Triforce! - Triforce! #117: Dreams of Paul McCartney

Episode Date: March 11, 2020

Triforce! Episode 117! Sips has a dream about Paul Mccartney and he's as confused about it as we all are. Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidem...ic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Triforce podcast. Guten Tag und willkommen to the Triforce podcast. We're back, we're back, we're back. I don't know any other languages, so. Yeah, bienvenue. Bien, bien. Triforce podcast day.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yes, that's the one. We're back. Voila, le podcast. What else? Va, va, voom. Va, va, voom. podcast day yes that's the one we're back what else is that what they say sure that might be welcome to my shop sure japanese welcome to my shop it could it might not be that sweet thing to say anyway welcome back uh bonus podcast because p flex wasn't supposed to be here no he was meant to be away on a trip that has now been cancelled like so many other trips recently the trip has not been cancelled the the event is going on i was going to go to star ladder in kiev and i was meant to be there right now i should physically be in kiev it had things gone differently i would
Starting point is 00:01:42 be sat in front of a camera, being dabbed makeup on you, under a bright light, watching Dota. Watching someone else play Dota, someone else control the Dota on your screen, and you have a heavy headset on, talking with some other fellow about Dota. Exactly. A game that you play occasionally to a medium quality standard.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Is that fair? That's an excellent summary. That actually is. So yeah, I should have been doing that. But coronavirus and everything, I thought, my thing is not, I don't want to catch it there, which is a relatively minor chance of that happening. But what if on the flight, you want to get your flight back and they're like, Britain in a state of lockdown.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And you're like, okay, so now I can't get in. Some guy on the plane has it. And to get your flight back and they're like Britain in a state of lockdown and you're like okay so now I can't get in some guy on the plane has it and so they quarantine the entire plane yeah two weeks in a quarantine I was just like it's not worth it it's not no worth it that's that's the shitter if you get stuck somewhere in a foreign land and you're quarantined and you can't get back home that's the that's that's the a bad part of it right I mean getting the virus that would be pretty bad too but this was like the more likely and scary thing yes i mean you know obviously getting the virus would be the scariest thing because you never know but the sort of more likely and therefore more real threat is you get quarantined for some god awful reason some the
Starting point is 00:03:00 pilot had it you know something like that so i just thought it's i don't really want to travel when everybody's in the in the group we've seen movies where people get quarantined in those warehouses full of beds and it looks like some sort of slave center and there's just you know you can see it i could see it happening and there's like people moms with crying babies people with soup ladles it's big big urns giving out giving out soup to dirty faced beggar lookinglooking folk. You know? It's tough.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's tough. I don't know whether it's like that or whether they just put you in a travel inn. I don't know what the plan is. Maybe they just get some bubbles. Or maybe they put some tents up, like Glastonbury-style. Bubble boy. I don't know. The reaction is both, at the same time, overwhelming and also positive.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Lots of people, lots of lives have been saved by the coronavirus who would have otherwise have gotten the flu i read somewhere that 50 000 people who would have otherwise died of flu didn't die of the correct didn't die of flu because of the coronavirus protections so that's pretty positive right apparently in canada you can't order toilet paper from amazon anymore they won't deliver it because people there was this toilet paper stockpiling toilet paper people were well someone said that it was like gonna run out yeah so it's been mental it's weird isn't it how many people stockpile petrol yes yeah or food but instead of just toilet paper like the thing is once it gets out that's that people are
Starting point is 00:04:22 stockpiling toilet paper everyone's gonna stockpiling toilet paper, everyone's going to stockpile toilet paper. There's no point being the one guy on your street. Toilet paper is just going to replace money at some point. Like the way bottle caps are the currency in Fallout. I'll give you that for three rolls. Two ply? Three ply? You kidding me, bro? I'll give you one sheet of one ply for that.
Starting point is 00:04:44 That's how much I think of your art, asshole. Fucking garbage. It's like a kid drew this. People will be like undoing cigarettes to like use the cigarette paper as toilet paper. As toilet paper. Is that where we're going to? Because the thing is with toilet paper, there's lots of alternatives. Lots of alternatives.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Get an old pillowcase. You can wipe your ass with that, no problem. If you have like an old duvet or whatever, just cut it up into little squares. Wipe your ass like a million times with that. A drawing your kids have done? Yeah. Wipe your ass with it.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. And if you're really ahead of the times, you'll have a bidet in your bathroom. A bidet? Yeah. And you'll spray warm water into your ass to cleanse it you know just get just have like a like a i don't know i i don't know what's what's proper etiquette for a for a bidet like do you have to like do you just spray the water and then
Starting point is 00:05:38 dry off your ass or like i don't know i honestly don't get like a face cloth up in there or like i don't know if there's i don't know if there's drying involved. I've never used a bidet, ever. Because we just don't have them in the UK. And when I go abroad, I don't really know how to use them. There's probably a WikiHow article on how to do this. They're very popular on the continent, right? France and Italy have them and other places like that.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I think Japan is quite popular with them as well they like to spray water up their asses in japan but but then is there like do you just use a a hair dryer to dry your i feel like the bidet should be like an all-in-one you know after it's done spraying your ass it should gently blow some warm air into your ass like you said i'm sure in japan they have one that you know gently blows it whispers at your ass to help it dry. Like you said, I'm sure in Japan they have one that gently blows. It whispers at your butt until it's dry. Yeah, and it speaks like a schoolgirl. Some of them have a built-in dryer in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:06:33 It's got a flashlight built in there and stuff. So they dry you. I think it's quite a long process. It's quite a clean. Everyone's been encouraged to wash their hands, but we should be encouraging to wash their asses too well i think uh washing your hands is the more more important one i think um no matter what happens if your hands are in your ass for some reason or whatever just wash your hands like i think i think that's that's the big takeaway from all this is people
Starting point is 00:06:59 should just wash their hands more you know it's it says here that people you should pat yourself dry with toilet paper so how much toilet paper do you think that uses anyway like i don't know it's just no wonder they're stockpiling it oh there's a fucking door hold on i'll be back yeah it seems like a weird thing to stockpile toilet paper like you said like gas i can understand people stockpiling like gas you know things like things that they would need for a generator to keep like electricity going and stuff like that but like you know stockpiling a bunch of toilet paper and ketchup and stuff you know it's i feel like one i don't know pack of 12 rolls of toilet paper will last me quite a while whereas petrol i feel like petrol is one of those things that you just
Starting point is 00:07:37 you don't want to have loads of gallons of petrol like stacked up in your garage no and you don't particularly want like you you get more petrol when you run out of petrol right yeah with toilet paper i always seem to have a few rolls still on this are we i've been and i've come back yeah we're just um talking talking there's more to talk about really i mean this is what's the more sensible thing to stop like for for for coronavirus i guess like i think the thing is is most people feel like if there is an outbreak in their local area they're just going to hunker down and stay home and not have any guests over and wait it out which is you know sensible like yeah i mean you could pretty much
