Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #16

Episode Date: November 21, 2012

It's just Toronto Mike and Rosie for this one as the two chat as if nobody is listening. If this were Facebook, you'd see Mike likes this....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Rosie! Hey Mike! How you doing today? I'm doing great, how are you? Good, Rosie. Hey, Mike. How are you doing today? I'm doing great. How are you? Good, good. Hey, everybody out there. I have some exciting news. What?
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm excited to talk about sports. Rose, I can't believe it. This is a surprise to me because normally you fall asleep when I talk sports. I know, and I tried it, but I've got to say, I admit, I'm one of those Toronto bandwagon fans. I get really excited when exciting stuff is going on. Well, it just so happens I have a couple of sports items on the agenda. Excellent. There's two bandwagons you could jump on if you're so inclined. But
Starting point is 00:01:09 before we go any further, let me say this is episode 16. And listen to this and tell me if you remember this moment. I totally remember. Turn of events. The Leafs merge on. And the Red Wings have been eliminated. I totally remember. It's when they made the playoffs, right? It was the first round against the Detroit Red Wings in 93. That was an overtime goal by Nikolai Borchevsky. Love it. This is episode 16 for Nikolai Borchevsky. And I believe his famous quote after scoring that goal was,
Starting point is 00:02:06 Unbelievable. I love his name. I love the name Nikolai. It's a version of my son's name, Nicholas. I love all versions of nicknames. I think Mike Myers, a famous comic who loves the Leafs, named one of his dogs Borchevsky. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:22 If I'm not mistaken, yeah. Well, that's an interesting little tidbit. See, I'm full of these interesting tidbits so um oh that was fun to listen to i know actually it was exciting i also have i do remember that i have the joe bowen call as well but i thought i'd go with the uh the cbc call bob call well that's the one i think most people are familiar with i mean that's the one i i would be familiar with so well, Rose, every Tuesday we hook up to record these podcasts. Yes. And I always see is that your eyes are watery and you sound like you're parched and your voice starts to crack.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Normally you have this pristine crystal voice. Thank you. And when you do my podcast, you sound like crap. I'm falling apart. Like an old lady. Actually, my eyes are right now. Yeah, I can't tell if you're crying because you're remembering the Nikolai Borchevsky goal. I moved, but not quite moved to tears.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And he had that spleen erupted or something. I'm trying to remember. After that, years later, he had some spleen incident. And I thought maybe you're watering up remembering that.'s still with us today don't worry Rosie thank goodness no I think it's an environmental factor that's causing my my eyes to water my voice to crack it's drinking all this water and I still feel my throat closing up I fear it might be the five hour energy you can't joke about that actually it's not you know what I was thinking about this feel my throat closing up. I fear it might be the five-hour energy studio. You can't joke about that.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Actually, it's not. You know what? I was thinking about this. The five-hour energy is a sponsor of the Humble and Fred show. I just turned my head and I honestly just noticed the enormous poster of an enormous five-hour energy drink in berry flavor. This is the Humble and Fred radio network. Now, I don't think we're allowed to badmouth the sponsors. So I will say that I read the article.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I know. They haven't given us a penny. They haven't? Five-hour energy. So it's possibly fair game. But I did read that article about all the deaths linked to five-hour energy. And it sounds like you have to drink five or six or seven of these things. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Absolutely. It's common sense with these sports drinks you know you hear about people drinking you know red bulls and having their heart racing and it's the same as speed as with anything it's common sense come on oh i know i've actually only had one energy drink in my life i got a free sample of red bull at high park when i was watching my son play baseball and i had a small free sample and i took it down but on thursday you and I, if you come to the, and you are coming to the birthday show, I think they're going to give us a bunch of five-hour energy drinks, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Well, that's, you know, that's very nice. I've only ever, I once tried a Red Bull. It was back in the day when you went to clubs, and the Red Bull and vodka was the hot, you know, the trendy drink. I think they are still popular, but it really trendy then i i it was disgusting it was i just think they're really syrupy and sweet they're totally not my taste i like to get my buzz from from coffee just straight up coffee that is you know that's how i get all my energy but in all seriousness uh we did talk after last week's show about your uh physical issues and you made a good
Starting point is 00:05:26 observation that we're in that we're in a building we're just below us i guess there's some chemical plant or some kind of paint they paint furniture what's going on down there there's a printing company and they print um they print they print you know business cards and all all sorts of manners of things that things, flyers. And I suspect, and I noticed when we walked in, when they're doing really big orders of things, and it looks quite busy, there's just the chemicals come in. And it explains why when I walk in, my eyes start to water as we go up the stairs. Yeah, I can smell it, like paint thinner. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah, actually, the first time I ever came here, I thought that it had just been painted. Because this is such, the Redfish Studios are, it's lovely. They are really, really nice, polished, professional production studio. So I thought, oh, maybe they just painted or renovated. But it smells like this every week. So I think it might be big orders of stuff going on down there. So do you think if we worked here every day, like Humble and Fred, it would have an effect on our life expectancy? I don't know. You know, I've never really been one to...
Starting point is 00:06:30 You're not a doctor? No, I'm not. Tell me next. Surprise. No, and I've also never really been one to be fussy about, you know, complain about work environments. Would you complain about the microphones we're using right now? No, I wouldn now no i wouldn't i wouldn't even probably have noticed that they're that they're different because uh this is our
Starting point is 00:06:49 first week on the shitty old mics because rogers communications has taken back the good mics apparently uh phil tipped us off to this last week but intern phil yes uh phil the friday intern somebody left a comment saying i've had my phil of phil i thought that was funny i think everyone's really hard hard hard on him i think he's he's gonna be just fine i'm sure he will um but the um what was i talking about oh yeah the microphones so they rogers lent humble and fred these awesome mics, I guess, while they broadcast on K-Rock in Kingston. And then when they kicked them out of Kingston, they took back the microphones. It's like salt in the wounds.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It's a tough business. It really is. Well, they waited until Humble and Fred went on vacation, and then they just took back their microphones. Like I said, I probably wouldn't have even noticed, but I think we still sound as great as ever. As awful as ever? Yeah. I'm a good Mike. That's another good Mike.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Mike Wixon just popped his head in. Now, speaking of Rogers, speaking of our friends at Rogers. Yes. Oh, boy. I'm excited. I'm actually excited. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out.
Starting point is 00:08:11 So Rogers owns the Blue Jays, and that's the sports team they don't share with Bell. Am I right? So this is the one they own on their own. Yeah. And they made a lot of noise. Stand by while I... There we are. So they made a lot of noise in the last week
Starting point is 00:08:32 with a major trade involving 12 players and a fairly significant free agent signing. And then I wake up this morning and suddenly John Gibbons is back as manager. as manager so even that even i know that's huge i was so excited to actually hear your because i know what a massive blue jay fan you are and i was i couldn't wait to hear your thoughts on how you feel about it three let's step through okay okay so first was the big trade with the marlins which was clearly a cash i guess the marlins were dumping salary.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So we gave up some decent prospects, but it sounds like we had a good war chest of prospects. And we get back the two starting pitchers that will be most helpful, Josh Johnson and Mark Burley. And that's what we need big time. Those two are now the one-two, I guess. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And we got back an all-star shortstop, Jose Reyes. That's a huge deal. You know, he's young and he's awesome. And a usable former Jays backcatcher named John Buck. He's a usable part. I think he'd be an asset to have him back on the team. And this speedster who can play second base in some left field, whose name is Emilio Bonifacio.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Perfect. Well done. Was that good? It's pretty good. Yes. Okay. So all in all, we're giving up a guy I wanted to give up anyways.
