Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - St. Paddy's Day Jams: Toronto Mike'd #816

Episode Date: March 12, 2021

This 52nd Pandemic Friday, Mike kicks out St. Paddy's Day jams with Cam Gordon and Stu Stone. FOTMs join the Zoom to commemorate one full year of Pandemic Fridays....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's time now for pandemic fridays starring toronto mike stew stone and cam gordon What up, Mike? Toronto! I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm from Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm a Toronto Mike, you wanna get the city love So my city love me back, but my city love Welcome to episode 816 of Toronto Miked, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times and brewing amazing beer.
Starting point is 00:00:59 CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb, she's Barb, at Palma Pasta, enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville., create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Ridley Funeral Home, pillars of the community since 1921. And Mike Majewski, or as I call him, Mimico Mike. He's the real estate agent who's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Learn more at I'm Mike from and joining me for this 52nd Pandemic Friday is Stu Stone. Yes, hello. One year later, still here. This is a curse, a blessing and a curse, a blessing because I've met so many brand new friends thanks to this pandemic and the Toronto Mike experience. But a curse because, holy, I mean, how many weeks is this thing going to go? Are we going to be celebrating 110 weeks? And Cam Gordon. I echo everything Stu just said.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Well, this is fun. It's like, holy fuck, I can't believe we're still doing this. Like a year later. Going to season two, though, but it's definitely been a highlight of being in a global health crisis. We do a podcast every day, so it's a real silver lining. Season finale. And, you know, with the success of season one,
Starting point is 00:02:42 already a spinoff behind my back. And, you know, with the success of season one, already a spinoff behind my back. You know, I guess Beyonce sort of went and did her own solo thing. Kim, listen, you guys do your thing. Listen, tears are not enough, but there was not enough stew and the tears are not enough. That's the feedback that I saw. Did you guys see Baby Yoda in the Zoom here? Okay, so I need to tell the listeners who are listening as a podcast that we invited all FOTMs to join us on this Zoom.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And I see many people took us up on the offer, and we're going to say hello to everybody in due time. But somebody on the Zoom is Baby Yoda. Yeah, who is that? That's Cambrio. Okay. No, it's not. It's Canada Cap. It's Canada Cap. Right It's Canada Kev.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Right. Canada Kev. KKK. And may I ask, who was the person who sang along to the theme song when it said Toronto? Whose voice did I hear? That was me.
Starting point is 00:03:39 No, it definitely wasn't you. But it was a woman's voice. Whose was it? Do you know, Stu, who said Toronto? It may have been my mom. She's a big fan of the theme song because my mom is here she is in uh she's she will be here my mom is going to be a surprise okay oh there she is my mom's here yes okay and your mom your mom's name is trudy trudy yes trudy stone in the building trudy what a pleasure to meet you. Hello. Nice to meet you guys. Finally, maybe one day in person. Absolutely. I mean, we know you from such hits as a Jack of all trades,
Starting point is 00:04:12 et cetera. You're practically a movie star yourself. Baking a murder. She's in baking a murder as well. So this is a big deal. I'm actually nervous now that you're here. This is very exciting. So thanks for joining us. And we'll say, I will say that like all of those great shows that the, uh the people here uh you know the edison twins my mom drove me to that set uh my pet monster my mom drove me to those recording sessions all of those stories that i have she probably has a different perspective so maybe mike you should just do an episode with just her down the road you know what uh maybe we'll do a two and a half hour deep dive uh at
Starting point is 00:04:43 some point judy maybe cam maybe Cam won't be on that episode. Yeah, maybe you guys can talk via DM and set that up. Well, let's address the elephant in the room. And I say that hopefully no one on the Zoom thinks I'm talking to them and calling them an elephant. So, Stu, did you listen to the Tears Are Not Enough deep dive? I did, and I've heard better content waiting to go to the dentist office. Stu, it's a
Starting point is 00:05:10 fint. I mean, David Foster, I mean, we've talked about him at length. I know we have tape of you saying what a fan of David Foster. Oh, I love David Foster. I love the song. What's the problem? I mean, I thought you were very disrespectful to Anne Murray. Yes, you were. Actually, Cam, you were. I love the song. What's the problem? I mean, I thought you were very disrespectful to Anne Murray. Yes, you were.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Actually, Cam, you were. I got some notes. I got some flack and Bruce Coburn as well. Bruce Cockburn. You're a real piece of work, Cam. That's all I got to say. It's the real talk. I mean, that's what
Starting point is 00:05:40 Toronto Mike's all about. That's why all the FOTMs are here. Yes, that's true. 52 weeks all about. That's why all the FOTMs are here. Yes, that's true. 52 weeks of Pandemic Friday. Here we are. Absolutely. And we had some big reveals on that show, too. We even got the Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And updated by two different people, including a link to your podcast, Mike. I don't know if you've seen that. And that actually wasn't me. The other update may have been me. I would like to submit that Wayne and Schuster should have been on. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. That'd be good. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And then also, whoever played the little kid in the Wayne and Schuster show. Yes, that guy. He would have been great. He would have been perfect here. Now, not only is this our 52nd Pandemic Friday, and we have some great FOTMs on the zoom that we're going to speak to. Uh, I see already the,
Starting point is 00:06:27 the notes coming in again, people are very upset at the treatment of Anne Marie by one cam Gordon and that, uh, deep dive into tears are not enough, but we'll get to that later. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:35 it is also, this is our St. Patty's day episodes. Uh, St. Patrick's day. We'll, we'll come and go before our next pandemic Friday,
Starting point is 00:06:42 the 53rd pandemic Friday. So I invited a true Irishman. Now, there's multiple on the Zoom because I see Quebec Irish boys on the Zoom. But Gare Joyce, F-O-T-M, Gare Joyce, is a true Irishman. Gare, how are you doing, buddy? All good. Great to be here. I can't remember anymore, but you had irish story you were going to tell us
Starting point is 00:07:05 off the top am i right before we get in here i've got i got a couple i have to i have to establish my bona fides here so my father uh was from galway and i came here after the war um and i don't know if you can imagine but the dam forth used to to be all Irish and English back in the day. It was like a fish and chip neighborhood. And so growing up, my parents put young Irish guys coming over. They put them up in our basement until they found a job, until they found a place to live. So I could never have the basement bedroom apartment that I always wanted. Anyways, I remember two guys that I used to love. They were Irish twins who were born on Christmas Day, Noel and Ewell Bradley.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And they both fell for the same girl. And, you know, they're thinking like, how can we go about this? And anyways, they said we could flip a coin, do alternate days. And then the one Bradley twin said, I'll take the bottom half. You take the top half, which is a terrible case of misogyny, or if you're Al Strack in socialism. So, yeah. So which Irish story? Wait, that wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:08:40 That wasn't the story? That wasn't the story. What was the resolution? That was like the preamble. I'm sorry to fill the last five minutes here. No. So which story do you want, Mike? The shortest and best one.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Okay. Do you want me to do the boxing one or not? Oh my goodness. If you can do it, I can't have this story exceed 90 seconds. So tell a snappy little Irish story to kick us off here for St. Paddy's Day. I thought, see, I wrote down a quick note. I wrote down, may the cat eat you and may the devil eat the cat. Because I've been told that's an Irish greeting. I don't know if real Irishmen use that greeting.
Starting point is 00:09:30 If I were a true Irishman, my grandmother, bless her heart, she's long gone. But she would probably be proud of me for saying that sentence right there. No, that's all Lucky Charms stuff, right? That's bogey. Which are magically delicious delicious may i point out no and like the guy in the irish spring commercial has never been to ireland probably had an irish coffee but that's the extent of it um so i guess the one that i can tell quickly um i had a super crush on this girl marion uh whose father was father and mother were Irish friends
Starting point is 00:10:07 of my, my parents. And like when she, when we were 12, she said, Beatles are stones. And I thought a girl will like the Beatles. So I said, Beatles. And she goes, nope, Stones. And I was out of her life. And picking the Stones, she's a bad girl. Well, this is known to many, but the Irish are super racist of that generation. Super racist. Her father was the super in an apartment that had a Holocaust survivors. Right. And he used to have the door wide open and he'd be playing Nazi marching music. Jesus. Like he was a virulent racist. He's a driver. Wow. And and he he used to say that he was he was smuggling. And he used to say that he was smuggling,
Starting point is 00:11:07 like I was driving the bus smuggling Gentiles up Bathurst. Like virulent, virulent racist. That's awful, man. So, you know, the thing is. What is happening right now? Like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So anyways, I didn't hear about Marion until the early 80s. And she was arrested in Dominica or Dominica. 90 seconds is almost up.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I'm coming. A little island in the Caribbean. And there was a plot by KKK members to overthrow the island of Dominica. Right. And David Duke was involved in it. Her boyfriend was the head of the Canadian KKK. And yes. And so anyways, she ended up as the only one that did time.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And I'm thinking like, I'm glad I said the Beatles because I could have just gone down a terrible road if I'd fallen under her spell. The Beatles saved your life. That's it. Yeah, real quick. I got a phone call today from Perry Lefkoe who was very excited about a tweet I sent about Bob McCowan.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And I actually shared your story about bob mccowan where he said that uh he doesn't call himself bobcat or something like that oh yeah and then when his wife gave you his email address it was bobcat at like yes yes that's right which is one of my favorite so gary we'll get back to you uh mike does does anybody else have any stories about racism we can share for St. Patrick's Day? Yeah, if I may. I'm anti-racism. I just want to throw that out there. Make sure everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:12:50 To be clear. To be clear. I do want to just say hi to Quebec Irish boy for a moment. Is he racist? Quebec Irish boy, who's a Shanahan. And Shanahan's like the most Irish name I know. There you go. Are you there, buddy?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Darren, you there buddy Darren you there no he's smiling I see he's smiling I'm sorry guys I was on mute and I was having some internet connection sorry I was sort of out for about 10 seconds happy St. Patrick's day buddy thanks buddy I'm looking forward to the show I hope you guys I hope Cam and Stu are ready
Starting point is 00:13:24 for to blow us away or else I'm going to have to go trash them on Twitter with my 67 followers. And I see you wore some green. I like that you're in the spirit. I'm disappointed no one else is wearing the green today including myself. I see that Gare Joyce does have his
Starting point is 00:13:41 Toronto St. Patrick's. Is that what that is? I see you've got the Great Lakes there, Mike. So I think if everybody has a drink, they can strap themselves in. Buckle up, kids. And we'll say hi to everybody in short time. But I'm just going to crack open my burst IPA from Great Lakes. There you go. We just saw a flash of Cambrio's camera.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I feel like there was a photo of... Does he know? Is that an accident? I thought I saw Hebsey for a fleeting second. You never know who's going to pop in here. But hello to everybody. There's the man.
Starting point is 00:14:13 He took his mask off. I'm doing this for Juan and that's it. For you. This is a big moment. Cam Brio has never shown his face. Yeah, there he is. I'm so proud of him. Why don't someone do a screen cap? Quick.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Wait till he finds out it wasn't... I want to say cheers to everybody and to the old super of the building that Gary used to live in, L'Chaim. Cheers, everybody. Happy St. Patrick's Day. I hope everybody's hanging in there and doing okay. We're 52 weeks into this shitstorm. 52 weeks, Pandemic Friday.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Stu, when you suggested this Pandemic Friday on, I believe the day we did it was March 20th, 2020. Did you think we'd be doing 52 weeks in a row? You know, you never know when you have a hit on your hands in this entertainment business, Mike. And, you know, I have lots of great ideas. And some of them hit, some of them don't. This happens to be one of the biggest hits that I've ever come up with. Bigger than the magic school bus. I'll tell you what, though.
Starting point is 00:15:14 The good thing about this, and not to put any light on a very dark subject, which is this pandemic, but I will say that all these FOTMs that are in here are still here with us. And we've all been safe us and we've all been safe and we've all been careful and we've been doing it right. So applaud the FOTMs for taking it seriously and making it so that we are all here to enjoy the 52nd edition and get wasted on this pandemic Friday. Well said, but we need to say hi to Lieve Fumka because she's got to go to another Zoom meeting. She has to leave. So leave. Say hi to everybody. Say hi to everybody before you go.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Hi. And Juan as well, of course. Okay. That's okay because leave is on lots of Pandemic Friday episodes. So she can go. If anyone else has to leave, use the chat utility and just say, I got to go in five minutes
Starting point is 00:16:01 and then I'll make sure we say hi to you before you go because I don't want to miss anybody. Midtown Gord just sent me a note to say he had to go. So Midtown Gord was here. Now he's gone. Cam, how the hell are you doing, buddy? I hope you're still riding that high because I think that our deep dive
Starting point is 00:16:16 into the Tears Are Not Enough song was epic. Like, I think that was amazing. Yeah, absolutely. I'm very proud of what we learned. And I don't know, even i i did mostly the editing i i think it's kind of exciting that some content that we dug up for the toronto mic podcast went on to update the wikipedia page that now the tens of tens of people who look up that song every year will now have uh complete info. There was a lot of legit mind blows there. Everything from Richard
Starting point is 00:16:48 Manuel was there. The dude. That other jingle writer, the guy who wrote for Althea Zappacosta's Biggest Hit just passed away. I saw that. Yeah, Mark Weisblatt tipped us off to that earlier. Wild.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, that was a fun episode. Yeah, Stu, sorry. Sorry you had to be this way. Stu, are you straight up, are you actually wishing you were on that episode? Because of course you could have been on that episode. Yeah, you knew it was happening. I mean, listen, it's not really good for my brand.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Very great. Now I'm going to just say hello to two more people randomly and then we're going to actually get to the jams we're kicking out the same paddies I would have liked to have been on the Alan Cross episode did you hear me ask the question which question
Starting point is 00:17:38 are you referring to do you know Stu Stone I didn't hear that I asked him straight out if he had ever heard of Stu Stone. And he did. And he hadn't. Right. I don't want to spoil it for you.
Starting point is 00:17:52 OK, I'll have to listen. I know that Cambrio was giving them shit for giving you shit for mispronouncing my company name. So I'm assuming that's where that took place. What did I call you? Five, seven films. OK. Five, seven films. What did I call it?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Five, five foot seven films. Five, seven films. What did I call it? Five foot seven productions. I feel like that's close enough for Alan anyway. So randomly. It's not like Cam was sort of a Costco Kirkland Alan Cross on your Monday episode. It was not quite Alan Cross. Actually, Mike, you know what the mind blow for me from that episode was when he he played that drop about something about wild water kingdom and saying they had edge 102 day and a poolside concert with the satellites yeah and i'm like maybe the next uh toronto mike listener experience
Starting point is 00:18:39 maybe a poolside gimmick with uh poolside concert would actually be kind of cool i don't know if the satellites are the band I would choose, but Yeah, they're still doing their thing. Fergus, the guy's name is Fergus. I forget his last name, actually. They were always kicking around, but yeah, I thought that was kind of cool. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So randomly,
Starting point is 00:18:58 I hope he's able to say hello. Chris Drew. Hello. So Chris, tell us who the heck are you and how you discovered the show and happy 52nd Pandemic Friday to you. Well, long time listener, first time Zoom
Starting point is 00:19:13 conversation and verbal conversation because Mike and I have chatted over many years and I've never actually made it to an in-person Friends of Toronto Mike festival, but I hope after the pandemic I can. TMLX is what we call those, okay? TMLX. TMLX, sorry. It's COVID, so my hair is going and my brain is going.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And yeah, just really a supporter of what Mike is doing. Huge fan of the podcast and the blogging. And I'm also a fellow cyclist. fan of the podcast and the blogging and uh i'm also a fellow cyclist um so i'm a huge supporter of all mike's uh cycling advocacy in the east end sorry west end of toronto in new toronto mimico long branch uh area so i like all three names so it's hard it's always hard to pick a neighborhood name do you live in this neck of the woods i don't i live in the saint lawrence neighborhood but for a few summers my aunt lived in Branch. So I have many memories of taking the 501 to the far end of to Long Branch and cycle often in the neighborhood. Well, if you ever decide to relocate, Mike knows a guy that's ripping up the real estate scene in
Starting point is 00:20:17 Mimico. Yeah, no doubt. Mimico Mike. In fact, when I say hello to Tyler in a moment, we'll do a little Mimico Mike shout out. But yeah, he's the man for you if you're looking to relocate to Mimico. Absolutely. And I really enjoy drinking one of the sponsors, Great Lakes Breweries offerings. And I always try to pick it up when I'm at the LCBO. So I try to support the sponsors of Toronto Mike as well. Oh, bless your heart. Happy St. Patrick's day to you. Awesome. It's nice to finally see you. Here's a name. Here's a name. I know the last name and I know of him because we've been chatting lately, but I want to say hello to David Forma.
