TRASHFUTURE - Delivering the Mail to Own the Libs: Unions, Feminism, Chuckles ft. Hannah Jewell

Episode Date: November 6, 2017

The garbagemen Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@milo_edwards), and Hussein (@HKesvani) are joined by leftist journalist and author Hannah Jewell (@HCJewell), whose new book 100 Nasty Women of History came out ...last week! We talk with her about labour organising and feminism in the digital age AND in history (both!), and also a bunch of other dumb internet nonsense. DUMB INTERNET NONSENSE includes, but is not limited to, the Bin Laden files, the Antifa attack that wasn't (or at the time of recording, was not to be), liberal morons sanctimoniously reinventing philosophy, and the antinatalism of the British royal family, and whatever else I can't remember. Like and subscribe fools! (PS: we've had to cancel the show next week due to scheduling issues - but stay tuned in January!) Link to Hannah's book:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, perfect Milo talk more directly into your phone You're a phone in a bowl What are we talking about talking about you have like that's some poppy controversy, right? Controversy, yeah, so it's November. So Halloween's over We don't really do guy forks Here because we don't actually know if a guy forks is good or not but November is annual poppy outrage season and it's the time of the year when the whole country goes more batshit insane than usual
Starting point is 00:00:49 Over people who don't wear red bits of paper on their jackets And it's created some sort of weird culture where Um, if you do not wear a symbolic paper poppy, then you're against the Then you know that is unpatriotic But you may be executed on the public square in the public square Who knows Brexit, you know when Brexit kind of finally happens that might be one way of creating jobs So I did this tweet on like extremely online where I Ended up getting invited to one of Britain's flagship morning news programs hosted by
Starting point is 00:01:28 Piers definitely not mad online Morgan because they wanted to talk about poppies and Why people choose not to wear them and I said to them, do you know why you're calling me up and asking me this It's like no not really can you explain like why you don't wear a poppy and I was like well It's not because I'm really against it It's because every time I walk around Westminster Wearing one people keep calling me a cunt because they think I'm Raheem Kassam And for those of you that don't know who is not your cousin So he's my cousin who ended up getting radicalized by Stephen Bannon and he hasn't come home for the past five six years
Starting point is 00:02:06 But every every Christmas time we leave out a bowl of russ malai Indian sweet on the doorstep just in hope that he comes Steve has Steve Bannon rebranded Like kind of like Jordan Katie only only respect for my president He's gonna bring out like a line of stationery like luxury I was just gonna say that I've made a huge mistake coming on here today. Have a welcome to the daily Do you not so use it sounds like you did used to wear a poppy then Westminster Yeah, you know, I just didn't want to get beaten up by English people. It were flat caps
Starting point is 00:02:52 Which has always been my nightmare since I was seven years old But then I stopped ever since that running with the Yorkshire farmers mark. Yes There's a traumatic. It was a very very traumatic time People kept calling me gypsy boy. I Think a lot of Americans don't realize the deep Violence of Britain But I mean because I was born here But I grew up in in in California and then came back for a few years and ever since I've been back in the US
Starting point is 00:03:20 Since I moved to Washington this summer everyone's like oh England and I'm like remembering the like anglophilia of Americans and and now I'm back here and it's like oh, it's poppy season and and you've come at a good time Yeah, it's very it's basically like it's legal to hunt anyone not wearing a poppy Hmm, which is which is fun, but I know I don't especially if it's a badger wearing a poppy You know, you know if you can respect the troops by wearing a poppy, but if you really really deeply adored them You should really be injecting. Oh, yeah, but I know I think I respect the troops by dressing up as the troops I actually have another poppy story which was on a commuter train as all of your stories begin Where it was a really really packed commuter train and there was this old guy who had a seat next to him
Starting point is 00:04:07 and he refused to give it to anyone and When someone asked why he wasn't gonna give it to anyone He was like well, I'm a soldier and I fought for this country. So I damn well deserve the seat and everyone was just like fine Okay, you know, they just they just stood there. You have no question like no protesting none of us like okay fine It's great You know, that's my story good story. So on that bombshell, maybe we should introduce our guest Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just gonna quietly let myself out
Starting point is 00:04:38 so This is still trash future the podcast about how the future is still trash with us is our ordinary cast of sort of online dumbasses Hashtag online Riley at Raleigh on Twitter Milo at Milo Edwards on Twitter who's saying at H Kesvani on Twitter and Hannah At H C Jewel, that's J-E-W-E-L-L Nice, so you're not infringing on the musician's copyright. I just whenever I've
Starting point is 00:05:15 Started like downloaded any app. I've always thought it wouldn't be a thing and not put any like sort of serious thought into what my Handles should be on it and then I have a series of un-matching and underwhelming handles on Instagram. I'm at can hand Graham Every day I like to answer the question can hand Graham Hannah is a Writer a journalist and now an author who's come on to our podcast to promote her book for some reason I don't know. I've been this is a lot like a woman's hour that I did yesterday Although no, it's sort of the opposite of that. I wrote a book called a hundred nasty one of history Which is about how the past was also trash
Starting point is 00:05:56 So we have a future trash We have past trash live in the moment. We have moment trash. I thought that's why they called it the present. Nice I'm excited for your fans to buy my book you guys 100 Nasty Minute history is basically a sort of comedy tour of history from all over the world and trying to do a fun book to read about women's history that isn't just like Elizabeth the first again because You can't grow up to be Elizabeth the first But you can grow up to be like cool journalists and cool writers and cool activists that I have my book
Starting point is 00:06:33 And maybe you could grow up to invent time travel kill Elizabeth the first take her place and you know That's gonna take it takes a few science is incredible and Who knows what people are working on in a some nerd in a basement somewhere is working on that right now You know what what your book tells us is maybe that nerds female. Yeah I'm gonna do some news right now because online's been extra dumb Okay, yeah, tell me about it because I've been kind of checked out of the whole internet. It's been nice Oh, I'm all right. That must be so great. It's it's been weird
Starting point is 00:07:02 It's I've just been too a big busy doing things and I and I I don't know I don't know what what the bad with the internet. I feel like I've come to the right place to find out so you tell me Well, one of the first things I think I want to talk about is the discovery of Osama bin Laden's Internet history boy, but boy our favorite boy the absolute boy Look we warned you I Mean actually no, we didn't that's why you're here I just sort of got I got a car here, and then I just sort of saw Hussein's face This is actually Raheem Kazim, I mean