Starting point is 00:08:15 you could pretty much do it you know you just need a lot of antibacterial gel good hand washing and stuff and yeah you'd probably be fine so i guess people are stockpiling things that they need to just live ordinary life in their house without going out for like a couple of weeks self-isolation yeah do you think like the the because you know like the share price of the markets are going down right because of all the lack of industry being done you think that there would be more with all the stockpiling going on but i guess like like it has netflix like done well out of this i mean are they because people will go i don't know i i it it doesn't feel like they'd be affected somehow like i think i think you know like retail especially like like grocery supermarkets and
Starting point is 00:08:58 stuff like that will probably see more money coming in but But then, you know, like travel, the travel industry will probably see a huge slump, right? Because a lot of people shy away from traveling now, a lot of people have canceled trips, and a lot of people just won't book new stuff. So it'll have like, it'll have effects here and there. And I feel like maybe it just balances out somehow. But you know, probably doesn't like there'll probably be some be some places that are affected by it. All right, so here's a question. I went out last night. I'm a little bit hungover today.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I went out to see my mates and we went to a gig, like a comedian. And when I traveled there, I said to my mates, like we're all saying hello. And I was like, you know, I relayed to them something I'd seen on the underground that horrified me. They didn't care at all. What I saw was everybody holding on to the little poles, the poles you use on the underground, right? Just holding onto them casually with their bare hands. Yeah. Right. Now I never do that because you, you're the average person holds on at the same point on the pole as everybody else does. Everybody gets on and holds on, coughs in their hand, sneezes in their hand, holding onto the pole. And I was like, I don't do that anyway. But surely with this virus around here, what are you doing touching any of the
Starting point is 00:10:16 surfaces on any kind of public transport? Well, this is it. I said to Steve this morning, because Steve was coming in. He said he was on the train this morning, and he coughed. Because he's a smoker. So, yeah, he's a smoker. He coughs every minute or so, just because smokers do that. Yeah. And so everyone on the train looked at him and gave him an evil. You know, every time he would cough, as if he was sort of infected.
Starting point is 00:10:40 We have this. And you do see a lot of people wearing masks. I've seen a lot of people out wearing masks, which is very unusual. I've seen a lot of people talking about things on the train and stories that have happened to them where someone coughed. So a girl I know was wearing a mask on the train because she had a cold, right? Because you're wearing masks not to spread disease, not to, you know, if you've got like something.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Masks are not to keep you safe. They're to keep other people from getting what you've got right and so some guy saw her wearing a mask and like literally just coughed in her face really i don't know why we take such offense to the masks because apparently like um quite a few students from asia are wearing them it's it's a real cultural thing like when i went to china people wear them all the time nobody nobody blinks but you see someone wearing one and yeah people have been very aggressive like there are a lot of people in britain that are just very aggressive about people doing things differently oh we're in a mask are you that's exactly what happened yeah i was like i can't believe people are still like this
Starting point is 00:11:43 we're just we're an island of pricks. It's Reddit, but it's in the real world. That's what it is. Just awful people. Yeah. Just awful. Anyway, so what happened was just, I agree with you, Pete Flax. On the train, on the tube, I always avoid touching those poles.
Starting point is 00:11:58 But sometimes I do it, and it's all clammy and warm as if someone's just let go of it 10 seconds ago. As if someone's used a bidet and then used the pole to ride in their butt crack up and down the pole to dry it. That's what it's like. I said to my mates, look, you touch that pole, right? But would you put your hand on it? If someone had just sneezed and went to shake your hand, you wouldn't shake their hand. Why are you putting your hand on the pole?
Starting point is 00:12:29 It's not clean. Some people think it strengthens them some people are like well that's exactly what my mate tim said i need to be exposed to all this disease he said fine let's inject you with the coronavirus i haven't had a sick day in 10 years so you tell me i was like yeah but you're riding the line sometimes you gotta hold on to that pole though like what if the bus or the subway what i do get around like crazy and you got to hold on. I crook my elbow around it and I lean on it. Like I developed a method so that I basically wrap myself around the pole rather than put my hand on it. And if you rest the shoulder blade on it, that's pretty solid. Like one foot on one side at the base and then the shoulder blade on the other and you're rock solid.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And people look at you in wonder, how's doing it he's got perfect balance uh-uh i'm just carefully wrapped around the part yeah i'm not sure if that's wonder it's wonder i'm pretty sure of some kind of it's me it's maybe not the kind of wonder you think no it might be the other kind of wonder you're right it might be that i wonder what the fuck it could be a different kind of wonder yeah you don't want to go sprawling across the floor of a tube cage. No, no, I'm always safe. Oh, God, that'd be even worse. I'm always safe.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I mean, for all that, you don't want to put your hands on the floor. That's for sure. A broken leg is probably worse. But people touching the escalator, the rubber thing on the escalator, which looks like it's teeming with germs already. Oh, of course, yeah. It's always all warm and stuff, too, when you do touch it. I mean, we're worried about the environment,
Starting point is 00:13:45 but all of our stuff's teeming with germs. There's fucking... Well, that's the thing. People will be super conscious of it now because of this going around. But if this wasn't a thing right now, people would be touching the rubber on the escalator, no problem, not washing their hands and stuff. Generally, I don't think people think like that. don't think about that some people do you know my dad
Starting point is 00:14:08 um when he buys a canned drink from the store he will wash the top of the can yeah yeah we do that with uh with tins of like soup and stuff as well you wash the top of the tin yeah before you open it yeah interesting well fuck you never know what's on there right dusty can't they they could have been in somebody's ass who knows yeah seen those really dusty, dirty tins. I also, when I'm moving around in town, I use a Zorb. One of those giant balloon Zorb things. We should do that. We should change public transport over to like...
Starting point is 00:14:40 Everyone is in their own big Orbie or whatever. The tube is just like a pipe filled with orbies Full of these marble like Zorbs with people And you just push yourself into the orb mess I remember watching This guy tried to do the world record For length of Zorb
Starting point is 00:14:58 Like how long he rolled down this big hill In the Zorb And he had a GoPro in there He got in the Zorb and he was like I'm had a GoPro in there. He was, he got in the Zorb and he was like, I'm very experienced Zorber. Don't try this at home. We've cleared this area. It's a good long hill. This is not, this is going to be great guys.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Hope you're excited. And as soon as it started, it began to bounce a little bit. And once it starts bouncing, it just gets progressively worse and worse because it's just like, you know, it's gathering speed. So each bounce is getting bigger. And the G-force inside is getting greater and greater every time the zorb lands 10 meters into his run he's like he starts bad she's like oh no just screaming the whole way down because this is the g-force is so bad and i think he must have thought oh my god i'm gonna die they got out the other end and he was just like moaning and groaning. And it was so funny, the transition.