Starting point is 00:20:56 David, how are you doing, buddy? Good. Can you hear me, Mike? Yeah. Remind me you're in Alberta, right? I am in Cowtown, Calgary. Yes. The place where some people in Calgary don't believe the pandemic exists. Calgary is the Texas of Canada. For some of us, not all of us. Well, we have Kevin in Alberta. Kevin, remind me what city you're in right now. Mike, hello? Yeah. What city are you in, buddy? Can you hear me right now. Mike, hello? Yeah, what city are you in, buddy?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Can you hear me? Yeah. I'm in Cold Lake. Cold Lake, Alberta, which is 300 kilometers or so northeast of Edmonton. That seems far away. Right on the Saskatchewan border.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Okay. That's far. So David can't just jump on his bike and say hello to you. That wouldn't be a far hike at all. No, not really. But fun fact, we're from Texas. Right, that's right.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You're from Texas there. Now, David. You can take the boy out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the boy. David, tell the people how we kind of know of each other. Like, what's our connection? I'll try to make it brief and short, but I did the journey west from Toronto and from Etobicoke and from Michael Power.
Starting point is 00:22:16 So Mike and I know each other, didn't really know each other during those high school days from many moons ago, but my brother and Mike knew each other during those high school days from many moons ago but uh my brother and and mike knew each other loosely and um my parents still live in etobicoke up near humbertown plaza 62 years still in the family homestead there wow my parents are both in their 80s i'm actually personal friends with counselor grimes who resides in your neck of the woods right down the road. Mark Grimes, right? Grimy. Yeah, he's a old family friend of mine. I still talk to him and his
Starting point is 00:22:52 brothers on a regular basis. And I'm not much of a social media guy, but I am a voracious consumer of podcasts. And when I stumbled across the show and made the connection as to who you were i mean i can't get enough of the show wow yes gas and the stuff that you do uh but the content and just your interviewing style everything that you do on the show is outstanding wow so i love to mention uh Pandemic Friday you like as well. I wish I was in town to partake in the TMLX's
Starting point is 00:23:33 live events but I'm obviously way out here and with Pandemic I can't get back. Quick question before I let you go. That was amazing by the way. I should have recorded that. That sounded great. If I have to fire one of these two guys, Stu or Cam, quick question before I let you go. That was amazing, by the way. I should have recorded that. That sounded great. If I have to fire one of these two guys, Stu or Cam, which one should I fire?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Oh, let's see. You know what I did notice? I actually, it's so funny. I'm friends with Rob Falls. I'm actually personal friends with Rob Falls. with Rob Falls. I'm actually personal friends with Rob Falls. And I noticed one of them has their handle up there calling themselves Rob Falls.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I sent a note to Rob saying, hey, are you on the Toronto White's new day? Oh, geez. Busted. Well, he is an FOTM. Busted, Stu. Busted. I think it was Cam.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, Stu, come on. Get your act together. No, it says Fire Stu Stone. I see you updated. But yeah, I was fooled for a moment too, Stu. Busted. I think it was Cam. Come on. Get your act together. No, it says fire Sue Stone. I see you updated. But yeah, I was fooled for a moment too, David. I saw Rob fold. I would say if we learned anything from Garrett Joyce's eloquent opening, what we should do in all these sorts of situations is flip a coin.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I say that question you were supposed to say, like it's like Sophie's choice. Like you could never choose. You need both. So I'm glad to have Cam Gordon and Stu Stone as my co-pilots for all 52 Pandemic Fridays. Obviously, Stu wasn't there for all 52, but neither was Cam,
Starting point is 00:24:55 and we miss them when they're gone. So you guys have been awesome for the last year. Shout out to brother Bill as well. Yeah, and Sammy Cohen. And of course, Sammy Cohen, who's still giving drum lessonsmy cohen who's uh still giving drum lessons but just not on the show sammy got the zoom link so we'll see if he pops in that shout out to tim where's tim you know what i just texted with him i don't know maybe he's busy but
Starting point is 00:25:15 uh i spent a lot of time with tim earlier today on a different matter so i think maybe he's maybe he's sick of me maybe he's sick of me one more then's sick of me. One more, then we're going to kick out the first jam from Cam Gordon. Mark. Me. Mark, I haven't seen you in a while. You were at a TMLX at Great Lakes Brewery. I went to the very first one. That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Okay. I am an East End person, so it's a little bit inconvenient to get to. I was really excited for the Sticker U one because I work nearby. I know. I know. but there is a new location of Great Lakes opening. That's true. That one's very close to me. He definitely wins best hair for this week's show.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Look at that. That's beautiful. My hair is driving me nuts. I think it's great. It's the first time I've had long hair in 20 years. It's a little change. It's good to see you, man. always love the interactions with you on Twitter etc and thanks for listening David's got his
Starting point is 00:26:13 he's growing out his he's growing out his deal as well David's brother's name was Paul and I just remember him being a bit of a dink like I told this I've already told this to David but Paul Forma I just remember him being a bit of a dink. I've already told this to David, but Paul Forma, I just remember, and Michael Power, because he was in my class.
Starting point is 00:26:30 He was in my class, and I remember, yeah, a bit of a dink. I'm glad to... Everyone knows how family gets. It's complicated. He's my brother. I love him. I won't throw him under the bus, but it's complicated.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I just threw him under the bus for you. Don't worry. But hopefully, Gare Joyce's landlord is not driving the bus. All right. I had a good Irish story. I had a good Irish story. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:26:56 It involved Joe Bowen, Temple Bar, on a quasi-honey honeymoon with my wife and drinking prior to a Notre Dame Navy football game in Dublin whoa it's a lot of ingredients yeah that's good and and it was my first journey to Ireland right just prior to getting married and I did a 10 uh sort of a 10 day jaunt around the country in a car and I just happened to be wandering through Temple Bar before going to a Notre Dame college football game which was one of the reasons why I was over there and I stumble around the corner and there's Joe Bowen half in the bag holy mackinaw it was crazy and two days later i'm up in um uh in belfast and i'm visiting a local golf course in the morning and a big tour bus pulls in and my wife was a reporter and covered the leafs for a while a a while back. Wow. And Ron Wilson, right after he got fired,
Starting point is 00:28:08 walked right out of the back of the bus on a golf trip with 20 guys. Sees my wife and almost had a heart attack and goes, this can't be real. You're not really here, are you? Says to my wife. And I thought he was going to die. The look on his face, he turned green. Wild.
Starting point is 00:28:27 That's a wild story. Green is the appropriate color, of course. Exactly. St. Paddy's Day. And remember, just so everyone knows, when you tell those stories about, you know, Bowen being hammered and all that, just remember, there is a reporter in the room. Because Gare Joyce is still here. And he's one of the finest sports writers this country has ever produced. and he's one of the finest sports writers this country has ever produced.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Listen, when you said Joe Bowen, I just made the leap two in the bag, okay? Oh, yeah. If Garen had to write stories about Bowen getting hammered, he'd have too many stories. That's a lot of ink. We don't have that much ink. Stephanie Wilkinson, before I play out, I'm going to kick out this first jam by Cam Gordon right in a moment, but Stephanie Wilkinson, we I play out, I'm going to kick out this first jam by Cam Gordon right in a moment, but Stephanie Wilkinson,
Starting point is 00:29:06 we missed you on the Christmas episode or whatever we called that thing, but you're here today. Hello. I am. Yes, hello. I'm just getting ready to leave. Oh, good. I'm glad I called on you. If everybody should know that whenever I play an old Blue
Starting point is 00:29:21 Jays song from the Variety Village compilation CDs, it's because at some point many moons ago, you sent me these CDs and I ripped them to MP3 and I've been sharing them ever since. So you are forever in my heart, Stephanie Wilkinson. That's when you come in and say, thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. And everything's okay with you? You hanging in there yep yep wilkinson is that uh is that irish uh actually it is but
Starting point is 00:29:53 it's you know it's a married name so right it's not me well uh everybody's irish uh proxy irish right right right so nice to see you, Stephanie Wilkinson. I guess her husband won the coin toss. I don't even get it. I'm trying to figure out the joke. Hold on. Well, because there was like those two Irish brothers. They flipped a coin to see who gets the girl. So I guess he won and now he's married to her.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Do you get it? Well, not married, but, you know, at one point we were. Awkward. Oh, jeez. Oh, were Awkward That's another episode This seems like on the DL material Yeah, that's on the DL for sure Yeah, okay Amazing Now Cam, do you want to say anything
Starting point is 00:30:37 Before I kick out your first jam? Yeah, I actually have a trivia question For the room before we get started Does anyone know what the first ever jam played on Pandemic Fridays was? And no peeking at the psychotic spreadsheet. This is maintained, though I do peek at it from time to time. Was it Wendell Clark or no? That was the best jam kicked out on Pandemic Fridays.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Whatever it was, it was definitely Cam's song because he goes first, right? I'm going to say it was not Enya. What was the name of the... Enigma. Yeah, I feel like that was the last song of the first episode. So that's a good guess.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Isn't it Mbop by Hanson? Fashion television. It was not Mbop. Definitely not. Anyone have a guess? Well, guys, if we want to get to the bottom of this, think of a song that none of us have heard of. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:31:35 That's terrible. Fun facts that are not fun. That would probably be what Cam's opening was. What was the first song no it was uh standing outside a phone booth with whatever in my hand change of my hand by the primitive radio god yeah great jam i've been down harder baby yeah what a bummer ever since the day you left totally totally i'm like the tone for the whole series. Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:09 While he speaks to his jam, Tyler, go to your spreadsheet and confirm this. It's confirmed. I know it. I know that's true. He did his homework. Okay, so Cam, you ready to hear? And by the way, this is not a typical Pandemic Friday, so I'm going to play a very short bit of the song and bring it right down because there's so many people we need to meet and we don't want this to be longer than a Wise Blood blot episode come on yeah absolutely yeah let's just get right into it let it rip i i feel like this song is a good place to start on uh saint patrick's day jams As I was going over the far, thick, hairy mountains
Starting point is 00:32:47 I met with Captain Farrell and his money he was counting I first produced me pistol and I then produced me rager Saying stand and deliver for you are a bold deceiver Musha ring-a-do-da-da Whack-a-fall-a-da-dee-oh Whack-a-fall-a-da-dee-oh Great start, Cam. Okay, so Whiskey in the Jar, a classic Irish tune covered by many, many bands. This version is from the Dubliners.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Now, does anyone know where the Dubliners are from? Dublin? London. London, England. No, they're from Dublin. Big surprise. Yeah, I mean, this song, I feel like probably more people know it from other versions of it because this has been covered by everybody from Thin Lizzy
Starting point is 00:33:46 to the Grateful Dead in concert. Metallica did a version of this in the late I was going to say the late 80s late 90s that actually was a top five modern rock hit. Didn't they win a Grammy for it? Yeah, I think it was like Best Hard Rock or Best Hard Rock Alternative.
Starting point is 00:34:03 U2 Grateful Dead Pul pulp have covered this in concert can't his own stomping tom connors has covered this in that's who i thought that was when you started playing it i could see that and most recently on the last brian adams studio album wow uh 19 sorry i got all my dates mixed up 2019 shine a light where half the songs are still written by jim balance who we talked a lot about that episode that we didn't invite stew to oh i remember and of course uh stomp and tom was uh snubbed by bruce allen uh putting together yeah well i mean he i sort of understood because i think again we as we talked about uh I think he was like in his retirement phase um he wasn't quite back in the fold after he uh left the Canadian music industry
Starting point is 00:34:50 for issues with can-con rules and things of this nature um the roots of this song actually go back to the 1700s so I feel like when we think of the old songs with the oldest roots that we've had on pandemic Fridays I don't know if there's anything older than the 1700s. There might be. What about the Friendly Giant theme song? That's from the 1600s. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah. I kind of thought there was like something. Yeah. Anyway, I'm not going to like belabor this too much because I feel like this is like a really... Well, I'm actually going to... If it's okay with everybody, I'm going to go right into my jam, and then we're going to meet a couple more FOTMs because my jam might be related to this jam. So let's... Before you do that...
Starting point is 00:35:34 Stop the music. Stop the rock and roll. Go ahead. I just want to make sure Cambrio is keeping score here. So that's a zero in the cam column so far. Yeah. Go to the... Whisking in the jar sucks.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, you got it. Awful. Awful choice. Stu, go to the cam column so far. Yeah. Go to the jar. It sucks. You got it. Awful, awful choice. Stu, go to the one FOSS of the room. Of course that, that makes sense. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:51 That's, that's not a biased at all here, but let me kick out my first jam. As I was going over The Corcoran mountains I saw a captain's bow And his money he was counting I first produced my pistol Then produced my rapier
Starting point is 00:36:31 I said, stand and deliver Oh, or the devil, he may take ya All right, we know what's coming here. So I almost kicked out Hero of the Day, but instead I decided to go with Metallica's cover of Whiskey in the Jar. So you got all your fun facts from Cam, and it just seemed to be a coincidence that we both picked the same song. I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Thumbs up or thumbs down? Do people like the Metallica version of this song? I mean, it's unmistakably Metallica. From the opening bar, you know it's Metallica. There's a version by Thin Lizzy, I think. Mike already mentioned it. It's really good. Their live version is amazing, too.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Right. Is that the Boys Are Back in Town? Is that Thin Lizzy? Or do I have... They did a bunch of other stuff that wasn't hits, but they're a great song. I know that version too. That version's really good.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I agree. It's an awesome version. That Metallica version, they might as well have just been doing a cover of like the ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle
Starting point is 00:37:35 Little Star. Oh. That's Canada... Okay. That's crap. No, that's no good. Twinkle Twinkle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 So Canada Kev, that was you because I wanted to say so James had the first opinioninkle. Yeah. So Canada Kev, that was you in the, because I wanted to say, so James had the first opinion, then Canada Kev. Canada Kev, but what do you think of the Metallica cover of Turn the Page? I think that suits their style much more than trying to do a traditional Irish cover. Well, they also kind of made that one their own in a little bit. I thought that Turn the Page was not bad. Yeah. like kind of made that one like their own in a little bit like i thought that turning the page was not bad yeah i mean it's like it's the constant debate with any you know kind of cover
Starting point is 00:38:13 cover situation right like you know some people like like it to be done exactly like the original other you know put your own flavor onto it i think you got to do right i remember the video for their um cover of whiskey in the jar head if it's what i'm thinking of was kind of like a house party motif that was just quite, in my opinion, quite lame. I think like big bands, Cam, if I'm not mistaken here, a lot of like legacy bands start their career with a really great cover or they like wind down their career with a really great cover. Oh, interesting. Okay. That could be a future topic. I could see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Not bad. I mean, another cover like that one where the band didn't do anything with it on their own would be something like this Vines cover by, was it Warrant or something? Tesla. Tesla. That was brutal. It was just like a redo. Yeah. Brutal stock too.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Jeez. Yeah. Actually, that could have been US bands covering Canadian songs Because the original was by a five-man electrical band. They're a Canadian band, yeah. Top five Ottawa bands. CanCon and Psychedelic Sunday for a couple decades. Yeah, staple. Who does a good Andy Frost on this Zoom?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Anybody want to give one? Give it a go? I think Al does. Let's hear your Andy Frost. Oh, he can't perform when the spotlight's on there. Greg Berube. Goal scored by number 93, Doug Gilmore. By the way, Mike, speaking of Andy Frost and the whole crew,
Starting point is 00:39:38 any clues to what's up tomorrow with the yelling Harold Ballard? Okay. Here, let's do this now then. So Canada Kev, I'll get back to you. Good to hear from you. Nice to see you, of course. Tyler Campbell, are you on the Zoom call? Hello, sir.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I like it that you call me sir. I wish you'd do that more often. I dig it. It was, you know, yeah. Where's the beard? You had a beard last time I saw you, which wasn't that long ago, and now it's gone. Yeah, I just felt like I hadn't seen my face in about eight years and wanted to see what it looked like.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Wow. And now I've seen it, and the beard's coming back. Any regrets? Many regrets. So a couple of things I want to address with you, VP of Sales. Yeah. Did you make your quota this month? That's my first question. No, I'm a little
Starting point is 00:40:25 short, so I'm going to have to take it out of my salary. Do you want to give any... Second place instead of steak knives. That's right. Third place is you're fired. Do you want to give any hints as to what's dropping tomorrow on the Toronto Mic'd feed? Yeah, I can talk about that
Starting point is 00:40:41 a little bit. As we all know, there are hundreds and hundreds of hours of interviews on a wide range of topics in the Toronto Mic archives. And so I have started a new project where I'm putting together little mini documentaries, little sort of oral histories on various topics. documentaries, little sort of oral histories on various topics. And the first one which drops tomorrow is, uh, Harold Ballard stories that, uh, have been told by many FOTMs over the year. Wow. That's really cool. Yeah. It's going to be a fun one.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Uh, that's awesome, man. Uh, I can't wait to hear it. But yeah, Harold Ballard. So that's dropping tomorrow on the Toronto mic feed. So if you're, I don't know if you're somehow listening to this and you're not subscribed, what the hell is wrong with you? Subscribe, damn it. Including, of course, the seminal Jeff Merrick, I buried Harold Ballard story. That's been the big guess.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I've been teasing it on Twitter and everybody, they're guessing that, you know, it's a Merrick return. But it is, well, in a way it is, but it's not a return. Anyway, so Harold Ballard drops in the feed tomorrow. And is there anything you can share with us about the gentleman I've been calling Mimico Mike for the last six weeks? Yeah, he's a, he's a real firecracker in the Mimico market.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He's, he's tearing it up as you tearing it up. Yeah. He's got lots of personality. I've asked him if he wouldn't mind recording a little something just to introduce himself to the FOTM. So hopefully that'll be... Well, you can always get Sheila to do the read.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah, we may resort to that. We'll see. Silky, smooth vocals. Mimico Mike, he's always closing that guy. He's always busy closing. Always closing. That guy gets the Cadillac. So what's the website?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Do you know it offhand? I can go to my notes here. I believe it's Oh, gets the Cadillac. So what's the website? Do you know it offhand? I can go to my notes here. I believe it's Oh, I like that. Okay. So yeah, if anyone's looking to buy and or sell in Mimico. And is this confidential information, Tyler, for me to tell people that you live in Mimico in a transaction? Well, it's not confidential anymore.
