Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #39

Episode Date: May 29, 2013

Rose tells Mike a story about a meanie at McDonald's, they discuss Rob Ford, good series finales and Mad Men....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 39th episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about everything and anything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from Joining me as always is Rosie from And hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. and hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. Where's my... Hello, my friend. Hello. You know what?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Listening to your song makes me miss Ill Vibe. We have to get Ill Vibe back. He's coming on next week. No, really? Oh, my God. He's going to join us. No, you're not serious.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm dead serious. He's coming to... That's creepy. He's going to give us an update on all the craziness in his life. And I told him he's got the number one rated episode in Toronto Mike's history. Are you serious he's coming back he's gonna give us an update on all the craziness in his life and i told him he's got the number one rated episode in toronto mic to history are you serious he's coming back yeah because next week ill vibe is one of these people that when he's when you're near him
Starting point is 00:01:12 you just feel cooler like it's he's he's just so cool he just exudes he admits coolness i had the opposite reaction actually well i didn't i didn't just kidding i was gonna say it's the opposite of being inside you know I'm just joking. Rose. Come on. He's just such a cool dude. He was so much fun. He had such a wicked positive vibe.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So I'm so, I can't believe he's coming back. That's hilarious. I did not know that. I know. I just confirmed it. He wanted to come back and he's going to be here for the recording next. What day of the week is this?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Today's Wednesday. No. Yes. It. Yes. It was Monday. Monday was an American holiday. Memorial Day. Okay. So this is Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Get with the program, Toronto Mike. He's on next Wednesday. It's all blur. It's been a crazy week in Toronto. And it's so hot. Right now it's like 77 or 25. 77. This isn't Buffalo.
Starting point is 00:02:01 There's a lot of hot... Well, you know what? I don't know. For some reason, our thermostat in our house is in Fahrenheit. It makes no sense i i don't even know i just i'm so like celsius i got the 25 25 celsius 77 a lot of high pressure it's hot hot hot hot it's good i like it you know you sound like you could work on the weather network i'll tell you a trick if you um if you just remember this you're halfway to being a weather person. High pressure equals happy weather. Low pressure, lousy weather. That's it. That's all you need to know. When you see the H's, happy, good weather, hot, dry, possibly humid, low pressure,
Starting point is 00:02:38 lousy weather often can be active weather. That's all you need to know. I know. Amazing, eh? You're practically a meteorologist now. I didn't even know there was a high pressure or a low pressure. Seriously. Well, people that are into weather know. People that actually pay attention to the weather reports. You know who's into weather? Humble Howard because he flies. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So he gets special weather updates from some flight service or something. People that are into flying definitely take a deep interest in weather. Chris Sinclair, the Weather Network's weather guy on the weekends, who's amazing. He's a pilot. Can we get Rose a glass of water?
Starting point is 00:03:15 I'm losing my voice again. You have to move chemicals. You know, they're complaining on the Humble and Fred podcast. I'm just kidding. There's no chemicals. They're complaining about Howard's had a voice issue lately. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:28 And I've been chatting with him and I told him what you told me about the chemicals from that. What do they do? They strip paint? No, it was the printing company and they print stuff. And I didn't even realize it till Phil, the intern, pointed it out to me one day. I noticed that Humble and Fred last week on their show had on Mike Hannafin, who I used to work with at the Weather Network. I couldn't
Starting point is 00:03:50 believe it. I would have loved to. I wish I'd listened to it. Fred hired him to be the sports guy for CFNY in the mid 80s. It is such a small world. I worked with him for years and then he moved out to Vancouver. And once in a while a while you know people pop up on Facebook when I saw that Phil tweeted it I thought oh my god Mike Hannaford I totally forgot that he worked there it's such a small world yeah they laid him off in Vancouver and now I think he's looking for a new opportunity he's not working right now I don't think so oh shit yeah if you know anything maybe the weather network needs uh somebody I don't know wow man it's hard in the media easy come easy go and now they want young people who work for peanuts yeah or even nothing like even not even peanuts not