Starting point is 00:09:59 What's Escobar. Okay. So he's gone. He's gone. And we got rid of a couple of parts and then two good prospects. But like I said, we had a glut of prospects we could afford to give up. So I think that's a huge positive deal for the Blue Jays. What do you think, Rosie, about the Jays trade?
Starting point is 00:10:17 What about the fellow that there was the controversy over the steroids? Oh, Rosie, I'm doing them one at a time. First over the steroids. Oh, I haven't. Rosie, I'm doing them one at a time. First, the trade. Is that the biggest one, though? No, the trade is the big one. I just did it. That was the 12-player trade.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I think it's huge. A couple of starters. You've got a shortstop. You've got somebody who can play second. And you've got a good backup catcher. So that sounds like it covers everything. All the bases. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Haha, bases. Okay. So that sounds like it covers everything. All the bases. Yeah. Haha. Bases. Nice. This is the free agent signing is the guy you're talking about. So I'm not as high on this. I think it's a good move. He's going to go in left field. And he's better than what we have right now in left field.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He's an upgrade. And he was like leading. No, he would have won the batting title in the National League if he had not taken his name out of contention because he was suspended for performance enhancing drugs. Okay. So that did happen then. This is Melky Cabrera. Cabrera. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And I'm still... Initially, I was really excited about this deal. And then the more I think about it, I'm still happy about it. But, you know, he's not... It's not like the other Cabrera. There's another Cabrera, just to confuse regular folk. He's probably going to win the American League Most Valuable Player Award. He's a triple crown winner.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So you would have been more excited about him? Yeah, that would have been more exciting. But anyway, Melke, I think he's a good hitter, and he's going to be in left field, and I'm happy to have him as a Blue Jay. This is amazing. This is a whole new team. It's crazy. It's so exciting to see, too, how excited everyone in the city is again about baseball. You know, I don't know what you thought of last week when Keith Pelley made the comment about wanting to make going to a Blue Jay game fashionable again. I think he's sort of pissing people off because he said that the most important player
Starting point is 00:12:06 or the most important fans are the fashionable fans, the ones that jump on the bag wagon and go. And I feel like people are a little hard on him because, you know, I'm a little bit like that, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I think anything that, you know, gets... There's nothing wrong with being excited about a good team, right? No, a lot of fans don't want to go to see a crappy product.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Look at the Toronto FC, right? I mean, it's tough to, you know, you get excited and it starts off great and then they don't seem to be putting the work into the team. And then, you know, look what happened there. I can't say that I'm too excited to go see a Toronto FC game anymore, but I'm excited again about Blue Jays. And it's great that they put the effort and the money into to get everyone excited again. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Well, I heard, I don't know if this is right. I know the first part, they said in Vegas we were 101 odds before all of this. And now we're, I don't want to get this part wrong. I might get it wrong. But 7 to 1 maybe? Something like that. That's huge. Yeah, like with the fourth best odds in the majors or something to win the World Series.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I think we'd be very happy with a wild card playoff contention. Like, it's been so long since we've played anything meaningful at the end of September. So exciting. I mean, and I think the timing of it right now, it just feels really good as, you know, a Torontonian to get excited about sports, especially with how, you know, sort of depressing it is right now with the hockey. Oh, yeah. Well, there's no leaves.
Starting point is 00:13:22 The Raptors suck. They suck. TFC sucks. Awful.fc sucks awful it's depressing we'll get to the football team in a minute but uh the the leafs aren't playing at all and when they do play they suck isn't it bizarre there's just no hockey like it sort of just sunk sunk into me sunk in last week we did this eight years ago it's just just it's not that long ago i remember it like it was yesterday it just feels like we just did this like every seven or eight years we have to do this. I just think their timing is great and you know
Starting point is 00:13:49 as far as I can see, whether you're a fashionable fan or a loyal fan, I just think fans that are excited about anything in this is great for the city and you know great for the economy and businesses downtown. Like it's awful how much money all these restaurants and shops are losing. You know sports brings people out. It brings them downtown. It gets them's awful how much money all these restaurants and shops are losing.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You know, sports brings people out. It brings them downtown. It gets them going out to dinner and spending money on drinks and fun. And it's awful that this is, you know, going on with hockey. What do you want to say about John Gibbons? Do you have a thought on John Gibbons? Well, it's really funny because I wanted to, I was getting excited about the baseball and I wanted to sort of brush up on it. So I went online and I find that when I want to find out what's going on in the city I have to admit I do love checking in with blogs because I find that really good bloggers like yourself not only keep on top
Starting point is 00:14:35 of the news but they also have a real personal passion for it that makes it more interesting to read for me than just the typical news sources. So I found this blog, I just came upon it called Bluebird Banter. I don't know if you blog. I just came upon it called Bluebird Banter. I don't know if you've ever come. I have heard of Bluebird Banter.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Bluebird Banter. It was great. So anyways, last night he had written something. I think it was before they had confirmed that John Gibbons was going to be the manager. And I could sense that there was some trepidation, I think, about it. Yeah, but Gibbons wasn't even in the mix. I never heard a single rumor about Gibbons being a potential. This came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Really? Really. So that's what I thought was sort of surprising because, you know, it seems that they're making all these new moves with the players. Why would they choose to go back in time with someone else? Was he, I mean, from what I could see, he did have a good record, but. It's, I have an answer. First of all, he had a 305 win, 305 loss record.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So he was, you know, and no playoff appearances, of course. This is what I think it all comes down to. In Alex Anthopoulos, we trust. Like, that's where I'm at now. So Anthopoulos, who knows more about this stuff than I do, is sold on Gibbons. He thinks Gibbons is a great manager and has
Starting point is 00:15:49 no doubts. So I'm basically going to until Anthopolis messes up, I'm going to just trust him. Makes sense. I wasn't happy at first because I think we've been there, done that, and he was kind of a funny guy, but I remember Mick's physical altercations in the dugouts and things like that but you know anthopolis says
Starting point is 00:16:09 that's all good and he's the right guy so let's see what happens it's funny on the on the blog he made mention that when there were the rumors i think um what you had said that there was no sign of it at all that no it came out of nowhere i never heard it once someone just um the night before last spotted Anthopolis having dinner with him in Yorkville. So if somebody's having dinner with someone in Yorkville, you know something big is happening. Yeah, now it's possible, sure.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And now it's possible. So, well, if you trust him, I trust him. I'm excited. This is good. It's funny, when I was reading some stuff about him, I saw some images, Google images of John Gibbons and what you just said about him being sort of intimidating. There was this one picture of him just looming over a player.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And yeah, he looks like a tough guy. I realized in our excitement to talk about sports, we skipped over the shout outs. Do you want to? Oh, my goodness. Sorry about that. Do you want to go back to your shout outs? I don't know. I've started playing Cinnamon Girl. I feel like I need to keep going and then it'll be shout outs and then we'll oh my goodness sorry about that do you want to go back to your shout outs i don't know i've started playing cinnamon girl i feel like i need to keep going
Starting point is 00:17:07 and then it'll be shout outs and then we'll do a little bit more okay so this is neil young cinnamon girl one of the songs i heard last night at the air canada center where i saw neil young in concert amazing it was amazing i love that song too oh he's so great it was uh one of those okay so i guess a couple i don't know a while back sort of i put together a sort of a bucket list with monica my fiancee so it was sort of uh things to do before you die kind of thing and i stuck on there i have to see ne Neil Young live because five years ago Neil Young had an aneurysm and he you know he came through it obviously fine but it was scary and then I realized he might you know just you got to catch him while you can
Starting point is 00:17:56 kind of deal absolutely so she surprised me uh for my birthday this year she got me tickets to see Neil Young and we went last night. And it's everything I hoped it would be. He's just a living legend. He's such an amazing performer. Like, even when he goes off and he does some new stuff, and then he'll go. He's just a grungy, distorted wall of music. He'll sort of fall into and disappear for 10, 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And every single beat and note is amazing. And it doesn't matter if it's Cinnamon Girl or a song you've never heard before. It's amazing. You're just watching this virtuoso perform. And I just looked at the playlist. The only songs that most people would know on this playlist are The Needle and the Damage Done, Cinnamon Girl, Fuckin' Up. We can say that on this podcast, right, Rosie the damage done uh cinnamon girl fucking up we can say that on this podcast right we can say whatever we want mr soul hey hey my my and helpless most of the rest is uh like brand new stuff he's been doing with uh crazy horse so and one funny thing
Starting point is 00:18:59 is i got i got a tweet from hebsey because before the concert began, one of the, the opening act was the Sadies before Los Lobos. So the Sadies are performing and they call Randy Bachman on stage and Randy Bachman and the Sadies perform a no time by the guess who? Amazing. I know. And it was amazing. See Bachman up there and they're doing no time. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:19:19 Holy crow. And I tweeted about it. And then Hebsey, uh, okay. Mark Hebsey from Sportsline. I think any 30-something-year-old guy grew up watching Sportsline. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So he's on CH. I guess he's on the Hamilton station now. Okay. And he and I are Twitter buddies. And he wrote, you know, he told me, you're going to love Los Lobos. And I was like, you're right. They were awesome. Oh, so he was at the concert.
