Triforce! - Triforce! #204: I'm TRYING to record a PODCAST here!

Episode Date: January 26, 2022

Triforce! Episode 204! Pyrion brings back everyones favourite segment - Prison News, has lost his most valuable listener - Mrs. Flax - to a RIVAL podcast and keeps getting interrupted by the GOD DAMN ...DOOR! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Good morning, Vietnam! Hello. Wow, that was weird. I didn't know what I was doing. It's MASH. That's from last time. Good morning, MASH.
Starting point is 00:01:02 After we kept talking about MASH, I'm doing good work That's not even the right war That's from the movie Good Morning Vietnam That's the Korea sequel The Korea was the shitty sequel To Vietnam Wow welcome back to the Dry Force Podcast Thanks so much what a pleasure to be here Filled with nuggets of history
Starting point is 00:01:20 Topical meme news Nuggets of history And three nuggets as well just just nuggets all around just chilling just chilling just you know what i've been i've been themed propaganda what what's going on in prison news oh yeah i found a channel this guy called wes watson he has a channel called Penitentiary Life. Where's Watson? Okay. And he is an ex-con. He did 10 years in some very hard prisons. He is the largest man that I've ever seen. He is so huge, like just beyond ripped. I mean, he's clearly pumping himself full of something.
Starting point is 00:01:58 He looks like the Incredible Hulk. Like he's that fucking big. These videos are a combination of him talking about his time in prison and encouraging people not to go there and saying how shitty it is and all the terrible things that'll happen there and i've got some tales about that but with he's obviously got this fitness guru um self-improvement spiritual thing going on because he is barely containing his rage at all times and he's trying to channel this into something positive. And I think he's barely keeping a lid on absolutely fucking losing it at any second. And if you watch his videos, they're all the same. He's always sitting side on to the camera, sort of turning his head towards it.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And he'll do videos like he'll just say, prison gangs. These are no joke and when you're on the yard you might get busted up by some bad motherfuckers like that and he sort of like shouts but then he'll kind of be calm so like he'll be reading an inspirational quote like um like so let's say here's one here's one here on the i looked up some inspirational quotes he reads a lot of these all right that are obviously his version of inspirational quotes. So he'll say things like, but he'll randomly shout on certain words. And when he shouts,
Starting point is 00:03:11 there's like spit coming out of his mouth and he's like pointing and all his muscles are like tensing up like he's going to break in. He's terrifying. If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor could we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens we must partake of the bitter with the sweet there is a divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day
Starting point is 00:03:35 they prepare they purge they purify they bless like he's literally like that so i don't know if it's inspiring or it is like a rest he's like a wrestling character he is very much like randy what was his name the cream rise to the top what is that guy's name randy uh randy savage yeah randy savage macho man randy savage right yeah the macho man and i know that when you come down to phoenix next you et cetera yeah which is some moves for him because the cream will always rise to the top so he's kind of like that what did this guy go to jail for then why was he in jail for 10 years is a long time to be in jail he assaulted someone with a deadly weapon right okay but his his whole point is that the prisons are run by these old lifers who have been in gangs forever they are there
Starting point is 00:04:32 in prison forever like they literally got like 120 year sentences or whatever they're never getting out and when you come onto the yard um that was when he really got angry talking about new people fresh fish booty boys little bitches coming here you know so like you know exactly you're like coming into his yard fake hard fake tough guys he talks about how like his skin is really sunburned all the time because he spent so much time sitting outside in the prison yard working out so he is huge his skin is all burnt to fuck he's covered in tattoos and he's just legitimately terrifying but the rules in these american prisons are it's so divisive like if you you're sort of segmented by by race primarily the white guys over here the hispanic guys over there the black guys over there and everyone else
Starting point is 00:05:23 is kind of left to it like Like, you do not mix. If they're playing basketball in one yard, like the black people are playing in one yard, the white people do not. Even if their ball goes over there, they wait. And so they bring it over to them. There's no trespassing. What happens if you're Blasian, though?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Well, this is the problem. He said, what happens if you're all... Like, what happens if Tiger Woods goes in there? Well, they just have to decide. Like, one side will say, he's with us. And they're like, okay if tiger woods goes in there like he's well they just have to decide like they will one side will say he's with us and they're like okay he's yours whatever right like he he will have to make a decision the white guys probably won't have him because a lot of these guys are like arian brotherhood or they're white supremacists and everything right right so you know if he's not white he can't be with us he must be with you guys and the black guys aren't going to say well he can't be with us because then you know the guy's got nowhere to go i'm sure there are some other gangs
Starting point is 00:06:06 out there that might might take him i guess they want to recruit a big confusion they want to recruit new people right they need people at the bottom of the ladder to do all like the the shit jobs too right well yeah but those shit jobs are things like you're gonna have to take these drugs to my back hold this cell phone in your asshole for a while but also it's things like how long are you in for i love how different our viewpoints are for yeah they'll say how long you've been for two years like oh so you've got some time no problem i'm so happy to be here what's my first job i'm in for 10 you're only in for two so i'm gonna give you some jobs to do that'll probably add time to your sentence but i don't give a fuck because i'm here
Starting point is 00:06:47 for 10 you're only here for two so fuck you i'm gonna i'm gonna give you five six years added to your sentence go and kill that guy or go beat that guy up or whatever because they don't give a fuck like they never think at all we gotta help this lad out they do not care you are just a tool for the gangs so they'll be like that guy over there he's he's no good the four of you who only have two years on his sentence go fuck that guy up and if you don't do it they'll fuck you up like that's it there's no love at all it's it's brutal absolutely brutal uh so he says he knows lots of guys who've gone in there with just two years and they've ended up in there for 15 20 years because of all the shit they've had to do just to survive in prison.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Because if you don't, they'll fucking kill you. So you go in, like he said, you go in for some bar fight. You think, oh, it's only two years. This will be all right. Before you know it, you're doing 15. Yeah, because you're getting up to all sorts. Beat this other lad up. Jug a couple of people.
Starting point is 00:07:40 A couple of juggings. And they'll throw you under the fucking bus. It's so, so horrible. Are buses in prison? They do. Yeah. Yeah. How do you think that they get them to like when they- Oh, the fucking bus. It's so, so horrible. Are buses in prison? They do, yeah. Yeah, how do you think that they get them to like when they- Oh, the prison bus. Yeah. Like if they take them to the beach for the day or something like that,
Starting point is 00:07:52 they got to take them somehow. I see. You can't take a limousine or whatever. There's too many prisoners. They got to chuck them all in a safe bus, chuck a couple of them underneath it as well, and then off for a day at the beach. Why doesn't he just...
