Triforce! - Triforce! #155: Ending Humanity with Pointless Emails

Episode Date: December 9, 2020

Triforce! Episode 155! Lewis got interrogated by the police, Pyrion is prepping for some christmas invasions and Sips is enraged that one pointless email will end the world. Go to today and get an extra 3 months free on a 1-year package! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Ho, ho, ho. We're into December now. This is the second podcast in December, technically, but now it feels Christmassy for us. Are you actually using that as an intro? Okay, sorry. Right, I'll start again.
Starting point is 00:00:55 No, you're not. You're sticking with that, surely. I mean, you're going to leave that in, but do a more... Editors, do not remove that. I want people to know. The people must know. Ho, ho, to know You've got to practice these things they don't always work right first time For a start, you don't just ho ho ho
Starting point is 00:01:11 like casually He sounded like Microsoft Sam doing ho ho ho there Ho ho ho, ho. That's bad. Merry Christmas, everybody. Oh, my God. It's not quite Christmas yet,
Starting point is 00:01:31 but I guess now is around the season where... This is about the most Christmassy I feel. ...Sandy Claus is available for children to say what kind of stuff they want to get for Christmas. My kids have both given up. It's this letter writing season. They've given up on Santaanta they've given up as in they they my eldest figured it out a long time ago i remember i told you guys about the uh the tooth fairy incident where there was a series of letters
Starting point is 00:01:55 being exchanged and then my eldest told my youngest there was no tooth fairy but then she started writing her letters as the tooth fairy saying oh don't believe her she's full of shit you know um that was a good few years ago um so now they just both don't drama just talking shit behind the tooth fairy's back that's not cool man so my youngest still believed in until very recently and then i think they figured it out when they asked my wife for something didn't put it in the Santa letter, and it still magically turned up on Christmas Day, ostensibly from Santa. Spoiler alert for any young people listening to this, Santa isn't real.
Starting point is 00:02:33 But they've sort of figured it out now, and the Tooth Fairy as well. So it's kind of a little bit of magic from their youth as well. Well, there's this tender age where you think you can convince your parents that you do still believe in Santa so that you can continue to get exactly that was clearly their fear if I if I don't believe in Santa they're crushed for a moment but once they've got over it they're like rationalizing they're like look we do need to still get presents yeah so can I convince my parents that I still believe in Santa or at least can I can I still can we i know there's like a group agreement
Starting point is 00:03:06 in the house yes no one believes in santa but santa does still come yeah just to be sure santa stuff we don't know we know it's not santa but we do still want the pillowcase filled with whatever kids are into these days five nights Nights at Freddy's. Yeah. Kids go through kind of a phase where you get to the point where you're like, yeah, Santa Claus doesn't exist and I'm too old to believe in that or whatever. But you're kind of torn because you then sort of realize
Starting point is 00:03:38 that your parents have kept this up for your sake for quite some time. So you kind of like feel bad for not believing in it anymore but you go along with it and then you sort of hit the age of like i don't know like 35 and you're finally like okay mom that's enough now we can't do this anymore i can't i cannot keep up this charade any longer i'm i'm done but i don't need any more uh barbie dolls and uh the christmas socks i would like to know what is the oldest that someone's been like confirmed scientifically confirmed and still believing in santa i mean people believe in all kinds of shit i just wonder
Starting point is 00:04:17 if anybody out there if they were like yeah believe it or not i was 17 when i finally realized santa wasn't real you know i've just well there must be some innocents out there who just believe everything. There's not enough. I don't know if anyone really believes in him, though. Like, truly, truly believes. Like, even think back to when you were a kid. Did you really even think about it that much? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I didn't really. I was just like. I never could. It was just, yeah, it was just one of those things that was told to you. It's just one of those things that you were kind of like oh yeah because you were being taught loads of stuff when you're a kid you're like a super sponge just absorbing everything right and everyone's telling you that Santa's real so you're like okay you know you you don't have a rational mind no but I like where you're going with this because people I mean we should bring back I'm surprised there's not some
Starting point is 00:05:04 big conspiracy theory out there who still believe that Santa's real yeah that bring back I'm surprised there's not some big conspiracy theory out there who still believe that Santa's real you know why there isn't though it's because there's just bigger conspiracy theories that are more interesting to believe in right I guess they're more grown up Santa one's old
