Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #90

Episode Date: September 4, 2014

Mike and Elvis share stories and laughs, chat about Robin Williams and go off on MLSE and some cyclists....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 90th episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from and joining me this week is my buddy Elvis. What's up Mike? Long time no see. It has been a long time. Like, I know you bailed on me at least once, but it's been like... Just one time. Two months?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Probably. It was probably early in the summer. Yeah, you're right. But you had like a litany of guests. I volunteered a number of times to come in and I was denied. I was told, no, you didn't want me. Well, the following people have been in that chair since you were last here. Following people have been in that chair since you were last here. Mark Hebbshire, Aaron Davis, Jeremy Taggart, Andrew Walker from the Fan 590, and Remy the Minx. How's that for an assortment?
Starting point is 00:01:17 That was the, I don't even know who that woman is. That was the strangest guest I think you've ever had. I like to mix it up a bit, Elvis. Not in terms of, I didn't listen, of course. And I'm sure she's whatever. It could have been great. It could have been shitty. I don to mix it up a bit, Elvis. Not in terms of, I didn't listen, of course. And I'm sure she's whatever. It could have been great. It could have been shitty. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Well, she's different. But it was definitely the person that has been outside of the realm of the types of people you've been having in. The outlier. Yes. Oh, I guess I would be too compared to all those people that you've had in there as well. I wanted to talk to somebody who had been blogging longer than I have. And it's hard to find somebody like that. And I found sure I started blogging before you, but I've also not blogged for many, many years. Doesn't count. I know. I know. The I know. Did
Starting point is 00:01:55 you listen? OK, fine. I didn't expect you to listen to Ramy the Minx, but I thought you might listen to the Andrew Walker one. It's on the list. I have a bunch of, I haven't been traveling a lot. Um, so it's on the, I actually have them downloaded on my, uh, my iPad to listen, uh, while I'm traveling. I've got a bunch of smaller trips coming up, but a long enough that I can actually enjoy a podcast on the plane. So I will be doing that over the next few weeks. Is Mark Hebshire on the list? Yeah, I'll listen to him. I'm, you know what? I'm more of a, um. You're more of a tatty guy. No, I'm not really any of those guys.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I never really watched Sportsline. So it wasn't really my thing. All right. But it wasn't really my thing. Because you're like close to my age and you were like raised in Mississauga. So I thought that would be like in your wheelhouse. I guess it should be, but it isn't. It happens. that would be like in your wheelhouse i i guess it should be but it isn't it happens like sometimes
Starting point is 00:02:45 there's something like a cultural touchstone like that every all my peers were into and for some reason i just like avoided it or missed it sure and i feel kind of out of it um this would be like that yeah yeah yeah it's like you and wrestling in the 90s right you never really watched but everyone else i know watched was obsessed with it like the stone cold and rock yeah yeah yeah that's i was gone for that by then yeah but i actually on netflix i saw there was a um i'm subscribing to netflix now wow this is a huge but i use uh i go into the u.s netflix uh except for community or i'll go into the canadian do you know community which is a show i enjoy uh i watch it with my daughter, actually, and we find it quite funny.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Not on the U.S. Netflix, but on the Canadian Netflix. But I digress. I bet you it's because they had it for so long on the U.S. one that they don't have it anymore. Anyway. It's one of the rare examples where I go into the actual Canadian Netflix. I'm thinking of watching, I think Arrested Development is on Netflix now. Oh. I've never seen one episode.
Starting point is 00:03:43 They have a season that is Netflix only. Correct. And I swear by that show. I've actually watched it three times. People have said that I should watch it. The other one is, what's the Mark Wahlberg one? He's like the executive producer. It's supposed to be modeled after his life.
Starting point is 00:04:00 No, I don't know. I'm out. I'm tapping out. It's not Arrested Development. That's one of those cultural touchstones I missed. That's not Mark Wahlberg. There's David Duchovny. Okay, so it's not that.
Starting point is 00:04:09 No, he's not in the show, but the show is modeled after him. Oh, okay. Okay, yeah. I'm Googling it. Okay, well, Californication is the David Duchovny one, and he's like an author in California who has sex with lots of hot chicks and Ferraris
Starting point is 00:04:22 because I watched the first couple of seasons. Not bad at all. That might be it. And they have some good tunes in there. Like all of a sudden they'll break into like a Nirvana tune or something. I've heard that I would like that too. Yeah, it was actually you like that. For whatever reason, I'm thinking that that's not it.
