Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #22

Episode Date: January 23, 2013

Rosie and Mike start things off with a frank discussion about the cease and desist letter sent by Brian Burke's lawyer followed by lighter fare, like the closing of their University McDonald's, raw fo...od, texting protocol and their mutual love of hot dogs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up rosie hello mike welcome let's cut to the chase. This is a big episode 22. I got here as soon as I could. I put my siren on the car. I ran a stale yellow. Okay, because this, finally, an appropriate use of my announcement horns. I have a cease and desist letter from lawyers representing Brian Burke. It's true. Mike's been, he's in trouble.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I've been looking over my shoulder all afternoon thinking berkey's gonna be right behind me i'm i have to admit i'm uh a little concerned well why don't you tell our listeners what happened right from the beginning well anyone who's familiar with uh knows that every friday i post what i call an open, which is basically an entry that says comment on anything you want. If you want to vent, if you want to ask a question, if you want to discuss something going on in the world, just dump it in the comments. It's freestyle.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's a very popular thing on your site. I think people really like going on and being able to say whatever they like. In the future, Toronto Mic will just be open mic, and every entry will just be talk about whatever you want. That's the future of Toronto Mike. Really?
Starting point is 00:01:51 No, not really. Would that be better? Does that sound like a better? No, I think the way you have it now is perfect. You do it on Friday. Everyone gets their events out over the weekend. Over the weekend, yeah. And on Monday, it's back to you.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Cheryl can talk about her habs and her habs lost. I think Cheryl actually makes use of the entire week, all the posts to talk about the habs. But open mic, whatever you have to say, you get it out. And last Friday, somebody dumped a comment anonymously about a rumor that's been flying around about Brian Burke. So it's a rumor. Basically, it's a rumor about Brian Burke.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And this comment by Anonymous was a copy and paste job from something that has appeared on many forums and blogs and has been sent via email several times over throughout the Leafs Nation and beyond. Right. Okay. So I got a cease and desist. And I didn't mind the first part of the cease and desist, which is essentially telling me it's slanderous and I need to remove it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I'm a pretty cool guy. I understand that that is slanderous. There's no proof. I will happily remove it for you, Mr. Burke. The second part I didn't like at all, where the lawyer says basically, give us all the identifying information you have on this guy and where they got it,
Starting point is 00:03:17 because Brian Burke wants to know where this story is coming from so he can deal with it or whatnot. But then if you don't do that, we will file, I can't remember the or whatnot but then if you don't do that we will file i can't remember the terminology but we'll file uh some claim in court and you will have to pay for the costs our costs as well as your costs whoa so basically you were asked to take the offending information the post off your site which you did, and then you were further asked to
Starting point is 00:03:45 reveal any identifying information about who posted that post. That is correct, Rosie. And do you have a problem with handing over the identifying information? Yeah, I wouldn't do it. I would never do it. Well, I mean, I can't blame you for not wanting to because part of, I think, what makes your site so popular and what people really like about it is that you don't delete comments that you you don't agree with or that don't um you know I think part of what people like is that they can you know put their opinions on
Starting point is 00:04:15 whether you differ with them or not so I imagine if someone feels that you're going to hand over their um identity if someone doesn't like what they write that's not going to hand over their identity if someone doesn't like what they write. That's not going to make them feel very good. On the other hand, Brian Burke has a right to defend his reputation, and if he feels that this is information that he could get that could stop that from happening, he has a right to do that. He has a right.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Mr. Brian Burke has a right to do that, and he did it, and I have the right to do that. He has a right. Mr. Brian Berg has a right to do that. And he did it. And I have the right to not comply with this order to give up the IP address, which I did not do. So is that what it is they want from you? Well, that's all I have. There's nothing more I have. I have an IP address. And to be honest, they're going to have to sue me and drain all my money and all my children's money.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And they'll have to see me in court. I would not hand over an IP address for that comment. You could kill me first. I just wouldn't do it. It's not in my DNA. Removing the comment, I agree. I'm responsible for what's on my website, even if the comment's left by somebody else.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And I removed it right away, to be honest. You could just ask me nicely, I'll remove it. Of course. But now, anyway, it irked me that final demand and in my opinion i uh i think we should look at the streisand effect where you try to contain a rumor and your efforts to contain the rumor end up making it a bigger story and making more people aware of it than would have known about it otherwise i would have probably i would have just left this alone if I were his legal team,
Starting point is 00:05:45 but he seems to be going at it. Yeah, I guess the thing with that though, and I do agree when credible people stoke the fire of some, I mean, a nasty rumor that just gives legs to it. So I do agree that, you know, it probably was better to just,
Starting point is 00:05:59 you know, leave it alone. However, that being said, Brian Burke has children and the internet, everything lives forever, as we know. And I'm sure he wants to have... I saw the post. It's nasty.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I don't blame him for not wanting it. It's nasty. He doesn't want it. It's everywhere, first of all. It's not the point. It's a public figure. There's a lot of nasty stuff about lots of public figures. Yeah, but for him, he has kids.
