Triforce! - Triforce Bonus! #1: Best Minecraft Block

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

Triforce Bonus! Episode #1! We're away this week but have a bonus episode from the (extreme) backlog! The Minecraft Pros (or giga noobs) pit the Minecraft Blocks against each other. What's your favour...ite? The trusty Log? Dependable Dirt? The humble Iron Block?! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:39 Where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Triforce podcast. Happy Christmas. We're away this week, but here is a special bonus episode we recorded quite a while ago now.
Starting point is 00:01:10 So please enjoy it. We recorded just in case there would be a gap in the schedule. And there is one now because I think Sips had a plumber or something come around and we didn't record. I think Jingle Jam was on as well. But anyway, please enjoy this bonus episode. Thank you. Happy Christmas. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Hello, everyone. Welcome. Thank you, by the way, to anyone who has supported us on the Patreon, on the Spotify. This is a bonus Triforce episode. If you listen to it some other way, then goodness. Well, good for you. Scum. No.
Starting point is 00:01:42 They may have pirated it. If you have, I'm just going to nod in your direction knowingly and give you a thumbs up. Oh, my heaven. Goodum. No. They may have pirated it if you have. I'm just going to nod in your direction knowingly and give you a thumbs up. Oh my heaven. Anyway, for my own reference, this is the day where I woke up and managed to stand on a shard of glass. Oh! I know. Why is there
Starting point is 00:01:57 glass on the floor wherever you are? I dropped one of those salt and pepper shaker things yesterday and I thought I'd cleaned up all the bits of glass. Oh, dear. I was rushing to leave, and of course, I felt this sort of pain in my foot, and I was like, what the fuck have I stepped on? You know, lifted my foot, and of course, I was just a big shot of glass in there,
Starting point is 00:02:15 blood everywhere, so I quickly slapped a plaster on it and hopped in to the office to record this bonus trifle. No way. Oh, my God. On the day when, and I know you hate when we do this, Lewis, but on the day when Meatloaf has passed away.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Lewis doesn't like when people know which day we, yeah, which day we record, but I mean, it's pretty big news. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:41 it's Meatloaf. It's also minus two degrees outside. So it was like slippery, fricking frosty morning. And's also minus two degrees outside so it's like slippery fucking frosty morning and I was like hop in my way. It's still minus two at 10.07am like normally it warms up a little bit. I know it's still minus two. It's zero here so slightly milder in London we get that big city heating effect. Oh it's's six degrees here, partly sunny at 10.07 a.m. My longitude and latitude are, I'm not sure, actually. I don't know how to figure that out, but I was just trying to be really specific.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah, it's like your GPS coordinates, right? Yeah. So I had an idea for this bonus podcast episode. So we want to do the normal source shit. We thought we'd do something a bit weird and different. Well, I didn't even get a chance to talk about stuff that I wanted to last time. Did you not? Not really, no.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Like, I had a whole bunch of stuff ready for once. Well, fuck you. No way. Didn't even get a chance to mention any of it. I don't believe you had anything ready for the podcast. Okay, well, I had this, though. I had this. Okay, let's do one thing, and then we'll do the thing I want to do, and then we'll see if there anything ready for the podcast. Okay, well, I had this, though. I had this. Let's do one thing, and then we'll do the thing I want to do,
Starting point is 00:03:48 and then we'll see if there's time at the end. Sure, sure. Right. I wanted to say last time that we recorded a podcast. I won't say exactly when that was. I don't want to, like, you know, spoil the magic or the mystery. But I have had given to me, and now a fully and proud owner of a modified Game Boy Advance. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's been modified in many ways. The original screen has been replaced with like basically a current day phone screen. So it looks wonderful. all of the buttons have been replaced they're all brand new buttons it's got a brand new shell uh it's been um altered slightly like a raspberry pi with like um a little it's kind of yeah but it's like a tiny it's you still need to play cartridges you can't, there's no like. Oh, really? It's got cartridge reader.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's not just got all the games on it. No, no. So you do need to have the cartridges, which you can just buy off eBay or what, you know, there's places that you can get the cartridges. I got to have a couple of games for it, like WarioWare 4 and this other one that has like a, you can tilt the Game Boy advance and it's got like all these mini games you have to like feed a guy or like uh you know uh do like a like a like a clock ticking in time and stuff but you you can like tilt the game boy back and forth to to achieve this sort
Starting point is 00:05:18 of thing okay and uh and the original game boy tetris as well which which works in it um it's also it's also been modified so that it doesn't need batteries you can you can charge it up with a usbc thing so that is very modern yeah very modern and it's awesome it looks nice it's got like all the beautiful sort of of its time pixel graphics you know these are all the original games like the cartridges and um it's really nice because my son was playing it the other day and it made me think how great like the like the old technology was in a lot of ways but in this way specifically it's not online at all there's no like home screen with a store or like a lobby or chatting whatever you put the cartridge in that's all you get you just play the game like he's just sitting on the couch just playing this game and there was not no other torch
Starting point is 00:06:09 no other distractions or anything you know it was just him him and the game and i think you know what i mean i think that's a powerful thing i think it's an important thing as well like you can get bogged down with all of this other crap but like also you're training him to play tetris that's so fucking useful. Well, true, true, yeah. I've been playing lots of board games lately with various people. And two of them that I played that I really liked were basically Tetris. One of them was like building a city.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's called My City. It's like a legacy game where you have to sort of build a city very slowly. And it's Tetris. And I just was so good at it. What's it called?'s called tetris called my city my it's like a fisher price legacy game so you sit down with your family oh it's a board game oh you bum i thought it was a cool game on steam no it is a cool game to play with your family you should try it out your kids would love it uh my city i recommend it it's really good. And also I played this game that Tom recommended, which is on Steam called Railroad Inc.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, yeah. Railroad Inc. It's Inc with I-N-K. Of course. You have to paint a railroad? You have to paint a map? It does look like that. So basically you end up building this little city. map is it looks it does look like that so basically you end up
