Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark - Episode 28 - Hi, Hi, Hi

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

The Boys are ready to get f**ked up in honour of Pablo Escobar's borntday, but watch out for the space cake sh*ts! There's also AI babes, a sh*tty dead possum, and the mystery of Paul McCartney's poly...gon. Plus: Julian spends $3.8 million!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To see the video version of Park After Dark in Ricky's trailer, go to or download the Trailer Park Boys SwearNet app. Teddy Ruxpin was not a Care Bear. He was a different fucking bear. He wasn't a Care Bear. What kind of fucking bear was he? He was Teddy Roxman. He didn't give a fuck. About the Care Bears. How do you know so much about stuffed fucking bears?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Because I'm a pop culture enthusiast. Didn't you? You used to collect those cabbage patch fucking things too. I didn't collect cabbage patch kids. Yes you did. You went to collect those cabbage patch fucking things, too. I didn't collect cabbage patch, kids. You went to the fucking Walmart. You were lying. Beanie Babies. I collected Beanie Babies. You called us the Beanie Babies.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Did you watch that fucking, wasn't there a movie about that? Yes. Beanie Babies. What a fucking racket that was. I wish I still had the cocksuckers. Are they still worth a lot of money? No, they all went in a landfill. They're probably having a resurgence now.
Starting point is 00:01:07 What? They went in a landfill? Yeah, they lost all their value and went in a landfill. Oh, that's just a saying, expression. It went to the shit pipe. No, it actually did. Oh, really? They went in a landfill.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Teddy Ruxpin didn't, though. Teddy Ruxpin. I don't have a clue what Teddy Ruxpin is. I have no idea. Oh, he was just this little cocksucker that was pretty cute and friendly. Did it take batteries? Did it say shit? There was a Teddy Ruxpin that took batteries, believe me.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Fuck Teddy Ruxpin. People have. Are you serious? Well, they cut a hole in him. I know in jail some of the boys have some stuffed animals that are... They're not just to snuggle at night. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:54 It's pretty weird, man. Bixby the fuck log. How many people have been... I wonder how many of those fucking teddies have been banged. Ask your mother. That was not good. Is this on? We're doing it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 All right, welcome to Perk After Dark. It's what, what's the date today? December? It's the fucking first. First, 24 days till Christmas. December. Oh, cheers to that. 24 days till Christmas. December. Cheers to that. Jingle bells, jingle bells.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Okay, for some of you people, we've heard of this story a thousand fucking times, man, but this guy, he made it into the fucking news. Wow. He's retiring this cook. He's a retired cook, so. Give me the fucking headline. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Because that's not one. Retired cook. Joke gone wrong. What? What is it? Retiring cook makes space cake for colleagues. Get sued. So he made these fucking delicious looking face cakes. These fucking brownies.
Starting point is 00:02:57 With all kinds of weed in them. And he put them. It was his last day. So he put them in the kitchen prior to where he's working. He's like, don't fucking touch these until we're done work. We're going to eat them and fucking say goodbye. It's my last fucking day, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, some people are like, fuck that, man.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I'm eating the brownies right now. So some of them ate two or three of them, and they were fucked for days. Days? Days. They were shitting themselves. They were puking. Like, I didn't realize. Who the fuck did you put in them?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Don't know, man. But these people were puking their fucking guts They were shitting themselves. They were puking. Like, I didn't realize. What the fuck did you put in them? Don't know, man. But these people were puking their fucking guts up and shitting themselves. Like, I don't. Wheat doesn't do that to you, though. No. Well, if you take. What if they ate fucking three or four grams of it? You wouldn't be fucking dazed.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You wouldn't be having the shit. Unless you've never done it in your life, maybe. You would shit. You don't have the shit. You shit yourself because you lose your faculties and you don't even know how to clinch your hole. Well, I could have been in. I've been that
Starting point is 00:03:52 high. Don't buy it. Ricky, I've been that high off some of your fucking space cakes. For three days shitting yourself? No, I didn't shit myself for three days but I shit my pants. I fucking had space cakes of beautifulness in Amsterdam and I was fucking great. Not you, Ricky.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Well, this one guy fell asleep, okay? He fell asleep in his own vomit. He woke up. That's not from fucking weed. I know. He said, I can't go home. I'm too fucked. So he had to get a hotel.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And he's, I mean, that guy's pissed off. He probably has like a wife that says, you do drugs. What is he, a Mormon? Ricky, you can do enough. Fucking no, man. If you eat three or four grams of weed, you're going to puke, a regular person.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Okay, so they ended up in court. Anyway, these people got sued. Wow. Tried to do a nice thing. Look what happened. Yeah. Fuck that. You got to find 750 euros.