Starting point is 00:15:46 They opened the Zorb and it was just jam. Exactly. He set the record, but it did cost him. Quickest man into jam. Quickest jamming of a man. You do hear these urban myths about people Zorbing off mountains and stuff. Well, no, this guy did it. There's a video of a guy doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Do you? I think it was in Russia. He Zorbed on a ski slope. i've never heard a zorb urban myth i gotta be honest yeah it's not a common urban myth is it no around the campfire lewis with all his zorbing horror stories the great 2020 those ski slopes are steep yeah real steep dangerous i think i think zorbing can be dangerous for sure but there was one where the guy went down a snowy mountain slope and went over a crevasse and died wow fell into a deep gorge that is that is true all right listen to this listen to this okay well let's see if you
Starting point is 00:16:35 can top this actually this is a strange one i go i had pancakes for um dinner yesterday i think this might be the cause of the story i'm about to tell you Tuesday i had some pancakes for dinner they were really good pancakes like i like them a lot had some blueberries fresh blueberries did you make them yourself or were they pre-made no no they're pre-made how do you get a pre-made pancake this is 2020's pea flax no one's pre-made everything now it's more inefficient to buy all the fucking ingredients probably cheapest to buy pre-made i think the source of the of this story that i'm about to tell you is because of the of pancake eating uh somehow i don't have any proof but we'll see let's see what you think anyway i uh i do the usual i watch a bit of tv my wife it's getting late my wife's getting ready to go to bed and i'm like all right i'm
Starting point is 00:17:20 gonna go out and play some some tarkov for a bit, as I normally do. So I snuck out and played a bit of Tarkov. It was good. I had a nice time and everything. And I didn't listen to any music or anything. This is an important point to note. I wasn't listening to music. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. In fact, another point to note, I don't think I've had anything to do with Paul McCartney
Starting point is 00:17:43 for quite some time, actually. I mean, I listened to the Beatles a lot like last year but yeah recently nothing you know so anyway not spoken to him no I haven't spoken to him I haven't seen anything with him in it like nothing okay like Paul McCartney is just a distant memory for me so anyway I close my eyes I hit the sack I go to bed I have this dream that I'm in my backyard. I'm in the garden with my kids and my wife. And we're just doing family stuff in the garden. The kids are playing and having a barbecue and stuff. And Paul McCartney's there. But he's just standing there. He's not talking or anything. I'm talking to my wife. I'm talking to my kids and stuff. And Paul McCartney's just like, it's like he's not there. I'm talking to my wife. I'm talking to my kids and stuff. And Paul McCartney's just like, it's like he's not there. You know, he's just like, it's like he's a ghost or something.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like nobody notices him. Nobody interacts with him whatsoever or whatever. He's just standing there. He's wearing like a pair of jeans and just like a normal shirt or whatever. And he's got like that weird mullet hair that Paul McCartney always has. Thanks for inviting me to your barbecue, Craig. Yeah. No, he didn't. He didn't say a word.
Starting point is 00:18:43 He didn't say a single word. So at some point in the barbecue i turned to my wife and i get to have this like cardboard box it's like this little tiny cardboard box with a with like a almost like a it's like a big hole like the side is missing from the box so it's like you know it looks like it could be like a little stage or something like that you know what i mean like there's there's a side completely missing. So inside the box, I'm putting in some like straw and some other stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And then I find a whole bunch of like weeds on the lawn, like, you know, dandelions and whatnot. So I put a whole bunch in there so that it's like facing like the front of where the hole is, like outward. And I turned to my wife and was like, I wonder if Paul McCartney will like this. And she's like, yeah, try him on it. So I hold the box really close to Paul McCartney's face and he starts nibbling on some weeds, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:34 just some dandelion leaves or whatever. And it looks like he likes them. And I turn to my wife and I say, yeah, he really likes this. And then just as I, before i'm i'm waking up my kids like wake me up about two minutes after this uh my final thought in my dream is i'm gonna put this box on the ground and then i had this vision of paul mccartney on all fours down on the grass eating leaves out of this box in my backyard and then i woke up oh my god what the fuck it's just a dream am i dying or something like that's the weird you went on your your phone no and it was like paul mccartney enjoyed his visit to jersey why paul mccartney and why why the fuck am i treating him like he's a guinea pig or like a tortoise or something who said dreams have to make sense
Starting point is 00:20:21 yeah but come on like normally you have a dream about... Your dreams are an ordered sequence of, you know, cause and effect. No, let's figure this out, P-Flex. And it's all very reasonable. Let's figure it out. It means something. I don't expect it to be reasonable, but why Paul McCartney... Like, what is the universe trying to tell me here? What does Paul McCartney represent to you?
Starting point is 00:20:39 I'll tell you what he's doing. I know exactly what this is. I'm completely ambivalent towards Paul McCartney. Listen to me. I'm going to tell you. Paul McCart is is astrally projecting himself into your dreams he better fucking not be okay you stopped listening why aren't you listening why paul mccartney why couldn't it be like cameron diaz or somebody projecting i've looked at your spotify most played chris and i've noticed a real drop off in Beatles classics. Fuck off, Paul.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Get out of my dreams. Get into my car. No. I'm going to stare at you creepily in your garden until you start listening to number one, the album again. Number ones. It was just fucking, I didn't feel creeped out by it or anything i just woke up and i was just perplexed i just couldn't believe it i woke up and i just thought what the fuck like it was just
Starting point is 00:21:32 such a weird i wasn't i didn't have disturbed sleeper i don't remember waking up or anything just a nice nice sleep and and just a solid fucking dream about paul mccartney eating weeds out of a box in my backyard. I need like a dream analyzer or something. It's just your brain getting all jumbled up. Like, I always think of sleep as like tidying up your brain, like filing stuff into boxes. Well, it does do that. We don't even really understand sleep. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:22:02 No, we don't. I always don't even know. I only got, for instance, last night, I got a 79 on Fitbit for my sleep. 79. That's not good. What the hell? What's it monitoring? I wear my Fitbit when I'm sleeping. Right. Because I like to see how my sleep has been.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So Friday, Saturday, Sunday last week, all in the 80s. Good, good, good. Right? On Sunday night, I got an 86. Mrs. F is very jealous on good year on the 20th of february i got a 92 excellent wow 92 and she always looks at this she's like i never break 70 like she has terrible sleep um but yeah so 79 for me is not good i woke up a ton during the night i suspect because i had quite a lot to drink and it disturbs your sleep.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I was awake for an hour and two minutes. And that's a 79? If I was waking up, that's a zero for me. Like what the hell kind of metrics is Fitbit using here? Because you wake up without realizing it all through the night, all right? Just for a minute or two at a time. Yeah, but it still sucks though.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Like that sucks. Yeah, but you don't notice. That's what I'm saying. You're just technically awake. That's like, that's me sleeping at a hotel every time I stay at a hotel, basically. Yeah, that's true. I never sleep soundly.