Starting point is 00:07:25 building this little city oh it looks very sweet and it is it is adorable and cute it's not got very many reviews um and it will have no i mean this is only listened to by bonus members so the the five people who hear this podcast well they might like please go and support railroad inc there you go that's good recommendation so today and the title of the podcast i'm assuming which people will already know what's coming but you guys don't is i wanted to decide amongst ourselves once and for all what the best minecraft block is okay it's something that's been plaguing me for a long time uh it's something i think about a lot. I don't even play Minecraft.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Flax doesn't even want to be here right now. Well, this is why you're good, though. This is why you're good to have, because we've got one person who has played Minecraft for years, one person who still plays Minecraft regularly and extensively. Also, your kids play Minecraft, Sips. I know this. Well, Flax's do, too. I'm pretty sure they play Minecraft.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So you have a lot of cultural osmosis around oh i mean yeah i'm not knocking it like it's it's a fine game yeah you know how people um do these sort of tier lists and rate blocks we're not going to do any of that we're just going to go through the block list discuss which ones we think are the best and put them together in a knockout style tournament and quickly figure out which is the best right in a very objective way okay like a tennis tournament i'm so glad you came up with something that could include all three of us yeah well you're welcome so why don't we do this i mean we've all been playing dota like why don't we do with dota heroes? I think our audience would prefer Minecraft blocks.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Well, no, they don't care. We could do Dota Heroes next time. How about we do Dota Heroes next time? Yeah, we'll do that next time. I'll put that down on the list. All right. That's definitely a bonus because people might hate it. Some people might love it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 What does the Minecraft block voting thing? But anyone who listens to Shryforce will not give a shit because they just like hearing us argue um you know like some sort of weird traumatized child listening to their parents on the banisters of the landing listening to their parents downstairs having a blazing argument yeah exactly sorry for anyone who that's too real no No, with Diamond Blocks are the best, and this is why, you dumb bitch. So start with, actually, do you know what? If you just want to hit me, PflaxerSips, with your early choices in blocks, and we'll start with those.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I would like to, I need some context for this though are we talking current patch like the the latest patch everything goes yeah everything goes right i mean if we're talking my personal favorite or we let's go first i mean i just i doubt my my personal favorite is going to be your personal favorite but one of the things i hate about minecraft is having to play it for a very long period of time right um and so i like the blocks that are sand because you just dig them once and they fall apart very easy okay okay speeds the whole process up yeah once you have if you have a shovel with uh some efficiency enchants on on it as well that shit melts like butter like exactly job done we can
Starting point is 00:10:46 crack on you can dig so much of it in such a little time it's it's amazing it is very satisfying yeah going to a beach digging sand yeah it is it is it is a very very good satisfying block yeah um i'm happy to also nominate that for the the final blocks right we're already on the final block nomination well we're allowed eight we're already on the final block nominations we're allowed eight in the finals just see what i mean right okay so we have to but i want to start with the ones that are obvious to our heads i would like to i would like to add to the final eight if i if i may uh iron an iron block and an iron block sorry Yes. Sorry, not iron ore. Not, not, not. No, just the block.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Because from the block comes the ore. And then, and then the, yeah, just the block itself. So an iron ore block, not an iron block. Not nine iron ingots combined into. No, no, no, just an iron ore block. Sorry, you mean an iron ore block. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:39 On choice. The reason for this is because they're so hard to find in the current patch, because I don't know if you know much about where Minecraft's at right now, but this caves and cliffs update came out and it's, it's made the world deeper and it's made the world higher. So remember like years ago, you used to go down to like minus 12 or whatever, right? Was like the sweet spot for finding diamonds.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Well, that's no longer the case. You have to go down to like minus 58 because everything has changed. Like there's bigger mountains topside and deeper caves like down under, right? So you have to dig even further to get to the sweet spot for diamonds which is annoying because uh it used to be the case that while you were at minus 12 and you were you were strip mining for diamonds and stuff you would always come across lots of gold and iron and stuff like that but iron doesn't uh tend to spawn like low where the diamonds are now
Starting point is 00:12:45 so you have to find like a sweet spot to find iron and it's like it's it's tedious and you're always without iron so that's but you're nominating this for your favorite block yeah because it's so useful or the best block yeah it's one of the best honestly because you need iron for so many things like uh like eventually later on in the game, because you don't find that much gold, if you get the wither star thing and you want to make a beacon so that you can mine faster or whatever, you need tons of iron to make iron blocks to make the pyramid, right? For the big buff.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Are you saying that iron it is better than diamond ore block um like overall yeah i would say it is yeah iron ore is is better diamond diamonds really good like obviously but once you've once you've gotten enough diamonds to get gear and you've upgraded all your gear and stuff you don't really need them anymore like that you just you just end up having a ton of them and you just don't really need them but iron you always need right like you need it to build stuff i mean do you get more excited when you see an iron block than a diamond block yeah now i do yeah like i don't get me wrong i love finding some dia mondays but um it's really nice to find some iron now too because that's really interesting i mean i don't care about the ore blocks honestly coal ore Coal ore doesn't, I mean, you see it even on the surface, doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Gold ore, disappointing. You don't like smashing open a coal ore block and the experience and stuff comes out? Oh, I do like the coal coming out. I do like the coal coming out, actually. So I'd say that was fine. The gold, I just know the gold is worthless. Lapis, again, worthless. I might as well throw it away.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's good XP, though. And Redstone Ore. Yeah, again, it's pretty good XP. But yeah, you end up with tons of it. What about Bedrock? Emerald is pretty good. Does that count as a block? You can't mine Bedrock, though.
Starting point is 00:14:41 We'll definitely get to Bedrock. Just give us a second to round off this. So you're saying Iron Ore is your favorite. PFLAX, do you have a preference, or do you mind Iron Ore getting put through to the final? I don't care. That's fine. Okay, cool. All right, so PFLAX has made a note of Bedrock.