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's what he got. Oh, that's not bad. But the thing is, I mean, you got to keep in mind that he's in, this was in the Netherlands where it's legal. So what the fuck? Oh, so that's what he had. Like, fuck that. Don't take him to court.
Starting point is 00:04:57 He must have put something fucked in the space cake. The space cakes over there are beautiful. Like Ex-Lax or something, maybe? That gives you the total shits. But did they have the shits, like the diarrhea, or they just shit themselves? Diarrhea. There must have fucking been. There's a big difference between shitting yourself and having the diarrhea. They had the fucking diarrhea then, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:13 They must have had acid in them or fucking something. No, there was no acid, man. There was none. There was just a lot of weed. These people weren't smokers, man. They did not, I mean, if you didn't smoke weed and you ate a few weed brownies. But did he tell them, these have weed in them, don't eat them yet? No.
Starting point is 00:05:30 He said, don't eat them yet. That's all he said. Oh. But I remember the time we did, we made some hash brownies. Yeah. And it fucking leveled all of us, man. We were down. Laying on the ground.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We couldn't move for two days. Body stone. Yeah. That's the craziest body stone I think I've ever had. The chocolate chip cookies and I, the chocolate chips were chunks of hash. Yeah, you were fucked. Yeah. You shit yourself too, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I did shit myself. Well. But I didn't have the diarrhea. I just shit myself because- Well, you didn't puke either. No, I didn't puke. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Just shit myself.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Why did you get to sit? Shit yourself is fine. Because I didn't realize I was doing it. I was so high. I was like, huh, feels like somebody's I was doing it. I was so high. I was like, eh, feels like somebody's
Starting point is 00:06:08 shitting their pants. I wonder who that is. This was my favorite headline that I found going through the smart box. Florida man accused of pooping, dumping it on
Starting point is 00:06:18 dead possum in rush hour traffic. Jesus fuck. That's a headline. What happened? We need details. Well. That's a headline. What happened? We need details. Well, that's pretty much something. That's it?
Starting point is 00:06:30 He just got out of his car and dumped some shit on a possum? What did he dump it out of? Or did he take the shit right on him? No, he took the shit. On a possum. And then he took the shit and wiped it on a dead possum. Oh, so he used it like a Kleenex. It was a dead possum, right? It was a dead possum, yeah. so he used it like a Kleenex. It was a dead possum, right?
Starting point is 00:06:46 It was dead possum, yeah. So he used it as... I thought it was opossum. No. Opossum. What the fuck? Is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I don't know, man. Now you're making me suck gas myself. Is it an opossum or a possum? So I don't understand. He's in his car. No. He was walking. Oh, he was walking.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Okay. So he shit on the ground or shit in his hand? Didn't say. I'm guessing hand. But he didn't shit right on the possum. No. That would be fucking, well, it's still fucked. I can't.
Starting point is 00:07:19 What is this? There's no unfucking it. So he shit in his hand, fired it on the possum. Yeah. And here's the fucking clincher. A police officer watched the whole thing. Oh, Jesus. He denied it.
