TRASHFUTURE - *PREVIEW* Shouting Slurs in Summer's Cauldron

Episode Date: August 9, 2024

For this week's bonus, it's Riley, Hussein, Nate, and November discussing the recent events in the UK and why just about every MP and journalist seems to be falling all over themselves to explain some of the far-right attacks come from a place of 'legitimate concerns.' Okay? What are they, then? Get the whole episode on Patreon here: KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here: MILO ALERT  Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, how do we think England's brat summer is going? Well, someone out there is having a brat summer. I just don't know that it's me, you know? Because, I mean, I don't know, it's tough to start episodes like this. The key elements of having a brat summer, right? Doing a lot of cocaine and having fun with your friends. Now, if we identify who in this country right now is doing a lot of cocaine and having fun with their friends, it's pretty clear to see who's having the brat summer.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Who's on the receiving end of beating some authority figures dressed up in uniform. You know? No, it's sometimes tough to sort of talk about these things, right? Except by just asking, how are we all feeling about the ongoing and intensifying wave of race riots taking place up and down the country. I'll tell you one thing. I'm, I'm not feeling particularly Julia. There's one person who's not having a brat summer. It's me. No, I'm right there with you. I will be honest. I am not thrilled with this.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Kirsten, we should go and do a press conference where he says, uh, I'm not feeling very Julia today. Um, I, I was commenting to his saying before we came down to record that it's, it's weird because America obviously has a profound tradition of white race riots attacking minorities. That's sort of the history of America. Um, particularly white people attacking black people, but there've been lots of other examples. Um, the, the zoot suit riot in Los Angeles, for example, attacking Hispanic Americans. There's all sorts of things like this around.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's not just a song by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies from the weird swing revival in the late 90s. It was actually a race riot. But in modern times, it's sort of like, the cops just do it for white people. Whereas in Britain, seeing this in the wild, it's sort of like, oh, to me, obviously being a foreigner here, it's just sort of like, ah, this is what Rosewood or Tulsa would have
Starting point is 00:01:48 looked like. It's just hasn't gotten to that point yet. And I know that's like not comedy podcast fodder, but it's just one of those things where it's really shocking. And for me, I can't figure out if it's like, what's the Venn diagram overlap and the precise point of cops letting it happen versus there's three cops left in the country so they can't stop it kind of thing because like, I don't believe the cops are unsympathetic in general to these views, but there's also the fact that most of the British state has been destroyed by the conservative party in terms of just like cutting everything.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And so state capacity just is kind of non-existent. So it's just weird. I think it's, I think it's very much the latter in this case, right? Because generally speaking, as you see, a lot of the same people who are involved in football hooliganism back in the day, or closer to, the kind of instinctive cop sympathy sort of ends once you injure enough of them, which it really seems like the rioters here have been doing. Yeah, fair enough. And I think it's just a case of, like, we defunded everything in such a way that not
Starting point is 00:02:54 only did we make everyone's lives miserable, fuck the vibes, destroy a bunch of social cohesion, open people up to radicalism, but also now there's like three cops left. Although I, I, I checked 2010 again and I saw Nick Griffin getting embarrassed in front of question time and the BNP were defeated after that. That's true. That is true. Um, so there must be something else going on here because it can't be fascism. And this is something that the kind of, the media agrees with you on. I think a lot about the inherent right wing sympathy of the style guide, right? I saw a picture caption this morning that was like, anti-fascists confront people at a protest.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And I'm like, there's gotta be a more concise way to imagine the kind of people at a protest that anti-fascists might be confronting. But seemingly not, you know? Sensible patriotic Brits, of course. Yeah, concerned motorists. Yeah, I mean, they are probably all concerned motorists, but, you know, I mean, okay, look, so, I get four listeners in America who might not know, we talked about the race riots as they began in this week's...
Starting point is 00:04:02 And I hate being fucking vindicated, is the thing. I hate it when we're right, because we never write about anything good. Well, and again, we're gonna sort of have a few of those moments throughout this episode. But we talked about those race riots when they were occurring. We talked also about how the British media, the mainstream media, has been encouraging them for years. And when the riots continued over the weekend, we saw a lot of British media people and MPs as well, immediately start trying to either distance themselves from their previous comments, where it says, hey, all of my calls to action about
Starting point is 00:04:36 how there are grooming gangs operating in Rotherham, or all of my calls that like, oh, Brits would need to be... The legitimate concerns about migration need to be addressed. Those concerns are independent by the way of like me and my friends asset stripping the state. All of that. Everyone who's made those, those claims has been now distancing themselves from them. Fucking Nick go home vans. Timothy has been, has been saying, oh, well we need a firm response and to round up the ring leaders of the riots. This is partially true, right? Like I think there's some people for whom they want to get off the bus now. They like, they started the bus.
Starting point is 00:05:10 They were big fans of everywhere it was going, but now they're like, I like law and order. I like it when, you know, there aren't riots because riots are kind of like day class and frightening. Right? I prefer like a sort of an orderly mass deportation, right? Whereas there are other guys for whom, not just guys, there are other people for whom the mask is getting really heavy, you know? And I think we're
