Triforce! - Triforce! #141: It's Time to Burn Reddit

Episode Date: September 2, 2020

Triforce! Episode 141! We're shutting down Reddit, we're sick of Steam and we hate your stupid indie games! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epide...mic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:44 Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Tri-Force Podcast. Today, I'm here. Hi, I'm Lewis. Hi. Nice to meet you. God, who are you? Some new fresh kid on the block? Yeah, wow. I'm ready to go. Wow. Do you have long hair, by the way? Yeah. Okay, good. You can join the gang then.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I've got enough hair for all three of us. The one thing that we check on uh before we the long hair gang pflax had an attempted hair an attempted wig this morning what um just before we started it was a little tickle on his head he thought oh his hair's growing back but no it was a spider you know what i i dreamt um i dreamt last night that I had hair. It's a dream I have quite often, obviously. I dreamt that I had really long, luscious hair. Right. And when I woke up, you know when they say that people who've had a limb amputated have a ghost limb?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah. I could feel the weight of the hair, but I was just really tired. It wasn't hair there. And you ran your fingers through your ghost i literally went to touch my hair and i was like oh yeah i'm a bold fucker but it was just 10 spiders i think it just knit me a little web of hair that might be interesting yeah that might be that like a kind of string strings well those um strings just handkerchiefs.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You should get one of those hairnets, you know, like the ones that people wear. When they're preparing food and stuff. I always find it funny to see a bald person. Yeah, you should put one of those on. Because it's obviously like a corporate requirement. Yeah, like some of these. Like you must wear a hairnet. It doesn't say if you have hair, it's just like, no, you got to wear one. It's like, I'm sorry. It's like if you set a rule at a corporate level and there's no leeway,
Starting point is 00:02:29 you know, it's got to be written very precisely to say, if you have hair, you must wear a hairnet. But I mean, you know, geez, I would refuse to wear a hairnet if I was bald. Those things look ridiculous. I read an article this week about going back to work and how corporations have an ideal working environment set up for their staff at their offices right and so as a result that it was kind of like i've i've sort of been led to believe over the whole coronavirus thing that actually it started off like i thought people would go crazy when they're home all the time but actually i think it's generally helped a lot of people have had a better time at home I'm sure some haven't like working perched on the end of their bed or on an uncomfortable desk or having to share a room with
Starting point is 00:03:12 their partner and it's like whoever gets to the kitchen table first gets it kind of thing right that sort of thing but I think I read this whole corporate thing about how they were keen to to put their staff back in a controlled environment i was like oh my god it sounds like you know some evil plan to you know enslave people again i just it just i know it read in a way that was all i don't know it was it was spun with positivity um and corporate bullshit yeah well i think honestly what it boils down to is a lot of middle management is just terrible like they can't um justify what they're doing they can't manage people properly and the only time they feel like they're managing people properly is when they're just like micromanaging
Starting point is 00:03:56 them when they're sitting like right next to them or whatever like when i was working it was the same thing like it was always like can i work from home please i hate going office. I was always asking to work from home or looking for some excuse to work from home. And there's always so much pushback on it. Like they just would never let you do it because they, it was like impossible for them to like measure your, your productivity. Cause like they wanted to make sure that you were doing stupid stuff, like not taking any longer than one hour exactly for your lunch and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Like that? That's the measure. Yeah, I'm sure. I am 100% sure we talked about this. Yeah, I read about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It drives me nuts, though. The mentality is so bad. Like it's just it's middle managers, dude, they have to justify their job and their job is to sit at their desk, bash into some calendar when everything's meant to be done, have some piece of software that's for project management. And mainly they're just making sure, like you said, everyone comes back from their lunch break on time and no one's smoking in the office. That's their job. I feel like when I had any job, though,
Starting point is 00:04:59 I was constantly able to get my job done in a very short amount of time. And then I just dossed off for the rest of the day right watched tv online and pissed around and idled and just generally chatted to other people just didn't do anything like I and I feel like if I was at home I'd probably be the same amount of productive you know maybe you know I'd get the same amount of work that I knew I was happy doing and could do, and then the rest of the time I'd doss off. I don't think it's that different actually working. I think the vast majority of companies and things are still going just fine in the lockdown. I think any office-based jobs, for sure, because they're all using computers anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I'm sure there are some companies that don't. Things like manufacturing and stuff like that. If you're new, then companies that don't um yeah i mean things like manufacturing and stuff like that if you're new then obviously you don't know what you're doing and you maybe maybe or if you're if you're in a job where it's like well what am i doing today but if anyone who's got a fairly set sort of guideline of what they're doing they've done it for years they know what they need to do i don't know if that's most jobs i think that that's the problem is we're looking at it from a sort of officey perspective but that's not most jobs most jobs are service industry jobs manufacturing jobs picking things up jobs carrying to other places jobs you know that that's it and i think a lot
Starting point is 00:06:16 of those are the ones that have been affected rather than i mean yeah if you work with a computer and most of your transactions with customers are done online you know you basically well they're the sort of ones i'm talking about really they're the ones where i well i'm just surprised that the corporates are so like let's get everyone back in so we can put them back under the leash yeah and use the cattle prod to poke them every hour it makes sense for them to want to go back to exactly how things were before though because a lot of things depended on exactly how things were before right like there's there's so much so much that goes into it like people a lot of companies need people to be out of their houses i'm sure we talked about this as
Starting point is 00:06:56 well but like yeah yeah you need people driving so they buy gas they need people out and so they buy lunch they need people bored at lunchtime so they go shopping like there's so many businesses that depend on that dead time in the day for so many people to the dead time i mean but right we don't give a shit about the high streets so why should we you know i mean i don't think we can structure society like that where we say well what about the sandwich shops like i i don't know what to do about it if things change what are we meant to do yeah i mean online shopping has devastated the high street i don't know if you've been to a high street recently it's fucking dead yeah like it's well that's been a lot so many big brands gone yeah so what are we meant to do roll back and say no you can't buy things online of course not so it's the same thing if people now work from home those industries are going to
Starting point is 00:07:43 go under it sucks it's the cycle though you know people now work from home, those industries are going to go under. It sucks. It's the cycle, though. This has been happening since the dawn of time. Even back in old Egyptian times, people were like, I'm sick of figs now, and all the fig farmers go out. It's all about the juicy peach now. The difference with this, though, is that the change is being forced by an external thing, like a virus that nobody has any control over. Of course, change is inevitable,
Starting point is 00:08:07 but the only change we tend to see is change that's brought on by people who are going to definitely capitalize on that change, right? Like there's a push for change when there's a ton of money to be made, but this kind of change is not wanted because things were fine the way they were and people were heading in a certain direction and then this thing comes out of left
Starting point is 00:08:28 field affects everybody and sort of threatens a new normal or whatever and everybody's like no fuck that like that's not the new normal like we're going back to the normal normal so that we can then dictate the new normal and make a lot of money off it right like no nobody nobody's ready to like um you know spin this and make money like some people are obviously but you know what i mean like in in a general sense a couple of stores that did very well out of the pandemic sure yeah like supermarkets and hardware stores did well and sort of some of these places strange change necessarily but anyway i i thought i was thinking about jobs and stuff because i watched sips um fly over ottawa on microsoft flight sim on youtube oh yeah and give
Starting point is 00:09:13 us a tour of his hometown yeah oh my god it was so just i was just just enthralled by your like guided tour of i'd sit on a bus where you just drove around and told me shit about it's the ai generated stuff so none of it looks like it should right but it's funny when someone tours their hometown it's the kind of tour you get that's more personalized than here is the school here is the library this building is famous because in 1512 you know it's not like that no it's like that's where i worked and that's my friend's house. And it feels, I think, when you look at a town. It's constantly triggering memories.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah. Everything you see. This parking lot is the place where I first did a French kiss for the first time in my life. Right, it's interesting. Man, I was just, I was going for it. Holy crap. I didn't know what I was doing, but I was ready to try it out anyway.
