'm going to get back to you. There's something I can't talk about. How long is this fucking show going to be? You talk to people and say, like, we'll talk to you later. Yeah, because, well, there's certain people I need to talk to later,
Starting point is 00:27:37 and then I need to get to MR, but I wanted to say. Imagine this was like a late-night talk show. Like, hey, welcome to the couch. Uh, stick around. We'll get to you in three hours. Elvis, you think this is easy?
Starting point is 00:27:49 Do you think it's easy to do this? I'm running out of panels here. I do want to say hello to YYZ Gord though, because, uh, that's a great FOTM right there. How are you doing Gord? Doing well.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Thanks. How are you? And, uh, how come Tom's not on the program here? He doesn't want to panel. He's hiding in the background. He can't handle the celebrity.
Starting point is 00:28:07 He'll be on in hour five. He's a future FOTM. Speaking of hour five, is the great Mike Richards on this Zoom? What is this? This is like a creepy swingers club thing or something. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:28:24 There's a guy with a beard. Dale Caddo's here. His head is shaved. Pretty soon, I'm going to hear zippers. You have no idea. And I'll be honest. This is way below. Mike Epple should not be here.
Starting point is 00:28:40 He's smarter. My buddy, who no longer has any wine at all after I went to his house. I think he said his oldest vintage is Thursday after I went to his house. This is great to see you all. It's sort of a weird day for me. Actually, I just sent a message to Bruce the other day looking at the sports radio numbers in the city,
Starting point is 00:29:03 and I have almost no answers for a in the city and i just uh i have i have almost no answers for a 1.2 and a 0.6 it's either either you absolutely as bruce said the you don't care or you're the worst company you're you're a pizza company who whose chef says to you you know what we're going to start putting peanut butter on this stuff, and we think it's going to be a real big seller. And the corporation goes, you know what? I think it sounds good. I think we go with peanut butter. And then you get this.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So I know they're going to say sports radio died, but it was murdered. It was, it was, it's, it's, it's an assisted suicide. And I feel real bad for people who tried. But Mike, why? Why? Give me in in a nutshell obviously we don't have five hours we're gonna have to come back and you are invited back of course for a deep dive into this but why like why are they murdering sports radio well it's expensive right so just like talk radio just like all these other things that there's a lot of people it takes but in order to do But in order to do that, in order to do that, then you have to understand the format
Starting point is 00:30:07 and know that you have to bring in revenue and you have to put good people in to bring in that revenue. If you fail to recognize that and you truly don't know what that business is, you shouldn't be in that business. Bell should not be in this business. Bell should be out. They should be doing what they do, making people sad.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So I just think for the most part uh they've insinuated people over the last six to ten years that have no business being there they got themselves into trouble they started to drown and then they said you know what this this format's too expensive we'll start getting cheap people people who are inexperienced we'll put them on the air. Hopefully, people will kind of listen, which they don't. And so they've missed the boat. They start putting those that podcast
Starting point is 00:30:53 onto radio shows, which doesn't work at all. The reason people listen to podcasts is so they don't have to listen to the style of what happens on, for instance, an AM radio station. They're two very different animals. It's not recognized.
Starting point is 00:31:09 They're going to, I think sports radio is going to be dead. I see no reason why people who have no, it's like putting me in control of your IT department. You don't want that. Firstly, let me just say, let's all quickly just take a moment to say goodbye to Lauren Honigman, who has to chat. But Lauren, let me just say, let's all quickly just take a moment to say goodbye to Lorne Honigman who has to chat. But Lorne, thanks for being here, buddy.
Starting point is 00:31:29 You're a great FOTM. I wanted to say hi. I'd love to hear Mike finish what he's going to say. But we don't have that kind of time, do we? No, no, no. I agree with a lot of what he's saying. Okay, so let me say this then.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Mike Richards, all I want for Christmas is another Mike Richards deep dive on this very topic where I will give you all the space you need. So we're going to book that ASAP, okay? Yeah. And Mike, we... Absolutely. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:59 What's that, Lorne? Yeah, Lorne. Okay, peace and love to Lorne Honigman, one of the greats. Bye, Lorne. Mike, don't go anywhere. I do want to get a gentleman on before he has to go. Uh, he's got a bunch of paperwork to do. That's a true story. But is there a member of lowest of the low in this zoom call? Okay. Yeah. Hi everybody. It's an audio presentation here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Lawrence, thanks for being here. How are you doing Lawrence Nichols? I'm doing well. Can you see me and hear me okay? Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah. Thank you for inviting me along, Mike. And hi, everybody. I feel like I've just stopped into something that's really deep and really important. And what Mike was saying sounds really cool because it deals with the very fabric of how we get our media nowadays and stuff like that. So I'm just here to be a complete anachronism and talk about things when our media was entirely physical and, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:52 didn't come through the internet and was like on a CD or on a record and stuff. Mike invited me here because my band is releasing an album tomorrow. And yeah, I just, you know, i'm sorry to interrupt but it just you know so i came in to say hi everybody please feel free to listen to our music yeah we love your band uh i think i speak on behalf of every fotm we love lowest of the low i i i have to say mike you've been so supportive of us all this time and and we're very grateful for the exposure and the you know support you're constantly giving us it's really really really very nice and
Starting point is 00:33:30 yeah um what we're doing tomorrow is we're releasing an album that is it's a live album of some shows that were recorded in toronto i assume we're all basically toronto people here right because this is toronto mike Mike. Everyone but Darren Shanahan. Hi, Darren. Hey, what's up? We recorded a couple of shows that we played just about two years ago this month in 2019. One show at the Horseshoe Tavern and one show at Lee's Palace in Toronto. And then because circumstances are what they are, we haven't really been able to play for very many people since then because of COVID and everything. And so we've just put out this, we're putting out this live record to sort of, I don't know, try to get back in touch with
Starting point is 00:34:17 what it is that we do and how we connect to people or how we used to connect to people. Because what I'm seeing right now is a very modern example of how we actually connect nowadays. And we're all doing our very best with that. So yeah. And remind me which show it was the lowest, it was a Lee's palace and was it a horseshoe and Lee's palace. Those are the two shows. It was a Friday night at the horseshoe and then followed up by a Saturday night at Lee's palace.
Starting point is 00:34:43 We were joined both nights by our friends in the Sky Wallace band, another really good Toronto group. Another great FOTM, Sky Wallace. I don't know. I mean, anybody worth listening to is a friend of Toronto Mike. Michael Lang,
Starting point is 00:35:00 you were at both those low shows, right? That's right. I was at both of them and I'll be at Thursday night's show at Lee's Palace. Thursday night's show at Lee's Palace. Okay. Well, we'll look forward to seeing you there. Yeah, I'll be the guy waving at you. No, he'll be the guy named
Starting point is 00:35:16 Mike in the audience. So he's the guy named Mike. We'll be like, this is for Mike. We're waving back totally. And then half the room just waves. Yeah. We're doing it all again i mean we may be planned we thought we were all going to be done by now um you know oh my gosh i'm sorry i'm distracted okay i'm gonna mute this iphone gentleman only because it's leaking audio okay yeah but there's an adorable cat. So, I mean, what can you do?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, we're going to play, we're actually playing in Buffalo tomorrow night and the night after. And then next week we're coming back and we're going to play Shakespeare, My Butt, our album from 30 years ago because it's the 30th anniversary. We're that old.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And we're going to play that album. And I guess maybe we'll see at least one of you there oh can i ask a question can i can i ask a question oh my god mike richards this is lawrence nichols of low so low lawrence so great to great to see you here tonight i'm just curious so to to cross the border and have a gig and then come back is there a huge inconvenience right now like what do you have to do to make that happen? It's not huge. It's the usual inconvenience. You absolutely have to have your paperwork in order.