Starting point is 00:06:20 He probably wants it gone and he has money. So why not try to make it gone? I'm not sure that you wouldn't do the same thing if someone puts some nasty stuff out there about you and you know, you don't want, I mean, are you going to remove everything? No, but you can certainly try and why not if you have the money and the means to do it? Well, good luck to Mr. Burke. I saw it now on Reddit. I think they're discussing it as well just good luck removing it i always said on i never wrote about it because i didn't think it was fair it's just a rumor i don't believe it to be true it's very tmz mean to you it's not really what you do i would have been surprised actually if you wrote about it it's sort of kind of beneath
Starting point is 00:06:59 you to write about it i'm kind of glad you didn't. Well, I didn't, Rosie. So, okay, so he's within his rights and he's exercised these rights and I'm within my rights to comply to a point and we'll see where it goes. I know I should get a lawyer or something. I don't have money for a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Well, you know what, Mike? I think that probably, you know, I'm sure they just want this stuff off the Internet, especially off websites that people, a lot of people read. So clearly your website, by the way, congratulations, because clearly your website is big and important. I'm on the radar. To be honest, my first reaction when I saw everything that was happening was, Mike is big deal deal. He's a big deal enough that he's got lawyers. That's true. There's something he said about being big enough to get the letter. I have been writing nasty stuff about you on my website for months and I've yet to receive something from your lawyer.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So clearly I am not big enough. I need to start visiting your site, which we should point out your site is Yes, it is. And all joking aside, I visit it frequently and admire it. And sometimes I even help you with the HTML and the HTTP and all that. You do. You help me more than help.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You fix and make things happen that I want if I need it. And while we're promoting, Rosie's wonderful blog, I don't even think we should call it a blog. It devalues it. It's a website. I should point out that the good people at Core Fusion are hosting this audio you're listening to right now. Core Fusion is a great Toronto-based hosting company, and they host this podcast as
Starting point is 00:08:47 well as my daughter's podcast, She's So Young. She's so cute. That's the alternative name. And Pete from Core Fusion actually left a very nice note about She's So Young that Michelle will read. Michelle is a natural. I actually, that day when we, I think it was Teacher's Strike or PA Day when you brought both of them in to one of our... Teacher's Strike. Teacher's Strike. And she just sat at the mic and started talking.
Starting point is 00:09:16 No nerves, nothing. She's a natural. And she sings too. She's a big time singer. Awesome. So there you go. Okay, so just to close up the Brian Burke thing, sings too. Uh, she's a big time singer. Awesome. So there you go. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:25 So just to close up the Brian Burke thing, um, what would you do if you were me? Do you, uh, what would you do differently if you were me? Well, I think I would have taken it off.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Um, I don't blame you though for, I mean, again, you know, the, the spirit of your site is, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:43 it's just, they don't have the right to do that. Well, no. I actually think they do. No, they don't. They're going to need a judge, some kind of warrant. They're going to have to... Anyone has the right to protect themselves from slander.
Starting point is 00:09:53 No, to the IP address, I mean. No way. He has the right to ask you for it. Of course. I mean, I'm not a lawyer. Surprise. Aren't you wishing right now that I'd gone to school for a while? No, because then you wouldn't have helped me with my Chaucer classes.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Radio and television. Between us, we have such a collection of useless degrees. Actually, my husband and I were talking about that the other night. I only have one degree, Rose. Well, we'll add your degree to the mix. So we've got, Scott has a drama in English. I have English and sociology. We both have radio and television.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And then I recently read an article on CNN about the top 10 degrees that you shouldn't aspire to. So, you know, listeners, if you have kids going to university, encourage them to not do English, sociology, drama. I think also fine arts was
Starting point is 00:10:39 in there because you'll end up... Be a teacher. The point of it is you'll end up not making a lot of money i know but i will just say i make pretty depressing i said to scott like are all our degrees are on this list you know i don't i don't use my degree in the sense that my job doesn't say you need to be an english major or whatever but all jobs seem to require some kind of postgraduate some kind of a university degree to prove like you did something, I guess, like you could accomplish something?