Starting point is 00:42:40 That involves Mimico Mike. Is that correct? Yeah, I'm in the area. I didn't give your address Mimico is a big area it's much bigger than New Toronto yeah so excited to be there and yeah Mike is a good man
Starting point is 00:42:58 so hit him up and also Mimico Mike is a good man as well yes that's what I meant but you're a good man too love you buddy glad to see you here I do know for a fact And also Mimico Mike's a good man as well. Yes, that's what I meant. But you're a good man too. Love you, buddy. Glad to see you here. I do know for a fact, Gear Joyce has to leave us soon because he's got things.
Starting point is 00:43:11 So I just want to say to Gear, Gear, I think maybe last time we talked, you were telling us how you almost died. So for the record, can you tell us how close are you to requiring Ridley Funeral Home? I'm, well, I'm 64. So like I can buy on installments, I think. There's a song about being 64.
Starting point is 00:43:38 But how are you feeling? The FOTMs care about you and they just want to know how are you doing health-wise? No, I'm killing it. I've started running again. I'm hurting, but I'm running and riding bike and keep them fit. And yeah, it's all, it's all good. I'm haunted by the story you told about swimming naked in high school and all the older teachers coming to watch or whatever. Do you remember? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I'm haunted by that story. Like, I got to tell everybody, if you haven't heard... Sounds like he has a lot of wild stories. Gear Joyce. Now, I will say this about Gear Joyce, who I love dearly, but his stories are fantastic. But cancel your appointments for the rest of the afternoon because Gear is not a fast storyteller.
Starting point is 00:44:20 He's a man. Listen, the guy is a legend for using words. We would expect nothing less. So, you know, if you have several hours uh honestly i love the gear joy stories absolutely does you want to get fixed up with my mom did your mom leave the zoom were we boring uh she i don't know where she went but she'll i'll try to get her back i know i know she's a big gear gal okay if she comes back we'll talk to her again. I was going to say, if you have any footage of you swimming naked, maybe
Starting point is 00:44:48 over to Trudy. Check it out. I actually have two stories about swimming naked. One of them used to be on Finland. Atta boy. Hopefully there's not a third story with my mom. Don't swim behind someone doing breaststroke.
Starting point is 00:45:04 My advice. My producer is telling me to ask to move on. Mike, can you confirm if Bojana has got her shot yet? No, I don't think anyone in Toronto who's not in a long term care facility.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Gare could get that AstraZeneca right now. If was going to say, Garrett could get that AstraZeneca right now. Yeah. If you ride to Alberta, we'll vaccinate you here. 50 to 62 in the AstraZeneca category. We got one for you out here. Or head down to Cloverdale Mall,
Starting point is 00:45:36 like the part of the pilot project. I've got an appointment. My mother-in-law got the shot today. Wow. Yeah, it was really good to see. It was amazing. You get a text with a picture of her getting a needle in her arm and like gives you the best feeling because you know love it with an 80 year old who needs it like yeah that's great yeah this is exciting in 10 more episodes we will qualify for a shot i feel so you're still in L.A.? I am. I think you could get yourself a shot. Hey, Stu, I saw a friend of yours got vaccinated the other day on Twitter, Paul Wall.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Oh, Paul Wall, yeah. Yeah, like you tweeted out a photo of... Yeah, you did. A little video, a little video as well. Yeah, is it my turn now, or...? I'm just going to say hello to Moose Grumpy, and then we're going gonna have you kick out your first jam so i want to leave moose grumpy because moose grumpy is such a tremendous fotm she gave me a t-shirt the last time we uh all got together not in the park no at the park right i've met her before so tmlx6 was in a park marie curtis park and that's when
Starting point is 00:46:43 you gave me the t-shirt, right? That's right. I remember these things. So Moose, how's it going? Good. And at the time, you had no idea who that shirt was advertising. Right. And it turned out that was a Brittle Star shirt, but I had no idea. Yeah. I actually thought you chose it because I say peace and love all the time. And I thought, oh, it's Toronto Mike, peace, love, Canada. I I actually did but I saw it on the Brittle Star website I gotta start selling some merch I'm missing out on all this uh all this action yeah yeah I thought we uh had talked
Starting point is 00:47:18 about a Toronto Mike uh shirt we need to we need to re uh revisit it so the next big TMLX event we're selling T-shirts. Well, Mikey, considering you've ripped off Fiercely Independent already and you're just giving it to pals, you might as well merchandise that to monetize it a bit. Or get a sponsor to put their logo on the back and something on the front and give them away for free. See, this is why I like Stu Stone and the TMDS family
Starting point is 00:47:44 because he's got these good ideas. Very good. So Moose Grumpy, anything else you want to share with us? It's really, really nice to see your face and 52 weeks into this thing. I hope you're healthy and hanging in there. Yep, doing okay. Thanks for checking in. Nice to have you guys look
Starting point is 00:48:00 forward to every Thursday night. I do have a question for Stu. Are you ever coming back to Canada or are you permanently American now? I'm going to be coming back to Canada. Don't you worry. I will be there very soon. And hopefully the next time we're doing a celebratory episode like this, it's not on Zoom so that we can see just how grumpy you are in person. Thank you. You'll return when Strombo returns returns there you go i'm holding out don't hold don't hold your breath on that one or or maybe i'll go for a nude swim with gare he'd love that he'd love that or he's running again you could go for a nude run
Starting point is 00:48:35 stew set up your first jam brother yeah i just want to like preface a few things before that i thought that tyler who's not in here he was talking about his beard and i thought he looked good um and uh while we're talking about his beard, and I thought he looked good. While we're talking about people with great beards, I wanted to ask Cam how MF is. Things are good? That was really good. Thank you. That's why I'm here.
Starting point is 00:48:59 That's not bad. You saved your best for episode 52. Good setup. You walked right into it. Nailed it this time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. No. And I don't, listen, I got to be honest with you. I am, let's just say I grew up probably someone that Gare's buddy's landlord wouldn't have liked.
Starting point is 00:49:22 And I didn't, i wasn't really a big saint patrick's day guy growing up more of a passover guy right so uh in sort of researching for this episode i had to do some research because like i really it's not part of my makeup to even celebrate saint patrick's day every year like i just didn't start doing that until i was became an adult and realized this was a drinking holiday that everybody can embrace. But I did pick some songs that are going to get me a victory this week. And I know that I can adapt to any topic, Mike. And this is proof.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Even ska? Yes. Whatever you throw at me. Okay, because we're going to find out next week. Okay, Camarillo, keep score on this one. Yeah, let's open strong. Let's open strong. Let's open strong. Who wins the podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I got it. I got it. And that's starting for your Toronto Maple Leafs. I'm a sailor pig and I lost my leg climbing up the top sails I lost my leg alright talk to us Stu great start buddy
Starting point is 00:51:04 that is the dropkick Murphys. I'm shipping up to Boston. And, you know, I thought of this song immediately. I first discovered this song when I watched that movie, The Departed, which this song is definitely featured in, and I think probably gained a lot of notoriety for being in that movie. But, yeah, I mean, listen, you hear this song, it sounds like it's in a
Starting point is 00:51:27 beer commercial or some Canada beer something. You know, it's like it really pumps you up. And I think like these Irish sort of St. Patrick's Day songs should be like these, you know, that first version of that cam plate. It sounds like there's just a bunch of guys drinking, fine singing along. And
Starting point is 00:51:43 it's either that or it's either songs to get you drinking or songs to pump you up after you've had too many to drink. And I think this falls into a little bit of column A and column B. Yeah, it makes me want to drink. Yeah. This is the band's most successful song. Double Platinum went to number one on a bubbling under 100 chart. So I guess that would mean it's like number 101 on the chart,
Starting point is 00:52:07 the bubbling under 100. Yeah. You know what? You want to hear something really wild about this song? Yes, please. It went to bubbling under hot 100 number one in America. In Ireland, it went to number 54. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah. So I guess it was more popular in America than Ireland? The song was based off of a poem. Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean? Bubbling under the 100 in America but 54 in Ireland? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:52:34 No, no. I guess it sounds like it was a popular song. It was their biggest hit in America and it was number 54 in Ireland. I don't know. Maybe it was more popular in Ireland. I got to do the math on that.
Starting point is 00:52:46 It's a Boston band. Did you mention that? Good Boston band. Yes. And bringing up Boston, I have a question. It could be ignorant, but maybe you could help me answer this.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And most questions I ask are not ignorant. This is perhaps an ignorant one. But, you know, Boston, the basketball team is the Boston Celtics, right? Celtics. And I hear Celtic pride. But then, like, I see, like, songs like this are based on one but you know boston the basketball team is the boston celtics right celtics and i hear celtic pride but then like i see like songs like this are based on uh old poems from a is it celtic is there a way when do you pronounce it celtic and celtic why does it change it's the same word
Starting point is 00:53:18 gary are you still there to tell us the answer he turned off his camera but i see his name up there i think celtics is only in boston yeah i think celtic is more an old-fashioned pronunciation where celtic is more more contemporary and more contemporary i mean like in the last few hundred years especially football culture you know who's got to know quebec irish boy must know the answer what do you say, Quebec Irish boy? I'm not mistaken. Celtic is really like a North American way of saying it. And I think Celtic is really the Gaelic way of saying it.
Starting point is 00:53:52 But I'm not sure. It's like Detroit. Like, is the music category that they're in called Celtic punk or Celtic punk? Celtic. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's Celtic. Yeah. Afro Celtic. I agree. Celtic. It is Celtic. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's Celtic. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Celtic. It is Celtic. David's confirmed. You know what? This is a similar debate. Remember there was the country music station kiss, but it was like C I S S. And it would look like sis.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I think it's like, you know, it's a mugs Celtic and Celtic. There's not been a, there's not been a sort of a discussed pronunciation since Jodakai. What about Borsh Salmin? Borea Salmin. David Drolet, turn on your mic and say hello to us all.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Hi, guys. How are you doing tonight? What's going on, man? I'm enjoying my GLB, so no Guinnessness for me tonight so how did you get that because you're not in ontario smuggled it in yeah hi we have friends living in ottawa so they delivered in quebec city so i have 24 and okay a pack of 24 so i'm only allowed two per pandemic Friday night. I love this guy. And you're buddies with Quebec Irish boy, right? Yeah, he's my best friend.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Oh, beautiful. Oh, my God. It's like me and Kim. Yeah. Man, we're ice cream buddies. Frenemies. It's like Ernie and Bert. I love it. Want to know something special? This Darren is a former Guinness rep.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Oh, that's hilarious. Wow. And now he only drinks Great Lakes now. He's been... I only drink Great Lakes. If I could have had you, I would be drinking Shinny Pants right now, but I couldn't get any in this market.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Shout out to Mike Lackey, who's on the cover of the Shinny Pants beer. Yeah, you guys have been fantastic FOTMsMs and I'm just excited that we've reached beyond Ontario's borders. Like who are these Quebecers? You might have to change your name to Canada Mike. There's Canada Kev. I feel like I'd be stepping on his toes there with the Canada Mike, but honestly, David, you've been amazing. And, uh, you too, uh, Darren,
Starting point is 00:56:02 AKA, uh, Quebec Irish boy say I'm learning the real names and the handles. But yeah, do you have a favorite Pandemic Friday moment? We've done 52 weeks of this, whatever this is called. Do you have a moment? I know some people still reference, for me, for example,
Starting point is 00:56:20 they'll still reference Hero of the Day by Metallica. That was absolutely awful what a disgrace what I really like is the fact that Cam came with something really special and Stu is the funny guy so at the end of the day we need both of them
Starting point is 00:56:36 also that's the perfect mix so what you're saying is Stu's the funny but Cam is the brains of the operation yeah he's the knowledgeable guy I'm the is Stu's the funny, but Cam is the brains of the operation. Yeah, he's the knowledgeable guy. I'm the funny, Cam's the money. They're a good team. So when I get Brother Bill and Cam,
Starting point is 00:56:52 I've got two brains, and I realize that, oh, I'm getting full of this info, but I'm not getting a lot of funny. Well, there's not enough time for jokes when we're going deep on the circle jerks and the middle class and bat brains. Special announcement. I wish I had my breaking news music.
Starting point is 00:57:09 This is a big announcement. Next Pandemic Friday, our 53rd Pandemic Friday. Are you guys ready? Is everybody sitting down? Yes, you are. Good. It's going to be our usual cast. It's going to be Stu Stone, Cam Gordon, and myself.
Starting point is 00:57:25 And we're adding Brother Bill. All four of us are going to be kicking out the jams next pandemic Friday. Oh, yeah. We knew that. I didn't know that. That is breaking news. You know what, Cam? We chatted about it, but Stu wasn't in that.