Starting point is 00:36:29 We have a valid work visa. And then we have, like, what I'm preparing tonight, our COVID, all of our vaccinations. We are going to the U.S. and coming back within 48 hours. So we aren't required to have a test on the way back. But we also have to have all our gear listed. I think that's Dale Cadeau who's trying to compete with you for the microphone. Does Dale have a question? He's anti-vax.
Starting point is 00:37:01 He's anti-vax. Probably. He's advertising for tinfoil at the moment. We're talking about you, Dale. Dale, can you come in and say hello? Me? Are you talking about me?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Hey, Mike Richards. I think me. You're talking about me. Hey, Mike Richards. I think Dale Cadeau is a big Mike Richards fan. Well, let me just tell you the Dale Cadeau is one of my favorites. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:37 the one thing that is great about radio that kind of gets missed a little bit is the connection that you have with people that, you know, they reach out, they're, they're listeners, but they become much more than that. Dale is certainly much more than that. And it spurs you on and makes you want to get up and do it. And if you're doing morning radio, you like to think that maybe you reach to people, maybe
Starting point is 00:37:54 make their day better somehow and have some sort of connection or communication. In that respect, Dale, I mean, I can't thank you enough for what you do for us, for what we do in the mornings, what you have done for us for years. There's no price on that. I think it's, for me, actually, it's an emotional one. And Dale makes everyone who's in radio, you need Dale Caddo's. There's probably not enough of them. And I think if, once again, if my business did a better job at it, you'd have more Dale Caddo's wanting to be a part of it. So Dale, great to see you, buddy. I appreciate everything that you've done for us. Cheers, Mike. Here's a nice, nice sip of bourbon for you. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:38:35 All right. Thank you, Dale. And I will get back to you, Dale. I just thought I'd address you now since you were, maybe you didn't know you were unmuted and we were hearing lots of you anyways. So I thought I'd, no, it wasn't me talking. I was actually in the house.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I'm multitasking, trying to barbecue some pork tenderloin while I'm watching. Okay. Good man. So Lawrence, remind us, like, how would you like us Lawrence to buy and remind us the name again,
Starting point is 00:39:01 the new live album drops tomorrow, right? Yes, that's right. And I'm very excited to see that Dale's tinfoil actually had a purpose, you know, rather than just be symbolic. It's for his hat. That's a huge relief.
Starting point is 00:39:17 The album's coming out tomorrow. It's called Taverns and Palaces. It's about us. It's about Toronto. It's about the people that come to see us. It's the palace and the horseshoe tavern. See, it is Dale, whether he knows it or not. He thinks the microphone doesn't carry beyond the three feet that he needs to be in.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I don't want to take up all your time. want you to carry on with look at all of these wonderful people here who are friends of yours and I'm just going to hang in and you guys carry on speaking of friends Lawrence you're the best you know I love you guys in fact I close every episode of my podcast with a song from Shakespeare my butt that's how much I love you guys
Starting point is 00:40:00 so thank you for the great music and keep on rocking in the free world well thank you Mike thank you for what you do and thank you for the great music and keep on rocking in the free world. Well, thank you, Mike. Thank you for what you do. And thank you for deepening the narrative of the city of Toronto and finding all those bits. My goodness, an entire episode about the pen flip and everybody here knows what I'm talking about. And that's what makes us Torontonians, right? We know that. So good for you, Mike, and keep it up. Carry on. I'm going to hang out. No, thank you. I need to see. There's an iPhone person who's
Starting point is 00:40:29 eating, and I believe I know who it is. I have to ask this person to unmute. I had to mute them because they were making a lot of noise. Okay. Hello, mystery iPhone user. You talking to me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You know what? Did you know Mike Epple is on the Zoom? I can see Mike Epple. Hey, Peter. Mike. Do you guys know each other? What are you doing on my Zoom? You talking to me?
Starting point is 00:40:58 You're on Zoom. Here's a teaser. We're going to hear a little Peter Gross later in the show, but Peter, don't tell anybody what you say in this piece, and we're going to hear a little Peter gross later in the show, but Peter, don't tell anybody what you, uh, say in this piece that I'm going to play, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:09 shortly. That's a secret. I have no idea. Anyways. Okay, good. Who said Mike? Apple.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Hey, Apple. How you doing, buddy? I'm fine. Thank you. I'm going to let out a little secret that I'm, I've,
Starting point is 00:41:22 I actually moonlight on the side of my job at 680. I'm Peter Gross's delivery guy for his newspapers. Oh, down the stretch. Down the stretch. That's right. Drove into the city on the weekend, actually. We met up. I got all of his papers for the Ajax Downs delivery run.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Oh, I love it. I love how small a world it is. I love that you guys are good buds from 680 and here you are on the FOTM open holiday Zoom here. Awesome. I want to know his thoughts on John Deere. John Deere. Put that back right. How much time do you have?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Well, not that much time because I need to say hello right now to Canada Kev. Is Canada Kev here? How's it going? Right here. And for the record, you did not babysit Dave Steeb. It was Dave Steeb's child. Yes, with my sister.
Starting point is 00:42:17 She gets all the credit. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I've caught a bunch of the latest episodes that have been enjoying, especially the Christmas jams. I've enjoyed them way more than I thought. Well, you're going to be on the next volume.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So if anybody can, we need more submissions though, to get that done, but you'll be on the new, the new volume. Wonderful. It's so easy. And there's so many of them out there. And I will get back to you. You're my list of people I need to talk to after the announcement. David Forma.
Starting point is 00:42:48 David Forma is here. Dave, how are you doing? You're not in Toronto either, right? Whereabouts are you today? I think I beat Dobigan to the call today. I was the first Calgarian on the call today. I beat Dobigan to the call today. Might be into the call today. Richards, I know, is no longer a resident of this fine town.
Starting point is 00:43:09 No, no, Dave, just so you know, I still have a house there. Really? Really? Yes, I do. Discovery Ridge. Wow. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:19 No, no. Real talk. I put my foot in there all the time. I tell you, it was the greatest six and a half years of my life. Uh, bar none. There was nothing better than living in Calgary. I miss it every day.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I mean, that's, that's the God's honest truth. I love the guys at nine 60 back. Hebsie doesn't believe you. He says you're, you chose Toronto because it's the center of the universe. Hebsie wants to know if you're a bullshitting there.
Starting point is 00:43:42 No, I, I, I chose Toronto because of the money, but I, I lost. Hebsey wants to know if you're bullshitting there. No, I chose Trump because of the money, but I work for radio. I lost. Ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:43:51 The best six and a half years of your life? That was high school for me, buddy. Where is he? Oh, there he is down there. He's the host of Hebsey on Sports. Good to see you. Good to see you. You too.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Listen, I got a show to do tomorrow. What about you? Yeah, well, it's all gambling. I mean, you know, it's all gambling talk. It's all we talk about. And that's all I'm looking at right now. And that is the world. But the tsunami of money that's coming in with this wagering world, you want to be on it.