Starting point is 00:08:07 It looks like this guy's incapable of wearing a shirt. I know, he's so fucking big, dude. But on some of his earlier stuff... Do they just not make them in his size? No, no, in some of their earlier stuff, he's... It's America, dude. They make shirts that would fit on the Empire State Building. But in prison, though.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Why is he not wearing a shirt in the yard? He's not. I don't think any of these videos are him in prison. I'm worried about him. Where's his mum? None of these are taken in prison. You can't film in prison, right? I like how he does the quotes and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Or, like, you know, like, he's almost, like, philosophical about it. But I feel like if you're going to make videos, you need, like, an angle. And I feel like a nice thing that he could do maybe is like do some like poetry but it'd be funny if like it was kind of like self-deprecating poetry as well so he'd be like he would ever do that dude no i know but i'm just saying like maybe if he wanted to change it up or you know he's thinking of new ways of doing things or whatever he could come on and be like you know eeny meeny miny moe i broke the law and spent 10 years in prison yeah yeah yeah something like that yeah he's he's a genuinely
Starting point is 00:09:13 terrifying guy yeah uh some of the things he says like the the tattoos he has a ww on his chest right for where's watson right and then on the on your stomach you have the county that you're from so everybody's kind of postcoded essentially to say these are my initials to remind you of my name and then this is where i'm from and they separate the gangs out based on north california or south california you like to have all these yards and like some of the yards are tougher than the other yards it is it just sounds like so fucking hard but the thing is his now, he's a lot angrier and more vocal and more emotional than he was in the earlier videos. If you look at his stuff two, three years ago, you can tell he's recently gone out of
Starting point is 00:09:52 prison. One of the things he talks about is that you don't give away anything about your mental state when you're in prison. Right. You keep your face completely passive. You don't raise your voice. You don't say anything, really. You just chill.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Because if you make a big animated move, you don't say anything really, you just chill. Because if you make a big animated move, he said there are so many people in prison that are out of their fucking minds on drugs, that they'll see you making noise and they'll think he's plotting to kill me, and they'll fucking try to kill you. Jesus. You've got all these people who've driven themselves insane with drugs. So it's like the world's longest poker game, depending on how long you're in prison for. Literally. It's so tough.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Is it like a totalitarian state or like a mafia family or something where it's like you can't... These little societies have obviously evolved to be like this due to the way they're set up, right? It's almost like if you put a load of, I don't know, kids in a room and lock them in there with a certain rule set. There's always a pecking order, isn't there? People always do this, though, like selfishly.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Or is there like some prison yards where, you know, it's run by like the oldest inmate and he tries to look after everyone. Is there any, is it ever good or is it always awful? it ever good or is it always awful there's always some alpha on top in control and then everybody else is is either fighting for that spot or doing as they're told because they don't want to like who is in prison these are not these are not well adjusted people a lot of the time no they're not going to be like guys let's all just sell that and they're going to have a fucking meeting about it no these rules have existed for a long time and when you join it's like a it's like a it's continually handing the the set of rules down to the next generation yeah it's like a code i've been in prison for 10 years some new new meat comes into the prison right he comes in and he's been told the rules and now he's there
Starting point is 00:11:42 for 10 years and when some other new guy comes in, the same rules are handed down. And for whatever reason, this is what works for them. I mean, it doesn't work. Usually violence comes because somebody hasn't followed the rules. Exactly. You know, like somebody's allegedly grassed or whatever. Somebody's had something said about them or you know what i mean like there there's it's it's like i mean like a you know where you like a place that you work at there's a pecking
Starting point is 00:12:11 order but it's not like the consequence isn't you just getting your head kicked in when um right when i don't think it's just literally blind violence all the time no i think a lot of the time it's these are the rules and even if you didn't know them you broke them and it's so much of it is about because the thing is i don't think any of them want to be in a prison right no genuinely so the whole point of the rules is to preserve the the unstable peace so the rules are very simply in place of dividing the races so that there's no chance of people having any kind of arguments and that you know where everybody stands yeah this is this area that's that area and if you think about it if you have a large group of people who are bound by one common factor which is that they are all the same race then at the very least there's going to be some kind of cohesion there and it may it gives
Starting point is 00:13:00 you the mentality of one group versus another so creating that us versus them and then having a fine balance means that there might be less infighting in that group although it's still going to happen yeah but if you just had everybody mixed together and let it settle down in little smaller groups and all the rest of it someone who doesn't belong now you know they're they're a big problem some guy who's essentially not in any gang or group is going to go nuts he's got no one to calm him down he's got no one to talk to. That's how you get violence. And also, the rules exist to stop huge fights.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah. But prison itself isn't an isolated place. It's just an extension of everything that's happening outside, right? I think it's so different, though. You'll have gangs that will continue to beef with each other from the outside oh god inside prison but not only that you'll also have situations where like you know coming back to what what we see is like mindless violence or whatever but if somebody was trying to hurt somebody on the outside and then all of a sudden they're trapped in a box like in prison it's much easier for them to to to then hurt them in there right like they can organize that much easier you know and you're you're fucked i think
Starting point is 00:14:11 there's less there's less consequence because whoever's in there who's going to do it is just going to take the hit get more years or whatever but it's not a hundred years yeah the fuck i mean you're never leaving but it's a harder prospect to convince somebody who's not in prison to do it outside of prison. Yeah. And then risk going to prison. Right. That's what they always say, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:31 But like, so even easier. Yeah. So like if somebody is if somebody is is like a big target and then ends up going to jail, they're they're pretty much fucked. Right. Like, yeah, it's so much easier for them to take them down inside sort of. I mean, apart from the one thing is that they would have their own homies inside like their own guys in their game so in a way like you've got that but i mean they know where you are because you have a specific cell they know which yard you're on so yeah you're just basically biding your time
Starting point is 00:14:58 but he says things like there's a sort of flow of traffic on the yard you do not ever go against a flow of traffic because the guys in the turrets with the guns will think oh he's turning around to stab somebody lock the whole place down sending him back to their cells pointing guns at everybody this is how you get trouble started you don't want to draw any attention to yourself either if you if you're doing anything different to what everybody else is doing it's like a red flag immediately like to to guards and to prisoners as well right because they could they could assume that you've lost your mind somehow or that you're in the process of losing your mind or anything right like yeah yeah so you really have to like yeah it must