Starting point is 00:19:43 No, he's seen them somewhere else on the tour. Oh, okay. He saw them somewhere else. And then he told me, he warned me. I'm going to love Los Lobos. And I was like, you're right. They were awesome. Oh, so he was at the concert. No, he's seen them somewhere else on the tour. Oh, okay. He saw them somewhere else. And then he told me, he warned me. I'm going to read the tweet. He says, now don't be disappointed when Neil plays the same note for 10 minutes. He's been doing it for the whole tour. So Hebsey's talking about Walk Like a Giant, one of the new Neil Young and Crazy Horse tunes,
Starting point is 00:20:01 in which he basically ends his really cool tune. It's a really cool Neil Young tune with whistling and it's really wicked and at the end he pounds this note in this distorted haze and he pounds on that thing
Starting point is 00:20:14 for what feels like 10 minutes and every single time he pounds on it, I love it. It's awesome. It wasn't, nobody would, forget Walking Out,
Starting point is 00:20:23 his fan base, these Rustys, et cetera, who follow him, they were in their element. They were so happy. It was amazing. He could have done that for six hours. I would have loved it. Isn't that sort of the sign of a great concert where a performer, he gives you something that you're not going to get from listening to him in your music collection. You know, he gives you something special, something extra.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And I warned Monica, the funny thing is before the concert, I warned Monica, I said, you know, if you're looking to hear like Long May You Run and, uh, Cinnamon Girl, you know, just, yeah. Or, um, um, the typical ones that are like Cowgirl in the Sand or whatever. Uh, you're, you know, you're not going to the wrong concert cause it's going be a crazy horse thing and she told me she said if he played his hits i wouldn't know it anyways like she basically was confessing that she wouldn't know a neil young song if it like walked up and gave her a kiss so uh i said okay you're gonna have a great time and she couldn't tell the difference between the new stuff with crazy horse and the classic Ohio or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And it's testament to what an incredible performer he is. Because I think when you see a concert and there's such a feeling of, oh, this is a new song, I'm not enjoying it. It should be sort of a whole performance. And him giving you something extra and special. I mean, I think he's advanced. But this posing con, a lot of people want to see an act do the greatest hits. I'm going to see the Rolling Stones.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I want to hear Brown Sugar and Satisfaction and go on. I want to hear Start It Up. I want to hear all the Rolling Stones hits. And then there's others who are like, if I want to hear those hits, I can put on the Hot Rocks. I want to hear deeper album cuts and new stuff and some riskier... Neil Young, he likes to blow it up, sort of reject fame and sort of reinvent himself
Starting point is 00:22:11 more relevant than ever. Was his voice amazing? His voice is... Okay, that's the other thing. He's 67 and he had that aneurysm five years ago. He was quite unwell. Yeah, and he looks and sounds so strong. He went two and a half hours. I just so strong. Like he went two and a half hours.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Like I just saw Public Enemy and they did two and a half hours. And I'm like, how can these 52 year old guys be doing that? And then this Neil Young comes out at 67. It's like a man one third his age should be lucky to have that energy. Like it just was just amazing. Just shows you right. Age is all. It's, you know, it's just a number. you're right age is all it's you know it's just a number uh as my grandmother my 97 year old grandmother used to say age is a matter of mind if you don't mind it doesn't matter that's you
Starting point is 00:22:54 know it's she's absolutely right and you have you still have your both your grandmas yeah you're like me too i have me too we have some really good genes, you and I, our families. Do you have any grandpas alive? Yeah. I have two grandpas. One's 93, one's 89. Wow. And two grandmas. I should be in your family because the men can live in my family. Well, and you know, my Italian grandpa, because my mom's grandpa is French-Canadian and my dad's grandpa is Italian. Oh my gosh. It's incredible. You would never think he's 93. He's just full
Starting point is 00:23:29 of beans. It's pretty amazing. It's pretty inspiring. When I get old, as long as I keep my wits about me, I'll go long on that. I don't care. I'll go to 110 or whatever. My 97-year-old, I have a 101-year-old who's still got her wits about her. It's amazing. But the 97-year-old doesn't know who 101-year-old who's still got her wits about her. But the 97-year-old
Starting point is 00:23:46 doesn't know who I am. She's just sort of breathing. And I mean, she's with us, but I've said goodbye to her a long time ago because for all intents and purposes, she's gone. But she continues to breathe and the heart beats, so she gets birthdays so long as she does. You know, my eyes are starting to water.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Not from the toxic chemicals. Rosie's crying it's a chemical plant i was talking about grandmas and grandpas okay so neil young was awesome but we should probably do our shout out yes of course the people love that so the first shout out is to a commenter named matt who uh i think in the summer he revealed that he was really young like a teenager i believe oh wow and i was surprised we love teenagers I know but when I visualize commenters they're all in their 30s and 40s all of them I don't know what that is I've I can't picture a 29 year old commenter let alone like a 19 year old commenter you're making it sound really old
Starting point is 00:24:36 no it's just like this I write what I like and I like I like the 93 Leafs and you know I like Neil Young and I like the Tragically Hip and Pearl Jam. I like stuff that 30-something-year-olds and 40-something-year-olds. Okay. So that's to Matt. Matt likes your... I think I remember reading something that he really likes when you write about rock music, because he's really into rock music.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I do remember seeing that. That's great. Yeah. Well, I'm glad he listens and reads your site. And just one more shout out before now we're listening to guys in this group well hold on hold on i will explain this is our lady piece uh navied title track off uh what i still think is a pretty solid album. Maybe you had to be there, but you were there, but Matt wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I'm playing this because Sammy with an I has been commenting for years, and she's always really super snarky. Forever I thought she was a dude, and then she revealed in the comments she was a girl, and I don't revealed in the comment she was a girl and i
Starting point is 00:25:45 don't know i surprised me too all my commenters in my head are guys so sammy with an eye always really jumps on my back if i even say anything slightly complimentary about our lady peace i i liked that album and i liked the clumsy album and they were a decent band 102 played them all the time i seen them live a few times sure did yeah four yeah 4 a.m though was good live like i just rain maida and our lady peace back in the 90s i was i liked them i did hear that they are good live maybe have they were great live because i do find that that when I see a band perform live, I tend to like their music more. Of course, yes. But I'm afraid I'm not one I'm going to agree with Sammy.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Okay, so I don't pray at the altar of Our Lady Peace. It's just one of a, you know, I liked a bunch of 90s CanCon bands, and that was one of them. My grade school was Our Lady of Peace. Oh my goodness. Just an interesting tidbit. Yeah, it's a quote from some poem or something but they are a toronto band of course they're no rusty another 90s can con band i totally dug scott really likes rusty too scott and i i think we should just reveal to the audience
Starting point is 00:26:59 we're the same people i really one of these days i gotta slip out of the chair and let scott slip in and let you two go on about about because you have quite a lot of similar tastes. Starting with the mad love for Lowest of the Low. Same age, grew up in the same city. It's going to happen for sure. Do you mind if I give a little shout out to one of your commenters? No. Just a little one?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Rosie, this is called Toronto Mic'd. It's not Rosie in Toronto. Just a teeny little one. Okay, go. Toronto Mike. It's not Rosie in Toronto. A teeny little one. Douglas, who I think we've shouted out to before, but a little while ago, he wrote something really interesting on a
Starting point is 00:27:30 conversation that was going on about buying alcohol at the LCBO and how it's so monstrously marked up. And I remember he'd written something that was such a great suggestion. It's like, you know, we have in the Niagara region just an hour
Starting point is 00:27:45 drive from Toronto, all these wonderful wineries, and you can buy wines that aren't available at the LCBO, and you're not paying what you're, you're paying for what you get, because you're avoiding the, you know, the markup at the LCBO. And obviously, there are some of the larger wineries that do sell their stuff there. But all that to say, when we were coming back from Great Wolf Lodge, we thought, wouldn't it be fun to just get off the highway, since we're going right there, and pop into one of those wineries? And Douglas' comment was
Starting point is 00:28:11 in my head. I'm like, we should absolutely do that. So we did, and we went into the 13th Street Winery, which is near Jordan Village in Niagara's 20 Valley. I went to a wedding there recently. Oh, it's so beautiful. And you know, it's funny because... You know who it was? Momfessional. Oh, Colleen! The great guest, Momfessional. Oh, it's so beautiful. And, you know, it's funny because... You know who it was? Momfessional. Oh, Colleen.