Starting point is 00:44:18 You want to be in it. And I know you certainly know a lot about it. Well, you know who likes gambling? Peter Gross. No. Hebsey, how are things? You've been popping up everywhere talking about the Toronto Star, the Lou Marsh
Starting point is 00:44:33 Award in Hawaii. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Don't say that. We're going to rename that the Terry Fox Award, right? I hope so. In fact, it should be all in one. If the star was smart, if they were smart, they would, instead of saying we're going to rename that the Terry Fox award, right? I hope so. In fact, it should be all in one. If the star was smart, if they were smart,
Starting point is 00:44:48 they would, instead of saying we're denouncing the loom award, they would say, we have a new name for the award for the Canadian sports athlete of the year. And that is the Terry Fox award, right? Nice, quick little turnaround room before you know it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 It's like first time I went to Montreal and I said, where's that place on Dorchester? And they went, Dorchester? It's called Boulevard René Lévesque. Like, nobody calls it Dorchester. From the time they changed the name, people weren't walking around going, you know, they're going to change it back. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:45:17 They ain't changing this one back after 85 years of basically reading their own headlines, their own propaganda of the star. Oh, he was such a lovely guy. Oh, it says here in his biography that he allowed Tom Longboat into his home and other Indigenous persons. What a lovely man. Mark, I get it. Just ask a quick question.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm assuming you're a believer in Damien's we're going to investigate for three or four months and we'll get back to you? No, it's not going to be that. The woman that's leading the investigation has already written a damning article, has already suggested, not suggested, demanded, basically, that they take the name off the trophy. So the committee led by Damien Cox, basically, you know, there's like 35 of them. They basically said, okay, you know, there's like 35 of them. They're going to, you know, they basically said, okay, we're going to
Starting point is 00:46:06 you handle the investigation. And then when you get back to us, let us know what your recommendations are, which are likely not likely for sure going to be take the name off. But yeah, they have to, you know, they have to do their I guess for the first time in their life, they have to do their due diligence.
Starting point is 00:46:21 They haven't been doing it for the last 85 years. Can't we just have a national award given out by somebody else that just precedes that? Yeah, the CP, right? Why does the Toronto Star get that say in any? Because they were the first. They decided to make a big deal out of it
Starting point is 00:46:37 by naming it after their late sports editor. They named it after him like three months after he died. Peter Gross, correct me if I'm wrong, you worked with this individual, right? Lou Marsh? I'm not supposed to say the name, but you worked with him, right? Wrong. Never. Never worked with him.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Did you work with... Good story. What about Bobby Rosenfeld? I wanted to interject here. Yeah, go ahead. Okay. This is a strange year. Who is the Canadian female athlete of the year? You know, like nobody in tennis, nobody in golf.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Leila Fernandez. No? Sure. Wow. Okay, sounds good to me. Every year I complain that Emma Jane Wilson gets no votes. Maybe she shouldn't be the athlete of the year, but she gets no votes. Now, this year, Hepsi knows about this.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Chantel Sutherland is 46 years old. She's not only the most successful female jockey from Canada and the United States, she's the most successful Canadian jockey in the United States. She won 70 races at Gulfstream and was second in the jockey standings. She'll get no votes, even though every time she won a race, she beat men. Whereas whoever wins it is going to be a woman who every time she won, whatever she won, she just beat women. Not that men are necessarily better than women, but Chantel Sutherland is a remarkable athlete and deserves some props.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Has she ever gotten votes like at the end of the year? No. Jockeys never get votes. No. I mean, Sandy Hawley won it when he set the record, when he beat Shoemaker's record with 560 wins in a year, because that was so enormous. But what Emma Jane Wilson and Chantel Sutherland do is extraordinary.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It's brave, it's gutsy, it requires every aspect of athleticism, and it just gets overlooked. So I like to put my two cents worth in. I think Chantel Sutherland deserves some votes because of her spectacular success in one of the toughest racing colonies in the United States, Gulfstream Racetrack. It just goes to show you how insignificant the year-end awards are. And the other thing is, like the Academy Awards and like the Emmys,
Starting point is 00:49:04 it's what happened recently. Nobody remembers what happened back in January of 2021 or February. Something happened in September, October, November, it's fresh in your mind. And there's no way that you could get a thousand people together and you're not going to agree on who is the greatest because it's the most subjective thing. So just because, oh, guess what? It's December, it's Christmas, and it's also year-end awards times. I used to do the year-end Hebsies every year. You come up to me, hey, what about this one that happened there?
Starting point is 00:49:30 I don't remember this, man. How am I supposed to remember the great performance of Leila Fernandez back in, when was it? I don't know, April? June? No, Mark, let me ask you something, because I'm not really familiar with the criteria, because I was surprised to see Vladdy's name there.
Starting point is 00:49:46 So obviously it's not Canadian born? No, he's Canadian born. Vladdy is? Born in Montreal. Born in Montreal? Okay. But that has nothing to do with it because your first winner, Dr. Phil Edwards, was born in Guyana, right? But okay, so I mean, what is the criteria?
Starting point is 00:50:04 And quite frankly, do you think Vladdy is ever going to play For Canada? Ever going to represent Canada in anything? Really? Come on Are we just using him? Can I just insert Something here? I have no problem with Lou Marsh's name going off the award
Starting point is 00:50:19 Whatsoever. And then I love Terry Fox, but shouldn't we find Somebody connected with journalism that we should have as the name? And I would like to hear it. Why? It's not a journalist's award. It's an athlete's award. It's the journalists who are voting on it. That's who's voting on it.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, come on, Bruce. You see who's on that committee? You see who's on that committee now? There's 35 people on that committee. Can you listen to this? Every single minority, every single marginalized group, whatever it is. Can you listen to who I would suggest a moment for the name that should be on it? How about the Alison Gordon Award? If you're talking about a journalist in sports.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Christy Blatchford Award. Yeah, the same thing. Cut through it. That's just my opinion in terms of. That's a good one. It's journalists who are doing it. And Terry Fox has tons of stuff named after him. I drove on his highway this summer.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And, yeah, I'm just saying there should be, I think, a journalistic component to it. But I have no problem with Lou Marsh and all those guys. Oh, hello. Oh, who's that? I have to sign off. I'm joining the Flames game tonight. Flames and Hurricanes.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I don't know. It looks like we lost our host, I think. He might have dropped out. I got something for you before you go to the Flames game. Oh, yeah. Mike Scott. Bruce Boudreaux is now with Jim Rutherford together. They were both on the 80-81 Leafs. One of the first teams I ever covered.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Jimmy Rutherford and Bruce Boud Bujo were teammates. And let me tell you, they could have a good time together, those two. I see great things for them. I mean it in Vancouver. They were partiers. Mark, quick story before I leave. I was just through Toronto. I've been out here with my wife since 2013,
Starting point is 00:52:01 and I'm very good friends with Frank Giannone. I was through Toronto for a couple minutes back from since 2013, and I'm very good friends with Frank Giannone. Oh. I was through Toronto for a couple minutes back from Cabot Links at the end of September, and I had a chance to visit with him, catch up on some old stories. I'm in my 50s, vintage 50s, and we talked about some of your old times and your old days, so that was fun.