Starting point is 00:10:04 French kiss. French Canadian kiss. I can remember it very I was doing, but I was ready to try it out anyway. My first French kiss. I can remember that. French-Canadian kiss. I can remember it very well. Yeah, French-Canadian kiss. Yeah, you've got to fill your mouth with Pepsi first and then... I was going to say garlic, but sure. Yeah, garlic works too.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So it was super nice to see you be like, oh, that's where I bought bubble gum, and that's where I used to work, and that's where I used to work. Basically, there's just one fucking big street that you wear like a six-lane motorway or freeway whatever you call it it's very north american yeah there's like a mall on one side and some shit on the other then a bit further down it's like a big suburb on one side and then more on the other and then a bit further down there's like a big suburb another big mall it's
Starting point is 00:10:43 like it's just kind of it was it was very american linear just i don't know it was cute yeah it's nice i mean it's a newer neighborhood it was built in the 80s so like you know it's very sort of like um organized and like laid out perfectly so that you know you're when you're commuting home on that six lane motorway there's plenty of places to stop off and buy groceries and fill up your car and stuff like so it's all it's all shit like that like the the sort of like modern modern suburban and urban planning sort of stuff you know like you don't you don't get that so much in europe because a lot of the roads are really old right so like the way that cities are designed town centers and stuff are designed are really different you'd think it was designed by a genius it's but there's so much fucking spaghetti junctions oh i know it's
Starting point is 00:11:29 crazy i can believe it but it's like there's one fucking road here there's so much beauty in the chaos though like i don't know it's just like it's just nicer isn't it like i like in north america the way things are planned out you've got like like you were saying you've got this big like six eight lane road and then on the side all you see forever are these like lagoon outdoor parking lots and these like outdoor strip malls you know like yeah they'll be like they'll be like the token kfc or something or like a subway building like in the middle of the parking lot somehow just also the schools had parking lots of the stat size as well which surprised me yeah so i was like i was like i'm not used to schools here having gigantic you know shopping center style parking lots in front yeah over here parking
Starting point is 00:12:17 is like you know it's so it's so few and far between it's impossible to get a decent spot you know like you have to you have to park like at you know a multi-story parking garage or something it's it's very rare that you'll have really convenient access to like a building especially like in in like a city center right it's like it's really built up high streets are usually pedestrianized and everything but like especially out in the suburbs man you can like the parking is insane like there's just like a little store that could fit like five people will have hundreds of parking spaces like allocated to it it's insane is that because of the resistance for the cold weather when it blows in the winter i guess so yeah probably everyone has to drive but just
Starting point is 00:13:03 all the cities in north amer are really built up around cars. You know, like there's definitely, you know, even over here, like Jersey's not really a good example because it's such a small place. But like most roads you can sort of walk along, you know. But like you get to America and Canada and like, you know, highways and stuff. Nobody's walking along a highway. Like you can't really. Walking in America is very difficult in much of it. Yeah, it's just not possible. The towns aren't built the same way
Starting point is 00:13:32 they are over here for sure. Because they didn't a lot of them didn't grow organically. It's just like a state after a state after a state that were all built because you could buy the land cheaply. They whacked down 100 identical houses that that all still have huge backyards yeah and then they they connected those vaguely with with lightly paved roads but i mean i went to la uh inland empire for anyone that knows it and there's just fucking nowhere to walk like that we we tried to walk well no i remember yeah exactly like i would i would go and get coffee or something and they would be like i'd be like oh can't we walk they're like no it's just bizarre it's so
Starting point is 00:14:12 strange to me it's alien it's like across it's like across the road but that road is just completely inaccessible to pedestrians like yeah it'd be impossible to cross there's no lights or anything because people you know it's it's it's meant for like you know through through traffic or whatever um and like and there's no way you're walking underneath a highway because it's scary and gross there's no there's no um there's no pavements like anywhere we were walking on a pavement because it was in front of a bank but when the bank's property ended the pavement stopped they. They were like, it was just for show. And then you're just walking on a verge and people are like staring at you from their cars.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Like, what's wrong with those people? It's like, what is happening? Like, walking is one of the most fundamental human things, walking about. But we couldn't do it. It took us forever to get from one place to another. And the hotel was like, you should really take the shuttle bus.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Like, what the fuck? We don't need to be shuttled. It was with these two Russian lads and we wanted to walk to the target. It took us like 45 minutes. It wasn't far. Just because we had to navigate this assault course of impossibility.
Starting point is 00:15:14 It was bizarre. We walked through this huge car park for this building. It was like a bank or something. And the car park was like the size of multiple football pitches. And then right in the middle is this bank building.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And we're just walking through here. Like, can we walk here? Is this so loud? But there was no indication you couldn't because it hadn't occurred to them that anyone would ever try. It's very weird. Yay, I'm not walking here. Have you guys heard, to change the subject, have you guys heard of Bazooka Joe gum? Sips probably have.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah, of course I have. Yeah. Never heard of it. Did you ever send off? So Bazooka Joe gum was a famously awful chewing gum that you bought and it was like a block of pink yeah there was always really hard it was so hard like it would shatter your teeth like it was always unbelievable stale it was never like fresh you know you get like that really fresh nice fluffy rubbery bubble gum right bazooka joe
Starting point is 00:16:06 is not that it's the opposite of that but it came wrapped in two pieces of like greasy not grease greasy like grease proof paper yeah it was like it was like greasy sort of paper wasn't it's like waxy right kind of waxy paper yeah like wax waxy so it had a comic wrapped around it and then it had the outer wrapping around that i think and you sort of yeah open the gum and then there was the gum inside a comic starring bazooka joe and his gang yeah um and it every comic said that you could send away for something so for instance on the wikipedia page it's got number 204 free telescope i don't know why they call it free telescope because it's not get a close-up view of distant planes, buildings, etc. with this powerful telescope.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Opens to seven inches. Planes. I thought it was going to say planets, but they're planes. No, it's not like a space telescope. So you have to send 200 comics or 40 cents and five comics to Bazooka, Box, 2 0 0 St. Paul's, Minnesota. I just think it's incredible to me that people must have sent away for these
Starting point is 00:17:11 things. If you ever got any of the bazooka Joe prizes, let us know, let us know what they were like. That sounds like a Netflix special right there. P-flex. On this topic. My son is a avid reader of the bino okay and um they were doing a competition where you could win a uh lionel messi goal and like a ball and stuff
Starting point is 00:17:35 like that so he filled out the forum and it's like your football knowledge yeah it's like no it's like a little goal so yeah there's a flag or uh or of the pitch they can want to win a pitch with a bit of the grass uh from a messy listen the fucking prize was a small plastic goal with a ball with a string attached to the goal okay okay so it wouldn't go anywhere it's like really it was just like really small kids toy thing so he filled out the form and sent it in. And then a couple of weeks later, this fucking, this thing just turns up in the mail with like a certificate saying, congratulations, you won the competition. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Is he a member of the Dennis the Menace fan club? I don't think he's a member of the, oh yeah, you know what? I think he is a member of the, I don't know if it's called the Dennis the Menace fan club now. I think they might have changed the name. Yeah, I think I'm a member of the, I don't know if it's called the Dennis the Menace fan club now. I think they might have changed the name. I think I'm a member too. I had the Nasher badge, which was a cardboard badge with a furry Nasher sort of ring around his face. I had the, what else? You get a wallet that says you're an official member of the Dennis the Menace fan club.