Starting point is 00:05:18 Bush and 9-11 and all that kind of stuff people focus on that stuff more so than Santa I've been pushing my kids to believe in the Babadook. I'm telling them that's real. I don't even know what it is. I just know it's a horror movie. So I've replaced Santa with the Babadook. Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:36 So they definitely don't want Santa to come. What is the Babadook? I don't know. I just heard it sounded spooky. It's terrifying. I've slowly started upgrading the inside of my house in preparation for a home invasion, which hopefully will just never happen, right? But I want my kids to believe that there's going to be a home invasion.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And so I've replaced all the doors with like steel doors with like slots. So, you know, like if you're trying to get into another room, you to open up the slot and say like what's the password and stuff and then you can let them in and all that sort of stuff so like right i feel like to an escape room yeah it's kind of like i'm turning my house into like a bit of an escape room these are both horror scenarios the reason i'm doing this is because because it's so hard for for them to believe in in stuff but i feel like you know if i make really substantial changes to the house and to their quality of life then they have no choice they have to believe it right so it kind of like flax with his uh baba ganoush or whatever he's trying to he's trying to convince of it i'm trying to i'm trying to prepare my kids for
Starting point is 00:06:45 a very real threat although let's face it it's probably not going to happen let's hope it doesn't happen really i mean jersey i'd say it's unlikely um but but still you know what i mean yeah a friend of mine a friend of mine that lived in south africa had a home invasion um and well apparently in south africa that is a thing like oh absolutely i've known i've known people who have come from south africa like lived and worked here gone back stayed for like a year or two and then come back here again because it's it's that bad like in school they actually teach you how to cope with a home invasion and stuff like it's so that they were home invaded i mean that for one thing they have uh sort of cages around the bedroom area.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah. So that corridor leading to the bedrooms will have a big steel door that you lock at night so that if people do get in, they'll take all the stuff downstairs, but they won't be able to get to you upstairs. I think they might. It's like a panic room. Yeah, like that. But for the whole bedroom part of the house. Jeez. bedroom part of the house so they they had some people around to do some work during the day and um this guy one of the guys sort of snuck back after dark and moved a bunch of the stuff nearer to a window oh my gosh so that they could then just bust open a window and take stuff um
Starting point is 00:07:58 climb in yeah so they heard them down there like he came back with his mates he was like look we're just going through the window and take all this stuff. So they, as they're there, my friend hears him. He used to be in the military in South Africa. He comes downstairs with his gun and they all leg it. And he steps out onto the front porch and they're all just there like three or four guys. And he points his gun and says, hold still so I can shoot you. And that put the wind up them and they legged it. Cause that is a pretty terrifying thing to say to someone. Okay. Just one of you just hold there so I can could shoot you and they all just took to the hills and legged it that's one of those great weird things to say yeah that puts people on edge that's one of those
Starting point is 00:08:33 things that you're supposed to say something unexpected that like because that would just freak them out yeah i think it would i mean if you shout freeze or stick them up that's like too movie yeah if you make it personal they won't they won't do anything if yeah if you just say hold still shoot first and ask questions later but like don't shoot the person make sure you shoot like the wall next to them and then they know you mean business right yeah i don't think so shooting if i remember rightly um if you if you're trying to plead self-defense and you shoot someone in the leg and then stop shooting it's actually harder to prove self-defense because they're like did you really think your life was in danger you took the time to aim at their leg you're better off just blazing away and killing them and just be like i was terrified i
Starting point is 00:09:12 thought it was a reaction well there's some top tips for legally defending this is that i've heard of this though like this is what the valuable stuff that you learn on the triforce podcast i've heard that this is kind of like something that can happen in in south africa like uh like i said i've worked with people who have had similar experiences yeah well i think yeah i mean it does but it's just there is certainly a fear that if you did defend your home with a gun in england you're going to be the one going to prison though there was that guy like ages ago what was his name again he um he remember about this recently he was um he he killed a guy right i thought it was kids i thought it was some kids that kept it was some kids yeah but then one of them i think was in his house at one point oh yeah they broke into the house and he shot him dead and uh it was that whole thing it must have
Starting point is 00:10:00 been like 2003 2004 or something i can't remember his name now but i remember at the time it was all like tony something yeah everybody was was was crying over like vigilante justice and everything i think in the end i don't think he or maybe he was charged with trouble he did something manslaughter it was a big thing in the tabloids saying yeah yeah it was it was big at the time sort of circumstances around it i think the guy was unarmed or something as well. Yeah, he was. But the key is that we don't consider a human life less valuable than property. That's the key. Like defensive property and taking a life in defensive property is not a thing in this country.