Starting point is 00:57:38 This is the second time you guys have done this. I thought you were telling him. I just did. First of all, this is not working for me. Okay, Mike, first off, you've already acknowledged publicly. My lawyer, Cambrio, is in here. And you've already acknowledged Pandemic Friday. That's a stew stone thing.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I think you guys have gone behind my back. You guys have gone behind my back and done this little spinoff where you disrespected Anne Murray. That was rude of Cam. I got heat for that. She looks in thunder. Now you're going behind my back and making big announcements that you and Cam only know about. Big reveal. I forgot to give you a heads up, Stu.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I apologize. You're so busy. How many famous people did you interview in the past week? It doesn't matter, Mike. The Iron Sheik. I always have time for anything that involves Barb Paluskiewicz. Any Barb Paluskiewicz project. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Shout out to Barb Paluskiewicz from CDN Technologies. She's got a great book. If you want a free copy of IT Scams by Barb Paluskiewicz, writer, she's barb at Do that. Andrew Ward. Andrew, are you muted? Speak to us because I see that you're asking Stu
Starting point is 00:58:50 a good question. Ask him verbally. Kayfabe, bro. Kayfabe, bro. Right on. Keep it real. Yes. I think Pandemic Fridays is basically an IT scam.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Think of it. Andrew, for those who aren't wrestling fanatics, please tell us what exactly does kayfabe mean? So years ago in wrestling, we had a velvet curtain that went up between the fans and the wrestlers. And for years, it led to the greatest matches because everybody would either love to hate or
Starting point is 00:59:26 love to love. And it wasn't until there were public sightings of Hulk Hogan and the iron cheek during their famous feud, um, uh, consuming let's just say narcotics and the limousine that may or may not have been reserved by one Jack Tunney, if the Tunney means anything to folks in Toronto. And event. WWF president.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah. Even I know that. People started to look differently during the evolution of the attitude era in WW, then F, now WWE entertainment. Love it. Was that a succinct explanation as to what kayfabe is? No, no, no. He did great there.
Starting point is 01:00:10 There's a limousine with Iron Sheik, Hulk Hogan, Jack Tenney, and a bag of bloat. That's the story. Only in Toronto, though. You'd only find that in Toronto. I believe one week after, Pink Floyd did the... It was at the Momentary Rapsody of Reason tour
Starting point is 01:00:26 or something else. It was either circa 86 or 87. And it was, well, Garrett's here. It was huge in the Toronto Sun. They wrote about it for days. Wow. We've actually talked about that concert before because it was that show.
Starting point is 01:00:38 So the kid died, didn't he? Yeah. That's the one. Was it 89? Yeah. Which later inspired Degrassi Jr. High, Shane jumping off the bridge, which is sort of based on... I thought it was like a kid did...
Starting point is 01:00:49 The story I remember hearing as a kid was some kid did acid and then ran into the water. Like LSD or something. And wasn't Shane... held by someone, but eventually was an FOTM Jonathan Torrance. Yeah, shape-shifted into Jono. In the movie, whatever
Starting point is 01:01:04 that movie was called, yeah, they offered that role to Jonathan Torrance, FOTM Jonathan Torrance. Okay, so back to Pink Floyd at the C&E. That wasn't the 1989 one. That was definitely 1987. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wasn't it the Garden?
Starting point is 01:01:20 Okay. I actually remember that because I was working at the X-Day. I was going to say, we're both right. We're getting very close to a third rail topic here. Joey Jeremiah came up to win a Woody Woodpecker doll, and I just gave it to him. Yeah, Alan Cross was broadcasting. He said hi.
Starting point is 01:01:40 It was the first time he met him. Kideo was playing in the band show. Oh, you asshole. It was from Forest Hill. I can't remember his last name, but it was Ben first time he met kiddio was playing in the band show like forest hill and his name i can't remember his last name but it was benji and then yeah yeah i have some friends i think don't pull a benji man don't pull a benji yeah yeah that was a like really big news story yeah that was big that was the this the fear of uh acid i guess but kevin can Canada Kev, what's your nickname for Andrew Ward? Just Andy. That's it. Wasn't he Andy Pandy?
Starting point is 01:02:11 I think it was Andy Pandy. I think my mom called me that when I was bad, but I don't want to step into the Andy Pandy character. The only maybe name I can have is he's been around my life for quite some time now, and ever since my kids were little. They're all 16 and 18 now but um when they were little and stuff like that we'd always say like oh andrew's coming over and they just look at you kind of clued out we go oh you know
Starting point is 01:02:33 loud andrew's coming over oh yeah okay no problem because we're the best uh the best visual tool since you worked in libraries you just get kids to shut up without having to tell them. You just show them the rule, the V. Wow. You go V down, volume down. I think we need that for Stu Stone. Okay, let me see where we're at here. So now we're ready for Cam. Round one.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Stu won that round. Whatever. Cambrio. Cambrio, you know what you are? You're as bad a judge as Levi Famke. This is outrageous. Can I ask one more trivia question before we start? This is good. This ties
Starting point is 01:03:14 together. See this background here? Hold on. Let me look. Hold on here. I'm coming over. Like my background. Is that the Irish Rovers? Close. So this is the back cover of the Pogues, who are technically not an Irish band. We see James Joyce is in there.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Now, what Toronto bar has a blown-up poster of this? This is the back cover of their album, If I Should Fall From Grace With God. This is the back cover. There's a very famous Toronto bar that is just blown up on the wall. What is it? Does anyone know what this is? St. James Gate.
Starting point is 01:03:47 No. Think East End for all the East Enders. I see Andrew Ward as a guest. Why don't you say it out loud, Andrew? Sorry. James Reese Tavern? No, that would actually make sense. No, it's The Only as referenced by Lois and Lo. Wow. Wow. I don't know if it's still there only as uh referenced by lois and lo
Starting point is 01:04:05 wow wow i don't know if it's still there i'm pretty sure well it's it's closed currently but i believe it was still there hey did anybody did anybody listen to the purple onion episode uh about the purple onion which is a yorkville okay i see some people here uh because of course that barry witkin the oldest guest in toronto mic'd, by the way, at 82 years old, he came on and talked about being a founder of the Purple Onion with his son, which was a nice moment, Andrew Witkin.
Starting point is 01:04:34 And Andrew Witkin, of course, is the founder of So it was a really cool episode. So big swerve, big swerve. There you go. Okay. So Cam, I just want to say hi to Gord, because I love people named Gord. They just fill my heart full of good feelings.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Now, there's many Gords who listen to Toronto Mic'd, one of whom was here earlier and left, and he goes by the moniker Midtown Gord. But this gentleman, and I got confused before, but now I've got it sorted. This is YYZ Gord, a different Gord completely, right, YYZ? That's true. I do, but I go by the airport, not the neighborhood. Is that a Rush tribute? No, just I fly a lot, and YYZ is my home airport.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yeah, I was going to say, YYZ, isn't that another Celtic-Celtic thing? Isn't it YYZ is my home airport. Yeah, I was going to say YYZ. Isn't that another Celtic-Celtic thing? Isn't it YYZ? Yeah, that's Pearson. Yeah. You said YYZ. Yeah, because that's how you say that letter in Canada. Not when you're referencing that specific building. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:05:43 That's not true. I don't know. Oh, Greg, save the fire. I'm going to put you against Stu in a moment here. Gord, thanks for being here, buddy. What neighborhood do you live in? Whereabouts are you? Midtown, Bayview, Edmonton area.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Interesting. You wanted to call yourself Midtown Gord, but there already was a Midtown Gord. I'm good with what i got but and would you call yourself yyz gourd or yyz gourd i i would i i use the zed to refer everywhere else but for the airport it's got to be yyz oh look at that somebody who agrees with me rhymes with yyc which is Calgary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:26 YYC to YYZ. We know that. We know that, Floyd Pat. It's not a zipper. It makes no sense to me. But Gord, do you have any moments, any Pandemic Friday memories that resonated with you over the last 52 weeks? I have one involving Gord. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:06:41 The time that we agreed that it is YYZ. That was my favorite. It's a newish moment. I can't wait. We're going to kick out this cam jam and then I'm going to bring in El Grego because El's got something to say to you, Mr. Stone. Did Gord have a memory? Did I just shit on that moment? No, I'm still waiting for it. How are you doing there, Gord? A highlight for sure, but I think I did enjoy the pandemic or the protest music episode. Yeah, that was a good one.
Starting point is 01:07:07 That was an early, I feel like that was pretty early. That's because that episode mattered. I feel like that was an important time for writers and Stu had that impassioned speech he made at the beginning. Yeah, that was, that was beautiful. It was like when you get like a really great comedian, but then they do that like Oscar winning drama. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:26 That was one of those. Like Jimmy Foxx. Sure. Jim Carrey, one of these types. Yeah, he's still waiting for his first one. But love to see you here, Gord. Chime in any time you have something to say here. I'm going to kick out Cam's second jam,
Starting point is 01:07:40 unless Cam wants to say something before I press play. No, I don't. Okay, because this is a fucking CanCon fucking classic. No, I don't. Because this is a fucking CanCon fucking classic. I can't believe it. Wow. Okay. I'm going to get my Great Lakes beer and listen. We could protest. You with a jaundiced eyes Drunk on your old reflection
Starting point is 01:08:15 Robbed up with desks and flags A chair short of perfection Your lines are drawn Here, there and everywhere None of your own volition Unrecognized Your pace and your shadow Stripped of all your definition
Starting point is 01:08:38 Scour the house Flip the wig Shake the tree Scour the house, flip the wig, shake the tree. Scour the house, flip the wig, shake the tree. Undo your whereabouts unknown to me. You've been abused and cheated. me you've been abused and cheated yeah that really holds up what a kick-ass song in a kick-ass band so that's of course uh spirit of the west uh name of the track is d for democracy um i i sort of struggled that this was saint patrick's day music because i mean i feel like spirit of the west kind
Starting point is 01:09:24 of mixed things up. They certainly had elements of Celtic music, but a lot of other styles. I feel like this is close enough to fit into the spirit, pun intended, of the episode.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I can't argue with this choice because it's such a great fucking band. And now this is one of those great Canadian bands we can never see again because he's all in the latest I believe
Starting point is 01:09:48 when did John Mann pass away? around the time Gord Downie passed away, I want to say a few years ago yeah, because it feels like maybe it was a little overshadowed I just know that I saw speaking of Sammy Cohn, I saw him on drums but I saw they did
Starting point is 01:10:04 So Political live at the Danforth Music Hall that I saw, speaking of Sammy Cohn, I saw him on drums, but I saw they did So Political live at the Danforth Music Hall. I saw the Watchmen in tribute, and I feel like that was only, it feels like it was yesterday, but I'm sure it was a couple of years ago. I know, it's crazy. I actually, sorry, complete aside, I actually bought concert tickets today. What? tickets today what you may have seen dinosaur jr just announced a show at the danforth music hall for september 7th which seems really ambitious to me yeah for an indoor club show like that i don't know yeah i i hope it happens that would be exciting one to get back to the live music but anyway spirit of the west um from vancouver i feel like there's a band that doesn't
Starting point is 01:10:42 need any introduction this is from the album Go Figure from 1991. This album only went to number 45 in Canada. I think in my mind, I think of these guys as more popular than they were. I mean, they were certainly popular, but still a bit of a... Home for a Rest is sort of that song that every one of a certain age, that's like an anthem. Totally. Totally. Stu, what the fuck's the problem? Stu, what's up your ass talk to us yeah well just mike you're just like you're just you just have bad
Starting point is 01:11:12 etiquette uh i guess we'll find out why but uh it's a good pick kim nicely done well thank you this this song we we just referenced we did a whole um episode about are you Are you guys doing it? That's what I was going to say. I'll wait for the spinoff episode. Yeah, we're going to do a deep dive into this song. You won't be invited. So, Cam, every Sunday night, we're going to just do two and a half hours on a different song. There you go. He's going full Bobcat now with the shades.
Starting point is 01:11:36 But this was actually a protest song against Brian Mulroney. Wikipedia didn't really go into any detail beyond they didn't like Brian Mulroney. Wikipedia didn't really go into any detail beyond they didn't like Brian Mulrooney, but I guess about like a third of this album had very anti-Mulrooney sentiment in it. Anti-Ben Mulrooney? Yeah, who is there? I feel like we fantasy booked what baby Ben Mulrooney
Starting point is 01:12:01 and baby Carolyn Mulrooney. Or is it anti-Jessica Mulrooney? I lose track of who were anti her too. You know, her too. But yeah, so that this, but bit of a, I always like to tie in also past FOTMs to the first two Spear of the West albums came out on the Stoney Plain, Stoney Plain, Stoney Plain label out of Watertown, which is Hamilton area, who most recently, one of their most recent releases
Starting point is 01:12:29 was actually a brand new album by FOTM, Sass Jordan, that came out March 13th of 2020. Wow. So right around one year ago, as the world's going to shit, FOTM Sass Jordan put out some new music. So that's fun. Great FOTM though. Yeah, she new music. So that's fun.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Great FOTM though. Yeah, she's cool. She's kooky. Okay. I want to say hi to Al Grego because Al is a gentleman who's been putting together the best of Toronto Mic'd episodes.
Starting point is 01:12:56 So there was one for... Well, I mean, he's not even the best at doing that. Well, maybe I'll shut up for a minute. Al, Stu, let's get this hammered out now before the next TMLX so I don't have to get extra security. What's going on with you guys? Freak out, freak out. This is Macho Man Randy Savage here. Stu, I got to say, I don't know if I want to be an FOTM.
Starting point is 01:13:17 I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that would have you as a member. That's a good thing your mom's not here to hear uh what i'm about to do to you are you ready yeah i'm ready let's go i've got nothing else i was just wait where is trudy where is trudy stone yeah where is trudy she has uh she has a restraining order against gare joyce so she had to i think gare took another call like i think he's on the line but he's decided to take another call or something gare left he's probably talking to your mom but call. I think he's on the line, but he's decided to take another call or something. Gare left. He's probably talking to your mom right now.
Starting point is 01:13:47 But he hasn't left. He's on the phone with your mom. Al, how are things going in, not Brad. Is this an official? We've done 52 Pandemic Fridays. Can we officially be considered as some of the best part of? No, you're not part of Toronto Mike Cannon. Not a true...
Starting point is 01:14:05 It's not a true jam-kicking. But Al, here's the million dollar question. Does the 2.5 hour Tears Are Not Enough deep dive that I did with Cam Gordon on Sunday evening, is that eligible for best of contention? I think so, yeah. It was a strong episode, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:21 What a disgrace. Oh, yeah! Stu, by the way, I told you, Stu, if you come up with these creative ideas like Cam Gordon, you say, hey, let's do this. I almost always say yes. So I feel like this was just a good Cam Gordon initiative. Yeah, I sent him a compelling pitch. That's what I did. I was sold. I have something on the side going, developing a project with Moose Grumpy at the moment.
Starting point is 01:14:44 But we'll let you know when the time is right. You should do a Magic School Bus retrospective episode with Toronto Mike. There you go. Oh, yeah. I do that. I guess Mike could just do that one without me. Hey, Al.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Good to see you, buddy. You were in my backyard in the summer because we kicked out, what is it, episode 501 to 750. You came over and did the best of. Yeah, good times. That was awesome. What number is this?
Starting point is 01:15:12 816, I think. You got a bit of time, I guess, before you got to worry about the next best of installment. Yeah, thank God. I got a lot of the catching up to do. Although with all these pandemic Fridays, I can eliminate a lot of these. Wow, what a guy.
Starting point is 01:15:25 What a guy. What a guy. Now, you also eliminate all the great Mark Weisblot episodes. No, I'm really disappointed that Elvis isn't on this call. You know what? I sent him the link earlier today. He might pop in to surprise us. You know what? Elvis was a hero to most, but not me.