Starting point is 00:52:24 That's a nice thing for you to say. I appreciate that. Thanks, Frank. He's a good man. He was a good producer for many years, all the years I was there anyway. Yeah, he's a, he's dynamite. So Mike Boone, I see his Boone is back. Sorry. I have to drop out. Merry Christmas to everyone on the call. I, I was enjoying, I didn't get a chance to regale you with some store stories from the Ontario place forum.
Starting point is 00:52:45 When I was listening to the spoons episode, David, thanks for doing this. And my apologies, my apologies, my router went out because Murphy's law or something like that. Sure. For tomorrow's podcast,
Starting point is 00:53:01 I have that fixed for tomorrow morning. So thanks. Rob from the spoons was here for tomorrow morning. It seems as though Rob from The Spoons was here for a minute. Is he still here? Oh, you see, I was gone myself for a good few minutes there, and I miss Rob, but if he comes back, I'll let him in, that's for sure. Let me check my participants here. Rob would be great to have on here.
Starting point is 00:53:20 What's that? The Pokeroo is just here. You just missed him, buddy. Steve Bacon came back. Is that right? So let's get this because we have a big announcement to make before my router goes out again. Darren Shanahan.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Oh, hey, Mike, sorry to interrupt. It's not recording anymore, is it? Well, it was never recording, but it was live streaming. And it appears that it's still doing so. The Facebook didn't drop. So, however you did it. It's a miracle. It's a miracle.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Okay. So, Shanahan, we loved having that French jam on the FOTM KOTJ. Thanks for doing that, buddy. Hey, people. What's going on? Quebec Irish boy. How are things in Quebec? Things are good, man.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I think I have like four feet of snow in front of my house but i mean that looks good it's a tough winter so everything's good i actually miss all these people we had one crazy night back in back i think back in august in a drinking beer in the park at 11 o'clock at night so that was something i hadn't done in a long time so it's good to see you guys miss being driven around downtown by me who was grumpy was honestly the best driving a couple of drunks back into the city i actually didn't drop us off in front of the hotel so we like we struggled for like 20 minutes like where the fuck are we we were looking for the hotel. It was all good. It was all good.
Starting point is 00:54:47 We made it. And thank you so much for going out of your way. Amazing. The front entrance was on front and I dropped him on Bremner. It was not far. It was honestly a challenge to get back. It was all good. Not close enough.
Starting point is 00:55:03 It was quite a challenge actually. Too many bars between both. That was, that was all good. Not close enough. It was quite a challenge, actually. Too many bars between both. That was the problem. And we were carrying our GLB beers with us. Oh, I have a contest. Okay, so here's what we're going to do. Hang in there because we're going to make the big announcement because we have a big announcement.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And firstly, though, this is key. I should be better organized, but I'm busy rebooting routers over here, but I have $100 to give to one of you from ChefDrop. So the URL, and I will drop this in the Zoom chat here, but slash toronto-mike with a D. I know there's a lot going on there. So even if you're listening, I suppose you can do this.
Starting point is 00:55:45 But there's $100 that's going to go to an FOTM thanks to ChefDrop. And where do you, let me just quickly do this. Cam Gordon, you chime in here. And without revealing anything, maybe just set the stage. I'm going to play a piece of audio that will kind of help make this big announcement. Just do a little crowd work? Sure. Is this like a proper intro?
Starting point is 00:56:07 Well, maybe we won't do anything. Maybe I'll play a piece of audio. I have three pieces of audio. This is exciting. Bruce, aren't you glad you're here, buddy? There's no better time to spend than this right here. I'm so glad you're here. Hey, Mike, do you want to do your
Starting point is 00:56:21 review on Twitter? Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's do that first, and then I'll play the clip. Go ahead. Yeah, this is going to be Shades of Bow. What was it, Mike? TMLX 6, where we did the little Twitter trivia questions sponsored by Twitter Canada. Right, we were on the patio at Great Lakes Beer.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So this is fun. Okay, let's do just three of these categories. Okay, so I ran the data. You may have seen all the nonsense I was tweeting today. It's Canada's year just three of these categories. Okay, so I ran the data. You may have seen all the nonsense I was tweeting today. It's Canada's year on Twitter, blah blah. So I ran the Toronto Mike's
Starting point is 00:56:54 accounts. So these are all the tweets. I pulled all the tweets that Mike has sent this year and I found out which other accounts are most mentioned in Toronto Mike tweets this year. So I broke these down by category. So we'll do three different categories as a quiz. This will just take a minute or so. So who do you think was the most mentioned musician account in tweets by
Starting point is 00:57:18 Toronto Mike Boone in 2021? Does anyone have any guess? Lois of the Low? Lois of the Low is a great guess. They were fifth. That's pretty good. That cut deep, I know. These could be solo artists or bands.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Huxley Workman. Another good guess. Huxley The Hawk was number four. Wow, this is good. I love this. This is like Family Feud, like basically. Can I guess? April Wine. April Wine did not in the top ten.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Somebody's guessing. It's got to be Rush. No, Rush is not in there. The Watchmen. Watchmen, good guess guess they were number 9 shout out to Sammy Cohn I see they have some coming up in Toronto is anyone reading the second liner notes
Starting point is 00:58:15 read the liner notes I'm going to count these down so number 3 on that list Molly Johnson let's be honest it's Robbie J's here Rob where are you I don't see you you're in here Number three on that list. Molly Johnson, let's be honest. It's Robbie J's here. Rob, where are you? I don't see you.