Starting point is 00:04:35 That's it. I didn't know about the Mark Wahlberg connection. Entourage. Oh, okay. Entourage. I actually missed Entourage. So Entourage potentially, Arrested Development potentially. Yeah. Oh, so
Starting point is 00:04:47 my point was I tuned into this WWE produced like 20, whatever it was, 50th anniversary of WWF or whatever it was. But it was like a retrospective of all wrestling. And I just watched up until like 1990 and then I turned it off. And it was fun to see
Starting point is 00:05:04 my old friends there my rowdy ruddy piper and uh my old super fly snooker and junkyard dog and everything nice well the ones who are alive uh you know uh hopefully uh jake the snake roberts gets better oh yeah he's in a coma he has the uh joan rivers treatment there yeah well i'm guessing the level of treatment might be a little bit different for j the Snake versus Joan. You never know. He was the source for the wrestler. That's right. Yes. There was the infamous scene of him doing
Starting point is 00:05:31 crack in a hotel room, right? Right, with Damien. His name. With Damien. That's good, because Roshan wants more big Elvis laughs, but we can't fake that shit. It's going to be organic. My only fan. My only fan. Hebsey, you'll check it out, but I can't fake that shit. It's going to be organic. My only fan. My only fan. So Hebsey,
Starting point is 00:05:46 you'll check it out, but I didn't realize you weren't a sports line guy. Do you have any interest in these? Like any interest or you hate them? I hate them.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Are you the person? Yeah, go ahead. I probably listen to... No, I was going to say I probably listen to Nickelback before these guys, but I'll listen to these guys before Nickelback. But it's a close race. I heard Clumsy in the shower today.
Starting point is 00:06:14 They play them on lithium every once in a while on Sirius, which is interesting because I would imagine that they weren't... They were probably played a lot because they were Canadian. It's a U.S. station, right? Well, it's a satellite radio, right? So it's U.S., but I guess somebody in the U.S. has heard of Our Lady Peace before. We used to call them Our Lady Suck.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I liked Our Lady Peace. I saw them live, and I enjoyed them. His name is Mike, not Rain, by the way. I thought for sure he was legitimate rain. For a whole, you know, like movement, the grunge movement being real
Starting point is 00:06:49 and being like, you know, all that stuff. No one's put them in the grunge. Come on. No one's putting them in the grunge.
Starting point is 00:06:54 They're not Alice in Chains here. They obviously adopted a sound that they heard elsewhere and they... They're the Canadian version of it. But they're better than, way better than Nickelback.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Anyways, we won't argue on the merits of R&D. You're not getting rain in here, right? I don't know. I haven't reached out to rain. Should I? I'm still trying to get Maestro for us.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm pretty sure he's not going to get down the stairs. I don't understand. From what I understand, his ego is just massive. Oh, his head is too big. His massive, massive, massive ego. I'm going to try to. Maybe get him and Chantel Krivoyasic. There you go. I think they're in Vancouver, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:07:28 Is she still attractive? She was a hottie in the... She was. I don't know. I don't know. I haven't seen her in a long time. And what about Aaron Davis? Since we're running off all the episodes that have happened since you were last here. Aaron Davis might be... I was arguing with my brother Steve. Who is the biggest name I've
Starting point is 00:07:43 had? And you know, there's some good arguments for like a bunch of these. I'd say Aaron Davis, because I'll tell you why. If we listed out every single person that you've had on your podcast, there's only one person my mom would know. And that's Jeff Merrick. I would say that there's probably one person on the list that most people would know. And that's Aaron Davis. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:03 The moms are sort of like, you know, really not really not really niche but you know you have to like sports sports or radio like alan cross yeah or uh my mom has no clue you're right aaron davis is like the one that the mom would know you know uh aaron davis has the second most listened to episode in the history of this podcast really but not But not the first. First is... Do you want to guess the first? First was... First was Jeff Merrick? No. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Really? I feel like I knew this. I knew this a while ago. I don't know. I give up. Todd Shapiro. That's right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So Todd's one and then Aaron Davis is two. So you got the two demos going at it. The young dudes and then the models. You know who might be getting a lot of listeners is Rosie. And here's why. Tell me. I'm dying to know because she's been on a hundred episodes. She's on a fucking bus.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Oh, but in York region. Her picture's on a fucking bus. I saw that. Rosie, you're on a bus. I said, I wish I spent more time like on Highway 7. She's on a fucking bus. Oh, but in York region. Her picture's on a fucking bus. I saw that. Rosie, you're on a bus. I said, I wish I spent more time like on Highway 7. She's looking good. She's right out there. Boom.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah. There she is. You know, good for her. I told her we're proud of her. Okay, now answer me this question because I honestly don't know. Because we're going to be on a bus, but we're going to be on like a TTC bus. I honestly don't know the answer to this question. What does she do at the station to get on a bus?
Starting point is 00:09:26 I thought she was more of a behind-the-scenes promo person or a promotions person or a marketing person. I don't know, but we have to get her back in here. Is it like that type of small station where everybody on the station is sort of known? Is that the way it is? Yeah, basically, yeah. I think it's so small.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Because I remember working at a small station and people knew who the music director was, even though the music director had a one-hour show once a week. I think they threw so small. Because I remember working at a small station and people knew who the music director was, even though the music director had a one-hour show once a week. I think they threw her on weekends. Because on Facebook or Twitter, she'll tweet on Saturdays, now playing New Order or whatever. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I think she's got weekend shifts. Way to go, Rosie. That's fucking cool. She's getting airtime there. Thank God she cut her teeth here and built her skill set. In fact, almost every episode of 2013
Starting point is 00:10:09 featured Rosie. Yes. And not a single episode in 2014 featured Rosie. Right. I was on two episodes, I think, in 2013. At the old studio.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Probably a couple dozen in 2014. Probably. You're the go-to... Co-host. Co-host. Okay. And so thoseto... Co-host. Co-host. Okay, and so those are them, I guess. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And so Ramey, Hebsey, Aaron Davis, Jeremy Taggart. I think that's it, actually. Oh, and Andrew Walker, who's on your list. You're going to check him out. He followed me on Twitter. Thank you, Andrew. I'm going to follow you back. He was a very, very nice guy.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I think I might already be. All nice people. By the way, all of those guests were very pleasant people. Aaron Davis was lovely. Came with her bodyguard, Miles Long. And Jeremy Taggart was amazing. And, you know, Rami was different, but entertaining and interesting. I found so, even though I got a lot of flack for the Rami episode.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And I don't know, but not everybody can be Erin Davis. What prompted you to bring her in? I asked her a year ago. Like, I just have always been aware. Yeah, I've been aware of her for over a decade. But being aware of or knowing her is two different things. Yeah, I never met her. That was the first time I met her.