Starting point is 00:04:31 nothing they're lucky to get peanuts they're lucky if a big bucket of peanuts comes out for like a lunch trough time or whatever well no the air in here is in my in the toronto mic studio is perfect if my voice is like this is because my son was. We were up till like four in the morning last night. It was a rough one. He had a party? He thinks he's 20. He likes to stay up late. You know, when I was 20, I couldn't make it till four in the morning. That's my dirty little secret. At about two o'clock, I started getting really sleepy. Like I got to go to bed. Just before earlier, I was reading on your site. I was catching up on and I was reading your most recent post, or at least it was the most recent as of, I don't know, like 7am this morning.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And I thought it was, it was a guest post, but I realized that it was you, but it was funny because when I was reading it, my reaction was, this is a straight, well, first I should explain. So you read it in my voice, right? Yes, if you haven't read it, the post is about going into a Tim Hortons, and the person doesn't hold, the person in front, it actually was Ryan, not Mike, walking in. The person in front of him doesn't hold the door open for him. And he gets really pissed off at how impolite this person is. And then he goes in and he gives him some dirty looks, takes off his glasses,
Starting point is 00:05:50 and there's an altercation ensues. And I was reading this and I'm like, this doesn't sound like Mike. I'm like, first of all, I don't know. Like, I don't even feel like he would even notice that the person did that. And then the taking off of the sunglasses. And I was like, wow. I'm like, what is up with Mike? I don't look for altercations. Is he stressed? is he stressed about like you know wedding stuff but then i'm like oh it was brian okay you know my mom uh she was messaging me yesterday and she said that she read that entry like you did as if i wrote it yeah she thought it was me the whole time and then there's a line where he says i took off my sunglasses and my mom said that was her eureka moment this is not my son because i've never worn a pair of sunglasses a moment in my life totally totally that it was definitely
Starting point is 00:06:30 one of the things i found odd with it i also just thought i'm like that doesn't seem like mike to walk it like to even just notice the person didn't like it just didn't like seem like but i'm like well whatever who knows it obviously upset him and then i'm like oh it's not him but it was funny because reading it i similarly had something happen not at a tim hortons at a mcdonald's and it made me so upset and it was a reaction to somebody's rude behavior because it is amazing how it really can um you know people being rude it can really bring out the you want to confront them like you want something to happen because you just don't want them to get away
Starting point is 00:07:05 with the rest of their day having been such an ass. Yeah, they should be held accountable for that action. Totally. Although, you know, I was reading through the comments and a couple of people made a couple of good comments, which I do agree with that. You know, sometimes you just get to a point in your life where you don't want your car keyed.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You don't want to have the fight. Like, you just don't want to have it. But sometimes you can't even help yourself. So I was in McDonald's and it was the time of day. It was like around 11 and you know how it changes over from breakfast to... Rosie, I used to work at a McDonald's. I know this intimately. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So having worked there, you must remember that, you know, this is not the smoothest part of the day for McDonald's. Like it's... There's a crossover. It's literally a changeover. They call it like a moment where you change the grill from like doing hot cakes to doing burgers. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Exactly. So, exactly. So, you know, my little guy likes French fries. So we often find ourselves at McDonald's, you know, buying French fries. And if it happens to be at that time of the day, oh my God. The water has arrived. Rosie will sound normal again. I'm really sorry. If it happens to be at that time of the day where you're switching from morning to lunch, I feel like you need to have a little bit more patience.