Starting point is 00:07:45 If you take this right If you take the jumper off there's actually a poppy underneath Like that And you become a whiter version of yourself who's wearing a giant poppy You just become a poppy you're a poppy in a nice woolly mauve jumper I knew you were full of happiness, but I didn't know it was that literal well Maybe you should pay more attention. So was it that Osama bin Laden liked cats was that I mean he liked a lot of weird stuff Hussein may look brown, but that's actually opium red. He liked a lot of weird stuff
Starting point is 00:08:17 Milo, you found some stuff that that he went on right? I did yeah, cuz so so I Discovered in the in the Osama bin Laden hashtag leaks that he Well first of all that he did 9-eleven, which is which was news to me And also that he watched the Disney film cars the Pixar thing And actually I actually managed to find a review. He wrote of it on rotten tomatoes This is written by Osama baby 69
Starting point is 00:08:48 And it and it reads this film is a sickening indictment of the decaying West with the arrogant infidel race car Lightning McQueen played by pathetic Kofiro and Wilson who has not been anything good since the wedding crashes however The film the film has a punchy soundtrack and is lifted by the performance of Larry the cable guy as mate a piece be upon him That's it's disturbing stuff. I mean modern was also a gamer. Uh-huh, of course. Oh, of course. He was My god, is there anything less surprising? He was a gamer. He downloaded bootleg episodes of Naruto. Uh-huh. I Read all this. That was just like nice dad Is this what you do now that you don't have a full-time job Hussein
Starting point is 00:09:32 You sit around your pants checking up on our podcast is gonna get on bright Vani admits to being son of bin Laden that would be I know it'd be it'd be a cousin of Rahim I mean, yeah, it'd be a cool story. It's an illustrious family I mean, it's like the really the real horseshoe theory That Osama bin Laden probably had like a giant anime body pillow Yeah, I remember that wasn't there like porn stuff that they found and then the Sarah Palin porn. They found that's not real Yes, no No
Starting point is 00:10:05 Man, I love the idea of fucking Osama bin Laden doing tribute porn to Sarah Palin There's like a weird kind of trolling of like the Bush administration All the same on the internet. I sort of wonder whether from bin Laden to me Do you I wonder how similar Osama bin Laden's? Computer content is to Julian Assange's. Oh Can we get Julian on that? That's the real horseshoe theory Here's a here's a horseshoe theory for you is that basically like Bush and bin Laden have kind of suffered the same cultural fate Which is that with the advent with the advent of Trump and Isis both of them now seem like quaint and avant-garde
Starting point is 00:10:54 He wasn't he wasn't throwing gay people off car park I mean, I think the funniest thing is just the idea of Osama bin Laden spending hours on YouTube on the comment sections Like trying to convince conspiracy theorists that he like nine like no, like he was behind I want to go and just read some classic YouTube Comments now and just imagine like could that have been yeah, could that have been which ones were Osama But we've been must be an internet rule where at least one at one point in your life You've probably had a fight with Osama bin Laden Much like Julian Assange has had a lot of time indoors on the Internet. Yeah, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:31 I think maybe I found another of the real horseshoe theories Which is who spends all their time inside on the internet Julian Assange Osama bin Laden Paul Joseph Watson? And us the real horse Was the friends we made along the way? Wait Paul Joseph Watson and Osama bin Laden They lick the same giant lollipop At the same time saying this is something we have in common is that we both got Totally owned by the same Paul Joseph Watson. Oh shit. Yeah, we did. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:04 because it was when There was when Milo other Milo not you Milo in the bowl you seem lovely When the other Milo Was going to Berkeley and there was a bunch of protests against him and I did my undergrad at Berkeley and a lot of time I was there everything was on on fire and people were in trees and occupying buildings And I have really more memories of my time there And so I I just found a tweet of there was someone a journalist there and on Sproul Plaza in Berkeley who had a Quote that said
Starting point is 00:12:36 The quote was this is what community looks like and there's some people standing there like next to a flaming like dumpster And I shared it and I think I was like LMAO Berkeley And then this was enough to get mr. Prism planet to screenshot me and be like bus v. Journalist Violence, and I'm like that's not quite what happened, but okay, and then he what did he own you about in that video? Um, I don't know I can't remember because it was like the same sort of tweet And I actually think it was I think it was a fairly like hashtag sensible tweet, which was just like oh Milo's a bit shit. So he had Milo, you know, but it's not ball. Milo seems like a great guy Milo is good. I think we need to have like clarification. So like I am always bold
Starting point is 00:13:18 So I so I thought I think mr. Prison Planet like basically did the same, but he was like oh nice channel Something like that. So I've heard I've heard a couple of stories about mr. Prison Planet, right? So he lives in somewhere in Battersea. He lives like one of the new builds in bats one of like the shiny ones that they're putting up around No Tagger up in a state in Battersea what if ponders wants and I've heard that he gets like regular Ocado deliveries So what I really want to do I really want to find out That's a really interesting marketing strategy for Ocado so I really want to find out who his Ocado delivery guy is I talk about the Occupy Wall Street people buying Starbucks. It's like Milo shops at Ocado
Starting point is 00:14:01 Cool yourself So I'm speaking speaking of Nazis. I want to talk now about some people who are actually if you look at it just as bad You know what you know what's happening tomorrow, it's November 4th. I Don't know what that means And it's anticipate anticipate the 4th of November because tomorrow according to the the online right Antifa super soldiers are going to go into the town square and execute every white family in small business owner. Sorry, what? I'm white
Starting point is 00:14:39 Should I worry? Are you a small small business? I know Are you a family? I mean, I'm everyone's in a family of some kind. So yeah I guess I'll have to have a great night tonight. Yeah, it's the the basically on the online right has been going sort of apoplectically insane For the last couple of months about this idea History and shouting I let that one thing that we have to like date the alt right to make the manager Wasn't that someone wrote like you have to like go out with you need to go out with the outright women need to like Just deal with it and date a guy who was one large pimple. Yes And that's the only way to create peace. That's the only way to stop the Nazis