Starting point is 00:28:27 The great guest, Momfessional. Oh, she got married there. Years ago, we went to... I got lost going there. That's the place I got lost going. That's so funny. Well, anyways, it was great. We actually didn't end up buying any wine because we had our little guy with us.
Starting point is 00:28:40 But you went for free samples. No, we didn't even get to have any samples because Nicholas was... We were just coming from Great Wolf Lodge and his patience was about like, there's no water park here. This isn't fun. But if you go to my website,, I have some pictures that I took from 13th Street Winery. It was pretty neat. So Rosie's website is and she can be reached on Twitter at Rosie in Toronto. Exactly. I always love what I hear from our gang. It's great.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So tweeter. She likes to be tweeted. I do. I like... I have to say I like tweeter. Twitter. So Rosie, I follow Don Cherry on Twitter and he tweeted about like drive-thrus. I think this was last week. But I think this was last week,
Starting point is 00:29:27 but I took this note that I agree. I don't agree with him on everything, but I agreed with him on this. I have never ever got out of my car to go in. I've never, sorry. I'm sorry. I've never ever used a drive-thru when I could park and walk into a, whatever it be, a Tim Hortons or whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:43 ever in my life. Whoa. So what I just I always wonder, why wouldn't you just park and walk in? Like, why do you stay in your car? You're idling for a long time. You're not getting any exercise. It just seems to me like park and walk in. I would never use the drive through.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Tell me if you use drive-thrus. I felt exactly the same as you until I had my son. I never, very, very rarely use a drive-thru. Only maybe on, you know, a road trip and you want it to get on your way. Yeah, it's different. You're jumping off the 400 and you're near the barrier or whatever. But I absolutely felt the same as you. I also actually feel it's faster when you walk in. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Faster. It is faster than sitting. Better for the environment, better for your health and faster. It's true. And I hate the way, you know, when you're in line at the Tim Hortons and everybody's exhaust is going and you do, you feel bad. You actually do feel bad. But all that to say, I have to admit.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Because Nikolai won't, it's hard to get out of the car and brought into the Tim Hortons. It's so much work. It's so much work. It's so much work. It's just, and I have to admit, you're exhausted, you're tired, you've wrestled him in. And he's very contrarian by nature. So, you know, once I've wrestled him into the... He's a difficult boy. He's always arguing, just like you.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You know, he doesn't, you know, once I've got him in there, and you know, it's really frowned upon to leave your child in the car. No, you can't do that. You really can't do that. You can't do that. So I have to admit, since having him, i use the drive-thru all okay so you're gonna say it's the kid so when you're alone you don't use the drive-thru okay i'm just curious who are these people who are using the drive-thru it's actually funny because yesterday um i um i i work once a week editing um at a place and i wanted to get a coffee on my break and um actually went to to
Starting point is 00:31:26 mcdonald's and i issued the drive-through i i parked and i i walked in i'm proud of you rosie you know when i'm by myself absolutely because i really do think it's faster actually we were taking him to swimming lessons on sunday and um we left a little early because we knew it was going to be busy for the santa claus parade and i went to that by the way i know we'll get to that but um uh yeah no i actually we needed to get coffees and because scott was driving i actually ran we didn't go in the drive-thru i ran in and it was much i came out with our coffees way before we would have got to you know so so that's my thoughts on that don and i and you seem to agree on this when Nikolai is not in the car. You don't mind if I start calling him Nikolai.
Starting point is 00:32:08 No, I actually quite. I like it. I like all versions of, you know what? When we chose his name, I wanted a name because I'm one of those people that I hate. Like, I have to admit, I hate, like, if, for example, say you name your child Michael. Okay. And you insist that he only be called Michael because you don't like the short form Mike. And you correct people and give them dirty looks.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I think that's gross, personally. I chose a name that we wanted to name that if it got shortened, we liked all versions of it. So you can call him Nick, Nicky. Little Nicky. Little Nicky, Nick. I like it all. James, too. My son, he's got Jim, Jimbo.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I call him Jimmy. I'll call him Jimmy James all the time after the Beastie Boys song. But I would never, I just, I just would be, I could never just be the type of mother where if somebody called him Nick, that I'd be like, it's Nicholas. I just, I hate those people. I find it so pretentious. I really do. And you see, it happens.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It happens all the time. Were you Rosalie in grade school? I, um, I, I was, yeah, I was Rosalie, but it always usually got shortened to Rosie. What would your friends call you in grade school? Rosalie? My friends would call me Rosie. Rosie? Yeah, my Rosie.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And there's three people that call me Rose. Because of the golden girls. It's funny. It always got shortened to Rosie. It never got shortened to Rose, except for three people. My dad, my brother, and you. Scott calls me Rosie, but you and my brother and my dad call me Rose. Well,
Starting point is 00:33:25 we're the three who love you the most. Well, I'm quite, I am quite popular. I'm going to play a song. I'm going to see if you bring you back to sort of earlier days of Toronto radio, particularly CFNY.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Don't worry. We're not going to do a 40 minute talk about CFNY. Rose is like, again, like we're doing this CFNY a 40 minute talk about CMRosie. Rosie's like, again? We're doing the CF and Y talk again? But no. I liked it. I listened. I liked it. What's not to like?
Starting point is 00:33:56 This is... I should let it brew a little bit before I... You notice we stopped that game where I play a song and ask you if you like it? I found it sometimes need time. Of course, that was the whole idea of the game. You're the one who said you know right away. I always, sometimes I need to
Starting point is 00:34:12 hear a song three or four times before I pass judgment. And you're passing judgment three or four bars into it. Well, I thought about it later and I'm like, it's not really right of me because it does, I do sometimes change my mind later, so I don't want to condemn these poor songs. But even in a song, it could go in many different directions. In the song, you don't know what the refrain is going to sound like.
