Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark - Episode 45 - Dancin' Fool

Episode Date: April 1, 2024

Ricky's a hero! But did he really bust his shoulder in a wild shopping mall showdown? Bubbles also reveals the winner of the Julian SuperFlex contest - and the start of a million dollar TikTok dance s...ensation. Plus: You can't judge a f**khead by his rumours!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To watch the video of Perk After Dark, go to or go to the Trailer Park Boys SwearNet app. Alright. Is it feeling any better now? Oh, the drugs help, man. Did it help or did it make it worse? Oh, the drugs help. I can't fucking believe you did help, man. Did it help or did it make it worse? Oh, the drugs help. I can't fucking believe you did that, man. Well, it's either that or watch a fucking old lady get mauled to death.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You're like, you're a certified fucking hero, man. Some people do say that. I don't think anybody would do the same thing. Are the papers going to come talk to you? Are you going to be on the news? What's up? I don't know, man. I'm same thing. Are the papers going to come talk to you? Are you going to be on the news? What's up? I don't know, man. I'm trying to keep it on the down low.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Look, Ricky, I don't like to, you know, dig, but there's some things that don't add up in this story. Okay. So for the people that are just tuning in here, let's bring them up to speed. All right. Ricky's arm is destroyed. That's very funny. His shoulder's way the fuck up here. Let's bring them up to speed. All right. Ricky's arm is destroyed. That's pretty fucked. His shoulder's way the fuck up there.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Can you open this, Ricky, so that the camera... This... Sit straight on. Sit straight onto the camera so that people can see. This isn't... This is real. This is actually, like, bone. It's supposed to be down into this. Just sit with this arm down so they can see.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Look at that. Look at the shoulder. You are fucked up, man. It's not... And that's real. There's no padding or anything in there. No, it's not great. Hopefully,
Starting point is 00:01:31 they can fix it. Well, you know what? You're a hero, man. Okay, so just wait. I'm proud of you, Bubs. Yes, I understand, but so what you're claiming is you come out of the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Was it... No. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, yeah, yeah. No, see? See, Ricky kills them all. Grocery store. Okay, so explain to me again the series of events. Just get going to my car and was putting in some chips and roll of duct tape and a bunch of markers. That was in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I look over and that's when I saw out of the corner of my eye this bear kind of sneaking in between the cars. And he put his head up for a second and then he put it back down so he was sneaking. He put his head up for a second, then he put it back down, so he was sneaky. And he made his way over to this elderly lady who was having trouble just lifting the bags out of her car and putting them in her car. So the first thing I wanted to do was go over and help her just load her groceries. Before I could even get close to her, the bear just fucking attacked. And she, yeah, she put up a pretty good fight, but, you know, she was elderly.
Starting point is 00:02:50 All right, I got a question for you. Don't let him finish. I've got about nine questions. Hey, bear. This way, please. Back up, sorry. You said to the bear. Yeah. Over here, bud.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And then I held up like one of those cones that has the ice cream and chocolate and stuff on top, and he fucking saw that. I was like, oh, yeah. So he came at me. It was a pretty good scratch. He got a couple good shots and obviously took me to the ground and fucked my shoulder up.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And then after that, I sort of was ready to tap out, but I got him in the eyeball once, and then I tapped out. And then he flared the scene. He and then I tapped out. And then he fled the scene. He did a little paw pump. Who did? He did the paw pump? He put his paw up and was like, hey, you know. He waved to you.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Like, is it to say good battle? Was it like a good battle coming? Don't fuck with the claws sort of thing. No, man. See, you're fucking it up. Okay, so that's your story. That's what I have. What color was the bear?
Starting point is 00:03:51 He was like a dirty brown. A dirty? Dirty brown. Dirty brown. A little bit of black in him. Also, he was part black bear, part brown bear. His coat was probably changing
Starting point is 00:04:04 for the spring. Yeah, that's possible, but. Changing colors. Yeah. Maybe he's shedding a bit, right? Winter to spring. It's almost spring. Or it is spring.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Okay. Okay, so he came out. You didn't see him. There's no woods around there. He had a nice fucking blue eyes, too. Did you have your groceries in bags, or did you have them hidden on your personal? I think that's pretty irrelevant. Well, no, most of them groceries in bags or did you have them hidden on your personal? I think that's pretty irrelevant. No, most of them were in bags.