Starting point is 00:14:59 We could do that now. So let's do that. Bedrock, yes. It's block ID, I think like 20 something is one of the early blocks. All right. And it's and it's Yeah, classically unbreakable. That's the idea. Why do you think this is an important block in Minecraft? P flag is when you get there, you've achieved
Starting point is 00:15:19 reaching like the edge of the world, right? I suppose it's quite an early or it used it's quite an early, or it used to be quite an early noob level achievement. And also a frustrating one. Because a lot of times when they first find Bedrock, you don't know it's Bedrock because it's not got great colour. You don't realise you're stuck at the end of the world
Starting point is 00:15:40 because it's usually dark when you're digging for it. But I mean, that was the part I liked about Minecraftcraft was not the building i hated the building and the collecting and all the crafting and shit which is obviously the game you know i liked when you're digging and you hit through a block and a bunch of sand pisses past you and suddenly you're in the open it's like what there's like a huge cave yeah with strange plants and things and it leads off and you can see the glow down one end. There must be some lava and then you go down there and there's a huge chasm and you can see the other side of it. You have to build a little bridge across and everything and you're standing in this underground, previously untouched underground realm. That's the poggiest thing about it. i love that but that's not most of the game
Starting point is 00:16:26 unfortunately that define bedrock though is that i'd say that was more lava right that defines that kind of underground okay and also lava is the one you can put it in a bucket and then you can put it on somewhere and it falls down like the worst waterfall ever yes I'd like to go from bedrock and I would like to say lava is the most fun. Well, you know, you could put lava in a bucket and you can use that as a fuel source instead of like coal and stuff. Does it run out? It runs out, but it smelt like 200 items before it runs out. Yeah, it is. It is a POG OG block as well. So Bedrock is block ID 7, which is pretty OG.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Lava and Flowing Lava are 10 and 11. So they are very OG. But we'll start, actually, I wanted to start with block number one, which is stone. It's stone. I thought it would be dirt. Dirt's like the first thing you see almost every time you spawn into the world, right? Or grass. Stone is one right. And, and Lisa, I think so. I've got the
Starting point is 00:17:30 bedrock it data values. And I think they're the same as the og data values. I could be wrong. I honestly like Minecraft's been so I don't know what resource I'm using with this, but I'm pretty sure it's one is stone. And it's it's it's basically what what was originally the world was made up of, right? It's the basis for Minecraft, building the world, and it's what everything has been put on. Stone, cobblestone.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I guess it's primordial earth. Well, cobblestone is man-made, P-Flax, Sips, right? It's this thing where you have to actually... Cobblestone is Block block id4 and you gotta mine the stone it's it's a broken piece of stone you can never you can never make that stone well unless you use a furnace uh get that you can never get that stone back yeah and it's quite a lot of effort to get that stone back it's kind of pure it's untainted you know it's it's nature right it you know cobblestone is is civilization coming and ruining the beauty of nature.
Starting point is 00:18:27 But stone is just the basis of the world. What do you feel? How do you feel about stone? Did you take drugs after you hurt your foot this morning? No, I didn't. Maybe I am bleeding a little bit. Too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But is it, is this, are we missing it? Are people going to be angry that Stone isn't going into the nominations? I don't think so. Is it too boring? You end up getting tons of it and it's just like you use it kind of, but it's so common, right? Like it's just not. I'm just saying it's forgettable.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, you might overlook it. You know, is that part of its beauty though as well, its value? You know, that it's like. Not really. It's just there. Yeah. You forget it. It's just, it's like a digestive.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah. It's just not exciting enough for me, you know, like I wouldn't put it into a top eight for sure. Okay. What about cobblestone? No way. Does that not go as well? God, no. Okay. to a top eight for sure okay what about cobblestone no way as well god no okay and you just get so
Starting point is 00:19:25 much of it's like like as much as i like dirt and cobblestone and stone and stuff and like i i store it you just get so much of it it's just not you know what i mean you're right it's just gonna get like getting a jar full of pennies like you who cares it's like it's just it's too much right no you're right it's it's pointless there's too much of it it's annoying it's too much right no you're right it's it's pointless there's too much of it it's annoying it's not fun no yeah you're looking you're getting part it's boring it's like trash yeah you're just digging through it to get to the good stuff exactly that sweet sweet iron ore block yeah um all right pflax yeah have you got a feeling on that yeah it's okay slot it in there what you think stone should be in the 100 you can't do anything without it it's slotted in there. What you think stone should be in the final?
Starting point is 00:20:05 A hundred percent. You can't do anything without it. It's clearly an important block. Right. And whenever I build a house, I'm making it a stone. Right. It's not. Well, you're that little pig. Well, my lava is going to, my lava, literal lava lamps are going to burn the house down if it's wood. So stone ahoy, stone me up. What about glass?
Starting point is 00:20:27 I think glass has got to be in there, right? I do make a good number of glass walls. These are related. Yeah. So sand, obviously, there is a different kind of sand. There's red sand. And also there's gravel, which is related. I think we're just going to skip that as well because Because, God, I don't think anyone likes gravel.
