Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #91

Episode Date: September 19, 2014

Mike and Elvis talk about Scotland's referendum, Rob Ford's cancer, the Jays collapse, social media disses and lots of Toronto radio and television changes....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 91st episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from and joining me this week is my buddy Elvis. I'm not your brother from another mother this time? Might be coming back. I like I mix it up every quarter. All right. All right. Welcome. What's going on, Mike?
Starting point is 00:00:50 What's going on? It's been a couple weeks, I think, since we last did one of these things. Yeah, you haven't bailed on me in a couple of weeks. Fuck you. I'm impressed. There goes Mrs. Elvis from listening to the podcast. She doesn't like the swears at all? It's not that she doesn't like the swears.
Starting point is 00:01:06 It's just that it's easier for her to listen to the podcast without her headphones on because she's got, you know, children that she's taking care of. Oh, yeah, that's right. And so it's kind of, you know, she can't really have her earphones in. And then when I start saying fuck and cock and balls and whatever else. Because we actually haven't been swearing much lately. No, but when we do, it's like the atomic bomb. I know. She can't risk it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 She can't risk it. She can't risk it. It's just, you know, pretty brutal. It just cuts like a knife. Sorry, honey. The first thing I want to talk about is that we just got the results. Well, I mean, I don't know when they came out, 2.30 in the morning or something. Did you stay up
Starting point is 00:01:45 for the results on the Scottish referendum? No, but I was... I got home late last night and then I did wake up in the middle of the night and I grabbed my phone and there was a notification there from CNN. Actually, you know what, though? Before I went to bed, BBC had made the prediction. They made the call.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Okay, so the no one handedly, fairly. Okay, so the no one. Yes. Handedly, fairly handedly. Was it 54% or something? Well, I mean, everything looks handedly compared to our referendum where it was like a fraction of a percent or something. But I did see a breakdown that it's the old people. The old people voted no and the young people voted yes.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So my dad and I generally avoid politics because I like to push his buttons. And even if I don't necessarily believe something, I like to get them riled up. You know where that comes from now. And we were chatting on the weekend and that was exactly his sort of philosophy was they should vote no because they don't know what's going to happen to their pensions. That was his big argument for staying within the UK. If things are okay now and you are averse to change, you would vote no because it's a lot of change. And there's a lot of unknowns and change.
Starting point is 00:02:54 But is it really? See, I was very firmly in the yes camp. And people ask me why. And the reason why that is is because I believe in a nation being independent and free and being able to create an identity for itself with the freedom that comes along with being self-sufficient, being able to create your own destiny. But you don't even believe Canada's free. We are not an independent country. Right. So I just want to give some perspective.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We are subservient to a foreign power. If Scotland were as independent as we are now, you would still be unsatisfied. This is my, well, I mean, they're not, see, that's why. It's not apples and apples, right? Because, I mean, Scotland is less free than we are. Oh, far less free. Far less free. However, since the Australians let the Canadians down in 1999 by voting no in their referendum to leave the Commonwealth, an independent nation who is also subservient to a foreign monarchy, since they let us down, the Scots were our last hope.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Because my belief is that there is not enough passion in this country to be free. And the only way that we are going to be free is if other countries start leading the Commonwealth. But I would argue that, let's say it was overwhelmingly yes in this referendum, the Scottish one, that they would probably, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:04:15 I hate that expression, but at the end of it all, they would be extremely satisfied to have the level of independence that Canada now has. Sure. I believe they would be, I believe they,
Starting point is 00:04:23 although it was never determined, but they'd be a part of the Commonwealth. They'd probably have the queen on their money. They'd probably have the same money, probably. I don't believe, they may have had the same money. They may have eventually gone to the Euro, although England had said,
Starting point is 00:04:36 you're not going to use the pound. I believe that they would have not been the, become the kingdom of Scotland. I believe they would have become the Republic of Scotland. And with that meant meant meaning they would have then exited the commonwealth as well but the interesting thing was is is if it was a yes they would have immediately gone into an eight-month period of negotiation and they would actually be referred to as in simpler terms the soon-to-be country of Scotland. Well, and Andy Murray would be flying the Scottish flag in the next Rio Olympics.
Starting point is 00:05:08 That's right. That's right. It's really disappointing. It really is. I mean, obviously the Scots could have voted any way that they wanted to, and I'm not here to tell them how to vote, even though I found it very interesting that the fucking Canadian government decided to give them an opinion, yet when France ever decides to stick their nose in our business, we get all fucking crazy. Like what the fuck is his problem? Why
Starting point is 00:05:28 his meaning Stephen Harper and, and, and the federal government, why would you ever comment on the sovereignty question of another country when we have our own issues here now, Quebec is very, very different than Scotland, but what the fuck are you like, what a, it's just so dumb. I don't, I don't get it. I don't get it. I agree. It's too bad. Wasted opportunity. But as an Irishman that I work with said, the Scots are about 100 years too late.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. And it's all shite to them. Since we last met, I ran the Terry Fox run. So I just want to thank everybody who chipped in a few bucks and pledged my run. That was last Sunday. I didn't even see you ask for money this time. Did you? You know why?
Starting point is 00:06:08 I was very subtle this time because I went so hardcore on that ride to conquer. I felt like donation fatigue. So I already made like everyone who reads as if pledged the ride to conquer cancer. And then I had the Terry Fox coming up, which has no minimum. So like I could have raised 10 bucks and ran this race. Right. So I'm like, I'm doing this anyways So like I could have raised 10 bucks and ran this race. Right. So I'm like, I'm doing this anyways. So I did a very, it was a subtle promotion.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And then I still, we still made like 250 bucks or so, but there was some promotion. I didn't see it. I would have thrown in a couple of bucks, but. No, you were good. You were so, actually, as I recall, you were extraordinary in your generosity for the ride to Concord Cancer. It was a pretty big deal that you did there. But you are a, I guess we haven't mentioned this a long time,
Starting point is 00:06:48 but you're a survivor. I am, yes. And so it was nice to... But not a Holocaust survivor. No. I just want to clarify, because when we talk about survivors, it should be clarified.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Jesus Christ. Good, now Roshan's happy. He just needed one of those. A fucking Holocaust survivor. Yeah, I'm fucking 90 years old. I mean, those numbers on your arms, that's your lottery numbers, those numbers on your arms. That's right. Jesus. No, I did not.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I was not even fucking Jewish. Or a gypsy or gay or whatever. When people say he's a survivor, what's your first thought? Cancer survivor, of course. Well, you think that because you're a cancer survivor. The rest of us think Holocaust. No, I think in today's day and age, people think cancer survivor more than Holocaust survivors.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I mean, realistically, there's probably not a lot of Holocaust survivors left, right? Very few. Just from old age. That is true. That is true. So you are a survivor. You had thyroid cancer correct yeah the one i had celebrated my five-year anniversary of being diagnosed on monday september the 15th so that's always an interesting day well the what i would do if we were not recording i would do a
Starting point is 00:07:57 little joke and say well that's the good cancer and then you would i'm just saying and you would punch me in the face because you hate this expression yeah okay but um regardless uh you are a survivor of cancer as much like my sister-in-law had the similar cancer and uh she's a survivor not of the holocaust but of cancer so i one of the big news items is a rob ford has cancer that's right yeah apparently it's a rare type of cancer as well like which by the way i will point out that rare does not always mean bad, right? No. I mean, rare is rare, but it doesn't mean necessarily.
Starting point is 00:08:28 What rare usually means, though, is that there isn't a lot of money and research to figure out what to do with it. So the default is usually let's just put you under chemo. So they do chemo first, and then they check in and see if, like, is the tumor shrinking or whatever. Right. I just went through this with my buddy, Kick, and I remember that was always it. Like, is it holding still? Is it regressing? Right. Like, is there any progress here it does i mean they're saying some right things but it does seem as though it's pretty serious i mean it doesn't seem as though
Starting point is 00:08:53 it's something no it's not a good cancer and it it doesn't fuck you seriously it doesn't seem as though surgery is their first option and i guess it never really is they try and avoid surgery whenever possible but it does seem as though there's a lot of questions as to what the treatment plan looks like, which is which is as a as a as a survivor. That is concerning. Usually, you know, there are very admittedly there are very few cancers that actually have like a plan. But it definitely seems like this was one that doesn't have one. Well, as you know, I'm not a fan of this man. I'm not a fan of his character or his policies.
Starting point is 00:09:26 People always say, separate the person from the policies. Well, in this instance, I actually dislike both. That's not to say that I hope he gets cancer and dies.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I hope he recovers. But what I do want to say is I saw he had a... I was listening to the... I was watching the CBC Toronto News last night at like 11 o'clock. And then he ran.
Starting point is 00:09:47 He recorded this message for Toronto yesterday. So this is like hours before his first chemo. And it reminded me of Lou Gehrig's speech at Yankee Stadium. I'm the luckiest man in the world. Yeah, he had a broke... His voice was really kind of weak. And he was like, I just want to... I never listened to it. I heard a bit.