Starting point is 00:15:26 Thank you for your service. You're the real troops You know the kind of stuff the online right says like oh well, you know We don't necessarily agree with the methods or message of these protesters, but given our strong position on freedom of speech I guess we just have to accept their right to do it Well, what they what they've done is they've been talking about how on November 4th specifically just they took they just sort of invented it And batted it back and forth like one group in like, California said they were gonna do a protest They have now it's now gonna when whipped up into such a frenzy that The online right is getting on to YouTube videos and Instagram pages showing themselves getting like armed to the teeth
Starting point is 00:16:03 But getting ready to repel what they think is a coming civil war of Antifa Sure. Yeah, which it goes all the way to the top of the commander of Antifa George George Soros Oh my god, of course it is now time for an advertisement break Lieutenant General George Soros Four-star Antifa commander. He's a really old man. Yep I told the commander of Antifa was Nick Muller and he believe they believe that Antifa is gonna come door-to-door and murder every white family and Trump supporter and gun owner in the States And so they have been whipping themselves to a frenzy getting ready for this and at one point a popular Twitter humorist Cranky Nelson made it to it did a tweet that said can't wait for Antifa super soldiers on November 4th
Starting point is 00:16:44 To be had every white family and small business owner in the town square Jack Pasobi act retweeted it and then cranky Nelson got banned. Oh my god Okay, because Twitter is really if you're are going to see yeah, they're really gonna make sure they protect your freedom of speech Oh, yeah But if you're a pun account based on a Ninja Turtles villain who makes Dangerous is to society. No, that's a danger to society because they can't know we have the serum If you're a black personality a woman or a teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles villain
Starting point is 00:17:19 You are an existential for someone who is coming out about Harassment by a Harvey Weinstein. Yeah, no, that's dangerous. Hey, you know that could cause people to Do something but okay first question Yes, what town square because this suggests that there are towns with squares that you're just like the town square and you like know Where to go to see the It's mainly gonna happen in Colonial Williamsburg By men with like tricorn hats. Yeah anti ye olde antifa another question you say online, right? Is that a choice as opposed saying all right? And if so why?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Is that our style guys? Trash pass. I mean future the trash trash trash whenever trash all the time I think a largely I think I say online right just because well because I sort of think in terms of the internet and Technology and stuff especially for this pod, but I mean for context of how much Riley thinks of on the internet I asked him if he'd seen an Instagram post yesterday and he said no, I didn't go on Instagram yesterday I said, oh good for you and he's like yeah, cuz I spent all day Doesn't it like it refers to like the guys like Paul Jason. Yeah, the talk loads online
Starting point is 00:18:32 But what's it's the people is the people who aren't necessarily Like you wouldn't call it Joe Walsh or Like Kurt Schlichter or whatever is it people who don't turn up at the rallies with the torches because they don't leave there Yeah, it's like there's the you have the Nazis or turn up with the torches and then you've got Laura Loomer Who gets banned from uber because she refuses to get in a cab with a Muslim? Oh my god I saw that and someone had had tweeted and being like imagine telling your boss that you were late because you're racist because she was like What was it like I'm 45 minutes late to this NYPD press press conference. Yeah, because I can't find a non-muslim uber driver
Starting point is 00:19:09 I Mean at a certain point if you're that racist How does she determine whether they're Muslim or not does she like call them and ask or they're like loads of uber drivers Who like explicitly somehow managed to get into their name that they're I think you know You could be like a Lebanese Christ. It could be a Maronite Christian, you know, she'd have no way of no Yeah, you have to and also there's like issue. What about Sufi's like like does she how intimate is her knowledge of? Like no, you could have you could like have an Arab name and be like a Yazid or you could you she be a smiley I mean, there's a lot of schisms. She's not really aware of when she's choosing her taxi
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's a really like it always strikes me though the extreme effort it takes to be racist in that way and how And and just like the work it must take to like hate a very specific group of people and having to like Just be that late perpetrates numerous The racist is their work ethic, you know, that is if we have to admire anything about racists It's their ability to really this is the thing I say this in my book I have two South African women in my book who both and so I talk a lot about apartheid and just like The bureaucracy of it and like having to decide who does and doesn't count is what category in South Africa and it's just like Among all the ways in which it's oh my god the Oreos
Starting point is 00:20:27 Somebody doesn't care about learning about apartheid I do I just want to eat oreo And if there's one biscuit that really exemplifies apartheid it is the oreo I want to hear more about the how I'm we're gonna get murdered Well tomorrow Okay, and when this doesn't happen which presumably it won't Although we could make no predictions in 2017 Will
Starting point is 00:20:52 Will they be like disappointed the way that doomsday predictors when the world doesn't end they're kind of sad It's like I think they're just gonna revise their predictions because that's what happens with doomsday predictors It's like it's gonna end doesn't they all I did the math a little bit. We read the Mayan calendar wrong Yeah, it's happening Eminently, but I think the really interesting thing is I think there is actually I'll tell you why I think there is actually going to be a Fight Which is another meme has been circulating in the online right Saying that
Starting point is 00:21:18 Antifa is going to dress up as gun owning trump supporters So they can like fool law enforcement and it will look like the gun owning trump supporters are rioting So what it means is that there are going to be dozens of gun owning trump supporters patrolling the streets of their small towns deeply suspicious of one another and on a hair trigger I'm glad to be in the UK this week We're anti far all along and so it's going to be like it's going to be like the entire the entirety of america Is going to at one point get into a countrywide mexican standoff This is good. Wait, so it's basically like that that scene in v for vendetta where he like puts the masks on everyone in the tv
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, they will mostly be wearing guy fox masks actually One thing So i'm really looking forward to that How is like mainstream politics become 4chan? How is that? That's like the weirdest because milo the future is trash Nice See what you did there So i'm conscious of time who's saying what time are we on we're at five
Starting point is 00:22:23 So, uh, I'd like to close out the first half With a favorite sort of thing to talk about of mine Which is talking about sex robots Not again. Okay, fine. I have another thing. Um, is it okay? I have another thing Which is when online liberals, especially online liberal techies, um, invent something that already exists We've had the bus. We've had the vending machine, but today we have I think the dumbest one yet. Oh my god You say this every week Um, can we have like a snaps variety every time he says the thing he says every week?