Starting point is 00:08:06 You just need to, you know, you're at McDonald's. It's, you know, deal accepted. This is a social contract. When you go to McDonald's at 11, you need to have a little more patience. I just think that everyone knows it's been like that for a billion years. At 11 o'clock, it changes over.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So it's a little, it's not as smooth. You're going to have to wait. So, you know, I'm there and I'm waiting. And the man beside me is as an older man, perhaps like in his late sixties was ordering a coffee and a muffin. And you know, that's like a, that's a cheap thing at McDonald's. It's under two bucks and it's, you know, it's a good deal, whatever, fine. So he, he's ordering it and he's waiting and I'm waiting. And then she comes with the muffin and she puts it on
Starting point is 00:08:45 the tray in front of him and he looks at it and he looks at her and he's like, look at me. He, he, he barks at her. He's like, look at me. And, um, he's like, I said butter, there's no butter on this. And I'm like, oh, okay, whatever. What a dick. Right. And she's, you know, she's a, she's apologetic. She was, it was anian woman and she was apologetic she's like oh sir i'm very sorry he takes a 20 bill i've never honestly i've never seen anything so rude in my life he takes a 20 bill out of his pocket waves it in her face so he takes the 20 waves it in her face practically pushes it into her face and he's like if 20, waves it in her face, practically pushes it into her face. And he's like, if I give you this, would I get my butter melted? So he's practically pushed the 20 in her face. This guy's a super asshole. Oh my God. I was, Mike, I was dying. And there was all
Starting point is 00:09:33 these people around and everybody was watching. And I turned to him and I was like, wow. I'm like, I wish I had, no, I feel kind of idiot because I did have a phone that I could take a video, but I was like, I wish I had a video on me. Because if I did, I would tape the rudest person in the world and I would show it to the whole world. I don't know. I wish I'd been a little bit more smooth. But the point was that I was like...
Starting point is 00:09:54 You called him out on his... I completely called it out. And I have like this... Dickish behavior. Exactly. And I think for the minute when I turned to him, I think he actually thought that I was... Because he kind of smiled at me.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And I think he thought that I was going to agree with him like oh like you know what a stupid woman she didn't melt the butter on it I couldn't believe it and he looked at me he was completely shocked How old was this guy again? He was like late 60s early 70s Oh yeah they get all cranky at that age He was cranky and it was like a stupid bran muffin
Starting point is 00:10:19 a stupid old fart and he was like well you know how hard is it to melt butter I was like how hard is it to be a decent human being i'm like it must be very hard because you're not then my voice is getting higher scott scott's like over in the scott's hiding in the corner i don't know this woman who is this person i can just see you know he'd appear with like they're over the player yeah and i could just tell he like heard my he heard like the high pitch voice carrying through the mcdonald's and i could tell he's like oh my god like what now and i was like this man was so rude to her anyways but you
Starting point is 00:10:50 know what he shut up he did he took his stupid muffin and coffee and he scurried away and i don't know if it ever has a effect on it but my god to take a 20 dollar bill and shove it in her face he wasn't giving it to her he was just trying to humiliate her. And I actually felt as well, there was undertones of, not even undertones. Racism? Exactly. Thank you. You could feel it coming out of his pores because he was just an old white man.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And you could tell that he felt superior to this woman serving him to take that. Is it possible that this guy in mind? It was so egregious. Was it Argy by any chance? Argy, sorry. Well, it's funny because I actually thought maybe it was Dave, the one you... Oh, the guy banned. Yeah, the one you excised.
Starting point is 00:11:33 The first guy I've ever banned from... First time ever in Toronto Mike history, I've banned a commenter. And he hasn't reappeared? He popped up a couple of times early and I clipped him when I saw him. And he's been gone a bit for a while now. But Monica and I saw him on Torontoist or something with the same asinine comments about Rob
Starting point is 00:11:52 Ford polluting their comments and it was the same name, Dave Williams. So he used his same name. Yeah, well that's his name. He's using his real name. At least RG had the good sense to go with an alias. But yeah, so he's gone to another blog to pollute the comments there. So if you missed Dave Williams and his asinine Rob Ford defense,
Starting point is 00:12:10 then you can find him on Yeah, he's gone. If something creeps back up, a different IP, I just ban the new IP, delete the comment, and let him work for it. But how interesting he tried, though. He tried different avenues to poke himself back in there. And I think he thought I was joking for a bit. And then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:27 no, you're, you're done. Like I'm done. I thought about it for months. I didn't like I, for months and months I thought about it. I was done.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It just, I, the big thing for me was the constant, uh, fight with Mississauga Phil about recreational marijuana usage. Like I just can't, I just couldn't do it anymore. Like I can't condemn guys for life because they smoked a little weed. I just can't do it.