Starting point is 00:18:39 You get a certificate normally. That stuff is still going. He's got one of those he got a certificate he got a wallet he got i was very pleased with myself when yeah yeah he loves it he we got him like last christmas we got him like this like you know 80th anniversary edition of the very first bino comic like they reprinted some of them and stuff and we put a put it in his stocking oh my god i could see that not being incredibly politically correct nowadays. But maybe it's okay. Dennis the Menace versus Darkie, the new guy in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It's fine. Oh no. It's fine. I mean, that's what comics were like back then. All black people had like the, their face was like completely black with the big lips and all the googly eyes, everything. If you look at comics from like even the 60s and previous, it was unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:19:26 In the 70s, there were a lot of comics where... I think there was a big splurge on comics that were like, you know, so-and-so goes to tame the wilds of Africa and stuff like that. Just deeply, deeply wrong. And kids grew up reading those. I guess that explains a lot about people's attitudes, I think. That generation of people might care.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I remember about the Beano. I remember getting the Beano when I was young. I can't have been more than your son's age, Sips, but I didn't understand the jokes. And I don't know whether it was because I was just too young to understand them or whether I was just stupid and still am or whether the jokes were maybe bad. There weren't enough fucking your mother jokes in there for my liking.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I remember like, I've told this before, but I remember I would read the B-note and every time I would get to the punchline, I would just not understand that it was the end of the thing and turn over, expect the story to continue. And there wasn't any more story. So it felt like all I was doing was reading a load of stories that abruptly ended yeah sense of a sense of uh of how life is really perhaps that's the job of the beano quite philosophical you think
Starting point is 00:20:34 there's going to be more but there isn't right honestly i think it's because they have to pump out so many comics per week like it must be really hard to pull that thing together you know like i bet you like they have to print on a certain day and before that everybody's just losing their mind many comics per week like it must be really hard to pull that thing together you know like i bet you like they have to print on a certain day and before that everybody's just losing their mind like that they dare do the comic oh god like they just like have to pull it all together they can't they can't do it so there's like they probably just end up submitting a bunch of unfinished comics like yeah we got like 80 through this one we had a great idea for the ending but we don't have time i don't reckon it's that at all i reckon they. I reckon that they're the same sort of people I talked about
Starting point is 00:21:09 earlier in the podcast who have done their job for so long that they know exactly how long it'll take them to do their thing in time. And they always do it in time and maybe they've got a spare one in case of emergency and that one will go in. So it's probably quite a chill process, I imagine. They'll have writers who just storyboard it, and then they just give it to the artists, and the artists just plug in away all day writing, and then it goes to the inking guy and everything. And it's all written ahead of time,
Starting point is 00:21:37 because it's not like it needs to be topical. Like Dennis Domenes isn't making, it's not like Private Eye or something, which amazes me when that comes out. You think, wow, there's so much in Private Eye. There's so much. It's very current, right? I think they have a lot of people writing.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Contributing. And I think they can adjust the size of it based on how much they've got as well. If they've got more or less, they can pan it out or loosen it out. I don't know. It always seems to be pretty much the same. The adverts in the back of Private Eye. Have you ever read the adverts in the back of private eye no i haven't very strange the the adverts are always like a phase with private eye where i read it a lot for like a couple of months simon used to get it delivered so i read it every now and then when it was on his desk i do i. There's sections that I read every week. Like, I always read all the, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:27 there's all the funny stuff. And then if there's an article about something that grabs me, like, sometimes it'd be, they do some actually very important sort of investigative journalism, really, in private eye. In the same way that you see, like, Jon Stewart or John Oliver nowadays, I guess, like, used to, you know, Stephen Colbert,
Starting point is 00:22:45 are obviously a comedy show, but in a way they are at the forefront of raising awareness about issues which are clearly important yeah but in an entertaining way i think that's the thing i know that john stewart um had a big problem where i think it was it might have been tucker fucking carlson or it might have been it might have been uh tucker fucking right bill bill o'reilly i can't remember who the fuck talked to him it was someone and they said you don't understand oh i think it was tucker carlson actually because that little prick where they they talked to him about how he didn't understand that he had this responsibility and they're like you had so and so on your show and you didn't even grill him and all this and he's like guys we're a comedy show like first and foremost that's what we do and
Starting point is 00:23:28 his point was that the show that leads into them is about like animated penguins that was whatever the show was on comedy central before the john stewart show and he's like yeah if you're looking at us and saying you're not we're upstanding journalists it's like we're not journalists like we're just saying look at this shit isn't it funny how fucked up is this and making stupid jokes about it um i think it's interesting that that journalists were looking well i call them journalists tucker carlson was looking at him and saying like oh you're letting the side down as if he's comparing actual news programs that are deeply serious with fucking john stewart who's a stand-up comic and it was all played for laughs like it wasn't often that you had an episode that was deeply serious and if you look at john oliver
Starting point is 00:24:10 it's the same no but he's a bit more serious i think he i think his i think wasn't he sort of almost suggesting that john stewart was trivializing the news by making fun of it you know and stuff like this no i don't think it was that i think he literally was making out that he he had a responsibility in all this and he let it down he's like like because i think he interviewed obama and i think tucker carson was unhappy that he didn't grill him about something and john stewart was like well look it was it was someone he interviewed he was like look guys we're a comedy show like if it's not funny if we if we in the middle of a comedy show have a deeply serious 10 minute discussion with someone that's not the point people don't tune in for that like i used to love the daily show it was really fucking funny yeah it went on for years too holy god yeah you have serious
Starting point is 00:24:54 moments and you know that's in the same way that no it's i'm afraid it's not it's not what it used to be but but john oliver's taken over with last week Tonight. It's really good. Yeah. Coming back to magazines, I used to have a subscription to the New Yorker magazine, which I really enjoyed. I don't know if you guys have ever read that before. Very fancy. Isn't it quite stiff and sort of boomery and boring? Well, parts of it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Some of it is, yeah. But sometimes they had like, I remember this one edition that came out and it was like all short stories. and holy shit, it was fucking awesome. Like I never appreciated short stories until I read every short story in there. And then I was just like obsessed with short stories for a while. Like I just would seek out all these short stories. um i don't know what what it was about them i maybe it was just like no i love i felt like it was just something that you could just you know read in in you know a couple of you know like an hour it's a story but not but it's short yeah and it's just it was it was just amazing it was really good and um very occasionally they'd have all these like interesting articles like i remember reading this article about um these guys who lived in brooklyn
Starting point is 00:26:06 who had like a a beer company but they grew like all the ingredients on the roof of their building and stuff and i was it is all right like it was it was it was pretty interesting i kind of liked it it sounds like you're basically just browsing reddit pretty much yeah i mean i don't think short stories and yeah i'd say this is a while back pops up on r slash videos this was like before reddit like but yeah it was very much you know it just like every once in a while there was like some interesting articles or whatever do you know what fuck fuck reddit man can we just say that can we just say fuck reddit it's so bad dude i mean honestly there are so many shitty communities on there there's so much karma whoring and shit people
Starting point is 00:26:45 reposting stuff as their own when it's not oh my god just posting a picture of a fucking cat you're right so many bad videos there are some really good subreddits and there's some fucking lousy ones then just yeah the worst thing for me is you look at a post on reddit and someone will make some stupid awful joke and there'll be like a hundred replies to it and people riffing off this same joke, and they're all like anti-funny. It's like a black hole of humor, Reddit. It just sucks anything funny into it and destroys it. It's such an awful thing.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And then you look at the power that Reddit has, it's unbelievable because so many filmmakers, TV series makers, game makers makers all of them are obsessed with the opinion of reddit and i was watching there's a woman called lindsey ellis who does reviews and sort of uh look backs at tv series and movies and why they're good or bad in her opinion and she did like you know a big thing about the lord of the rings and and the hobbit and a big thing about game of thrones yeah we watched all of her stuff. Right, she's great.