Starting point is 00:23:08 It's just like I'm constantly waking up. It's just uncomfortable. It's not my bed. No, I'm the opposite. Hotels, I'm like, bam, out. So I think my Fitbit would record a zero for every hotel stay. Zero. It has to, right?
Starting point is 00:23:20 It's terrible. I sleep far better in hotels than anywhere else. Really? Every time. I love it. in hotels than anywhere else. Really? Every time. So you've got the three stages. You've got deep sleep, light sleep, and REM, okay? Right. And generally sleeping, generally speaking.
Starting point is 00:23:35 You've been listening to REM again. You go, bam, straight into deep sleep. It's deep light, deep light, deep light. And then you get into REM later in the night. So, you know, you don't really dream in the early stages of your sleep, which is why when you wake up in the middle of the night, you have no idea what time it is. There's no point of reference. You know, you're not in the middle of a dream and then wake up for it. It's only, it's once you get into 3, 4 AM,
Starting point is 00:24:00 that's when you sort of get into REM and that's when you have like nightmares and things like that and regular dreams. And then that's why you often are dreaming just before you wake up because you're in REM sleep at that point leading into you waking up. But it's interesting to look at. I just recently, I upped my prescription for my brain pills. They doubled the dose. Brain pills? Yeah, for the panic attacks. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:24:24 So it's, my doctor is awesome by the way she's she's awesome yeah um and she said to me one of the things that the brain pills talking or is that your no no she actually is everything is awesome the sun is awesome i must give her my bank account. You guys are awesome. Must give bank account to this doctor. She said, the other thing we can do is give you some kind of counseling, but it'll be like a group session. And my face immediately fell because the idea of talking to strangers about this
Starting point is 00:25:00 or mingling with them disgusts me. And she saw that and she said it is basically like a lecture she said you don't have to talk you just sit there and they just talk to you about this i was like that sounds terrible don't sign me up for that and she was like okay i won't enjoy i'll just give you more brain pills give you brain pills who wants to go to a fucking lecture uh it's interesting to talk about to us oh i'm interested in hearing about it no way i'm not i'll tell you about the comedy gig I went to last night.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Unfortunately, we were in the front row. Oh, shit. Were you heckling? No, we weren't heckling, but I didn't laugh once. Did you get heckled by them saying, oh, it's Baldy in the front row? No, no.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Baldy. No, I was waiting for that. Baldy. I was waiting for that. Remember that time, Lewis, remember that time we went to that zombie burlesque show and we weren't even sitting like at the front
Starting point is 00:25:45 and they were heckling us big time? That was uncomfortable. I didn't like that. That was great. No, I hated that. There was lots of... They were mocking all of us. Man, all of us, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But I didn't like the tone, the implication that it was like five guys, so they just assumed that we were all gay, which was... You know what I mean? Like what? We were on a trip together, like, but that's the thing when you're getting heckled or like roasted like that, you can't explain the situation, you know? Like, you can't go into detail. It does look a bit gay, five British guys.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Well, actually, we're just five good friends and shut up, you know? Yeah, you can't. But so he would interact with the audience. He asked someone a question about where they were from, and they said Preston. And one other person cheered the audience, and he sort of did a bit about that. And then someone shouted something out,
Starting point is 00:26:34 and he said to me, what did they shout out I didn't hear? And I said, I don't know, I thought she said Pete Town. And he said, Pete Town? What does that mean? And he sort of did a bit about that for some reason. And then she'd actually shouted P-Town, which is Preston P-Town that's like a very American thing which is weird yeah um and then the set continued and he like made a couple of other references but
Starting point is 00:26:58 he was he was not funny like I literally did not laugh once it was one of the worst gigs I've ever been to in terms of the comedy. What convinced you to do this, to go to this show? Well, my recommendation or you guys just wanted somewhere to go to have a couple of... My friends and I have a WhatsApp group. I don't know how much they would be comfortable with me giving away. So I'm going to maintain some level of secrecy about this. But we basically go on what we call cultural sort of trips all right so if it's
Starting point is 00:27:26 if it's anything vaguely cultural and you recommend it or even if you just want to try it out you put it in the whatsapp group and we commit even if we suspect we're not going to like it or i think we should go to a on a cultural trip to the stag and hound and get absolutely pissed well there's definitely a pub involved generally we'll meet at pub, and we'll have a meal, and then we'll go do something. It's a real middle-aged thing to do, I think. But I wish we'd been doing it earlier, because we'll just...
Starting point is 00:27:53 Random things, like a talk or something like that, or like a gig for a band that perhaps we're not that familiar with, or a comedian, or a film or something. And it's nice to... Someone else recommends it or suggests it and the rest of the lads say, yep, we'll do that. Here's the night.
Starting point is 00:28:11 If you're not interested, maybe... Even if it wasn't that funny, it was still... You had a good time. I mean, honestly, the main thing was half five, I was at a pub with my mates and the show wasn't until like nine. So it was mainly a nice chance to chat to the boys
Starting point is 00:28:24 and have a few beers, which was great. But till like nine. So it was mainly a nice chance to chat to the boys and have a few beers, which was, which was great. But it's interesting. I think it's a nice approach that there's no judgment about it. Even if we review it, you know, after say,
Starting point is 00:28:32 I thought that was shit. I would never say I'm never doing this again. You know what I mean? Or I would, I would flame the person responsible for booking it. Although it was a poor choice. So why wouldn't you go for the couchslinging? That sounds like a,
Starting point is 00:28:43 an unusual trip that you could report back on. It's not cultural. I'm not saying that you should. How about we do the counseling right here now? I know exactly what it's going to be. It's going to be someone who I might describe as a hippie type, right? Standing up there, they probably think crystals have power and that molecules have memories.
Starting point is 00:29:01 That's what I'm imagining they're going to be like, right? Someone with flouncy clothes. They're going to stand up there and they're going to be like, right? Someone with flouncy clothes, they're going to stand up there and they're going to talk about mindfulness and all this kind of stuff. And I'm just going to be bored to tears. And I'm going to immediately not respect this person's opinions about anything at all. Because to me, the brain is just a chemical imbalance. That's all this stuff is. You can struggle to do mindfulness all you like, but there are some things I've been doing with breathing to sort of help control the panic attacks but to me i'm saying if it works for you it works for you but to me if if i think it's at
Starting point is 00:29:33 all pseudosciencey i'm oot and it will not work yeah um so there's just no point well it's the same thing with hypnotism if you don't want to be hypnotized you can't people it's not like some magical power where people can suddenly take control of you you have to believe in it and want to do it and it has to come from a place where you trust that it will have power unless um we've all been hypnotized to believe that yeah so the hypnotists secretly run the world every time you watch secretly do have there's actual hypnotism going on and you drool and watch netflix netflix and some of the some of the richest people in the world do look a bit like hypnotists don't they yeah like zuckerberg he could be into my eyes he does yeah well he's a cyborg actually but cyborg hypnotist who knows yeah he looks like he's
Starting point is 00:30:19 made of plastic it's weird isn't it he's a weird looking guy most of them are jeff bezos is a weird looking dude he is a weird if they had go Most of them are just a weird-looking dude. He is a weird If they had goatees, they would be even worse though true wouldn't they um shit man? Well, look, I think that what you're saying sounds like you already do do some Healthy things like breathing and some of them do work on you And so maybe maybe some lentils and sit down with a bit of you know Plant based for a bit flax maybe a ever thought about just going um plant-based for a bit flax maybe a month see this is the kind of shit i'm talking about just for a month just try
Starting point is 00:30:50 it out don't knock it till you try it how could that make a difference i don't fucking know just try it though no i'm not just gonna try random things well that's what life is that's all life is 70 years of trying random things then you die you it is not you're just no it is not you're you're on brain medication and doing breathing exercises that's pretty fucking random no no it's not those are things that make some things are less random than than others in terms of trying to figure out what's going on right but you're listing two things that are specifically not random and actually make logical sense and you're then throwing in a third thing no diet diet's a huge part of like uh, health and health problems, right?