Starting point is 00:12:48 No, no, of course not. And I think you made a really, when you wrote, I saw that you had written, I want my blog to be something that I want to read again. And I'm like, I really don't blame him. It's his blog. This isn't freedom of speech. It's my blog. I mean, they moderate comments on and and And I can do it too. And I never do it. But this time I decided to just clip the guy.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'm done. Well, that's really funny because I saw a couple of people made a comment after you had said he was banned. A couple of people made a couple of comments like, oh, I can't believe you've done this. And I don't believe this should be right. And I'm like, oh, my God, it's his site. He can do whatever the F he wants. And you know what? My blog has been better since he left.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Absolutely. Just one less idiot makes it better content to me. Well, and also I find that when you don't have the threads devolving into ridiculousness about abortion and whatever. So Morgenthaler died today. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. And RG is all over the entry basically going back to the abortion debate. And it's, I feel like...
Starting point is 00:13:46 Well, now there's no one to feed him as... I know, now he's a lone wolf, but like it's 2013 in Canada. We're not about to discuss the, whether it's legal to have an abortion in Canada or not. Well, no, and that's the thing. It's so backwards. It just makes him,
Starting point is 00:14:01 it's just so kind of old and sad, really. And, you know, I think without, I think without Dave to spur it on, it means your threads, like people can post other stuff and talk about other interesting things. And it doesn't devolve into this. Cheryl's got to talk about the Phoenix coyotes and she's got other things going on. And George Smitherman.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I saw that he posted. I was really excited that George Smitherman posted on your site. You know what? Bless Cheryl's heart. Cause I let her get away with all this. Cause I don't, I don't want to ban anybody. Even if You know what? Bless Cheryl's heart because I let her get away with all this because I don't want to ban anybody. Even Cheryl's fine. Whatever she wants to do. I can't believe she still thinks the answer
Starting point is 00:14:33 to our Rob Ford problem is George Smitherman. To me, it's just... Maybe she thinks there's only two possibilities in the universe. Rob Ford or George Smitherman. In which case, I agree with her. There's no sense of a third option. universe, Rob Ford or George Smitherman, in which case I agree with her. There's no sense of a third option. No, it's just George.
Starting point is 00:14:49 But I think you nailed it, though. I think she obviously met, well, she did. She said she met him once. She met him once. He was nice to her, and now he's got that warm, fuzzy spot in her psyche. Well, it's funny,
Starting point is 00:14:59 because I don't want to write this on the psychs. I don't want to make her sad, but a friend of mine that I used to work with for years, who now is in politics, she actually used to play hockey on, I think it was, I think it was, it was like a lesbian hockey team and they were in some tournament and
Starting point is 00:15:17 George Smitherman was playing in it. And she was like, Rosie, she goes, he was the biggest dick. He was not a nice person. No, I mean,
Starting point is 00:15:24 the fact that he, he, he was actually the only contender for Rob Ford. This is why we have this problem we have now, which we'll discuss in a moment. But Rob Ford got almost 48% of the vote because the only other viable candidate was George Smitherman. And downtown voted heavily for George, just not to vote for Rob, but a lot of regular Joes living in like Scarborough, they felt like, let's give this Rob Ford a chance because Smitherman doesn't sound like a great option. We really need a viable, like an Olivia Chow would destroy Rob Ford in 2014. In my humble opinion, George Smitherman just had too much baggage and too much, you know, there's a lot, there was a lot of baggage. Yep. Wasn't going to happen. It was not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:16:05 So you weren't here last week, and that was the first broadcast since the Rob Ford crack video debacle started. I want to hear, and the people are dying to hear what you think of what's happening at Toronto City Hall. I'm going to be quiet and listen, because I'm curious myself.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Let's go. I don't really, honestly, I don't have, Mike's making a sad face. I've, you know, I feel our thoughts on Ford are, are, are similar. Um, I think that, um, you know what, actually, no. Okay. This is how I feel when it all sort of happens. Um, I thought he wouldn't survive this. Um, I thought he wouldn't survive this. I thought this is it. He's done. But I don't know if you watched him and his brother do their show. I've watched. Oh, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Okay, so. But I followed on Twitter. It was the most surreal thing. I found myself stopping for a second and saying, wow, I am watching on TV a radio show while following it on Twitter. Talk about, you know, it's just the media. It's so interesting. It's so changed. But, you know, watching them and then, you know, seeing news reports when people, you know, the reporters are out in the streets just asking, you know, people what they think.