Starting point is 00:27:46 She did one about Game of Thrones and I can't remember, there was another series that she did where the show developers were like pissed off that Reddit had guessed how the show ends. Right. And changed the ending of the show because of that. Now, I know I have personal experience of companies paying too much attention to reddit it does not fucking matter if some twat on reddit has guessed the ending of the show this is not your audience reddit is the reddit is the ultimate sort of like um platform for thinking things are a much bigger deal than they are and thinking that the audience who cares about those
Starting point is 00:28:23 things is much bigger than it is when yeah when really it's not at all it's not i mean it's such a small small small small it's tiny really insignificant portion of the of the general population it really is it's so easy to to to fall into the trap of thinking that it's the it's like it's like it's like twitter as well people will see an opinion on twitter and he's got like 100,000 likes or whatever. And people losing their shit saying, Oh, my God, this is you know, this is unbelievable. Everyone's this opinion is obviously what everyone is thinking, but it's not No, it's a subset of people. And that's the thing with Reddit. It's the same thing that I mean, you see people who call themselves I'm a Redditor,
Starting point is 00:29:01 like that's what they do. Like's a fucking profession no it's not i i go on reddit sometimes i like i like tiktok cringe i quite like that live stream fails i just look for funny videos and shit or look some links to interesting articles but it's very very rare that you find a decent subreddit uh most of them are filled with i've cleaned up my front page over the years to get rid of all of this shit, because just reading the top or popular is just wank. Awful. It's either reposted guff that was lies in the first place, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Which you then tell someone as a fact. You're like, oh, did you know this? That you read as a fucking today I learned whatever. And you look at it and it's like, oh, it's like reposted 16 times from like over the course of 10 years. And it was bullshit in the first place. Like the one I read last week was the fucking the old place like the one i read last week was um the fucking the old the old word the medieval word for bear was lost throughout time um and the only the word for bear means brown one because people were scared to say the word
Starting point is 00:29:56 bear like it was lord voldemort or something and they'd summon a bear and of course the whole thing's bollocks um but you know i i sort of regurgitated it as fact to simon the other day and he was like is that true and i was like actually i don't fucking know because i read it on reddit and so therefore it's probably not because people are obsessed though like you said about game of thrones with being original and they can't if they read if they read the ending to their thing on reddit and they're like oh shit this guy's figured it out i don't want to seem to be copying him and also if it's if it's that obvious then i'm gonna fucking have to change it on i make it more unpredictable and it's like it's like the same thing with with games like if
Starting point is 00:30:34 there's a mod a popular mod for something in the game you can guarantee that that game is not putting that thing into their game anymore do you know what i mean it's like it's almost like the antithesis of what they want to put in their games because someone else has had the original idea and they're terrified of i don't know getting copyright strike by a fan or some bullshit do you mean or being accused of plagiarism of some fan you know it's like oh well why do i use by the dlc when we can just use this guy's mod it's like i don't know like you can see the thought process and and i think reddit is this easy place to get criticism and people
Starting point is 00:31:06 want to want to hear what people think of their stuff they like to get their penis stroked by people on the internet it's very hard
Starting point is 00:31:13 to get feedback I think this is the essential problem if you're a TV show maker or a film maker or a game maker and you're making any kind of media
Starting point is 00:31:20 how do you get feedback from people Reddit's a ready source of it that's it it's very hard to get it that's it's all curated it's very hard to get any other feedback you know what you're gonna do tweet out and say what do people think of the new spider-man movie it's like no one's gonna fucking tweet and hear a response
Starting point is 00:31:34 to it but if you read like a thread in the r slash movie critics sub fucking reddit and they're all like there's a thread called addressing problems with the coherency of the new Spider-Man franchise. You know, it's full of armchair assholes. It works both ways though, right? They think that some of that stuff is valuable. Some of the negative feedback is not at all useful. But then some of the positive feedback is not at all useful either. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Like, it's one of those things you sometimes you like, like if say you made a TV show, and then you asked on Twitter or Reddit or whatever, you know, what's your, what's your opinion, like, just to try to get like a general sense or whatever. It's so off, like, you can never get anything like good from that, right? Because some people will say they like it, even if they don't like it, you know what I mean? Like, just because whatever, it's you or something. And then sometimes the negative criticism is so weirdly specific and not at all relevant or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:35 You know what I mean? Like, it's just, I don't know why anybody would bother to- It's weird. To ask on social media for an opinion on anything. It's crazy. Who's going to answer? Either people with nothing better to do, who probably, you know, who cares?