Starting point is 00:23:04 So, um, Brianna Wu, uh, tweeted this And it got retweeted to me, um by uh, julia at remark sist who is uh, like a berlin based Good online left person one of the a goodie. She's a goodie. Yeah, she's one of the good. She's one of the goods She's not gonna be beheading people Again, no predictions. Oh, yeah. She's in berlin. So it'd be difficult so, um Brianna Wu said we'd be we being america be a less partisan nation if we talk computer science in schools Debugging is really reexamining your assumptions and locating logic errors
Starting point is 00:23:42 Anyone want to tell me what you think she invented? What did she invent there? Um I mean, did she invent school? Did she invent parenting Did she invent a bug? Did she invent playing organ trial in the corner of your classroom? I I mean, I think those are all great guesses Did she reinvent the lunchbox? Is it is it like is it like etch a sketch or something? What it is is when she is literally is the tweet where she's basically invented philosophy
Starting point is 00:24:16 She's she's invented critical thought. Yeah, uh, she said it's because it's she can only conceive of critical thought As a computer science thing as opposed to a fecotean exercise I mean like if anyone introduced her to continental philosophy I think maybe like she'd glitch out and like sparks a shoot out of her neck But then thankfully she would know exactly how to debug herself. Oh, of course burn all burn all of the gui debord Because when you really think about it, I mean like what is really the difference between ancient philosophers and like modern computer programmers? I mean like diogenes was famous for like masturbating in a barrel
Starting point is 00:24:54 When you really think it was nature's first gamer Exactly. Yeah, I mean if he'd have had mountain dew or like monster energy available to him I'm sure he would have uh, he would have smashed through that Strike and and like learning to swear in russian because that's all you do when you play Yeah, so yeah, anyway, uh, so technocratic liberals, uh, they just invented philosophy with with an allegory to computer science What's next he's saying? What's the next thing that's going to be invented? Maybe like housing. I feel like there's going to be I mean that's already that's already like it makes, isn't it? Yeah Like that stuff is obvious. Um
Starting point is 00:25:33 I loved I loved my favorite bring back opium My favorite thing that was reinvented, um by well-meaning liberals of twitter, um Was someone's like Saying what if there was a go fund me but everyone paid into it and then the sickest members of society could take out Of it and benefit it the thing is that this wasn't that this was I think a joke. I I Presume that I think that was a knowing thing But um now that I have to be back to the u.s. From the uk
Starting point is 00:26:01 I feel like my Numbers of like go fund me's in my in my orbit have have gone up again And it's a very dark thing and I very much missed the nhs the nhs Dot dot dot. It's good the original go fund me Well, someone else someone else did something similar recently I can't remember who it was who tweeted this, but it was another, you know, blu-tik dipshit Alan Do you not have a blu-tik?
Starting point is 00:26:25 I draw on my own phone So embarrassing. No, it was it was another blu-tik dipshit who said, uh Hey, what if we had a system where the wealthiest people In the in the country would quote unquote adopt certain public services and then pay for them to make everyone's lives better And was that a joke or was it serious? Oh god, can you remember who it was or like no, it was it was it was a while ago, but it's it's just stuck in my brain as Well, well meaning online liberals just invented taxes I feel like I feel like the next voyage may be somewhere like marriage they're like reinvent marriage somehow to be
Starting point is 00:27:08 Sound really weird like I don't know a tech partnership I've got a I've got a Angel investor. Oh, no, they say they say we've hacked relationships What if you make a promise to live together forever? Sickness and health look, we all know that it's what if you're what if you're dating a girl? But her father pays you to do so in I wonder if like we could make some some tech guy will make chastity really cool So, you know, you used to have like the chastity rings and stuff like the promise rings
Starting point is 00:27:39 They have done that already It's Mike Sernovich did that already. Oh, what did he do? I've been like he says don't have sex and don't masturbate so you can preserve all of your masculine power for like Righteous protect preserve your nuts or Mike Sernovich blocked me last year because they said that his book wasn't good What's the um, shut up snowflake What's the part of a reddit that's for for was in cells in cells. Yep. Yeah, our slag in cells Okay, we we say pretending I mean, uh, I don't know. I've never been on there. I don't know what it could be
Starting point is 00:28:13 I fuck all the time. Actually I have I have I I mean, I've I've fucked before and like, you know, it's really tiring But you get through it and the reward is really cool because then you get the next level Um, I like about I remember like I remember tech people tried to like promote sex By saying that, you know, the whole like you lose like a ton of calories every time you have sex And they invented like about they invented like one of those bands. Oh pornhub did this Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:43 I was like a legit like tech come everyone's like like pornhub is a legit tech company guys Well, you would wear this band when you had sex they would like determine how many calories you lost during that just a fit bit Yeah, it's effectively a fit bit, right? But the idea the idea being that you know, we're going to reinvigorate romance by Letting you know that you get personal benefit Out of making love to your wife. So like, oh, there is a reason Yeah, finally to get numbers to get points finally. I have a reason to have sex I feel like I'm sadder about the world now than I was like 40 minutes ago when I started talking
Starting point is 00:29:16 I mean, I mean that's like to be expected When you leave this place, that's the tagline You'll leave you'll go to like the darkness of hackney and you'll just wonder. Oh, okay In terms of sadness about the world, um, I think that's where it's time to just take a quick break And we're back in just a moment Did you know that the telegraph told me something recently which is that prince william warns that there are too many people in the world Area man with free children Complains about brown child
Starting point is 00:29:59 In his lawn, yeah, who's saying you were oddly, um, oddly prescient. Uh, yes, his complaint mainly is that there are too many browns How did he put that there's no way that he could have put this well, but like Wasn't he like speaking at some like conference about africa? Yeah, his great. Well is um, he was speaking I know your audience prince william. He was speaking Well, he did know his audience in this case because he was speaking as the royal patron of the tusk trust Which protects wildlife. Oh nice. Yeah And he was speaking at the charity's gala dinner in london saying that measures needed to be taken to save certain animal populations And he believes that the best action we can take is to reduce certain human populations
Starting point is 00:30:39 This is really bad certain human Eugenics. Yeah, which one it's good We are going this reminds this is like when the royal family Who was it like which member of the royal family who was caught like doing a nazi salute or something during Ah, who hasn't but it's like prince like isn't it was it George Was it the queen? No, it was harry. Oh, I mean, I think okay. I think actually there's been someone was teaching No, no, no, no, but I mean there's a picture historically the the british royal family