Starting point is 00:34:29 You're judging it on the intro. I can't do it. You can't judge this song based on this intro. Although I must say, I like this. Okay, good. So far. So this is Chalk Circle and their big hit, their CanCon hit, April Fool.
Starting point is 00:34:42 It was very popular 80s. See, I love it. This is my thing. I love this whole retro sound. See, I love, this is my thing. Like, I love this whole retro sound. Oh, you should have seen the spoons with me. Actually, I was with Humble and Fred and Monica, my three besties, three best friends that anybody could have.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And we went to see the spoons last year. But okay. So this is the very first concert I ever attended at the Ontario Place Forum. I saw Chalk Circle as a very young man. Free concert at those Ontario Place Forums. So do you remember your first concert? My very first concert was Depeche Mode.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Where? I believe it was at, I think it was at exhibition stadium you know what what's wrong with your brain that you can't recall where it was like i have i can every concert i could tell you where it was i'm pretty i'm pretty positive it was outside because i saw them my first they were the first two um concerts i saw um 91. 91. Okay, well the Jays moved out of there in 1989 I think. Could that have been? It was definitely
Starting point is 00:35:53 The first two concerts I ever saw were two Depeche Mode concerts in a row and I saw one at Exhibition Place and then I saw one in the Sky Dome at the time. I saw them like the Sky Dome at the time. I saw them like about a billion times. And I'm pretty sure that was my very first ever concert.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Just wondered if you could remember your first concert. I mean, I'll probably... I find that when we talk about concerts, after I leave here, it all comes back to me into my head. The best podcast happens on my drive home when I remember all the things I forgot to say that were smart and insightful. Of course.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And particularly that conversation we had about bands that we would see if they were still alive. And I was like, oh, my gosh. I would have died to have seen Janis Joplin perform live. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Oh, come on, Mercedes Benz. She was awesome. I don't need to now.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Pearl. I just did that for you. Rosie, I asked my daughter, my eight-year-old. This is Sunday. We were going to the Santa Claus parade. And I asked her, what's your favorite Christmas song? And this is what she told me is her favorite Christmas song. Hi.
Starting point is 00:36:59 You from the casino? I'm from a casino. Good enough. Let's go. I'm afraid Robert Goulet hasn't arrived yet, sir. Very well. Begin the thawing of gym neighbors. Are you sure this is the casino?
Starting point is 00:37:16 I think I should call my manager. Your manager says for you to shut up! Vera said that? Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid in bed. That's fantastic. Batmobile lost its wheel, the Joker got away. Hey, thank you, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Ow! Oh, I'm sorry, kid. That's Michelle's favorite Christmas. That is adorable. That is adorable. Needless to say, I was very proud. Are you in the Christmas spirit? I have to admit, I'm getting excited.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Are you? Well, Sunday I saw the big guy himself in the parade. Okay. And I have a routine. This is my ninth year in a row. So I went as a kid, and then I grew up and stopped going. And then when I had kids I started again so James is almost 11 and this was our ninth one in a row and I have a routine uh we leave really early because
Starting point is 00:38:12 I've learned you have to get there really early absolutely to get a spot uh you want a curb spot so we have a spot we like now we go to basically Dundas and University and we go a little bit north on university on the west the island on the west side and we get a curb spot and the cops always come by and say you can't you have to sit on the curb you can't go in the spot in front of the curb so we know if we secure the curb i'll go behind them and michelle and james can have a curb spot and then but you're fine there though yeah it's fine yeah every. Because that is a great vantage point. That's that corner. We got it down to a fine art so many years doing it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Well, for sure. But this year, we get there, the entire island is gated off. The public is not allowed to sit on this island. And thousands of spots are there. And I was there at 10.30. I'm there. And I'm being told by security guys, I can't go where I always go because Canadian Tire, as a sponsor,
Starting point is 00:39:09 has exclusive right to this area. So apparently, I don't know what they did. If they gave it to employees or if they had a contest, I don't know. But they had seats set up in there for, like, people who didn't have to get there three hours early like me. They could show up at, like.15 and just sit down. You should look on Mike's site at his pictures of
Starting point is 00:39:30 this because it really looking at it, the optics of it for Canadian Tire, I personally feel are awful because what you see basically is this massive, expansive island which would be a place where families and kids who've come early can watch the parade go by. And this is an event for families and kids.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And instead, what you see is this huge gated off area with seats. And it looks very much like something they've done for maybe their corporate. I mean, you're right. It could have been a contest. I have no idea. I don't know that detail. And I respect the fact that they are sponsors. You need corporate sponsors to make these things happen.
Starting point is 00:40:05 But then slap a logo on the side of an elf. That's what that's for. This is not the event to do that. As a sponsor, they have a huge float. Like it's a huge Canadian Tire ad and their logo is all over the parade. Right. I mean, that's the deal. But I do.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I can tell you this, that I was really ticked off. I actually got my kids a spot right beside the gate. But, I mean, as the time went on, you know, I get there at 1030. The floats don't start coming by until 130 where we are. A lot of people show up and they're like SOL. Like they're just trying to find their kid, make sure their kid can see. And I'm out there on Papa Bear making sure my two kids can see. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I mean, it's. I just, what tick... And I just... What ticked me off the most was how it was only half full. Like, so when the parade started, there was like maybe eight people, ten people, and they had all these empty seats. And we're all like ten deep. You should see the pictures. We're like twelve deep.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And they got this huge real estate just sitting there empty. They should have made sure that real estate was completely filled with people. Right. Let us in there when they realize their people aren't showing up. No, it's poor and I just think particularly the spirit of an event like that is about family and it's about children.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It is about children. Because it's free. Like a lot of kids can't afford the 20 bucks like whatever they charge at Sherway Gardens. I was going to say, you can't even see Santa. It's seven bucks a seat, which I refuse anymore at Sherwood Gardens. I know, but they're going to give it to some charity. I know they give it to charity, but it's just something about the way they've done it. I blogged about this.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Do you know that? You have to line up to get an appointment and then you come back. Well, I was actually going to comment on it, but I thought I would save it for the podcast. Go ahead. Let's hear you. Well, a couple of years ago when I first took Nicholas to see Santa, I went to the Sure We Won. And then you used to be able to do it. You could just send them an email and you could go pick up the tickets, which, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:57 for people that are working and don't have the time to go at two o'clock in the afternoon and line up for hours, that was a little bit more sensible. It was a long lineup. I saw it. Well, and then the following year I went back and because the money went to to charity um you know and it was it was it was fun right although i had an issue with one of the um volunteers i had a bit of a mama bear moment where um they give them little bells to ring while they're lining up waiting for santa just to you know divert them and have fun and he was really little at the time and he didn't want to let go of the bells.