Starting point is 00:32:49 If there's people trolling Reddit all day, looking to respond to something, they're probably obsessed with that thing. If they're obsessed with it, can you really take their opinion? Are they the average viewer? I say any show or product or game that goes out and is selling lots of copies and doing well,
Starting point is 00:33:06 that's your feedback. I don't know. That's it. Like if I'm ever asked for feedback on anything, okay, say somebody asks you for feedback on something and it's something that you know like a bit about. But do you know this person? Yeah, maybe you do or maybe you don't. It doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:33:23 But say you know. Maybe you have children. Maybe you won't. You know a bit about the subject enough enough to have an opinion on it right even if somebody asked me what do you think of this if if generally i liked it i would just say yeah i like it whatever you know like i wouldn't i would never go specifically into you know points or like if i'm streaming and i'm playing a game and i've played a game for like hundreds of hours and there's a couple of things about it that i don't agree with or i think are broken or whatever i'll mention but that's like a really invested thing right i've played this for like 200 hours in front of a bunch of people and it's like you say like i might say oh this is kind
Starting point is 00:34:04 of broken or this doesn't work, or whatever. And then people in the chat are like, oh, yeah, that doesn't really make sense. It's kind of broken, or whatever. And then that's just sort of like your opinion on it. Oh, my God. But if somebody's on Twitter, like, what do you think of the new Marvel movie?
Starting point is 00:34:15 And I saw it, and after I left the movie, in a general sense, I was satisfied with the movie. I'd just say, yeah, it's pretty good. You know what I mean? Like, I would never go into it. Like, fuck it, who cares? It's just weird. I do have some respect for people who criticism for a living and can pinpoint obvious things. Because I've, for example, I recently, I was given an early edition of Humankind and I was
Starting point is 00:34:39 told to fill in this whole like survey, right? About it. And I was like, yeah, sure, sure. And I went through and as I looked at it, I just was like yeah sure sure and i went through and as i looked at it i just was like i played the game for like four or five hours and i was like i realized that i just couldn't answer these fucking questions coherently i like i had a good time but and it was but and it was it was it was fine um and i didn't know whether i was just happy with it do you know what i mean i didn't have anything to say i didn't have any criticism but even then like i felt like i didn't wasn't really able to say what things i liked and what things i didn't like to what things i would change i i didn't i didn't know how to change them i was
Starting point is 00:35:11 like i had a good think about it and like what and i i had an enjoyable experience but i just couldn't answer these questions it was like you know because it was like oh how did you rate this thing on a scale of one to ten and i was like and i just spent the whole time like going down the middle and like i was like it's okay it's like it's all good it's good but is it like is it a 10 good or is it what is this what is this relating to like what idiotic like is it a like a book a movie sorry i missed like what it was a game so it's a game all right okay yeah um it's the new civilization from endless legend people who've joined. Oh, yeah. Is it good? It looks good. Yeah. Well, I can't really talk about it.
Starting point is 00:35:47 But they put out like an hour long demo thing for everyone to play recently. They're going to do a few more. So you'll get to see it. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, I'm excited. But I just felt like
Starting point is 00:35:58 I sometimes really struggle to I don't know if you get this and maybe it's just me, but sometimes like i watch something and i really enjoy it and then i read uh someone's criticism of it and they're like oh yeah it had all these things wrong with it and i'm like i agree with all of that i'm like yes i agree that these things were bad this was and they say you know they end up and if i'd read that review first i probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much um but because i didn't read the review
Starting point is 00:36:23 i actually quite enjoyed what while i was there yeah but i think it's a personal thing i get that with movies a lot yeah like if i if i if i go in to see a movie blind i'll come out and often it's only after i've spoken to other people and they point out things that were bad about it that i'm like oh yeah i guess so i mean but it's like it is weird but that's my point is that when they ask for feedback, the kind of people that give that feedback extensively are either obsessive or obsessed with their own opinion. is like, you know, maybe like the effects aren't like up to scratch. The acting's not very good. Maybe the dialogue's not written very well. Maybe there's parts of the story that just aren't written very well, or it doesn't like, you know, fuse together well into like the arc or whatever. Then yeah, okay, sure. Criticism, like I can agree with that kind of stuff. But it's such a, reading a book or going to a movie or something
Starting point is 00:37:25 like that it's not for you to change right like it's you're either in the mood to see a movie like that or like there's so many factors to it right yeah you're in a good mood you're gonna like the movie you're in a you're you're in the mood to watch a movie on that specific genre or topic because you're into that sort of thing at the time you're gonna like it you're like you know what i mean there's there's so many things that go into it that you can't for me like it's all about like holding my attention right like like like when i watched your um flight sim video of you just flying around i was wrapped with attention for the whole thing right i mean it was like a 10 second clip so no but it was like no it's like you fly through
Starting point is 00:38:04 ottawa for like it's 10 minutes long oh right it's on YouTube it's on YouTube yeah oh sorry and the same thing you did like a full
Starting point is 00:38:10 like 10 minute tour of San Francisco where you just talked about oh yeah that one yeah and you made bullshit up so they're out you can watch Motsips' YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:38:18 but this is a great plug for me am I the new am I this week's sponsor or something without knowing it no
Starting point is 00:38:24 we don't have a sponsor this week actually we might have some coming up new am i this week's sponsor or something without knowing no all right we don't have a sponsor this week uh actually we might have some coming up this week if you guys keep talking about my youtube videos and stuff slash sips is that does that well actually um i i did sort of state to myself in my mind and nobody else that i had some talking points that i wanted you to cover it needed to be a certain length. And there was some other technicalities that you missed out on, but I had to repeat the name of the YouTube channel at the front. Yeah, that's right. It has to be further. If it's an hour long podcast, it has to be between six minutes and 54 minutes. It can't be at the, it can't be at the end. Um, anyway, getting distracted. I,
Starting point is 00:39:04 as all it matters for me is that it, it holds my attention mostly. Anyway, getting distracted, all it matters for me is that it holds my attention. Mostly. I think that's something that's good. The ones I don't like, like I remember watching that Leonardo DiCaprio,
Starting point is 00:39:15 what's it called? The Great Gatsby movie. And everyone raves about it. Everyone loves it. The Island of Dr. Monroe. No? Some movies, I just kept getting distracted
Starting point is 00:39:26 and couldn't get on with them. I don't think I particularly liked that either. Well, I'm like that on a plane. I can't watch a movie on a plane. I'm constantly distracted, and I just can't, like, immerse myself into a movie. Sometimes if you've got a really good one, it'll pull you in, and that'll distract you for two hours,
Starting point is 00:39:41 and that'll be what I need. I want it to desperately, because I want the flight to be over at any given time in the flight but uh it just never i'm always like distracted like there's a little bump or something i'm like oh fuck what's that you know like i gotta stop everything i'm doing and really think about that for 10 minutes what was that i think something really good could just suck you in though right like almost like put you on autopilot my brain's just not ready to be sucked in by anything on a plane for some reason. Do you know what I've been doing this morning and yesterday evening,
Starting point is 00:40:12 just to change the subject? Playing golf? No, I'm having to go through a list of games. I'm doing something in a week or so, and I had to go through a list of games on Steam that aren't out yet. Right. And they're all sort of potential i guess some of them are doing demos or you know they're all sort of indie dev space well they did so like like like the tiny teams festival that we did right that kind of thing yeah let me tell you something go for it 99 of these games are so