Starting point is 00:11:16 First long conversation you've had off of email with her? We've exchanged emails and tweets and stuff throughout the years, but this is the first time we spoke voice to voice. And what's her thing? Is her thing that she's like, I looked at her blog, I couldn't get what her thing is. Yeah, I think it's just she puts it all out there. She's just a blogger who blogs about her life,
Starting point is 00:11:36 and she likes brands to come to her and give her stuff so she can pimp them. She's sort of, I can see why people dislike the Ramy the model, Ramy the model, Ramy the Minx model. I just feel at least she's doing it. Like she's owning her own brand. Does she have like a job? I don't think she has a job. I think her job right now I think is to be Ramy the Minx, I think.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Right, so she has like, she has enough income to be able to support herself. I asked some questions about that. It sounds like it. She saved money, she said, from when be able to support herself. I asked some questions about that. It sounds like it. She saved money, she said, from when she had some real jobs. And I don't know what's supporting her, actually. But I tried to find out. So since we also since we last spoke. Oh, by the way, I have no interest.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I've lost interest in Jim Lang as a guest. He agreed to come on all like excited to come on after the Greg Brady episode. And then multiple times I've said, are you ready to pick a date? And he says, let me get back to you of a date. And he's never got back to me of a date. So if you want to take the Jim Lang ball and run with it, you can do that. And like you did with Greg Brady.
Starting point is 00:12:33 But I personally have lost interest in Jim Lang as a guest and I'm going to stop pursuing him. I don't blame you for that. I may, I've been negligent because my hope was to get Elliott Freeman and I think we've lost our window now that hockey season's started. Oh, but Strombo's coming on. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So Strombo can come on. He says he just got back to the city. He was like motorcycling. So maybe I'll send a note to Elliott today, then. And tell Elliott that if Strombo's coming on, he's got to come on. That's right. I will. And Elliott's...
Starting point is 00:12:59 I think Elliott's been in the city for most of the summer, too, so... Sure. Okay. You get Elliott Freeman. I'll get Strombo. I'm working on USS.s they've agreed to come on they're just gonna give me dates but uss okay so ubiquitous synergy seeker you don't know okay i've been i've seen these guys live several times i'm a big fan you don't know so you're gonna get like a band in here yeah i don't know if it'll be two guys in the band okay but one guy for sure who would be on with
Starting point is 00:13:22 his name's ashley bulsh or something like that but ashley uh he's what he wants to come on and i think he's got a sidekick i can't remember it but he's like uh he's like the uh what flavor flavor was the public enemy the hype man oh okay so i don't know if i need i don't know if i can handle the hype man but i'll give me this the regular guy uh robin williams died yeah that was sad man very sad uh that was pretty sad i'd like to maybe do a quick phone call to our friend andrew stokely who has he has a robin williams story really like a real life one wow unlike mine which is i know you got one too i'll go quick which is that i've only my grandmother who passed away earlier this year at the age of 98 i only ever saw one movie in my entire life with her.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's right. And that was Mrs. Doubtfire. I took her to the Jane and Bloor, it's called the Humber. Actually, it's open again, but it closed for a long time and it reopened. But at the Humber Theater, I took her to see Mrs. Doubtfire. She laughed out loud, that whole damn thing. Maybe because she was laughing out loud, I thought it was freaking funny. Maybe, I don't know, I thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I thought it was funny. because she was laughing out loud. I thought it was freaking funny. Maybe, I don't know. I thought it was funny. I thought it was funny. You know what? There's only a few movies that when you're surfing television and you come across a movie that you will stay,
Starting point is 00:14:32 even though you've seen the movie a hundred times. A Princess Bride is one. It's not on TV very often, but when it is, I'll watch it. Top Gun is definitely one for me. But Mrs. Doubtfire. It seemed like Mrs. Doubtfire was on tv all the time especially on a and e uh yeah and it is it's it's so good it is it is it is by far pierce brosnan's greatest work of all time he was great in that uh it it's real i really enjoy that movie
Starting point is 00:14:59 it's super super fun and it's sad that the whole thing is just sad the way that, uh, obviously he, he was, he was tortured and, uh, had some, uh, you know, had some demons that he was, uh, that he had dealt with over the course of his life. And, uh, unfortunately, um, you know, he's no longer here, which is sad. I've seen Robin. Well, I got the, the opportunity to see Rob, Robin Williams live, um, at, I don't know what they call it these days, but it once was the O'Keefe center. I think at the time it was the hummingbird center. Who knows? Maybe it's a Sony center now, but it's that theater down at, I don't know what they call it these days, but it once was the O'Keeffe Center. I think at the time it was the Hummingbird Center. Who knows? Maybe it's the Sony Center now, but it's that theater down at Yonge and Front Street.