Starting point is 00:20:47 No, I never found any gravel. You needed to make concrete, though, which is good. Concrete blocks are pretty good. You can make concrete? Yeah. Well, okay, we'll talk about those in a second. But before we get distracted too far away from that, let's just stick to stone. Stone, is that yay or nay?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Cobblestone, yay or nay? That's a nay for me but i'll go with sips opinion on this okay well we'll scratch it then in that case um and we'll move on to like you said uh the glass which is is is block 20 yeah uh was added after sponge i think oh i forgot about sponge actually sponge is pretty cool too sponge was an og addition but then it got sort of re-added later on i think you know it's one of these things that was was more um more more it was rejuvenated wasn't it in later patches and changed maybe it was kind of i don't think i don't think it was in the game i think it was in the game but i don't think you could i don't think it was
Starting point is 00:21:41 spawning naturally i don't think you could make it it's one of those things that was in the menu but you couldn't use for a long time um and i think sponge is too weird to to add to this list because i don't think any of us have very much experience using sponge for anything other than watching some sort of clever speed run where someone puts down like dream i think put down a block of sponge and people fell to their death you know they thought they were falling in water but they they just died that kind of thing that's the only time you see i used it to dry out a uh like a sea temple one time on my i played hardcore and uh i cleared out a whole sea temple got all the sponge and used the sponge to uh rid it of water so like it was very cool make an underworld base. It's useful.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yes. But is it one of your favourites? I would say no. Yeah, no, I wouldn't say it's one of my favourites. It's a cool block, but it's not... It's not the best block. No, it's not a top 8 block for me. It's not a nomination for the best. What about glass then? Glass is a top 8 though.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I fucking hate the texture of glass. Wait, are we calling blocks that you have to create? Well, any block you can put any block and it's like hundreds, but any of them are up for being the best block. Yeah. Any of them, anything you can place down that's block shaped. We're not going to allow certain things, but we are going to allow other things and we'll get to those. I think glass is like so essential, right? You end up using it all the time for different bits and pieces.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Like it's got to be in there. But it doesn't have a utility. It's just for looks, right? I think it's just entirely a stylish. Well, that's not entirely true, though, because you can use glass as, like, say, like a platform where mobs can't spawn on glass. So that's useful as well. If you need a spot where it might be dark and mobs could spawn on it, but they won't because they can't spawn on glass. So it's kind of useful in that sense.
Starting point is 00:23:41 That I suppose, but how, but they also can't spot on half slabs can they and other no but half slabs are kind of annoying because they um you can't like you have to put it on the lower part of the half slab right because if you put it on the upper part of the half slab they can spawn on that it's the lower part that they can't spawn on but then you can't place anything on top of that either because you'll have the gap right because it's oh i see it's just taking a half block yeah it floats yeah it'll look bad yeah i see so glass is the kind of yeah are you saying that glass is the cool man's base defense not really but it just is useful sometimes like if you if you have a place where you know a creeper could spawn, for example,
Starting point is 00:24:25 you don't want them to spawn, then you can use glass to make it so that they don't. I don't know if really stylish and base building, but useful sometimes is enough. No? I don't know if it's enough to bring through. What do you think, Pflax? I don't know. Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:41 You'll go with sure, with sips. Whatever sip says, I'm down. Do you want to put that one through, Sips? How many are on the list now already? What do we have, like three? Well, we got four on the list so far. We're almost there, Flax. Just agree with me every time and we'll be done.
Starting point is 00:24:53 That's my plan, brother. Okay, so next up, we have the brothers, the highly recommended classic brothers of Dirt, Bloch ID 3 and Grass, Block ID 2. I'd say Grass, yeah. Let's put Grass on there. Dirt, not so much, but Grass, for sure, right? It looks nice.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's iconic. It's nice, yeah. Grass. It's Minecraft in a nutshell. You know, it's- Yeah, I mean, you could buy a plushie of a Grass block. That's how big time the grass block is. That's how iconic it is.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. And as a result, I think that this is a very strong. This is probably seeded number one. Do you get the pun? In our tennis tournament of Minecraft. Jesus Christ. Because you can grow things on it and get seeds from it. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's seeded. I get it No I didn't need to explain it No no But you didn't React It is useful though Well
Starting point is 00:25:52 How do you How do you react to that So you thought I don't think They got my clever joke Let me see It wasn't even that clever Alright well grass
Starting point is 00:26:03 We're just not going to Say much more about it Because it's it's so so good. So they look so good. This is a block. Yeah, it's like a block with a with a bit of icing on top. But but you have to create that one again, right? Oh, yeah. Well, you can know you can't create it. Well, you can you can so so so dirt obviously, you stick it down. Isn't create it. Well, you can. You can. So dirt, obviously, is what the world is made up of.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You stick it down, it turns into grass, right? Isn't that it? Then dirt wouldn't make dirt. What are you talking about? You've got to put dirt next to a grass block, and then the grass will grow onto it, like, eventually. Hold on. I want to just rewind.
Starting point is 00:26:37 The world is not made of dirt. What are you talking about? That's just the big thing you can see on top. Most of it's rock. No, but there's a lot of dirt there's a lot of dirt world spawn yeah is that true is it not mainly rock i'd say it's probably mainly rock actually i mean obviously underground yeah it's mainly mainly right but there's a lot of dirt making up the top upper levels that's what you see you know but it's like saying you know well
Starting point is 00:27:03 we the world is made of like silicon the earth is made of like silicon and iron right but i don't even know what quantities of which because fucking i don't see it but you know it looks like to yourself oh the world is made of dirt the surface the surface of the world do you know why i'm you know why this is sensitive for me because you're implying that the hair on top of the world is more important than what's underneath and as a bald man i would like to take issue with that you ever just wanna you ever just want to like nestle your face in between two gigantic silicone worlds like not a fan of uh fake worlds
Starting point is 00:27:40 oh i like my globe to be natural. Right. What is earth made up of? Structure of earth, an outer silicate crust. Oh my God. Okay. I mean, you don't even have to dig down far to get past dirt. It's barely makes up. I mean, it probably makes up less than one hundredth of 1 percent of the mass of the earth would be soil, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, you get dirt and then it's clay, right? You hit clay like after a while. In some places, yeah. And then you get into rock pretty quickly. Yeah. Try digging in my garden. I tell you what, you're going to hit rock real quick. But I wonder how much rock there is versus like liquid core you know you mean the molten core yeah um the molten i don't