Starting point is 00:40:40 fucking bad i i honestly cannot believe it i don't know what is happening what do you mean well all almost all the games on tiny teams were really good right i've got a couple of games here that i'm waiting to come out and what i've noticed flax is that they do this thing they do like this this prologue thing right when the game isn't ready so you can play like barn finders for example did it did this recently i know you didn't like barn finders i didn't really like that was so bad it was pretty bad but so before the game came out maybe a month before it came out they did barn finders the prologue and it was like you could play like 15 minutes of the game you know it was like basically some of like the opening cut scenes the tutorial
Starting point is 00:41:23 and then you had like you know five minutes to play right i think that's a good idea it's kind of a good idea but it's such a i don't know it's like i just want the whole game you know just yeah no i understand that but my point is that they're an awful first of all there seems to be a huge subset of gamers out there who will buy games that are adventure games where you have to marry an anime character of some kind. Normally you're in charge of some kind of school or academy. And there are a lot of scantily clad, very young looking... Luke's getting really excited about that.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Teenage girls. And you're so... Oh my God, you're so right. If you look at Steam Spy ever, which I try to do quite regularly because I'm interested in new games, there's always fucking some anime romance. So many.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Like female protagonists, sexual content thing at the top. And honestly, you are right. Like there's a Twitter that I follow called Steam Trailers in 5 Seconds or whatever. And that's basically post any new game that gets posted on Steam. The trailers get auto shortened and uploaded to this Twitter feed.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And me and a bunch of other people follow it. And I'm constantly seeing really shitty games. Just awful. Like awful, awful, awful games. The top of new and trending on Steam for me right now is Kandagawa Jet Girls, which looks like it has... That's personalized to your taste. It looks like it has personalized to your taste it looks like it has everything that you described based on things that you've previously i don't own a single anime game
Starting point is 00:42:50 though i know you don't so i don't know why like this stuff we well no new and trending isn't like curated for you though is it it's a it's your cue like the you browse your cue thing which i've had a couple of stinkers come up in my queue on stream before as well like this game called perfect lover because i've got the i got the filter off so it shows the adult games i have the filter on anything that has the word anime in the title any sexual content stuff gone i do not want to fucking see it but what if it's um what if it's like a game like um like i don't know like no i'm not saying like a game like, I don't know, I'm not saying like a game by Rockstar,
Starting point is 00:43:27 but what if it's something like Hotline Miami or whatever? That wouldn't be under that filter. No, no, but what if it did accidentally come under one of those filters and then you missed it? It wouldn't. All right. Also, if it was good, people would talk about it. I'm talking about just the constant recommendations that Steam gives you for shit.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Like you go and look at new games and I'm just going through them and I'm like, these all look bad. These are bad, bad, bad. So many of them are just like, how many partial effects can we cram on screen? Frenetic 2D action. It's just mindless flashing lights. There's so many. I just can't stand them. This is why I've been going through all the old AAAs. Like death stranding was amazing horizon zero dawn really really fun i really enjoyed that yet it's really fun and i'm going to right but those are triple a titles i'm saying indie titles that are not dreck like absolute dreck and they're few and far between and it worries me it worries me because you get a strike me dreck mean? Drek means fucking awful. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Where's that? What's that term? I think you just made it up. How am I still learning new terms? Drek. Did you just make it up? No, I haven't made it up. It's a fucking word.
Starting point is 00:44:32 People out there will know. There are plenty of people who have heard the word Drek. And they'll know what I mean. I think there is a little bit of a dearth of a really big indie title that we haven't played yet. Because the reason is because last week everyone was obsessed with Flight Simp week everyone's been obsessed with pga tour oh baby oh man it is so good we mean since i've been playing that hey i played against um i played against krendor last night flax oh yeah we did a best of three man my opening game was such a stinker fuck i'd like you got so angry it actually i find it super frustrating like it do you know what it
Starting point is 00:45:06 is like um speaking of reddit i was reading um this thread on reddit yesterday about um me um getting angry at uh at golf and uh somebody in the thread was saying like oh you used to be so chill you never used to get angry or whatever like you know when you did youtube stuff and um i thought about that i was like yeah it's true i didn't really i don't remember ever getting like overly frustrated or angry or whatever but but when i did lots of youtube stuff i never really played any competitive games most of the games i played were single player sorry story like adventure-y kind of games that weren't frustrating or like management games where you build stuff or whatever i like i
Starting point is 00:45:45 i still play a lot of those games but i find more so now especially with through streaming because some of these games are great like pga like the whole career thing is really fun and i feel like i feel like for streaming that's something that's like not too bad to watch you know what i mean like yeah yeah i think the issue is i don't think it's just i don't think it's just to do with the games that you play i think it's also there is a difference between playing a game on your own and playing a game knowing that people are watching yeah and criticizing you as well yeah it's like having people over your shoulder when you're doing something the big one with pj golf is everybody's constantly because there's the the difficulty settings for your swinging and stuff
Starting point is 00:46:30 like that is separate to the difficulty settings of the course right so people see the difficulty setting on the course and the he's fucking playing on easiest we're fucking idiot it's like no no i'm not like my the actual swing timing and everything i'm not playing on easiest and that's the hard part of the game the courses vary from like easiest to hard or whatever but it doesn't matter because like as long as you're getting your swings timed properly you're you're landing the ball like where it needs to and stuff like that that it's irrelevant but like it's such a big sticking point for twitch chat like it's unbelievable that you're playing at and how and how how somehow you you you might land a shot and they just will not accept it
Starting point is 00:47:12 they're like oh fuck there's some fucking magic here like this guy sucks at games like there's no way i'm allowing this i can't accept that this guy could maybe be good at a game. Like, there's no way. This guy in chat accused me of cheating and said he was going to report me to 2K Games and, like, stomped off. Yeah. And it was because, you know, your chat was, like, obsessed that my shots were too straight. The up and down was too straight,
Starting point is 00:47:38 even though my timing was awful. The up and down on the controller I've got is very limited. It's not, like, a very wide range of motion, which is actually quite helpful. So I can go back and forward, back and down on the controller I've got is very limited. It's not like a very wide range of motion, which is actually quite helpful. So I can go back and forward, back and forward on it quite consistently because I just don't think it has that range of motion that like a proper Xbox or PS controller has.
Starting point is 00:47:55 This was the topic of conversation the entire time I was streaming. What difficulty is he streaming at? What controller has he got? Is he hacking? And like constantly to the point where it actually, if like that was what made me angry, the game that didn't make me angry.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It was just sometimes like, oh. I played two games this week that I really sort of wasn't into. One was Elite Dangerous. Oh man, such a tedious game. I found it hard to get into that too. And the thing is, okay, I know people listening to this right now are- Love Elite Dangerous.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah, absolutely. Jumping out of their seat, getting ready to scream at us and stuff, okay? I don't hate Elite Dangerous, for the record. Not at all. I had a nice time, but I had to set myself in this sort of slower mindset where I wasn't going to use my brain, really. I was just going to point in a direction, sort of spin around and zoom somewhere and sort of idle, watching star fields go by while I sort of got to a location.