Starting point is 00:11:08 You have some discipline in you? Exactly. All that being said, I don't have a law degree, so I don't know if anyone can make you do that, but he has the right to protect himself. No lawyer can make you do that. A judge can make you do it, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You know, maybe, but the point is that, you know, I do think that they'll probably leave you alone. I suspect the point was to get it. But even after I wrote that big nasty entry about them today? Well, well. I was fine until I did that, right? Well, you know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:11:37 When I saw your, I was very busy all day. I was mad, Rose. I never know what to expect with you. I was mad. They ticked me off of the second request. I was fine with the first. Send me a nice note saying, we see you're hosting a comment by Anonymous,
Starting point is 00:11:50 which is slanderous to Mr. Bird. Take it off. Would you please remove it because it's unfounded and unfair to him and his family? And I would have deleted it in a heartbeat. But they couldn't stop there. Here's the thing. You can be mad that they want you to do that,
Starting point is 00:12:04 but it's their right. They can ask you. But it wasn't a do it or else. This is what will happen. Well, now we're going to find out what will happen because I'm not doing it. He's trying to protect himself and he's paying a lawyer to use the tactics that they use and the bullying tactics probably work. I'm sure there's a lot of people that have handed over any identifying information they have about the person that left there. I think that information that got pasted is in a lot of places.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I googled the first two lines. It's in dozens of places. The exact same write-up, same spelling mistakes in the same place. Somebody just copies it. I believe it to have started in an email chain and then people get that and they copy and paste it in various forums,
Starting point is 00:12:47 et cetera. So the point is he can try, he has the right to try, you know, whether or not you comply. I guess it depends on how much money you're willing to, you know, how much money you're willing to spend to protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:58 But on Reddit, cause someone on Reddit is brought this up as a discussion. They linked to my tweet actually before the entry and then somebody said i sit within my rights to ask the lawyer representing brian burke for an affidavit that proves that the alleged affair is untrue like you can request an affidavit that it is a false rumor. Well, okay. So that will cost you money to do that. To request an affidavit? Well, because what will happen is that if he does that,
Starting point is 00:13:35 then that's, I just. It doesn't cost me money because I don't, basically until they file a claim, there's no money. But aren't you stoking them to do that? Well, I removed the comment. I never argued for removing the comment. I just thought it was an interesting... I'm thinking it might be better to lay...
Starting point is 00:13:52 Anyways, the comment's gone and I'm not putting it back. Although it's not that interesting because then they'll just do it. They'll just give you an affidavit saying... I mean, you know, obviously he's going to this extent because it's not true.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And or he, you know... Well... So he'll just say, here it is is here's the affidavit so then then what then you have to head then you you're gonna look pretty silly if you don't hand over the identifying information well no that's not even on the table like that's okay fine your advice off of reddit no i removed the comment right away the the oh this and the revealing the ip address actually isn't on the table like they'll have to put me in jail like
Starting point is 00:14:22 it's not even on the table i'm'm not even considering it. Stop saying that. No, I don't care. You're not going to jail. I'll go to jail. I'll just do a hunger strike in jail if Brian Burke puts me in jail, but I won't reveal the IP address. So this is what's happened
Starting point is 00:14:34 with the cease and desist from Brian Burke's lawyer I got today. And we'll follow what happens. I'll update that entry on with whatever I hear back if anything changes or whatnot. I think the one thing with your entry that I perhaps would not have done
Starting point is 00:14:50 is titled it, When Brian Burke Attacks. No one attacked you. No one attacked you. No? No. You don't think so? No.
Starting point is 00:14:57 No one attacked you. You had something on your website that they asked you to take down. Then they asked you for the information about the post that you allowed to be there. No one attacked you. In my opinion, when you say, give us the IP address or we will file a claim and you will have to pay for this, that, and the other, to me, that's a threat. So maybe the word attack might... No, it's not. It's still a threat.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You hosted information on your website that is slanderous, could be considered slanderous. They are trying to protect themselves from that slander. So they're asking you for the information. No one's attacking you. You're such a media person.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You must have been in some kind of a HR seminar about your rights as a weather girl or something like that. All I'm saying, fine, we agree to disagree. I assure you that there was no i assure you i like my title i like my title other girls have no rights and by the way when brian burke attacks is a fun fox tv like title i'm really just teasing you but no one attacked you i'm just saying no brian burke's lawyer wrote me a threatening email that is what happened and it's all there in black and white people can read read it and discuss it. I will visit you in jail.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Thank you. Maybe. I just want to know if somebody will visit me in jail. That's all I'm looking for. Okay, so we mentioned Core Fusion is hosting this audio, and they do a fantastic job. If people go to, they can get hosting services there.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I also started thinking about the fact that we have this new studio. This is our second episode from the new studio, which I would call the Toronto Mike Studio or Toronto Mike Studio, but I'd much rather attach a sponsor name to this studio. That is a good idea. And what if there was a bundle where we'll name the studio after your company, as well as have HTML links with the anchor text of your choice from and an entry about your site that will rank very highly. If I rank highly for Brian Burke scandal, I will also rank highly for whatever your product or service does. What if we were able to offer this bundle to a
Starting point is 00:17:05 company? I think that's a great idea. And it is one thing you can definitely assure companies having that link to their site. Well, Toronto Mike gets a lot of traffic and it would certainly drive a lot of traffic to anyone's website. So if you would like to have this studio named after your company, contact me and we'll talk because Humble and Fred have the Five Hour Energy Studio, which they sell that naming right. This studio name is also for sale. Excellent. Cool.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Can I tell you a quick story? Yes. So I've never told this story on the blog or otherwise ever, but I'm going to tell it now because on Sunday that just passed, my son turned 11. So 11 years old on Sunday. He's getting so big. He's a big boy now. 11 years old. So then I remembered the story of December 2001. In December 2001, my brothers and I had tickets to see the Leafs and Rangers at the Air Canada Center. And I picked up, in the same car I drive today, I picked up my brother Steve,
Starting point is 00:18:19 and then we went to pick up my brother Ryan at work. And in 2001, I had no cell phone. Believe it or not, Rosie, true story. Yeah, no, I believe it. Okay. And I picked up Ryan and he had this sad,
Starting point is 00:18:35 this white, pale face. And he said, I have bad news. You have to pull over. And I was driving on a highway because we're going to Air Canada Center. I think I was going to jump on the 427 to go down the QEW.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I'm like, what? Just tell me. I just got a call from mom who talked to my ex-wife, my wife at the time. And James is dead. Okay? James is dead.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Those three words were told to me i never did pull over i can take bad news and drive i'm pretty awesome that way yeah but that's not just bad news yeah but james was uh yeah well it's still i can take that i can take that kind of news and still drive anyway there is no news so bad i actually have to pull over to here believe it or not but james uh he had already had the name james we knew it was a guy we knew it was a boy and we had already named the fetus james so we were talking to the fetus it was james i know i didn't set up the story right so okay okay i should okay i need to edit the story to go back and insert the fact that in december 2001 james is a fetus yeah he was he was in the
Starting point is 00:19:43 womb he was not born yet he's not born yet he would be born in january 2002 so you wouldn't have thought your son no so my unborn son still it's late in the pregnancy pretty late i think uh six months or so and i'm not sure but was dead so i had got this news from my brother ryan who got it it from my mom and who I assumed got it from my wife at the time. And I thought it must be fact. So I just asked, what hospital is my wife at? And then I drove there, at which time I found out that there was a heartbeat and James was not actually dead. He was just threatening to come out early, like super early.