Starting point is 00:31:06 Wasn't always anti-fascist Just just I'm just imagining prince harry on an advert in an artsy uniform with like a Subscript that says like it's my culture not a culture I He says we are going to have to work much harder and think much deeper If we are to ensure that human beings and the other species of animal which can we share this planet Can continue to coexist And that uh, he echoed the views of his grandfather the duke vedenborough who said voluntary family limitation
Starting point is 00:31:39 Was the only way to tackle the growing human populations threat to conservation Oh, yes, the duke vedenborough who is good and definitely has not said anything bad Was even racist in his whole life No, clean slate. He's made it. It's a good shot to all day. Oh gee woke the og work and um I do I do credit the duke vedenborough. They were just like fucking trolling for his entire I don't think that guy I don't think that guy gives a fuck about anything
Starting point is 00:32:06 I actually think he's like the least pernicious of any of them like because he's just like he's like well This is he's he's so obviously terrible. He's not pretending exactly He's not pretending to be something that is not the royal family is basically like the jake and logan paul of britain Can you sort of envision I mean so the thing the The thing about population control is like I feel like this is like It's like it's like a thing that needs like the the population of the world Just cannot just keep growing like at the rate because eventually there will be too many people I mean like at what point that is too many. I don't know. I'm not an expert in this shit
Starting point is 00:32:40 I mean saying that we have to control the brown population bad Saying we have to control population in general. Yeah, probably true that people like Birth rates go down when countries are lifted from poverty. There's ways that he could have said that we need to And eradicate extreme poverty. There's so many things he could have said that would have been really nice and productive and he just did it Yeah, you can be an environmentalist without being um Horrible That's one of the easiest things to do
Starting point is 00:33:12 I think there's like there's a certain culture around isn't it because like I think there is a set There is definitely like a deliberation was a choice between Saying hey, it'd be really good to kind of invest more in foreign aid and help like poor countries Or in contraception and very available And just like be good eggs and help people and get you know, teach them about stuff Then you know, we can help them, you know, be better There's going to be a thing where the next royal baby comes that people are like quote tweeting his That him
Starting point is 00:33:39 Who's the little one is prince george, isn't it? It's his name george. I don't know. Let's just call him george Prince area man george We'll probably because I mean he will be like the first youtube um, royal right And he'll definitely be a gamer and I think what we'll probably end up seeing Is he has to fight baron trump a posh putie pie I'm going to do another another quote from this this article It says africa's rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050
Starting point is 00:34:10 A staggering increase of three and a half million people per month And there is no question that this puts pressure on wildlife and habitat. Oh the wildlife And it's the african's fault too. The africans need to do something about that according to um, isn't this the problem of like rich white Dentists flying to zivaris to to kill life. Yeah rich white dentists tend to murder those But also as in others Yeah, I mean like really the way to control populations if japan has taught us nothing else is just to get people fucking hooked on hentai Because nothing can match the sweet sweet loving of a hentai An inspiring vision of the future from myla and the bull
Starting point is 00:34:48 A chilling vision of things to come But seriously what sucks about that so much? I'm voting for a bull He tells it like it is Yeah, what sucks about about him saying that in his mind going there. This is uh, prince william not not the ball Is is that it's fundamentally It's a political the distribution of resources is and the protection of freaking wildlife is a Is a political problem with a political solution As in though they don't have there doesn't have to be hunger. They don't have to be famines
Starting point is 00:35:20 Um, so screw you The official trash position I think it's ultimately also the um, like the degradation of sort of habitat the degradation of the environment Like it's again, like I think 70 of the world's greenhouse gases are down to like nine companies Yeah, companies are good. Yeah. Oh, they're great jobs. Who are good? You should be lucky to have a job on the nhs Transition to That's that's a wonderful transition to the next the next thing the ravages of capitalism. Oh, yeah So there was some really some just pure capitalism happened. Uh, yesterday pure uncut
Starting point is 00:36:00 Pure uh, yes slam it straight into my the space between my toes slam the capitalism Um, I ejected into my eyeballs. Uh, basically there was a draw a unionizing drive among um, sort of the employees of Gothamist and its sort of sister publications around the states like chicagoist and stuff um, and their sort of uh parent company dna info There's a drive to unionize the um writers at these as publications in order to get sort of essential health benefits living wages and and similar um fucking commies
Starting point is 00:36:35 Um Joe rickets, uh, the billionaire owner named after a victorian childhood disease It was named after him because all of his like work house workers Oddly enough they all had tb. I don't know why they call them rickets He is a he's actually a badger He has um, he is the proud owner of 2.1 billion dollars It was a major trump donor and he's the he purchased uh dna info in all these these uh sites a couple years ago He decided to shut down the entire operation in response to his employees drive
Starting point is 00:37:12 Uh to unionize seems rational. Oh, yeah, not mad. I don't know. He's not mad online. Yeah to be fair They were very unreasonable smart business heads in big companies once again prevailing You know the one thing you see the thing about the guys in businesses They always know what the most practical and pragmatic course of action Very reasonable. They never do anything crazy My favorite part was how he created all that value that's now being enjoyed by society and we're all better off Yeah, that's why we're all here today. That's Hey guys, maybe the real value was the friends we made along the way
Starting point is 00:37:44 Well, that's the only value they have because they're not getting paid anymore at a certain point the more that companies overreact to unionization efforts and this is a story that's near and dear to my heart because um before I left buzzfeed uk I was Bleeding an effort there to unionize it which is ongoing and so I've got to see in very intimate detail The lengths the lawyering the like emotional trauma that is inflicted on people who try to do this People with the best of intentions trying to to create a union in a and also it's not that deep This is what I I keep thinking is that it's it's just not that deep And then seeing the kind of especially more like
Starting point is 00:38:23 Online new media techie people's response to this at a certain point if you and this this happened at at fusion didn't it? They they Successfully unionized and then they were like shut it down moved over here You know like companies CEOs if you're listening to trash future Everybody's unionizing Everybody's unionizing at a certain point. You're gonna run out of people I think it's an ethos of a lot of places like that that oh everybody's replaceable if prince william has his way When you were leading that drive to to unionize at uh at buzzfeed, uh, what kind of pushback do you get from management?
