Triforce! - Triforce! #246: We're (not) going to be in Masked Singer!

Episode Date: February 15, 2023

Triforce! Episode 246! Sips deals with a particularly bad case of Impetigo, Pyrion single-handedly destroys the Markov Bot community and Lewis is definitely famous enough to be in Masked Singer. Go to... to get PayPal Honey for free. Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. to become a better investor. From placing your first trade to setting up customized stock alerts, we're always by your side. Just a few of the reasons why we are Canada's number one rated online broker by MoneySense. Get started today at Introducing the first ever Mazda CX-70, our largest two-row SUV, available as a mild hybrid and line six turbo, or as a plug-in hybrid, crafted to move every part of you. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Triforce podcast. Oh, my God. We're back. I can't wait to the Triforce Podcast. Oh my god, we're back. Can't wait to share all the gripping stuff that's happened to us. I can't wait to share all my opinions with all of you. This is my favourite. Well, actually, both of you have dealt with disease this week.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. You were supposed to be down here, we were supposed to be doing this. So let's do mine first, because mine is a non-story. Right. Yes. I was going to come down on Tuesday and I was going to go back tomorrow. So I should be in Bristol right now recording this. And then we were going to do bowl action and we were meant to record something yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:39 My eldest got sick and she's never sick. And I started feeling poorly. And I thought, if I go down to Bristol, I i'm gonna bring that sickness with me and i'm gonna be sick on the shoot day and then i'm gonna have to drive back and i'm gonna feel like shit so i thought i'll just cancel i then did not get sick um my eldest is back at school today um so quite honestly i could have come down um but my natural caution and pessimism meant that i didn't which was uh i think it's a smart call because otherwise all of the Oxcast events just turn into chicken pox parties where everyone gets sick. Yeah. Which always seems to happen anyway.
Starting point is 00:02:14 So, but this time, well, who knows what's happened. Especially since, you know, we would have gone out drinking and I would have been, you know, you're the fucking best, mate. We would have all those drunken close-up conversations. So if I did have something, everybody would have been, you know, you're the fucking best, mate. We would have all those drunken close-up conversations. So if I did have something, everybody would have- Plus, the Oxcast guys are always drinking the cold outside. That's true, we do. So that's likely to get you sick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah. So, yeah, apologies. But no, a non-story. Now to the actual story. Is your daughter feeling better, though? Is she on the mend? She's back in school. She's all right.
Starting point is 00:02:44 She's got a cough. But yeah, she was genuinely poorly for a couple of days right honestly um going not going in yesterday did help a little bit because it meant i was here to kind of mind her i don't want to leave sure but no no it was super minor now i don't know why we i suppose we led with my shit story because otherwise you can't follow with this because sips has got an actual story so well yeah it's i mean it's not like uh it's not a competition obviously like i don't want to one one up you or anything especially not about this like man we we've been through it like my my my middle my middle daughter my seven-year-old daughter has had um what started off as like just really basic impetigo
Starting point is 00:03:26 and then turned into just raging hellish impetigo, like everywhere, just open sores, weeping and everything. It got so bad that on Sunday, we were just like, because she was already on antibiotics and she'd been on them for a week and it was meant to be getting better. And, you know, we're not doctors. We thought that perhaps it was getting better be getting better and you know we're not doctors we we thought
Starting point is 00:03:45 that perhaps it was getting better and then sunday morning she woke up and she just had like this huge it's like it's like all like the little sores just combined into one massive sore and we're like god this this is not looking that sounds this is not right like they're like we've never seen anything like this we didn't really know what we were dealing with but i mean it was weeping like crazy like her her sheets on her bed and everything were just like covered in gunk and stuff like when she woke up in the morning and we're like man this this this cannot be right like this is maybe we're just used to it or something but like we're gonna have to take her to see the uh to see the doctor of course it's sunday i don't know what it's like in in l or Bristol or
Starting point is 00:04:26 whatever. Yeah, usually pretty shit. On a Sunday, nothing is open here, including the doctors. They're all on call. So you have to phone like an out of hours line and speak to somebody. You get like a telephone consultation. And then if they think they need to escalate, then you need to go to the hospital where they have an out of hours gp that that works out of the hospital like um you know late at night or overnight or whatever so i had to take her to the hospital and uh the gp is like come on in and she's like whoa i was like yeah right it's crazy isn't it like she's been on antibiotics and everything she's like okay well those those have clearly not worked this is this is really really bad and like when you hear gp say that because normally they downplay everything she's like this is this is pretty serious i don't know like it's probably a headache and you're overreacting go home yeah yeah so she's
Starting point is 00:05:13 like all right well listen i'm gonna need a second opinion from a pediatrician because i've i've personally never seen a case this bad it's like no, no, I know. I appreciate that. Thanks very much. So she had a chat with us, took a look at my daughter and everything. But all throughout, my daughter's been in pretty good spirits. Like she hasn't been like feverish, you know, she's not like, she wasn't listless or anything. She was still playing, like she was going outside, playing with like my son and everything. Like she was kind of just doing normal things. Just, just, just had like these crazy wounds all over that were just weren't getting better.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So, so we're, you know, we're just chatting to the GP and she's like, wrote up a, like a paper, printed it out. And she's like, okay, well you have to go to A&E and the pediatrician will come down and see you there. So we go to A&E and uh my daughter's seven right she's like she's not overly scared but you go into a and e and there's people there with blood all over them and they're and they're you know moaning and stuff like it i felt like we just like stepped into like a war movie or something you know like it was all there's all fucking sorts going on as as it as it does in a and e right it's busy. And I guess on a Sunday with the doctors closed, everyone has to go there. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And she's seven. So she'll stare, you know, like if there's something that she's not familiar with, she'll just sit there looking. And so I'm just like, don't stare too much. Like, you know, that guy's had a few. That person looks like they're ready to have another fight. Like it was a bit like that. And then so finally, like the nurse came out saw to her took like did her like obs and everything and we went to speak to the pediatrician and the
Starting point is 00:06:48 pediatrician's like holy crap this is really something else like i know i'm not supposed to laugh but no i know it is it is like that i mean they're all very good they're very professional but we're very british right in our sens First of all, I guess your daughter doesn't seem like, you know, she's still playing and stuff, seems like very normal. Yeah, it was bizarre. You kind of get used to, I guess, kids being sick in various ways, having chicken pox, putting up with it. But also it's quite a British thing, I think, for us to downplay everything.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Even when we're, like, about to die, you know. Well, at the sake of looking more professional and stuff as well i think that's a big thing too you know they'll say like oh you know it's uh it's not too bad you're just missing two two arms um yeah we can maybe give you some new ones so you know like they usually will downplay it just take these two paracetamol and go home yeah but no this time they were like whoa like it was like like kramer moments like they were just they couldn't believe it yeah so he looked he took a look over and he's like okay well the good news is it's not like uh in her system
Starting point is 00:07:56 as such you know it's still very on on the skin but it's not it hasn't spread to her blood or anything otherwise she'd have like a massive temperature fever uh and then you know it could become sepsis and we were just like okay well unbelievable that is really bad uh so she's so he's like well we're gonna have to admit her so um you know you'll need to make some arrangements i was like yeah of course went home got her some stuff and and everything and then i had so i had to i had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days with her like swapping over with my wife during the day and stuff and uh we we get up to the we get to the ward and everybody's it's like it's a it's a children's ward right so everybody's super nice like really helpful and everything they're getting us snacks and everything because it was like 10 o'clock at night by the time all this like by the
Starting point is 00:08:43 time we'd been through everything and spoken to everybody it's pretty late so she was getting pretty tired but you know like she was still sort of like yeah everything is everything is new and kind of exciting or whatever because she's in the hospital and she's staying over and all this stuff so the nurse comes in she's like you guys wanted some snacks or anything have you eaten i was like oh i'll take anything i'm starving sort of thing and she's like what about you sweetheart do you want some ice cream or some jello or whatever my my daughter's like yeah yeah she's like which one and she's just like yeah so she's like oh both and she's like yeah yeah yeah so off she goes she comes back with like apple juice ice cream jello my daughter is just like going going to town then like five minutes later, she barfed.