Starting point is 00:20:22 But James was not dead. This is awful. I'm upset. You don't like this story? No, I'm not upset. But this is a good story. I'm going to make it a happy story because he survived and James did not die that day,
Starting point is 00:20:32 even though I just thought it was interesting that I had been told by my brother, my son was dead, my unborn son, and he actually just had his 11th birthday. That's how undead he was. You don't like that story? No, I mean, I don't know. It's just...
Starting point is 00:20:46 I didn't say this would be a happy story, but at the end you realize, oh, he didn't die. And the sad part is we never saw the Leaf game. We never got to the Leaf game. Lindros scored his 40th goal. No, he couldn't have scored his 40th goal. It was December.
Starting point is 00:20:58 That was another game. But Lindros was suiting up for the Rangers. We never saw the game. But everyone lived happily ever after because he held on for weeks more. He didn't come out until January 20. He went on another month or so. How stressful though. You know what?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Being pregnant is stressful. I found that yes, there's obviously joy. You're excited. But I found that for those nine months, I was so stressed the whole time because you don't have control over. I mean, you have some control, but you kind of don't. You know, you don't have control over what's happening inside of you.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And it's really, really scary and stressful. Did you quit? Like you didn't consume any caffeine during your pregnancy? You were a good pregnant woman? No cigarettes? I mean, you know, I don't think women that drink caffeine are bad pregnant women. I think there's a lot of, you know, I think that... The baby doesn't need some caffeine.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Like, it's not going to help in any way. I didn't. I just stopped because for me, I drink a lot of coffee. So I didn't think I'd be able to do it in moderation. So I just stopped. So for the first three weeks, I had the worst headache of my life. And no, I didn't, I mean, I don't smoke, but I didn't drink. I didn't. And you didn't smoke during the pregnancy?
Starting point is 00:22:12 No, I don't, I don't smoke at all. Have you ever smoked? I didn't start. I think when I was in grade nine, I tried with Chrissy, my girlfriend Chrissy, who was a big smoker. I took a puff of one of her... One puff in grade nine, and that's it? And I didn't inhale. And then she's like, try to inhale. So I tried to inhale, and I coughed
Starting point is 00:22:34 and I hated it, and it was gross, and I never touched a cigarette again. Very good. Yeah. Very good. So there's no smokers in your house, because your husband doesn't smoke. Is that right? No, but I grew up. My father smoked like a chimney, and my brother smokes, and all my uncles Is that right? No, but I grew up. My father smoked like a chimney and my brother smokes and all my uncles smoked and my grandfather smoked.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I grew up surrounded. I'm surprised I don't have... Don't knock on the wood. It'll mess up the recording. I don't do that anymore. But yeah, I know. Most of my family's... A lot of my family's quit now.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But yeah, smokers don't bother me i have uh smokers all around me and uh i'm quite used quite used to it yeah you're used to it i find if someone who had has been smoking comes in near me i don't like how it makes me feel oh that doesn't bother me i'm not i'm i'm used to being around smokers so that doesn't bother me um that doesn't bother me at all but my people my family that smoke they don't smoke inside they always go outside to smoke and i think that that's you know cool back in the day when i was young um everybody smoked inside i still remember these big being a little girl and these big huge ashtrays on the table and everybody just and you know my dad had this big huge ashtray in the living room
Starting point is 00:23:41 table and it was everybody smoked inside there was like a constant cloud of smoke over your house. But then as people started, you know, quitting, not everyone in my family's quit, but everybody smokes outside now. But no, smoking doesn't bother me. My best, you know, two of my best friends smoke and, you know, but they're just, they're just. And they're still your friends? They're still my friends. Wow. Yeah. I mean, you know what? I get annoyed with this. We sell, cigarettes are not illegal. We sell them. People choose to smoke them. You know, I don't have a problem
Starting point is 00:24:09 with people who drink and I don't have a problem with people who smoke. It's just don't, yeah, just don't smoke inside my house. I don't notice it on people. I think that that's something we, we kind of over exaggerate. No, I notice. I don't exaggerate it. I can, if somebody comes in an elevator that has it just had a smoke, I don't feel good about it. Fair enough. You would smell it, but I don't find it egregious. I don't murder
Starting point is 00:24:32 them or anything. I don't send them a cease and desist or anything like that. I just ask you to pass it. What happened to you? Oh my god. Tell me you'll visit me in Brian Burke jail, Rose. Are you going to internet jail? I think, I'm just worried Brian Burke's