Starting point is 00:07:31 He said, no, no, that police officer doesn't see straight. What? What does it mean he doesn't see straight? Did he, like, wipe his ass on the possum after that, or just wiped his hands on it? It just said that he fucking shit, and he wiped the shit on a dead possum. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:07:50 In rush hour traffic. People are fucked. He might have been on bath salts or something, too. Thought he was shitting on a gold. No, then he probably would have ate the fucking thing. Possum. That shit fucks you up, man. He had to be fucked up, though.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I mean, that's an odd thing to do. I would think, Ricky. I would wager a lot that he was not. I can't imagine walking down the street, you see a dead possum or old possum, and you're like, hmm, I think I better shit and wipe it on that little fucker. I think I better shit my hand right now. I mean, how many times do you say that in the run of the day, though? 50? Ah, I think I'm going shit in my hand right now. I mean, how many times do you say that in the run of the day, though? 50?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Ah, I think I'm gonna shit in my hand now. Yeah, that's outside. Throw it on pause. Have you ever done that? I've never shit in my hand, Ricky. Have you? No. Have you ever shit in anyone's hand?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Not to my recollection. Hmm. All right, here's a story. And a lot of people do this, man. Bubz, you're guilty of this shit as well. When you feel a little sick, you're like, what the fuck's wrong with me? So you go online and you try to figure it out
Starting point is 00:08:54 yourself. This guy went online because he had some shit going on with his ass. He's like, what the fuck's going on? I thought he had colon cancer or something. So he says, that's it, I'm done. Goes up to the outhouse. Types up a little note for his wife on his phone saying, you've been the best wife ever, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And she's like, what the fuck is he being so nice for? She went out. Buddy was in the fucking outhouse with a grinder taken off his fucking arm, his hand, his wrist, right at the wrist. Christ. Just to try to bleed himself out. Thought he was dying
Starting point is 00:09:26 he's like I'm not putting my family through this and was he dying? no he wasn't fucking dying he had like I don't know
Starting point is 00:09:33 so he diagnosed himself based on the interweb yeah and chopped his fucking arm off to bleed out to bleed out to die wow
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't get this the guy's in an outhouse yet he's on the interweb all the time. Like, what the fuck? Well, he might have a cell phone. Get indoor plumbing or something. Cell phone. He's got a cell phone.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I don't think he probably ran a fucking, you know, T6 dedicated line out to his shitter. No. Probably just had Wi-Fi. The fucking grinder. It's not a thing to do, though. Why would you use a grinder? A grinder? Well, you might as well use a recept saw. I guess there's no turning back at that point. Anyway...
Starting point is 00:10:13 A recept would take it off. So did he die? No, his wife, when I was like, what the fuck? Called an ambulance, brought him... He goes, WebMD just told me I'm dying. Yeah, that's right. They brought him to the hospital. He didn't have anything wrong with his ass. They should have brought him to the mental hospital.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So what was causing the ass pains? Don't know, man. He was getting fucked by a possum. He ate a bad burger or something. Dead possum covered in shit. Yes. But not only that, they got his hand back on, and I think it started to work a bit.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He got it back on. Well, he chopped it off almost. The whole thing was hanging there. It's all going on now, Rick. How do you connect all the inside parts? on. Well, he chopped it off almost. The whole thing was hanging there. That's all we're going on now, Ricky. And now you connect all the inside. Chat GPT. They did it, man. Chat GPT can do it.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Chat GPT. Oh. I got his boys. This chat GTP stuff. What are you talking about? GPT. Whatever the fuck it is. It's taking over, man.
Starting point is 00:11:00 What the fuck is that? But this is... You want to see what it's capable of, Ricky? No. I don't know. What is it? It can make the hottest woman in the world, man. I've not...
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's not real. Shut up. That's a fitness model fucking AI. That's not real. That's what? She's a fitness model. They're making four grand a month with this picture and what they do with her. What the fuck are you guys beautiful
Starting point is 00:11:26 okay ricky it's a it's called artificial intelligence i've heard i didn't want to tell you about it terminator shit right sort of i didn't want it to i don't even want him to know about this because it's gonna he's gonna ronnie hawkins say this is gonna be the end of the world well that's what it's doing, man. Is that fooling you? It's fooling me. Julian, it can do a lot more than me. All that did, it just went online and it grabbed features of all the hottest people
Starting point is 00:11:52 and combined it into one person. Yeah, not only that, though, usually it comes up too perfect, so this company's taking this shit and making her, like, a little uglier. They hit her with the ugly stick. They hit her with the ugly stick a little bit, just a little bit, just like in the skin and shit.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I'm missing where that. It's flawless to me. Do you know that there's an influencer on YouTube? I think it's an Asian girl. She's not real. She's AI generated. See, that stuff scares the fuck out of me. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:12:24 That influencer made 18 mil last year i may have sent a couple emails to her and it's yeah well she's not real wow that is fucked up is she responding no but ricky you can fucking ask it to do your things and it'll do like what well anything you want to know or anything you want to make. So tell me something. You hook her up, this up to the computer with a 3D printer. Yeah. Can we print her out?