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Is that the Sony Center now? Sony Center for the Performing Arts. Yeah, that's it. So I saw Robin Williams there, and it looked, from my memory, I think it was around early 2000s. And basically this is a Robin Williams stage setup. He comes out on stage and there is a round table on stage with probably three dozen water bottles.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I've seen this footage. And a microphone. And he gets on and he comes in and does probably two hours worth of material. He gets on and he comes in and does probably two hours worth of material. And by the end of the material, every single bottle is empty and he has soaking through his entire shirt. Just manic energy. Unbelievable energy. The man is, it was just on fire the entire time.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And from what I understand, he didn't really, he had an act, but it wasn't like an act like some other comics that are like, Louis C.K. talks about his act and how he sort of works. Like a lot of comics will talk about how they work and they insert words here and there and remove words to make it better. Robin Williams, a lot of his act just came off the cuff. And he was just a remarkable comedian. I heard him talking to Mark Maron, I think it was, on his podcast about how that's how he was accused
Starting point is 00:16:48 of stealing other people's material. Like he would see people perform in clubs in like LA or whatever. And then he would have these lines that would sort of subconsciously like be implanted in his head. And because of the way he performed, where he'd pull one out
Starting point is 00:17:01 because it was appropriate for the moment and it would work and it would be out. It would be out there. And then he'd be like, oh it was appropriate for the moment and it would work and it would be out there. And then he'd be like, oh shit, that wasn't even mine. That was like John Smith's or whatever. And then he'd send a check to John Smith and say, this is for stealing your money. Well, yeah, and he was super kind and considerate
Starting point is 00:17:18 from all the stories that you're hearing now. But the idea that this guy who was a comic could also be an Academy Award winning actor, could also be an academy award-winning actor could also be a disney character could be all these things i mean he was just so versatile it just and you know universally like no one like no one disliked the guy because even if you didn't like him when he was over the top and mrs doufar you did like him in goodwill hunting yeah or you liked him in uh dead poet society right right like even that creepy one-hour photo. Do you ever see this thing?
Starting point is 00:17:47 You know what is so weird, though? I was flying to Seattle two days, three days before he died, and on the way there, I found a movie. It was a new release. Never heard of it. It was called
Starting point is 00:17:58 The Grumpiest Man in Brooklyn or something. One of his last movies that has already come out. It was him and Mila Kunis. And I watched the movie. And it was alright. But it was certainly a Robin Williams movie. And then two days later I got the news
Starting point is 00:18:12 that he passed. It was crazy, man. And if anyone wants to go back and revisit something Robin Williams that's recent and interesting, there's an episode of Louis I think it was the last season where a comedian dies. and no one liked this comedian.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So Robin Williams and Louis CK are the only two comics who go to the funeral and they're the only two people at the funeral. Yeah. And it's the whole episode is just those two talking about this guy and then they go to where he used to hang out, which is a strip club. And then there's kind of a little twist and it's kind of funny, but that's kind of a great little.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And before we call Stokely here, the last thing that I really thing that I thought was cool was Conan telling the story about how he had been fired from The Tonight Show and was feeling down in the dumps and stuff, and Robin Williams decided to send him a bike. And he called him up and said, you know, did you get my bike?
Starting point is 00:18:59 And Conan's like, yeah, that was pretty nice, pretty crazy. And he's like, is it the ugliest bike you've ever seen? He's like, absolutely. Robin just thought that it was funny. Apparently, it was like multicolored and just like... Oh, you know, I didn't find this out till after he passed, but Robin Williams was an avid biker. Like he would show up at races,
Starting point is 00:19:16 just like show up at races and compete in these races and fundraisers and stuff. He was a big time. And he even had an account on one of the Strava or one of the bike measuring online apps he had an account where people can see where he wrote and stuff cool okay oh my last quick thing is the very first movie i was ever i ever saw in a theater my uncle alan took me to this movie it was popeye in like 1980 or something and that was the first horrible i never saw him i i was freaked out by this octopus scene,
Starting point is 00:19:46 but I was pretty young. But anyway, that's my first movie and that was a Robin Williams movie. I totally didn't even realize he did that. Just reminded me. So I had a guest lined up from The Edge 102.1 and it was all signed, sealed, delivered, but... Fearless Fred.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I'm not going to mention the name, except that this person spoke to her boss and was told she's not allowed to do the podcast. Really? What was the first time in the history of Toronto? What was the reason? Was it because of the podcast itself or just because they didn't want her on the on the quote unquote? I think they didn't want I she mentioned something about spilling beans or spilling the juice or whatever. Like right. I think they were worried about what she would say about things. Interesting. It shows a lot of trust in that employee.