Starting point is 00:17:21 People and then people still support him. People, I think, are even having the... Mike Muzzin supports him. Well, it was funny because the CBC did a report shortly after that. They went out in... Now, granted, it was in Etobicoke, but they went out on the street and they were stopping people and asking, how do you feel right now about Rob Ford?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Would you vote for him? Do you still support him despite everything? And people's reactions were, I feel the media is ganging up on him i feel the media is attacking him he is just like you know us he is a regular guy who's trying to take care take care of the taxpayers and you know i'm thinking these people are stupid rose well but they're but they but they're they're there that's how they feel okay and now his poll now the the star just did a poll and i mean I know polls are
Starting point is 00:18:05 obviously they're quite wrong quite often but polls saying it's not even affecting his popularity so maybe he would win but you know if there was an election tomorrow and say Olivia because I do think that she would definitely be the best person to give him
Starting point is 00:18:22 a run for his money I think maybe he would win. I don't know. Like he still has support. And I think the Globe and Mail article, you know, I read it. And I think the fact that, I do really think the fact that all the sources are unnamed,
Starting point is 00:18:35 I think that does for a lot of people make it, you know, less damning. The Globe article isn't what has caused this. Like that alone doesn't cause this. No, of course not. This is definitely the crack video that's sparking this. But as everyone will say, no one's seen it yet. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Rosie DiManno was right. The star should have bought it. And I know we don't do checkbook journalism. Can you imagine the flack if they had given money to crack dealers? Can you imagine the lash? What would the Ford supporters say about that? I don't know, but without it, without it until people can see it,
Starting point is 00:19:10 I don't think, I think that they will be able to twist that. I mean, I believe it. You know, I don't believe, I believe that it, they saw it, the journalist saw it. They wouldn't, you know, say that it wasn't him. Without a doubt in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Without a doubt. But the problem is, is they will use that as much as they can. And so until there was a video, no, DeManna was right. They should have bought it. Okay, but Rosie, Rosie, one death, like there was a shooting there two Tuesdays ago that the police are looking into.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Like one death that is linked somehow to money, that the money bought the gun that killed the person, the money came from the Toronto Star to buy the video. I'm telling you, the Toronto Star couldn't buy that video. I mean, it was like they were damned if they do, damned if they don't. No, no, I agree. I think Rosie DeManna had a... I'm glad they did it.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I'm glad they didn't, but I understand what she's saying. You know, without it, right? It's how do you... But... Okay. And the Star wouldn't even have come out with that article if Gawker hadn't. I think they would have taken their time. But they were, but not yet, because they wanted to get the video.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I think they wanted the video. Yeah. But they were, but not yet, because they wanted to get the video. I think they wanted the video. They're going to come out with a video. And I think that Gawker forced their hand to go before they had the video, because now the story's out there. Yeah, and I think that also made the Globe article come out probably before it was ready as well.
Starting point is 00:20:15 That was 18 months. That was 18 months. I've been hearing about that Globe article since February. They've been sitting on that story for a long time. But the Globe, I almost feel like that distracts us from everything, like the Globe article. Like the globe article, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:27 people came out, it came out and people, people are talking about it. And I think that globe article had, and has having the effect of, for both Rob and Doug of the media is attacking them. It's helping their victim. It's helping the victim thing they use.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Do you know what I mean? Like they, they, they know it's, it's feeding into their blame. Exactly. Exactly you know what I mean? Like they, they, they, I know it's, it's feeding into their blame. Exactly. Exactly. That's,
Starting point is 00:20:46 that's, that's what, how I see the globe article having had a played into all this. It just feeds the whole, we're victims, we're victims, we're victims. And I've been saying forever,
Starting point is 00:20:54 hello, they're not victims. They are very, very, very rich men that know how to control the, their, their message very, very well.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And they've never had to, other than public office, they've never had to get a real job like you and I, like they've worked for daddy's company. Sure. You know what? I'm not even gonna, there's lots of people that have got their jobs that way. I'm not even going to hold that against them because I mean, you could still do a lot of good for society, regardless of how you, you came to it with your, you know, I think what's disappointing is that here is this very, very rich family and, um, yes, they've, they've they've you know gone into public office but you know their um they don't their character doesn't really seem to be you know very well