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh my god, like I mean I left So I got I got a better offer at the post Where there is a union and I have so far not seen my innovation crushed and I think the the pushback is is sort of a A shock a leadership. They're taking it very personally thinking But you should be lucky to be here. You should be lucky to be here Seeing is it but don't you like me? I'm a good manager not seeing um the the I don't know. Well, hussain was in this office also with me. Yeah. I mean, I'm very
Starting point is 00:39:35 cautious because of nda's and like Okay, you don't have to talk. Yeah, um, but Generally, yeah, generally speaking Like I think Hannah's like got it right in saying that there is this culture in newsrooms generally because I also currently work in a newsroom where all union efforts were effectively crushed and Everyone who tried to go inform a union ended up getting fired and the boss who? Oversaw that Basically said I don't give a shit and then you are like basically showed you're replaceable
Starting point is 00:40:04 We'll replace you with people who look better on camera will pay them more money and you can you guys can go fuck yourselves um Sounds reasonable replace you with a mannequin made entirely from poppies What one thing I hear quite a bit is oh, well, why would you want to unionize? This is such a nice place to work We have a climbing wall you have snacks and jelly beans and jelly beans It's a very patronizing argument that was definitely heard there and I and I um Yeah, I think the the way that it is the response is always like but we're so fine And and I think that there's an underestimate especially what millennials would like from benefits and workplace in terms of their pensions
Starting point is 00:40:43 And like we're all kind of Worried about the trash future and and want to plan for that and we want we want backups for when things go wrong that don't rely on our management chains And sometimes you can't use jelly beans for that sometimes you can't there's some There's some illnesses that can't be carried with jelly beans But guys we have a green bag right here. What more do you want? So returning to the rickets thing they actually I think they didn't go the patronizing route They they actually just shut it down. They literally said the decision by the editorial team to unionize
Starting point is 00:41:13 Is simply another competitive obstacle making it harder for the business to be financially successful. It's not that deep Let me just say I work with the Washington Post now. I'm pretty new there is a unionized workplace with like That it's not that deep that people I I came away from busby thinking like I need to hide my like Union opinions even though I was like leading this it was sort of it was made to feel like a dirty bad thing We had done And now people just have little placards all over the Washington Post opposite say build the guild and it's very like Oh, oh, it's not a dirty secret. It's just a part of the workplace. We're very like the post is so innovative They are profitable. There's a newspaper that's profitable and I just
Starting point is 00:41:50 I'm hearing all these little like tech bro whispers in my head being like no if you have a if you have a union You can't innovate you can't ever get a promotion. You can't do this So in order to innovate you need the thread of starvation constantly hung over your head You need to be replaced in the dark in the dark knight rises And the only way that he could get out of that tunnel By not wearing anything to protect him and just believing in the power of the bat I feel that's you know, a lot of you know And batman is kind of like a concert like a hero for like all these conservative chuts
Starting point is 00:42:20 Right, so I think they saw that and they were like, yeah, we you know the bruce wayne method of Literally having to get yourself out of a dark hole to get some food is a good thing to translate into the modern labor force Are you sure you're not breaking your nda saying that? You're nda with it With the joker, you know, you know, we we were talking we were talking about what would happen if I ended up in court because I'm like A judge or a lawyer like reading all our whatsapp messages from the trash future from the trash future I'm implicated. No
Starting point is 00:42:55 On September 29th, you called milo in the bowl brackets a chud Would you elaborate on what is binge? What is to be corn carved? So I think I really want to focus on that phrase Another competitive obstacle making it harder for the business to be financially successful because that begs the question for whom For whom? Which leads me to want to talk about todd rickets. Joan rickets idiot fail sign Go on just a quick intro to who he is Was given the chicago cubs as a present by his dad
Starting point is 00:43:30 That's sweet. Um Went on an episode of undercover boss where all of the employees nakedly hated him for his incompetence Was fired multiple times that had to come back in different guises And then didn't pass ethics vetting to join the trump white house as deputy deputy secretary of commerce Wow Can we do can we do an undercover boss episode of this podcast? And we bitch about the guy who usually runs the podcast You're just wearing like a moustache
Starting point is 00:44:04 I am quietly rin. Yes, that'll do It's kind of nice to know that there's a line that the the trump vetters were like, you know what? There is a line it might not be where many people want it to be But there's a line. Yeah, there's a line and it's drawn. I think it is. It's drawn under Todd Oh, no, imagine being on the wrong side of that line the rickets the rickets scale The rickets go so it does it reminds me really of one particular story where um, he had to go And sell hot dogs during a game But never collected any money for them
Starting point is 00:44:42 And sort of walked around limply to say, uh hot dogs hot dogs hot dogs hot dogs All right dogs, if he's a hot dog you be one just one Just make sure you tell how much it is 450 that's 450 I think Rocco was a pretty good coach. I felt like I picked up the techniques pretty quickly but To know about so how are we doing? I think poorly you're doing poorly. Well, it's got a lot of hot dogs to sell. All right Hot dogs hot dogs hot salt. We're gonna eat the hot dogs Hot dogs. Yeah, how many do you need? Okay. I get myself organized here really quick. Call out the change
Starting point is 00:45:24 This way they know what they're getting back Mark was a little slow. He was a little shy His mandolin of money was in some power fired. Is it because he doesn't know what money is Is it because he's never seen money? Because he just it is money money is in there around him. He he it's it's every day, bro Um as as Todd rickets always says bitch. I am money And that was the line they couldn't cross and um, the great thing is at the end of every episode of undercover boss And again, usually I mean this is just sort of placated sort of trinkets that sort of the capital