Starting point is 00:10:37 No. It's just not. Whereas in, say, I think Texas and a bunch of other places in America, if someone's trying to steal your TV, you can shoot them dead. And it's like, oh, it's defending my property.'s trying to steal your TV, you can shoot them dead. And it's like, oh, it's defending my property. Now, to me, that television is worth less definitively and objectively and in every other way than a human life. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, I mean, people are raccoons. You can't just like... The thing is, though, like at the time in the situation... Bring those nuts back here. I mean, there's not... Again, like you were saying before, you're not going to like... You don't have the time to like aim at a leg or whatever and self-defense or whatever. If somebody's in your house, even if all they're doing is stealing your TV, you don't know that.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And you're worried at the time. You've got kids in your house, your wife or husband or whatever. You know, you think that there is imminent danger facing them, right? So you're going to do irrational things at that point. Did I tell you what happened last week with the police came around to my house no no so about i don't know it must have been it's been a busy week because the first week of jingle jam being very busy but a couple of nights ago um i heard like the buzzer go because we got like um a buzzer thing on our apartment building a doorbell i think they call it. Well, no, it's like a buzzer to the building,
Starting point is 00:11:47 and then I've got a flat in the building. So it's like the outer door. And sometimes that rings anyway, right? So I was like not super surprised that it went off. And I looked at my clock, and it was like 3.45 in the morning. I was like, my God, that's like the most… Yeah, that's a weird time. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:12:04 That's a really weird time for it to go off. And so sort of sat there for a minute i didn't answer it i was like it's probably nothing so i anyway i put my dressing gown on anyway and went downstairs and yeah lo and behold 10 minutes later there's like a banging on my door which which has never happened you know because it's like it's like a bit of a maze this apartment complex i live in so it's quite hard to find right um where i am which is nice it's quite comforting actually to have that and then you like living in a maze i go up to the peephole and obviously i look through the peephole and it's dark and i'm like okay that's a bit weird but then i realize it's another guy looking through the people oh my god um and so he sort of backs off and i and i look into the corridor and it's these
Starting point is 00:12:41 two policemen in like full police gear. Right. At the back of my mind, I was like, are these people just dressed up as policemen? Because that's what goes through your mind for some reason, right? And so I opened the door and I'm like, hello. And they're like, hi, is your name, like whatever the name they said. Is your name Dick Dastardly? Is your name Daniel Garvey or something like that and i was like no no my name is lewis brindley of the ox is there
Starting point is 00:13:11 someone well because it was like a name that was like so it was like this it was like the same cadence as my name so for some reason i was like oh no it's not dan Garvey, it's Louis Brindley Right, so You can't be normal, can you? I've just woken up, I'm in a weird state already, and there's weird shit going through my head Where is your mind coming up with this stuff? I don't know, okay
Starting point is 00:13:37 Did you sing it? My name's not Daniel Garvey It's Louis Brindley It's very early to be calling at my house calling the rhyme is there the cadence works but well i think it was the night before jingle jam so i've been writing that fucking poem as well um anyway i was in a rhyming mood and so it bloody so so so so they they're like you know they went through this series of questions they were like does does does any one of that person name live here I was like no and they were like do you know when he was called that and I'm like no and he's like is there any reason that we would
Starting point is 00:14:14 have you know someone would have called us out here at this time I was like I don't know I don't think so um they were like did we wake you up and I was was like, yes. I don't know why I kind of like sighed. I was like, yeah, you did. It was a weird, I felt weird saying it like that. But then they were like, have you got any idea? And I was like, yeah, I have. Because I was kind of getting tired of this conversation by now. Because I've been through like a minute.
Starting point is 00:14:39 You want some advice, Lewis? Being shitty to the police is going to help. I wasn't being shitty on purpose. I was being shitty by accident. I think I'd probably been asleep for about an hour at this point. Oh, that's the worst, though, when you get woken up after an hour of sleep. Because I'd had a lot of stuff to do before Jingle Jam started. And I was like, I was looking forward to not having to deal with this.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And so obviously my heart's beating as well. Because, you know, yeah, it's like the police are right there looking all threatening kind of in your corridor and staring through your peephole and stuff yeah banging on your door that's as far as they would have gotten with me i would have had that whole conversation through the door yelling at them the whole time really what do you want pigs yeah i would have never opened the door i would have been like come back with the search warrant you pigs and um well where's my lawyer and all that kind of stuff there's no way i'd open that's definitely how you de-escalate that situation i was not escalating when i was sighing at them i was just i was just like just passively i was almost like i couldn't help next
Starting point is 00:15:39 thing they're like you did it didn't you and you're like oh maybe i was sad that i wasn't daniel garvey and that i couldn't help him out you know so anyway did they find dana garvey no so they weren't looking for that they were they said that someone called like um mildred or someone had called oh yeah some is there anyone called mildred who lives here i was like i don't think so like do you know i mean there's like there's like other names being thrown around and i'm like i didn't recognize i don't know anyone i'm gonna go out on a limb here mildred is an old lady just a just a wild guess mildred nobody names a recent child mildred that is very antiquated well i i suppose yeah and anyway so then they were like can you get
Starting point is 00:16:15 your id so i was like all right so then i i i sort of propped the door open with a shoe um so it didn't slam in their face you know because i thought that would be that would be a bad thing jeez and then when you came back they were just like sort of idling around in your in your landing just like looking at stuff well i think they were antsy to get off and see because i think they felt like that this was the wrong address and they were because i think they were chatting on the radio they were trying to find out if it was a different house number like you know because it could have been like a you know a slightly different house number um in the in the same place or whatever so yeah do you know what i mean it's um it was it was it i don't know what they wanted anyway and they left and i was went straight back to sleep and i was fine i
Starting point is 00:17:01 didn't worry about it i thought i thought because i went up to bed i was, I'm not going to be able to get sleep now. I wonder if I should like read a book or something, but no, I just, I just collapsed. I was obviously that time. I was having that confrontation. I was almost annoyed. Cause when I was talking to them, I was thinking, fuck, I'm going to, my heart's pounding. I'm not gonna be able to get sleep for hours now. You know, it's the, you know, I was, I was almost almost not angry but like frustrated that this had kind of decided to happen anyway that's my story that's just a weird story a weird moment gotta add that one to the autobiography i've had the police i've had the police turn up at my my door a few times weirdly never adam never adam five years um i've always wanted them to. I had to phone the police one time. I've had to call them a few times.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I had to phone them. And this disappointed me greatly, actually. I had to phone them because I could hear somebody getting what sounded like he was being stabbed outside. Like it was really fucking rough. There was screaming. I could hear him getting slammed into the the door of my like uh building and stuff like it was it was really bad so i phoned the police i was like listen somebody's like having a rough time outside um it sounds like there's like a fight or something but like it's
Starting point is 00:18:15 pretty bad like you want you might want to send somebody down here and they're like okay yeah we'll send somebody down straight away thank you very much i was like okay no problem um and then you know we're looking out out the window but not like really looking out the window because i didn't want anyone to look up and see that we were like looking out the window right that kind of stuff and um you know we saw the police come and they they you don't want them to like turn to you yeah yeah i don't want to be involved like you know if somebody's getting hurt, obviously, like, do my bit. But like, I don't want to be involved.