Starting point is 00:15:36 be really tough actually but like your life has to be fucking tough as hell leading up to you going to prison as well though i would have thought you know like especially people who are in gangs and stuff it's that side of it definitely but he talks about people who just he's like if you just end up in some bar fight some drunk guy is giving you a load of shit and you crack in one and he falls over and you're suddenly in prison and he's in a state prison right like he's in there for you you get two years for for whatever i don't know what the equivalent would be common assault or battery or whatever sure you punch some guy he hadn't hit you first just because he was drunk and annoying that's not an excuse you're gonna do time and that's those are the people he says that get fucked the worst because you're only in for two years
Starting point is 00:16:17 nobody respects you you're not in a gang you're not hard and you're just becoming institutionalized in there as well though you become part of the the systems that sort of um you know make make up the fabric of the society in prison and and then by extension outside too right like you become acquainted with people that you have no business being acquainted with you never probably would have become acquainted with outside of that situation but then all of a sudden your life uh kind of you know already has become not quite your own because you've gone to jail for for whatever reason but it's easy to get lumped in and and and caught up with other people who will uh further extend that control of your your life right oh it's just unbelievable indoctrinating
Starting point is 00:17:03 you into gang or something like that. It's like you don't have much. It's like a completely weird problem, this, right? Because you can't make a brand new prison with brand new inmates because anyone is already... No, you can't, but there are definitely levels of prisons, right? Like if you're doing like a big financial fraud or whatever and you've got a lot of money, there's better prisons you could go to, where a lot of that stuff might not exist.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Ivy League prisons. Yeah, kind of. I think. I mean, maybe I'm wrong about this, but there's definitely club med type prisons, right? Well, again, this is america right we're talking about here it's very different in the rest of the world but but similar in many ways but partly because i wonder how much again hollywood influences our perception or the general public's perception of what prison is and how much that reinforces the behaviors and the things you
Starting point is 00:18:01 see there you know like i wonder how many people think they have to protect themselves from this stuff that doesn't exist, or partly how much the authorities want to keep that idea in the popular consciousness that prison is this terrifying place to try and act as a scared straight thing. It certainly feels like there's a lot of problems in hollywood with things like male prison rape being used as a joke right for a long time especially even in the 90s especially like saturday night live specifically and you know
Starting point is 00:18:39 it's about the about you know and everyone taking that as they deserve it because they're in prison. And that's not what you went to prison for. It's a little bit like J.K. Rowling's Azkaban being this torture chamber. It's like there's one thing to have it be a prison and another thing to have it be a torture chamber. Which of those things are you making? torture chamber, right? Like, which of those things are you making? And it's the responsibility of us as the people who put these people in prison to, you know, ensure that they are not just places that are hell holes, right?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Unless that's what you're sentenced to. No one is saying, no judge is saying, I sentence you to four years of being raped and having to shank the guy in the next cell. Do you know what I mean? No one is actually doing that. But they kind of are. And there is this kind of disgusting idea that, you know, it's worse than dying, right? Like, I'd rather see him suffer in prison for the rest of his life than die,
Starting point is 00:19:45 than be killed, which is astonishing. But that's the situation, though. That's the mindset that we're encouraging if we're not careful. It's interesting. I was talking with some of my Discord lads last night. We were watching these vids and talking about the cycle that this must create because this guy's come out and he's an example of a guy who is at least attempting to to turn his life around turn away from crime and the
Starting point is 00:20:11 influences that brought him to it but for most people if you go into a yard and a prison like the ones that he's been in are you telling me that you're going to come out and you're going to leave all that behind you you're going to be a good boy from now on. And everything's cool. But the circumstances that put them in there in the first place are largely out of their control. No, no, no. But that's the point. People don't commit crime because for fun, mostly. Most of the people in prison commit crime just because they have to, you know, provide for themselves. Most people that go to prison are not being given life sentences.
Starting point is 00:20:41 No. Most are going there for much smaller sentences. Yeah. and life sentences. No. Most are going there for much smaller sentences. Yeah. And then his point is
Starting point is 00:20:45 that when you're in there, you will be getting more time because to survive in these tougher prisons, you have to do this awful shit. Yeah. So suddenly what was going to be two years and maybe you get back
Starting point is 00:20:56 on your feet turns into 10 or 15 and now you're fucked and you've lost everything on the outside. So prison being a horrendous place, like for serious criminals,
Starting point is 00:21:11 is no deterrent. For regular people, they don't think the prison is a thing that's going to happen to them. I really believe that. They just think, oh, people won't understand. It's no big deal. But the law is not compassionate in that way. It's very specific. And you can be stuck with a huge sentence for what seems like a minor crime based on all kinds of weird shit. And even if you're innocent, you could end up in prison because juries just are crazy sometimes. Like that's just how it goes. So, you know, you might have a terrible defender
Starting point is 00:21:34 or the prosecutor might be shit hot. They might have decided to crack down on whatever you've been found guilty of this month. You might just genuinely be really unlucky. But most people that go in are not doing 10, 15 year stretches. They're doing one, two, three years, because they get they hand out sentences all the time especially in america there's loads of jail for fucking loads of people in america have been to
Starting point is 00:21:53 jail they've got the biggest population in the world of prisoners like two million people or something crazy like that so you are going to jail if you're an american you it's very likely you're going to go to jail at some point and if you end up in one of these tough prisons you might have more time added on for shit that you just had to fucking do to survive and now you're fucked so i think it is easy to say yes well these guys i've never heard of that happening i will say i mean this guy obviously is saying are you gonna are you gonna disagree with wes watson yeah, I am. Fuck you, Wes Watson. You're a brave man. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Lewis knows more because... You just created a beef on the yard. He just has more experience in this area. That's why. That's my little tactic, right? People want to see what's going to happen with the beef, and they'll keep me alive until the beef is resolved. Wes is going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:22:42 No, but it's all about drama, right? You've got to create like a... You've got to be like an amphitheater. It is going to kill you. No, but it's all about drama, right? You've got to create like a, you've got to be like an amphitheater. It's like Greek, you know, it's like live action, you know, it's all, it's more, TV is more interesting if it's personal, if you know people in it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 There was an episode of Sherlock with Queen Square in the background. I was like, oh, and Tom was in it in the background. Was he really? It was much more interesting i want to say as well that i think like the process of of healing yourself or bettering yourself would maybe be a lot easier if you weren't just continually living in and reliving the past right