Starting point is 00:05:31 at a time where we're sort of seeing people concealing what they're about less and less, in some cases. I mean, Farage has gotten very, very close. RILEY Something that I found very interesting is the fact that smarter people and more observant people than me have noted this, that even in the wake of, for example, Sarah Edwards, MP for Tamworth is a great example, not related to Milo as far as I am aware, basically specifically named a hotel in her constituency that was being used as a hostel for asylum seekers. And then that was targeted and has not- Five days later. Has not backed down from any of it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And then the only concerns that are expressed are experts concerns for, well, I hope the property and the cops are okay. That there is no willingness to even empathize or even identify the victims. I saw coverage from the BBC in the first days of this, where they said some of the, they've had like, you know, a brick wall was damaged
Starting point is 00:06:24 and cars were, had their windows destroyed in the vicinity days of this where they said something like, you know, a brick wall was damaged and cars were, had their windows destroyed in the vicinity of a mosque. It's like, well, I wonder why that is. I wonder why that, was it happenstance? Was it just an accident? Did Google Maps glitch? Did they use Apple Maps by mistake? A brick wall fell over when a localized earthquake occurred
Starting point is 00:06:41 associated with a riot or crashing a fucking car into it. And also here's the thing, right? Everyone's always been like, oh, well, because the BBC once again going on about like, well, some of these people are far right, but not all of them are far right. Some of them just have legitimate concerns about immigration. And you know, as a, as a notional, I suppose immigrant in the sense that I'm not from here and I live here, here's my question. What, what are your legitimate concerns about? Can you, can you enumerate? They did spray paint them on the wall of that, uh, that hotel. A lot of racial slurs
Starting point is 00:07:08 in them, you know? Yeah. The spray paint said we want it back to pre 1995 levels, but the mainstream media ignored that. What do we want immigration back to pre 1995 levels? How do we want it over a structured delivery program? In an incremental way. Why does it say KS underneath? Yeah. I knew he was wearing that stone Island for a reason. I think there is something to be said about like, I'm really interested in like the people
Starting point is 00:07:33 who have sort of been backtracking and the people who have sort of gone full mask off. Cause I think that's actually the interesting component. Yeah. Yeah. And it sort of speaks to me as like, I think for a while, what the sort of crisis that or like the sort of issue that right wing media sort of had is that like, while sort of laying the foundations for basically allowing this type of bigotry, be it like Islamophobia or transphobia, you know, lots of different, lots of different like, you know, programs against lots of different people is that as like they sort of lost control of of the frequency of which this comes out, they've had to adapt to the new kind of people who are receptive to these types of stories. You can see that there's a lack of control in the way that they used to be. For a lot
Starting point is 00:08:18 of these pundits who have made their names because they have links and associations to this audience, they now have to make this choice as to like, well, do you want to be like, do you want to have a respectable mainstream career in British society? In which case, you do kind of have to reign in some of the kind of overt racism or do you kind of go fully unhinged because you know that sort of what your audience wants? Because there was like, I can't remember who it was, but there was like a GB news presenter who did a tweet thread over the weekend, which was along the lines of, this isn't the country that I recognize. People are allowed to have legitimate concerns about immigration, but they can't act like this.
Starting point is 00:08:57 The whole comment crew was just people like, oh, I used to like your show, but you can go fuck yourself. Or, you're a Muslim lover and all this stuff. And it's like the, the, the audience that they have are so kind of like, you know, they want, they want like the extremities, they want the violence, they want the blood and anyone who doesn't want the violence or like doesn't want to see the violence and doesn't want to see the blood as sort of considered enemies to them. And, and, and they are manifesting this by just attacking any random non-white people they find in the street. Like, yeah, they're making it very clear what it is that they see as their enemy, who is their enemy.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And it's like everyone wants to prevaricate on this, but it's like, no, you let these people talk and you'll find out exactly what it is. I know Riley, we've jumped in a bunch, but I'll bring it back to one thing. I mentioned this to you earlier, his sandwich, is that there's this anecdote, I mean, it's true, about Jane Elliott trying the blue eyes, brown eyes experiment in Britain and it just completely failed because the audience basically just were like, no, that's bollocks. It's not racism. No, they do smell bad.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And they just back each other up and nobody would take the position that discrimination based on assumptions is wrong. And I don't necessarily take that to mean, oh, well, Americans are more aware of racism. It's more that in America, there's this kind of received wisdom amongst white people that racism is bad and I'm not racist. And the worst thing you could do as a human being is to call me racist. That's actually worse than racism. Whereas in Britain, it's just sort of like, there's a denial that there is such a thing as racism, unless it's anti-English racism, of course, the only and the worst kind. And that to me, I feel like comes out in the way this is portrayed, is that basically the downstream effect of that is that news media politicians, people in positions of public
Starting point is 00:10:29 prominence feel as though it is taking a left-wing partisan position to acknowledge the idea that there is such a thing as racism.

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