Starting point is 00:18:47 You don't want to attract the attention of the guy. I don't want anything to come back on me or whatever. Sure. So I'm watching from the window and the police turn up and they, you know, they sort out the situation or whatever. And then we're like, OK, cool. Like, just went, you know, went back to like watch TV or whatever. And all of a sudden there's a knock on my door. I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:06 So I go and answer the door and it's the fucking police. And they're like, did you phone the police? I was like, yeah. Like, and they're like, oh, can you tell us this? I was like, what the fuck are you guys doing? Like, why are you fucking knocking on my door
Starting point is 00:19:18 right after this has happened? Like, I don't, I don't want anyone to know that I phoned you. Like, you know what I mean? Like, just fucking phone me tomorrow or something, I don't want anyone to know that I phoned you. You know what I mean? I don't want to be the snitch. Just fucking phone me tomorrow or something, but don't fucking turn up and knock on the door.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I don't know why they do that. Why is it too suspicious? It's just kind of dumb. What do you think the knife man has got a conspiracy? And he's like, that fucking rat called the police. You fucking never know, right? I mean, if somebody's out there like beating somebody up i mean they're not they're not rational people to begin with so like i don't i don't want to fuel the fire to to check like with the people that that live around the area like if they saw
Starting point is 00:19:56 anything and what the story is they're gonna take a statement you know because you might know loads of information you might have seen guys be hanging around for weeks or turning up or fighting you might know the guy personally yeah but like i mean you need they need to check don't knock on my door like five seconds after the after the fact like in your full uniform and stuff like maybe you know come come come over the next day like incognito like dressed as a plumber or something like geez i don't know i just thought it was like i love this i thought it was just a bit weird you know like i just thought well you know okay thanks for like painting a massive target on my on my apartment you don't watch too many movies it's not it's not like the mafia is outside there hey that's the guy okay i know that that's not the case clearly but at this at the
Starting point is 00:20:40 same time through your head right yeah how can you be 100 sure that somebody isn't like paying attention to this stuff and maybe is thinking like this fucking guy like there's not worth the risk or you know this guy this guy saw something that he shouldn't have or something it's not really worth the risk at all right and for such a simple thing like just fucking phone me tomorrow or something i don't know i know but life is full of like tiny tiny percent tar chart yeah yeah i get that you have to you can't you can't go through your life trying to mitigate i don't want this to turn into another thing like i'm insane for thinking because i think this is perfectly legitimate it's not insane about but at the same
Starting point is 00:21:15 time if you if you try and you know like i always have this stupid risk in the sphere in the back of my mind that if i do uh i don't know if we do a live event someone's gonna stab me or something you know because or like if i talk about the police coming to my door someone's gonna find out where i live right because you know that is a danger we know youtubers who've had home invasions and we know true people who've been attacked at events or you know killed well we don't know people who've been killed but we know of people in our industry i mean even attacks and and and well like further that killings that like are are very rare though like uh like yeah they they barely ever happen but i i think that we we go through life um you know having these constant little worries and anxieties and everyone's got their
Starting point is 00:22:01 own ones and it's amazing to sometimes find out what other people's are because sometimes they're tiny percent charts and then when you hear them you're like actually yeah i suppose you've got a point sips there is a percent charts but it would have never bothered me yeah um i think some people are couldn't couldn't wait to talk to the police a different person sits might have run out onto the street and gotten involved in that oh my god i mean i don't i i don't understand how people are like that. Like, I don't understand how anybody wants to get involved in something that is very little to do with them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Well, but at the same time, I think that, for example, there was this event that happened in China recently where there was the British ambassador there. He saw someone, I think, fall in a canal or a lake or something. Oh yeah. Were you close by at the time or no one apparently the locals were not willing to help because they didn't want to either put themselves or apparently it's a cultural thing but also it's a thing i'm sure the similar
Starting point is 00:23:01 thing would have happened here that the paralysis when everyone thinks it's someone else's responsibility, right? I love the... There's loads of other people around here. Someone else is going to do it. I love how you're creating this tale like it happened in China when it happened in Bristol city center. Oh my God. You're just trying to move the sort of scene of the crime far away from you.