Starting point is 00:31:28 How is being bored with what I'm eating going to improve my brain? I have no idea, but it works for some people. Also, I would like to point out yet again that you guys seem to have me pegged as fucking Fred Flintstone eating dinosaur meat. Well, man, if the shoe fits. Like some kind of meaty caveman. That's all I do. More like Barney Rubble, I think. More like Wilma.
Starting point is 00:31:52 More like Wilma. Man. Who did you prefer, Wilma or Betty? I never really thought about it. I was too young when I watched the Flintstones to have any feelings about either of those two. I was the same. Betty had any feelings about either of those two. I was the same. Betty had a younger haircut, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I think Wilma had a... She looked like a mom. Let me look them up now. Because they're more my age now. Right. Yeah, they've been locked in time. Betty Rubble. I wonder how many people are Googling Betty Rubble right now.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Oh, they're looking good. Look at Betty. Oh, Betty's looking great. That's what I'm saying. Is there any... Because who played Betty in the live action movies it wasn't ricky lake was it ricky lake really no i fucking think ricky lake was in the flintstones but i don't know i can't remember what character she played because john goodman it was it was not it was fucking um
Starting point is 00:32:42 what's her name oh my god rosie o'donnell was bet... What's her name? Oh, my God. Rosie O'Donnell was Betty. That's terrible casting. That's who you're thinking of. That's terrible casting. Rosie O'Donnell, same. She's very Ricky Lake-esque, isn't she? Rosie O'Donnell.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Ricky Lake. They look kind of the same. There's a name I have not thought about in a while. What is Ricky Lake up to these days? She was big in the 80s and the 90s. The 90s, her show was big. The 90s 90s especially yeah i remember she's 51 she looks fantastic podcast she looks fantastic well done ricky lake what's that what was that offspring song again pretty fly for a white guy there's a mention of ricky lake in there you know you can always go on ricky lake yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:33:22 it was a big thing in the 90s she did dancing with the stars oh my god um okay she's doing all sorts of stuff she's lost all her hair really she hasn't got it she's shaved her head off yeah why hair loss thing she's like you p flex poor ricky do you reckon like the hair loss thing was a stress thing like an early suit symbol oh stress years of depression weight loss pregnancy and the use of chemicals in her hair that dated back to her work in hairspray. Oh, God, I thought you talked about yourself. She said during the filming, she said, I went from hairspray to hairless. That's terrible.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Poor Ricky. God, now I'm really bummed out. Man, poor Ricky. Don't worry. Don't worry, Peter. We're here to help you through it. We're going to get you through this, Flax. Just like we're going to get you through everything else by going plant-based. That's it. The thing that's helped me the most,
Starting point is 00:34:08 and I don't know if anyone else has panicky episodes like this, the reason I control my breathing is not for some spiritual reason, but because your body responds to, your mind responds to what your body's doing. It's like a vicious cycle, right? So, your brain panics, it makes your body do things that you don't want like heart going up and your breathing starts to accelerate and then you start to hyperventilate and you get too much oxygen and it makes your limbs go numb if you're breathing too much and you can you notice that you're doing it and what you do is you take one deep breath in and you hold it for four seconds full four seconds and then you breathe out again and then
Starting point is 00:34:43 you wait and then you do keep doing that until you calm down. And that really, really fucking helped me. But that's not some mystical shit. That's scientific. That just makes sense. That's like a little trick. I understand why this works, and the science behind it backs it up. Yeah, you don't have to believe in a yogic god. Right, I don't want to do the fucking om and all this shit. That's not going to do it for me. No. Because I'm just like, this is a load of bollocks.
Starting point is 00:35:05 But some of that does work for other people. And also, like, I mean, one of the things that works for me is, like, just relaxing your shoulders. Like, if you've got, like, if you just concentrate on, like, the back of your shoulders and stuff and your shoulders, and you just make sure they're, like, loose and relaxed. And you just like, oh, for me, that's like, because I'm always, like, I feel like I'm always lifted a little bit. Like, a higher, like, I don't know. Do you know what I mean? Well, I find that when I'm getting panicky, I clench up my jaw.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Right. Like I clench the muscles in my jaw. You set your jaw like a movie fucking, like John Wayne. Like Robert De Niro. Yeah. And I noticed that I tensed up muscles in my shoulder and my upper back and everything. I mean, when you're as swole as I am, you could hurt someone tensing those muscles. That's it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:50 One flex. One flex. You could bend the tube when you're in the tube. Bend the safety pole? Yeah, absolutely. You know what I watched the other day? Channel 4, Film 4 is a good shout for movies that would have been blockbusters in their day but they chuck them on at like five six o'clock in
Starting point is 00:36:09 the afternoon now nobody gives a shit die hard two prime example shit commando prime example right so me and mrs f have been watching these i was like i was like this is such dross background tv i was like look what i recorded and she goes goes, Oh, like she's like, yes. And both of you could sit there in the lounge, not watch the movie. I know that some of them haven't aged super well, but like, man, some of them are still great.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Die hard too was a good movie. There's a good, a good series on, on Netflix. Flax. We've come to this. You're going to recommend this again, right?