Starting point is 00:10:01 The first part is like a bit of like, thanks to everyone who supported me. And then the last part is like superstar pitch for his brother, which is basically nothing to do. Nothing about war too, by the way, but just all about vote for Doug. He's amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Like me. And you need amazing mayor and vote, Doug, vote, Doug, vote, Doug. And I'm just,
Starting point is 00:10:16 I just wish, I just wish this man, first of all, I wish he wasn't running for ward too, because he's, he's staying in the public eye, like, which he's not stepping aside and looking
Starting point is 00:10:25 out for his health. He's decided to run in Ward 2 because obviously he thinks he probably will win without campaigning because he's so popular in his district there. And I just wish, I wish he would go look out for his health and kind of go private, like family and doctors and just go be private. But what he does is he forces this. Everything becomes political with his family. Even something tragic like this, recording that message and putting it out. I just feel like he should at this point just go and deal with your health and worry about that for your family and loved ones and stop these political games.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And I find it super frustrating. Well, I guess my comment back would be, he's never done it before. Why would he start now? Why all of a sudden with a cancer diagnosis? I guess this is the first, yeah, I know. But this is actually, even if we, I heard some doctor and it's not his doctor.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So, you know, you take it with a grain of salt. But I've heard something like he's got a 50% chance of survival on this thing. Well, I mean, you know, not to equate the two. It sounds serious is what I'm saying. Having the addiction problems that he's had have also been pretty serious because there's obviously some sort of, you know, there's, I don't want to necessarily be overly dramatic and say there's a mental illness,
Starting point is 00:11:36 but there's obviously something going on upstairs with him that, you know, is causing him to have to self-medicate and also have to... Could be a fetal alcohol syndrome or something like that. I'm not saying that. Is that the right term, though? No, fetal alcohol syndrome is what you have when your mother drinks when you're in their womb. Right, but it is a syndrome that could affect a baby. Sure, well, why would he have that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I actually read an interesting perspective that he had all the symptoms of this. Oh. Well, he doesn't—usually it comes along with facial features and stuff. He doesn't have those. He's kind of goofy looking goofy looking yeah but i think that's just okay goofy right i'm speculating yeah so i think uh you know given his weight issues and blah blah blah blah it just seems as though there's something going on out there that maybe you know he's not dealing with and this is just his way of dealing with it i don't know i don't know but it does i mean i'm i can't not agree with you it really seems as seems as though his health needs to be a priority.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It just seems like every day there's another public, either a press conference or some release of audio. I just think... There's a need to feed the ego here. He's got to feed the ego. Go deal with your cancer, bro. And his ego is, I mean, he's got a politician's ego, right? I mean, it just so happens that this guy also has some serious health issues.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I don't think what he's doing is necessarily different than what a lot of other politicians have done it's just he's i don't i never knew when jack layden had chemo like i don't remember the and i was big layden fan and followed it pretty closely but he went and privately dealt with the cancer there was no like hourly updates okay now the chemo that you know the needle just went in the arm like this is uh but it's the feed Diego, right? Mike Stafford tweeted, is the royal baby being born at Mount Sinai right now? Because it seems like we're getting this hour by hour. You still listen?
Starting point is 00:13:12 You still watch? No, it was a tweet. It was a tweet. You still follow him, though? Yeah, I like the guy. Wow, I'm surprised. It's Freddie P. You're on Team Freddie.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I mean, like, what the fuck? I love everybody, man. You think Stafford will go to his mom's funeral? You think Stafford will go to his mom's funeral? You think Stafford will go to his mom's funeral? Oh, good. Great question. Great question. I was about to say, my condolences to Freddy P.
Starting point is 00:13:32 His mom passed away a couple of days ago. Anyone who listened to that Humble and Fred show, just like we talked earlier off the microphone about Howard Stern has his parents on periodically, and they're great appearances. I love it when his parents come on. They're still living. They're ancient, and they're still going. They're 85, I think, now.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I think he's a lot older. 86? Oh, no. Sorry. Ben Stern. You're right. Ben Stern is in his 90s. You're right. Ray is younger. Ben Stern. Sorry to digress here for just a second, but the Howard Stern, it was a repeat, and the bit that they were playing was
Starting point is 00:14:04 they brought in Howard Stern's were playing was they brought him, they brought in Howard Stern's dad and they brought in this woman who needed money badly. And they played the Ben Stern game for $5,000. And so what they would do is they would ask a question and the woman, the, the contestant had to say whether or not his dad would get the answer. Oh yes. And then they would ask Ben Stern the question and he got two out of nine, correct. And then they would ask Ben Stern the question, and he got two out of nine correct, and then zero out of two on the practice round. And the two questions he got correct were when they involved Howard's then-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:14:33 and Howard's sister. So it wasn't even about Howard. It was amazing. That's funny. Like, name any one of Howard's teachers in grammar school. Couldn't name one. This is like that Simpsons episode. You had to take the father test.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Name your son's friend. Name his hobby and all this stuff. The one that I think he was most embarrassed about was name, give the middle names of your three grandchildren. Oh, did he get it? He got two out of three. That's actually funny. That's funny to me. Yeah, that's, you'd figure if you don't know your kid's middle name, you probably know your grandkids.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah, and I can name my nephew's middle names like it's just you just know that shit okay so okay that's uh howard stern's parents but on the humble and fred show uh they would periodically have uh uh junie they called her june uh patterson fred's mom on the show like she was character there's a soundbite of her calling them assholes that they they use all the time amazing all the time so uh and junie and i only had a i think i met her at a couple of hummel and fred things she was very nice but we had email communication and she always signed every email uh love junie bug oh that's right you said that in your blog every email love your blog uh twitter twitter yeah i didn't put in the blog but twitter so sorry fred that you lost your mom she was very
Starting point is 00:15:43 fun funeral this weekend I guess? There's no funeral. By her request. No flowers, no funeral. Oh wow. Her request was just tell someone you love they're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Really? Yeah. Oh wow. This is true. So there you go. You're an asshole. Dude, you're an asshole. Asshole.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Asshole. Alright so oh my gosh so how do we get on Fred? Oh yeah, Mike Stafford. Okay so yeah I follow him on Twitter and by the way
Starting point is 00:16:03 I would love to have Stafford on this show. Why is that happening. I don't know. You know what? It would be amazing if he confirmed and then canceled. Oh yeah. That'd be amazing. Hey, I want to talk about a bunch of stuff, but, um, Andrew Crystal, like, do you know Andrew Crystal? Yeah. Yeah. What is he doing these days? Um, I don't know what he's doing right now, but I had, he phoned me the other day. So I had exchanged emails with him about him coming on this. Okay. So he's going to come in here.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And he's actually a little crazy. He's got weird conspiracy theories and stuff. He's actually a little crazy. Him and Spaceman get along, I think, don't they? I don't know much about Spaceman, but Crystal... Who is Spaceman again? I can't remember. Bill Lee.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I think he pitched for the Expos. Different Spaceman. All right. I don't know about Spaceman, but Crystal... So he phones me. spaceman again i can't remember uh bill lee i think he pitched for the expos different spaceman all right i don't know about spaceman but crystal so we had he phones me uh we talk on the phone uh recently like this is about last week we're on the phone chatting a he's actually he's a more than a little nut bar because this is a one-on-one private conversation and he's actually a little nut bar is he the guy who still believes he needs to be in his radio character when he's talking to you? Yeah, whatever he was, he was consistent.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I don't know him that well, but I remember him on The Fan. He had a morning show, which failed out. And then I remember him before that. It was a weird pick. We talked to Greg Brady about that. Right, right, right, right. Yeah, it never really made sense. Briefly.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Then he was on City TV for a while. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I don't think he's doing anything now. He said he was so busy though working on documentaries and stuff. He said he actually didn't have time to come in. He would do a half an hour
Starting point is 00:17:28 on the phone with me is what he told me. So he says, you get a half an hour on the phone. I actually passed because I wanted him in for an hour
Starting point is 00:17:35 and we'll do it face to face but I didn't care to do a half an hour. Look at you, you're getting standards. I've always had standards. I think the phone exception I made for Down Goes Brown
Starting point is 00:17:43 because he's in Ottawa. I'm Wikipedia-ing him right now. Go ahead. So Crystal said he was too busy to come in. But the whole conversation was, I guess it was a private convo. We can't talk too much. But it was really bizarre. He had to throw some kimono because he shit on it because of bad Chinese food the previous night.
Starting point is 00:17:58 It was really all over the place. And I couldn't tell if it was a persona, like a character, or if it was him. But he's a little off. Anyway, he's not coming in. Wikipedia. So this is from Wikipedia. Crystal was banned from CTV Newsnet after telling Charles Adler in a political panel that he would have voted for Hitler if Hitler had been a conservative. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, that's like the third rail. Yeah, I wonder if he just has that sort of, it says as of early 2013. No filter. I don't sense there's a filter. He's no longer with City News as of 2013. Yeah, I wonder if he's one of those guys that has this radio persona
Starting point is 00:18:38 and then feels like he needs to have that all the time. Yeah, I don't know. There's other guys. There's our phone call. I've been able to, I had the opportunity to sit in on the Derringer morning show a number of years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Oh, yeah. And all of those guys on that show, Flareboy, Ryan Parker, and Derringer, they're all just regular dudes. Like, they're on air is the same. So far, every time I've talked to somebody that, yeah, there seems, everybody, like, I just had an exchange with,
Starting point is 00:19:05 I don't know if you'll laugh, Mad Dog. What the fuck? So, Mad Dog. Is his name Matt or Mike? No, his name is Jay. Jay, that's right. It's funny, because Mad Dog's a fake name, obviously, right? But his real name in the radio world is
Starting point is 00:19:21 Jay Michaels, which is also a fake name. Yeah, that's the ridiculous thing about him so he's jay something else and on his birth certificate but he's jay michaels also known as mad dog so i always know him as mad dog and billy of course billy's long gone it's actually mad dog and mora right not that i listen but i'm aware anyway he's coming on we've confirmed a date and everything wow a mid-october he's coming in set your fucking calendars, people. Because I need to talk to him because Blundell had a feud with him, first of all.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Set your calendar, I don't know why. I don't know. Set your calendar, everybody. Wow, Mad Dog, look at that. So anyways, he was the nicest guy. So anyways, just the nicest guy. He's coming on. I just got to quickly recap
Starting point is 00:20:00 some of the Toronto Mike stuff. I might listen to the fucking drummer from R.B.P.'s first. Did you ever hear Mark Hebster? No, I didn't. I haven't listened to it yet. I have a bunch of travel coming up, so it's on my phone. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And Jeff, did you know Strombo retweeted the Jeff Merrick episode yesterday, and it got a whack of new listeners and some more positive feedback. Oh, nice. Have you heard the Jeff Merrick interview? Yeah, we talked about that. I fucking loved it. It was great. It was really good.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Just to close this up, Ash, so I'm going to, I don't know if you are a fan or not. I'm going to guess you're not based on your ACDC Aerosmith obsession. Do you know these guys? No. I saw you tweet about them though.