Starting point is 00:09:26 She just like, it was just too much. It was just too much excitement. Just too much excitement. And then too much jello and ice cream and apple juice. Like it just absolutely got her. I guarantee that will be what she remembers from this entire experience. I wonder. Yeah, I wonder.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's always something like that. Like being sick is something kids always seem to remember my kids always seem to yeah occasions they were sick so they're gonna remember do you remember when you went to hospital yeah i ate way too much ice cream i remember being sick that's what she's gonna take away from it right oh man it's gonna remember the worst part of it i bet bet. It's been crazy. We've been so worried. But the nice part of it, if you can have a nice part of all this, was we had to just sit with her in a room. She was in an isolated room, which was quite nice, too, because she was contagious.
Starting point is 00:10:17 They didn't want her on the ward with, you know, potentially passing it on to other kids and stuff. And then with COVID going around and stuff too, there was a lot of COVID on the ward. So they wanted to keep her away from that too. But I mean, man, we did everything. We were doing like guessing games. They had iPads that they bring in.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So as soon as the other iPad ran out of batteries, they'd have another one to swap in. She was watching TV on there. She was doing crosswords. Like we were hiding like her teddy bears around the room and guessing where they were and stuff and it was like it was it was really nice to just actually because when you have a lot of kids you don't always get a ton of time to spend a ton of time with just one so we we managed to spend just a shitload of time with
Starting point is 00:11:00 her which was really good for her as well i think she really enjoyed it you know with the with the with the with the backdrop of her it's like a mini holiday not feeling too well but yeah i think i think she she did kind of see it she hasn't been to school for like a week and a half so she's been pretty happy about that too so like there's definitely some silver linings in there if you if you can like search for them or whatever but uh man the whole experience has just been such a it's just super draining because you're just worried all the damn time. You're just hoping that it just clears up and it's finally now clearing up and it's actually really satisfying to see it clearing up. But then you're thinking, I wonder if it'll come back. I wonder if it's, you know, what if it's something that will just keep coming back?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Like all the usual parental worries and stuff so we'll just have to see she's her antibiotic course is uh is done tomorrow and uh it's for the most part it's all looking really good but there's still like one spot that's not looking too great so if it's still bad we'll have to take her in again and potentially they'll have to uh do to do other stuff maybe more antibiotics or something and then uh hopefully we just get the results back as to what it actually is or the combination of things that it could have been because they think that it was impetigo with maybe some chicken pox or something else laced in you know what i mean so i don't know we'll see first but yeah insane yeah it was insane but uh she's she's home now she's she's
Starting point is 00:12:27 doing a lot better yeah she she was she was always like you know in in good spirits and and bright and everything uh but now that it's clearing up even more so she's back to um just being her her her usual self which is which is good right because you when they're not themselves you're just like oh my god please just come back to being yourself straight away like it's the worst worst feeling it's it's just such a such a worry but it's nice that we seem to be like on the on the right track now you know god and what stress for you to have to deal with i know i know oh yeah crazy crazy yeah so we're uh so we're just sort of getting getting back to normal which is which is nice well have you been watching any any tv did you watch the last of us either of you no i haven't i haven't watched much tv So we're just sort of getting back to normal, which is nice. Well, have you been watching any TV?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Did you watch The Last of Us, either of you? No, I haven't. I haven't watched much TV. I've heard very good things about it, actually. It's good. The Last of Us. Yeah, I heard it was good as well. Yeah, I heard some good things about it.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Mrs. F said it was too scary. So she had to watch it with half an eye. She was doing a crossword, kind of just peering up. Yeah, she was terrified. I found the game quite scary. I had to stop playing it past a certain point i mean there's all those bits where if the zombie thing gets joel it's sort of a pretty hideous like they tear his neck open and stuff like there was almost like dead space style animations like that that's that side of it
Starting point is 00:13:38 doesn't bug me so much it's just the it's just the tense like unknown you know like when the point i got to up in the game was when you go to the city and you're just kind of let you're left to just go into all these big old abandoned office buildings and stuff and that that got me i was just like i just don't want to do this like they're all of all of the buildings are are like all empty and spooky and you can hear like uh zombies you know moaning and groaning around every corner and stuff. And I just thought, nah, I can't do this. Well, they've got them. They've got them done really well in this.