Starting point is 01:15:43 You know, he never meant shit to me. Yeah. I bought your lyrics now. There's a great FOTM, Chuck D. Most personal friend. Hey, I spent some time in person with that man. Unlike these Zooms where, you know, what do they matter? But Al, good to see you. What a great FOTM. In fact, at all the TMLXs,
Starting point is 01:16:06 excluding the one in the park that happened recently at all the TMLXs, you're like my audio guy. Like, uh, I can't do them without you because not only did you play three of them with your band, the Royal Pains, are you guys still together? I think so. Yeah. We've already booked some shows in August. So fingers crossed that, uh, you know, uh, there'll be enough, well, outdoor shows in August, so fingers crossed that there'll be enough. Well, outdoor shows in August, so fingers crossed that there'll be enough vaccinated people to come out.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Your Stu, not Stu Stone, but your Stu in the Royal Pains promised me a bike helmet and never delivered. I will pass on the message. Stu's, you know, people named Stu, they promise and they just don't deliver. Yeah, because Stu Jeffries owes me a signed Alpha Zappa Costa album as well. Stu Grimson owes Cam five bucks. Stu Gavin once got me into the alumni lounge at the Air Canada Centre. And Eric Bana.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Yeah, Stu Gavin, former Maple Leaf Stu Gavin. And Eric Bana, I never know which way to say it, was there. The Maple Leaf Stu Gavin. And Eric Banna, I never know which way to say it, was there. The Incredible Hulk? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, the Incredible Hulk. My mom is in love. My mom has a huge crush on the most recent Incredible Hulk, Mark Ruffalo.
Starting point is 01:17:18 What's not to like? I know. She's got a huge crush on him. I thought I'd just divulge that here for you guys all right now. Al, hang in there, please. Don't go take care of your kids tell your wife you're you're busy for the next couple hours here uh what who are we at where are we at okay my turn let me kick something out here we go You see I'm Irish, but I'm not a leprechaun You wanna fight, then step up and we'll get it on You get a right to the grill, I'm white to the L
Starting point is 01:17:55 A descendant of Dublin with Titanic skill I ducked and I swing, next thing your jaw's broken Punk, I ain't joking, you can bet you've been choking All the fists falling out and meanwhile I'll be puffing on a fat blunt What punk, you don't know the half Tryna talk shit, man, please don't make me laugh These Irish eyes are smiling, I'm upwiling The house of pain is pumping, start jumping
Starting point is 01:18:12 Freak it, funk it, backseat trunk it If you can't get with it, you end up sweating it Then you get a beating just like an egg It's so hard to run when you got a broken leg But we can never run off, the house of pain'll come off We got the cake that you're trying to get a crumb off The Irish styling The Celtic jazz
Starting point is 01:18:27 No one has it Just us, that's it If you try to take it I got a big shillelagh I don't have dreads Cause I shave my head daily You call me a skinhead I call you a pinhead
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yo, where you been, man? Just like the tin man You got no heart Here comes the good part I pick em, fuck em Cut em up and buck em down No fucking around Homeboy, you get clowned like Krusty Trust me, you shouldn't play And by the way Top of the morning All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:18:55 A little Top of the Morning to you by House of Pain. Hold your applause. Hold your applause. Okay. Hold your applause. Hold your applause. Okay. So, Ian Service, say hello to the people.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Hello, people. Ian, long time no talk, buddy. It's been all day long, back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Is this the most we've ever talked in one day? I think so. It's good. I like it. We should do this more often.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I feel like we solved some mysteries today. We did. We did. We decrypted, de-encrypted, and moved on from there. How the hell are you? You're in Guelph?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Yeah, man. Can't you tell by my insulation background here? I know. Just like we had Lieve Fumpke on earlier, and I'm like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:19:44 Lieve does jump on these things periodically, jump Fumpka on earlier, and I'm like, oh yeah, Levi does jump on these things periodically. Jump around, if you will. And you as well. We love it when you show up, because you're such a vital cog in the wheel here. Although we're not there right now, because I said everybody could come in the Zoom. Normally, these Pandemic
Starting point is 01:20:00 Fridays are live at, which is really like it exists because of you, man. I kind of built that. Yep. Do you have great pride when you see great pandemic Fridays happening live on that page?
Starting point is 01:20:13 I do. I do. It's good. I'm actually kind of disappointed because I was trying to watch while I was working. I had to work late because I always have to work. So I was kind of disappointed. It wasn't there.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I made a call at the line of scrimmage not to bother you so I decided to just put it on Facebook and see what happens. Everyone bothers me. Just join in. I know.
Starting point is 01:20:32 I know. So thanks for your help today. No one knows what the hell we're talking about because we're being all cryptic and shit.
Starting point is 01:20:36 But dude you're amazing. I mean I don't know what more to say. Just it's good to see you. You're such a huge part of the team here.
Starting point is 01:20:43 It's good to be here. Good to be anywhere at our age. I don't even know what that means we're not that old okay my mic are is not the music getting taken down i'm just curious how has facebook been these days with the dmc uh i i've been i have not gone there i have not gone there with any music heavy episode in quite some time i think maybe ann Romer went there and I think it, they muted one song or something like I think they muted Queen or something like that. You know, cause as you know,
Starting point is 01:21:11 Ann Romer just discovered Queen with this movie that came out a couple of years ago. I still am having a hard time wrapping my head around that. Like how, how is that even possible? It keeps fooling me because I keep seeing Matt Layden's in the room because I see Matt Layden on the right-hand side. And then I realize that's just Stu Stone pretending to be Matt Layden
Starting point is 01:21:31 because I get this moment of like, oh my God, Matt Layden is here live in the Zoom. I actually have a, because we've talked before and he's even been in the Periscope feed, DJ Lethal. Stu, do you know, did DJ Lethal, him leaving House of Pain, is that why they broke up? I think that what had happened was that it was like sort of had run its course at that point, and Lethal discovered that band Limp Bizkit
Starting point is 01:21:59 and decided he wanted to put time into producing them. And that was a pretty good choice. Significant other, man. Monster. Actually that was a pretty good choice. Yeah. Significant other, man. Monster. Actually, I don't even know what sold more. I think significant other, but that also, that hot dog flavored chocolate starfish,
Starting point is 01:22:14 I can't remember what it was called, but that was a huge seller too. Sure. I mean, Woodstock, they had like a whole Woodstock moment. Break stuff. It's very rare for a guy to be in two bands that are both big. Dave Grohl, obviously, you think of.
Starting point is 01:22:32 I think we play this game a lot. I have some more. You want some more here? Sure. Eric Clapton? Well, he was in Cream, but what other band? The Yardbirds? Yardbirds.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Okay. You mentioned the obvious big... Oh obvious Oh great let me think here You know What about Ron Wood Yeah that's a good one McCartney's a great one Ron Wood was in Faces and then of course
Starting point is 01:22:58 Rolling Stones am I right with that one But wait a second guys are you talking about Guys who were in multiple bands or concurrently? I'm talking about a guy who was in a hugely successful band and started a completely different band. Chris Cornell did it. I would say that the Lethal one is pretty profound in the sense that it's completely the opposite sound
Starting point is 01:23:21 that he had established himself with. That's why I give points to Damon Alberton for the the same reason because they're such different bands yeah i'm trying to think who else like i mean foo fighters has got to be number one slash all is like two of the most prolific bands ever scott wyland was in two pretty big bands yeah oh because he was like in lincoln park for like no i was referring to Velvet Revolver. Oh, shit. Right. Of course. Those guys. Number one Canadian pick, Neil Young.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, that's a good one. Well, they did David Crosby, too. That's the only two. And Buffalo Springfield. Yeah. There was a few. It seemed like a 60s thing. No, just two for him, right? Because it's just Buffalo Springfield
Starting point is 01:24:06 and then Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, but then he's just solo, right? The Minerbirds. Right, with Rick James. Yeah, which the Sticker You dad guy probably booked them back in the day. Shout out to Barry Witkin for sure. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Okay, so I'm going to kick out because apparently I spoiled this already so stew you want to say anything before your second jam i do i just wanted the people to know like that this is still a competitive game like even though we're all here and we're having laughs uh you know there's still a competition going on here so i don't know if cambrillo's here but you know cam gordon opened up this round by picking spirit of the west and he said he was having trouble sort of figuring out whether that song would be appropriate. Reconcile.
Starting point is 01:24:48 He thought like, oh, maybe this wasn't the right song for St. Patrick's Day. But, but, but, and you know, this is an example of, you know, this is this is how he should have gone. And this is why I win rounds. Yes. At the core this is a game. It's not a podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Here's the fucking anthem, everybody. Grab your GLB. Cam was having trouble thinking of a St. Patrick's Day song from them. Excuse me. I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I've been drunk since I left These so-called vacations will soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest We arrived in December and London was cold We stayed in the bars, a long chairing crossroad We never saw nothing but grass tops and oak Kept a shine on the bar with the sleeves of our coats
Starting point is 01:25:59 You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a week, I've been drunk since I left. And these so-called vacations will soon be my death. I'm so sick from my drink, I need home for a rest. Take me home. Fucking anthem, Stu. I mean, big drinking song, beer bar song, big bar song, I should say. Specifically, you know, when I was gone in Los Angeles for that 20-year stretch,
Starting point is 01:26:27 I really didn't experience the, like, last call, this song getting played by the DJ until I got back to Toronto and saw, what the hell is this? Like, everybody, it's like an anthem. It literally is a national sort of anthem. And, you know, it was right there for the picking, I guess, Cam. He's tall, so he's reaching for the top shelf, I guess. But, you know, sometimes you've got to just go to the regular shelf to get the best selection, Cam.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I want to say something interesting about this song. It is considered their biggest song. Also, it is a song that was inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame. Wow. And is their biggest selling offering, and it sold a whopping 80,000 copies. That's Canada for you. So a Songwriters Hall of Fame anthem
Starting point is 01:27:17 that sold 80,000 copies. Okay, but there's no correlation. I'll let you say it, Mike. I'll let you say it. Well, there's no correlation between I'll let you say it, Mike. I'll let you say it. Well, there's no correlation between commercial and, you know, critical. No, that's not what I was hoping that you would acknowledge. Dude, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Are there any CDs that sold more than this? I just want to say, I mean, you're talking about a Hall of Fame song. I'm Alan Cross. I'm Alan Cross, I'm Alan Cross. And, you know, circle, circle, dot, dot. It's pretty legendary if you look at these numbers.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Move some units. But, yeah, listen, this is obviously an obvious pick. And, you know, I'll spike the football now. That was an easy round. Easy. Speaking of spiking the football, I just want to tell everybody, especially you, Cam, because you asked about it. National Rugby League just took action on our Facebook live stream.
Starting point is 01:28:10 So a National Rugby League is... National Rugby League. I don't even know because it says I have to click here to hear what song got us caught, which I'll do later, obviously. Interesting. Interesting that the National Rugby League detected I guess a song they own was kicked out tonight I bet that's like the whiskey in the jar
Starting point is 01:28:30 the Metallica version that's like what the players run into the field, the pitch I bet it's the Dubliners I bet it's the Dubliners because I don't know, but we'll find out maybe it's the Dropkick Murphys because that's kind of a rugby song
Starting point is 01:28:44 you drop the ball and kick it. I could see that. I could see that. I'm going to just pop into the Zoom. So if we said hi to everybody. Now we can just play songs? Okay, so here's the new rule. Because I see we've got a few people who have left the Zoom.
Starting point is 01:29:04 So if anybody at any time now can chime in, like it's a free for all. If you have something to say, you can unmute and say it. So I think we've said hi to everybody. Watch your language, because there's a child now. I see that. That's a very cute child in the Andrew Ward panel there. Okay. What a mop of hair on that one.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Do you have anything you want to say Before your third jam Cam Gordon No But I threw some great Options for two people Who are in multiple bands Maynard Keenan James Iha A lot of alt rock folks
Starting point is 01:29:38 Great point There you go St. Patrick's Day Jams. guitar solo Move closer Set my mind on fire Taking over The world seems so alive The world seems so alive Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, in your eyes I'd rather start at school
Starting point is 01:31:06 I can't do fucking sounds great buddy yeah yeah I feel like we don't hear this song anymore like Spotify's not curating enough the band is Ash the song is Goldfinger Mike I feel like
Starting point is 01:31:21 Daddy that's Andrew's child not mine I thought that was you Mike I feel like... Daddy? No. Daddy. That's Andrew's child, not mine. Okay, sorry. I thought that was you, Mike. I feel like this band came up on a recent Pandemic Fridays when we were talking about the band Goldfinger. Yeah, probably. It was a little confusing when this track
Starting point is 01:31:37 came out. I feel like the band Goldfinger was also popping. But no, this is the Irish teenage rock band at the time when they played this tim wheeler the singer was only 19 when goldfinger was released and they actually they've had a shitload of singles most most of which have only charted in the uk um but for those of you classic cfny listeners which i'm sure is pretty much just about everyone here you may recall this song got a pretty decent amount of uh airplay on cf wide back in the day um this it's from the album 1977 which coincidentally
Starting point is 01:32:11 is the real year stew stone was born contrary to his uh right which says 1981 bro he turned off his camera he didn't want to own that. Yeah, number one album in the UK, 1977. Produced by Owen Morris, who is most famous for doing What's the Story? Morning Glory with Oasis. You know what? That's so interesting because when the song first played and it took like 70 minutes to get to the lyrics,
Starting point is 01:32:41 I thought it was going to be Oasis because it sounded like an Oasis song. Oh, because their last name is Gallagher. Very Irish. Very Irish, for sure. I remember the first time I heard this band, Ashes, because they had two songs, and I feel like Stew Stone had this
Starting point is 01:32:56 CD as well, the Angus soundtrack. It had a Green Day song on it. She? Yeah, J-A-R. I feel like a lot of people bought that CD because the Green Day song was quite popular. Yeah, but I thought the Green Day song on that was She. Are you talking about the Angus soundtrack? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yeah. I feel like you had it right. Of course. I'm actually friends with the guy who played Angus. I could get him Charlie's name. I could get him booked on your show. Who was he? What did he do? Charlie Talbert is his name.
Starting point is 01:33:29 He's been in other stuff since, but he's a really funny dude. He's still at it. Stu, can you confirm, what was the name of the Green Day song on the soundtrack? I don't remember, but I think it's She. I think it's She as well. We need a fact. Cambrio, Q Factor.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Somebody on the Zoom will find out. Someone must know. I do. It's probably J.A.R. Anyway, do you know who else was in the movie Angus? Yeah, the Shermanator from American Pie. Well, him too, but also George C. Scott. Wow, Patton.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Yeah, which doesn't even seem like the other universe or the same universe. One more fun fact about this. This is for Stu Stone specifically. The first Ash album was something called Trailer. That was, I think it was almost like an extended EP. I feel like it was maybe eight tracks or so, but Stu, there was a song on that. There was a B-side from that album
Starting point is 01:34:25 called Hulk Hogan Bubble Bath. Whoa. Have you ever heard the song Hulk Hogan Bubble Bath by Ash? I haven't heard the song, but I've definitely taken a Hulk Hogan Bubble Bath. It was like two days ago. I mean, I have one running right now. There you go. That's what that
Starting point is 01:34:42 steam is. Okay, we have confirmation that it was J-A-R, like you said, Cam. And that's confirmation from the other Cam. But I actually... It's like, you know one of those Green Day songs? Why do I think it was she? I feel like this is one of those
Starting point is 01:35:01 Berenstain Bears situations. They all sound kind of similar. Hey, I got to just say hi to some people here. I just want to tell Are you like retweeting out the, are you going to try to refresh the batch and retweet out the link again? No, I
Starting point is 01:35:17 recycle. We need new fresh blood in here. No, I want to say I was watching a chat between Ian Service and Moose Grumpy. Ian thought Moose Grumpy... Get a room, you two. Ian thought Moose Grumpy was drinking a Great Lakes wine, is what I think was
Starting point is 01:35:33 transpiring here. I saw Great Lakes wine, but no. And hold on, there was two people who were in the Zoom, but we never got to them before they left, and I'm just scrolling up to get their names. Okay. So if you guys don't mind waiting, this is a compelling audio, I know, but I saw two people show up here.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Hold on. There's been a lot of chatter in here. Holy smokes. Okay. I've caught up here. So this is exciting for everybody. So where is it? So YYZ Gord. No, he's here. We just chatted with him. Who the hell was it? Who are the people who were there? Oh, Brian Shelley. Okay. So hello to Brian Shelley,
Starting point is 01:36:12 who was in the zoom and then had to go before I could get to him. Brian, I said, give me five minutes notice and I would get to you. So shame on you. And Midtown Gord, who said, uh, he had to go. And he says his family was originally from Kerry, Ireland. So we had a true Irishman on the show. And he's gone right now because he had other things he had to do. So shout out to all those wonderful FOTM. Good turnout tonight. Big opening with that Holocaust story.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yeah. It really set the tone. Oh, Garrett. Love that guy. Okay, so I'm going to kick out a jam. I didn't know what version to pick, but I definitely wanted this song on the program. So here's a taste of it. Oh, Denny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
Starting point is 01:37:16 From glen to glen and down the mountainside The summer's gone and all the roses fallen It's you, it's you, must go and I must buy. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow. Danny Boy, I know a lot of people are probably thinking that's too solemn. That's like a funeral song. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. But I just think it's the a funeral song shout out to ridley funeral home but uh i just think
Starting point is 01:38:05 it's the definitive irish song danny boy and and regardless of what version you choose i didn't want this episode to go without some good one with the house of pain version danny boy yeah i could have gone if that was a pain version it's also a song uh i feel like i just i feel like i first heard that song in The Simpsons. Like, I think Barney might be singing it. I'm trying to remember if it was in the B-Sharps episode. I can't. It was also on Saved by the Bell.