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yes. Get the fuck out of here. Good. With the pen care and everything. My massive brain is about to explode. It is pretty much. Ricky, we haven't even scratched the surface, because then it's got, you know, about a thousand different plug-ins
Starting point is 00:13:08 that'll make it do other crazy things. I don't know. What? That kind of shit scares me. Like, what kind of plug-ins can we get with that? Well, here's one that Ricky would like. Ricky, you can literally just take a pen. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You can just draw, say, an apple with a little stem and have a little worm coming out of it on your hand well you put it you do it in the computer and then you say i want a picture of this and then it spits out a fucking 4k photograph of an apple with a word exactly what you sketched, but now it's a photograph. So you could, you could just, I mean. That's fucked up, man. It's endless, the possibilities we can do with this shit. It's pretty endless.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Holy fuck, boys. Our planet's gonna be fucked. Yeah. One of the machines, they're gonna take over. Well, that's what Ronnie Hawkins has been warning us. Totally. We're gonna watch some Terminator 2. God rest his soul.
Starting point is 00:14:12 This weekend, we're gonna watch Terminator 2. Ronnie Hawkins knew the whole time that AI was gonna be the downfall of humanity. One of the smartest humans ever. Yeah. In his wheelchair. What the fuck is this world coming to? Obese convicted killer released from prison because he can't diet behind bars.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Because you're in fucking jail for killing someone. He can't diet? He can't diet, man. Can't get the right... It's against his rights. Okay, yeah, he... Oh, fuck. That's what I'm going to do next time I go to jail.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I need the right to diet, Judge. Look at me. That's what I'm going to do next time I go to jail. I need the right to diet, Judge. Look at me. I can't get my diet. Can't get my diet in order here. Can't get my, what's it called? Oh, he stabbed his girlfriend 57 times. And apparently. And they let him out.
Starting point is 00:15:01 He's out, man. They say it's, yeah, he was convicted for 30 years, man. Did it in 2017. He's out. He's out so that he can eat fucking. Because he was for being dangerously obese. Who gives a fuck? Buddy.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You killed someone. You killed, you stabbed your girlfriend fucking 57 times on vacation. Yeah, he should not be out of jail. Ever. Not for his diet. Guess what? You're fucked up. You don't have any rights.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You're a psycho. How about we just don't feed you for life? How about we punch 57 holes in you and just let the fat come out? That's right. Let the fat ooze right out of the fucking holes. There you go. Fuck you, buddy. Police in Mission, B.C. are seeking the owner
Starting point is 00:15:45 of a half kilogram of cocaine. They said, please come down and claim it with proof of purchase. You know what, though? Somebody might be stupid enough to do it. They found it in the ceiling
Starting point is 00:15:58 of a public fucking restroom. Be quite a little fine. A kilo? Half kilo, yeah. That's a lot, isn't it? It's 500 grams. Yeah, that's a lot. You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:10 500 grams. It'd be quite a party. They've got a lot of good business fucking men over in China. They come up with businesses like fucking, you would not believe. Jealous? Successful, yes. Like this one company, they've got this business where they shred up your wedding pictures if you get a divorce. Like burn them.
Starting point is 00:16:33 But they're saying that some of these pictures that they have there, they can't burn them. They don't burn. So they shred them. Wow, what an amazing business. What a business. They're making money, man. Like tons of money. I can't believe they have them. Wow, what an amazing business. What a business. They're making money, man. Like tons of money. I can't believe they haven't been on Shark Tank.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Why can't you just shred your own fucking wedding pictures? Have your own campfire. That's what I'm saying, man. Because I guess they feel good that they're going to the shredders of wedding pictures. Oh, for fuck's sake. That's a fucking thing. That's terrible business. If that was my business, I'd fucking have a shotgun that you'd fire at the goddamn wedding picture.
Starting point is 00:17:09 That's a better idea. Blow your wedding pictures up with buckshot. Then you could charge some people. That's a much better way of doing it. There's a fucking trailer park supervisor in New Hampshire. I guess he was kind of friendly. He had no car, no furniture, no TV, no computer, supervisor in New Hampshire. I guess he was kind of friendly, but he had no car, no furniture, no TV, no computer, nothing
Starting point is 00:17:27 in his trailer, just... And he drove a lawnmower to get back and forth to run errands on. Was he a drunk? It didn't say if he was a drunk. Probably was a drunk. Anyway, he passed away. He had $3.8 million in his bank account. Fucking Jesus.