Starting point is 00:14:09 They're genuinely scary. I mean, they're sort of like, you know, it's not like, oh, it's just a zombie. We'll just dome it and carry on going. You know, hit it with a rake. These things are like properly terrifying zombies. Well, I think that's that's part of the element. Yeah, of course. But like nothing is scary if you're powerful right like yeah like if you have if you're trying to control
Starting point is 00:14:30 something and it's very sluggish and not responsive i mean that's classically part of the original sort of resident evil style was that it was so it was kind of clunky like the controls and it meant it was kind of you weren't able to react quickly to things to have this feeling of safety in the game. Yeah. Right? Well, it's like being in a dream, isn't it? When you're trying to run and you can't run, you're sort of running through treacle, I
Starting point is 00:14:54 guess it feels like that. Yeah. Or you start flying while you're running. That's a weird one too. But really slowly and you're barely lifting anything around. But so the thing with traditional zombies was it was about the real monster is inside you know you're the monster and the people turn on each other sort of thing this is just no it's the monsters like it is just the monsters so i forgot about the character i think it's tess um right well no spoilers for people it's not it's not a
Starting point is 00:15:19 spoiler it's because a lot of people won't what again a lot of people won't have played the game and right no yeah that's true right but i'm just saying i completely forgot she's in episode one she's like joel's sort of partner and yeah i'd completely forgotten that she was in the game i was like i think they put her around into the tv show but no i completely forgotten so apparently that's the other thing it's a very faith what are so far it's a faithful at least half faithful shot for shot kind of attempt to remake the story in film, which I think if they didn't do, the backlash would be, well, I think that hopefully
Starting point is 00:15:55 people have learned from issues people have had with previous remakes where the community is like, this didn't happen in the game, and that's all they can talk about once they've identified a difference. So there will be differences, right? But I think the story is there, already pretty detailed. They just need to redo it. There's another show that they're apparently working on.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I don't know much about it, but apparently they're working on a Fallout TV series as well, which will be another one based on a game. And then guess the witcher series is loosely based on it based on the books more than it's based based on the books more so but i suppose you have imagery from games as well to compare to what you're seeing in the show or whatever it's funny what you're saying lewis about the fan base reacting and stuff like that i i was i was talking about this actually on stream the other day and the people forget and because they're young a lot of the people that you know listening to this a lot of them seem to be in their 20s from the emails that i get you guys were not around when
Starting point is 00:16:54 lord of the rings first came out you don't know man to see the you don't know what we've seen yeah from the the hardcore talkie knights who were like they got this wrong and nobody gave a shit and i don't think anybody should give a shit if they change something in a fucking tv show that's based on a game if they say we're going to get rid of these key character of joel he's going to be played by someone else so well fair enough okay i've talked about this many times but my opinion is that when people come along to these properties, they want to make their own mark on it. They want to make their own stamp. They can't just leave the source material alone.
Starting point is 00:17:30 They have to fucking insert themselves in some way and change things for the worse. Lord Laring was not a great book, and it was an improvement on the book in many ways. The book had long, boring bits. It was out of date. It's 50 60 70 years ago god it's ancient lord lorraine's relative speaking and so much came after it that it had to change i was a kid when i read them though to be fair i i struggled with lord lorraine's books when i read them and because i just think there was uh there was better stuff um and and
Starting point is 00:18:00 so yeah but look but that was changed for the better i think many things have been changed for the worst like the Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime. Perfect example of just unnecessary changes that would not, that made it literally worse. I totally forgot that that even existed. It was all right. And there's tons and tons and tons. So many TV shows are actually worse.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I wasn't a huge fan of the books either, to be fair. I found them quite long. In general, a remake is worse. Give me an example of a remake where the director put their own spin on it and ruined it for you. Well, I just did. No, no, but the Wheel of Time, they had to compress a huge series of books into, what, 10 episodes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:41 That's always going to happen. No, one book into 10 episodes. And people would compress one book into a movie just fine. Yeah, but episodes or whatever. Like, that's always going to happen. No, one book into 10 episodes. And people have compressed one book into a movie just fine. Yeah, but people always complain. They always complain. They always, always, always say, how could you leave this out? And they got this character wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I got an example. I got an example for you. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Here's some good old time Wild West stories that have been tarnished. No, I'm just joking. It was amazing. That was good.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, I think, I think every, everyone complains about basically every anime that's been made live action, like Death Note. They did a live action Death Note? I know about Death Note. I've never seen the anime or live action. That's something I have in common with anime fans. And cause I always complain when they make anime films as well so well i guess the point is though that
Starting point is 00:19:28 the last of us your wife's watching it and she could watch that without having even known about the game right she could have watched the death note without even realizing it was an anime right and enjoyed it if it was good but it wasn't good yeah right and i think that's that's the problem people have people everyone's going to complain sure some people are complaining about every single thing right regardless of whether it's good or bad i'm not not down in that i'm just saying that if stuff's good people will quickly forgive it and it'll pass as a thing that people recommend to each other and people will enjoy it without even knowing the original because that's what it's for you know the last of us is not it's hoped that the fans of it will
Starting point is 00:20:07 watch it but it's for people like your wife who who haven't heard of it well i really like it on its own as a horror tv show but i think it's also for most people who are not going to get up in arms about slight changes and it's a bit like any community i think the loudest will always be the most ardent fans but honestly that's always a tiny minority i genuinely believe that the with the last of us um most of the opinions i've seen uh of it are from people who i know have played the game because most of the people that i follow on twitter and stuff like that are gamers but uh i have read as well that even for people who haven't read the game, the show is just produced well enough that it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:20:51 You can just jump right into it. At the time of recording, we're two episodes deep, so this may well change by the time this podcast goes out. And I'm not going to watch it until the whole series is out because if I get into it, I'm going to want to watch more. I don't like watching stuff week by week. Really. It's annoying.