Starting point is 01:38:38 The late Dustin Diamond had a pet lizard named Artie. And they did almost like a parody at the funeral for this lizard that they buried, I believe, in like a shoebox. And they said, oh, arty boy, oh, the flies, the flies, the flies. The late Dustin Diamond, man. Rest in peace, buddy. Yeah, that's where I feel like I know it. Mike, I almost chose the John McDermott version of this. I think you and I were chatting about that a little bit by DM with Maple Leaf Gardens intro for John McDermott, who, of course, sang Oh Canada many, many, many times at MLG.
Starting point is 01:39:08 That would have been a great choice. Absolutely. I want to say hi to James Edgar, because we didn't really get a chance to check in, but James, before I pressed record, you were telling us about, I think it was before I pressed record, you were talking about how you have a dog, a puppy coming. What's going on? We have a puppy.
Starting point is 01:39:24 We have a dog, a puppy coming? What's going on? We do. We have a puppy. We have a black lab, a female named Riley that we're picking up in about seven, eight days. Eight days. A week Saturday, I guess. Is that eight days? Eight sleeps, something like that. Very excited. We're all excited here, actually. Congratulations. There's eight days a week, so that's only a week away, eight days, I think.
Starting point is 01:39:42 And that's great news. And how is everything going with you? Not only did I see you at many TMLX event, but you were there live in my hood to catch the great, the Royal Pains in action. That was a fun night. That's right. That was great, actually. I'm looking forward to seeing them again sometime soon, I hope. The price of tickets has gone up significantly since that performance.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Right, Al? Yeah, looking forward to being seen again. I imagine. James, man, you've been there since day one. Love seeing you at these events. And again, you're FOTM for life, brother. Awesome. Thank you. I just shouted out
Starting point is 01:40:21 Brian Shelley, who had to go, but he magically has arisen. Here he is. Brian, how's it going, buddy? Not bad, man. How are you doing? Good. Talk to me.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Like, where do you come from in the FOTM universe? When did you jump on this bus? Yeah, I think about two or three years ago. And it's the weirdest way. My father-in-law found out that my kids liked Splashin' Boots and told me that you'd interviewed them. So I listened to the episode and then I've been a regular listener ever since. And yeah, I've loved every episode of Pandemic Fridays. Are you the guy who brought his kids to the TMLX that Splashin' Boots were going to be at?
Starting point is 01:41:04 No, that wasn't me. Oh, okay. Not you. Okay. I still feel bad about that guy. He brought his kids to meet Splashin' Boots. And Splashin' Boots, they were with Alan Doyle in Newfoundland and basically said they couldn't make it because Alan Doyle wanted to record an extra day. So whoever that is, I feel bad.
Starting point is 01:41:20 But Brian, that's a great story. I love it when people come in for the Splashin' Boots action. Yeah. But Brian, that's a great story. I love it when people come in for the splash and boots action. Yeah, and I've got a cool thing to show you and Stu and Cam of a FOTM here. I have an original. Yay! That's sick. I'm going to pin this. I want to get the closer look at that.
Starting point is 01:41:39 And what also is cool, so Keith Hampshire, his son Christian is a buddy of mine up here in Barrie. Wow. He lives around the corner from me. Yeah. Yeah, sorry if you want to pin that there. Oh, yeah, yeah. is cool so keith hamshire his son christian is a buddy of mine up here in barry wow it's around the corner for me yeah yeah sorry if you want to pin that there yeah yeah but i went in there too so i can't i don't have that go ahead is that the original sleeve that it came in that's the original sleeve so what year was that issued what year do you know this is issued in one yeah because it wasn't it wasn't there at the beginning, right? They referenced Dave Steve. Dave Steve's not an original J.
Starting point is 01:42:10 No, he's not. He was originally an outfielder as Blue Jay fans know. That's right. It actually doesn't have a pressing date on the sleeve. I'm going to say 81 or 82 or something like that. I have to go back to the Keith Hampshire episode of Toronto Mic to confirm all these details. I'm going to say 81 or 82 or something like that. Yeah. I have to go back to the Keith Hampshire episode of Toronto Mike to confirm all these.
Starting point is 01:42:28 I'm trying to remember, did this song chart? Was OK Blue Jays like an actual charting hit? I think it did. I mean, I was three at the time or four. I think it was bubbling under. The modern rock. So, OK, so I can't compete with that that's amazing man i love it uh but i do have the 10th anniversary which has the talk in baseball uh 10 years with
Starting point is 01:42:52 the jays which of course was by uh terry cashman and then i have a toronto sun issue called uh the whole town the whole town's talking about the blue jays and i'll just hold it up for you guys. Cam, do you still have the single of and the Jays are on the run always through Jays baseball. I like Coca-Cola. Yeah, that's cocaine. Yeah, no, just to say, I have to just enjoy it on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:43:18 I need a little fix with that old yarn. Brian, yeah, that's cool. You got that. And I'm glad I did. Can you tell me, do you know if your friend ever listened to Keith Hampshire on Toronto Mic'd? I'm not sure if Christian did. I'll let you know. I heard from Keith's daughter, who I guess is the sister of... Right.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Right. She's a DJ, I guess, on the radio somewhere outside of Toronto. I don't know. I want to hear more about this Canada Kev babysitting for Dave Steeb. How did that come out? Like, notoriously, speak about Moose Grumpy, Dave Steeb didn't have the best reputation at times. Yeah, I mean, that goes back a while. My dad owned a few condos and lived in the palace pier down on the waterfront so he was he was down there when there was only one tower and there were still all the seedy motels along along lake shore there like all the like little uh hotel no tells there's still a few
Starting point is 01:44:17 and uh you know in that building there was a bunch of toronto athletes who who rented out condos from people wow a. A bunch of Argos. I remember going with Joe Barnes and Joe Barnes' wife to see one of the Argo gate, like, championship games. And it was a bunch of Jays players. So my sister and I would go visit my dad every week down there. Yeah. And, yeah, this one night, Dave Steve wanted to go see Bowie.
Starting point is 01:44:42 So we asked my sister. At the time, my sister was probably maybe 15. I was probably 12. And yeah, we just went and hung out in his condo with his kid. Well, you could see in the window, like in the distance, the CNE with the lights going on with the Bowie show. But I wish I had gone to the show because that was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Did he pay you well? This is like a professional athlete. I was along for the ride with my sister. Yeah. I'd have to check in on my sister. Find out and get back to us. This is important. You know, because Hebsey, just tomorrow morning, I'll be hosting, I'll be sorry, I'll be co-hosting Hebsey on Sports with Mark Hebbshire.
Starting point is 01:45:18 He will tell you, as a man who was there, he was there, and he will say that Steve was not a a likable easy to get along with chap from the few minutes that i maybe saw him or interacted him with him that like it's so bizarre when you think about it they just leave their kid with a couple of strange young kids from toronto but that was the 80s he i don't recall him saying anything so he didn't spit on you or anything? No. That was it. Yeah, I think my dad rented out once to Garth Orge. Oh, the best batting stance ever was Garth Orge.
Starting point is 01:45:51 And he was a super nice guy. It would be funny if Garth Orge had it part-time and Rance Molnix had it part-time. That was the joke I was going to make too. Oh, that was the great platoon. And Garf's brother ended up beating us in that 85 ALCS.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Dane Orge. Right. He's on Kansas City here. Amazing. We got to say hi to him before he disappears again. Another gourd has entered. You know you're in Canada when there's two gourds on your open Zoom. Gourds everywhere.
Starting point is 01:46:21 I'm still around now. I have something to do, but I'm still around. Nice to something to do but I'm still around sounds like he's drunk no Midtown you sound a bit like a cyborg I'm relaxed the remix version Dave Patrick's day baby
Starting point is 01:46:37 my Irish side is drunk yes so whenever I have someone on like a Lee Aaron or Bob Segarini or Greg Godovitz James here is having a whole conversation with someone else. Greg Godovitz I always hear from Midtown
Starting point is 01:46:56 Gord because you love that and Mitch. I almost called him Mitch Webster Remember Mitch Webster? Of course. Max Webster. That's when I hear Of course, sir. Max Webster. That's when I hear from Midtown Gord. Kim Mitchell. How do you connect with Lee Aaron? I have to give
Starting point is 01:47:15 full credit to some guy named Midtown Gord who connected me to Lee Aaron. That was awesome. Thanks for doing that, buddy. No problem. You know it's an under problem. It was my pleasure. I love this robot we got on here. It's like drunk robot.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Mitch Webster and Todd Stottlemyre had a fight once. Do you remember that? I guess we're not calling it the Cleveland baseball team. A real throwdown. I don't think it really was that I guess we're not calling it the Cleveland baseball team. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like a real, a real like throw down.
Starting point is 01:47:46 I don't think it's really was that well documented, but I got, I got Todd Stottlemeyer's autograph working at the CNE one day. He was, you know, they often after the games they'd walk through or something with their after, after the Rolling Stones concert.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Do you, do you follow Todd Stelmeyer on Twitter? I do not. He's like a motivational speaker. Yeah, like a weird financial motivational speaker. Whenever I'm feeling down, I read Todd Sattelmeyer's Twitter feed and I get more down.
Starting point is 01:48:16 I feel like I actually DM'd with him about something. Did you see Quebec Irish boy making fun of me saying Mike worked at the C&E? Hey, Al Grego, are we ever going to get another bingo card? Is Al Grego still on the call or did he drop off? Oh, he's gone. Okay, because Al's the guy who put together the Toronto Mike bingo card. I think he needs to do another one and throw that in the mix here.
Starting point is 01:48:38 But kidding aside, we've officially retired. He wasn't there, right? We haven't used it since the first time Brother Bill did a Pandemic Friday. That was the last time we used it. No, I thought just Brother Bill, his explanation that then Alan Cross heard, I feel like just that's sort of between them
Starting point is 01:48:57 and it seems like it's all cool. Those guys, is it dogs drinking Mountain Dew or something? Stuart Stone. Oh, yes. Hello. Do you want to set up your third jam? Yeah, I would say that to the listeners of the show, if you've made it this far, muzzle tough.
Starting point is 01:49:16 If you haven't turned off the show by now. Well, your mom did. Yeah, well, as soon as Gareth started with his story, he's gay. You need time. I want to say that...
Starting point is 01:49:31 Where's Kareem? Kareem's not allowed in my basement, so we have to wait till we're back in the backyard. Mike is racist. That is not true. Here we go. Listen, this is the quintessential
Starting point is 01:49:47 St. Patrick's Day jam. Pandemic Friday, St. Patrick's Day entry. Quintessential. That had to do with it. como You can't buy it. You can buy it. How long are you going to let this go? You can't direct it. Of course, you are listening to the greatest song ever recorded.
Starting point is 01:50:33 It's so experimental. Oh, my God. Greatest song ever recorded, Disco Tech. By U2 Irish band, the best song ever recorded. Stop the music. Stop the rock and roll. All right, listen. A staple of every St. Patrick's Day.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Obviously. Hold on a minute. Obviously, I got to break to Cape Vape here because Andrew Ward's here. I would never pick a piece of trash song like that for St. Patrick's Day. That was a joke. Poor David Alter. He did the scratching needle. But I do feel like the band U2 does deserve to be on
Starting point is 01:51:11 this countdown, so I will oblige with this instead. I can't believe the news today I can't close my eyes and make it go away. How long? How long must we sing this song? How long? How long?
Starting point is 01:51:56 Cause tonight, we can be as one tonight. Listen, you say what you want about U2. You could say they're cheesy or they're corporate or they're vanilla or whatever, however you want to describe them. But there's no denying that the rough around the edges early U2 is actually really great. And, you know, there is a sort of energy to it. You can hear even in that song that there's something special happening here when you hear that song. And I'm not a huge U2 fan and I can acknowledge that, you know, that drum starts and then it's just an epic, an epic era for U2. And I think that kind of carries through Rattle and Hum and
Starting point is 01:52:41 the Joshua Tree. And then once Mysterious mysterious way starts coming they start taking a dive but this is like the rough around the edges they're still sort of rock and roll sort of like rebellious kind of music and uh you know good looking guy as the front man and there you go you got a you got a big hit sunday bloody sunday probably their signature irish song as it does depict uh the you know it's a song about uh protesting a war right um bono adam clayton the edge larry mullen jr yeah so discotheque piece of shit sunday bloody sunday good good jam anyone disagree elvis what do you think of discotheque by you too is that your favorite U2 song Matthew Layton talks a lot on your podcast
Starting point is 01:53:27 every time I join these fucking things he's always talking which is fine it's fine everyone has an opinion but fuck he talks a lot um Disco Tech is one of those songs for me
Starting point is 01:53:43 at the time when it came out we were supposed to like it because it was you two and you two was this iconic band they were you know doing different things and so you kind of either like them because they were you two and you're supposed to like everything they did or you didn't like them because you just like everything they did or you didn't like them because you just didn't know them or you didn't like them at all and then i think we got to the point where matthew layton explains that we didn't like the music because um discotheque is not a you too song really and it's not but now today in 2021 which is probably 21 years plus from when I first heard discotheque.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I'm not turning off my... I'm not throwing my iPod in the toilet when discotheque comes on. I enjoy it. I'll listen to it. You actually enjoy it? I enjoy it. It makes me think of that time.
Starting point is 01:54:44 It's probably not a good song. But you don't like nostalgia. You don't like nostalgia, Elvis. Yeah, but 2000. I don't want your shitty nostalgia, Mike. Can you disclose your relationship, though, with David Alter? We had sex one time. What do you want?
Starting point is 01:55:01 But your buddies. I don't know what that means. What do you mean, disclose my relationship? Because you don't listen to the program. But David Alter has come on this program on a pandemic Friday to tell the world that discotheque is the best song of all time. Well, that's ridiculous. That's insane. Non-ironic and very militant about his defense that's not so that's the person that was leading the charge
Starting point is 01:55:28 whenever that came what was that 1997 yeah that was the guy leading the charge that that was the best song because it came from the best band ever but it wasn't really a good song and best good bands make bad songs yeah it's a fucking mess that song like it's like what like it's like like it just seems like it just a bunch of like studio crap like squish maybe like al algray you know the musicians i see half the crowd as guitars like it just it seems like it's not even a song in some ways i got heat last time we shit all over discotheque i got heat on twitter uh by people who are like defending the song but i i mean i think you can object i was part of that heat i love that song i think it's a great
Starting point is 01:56:10 song you were part of you did give me the heat brian big time totally i love i love that song i think that's an underrated album i like that album all right david alter okay so but for the record i also had sex with david Alter. Successful short-term relationship. But Elvis, I will just put a bow on this. It just sounds like a fucking jingle from a Bowflex commercial. Come on, guys. Elvis is the reason David Alter made his Toronto Mike debut. I think Elvis literally got him on, drove him here.