Starting point is 00:21:31 they do lie a lot like they lie a lot they get caught in a lot and there's a lot of lies that we can't prove but i think that they're going to regret the whole this video doesn't exist that's not me in video i honestly big time like big time the video's coming out it's coming out i totally agree do you know because you were on your way here when this news broke but uh rob ford has ordered all these audio i don't know if they're called tapes anymore they're not actually tapes but audio recordings and papers from the three people who quit or got fired those three high profile staffers that have left the office he's ordered them destroyed and And there's this guy who got the orders to destroy them apparently balked at doing so.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And it's been reported in the Star and everything now that, of course, this request has been made and they're trying to save all this because it's like evidence of what they've talked about and all this stuff. Basically, he's destroying the evidence, Rob Ford. I don't know. I'm sure somebody saved it because there's going to be
Starting point is 00:22:24 something and someone will... You can't wreck everything. You can't destroy everything. Someone will have made a copy. Someone will have taken a photo with their cell phone. It's only a matter of time, Rosie. It's only a matter of time. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I was driving with my younger brother yesterday. And, you know, my brother, he sort of vaguely pays attention to what's happening, but he's not really one to like, you know, read the paper or watch the news. He's not on CP24 all day but he's not really one to read the paper or watch the news. He's not on CP24 all day. He's not really paying attention, but it was actually a funny thing that made me think, if you're an alien coming from space, how would this all appear? So we're driving and he's like, Rose,
Starting point is 00:22:53 can I ask you something? He's like, the mayor. He's like, does the mayor do crack? That's funny. And I started laughing. He's like, seriously, does the mayor do crack? And I was like, you know what? I think he does. I think he does too. I think he does too. And He's like, seriously, he's like, does the mayor do crack? And I was like, you know what? I think he does. I think he does too. I think he does too.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And he's like, gross. He's like, mayor does crack. I'm like, you know, Joe, I think he does. I go, I have to say, it really does appear that the mayor does crack. And he's like, man, he's like, that's not good. The world has taken notice that we tolerate such buffoonery. Yeah. Our mayor does crack and he's gonna act like
Starting point is 00:23:25 nothing's different he's going on business as usual but i know we can spend all episode i'm gonna wrap it up now but basically every day something else breaks in this story that makes these guys look like idiots and i he maintains this i'm gonna call it 30 it feels like 30 it's not scientific i'm making up the number but he's got this 30 of loyal base that will forgive him for murder if he votes against taxes absolutely absolutely that's what you're hearing from this etobicoke guys and mike muzzin and a lot of people who don't live in toronto poor etobicoke it's getting such a bad i feel like everyone's thinking everyone in etobicoke is like rich crack smoking i've've never seen crack. Rose, have you seen crack? No, are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:24:06 No. I had a, I didn't even know how you made crack. I actually Googled it. Like, how do you make crack? I've never seen crack. I've never seen coke.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I've never seen coke either. It's not, you know, I have friends that have done, I don't know anyone that's done crack, but I've had friends that have done coke and that just,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I don't know, it's, to me, it's like, it's always a scary, that's like the scary drug, you know, like. Because it's addictive, right? It's just scary. I don't know, it just, it has this image of like, it's always a scary, that's like the scary drug, you know, like. It's addictive, right? It's just scary.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I don't know. It just, it has this image of being scary. What's the hardest drug you've seen with your own eyes? Probably like. Marijuana? Magic mushrooms. Oh my God. Hashish?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Magic mushrooms. I don't even think I've seen, I don't even know what hashish is. It's a marijuana style. I don't know. I had friends back in university and and they used to order pizzas, and they'd have like magic mushrooms, and they'd sprinkle them on. It was just, I mean, it's mushrooms. They're natural.
Starting point is 00:24:52 All right, we'll move on. I think Rob Ford is a liar, and I think he humiliates me and shames me every time he looks at that camera and tells another bald-faced lie. I can't wait until he's revealed as a liar he is. It's coming. It's coming because I just – also the strategy of saying nothing, it's just – it's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:25:14 But anyways, that's enough of that. We have to move on. Did you watch The Office? Not the American one, no. Yeah, the American one. Okay. I watched it in the beginning, but I haven't in a long time. So we won't talk too much except that I liked the finale.