Starting point is 00:17:43 What the fucker? Like, what the... He donated to the town. I hate when people have so much money and they donate everything to other people. You hate? Do you know what I mean? My God.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Like, spend the fucking money. How are people so kind? Why? I don't understand. I mean... How are people so generous? Here's... I'd be walking around throwing hundreds to people and stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:06 but I'm not giving $3.8 million away before I, you know, die. No, you're going to have a big party at least. I'm buying like a fucking Bugatti. I'm going to roast the fuck out of it, possibly even getting a car accident if I'm that close to death. That's the way I'm going. Okay. How much is a Bugatti?
Starting point is 00:18:25 They're about $3 million. They're about $3 million. I have about $800,000. So if you got $3.8 million, you'd blow three of it on a car. Yes. If I was dying, done. You think this... He better have had at least a nice lawnmower right on that he was driving around on.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Why would he buy a car? No, I bet you he was very frugal with his fucking lawnmowers. He liked his bicycle. He used to have a car, butugal with his fucking lawnmowers. He liked his bicycle. He used to have a car, but he sold it and bought a bicycle. Bought a bicycle? I don't fucking get it. Why wouldn't he get like a jet? I wonder how he made all the money.
Starting point is 00:18:54 He didn't say how he made it or anything. He just said he was smart as fuck with his money. He was smart with his money, but he was dumb with the way he left it. He was dumb with his life. He donated it to the fucking town? He was life dumb. Yeah, donated to the fucking... All right, you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:12 I would fucking build like a play set or something. Mary would go around for the kids. Well, that was his intention. Yeah, exactly. Make the town better. I would like a kick-ass $150,000 playground. I would do that for the kids. But fucking 3.8?
Starting point is 00:19:28 No, man. No. No, man. I'm hogging most of that. No, I made it. I'm spending it. Imagine Leahy had $3.8 million to fuck back when he passed. This trailer would be filled with booze.
Starting point is 00:19:40 He'd have, like, the craziest liquor fucking setup. So, actually, you know what? So would I. I'd be buying- Blow a million on booze? I'd blow a million on the best booze in the world, of the world. Well, you can't.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You don't have a million left because you spent, fuck, most of it on Bugatti. All right, fuck the Bugatti. I'm gonna get something cooler, like, Gone in 60 Seconds, that, Eleanor, one of those, that'll do. What's that? $250,000?
Starting point is 00:20:06 I don't know. The Rock. Or who was in that one? The Rock. Was he in that one? No, man. No, Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh, Vin Diesel. Yeah, fuck him. You've jacked Vin Diesel so many fucking times. On this day in 1929, my favorite game was invented. When? Bingo. When was it invented? I was going to say hide the salami.
Starting point is 00:20:35 1929. 1929? Yep. Bingo was invented. Yep. You don't even like the game. You just like ruining bingo on people. No, man.
Starting point is 00:20:47 By yelling bingo when you don't have bingo. Midnight bingo down by the fucking bridge. I know, but he just likes yelling bingo when he doesn't have bingo. I know, but when you're wasted and you're on mushrooms. He yells it every time they call a number, though. But you see the old ladies freaking out, man. I know, but it's very disruptive to the elderly not when you're fucked up on mushrooms man it's greatest place ever but back he'll yell bingo
Starting point is 00:21:10 when they call the first fucking ball which you can't have bingo off one ball you know what i hate about bingo now you're not allowed to smoke in bingo i know it's disgusting back in the day but you used to fucking i kind of miss the smell of walking into a bingo hall and fainting but you used to fucking... I kind of miss the smell of walking into a bingo hall and fainting. But you could easily smoke hash in those places. The next day you wake up, you're fucking just... Oh, but you'd walk in, and by the time you got to the canteen to get your french fries, you'd be passed out. That's what it was like in bars. Remember going to the bars?