Starting point is 00:20:44 They are a big deal in the modern rock world. The 102.1s of the world. No offense, but that's an oxymoron. Anyway. It's not an oxymoron. It is. You can have modern rock. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:55 Anyway, I have always liked these guys. This is no bullshit. We should have a whole debate on whether or not rock music is dead and take the whole Gene Simmons versus Dave Grohlhl thing going we will do that in another episode so um ash is the lead singer of this band it's only two guys but ash is the lead guy and uh ashley boo schultz is his name and he is confirmed to come in next wednesday you know what that would kind of suck i think if you're in a duo and you're not the fucking lead guy you're either okay with that or you're just like fuck i actually because i actually have seen these guys live several in
Starting point is 00:21:29 fact okay my son who is 12 so my daughter uh last i don't know last summer yeah uh picked uh what the fuck was her name is her name uh your daughter's name no uh who dated who dated justin bieber selena gomez yeah that was the greatest fucking thing ever so i took her to selena gomez uh as her first concert and then my son amazing uh has chosen his first concert which will be in november and i'm taking him to see ubiquitous synergy seeker oh wow uh in richmond hill of all places what was your first concert do you remember yeah your first real concert. Chalk Circle. I have no idea what that is.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You don't know April Fool? No. Okay. I'm a little older than you. Mine was, you know what? I'm not embarrassed by this at all, but my parents would take me
Starting point is 00:22:16 to like the forum. That's where I saw Chalk Circle. Ontario Place Forum. Forum, yeah. So they would take me there and we'd see like classical music and I saw Sharon Lewis and Bram and stuff like that, but I don't consider those are real that's like um
Starting point is 00:22:27 but my first one was at the skydome probably i think it was probably like just after it opened so this would have been 89 okay because i saw a concert in skydome in 89 i'm dying to hear the name you pick because this was i guarantee you weren't there this was my first paid concert okay well i for him when was free My mom went with me. Okay. My dad... Which is horribly embarrassing. My dad went with me. Your dad?
Starting point is 00:22:48 I know. That's how long... What the fuck? I know. Dad? The first mention I had of dad in the entire history of... Holy shit. What episode is this?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Holy shit. What episode is this? 91? Your dad. That took to the 91st episode to acknowledge there was a father. Holy fuck. So in 89... I didn't even think you...
Starting point is 00:23:04 Honestly. Okay. Let me get serious. I didn't even think you... Okay, let me get serious. I didn't even think you had enough of a relationship with your dad to even take him to a concert. I was 15, so let me do the math. Yeah, 89. This might have been the concert that broke us up.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I guarantee you it wasn't the same fucking concert. Janet Jackson. It's not the same concert. Rhythm Nation tour. But it's just funny that it's the same year and it's the same venue. And it was brand new. And my concert...
Starting point is 00:23:23 So yours was Janet Jackson, which is funny. But mine's kind of funny too, but Elton John. See, now Elton John is on my list of people to see. I'd love Elton John. I had that knocked off when I was 15. But at that time, I would have never wanted to go see Elton John. I have Janet Jackson on my list of people. Do you remember, now I can't confirm this,
Starting point is 00:23:42 but I'm pretty sure that this is the case. Do you remember what your first concert was that you went to without your parents? Yeah, I'm going to, I can't remember. Let me think for a second here. It's going to be something in Molson Park and it's going to be in like the mid 90s. Like an Edge Fest-y type thing. Mine was at Exhibition Place, Exhibition Stadium. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And you're going to laugh. Alice Cooper. No, you're going to laugh because. Motorhead. No. We already mentioned. Steel Wheels Tour. No, Aerosmith. Aerosmith, I'm're going to laugh. Alice Cooper. No, you're going to laugh because... Motorhead. No. We already mentioned. Steel Wheels Tour. No, Aerosmith.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Aerosmith, I'm not going to laugh. I assume so. It's a fucking great concert. You got a big heart on him for that, Steven Tyler. Yeah, he's the fucking man. So is Joe Perry. Joe Perry gets mentioned on Howard Stern a lot because I heard him.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I've been listening this week and they mentioned him. Well, because he interviewed Slash and they talked a lot about Aerosmith. That's right, Slash. That was it. Good interview, by the way. very good interview even and slash is not a good interview uh i do like hearing about how the the chords are created like the howard howard's really into that in the last but i'm into that too the last couple of years he's been doing
Starting point is 00:24:37 that with a lot of the really cool guests he's been getting where he'll like play the song and then ask him how he came up with it yeah i heard him like uh last summer talk to steven tyler like and they would play like dream on and talk about he's done that with paul mccartney which is really fucking cool you know what though i am i mean he's my like if i have to model myself after somebody if i could model myself it's howard stern and i tweeted this yesterday howard's got neil young coming on soon yeah okay yeah he's got he's got an amazing baba buoy was on the wrap-up show, and he said, between now and Christmas, the guest list is off the fucking track.
Starting point is 00:25:07 How do I get Neil Young on this show? And I'm not doing a phoner. I want him sitting here in my basement. If that happens, dude. Dude, I'm working on it, but I can't even get Maestro Fresh West. How the hell am I going to get him? You can sell it with this fucking basement.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Okay, so Ashley Boosholtz is coming on next Wednesday. I don't think anyone who's listening actually knows this guy, but I'm a fan, so Ashley Busholtz is coming on next Wednesday. I don't think anyone who's listening actually knows this guy, but I'm a fan, so I have him coming on. Hey, that's why it's your podcast. Decisive. Derek Kristoff, he's a rapper, and he's been around since the 90s, and he's had some success. He won a Juno, and he's got lots of music. Is he the guy who did
Starting point is 00:25:38 your theme song? No, that's Ill Vibe. Oh, that's right. And coincidentally, as we speak, Ill Vibe is filming the new video for Decisive. Nice. So the worlds are colliding right now. But yeah, Decisive is coming in.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Derek Kristoff is his real name. Ashley Boo Schultz is coming in. And Mad Dog is coming in. But right now, I'm happy to be here with Ill Vibe. Have you seen the booty video with Jennifer Lopez? I saw the trailer. Trailer I saw. Came out last night at 9 p.m.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Missed it. Fucking great. Okay, butts are in this year. Good job. We've been talking about it a lot. Me and my daughter and my wife, we have these, and even James,
Starting point is 00:26:13 but yeah, butts are big in 2014. So we were at the office last week. Literally. We were at the office last week, and of course with Anaconda coming out by Nicki Minaj, she samples Baby Got Back. Sir Mix-a-Lot.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Sir Mix-a-Lot. And the problem with the the Anaconda song other than the fact that it's horrible is that it makes me want to listen to the real song it makes you realize how good it mixes it mixes it enough where it's just like ah I need to hear the whole song right Anaconda right so we put the Sir Mix-a-Lot video on YouTube and it's very much in the same vein of, you know, obviously, Girls With Big Butts. However, it's interesting to see how 20, 30 years later, what a big butt is.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Because the butts in Sir Mix-a-Lot's video are nothing, nothing compared to Nicky and J-Lo. This is sort of like how in The Goonies, Chubbs was the fat guy. Right, yeah. Today, he wouldn't be a fat guy today. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah, it's amazing. It's funny. And speaking of butts being big, right now, you ever hear this song, I'm sure you've heard about it, Megan Trainor, called It's All About That Bass?
Starting point is 00:27:13 They play it on, I don't know if you've heard I've heard people talk about this, but... My daughter likes 92.5 and 99.9, so these songs, like I just tweeted about Sam Smith's All of Me,
Starting point is 00:27:24 or whatever. Yeah, I'm not a fan of that. But Megan Trainor's got a video which is all about not being skinny, like embracing your curves and stuff, and it's sort of a big butt anthem in itself. And it's like a doo-woppy, kind of reminds me of Rehab by the dead chick in England. The dead chick in England. Scotland?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, I think it's actually England. By the way, what happens, you mentioned this, I don't know, I don't want to go off on that tangent right now. I got to finish my thought here, which is that Meghan Trainor's song
Starting point is 00:27:53 All About That Bass is super popular right now, like Heavy Airplane. It's in the same theme. There's a lot of big butting. Well, same with Taylor Swift has got a new song, Shake It Off,
Starting point is 00:28:03 where she talks about- But she's got no butt. No, but she talks about all the people who hate her and like, you know, haters gonna hate and players gonna play, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:10 I'm just gonna shake it off and whatever. Top 40. Yep. It's a beautiful thing. I mean, it seems to... Won't go away. Won't go away.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Rock will go away, but not top 40. You know that I watch Jeopardy! period. I try to watch Jeopardy! whenever I can, but if I'm not busy with the kids or whatever, I'll watch Jeopardy! at. I try to watch Jeopardy! whenever I can, but if I'm not busy with the kids or whatever, I'll watch Jeopardy! at 7. What do you think of the big news?
Starting point is 00:28:28 So I tuned in this past Monday, and I went to my normal channel 11, CHCH, where I watch Jeopardy! And something else was on. Oh, really? It was like an Entertainment Tonight type show. Where did it move to? What network?
Starting point is 00:28:43 I start flipping around it's on channel nine which is the ctv which is cts because here oh really cts so i'm like okay what's it doing on the christian television network i'm thinking this is crazy but then i see it's got like a bug in the bottom right corner that says yes tv it turns out CTS rebranded to Yes TV this week. And it's got some shows like Jeopardy. And I then did some Googling. Did you know CTS does not stand for Christian television something? What does it stand for?