Starting point is 00:23:16 by trying to give people advice based on your experiences constantly through videos and stuff like that i don't know how you grow and and get past it if you're just constantly talking about it and reliving it. You know what I mean? Like, I know it's important to give people the examples and the knowledge and the education. Well, he's broken the cycle, though. He's got a job that's paying him. You know, his YouTube career is apparently getting him like 10, 15k a month or more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:44 So he's broken the cycle he's rich now but what's gonna happen when he's just so sick of talking about it and then he's like oh by the way guys 10 minutes of prison talk and then the rest of the day we're doing roblox and then nobody watches you know like by the way this video about prison is brought to you by rage shadow yeah yeah yeah i think it's like i think it's whatever you know it's fine but like like like in the long term you can't you your life can't just be about that it's not my responsibility to worry about where's watson's future youtube no i'm not saying i'm just and i don't give a fuck i'm just he'll be fine he'll transition to a spiritual leader and
Starting point is 00:24:20 start selling i'm just making the point or some cunty thing that he's learned. Do you know what I mean? It's fine. You know, with these inevitable paths that people take. No, no. I think it's, you know, like if you share your experiences, especially bad experiences and stuff as well, that can be really helpful to people or whatever. But I think for you, for your first personally,
Starting point is 00:24:40 for your mental health and stuff like that, you do have to at some point move on. I'm not saying like right now i agree with i agree you don't want to be that guy 30 years on who's still just banging on about the same fucking old shit you know what i mean like because i don't think it's good for you like i think you you have to you have to progress right but let's imagine that he's not just sitting around talking about prison in a kind of uh sort of lurid way he's he's talking about how to change people's lives so yeah it wouldn't work on me like whatever his his tactic is it that kind of mental
Starting point is 00:25:11 you know that exercising and you know you know personal demons all this kind of stuff i'm not into that whole thing but i've not lived his life so you know maybe it talks to some people it doesn't speak to me whatever but his stuff there's always going to be a ready supply of customers. Sure. Who are broken people who have done time or look like they could do time. And his whole thing is fixing those people. If that gives him satisfaction, I don't think that's going to go away. No.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Any more than being any other person that helps other people, even in an unusual way, which his way is unusual. I don't know what he does day to day. I don't know if he has like, you know, some fitness clinic or some kind of, you know, mental well-being. But I mean, he certainly seems angrier now in these videos, whether he's doing it for the views, whether he's genuinely living it for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Content creation does sort of lend itself to people becoming sort of like characters of themselves right like right like over time so like i think that's natural as well you know you you almost you develop like a bit of a persona and then you just you you kind of roll with it if it works and stuff and then and then that's do you think he would stream on twitch i want to see him play i want to see him play like truck driving simulator yeah yeah maybe they do like they they could do that thing like they did with snoop dog where like he has a moment where he just like rages out on a game but then they just like impose that on to like any gameplay this this guy is gonna be in
Starting point is 00:26:36 actual wrestling you know and then he'll be in movies it'll be that he'll be in iron man or whatever iron man nine he is iron man i mean look at it exactly like no i'm sure he's got he's got a healthy future ahead of him if he stays off the drugs yeah and um and doesn't follow the lessons no like no disrespect to the guy i'm just point i just wanted to make the the point that like i don't know for him i feel like if it might not be healthy yeah i feel like if that was me i at a certain point i would want to move past all that and stop sort of you know being stuck in the past with it all well i think it's very hard if you're in prison you're reminded every day of the reason you're in prison yeah right and until you're out and then finally you know once you're out it's it's like holy shit i've
Starting point is 00:27:22 i've done my time but now i have to cope with this 10 years of fucking you know post-traumatic stress from dealing with that shit you've done nothing else for 10 years but being in prison
Starting point is 00:27:33 what have you got to talk about working through it and understanding and unpacking it is probably quite a healthy therapeutic way of dealing with it actually
Starting point is 00:27:42 maybe I'd hope so let's see fuck it let's move on because we love prison we're fascinated with prison but that was that was some heavy that was some heavy that's a heavy prison chat i'm sorry we've had many prison chats in the past it had been a while since we had a good one speaking of some people though who are being sent to prison i found out that last um recently i think last month or even this month, actually, 5th of January,
Starting point is 00:28:08 the Turkish police arrested 40 Twitch streamers who were money laundering. Oh, wow. So basically, people would use stolen credit cards to buy. You could buy stolen credit cards on the dark web, right? And they would use them to buy you can buy stolen credit cards on the dark web right and they were using them to buy bits and then these streamers would then give like half of those bits to the to the scammer oh wow um and so it was like it was like a lot of of money and it was only like eight bucks per credit card but they ended up doing like 10 million wow and. And it's been going for a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And obviously they found out about it because there were these very, very small streamers getting a lot of bits through. An unusual amount of bits through. And yeah, all Turkish streamers. Wow. Actually. And some of the biggest, one of the biggest Turkish streamers were and some of the biggest one of the biggest turkish streamers sort of were approached and um declined and so they were kind of the the they they approached lots lots of streamers you see they kept approaching them and i think it was these big ones who actually ended
Starting point is 00:29:15 up blowing the whistle on it um and and being sort of providing some of the evidence for for it happening um but yeah that's that's a pretty interesting story. I wonder how many of them end up in Turkish prisons. No thanks. Sound bad. Did you guys ever see that movie? Was it Midnight Run? No.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Midnight Train? That was... Is it something express? Midnight Express? Midnight Express. The one where the guy tries to bring heroin back. It's Midnight Express. It's weed.
Starting point is 00:29:44 He's bringing weed back. Is it weed? I thought it was harder stuff. No, I think it's just weed. Oh, there's the door. Hold on. All right. Anyway, I thought it was the hard stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But do you remember that movie? No. Well, he gets imprisoned in Turkey. He's an American guy. And he ends up spending a lot of time in a Turkish prison. And it's not what he expects at all. I don't want to spoil the rest of the movie for you, like if you've not seen it. It's really nice.
Starting point is 00:30:12 It's a classic though. You should watch it. But yeah, it's a harrowing tale for sure. It's not – it's one of those ones that you watch and you're like, holy crap, I never want to spend a second in prison ever. And especially not in Turkey. Which, it's spelled differently now, isn't it? Didn't they officially change the spelling in English of Turkey? What?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah, like recently. Yeah, look it up. Google it. It's like, it's spelled differently now. It's T-U-R-K-I-Y-E, I think. Yeah, yeah it up. Google it. It's like, it's spelled differently now. It's not just- It's T-U-R-K-I-Y-E, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They've officially changed the way that it's spelled in English. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:51 This month? Yeah. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. In order to avoid confusion with the bird. With the bird, yeah. No way.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah, apparently. And make it sound more exotic, maybe. Yeah, yeah. Okay, no. But yeah, no, no midnight express is is is one for uh one for the list for sure you got it you if you haven't seen it lewis i'm surprised you want to watch a 1978 prison movie yeah um no it's good though midnight express is a good film it's a depressing it's all of a stone oddly enough it's based on a book apparently i mean