Starting point is 00:04:30 A few things I took were in my pocket. I don't believe you had a bag. Okay, so you said he came between some cars and he put his head up. Just for a couple seconds at a time, yeah. And then he saw what he wanted and he went for it. And were you going to go help this lady with her groceries, or were you going to steal the groceries from her? No, no, I was going to help her.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Is that what you were thinking? I did feel bad. No, no, I always help out. You don't. I've never seen you help an old lady with her fucking groceries. I have done it one time. Okay, so let's just recap. There's no woods around there, so the bears,
Starting point is 00:05:00 so we must have came down the fucking... That's what I feel bad for the animals, you know, all this... Cutting down all the trees and building malls, and they have nowhere to go. They didn't just cut the trees down there, Ricky. I'm saying if he was in the parking lot, he would have had to come at least a mile down the road.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. Bears are fast, man. So nobody, nobody else knows the bear. There's no footage of it on cameras at the mall. There could be. I didn't go asking around, you know, for footage. I did. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I called the mall and they said there is no... Yeah, those cameras are old, though. You probably wouldn't even pick up a bear fight. They wouldn't pick it up. Well, you'd see like a blurb. No, I called them and I said, did you have any incidents in your parking lot? My friend was attacked by a bear and, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:50 that's your responsibility. So they checked the cameras and they said there is no. I bet they deleted it. Liability. Ricky, all right. What really fucking happened? Because I didn't. We should talk about other shit, no?
Starting point is 00:06:05 We'd like to know, man. I fucked on my shoulder at the mall with a bear. That. No, you didn't. Bullshit I can tell. Just the way you're telling the story. Maybe I'm embarrassed about what may or may not have happened. Okay, now we're getting somewhere.
Starting point is 00:06:29 May or may not have been a lot of illegal substances involved. Well, that's a given, Rick. And there may or may not have been some fucking contestants whose shit I was listening to banged up. Contestants? Because it makes me violent. What stuff? The fucking bullshit super flex horse shit-ery.
Starting point is 00:06:50 What are you talking about? They got, there's more videos? I got banged up and then I'm like, you know what, just for shits and giggles, let's fucking go up on the roof and crank some of these fucking things and see if any of them are any good. They were mostly terrible, but one of them was actually not bad. And then a bear jumped on the roof. We fought.
Starting point is 00:07:07 No. It's back with the bear. You're getting almost getting to the truth, Ricky. You're almost there. By the way, I know all of this. I know the answers to the questions. I'm just seeing if you... You gonna tell him?
Starting point is 00:07:26 I misjudged how wide my roof was. Okay, so you fell off the fucking roof. Superflex competition is really heating up. I don't know if you know. I didn't know. Lots more submissions, and some of them are very good. There's one that was really dancey. It made me dance, and then I misjudged.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I thought I had a couple feet wider on the roof. And anyway, fell off the roof, landed on my shoulder, and the rest is history. And then the bear attacked. Enough with the fucking bear, man. So you were, like, rocking out to this, one of these super flexes. He made up a dance for it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I don't want to fucking, yeah, I'm not proud of it. So did you fall off the roof, like, rocking out to this, one of these super flexes. He made up a dance for it. I don't want to fucking, yeah, I'm not proud of it. Did you fall off the roof, like, flexing? Yes. You went down, up came the shoulder. I was just flexing this arm. This one was kind of in my pocket because my phone was ringing. And so I didn't even get to brace my fall, and that's why it's so fucked up. You've got to step, like, don't get on the roof when you're fucked up like that.
Starting point is 00:08:23 No kidding. Learning lesson. Ronnie witnessed this. Ronnie was sitting in his yard, and he saw the whole thing. And what he describes is that Ricky had the tune cranking. He was doing a flex like this, and he started trying to do the moonwalk, and he went right off the back because he didn't look behind him. And he did the moonwalk off the end of the trailer, went down this way.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Ronnie said he came off, went completely upside down onto the picnic table. He got the picnic table right here and did a complete other 360. I was lucky because if I would have landed right on top of my head, I probably would have crunched my head into it. Well, thank fuck your shoulders, fuck that. You would have broke your neck.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I need a fucking roof fence is what I need. No, you just got to stay off the fucking roof, man. Just stay inside or out on the deck. Angle it around the bonfire. It's a good view up there. You don't need a roof fence. You just need to stop getting on your roof when you're out of there. So what's the plan with these super first things?