Starting point is 00:36:41 No, the movies that made us. Oh no. Well, that last time was the toys that made us, but there's a sp-off series called the movies that made us yeah yeah and it was when we were streaming you mentioned yeah yeah they got they had uh the making of um die hard the original right right uh ghostbusters home alone and i think dirty dancing which i didn't watch but i watched the other ones but i try not to get too nostalgic because I think it's a really bad
Starting point is 00:37:05 thing no I don't think it's a lot of people say no they make movies as if there's no good movies and now it is interesting to see like because a lot of these movies just shouldn't have even been made in the first place they were just like plagued with issues like yeah none of the studios wanted to to do it because they all thought they were terrible ideas and stuff. And then just through sheer grit and determination, these films are made and they're like sensational movies. Yeah, it's crazy. Absolutely raking millions. Was there one about Ghost?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Did you watch Ghost? No, there wasn't one about Ghost, no. That was such a big movie. There's only one series, though. There's still time for them to to to do i'm just wondering whether something triggered and stuff i'm trying to identify the trigger for your dream oh i see yeah no there wasn't dredged paul mccartney out yeah it's really strange it's just your subconscious it's just it's just bored i think your brain is just bored when you're asleep and just goes like digs back in its spouting cabinet of memories Let's turn Paul McCartney into a
Starting point is 00:38:05 household pet for this guy's dream. That'll be hilarious. There's like it's like inside out I've got like a team just like controlling my brain in a control center or whatever. It's so random. It's just like one guy is like, yeah let's drag
Starting point is 00:38:22 out Paul McCartney. Let's get a vision of Paul McCartney back there. Let's get him on a five-a-side team. But it's only two of them. Hey, Paul, I'm still eating them leaves. What are you doing? Hey, so I also watched on Netflix recently the documentary about Aaron Hernandez, you know, the NFL football player.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, I recommended it to you. I didn't really want to watch it at first because i appreciate the recommendation but it was just like i don't know i find i it's a bit depressing a little bit yeah just like the whole the whole sort of like uh angle on you know repeated sort of concussions and and potential brain damage turning people into like these far cries of what they would normally be like you know like remember chris benoit the the wrestler killed his his family and they they did an autopsy on him after the fact and they found he was just his head was just full of jam basically yeah because of all the pile drivers
Starting point is 00:39:21 and stuff he had we have had this conversation very recently. A hundred times. Yeah, yeah. So anyway, I didn't want to watch it based on that because I was just like, I just don't know if, you know. I've seen enough men with their heads in a towel. No, it was really well done. It's interesting. It's pretty, it's tragic too. Like no matter how you look at it,
Starting point is 00:39:36 the whole thing is fairly depressing. But no, it was good. It was interesting. Oh, Lewis, did you find out whether Ben knows the rules to Starfleet battle oh should i see if he's in today no no you don't need to because he sent a tweet someone said someone said on twitter do you know the rules and he replied so here was the message all right it goes as follows do you know how to play starfleet battles asking for a friend that was uh josh
Starting point is 00:40:00 metcalf ben replies yeah i played like 20 years ago. It's super detailed, so I probably don't remember half the rules. So he does not know the rules to Starfleet Battles. Shit. So he knows half the rules. I feel like that's almost all the rules. I feel like if he started playing it, it would come back.
Starting point is 00:40:19 It's clearly not all. Come on. We'd go and play Starfleet Battles with him and he'd be like, oh yeah, so you set this up here here you do this i i basically that's it if you want a million dollars you'd be happy with half because that's almost all i think i'd take off see if he's in get him i want i want to ask him a question go get ben don't get ben go get ben spare ben lewis he's gone to get ben i think he's gone to get ben he wants to settle this once and for all. Do you know what this is? This is technically a guest appearance on the Triforce podcast by Ben. Well, he might not, though, because Lewis will probably just come back and lie and say,
Starting point is 00:40:52 oh, yeah, I spoke to him, and he does remember all the rules without coming back. That's a very typical Brindley maneuver, I would say. There you go. Here he is. He's back. Here he comes. Hello? Ben?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Oh, my God, it is a guest appearance. Ben, welcome to the Triforce podcast. Welcome, Ben. Welcome. Thank you. It's an honor. Don't Ben? Oh, how you doing? It is a guest appearance. Ben, welcome to the Tri-Flesh Podcast. Welcome, Ben. Welcome. Thank you. It's an honor. Don't talk too much, all right? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I've got a question for you. Yeah, keep it down a little bit. The question is, I've got a long, complicated political speech to give. The star of the show is trying to speak right now. Come on. So, Starfleet Battles. Lewis said, Ben will know the rules to that. Bring it down next time you come down to Bristol.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I said, I'm not being funny, Lewis, but the rule book is like three volume. It's like a legal document. It's like, you know, it's like cause 14AB, 14.117 and all that. I was like, I mean, you know, Ben doesn't know the rules to Starfleet, but it'll take us ages to learn how to play. And he was very confident and bet me 20 pounds. Ben knows the rules to Starfleet battles. Those were his words.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And I said, no, he doesn't. So which is it? Okay, well, it's hard to say because this is a bit of a halfway answer for you. I have played Starfleet Battles before, about 20 years ago. Right. But we couldn't just sit down and play it.
Starting point is 00:41:55 We wouldn't even remember how to do anything. It's such a complicated game. I think unless you've played it in the last week, you don't know the rules. Because there's so many of them. It's a super complex game. But it wouldn't take me long to pick it back up again
Starting point is 00:42:06 I think yeah I mean if we've got the books we could do it it's just a bit rusty next time I come down I'll bring it it's just a bit rusty but his point was
Starting point is 00:42:12 that we could just sit down and better know the rules which I think is a load of bullshit oh no I couldn't show someone how to play it I'd have to read through the book exactly but I do remember it
Starting point is 00:42:20 that's alright I've got a funny story about Starfleet Battles get out oh sorry silly oh shit alright screw you guys I do remember it. That's all right. I've got a funny story about Starfleet battles. Get out. Oh, sorry. See you later. Shit.