Starting point is 00:42:26 So when we got up to the point where it was time to see Santa, this really important little person was like, well, he has to give the bells back now. I'm like, well, can he give the bells back after, you know, we take the picture because he's going to scream now and really it's what's the difference whether I give you back the bells now or later? I'm going to give you back the bells. And if not, the bells are 50 cents. I'm sure Cadillac Fairview can handle it with all the money they make.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And she just was... I'm told that I have to get the bells back. Because if I don't, then we'll lose them. And again, I'm sure Sherry Gardens can handle it. In her defense, she's only got some orders. She's some teenager. I know, but you know what, Mike? When you were a teenager defense, she's only got some orders. She's some teenager. I know, but you know what, Mike? When you were a teenager, really, it's common sense.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I was an exceptional teenager. Thank you. It's common sense. You know what, ma'am? Just make sure we get them back after. I know. He was 18 months. They don't make teenagers like they used to, Rose.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You know what? I had the exact same thought. Because if that had been me when I was 14 years old, I would not have behaved like that. Anyways, very simply, the mama bear comes out. He will not be giving you back the bells. The bells is ours now. And it was fine. Anyway, so I had all sort of unpleasant experience there.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And then last year when I saw that line, I had the same thing experience as you last year because they started it last year. I was like, you know what? We're going to go to Cloverdale to see Santa. Okay, so you're done with Sherway Gardens. Done with Sherway Santa, yeah. Where you accidentally drive every Tuesday when you're supposed to come here. I figured. And we're also mad at Canadian Tire, who in the past I've had good experiences with them.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like, I used to do things with their PR. I just wish I understood what that was supposed to be and how it could work better for future parades. Because it's a bit upsetting when your kids can't see the darn parade and it's empty, gated, public land for a public parade. And that it stayed empty. I mean, after an hour into the parade, if those, all those seats, because I was surprised at your pictures at how many empty seats there were. And I don't care if somebody threw their jacket on it. No, you sit there and you watch the floats go by for the whole time. You don't throw your jacket down and go get a Starbucks because really you couldn't care less about it.
Starting point is 00:44:24 But are you okay with this? If they fill up their seats with Canadian Tire employees who show up at 115, you're okay with this? Well, you know what? More okay with it. I'm more okay with it. You know, again, it's, you know, they are sponsoring it. It's happening because of them. I'm more okay with it.
Starting point is 00:44:40 But I just think the optics of it from a pr point of view i can't imagine how i mean again it's for children my god let's rosie will anybody think about the children that's what i want to say i just think if i was that upset seeing your pictures i can't imagine how it felt being there with your with your being a papa bear right like with your kids coming there for all those years to be told no no, sorry, this is for... It reminded me of the song Signs. You gotta have a membership card to get inside. I hate stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:45:12 They should have known better. It wasn't just... Other islands were blocked off for other sponsors. Maybe it's a thing they're doing now. I was affected by the Canadian Tire one. What was the best float? I don't even remember. My kids, it's called Little Big Planet.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Am I getting that right? You don't know because your kids do. I don't know. He's too little, I think. See, my kids loved this Little Big Planet float. That was the big winner. Was there a Lego? I kept hearing about the Lego float.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I posted a bunch of pictures. I take pictures of all the floats. Lego was a nice float. At this point, yeah, I don't know how many more years I can do it. Like, uh, I keep thinking, okay,
Starting point is 00:45:47 Michelle's eight, you know, James is almost 11. He's going to bow out soon. And then I realized what if, uh, there's future, I got to do the whole family thing again,
Starting point is 00:45:55 and I'm going to have new kids and I got to go another 10 years. This might never end. Like I could be like, I could be a very old man going to like my 25th parade in a row. Oh no, I know what's going to happen, though. What's going to happen? The Toronto Mike podcast will become a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:46:10 And we'll have our own island. We'll have our own special blocked area that we'll let the people into. That's our goal. That's our goal. Hey, quick. This is real quick. I heard somebody call GIFs a GIF. And what do you call the file format.gif? GIF.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Okay, I call it a GIF as well. CBC Radio. I have no idea if that's right or wrong. Both are acceptable, but it was like, it was Song of the Year or something. It was the Word of the Year or something. It was? It's a weird one. And I heard on CBC they called it GIF. And I just think GIF sounds like it should be J-I-F. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I have to admit, because I actually was looking at that word, I have always thought of it as GIF. GIF, like gift. Yeah, exactly. I don't think. I have to admit, because I actually was looking at that word. I have always thought of it as gift. Gift, like gift. Yeah, exactly. This is your gift. I always find those words of the year are never really words that. Well, gift should have been the word of the year in like 1997.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Thank you. Isn't that an old word? I mean, I'm not like super computer savvy, but I feel like that's a common word now. Before, there was, which has long gone. word now before toronto there was uh which is long gone but in 98 i had a revolving uh mailbox that you could it was a gif of a revolving mailbox and you could click that and it would generate an email to my yahoo account i remember getting remember when aol would send the the cds the free and you load them up and then it would say you've got mail it's such an iconic one a week i think for finding isn't that funny like that that seems like a billion years ago now you
Starting point is 00:47:29 know oh yeah but before that it was right i think it does exist in some format i guess my friend chrissy you know chrissy she has an aol email address maybe she's being like a hipster like it's so uncool she's not she's that's the thing she's a she's a cool hipster but without trying at all she doesn't intend to be that's so you know we did all that sports talk and bandwagon jumping stuff so we're all gonna jump on the i'm not jumping on any jane's jay's bandwagon i've been there the whole time i always support that team i don't like i always support that team but there's another team and i wanted to um ask you rosie this song i heard today for the first time today first time ever today it there's a long instrumental part before the words come in so i'll just set it it up to say I was googling Argo's theme song, Argo's fight song,
Starting point is 00:48:28 trying to find out if the Toronto Argonauts, like we have OK Blue Jays. I can play that for the Jays. What do the Argos have? And they have, this was from I think 1967. So here it comes. Go Toronto Argos, go, go, go. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Pull together, fight the foe, foe, foe. Scoring touchdowns for the blue on blue. The Argos will win for you. Full of fight and courage, you can't stop. They pile up the points until they reach the top. Pull together till the Grey Cups walk. Go Argos, go, go, go. So Rosie, this is, yeah, the
Starting point is 00:49:11 Argo Fight song. I love it. I can see it catching on. It's a little bit catchy. It may not be quite as catchy as our Blue Jay song, but I think I'm just so used to that Blue Jay song. It's the best kept secret in the city. I mean, I'm 38 years old. I've never heard that song. I have never heard that song before. But I think you've got to spread the word.
Starting point is 00:49:29 This is good. Well, I shared it today on I'm playing it, obviously, because while I was at the Santa Claus parade, we were defeating the Montreal Alouettes. And we're in the Grey Cup, the 100th Grey Cup. It's amazing. Grey Cup Saturday. They had a good float.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I thought they had a good float. That's cool. I have to admit, I'm totally on the football bang wagon, too. It's funny, because when I used to work in sports, I think there's something that happens when you work in something where, because it's stressful, sometimes it can take some of the fun away from it. And I used to be very involved in all the CFL games. to be very involved in all the CFL games.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And so there was a time in my life where Toronto being in the Grey Cup in Toronto would have put me into serious, serious... Let's just say I'd be in the fetal position right now. So it's quite nice to... Even though I have slight PTSD, it is quite nice to see this happening for the city and not have to be involved in it in any way. Andrew Stokely would know what I'm talking about if he's listening. Oh, he's listening, all right.
Starting point is 00:50:31 This is exciting. Yeah, I agree. I can't wait to watch the game. And good luck to the Argos playing the Calgary Stampeders. And it's funny because in this league, people put it down a lot for a bunch of obvious reasons. But, you know, there's eight teams in this league. So really, your odds are one every eight years you're going to win one. So I'm thinking we last won and was it 04?
Starting point is 00:50:51 Well, really? Yeah, so I'm thinking it's time, right? It's so time. It's eight years later. And just every eight years the Argos should win one just out of like math. Absolutely. It's Scott a few years ago went to a Saskatchewan Rough Riders game. And he said it was hands down. Oh, in Regina? Yes. Oh, I heard years ago, went to a Saskatchewan Rough Riders game, and he said it was, hands down.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Oh, in Regina? Yes. Oh, I heard it's like a religion. It's like going to a Green Bay Packers game. He said it was one of the best sporting experiences of his life because it's just, they love it there. There's nothing else. You got the Blades or whatever in Saskatoon. I don't know what else is going on over there. There's nothing else. I think, yeah, that's your team. It's cool. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:51:30 I like that we have CFL and the rules are different. Well, you do know we only have the Argos because we don't have an NFL team. If this city got an NFL team, the Argos would be toast. You know this, right, Rosie? And I like the NFL. I like the CFL. Sorry. I'm one of those guys who still defends it and goes to games occasionally and watches it quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah, Scott too. It's hanging on by a thread because there's no NFL in the city. Funny though, I took Scott as a present. I got him when the Buffalo Bills came here. They come here every year now, yeah. And the first year they came, we went to the game. And I was, I think I was six months pregnant. I can't believe how many fights I saw. I've never experienced that at a baseball game, at a hockey game.