Starting point is 00:09:24 I don't know. I'm embarrassed that I even listened to the fucking things because it makes me violent and angry, but... But happy because you were dancing. So what is it? Well, one of them fucking got a hold of me, all right? I'm not going to lie. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Do you want to hear it? No, because it'll remind me of the fucking pain. Will you do the moonwalk? I, no. I'm not capable of doing anything at the moment. Do you want to go through them all? Let's just go through them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Superflex competition. I can't believe it's March the 25th. I can't believe fucking people are doing this, man. Okay, listen, this one's... Get him in there. I'll just play you bits of it, okay? Here, let's just get one clean recording and then somebody can do a remix and put it on SwearNet.
Starting point is 00:10:06 This is all. Julian is ripping his shirt off with his muscles and he's doing a super flex. Super flex. Super flex. It's stupid. Okay, here we go. Flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, flex.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Oh, let's see that. Flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, flex, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, All right. I did dance to this one a little bit. This one's not bad. I've danced to this one. I got a light show in my shed. I black out the windows and I get the lights going. It's a rave, man. It's very ravey. He's got lasers now. So this one's by Baby Randy Rydas. It's fucking epic. Okay, so this one's, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:04 All right, not bad. You put some work into it, man. That one's got the, you know, the molly vibe, they call it. Where you're going to do that type of thing. Yo, what's at work here? These are the shit tectonics. Shit quick. He's got a video going on.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Oh, for fuck's sakes man This one's very avant-garde It's fucking Very weird man But they used a lot of video of you Like with the shirt off That's about all that one does That one's by That one does. That one's by...
Starting point is 00:11:45 That one's fucked. That one's by Robin Caldwell. Robin, is that a... Looks like it's spelled maybe like a... Okay, this one's by Louise. Louise. Yeah, this is Louise's entry here. Can't remember which one this is, but I think this one's...
Starting point is 00:12:06 Let's just get one clean recording and then somebody can do a remix. What is all it's wearing at? This is a video. Oh, yeah, it's got all the tacks. A lot of work went into these, too. No, no, no, no, no, it was right. No, no, no, no, no, no, it was right. Okay, so that was, you know, that one's more, maybe they're on drugs or whatever, I think, doing that one.
Starting point is 00:12:37 They're definitely on fucking drugs. And that one's by, well, that's the one by Louise. Thanks, Louise, for sending that in. Okay, so now this one. Ezra. People got a lot of time on their hands, man. Who has time to do this shit? This is a big contest, Julian. This is international.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Who's this? This is EEP. SEP. It's got a little bit of an NWA feel. It's not bad, man. Oh, they got the medical chart of the muscles. All the muscles, man. All of them. Not bad.
Starting point is 00:13:32 That was pretty good. Who was that again? That one, Ricky, was by Ezra Pryor. Pryor. EZP. EZP. EZ. EZ. Okay EZP. EZ. EZ.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Okay. This is Johnny One Knee. No fucking way. Right on, Johnny. Johnny One Knee. Johnny One Knee's a good dude. Who sends you guys drugs constantly. What the fuck is that, man?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Johnny. Johnny's down on one knee on this one. It's a short one. Short is that, man? Johnny. Johnny's down on one knee on this one. It's a short one. It's a short one. Short is good, man. Okay. Now, this one's by Tim Jones. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Tim Jones. There's a lot of them, huh? Not Tom Jones. What if it's related to Tom? Sexier. Wow. That's a good banging version. I like this.