Starting point is 00:45:56 It's tossed to their workers to try and you know, keep them placated But Todd rickets was famously the worst gift giver at the end of any undercover boss episode ever Um, well, usually they just give cash bonuses as they buy them cars or whatever in this case The guy who fired him for uh doing a bad job with the hot dogs He sat down and was like, I'm actually the you know, the big boss who who knew? Um, and then he said but your dedication to this company the prize is you can throw out the first pitch of the game. Thank you That's just like a another job. He has to do for free now is throw a pitch That's just more unpaid labor. He has to go to work
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah, he's gonna he's gonna for that fire the usual pitcher who was actually unionized Um, the whole thing is a big scam. So yeah, uh, that's why uh, we can't have unions because then Todd rickets might not be able to Own the Chicago Cubs, which he definitely deserves because of meritocracy. Yeah, but he will get owned by all his fellow employees Oh, yeah, that's that's real ownership by the workers I guess I'd like to to move on Uh to one one one a couple of final thoughts I was hoping you could uh relate maybe one of the stories of a bad ass woman who might have done something good A good ass woman question mark a good ass woman
Starting point is 00:47:13 There is a whole section of my book called women who knew how to have a good ass time Which is like the sort of like cool like singers and performers who were just like What if I was nude constantly in public and they're like, but it's the 20s And just like not to be confused with Riley's book men who knew how to eat a good ass time I'm so glad once again not to be able to hear Milo in the ball Basically, we once had an episode where we got distracted talking about anilingus for a long time You guys have to have Ben Henry on this podcast if this is what he'd be good. Yeah, he'd be good I was gonna ask are there any like women podcasters in your book?
Starting point is 00:47:48 No No, it's about it's about women who do stuff There are broadcasters. There is um Dorothy Thompson. He was a broadcaster who would um who one of her gigs in the the hashtag media world of of 40s america was broadcasting Like anti-hitler propaganda into germany during the war. That would have been a podcast and she would just be like Hitler and they're like couldn't stop it and it was um, I think it's called radio free liberty and um, and so she Yeah, super owned hitler every day on the radio. So yeah, Hitler was not mad online He was so mad. Well, I think um, wait
Starting point is 00:48:24 Hitler was tweeting through it What's the final solution? How am I owned? I'm gonna find what it might take me a second, but there's a good. Oh, yeah Um, yeah, they the nazis called her the scum of america for this and so That's high praise. High praise. You want the worst people in history to call you scum Of course, you're having a great time, but I want it like so the the woman who I want to talk about actually, of course Javen Desai if you heard of her anyone is she the name rings a bell. Do you know the grunwick dispute? Does that ring any bells? So she was oh my god, I can't find her in my book
Starting point is 00:49:01 Cut that out because I sound stupid Put it at the end put it at the end for it It's good. It's the new podcast theme. It's the new theme too. Oh my god so um Javen was a uh was an indian woman who came to to britain When many agents were kicked out of east africa and arrived and was working in a factory that processed the grunwick factory which processed film For people's like holiday photos because in the olden days you you actually had to um
Starting point is 00:49:33 Send off your film and then people would put chemicals on it and then you get something back and it would be like here's my nudes Someone had to look at them. Um, so anyway, she worked in zen news brackets Zen news in the five to ten days paint nudes I have some of that in my book too telegram So so she was working She was this immigrant to britain who was working in this factory and was being treated like crap and she wasn't she it was a Factory of other of many other south asian women who were unable to Take wee breaks and were like punished arbitrarily and all the things you can imagine that are bad
Starting point is 00:50:09 That might happen in a factory run by pricks or a news organization By one of the reds and da Run by old silo At the news factory now. We can't have these women unionizing and so she and and and that she was in this position of being like The bosses there who were very also creepy and like oh all my beautiful women who work here and and they wait I thought it was the sexual revolution that made sexually assault people Um, it was actually fine back then. That's what I keep hearing women didn't mind. So that was from the national review. I don't think that
Starting point is 00:50:46 I'm jumping out the window. Um, so, uh She said gentlemen told um her crappy boss. Um, what you're running is not a factory. It is a zoo But in a zoo there are many types of animals. This was after her boss had called her and her colleagues chattering monkeys for like talking too much Um, so she said some are monkeys who dance on your fingertips. Others are lions who can bite your head off We are those lions mr. Manager. Um, and what she did basically was yeah Fucking oh that totally totally triggered my asmr Um, and so she's in this sort of like she's in a financially You know, and this is the thing when I was thinking about when I was unionized the best feed
Starting point is 00:51:24 I could do it because I'm in a position of privilege. I I was someone who Was well, I thought had a good reputation in the in the company. But as soon as you kick off There may be some revisions to whether or not you're good at your job in your reviews and so on but anyway, um, she but um But I knew that like worst-case scenario. I like I leave and I'll be able to get another job. Um, but um She she decided to stand up to her bosses and Basically walked out with her colleagues in solidarity for one of the many wrongs. They had been had been done to them and um And it kind of became they became known as the saris the strikers and saris
Starting point is 00:52:04 Let me say that again They became known as the saris and strikers and I have a picture in my book one more time. Fuck me god I've spent a very long time. Okay Long couple days they became known as the strikers and saris And I have a picture of my book of of shai ben who's who's standing At a picket line and she has a sign that says the workers united will never be defeated and It kind of became a huge national story something cool that happened is that a the postal workers Started blacklisting the the photography
Starting point is 00:52:36 Factory company thing. Sorry grunwick. I swear. I wrote a book guys. It's all accurate in there. I'm tired, but the book is accurate Um, and these were mostly white working class men who were who were in solidarity with these women Which is cool to read about because I think there's a lot of the way we talk about like Bernie versus hillary or like in in or Corbin versus whoever the fuck over here Is is thinking that um you are either