Starting point is 00:24:47 going to punch me out on the street. He looks like a tough, tough Irishman. I don't know if I feel like. He does, he looks tough. Actually, I'd like to meet him for a Starbucks. He's got a favorite Starbucks because I read it in the Damien Cox interview after he got let go.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And I think if I just hang out that Starbucks, one day he'll go in, it's part of his daily routine. And I'll say mr burke you got a minute and then i'll say i'm toronto mike i'd like to talk to you about the angry emails your lawyer is sending me and we'll see what happens it's they they must have sent so many of these letters out you know like there must be so many um websites that you know there's got to be just tons of they must have sent out lots lots of these and i was the only one stupid enough to publish it and i'll be like what were you thinking that's what makes you you that's what makes toronto mike toronto mike that's don't tick off toronto mike hey uh last week you mentioned you you watched the pre season premiere
Starting point is 00:25:42 of girls okay uh and i'll ask you about episode two in a moment. But you did make a comment in passing. I heard it when I listened to the episode because I was listening to hear how the levels were and I could tell that I was louder than you. But today you're speaking up. Yeah, I'm not used to being told I'm too quiet. I sort of enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah, I said project, Rose. Yeah, I'm used to being told to keep it down no it's kind of nice yeah so you mentioned you watched girls four times last week so i have a question a very simple question did you watch it four times alone or with four different people like once with the husband once with a friend maybe once alone and maybe once with your mom or something i watched it three times alone three times alone and then once with your mom or something. I watched it three times alone. Three times alone, and then once with somebody else? But not all that, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Scott and I watched it together first, and then I watched it three times alone. Although, a couple of the times, I can't really say I made it all the way through. Okay, so the truth is now coming out. I've already watched the second episode twice. Okay, so what's, I watched the second episode, which I thought was, by the way. It's like books. I like to reread books I love. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And I like to rewatch. And Girls is short. It's only 30 minutes. But back to back, you could watch it over, like it's not that good. I didn't watch it back to back. But it was,
Starting point is 00:26:53 it was debuted on Sunday and we talked on, oh, Friday. So I guess during the week. I know. Okay. All right. I just wondered how obsessed of this,
Starting point is 00:27:01 it's a nice show and I watched episode two too, but not, I couldn't watch it twice let alone four times. Here's the thing. I find that with shows like Girls the dialogue's really quick
Starting point is 00:27:14 and I'm always really tired. I miss everything the first time around. I'm like this when I read too. I read books really, really, really fast. So I find that I actually have to read a book sometimes even three times because I read so quickly, I miss things. And now it's actually kind of a pattern.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Why don't you read slower and just take it all in? You know what? It's just sort of the way I am. I just naturally read fast. I miss things because I'm just really, really excited if I'm into it. And then I enjoy going back and reading again. I actually like the rereading process
Starting point is 00:27:43 because I just, I don't know, I just, I savor it. It's really good. And I kind of like that with shows. I like to, The Newsroom. Oh my gosh, I really enjoyed that. You could watch that twice? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I think I watched all of them twice because when the writing is so quick and interesting and clever, I find that I like to, you know, I'll miss the odd thing here and there. Something wrong with a reread or a rewatch. No, no, no. But watching that episode of Girls four times sounds a little compulsive, like a little
Starting point is 00:28:10 time, maybe there's a little bit of like obsessive compulsive disorder on display there. I don't think obsessive, you know, it's not bad to be obsessive about things. Four times? Get a little intense. It wasn't The Wire, Rose. Now I can understand if you watch The Wire four times. No, you have to understand too, I don't have a lot of free time. I don't have a lot
Starting point is 00:28:27 of decompressing time. So when I get it... So don't watch girls four times. Maybe you can watch four shows once. Oh, no, no, no. You're not getting it. You see,
Starting point is 00:28:33 when you're so tired, you don't want to try something new. You kind of just want the comfort of something that's intelligent and interesting and funny that you enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Open mic. You can go in and comment. No, you don't move your head when you laugh keep it on the recording it's beautiful loud i can't no the people want more rosy laugh blast roshan wants more rosy laugh hi roshan he likes bright and all the clear sodas, pops. Yes. Whereas I like the dark ones. Wow. Like Dr. Pepper. But we can still be friends. Does Roshan like raw food?