Starting point is 00:31:21 it's it's all of a stone so an awful lot of it is just made up um and changed and yeah it's not it's not true i mean he wrote scarface right and scarface was oliver stone i believe yeah was it really yeah hoon that's what and jfk and stuff like that i never even saw jfk actually like i remember i remember when it came out and i remember it being very popular. Everybody's talking about it. But I think I was just a bit young at the time and never was interested in it. And then never sought it out after that. Never even tried to see it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 If you treat it like just a fictional political thriller, JFK is really good. If you treat it as anything remotely factual it's absolute bollocks right now and if you want you can go and look up i don't want to get into the jfk conspiracy stuff my best mate is a huge jfk conspiracy fan not in a crazy way right he just is genuinely intrigued way genuinely interested in the topic sort of thing yeah because it is fascinating right and that there are genuinely a lot of questions and and uh but there's so much misinformation there are a lot of very crazy people i i went to um dallas and the spot where jfk had been shot and there are a lot of people selling their own books like for your own personal investigations or you
Starting point is 00:32:41 just happened to be there we were we were just in texas i was compiling some additional information for my memoirs that i will be publishing so i've got my tape measure out i did a bit of bullet trajectory uh analysis while i was there a little bit of analysis but um you know you can go to the exact spot oddly enough there is an x painted on the road where he was shot oh but. But you can see where the old X was and it's faded. I feel that's in a bit poor taste, no? Well, yeah, it's weird. But yeah, there's an X, like this is the spot. But there's another X, like three feet further down that's kind of faded. So they obviously repainted the X and they just stuck it on the road somewhere. It's not like precise, but anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Why? Because the other X was like above a uh like a utility outlet or something like that we're just gonna have to alter history very slightly because uh we need to we need to access this we've got a manhole here yeah no but there's like you can go to the grassy knoll and peep someone's written on the fence better shot from here and stuff like that like it's all it's all become a big meme right but there are there are a lot of guys that look like like if you imagine in your mind the archetypal conspiracy theorist vietnam vet era guy he's still got like combat fatigue jacket he's got some old busted up levi's really heavy shoes weird beard you know he sort of comes up hey man you want to know the details you got the inside scoop right here and he's got like
Starting point is 00:34:05 there's the fucking door again oh man right on the edge of my seat there as well i couldn't wait the fucking door hey holy shit i i feel like flax um and no offense no offense to flax but like he i i feel like it like his whole week is like everything happens on a thursday morning you know like delivery. Yeah, you can deliver it on Thursday. No, I think this is just the routine of being a dad. Like this constant, constant shit. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah. I'm in. I'm not doing anything. I'll be there. You know, these guys talk a lot. Just try not to ring the doorbell when I'm in the middle of talking, is you know happened many times today but there you go yeah well well this one's taking a while yeah i know god that prison chat was a bit fucking down the dude might have to get tom to trim oh no it's fine honestly yeah he knows what he's doing anyway he's been it's not his first rodeo or or second or
Starting point is 00:35:01 third it's like his 203rd rodeo i I guess. Yeah, he's been on the road. He's been riding that rodeo. Riding that cowboy. He's been riding that cowboy for some time. Bronco's been trying to buck him off. He's been riding that cowboy for a long time. Who are you talking about? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Lewis wanted to cut out all of the prison chat. No, not all of it. We wouldn't have a podcast for the week. Tell me what you were you were mid-rant i wasn't ranting but i was just saying that these guys are trying to sell what is essentially a book that they've compiled of the sort of their version yeah yeah evidence so i don't know if you notice this but like if you go to the documentary section on amazon prime you go through all the documentaries and then there's like there there's like there's all like
Starting point is 00:35:44 the sort of big documentaries like that you'd expect you know like ones that have been in theater or whatever and then when you start to get to the end of the list it's like you like youtube unofficial documentaries and stuff yeah it's really crazy fucking tons of them yeah but like i don't know it's a big market i never watched them because i always just think yeah well i got suckered in by one and it turned out to be like a fake one and i was like yeah not like the 9-11 one or anything but i mean i think those ones do sucker in people there was a classic the 9-11 documentaries what's it called loose change change yeah which was obviously bogus but there's a it's but it comes back to that thing though that people are searching for what they like they want to see right like people
Starting point is 00:36:25 will ignore like top results of like a search and look for the stuff that they're actually looking for you know what i mean like it's like a it's like a psychology thing right like say you have like a really weird opinion on something you're trying to reinforce that that is like a normal opinion by searching for something very specific even though like you're like you might search up like uh i i don't know michael jordan has uh three testicles or or something right and every mccartney was replaced and all of the top results will be like you know he only has two testicles uh biologically he has two testicles but then you'll find a forum post from like you know michael jordan conspiracy boards where somebody's talking about his third testicle.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And you're like, yes, I found it. You know, like, I'm not insane. That's what people call doing your own research. Yes, exactly. In other words, digging until you find the truth. Yes. As far as you're concerned. Yeah, because you somehow managed to match with somebody just as insane as you.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Because you somehow managed to match with somebody just as insane as you. But this is what I just want to make one very quick point about conspiracy theories, is that when people wonder why people do this stuff, that is their angle. And I don't want anyone to be confused. I doubt anyone that listens to this podcast is because they're all incredibly smart people. But the fact is, if you dig and dig and dig and find these conspiracy theory videos and read all these books and all that kind of stuff they're not doing it out of the goodness of their fucking heart they're doing it as a grift this is their way to make money and there is the fucking door again jesus christ man maybe he's selling like arts and crafts on the internet
Starting point is 00:38:01 he's got a conspiracy book that people are coming around and buying he's written his own jfk conspiracy book it's got like a staffer by the door just can't get enough there's like a fucking line of people outside his house all wearing jfk t-shirts and hats and stuff and he lives at the end of a cul-de-sac i mean it's not like he's it's not like he's in the middle of the high street. Do you know what I mean? Fuck's sake. My house is pretty busy, but honestly, like, especially nowadays,
Starting point is 00:38:31 like, who the hell is ringing the doorbell? No one rings my doorbell. No. Like, if somebody's, like, coming to my house, they're just dropping something off and I never need to interact with them or they're coming over to do work and then, even then, if it's outside, never need to interact with them. Oh're coming over to do work and then even then if it's outside never need to interact with them so you know mrs f has had to go into the office a few times a week right a couple
Starting point is 00:38:51 of times a week and it's always like on a tuesday which is a bad day because we have a food shop coming on tuesday and there's normally like some fucking stupid parcel the kids have ordered comes on a Tuesday and then Thursday she goes in as well and fucking Thursday sucks because the cleaner comes so they're gonna let her in then the dog walker then there'll be some more fucking stupid parcels that's exactly what it is today all right you wait you don't have like the barcode shit and they just leave it on your step or whatever? No, because if it's the postman, the postman has to hand it to you, right? This is a fucking mess today, this podcast. And it's like vape juice or whatever. I don't know how you're gonna do this, Tom.