Starting point is 00:20:29 That's great. I've heard the same company has stopped people from coming on the Humble and Fred show as well. So this is the first time this has happened. Interesting. I just thought I'd throw it out there. And yesterday I tweeted, there was a little joke going around.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I think I'm going to word it because the wording is important, but it was something like Betty White, 92, dies peacefully at home. But dies is spelled D-Y-E-S. You with me? So Betty White, 92, dies peacefully at home. So you with me? D-Y-E-S. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:00 So I tweet this, but then I link to the article, which explains that she's a natural brunette. Was it from The Onion or something? No, some other joking site, though. I think even she had some role in it, but it was talking about how at home she likes to dye her hair because she's a natural brunette. She dyes her hair peacefully at home. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:16 So I tweet this out and I link to the thing and I'm thinking, okay, first of all, A, it's right away you'll know because it's spelled d y e s like i they anyone who follows me knows i'm not going to screw up how to spell dies okay right and then i'm linking to the article that explains how she dyes her hair at home did you have to make a formal retraction no i never but your buddy and i want to get his name right bob baker my buddy is he your buddy bob baker yeah i know bob baker tweets at me and says, it's not true. He Googles it and finds out it's not true. He says, I'm losing all my credibility. He says, um, yes, he says, so he tweets at me and says, you're losing. It was kind of a, like a short little, like, uh, yeah, fine. Bob Baker tweets
Starting point is 00:21:56 at me. I'm losing all my credibility because I'm reporting false news. And I tweeted him back and i'm saying like did you read it and click because it's a hundred percent true and then uh i guess at some point he confesses that he he never did i think he said the page wouldn't load for him or something but he googled it because uh and when he found it it wasn't true basically and i said before you bob i don't know bob if he's a friend of yours he's a friend of mine he must be a nice guy he is is a nice guy. But before you tell me, question my integrity, my credibility, you better be sure I'm erroneous. Let's just put it this way. I just reviewed the tweets here myself, so I've done my own investigation. In that 10 seconds? Yeah, I found
Starting point is 00:22:40 the tweets and they were quite funny. Let's just put it this way. I'm guessing because Bob could not open the link. That was his claim, is that he couldn't open the right yeah right so he took your took your your tweet at face value because he does follow you and he assumed i misspelled it he follows both of us he does he does feel the same way about you that you feel about him and that you know you're a guy that kind of a friend he likes to follow you say some interesting things uh i'm going to guess that uh in this one instance even though this gentleman has a a good sense of humor yeah and can understand sarcasm and can understand parody and i'm guessing that just one in this one instant it went over at a second a little bit okay uh but if he because i do report a lot of celebrity deaths but i've actually never
Starting point is 00:23:23 erroneously reported i never reported reported Lil Wayne died, okay? Even though TMZ did, okay? I never report. I haven't reported Joan Rivers' death, okay? Well, Lil Wayne, it was reported he died. I don't even know who Lil Wayne is. Come on, you don't know Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You really don't know Lil Wayne. No, is he what's Master P's son? He was drinking the codeine with the cough syrup. I don't know. Scissor. I don't know scissor i don't know oh come on anyway his death was bottom line is it little wayne or little wayne little little bottom line is i actually take it very seriously like i make sure they're dead before i tweet okay i've done a million of these i've never been wrong good little way and i've also never misspelled the word dies right okay i'm offended that he thinks I would misspell the word dies.
Starting point is 00:24:07 How about there? Never. No? Never. Or your. Amazing. So that happened yesterday. Lil Wayne. Hey, you're the only guy who can answer this question.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah. What the frick is going on with TFC? You told me this was a new season. I knew this was coming. But they're in the playoffs right now. Is that correct? Well, they're not in the playoffs now. I mean, if the season ended right now. Correct. Even though they're in the playoffs right now. Is that correct? Well, they're not in the playoffs now. I mean, it's the season ending right now. Correct.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Even though they lost last night 1-0. Here's the deal. I'm going to sum it up nicely for everybody. I really believe there's two things that are at play here that are really fucking everything up. For all of MLSC, not just TFC, but TFC more so than any of the other teams because of the fact that they're a TFC
Starting point is 00:24:43 and they're not the NHL. That is that Tim Lewicki is leaving. Big deal. I think a big loss to the organization. And the organization is very, very focused on landing the Buffalo Bills. And so all of their chips, all of their energy, all of their focus is there. Tim Lewicki leaves because I feel he's had some, I believe that the Rodgers-Bell relationship as owners is an absolute nightmare behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:25:14 from everything that I've heard. If I'm Bell Canada and I own the Leafs, why is it that Rodgers gets to put out the NHL Game Center app and give all these games for free and be able to collect all this revenue. But I don't as a bell Canada company yet. I own half of the team. That's bullshit in my mind. Right. Um, I can't imagine $4 billion bid though. I can't imagine that they're, you know, that they're all happy about that. So I'm going to guess that because the ownership is, is so fractured at the moment and Tim Lewicki's leaving, that you have this product that has never been the number one priority
Starting point is 00:25:50 of the organization because it's such a small potato. You also have an organization that I think the situation would be a little bit different if they were successful in purchasing the Toronto Argonauts and they were now going to be renovating BMO Field to include two tenants, but now you still only have one.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I think there's just so many things that have happened to the organization, or maybe that haven't happened to the organization over the course of the last couple of years that now we're starting to see some of that collateral damage, Tim Lewicki leaving. And, and of course that makes Jermaine Defoe upset. But,