Starting point is 00:14:26 This is pretty smooth. I bet you Snoop would like this too. Until that. Snoop would love this. He would love it. Snoop would be down with that. Okay, so now here's the one that Ricky was dancing to. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:57 This is going to fucking give me, what's it called? Don't get up here, fucking. You're going to have DSP from this, Ricky. This is... No,, Ricky. This is. No, BTSD. What is that? BPSD. This is from Balabre Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Okay. Who? Balabre Jimmy. I don't know. Balabre Jimmy, it says. All right. All right, Jimmy. Okay, so.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Jimmy B. Okay, I'll play it for you, and then I'm going to tell the story. Okay, ready? Oh, yeah, it's bringing me right back. Okay. All right. You don't want to get on a roof and fucking let loose? Take a knee move.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Liquor. Yeah. It's like The Weeknd. This one's about liquor a bit more. No, listen to the lyrics. Oh, yeah, man. Julian, what? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:07 This is good. Look, I think this could be a hit. You know what? And I think there's going to be a TikTok dance where everybody does this. Yeah, man. The super flex. Yeah. You can do aerobics to this, man. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Well, no. You do like the Hulk Hogan's on each side, and then you do like several pumps. That's going to be a hit. I'm going to do one pump and a moonwalk. Ricky was doing this. I'm going to do the one pump and the moonwalk. He was doing a flex with his hand in his pocket.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Moonwalk off the trailer onto the picnic table. I think this, I'm going to declare this the winner. I think that is the winner, man. I would have to concur because they were driving me nuts making me violent. This one makes me happy and dancing.
Starting point is 00:16:52 This is not a game. Yeah, what happens? You've heard... How many times have you listened to this now? I've heard it about 400 times. Perfect. How many times have you listened to this now? I've heard it about 400 times. Perfect. You like it?
Starting point is 00:17:09 All right, we definitely have a winner. Okay, so. You know what? We should try to get this guy on the floor. Tell him when he wins, Jim. Blabray Jimmy. Well, we're going to get a prize pack together for him. You're going to sign some stuff for him.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Maybe we should talk to him. I think we're going to try to get him on the him. You're going to sign some stuff for him. Maybe we should talk to him? I think we're going to try to get him on the horn next week. Let's get a hold of this guy. Get on a Zoom call with him. He can walk us through how he did it and what his lyrics mean. And we're going to, I'm telling you, this is going to be a hit. It's a hit song. You should win a one-week, one-on-one workout with Julian.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I agree. A one-week. And he gets to stay at your trailer. I agree. A one-week. I think you should get to stay at your trailer for a week. He's probably a lovely guy, but I'm not hanging out with anybody for a week, man. Maybe. No, I can't even hang out with you guys for a week straight. Well, you should get
Starting point is 00:17:57 a fucking... He's gonna get a prize pack. We're gonna get him on the horn here to talk to him next week if he's available. I'll do that. And we're gonna create a talk dance and start a revolution. You should get an extra small black T-shirt, put it on, flex, explode it, and then sign it. And then do the dance. It's not going to happen, Butts. If I give you a child's T-shirt, will you stretch it on and then explode it?
Starting point is 00:18:22 The only thing that would make me do something like that is a lot of money. Can you raise money? Do you know how much money if you get a hit on TikTok with a dance? Show me the money. You're a millionaire overnight. Okay, well, let's get it going. I will do it for a million bucks. We're going to...
Starting point is 00:18:36 Less than that, actually. See, because Jimmy sent it in, Belabre Jimmy, I think technically you own it. I could probably sue you in Belabre Jimmy. Yeah. I think technically you own it. I could probably no I definitely I could probably sue you in Belabre Jimmy. Sue me?
Starting point is 00:18:50 You started this fucking dumb contest and he wrote a good song and now I'm fucked. You can't sue me Ricky. What are you going to
Starting point is 00:18:57 sue me for? Punitive damages. We get insurance. He sues us. You should give me your fucking shoulder. That's You don't want damages. We get insurance. He sues us. You should give me your fucking shoulder. That's... You don't want that, man.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You almost have a Julian shoulder now. Except it's... It's like fucking... He's got like the hunchback. I can't even... I can't do anything. I couldn't even switch it up if I wanted to at night. Okay, well, anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Bellabra Jimmy has won the Superflex contest. Yes, he has. Do you know how fucked it is to try to shower with your arm jank like this? It sucks. How do you wash your undercarriage? You're not going to shower. You can't reach them with that hand?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Well, you can, but I usually like to use both. You wash your nuts with both hands? The whole area requires double action. Oh, fuck. I know what you, I know you have a rag on a stick, Ricky, and you just
Starting point is 00:19:52 go at her. Pope on a rope. Pope on a rope? You were close. Do you remember the soap on a rope? It was the best. Do they still have that?