Starting point is 00:58:27 You're in here? Oh, because if you don't have a camera on, I don't see you on my panel here. So I know we're in the middle of something, so we'll finish up with Cam, then we'll say hi to Robbie J, and then we'll play this secret. Yeah, let's do this really quickly. Number three was Sloan.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Okay. That checks out. Number two was Ron Sexsmith. Interesting. First time FOTM. And number one was, I know she made an appearance on a pandemic Fridays, the great Biff Naked. You tweeted a lot about Biff Naked this year.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You know what? That sounds about right. I'll let Monica know that she's on your list. She's my neighbor, you know, Biff. She's wonderful. I know she is. I know. I'll let Snake know that she's on your list. She's my neighbor, you know, Biff. She's wonderful. I know she is. I'll let Snake know, too. Shout out to Snake.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Didn't we do a deep dive on Snow? That was Schools Out. That was a different one. That was a Void Vod. There's a guy in Void Vod named Snake as well. There's lots of snakes out there. Okay. Jake the Snake.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Do you have any more Twitter stuff like that? That was a big one. I loved it. I just want to know. Let me just go through these. The guessing game takes too long. Top three brand accounts. We all know Mike's a big shill for all the brands. Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Number three was Palma Pasta. Number two, and I think this is a brand, Humble and Fred Radio. Is that a brand? Yeah. And number one, not surprisingly, was GLB. No shock.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Shout out to Great Lakes. And then final category here, top three people. Okay. So number three is actually on this call. I think he's still here. Oh, Robbie J. That would be Mark Hepsher. Did he leave? He left
Starting point is 01:00:13 too soon. Number two would be the villain of the FOTM universe, Atstu Stone. He's still with us. I seriously wasn't building up to this, but who would have guessed number one is myself? Because I think between all the pandemic Fridays and our new serialized
Starting point is 01:00:33 PPMN, I've been around a lot this year. And I'm trying to get verified. Other names in the mix here include Brother Bill, 1236, Mike Richards, Dana Levinson Rod Black and then number 10 on this list is none other than Leave Kay Famca So that's kind of fun
Starting point is 01:00:55 Wow, Leave Kay Famca, number 10 Good for you It's a big number around here, don't worry That's right I'll drop all these in the chat window if anyone wants to look at these number one, it's a big number around here. Don't worry. That's right. I'll drop all these in the chat window if anyone wants to look at these. Of course we want to look at these as often as possible. Okay, a couple of quick FOTMs we haven't got to,
Starting point is 01:01:13 and then we have a big announcement, and then we need to see if there's any. I've got to go, Mike. Who's that? Bruce Dobigan is leaving. Okay, Bruce, I'm going to see you next week. We're going to kick out the jams. So there's lots more Bruce coming up.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I'm in Dallas tonight, and I'll tell you all about the fun of getting through the border. Okay, and let me know if you see JFK Jr. I heard he's coming to Dallas. He's circling the airport. All right, see you, buddy. See you next week. Take care, bye. Bye, Bruce.
Starting point is 01:01:39 They call him Bruce. Tom Hicks. Tom, are you going to the Buffalo Low show the lowest low in Buffalo I was hoping to but wasn't planning on making it home unfortunately I need to make it home to take care of my parents
Starting point is 01:01:55 on Monday so I'm just going to miss out on it but I'm hoping to get a copy of that Taverns and Palaces once it comes out tomorrow yeah can't wait. We got Lawrence Nichols on this very Zoom as we speak. Great to hear.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I was waiting for the applause. I thought there'd be some applause there. Okay. Tom, thanks for being here. Quick, who else joined? Oh, yeah, Robbie J. Robbie J., how's it going? You were a name that I learned when Strombo came over and said you were the epitome of the spirit of radio.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Well, I don't know about that. I think that's a little ambitious. All I know is I should have written a bunch of stuff down back in the 90s. Well, I did record that, so it was recorded. Yeah, I know. George tells me that every so often when i run into him and now i see so i had an i had a router issue uh which i disappeared for a bit and when i came back i saw bob willett had left but bob was here and i was gonna get to bob willett who's bingo yeah
Starting point is 01:02:56 he's a neighbor you don't want to run up to his house and knock on the door see if he wants to come back yeah do it because he was here he's just like you know and i went to the uh i went to the argos game with bob willett on sunday i saw that i saw the tweets but how are you holding up how are you doing how's the podcasting world going at chorus we are we're doing well we had um had another i'd say a very successful year um we had one of our shows showed up on the Apple's Favorites of 2021, our 13 Hours in Halifax series, which won the RTNDA for podcasting for the Eastern region. And it won the Edward R. Murrow Award for podcasting for journalism. So, yeah, we've been winning some awards and getting some good records and getting good traction.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Good. Everybody in the company seems happy, and that's always a good thing when you're in the black. It keeps people happy. And FOTM Greg Brady is on the team now. He is. He is. And maybe we'll come up with some fun stuff with Mr. Brady. He and I talk every so often about some ideas and
Starting point is 01:04:05 cool it's the possibilities are endless all right buddy i'm gonna put a pin in you for a moment because i gotta say hello to garnett barnsdale uh who i know because peter gross does the horse racing podcast down the stretch which i don't think has won any awards i gotta see we should be winning awards for that but garnett howet, how are you doing, buddy? I'm good. How are you? I just managed to – I was taking care of a strike today, which is now over.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Because you squashed it. What's that? You squashed it. Well, okay, we'll go with that. I squashed it. Sorry to interrupt. If you live in the region of Peel and you were affected by a garbage strike this week, it's over.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Garnet, you're my hero. Wow. Regular service will resume on Monday. See, FOTMs are everywhere having great influence over the arts, the sanitation. So congratulations, Garnet. That's great to hear.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Thanks. Now I can go back to watching my Buffalo Bills blow their season. Hang in there because we're going to hear the voice of your good friend Peter Gross in a moment. I'm going to just check in quickly before Cam and I go play these clips.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Elvis, you're still with us. I'm honored because you don't give a rat's ass about this whole Toronto Mike thing. Is that correct? I don't, I don't, I like, I love you.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And there's some people here that I, that I know and like name them, but yeah, come on. That's not fair. That's not fair. Anyways, pretty sure it's me he's talking about.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yeah, it's James Edgar. Lawrence and Bruce Dobigan. Mike Apple, of course. Mike Apple, did I tell you? All the celebrities on the show. My neighbor Bojana, who's 85, I think, or 86, when she saw Mike Apple outside of my house that day, she was suddenly,
Starting point is 01:06:06 she was like 16 again. She just lit up. She came to life. I've never seen her so excited. Mike, do you have that effect on people? Like, is this typical?
Starting point is 01:06:16 No, I'm watching. Even as you tell that story, listen, my visit to your place was one of the highlights of my year. So of your life. Oh, perhaps. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:28 It's right up there. Okay. It's right up there. I'm being serious. I really enjoyed my visit to your home studio. We're going to have you back. In Etobicoke South. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Listen, I'm enjoying the premium lager of Great Lakes here. Enjoy. There's the plug hold on what do you want well you gotta go back on the zoom then okay okay we're gonna play some audio okay cam hold on did dart jarvis and mike apple just steal my time is that what no we're gonna get back to you i need to play the audio and then we gotta come back for reaction okay so this is how we're going to get back to you. I need to play the audio and then we got to come back for reaction. Okay. So this is how we're doing this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I'll turn on that mic and you can say that mic. Jarvis wants to give the FOTMs react to audio. Talk into that mic right now and they can hear you. Okay. Go ahead. Like that? Yeah, they can hear that. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:07:19 I won't critique it. Critique it. How many sides does a circle have? How many sides does a circle have? How many sides does a circle have? Does anybody know? And if you put this on, you can hear the answer. Two sides, inside and outside. You got it right.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Oh, Peter Gross came through with that one. Oh my God, I didn't even know he was still here. That's amazing. Okay, speaking of Peter Gross, let's get to the audio. This is very important. Cam Gordon. Okay. Bye Jarvis. I have three pieces. I'm going to start with this. Everybody listen in. We're going to hear from a long lost FOTM soldier. Here we go. Hello, Mike. Hello, Cam. Hello, FOTMs. Mike, your instructions in case of an emergency. Play this message for the FOTMs. This is Stu Stone. I want them to know that I'm safe, that I'm alive, that I'm well, that I miss them, and that I have something for them for the holiday season.
Starting point is 01:08:29 You know, I'm not a selfish person. I'm a selfless person. And I have some, I have something for them, for the FOTMs. And I think I know what, I think I know that Cam and Mike know what I'm talking about. But if they haven't already elaborated, I'll allow them to elaborate on what I'm talking about. Okay, so FOTMs, that was some stew stone. But now I have some Peter Gross, and then we'll hear some more stew stone. Let's listen.