Starting point is 00:28:32 know i mean our planet is what uh is it eight or nine billion years old something like that i can't remember the exact number i mean i've beaten molten core a bunch of times it's not that much down there yeah can you imagine if you did actually go to the molten core of the earth you can't you couldn't you'd you'd just you'd die like it's too hot right it's like well yeah way too hot we we say that now but wait till we get down there yeah i think the biggest the bigger issue is the pressure what would you do yeah but what would you even do down there there's nothing to see it to see. It's just a bunch of magma. Which is the baddie at the middle of Molten Core?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Ragnaros, the Fire Lord. Yeah, you've got to beat Ragnaros. You beat him, get some perps and get out. Yeah, you've got to make sure that you have your fire resist gear on. And the pots, get some fire resist pots. Get down there. Fuck me. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So, what's going in so what which grass is going in dirt is definitely going in yeah it's definitely it's not um sure we've done bedrock uh okay let's briefly go through uh block six which is sapling no and block 11 sorry 17 which is log no and 18 is leaves now obviously trees almost as iconic as the grass block minecraft trees are classic yeah you can make beams like log beams in your house and stuff which is kind of cool i guess and what's the first thing everyone does you can in minecraft is they punch a log uh they punch a log am i i'm just saying that would minecraft be minecraft without uh the humble block 17 okay put it in then
Starting point is 00:30:19 you've convinced me get it in there well okay fine i'll put that we'll put that on the on the on the extras just for now no just put it in i feel like it's well it's reflex what do you think so many of the other blocks are such garbage like we're not we don't need a like uh you know a reserve or anything just put it in okay no fine uh and then we'll then what we'll do is we'll just work our way down the the list and you stop me if you think one of these is important. Okay, so we got we got box 23 dispenser. Nah. Block 24 sandstone God no. But 24 note block off for fuck's sake. No, but 26 bed. Oh, you gotta have a
Starting point is 00:31:04 bed. Yeah, I mean, you have to have one, but it's not my favorite block. I mean, who cares, right? You don't like going to bed? You two aren't attached to bed? It's my favorite part. Some people's favorite block. The bed is their favorite block? Some people, I'm sure, have a soft spot for that.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Oh, right, so you don't actually know. You're just guessing. Did you see what I say? Did their soft spot all right so you don't actually know you're just guessing did you see did you see what i say did their soft spot um fuck me you're just you're just a comedy machine this morning uh block 27 to 28 golden rail and detector rail i guess these are attached to regular rail train tracks i don't think the block id i'm actually using here is correct i'm using i think we could put just train tracks in there, right? Train track, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Do you reckon train track is worth? Yeah. Is it go up? Yeah. I don't think so. I don't think it's a fun block. Isn't that the one you can just put a minecart on, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah. So, my daughter really loved making roller coasters. Oh, there you go. Right. So, I'm going to say that those are a very important block. Yeah. Because it made her so happy. Kids love to make roller coasters. Oh, there you go. Right. So I'm going to say that those are a very important block. Yeah. It made us so happy. Kids love to make roller coasters.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah. Even though roller coaster was awful, like it was really boring. If you paid to be on it, you'd be like, this thing sucks. Did you tell her that to her face? Of course I did. Oh my gosh. Right. She was five.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I said, this thing stinks. No, of course I didn't. Okay. I was going to say, geez. Okay. Well, I mean gonna say geez okay well i mean that's that's that's just the way to be i guess uh do you do you want to add pistons or sticky pistons in are they an option do you think no i wouldn't say so no they're pretty like they're useful but like kind of boring too right like it's just um the other thing we've missed out is water uh obviously we've got lava already in number three pflex recommended lava
Starting point is 00:32:51 yeah um but but water or flowing water are they options better or worse than lava i think water could go on there yeah if if lava's on there then yeah water should be on there okay okay we're starting to run out of space but that's fine uh wool uh there's all sorts of colors of wool yeah wool is pretty pretty sweet actually like you just say if we were to put something on there like wool it could just be any color wool right same with concrete the concrete. There's like millions of different colors you can have, you know. But I guess, like, does that make it better or worse, though? If you're trying to find the best block in Minecraft, it's just you have to...
Starting point is 00:33:35 Well, it's just an opinion, though. Like, it's not actually the best. No, well, but do you have a particular color of wool or concrete that you would like? Or do you prefer the rainbow selection i like the rainbow selection yeah the base one provides right so wool and concrete have this fundamental flavor profile yes that gives you so many options it opens a lot of doors right well no that would be door block okay which is another block Do you want to include that? No. I mean, that obviously.
Starting point is 00:34:06 No, I don't. I don't want to include that. Okay. All right. Well, good. Well, let's carry on because we're making good progress here. Do you want to include wool, PFLAX or concrete? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Okay. Okay. Now we've got a few basic world flavor blocks. And if we're not going to add those, I don't feel like the newer ones are as important red flower and yellow flower dandelion fuck those i guess rose uh brown mushroom and red mushroom oh come on you don't think those need to go in yeah get get with the program here buddy okay no that's fine uh block 45 brick uh brick block it's a cool block that's Block 45, brick. Brick block. It's a cool block. That's not really, though.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Like, how often have you used that brick? Yeah, actually, it's kind of shit. It never looks good when I build with it. No, it's just really expensive as well. It feels to be. You have to make it out of clay. We haven't put clay on yet, but I don't think clay is a good one. Does anyone like clay? Any any any clay lovers? Any clay fan? No, I can't. Yeah, I'm me personally, not a fan. Block 46, this is an important one.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Now, this was my personal recommend. Right. So this is going in. Diamonds. This is, well, unless you two veto it, it's TNT. Block 46. Oh, yeah, that's a, you've got to have TNT in there. That's a must.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah. Right? I know, it's a classic. It's a classic, yeah. Almost like grass, you know, how do you live without a tnt block in your minecraft yeah true true so next up we have bookshelf bookshelf bookshelf is pretty good right yeah well i mean it's good it's a good good good one to use for decorating uh you need it for like enchanting and stuff too like it's a really useful block i honestly rate bookshelf yeah i think it's i think it's a pretty good block um i i rate i rate bookshelf as well i uh i rate
Starting point is 00:36:12 bookshelf bookshelf yeah i do i like bookshelf i think it's a i think it's a nice looking block it's practical um looks block. It's practical. Honestly, whenever you put a bookshelf down in Minecraft, it looks great. It just adds a bit of class to the room. Sorry. Okay, that might go on the list. Then we got mossy cobblestone. Sips, how do you feel about mossy?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Do you hate it? I'm pretty ambivalent towards it, like i i yeah i've never thought about it no i think it's a very forgettable even now as you talk about it i'm not even thinking about it you're forgetting about it yes uh now we have an exciting one actually block uh 49 again overlooked but excitingidian. Oh, now we're talking. Yeah. I think that's got to be on the list too, right? Obsidian's a good one. It goes, nether portals, you know, pretty OG.