Starting point is 00:29:16 I knew. It's Crossroads. Crossroads. I was interviewed by them once. See, I had no idea. I thought CTS for sure was Christian television. There are stations off the 403 in Burlington or something. Well, they got Jeopardy. If you're looking for
Starting point is 00:29:28 Jeopardy, it's on the old Crossroads television station. Interesting. Interesting. They're Yes TV now. I think it's on ABC. That's what I watch it on. I forgot that they have other American networks that have it.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You know that blog you turned me on to called Toronto Sports Media? Can we go back to the Geo Party? The big news isn't that it changed networks. Oh, the mustache. What do you think? I don't know. I like the mustache. I'm happy to have it back. It's going retro. I like it.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I love it. I'm worried about what happens when Trebek does retire because I don't think... Didn't he have a heart attack or something? He had something. The heart thing, yeah. I just feel like...
Starting point is 00:30:09 He's the show. I mean, it's hard to find... He's the show as Simon Cowell was the American Idol. It's hard to find a guy who's nice like Trebek but also a fucking asshole at times, right? I love... Trebek to me is so great because whenever you give a wrong answer or you don't know the answer, he gives the answer like he fucking knows. Oh,
Starting point is 00:30:27 I know. I know. I know. It's like, dude, you're reading it off the fucking teleprompter. You don't know the answer. Since I have watched a couple of times this week,
Starting point is 00:30:33 I noticed the new season has a couple of things going on. One is that the contestants seem a little dumber. Like they're not knowing stuff they should know. Okay. And yeah, when, when Alex tells you, it's so great.
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's like almost a little patronizing or whatever. It is. How did you not know that? I love it. You guys are on Jeopardy. And he puts on the accent. Oh, yeah, okay. He rolls his R's in the fucking Spanish and all that.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It's like, Trebek, you're from fucking... Where is he? Are you from Toronto or is he from Vancouver? He's from Canada. That's all I know. But one more thing that I've noticed is really big this year, and it's sort of, I guess, nature of the beast 2014 shit, is that sponsored questions.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So I see categories. It's like this category brought to you by, like, I'm going to say, I'm going to make Ghostbusters now on Blu-ray. And there'll be questions about Ghostbusters, and it's clearly like an ad. Hey, well, they're going to make some more money. And questions will show up. Well, I'm going to make this up, but says that whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And you know that's paid for that question. So there's a lot more of this now. I would love if they let us have our own category. You know how sometimes they throw it to somebody and they show like a... Oh, they always do. The young Asian woman who's always somewhere or whatever. Yeah, and they give like, you know, the question. It'd be awesome if there was like a radio category or podcasting category or just like it should be a
Starting point is 00:31:47 podcast category an asshole category and like let's go to toronto mike studios and we can ask the fucking idiot question you know before they ask the hundred dollar question that the answer will be adam carolla right you don't even have the way to say adam carolla exactly yeah adam carolla is forever cemented in podcast lore. Yes. Oh, speaking of Howard Stern, I also re-heard his interview with the What The Fuck guy, Mark Maron, which was a very good interview. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought it was a good interview.
Starting point is 00:32:11 There's been... But he says he's got like... I can't remember the number he called. He said there's like 350,000 downloads a week or something. I'm trying to remember what he said. But podcasters are notorious for A, never giving the number of downloads, and B, like multiplying it by 10 before you get whatever uh and i was thinking that's a lot of fucking
Starting point is 00:32:29 downloads we don't have 350 000 downloads speak for yourself motherfucker hey uh how am i going to arrange getting my paycheck to cheryl so that she can be on the show how does that work thank you for bringing that up i don't think she, so I feel this is a comfortable place to discuss it. But Cheryl, first of all, I have a lot of, I give her a lot of, like, I treat her differently than everyone else on the blog. I would love to listen to her on the show. Somebody pretended to be George Smitherman and wrote a comment saying, I'm now running. And she wrote a comment, this is yesterday, I think, okay, now that George is running, I'll vote. Like, she's going to go to a voting booth because George Smitherman wrote on my blog that he's running.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So we have a level of like innocence. I want to call it naivety. I guess it's naivety. Yeah, that's probably a good way to look at it. What's the other? Mayoral. That's the other word. Mayoral.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Mayoral. But Cheryl has been there forever commenting. And she's blind. And I know blind doesn't make you naive. I'm not trying to tie those two together. But there's something going on. Just like Rob Ford's got something. Cheryl's got something.
Starting point is 00:33:30 It's amazing. But yeah, when somebody was like, get Cheryl. I never, but never me. Because I'm not putting Cheryl on this podcast. But she's like, yeah, how much does it pay? Was that what she was asking? She said if there was payment, she would be on the show for sure. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm looking for payment. And then I volunteered to give my paycheck. And she jumped all over it. She's like, yeah, that's how we work this out. So I'm happy to compensate her. You know, at some point we need a sponsor that will pay for like this to become the General Motors Toronto Mike podcast. At least for fucking coffee around here. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I got to buy my own espresso before I get in here. Well, I'd make you a coffee. Sometimes I buy you coffee. You don't like coffee. I made Todd Shapiro a fucking coffee. I don't drink coffee. I know. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah. So this blog you turned me on to called Toronto Sports Media. Yeah. Unfortunately, I think it's past its prime. When was its prime? I missed the prime. Probably about two years ago. It was pretty hardcore.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm always late to these things. I don't mean that in a disparaging way he's jonah's uh written many many times that he's just really busy with oh and i uh he doesn't live i have some insight into this now he doesn't live in the city as often so it's difficult for him to sort of keep up to date with what's going on in toronto sports media if you're not actually here right so so i got a uh his name is mike in boston yeah yeah that's the other guy who writes there but jonah is the guy right it's jonah's site and then mike in boston said you want to grab a beer and i i biked to liberty village and we had a beer show off and uh it's only 13k or 12k um so i'm in
Starting point is 00:34:59 liberty village having a beer of this guy we had a great chat he he was a delightful fellow he's working at the u of t and he was explaining yeah jonah's like too busy to maintain this thing so mike in boston asked if he could start writing some stuff on the site and i think he's doing a good job so i just want to thank mike in boston for the the beer and the chat and um let you know it's a good blog there's some networking going on here we got some pretty good insight into the sports media arena here in Toronto. And the interesting thing is that the guy's name is Jonah, and everybody thinks he's Jonah from the Fan 590. He's the beat reporter for the Leafs, but it's not that.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Mike in Boston tells me that Jonah got fired from the Fan 590. I heard that, too. Yeah, I heard that, too. I don't know who the beat reporter is. Are we going to talk about, uh, Howard Berger? No,
Starting point is 00:35:48 not Howard. Okay. Howard. Also, this Howard Berger came up during my beer with Mike in Boston. Who's not in Boston. Cause he's now in Toronto, but,
Starting point is 00:35:54 uh, and he wasn't even, he was in Pittsburgh or something. What do you think of Howard Berger? I don't think too much. I think he's a bit, uh, cranky.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah. Like I do read his blog and it's, uh, you do, uh, cause I subscribed to the RSS feed. Wow. And he'll write something. I noticed the other day he wrote like,
Starting point is 00:36:09 I guess Berger's got like some Crohn's disease or something. Oh, does he really? He'll write about like praying for the mayor and all this kind of stuff. He's a big prayer guy. Really? I got to say, I got a low... As I get older,
Starting point is 00:36:22 my tolerance for the prayer guys is becoming less and less. It's a thing that people say and makes them feel better, but they're not actually praying for anybody. It's like saying, you know, Gesundheit. It's a reflex. My concern is that the people who say they're praying actually think they're doing something. No, they're not. It's a reflex, dude. But they think they're doing it, don't they?
Starting point is 00:36:41 They're not really praying, they just say it? They're saying it because that's what you're supposed to say. All right. It's a reflex. They're not actually going home and pulling out a list of people. I'm hating the prayer lately. They're not pulling out a list of people they gotta pray for that night. Alright. But back to Berger. I actually wrote an email to Howard Berger's
Starting point is 00:36:58 personal Gmail account saying what we do here and would he like to come in and chat? Wow! Never heard back. Yeah, well. I don't know. He's not doing anything wow never heard back yeah well i don't know he's not doing anything he's not working i'm he i don't know he he i just think he's a weird problem he is a bit of a cranky pants he's an unemployed he's an unemployed uh mike wilner i had the opportunity of listening to a little bit of jay's talk last night tell me because i love the wilner talk that went all the way to midnight and it was uh it awesome. I mean, he's still his old self.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So does somebody say to him, like, this team gave up, it's done, like, dinner, and does he say something like this? There's still a chance. No, he doesn't say that. But last night, one caller was calling in saying, do you think the Jays will give Cabrera a hometown, or do you think Cabrera will give the Jays
Starting point is 00:37:42 a hometown discount, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And of course, you know, he has to take the opposite view that even if they give a hometown or do you think Cabrera will give the Jays a hometown discount blah blah blah blah blah and of course you know he has to take the opposite view that even if they give a hometown even if he gives them a hometown discount it's still going to be he's still going to get 105 million in six years from somewhere else and you know basically we're going to have to overpay to keep on all right let's shit let's do Jays talk briefly here uh since we're actually there now but you and I were on this podcast in early June. Early June. Yeah, late May, early June.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I think it was early June. Yeah. And I think we were talking, the Jays, I think we're six and a half up in the AL East. Something like that, yeah. And I think we were joking about, we were talking about like, where are they going to be in a month? And I think I said something like third place. Is that what I said? I think you said third place.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I said second place. Okay. So I said? I think you said third place. I said second place. So I was a little ahead of myself. Well, I mean, if they win tonight, as Willner reminded me, if they win tonight, they'll be tied for second in the ALEs. Yes, that's true. So we're both pretty fucking bang on. So as we speak, the Jays are third in the ALEs. We didn't predict that the division would have been handed to them in their face by Baltimore in, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:46 early September. It OK, so this is when you crunch the numbers and you look at because we like that website that says probability of making the playoffs. Yeah, it's kind of fun. And I think and you can say I jinx this, but we all know this is not a Mike jinx. This is a Toronto jinx. But in early June, actually, it's no jinxx I'll tell you what it was in a minute but in early June I with six and a half up in Baltimore I believe we had some very high 80s is that possible like a percentage of the playoffs yeah and we uh of course now it's like 0.01 or something well yeah because it's wild there's still a chance you know what's interesting is that uh Jeff Blair brought up a good point uh or an point anyway. Before Baltimore clinched the division,
Starting point is 00:39:26 I think the magic number I think was like four or something like that. That same website said that their percentage of making the playoffs was 100%. Which I guess, I don't know, in a way just seems weird. Even if you lose every game, what are the odds that the teams that are catching you win
Starting point is 00:39:42 sufficient games? I know, but it still seems as though you should never be able to be at 100 unless you're in the playoffs that's true right maybe it was rounded up so i of course of course then he takes this the the stance that he fucking hates the website and he's never going to listen to it again you know what it was either him it was him or fucking what's his name the guy from from durham uh the guy from Oshawa who fills in all the time. I like him. The Raj. Roger Lajoie.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh, Roger Lajoie. Yeah, it was one of the two. He's been there forever, that guy. I don't know why I mixed both of them up. He's a bit like Vanilla. You know, he's not. He can do any fucking sport you want. No one you ever think of, though, but he's no one who offends you.