Starting point is 01:09:02 For 76 successive weeks, A Weary Nation was entertained by Pandemic Friday episodes of Toronto Mic'd, a welcome distraction during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Then, on August 27th, in front of an adoring crowd of FOTMs on the patio of Great Lakes Brewery at TMLX8, it came to an abrupt end. It was over. Toronto Mic'd was exhausted and went camping. Cam Gordon retreated to the cozy bosom of MF and PPMM, and Stu Stone fled to Winnipeg to film a movie.
Starting point is 01:09:36 A nation wept. But do you believe in miracles? Pandemic Fridays with Toronto Mike, Cam Gordon Gordon and Stu Stone will return in January 2022. That's right. The band is getting back together with more fun facts and mind blows. Only this time, they'll record on the third Thursday of every month. Live at and they'll have a new name. Pandemic Fridays are now toast., and they'll have a new name. Pandemic Fridays are now toast.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Welcome back, boys. There you have it. That's the big announcement. But before we get the reaction from people on this live Zoom here, I'm going to play a little more Stu. So let's listen to just a little more Stu Stone. In the Toronto Mike universe, 2022 is the year of the Stu. Because Stu Stone, Cam Gordon, and Toronto Mike
Starting point is 01:10:36 are getting back together. Yes, the band is getting back together with a whole new podcast, a whole new series, and a whole new experience that will probably be just like the old experience, but with a fresh coat of paint. So looking forward to invading your eardrums in 2022 when Mike, Cam, and Stu return bigger, better, and badder. Cam Gordon, let's hear from you, my friend, and then we'll return to some of the FOTMs that were around for the Pandemic Friday journey. Cam, what do you have to say at this time?
Starting point is 01:11:20 Yeah, so it's exciting news. I'm excited, again, the band's getting back together i do like if anyone was paying attention um myself mainly myself and mike because like stew was around getting his van stolen and stuff so he's been kind of busy um but we have been dropping little pun intended breadcrumbs about this where we've been throwing Pandemic Fridays as toast, Pandemic Fridays as toast, tweeting photos of toast. So if you followed the money to quote
Starting point is 01:11:51 WhoBunk or whoever used to say that, if you knew where to look, you'd see clues to this. But I can't wait. I mean, we had so much fun and now with this new variant, maybe no time like the present to get back together and let's fire this back up so for those who've been following along we said goodbye to pandemic
Starting point is 01:12:11 fridays on august 27th and i really was exhausted i was tired of pandemic fridays even though i loved them and i was tired of the name pandemic fridays that p word was pissing me off and we basically i felt it had to die so you can say i killed it fine fine i killed it was a mercy killing i killed it after 76 weeks and then it was for the best stew went off to winnipeg and really did make a movie i don't know if that van got stolen or not we'll find out in the first episode of toast but uh you know cam we all went off and did our own things what what are we in now december this all happened in aug happened in August. I went out to BC, hung out with Brother Bill, did some soul searching
Starting point is 01:12:47 with MF. Had a great time. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's meant to be or whatever. Let's not bury the lead, Cam, that the third Thursday of every single month starting in January, we're going to
Starting point is 01:13:03 be doing Toast. It's going to be doing Toast. And it's going to be live at It's going to be recorded as a podcast. It's going to look an awful lot like Pandemic Fridays. It's got a new name and it's going to be third Thursday of every Friday. I mean, sorry, third Thursday of every month. I now look to the panel on the Zoom.
Starting point is 01:13:22 If anyone has any questions, this is like a press conference, put up your hand or just blurt it out. Any questions? I'm just excited when I heard the year of stew because I've been on Weight Watchers for two months counting points and calories. So if it's a year of stew, I'm going to be much happier. Love it. Okay, Lieve Fumke, what do you have to say? Are these coming back? Are these being invited?
Starting point is 01:13:49 You are banned as a judge, and you know that. I was going to say, this show needs an independent panel to come up with some rules and guidelines rather than having them appear in the middle of the show. Well, Canada, have you got that gazebo ready? We might be using it. Oh, yeah. I would totally record there. Next year.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Ready for it. Anytime. Hey, a new FOTM just popped in. I want to say hello to the woman who gave me the I Read the Liner Notes T-shirt. And that's how I will always introduce her. It's Andy Pandy on the Zoom. Hi, guys. Hello. Hello,
Starting point is 01:14:26 Andy. Uh, and I correctly guessed in a private DM, I correctly guessed that she had a, um, who, what was the poster again? Who's the guy from growing pains?
Starting point is 01:14:35 I should know that. Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron. Right. Sorry. I apologize. Uh, you had a Kirk Cameron poster on your wall.
Starting point is 01:14:42 My brand is strong. I see. Yes, that is true. And you kicked out the worst of the FOTM KOTJ songs. That New Kids on the Block jam was horrific. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I can't help it. I love what I love. What can I say? I'm not going to change who I am. That heavy-handed one was a close second. Oh, there were a few. Yeah, the heavier the word. I think, is Midtown Gord here?
Starting point is 01:15:08 No, he kicked out one that was a bit tough. Andy, are you excited that Pandemic Fridays are coming back in January, except they're going to be known as Toast? I can't wait. It's so exciting. It's awesome. And what about you, YYZ Gord? Are you excited about the return?
Starting point is 01:15:26 I'm all excited. What time is it starting and what time are you telling Stuart it's starting? Great questions. You've got great questions there. Cam and I will decide. Go ahead. Mike, you're going to mention the paywall, right? A big fat paywall.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Speaking of paywall, though, at some point, I do want to say thank you to not only ChefDrop, and there's $100, and I'll tweet this link so we can all go and win the $100 at, but Palma Pasta. Anthony was supposed to zoom in and tell us about the great lasagna and et cetera at Palma Pasta, and he's not here yet, but you go to and support them, and that is awesome. Who else is a big PF fan? Okay, Stephanie Wilkinson. Let's go back to you for a moment.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Are you excited about the return of Stu Stone to the FOTM universe? He's been gone a long time. Of course I am. I love Pandemic Friday. I love Stu. I always do. I always think you win. Is Liz Brio on the Zoom call?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Elvis, are you aware? Elvis, you weren't at TMLX 8, right? Sorry, what? Pardon me? You were not at TMLX 8. I don't know what that is, so I'm going to say no. Come on. Liz Brio. I don't know what that is, so I'm going to say no. Come on. Liz Brio. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I was at, what was it, like the first four out of six or something? Okay, well, we had one in August and Liz Brio took the mic to shit all over Stu Stone. It was quite something. Who's Stu Stone? Oh, God. Solid answer. Boot him off. he would appreciate that come on if he was here he'd chirp back and we would have fun we wanted him here by the way that was right cam we uh mikey you've touched on
Starting point is 01:17:17 it i feel like on the 1236 episode someday that photo like you and i are gonna like pull a damien cox and slip up and that photo of uh of that photo of Liz and Stu just staring each other down in whatever that park is going to leak. There's some gnarly stuff in Stu's Google image already. That's going to go right to the top. It can be evidence at some point. Exactly. Where's Lorne Honigman?