Starting point is 00:37:12 It's hard to mine. It takes a long time to mine up. But it is breakable. It's breakable, yeah. It's almost like bedrock, but without the downside. You can't TNT it, though. You can't TNT it. No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I think it's got to go on there, all right well okay fine no i'll keep adding it um so we're actually we're actually above the limit currently but all right take glass out there of there then and so that we can keep on i think glass can can can go now but no don't worry well it will okay if you if you're happy to drop glass in favor of bookshelf, I'm happy to. Yeah, yeah. Get glass out of there for bookshelf. Can I just say this kind of reminds me of the Masked Singer. It's like doing a book report at school. It's like doing a group book report at school and nobody wants to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:03 But you know you have to hand it in in an hour so everybody's just like reluctantly trying to finish it okay it was true um all right so then we have uh 50 block 50 is torch right um how do you forget torch you can't forget about torch uh block it's a torch you know they are it's pretty iconic and honestly as well it's a very integral part of minecraft gameplay i certainly can't imagine minecraft without torch i'll be honest so the so how iconic a block is seems to carry a lot of weight in this um in this analysis we want to we want to well we don't want to get too many angry comments when we choose a block and people are like,
Starting point is 00:38:47 oh, fucking hell, they chose bookshelf. What's the best block? It is a good one, though. It looks good. I think it's good. Yeah, it's tough to make. An orthodox pick. An unexpected pick.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, I bet. Most people would probably just stick to the basics. No, I think Torch, it possibly is too forgettable. It's there, it's doing its job. Yeah. But it's quite abundant. No one's ever happy to see a torch, you know. No one ever thinks, oh, a torch.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Whereas sometimes you see a bookshelf, you're like, oh, bookshelf. They've changed all the mob spawning rules in the new update. So you don't need as many torches as you used to. Oh. Just a little bit of light will prevent mobs from spawning. So you can be a lot more... Well, related to that is the next block, 51, fire. Oh, yeah, fire, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Obviously, you can set certain blocks on fire, such as netherrack. Is it netherrack? Yes. So, you know, we could mention netherrack now as well because that's important um but yeah fire as a block you obviously can't place it you have to create it with the flint and steel um and it's naturally occurring obviously around lava and certain other things and obviously it can often ruin your house or building or it's it's it's like a it's like the og creeper before creepers were in the game fire was the thing
Starting point is 00:40:12 that fucked you um not so much nowadays i don't think it's so devastating but i remember back in the day there was this classic video of this guy sadly watching as his house burned down unable to do anything i've seen that video oh that's the uh the guy he was streaming right and he lit like a little piece of paper on fire or something and then it just got progressively worse and worse and worse yeah yeah yeah uh no i meant in minecraft not irl oh right um but there are a few videos of that, definitely, of people actually burning their houses down. It can happen.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Be careful. Don't light things on fire. Man, you must feel so dumb after that. Don't fuck around with fire. Fuck around and find out. That's what they say. Don't do it with fire. Don't find out about it. Don't fuck around and find out. No, I don't think we should add fire.
Starting point is 00:41:06 If we... That wouldn't work. So let's just not put that one in. Block 52 spawner. Mob spawner. Everyone's seen one of them. Oh, yeah. It's a shit block, honestly.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I fucking hate spawners. I think they are just a really bad idea. Do you know what I mean? They pulled you out of the game totally to have this thing that creates more monsters around it it's like why is this thing so lazy you can make a farm around it which is really good i know but it's just it just strikes me as such a lazy implementation it's actually called spawner yeah they could they could be called like i don't know it could it could just be like a bone pile or something. Do you know what I mean? It could be like, or a zombie, you know, a zombie pile or anything.
Starting point is 00:41:51 A pile. But Spawner, it just seems so meta and lazy. I don't like it. I think it's a poor block. I think if we were doing worst blocks in Minecraft, I'd say Spawner would be up there for that it is kind of depressing when you find one right and there's the little icon of whatever spawns just spinning around in there like crazy yeah stupid yeah i'm amazed it's still in the game but no one's no one's doing these
Starting point is 00:42:16 lists right where they're telling spitting real truths that's the thing yeah without people doing the list and spitting the truths how are they ever going to get the feedback they need to make a better game exactly you know we're we're not being held back by any any brand sponsorships or anything you know we're not we have no vested interest we are just doing this for you bonus yeah out of the kindness of our hearts because we wanted to do extra podcasts and we thought it'd be fun and we we had no ideas of what to do. We had no idea that this was how bad it would be. Block 54 is the humble Minecraft chest. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 God, who could forget that bad boy? How do you feel about that, Pflax? The humble chest. Great sound. The humble chair. Chest. Chest. Chest. Great sound. The humble chair. Chest. Chest. Chest.
Starting point is 00:43:08 You build them, right? You put a sign over them saying, or in here or whatever. Like that one. Yeah, that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They make a nice creaky sound. They've got a nice animation. Nice closing sound.