Starting point is 00:40:18 He can do monster truck racing and then fucking NHL playoffs whenever you want. Roger Lajoie. There's a name. He's a good guy. I hear that because Jason Agnew, who was on the show, was very good friends of Roger Lajoie and says he's a great guy. He used to do. He may still do it. He's the stadium announcer for the Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Oh, the baseball. I was going to say. No, he's not. And he used to do play by play. I'm pretty sure that's Andy Frost. He used to do play by play for the Oshawa Generals. He's a jack ofof-all-trades, this guy. He's kind of like Greg Brady, where he does weird gigs.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Greg does the Super Bowl for the BBC. Yes. Roger Lejoie does a whole bunch of shit like that. I think you offended Greg Brady. I think he's going to be upset with that comparison. I think that's pretty weird. I mean, it's cool, but it's random. Some fucking morning guy from Toronto is doing football in England.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So the J suck, in my opinion, when it was trade deadline and we did nothing. What upset me the most was that Willner defended the move to do nothing. When in fact, we needed to do something. Yeah. To better this team. What? Okay. So now that we shit the bed at that point and we shit the bed for the season,
Starting point is 00:41:27 really, um, what has, this is the big question that I have in my mind. Yeah. What happens to our shitty manager that shouldn't have ever been hired the first time, let alone the second time and double a,
Starting point is 00:41:40 I, I want to give me, give me as we call him. Cause we're all friends with him gibby needs to go yeah and uh double a i feel like he did try some interesting things that in hindsight did not work out but at the time seemed to be pretty smart so i feel like maybe he's got more time to try to right the ship he did do some things change things, especially a couple of off seasons ago that at the moment looked pretty smart. And then in reality now look like we have, we're stuck with some bloated,
Starting point is 00:42:12 you know, fat contracts. And, uh, but, uh, I feel like he, maybe he would give him a little time to try to fix this. My theory about coaches in general is that you shouldn't hire a coach unless when you fire him, that coach will be immediately hired by somebody else. And Gibby is, has never been that kind of manager. So he should go, should have been gone a long time ago. Should have never been brought back the second time around. I think the exception to that rule would be pseudo Gaston for whatever reason, wasn't ever hired again, but you'd figure that he would have been uh i'll go with you on the double a um one more year though i mean really you've got
Starting point is 00:42:52 a huge huge payroll and if i'm rogers i'm like what the fuck you know like we're spending all this cash money and we're still not doing anything the fucking baltimore the baltimore fucking orioles won the al east and you on paper, they look a lot like us. Like that team looks a lot like us. Horrible. And they won easily. Like, I don't know what they're up on Yankees, but 14 games or something. They fucking ran away with it.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah. Who saw that coming? Yeah. No one. Crazy, man. And we're like, we were all like so stupid. We're like, man, New York stepped back and and Boston's awful, and look, Tampa Bay slipped. It's our chance.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And we didn't do anything at the trade deadline. Yeah, because it's the Baltimore fucking Orioles. And the Orioles go and run away with it. It's unbelievable. That's a monument. Somebody on this show, I think it was Hebbshire, said, and a spoiler alert for you, that this collapse will be thought of as a greater collapse
Starting point is 00:43:44 than the game seven maple leaf collapse against boston a couple of years ago and i explain i took not enough people care i think i took your point on that and also because that happened in like a half an hour span yeah exactly this happened in like three months or whatever it's a different dynamic totally but let's not mistake the record of the jays since they were six and a half up in the east and i don't have the numbers in front of me, but it is unbelievable collapse. How awful our performance has been since early June. Well, Mike Wilner was always telling me that all they had to do is play 500 ball and they would make the playoffs.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And that makes me sick because basically we didn't upgrade so that we thinking we could do 500 and we didn't get 500. We would love to have played 500. But my point is we shouldn't have thought, let's go 500 the rest of the way we should have said let's keep our foot on this accelerator like like baltimore ended up doing and and keep playing at like a like a 600 clip why do we aim for 500 you know what the the thing that is disappointing as a fan too is that now this is i mean we probably had a bunch of guys that i'm not thinking of, but we've got another Carlos Delgado on our hands where we have one of the premier hitters in baseball on our team and we're wasting it. Carlos Delgado never was able to be on a team that did anything. And now Jose Bautista.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I mean, this guy's a fucking machine. I know he's kind of an asshole at times, but in a likable way. Sure. To fans. But apparently no umpire ever likes him. I mean, last night, even he had a fucking home run. I saw. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Ran to first base with a bat in his hand and slammed it down. See, I like a little fire in the belly out of my head. He's like George Bell. And George Bell is like that. I know. But no one liked him either. I did. Well, yeah, as fans, we did.
Starting point is 00:45:18 We fucking love that shit. What about Michael Jordan? Every time we talk about this, I loved I loved Jordan. Yeah. They say he's one of the greatest trash talkers of all time. Yeah, what an asshole. I love the fucker because I only, on the court, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:30 As far as I know. Greatest player of all time. As far as I know, he didn't throw a right hook at a girl in an elevator and knock her out cold. At least it wasn't caught on tape. There was a woman on, I think it was the Hannity Show. A woman commentator said that it was Ray Rice's wife's fault for falling. Oh, because she hit him first? No, she hit him first.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And then also she fell onto the bar in the elevator, which knocked her out. So that was her fault. He didn't mean for that to happen. On this note, and I want your honest opinion. So you and I are friends in the real world. Am I correct? Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But we're also... You're just checking that there? Just making sure. I don't know anymore. And I correct? Yes. But we're also, we're also just checking that there. Just making sure. I don't know anymore. Uh, and I really, I've been, I have recently had an episode that jolted me in like reality versus social media and it's kind of shaken me. I need to talk about it on Facebook. We're also friends. Yes, we are. But I have very many close friends. In fact, uh, a brother and lots of people close to me who are actually not on Facebook. Okay. We're not Facebook friends because they're not there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Okay. Okay. See you with me. I have somebody who I thought was a friend. Yeah. Who was on Facebook defending Ray Rice, primarily based on the fact that she didn't leave him. In fact, she married him.
Starting point is 00:46:38 So this was his argument. Okay. Okay. And I have to, as I get older, my tolerance for some of this stuff isn't what it used to be. So in the real world, I would not stop being your friend because of that. We'd have an interesting debate
Starting point is 00:46:49 and I'd say, I respectfully disagree or whatever. But in the Facebook world, I was so disappointed in this. And it wasn't a one offense. Like there's been many, very, many, many things have been posted on this Facebook that have offended me, if you will. Sure.
Starting point is 00:47:02 This was like a straw breaking a camel's back, I guess. But a big fucking straw, in my opinion. So. This was like a straw breaking a camel's back, I guess, but a big fucking straw in my opinion. So the defense of Ray Rice because she stayed with him caused me to unfriend this person on Facebook. Wow. Okay. So I didn't think too much of it, except that, like I said,
Starting point is 00:47:16 most posts are basically, you know, I'm calling like Olivia Chow, like a cow or something. I can't remember, but really stuff that offends me because I don't mind you not liking Olivia Chow's policies, but she's a fine lady who, you know, you don't have to call her a cow or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I mean, there's things, bitch cow or whatever. Anyways, my point is there's a lot of things going on in this Facebook that offended my sensibilities. But I let them all slide because whatever. And then this one, the defense of Ray Rice, I unfriended. Wow. That's all I did. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:47:44 This person, I didn't know until later that this person has decided that that is an unfriend in the real world. Really? Yes. Surprised me, like jolted me. Like, cause I'm like, I had no, I had no idea. I, and I, maybe I'm naive on this, that unfriending on Facebook was equivalent to unfriending in reality. I would say that is not the case. Because if it was, then I would not be friends with my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law. They've unfriended me on Facebook. And I understand why they said that I post too often.
Starting point is 00:48:15 This is it. But that's because you have control of that medium and you can control your friend list. As a guy who works in social media every single day. That's why I'm talking to an expert. You have the ability to control your own connections. There shouldn't be a correlation, right? Let's say my brother was my brother who I love. Let's say he's a staunch Rob Ford supporter and every entry is about Rob Ford's a victim.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Rob Ford's amazing. Every entry, at some point, I don't have to see. I don't have to read that every day. I have control to stop that. Correct. You could. That's a pretty, I would say though, that forget about it being your friend, but if you're, if you're an unfriend, your brother, I mean, there might be a conversation there,
Starting point is 00:48:55 but you can't hide someone's posts. You can just unfollow their posts, right? So you can still be friends with them, but you never see anything that they post. So you clean up your friends. Then what is it? What do you mean? The only, the only purpose I could think of to do that would be so that they don't get offended right but i did i mean to me i didn't know anyways the bottom line is i unfriended because it was
Starting point is 00:49:13 very easy there so this person then sent you a note afterwards saying someone else sent the person and me a note uh to, did you know something or other? And then he replied to that, but copy me on it. I'm very mean little note about, I'm basically dead to him. Wow. And I've never in real life, I've never even had a fight with this guy.