Starting point is 00:21:07 But you know, I think we also though, you've got to understand that the video game community is one of the most vocal and critical. That's one way to put it. For sure. And, and,
Starting point is 00:21:18 and there's a lot of people who've played this game to the point where everyone who's played this game and watches it, it's going to have an opinion. And therefore when they're making this TV show, I feel like I'm like the last of us in the sense that I'm like one of the last people to actually play the game because I found the start of it kind of too scary to carry on. You know, I am the last of us because I haven't played. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Do you like that? Yeah, I do. But I think it's also been long enough since the first game where, yeah, like you said, Pflax, a lot of people have sort of forgotten what happened. I mean, it was like 2013 or something it came out, something like that. Oh, my God, that's so long ago. It feels like a lifetime ago. It is. I was talking to Ben about it yesterday, and he said he started trying to play it it and the gameplay just felt really bad and really
Starting point is 00:22:05 dated well yeah it will do though it's an older game right like i mean it's not that old but old i guess what i'm trying to say is that you don't feel like you have to play the last of us before watching it or vice versa he might have been uh he might have been a bit miffed as well because 2013 i don't know if there would have been like tons of loot boxes and battle passes and stuff back then. There were. Maybe he loaded it up and he was like, shit, where's my trickle of- How do I spend money on this?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Dopamine for this game. Where's the cosmetics in this game? I need a steady trickle of achievements here or I'm not going to have any fun. So what's going on? I want all the zombies to be wearing top hats. How do I make that happen? Hey, what?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Is there no Christmas event for this game? This is bullshit. This is garbage. Hey, listen, I was lying before. Flaxie said, have you watched much TV? And I said, no, but actually I have watched a little bit of TV. Not the kind of TV that you guys would think either. I was in the hospital, of of course for a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So I've been watching. My daughter is really into this show called Miraculous right now. Have you ever seen it? No, I'm going to look it up. It's a French, I think it originated as a French kids show about superheroes. Okay. The lead superhero is a girl
Starting point is 00:23:24 who turns into Ladybug. She's covered who turns into ladybug and she has a spots yes and she has uh appropriate there's another superhero that she kind of teams up with called cat noir which is of course black cat um i see this and uh cat girl and he he looks like a just uh like a young whippersnapper who dresses up like a cat, Batman, Catman sort of thing. And so the show is a kid's show. But I mean, it's interesting enough. Like I didn't actually find it impossible to watch. Like I found myself at times actually asking my daughter questions about how everything hung together because there's a couple of like little underlying storylines that are kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So listen to this, okay? Try to wrap your heads around this one. Okay, I'm ready. When Ladybug isn't Ladybug, okay? When she's just a normal girl, she's in love with this guy who's in her class who just happens to be Cat Noir when he turns into a superhero. But they don't know this about each other, okay? So she is in love with this guy in non-superhero form,
Starting point is 00:24:30 but doesn't realize that Cat Noir, who she fights crime with side by side very often- Very Shakespearean. Is not, is not, she can't do the link, right? She doesn't know that it's him because she just has no concept that it could be him sort of thing and cat noir is in love with ladybug okay but not with her as a girl right right so she's in love with him as a boy and he's in love with her as a superhero and so there's times where
Starting point is 00:25:02 cat noir for example will visit the girl just as a girl, you know, because she just happens to get into like lots of like, you know, scrapes and whatever. And he'll be like not interested in her at all. And likewise for her sort of thing. She'll just be like, no, I'm not interested or whatever. But then when he's just a boy, she's like head over heels in love with them sort of thing and then when she's a superhero he's the same he's just like that's quite a complicated thing for right i know like my seven-year-old daughter follows this avidly and is just like this is amazing like oh my god they are in love but they're not and stuff and so they have all these friends that
Starting point is 00:25:45 like they can turn into superheroes as well and there's a bad guy who happens to be the boy's father but he doesn't know this either so the boy that turns into cat noir his dad is the big bad guy called hog moth okay oh sure sure and uh and so what he does is he kind of like corrupts moths, okay? So, they start off as like these like, you know, white, normal looking moths, and then he corrupts them and turns like he like evilizes them, okay? And sends them out. So, he scans Paris on a daily basis. I just, sorry, I'm just- He looks for people who are- I'm just grounding myself in reality you're telling me this show yeah so he's he's looking he's scanning paris for people who are pissed off for some reason and then when he detects that somebody has some sort of grievance or whatever he sends out
Starting point is 00:26:38 one of these corrupted moths to them the corrupted moth lands on them and then turns them into a super villain temporarily they don't realize what they're doing but all of a sudden they have a link into this guy and he can order them around that's pretty cool his big thing is that he wants to get ladybug and cat noir's miraculous which is what gives them their super powers so on ladybug it's like earrings and on cat noir it's his watch or something and there's like these little dudes that live in these things. Midichlorians? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And they make them powerful or whatever. So he wants to get those things because he wants to become like all powerful. So he uses like random citizens of Paris to try to get this done. I mean, quite honestly, you would be hard pressed to find someone in Paris who didn't appear to have a grudge. Right. On all the occasions I've been there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Easy, easy supervillain territory there. Yeah, right. There's lots of grievances, yeah. Believable. Your cause is free. I am furious. He has his pick of the litter on that one for sure. And then once the superheroes defeat the person who's been corrupted by one of these moths,
Starting point is 00:27:42 Ladybug has like this, don't know it looks like a little jewelry box or a yo-yo it's like a yo-yo with a box and she can capture the corrupted moth in it and then it transforms it back to an uncorrupted moth but then very satisfyingly magic comes out of this uh process and turns everything that was ruined by their fighting and whatever in paris back to normal and then they just carry on with their lives until the next episode do you suppose that shows like this because i've had an email about something we spoke about the other week and i'm just i'm trying to tie it into this because i'm sure there's a big adult fandom oh i'm sure there is i'm sure there is yeah so we spoke about thomas
Starting point is 00:28:26 the tank engine either last week or the week before i don't know if you guys remember and the thomas the tank engine fandom uh who i think they call themselves steamies or something like that right right right this is from a guy james who he says, hi, let me preface this by saying this is not a rant email. I'm shedding some light on the stuff you talked about in the last episode. I'm a steamer. I am. I am a prominent member of the TTTE community.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Right. Now, I had to think for a second. Thomas the Tank Engine. Indeed. Yeah. But he's also, the subject is Thomas Drama. That's what he's called it. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Right. And even though I've taken some time away from the Twitter sphere, I eventually hear Yeah, but he's also the subject is Thomas drama. That's what he's called it, right? And even though I've taken some time away from the Twitter sphere I think eventually here is around Gordon right Gordon was one of the problematic engine James I was like a bit of a like a goof you'd goof up a lot, but Gordon was actually vindictive They were all dickheads if you watch the show and I'm sure you have, with your kids, all of the trains are little shits. The one I remember watching the most when I was younger, because I had a younger brother. He was six years younger, and he was really into the Thomas the Tank Engine one that was narrated by Ringo Starr. You know, the one with the little models? Thomas was struggling to get up the hill. The Fat Controller
Starting point is 00:29:46 was not happy. That's the one, yeah. And I don't remember the trains being too bad at that one. Well, if you watch it now, like a lot of these kids show, Mike the Knight, Peppa Pig, Thomas the Tank Engine. That was your impression of Ringo. Sorry, that was your Ringo impression
Starting point is 00:30:02 because he did the voice. Is that a problem? No, I forgot that. I'll work on it if you want. Yeah, he did. No, it was great. Honestly, I got it. I got it from that. And I'd forgotten that he did it. He did. Carry on. Oh, sorry. Carry on. So, he says, I eventually, this James says, he eventually hears about the latest
Starting point is 00:30:17 drama. Drama, 100% in inverted commas, these are his words, is a weekly occurrence. I think it's a common thing for most fanbases to have a wide range of people from different paths of life. The comments made about some of the community having a sexual aspect to it is 100% true. And a few friends
Starting point is 00:30:34 and I have spent years trying to rid Twitter of people like this. It can range from humanized... Sexual aspect to Thomas the Tank Engine. Yes, dude, yes. Because we said, I guarantee you some people are fucking into this that are perverts about... to the thomas the tank engine yes dude yes because we are we said i was like i guarantee some people are fucking into this that are perverts about what do they have pictures of thomas the tank engine like in a bra and suspenders or something like well it can range
Starting point is 00:30:54 from humanizing the trains right straight up grooming and pedophilia it is a real problem christ cannot be simply fixed by getting these people as he puts again in inverted commas, banned off of Twitter. I took part in this fandom to see behind the scenes material, production information, and other interesting things from a little known show called Tugs, which is not made by the same production company as Thomas the Tanker. I don't know what Tugs is. Not to be reporting people to the police a few times a year.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I hope you have a good year. You've got me through a lot of tough times. Jesus Christ. Sorry to hear that you've, it sounds like you have become your own version of a superhero yeah fighting crime in areas where i didn't even realize crime could occur so there you go indeed fucking hell today's episode is sponsored by honey the easy way to save when shopping on your phone or computer what kind of things have you been shopping for recently? Oh, I've been buying random stuff online.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I've been getting into art, doing art again. I've been looking into monoprinting, and I've been buying like gel, jelly pads and paper from random places and honey. This week, honey popped up and saved me some money. It scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best ones. It finds your car automatically. You don't have to cut coupons out of books. Well, hold on there, young man.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That's the best part of coupons, isn't it? Cutting them from the books. You said you're into art. Is that correct? That's correct, yes. Would you draw me like one of your French girls while I'm lying on a bed of coupons? Lying, reclining on a bed of coupons.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Oh, wow. Well, I suppose that's all they're good for now because, you know, you can just get digital ones. That's true. I will lie on them as I would on a bed of garbage. Dollar bills! Because with this new application, computerized application, Honey makes it much simpler. Is that what you're saying, young man? It does.