Starting point is 00:43:21 People can interact. Multiple people interact with chests. It's all very smooth. Sure. Yeah, I think chests... does that count as a block though like i'm confused about what the difference is between a construction everything is a block it's a block block is anything that's uh cubic usually can be placed on a tile but everything in minecraft is is cubic yeah not quite though not like a pickaxe. That's not Oh, that's not really a block. Okay. Whereas carrots growing in the world are but carrots in your
Starting point is 00:43:51 hand aren't you see? That's why I just wonder if if we really just to get philosophical about this for a second, go for it is a thing a block. Just because the game can only represent it as a block. Yes, because it can but when you put it in your hand it's no longer a block no so the act of moving it from the placing it in the world uh normally renders it as a block unless you're placing an item into an item frame which is not a block but i could believe that a piece of rock would be a complete cube yes because you could divide the world up into cubes in fact we have done that right right that's that's how we there's
Starting point is 00:44:31 that website what is it called uh my my square or whatever it's called it's like three three words that define every meter squared yeah like i'm standing in donkey, crocodile, cucumber, or whatever right now. Right, exactly. So we're used to dividing things up into cubes. So Minecraft, by its limitations of its engine, or the beauty of its engine, but now you look at it, divides everything into cubes. Does that mean a carrot is a cube?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yes. Or a block, I should say. It's a block until you remove it. So what has changed? When you pick it up, why is it no longer a block? What have you done with all the bits that make it a complete square? What have you done? Are they just thrown to one side?
Starting point is 00:45:12 First of all, I'd like to say that the Minecraft world is obviously cubic, whereas ours is a sphere, and therefore ours are not perfect cubes. They are slightly affected. I'm not even talking about the real world. But don't worry about that.
Starting point is 00:45:26 All I'm saying is that when you take a carrot out of the world, it's a block in the game world when you can look at it. Take it with your hand. It looks like a carrot. You put it back. It's a block again. No, no. If you throw it on the floor, it's two-dimensional spinning.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But if you plant it in the ground, it becomes a different block. It becomes planted carrots right yeah if you're holding a block in your hand it is like a gold block it is two dimensional spinning it's just it's just not there anymore so it's been removed into the you wouldn't say carrot is a block planted carrot yes i just want this specificity there you're right and actually i would almost go so far to say that i wouldn't like the winner of the minecraft best block to be something which is not cubic right okay yeah so i would like to actually nominate to remove rails from the list of of options because i feel like they're not really fair.
Starting point is 00:46:29 You know, they're not a block in the sense that they are cubic. And that will prune a lot of shit off the list as well, by the way, like ladders and signs and crap that I just don't, and wheat. I don't think a lot of stuff, and levers. Do you know what I mean? I think we could do without talking about all those things as well. Is that okay? Can I put that up for vote, Sips? Yeah, I'm fine with that. Yeah. Okay, you're fine with that. P flags,
Starting point is 00:46:48 you okay with that as well? It will, however, I will bring up a couple now of a lot like things that you might feel need to stay anvil. Obviously not a block, but still a large object would be placed in the world. How do you feel about that? Sips, PFLACs, anvil. Is that gonna, I don't think I've ever used one. Yeah, no, they're, they're pretty cool. I guess. Um, useful. Also brewing stand brewing stand.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. It's like all of those little villager, one of the worst blocks again, I think brewing stand looks like shit. Yeah. Um, is yeah. If we had a nomination for that it would be awful but of course there's other other misshapen blocks and uh one of them particularly is dragon egg obviously oh yes dragon egg dragon egg is is one way to complete the game yes um it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:47:38 a trophy um does that make it special does that make it yeah i think does that make it special? Does that make it worth breaking the rules for? As a block, you know, who would say an egg was a block? What it is, but the question is, do we feel like this is going to cause problems? P-Flex, how do you feel about eggs being blocks? I don't like it. Right. You would, I mean, you are referred to as an egghead very often because of your high level of intelligence. No, that's not it.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Isn't it? I thought that was the reason. I know you may have thought it was that because you're an innocent, sweet young boy, but no, it's because I'm a Baldian. That's why. Nothing to do with brains. From the planet Baldi.
Starting point is 00:48:24 People who have seen my stream know brains ain't a factor, just the egg. Because I'm a Baldian. That's why. Nothing to do with brains. From the planet Baldi. People who have seen my stream know brains ain't a factor. Just the egg. Yeah. So you don't think we should put that forward. That's fair enough. No, but also, of course, that does get rid of fences, which I know, Sips, you may be a fan of fences. I don't mind some fences.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, I think they're pretty cool. I think fences are cool but are they as cool as bookshelves no it's the question no i wouldn't say that we've already got that on the list you see and then we've also got flowerpot like a kind of a small block oh i like those yeah they're like a small little block they're they're cool though but yeah i don't know cute but without the sapling in them on their own yeah they don't hold yeah they don't hold up they don't same thing i guess that's probably the same thing with wool and and concrete to some extent too right like maybe just if if maybe if you if you look at them in a vacuum they don't hold up um so i'm gonna i'm
Starting point is 00:49:17 gonna request to remove wool from the list as well actually if that's possible and concrete um if that's is that is that okay pflax absolutely yeah okay so then we got skull skull block it's relatively new but this is when you die you drop a skull they have been in the game for a long time various types of skulls in the game right there are um is anyone a fan just speak up or else i'm going to carry on. Right. In that case, we're going to carry on. Ice. Oh, yeah. Ice is great. It looks nice.
Starting point is 00:49:49 It's good to it's slippery. Pretty OG as well. You can roll a boat on ice very fast as well, which is. Can you? Yeah, you can. So it's good fun. It's good fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Obviously attached to that is snow, snow blocks. No, less fun. It looks Obviously, attached to that is snow, snow blocks. No, less fun. It looks cool, but you can now sink into the sand and... Into snow. Sorry, snow. And, like, suffocate and freeze to death in it. So, it's... Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, it's scary stuff. Well, because I was thinking that snow... Obviously, it has an attached block, snow layer, where you can have multiple Well, because I was thinking that snow, obviously it has an attached block snow layer where you can have multiple layers of snow to give it that, which I always found frustrating to dig through. But it has got a wonderful, playful, Christmassy kind of happy atmosphere. You know, when you find snow, it's always,
Starting point is 00:50:43 I don't know, somehow briefly uplifting and then you do get bored with it but it is for a time a joy uh would you agree uh pflex snow i i don't know i've never seen it he's not seeing snow you've not experienced the joy do you think you would uh get happy if you saw an icy snowy biome appearing in front of you in Minecraft? No. Okay. Because I think, oh, I'm still playing Minecraft. Would you enjoy frolicking on a boat?