Starting point is 00:26:22 you know, the fact that Jermaine Defoe is being a little bit of a diva, it shouldn't be a surprise to anybody who's followed soccer over the years because he's always been that kind of player. All I think of when I think of Lewicki is the Bon Jovi banner in the Air Canada Center. Yeah. Yeah. And now Bon Jovi's out.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And you know why Bon Jovi's out? Is he out? I thought he was in. He is out. There was a great article in The Star that talked about, because there's all these sorts of rules about the way and how much you can bid. And, uh, and you know, like, because, because NHL ownership, the, the, the, the face of the franchise in terms of ownership has to be an individual, a corporation can't own an NFL team. They can own part of it. Um, so that's why it has to be
Starting point is 00:26:58 Edward Rogers or Larry Tannenbaum. And so when you start to involve some other individuals, as opposed to other corporations, then your maximum bid is, is capped at a lower number than it would be if Bon Jovi was not involved. So apparently it's like a difference of three to $400 million if John Bon Jovi is not involved versus if he is involved. Um, so that's, that's part of the reason. And, and also because I think Bon Jovi is feeling the heat from people. Like there's those t-shirts that are being fucking printed that says, you know, uh, the war against America or something like that. And had Osama bin Laden and ISIS and then, or enemies of America that we've killed or that are dead or something. And then the last box is John Bon Jovi
Starting point is 00:27:38 and there's no check mark in the box. It's pretty crazy. So anyway, TFC is a mess as always, uh, whether or not they make a playoffs right now, I think it's probably 50-50 if at best, which is really disappointing. And I can't see a bright future for this team at all at the moment. And I never got that brief window of hope. I never got to a game.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And it's over. No, there's a chance. There is a chance. There is a chance. It sounds like if the Jays have 1.7, they have 50. Oh, is there a chance for you to go to a playoff game no i just went making the playoffs even right yeah i i don't know you know cory thinks i'm a big tfc fan so uh you are you're a huge fan are uh who owns these teams like uh so is it true that the same guy owns multiple teams in the mls yeah well technically
Starting point is 00:28:22 i don't know who owns anything technically the mLS. Technically, the MLS is a collective. Oh, like UFC. So it's owned by like one guy? Well, it's owned... MLS is an entity that controls player movement. So yeah, you have like individual owners in the MLSC and David Beckham down in Miami and a couple of other guys and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But in the past, there has been multiple owners. But as far as I know... So right now, is there anyone who owns two teams? Not to my knowledge. I could be wrong. I'd have to research that. But I'm 99% sure that there aren't multiple owners of one team. It came up because you said the Argos were a joke. Yeah, there's nine teams in the CFL and one guy owns two of them. And to me, that's Bush League.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I think he... You're right. I completely agree with you. He owns the second one, I think, because the, the team that, because he was financing the owners of the Argos and then the owners of the Argos went under.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Same thing though. You have a vested interest in two teams. Like to me, it's a conflict. But I think he was more of a, a behind the scenes shadow kind of investor. And then he suddenly got thrust into the forefront. We should buy the Argos and move them to Saskatoon.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Or Halifax. Halifax. Would they support a team? Yeah, that's always been the rumor of, because that would even out the conferences too, right? Well, you're taking it out of Toronto and moving it to Halifax. Yeah, I don't think you can have a CFL
Starting point is 00:29:37 that survives without a team in Toronto. Have you ever shaved your armpit hair? Never. Have you? No, never in my life. But it came up on the yesterday. A couple of readers do, and they recommend it highly. And I just wondered.
Starting point is 00:29:52 They talked about like deodorant didn't get on shirts. I don't know. They had some decent reasoning. I remember reading. These are men or women? Men. Interesting. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Women wouldn't be interesting because I've never been with a woman who didn't shave her armpits. I've never been with one either, but I've never been with a man who... In North America, it's common. I've never been with a man who did shave his armpits. I know the bodybuilders do it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:16 They do. But I mean, I'm no bodybuilder, as you can tell. So I've never ever, ever shaved my armpits. And I don't want to do it because then it's one more thing to maintain. Right. I'm into less is more. Yeah, sure. is more yeah sure you keep going you've never shaved your
Starting point is 00:30:29 pits either never can i go off on a rant yeah i gotta go right now yeah go ahead i have no interest in shaving my pits at all okay i'm just curious because i've never done uh bicyclists cyclists bicyclists that's because because me. Because I got an issue. Okay, tell me. I've got a major, major issue. I'll speak on behalf of cyclists. Yes, I've got a major, major issue with cyclists. Okay, go.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Because as I've been training for this marathon, I've obviously been out on the sidewalks and at times on the road. But 99% of the time on the sidewalk. A lot. Both at all times of the day. And it bothers me so much when I see adults bicycling on sidewalks. Well, they shouldn't be there.
Starting point is 00:31:15 It really, really bothers me. They shouldn't be there. It also bothers me that they don't wear helmets or they wear a baseball hat underneath their helmet or they expect me to get out of the fucking way on the sidewalk. Now, let me put this out here for every single person who happens to be approaching me on a bicycle when I'm on a sidewalk. I am running in the middle of the fucking sidewalk because you're on a bike. I am not moving. If you run into me, guess who's getting their picture taken? Guess who's getting 911 called on them?