Starting point is 00:32:50 So it doesn't just work on desktops. It works on your phone. You can activate it on Safari and save money. It's fully set up. So you can get PayPal Honey for free at slash Triforce. If you don't already have Honey, you could be straight up missing out on savings. I think it's hard to say what, you say these fandoms right I think I think people can be casual viewers and enjoy like magical girl animes especially like like all magical girls that's kind of what this ladybug show is right like it's kind of a it fits into the the sailor moon type
Starting point is 00:33:39 yeah yeah and a lot of people enjoy these young it's like It's like a teenage... It's almost like... It's for little kids, but teenagers, you could imagine watching it as well for the sort of almost romance aspect of it. A lot of adult women, I'm not saying it's really necessarily men, but a lot of adult women get a lot of coziness out of watching these cutesy, cuddly kids shows
Starting point is 00:34:02 and would never even think about joining a fandom of it necessarily right i think you have to be it has to go something deeper if you're going to go into the if it's like going to my kids are watching it i don't mind it being on i don't actually mind it too much i would never seek it out on my own though like um you know i would i wouldn't i wouldn't like be interested enough to go back and watch episodes or whatever on my own sort of thing. No, I guess it's like if I'm playing a game, right? I will, if I'm into that game, I play that game and I put it down, right? If I really like the game, I might join the subreddit, right?
Starting point is 00:34:40 If I really, really like the game, I might join the Discord. And then if I really love it, I might actually read the posts. Do you know what I mean? That's kind of like the level. I suppose at a certain point, I'm not someone who's ever really gotten active in any communities, really. No. Even if I'm a big fan of something.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I did get involved in one community, and I actually ended up bringing it down. Was it Dota? Okay. This is a mildly interesting story. No, it wasn't Eve. Sadly, I failed in my quest to bring Eve down. This was probably about three or four years ago.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Wow, like kind of recent. Yeah. I thought you were going to hit us with like a story from like, you know, pre- No, this was- Announcer pack on Dota or something. No, no, no, no. Oh. We can talk about that in a second as well. Something's happened regarding that in the last few weeks. So I had we had a Markov chain bot when I when I used to
Starting point is 00:35:37 play Eve and I was on something awful with a bunch of guys that I knew. We had an IRC channel like a lot of people does before discord people used IRC. And we'd all chat in there and we had all kinds of bots running in there. And one of them was a Markov chain bot. And what a Markov chain bot does for anyone that doesn't know is it pulls together sentences and phrases from everything you've said in that channel and then auto generates posts of its own that can be very funny, can be very surreal, can just be complete nonsense. And over time, it develops a syntax and it starts to say things. And you can identify,
Starting point is 00:36:11 especially people on a Discord or an IRC channel who've got a big voice and a very, you know, it's them. So you sort of see the Markov bot generate a sentence and it's like, this clearly, it's pulled this from X user and it's very funny. So we had this bot and it kept going down and it would be down for quite a long time. Like it would be down for like a week or two. Right. And it would come back and it would have forgotten everything and it was like not working very well.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So I'd found this thing on some Reddit or I think I just Googled it and they had a community. So I joined the Discord and I asked a very simple question. Um, hi there. Um, I've read the, um, I mean, for a start, the landing page was about three screens of rules, right? And this is for a community of about 15 people. So I thought this is not good. And so I just asked the question, I said, hi there, I've read the rules and everything. And I know what you said about the Markov bot, sometimes it'll be down and there's nothing you can do about it, but is it normal for it to be down for two weeks? So all I was asking
Starting point is 00:37:14 was, has it broken? Is it something on my end that's broken or is it literally down for, and it's been two weeks and you're well aware of it and there's nothing that can be done and we'll just have to sit tight and wait. The guy responded with this big load of text telling me to read the rules and then banned me from the Discord. Wow. So I went insane. So then I went on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:37:35 and I complained at them and said, look, I don't know what your problem is. I said in my message, I understand that your rules say, do not ask why it's down. It will sometimes be down. I'm just asking for a clarification. Is two weeks normal, or is it something I've done
Starting point is 00:37:52 to break the bot? And he's like, that's it, we're shutting the whole thing down. And he shut the whole project down because of this. And I was like, oh shit. So the whole community, the Discord folded, they got off Twitter, huge posts blaming me, claiming that we'd sort of brigaded them and all this kind of stuff. I had literally just said, I understand.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Maybe you got a gift there. Go ask the KKK some questions, Flax. It was like my questions, as far as I can see it, were just saying. You guys haven't been burning anyone lately. Shut the whole thing down. Get the cone hats. We're closing shop. It's under the the rules we only lynch once a year holy shit man but it was like the response to a literal question just asking for clarification because the the the fact that they had on the on the discord was not very clear
Starting point is 00:38:41 it was literally like shut up and if it's not working just shut up it's like i'm just asking is this normal or have we broken it because we were hammering it like we were using it a lot people were using it a lot and i was just worried something somewhere broken wasn't us was it something we did dude just straight up started screaming i love that i love a documentary of the days leading up to that point uh from the other guy's perspective because he must have just been hanging by a thread at that point end of the tether absolutely final straw yeah yeah but um so it's funny because these communities even very small ones like this guy talking about the thomas the tank engine it's not a huge community no no millions of people um but even then there's there's drama and people falling out and all this shit oh yeah it's crazy like it is i i'm i do post on some discords right occasionally i'll
Starting point is 00:39:31 have a question or i'll have a theory or and i'll write something about a board game or something but the but when people don't know who i am and especially if i'm not if i've not got a decent like rank on that server because normally i'm like the lowest pleb tier right when i join these servers they someone with like an orange name comes over the top of me and usually is pretty aggressively authoritarianly like rude if not if not directly rude like like kind of ruder than i would used to expect them to be and i think that's partly because in their culture maybe they're not english maybe they're you know eastern european or australian or i'm talking to some people all over the world in these things and i don't know who they are right i think it is i have noticed an element of people just dismissing anything i've said quite quite rudely yeah um many times