Starting point is 00:49:34 We know we're on different ends of the political. Like he's a staunch member of Ford nation. Like we've had friendly debates about this many times. And yes, I did. I don't deny. I unfriended him because of the defense of Ray Rice. I did not realize that I was unfriending him in the real world. Interesting. Well, I mean, that's a story.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So social media. That's the thing about social media is that everybody's got different roles and different perspectives. So but I actually like a lot of I mean, I don't know. And to gauge like level of friendship, I think I misunderstood our level of friendship. And then I my wife reminded me that just one year ago, i had to write a list of people i had a like a limited number of seats for my friends to be at my wedding okay and i had to write this list i don't remember the number but i don't know let's say it's 15 or something so i had to give 15 names plus ones or something and uh he didn't make that list so i was reminded like just one summer ago he did not make the wedding invitation list,
Starting point is 00:50:26 but we spent a lot of time throughout the winter together and he helped me move with you. And I thought we were friends with different political ideologies. You know, what's interesting is that I have thought about this because my wife and I have, Mrs. Elvis and I have been married now for six years together for 11. And I, during our every, it seems like every year and our anniversary sort of, you know, you think about your wedding and stuff and the great
Starting point is 00:50:56 time that we had. And I wonder what, I think about what our guest list would look like now versus six years ago. And there are people on that list that, you know, would not make the cut today. Not because we would be dropped in, not because I've unfriended them. Um, but because, you know, we're just,
Starting point is 00:51:10 we've grown apart or, you know, they're in different cities and we don't see each other very often. Like you would be on that list now. I'm honored where, you know, you weren't back then. Cause back then we were just,
Starting point is 00:51:19 it was more of a business relationship, I think, as opposed to a friendship like we have now. Yeah. And you're six years back. So things change a lot in six years. I'm only one year back and I'm thinking like, sadly, one of my guests passed away. But other than that, unfortunately. I'm trying to think of any of my guests passed away. One of them passed. You know what? This
Starting point is 00:51:36 has been a weird week for me. So I get my anniversary of being diagnosed six years ago or five years ago. It was Monday. My buddy, Carlo, who passed away. I saw his facebook his birthday was on wednesday and then another friend of mine who committed suicide the anniversary of that suicide was thursday so really crazy lots of introspective yeah crazy week crazy week so uh carlo daniel thinking of you guys yeah that's rough uh yeah. Yeah, so things change with friends and stuff. But unfortunately now, and of course, this also means I am available if you need
Starting point is 00:52:11 a shitty left winger for your hockey team. Oh, you're off the team now too? I don't even know how to approach this person's because when hockey seasons be starting now? Yeah, and I played last winter with him and it's coming up and I just got my skate sharpened and everything and I just assumed I'd be back.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Mike, you're a free agent. I'm a free agent. So if you need a... Please contact me if you need a... You need a shitty left winger. Shitty left winger who tries really hard and... A 40-year-old left winger who can skate. Decent hands, not great skating,
Starting point is 00:52:42 but I really do try hard. Yeah, you're fucking selling yourself here. it's just that's it that's uh that's true if he's got a lot of grit and heart folks because i got all the equipment and all the desire and i have no team right now because of this breakup that's so i felt like a joe like i broke up with a friend and i didn't like that i don't seem to have a chance to admit anyways it's for the best i did you respond to the no oh yeah i did i said he was... I told him he was really overreacting and I explained that it was... I didn't see it as a...
Starting point is 00:53:07 Right. I just told him the truth. Right, okay. Which is I did not because I didn't. I didn't see it as unfriending in the real world. I thought it was a Facebook unfriend because the posts are so free... They're bigoted and...
Starting point is 00:53:16 Just stuff I don't want to see. That's all. Right. That's all. All right. So moving on, I just wondered what your opinion was on that. Very interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Well, I think that it's... The problem is that there's different opinions on how to handle those things. So you have the right to unfriend him and he has the right to feel that way. Of course. At the same time, you could argue that you shouldn't have unfriended him, just unfollowed him. I can see that argument, but I didn't see it at the time. That's for sure. He shouldn't have reacted that way too.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I mean, there's all sorts of different ways to look at it. Does this mean I have to pick a side now? Is this like a divorce? I don't think it would take you more than one second to pick a side on this Is this like a divorce? I don't think it would take you more than one second to pick a side on this one. Just my observation. Anyways, I miss him already. Can we not be friends on Facebook
Starting point is 00:53:54 yet I still get to do the podcast? If you unfriended me on Facebook, I 100% wouldn't change anything in the real world. No, that's true. 100%. Good to know. Done. Last week, we had a 30-minute, 20 to 30-minute discussion with Andrew Stokely.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I phoned him via Google phone. So this phone call, we could hear it in our earphones perfectly. It turned out that his voice was not being recorded. And I did not test that component because I forgot to test it. And I just assumed it would work because I could hear it coming right yeah so we didn't get it so i had to cut it out but in that discussion it was about robin williams and he told a very nice story about
Starting point is 00:54:32 robin williams but we also chatted about the fact that my wife and my mom went on the social and the social is a ctv i believe it's a uh daytime hour it's sort of like this podcast. It's like City Line or something. It's like four girls talking about shit. It's like the... No, what's it called? They have that show. The View. The View. It's like The View. And I just want to say I caught and you've seen this photo, but they gave everyone in the audience a free
Starting point is 00:54:58 purse. And then the camera goes right to my mom and my wife right after this announcement. And two things. One, my wife has this big smile on her face and I've never seen her so happy. Like I gave, I married her and then I gave her a beautiful baby. He's almost six months old. You gave her the baby.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I did. I did give her that baby. That's one way to look at it. Yeah, it's true. He came from my balls. And she was, I've never seen her so happy. Meanwhile, my mom is actually ready to give my wife a high five. Like you've seen the photo.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I am 40 years old. That means I've known my mom for 40 years and I've never seen my mom give a high five. It's the greatest photo in the world because it's a moment caught in time, obviously. And your mom is high-fiving the air. Monica seemingly has no fucking clue what's happening. But she's very happy.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Through no fault of her own, right? She knows she's getting this nice purse. It's just such a perfect moment. Because I think it really does highlight what happens when... How do I say this nicely? When someone's mom tries to high-five someone, it's the last thing you would expect, right? I'm going to put this photo in the comments of this,
Starting point is 00:56:09 the post-it for this episode. Oh, it's so fucking great. We did talk about the Jays already, but I was personally disgusted at the Jeter love fest that took place. And I'd like to know your opinion on that. My brother and I had a conversation about this last week. Jerry Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Jerry Seinfeld, because I took him out for his birthday. And he's of the same opinion that you are and me that he even believes that you shouldn't, as an athlete, announce your retirement at the beginning of the season. I'm okay with it if you're of a certain caliber. That I'm okay with. If you're of a certain caliber. okay with it if you're if you're of a certain caliber that i'm okay with if you're of a certain caliber but we all agree that there is no fucking reason that the blue jays should be having a derrick jeter day and giving him a fucking present fuck you jeter okay fuck you yankees yeah you
Starting point is 00:56:57 don't come here and get a present from us we're here to beat you every single time great player whatever i can acknowledge that as a jays fan, but there's no way this organization before a game should acknowledge another player on another team. I shared this opinion on the blog and quite a few people told me I was missing the boat, that this is a living legend and he needs to be honored. And I'm like, honor him after he retires. First of all, right now he's a New York fucking Yankee. And I'm trying to think of...
Starting point is 00:57:25 And he hit a home run against us last night for fuck's sakes. Yeah. I'm trying to think. Let's say Crosby plays another 10 great years, okay? Do you see the Philadelphia Flyers
Starting point is 00:57:35 celebrating Sidney Crosby? No. Of course not. It's ridiculous. It's the whole... It's ridiculous. I don't know if Don Mattingly announced his retirement,
Starting point is 00:57:43 but can you imagine back then like Jays are going know if Don Mattingly announced his retirement, but can you imagine back then, like, Jays are going to honor Don Mattingly while he's still wearing the pins... You know what? I would even go one step further. Go. Wade Boggs... Wade fucking Boggs.
Starting point is 00:57:56 ...announces his retirement at the beginning of the last season with the Yankees. They go into Boston. Is Boston pulling out all the fucking stops? But that would be explainable. Fuck you. No way. Boston would be like,
Starting point is 00:58:08 fuck you, Wade. Except I could give them an exemption. They get an exemption, in my opinion, potentially, due to the fact he spent the bulk of his great career in Boston.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I'd still say fuck you. It's like when Matt Sundin came to Toronto as a Vancouver Canuck. There's an exemption there. But it doesn't exist for Derek fucking Jeter, who might be a classy guy
Starting point is 00:58:24 and a great ball player, and we respect the shit out of that but no jeter love and it was sickening for that weekend it's brutal it's brutal i completely agree it's so it's so brutal it's it's i don't know why they did it it's stupid i mean it's not like he's breaking the fucking color barrier something just a really good fucking player who plays for the fucking yankees give me a break i'm with you right brutal good we agree do you uh i wrote a entry recently about the essence of this entry was that if you have no control over anything it's fine to hope for the best but if you have some control hope is useless you need to take the appropriate action to get the desired outcome and that was the crux of the entry but you said that the entry made you very sad.
Starting point is 00:59:06 It did make me sad. I want to know why. Because then you said you were going to comment why. I know. And you never did. I know, because then I was in Vancouver. Tell me why it made you sad. It's hard to comment on your site on my phone.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You need a mobile version of your site, for fuck's sake. I will say on that note that the HTML and CSS I wrote for that is so ancient now that you're absolutely right. It's horrible. I do need to reskin this thing for modern times. I didn't see this coming, this smartphone revolution. On my browser, all my information is saved there, so I can comment as easily. I've got to fix it.