Starting point is 01:17:42 I feel like he could help us out. Michael Lang, great FOTM, batting a thousand at the TMLX events. I'm looking forward to the Peter Jackson documentary on this whole episode when it comes out in 30 years. I'm looking forward to hearing what I missed when I disappeared. Like, what did I miss on my own podcast?
Starting point is 01:17:58 Shit talk. Lots of shit talk. Oh my! It was the best part of the whole fucking thing, actually. It was like a legitimate discussion about current events. It was the best part of the whole fucking thing, actually. It was like a legitimate discussion about current events. It was great. I'm sorry I missed it. Not intentional. Langer, what do you think of the
Starting point is 01:18:13 big news here? I'm looking forward to it. What does toast stand for? The idea of toast, and I have an image I'll tweet right after this, but toast, what do you put on toast you put jam on toast so there's an i maybe i overthought this oh my god this is way too much thought for it this is this is like it's toast with jams uh it's right uh can we like this yeah there's like four yeah that was one
Starting point is 01:18:42 like it's sort of toasting to music. Remember in reggae, when rap was just evolving, right? What you should do is find an acronym that toast can fit into, and then that will be an easier way to explain it. Andy Pandy's job is to come up with the
Starting point is 01:19:00 acronym, I think. Mike Epple. And then track down street band and use that as your theme song. Well, that's done. That's a done deal. I've done that for sure Mike Epple. And then, and then, street band and use that as a street band. Well, that's done. That's a done deal. That's part of it. I've done that for sure. Epple, will there be any discussion on 680 or City News regarding the new sub-series of Toronto
Starting point is 01:19:15 Mike Toad? Is it under the Rogers podcasting brand? I don't think it is. I don't know. I don't think it's part of the frequency network. Well, make me an offer. It's part of the frequency network. Make me an offer. Make me an offer. I'll have the Curious Cast people get back to you in a couple of years.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'll DM Richard Southern. He's always good. He's responsive to my DMs. I got to say, Apple is a great FOTM too because when Toronto Miracle needs some amplification, people like Apple and Southern are there,
Starting point is 01:19:49 and it's a great cause. So thank you so much for all that. Happy to help. Happy to help. Listen, Mike. I mean, it's too bad you don't know anybody connected to a big broadcasting podcast network that you can get a hold of
Starting point is 01:20:00 to maybe talk to some people about it. Are you volunteering? No. You got a jet, buddy? We're winding down. Yeah, my 330 alarm is ringing. So I do have to, unfortunately, get up
Starting point is 01:20:16 stupid early tomorrow. Listen, thank you for everything. I just wanted to say, all of these podcasts, I mean, the past year and a half, I became a podcast believer. I think the pandemic had a hell of a lot to do with that because I put your material on and others and walk for my, my dog has got the longest walks they've ever had to the sound of,
Starting point is 01:20:38 of your voice and, uh, and, uh, all of the people you've had on over the past year. I'm really looking forward to 2022 when a whole bunch of NDAs expire. Yeah. Well, they're lining up. They're lining up. They're just a touch base with a couple today. Love the behind-the-scenes stuff going on, obviously.
Starting point is 01:20:58 The exit interviews will be plenty. The exit interviews, yes. In some cases, unfortunate, but always entertaining. Thank you, Mike Epple. You're a good man. Listen, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everybody. Oh yeah, I forgot to show this. Again, I showed this, of course,
Starting point is 01:21:15 when I was at your place. Oh, I love it. The Toronto Mike swag. We've got to get Elvis one of those. He says hello, too. Cheers to Mike Epple. He's ready to hit the bed See you buddy Say hi to James Monroe for me Do that
Starting point is 01:21:32 We text often, we're on opposite shifts Yeah I know An old classmate of mine Alright Alright Moose Grumpy See you buddy Moose Grumpy What's your reaction
Starting point is 01:21:46 to the big news at this hour? Please. Thrilled. Thrilled that you guys are back. I'm glad because I personally feel we're heading into another difficult winter, but I'm a little salty about Stu. You know,
Starting point is 01:22:03 after August, he left us on the wayside. We weren't worthy anymore, so he needs to earn my love back, I think. But you'll give him a chance in January. I will give him a chance. The third Thursday of January, which I believe is my son's 20th birthday, January 20. We're going to give Stu a chance. What a way to celebrate with Stu Stone in your basement. I have a question for one of the other FO2Ms here,
Starting point is 01:22:31 and there's a couple others that I know I talk about this with too. Robbie, predictions for Sunday? Oh, F1. You know what? I don't even want to get into that. All I know is I'm having a real, real hard time coming to terms with the fact that this is Kimi Räikkönen's last race in Formula 1. Have you seen the car? Have you seen the picture of the car?
Starting point is 01:22:52 I have seen the car. One of my personal Formula 1 memories that sticks with me is the 2005 Canadian Grand Prix. I was on the track right in front of the podium when he won the race. He snuck under and ran down. So for me, it's like I – Well, I get it. It's another end of an era. It's all young guns almost.
Starting point is 01:23:16 When whoever wins this title, it doesn't really matter to me who wins. I think next year is going to be harder for Lewis because he's going to have a more competitive teammate with Russell. Valtteri's a good driver, but I think George is going to be – because George has got Mercedes behind him, right? He doesn't – I mean, Valtteri always had to worry about the next year. George is like, I'm the future. So. Alright.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Love it. Sorry, Mike. I know, honestly, what's your prediction? I'm really struggling with it. I'm a big Lewis fan, but I think I'm ready for a change. I hope for stop and wins.
Starting point is 01:24:03 You know, the thing is, he would be leading if he didn't get punted out In the first corner in the UK Right? I just don't want any more Crap with the stewards this weekend And have something funky happen Where he wins based on The three laps in Spa
Starting point is 01:24:20 I'm hoping for three red flags That'll make it exciting I can't do another four hour. That'll make it exciting. I can't do another four-hour race. I'll tell you a story about that race. I was driving up north. My drive up north is six hours to get from my place up to our cottage.