Starting point is 00:25:27 That's all. Oh, cool. And I haven't watched since Michael Scott left, who's Steve Carell. But I watched the finale because I did watch it for years, and I thought they did a really good job. Off the top of your head, are there any series finales that you really thought were well done? Oh, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I loved the series finale of Sex and the City. I knew you were going to say that. Every time we talk TV, it's I loved the series finale of Sex and the City. I knew you were going to say that. Every time we talk TV, it's going to go to girls or Sex and the City. Well, you know what's funny is because I felt that there was a lot of pressure on Sex and the City. How do you wrap it up?
Starting point is 00:25:53 And a lot of people would not agree with me. They would think that, you know, Sex and the City, you know, they all ended up with a man and that was against the, you know, inherent premise of the show being a feminist action and blah, blah, blah. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:04 I just really liked it. And to me, it's as simple as, as simple as I actually thought it was true to the characters. I love the way it ended. I love that Carrie ended up with Mr. Big. I love that you found out his name was John. I hope I'm not... Who hasn't seen the finale? I give you permission to spoil Sex and the City.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Sex and the City. Mike really sort of embarrassed himself on my website because I... I'm fearless. It's sex and the city. Why do I think it's sex and the city? I don't know. Do you think it should be sex and the city?
Starting point is 00:26:34 And he went on my website and he wrote something and he was like, it's sex in the city. I imagine if you were saying it in the voice, it'd be like, it's sex in the city. I embarrassed myself. And it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But that's fine. The other finale I loved was the British office, the Ricky Gervais office. Oh, the Christmas special. Well, no, it wasn't a Christmas special. Why do I think that? I don't know. The way the British office went, it was two full seasons, and then there was a two-hour season finale that
Starting point is 00:27:01 was a special. So maybe that's why you think it was a special. I think I call it the Christmas special. Yeah. I don't think it was christmas related but it might have been i don't i don't i actually might i can't actually remember if it was there was a big party maybe it was the company christmas party i don't know yes it was maybe maybe it was um anyways it was an amazing it was like one of those season finale i think i watched it like 20 times it was perfect it was so beautiful um and i won't um say my favorite part in it because i might spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. What else? I think those are the two that jump out at me the most.
Starting point is 00:27:29 The Golden Girls finale. The Designing Women finale. I used to like Designing Women actually. Dixie Carter. I didn't like the Seinfeld finale. I thought it was disappointing. I didn't like Entourage. Never saw it.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, that sort of disappointed me the way it wrapped up. What else ended? Oh, I didn't like the Lost finale. Oh, no, I know. I felt cheated a littleourage. Never saw it. Yeah, that sort of disappointed me, the way it wrapped up. What else ended? Oh, I didn't like the Lost finale. That sucked. Oh, no, I know, I know. I felt cheated a little bit by the Lost finale. Oh, God. I actually felt, though, at the end, it had really, you know, devolved into, like, nonsense.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I agree. But you stayed with it because you invested so much, right? Oh, totally. And I liked The West Wing. The West Wing was good. That wrapped up good. Oh, did it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I watched the first season and loved it, and I have no idea why I didn't continue watching it. I know. I got distracted by The Sopranos, I think. I don't know. and loved it and I have no idea why I didn't continue watching it. I know. I got distracted by The Sopranos, I think. I don't know. Oh, The Sopranos. Did I like The Sopranos finale? No, you know what? At the end of the day, I think... You know what? Okay, you didn't like it. Because I didn't think I liked it and then by the next day, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I watched it again and by the second day, I actually loved it. Like, I didn't like it at first and then I loved it. Such a hard one to wrap up. I think they probably did the best they could. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. It was okay. It was medium. But that last scene in the diner, if you watch it over and over again, there's lots of cool things going on, like imagery and signs and the members only club and the whole.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And the anticipation building up as they're all parking. Like I remember as Meadow is parking, were you not just holding your breath because you think something's going to happen? It was amazing. The fact that they built that anticipation was pretty cool. I actually liked it all up until maybe just that final moment in the booth and you realize, okay, nothing's going to happen. But you know what? That was sort of the amazing thing about Tony Soprano. He still was able to just have this, you know, illusion of a family life despite being, you know, a total
Starting point is 00:28:58 psychopath, but such a good show. I loved it so much. Oh my God. I miss it so much. Do you want to say a few words about bullying? Am I saying that word right? You know what, let's save that. Let's save that for our next podcast because it's a good one. There's lots to talk about and I don't think we have enough time.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, Rofo made us go long again. That's what I'm calling Rob Ford now. I know. So we'll save that. So let's do this. I dropped my iPad, which is disastrous, and I've got to take it to the genius car. How much does it cost?