Starting point is 00:31:48 And guess who's getting charged? It's not me. The sidewalk is for pedestrians. If you want to be on the sidewalk, get off and walk. If you're too big of a pussy to not be able to ride on the road because there's too many cars
Starting point is 00:32:01 or there's not a bike lane, then you walk or you take transit, you take a cab or you drive. Wear a helmet, get the fuck on the road because there's too many cars or there's not a bike lane, then you walk or you take transit, you take a cab or you drive. Wear a helmet, get the fuck on the road. If you're a kid, totally different story. But if you're an adult, there was two probably 65-year-old people who passed me who probably had $1,000 bikes and another $500 worth of fancy gear that all matched and they're on the fucking sidewalk. Are you kidding me? Get the fuck off the sidewalk with your bikes. This is in Oshawa and Toronto.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Okay. I ran in Toronto yesterday. So I actually spent a lot of time cycling like every day. Yes. Like I did 21K yesterday. This is why I'm bringing it up. And I cycle a lot with my two older kids, 10 and 12. We cycle a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:52 They, who are 10 and 12 and probably could get away with it, are not allowed to cycle on the sidewalk. I would understand if I had a 10 or 12-year-old child. But my point is that adults, so basically you're not wrong at all because adult cyclists do not belong on the sidewalk. I have nothing to say except they give us all a bad name.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I would never condone that activity. They do not belong on the sidewalk. Sidewalk is for pedestrians and for kids that go smaller bikes. But they belong on the road or on a bike trail. I agree 100%. Now I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Fucking cycle all you want. I cycle. I love cycling. It's fun. It's enjoyable. It's healthy. It's a great way to get around town. It does the world a good thing.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I'm all for cycling, but there's a place for it, and that's on the fucking road. Unfortunately, if there isn't a bike path, then that's not my problem as a pedestrian who's on the sidewalk. I didn't know adults were doing this. We need to petition the governments to be able to build more bike paths.
Starting point is 00:33:48 That's who you need to take care of. I spent a lot of time on Lakeshore Boulevard West biking on it, okay? I bike on the street. Some of it's got a path. Some of it doesn't. I actually tweeted about this yesterday because they need to extend it to Norris Crescent, blah, blah, blah. Yep. I actually did not realize this was an issue.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Maybe it's because I'm on the street doing my thing and making sure the kids are okay or whatever. But I had no idea adults were cycling on this sidewalk. They should not do that. But you know what does not bother me at all? When an adult does not wear a helmet, it does not bother me at all. Like to me, I always wear a helmet
Starting point is 00:34:19 and I hope my kids grow up and always wear a helmet. But if some adult doesn't want to wear a helmet, I don't know if I can get passionate about that. It bothers me that you don't wear a helmet because it's stupid, but if you choose not to, the only reason why I brought that up is because I can hear cyclists coming back and saying,
Starting point is 00:34:39 well, the reason why I don't ride on the road is because I don't have a helmet. Well, get a fucking helmet or don't cycle. If that's what's preventing you from riding on the road is because I don't have a helmet. Well, get a fucking helmet or don't cycle. If that's what's preventing you from making a citizen's arrest, it's fucking brutal. Yeah. It is sober. And I run purposely in the middle of the sidewalk and I make them go on the
Starting point is 00:34:52 fucking grass or, and I'll, I'll yell at them. I'll say, get on the fucking road. And if you want to get off your bike and confront me, go ahead. Cause I'll just fucking run away.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Cause I'm faster than you anyway. Cause you're an idiot who doesn't know how to fucking ride your bike i'm with you and i i get a uh a lot of flack because some cyclists i guess are giving the other cyclists a bad name and those cyclists are giving this bad name but just i hope nobody paints us all at the same brush that i've never biked on the sidewalk i want to make it clear that i'm not painting all cyclists with the same brush i'm not suggesting that all cyclists are doing this i'm suggesting the cyclists who ride on the sidewalks need to fucking figure out how to bike on the road where you're supposed to yeah i mean i i'm a child of the 70s and i knew that growing up yeah this is not something new i'm a child of the 70s as well
Starting point is 00:35:38 for fuck's sakes hey how is the training going so you're running a lot for this marathon uh and it's going well five days a week i've only missed three runs uh in the in what week is it let me see here um i am just about to go into week 10 so now uh what is six weeks i've only missed three days so five days a week i'm running the the most i've done is uh 31 kilometers uh on a on back-to-back Sundays. And this weekend, I do 22 and a half. This is sort of my little bit of a comeback week. And then build on the mileage again starting next week. And how much weight have you lost?