Starting point is 00:42:27 All right. Screw you guys. Wow. Amazing. Time Force Podcast is not the place for funny stories. No, we're trying to keep this podcast funny story free. We're not going to jeopardize our reputation off the back of ben of all people that's for damn sure especially because has he gone yeah for anyone wondering i actually i actually know what his funny starfleet battle story is right
Starting point is 00:42:58 okay so i can tell it now he was he was at he was at one of these gaming events where everybody sits around and plays games right and there was a guy there and he's like, do you want to play Starfleet Battles? And Ben was like, well, I've never played. He's like, don't worry, I'll show you the ropes. The guy gives him a rough sort of overview of the rules. They sit down to play. And the first thing you have to do is, on each term, is allocate your energy to the different systems on your ship.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Ben forgot to allocate any energy to life support. So the turn starts, the guy says, right, you haven't allocated any energy to life support. So the turn starts, the guy says, right, you haven't allocated any energy to life support. And Ben's like, oh yeah, sorry. And the guy's like, so yeah, all your crew is dead. And Ben was like, okay, can we just like, and the guy's like, no, no, that's it, game over. Sorry, I win.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And Ben was like, okay. And that was the end of the game. Ben, I don't know if you know much about Ben, but he doesn't make a lot of eye contact. Like he looks down a lot. And at this point ben lifts his eyes and realizes that he's playing against sir paul mccartney starfleet battles uh sir paul mccartney it's painted all of his own star trek
Starting point is 00:43:56 gets down onto the ground on all fours and starts eating some leaves some dandelion leaves off the floor um he's like half mullet and what the fuck wearing some jeans and stuff i you do get people like that at these things gaming things you really ben told me this story before as well i i'm familiar with it and uh it's just like it's the it's that guy it's it's the same it's the dungeon master who just like makes up the rules and is airtight, like as he goes sort of thing. You know, it's like the gatekeeper of fun. It's that guy. Yeah, I think it's like anybody sees every single game. Like when I know Ben's philosophy about games
Starting point is 00:44:37 is basically the same as mine, which is that I don't really play thinking I have to win. I try to win and I want to. No, you want to have a fun game, right? Right. The more fun the game is, the better. Like if you're playing Dungeons and Dragons or you're playing a board game with friends,
Starting point is 00:44:52 it doesn't work if you don't play to win. Like you have to try and play the best you can. But the idea that I'm going to destroy fun to make winning more likely to me is bullshit. Like the idea of saying to Ben, getting all the games sorted, get on the pieces, getting everything ready, and then going, well,
Starting point is 00:45:07 you didn't allocate life support, game over. It's like, all right, so you don't actually want to play. You just want the W. Like that's all that you want. You don't enjoy the playing of the game. You only enjoy the winning. That's that guy's attitude in a nutshell. Whereas I feel like when I play games with Ben,
Starting point is 00:45:20 we have a laugh and he'll say, oh yeah, don't do that. You know, and he'll help out and stuff like that, which is the right way to play games, I think. To play them to win, but the winning is not, for me, the best part of playing the games. Some people are very competitive. That's not competitive.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And that's okay because that's part of it. But yeah, that's insane. But for example, different people are... There is, to some extent, a problem with... I've been playing a bit of Treasure Island lately in the office with a couple of people., there is to some extent a problem with, I've been playing a bit of Treasure Island lately in the office with a couple of people. Treasure Island is a really good board game. I recommend you pick it up.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It comes with some pens. And the idea is that one of you is Long John Silver and plants the treasure somewhere on the island. You mark it on your own little tiny mat. And then everyone else has to find the treasure. Sounds like a game for kids, I'll be honest with you. Yeah, that does sound like it would appeal to my eight-year-old child and not so much of me as a man so so basically you give them all these quite complicated clues about where it is and then they have to draw either on their
Starting point is 00:46:14 own little maps if they've got private information or on the big map in the middle with like these big pens and so i got some chalk markers and so by the end of it it's just a complete mess of like of like series it comes with a pair of compasses to draw circles right it's got like it's just scribbles and everywhere and you realize like the treasure is in this sort of wedge and so you get your try and get your character there it's it's it's great fun and i'm really really good and i recommend it it's not it probably you probably could play it with teenagers but it's not for kids really um but i my uh my youngest at the moment is obsessed with the idea of making board games and she makes these board games and they're terrible and but but she i have to play them with her because she
Starting point is 00:46:55 gets really upset if i just say no that looks shit so she'll say i've made a game will you play it with me and i'm like yeah sure i wonder why was she would get upset about that i know kids of kids she might like uh my son has been doing this thing at school it's a it's a microsoft product product it's called um like codu or something like that codu k-o-d-u i think okay and it's uh it's like a like a kid's programming like you can make like games you can make whatever in it but it's just like really simple sort of like oh i see this yeah mario maker style animationy stuff and and whatever i mean she she's making board games because she loves to do anything with scissors i don't know she might like that though like if she's into that sort of stuff like i thought i'd mention
Starting point is 00:47:39 it because i know my son's like super into it he He came home yesterday. He's like, Hey, you tried this thing at school. I need to use the computers. Oh, I love that. Like, he's like so fucking excited that like this stuff had to happen like this instant. I was like, ah,
Starting point is 00:47:56 geez. All right. Her games are always the same, right? Like she, she draws a track, like a long winding track, squares it up,
Starting point is 00:48:03 numbers it. And then the, and then she'll write little penalties or bonuses in the squares. Right. So there's some snakes here that go... So if you go on this side, you go on a snake. It's essentially all of her games are a variation of Snakes and Ladders, which I've mentioned to her several times.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I'm like, this is good, love, well done, but all your games are the same because you start with the track and then you build the game around that. And there's really only so much you can do with just a track and a dice and two counters. So I was like, why don't you think of a cool idea for a game and then we'll build it like properly and you know, it'll be good. I said, look at this is a bad example. I said, think of Carcassonne, which we play sometimes, play Carcassonne. I said, that's interesting because- I played Carcassonne this week. Because there's a random element to Carcassonne of what tile you draw,
Starting point is 00:48:48 but the strategy is where you place it. I said, any game... Carcassonne is a very hard game. It's a great game. It's very, very... It quickly goes to incredibly... You can be a real high level... Oh, you can.
Starting point is 00:48:59 But I said to her, the fun of it is that you have some choice. I said, the problem with your games is that it's one track, and whether you win or lose is entirely down to the dice roll. I said, so it's not really a game of skill or anything. There's no fun. It's just rolling a dice and seeing what you land on.
Starting point is 00:49:14 But because she's made it, she wants to play it. And I play it, and I say to her, look, why don't we come up with an idea for a game, and then we'll make it? Like, she just can't get her head around that idea. She just wants to do it now. She thinks, I want to make a game. And she thinks, what should I do? She just draws a track, puts track puts go back one go back to go back for what miss a turn and it's just it's fucking tedious i'm waiting for her to get
Starting point is 00:49:33 out of the game making phase right or to develop at least to stage two which is a fun game i think that i think that there's so many really interesting and really cool board games so this is something i've been really getting into lately board games is um i've been playing because obviously when tips we came down we played terraforming mars which is really fun yeah i like that i recently be playing a game called wingspan which is made um this it actually designed by a woman um wow famously she's quite famous though she's quite like well known for making really good board games and there aren't you don't necessarily see that like a lot of the biggest board games are made by guys. I think, apart from Monopoly,
Starting point is 00:50:09 which is obviously classically famous for being made by a woman. No, it wasn't. Monopoly was, yeah. No, it wasn't. I don't think women were allowed to do anything back when Monopoly was invented. Monopoly was made by a dude. Yeah, Sean Monopoly.
Starting point is 00:50:22 It was made by a woman. The history of Monopoly can be traced back to 1903 when American anti-monopolist Lizzie Magee. Oh, there you go. So there are female board game designers, and Wingspan is actually really beautifully made. The actual box is really high-quality materials. It's got lots of cards.