Starting point is 00:59:38 So it's hard when I'm on the road. But it just made me sad. Tell me why. I see your point to an extent. It just made me sad. I mean, I see your point. I see your point to an extent. You know, I'm not necessarily a big guy who, you know, we talked about prayer earlier. I think where a lot of hope comes from this idea that if we just ask for something, it's going to come. And if it doesn't come, it means that somebody else is already predetermined that it shouldn't come. I don't believe that. But I do believe that there is a healthy dose of believing in where you can go, even if it seems impossible and believing in it and then also putting a plan in place to get there. It's not as pragmatic or as logical maybe as you made it seem. And that's what just made me a little bit sad to hear someone like you say that. It just made me sad that it almost seemed
Starting point is 01:00:24 to me when I read it and my first instinct was to write what I wrote and I stand by it. It just seemed to me as though you were completely dismissing any value in having hope or, you know, dreaming. Let me, okay. So that's why I made me sad. I got you. Cause I didn't necessarily mean that. But when, let's say you decide you're going to run the New York Marathon. Yep. Okay. You know, you have a plan because there is actually things you need to do to make that possible. And it's more than just registering for the New York.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You actually need to train so you can run 42 kilometers or whatever it is. And you are actually doing it. Yes. or whatever it is. And you are actually doing it. Yes. I guess what I'm saying is hope is not going to make you run a marathon. You have control over whether you can run this marathon
Starting point is 01:01:14 and you're doing the appropriate actions like the pain in the ass waking up early and doing your long runs and shit so that you can. And I guess what I'm saying is in that instance, you have control over it. So instead of hope, you are acting to reach that end. And I guess what I'd add to that is that the hoping and dreaming sometimes is what gets
Starting point is 01:01:33 you to the point where you can put a plan of action into place. Right. But I guess that's the semantics because I'm of course, you can dream. And then at some point, though, you have to act. I agree. If you have control and if you don't have control, then then don't worry about it. Do the whole the hoping you want. Like, for example, I don't know, let's say cancer. Right. You know, you're going to do your treatments and
Starting point is 01:01:55 shit. But at some point you have all you have is hope because you don't know what you have only so much control. Right. And so the way I interpreted the article was that having the hope in that case is pointless and useless. And I would suggest that it serves a purpose. Right. Okay. I understand that that's not what you're saying now after we've spoken about it. But that's how I interpreted it at the time. And that's why it made me sad because I think that, you know, while I am pragmatic and logical most of the time i also believe that there is a is a place for hope and dreaming and all that kind of good stuff too um and i think that they work hand in hand but it seems as though we're at the same place we just came to it a different all right i uh just was anxiously
Starting point is 01:02:37 waiting but i just i it made when i read it i was like man this and i didn't know because i because i've i've you know i've blogged before and i'm actually blogging a lot more now on linkedin as well but those are corporate blog blogs not exciting elvis blogs sure we need some elvis blog just you know and and so i realize that you know tone and stuff is isn't something that you're supposed to read into it or you don't know if the person had a bad day or whatever i was just wondering you know admittedly i did write that stream i usually these days they formulate usually when i'm in a shower or biking they formulate then i go to a keyboard and this is an example and i haven't done this in a long time mainly because it's i realize it causes more like trouble than it's worth but i actually this is one of those entries
Starting point is 01:03:18 where i literally wasn't sure what i was writing until my fingers were on the keyboard right and it did stream a conscious come together. And I did reread it and I kind of made a couple of minor revisions to clarify things. But it wasn't thought like it wasn't thought of. Usually I write these things in my head as I bike. Right. Well, again, I'm not saying that you shouldn't
Starting point is 01:03:38 have written it. And you can certainly have your own opinion. I mean, it's not like as if you have to agree with me or I have to agree with you, frankly. Otherwise, we'll unfriend each other from Facebook. But I also at times will comment on your blog without thinking, too. So now we're even. Yeah. I have a question for you because you're my go to soccer guys. A real quick question. How come Canada's how come Canada's women's soccer team is so much better than our men's team relative to other countries? Well, I mean, I guess the easiest answer
Starting point is 01:04:06 is that we have talented players. Is that because of a funding thing? Like what is it? Are other countries funding men and not caring about, because I noticed Russia's women hockey team isn't very good, but you would think they'd be better. Like is this just funding the men?
Starting point is 01:04:18 There certainly is. I think there is a gender divide in a lot of other countries that doesn't exist here in North America. So we're like almost equal, I suppose. Like we probably have some rules. We shit. We fund both teams equally shittily.
Starting point is 01:04:28 That would be, um, but there's also, there's also less, I don't, I don't know. I don't have any of these stats. It's just,
Starting point is 01:04:34 it feels like the men have like, we can't make the world cup, but the women seem like they're actually competitive. The field of competition is significantly smaller in the women's game than there is in the men's game. The women's game has been around for a bit like hockey. The women's game has been around for less period of time. And I think with less participating players, there's also more money per capita, I guess, in a way of looking at it, right? So there's probably less women playing soccer in an advanced level than there is men.
Starting point is 01:05:02 And so when you give a million dollars to both programs, the million dollars on the women's team goes a little bit longer, maybe, or further, I should say. That's my guess. But this is how when you have a team like we do on the women's side and they have had success, this is building the foundation for us to be successful for long periods of time. As opposed to the men's team that are constantly having to start over from scratch because the CSA is just a mess. Canadian Soccer Association.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Is TFC going to make the playoffs? I'm going to stick by my original answer. I think we'd have to go back and play the tape. I think this is what I answered before and I'm going to say no. But who knows? They're in seventh place right now. They need to finish in the back and play the tape. I think this is what I answered before, and I'm going to say no. But who knows? They're in seventh place right now. They need to finish in the top five in the East.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And if I were putting money on it, I'd say no at this point. They're a fucking mess. It's a mess. It's an absolute mess. And they were our great hope. They were our great hope. They were our great hope. And I still have tickets to the very last game.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Actually, I have tickets to Sunday's game, too. But it was a bloody big deal, wasn't it? It was a bloody big deal. It was a bloody big deal. And now it have tickets to the very last game. Actually, I have tickets to Sunday's game, too. But it was a bloody big deal, wasn't it? It was a bloody big deal. It was a bloody big deal. And now it's fizzled out. I don't watch unless I'm there, which means I haven't seen anything, except I do follow it, like reading about it and stuff. And it seemed to me like he was scoring all the time.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Sure. Am I dreaming that? Like, I kept seeing goals by this guy. Yeah, he's got a... Jermaine Defoe, you're talking about. Yeah, Jermaine, sure. Yes, Jermaine Defoe. He's apparently coming back to Toronto on Monday
Starting point is 01:06:25 and he'll play two weeks after that. So I don't know, man. They got to pretty much run the table at this point to be able to make the playoffs. Oh, there's no chance. You don't listen to 102.1, correct? No, not at all. It's not even on a preset.
Starting point is 01:06:37 All right, real quick note that... So Alan Cross is back there. Is he on the air or off the air? Both, because he does ongoing history and new music that's right and he does another show vinyl something of old vinyl stuff is it sunday night that he does history i can't say for sure i don't know i don't know i don't know maybe because they do have that spirit of radio sunday so they seem to do all their like retro stuff there yep the um big changes there is that Josie Dye has been moved to the afternoons.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Ooh. And Dominic Diamond, who is the, you don't know, I'm speaking to myself right now, but he has a Scottish, speaking of Scotland, he's got a Scottish accent and he had the morning show. He's been like, let go. Yeah. He's at home right now. Didn't you talk to, didn't you say about on the blog
Starting point is 01:07:25 that they relocated him from the West or something? No, that was a guy named Greg Beharal. Oh, right. So Greg Beharal was on the morning show too. There were three people
Starting point is 01:07:32 on the morning show. One went to afternoons, one got canned and one went West. So Greg Beharal is West. There was a midday guy named Carlos Benavides. I hope I said that right.
Starting point is 01:07:42 But he's been, he's gone back to his old morning gig in like Kitchener. Oh, wow. So these are the big changes. And what about your that right. But he's been, he's gone back to his old morning gig in like Kitchener. Oh, wow. So these are the big changes. And what about your boyfriend, Fearless Fred?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Oh, yeah. By the way, I wrote about this changes. This is like a month ago now. And a few comments, including a couple recently last week about how like, I need to shut up
Starting point is 01:07:59 about the Fearless Fred thing. Yeah. I wonder if people are, if he's commenting. You think? I don't know. I don't know. I don people are, if he's commenting. You think? I don't know. I don't know if he is. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I don't know. You fucking hate him so much. It's so awesome. I don't hate him at all. Someone keeps saying, I'm like disingenuine because I did invite Fearless Fred on my podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And I'm not denying it because I don't actually have any hate for Fearless Fred and there is no actual feud. I think the reason I mention it is almost an inside joke for you. I was just going to say, can I set the record straight here?
Starting point is 01:08:26 This is not like me. This is me trying to be an asshole and being sarcastic. Mike has never said to me on or off the air that anything disparaging about Fearless Fred. I got no disparaging feelings
Starting point is 01:08:38 about the man. Other than when he went on, it was Humble and Fred that he went on the show and said nasty things about you because of what he interpreted you saying about him. Which I never said.