Starting point is 00:53:07 You know like all the post trump analysis being like it's because we didn't listen to the white working class The center left wasn't racist enough And saying like uh, that is like, oh, what if there are women of color like this who are actually leading pushes like this and very and Yeah, so it was not a rosy story. They um that it was it was very brutal There were managers coming into work like knocking through these women with their cars and and um she And then the the tuc got like the national level unions got involved and made it They're like cause celeb
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah, so it was the it was the mostly white and mostly male Postal workers in the cricklewood sorting office of the post office who who joined the strikers And they apparently one of them said you don't say no to mrs. Desai Because um, she was apparently very formidable and you just couldn't say no to her. She was tiny She had her little handbag and um was was a lion as she said She they started seeing pushback from a coalition of Conservatives who um called themselves Called the national association for freedom acronym
Starting point is 00:54:18 Neff, which I think is an unfortunate acronym. That's wonderful. Um, and Um, who were decided to point out and probably away with some Not dog whistling something longer louder than a dog whistle Uh, hold a whistle. They were whistling that because you look at these terrible women Unions have too much power. Let's let's uh Let's go around the country and personally deliver the mail that the that the um postal workers won't Delivering the mail to ode the lips Old silas rickets delivering the mail from his Rolls Royce
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah, so and and margot thatcher was the leader of the opposition at the time And she and naff got together and we're like, let's let's let's make this Let's let's drag them And and eventually it became clear that they weren't going to win and what they wanted was the right to the right to recognition, um, shocking there were government. There was a government panel and government reports saying like An inquiry that revealed like yes, they do have the legal right to do this and they should all get their jobs back They should do this and that um and um and the management at grandma who were like, but what if we just didn't What if we just ignored this this decision? What if we ignore the law?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Very small. See that's 14th dimensional chess. Yeah Ignoring the law But not less like what that um guys what it became kind of clear that they weren't going to win this dispute the um The t.u.c. Kind of decided to back off and kind of and kind of left them to fail because they didn't want to go down with the granwick strikers um So geiment did feel very like burned by both unions the thatcher the chaff thatcher writes um, and in fact in the election of 1979 when thatcher came to power
Starting point is 00:56:18 granwick was a big talking point um, and but what I like is that she Had some when it was clear that they they they hadn't succeeded in it. She she spoke before all the people who had Been striking with her. She told them we have shown them that workers like us new to these shores Will never accept being treated without dignity or respect She also said they wanted to break us down, but we did not break Um, and so I wish I had heard of her. She's uh, she's someone that people should know about as are the other 99 women in the book available from hotter and stout, and
Starting point is 00:56:52 I think it's 15 pounds right now And she got to throw the first pitch at the You can't have a union, but He was a climbing wall. You can throw the first join the arsenal and He's a goalkeeper. Soros is going to be okay with us like advertising a book right? I just wanted to check that before Oh, of course. Yeah, sort of sort of this is a lefty feminist book that is about actually like it's about why women should hate men And why they're actually good. Yeah I started getting my first my first trolls on twitter, and it only just came out yesterday. Have you gotten your soros check yet?
Starting point is 00:57:25 Oh, no, that's in the mail Who's delivering the mail? He's sending it with his nudes. I can't I can't wait for like like like paul joseph watson has to decide between going outside To scab deliver the mail and like risking exposure to the sun Where he might not be able to access his giant red lollipop at all times Oh, yeah, he's too busy. He's too busy dipping sushi and That that story owns that's that's like a good reason to buy that book and learn about Some some women that did some shit basically
Starting point is 00:57:59 This is a thing at one point. I forget where I say it in the book, but I'm like guys You know, I just realized is that like women have always been there and we keep we always hear nowadays about like just No, you know what I mean, I mean like I thought women were invented in the 1980s when we began to have like, you know Actually guys, uh, women were invented by hillary clinton and anyone who doesn't agree Women have been doing things like forever. That's my point. That's all and they've been good at things Oh, I'm so sad You guys made me sadder Just kidding
Starting point is 00:58:36 Oh my goodness, that's why we do nasty women of history by me hannah jewel And uh, I suggest everybody goes out and buys a copy early and often Yeah, it's very christmas present shape. I'll say that looks like it would be satisfying to rap Yeah, it's got a good. It's got a good heft And uh, I know i'm going to hurry to my nearest internet to purchase the thing to torrent it towards the e-book uh, there is an audiobook
Starting point is 00:59:05 By someone who has a much nicer voice than me and who also figured out exactly how all the Women's names are supposed to be pronounced in it because I wasn't allowed to do my own audiobook because I moved away from london But it um, I was actually texting her before with like questions about before I did an interview earlier Be like, um, how do you say this word that I can listen to the book while you pump weights Yeah, obviously in your t-shirt, which is while you make love while you make love to your wife for the purpose of burning calories It can be on in the background but with a condom because we can't have overpopulation. No listen listen to this audiobook while you deliver mail All right guys any more for any more Hannah's Hannah's Burke is the only ethical consumption
Starting point is 00:59:48 Um, no because I'm actually running a family. Yeah, so okay. Hussain has to go be a grown-up man He has to go do a real like That's hilarious And uh, hannah jewel. Thank you so much for coming on. It's been a real pleasure Thank you guys. I think It's been a pleasure meeting you via the medium of the ball. Yeah, it's a lovely ball. It's nice blue and white large Audi to sell it out of it Next up the roger stone power out from serious xf
Starting point is 01:00:31 Oh Oh

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