Starting point is 00:52:15 It's called alcohol, Rosie. No joke. I'm not exaggerating. About 20 minutes into the game, two rows in front of me, two men started fighting. The way they fight on tv you know just like fists flying you know full out a full out bra and i'm like wow that's that's that's really funny and you're right the beer was floating then as we were leaving we saw more people fighting you know um coming out of the sky dome and then in the parking garage another yet another fight it was it was a really remarkable. I don't think I'd probably rush back. In the mid to late 80s, I used to
Starting point is 00:52:48 buy $2 grandstands. These were what is it called? Where you can sit anywhere. General admission. $2 general admission grandstand seats for Toronto Blue Jay games. Dominion had this promotion.
Starting point is 00:53:03 You can get them for $2 and you can sit anywhere. You first come first serve for Toronto Blue Jay games. Dominion had this promotion. You can get them for $2. Dominion. And you can sit anywhere. You first come, first serve in the outfield there. And this is Exhibition Stadium, of course. And I remember we'd go to see a game against the Tigers, for example. And the drunken Detroit Tiger fans who came over from Detroit, the fights with them and the Jays fans in the grandstand were worth the $2. They were worth the price of admission.
Starting point is 00:53:25 It was amazing. That's what I remember from. You remember the fights. them and the Jays fans in the grandstand were worth the two dollars. They were worth the price of admission. It was amazing. Well, that's what I remember from, you remember the fights. It's true. And you'd see it pop here and then there'd be another outburst over there. And it was just keeping track of all the physical, the fights. It's, you know, it's, I have to admit, it's. You just like the violence, Rosie. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:53:41 I don't mind. You know, I watched the movie Goon. I can't believe I'm admitting this. I need to see that. You haven't seen Goon? No, I started it and I didn't like the first two minutes and I bailed on it. But then somebody told me I should revisit it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:53:52 I can't believe I'm saying this, but I thought it was hilarious. The girl with the eyes that are too close together in that movie. Exactly. Alison Pill, the girl from the newsroom. Who tweeted me her breasts once. She tweeted them to many people. Oh. She did.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I thought it was just to me. Little boobies. But, no, I think I don't mind hockey fights. I don't know. It's fun. Rosie, do you mind if I have a quick meeting with you on air? Don't pretend that I turned off the recording. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Okay. So I wanted to talk to you about the direction of this podcast. All right. Because now this is episode 16, the Nikolai Borchevsky episode. And this is the first episode we've ever recorded where you and I are the only ones in the studio. There is no one else here. Yep. It's just us having a chat.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm doing everything here on the board myself. I meant to point that out to our listeners. Mike has done an amazing job today. So smooth. He's running it all. There's nobody in here except for me. And believe me, I'm not doing anything but sitting here talking. Mike's doing it all.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You're doing an amazing job. You know, we've had guests. And even last week, the guest is someone familiar with the studio. So theoretically, if something blew up up he could fix it maybe because he's around it every day and i couldn't help you no you're useless like a tit on a nun this is like we could sit here for five years and i wouldn't be able to hook any of that stuff up now we're assuming we're actually recording we haven't yet seen the recording but um okay so what we've done up to now is we basically every tuesday we hook up and we do two episodes. And they're each like 30 to 35 minutes.
Starting point is 00:55:27 This week, we are doing one episode. Because I don't know about you, but I found it that when we did the two back-to-back, I always liked the first one better than the second one. Well, the good stuff comes out first, right? The first one was the art of sports and anger. Well, I think because you and I are having a genuinely natural this is how Mike and I you know chat as friends and I think because we're having a genuinely natural conversation all the stuff we're excited about it all you know when I want to tell you something I've been trying to I'm gesticulating wildly but
Starting point is 00:55:58 I'm trying to actually not bang anything so I don't uh I don't I don't screw you up there with your audio modulations um but yeah all your good stuff comes out right away I don't I don't screw you up there with your audio modulations. But yeah, all your good stuff comes out right away. I don't save the good stuff for later. So if you want the good stuff. And if we have a guest, we do all the fun guest stuff in the first episode and then the guest is just in the way in the second episode. And we've had such amazing guests. You know, we should thank our guests that we've had.
Starting point is 00:56:21 We thanked them when they were on. We have to thank them again. Just thank them again. They were wonderful. Can we name them all quickly? when they were on. We have to thank them again. Just thank them again. They were wonderful. Can we name them all quickly? I can do it. Elvis was a guest. Yep. And Momfessional. Yep. And Andrew Stokely. Yes. And Phil
Starting point is 00:56:34 the Friday intern. And Illvibe. I got it out of order, but Illvibe was a great guest. They were all just so, also different and unique and really interesting and yeah, it was awesome. But what do you think about this? Like we have no guests today and we're just shooting the shit and playing some stuff and for like let's say for an hour works for me is that better than the two half hour i think so because i think you get you know you get your flow going and um it's um you know to
Starting point is 00:57:00 chat for an hour about stuff you find you know quite fun and hopefully fun for everyone who's listening to us. Should we introduce, this was a suggestion, should we introduce more Toronto topics? Like something going on with Rob Ford. Where's the bell? I did something technical. I rang a bell. For Toronto Mic'd, the podcast it we we've only had to ring that bell a couple of times in 16 episodes i forget was that when we talked about
Starting point is 00:57:30 thinking about yeah i get exhausted thinking about talking about rob ford truly when you just said it i actually felt myself sort of just saying takes all the energy out of them i just can't do it exactly i think how what we should do is you know obviously we both love run from air um we both obviously love talking about toronto stuff i think if there's a topic that we genuinely find you honestly i gotta tell you you actually your hands move all the time you talk your hands going crazy you're when you listen back to this podcast and you listen for you banging the table these are not the good rogers mics rose these are the shitty old humble and fred mics every bang is going to
Starting point is 00:58:04 reverberate through. If I keep my hands still, I will turn into a different person. You can't like put them in a pocket or something? No. Sit on them? No. I don't know. Okay, so talking about Rob Ford is something we don't want to do, but maybe we talk about, I don't know, city politics?