Starting point is 00:39:35 This is fun. This podcast will cost a buck, isn't it? Tom can fucking handle it, he's a big boy. He's a big boy. We've done 40 minutes. 30 minutes of that was pretty salt-wee prison chat, and then it's just pop star. It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat. It was good prison chat. he's a big boy he's a big boy we've done 40 minutes 30 minutes of that was pretty salty prison chat and then it's just it was good prison chat i think you're remembering it was interesting worse than it was the like jfk is fascinating because it was like this first televised mega global news event and there was there was so much stuff associated with it you know the who killed him and then they found the guy who killed him then another guy killed that guy it was crazy you know and it was like there was organized crime at the time involved and people thought there were other accomplices and there were people who said that they were involved over
Starting point is 00:40:19 before their deathbed and the cia were involved you know, it was this whole idea of there was so much in that time, right, going on that it's just breeding ground for conspiracy, right? It couldn't just be a normal event. It had to be something more. And it was the OG conspiracy. And it's so rich even now, the JFK story, if you want to look into it, because it's so interesting. I mean, here's a crazy detail.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Just very quickly, here's a crazy detail. Jim Garrison, who was the prosecutor that basically brought the criminal trial about JFK, and I think he charged Clay Davis and a couple of other people with the crime of killing the president or being part of a conspiracy, he hypnotized and used drugs to try to get the truth out of some of the witnesses right and he's like the hero of the oliver stone movie if you read about jim garrison he wasn't particularly sane guy like the stuff the way he did that and some people say oh no no he didn't do that he says he didn't but they definitely
Starting point is 00:41:20 claim you know the the other people definitely claim that he did and he's like oh no no i just hypnotized him a little bit or something you know it's like what who hypnotizes witnesses like that that's insane so it is bizarre it is such a bizarre story and the more you dig the crazier it gets one of the things was a guy had an umbrella so here's one you can find there's a very interesting video about this he opens an umbrella on the on the in the middle of the parade, and people are claiming that, and these are some of those conspiracy nuts hanging out in Dallas,
Starting point is 00:41:50 that he had a pistol that was connected to some special lever that could shoot from the umbrella, so it would look like he's just holding an umbrella, but it's actually a gun-brella. But he was actually just some guy protesting about something that had happened in Croatia or something right and it was like they had opened an umbrella in this famous historical event and so that was his little
Starting point is 00:42:12 protest about it it was it's so strange there's a guy that they call flash face man or something and it was just sun reflecting off his sunglasses but it could have been a gunshot complected man as black dog man and badge man because they had all this grainy tv footage of the time yeah and it was the original kind of viral violent live leak kind of horrible video but it didn't come out the zapruda film didn't come out for years like it was not released it was kept as a secret because it was so horrific and it was part of the evidence and everything, it didn't come out until the 70s. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Pretty- anyway. I wish you wouldn't have mentioned all this now, because now I'm thinking like, oh. Yeah, well, go have a little read of the Wikipedia post. I need to go do some research! Do your research, bro! Do some fucking research, man! I think that's why-
Starting point is 00:42:59 I love a conspiracy. The conspiracy is so alluring, because it does present this sort of history idea or this kind of more dramatic idea. And it lets you couch events that you have been in real events in a way that is more interesting. And it's kind of bizarre. Well, listen, I don't want you to worry too much because guess who's here to lighten up the mood? Terry? Because his favorite fucking show has started once again. Wes Watson?
Starting point is 00:43:30 We got him on? No, no, it's not. No, it's not Wes. It's the Apprentice. It's fucking Mr. Apprentice. It's just as bad as it always has been. Of course. By the way, the people, I don't understand how they work in business outside of the show.
Starting point is 00:43:44 They don't seem how they work in business outside of the show they don't seem at all competent um maybe the show just portrays them like in a bad light or something but they all seem exceedingly stupid um i mean but i don't think it's just the editing dude because katie hopkins was on that show and she's a cunt so there's no way well that yeah i mean there are exceptions for sure but like i don't know that i think i feel like when you watch the apprentice and you you watch the first episode you can almost it's become so easy to predict the winner now right because you're just looking for somebody who's not too loud and is just somewhat level-headed and the rest of them are so insane
Starting point is 00:44:22 that that person will just win like guaranteed you know and and the thing it's like 15 weeks or something like that right um maybe that's why like there's you know like the betting at like the bookies and stuff isn't so popular with the apprentice yeah it's just too easy maybe it's yeah it's it's become too easy to be filmed already right so i mean true true i assume that these are all novelty bets leaks you're not allowed to bet more than a tenner on them probably yeah but um but i i mean it's it's like sort of it's not even guilty pleasure it's just like uh like i get i get angry and sort of um not angry but i feel like the whole time i'm watching the show i i feel like i i feel like
Starting point is 00:45:05 i'm sitting on like a high mountain and judging everyone and everything for like the whole hour it's on sort of thing like i'm some sort of genius because the people in the show just are portrayed so uh so so badly sort of thing so i guess it's kind of like i feel like when i watch the apprentice it's like people watching me stream playing video games you know what i mean right they're predicting what's gonna happen the doorbell's gonna ring the doorbell will ring don't if it rings again i'm legit ignoring it like wow i'm you do that jeez i'm with you well actually i probably won't you got responsibilities yeah that's the thing yeah i know i's fine i'm fine with it so oh by the way that that's what mrs f says uh at the start of the week she says i'm gonna be a twat
Starting point is 00:45:52 this week i was like what the hell are you talking about she goes tuesday wednesday and thursday i'm going into the office that's what they call it's not her fault is it tuesday wednesday tuesday wednesday and thursday is twat. So you say, I'm a twat. Oh, I see. I'm a twat. Does she still listen to the podcast? No. Did she give up a long time ago?
Starting point is 00:46:11 No, but I have very bad news. What? First of all, it's two-parter. First of all, she loves another podcast. Oh, come on. That's more successful than ours. Really? And it's a parenting podcast with Josh Whitacombe and some other guys on.
Starting point is 00:46:24 For fuck's sake. And she listens to that all the time which oh fuck me man oh here's even worse he's funny it's a funny podcast like i'm not gonna lie it's a funny podcast but you know it felt like a little stab in the heart i mean it would be like me on the phone with a friend of hers or like a colleague of hers someone in the same industry why don't you turn around and say that you that you really love and you've been listening to uh liz hurley's podcast talking about her jammies and her new bras and stuff like that see how she feels god i bet you they don't spend half an hour talking about prison though do you mean well yeah but they've limited themselves because it's a parenting podcast so they have guests on all they talk about is parenting. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Well, that's what you are. You are, though. Huh? We talk about parenting all the goddamn time. We don't just talk about that. We're not good enough? We don't just talk about prison. We don't just talk about parenting.
Starting point is 00:47:18 We talk about all kinds of things. We do. We talk about TV a lot. We do. We do. But, I mean, people watch TV. It's a current event. You know, it's a thing that people talk about's a thing that people talk about and i love watching there's got a problem with the stupid topics we come up with on the podcast go go ahead and go fuck yourself i don't want to i don't want
Starting point is 00:47:36 to know cool right ahead feel free just freely and and gently or roughly fuck yourself honestly these people are not our competition, though, PFlex. They are for Mrs. X listens. That's the point. But she's not listening to that instead of us. She literally is. She is. She said, I can't stand these three jabronis for one more minute.
Starting point is 00:48:00 They're insufferable. I need to find a different parenting podcast. What the fuck? But here's where it gets worse here's where it gets worse she goes out with some of the other moms in the area they're like a little group they're very cool they're a lot of fun to hang out with they're really really cool they started listening to the fucking podcast well that doesn't sound very cool to me it is not cool because i do not want this podcast to be listened to by people i know and
Starting point is 00:48:23 then they'll bring it up that's true episode it up when you said that all the other parents in your neighborhood and that you've met are assholes like what i it was a joke i take offense this podcast i told you when they started listening to the other parenting podcast this one they listen to this one as well oh hi thanks for joining us what have we ever talked about on this podcast that would have been- They're not listening. They just say they are. Dude, they are listening. People that you know in real life say polite things.