Starting point is 00:23:22 It's like a game of Among Us. Where were you i wasn't even on the map you know what i mean like you're you're saying that like you're trying to put yourself somewhere else or you're trying to put like the events somewhere else but the police were calling we know what you're up to the other night we've known all along a british diplomat leapt into a river to save a drowning woman um and critics on social media asked why so many chinese people just seem to be just watching. But it is a thing
Starting point is 00:23:47 where everyone thinks, I'm not going to do anything because there's loads of people here. And sometimes what you get is like an accident and no one calls the police. No, yeah. And everyone thinks
Starting point is 00:23:55 someone else is going to call the police. You'll find that in places where there is like a heavy influence of like organized crime or if there's not organized crime, it's like some form of oppressive government or whatever and it's understandable nobody wants to get in well that's nobody wants to get involved because nobody wants to have to deal with the people who are then going to be involved there's
Starting point is 00:24:15 there's a difference though between being scared and just the psychological trap of assuming someone else will do it yeah i doubt it's i doubt it's much of that because i think for the most part like people will be helpful in in a situation like that if you saw a car crash right in front of you you would jump out and you'd be on the phone and you would just be like not getting massively involved but you'd be concerned right like you would you would stop i love this i love this is always a caveat no no no no i'm just saying okay he leaps out to save the day like like you can't touch somebody who's just been in a car crash you don't know you might like uh you know paralyze them or something if oh yeah you know that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:24:55 saying you're not going to get in there and like hoist them out i mean if the car is burning you might like pull them out of there or something but like i'm just saying you have to have like some restraint in america kind of he like gets out of his car he's just like he gets on his phone he's like shall i call the police well no i mean okay i'll do it all right in this scenario a car crash happens right in front of you a hundred percent i would be on my phone straight away i'd be on my phone to the emergency services as i got out of my car as i was opening the door to my car i've thought about this before okay i'm just saying right um it's good to run through this stuff in your mind because when you get to the situation, you might react differently to how you...
Starting point is 00:25:33 No, no, no. I've thought about this enough times now. I'm like training myself in the eventuality. I'd walk up to the car while still on the phone with the emergency services. And then I'd be able to relay crucial information back to them. Right. Like I'd be able to say, okay, yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:25:48 mid thirties, uh, peers on conscious. Um, no, I can't see his chest moving or whatever, you know, like I'd,
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'd relay all the information. And while I was on the phone, I would be making details of this. I know. I know. Like I said, I thought about it. I would be making facial expressions towards,
Starting point is 00:26:08 if the person was conscious, like inside the wrecked car, I would be making facial expressions like, don't worry, buddy. Sticking your tongue out or, oh. I'm on the phone with the emergency services here. My car is fine. Yeah, that kind of stuff. I'd be doing all that kind of stuff. And then when I was done with the emergency services,
Starting point is 00:26:22 that's when I'd go into nurturing mode with the person who's in the car, right? I'd say, don't worry, don't worry. The emergency services are on their way. I'm kind of late for an appointment, but it's okay. I'll stay here with you. Let's get through this. Just a tiny little bit of guilt.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just to let them know that that would be grateful. You know, it's not all about them. Any there's any situation there's a little bit of flowers or something to say thank you yeah yeah i love that what about okay so you've come up with these kind of scenarios for let's for example imagine the house next door to yours is on fire yeah and the flames are going crazy it's it's looking like it's going to catch onto your roof. Right. You go outside because you smell smoke. You go outside.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You're like, where's that smoke coming from? You look around the side of your house. There's a fire. It's out of control. It's spreading to your house. What do you do? It's 3.45 a.m. You're in your slippers and dressing gown.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Otherwise, you're naked. I would probably, again again be on the phone with the emergency services um if it was just a small fire i think i would probably take a fire blanket outside with me while i was on the phone with the emergency services and uh try to get that sucker under control no i think it's a house that's on fire it's not a person no no the house the next door neighbor's house is on fire, from what I understand. But a small bit of fire has spread over to my house. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Just a small amount. Generally, it'll spread on the roof. Like, I've seen a house fire. The roof of your house is now on fire. I've seen a few house fires, actually. Oh, if it's on the roof, I would just leave it. And I would just be, I'd get my family out of the house. And I would just phone the emergency services. I thought you were going to say, go back to bed.