Starting point is 01:24:38 It's five and a half, six hours. I was streaming the race on my phone, and I just had it on. I left here. I got all the way up to pretty much the north side of Perry Sound before they called the end of the race. Oh, my God. That's how far I went just listening to this through my car on the whole way up.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Shout out to Eric Thomas and Raceline. Okay. This is actually, see this? This is a new giveaway for guests of Toronto. Mike courtesy of Ridley funeral home. It is a safety light thing. So I've got this, you can wear it.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Don't go towards the light. Don't go towards the light. And a tape, a tape measure courtesy of Ridley. I got a lot of new swag in 2022. So awesome. Mike, Mike,
Starting point is 01:25:23 I'm looking at the 2021 Canadian podcast listener study, their early release. I'll get some more in-depth numbers next week. But here's a stat you might find interesting. From 2019 to 2021, it's gone from 26% to 32% of monthly podcast listeners who spend more than five hours a week listening to podcasts. And I think the majority of them are probably Toronto Mike listeners.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah, that's one episode, okay? That's one episode. I was going to say that's one 1236 episode. Before I play a special jam and then Cam and I say goodbye to everybody. We're so excited about Toast coming in January 2022. If you just want to say anything, you can just put up your hand. If anyone has
Starting point is 01:26:05 any final words here as we say goodbye to another year, it's been a great year with all of you. Anybody have any words? I would like to say something. Is it about F1? No, this is just in general. You're a champion of the medium,
Starting point is 01:26:21 an early adopter of the medium, and I am very positive of the medium, an early adopter of the medium, and I am very positive of the continual growth of the medium all across the board no matter what company you work for, independent, small, big, whatever. It doesn't matter. I think it's fantastic that people are participating in it, people are listening to it, people are enjoying it, and people are discovering it. And I thank everybody who listens regardless of what you listen to that's my well said i wish you all a great holiday season happy holidays to you thank you so much and rob or brian go ahead uh whose
Starting point is 01:26:55 voice was that mike you're you're one of the great interviewers of our time and i'm not just blowing smoke up your ass because i like you and that's like you. I've listened to hundreds of the podcasts now, and just keep up the good work. You have a very unique style that makes your guests talk freely about things that maybe not every interviewer could get people to talk about, and that's one of the things I pick up when I listen. I agree with that. I was actually interested listening to uh hodge podcast the other day
Starting point is 01:27:26 and when hodge was talking about for him always wanting to do things live because that's when he feels he's the best and how he can respond to that and i think that goes the same with mike because i found listening to the pen flip episode that mike has a very different presence when he is doing a Mikeumentary and his speaking style and that versus a live just live or live to tape, whatever interview with somebody it's, but it's much more real and in the moment. Sure.
Starting point is 01:27:57 No, thank you, Canada, Kev, and thank you, Garnet. And thank you, Robbie J.
Starting point is 01:28:01 I feel like this is just switched on me to, uh, this is your life, Toronto, Mike, some praise anyone else want to praise me before we make our final comments? Not all at once You know, it's the holiday season so
Starting point is 01:28:14 I just want to thank God that it is them and not me, as Bono reminded us in the greatest Christmas song of all time, that you know hey, as a good Christian, it's all about, you know, remembering Bono reminded us in the greatest Christmas song of all time that, you know, Hey,
Starting point is 01:28:26 as a good Christian, it's all about, you know, remembering that, you know, God is looking out for me and not all the poor people out there. So thank you Bono for reminding us of that in that wonderful song that everyone put together.
Starting point is 01:28:39 So Merry fucking Christmas, everyone. I hope everyone has a shitty holiday season. And Elvis will return. And James everyone has a shitty holiday season. And Elvis will return. And James Edgar has a great sentiment there, but Elvis will return on Festivus, right, buddy? You know it, as always. It's the best part of the holidays.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Cam Gordon? You still with us? I'm not really a holiday person, so I'm going to go back to Toast for a second but I think you myself and Stu should make a pledge to commit to doing every single
Starting point is 01:29:13 episode of Toast in person whether we're double mask triple mask, hazmat suits whatever it takes outside 10 feet apart, whatever it is I just think our episodes are so much better when we're there in the flesh.
Starting point is 01:29:29 I mean, it's, you know, regardless of the time of year, we're starting in January, but let's do that as well. It's always a pleasure to hang out with you guys. So let's commit to making that a reality with this new brand we're launching, or relaunching, as it were.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Love it! with this new brand we're launching or relaunching as it were love it I got some coming out of our shells brewing in the background here I consider that the unofficial toast theme song I haven't told you and Stu that yet totally works honestly it's all about you
Starting point is 01:30:04 all about the listeners all about the FOTF. I've met some great people through this program and I just love it when we all get together, be it in person, which is ideal, or even virtually. I'm looking at the list of people still with us seven hours later. Rush Mike is still here.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Brian is still here. Lawrence Nichols, who had all that paperwork to do. Are you multitasking, buddy? You're still here. Amazing to see you. I'll get it done. It'll be a late night, but I'll get it done. There's 17 people in the green room still waiting to get online here.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Darren Shanahan, Rob Del Mundo. There's a great new FOTM. Garnet Barnsdale, of course, who had those nice words. YYZ Gord. You got Langer. You got Steph Wilkinson. James Edgar. Amazing. Levi Femke. Juan, by the
Starting point is 01:30:52 way, the unsung hero, I think, is Juan because we don't really call him an FOTM, but I think he truly is an FOTM. I feel like... This guy can bike like a motherfucker, by the way. Why not? I think of him as Levi Femke plus one. I've been
Starting point is 01:31:08 in his pants, Elvis. I've been in his pants. But before we do the final goodbye to a certain lowest of the low song, I just want to say a gentleman named Alan has been on the call the whole time, but because the camera's not on invisible to me, essentially. But Alan alan did you
Starting point is 01:31:25 want to chime in and just say hello before we play some rosy and gray or is alan are you there alan it's actually stew stone alan d okay well you know alan it's okay if you're uh shy I just thought I'd give you one last chance. Andy, thanks for being here. When Cam and I do another deep dive into the Degrassi universe, we promise you'll be on that episode. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:31:55 That's a promise. I still need to go see the Kithood Bench. I live close to the Centennial. I need to go over there at some point. Mike, if I can just say something when you were talking about people who got to know as FOTMs. Yeah. I just want to say from what I can see on my grid right now that on both sides of my window, I have probably what I would consider two of my best friends right now.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Two ladies that have helped me get through the pandemic, and there's one missing that we were talking about today but I just wanted to shout out and say Merry Christmas to Miriam and Steph because they help every day. And Miriam is Lieve Fumke for those who don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Apparently Lieve Fumke is not her real name. But let's spend a moment here at least and just shout out our fallen comrade as they say because you're right. There was four of you and now there's three of you and
Starting point is 01:32:53 I think it's like nine months. In a couple of days it'll be nine months since Sheila passed away and it's still difficult for me to process that she's not going to pop on these Zooms and she's not going to be at the next TMLX. Like she was just always there and now she's gone and it's just very, just very sad. We all miss Sheila.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Yeah. I don't even have words to say. I've been thinking about her husband lately, what the next few weeks will be like and it's been uh it's a tough year so much love to sheila uh thanks for everyone for being here thanks for everyone who's ever submitted like an fotm kotj i want to do another volume so canada kev can get in there so it's important we get some more. And maybe get David... How about this, Shanahan? How about you get David Drolet
Starting point is 01:33:48 to send in an FOTM KOTJ? I will, for sure. That's your homework. And I can't wait to see you all at the next TMLX, TMLX 9, whenever the hell we get that done. But much love to everybody. Can't wait to bring back Toast toast and maybe stew will show up for
Starting point is 01:34:07 that one what do you think cam uh 70 likely we'll see if he gets his van back he can drive there bullshit and that that brings us to the end of our 963rd show you can follow me on twitter I'm at Toronto Mike our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer Chef Drop they're at Get Chef Drop Moneris is at Moneris
Starting point is 01:34:41 McKay CEO Forums are at McKay CEO Forums. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. And Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. See you all next week. We're doing this again? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Yes. Yes. You the fuck? Yes. You better fucking be there, too. You better fucking be there. I listened to a fucking episode tonight, so you can stop that hate mail coming in. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:35:17 You heard more of it than Mike did. Peace and love, everybody. Peace and love.

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