Starting point is 00:48:53 No, no, no, no. They don't actually do it. You've got to understand, this is how stuff works, right? It is true. Oh, you're going to tell me how stuff works now. Oh, I love your podcast. I love your show. You're going to tell me how stuff works now.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yeah, Lewis knows how many things work. You know, I watch your stream all the time. Never watch it. I never your podcast. I love your show. You're going to tell me how stuff works now. Yeah, Lewis knows how many things work. You know, I watch your stream all the time. Never watch it. I never watch it. You know, but I say to you that I do. Yeah, but you're a dishonest piece of shit when it comes to this. These are real people. These are normal, real people.
Starting point is 00:49:16 They're not us. Normal, real people will not, they say, oh, I listen to your podcast. They'll listen to like five minutes and they'll listen to whatever else they're actually interested in. They don't have to, I don't even need them they're fine on their own good luck to them look we have this strange bizarre uh and like almost enemy situation with people who do another podcast or a rival podcast or rival youtuber or other twitch streamers like it's weirdly competitive right like we almost have this disdain for them like without even knowing why like i've never watched a lot of these youtubers but i just automatically know
Starting point is 00:49:48 ah they're not my thing but actually it turns out that a lot of them are pretty good usually and you get you like like you you're a fan of northern lion uh sips and you know some of these other folks and you know they're clearly good content creators or else they wouldn't have a big fan base right yeah um i'm sure if you listen to their pirate 2 podcast peak flex you'd find it was good clearly good content creators or else they wouldn't have a big fan base. Right. Yeah. I'm sure if you listen to their podcast, you'd find it was good. No, I already said it's good.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I said it's, it's a good podcast. Some sort of traitor. What the hell? I'm sorry. Jeez. All right. I'll let you off.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Anyway, let's, let's move on. I've got some other news. Crime news. Yeah. We go back to prison stuff. Cause you were really happy with the amount of prison talk last news. Are we going back to prison stuff? Because you were really happy with the amount of prison talk last time.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Not prison specifically. We haven't quite hit our quota for prison talk on this. There was a fugitive, a mafia fugitive, who was arrested in Spain this week. Oh, yeah. What was her name? Giacchino Gamino. Right. He was lying low near Madrid but someone spotted him on
Starting point is 00:50:47 Google Street View no way what was he living in a bunker or something? no he was a Sicilian Mafia fugitive just living in a town outside Madrid and they sort of investigated the local town
Starting point is 00:51:03 and they found that he, there were pictures of him working as a chef at a local restaurant, which offered a Sicilian dinner. Oh no. Oh, very nice. And it was called, he was going by the name of Manuel,
Starting point is 00:51:16 right? And he, he had a, he had a, he worked at this place called La Cocina de Manu, which is Manu's kitchen. Right. So he was obviously working,
Starting point is 00:51:24 you know, using his Sicilian kind of background. Yeah. He was living up, like, as a chef in a small town, making his, you know, pasta, making his traditional mafia foods. Right. 61-year-old guy. 61. And, yeah, they tracked him down.
Starting point is 00:51:40 He was the boss of one of these mafia, Sicilian mafia groups. Oh, man. I was hoping it was going to be like GeoGuessr. And someone that was playing GeoGuessr spotted him and called the police. But no, they just figured it out. I mean, that's one way to hunt down Sicilian themed restaurants. Speaking of Italian Mafia, last night I started watching one of my favorite shows. It's the fifth and final series of uh gamora
Starting point is 00:52:06 the italian crime drama oh yeah and oh man oh i didn't start watching the last night sorry i started watching the night before so i've watched two episodes and it is pretty pretty good oh yeah baby did you hear there is a new series of dexter yes Yes. Yeah. It's like, I think they were unhappy with the ending. And so they've decided to, yeah, they've decided to redo it or something. Is that, they've just,
Starting point is 00:52:32 well, they've decided to not redo it, but explain it better. All right. So is this the aftermath? Because I think I saw a clip where he's like living in like Fargo or something. And he's just working some job. So it's actually,
Starting point is 00:52:45 no, it is set like 15 years later right and his son has he sort of ran away um because he was like a fugitive i thought his son did so no he did right so he left his son with a crazy one of his crazy serial killer wives or whatever i can't even remember what and what did he leave his dark passenger there too or like yes he did he left his dark passenger behind um and he he basically dexter's cured himself that's the idea he's he's gone away 15 years do you think he just started making youtube videos talking about his time as a serial killer oh my certainly he talked through it you know apparently he talked through it you know apparently he talked through it with the ghost of his sister because he's previously driven he used to speak to the ghost
Starting point is 00:53:30 of his father wait would the dead die in the series because i stopped watching it did that's what happened that was why people were unhappy with the finale because i think there was the finale was a real messy but and i don't remember anyone in the show get it get rid of angel honestly like i know controversial people like them a lot but like the new one no angel i remember that's like one of my go-to uh enraged twitch jokes just i say how much i don't like angel did he have a hat i wish that he died in the show and everybody just loses their shit all the time did he have a hat yeah he had that stupid fucking stupid fucking hats yeah yeah yeah anyway um it's 15 years in the future it's like his son who was a baby in the show oh yeah the one that was the one that was in the bathtub full of blood uh when his first
Starting point is 00:54:23 wife was killed by the trinity murderer right the yes and i think maybe sounds like actually 20 or something that fucking scene when his wife is talking she's like complaining about something at the dinner table and he's all stressed out because he knows he like his the his goose is about to be cooked and he's like shut up cunt yes that's such a good impression of michael seagull oh man i'm sorry anyway if you haven't watched dexter uh or didn't follow it back in the day um it's 10 years after the events of the weird uh series finale which was fucking it was a weird show man it went it went all over the
Starting point is 00:55:05 damn place didn't it he had like he had the kid and he had like uh like daycare for the kid but he was still out murdering everybody and like the uh whatever whatever body of water is the bad guys though the only murdered criminals have gotten away the harbor near miami is just like a resting place for thousands of bodies that he's dumped in there. Anyway, Dexter's a thing, so don't worry about that. In other news, police officers in L.A. have been fired for ignoring a robbery in progress to stop and capture a Pokemon on their phone. Sorry, run that by me again. So they were some police officers responding to a robbery in progress in LA, and they stopped on the way to pick up a Pokemon with Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Okay. That's right. They've been fired for that, which feels fine. I'm fine with that. Them being fired for that. That's crazy. I guess it was a rare one that they really needed. Finally justice is served.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I mean, really? That was the straw that broke the camel's back for LAPD to get fired from their jobs or maybe even go to jail for wrongdoing or whatever. They caught a Snorlax. Pokemon Go finally got them. And a Togekic, apparently. Whatever a Togekic is. Togekic. Togekic.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Man, oh man. It's a fucking weird one. Well, it's a dual-type fairy flying Pokemon introduced in Generation 2. It evolves from Togepi when leveled up with high friendship and evolves into Togekiss when exposed to a shiny stone
Starting point is 00:56:46 It's a dainty bipedal Pokemon that is small in stature. It is white with a red and blue triangular ring pattern Sorry Nod it off there for a sec, carry on I love the- For fucks sake Oh man oh man lewis is secretly stewing about this so he fucking loves pokemon so much no fucking bulbopedia page for it is like 18 pages long i know why do you think uh do you think anybody out there jacks off to pokemons yes yes i think there are 100 people who are
Starting point is 00:57:24 wanking about pokemon 100 like seriously actually jacking off like pokemons yes yes i think there are 100 people who are wanking about pokemon 100 like seriously actually jacking off like to some of the characters in pokemons not even not i excluding the humanoid characters yes i am saying 100 yes somebody out there is jacking off to like uh like bit pidgey right now yes now yes we speak one million percent that's crazy to me i know it's it's crazy to have more news i've got more sure um zinger you know the fucking farmville developer is worth 12.7 billion dollars wow right and they got sold to take two who own rockstar grand theft auto all of the all the other stuff. Take-Two Interactive.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Take-Two own tons and tons of games. They own Arcane and Dishonored. Loads of people. They're rich. But rich enough, they got $12 billion. I guess most of that's from GTA. Yeah, well, I mean, you had to buy it like five times, right? $12 billion.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I mean, they didn't literally have 12 billion quid lying around. I don't think you have to do it that way. They probably got all kinds of fucking investors and shit. Oh, for sure. And it's all debts up the ass and everything. Oh, yeah. They don't turn up with a bag of money. I want to buy your company.