Starting point is 00:40:21 before and it hasn't necessarily stopped me, but it's certainly been unexpected. Maybe it's because I'm used to people, I guess on the Yog's Office Discord, everyone's quite polite with each other and quite nice to each other. Also, you're the boss too, so I don't think anybody's really good. Yeah, I guess that's the other scary.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So maybe I'm used to people sucking up to me. It's like you're like Mr. Burns when he sells the nuclear power plant and he goes to the bar and they all start making fun of him and he's like my god Smithers they're not afraid of me anymore that's you yeah that's what it is
Starting point is 00:40:55 maybe that's what it is I see it was interesting because talking about how people have these speech patterns because I think if you became aware of how you spoke to other people it would be you say it was my fault it would throw you off no i was when you were telling me that i thought it was someone on the inside of your server who didn't like the way it was mocking was like was like taking it down no it's like ddosing it or shutting it down secretly in
Starting point is 00:41:22 the night you know not at all because that would have been in my experience what the kind of like petty little sabotage that might have happened well we ban people like that from my discord pretty promptly we're pretty uh well you don't know there might be like insiders though like people who were like secretly sabotaging from within like spies like my main mod has probably been sabotaging me for the last eight years god bless him god bless that i watched a couple of TV shows this week. I watched a thing called, I can't remember what it's called. Physical 100, I think it's called. It's just got on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:41:56 The idea is it's like a real life Squid Game. Oh, right. Where they take a hundred- You mean Lydia? No. okay where there's they take a hundred you mean like uh no they take a hundred muscly bodybuilders both men and women why didn't they call me from korea right yeah oh from korea and then they make them crawl through really really really small drainage pipes to see who who's the most stuck i won't i won't spoil it but the first challenge
Starting point is 00:42:24 is just hanging off of some monkey bars, right? So they've got a hundred guys, like... Was it like a pit of spikes underneath it or something? No, it's just a pool of water. But, you know, they get... Only half of them make it through. So they've done it like Squid Game. They keep... Contestants just keep
Starting point is 00:42:39 talking like, oh, we're on Squid Game kind of thing. You know, it's kind of like this running joke. But they've got basically anyone who's anyone in the korean like fit circles they've got like fitness youtubers they've got like national like olympic olympic winners they've got dancers they've got like you know and you name it like there's like a car dealer who's like ripped you know this kind of stuff nice and there's like a famous kickboxer he's like the face of it kind of thing and he's like number 100 um kind of thing you know so there's like a bunch of a bunch of people competing for this this honor and cash reward and i don't know i i it was the whole
Starting point is 00:43:16 first like hour of it was just introducing the hundred people yeah well it's kind of like this you know how in these reality shows they normally have this long bit where they slowly introduce everyone yeah there were a hundred people to introduce the introduction stuff uh wears thin on me after a while because i i know you guys know that i watch uh married at first sight from time to time and uh i'd say like the first two or three episodes of that show are i find tedious because it's it's all the the introductions and and like the their their weddings but it's it's two strangers getting married sort of thing so it's not really that interesting either because like the interesting bits of the show are when the drama starts you know like the people start screaming at each other at the dinner tables and
Starting point is 00:43:59 dinner parties and stuff like that not so much the introduction stuff but the introduction stuff i find is like really long-winded because there's like 12 couples or something right so they everybody has to have their five minutes in the in the sun sort of thing you know where they have to get married and their family has to come and everybody's very friendly and you know what you guys should watch then you should watch masked singer there's no introductions other than them in a costume yeah yeah so but but the the issue, and you would have this if you watch this with your kids, Sips, and maybe even- My kids probably would actually like that. Right. But, so my kids really loved the show for the first couple of episodes. And then once
Starting point is 00:44:38 they start revealing the celebrities behind the masks, after a couple of times, they're like, I have no idea who these people are and I've lost interest so me and mrs f obviously we're older so we're able to guess who they are here's the people have been revealed so far this season okay ghost was chris kamara who right oh yeah he's the guy who's like he's that guy i don't know that that guy. Yeah, yeah. He's recognizable, sure. He's recognizable. Piece of Cake was Lulu. Lulu, I know. Lulu. I've heard of her.
Starting point is 00:45:10 She's older now. Most people don't know who the fuck Lulu is. If they're below 30, I'd suggest they might not know who Lulu is. She's 74. She's old. She's like my mum's age. She was great. Cat and Mouse was...
Starting point is 00:45:22 That was a duo. Martin Kemp and Shirley Kemp. Do you know who they are? No. Martin Kemp is a Spandau Ballet guy, right? Spandau Ballet. He's in everything now. His son is starting a TV career now as well, right?
Starting point is 00:45:35 He's been in a bunch of stuff too. And Shirley Kemp was in the band Pepsi and Shirley in the 80s. Right. Okay. So Shirley Kemp has really not been famous for 40 years or so. And Martin Kemp was like, he couldn't sing because he played an instrument in Spaniel Ballet. I think it was a bassist. Yeah, but he was in EastEnders. He was Steve, he was in EastEnders, which gave him another
Starting point is 00:46:02 big burst. He was in EastEnders probably 15 or 20 years ago. True. I want to say. All right. And then Rubbish, that was the player. The costume was Rubbish. They were literally in a bin with a load of rubbish coming out.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Stephen Hendry. Do you know who Stephen Hendry is? I know the name. I can't. He's a snooker player. He's a snooker player. Yeah. So, so far, the celebrities revealed are-
Starting point is 00:46:23 But all of these are 20 years out of date. They're old celebrities. Hendry was in the 90s. Mike kept left. He said it's in 2002. This is like 20 years. Yeah, dude. Fucking hell.
Starting point is 00:46:34 It's pretty funny. Fucking hell. This is really scraping the barrel. These are not the mega celebrities that you kind of... Well, it's an ITV show, right? It is, but in previous seasons, it seems they've had- ITV is firmly stuck in the 90s, unfortunately. We had Gloria Hunniford.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Anyone remember Gloria Hunniford? Will Young, who was- We're probably bigger celebrities than these people. I don't know if that's true. I don't know if it is either, but- I mean, the thing is the world has changed, right? And the world, you know, nowadays- I think the world has changed and they've accepted Will Young.