Starting point is 00:48:51 I like all that stuff. But I find with Elite, you just have to be, you have to be in the mood to really invest in something for the long haul. It's not a game that is enjoyable. I feel like if I'd smoked a load of weed, I would have enjoyed it a enjoyed it yeah yeah i think but don't you just find like when i played it i don't know i did play it a few years ago now it was just everything that you do takes like five times longer than i thought it would take it's not a fast-paced game no it's a very slow-paced game take getting in your ship and taking off docking all that shit. It was just like in the old Elite.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I was blown away by the original Elite when I played it. I used to play it on my Commodore. I loved it. It felt incredible, even though it looked like shit, you know, compared to games now. At the time, it was like, oh, my God, this is incredible. It was a similar pace as well, honestly. It was great, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:40 There was a lot of just flying about, looking at the prices of things, making notes and everything. Like, you know, it was fun because it was new and there wasn a lot of just flying about looking at the prices of things making notes and everything like i you know it was fun um because it was it was new and there wasn't anything like it but when i play games like that now i just i do not have the patience no to spend doing and learning all these incredibly intricate controls and everything yeah i think it just drives me mad i liked uh freelancer i thought freelancer did a good job of not being overly heavy on the controls. It felt arcade-y, but it had just some nice bits to it. Trading and it's just easier to get around and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I don't know. Yeah, that was quite popular. I liked Freelancer. I could play another Freelancer. But Elite is, I think it's great. I just don't think it's for me. You know what I mean? And some people really struggle with that. Like, they just think that you should love their favorite game or whatever. And I appreciate that it's probably great, but I just can't get into it. I mean, I guess it's the same with me and Dota. You get people saying, I just don't understand how you can play this. And it's just looks so dense. Totally. Absolutely. It's the same with me and Dota you get people saying I just don't understand how you can play this and it's just looks so dense totally absolutely it's the same thing I don't know like sometimes I've played a couple of games in the last couple of years obviously my favorite game of the last
Starting point is 00:50:51 couple of years was the return for the Obra Dinn oh man which is amazing really really really good actual game like something really different really fun I want to see more games like that see that's an indie game you know by by one guy I think. Yeah Lucas Pope, he made Papers, Papers. Right and you think, I mean I don't know if there were other people involved but I remember it took him quite some time to make it which made me think it probably was just him. That's incredible. I'm not saying every game has to be as good as the Obra Dinn but at least he had an idea for a game and it was intriguing and he carried it through it was very it was very original and everything like that i think it is it shows how hard it is to get a really good original idea
Starting point is 00:51:30 but some of these games it's a studio making it and i just think what is this at what point did you look at this and think this will be fun well you're right i look at the and often they just go with the safe bet of what's been done before they're like okay let's just make assassin's creed but in the future with robots and you know you're basically gonna climb up onto a point and instead of a tower it's gonna be a giant giraffe robot i'm talking about horizon zero right right it's basically you know it's it's like it's the same game as they or third person controller based thing that works you know they have to they can't take risks, right, right, big mega budget games that are developed by hundreds and hundreds of people. But what I'm saying is, I feel like too many of the the indie
Starting point is 00:52:12 dev games that I've been looking at, either you think there must be a troll, like, I think this has to be a joke, right? There's no way someone's made this thinking people will like this, that they've come up with one idea. They're like, what if we had like a shooter, but you're a dog and you shoot bones at people? You're like, okay. And then, I mean, I'm not even kidding.
Starting point is 00:52:33 That's the kind of shit you have. Yeah, you're right. It's like they're drawing things out of a hat. It's like a randomizer. It's like when they, you know, in South Park, how they said that Family Guy's written, they get some manatees to pick things out of a tank or something. It's like that. They chuck a bunch of things in a hat drows okay so uh cutesy anime girls and what's this uh battle arena and uh tile based combat okay yeah let's do that it's like
Starting point is 00:52:55 what what is this i would play that i would play that that's what i want you see i mean like i i almost play every single turn-based game okay Okay, imagine this, though. A turn-based game where you're a guy out in the wilderness, and you can build a log cabin, and you could go hunting or fishing or whatever. Oh, my God. It doesn't even have to be turn-based, actually. Let's just throw that one out the window. It's real-time.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Oh, I'm out. It looks like Red Dead 2, graphics-wise, but you can do all this like oh man i i'm at the point now where i think of a game and that's what i want to play a bit like flax when he was on pitch please he woke up in the morning he's like just playing games in our mind that's it because well the ones that are coming out just aren't aren't up to scratch. This is what gets me. These people know how to code. They know how to animate. This is what I did when I was a kid, right?
Starting point is 00:53:51 When I was a kid, I couldn't play games, so I played games with my mind. This is the thing, Lewis. It's frustrating to me because I can see that there must be some technical ability to these people to be able to make this game. It clearly runs, right? It's got animations. animations it's got everything but there's no idea we have two ideas right here dudes in alaska and untitled crime empire game right yeah because the one that everyone said oh pierre and have you seen soza just came out it sounds like the game you made no it's shit no yeah it looks like shit you get that all the time it just sounds like and it's some game that is nothing like what you've described you get that a lot as well my the the latest one that
Starting point is 00:54:30 chat tried to get me on is i really enjoyed playing hitman 2 a lot and i was like fuck i could really go for another game that's like hitman 2 so then every game that they've ever wanted me to play in the past that i've always like poo-pooed and said no i'm not playing it now they've ever wanted me to play in the past that I've always like poo-pooed and said, no, I'm not playing it. Now they've started saying, it's just like Hitman. You'll love it. It's like some fucking card game. Like, if you fucking play this card game, it's exactly like Hitman. You'll love it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 It's like, oh, okay. That's the trick. They found the little trigger. They found the loophole. Because you didn't play Hitman for the longest time because you thought it was, you just thought it was bad or something, didn't you? I just thought it was going to be dumb't i just thought it was gonna be dumb i just thought you know what i and i even tried it at one point and thought you know after people going on and on
Starting point is 00:55:13 and on about it i thought oh fuck you know it's probably pretty good this big triple a game or whatever and uh i played the the free version i was like i just don't get it like i don't understand why people love this so much but then when i really got into it i was like i just don't get it like i don't understand why people love this so much but then when i really got into it i was like fuck it just clicked and i was like oh my god i can see why people love this that's one of these ones it's so good jesus but it's the things that make hitman feel good and not necessarily what you think exactly yeah oh gonna be you know oh it's so sad it's weird the recommendations that you i get when I'm streaming. I think most people know that I play Dota. I play CSGO from time to time.