Starting point is 00:29:12 I don't know. I don't know. I didn't even know I liked raw food until last night when I went to a raw food workshop. I have a girlfriend. She worked in television for years. She was actually the director of... Is it Pamela Wallen? No, her name is Megan Pearson
Starting point is 00:29:27 And she was the director of the Global's morning show She did tons of other stuff in TV But most recently Oh, I get lots of comments on my blog right now About the morning show Oh my gosh Because Dave Gehry left And I wrote about it
Starting point is 00:29:38 And I get number one when you Google What happened to Dave Gehry Oh, did he leave? I don't actually watch it Pushed him off the show But he's still with Global Okay Oh, did he leave? I don't actually watch it. He pushed him off the show, but he's still with Global. Okay. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I see. Okay. So I used to watch it when Bill was on. Bill's moved to City now. Anyways, my friend Megan, she worked for years in TV. And anyone that's worked in TV, particularly behind the scenes, the hours are really, really hard. It's grueling, especially on a morning show.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You are up and I think her alarm is going off. Yeah, exactly. So she did it for a long time, but her passion was always nutrition and food. And she, for years and years, battled an eating disorder. She battled anorexia and bulimia. And for her, what helped her overcome it was becoming more knowledgeable about food, particularly eating raw food. So she started her own business, and now she's left television, and she's working at an integrative health care facility, and she's teaching classes on preparing raw food. She has a whole bunch of workshops. What is raw food exactly?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Okay, so raw food is food that isn't heated past higher than, there's some debate over it, but basically 115 to 119 degrees. It doesn't mean though that you have to eat a cold. You can warm it. But the point of it is that when we heat foods past this point, we're taking away their life force. And the life force in food is what gives us the nutrition and it's how we maximize the food for our greatest health. So she teaches courses on basically she- It's like a carrot. You just eat a celery stick or a carrot. the food for our greatest health. So she teaches courses. It's like a carrot. You just eat a celery stick or a carrot. It's so funny because you would think,
Starting point is 00:31:10 oh, so I went to a workshop on how to make salad. But Megan, being a recipe, she develops her own recipes. Oh my gosh, it was great. She had all these really cool things and she showed us how to make almond milk, corn chowder, and you would think, corn chowder, shouldn't that be warm? But she made a really good point.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I never thought that. Yeah, you're right. Well, it's funny. Most of the time, we don't eat foods when they're scalding hot. We eat them once they've cooled to room temperature anyways. So when she prepared her corn chowder and then she served it, it was room temperature. I didn't notice that it wasn't boiling hot. It was really, really interesting. And all the fresh foods she uses and she's i learned something interesting too i thought she was a vegan but she's not a vegan because she eats honey and so i don't really know much about this i love honey too i don't think i could give up honey and i asked her well why is eating honey not make you a vegan and it's because bees have to they're enslaved work there's we're basically
Starting point is 00:32:06 like slave holders here's the thing exactly bees have to work bees have to work to produce the honey so being vegan you don't you know that's amazing you don't have milk you don't have dairy because the animals you know they have to to work and so on and so forth i learned a lot last night a couple hours but all the um I took pics of the stuff Megan prepared and actually all her recipes are on her website, which is pretty cool. She's really passionate about it. And you have these pictures are on your website,
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yes, you can read all about my raw food, my introduction to raw food on Rosie, can you make a raw hot dog? I have my guilty pleasure and I haven't bought them in months. Okay. But if you told me that I was going to die,
Starting point is 00:32:49 I had some terminal disease and it didn't matter what crap I put in my body. Your last meal in internet jail. Last meal in internet jail. Give me like, just give me hot dogs. I'll toast the bun a bit, get some mustard on there. I'm telling you, I wish every night I go to bed, I hope that I wake up and find out hot dogs are now good for you. I will say I'm telling you, I wish every night I go to bed, I hope that I wake up and find out hot dogs are now good for you.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I will say, I'm with you. When I was at school, the street meat, I love it. Oh my God, yeah, the $2.