Starting point is 00:20:05 The soap on the rope? Soap on a rope. Remember Av soap on a rope? It was the best. Do they still have that? The soap on the rope? Soap on a rope. Remember Avon used to sell it? Remember there used to be Avon parties in the park? You'd hit on all the ladies? Yeah, well, we all hit on ladies. You promised them you were going to buy all the Tupperware and all the Avon? I bought some.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You never bought a fucking thing. I bought a couple things, man. I bought a beautiful set of Tupperware. Still have it. Tupperware lasts forever. Can't break that stuff. Can you put it in the dishwasher, though? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Okay. Microplastics, they're called. Hmm. They make your food a lot tastier. It's not really good for you, is it? Apparently not, but... Oh, you can taste Tupperware for years. I'm still tasting the plastic.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's when I store something in it. I had a dream last night that I was on that fucking bridge. What bridge? The one that... Oh, the one in Baltimore. Fuck. Jesus Murphy. That's a fucking nightmare, man.
Starting point is 00:21:02 How's that fucking ride? Well, it wouldn't be a ride, Ricky. Driving home drunk, 1-3 in the morning after closing down the bars. They may not have picked up. Might have a bunch of people in the car having drinks, smoking joints. Yeah, going over the bridge. No big deal. You're in the fucking water and it's black.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Well, that applies to everybody. It doesn't matter if you're coming home from the bar. You might have been just coming home from work, working late. Same thing. I know. Anyway, it's fucking horrific. I can't even... That's terrible.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I can't even wrap my head around it. But I had a dream that it happened. I went off and I'm in there and I can't get out. Fucking car's filling up with water. Oh, fuck. Good times. Yeah. It would be a bad, bad experience.
Starting point is 00:21:52 It would be extra bad for me right now because I wouldn't be able to swim. Oh, you'd be fucked. I don't think. If I kicked my legs twice as fast, maybe. I don't think that would even be a bad thing, Ricky. If you were on that bridge, you'd be pretty fucked. Here's something, bubs. Poor fucking people.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yep, poor people. Yeah. Cheers, everybody there. Sucks. I got some music shit here for you, bubs. I bet you you don't know this. No, no more super flex. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:19 It's not super flex. I found this out today. Freaked me out. Chevy Chase. Yeah. Saturday Night Live. You know me out. Chevy Chase. Yeah? Saturday Night Live, you know that guy? The place or the person? The what?
Starting point is 00:22:29 The place. Chevy Chase, yes. It's like the car, Chevy. There's a place in California. Isn't it? Chevy Chase, California? I thought. No, it's named after him.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It's a street. All right. Chevy Chase Boulevard or whatever, down. All right. Anyway. National Leopold. I know who you're talking about. He's pretty cool. All right. Chevy Chase Boulevard or whatever, down. All right. Anyway. National Leopoon. I know who he's talking about. He's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Okay, anyway. He was in a band when he was going to school. Wow. He's a drummer. I know this. Do you know what the band, his first band's name was? I can't remember the name of the band, but I know who they turned into. He was almost in the bigger band.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I think it was Canary something was the original. Leather Canaries. Leather Canaries? Leather Canaries. That's that. Anyway, he got kicked out of school because he had a cow living in his dorm room.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Which I have you do. Yeah. Which you can see him doing that. But he went on to do what he's doing. But the other guys in the band, guess who they were? Very good band.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I know who it was. Who was it? I don't have a fucking clue. Why would I? They did the song... Berber Streisand. No, man. Lots of...
Starting point is 00:23:33 Ricky. No. Was it... Steeley... I was going to say Peg. They did that tune, didn't they? Steely Dan, Ricky. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Steely Dan's good. The lead singer's name was Dan Steele. He was once kind of the drummer to that. I think that's kind of freaky. Really? And I heard he's a dickhead. He must have been great. Chevy Chase is apparently a notorious arsehole.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah, but he might be getting nicer in his old age. Who knows, man? Nope, he's not. He's still a dick. Just read a thing the other day where he was arseholing around to somebody. Yeah, but maybe that's just the people, they were being dicks or something. Maybe, but there's an awful lot of he's an arsehole stories. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:16 What do I know? Never met the man. Nope. You can't judge people if you're just hearing stories like that. So you never know. Maybe he's nice. You can't judge a if you're just hearing stories like that, so you never know. Maybe he's nice. You can't judge a fuckhead by his rumors. That's my new shirt.