Starting point is 00:55:48 We play... What else do we play? Anime stuff. Anime, titty-based games. I've seen you play a few of them. It's always in a fucking academy. Why is it always in some kind of school or academy? Why is it always a match for or one of those
Starting point is 00:56:00 assemble the puzzles with those squares as well? I just don't understand. Why is it always... It must be, I mean, these are games that- Isn't that, by the way, isn't that the worst puzzle of all time? The one with the picture which is broken up into squares and you have to slide squares. It's just awful. I hate those. Just awful.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Isn't that the worst puzzle ever? That's what we had before we had computers. I mean, you would always get one of those. It was like fucking Mickey Mouse and it was a jumble. You had to slide the tiles around. There's one free square, right? And you have to slide them. If anyone makes that game and it's not for a student programming project,
Starting point is 00:56:32 I want to be able to shoot them in the face through the internet. There should be a device that's coded up. Steam, just set it up. It will just delete your game if you upload that to Steam. I wonder how much these games that come out change. Like, okay, look look i'm on steam right now let me go to the front page here there's a bunch of those sort of shitty puzzles that we've seen like the pipes one joining up pipes jeremy like it used to be like a one of these games in
Starting point is 00:56:55 mass effect or whatever where you would like have a have a hacking mini game you know whatever and it would be some dumb they'd add some dumb old school shitty 2d horrible your grandma might play it wanky game you know okay i'm looking at this game right now called iratus lord of the dead okay oh my god that's so bad i played it yeah it looks terrible okay this is me okay i come to steam i see a picture of a game where there's some dude with like some fucking tribal markings tattooed to him. And he looks, he's got red eyes and long, gross hair and a crown. And it's all like dark and dingy looking or whatever. That's an instant turnoff for me.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I like, I don't- Also, that's 90% of the games. I just don't get like, I just... But I'm sure it's great. Like, the recent reviews are mostly positive. All the reviews, there's been tons of them, are very positive. There's six people from my friends list that own this game. One person has it wish-listed. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:57:59 It's terrible. It's terrible. It's terrible. Don't listen to Lewis. It's like a bad verse should have slayed the spire meets Dark Destruction. Right, okay. So, yeah, so it's terrible. Don't listen to Lewis. It's like a bad version of Slay the Spire meets Darkest Dungeon. Right, okay. So, yeah, so it's a card. Here's my problem.
Starting point is 00:58:08 The animations are fucking abysmal. The gameplay is incredibly slow. It's taken a brilliant concept, Slay the Spire, and added completely unnecessary complexity to it, like this god-awful crafting system and fucking old socketing of stuff. Fuck off. Slay the spire was good because it was just pure perfect gameplay simple all these games copying are like what if it was slay the spire but we fucked it up by throwing a salad this is what i was trying to seeing what stick this is
Starting point is 00:58:36 what i was thinking about before though i wonder like what the sort of concept of this game was like before they added all this stuff because i feel like you you have the core of a game where it's like i have an idea for a game and that idea for a game doesn't include all of the like hook stuff right the stuff that's gonna you know shift shift copies of it right so like like in this case it's probably like do you do you think that this this game was born of slave the spire or do you do you think that this game was born of Slay the Spire? Or do you think the concept for this game was something else, but then they were like, Slay the Spire is really big now,
Starting point is 00:59:11 so let's make it like Slay the Spire. But it might have just been a completely different game. No, I think a lot of games tried to copy Slay the Spire. Right. Which, I mean, this is the other thing, is that when we get one of these games coming along, like Slay the Spire, the reason I've got so many hours in it
Starting point is 00:59:24 is because all these other games that try to copy it just try to copy it and stick other shit on. They don't put an interesting twist on it, they just think, how can we add more detail this and get some of that Slay the Spire money? That's I assume it must be that cynical, because you cannot make a game this bad with so little love. There's no love in it. There's no purity.
Starting point is 00:59:47 All these games like Obra Dinn and Slay the Spire, at heart, they are simple. You can describe them in one sentence without all this extra shit that they chuck on. It drives me up the cocking wall. Obra Dinn was great. I think it's tough because when you are envisioning a game, or when you finish Slay the Spire, and you think, I really enjoyed that.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I want to play something similar. And I think that there is an audience for that and that there's also in the same way that you know you finish assassin's creed you want to play assassin's creed 2 you finish like assassin's creed you want to play horizon series on it's familiar enough i don't want to give them any more praise than i than i would to someone what you're saying is that it does it does stifle creativity it It does, because it's the same with films. It's like, you know, do you remember when superhero movies were a thing? Everybody started making fucking superhero movies.
Starting point is 01:00:31 When zombie movies were a thing, everybody started making zombie movies. But they were all fucking shit. And some of them cost an awful lot of money, and they were fucking awful. And there were tons of books about zombies. Everything, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie. And half the fucking games on Steam were something to do with zombies. Everything, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie. And half the fucking games on Steam were something to do with zombies.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And no one was doing anything original apart from like one or two people. And I just think, you know, if you actually stopped for a second and thought, yes, zombies are popular, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for something else. Or we can do something interesting. I think it's a very scary thing.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It's a very... First of all, lots of people can't take the risk. And second of all, when they take the risk and make something, once they've created and put all this effort and time and money
Starting point is 01:01:10 into making it, they realize it's not fun to play because they never were really able to get their hands on it properly. You know, like sometimes like Hitman, stuff like this, like sounds like
Starting point is 01:01:19 it's got enough elements in it that makes it reliably okay. It's going to be okay. You know, whereas something like, you know, you put out over, did it might just be really not fun.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Um, you know, but, but, but the only people who could take this anyway, this is why with your, um, thousand indie games or whatever you have to look at,
Starting point is 01:01:38 I think you're going to have to just have a little sort through and see if you can find some good ones. Cause there will be some gems. And that's the thing out of all of this, you see some things you think, all right is actually quite interesting um and some of them have like a really cool look i i absolutely understand being inspired by if you want to put it that way or as another way copying other games that is absolutely fine there are plenty of games that are copies of other games that are good slay the spyro didn't invent card based combat absolutely they did not but they did it really well. And I
Starting point is 01:02:05 just, I worry that a lot of these devs are just churning something out. They've obviously got talent, they can do what they do. I just wish they would wait, get a really good, the idea has to be the core of it. I worry that they jump in and sort of code something and they think, all right, what can I add to this? I would rather they spent fucking six months getting the idea perfect like you said like like they need someone who's maybe has crafted an idea over years who has visited cold reaches in the north of of canada someone who's considered what it's like deeply they've thought about living in a cabin oh they've played a lot of games yes they need an inspiration they need a figure right yes a designer if you will that's why a lot of games. They need an inspiration. They need a figure, a designer, if you will. But that's why a lot of these people, I think,
Starting point is 01:02:49 try to do the designing and the coding, but they are two very, very, very different things. And I think often people who are unbelievably good coders and can obviously do it don't actually know what's fun. And that's a problem. You need somebody who's enlightened some you need somebody who's enlightened you need somebody who's young attractive and just has a great idea you know like bill gates with windows 95 that was a great idea okay um so my idea dudes in alaska is a great idea as well
Starting point is 01:03:21 and i'm young and attractive and enlightened. And I feel like I could design the shit out of this game. All I need is people. You know Windows 95 back and forth. Yeah. Knows it inside out. Yeah. And all I need is a couple of million dollars
Starting point is 01:03:37 and a couple of people who know how to do things, like do art. A couple of million dollars. Do some programming. Don't sell it short, dude. This is a billion dollar idea oh yeah don't get me wrong it's going to generate a billion dollars but it's not going to cost a billion dollars to produce you're saying the seed capital that you require yes just a just a couple of million dollars and then we're on our way we're gonna we're gonna make the best fucking video game that you see lewis is already
Starting point is 01:04:06 putting in his bank details to transfer the money over he's like i'm amazed yeah i'm doing it right okay that's enough thank you everyone for listening this week yeah we'll see you all next week goodbye

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