Starting point is 00:47:07 That's for sure. There aren't. People like him now. People don't watch the same TV show anymore. Back in the day, everyone, 20 million, 50 million people would watch EastEnders or whatever. It was mad. Everyone watched these things and everyone knew who these people were. But now we have our own communities where we're doing our own.
Starting point is 00:47:24 We're in our own little world.'re sexualizing thomas the tank engine and also we've had this massive uptick of generating celebrities through these reality tv shows and you know a lot of these people come in you know you'll i'm sure some of these masked singers will be people who are like oh this was a guy who was on yeah on made in chelsea and stuff like that people become like that oh it's a recycling it's like we do a reality tv show with celebrities in and the celebrities are just people from all the reality tv shows it's like oh this guy finished fourth in the bachelor yeah this guy was like yeah yeah they had a lot of that on the on the most recent um celebrity sas i'd say like 85 of them were just people from reality shows
Starting point is 00:48:07 people yeah people who are just much cheaper after the reality show is done they they just go out and they look for yeah work they become famous for being on other reality yeah yeah i also think that if they're famous to you then that's enough right like sometimes and if they're funny and interesting and they're they're worth being a celebrity that's also enough like sometimes and if they're funny and interesting and they're they're worth being a celebrity that's also enough like in a way right like you know i've not watched all these reality tv shows but if the funniest guy from that show is then a celebrity actually i don't mind like do you mean like if he then has some redeeming features that make the show more interesting fantastic um there's been a lot of talk about the traitors uh which is the oh yeah i remember they were
Starting point is 00:48:46 advertising that a lot during the world cup but i never watched it i've heard that it's actually pretty good but i just uh lots of people have watched it now the uk one was good yeah the u.s one is is a completely different vibe right and i don't recommend it a big brother was the same i don't know if you remember when big brother was on and popular the u.s big brother was uh was completely different. Like they were allowed to- It's a really mean vibe. They were allowed to game the game.
Starting point is 00:49:10 They were allowed to make strategies. They were allowed to talk about the actual game side of Big Brother. Whereas the UK one, they weren't allowed. Like it was meant to be more of an experiment. The American audience, certainly the way the American TV shows are made, they want to force the drama immediately. Yeah. Whereas with the UK one, you felt that these were actually people that really were in a situation where they just didn't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And the drama came from that. Whereas in the US one, they're like, right, we want to get a bunch of assholes in here. We're going to be assholes to each other. People will love it. Like, that's pretty much how they did it. i feel like the american side wants the drama straight away and i feel like the uk side is more interested in just humiliating people and letting them do that naturally themselves yeah i think you know also there are famous people on the the us one yeah no yeah there have been they didn't have any in the uk when it was just all a bunch of bunch of regular people yeah but so listen to the previous season of mass singer
Starting point is 00:50:02 and this is not we've been through this though weed Singer, and this is not... We've been through this, though. We went through this before. But this is not the kind of people that you're talking about who are famous just for being on TV. I know, I know. They found a better cast, for sure. Yeah, but they'll get there this season. Give it a chance. I only had four on Masked.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Sorry, I didn't realise we were... Don't be so defensive about the Masked Singer. I'm on the Masked Singer fandom. I'm on the Discord. I'm all over. I'm actually the mask singer fandom I'm on the discord I'm on the I'm actually the lead mod in the masked singer reddit
Starting point is 00:50:28 subreddit so we had a day of filming and afterwards me and Boba came back to the to the office and it because we've
Starting point is 00:50:36 we've frozen to death and we had like a some noodles and we watched who else was there Mango was there a few other people were there and we watched
Starting point is 00:50:43 The Floor is Lava oh yeah my son loves that one yeah which honestly i didn't think i was like what's this it was like a family show but man it's done it's so bright and funny that set must just cost so much to make though because it basically it's a set built on top of a swimming pool right with a lot of food coloring it's insane that is a hell of a show i'm telling you it's a set built on top of a swimming pool right with a lot of food yeah it's insane that is a hell of a show i'm telling it's a really fun show and i really wholesome and it feels like you know they've got like three teachers who are doing their best versus you know a sort of family who's doing their best and they've added you can't tell but the foley work is great of them like
Starting point is 00:51:22 slapping on the floor like slipping off like it's really well done like you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking for it but also don't the people when they fall in like play up to the whole i'm in lava thing like yes they're like so they do a little bit of video editing i can tell because as soon as someone goes under the water they disappear right like it's very quickly like you can tell they're being tell because as soon as someone goes under the water they disappear right like it's very quickly like you can tell they're being masked out as soon as they've gone in the lava right which is cool and and then they they have obviously paused the filming get the guy out of the swimming pool and then tell it's a small detail what the family members who were left
Starting point is 00:51:58 you know scream about your loved one falling in small detail but i think it's important like i i imagine that people who go on those like um you know like those civil war uh you know recreation weekends or whatever you know like when they when they recreate the battles and and do like some rp and stuff like that i i feel like an important part of that is if you get shot uh you have to like lay down and pretend to be dead or wounded right yeah they don'd have to come and finish if you just shot somebody and then they just like sort of walked away yeah and then went to sit down to go get a coffee well okay i'm done when you get shot in people i want you to drop yeah yeah i want the immersion great right like definitely commit i i anyway i i think the show i watched we watched like three episodes and i i honestly like enjoyed it more than i thought i would because it just felt like everyone was relatively wholesome
Starting point is 00:52:51 getting involved it was like it was like the kind of the night the fun the fun teachers you know who were there kind of trying to do their best on this this show but ending up like you're not injuring themselves but doing these awkward jumps to like try and get to this awkward shaped thing um man so no i i i rate it actually if you want to if you want just a family friendly shit show it sounds like you two are already on the wagon uh well we watch we i love that i have seen it a couple of times my uh kids also like this other one. It's like, I can't remember what it's called, but basically people make desserts, but they look like real life objects. And then people have to guess which one is actually the dessert.
Starting point is 00:53:35 So like, for example, there'll be like a sand pail. And then so somebody has to make a dessert that looks exactly like a sand pail. And then they'll put it with five other sand pails. And then there's like a panel that have to guess which one is the actual edible dessert and the guy has to like cut it with a knife i can't remember what the show is what is a sandpail it's like a bucket like a sand bucket bucket and spades right a bucket and spade yeah or you know there's like uh i think one of the episodes i watched was was definitely beach themed because there was like a conch and like some other beach stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yes. But there's all sorts of different ones. And it's not the greatest show. Honestly, it's feel good though, right? Like it's a very American shot. Yeah. It doesn't make me feel great. It's on, you know, it's like, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I honestly, I think I'd really enjoyed watching it with random fucking people in the office. Yeah, well, I think anything is fine if you're watching it with people. And like, it's like the same way that me and my wife watch Married at First Sight, The Apprentice. Like we're watching it together and we're making fun of people and we're having a laugh.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And that in itself makes the show fun. But I wouldn't just seriously plow through seasons of that show on my own like and be like you know a captive member of the audience or whatever i would just i would give up almost immediately like no the whole act of watching it with some someone is what makes the show good well this is one thing i've tried to do more of this year was my news was just trying to do more like socially like days of recording so you know i and all days of like uh playing a game with with with friends and so i played um the europa universe salis board
Starting point is 00:55:11 game at the weekend which was very tedious yeah i bet i mean the game itself can be a bit tedious so yeah i was literally in the rule in the in the 60 page rule book for the whole the whole six hours it was It was rough. Bearing in mind, I'd done a lot of work going in as well. That was hard. And I had a couple of days where we did, you know, full days of, like, playing games or doing recordings and things. And it's been really nice to do that, actually, for a change.