Starting point is 00:36:17 A lot. Probably about 50 pounds. Yeah, it looks like it. You look... A little more ways to go, but I'm punching under 190 now i can't even grab an inch over there uh so it's fun it's uh it's been fun i'm looking forward to it it's uh two months minus two days as of today september the 4th it's november 2nd is the race and uh i'm getting really excited and this is in new york this is the new york city marathon which is one
Starting point is 00:36:42 of the you know largest marathons in the world. It might be snowing that day. It could very well be snowing that day. Yes. Yes. But I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be fun. Very cool. Got my flights booked, hotels booked. We're good to go.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Hey, we're at an hour and I have a whole bunch of shit I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going to have to save it, like save most of it. But I just real quickly, because it's already grossly out of date because it's been so long since we recorded, is that at the time LeBron James signed with Cleveland, you were tweeting about something to the effect of like, only a loser would root for LeBron or something. I don't know if I'm paraphrasing incorrectly. You can correct me.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I think you are. You're right there. But we had a discussion about it. I personally find myself rooting for the elites. Like I find myself, I rooted for Gretzky, I root for Crosby, I rooted for Michael Jordan, I root for Roger Federer, Tiger Woods I was cheering for,
Starting point is 00:37:32 and I root for LeBron James. This is how I'm wired, to root for the elites. Tell me why I'm wrong. A, he's a douche. I don't think he's a douche. Why do I not think he's a douche? Two, he's making, again, he's making this like, oh, you know, this is all about, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:50 making, I'm coming back home, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, does anyone realize that he has an out clause? So as soon as things start to go to shit in Cleveland, which they will, then he's got an out. And guess what? Yeah, but you're judging him for what you think he's going to do. Because we know he's going to do this. We're going to play this game all over again
Starting point is 00:38:08 where we're going to have the big decision and we're going to figure out what's going on. It's stupid. I mean, he's a great player. I guess I don't find him as douchey as you do. He's a douche. I like him. He's a great player.
Starting point is 00:38:19 He will make Cleveland obviously better. But I am going to predict that they will not win a championship in Cleveland. Well, they won't do it in the next two years, but if he re-ups, which I believe he will do, there's a chance that I can see three, four, five years out. If he's here for two years. I know.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I'm saying I believe he will, but we'll see. I find him less, like, for example, I know that he did assume the bad guy role for a bit in Miami, but I do think when you, you know, drill in and you, you read about the man and I don't think he's douchey at all. I think he's a pretty classy dude. You know,
Starting point is 00:38:52 he's doing to his practices for fuck's sake. I'm just saying he, okay. He, he, he, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:00 you know what? He, he's a great marketer. He makes, uh, he, he's the best player in the game. He certainly knows how to make, uh to make more people pay attention to him.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So kudos to him for that. All right, well, I root for LBL. I was going to say LBJ. LBJ? I think LBJ died. He won, didn't he? I think he had JFK murdered. Did he ever win?
Starting point is 00:39:20 No, he wasn't elected. I know he wasn't elected the first time, but did he win the next time around? Or was it Nixon? Yeah, you know what? He won, didn't he? Okay, so he wasn't elected. I know he wasn't elected the first time, but did he win the next time around? Or was it Nixon? Yeah, you know what? He won, didn't he? Okay, so he won in 64. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He won in 64.
Starting point is 00:39:30 He won the election in 64. Right, okay. Because it was 68 when he didn't want to run in 68, I believe. You could correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe he did win an election. He's such a surly-looking gentleman. But he's got that southern drawl, and he got shit done. He actually kind of was an interesting guy. Yeah, so he was in office for seven years, which means he had to have won.
Starting point is 00:39:47 He did win in 64. He had to have won. Yeah, because he was in office from 61 to 63 as a vice president. Yeah. And then, yeah. And then... 36th president. Sworn in on Air Force One or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:57 That's right. That fateful day in Dallas. Now, yeah, so I'm going to save the rest. Do you know he's a... The religion here says that he's a member of the Disciples of Christ. It's some Southern thing. I don't know what that is. I actually, and we need more time.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Roshan, who likes your big laugh and is our only fan in India, wants us to discuss. You could have said only fan, period. I guess he could include that. Come on, my brother listens to every episode, Steve. Roshan wants us to, and not this episode because we don't have time, but he wants us to discuss the Canadian perspective of atheism.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And I'll just basically, what it's like from our perspective to have no religion in our lives. I would love to hear him on the show talk about his perspective of atheism. Would you do that? Because India being such a religious
Starting point is 00:40:47 country. Hindu. Right? There's like multiple religions there that are really, really prevalent. But there's like a
Starting point is 00:40:52 99% I think is Hindu. So I'd love to, and like their whole society and stuff, a lot of that comes from that. Cows are sacred. I mean, so does our
Starting point is 00:40:58 society, I guess, comes from that. But yeah, I'd love to be able to hear his perspective because I think our perspective is going to be pretty boring.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You can pretty much do whatever you want here. That's true. Fucking get off the road, bicycle people. Bicycle. Cyclists. Bicycle people.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You don't like the term cyclists? I used to call us bikers, but then I realized motorcycle guys were calling themselves bikers. Yeah, you're not a biker. So I changed it to cyclist. Bicyclists.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And not e-cyclists. Those guys piss me off. The e-cyclists in my bike lane. Yeah, get the fuck off of everywhere. Well, they shouldn't be on a sidewalk, obviously, but I don't want them in the bike lane because they're quiet and they come at my daughter who's a little 10-year-old
Starting point is 00:41:33 and I watch them pass her and it makes me nervous. The greatest thing is when you see those e-cyclists on the road wearing a bike helmet. Really? Oh, yeah. What the fuck's that going to do? Do you know they're completely unlicensed?
Starting point is 00:41:44 Yes, because they're under a certain horsepower or something, or a CC. 27 miles, kilometer an hour max. So ridiculous. I know, I agree. And that brings us to the end of our 90th show. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike, and Elvis at Oshawa Elvis. See you all next week.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Wear a fucking helmet.

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