Starting point is 00:21:38 You'd come home, you'd smell like a fucking... Coughing up black fucking flams. Smoking two packs in a fucking bar. Yeah. Well, you used to smoke on airplanes, and that's airtight. Yeah. But they had smoking sections. On an airtight tube.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah. It doesn't make any sense. That's so stupid. No. On this day, Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to move the back of the bus and get receipt to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. Good for her. What the fuck? That was fucking... That wasn't all that long ago.. Good for her. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:22:05 That was fucking... That wasn't all that long ago. No shit. Like, what the fuck? Stupid. British rocker Paul McCartney and drummer Pete Best arrested and then deported from Hamburg, Germany, accused of attempted arson. Pete Best?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Maybe that's why he was kicked out of the Beatles. I didn't know that. No, I never heard of it. Attempted? What were they trying to fuck him up with? They probably flicked a cigarette butt somewhere. 1972, Wings release, hi, hi, hi. Wake up, wanna get high, high, high.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That's good, too, man. Okay, there's a lyric in the song. Yes, there is. What the fuck does that mean? I don't know if you know this. Did you ask the question to the certain person? No, I'm not going to. Sweeping in or something?
Starting point is 00:22:49 No, no. He says in the song, one of the lyrics is, I'm going to lie you on the bed, get you ready for my polygon. Yeah, that's right. What do you think that means? He must have a really odd shape. Throw it in the fucking chat. Member.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Whatever it is. Won't you lie on the bed, get you ready for my polygon? What could be a polygon? It might be a complicated sex move that looks like a polygon. Did you ever try looking it up on AI? I don't think I ever did. Well, let's look it up, man. We're going to get high, high, high.
Starting point is 00:23:32 The music on. All right, we still haven't heard any updates about the two fucking nosed cat. It's too late to call them out. They never got back to us. No, we can't. What the fuck is wrong? They must have fucking, he was probably adopted within 40 seconds. I would think so.
Starting point is 00:23:46 What was the, what was the shit, the Polygon shit? Uh, Paul McCartney, hi, hi, hi. Get you ready for my Polygon lyric. What does that mean? Hi. Boys, I just saw Inspector Clouseau, Pink Panther. We got to watch that. You guys got to watch it again with me baked.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah, that sounds good, man. You ready for my polygon? Peter Sellers? Get you ready for my polygon. Fucking funny man. Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau when you're baked. Fuck, that's got porn. There might not be anything funnier.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Some fucking crazy people got porn today. We're going to be busy tonight. Who, I just got born. There might not be anything funnier. Some fucking crazy people got born today. We're going to be busy tonight. Oh. Richard Pryor. Okay, let's watch live on the Sunset Strip. Eric Bloom, Blue Oyster Cult. Okay. Bette Midler.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Bette Midler, born today. Some say love. Oh, that's beautiful, Ricky. Why don't you do the whole performance, Ricky? I might. Do it, man. John Densmore, drummer from The Doors. Johnny D. Pavel Escobar. Might have to do some blow.
Starting point is 00:24:57 While listening to The Doors. Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman. Very funny. Just saw her new stand-up on Netflix. Very good. Little buddy. John Theodore. Drummer from Queens of the Stone Age.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Oh, yes. Johnny. Fuck, we're going to have to crank some doors, some Queens, some bet. Rack out some lines. Of Pablo Escobar's finest. Oh, man. That'd be quite a thing if you had some of his actual stuff. Maybe I would try it for the first time. I would do it in that case.
Starting point is 00:25:33 If it was Pablo Escobar's right at it, well, no, because you'd probably die. It'd probably be the purest thing on planet Earth. The lyrics in I, I, I, he admits is cheeky. Cheeky is said cheeky. Oh, he admits is cheeky. Cheeky. Oh, they're definitely cheeky because he's talking about, you know. Cheeky code for dirty? Yeah, dirty is like kinda... It's like sexual innuendos.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah. That's exactly what it is, man. Give me a little cheeky kiss, peps. He's talking about his sweet banana and, you know. Yeah, I'm not seeing the lyrics yet here that we want. Oh, I believe they thought I was singing Body Gun rather than Polygon. They did. He got banned on the BBC because they said he said,
Starting point is 00:26:17 get ready for my body gun, and they thought he meant his wiener. That's a good thing to call your wiener. Your body gun. Well, maybe he just changed it from Body gun to polygon just so that they could... No, no. You can hear him say polygon in the song. Does he say what he meant? No.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay, they got arrested for growing some fucking weed on the farm in Scotland. Yeah, that's true. Right. You got arrested in Japan for smuggling. Smuggling what? Weed. Oh. Man, they liked to do drugs, like a lot of drugs back then.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Fuck, it would have been a good time. I missed it. What do you mean back then? Still. Still. But the 70s, man. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:02 There was a lot of fucking weed. There was more other things than weed in the 70s. Can't find it, bubs. Lots of pills. You know what? Lots of pills. If we meet Paul McCartney one of these days, that's going to be a question I'm going to ask him.