Starting point is 00:50:38 It's very easy to learn. It's actually got a really good rule book. It's really quick and easy to learn, and it's really fun. And the idea is that you um sort of have to design or find like combos between birds and lay eggs on them and it's like each bird has like a different activity and there's like 200 so every game is like very very different and and there's a version on tabletop sim which i looked at so i thought we might we might because we've been trying to play like uh strategy games on armature admirals this year but there's nothing good so we're thinking about doing some tabletop
Starting point is 00:51:08 games and wingspan's really really cool and also i've been playing gloomhaven oh okay all right so here's the thing lizzie maggie developed that what was essentially the landlords game okay that was self-published beginning in 1906 so this guy called darrow charles darrow he was the one who wrote monopoly based on lizzie magey's original creation so the game of monopoly was made by charles darrow but it was based on lizzie magey's game the landlord's game so that's what it was that i knew it was a dude behind monopoly but liz but Liz Maggie, she came up with the original idea for a game that Monopoly was based on. In your face! No women have ever made anything good apart from Wingspan, which is good.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So check it out. I recommend Wingspan a lot. What was Wingspan about again? I was so busy thinking about Monopoly. It's about birds. Right. It's good. You'll like it. It's really simple. What birds like women? You mean birds, Lewis? They've done nothing
Starting point is 00:52:05 have they never made nothing according to my mate Lewis women are useless so I'm definitely into board games at the moment
Starting point is 00:52:14 I'm really keen to sort of play some of these interesting things that I haven't played before I'm going to look at Mysterium this week which is apparently
Starting point is 00:52:21 quite a famous board game that I've ever played but my parents wanted to play Carcassonne when I went over there at Christmas. Great game. Because my mum's been playing it and she's bought all the extra bits. Oof. All the DLCs.
Starting point is 00:52:33 This is about 10 expansions. She bought all the DLCs for it. She's all ready to go. All the extra. And honestly, I'm actually amazed. I was looking at Tabletop Sim and there's like so many weird fucking versions that they've made. So much work has gone into putting some of these games
Starting point is 00:52:49 into Tabletop Sim. Some of the most famous ones like Puerto Rico are in there and stuff. Can I recommend Block War? The Judge Dredd Universe board game Block War. It's a fantastic game. You have two tower blocks and you have to destroy the other player's block.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And it's great i used to play with my mates all the time and they would bring around their copies and you can just have multiple tower blocks and we so you sort of have a wraparound thing and it's it's just such a fun game there are fires can break out and they start to spread out of control and it's honestly it's so much fun and it's got all the all your favorite mega city one characters like uh the city death force and the all the crazies and all the rest of it nice it's great it's fantastic it's a great game i recommend uh fireball island that's my recommendation it's a great one right is that the one with the lava yeah yeah it's got uh it's got marble that
Starting point is 00:53:42 rolls down out of a skull's mouth and you have to knock over an adventure oh you're like mousetrap kind of yeah yeah it's fucking really good though like if you get your hands now that was a shit game do you remember i used to go around someone's house and they'd be like let's play a mousetrap i was like fine yeah my kids got mousetrapped for christmas like two years ago and we thought oh yeah this is a classic and they hated it they just like it's terrible didn't even pay one operation operation is a bad and they hated it they just like it's terrible didn't even pay one ounce of operation operation is a bad game you play as a fucking sucks this is ridiculous my kids got hungry hippos which they like they like that's a banger of a game now hungry hippos
Starting point is 00:54:15 is a great game that game saved hasbro at some at one point you know hasbro hasbro almost was was dead in the 80s and if it wasn't for hungry hippos hungry hungry hippos they'd be fucking gone it's amazing to me when that happens yeah like disney if that cinderella movie hadn't been yeah so many so many big companies have had yeah times like that it always amazes me like you you think of these huge companies and how they they make so much money and they have so much power and they can never do wrong but if you look in their history fuck me it's such a gamble like all the time like so many of them have made dumb mistakes like lego same with lego early 2000s lego almost went under like they had like ips with star wars and harry potter at the time there's no new movie
Starting point is 00:54:59 like right in 2004 i think and they were they were just like ah fuck we're dead like we wow yeah we're we're like we have to do something or we will just lose the company and then i can't remember what i was watching recently they said like it's very unusual for a company to last longer than 40 years like even a company that's very successful they get about 40 years and then it just starts to go to shit if a company is about one thing like like toy companies are interesting because they have lines of, they have like product lines, right? Like they have like IPs and whatever. You get sloppiness coming in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Or they just, they haven't got any good new ideas. Yeah. They get complacent. They just run what's working for them into the ground. And then they suddenly don't have any new ideas. It's weird though. You see it with games companies. Games companies are the same.
Starting point is 00:55:45 There's a factor to that, I think. I have a theory on this. And it's that if a company is around for a long enough time, the people that it ends up hiring are diehard fans of their company that grew up. You know, like look at Blizzards like that now. To some extent, Valve is like that now. Certainly, toy companies are like that. I grew up playing G.I. Joes and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:09 But all they have to offer the company is like their nostalgia and the feeling of love for the toys or the things that the company used to do but i don't know if they're necessarily like the it's almost like you need somebody who like doesn't fucking give a shit but just has these insanely good ideas or something you know what i mean like i think they also are reluctant to get into a new market or a new idea that could actually help kodak is a good example of that right kodak huge name for years and now nobody knows kodak like they're they just do batteries now i think right it's just like film and stuff is just digital film came along they did not jump into it the way they needed to no because they were used to making physical products so the limitations of what a company expects themselves to be doing and to be good at when that changed i mean
Starting point is 00:56:58 blockbuster is another example yeah could have bought netflix for like 40 million netflix was like we want to do a deal with you like no no we do physical stuff we don't we don't do we have shops we don't do this mail order crap and and streaming what is this but it could we could be talking blockbusters and chill but we're not and it's just i just think it's incredible really that these huge mammoth companies yeah sometimes they just they get it wrong they they they just like and frequently as well it's not like uh like so like don't get me wrong some some companies just like seem to like seem like they can't they could do no wrong but even apple at one point was just like apple was in big trouble yeah nobody really worked multiple times they made
Starting point is 00:57:35 lots of fucking dumb investments and dumb mistakes and then it's really just like the ipod came along and literally saved their entire company the ipod yeah that became it I'm always super interested in stuff like that but I I think I think my theory stands but I I'm sorry if it doesn't really make much sense I'm not saying that like everybody who joins a company because they're a fan of the company is bad for the company but I I feel like there's there is a saturation of people like that who may not necessarily be like the best fit for the company but they end up getting taken on to the company because they're so passionate about it before they even work there.
Starting point is 00:58:08 You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't know if that's a great hiring practice. Like you look at some of the stuff that's been popular in the past. So randomly, like after watching these like toy documentaries and movie documentaries and
Starting point is 00:58:22 stuff, and it's oftentimes just people that have nothing to do with anything. You know, it's just like some fucking weirdo in a basement somewhere who has this idea that is then chopped and changed and made for market. And it just works. You know what I mean? Like it's crazy. It is much like this podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It just works. It just works. And now it's done. So peace. Thanks for listening. Bye. Bye. Bye. just works it just works and now it's done so peace thanks for listening bye bye oh you're brought dead that'll do

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