Starting point is 00:29:28 To fix it? I don't know. I have no idea. I'm scared to find out. What's the magic? Do you have a number in your head, or will you just pay anything less than the cost of a new one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Okay, because your son likes it, right? Is this your son's or yours? No, it's mine. Me and Scott's. It's the grown-up one. You might want to get yourself a Galaxy Note, maybe. No. So let's do this.
Starting point is 00:29:50 One minute on Mad Men real quick. Sure. Because I read an article that said that this season was slow and boring. That's what the article said. And I actually passionately disagreed. And I just wonder if I'm just liking anything they do at this point. Because I'm loving every episode. And it's been getting better and better.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I'm loving it. No, it's really good. Anyone who thinks it's like maudlin, it's always been maudlin. Mad Men has been depressing from episode one, season one. It is not. It is a dark show. This season I think people took particular notice. I think the expectations are so high. But you know
Starting point is 00:30:19 Don Draper, he got really it was him cheating on Megan. It's like, come on. Like Megan is basically perfect. That's a big spoiler, Rose. Right? You know what I'm realizing, too? I haven't seen the episode that just passed. You can't spoil things that are, like, active seasons. I think you've... Come on. At this point, if you are a Mad Men person and you don't
Starting point is 00:30:35 know that he cheated on Megan, sorry. I'm not, like... But this is the first season he did it, because last season he was good. Come on now. Well, he was, you know... He never cheated last season. He didn't cheat. He didn't cheat, right? But I think the season's been great. Did you see the last episode? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Oh, okay. I won't say a thing. No, you cannot. Except something exciting happened. Well, that's fine. But you can't tell me anything because I don't know anything that happened. All right, go home and watch it. I also have not, you better not tell me anything about the finale of Smash because I know how
Starting point is 00:30:59 much you love Smash. I don't know what that is. Is that like Hulk? Don't spoil it for me. Incredible Hulk? No, it was a really good. I don't know. It was great. Well, Hulk? Don't spoil it for me. Incredible Hulk? No, it was a really good. I don't know. It was great.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Well, season two sucked. Is it like Glee? No, I don't watch Glee. No, it was so good. It was like Broadway and music. You know I'm a snob for these basic cable shows. Season one was wonderful. So am I.
Starting point is 00:31:18 This is why season one was so good. And then season two sucked. So I'm not surprised. After a show gets banished to Saturday night, you know it doesn't have a chance. Rose, is it better than According to Jim? I've never seen According to Jim. I was trying to think of like a bland sitcom
Starting point is 00:31:30 you'd find on Basic Gable. Is that around still? My mom likes The Big Bang Theory. Oh, everyone in Canada does. Why? I see it's the number one show in Canada. It's so not funny. I can't stand it.
Starting point is 00:31:38 She watches it and I have to watch it with her and then it's like ridiculous. She's laughing and I'm like, what is happening? My kids like it, but they're stupid. But it's so corny. I don't know. It's like ridiculous. She's laughing and I'm like, what is happening? My kids like it but they're stupid. But it's so corny. I don't know. It's just whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Anyways, so. So Rosie, that was another great episode. I think we can get rid of Rob Ford once, maybe by this time next week.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Absolutely. And we'll have Ill Vibe next week so he's not gonna, he's gonna want to talk about cool things. And he might tell us how to get this video.
Starting point is 00:32:03 We'll see. And that brings us to the end of the show. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike and Rosie at Rosie in Toronto. Bye for now. See you all next week. Thank you.

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