Starting point is 00:33:14 We used to, oh, brosy. And when I used to work at the Sky Dome, sorry, the Rogers Center. No,
Starting point is 00:33:18 call Sky Dome on this show. Rogers is not a sponsor yet. Yeah, that's right. Not yet. Well, when I used to work, Gate 14,
Starting point is 00:33:24 I used to work, the offices were inside Gate 14 and right outside there was a street meat vendor. And I remember being so ashamed because I always wanted one and nobody else ever wanted one. And then Janice, my amazing friend Janice, she came on board to work there.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And one day she stood up and she said, I'm going out for a hot dog for lunch. I don't care what anyone thinks. And I was like, yes. She's like Rosa Parks. I'm telling you. And then henceforth, every lunch, you guys just went out and felt no shame. I felt't care what anyone thinks. And I was like, yes! She's like Rosa Parks. I'm telling you. And then henceforth, every lunch,
Starting point is 00:33:46 you guys just went out and felt no shame. I felt no shame because I had Janice. I wish I was brave enough to have just gone on my own. But I did feel embarrassed bringing it back to my desk
Starting point is 00:33:54 because hot dogs are so, they're reviled. You know, nobody eats them. Oh, I know. And I mean, when I was little, we used to have them all the time. I love them.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Oh, I love them. I even just like those cheap ones. Yeah, the maple leaf or shopsies whatever i don't need the big sausage i felt funny saying that okay i just thought of a sadder story than the james is dead story i just remembered that our mcdonald's that you and i enjoyed for so many years at u of t closed down when When I saw that on Toronto Star, I couldn't believe how sad I was because when Mike and I went to U of T, we used to go for lunch at the McDonald's
Starting point is 00:34:31 right across from the Royal Conservatory, right across from the... ROM? The ROM. Not far as well from the... St. George and Bloor. St. George. Is that okay if I just tell them the intersection?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Why don't you just tell me the intersection where this McDonald's is? It's St. George and Bloor. It's like the north side of Bloor. That made me think of Kramer. You know what? It's the famous McDonald's where Ashley Simpson was drunk that night and they YouTubed it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I didn't know that. It's a great McDonald's because it has some historical... Because we were there. There's nothing else to know but it's sort of neat on the inside like it wasn't your typical McDonald's
Starting point is 00:35:08 it was a very nice McDonald's it was a bit of a it had some Rose can you tell can I tell you what I remember because we were poor I was working at a grocery store and you were working at
Starting point is 00:35:15 like a bra a bra store if I remember correctly I was working at a lingerie store I used to work it's gone now silk and satin
Starting point is 00:35:21 I used to work it's gone where will I get my silks and satin now Lucenza bought it they actually there actually was very little actual silk. Silk and satin. I used to work... It's gone? Where will I get my silks and satin now? Lucenza bought it. There actually was very little actual silk at Silk and Satin, but it was a good job. Bombshell.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You heard it here first. Okay, but Rose, I remember that I used to have a $5 bill, and I could get a combo at that McDonald's for $3.99 plus tax, which ended up being $4.27. So I got change back for my fiver. It's been a long time since you could get a McDonald's combo and get change back from your fin.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Yeah, you have to have the coupons, you know, I think. I don't do coupons. But I remember from McDonald's. Oh, we do McDonald's. I like McDonald's. I remember you would order. Mike was so funny with his food. He's very sort of plain,
Starting point is 00:36:09 no fuss. Rosie, maybe I don't want the story shared. It's coming out. It's not that bad. Mike would order a hamburger, like just a McDonald's hamburger, just like a plain hamburger.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Oh, like a Happy Meal type hamburger. Yeah. And you would, it was actually really cute. And then he would get his French fries and then he would ask for the ketchup on the side. And then you used to put your ketchup in a little, you used to like put it, like he'd open up the wrapper and he'd like spread out the wrapper and then he'd squeeze the ketchup on the side and then he would dip his hamburger in the ketchup.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It was so funny. All right. Just a few things. First of all, I always had to eat all my fries before I could start my hamburger. It's always been that way and it's still that way. So every fry goes down before I start my hamburger because I don't like cold fries. Now I've switched it to more
Starting point is 00:36:58 mustard than ketchup, to be honest. They don't have mustard at McDonald's. Of course they do. They don't have mustard at McDonald's. Of course they do. They put it on hamburgers. If you want it on the side, you have mustard at McDonald's. Of course they do. They don't have mustard at McDonald's. Of course they do. They put it on hamburgers. You need to, if you want it on the side, you gotta ask for it. But of course they have mustard.
Starting point is 00:37:10 First of all, I worked at McDonald's. I just remembered. I worked at McDonald's. I don't remember that. Yeah, between like groceries. When you were working at the grocery store? No, before grocery store. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Because I left McDonald's for the big paying grocery store gig. I do. Actually, I do. Bluer and Renamed. I was there for like 18 months. I like McDonald's. And I used to do, I do. Bluer and Runnymede. I was there for like 18 months. I like McDonald's. And I used to do, I used to open on weekends
Starting point is 00:37:26 and I would be the egg, the big breakfast egg chef guy to open 6 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. I love McDonald's breakfast. Okay. So our McDonald's is closed. Rose, we stink. My notes,