Starting point is 00:28:03 No. Come on, realistically. There's just a little bit of fire on the house. No, no, no. I would get everybody out of the house. I'd come into the garage and get Terry, make them stand across the road while I was on the phone with the emergency services.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I love this. The family and Terry. That's it. Well, there's no grabbing a passport or anything like that. Do you guys own a fire extinguisher? Yeah got I've got an extinguisher in my kitchen and I've got a fire blanket as well so what I've always thought is and I've got fire alarms in every room of the house as well same I mean and ours are like because when you when you have fire alarms fitted now they're hardwired they have to bewired. So they don't ever run out of battery. Which is
Starting point is 00:28:46 obviously, you know, a lot of big problem is people smoke alarm running out of battery. It starts to be you get the warning. I've still got battery ones. But, but you just saying you get the warning beeps when the when the batteries right, but here's the problem. Some people when the warning beeps I haven't just take the battery out and put it to one side and be like, I will get that. So the fact is that by having them hard wide onto the house power you um you've got permanent sort of sort of yeah but the house uh i guess yeah not
Starting point is 00:29:14 not all not everything is going to trip now um right in the house yeah it's a it's a new thing like where you have to have them like that because people people just don't fucking have batteries like the only thing i use batteries for is a remote control and maybe some like controllers i think like very i can't really think of many other occasions so people just don't have them in their house so they get to change the smoke detection man poor kodak i mean first they first digital cameras fuck them over and now nobody's using batteries what the fuck fuck are they going to do? Kodak never made batteries. Yeah, that's all they make now. Kodak? Yeah, that's all that's left of them.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Really? When did they ever make batteries? They always have. I think they had their own brand of batteries for when cameras were a thing. Really? That's interesting. I didn't think they were a famous battery manufacturer. I've never heard of Kodak batteries.
Starting point is 00:30:03 They're not, but they don't. Like film and stuff. They do make batteries how about that so another big blow to kodak um is what you guys are trying to say to me unbelievable kodak didn't they get like didn't they have like a massive boom recently after they did they announced something weird batteries something happened recently yeah they were, doing a really aggressive push into the battery market. I think that was it. No, they had like, look at that. So their stock was at $2 and it went to $29, $30, went to $33.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Their stock went 10 times higher in 2020, but then it's back down kind of where it was. Oh, the Trump administration announced that it planned to give Kodak a $765 million loan for manufacturing ingredients used in pharmaceuticals in order to rebuild the national stockpile depleted by the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce dependency on foreign factories. So because they're getting this huge pile of money, the day before, oh, here we go. Within two days, the company's stock price had gained as much as 2,189% from its price at the close of July 27th. Yeah. The New York Times reported that one day before the White House announced the loan, Kodak CEO Jim Continenza was given 1.75 million stock options, some of which he was able to execute immediately.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Suspicious. Yeah, well, I mean, that's all of that. Stocks, everything. Any of that. It's always. Yeah, I thought I remembered something about Kodak. Weird that that pops up in our heads. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Why is Kodak being given money for that? Of all the companies that could probably do a better job of that, why Kodak of all companies? I mean, I guess they make this particular chemical that they need. What you mean? Maybe they just like used or are used to making it for yeah whatever it is that whatever they used to do or something yeah yeah i see so they got there they got the contract well there was a thing wasn't there with i mean
Starting point is 00:31:54 was it kodak i think back in the war they knew about the bombs going off but were told to keep it secret because the radiation from the manhattan project had gone into all of the forests and the trees and the rivers along where they cut all of their paper that they put their films in, their photographic film. And it was making them all spotty. Oh, wow. And so they knew about the radiation and they were going to make it,
Starting point is 00:32:19 they were sort of going to be public about it. And I think the government had to come in and say, be quiet. And they were quiet about it for a long, long long time they had to find like some pure trees that were not contaminated gosh i know it's weird isn't it i think that's kodak anyway so anyway we got sponsored this week on the triforce podcast very proudly thank you very much this is the only funding way we have oh good again yes that's how we're making slash triforce right now you can arm yourself with three months extra free of expressvpn you should definitely check it
Starting point is 00:32:55 out if you don't use it you know what it's actually kind of ties into this episode you don't want your internet and your computer being invaded yeah any more than you want your home being invaded. You don't want a network invasion, do you? So get a VPN, baby. It's the equivalent to a metal door outside your bedroom. With a slot for a password exchange as well. People's, honestly, like even like high profile folks get sort of attacked online and lose their personal information. Well, I mean, Elon Musk and Kanye got hacked, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:33:24 And Joe Biden got hacked. A couple of his accounts got hacked. Well, I mean, Elon Musk and Kanye got hacked, didn't they? And Joe Biden got hacked. A couple of his accounts got hacked. Yeah, but come on. Let's face it. Joe Biden's not actually using Twitter himself, right? Well, if he was, maybe he should. You know, apparently, I read this as well. Hackers can make like a thousand pounds from selling one person's personal information
Starting point is 00:33:41 on the dark web. Is that that might be That might be your behalf. There's a citation needed on that. You're scaring me now. I know. Well, look, I think your personal information would be worth more than that, right? I don't know.
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Starting point is 00:34:20 right what else do we want to talk about today oh I watched a video about this guy who's developed a hack. He can walk around with his laptop. He runs this program and this little bit of hardware. He can take control of any iPhones within Wi-Fi range of his laptop. I thought it was pretty scary. Right. It just made me realize... What kind of stuff does he do with it?
Starting point is 00:34:44 Well, he's a white hat hacker, not a bad guy hacker. So he's one of those guys who's like, hey, look at this fascinating security floor you should definitely fix. You know, it's like there's a whole bunch of people out there whose entire job is finding problems with code because life is so complex. And on top of that, life being complex, computers are also very complex. And the people that put them together, nope, the people that put them together often make mistakes and leave holes. And I just thought it was quite interesting that this guy found this exploit. And it's just, thank goodness, one of the good guys found it.