Starting point is 00:24:31 You can't judge a fuckhead by his rumors. Jesus. That's going to become a classic, Ricky. That sounds like Mark Twain wrote it. Remember that fucking movie, Jacob's Ladder? Yes. My buddy was seeing all the fuck bases. That actually can happen.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah. Fuck. I didn't know that could happen, man. You didn't? No, it's something that's a demonic face syndrome. It's a real PMO, man. It's called too much LSD. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah, I'm sure that was close. But anyway, it's't know, man. Yeah, I'm sure that was close. But anyways, PMO, man. You look at people and their face starts getting distorted and shit, looking like... There's one, a version of that, too, where everybody looks like Disney characters. They got big, beautiful eyes that bite at you. Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:25:19 No, there is. It's called DMO. Disney. If anybody got born on the March the 29th. Eric Idle. You like him? I do like him. Chad Allen? Used to be the... The original lead singer of the Guess Who? Why don't I know that?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well, there's only one left in the struggle pack. I thought it was Burton. Struggle pack. Oh, you gotta struggle thought it was Burton. Struggle pack. Oh, you gotta struggle to get them out. Struggle packs, they're called. Never heard of it. Fucking Brendan Gleeson. He got born.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Who? That actor who's in Braveheart and the Banshees of Innocent. Fucking good actor, man. I like that movie. He's the guy that's cutting his fingers off. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah The bigger dude The ginger
Starting point is 00:26:07 Just didn't like him anymore Who was cutting their fingers off? The Banshees and the Minnesheer Oh, that was a great movie Fucking right it was I don't want to talk to you anymore No, remember he was threatening him You talk to me one more time
Starting point is 00:26:21 I'm cutting my finger off That's quite a threat He fucking meant it He ended up cutting my finger off. Yep. That's quite a threat. He fucking meant it. He ended up cutting them all off, didn't he? Oh yeah, they're all gone, man. Amy Sedaris. Love her. Oh, Amy Sedaris, it's her birthday?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yep. Happy birthday, Amy. Happy birthday to Amy. Elle MacPherson. One of the funniest ladies on the planet, if not the funniest. She's funny. Elle MacPherson? Elle MacPherson.
Starting point is 00:26:44 We used to look... Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. on the planet, if not the funniest. She's funny. Al McPherson? Al McPherson. We used to watch her. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, right? Really? Wasn't it? I don't know, man. John Popper. Al McPherson.
Starting point is 00:26:53 That's when we were kids. Ah. John Popper. He's from Blues Traveler. Yeah. And Lucy Lawless. Oh, yeah. Is that it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember her now, bubs. Elle McPherson. Holy... It says, on this day, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for 30 hours due to an ice jam in the river upstream. Jesus, fucked up. What happened when that let go? It must have been a...
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, that's fucked up. Must have been quite a load of water came down there once the ice let go, eh? One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, and the director all winning the Academy Awards on this day. And, well, they should have. Top three movies of all time right there. Do you agree or disagree? I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I agree. 1989, the first Soviet hockey players were permitted to play for the NHL. I didn't realize it was that late. 1989. That's fucking... 89 is a long time ago, Ricky. I guess. 99, 2009, 2019, 35 years ago.
Starting point is 00:28:04 On this day in 1995, Howard Stern radio show premiered. Wow. On the radio. Yep. Oh, this is fucked up. In 2017 on this day, a man's body found inside a seven-meter-long reticulated python. Ooh. In Indonesia.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I remember that. Reticulated. Seven meters. That's not your standard python. He was a big motherfucker. That's 21 feet. He's not close to it. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Holy fuck. But that's not your standard python. Reticulated. What's reticulated mean? Wow, he's reticulated. He was good at speaking? No, that would be articulate, Ricky. Oh. He was good at speaking? No, that would be articulate, Ricky. Oh.
Starting point is 00:28:46 That was close. Reticulated means he's got segments that all... He's reticulous. He can move, he can bend into patterns and things. He's like a shapeshifter? I think he can bend into intricate patterns. Like a fucking balloon animal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 That's cool. Balloon animals would be ret that's a good one. They would be reticulated, wouldn't they? Oh, man. Who cares? Yeah, bugs.

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