Starting point is 01:08:47 You were kind of like, what the fuck? I didn't say this. That's it. Yeah, it's just unfair. I don't even mind being accountable for what I say, but I'm not going to be accountable
Starting point is 01:08:56 for what some commenter says. So Mike has no issues with Fearless Fred. I don't. Anyways. I'm the one who constantly reminds everybody that he hates him. I have a difficult,
Starting point is 01:09:03 if I write about Fearless Fred, which isn't that often, by the way, but he is the new morning show. So I did write that Fearless Fred and Melanie were doing the morning show on 102.1. And when I do write about Fearless Fred, I have a difficult time not referencing the link of him saying he hates me.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And I don't know how, it's like a disease. Well, I will say commenting on Fearless Fred is fair game for your blog because you've always commented on Toronto Radio. And so it seems to make a lot of sense that you would comment. Yeah, and I didn't say negative. I said he's a new morning show guy. The new morning man at CHFI.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And I said I wish him well. Right. So these are the changes. Is it a good show? I don't hear it. Okay. I don't hear morning radio. And I know I'm going to have to tell Mad Dog when he's in next month.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I wonder if he has a Fearless Fred. Wouldn't it be awesome if Mad Dog hated fearless friends? I need to ask him about Blundell. There's a lot of... Actually, I'm interested to talk to... Is he still doing his podcast, Blundell? I believe so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I haven't heard it though. But I'm interested in the Mad Dog thing because in addition to the fact that Mad Dog and Billy were kind of like... They came in to take over for Aaron Davis and then Aaron Davis came back and then they were wrote and then they were back to virgin and then he swaps out billy for mora but he's there's an interesting story uh i want to hear about his son because uh his adult son had a stroke wow uh several years ago he had an adult son several
Starting point is 01:10:20 years ago who had a stroke and i read in the toronto star about how he uh like it was uh very as you can imagine as a parent like this was a stressful tough difficult time and they were like he was like a baby again teaching him to talk and walk like jesus starting again and i i'm uh interested to speak to him about those challenges as well so he will be an interesting interview. Mad dog. Fearless Fred never agreed to come on. How about... I can't get any chorus people to come on. Jim Lang, never heard from him again. I haven't even reached out to him.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Strombo still says he's coming on, so that'll be interesting. But real quick note about chorus people. I don't know why the chorus personalities won't come on. They don't have to say anything they don't want to say, but I have at least one chorus person whose boss told personalities won't come on i don't like they don't have to say anything they don't want to say but i have at least one chorus person who whose boss told her not to come
Starting point is 01:11:09 on and i don't i don't know i don't know why it's the only company because you hate fear all these other yeah maybe all maybe i have no idea if i'm like disliked by chorus or something but i don't know why these people won't come on because they work for course it might be just a thing that they not necessarily against your podcast, but just, they don't want anybody else on anyone else's airwaves. True. And I did notice that on humble and Fred,
Starting point is 01:11:31 for example, they have difficulty getting chorus people on their podcast. But I mean, at least humble and Fred had like a, they left chorus. Like I've never even worked for chorus. Right. You know,
Starting point is 01:11:41 unless they've lumped me in the humble and Fred pile, which is possible. All right. So that's my little, uh, CF and Y edge changes. I just wanted know, unless they've lumped me in the humble infrared pile, which is possible. All right. So that's my little, uh, CF and Y edge changes. I just wanted to, that would be,
Starting point is 01:11:49 that would be a compliment. I think if they did that, no. Yeah, sure. I don't care. Like, except I need to,
Starting point is 01:11:53 I need a fucking sponsor. Maybe chorus will sponsor this podcast. Excuse me. Your excuse. I'll let it out. That sneeze. Uh, any final,
Starting point is 01:12:00 that was a reaction there. That was a reaction. What? You didn't really want to excuse me. Oh, but I do excuse you. You didn't really want to excuse me. Oh, it's true. You probably didn't even care that I fucking sneezed. But I do excuse you. You didn't even care.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Like, I'm not offended by your sneeze. You probably didn't even care that I sneezed. It was just your reaction to say, What did I say? Bless you. Did I? No, no, no. You didn't say bless you.
Starting point is 01:12:15 You said excuse you or something like that. See, that is legit. What is the reaction is the bless you is the... No, no, no. It's the same. It doesn't matter what the word is. It could be zentai. It could be excuse you
Starting point is 01:12:25 whatever it's just a reaction you hear someone sneeze and you react same thing with the praying thing I'm praying for you any final thoughts
Starting point is 01:12:31 before we wrap this down someone's sick oh I'll pray for you motherfucker I've never I just say you're in my thoughts or is there anything
Starting point is 01:12:36 I can do because then I can do something right something useful yeah like you need a casserole isn't that the big thing
Starting point is 01:12:42 like when someone passes it's always I'm not you're not not praying for anybody I will actually I was gonna say I'll make a casserole but I think I'd make Monica make the casserole. Isn't that the big thing? Like when someone passes? It's always there. You're not praying for anybody. I will. Actually, I was going to say I'll make a casserole, but I think I'd make Monica make the casserole.
Starting point is 01:12:48 How about baked ziti? Give me some ziti. What does your kid do? Ziti. I love ziti. Ziti is like rigatoni, right? It's rigatoni-esque. Ziti is the noodle.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Baked with the pasta. Yeah, but it's baked with mozzarella. Yes, I love that. I love that. It's baked ziti. When's the baby due? Baby X is due. The other two girls are coming to Baby X too,
Starting point is 01:13:09 which is great. Baby X is due Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, October the 11th. Coming up. Coming up really, really soon. We're ready to drop here at the Elvis household. Can we record live from the maternity ward? No. The only person allowed in the room is me.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Like no other family members. Well, that was like us. I just went through this. Yeah. That was it. Of course. We did it twice before the same way. It's a couple's thing.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Yeah. That's ridiculous. I never understood when the mother-in-law shows up in the... Yeah, it's so weird. What is she going to do? Look, we're working on something here. Yeah. Let's just get the doctors and the nurses in here.
Starting point is 01:13:41 The doctor doesn't even really do anything anyway. Let's be honest. It's all the fucking nurses that do everything. My doctor, Jarvis had, remember, my first two kids were C-sections, so it's a whole different story. But the third,
Starting point is 01:13:50 this one that just came out, came out of the vagina. And I watched the whole thing. And he was, his head was turned or something where it was causing her some discomfort. And a doctor came in to do,
Starting point is 01:14:03 he said this dog, this woman doctor stuck her hands in there and did some readjustment of him. So there was, doctors did something to, and then her pain was much less. And then it was very fast after that. Like this was a very necessary adjustment. I can't even begin to imagine. Oh, by the way, not even an Advil.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Like she didn't take anything. I can't even imagine giving birth. I don't understand how any of this works. I really don't. It's a miracle from God, Mike, that we have humans coming out of vaginas. You know, I'm going to give God credit for that one because that is pretty fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Not science or nature or just, you know. Hey, Elvis, you know what I say. Fuck science. I'm unfriending you. Go ahead. It won't bother me the least. Why do I care if you unfriend me? Then you won't see the social pictures.
Starting point is 01:14:56 That's right. I love your fucking picture. That one thing I wanted to talk about. You posted like maybe three or four photos recently. Not one of them are you half decent looking yeah what about the roots picture you it's like you're either five seconds too early or too late with your fucking smile i don't think oh so no one like i don't understand it it's so you can't have a relatively good looking guy like you can't take a photo there's one photo and it looks like it was a professional it was The roots thing. Yeah. How many of those did they take? Probably 100 to get that one.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Take a fucking shot. Okay, everybody, say cheese. And Mike's looking in the fucking sky or something. My oldest son is very photogenic. I find he puts on a smile, and it looks like. You know what, though? And I mean, no offense. I'm going to send it already.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I know where you get the ability to not take a good photo from. Tell me. Is it my mom in the high five picture? It's your mom. It's your mom. There's a photo. She doesn't listen. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:15:53 There's a whole family photo. Everybody looks beautiful, wonderful. I love the entire family. Oh, the Terry Fox run. Love it. Both you and your mom have the same five second too late look on their face. I actually do look like my mom, so this did not surprise me. And Mary is lovely.
Starting point is 01:16:09 That's where I got my jeans from. And that brings us... Your brother's going to hate me more now than they already do. Well, only one listens. Oh, only one listens. Yeah, one is not listening, I don't think. And then one is definitely listening. So Steve will hear these words. Right. No offense, think. And then one is definitely like one is definitely listening. So Steve will hear these
Starting point is 01:16:25 words. Right. No offense, Steve. And that he's still mad at the Kleenex reference. Oh, for fuck's sake, why do you keep bringing that up?
Starting point is 01:16:33 I just remembered. Shut up. It was a little low blow and I felt it was fair game and then he had a good argument about it. Like, was that fair game or not?
Starting point is 01:16:40 And I stood up for you. Was that a bigger argument than the Andrea Bargnani argument? Because that's legendary. That Bargnani episode? Because that's legendary. That Bargnani episode was like a sad beginning and it was you
Starting point is 01:16:49 and Steve against Ryan? Yeah. Right. Ryan said Bargnani was a top ten. He can't even, I mean, anyway,
Starting point is 01:16:57 we won't go into that. The winner of the fucking pool though. He knows his fucking sports. He knows his fantasy sports, that's for sure. What did I say already? Oh yeah, and that brings us to the end of our
Starting point is 01:17:07 91st show. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike and Elvis at Oshawa Elvis and I think this is the deepest we've gone into Rosie and Dre. It probably is. And I think that's a good thing because...
Starting point is 01:17:24 Is Rosie coming on? Is she going to get off her bus and come in the studio or what that's funny somebody tweeted about that and she's yeah she's I love it
Starting point is 01:17:31 and why do you keep why you made the stops people kept ringing the bell love Rosie fucking love Kramer too I love Kramer too yeah you know
Starting point is 01:17:40 we should post that photo of Rosie and I at your wedding where I'm grabbing her boob where it looks like I'm grabbing her boob remember that she's got an ample bosom remember that photo of Rosie and I at your wedding where I'm grabbing her boob. Where it looks like I'm grabbing her boob. Remember that? She's got an ample bosom. Remember that photo?
Starting point is 01:17:48 It looks like I'm, it's horrible. In your defense, it's hard to not grab her boob because it's all over the place. That's enough. Let's not talk about Rosie's boobs. I can edit just before that line. See you all next week. You're an asshole.

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