Starting point is 00:35:19 You know what I'm saying? Do you know what I'd be interested to see, though? Like, if somebody ever accessed somebody's personal data, like a famous person, right? Like, say you got access. You mean like when that happened? Like when all those, the Apple cloud pictures got hacked? I want somebody's famous Twitter account to be hacked and then all of their DMs leaked. Because I want to see at a high level how often they're ghosted
Starting point is 00:35:47 by people compared to me you know what i mean like i i want to see the comparison like uh i i want to see like the the ratio of reaching out and then ghosted uh as opposed to like a lower a lower level twitter account you know what i mean so when you mean ghosted, do you mean they are the last one to send the message? Yeah, somebody just never responds to what you've sent them. Right. So I wonder, like, yeah, I feel like mine is probably about 50-50.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I try and get the last word in when I have a conversation with someone. I don't like... Is that a power play on your part? No, but it just feels, I don't know, in my head, it's like almost polite to show that I'm... Well, I find now with the reaction thing, you can at least, if you don't want to type out words,
Starting point is 00:36:38 you can just do a thumbs up to their last message or something. Right. To get the last word in. But then they can give a thumbs up to that. Okay. My question is, if someone emails me and they ask a question and I give an answer and they say, thank you, do I have to email back? You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Like, at what point does, is it acceptable for me to just say, oh my God, I think, I think when somebody like responds back with a very informal one-liner that just says, okay, great, thanks or whatever. You think they're cool. That's it. Conversation over. Yeah. That's them sort of wanting to just get in that final.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Okay. This is, that's a wrap. You know what I mean? Okay. I just wonder. That's how I operate. Exactly on this topic. I read an article last week week which blew my fucking mind
Starting point is 00:37:26 because i thought it was like an onion article or like something that my mom had been emailing around right but apparently and this may this may be an april fool or something in the uk people send a lot of completely unnecessary emails like that useless thank you message some overly polite people simply can't not send. Okay. That's literally what this quote is right from this article. I feel like that thank you, overly polite thank you message is not wholly useless or wholly unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I think it's part of everyday conversation. And after all, how much energy does an email use? Okay. I don't think very much but apparently apparently if all of those shit emails which people send per week so apparently 10 i send way more than 10 shit emails right i send hundreds of shit emails a week right but apparently if everyone in the uk didn't send those 10 shit emails a week that that is the equivalent to 82,000 flights from London Heathrow airport to Madrid. Fuck off.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Or the use of three and a half thousand cars a year. No, apparently it is. Apparently a ton. Apparently each email is 0.0000001 ton of CO2, right? And then if you make those 10 emails a week, that's 64 million unneeded emails a day. They're not generating this on their own.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's just stupid. That stuff is there already. That stuff isn't there because they're having trouble with people sending emails. It's just that is the worst statistic I've ever heard. No one is sitting in a power plant, in a coal power plant, saying, quick, Steve, shove more coal in. They won't stop.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Crystal's sending another thank you email. So many thank yous. Quickly. Do you know what I mean? No, you're right. The internet is turned on. Yes. First of all, it's not like the servers that handle emails are idle and no power is is is consumed unless an email an email comes down
Starting point is 00:39:31 suddenly there's a huge spike email email no no these fucking things are running 24 7 the idea that an email somehow is sucking all this and they're not and they're not even they're not even close to being at capacity either because you have to like over budget for stuff, right? Like server farms, storage, all that kind of stuff. There's plenty of it just sitting there unused because it has to, right? Because you can't predict
Starting point is 00:39:58 what people are going to do and stuff. So all of that, all of the CO2 is already there. Like it's not. Also, how many flights compared to how many cars i honestly think this is the dumbest article ever because the whole that is that is like an onion article you're right it's the fucking stupidest thing the bottom line is think twice before you send any email no i won't i won't think twice before i send any email you know what these corporations can think twice about how big they want to build their server farms or whatever it's not down to me i don't give a fuck like it's stupid that's
Starting point is 00:40:28 the dumbest shit i've ever heard said more fucking emails i think because quite honestly you need better communication like with people and don't and also you don't want people to get feeling like they're ghosted why not send a little thanks why not send a little lovely a little message a little emoji a little animated emoji or something. Come on. Well, apparently, though, actually, this was a problem in India because there's this thing, this phenomenon in India. I think it was on WhatsApp or something where they all send each other these good morning messages. So you wake up in the morning and you have a little picture of a man smiling
Starting point is 00:41:04 and he's like, good morning, and you send that to everyone. Well send that to everyone yeah that's nice that's a nice thing to do but the problem was it was at this cultural thing where everyone would send it to everyone in their contacts right and so it was like crushing the servers in the morning and like causing massive outages and stuff and so apparently like they either had to make a special app for it in india so the good morning messages would go on their own app or like it was i don't know anyway i don't know how they solved it or if they even have but it's this weird kind of i like cultural thing which i kind of like the idea of but it is actually causing um bandwidth issues and you know it for you that does feel unless it unnecessary inverted commas but also maybe it like maybe it's good maybe it helps with their
Starting point is 00:41:52 productivity and their energy you know gets people ready for the day you don't know what you don't know what you're doing you can't crush fun ever otherwise we never fucking do anything do you mean you can't like christmas is the ultimate example of waste and materialism yeah absolutely yeah complete frivolous purchasing of crap for people and wasting all the paper for wrapping paper christ i mean how many carbon trees get cut down for wrapping paper no one's trying to ban that i'm getting angry sorry guys no i that it's you're you're you're well within your rights to be angry about this one. I mean, that has really ground up my gears. There's not even any teeth left on the gears for me here. Honestly, no, but it ground my gears so bad
Starting point is 00:42:33 because it was such a trivial thing. It was almost like counter to what we should be doing because I felt like emails, unless they're emails, are dropping the fucking ocean of the carbon that's being used. Also, if you compare the cost of unwanted letters think about they've got to be printed then they end up in landfill or recycled they've got to go man look at all the shit that they sell at like dollar stores and like pound land and stuff
Starting point is 00:42:55 like all that shit my god like it also i i read a thing about flights saying that i mean for one thing i think it's one percent of people are responsible for almost all of these fucking flights most people take one flight maybe two a year tops yeah and people are always having a go at people holiday makers are taking one flight you get these business people flying fucking everywhere for these yeah like that george clooney movie remember he was racking up the air right exactly you don't need to take a fucking plane. You don't need to take a fucking plane. Here's a meeting. Do it online.