Starting point is 01:56:42 You were in the room for that episode, right? Yeah. So for all those fucking people who keep commenting that i shouldn't be a friend of toronto mike who's saying that yeah suck my big one oh i produced david alter for this audience and who else remind everybody who else did you bring to the toronto mike basement here i have no idea greg Brady. Oh, Greg Brady. That's right. Yeah, I still have nightmares from that episode
Starting point is 01:57:07 because you played him on with the Brady Show or the Brady Bunch theme song. Sure, how could I not? Oh my God. Okay, everyone in the Zoom, quick question. If you had a guy named Greg Brady making his debut, wouldn't you play him on with the Brady Bunch theme song? Yeah, especially since there is a Greg Brady
Starting point is 01:57:24 in the Brady Bunch. You have to. Yes since there is a Greg Brady in the Brady Bunch. You have to. James even agrees that you have to do that. It was almost like if you had someone named Diana on your podcast. Yeah, Paul Anka. Dirty Diana. That's right. I did do that for Diana Swain, right?
Starting point is 01:57:40 Yeah. And your Dana Levinson from the Killjoys went over like a ton of bricks. A lead balloon. Yeah. If you had What's Her Name back on again. Which was funny as hell. Mike, if you had What's Her Name back on again, how would you play her on?
Starting point is 01:57:54 The woman who told you to read the fucking liner notes. I have. You're all waiting for that episode. I want her back on, please. There's my Wire DVD set that she slapped like this. Please forgive me by Brian Adams.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Just blast Maria Callas, the most famous diva of the 20th century and just let it rip. For Ella Fitzgerald. Who remembers the band Sponge? Oh, yeah. They had a song called Molly.
Starting point is 01:58:26 You could have played that. There's a great, I think, the name of the place they would drink or eat at in the Beachcombers. Was it called Molly's Reach? Molly's Lips? I think it was Molly's Lips, yeah. But it was Molly's Reach, I think. Molly's Reach. I watched that show a million
Starting point is 01:58:42 times. This fucker knows. This guy. Elvis, thanks for being here, buddy. I was more of a Danger Bay guy. That was great, too. Ocean Hellman was an early crush for me. If she's listening, I'd like to get you on camera. Way, way older than Stu. Sorry, Matt. I'm older than Matt. That's why I watch Beachcombers.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Cambrio, are you still here? You are. Do you still think I'm Matt Layden? I do. It's a known fact. It's Monica. Where's Michael Lang when I need him? Because he produced video evidence that Matt Layden was somebody else. I mean, he found someone else who happened to
Starting point is 01:59:18 be named Matt Layden. That seems like he may be the type of guy that tweets you the same thing every day. It was like a deepfake type. Went on Cameo and got some like horse shit five dollar i find this interesting that cam and elvis and i won't name the respective places but they each work for a different social media conglomerate that's yeah you're really on to something there i love that doesn't deep states so huge huge boner for mike on that well as usual okay by by the way mike uh fun fact from fotm scott turner 40 years ago today you two played their first ever concert in toronto wow in toronto where was it where was
Starting point is 01:59:59 it it's that place called the maple leaf ballroom, which is actually on St. Clair West. It's now a Salvation Army. Yeah, I was going to mention that because actually I live right around the corner from where Maple Ballroom is. Atta boy. His C-3PO in the fucking Z-Room. Midtown Gord, we got to get you better Wi-Fi for your next appearance.
Starting point is 02:00:24 I thought Daft Punk broke up It might be my headphones Sounds like a drunk Max Hedrum Yeah shout out to the Max Hedrum fans out there okay so we're gonna kick out Cam Gordon's final jam anyone in the Zoom room can react in any way they want
Starting point is 02:00:41 I don't care anymore about muting or anything it's all free for all for the last jam Yeah we're in the anti-masker section of that. Shout out to Adamson's Barbecue. Okay. Do you want to say anything or do you want me to just press play?
Starting point is 02:00:58 Sorry. Mark just walked to the steps of Queen's Park. He's moving pictures like reenactment. I'm not on vacation. I am hard at work right now. Very good. Love it. This is one of the most famous Irish
Starting point is 02:01:13 artists of all time. Let's hear it. Thank you. And you walk wet streets trying to remember All the wild night breathes in your memory ever And everything looks so complete When you walk an aisle on the street And the wind catches your feet, says you're flying, flying.
Starting point is 02:02:08 To you. Wind. Wild night. Thank you for not playing Brown Eyed Girl. And thank you for not playing the Johnny Cougar version. Well, we're going to get to that in a second. Is it ironic that Van Morrison kicked open the Itty Masker section of the show? Yeah, I was going to say that.
Starting point is 02:02:35 No, that's what I thought. I was going to say that. Spoiler. That's a joke. Van Morrison refers to this show as Plandemic Fridays. Again, it's the deep state It's all the things Would you believe this song Wild Night is 50 years old this year
Starting point is 02:02:53 Wow Van Morrison has some strong views On a number of topics But I love me some Van Morrison And this is definitely One of my favorite tracks The Pride of Belfast We haven't done the geography segment yet But I love me some Van Morrison, and this is definitely one of my favorite tracks. The Pride of Belfast.
Starting point is 02:03:09 We haven't done the geography segment yet because almost everyone's Irish. But some other famous folks from Belfast include C.S. Eliot, WWE superstar Fit Finley, as well as a former, I kind of forgot this, former Toronto Maple Leaf Owen Nolan, born in Belfast. And I always have to go back and see who's traded. He was traded for Alan McCauley, Brad Boyes,
Starting point is 02:03:33 and number one pick then up being Mark Stewart, who played in the NHL. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Quite a long time. Sounds like a typical Leafs trade back then. Yeah, kind of like buying a guy at his like peak value no no a little after peak like he was on the way down were you a fan of boys when he was a young player don't answer that question i'm just gonna raising that one yeah
Starting point is 02:03:57 let me just move on um the van morrison version went to number 28 in the U.S., number 20 in Canada. As Stu mentioned, famously covered later by John Cougar Mellencamp. Would you believe John Cougar Mellencamp's version went to number one in Canada? Wow, in Canada. There was someone on that track with him. It was like a duet. Yeah, it was Michelle Endicelo.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but probably I imagine one of John Cougar Mellencamp's bigger hits ever. He had big, come on, Jack and Diane. Jack and Diane were the monster. Jack and Diane. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Yeah, there was a run where John Mellencamp was like as big as anybody. Yeah, like a two year run. Come on, that's as bad a take as your Anne-Marie take. I'm just saying, there's a number of fucking... Okay, could someone look up how many number one hits John Cougar Mellencamp had? It hurts so good.
Starting point is 02:04:53 Come on, baby. It hurts so good. I'm sorry. Elvis. You fell into chill, yeah. Elvis, do you think Anne-Marie belonged on the tears are not enough? Of course she did.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Of course. Of course, 100%. Thank you. I would also say going back to the... Leonard Coe. murray belonged on the tears are not enough of course she did of course of course 100 but i i would also say going back to going back to the hockey thing um who was the guy that you said there owen nolan owen nolan another guy that you would and it's kind of the same but different another guy that you would imagine is canadian but he's not but he kind of is is joe thornton right because he carries a swiss passport oh he's not canadian but he was born in richland but wasn't he born in canada and he does he he is canadian but he plays for in the swiss league as a non-imported player all the time that's why he can move back and forth as quickly as he does because he has a
Starting point is 02:05:41 swiss passport yeah because he was there in the summer. Was he? He was, but normally he wouldn't have been able to because he carries a Swiss passport. What about Steve Thomas? Isn't he from like a, is Steve Thomas born? Yeah. He was born in the UK, I believe. Oh, was he? Maybe Scotland or something like that. And the guy who put the puck off of Grant Fier to eliminate the Oilers that year. What was that?
Starting point is 02:06:01 Steve Smith. I think he's like a Scottish guy too. And like all the guys playing for the Italian hockey team, the national team, are Canadian guys. Oh, for sure. Dino Cicerelli. Yeah. Did you ever try out Elvis for the Italian hockey team?
Starting point is 02:06:19 I can't skate, so no. And one quick note for you, Elvis, before we move on there, is that Moose grumpy is a very upset and i think many of us are to learn to see your you don't look like a the homeless man we thought you'd look like at this point of the pandemic like i live in shitstown ontario and we're in the whatever fucking zone we are where i can get a legal haircut so in the danger zone the one benefit of living out here in the east end is that i can legally get a haircut i illegally got a beard trim but i legally got a haircut who cut your beard
Starting point is 02:06:53 the same guy who cut my hair but oh you just that is a great beard and speaking of great beards guys with great shout out to mf there you go a couple more not so fun facts about van morrison do we do we have any scientologists on the call today stew you know hollywood types apparently long-standing rumors that van morrison was a scientologist after he praised L. Ron Hubbard somewhere, although he later said, perhaps not famously, famous in Wikipedia terms, that I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole, referring that to Scientology.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Maybe he was referring to the movie with John Travolta. Yeah, left her a Battlestar... Battlestar Earth or Battle... Earth or something. Yeah, we sort of mentioned it. Van Morrison has been very vocal about his anti-lockdown, anti-mask views, recorded a pretty shitty song with Eric Clapton called, I think, just No More Lockdown.
Starting point is 02:07:55 He's about to put out a new album, actually, that has about 20 tracks. It's called Latest Record Project Volume 1, which is a really creative title. But one of the song tracks really jumped out at me Why Are You On Facebook? From the new Van Morrison album A song called Why Are You On Facebook Oh, you co-wrote that song, right? I'm more of a Hulk Hogan bubble bath guy
Starting point is 02:08:17 I know, just some crazy song titles I think Cam and Elvis co-wrote that song Why Are You On Facebook? Van Morrison is not in the same league, but very similar to me as Bruce Springsteen. I don't understand either one of them. I don't understand the aura and the fact that they're on People's Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 02:08:38 Because you're too young. I don't get it. All right, pick a Van. Van Morrison or Van Jones. Van Vader. I'm going to say, I think it's Van Earl Wright. It's Van Halen. Van Halen.
Starting point is 02:08:53 Van Halen for me. Or Van Dam. Yeah, Van Halen is the winner. Or Rob Van Dam. I'll take him. Or Vaughn Hayes. Why no love for Van Earl Wright?
Starting point is 02:09:07 Remember Sports Tonight on CNN? Stevie Ray Vaughan. Shout out to FOTM. Who the fuck is the Vancouver guy? Who's the five
Starting point is 02:09:17 long? Colin James. Colin James, his mentor was Stevie Ray Vaughan. Okay. So, awesome. Nerf herder. That's a a star wars reference i had a song called van halen right that's true yes i always got them confused with uh who's not a surf
Starting point is 02:09:36 yeah i'm head of the class head of the class had dr john Johnny Fever, I believe. And the guy from Revenge of the Nerds, I want to say. Mike Tyson's wife, Robin Givens. Yes, that's right. That's right. I got to say hi to one more FOTM, if I may, because he just popped in. And if I'm really nice to him, sometimes I get free coupons for fast food sandwiches. Is Mike in the Zoom room? Hey, yes. Hi, everyone.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Rush Mike. How's everyone tonight? Sorry for the late entrance, but hey, better late than never, right? Hey, we're going to be here all night, buddy. Yeah, Rush, that's right. You're Rush Mike, and then James is also the big Rush guy. Yes, he is.
Starting point is 02:10:23 Can I ask you, the song by Rush, is it YYZ or YYZ? I call it YYZ. Yeah, baby! Yeah! Sorry, no, it's YYZ. But it's named after the Toronto Airport code, right?
Starting point is 02:10:40 Which is? I call it personally YYZ. YYZ, baby is it a z24 or z24 it is a z24 no it isn't it's a z24 it's a z24 okay mike here's the question i live in bradford i know is it zed is dead baby or z is dead is it jay-z or jay-zZ? Jay-Z is American, so if you were up here, he'd be Jay-Z. Actually, if you were up here, he'd be Cardinal. Rush Mike, when you go to the airport, and then Elvis,
Starting point is 02:11:11 I want you to answer this after Rush Mike. When you go to the airport, the Pearson International Airport, is that YYZ or YYZ? It's YYZ. Yes, it is, of course, because you're in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. But he calls it. But, it's YYZ. Yes, it is. Of course. Cause you're in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Starting point is 02:11:26 But he calls it, but I call it YYZ. Why are you doing that? Okay. Elvis, what do you call that? YYZ or YYZ? It's YYZ.
Starting point is 02:11:36 There's no question. Thank you. I mean, listen, he knows where his bread is buttered. That's why I like that guy. Next week's Pandemic Friday is going to be
Starting point is 02:11:45 Cam Gordon, Toronto Mike, and Elvis. By the way. Have you been going since 5.30? Like, is anyone going to listen
Starting point is 02:11:54 to this shit? Yeah, we're going to kick out our final jams now. For three hours? No, we're going to get to my number one.
Starting point is 02:11:58 At least 15 people will hear it. Oh, Elvis, put on your list of podcasts to listen to that on Sunday night, Cam Gordon and I recorded a 2.5 hour deep dive into the song Tears Are Not Enough.
Starting point is 02:12:09 I saw that on the website. I don't know. I like both of you, but no. Oh, boy. Everyone has their limits. It was actually good, Elvis. It was really good. It was good.
Starting point is 02:12:23 I'm looking forward to part two. It was good. Part two? forward to part two. It was good. Part two? You guys are talking about a sequel. We've talked about doing a super deep dive about Hands Across America. I'm not even kidding. Like, this is...
Starting point is 02:12:38 Can we do one on the... I could talk for two and a half hours on that. The Christmas song that I always love. Do they know it's Christmas time? Yeah. I could do that two and a half hours on that Christmas song that I always love Do they know it's Christmas time? Yeah, I could do that We could do that one together, let's do it Please do that one with Stu and Elvis
Starting point is 02:12:54 That would be like the antithesis of the one you did And we'll do it in July I want in on the band-aid one too I'm a huge fan of that song Oh, Stu, are you thinking what i'm thinking paywall right we charge paywall that's a paywall that's a paywall but i'll tell you uh you know elvis elvis you know we'll give him a promo code so in the background while we chatter about this and that is a song by a little band not from dub Dublin. Apparently they're actually from London, England,
Starting point is 02:13:25 but they're called The Pogues. Here's a bit of it. Dirty old town. Dirty old town. If memory serves me correctly, Elvis, I believe we pretty much have done like a 2.5 hour episode on Do They Know It's Christmas?
Starting point is 02:13:46 Well, probably. I haven't taken a stopwatch to it, but every and for those who don't know and everybody listening does know, you can't have a Festivus without an Elvis appearance on Toronto Mike. That is a great tradition that people set
Starting point is 02:14:02 their calendars by. I don't know anyone who does, but me, I do, but Moose. Moose does. And I don't know, Brian Shelley, have you ever heard a Festivus episode with Elvis? I heard, yes, I have. Yeah. You know what? Nothing, nothing brings me more joy than commentary on your website. When people used to go to it i i don't think
Starting point is 02:14:26 anyone actually goes to your website anymore but when cheryl does cheryl does when they used to go to your website and comment and tell you how much they loved your podcast except for the episodes in which i appeared that really brings me more joy than they know. May I speak to that? May I speak to that? Okay. That only happened this most recent time. Something happened in your absence, although you were here at the beginning of the pandemic. You came on a couple,
Starting point is 02:14:55 I think you came on once in the summer too. So you weren't going that long. I did. Three times, I think. A whole new audience discovered Toronto Mic'd. And this audience simply lacked the like context and the perspective of like the Elvis appearances like Moose Grumpy's been there a long time just like uh that would be
Starting point is 02:15:11 jarring that would be really jarring right like you have like Gino Vanelli you have these amazingly great people and then you have this thematic weekly episode where you guys talk about shit about the pandemic and da da da da and then there's this random fucking idiot who shows up and like is talking to you like i've known you for 100 years and no one else knows who i am there's no context yeah who's the ding who's dinging their phone whose phone is dinging that's mine i'm popular there people actually mike you you know what i would say is your most abstract episode ever? And I know this guy a little bit. He seems like a nice guy.