Starting point is 00:58:20 Never say never. I think we should be, I think it should be driven, I think the content should always be driven by the stuff that we genuinely find interesting. Otherwise, I'm not sure it'll be interesting for our listeners. What are we trying to do here? Is this an audition tape for CBC Radio 1 to put us on national radio? I mean, personally, I think they'd be lucky to have us. They can't afford us.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Here's the thing. I think if you ever... But they should make a bid and we'll see. You're funny Mike is a funny person I just think that Maybe chin radio You have to brush up on your Italian
Starting point is 00:58:55 If you're honest And you know talk about stuff that You genuinely find interesting I think that's what will be the best Okay so you're okay if we just do this. If we have fun in the room, and I'm having fun today because we're just shooting this shit and I'm enjoying it, and maybe your aunt and uncle still tune in,
Starting point is 00:59:13 and my brother Steve and my mom, and I've got to find out if Ryan's tuning in. I'm not sure. So did your mom up her? Yeah, no. When I told her, it's only 30 megs, although today's episode is going to be like 60 megs it might be an issue but uh but we're basically these people and monica and
Starting point is 00:59:34 scott and these people uh scott and joey and you and if they enjoy it then uh we are good i think we'll be happy with that this was a very, this is the most productive meeting I've ever been a part of. You know, I used to work in an office like with cubicles and stuff. And if they ever needed to kill a couple hours, they call the meeting and you came out of that meeting with nothing accomplished and just angry at the world. And I don't have those meetings anymore. And I'm home. I'm just, I'm so at peace with the world i'm just so happy yeah meetings are definitely i wonder if you know in the in the in the future if meetings will just
Starting point is 01:00:10 become a thing no they'll get longer and will become less efficient i am yeah i used to get tortured in a lot of meetings as well but i guess i don't know i guess they're necessary sometimes i think they're just necessary to make certain people feel very important. Yeah, they've got to justify their existence. Exactly. Yeah, a lot of that. In my experience, that was a lot of that. Oh, I didn't tell you. This is exclusive for Rosie. I won't play the announcement horns.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So we could have had a guest tonight, but not in person. He would have been on the phone. Okay. Gerard Kennedy. Wow. I know. And they contacted me. And I actually turned the best part is I turned him down. I didn't know what we'd talk to him about except well they googled i have a lot of entries about
Starting point is 01:00:49 parkdale high park because i live my house i own a house there still even though i don't technically live there right now but uh they contacted me and offered him today gerard kennedy who i used to see every saturday at george bell arena because his son and my son played in the same level of hockey at House League there. Well, you know, a couple of weeks ago when everyone was throwing their hats in the ring for the Liberal leadership run, I think it was 10-10. They just had them all on for, you know, five or ten minute chat. And I have to admit, I was really impressed by Sandra Pupitello. She was, you know, she's a really, really good... Wait, which one? You're talking about provincial. Yes. Sorry provincial yes sorry because they're both going on yeah i know it's
Starting point is 01:01:29 it's it's so confusing and trying to keep it all straight um and then later on they had um they had him on and um he um i just i like him i just i i think you know the work he did with the food bank was so great and you know it's uh and you listening to him talk, he maybe didn't, yeah, like he was, you know, they had criticized him after for saying, oh, he wasn't as focused in telling us what would make it. The question was, what would make you different from what's going on right now? Would you want him as a guest? I can get him. Do you want him?
Starting point is 01:02:01 Well, let's. We could pipe him through this phone here if you want to talk to him. My question is, the big question will be, like like you went provincial to federal and now you got to go back like uh ask him about why he's switching you know levels of government i think there's because he can't beat justin trudeau is that the reason oh my gosh oh that's um oh we don't want to do this is the canada Mike podcast that we record next. Well, I mean, that's, well, I just, you'll get me going for the next hour. But I think we should absolutely have, I think we should absolutely have Jerk coming on.
Starting point is 01:02:34 It would be wonderful. I didn't know if we even wanted guests. And if we had a guest, I'm pretty sure I want, like, to look the person in the eye. Like, I just think it's more interesting for us i think we should think of it like this if there's something that we you know feel that we genuinely would find like chris cornell i'll put on the phone but i don't know if i want george kennedy on the phone you know if there's if there's stuff i mean eddie parkdale can you imagine oh my god um you know if there's stuff that you genuinely i mean i think i'd have a lot of questions about um you know, if there's stuff that you genuinely, I mean, I think I'd have a lot of questions about, you know, what, you know, Parkdale High Park.
Starting point is 01:03:08 There's a lot of interesting stuff going on there. I think we'd have a lot of content that'd be interesting to us and our listeners. But, you know, it's, we can think about it. We'll think about it. And another thing, maybe for the next episode, we will have a discussion on like a topic of the day. I just don't think we have time today, but we wanted to talk about breastfeeding in public. Boobs. We don't have time, right?
Starting point is 01:03:33 No, we can. We'll save that for next time. Okay. That's ongoing. Let me tease two items. Everyone has a. Everyone. First of all, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Everyone loves boobs. Everyone wants to talk about boobs. I can't get enough of boobs and I would love this discussion. I have a lot to say too. This will be good. I was going to say, let's save that one because we'll have a lot to talk about that i can't get enough of boobs and i would love this discussion i have a lot to say too this will be good i was gonna say let's save that one because we'll have a lot to talk about that i'm passionate on this issue so same big time we're gonna talk about boobs in the next episode uh maybe we could be more specific like breastfeeding in public yes and that is a hot topic lately in toronto i promised last episode i'd uh talk about the loophole for getting into heaven.
Starting point is 01:04:07 And this only works if you believe in heaven. So it doesn't work for me, for example, because I don't believe there's a heaven. So this doesn't work. But if you believed in heaven, this would be a loophole to get you there. So wait, you don't believe in God? No. Or you don't believe in heaven? I don't believe in, I don't think there's a God the way we hear him expressed in art and in religion.
Starting point is 01:04:28 So would you describe yourself as an atheist? No one's getting involved. Okay, so you're an atheist. Yeah. You believe in the absence of a deity. I actually just... Organized religion upsets me. I can't stand it. So then you're actually not an atheist.
Starting point is 01:04:40 You're an antitheist. I don't know. I don't have... I don't know what that word means. I have to Google it. Well, an atheist believes in the absence of a deity. An anti-theist actually believes that organized religion is harmful to society. Oh, then everyone should be an anti...
Starting point is 01:04:55 I can't even say it. Well, Christopher... I think I'm saying it right. Christopher Hitchens, you know, he wrote God is Not Great. Yeah. I have it in an audio book here. He was trying to popularize that term because he was more than an atheist. Well, it's definitely harmful.
Starting point is 01:05:12 He felt atheist is not a strong enough term. That term implies no, religion actually hurts society. So I think you're more of that. I won't let it near anyone. My kids, for example, it can't be near them. There's no religion. All right, we'll get more that. I won't let it near anyone. You know, my kids, for example. It can't be near them. There's no religion. All right, we'll get to that. But the heaven loophole, for those who believe, this would be a helpful tip.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I thought of it in the shower a couple weeks ago. All right. And one last note is that we are going to be back into the same office here at Redfish Studios. We'll be back here in two days for the Humble and Fred party. Are you excited? I'm so excited. I'm so proud of them. Like, they've done such an amazing thing.
Starting point is 01:05:49 But you've only heard one episode. Well, I've only heard one episode. We have to remember, I, you know, I listened to CFNY for years and years and years. They're part of my, Humble and Fred are part of my consciousness. Oh, so you liked the old Terrestrial show because you were in your 20s and the 90s. Well, I actually, I have to admit, I didn't actually listen to them too much. That's funny. But I just liked them.
Starting point is 01:06:08 They have a... There's just something about them. To me, they're very Toronto. You're going to be hanging with them on Thursday night. Awesome. I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. I can get you on the podcast if you want on it.
Starting point is 01:06:17 They're recording one Thursday night. Are they really? Very cool. We'll have to take some pictures for everybody. Definitely. Yes. So thanks, everyone, for listening to episode 16 the extend a mix awesome i'll see you soon apologies to mystery to uh mr master t master t rose you're looking
Starting point is 01:06:34 at me it's master t and extend a mix thanks everybody bye Well, I want to take a streetcar downtown Read Andrew Miller and wander around And drink some Guin goodness from a tin Cause my UI check has just come in Ah, where you been? Because everything is kind of rosy and green Yeah, the wind is cold but the sky is snow It warms me today Yeah, the wind is cold, but the sky's so warm today
Starting point is 01:07:25 And your smile is fine, and it's just like mine And it won't go away Cause everything is rose and green Well, you've been under my skin for more than eight years It's been eight years of laughter and eight years of tears Bye. Thank you.

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