Starting point is 00:43:27 The central message of that film was that we don't need to fly you out there to have this meeting. We can do it online. That was it. And I actually agreed with that sentiment. I think that the pandemic is probably great for climate change. You know, I think there are a lot of less cars, a lot less smog. It's been a great step in the right direction. And I'm sure we're all going to go back to where yeah it's also but there's a lot of things that will change off the back of it where people have found or finally
Starting point is 00:43:54 got had the reason that they need to to um do cost savings that would have been massively unpopular before this right it's it's justified now right like like like face-to-face doctor consultations but probably even after after covid there'll be a thing of the past guaranteed i don't want to i don't want also if you're giving it if you're doing a face-to-face doctor sorry if you're doing a digital doctor thing where he's looking at your rash i don't want anyone else seeing that no of course not of course not yeah that's why you need express vpn so that nobody can see your your ball and dick rash weird you're weird yeah that only for your doctor's eyes only so no seriously like i i know there's like this fallacy where you don't do something because
Starting point is 00:44:35 you're like well this is worse so i'm i'm not you know i know that this is bad but this is worse but that's not it like you know i just don't think the emails thing is a big deal i don't think so either feel free to send emails but there are lots of things that we can help with you know yeah but the problem is articles like this turn people off the idea that climate change is a problem that they can address because when you address something as dumb as oh don't send emails it's like all right what the fuck can i do yeah like you know even emails you've got a problem with yeah i feel like... It's the most energy efficient way to communicate with someone long distance. It has to be.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I feel like emails are like the best thing you could possibly do for climate change. Especially if you're trying to get like a consortium together of international minds. You're not going to be flying them all out to a conference or whatever. Do an email. You've got mail. Let's solve climate change together change together emails even feel a bit out of date video calling and all this stuff do you mean it feels a bit like you know the the climate change thing and the flights that was actually a thing they had a big conference and the first speaker pointed out that all these people had actually flown to this conference. They were like, do you realize how much
Starting point is 00:45:46 carbon this talk about climate change is creating? They were like, oh yeah, whoops. We should communicate with smoke signals. No, the smoke signals are releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Very well, then a tin can and a string? No. Do you know how much energy string causes?
Starting point is 00:46:02 When you create string, it's as much as five million flights to Hawaii every year. Oh, what about the tin cans? Oh, my God. No, the tin cans. It's like, well, all right. It has to be face-to-face. We must walk barefoot to the meeting.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yes, obviously, we still need to fucking send emails. Don't trim your beards because that uses electricity, which is generated by coal. So you must let your beards grow long and free that beard hair enters the environment there is beard hair in 99% of living creatures on the earth right now it never dissolves the beard hair is stuck inside a shrimp
Starting point is 00:46:36 at the bottom of the pacific ocean when you eat the shrimp you eat the beard hair and then the beard hair is in you on that delightful note um i gotta bounce so um all right You eat the beard hair and then the beard hair is in you. On that delightful note, I got to bounce. So, God bless. Thank you, Sips. Thank you very much for another podcast, boys.
Starting point is 00:46:51 It's always a pleasure. Oh, I got a question for you, Sipsy, before we go. Yeah. On Monday, you and me are doing stocking stuffers, which sounds dirty. Yeah. It's you and me from 11 till 2. What are we doing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:03 What do you want to do? I'll leave it up to you. You playing prison surprise me okay all right we're playing hey yeah here's a hot idea let's play some prison architect because that's a great idea is it in the bundle bad motherfucker of a game i love that oh perfect let us do that then okay homie all right all right see you next week everyone thank you jingle jams happening there's probably by the time this podcast goes out, you've got just enough time if there's any left to get yourself a bundle. You do and you will and you should.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's a good one this year. Alright, bye everyone. See you later, bye.

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