Starting point is 00:37:39 we're only going to get halfway done, but the Brian Burke story did come out of nowhere. Well, we had an emergency breaking news today, so. Yeah. But we do have a little time left. Can I ask you a question about texting protocol? Because you're a big texter.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I do like to text, yes. I'm not a big texter. I actually prefer texting than talking on the phone. Well, I prefer email to both. I prefer... Actually, I much prefer email to text. I get email from any device. I can get it from my phone.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I can get it from my phone and get it from my ubuntu computer my macbook and if someone texts me i will take it to email okay so let me ask you this i treat i personally treat a text like a phone call in the sense that it will make a loud noise yes same but if you get me if you send me an email at four in the morning it's silent on my phone okay okay so i will not wake up with your email but if you text me i got a text on i'm trying to remember i think it was saturday friday night i think no saturday morning i got a text from a buddy at 4 45 a.m asking me if i could play shinny hockey that morning at like 10 a.m outrageous okay so i wake up calling you at four in the morning i agree okay thank you that to me that's the text so is it equated to me it equates with a phone call thank you i agree a hundred i can't believe this agreement we're having i'll tell you why because for years i was on call so with my job
Starting point is 00:38:55 so i had my cell phone was on call for emergency so i can never turn it off because um if there was a scheduling emergency if someone was sick so on so forth, they had to call my cell phone. So I had to keep, I had no choice. I had to keep my cell phone on. So same thing, a text message. Now back then, people didn't text as much, but still, if you texted me, you knew my phone was on and I was going to get it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And I used to find it, someone just texted me, that's bizarre. That is amazing. That's crazy. So if you texted me and I had a couple, I have to admit, I had a couple of girlfriends that were, I had to speak to because they would send me a text at five in the morning and that would wake me up and it was never anything important. And I said, I go, you realize I'm on call. I'm getting your text. You're, you're waking me up. But even today, if I were to text you at five in the morning, you would hear it, right? Absolutely. I would assume you would hear it, so I would not text you at 5 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yes. My friend, Mike, who texted me at 4.45, I kept thinking maybe he doesn't realize people have audio notifications on text, but I figured everyone did. Or he's assuming your phone is off.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Who turns off? I don't have a landline, though. Some people just don't have no self-awareness or no awareness. I couldn't believe it. It woke me up and it jolted me up because I don't get texts at 445 and I just jolt up and I check to see who it is in case it's an emergency because, you know, I don't know, something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And then it takes a long time for me to get back to sleep. And I was so mad because I didn't have to get up to like 9 o'clock, and here it is, 4.45, and I'm awake. I was so mad. Yeah, that's rude. See, Monica said I should reply to it so he knows I got it, but I felt like if I reply to it at 4.45,
Starting point is 00:40:38 he'll know, oh, my text must have awakened him. Well, I think if you're going to reply to it at that time, it has to be you woke me up. Or just even just a reply, like, I can't make the game because I couldn't make the game because my son had a game. Maybe that at least then he'll clue in that, oh, I better not text him. He seems to be hearing it.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You cannot count on anyone getting anything. Well, I didn't want to reply because it would require me to make up, I'd have to wake up that extra level to reply. No, I think if you reply, then you're affirming the behavior. Okay, next time he does it, I'm going to reply and say, stop effing waking me up at 445. It's odd.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm surprised. See, to me, most people would email that. He's a 30-something-year-old dude. He's a professional, and he's not a whack job. Just not getting the text message protocol. Yeah, he's got a, yeah, thank you. I just wanted to make sure that everyone else got audio notifications with text messages.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yes, I do. I was going to say, if you wanted to make a quick Super Bowl prediction, but we will record another show before the Super Bowl because they take this stupid week off, which I never understood. I'm not ready yet to give my predictions. Do you know who's in the Super Bowl because they take this stupid week off, which I never understood. I'm not ready yet to give my Do you know who's in the Super Bowl? I have
Starting point is 00:41:47 no idea. Baltimore Ravens, named after an Edgar Allan Poe poem or a short story or whatever. And the San Francisco 49ers. I think named after some gold rush
Starting point is 00:42:03 or something. I don't know. Is the quarterback of one of those, the guy that was on Saturday Night Live, that was so funny? Can you be more specific? The answer is no, but I don't think this Flacco guy and that new quarterback for San Fran, the big guy with the tattoos.
Starting point is 00:42:16 No, the one that the brother, there's the two brothers. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The Manning brothers. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not interested. No Manning brother. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Okay. I do get excited about the Super Bowl when it's happening, though. And Beyonce halftime show. Is she going to lip sync? I heard there's great controversy. Oh, my God. You know what? It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But why can't good singers sing live anymore? When did we stop singing live? I know what you mean. It's funny because at first I didn't care. And then I saw Piers Morgan. He tweeted like, oh, half the world is starving. Like, why do people care about this? But then I was actually, I was driving and I was thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And then I was like, why don't they just sing? Yeah, like what's the, we know you can sing. Sing. Stop lip syncing to recordings. But it's interesting. I can do that. Kelly Clarkson didn't, Kelly Clarkson sang live. I'm a big fan. That's great to hear. Kelly Clarkson sang live and someone else sang live. It was Beyonce that prerecorded it.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So I think they do. I think Kelly Clarkson had a prerecording. I think that's protocol. They do all the prerecordings, but she chose to still sing live and Beyonce didn't. But I don't know. I kind of do get why people freak out. It's like a bit of,
Starting point is 00:43:21 you know, it's a bit false, you know, don't pretend to sing if you're not really singing but at the same time, I don't really care too much. I like Beyonce though,
Starting point is 00:43:29 so. You heard it here. Rosie likes Beyonce. I just wish she'd sing. I hear you. The pressing matters of the day. We cover them all.
Starting point is 00:43:41 If I'm still a free man next week, we're going to record again. Is that correct? If I'm not in a Brian Berg jail. I'll see you next week. Bye everybody. Thanks. I want to take a streetcar

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