Starting point is 00:27:15 All right. What the fuck do you mean about Polygon? Or you should just say, all right, let me see it. Let me see what? It's Polygon. Okay, let me see it. Let me see what? His polygon. Okay, let me see it. He says to you what? It's an unusually shaped penis.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Is your cock or is it not shaped like a polygon? I need to know. Maybe you got one of those, like, those little shaped things you put in the ball when you were a kid. Maybe you got one of those stuck on his bird and it grew that way. Maybe. Things you grow pumpkins in? Well, not pumpkins, but little kits that you put the little pieces
Starting point is 00:27:50 in. The square pegging around. Yeah, yeah. The polygon things, the triangles. I just found out a few years ago that pumpkin has an M. What did you think it was? N. A pumpkin. Yeah. A pumpkin. A pumpkin. That's what it sounds like. A pumpkin. A pumpkin. It. A pumpkin. A pumpkin.
Starting point is 00:28:05 That's what it sounds like. A pumpkin. A pumpkin. It's pumpkin. It's pumpkin. With an M. Pumpkin. Pumpkin.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Kin. Yeah. Who's kin? Pumpkin. Kin? That's what the incestual families do. I thought it was pumpkin. Out in the back.
Starting point is 00:28:23 You thought it was pun-kin? Pumpkin. You thought it was pumpkin. Out in the back. You thought it was pun-kin? Pumpkin. He thought it was a pumpkin. Oh, okay. I thought he meant pum-kim. K-I-M. That's what I thought he was saying.
Starting point is 00:28:35 No, he said it's an N. Pumpkin. He thought it was pumpkin. Drugs. See, this is why some people shouldn't be doing drugs all the time. We're getting fucked up on pumpkin. Pumpkin. Pumpkin.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's very fun. It is a fun word to say. Getting fucked up on words. You know what else is a fun word to say? Slacks. Try on some slacks. And a blouse. What the fuck? Who says blouse?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Blouse. Blues. Blouse. What the fuck? Who says blouse? Blouse. Blues. Blouse. All right. Remember what's-his-name-in-the-park used to say, brass? Yeah, brass. Take off your brass. And they'd say donors.
Starting point is 00:29:16 That's from instead of donairs. I guess from brassier, maybe? Brassiers. All right. Brassiers, they'd say brass. Take off your brass. All right, what are we doing now, boys? It's time to get fucked up.
Starting point is 00:29:26 We're going to listen to some music. High, high, high, maybe? High, high, high. The Doors. The Rose. The Moody Blues, was it, or Blue Oyster Cult? Blue Oyster Cult.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Blue Oyster Cult. Queens of the Stone Age. We're going to watch Richard Pryor live on the Sunset Strip. And we're going to do Pablo Escobar's cocaine. Oh, yes. You know what? We should just snort some fucking powdered sugar.
Starting point is 00:29:51 No, Afghani hash. Let's just snort powdered sugar. We'll pretend we're doing rails. And all it'll do is wake you up because it's just sugar. I don't want to snort sugar. I forgot to talk about the couple in Florida that got busted for having sex on the road in front of some kids. We'll do that next time. Okay, we'll do that next time.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Did they stick a fucking shitty possum up their arse? Maybe. That happened. The sex happened after the possum. All right, who's signing off? It's a load. Bob's signing off. Do it a good one.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Put a lot into it, man. A lot of emotion. I just want to say thank you to everybody for joining us today. It was so meaningful and so wonderful. And tune in next week when we're going to oil up Julian's tits. Really? No. To watch the video version of Park After Dark in my
Starting point is 00:30:48 fucking trailer, go to or download the SwearNet Trailer Park Boys app. Fuck off.

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