Starting point is 00:55:43 But, yeah, like, being able to watch different, like, stuff on my own. I watched Andor. Yeah, that's meant to be really good. What a show! What a show! I haven't seen itor yeah that's meant to be really good what a show i haven't seen it but what did you think what did you think i thought it was brilliant yeah like it's star wars but without all the the unnecessary lightsabers and trimmings and garbage that would just felt like was uh was jar jar binks in it i don't know maybe not even a background shot i don't think he't in it. There was a lot of that sort of stuff. So there was one set of characters who I thought jumped out as being completely out of place,
Starting point is 00:56:11 which was those weird big creatures by the lake. They're sort of caught Andor and the other guy. You're right. Mrs. F was like, I hate this. That was weird. But that felt really out of place. But it was a really really good show that one bit was like jarringly too that was almost like they were showing if we had more of
Starting point is 00:56:32 the lucas shit it would be like this do you want this and everybody was like this sucks they're like then we'll leave like they literally left it was like a short scene just to show you what the show could have been that's what it felt like to me. Wow. Yeah, I suppose you could spin that in your mind. That's how I spun it. That's a bad bit in a good show.
Starting point is 00:56:53 We've been talking about TV almost the whole time, but I still have some things to mention almost before we wrap up about TV. Other TV I've been watching that's not kids related. I watched a really nice documentary
Starting point is 00:57:04 on the Proclaimers which I know of but I don't know much about and it was really good. Really interesting. Do you know that they are Would you consider the Proclaimers a punk band?
Starting point is 00:57:19 I think originally they were. They certainly dress like it. No, I think they rock. It's weird. I never thought of them as a punk band, but a lot of what they are and stand for kind of fit into the ethos of punk, which is interesting. Unapologetically Scottish, I would say. Yeah, and it's super interesting.
Starting point is 00:57:42 If you want to know more about the Proclaimers and if you like some of their more famous songs or whatever. Another thing that was quite nice about them and it mentions in the documentary, they say like, oh, you know, when you do a show, are you a band that will just do new material? Like, do you get sick of doing the old stuff or what? And they're like, oh, God, no. It's like 500 miles every show. We have to. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:08 They said we're not famous enough to be like that about our music. Like we know that people turn up there because they want to hear that song more so than any other. Because that's the only song that only anyone's ever heard of. We play it.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. And if they didn't play it. But you do hear that from people consistently from bands who are sick of the song that made them famous. Yes. And they hate playing it and they will refuse to play it. And they're embarrassed about it. And they've kind of, they're like, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:38 that's not who I am now. No, yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like, they really do have this, it's very, well, I guess it's common to hear that right yeah i suppose i suppose but for as many as do that there are as many that are willing to play sure but i i just i just found that i just i found them very straightforward really like not like no uh you know they they weren't like these like overly charismatic, like, you know, like you think
Starting point is 00:59:05 that there's something going on behind the scenes. They're very much like what you see is what you get. But in like the nicest way, like they just seem like really nice guys who have just really, really passionate about the stuff that they do and they just keep going and they enjoy it still. And it's just really interesting. Like a lot of it they just did by themselves. They didn't fit into any of the norms at the time.
Starting point is 00:59:26 They just did their own thing. They would not be swayed sort of thing. And it's just, you can see when they first mentioned like Proclaimers and punk at the same time, I was like, come on, there's no way. But then after watching the documentary, it's like, I can see it now. Like I can see how people could consider them that
Starting point is 00:59:42 because of just everything that they stood for and just how they operated. They definitely... I knew Letter From America, which is a great song. Yeah. When you go, will you send back a letter from America? That's a great song.
Starting point is 01:00:00 That's a great song. Sure. I've heard that one. I'm On My Way is another song. I'm On My Way, yeah. Sorry, this is where... Okay, fine, I've heard that as well.'m On My Way is another song. I'm On My Way, yeah. Sorry, this is where... Okay, fine. I've heard that as well.
Starting point is 01:00:07 All right, P-Flex, you made your point. I've heard of another... We have a lot of Scottish listeners, and as a first sight, I'll no hear anything about the Proclaimers other than Breeze. One of their songs, apologies because I can't remember the name of it,
Starting point is 01:00:20 is a big football chant as well for... I can't remember the the club is that you're going home in a fucking ambulance no it's i can't remember the the club's name but they they're big supporters of the club and they they love the fact that when they go watch a match that uh that that their song is is sung by all these people that they you know they're like their town like they they know people and they just think it's incredible that they've made this song and it's now a huge part of like watching football sunshine only that's the one yeah that's the one it's a it's a it's a it's quite a slow song but it just works really well as a hibernian fc as a uh as a football chant yes yeah hibs and hearts that's the edinburgh
Starting point is 01:01:02 teams yeah who is it is it interesting could be wrong apologies Scottish fans but I believe I'm correct super interesting documentary and not long it's like an hour long but if you want to know more
Starting point is 01:01:11 about them I definitely recommend it's a really really interesting one that is I won't watch it but thank you for the recommendation
Starting point is 01:01:18 oh man you know what just to say you wouldn't walk 500 miles to watch that documentary would you send me a letter from America though though, is the question.
Starting point is 01:01:27 If you asked. You're on your way in the opposite direction because you don't want to know anything more about the players. If you sang about it, I would. If you wrote me a song about it, I would. When you go, will you text me a WhatsApp from America? To let you know that you've landed safely. And then some pictures
Starting point is 01:01:45 of your dinner oh and how many times you farted today Matt says that we should do a future one of our filler episodes our best of list we should do best technological advancement which sounds exactly
Starting point is 01:02:03 like the kind of dog shit we would do. Yeah, yeah. That's a good idea, Matt. I'll put that on the list. Very good idea. We'll do that one next. Top 10 technological advancements. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah. Shout out to Matt for the big ups. Big ups to Matt. Good job. That's the big ups. All right, we're done. Thank you for listening, everyone. We'll see you next week.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah. Bye. Peace. Goodbye. Bye.

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