Starting point is 00:58:37 They're just like, yeah, here, we're going to buy all these shares using this loan shit, and we're going to invest this from here, and we're going to cross-pollinate this, that, and the other. It's all bullshit. So they own it, but there's no fucking- So, yeah, I guess Farmville're going to invest this from here and we're going to cross-pollinate this, that and the other. It's all bullshit. So they own it but there's no fucking way. So yeah, I guess Farmville is going to start, you're going to be able
Starting point is 00:58:49 to start calling people the N-word and running them over and stuff. I was on GTA yesterday because we do some games in it and it's obviously played by kids, right? Because the censorship on it, you can't say the word virgin, right? Like someone, I got called a virgin in dota last week which i found so amusing that i've called everyone a
Starting point is 00:59:11 virgin everywhere for the whole week yeah and i was i got it got you know censor blocked it got censor blocks while an npc was calling me the n word right i was like what kind of standards do we have here for this game which n word are we talking about here the hard one the n yeah the the n word yes the n word which character in dota called you that no no in gta oh in gta i was i can call people in dota whatever i want yeah you will well who cares you can call him a virgin if you like, but you can't call people the N-word. I'm not calling people
Starting point is 00:59:47 the N-word. I'm calling them virgins. Well, stop doing it. I'm just saying that it's weird that there's some sort of high-level profanity filter on GTA
Starting point is 01:00:00 blocking me from saying calling people virgins and yet, in the game, people are calling me way worse than that. Why were you trying to call somebody a virgin in GTA? I was just typing it in for fun. Right. Just the fun of typing the word virgin.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It was Ravs or Pedgwin or whatever. I wanted to call them a virgin. It just tickled me for some reason. Anyway, in positive news with gaming developers, there was a guy who worked for a mobile game studio and he was in a bus crash and he very sadly lost his arm and he returned to work and the mobile studio put like a put a dlc character in of him and used the money to pay for him to get a prosthetic a really cool prosthetic arm right So this was like a Russian game studio,
Starting point is 01:00:48 but apparently, because he was so upbeat about it, it says, dedicated to Andrei Kvasov, you're a cool pro who is a pleasure to work with. Faced with something that would break many, you did not just stay strong, but maintained a positive attitude and inspired us all. That's good. So he's got a DLC character with a prosthetic arm. But in this day and age
Starting point is 01:01:05 it's a risky move like i i you know i i get like the the the the feeling and the sentimentality behind it all and stuff and i think it's a nice thing to do but like if in two weeks time it turns out that he's like a serial sexual abuser or something like that how the hell do they clean that one up you know what i mean because like it happens all the damn time, right? Like they put people in, I mean, more recently people's people who have helped develop games or whatever have had their names in games, like in Blizzard games.
Starting point is 01:01:34 And they've had to go after all these allegations and stuff, they've had to go out and strip out and rename characters and stuff like that. Like you just shouldn't really do it. It doesn't. Yeah. They didn't realize that they were in the, the bus accident that he was in was actually a oh god i'm not i'm just saying it's it's food for thought i guess right he was running from the police stuff
Starting point is 01:01:56 is this kind of stuff happens right like more recently it it seems to have happened unfortunately i think if if if worlds collide, the 1% of people who are in bus accidents are also the 1% of people who are horrible, horrible people, then that's just bad luck, isn't it? You can't fucking get away from that. I guess so, yeah, but it's just... I don't think the majority of people who get
Starting point is 01:02:18 themselves put into video games are problematic. No, no, but I think it's like... I think it's one of those things where it's like no matter what you should try not to really put people from the real world into into a game by name and everything as well because you never know when you're gonna have to go back and take them out you know well out of the game i mean i think that sometimes you just have to fucking go for it like you just have to put your trust somewhere.
Starting point is 01:02:45 You can't live with no love. You've got to do it sensibly. Fair enough. I think it's probably if you know the guy and it's a small mobile game, then I think that's if you're very close. I think you shouldn't put people in that you admire maybe or that you don't know. That's riskier't that you admire maybe or that you don't know that's that's riskier isn't it all right yeah i don't know i just think it's do you ever really
Starting point is 01:03:10 know someone no look we just have to have some boundaries yeah no you don't believe that oh god there's not there's not been too much on that you know or else you're never gonna you're never gonna never gonna operate properly are you yeah you can't go through life just thinking the worst about everyone that you meet. No. It's not a way to live, for god damn sure. Love each other. That's for god damn sure. That's for god damn sure.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Wise words. That's for god damn sure. That's for god damn sure. Stay out there in the prison yard and pump iron. Go with the flow as well, don't counter the flow. Yeah, go with the flow. Always, you know, put the seat down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And, you know, make sure to wear moisturize and deodorant and, you know, floss. Yeah. What, like the dance move or the dental move? Do both. I'm going mental on the dental. Just do it all. right good um thanks for listening thank you see you next time what an episode yes you see you next time that was the roller coaster bye

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