Starting point is 02:15:47 But Gil LeBlanc, whatever his metric-based breakdown of something. You're such a trooper on it. Shout out to We're Not Here For A Long Time or whatever. That episode made no sense. I tried to get into it because it seemed like I'd be into it I am a fucking trooper because I respect the guest even when they're batshit crazy so
Starting point is 02:16:11 it was a good idea bad execution I actually have to be careful because that wonderful man is going to listen to this and I want that wonderful man to know that I enjoyed his appearance I was talking to him today on Twitter about the Dinosaur Jr. concert
Starting point is 02:16:28 okay because I know he's a big Alan Cross fan so okay and Elvis you're a big Alan Cross fan right? not big enough to listen to the episode but yeah love Alan Cross you're missing it's great it's a really good episode I would imagine you know what he's
Starting point is 02:16:43 one of those guys that I, um, I can listen to him read the phone book. From my perspective, he's a legend. He's, he's, he's the Morgan Freeman of Canada. It just really sucks that we can't listen to his old shows because of that, you know, crazy thing called music licensing. Right. But it would be amazing to listen to those old shows that I fell asleep to and all that, like the history new music is just phenomenal and he just has this way of talking
Starting point is 02:17:10 that is very soothing when he's giving you information yeah i was kind of disappointed by his picks for the uh post-pandemic friday fest i thought they weren't... He wasn't as alternative as I was hoping he would be. He sounded like us. He was like Sloan. Dan Murray got snubbed again. He snubbed Dan Murray, but he picked Tea Party and I'm Other Earth. And then when you brought
Starting point is 02:17:39 the Eostatics, he was like, well, yeah, because the tragic lead would make us bring them. To me, that was such a shot at the Eostatics. Within half a second, he's like well yeah because the tragic would make us bring them like to me that was such a that was such a shot at the real statics that within half a sec he's like well I'm other earth of course like it's interesting that would be it's like well obviously and it was great it just it was
Starting point is 02:17:56 I'm other earth and tea party where his like go to right he's a big he's a big Edwin fan and he's a big kind of doors fan that realizes that around I need Ian to unmute Ian Edwin fan and he's a big kind of doors fan that realizes that around. I need Ian to unmute Ian. These wonderful things you're chiming in.
Starting point is 02:18:11 What did you want to say to Elvis? How did Elvis get you in the fields? So like I was driving a canoe that I borrowed back. Like that's my favorite part of podcasts is while you're i can recall exactly where i was where i was driving while i was listening to them and i was returning a canoe and listening to elvis talk about his dad passing and it definitely like it was completely genuine i needed to pull over for a second take a moment to myself it was great it was like i love that that's you know toronto mike touts the raw and that's what you get it's great
Starting point is 02:18:52 yeah thanks man uh you sound fantastic by the way of course um i have to say that after years of ripping your uh i don't know it's not you am, you're not the sound guy. You're the other guy. No, that's dope. I know you're the IT guy. I know you. Yes, of course. Um, but it's nice to hear that. You met Stokely, right? Yeah. Right. Sorry. I don't know why I got you both mixed up, but it's nice to hear that coming. Like, thank you for that. It's nice to hear that as opposed to you remembering the time where I've cried on the episode because Gord Downie died or because, you know, I ran over a squirrel on the way to Mike's house.
Starting point is 02:19:39 I'm an emotionally fragile individual. And so it was nice to have a share a moment with Mike and someone else actually that was great that was genuine fantastic did you cry when goose died in top gun oh no spoilers i haven't seen this fucking movie so we have also we have talked about this in the in on the podcast i believe but yes i have but only in a plane where you are more emotionally vulnerable scientifically because of the altitude. Yeah. Correct. Yes.
Starting point is 02:20:07 I knew exactly what was coming when it was coming. And I found myself crying on an air Canada flight home. Do you cry when, when they kick, tell Harry from hearing the Hennington's get lost. We don't want you anymore. I do. I love that fucking movie.
Starting point is 02:20:21 I love that. And that airplane thing. So true. I cried like a baby watching draftraft Day with Kevin Costner. That's a weird movie to cry. I would cry if I had to watch that movie. I did. I did.
Starting point is 02:20:33 It got emotional and I was crying. And that's what airplanes do to you. Elvis, yeah, you were really honest and you came here. I think you came to my backyard straight from the funeral, I think. Really? Pretty close. I think so. Shout out backyard straight from the funeral, I think. Really? Pretty close. I think so. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Great FOTMs at Ridley Funeral Home. Sorry for your loss, man. Thank you. Appreciate that. You both lost fathers this 2020. If you two want to cry about it, this is the time. Yeah, I think, listen, Jesus. Thanks a lot, Mike.
Starting point is 02:21:03 Wow. Got any Holocaust stories, Garrett? Are you still there? By the way, Gare Joyce is still there. So, Elvis, we opened this wonderful 52nd Pandemic Friday with the St. Paddy's Day theme, with Gare Joyce telling some
Starting point is 02:21:18 nasty... Most racist story ever. I think the nude swim hours were like 7 to 8, so he should be back. I still love his Bob McAllen story, though. I think the nude swim hours were like 7 to 8 so he should be back. I still love his Bob McCallum story though. I'm sorry. It's amazing. I had a special guest who was going to chime
Starting point is 02:21:34 in and he's not here so I'm going to play the jam and see if he does show up. I don't think he will at this point because it's 8 o'clock. I'm going to kick out the final jam. Do you want to say anything my friend? Stu? To be specific who I'm talking to? Wait the final jam. Do you want to say anything, my friend? Stu? To be specific who I'm talking to? Wait, this is my final jam?
Starting point is 02:21:49 Yeah, we're done. This is it. We're just you. Oh, this is the last song. Okay, yeah, listen. It's been great. 52 weeks. It's good to close out the 52nd episode with a victory.
Starting point is 02:22:00 Much like Cam picked a band earlier and I upstaged him with The Better Choice, I'm going to do that again here with Mike. Sounds good. And, you know, if you think of our generation, which is this, I don't know, I think we're all sort of close to the same era. This is sort of like the St. Patrick's Day anthem for us. And I'm just going to let it rip. Yes. Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin
Starting point is 02:22:49 I came to win, battle me, that's a sin I won't ever slack up, punk you better back up Try and play the run and you're the whole crew will act up Get up, stand up, come on, put your hands up If you got the feeling, jump up past the ceiling Monks listen, punk love, someone's talking junk Yeah, I'll bust them in the eye, and then I'll take the punks Oh, feeling funky, amps in the trunk And then I'll take the puns, oh, feeling
Starting point is 02:23:05 Dunkin', amps in the trunk, and I got more rhymes And there's cops at a junkie, donut shop Shown up, I got rocks from the kids on the hill Where's my mom and my pops? I came to get down, I came to get down So get down to your seats and jump around Jump around Jump around
Starting point is 02:23:21 Jump around Jump up, jump up again. I mean, listen, you gotta... There's very few crossover rap songs that are timeless. This is right there with any... I'd put this up against any of them. Insane in the Brain. Say what?
Starting point is 02:23:43 Insane in the Brain. Sure, but this song is what we're talking about now, Mike. I thought we were naming crossovers. No, we're not playing any games, Mike. This is House of Pain, Jump Around, which is a timeless song. I mean, this is a song that has crossed over there, back
Starting point is 02:23:58 and in between. This song was in fucking Mrs. Doubtfire, for crying out loud. This song has been exploited to the moon, yet yet still every time it drops it is as fresh as it was the first time you heard it you can hear it at any sporting event on any night you can hear it at any bar for any age demographic it is just that type of great song and of course friend of toronto mike fotm dj lethal course, a part of House of Pain. We've already covered fun facts involving Eric, Everlast, Shrody, Danny Boy O'Connor, DJ Lethal. I don't think any of them are Irish, but it worked well for the marketing to wear Celtics jerseys in the House of Pain video, and they embraced it.
Starting point is 02:24:38 They're not even from Boston. No? No. Whoa. Stop the music. Stop the rock and roll. What do you mean? Where are they from? Everlast and Lethal are from LA. No. Stop the music. Stop the rock and roll. What do you mean? Where are they from?
Starting point is 02:24:45 Everlast and Lethal are from L.A. Wow. So, but these guys, you know, I guess the record company was like, hey, let's put them in Celtics jerseys. And then it just kind of took off. They've embraced it a lot. Listen, they've embraced it. These guys play Boston.
Starting point is 02:25:00 They are Boston. They've become a Boston band becauseoston has sort of adopted them due to the house of pain and the irish sort of uh gimmick of it all um yeah they play uh st patrick state concerts all the time jump around is a great song and i have a mind blow because what would a pandemic friday be without a mind blow and i'm not sure we've done this before but for years and years and years this is some real talk mike yep and the toronto maple leaf just tied the game this is real talk mike for years and years and years everlast made so much money from this song jump around right yes until it was discovered the estate of a family figured out wait a minute that beat samples our song
Starting point is 02:25:47 and he had to settle for a lot of money i don't even know the number but uh i want to blow people's minds with uh with go ahead uh mike it happens real quick there it is. Wow. Chubby checker. Whoa. Chubby checker. If you start it again right from the beginning, Mike, you'll be able to hear it.
Starting point is 02:26:17 Okay, I'll do that again. Stand by. Hold on. Let's start this again here. It's just a two-second loop there right at the beginning. That's it right there. That's the beat from Jump Around right there. Wow.
Starting point is 02:26:39 So, yeah, if you never knew that, Jump Around is a sample of Chubby Checkers, Popeye the Hitchhiker. And, of course, Jump Around, ironically, there was the Jump Wars of that era. Criss Cross came out with Jump and of course you had House of Pains Jump Around. Both songs are very good songs and both songs
Starting point is 02:26:54 have been played on Pandemic Friday and both songs contain samples that are head scratchers because you wouldn't really hear that and think Chubby Checkers just like Criss Cross samples the Jackson 5. I think it's ABC 1, 2, 3. It's one of those Jackson 5 songs that's not off the top
Starting point is 02:27:09 of my head, but really cool stuff. Anyway, happy St. Patrick's Day. Sue Stone for the win. I want to shout out Elvis. I want to shout out... Before Sue gets too far onto the win thing, I just want to point out that I looked up YYZ,
Starting point is 02:27:25 and the correct pronunciation is YYZ, according to the most mispronounced Rushisms. So there you go. It's YYZ. James for the win. James for the win. Mic drop. I do want to tag on to Stu.
Starting point is 02:27:41 Hold on. Rush Mike has the mic. Rush Mike. Thank you. The jump around also made an appearance at a TMLX event. Yes, of course. I was looking for the video because I actually have a clip on my phone somewhere, but unfortunately I cannot find it, but it did also make an appearance.
Starting point is 02:27:58 That was the first one, right? The first one? Yeah. I think it was. Yes. I will also, Stu, I love you. I did some quick Googling, though. You're right. That Everlast, you know, probably comes from L.A.,
Starting point is 02:28:14 but two out of the three members of that band are from New York and Lethal comes from the Soviet Union. Yeah, he's from Latvia. Along with, of course, Nikolai Volkov. So, you know, really great company there. Yes. Lethal and Nikolai Volkov, two of the best American imports. Jakob Sternov.
Starting point is 02:28:35 I think Volkov was Lithuanian. Was he not? He's from Baltimore. Soviet Union, though. K-Fabe, bro. K-Fabe. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:28:54 The two Matt Layden's. 52 weeks of Pandemic Fridays. I don't know how we would have got through this pandemic without it. Stu, I think it was your idea. I want to give you full credit for the Pandemic Fridays even happening. I don't know what I'd do without it. Stu, I think it was your idea. I want to give you full credit for the pandemic Fridays even, you know, happening. I don't know what I'd do without them. Every week I got to prep, I got to load,
Starting point is 02:29:11 I got a lot of work on my hands for this fucking thing and I hope one day I get a jab in my arm and this thing ends. But I want to thank all the FOTMs who came to the open Zoom, including the Gear Joyce for the fantastic story that opened things off. But,
Starting point is 02:29:26 uh, you guys were awesome. So thanks all. Thank you all for being here. You know, like two words left. Good. Mike,
Starting point is 02:29:34 can you hear me? Yes, I can. I've got two words for you, my friend. And that. And that. And that. and that and that and that brings us to the end of our
Starting point is 02:29:52 816th show why am I listening to this you know Elvis you're the only fucking FOTM who doesn't listen to this program and that's why you get I slept with Dave Alter to get him on the fucking show what do you want from me and you have shitty taste in U2 songs.
Starting point is 02:30:06 Come on, David Alter and Disco Tech. Oh, my goodness. I got to text David Alter to let him know that I've been telling the world about you. I think he knows. We had him on just to shit all over him. You got to introduce him to Barb Paluskiewicz. Yeah, David's watching the Leaf game right now. You can follow me on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:30:24 I'm at Toronto Mike. Stu is at Stu stone uh i wish trudy stone came back i wanted to talk to her further but it was nice to finally meet her cam gordon he's at cam underscore gordon our friends at great lakes brewery are at great lakes beer palma pasta oh quick i gotta say happy birthday to morgan whose birthday is Monday. She turns five. She's very excited. And Palma Pasta is catering the birthday party we're having here, just the family, so just the six of us, on Saturday, which is like in two days. And what a year.
Starting point is 02:30:58 A year ago today, there was no pandemic. Mike had two balls. Things were really, really exciting. Actually, today is the 12-week anniversary of my vasectomy. Vasectomy genomes too. I can now get my sperm tested to make sure it worked.
Starting point is 02:31:14 You're almost there. That's the celebration day. If you need an Elvira picture for inspiration. Let me in on that, Mike. I'm there. At some point next week, I'll go in and get my sample tested, as they say here.
Starting point is 02:31:33 Okay, where was I? Palma Pasta. You were on my chest, I think. So, I know, I don't know how to segue from the ball thing, except that Morgan, the last person to come for my balls, actually, in the history of the world here, five years old on Monday, and thank you, Palma Pasta, for
Starting point is 02:31:49 catering the event on Saturday. Sticker U's at Sticker U. CDN Technologies, they're at CDN Technologies. Ridley Funeral Home. Damn, if you wanted to know where the fuck all of our lasagnas went, they're catering Night's Kid's birthday. Ridley Funeral Home is at Ridley FH. And, of course, Mimico Mike, he's on Instagram.
Starting point is 02:32:07 Boo to Instagram. He's on Instagram. Majeski Group Homes. See you all next week. Rosie and Gray. Yeah, the wind is cold, but the smell of snow warms me today. This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Rome Phone.
Starting point is 02:32:27 Rome Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started. Oh yeah, the special guest who is going to drop into the Zoom tonight was Mike Wilner. Whoa. I know, and he had a work thing. And then I told him like, we go long so you can come after work. And I just reminded him, but I, yeah, he didn't show up. How does, you know what? Love the guy,
Starting point is 02:32:57 but how does that guy function with the amount of vitriol and hatred he gets online? Well, how do you, how do you how do you do it i mean he i don't know seriously well that's why i'm not on social media but i mean the guy gets canned from wherever he was and and people are rejoicing in the streets i feel for the guy well he he's uh cut from the same damien cox cloth i think oh right to be fair to will i have a feeling that they were they knew that they weren't going to be doing radio broadcasts going forward because it's there's no radio yeah yeah it's not like willner got replaced no they don't even do it anymore i feel like i feel
Starting point is 02:33:38 like cocks though loves it like he wants it he does shit to get it. Whereas Wilner, like, I mean, there, there hasn't been like his, his ability to, you know, chew out Jay's fans on the radio is just second to none. Like call them like, you know, without saying that he calls. Oh,
Starting point is 02:33:57 wonderful. Yeah.

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