Starting point is 00:51:21 I've been on a boat. I went on a boat. And you can zip off and find the edge of the world you can just keep going there is a point where you can't go any further is that right? I think you can keep going and going nowadays you can keep going
Starting point is 00:51:35 well then now I'm not interested in boats I don't think we can put boat on the list anyway it's never a block can we never it's never a block it's not a perfect block if you can get well well again we only need the majority here so if sips and i think it is um oh okay how do you feel about the boat sips because um you yeah i think the boat's all right actually what you like to add it to the list you mean maybe even though it's not it's not really a block, though, is it? I think it's breaking too many rules.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It moves. It's kind of glitching out the world. I'm not a huge fan of the boat, honestly. They're okay, but I wouldn't put it on my top eight. Okay, we won't put it forward. Ice, keyflax, sips, ice. Sea snow. Sea snow and sips. You like ice, but you're not. Yeah, I'm not you're not yeah I'm not I don't love ice yeah
Starting point is 00:52:29 uh cactus yeah again I mean I hate them in real life okay and I hate them I I actually hate cacti all right I will go with that like you just don't like succulents what do you mean no I like a succulent is fine. My issue is, for example, we have a cactus. Mrs. F and the kids like cactuses. I fucking hate them. I hate them. They're ugly to look at.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I'm sorry, cactus lovers, but I think they're ugly to look at. They don't want you to touch them. And if you're in close proximity with them, as we are, we've got a couple in the house, you're going to bump into them at some point. You're going to catch your clothes on them. or as my daughter did the other day she reached to get something in the bathroom and bumped her her knuckles against the cactus quite hard and there were about 50 tiny little spikes sticking in her little hand and i had to pull them all out with a tweezer and i was like i felt awful doing it because i was like this is so you're right why why is this fucking thing
Starting point is 00:53:25 in the house it doesn't like us it doesn't want to be there yeah it's like when people have a pet that actively wants to escape and there's no domestication to it it's like oh yeah my my uh my fucking tarantula but that's like if this tarantula could it would leave it doesn't want anything to do with you i know but that's that there's some people are just like that like uh for example kidnappers you know like when there's some people who are just like that. Like, for example, kidnappers. You know, like, when you kidnap somebody, they don't like you. You're holding them against their will and stuff. You know, it's just, it's like a gateway into a life of kidnapping.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I don't want cactuses around me. I don't like them near me. And for that reason, I don't want them in the list of the best uh things that's fine that's fine um i don't like them either like not for not for the same reasons as you i just think the block in minecraft it's just too too boring i think they look make deserts look great but i agree they they could they could they could go fuck themselves yeah pumpkins and melons. Either of those attract you.
Starting point is 00:54:27 They're okay, but they're not my top blocks. Who likes melon? It's such a bland flavor anyway. Melon. Watermelon, I'll take. But those regular melons. You know, like a cantaloupe or like a gaia melon? We do melons. Why are they so shit?
Starting point is 00:54:48 They're good, they're really nice. They're fucking garbage, the orange melons. They can do one. Shit. Keep saying it, I'm gonna keep saying shit. I think we're not getting good ones anymore. I think the ones we're getting just, they ain't good now. They're just dry and...
Starting point is 00:55:04 What was the other one? Pumpkin? What about mango? Mango is kind of like. Love a mango. Yeah, mango's nothing like melon. It's got flavour. It's a little bit like a melon. Yeah. Love a mango. No, mango's great.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Let's move on. But this is important. OK, this is a bit of one which you might have forgotten, but now you've heard it, you'll think, oh, actually, damn, this is the best block in Minecraft. You ready? Cake. Oh, yeah. forgotten but now you've now you've heard it you'll think oh actually damn this is the best block in minecraft you ready cake oh yeah i mean that's a pretty good one i guess but it is you really expected a better reaction i know but that was like a grudging acknowledgement i just forgot about cake honestly like i i can't remember the last time i even made cake in minecraft but you could see that being a BuzzFeed headline, right? Like best block in Minecraft finally announced, voted for by the public cake. You know, you could see why people would vote cake. Yeah. Not, you know, well, I can see. Uh, uh, all right,
Starting point is 00:56:00 fine. Um, that's, that's, that's, that's the first pass, right? We've got a few others that I just want to very quickly check in case there's some outliers. We've got Soul Sand and Glowstone. Yeah, Glowstone's pretty good, right? It's like just a natural illuminated block, which is always useful. Pflax, thoughts on Glowstone? I think it looks like shit.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Never seen it. Looks like a disease, doesn't it? It does look like shit, yeah. Infectious pustules. It sounds like it might be a pollutant. I'm going to say no. Okay, well, Glowstone's out. It's not like DDT.
Starting point is 00:56:34 It's just a block. What about Cauldron Sips? Have you used one of them? Yeah, I've used them. Have you used them before? Yeah, not really. No, no. They're okay. Dropper. It's just a sort of weird
Starting point is 00:56:50 dispenser, I guess. Yeah, a lot of the automation stuff is kind of boring, isn't it? Yeah, it's kind of shit. Even the piston. I mean, we didn't even dwell on that piston. It's got the word piss in it. It's got the word piss. Monster egg. It's got the word piss. Monster egg.
Starting point is 00:57:07 That's me when I'm in a bad mood. Monster egg. A trapped block. There is also a trapped chest, of course. That's an individual. I got my chest trapped the other week. It was very painful. Did you?
Starting point is 00:57:20 I'm sorry to hear it. Is there any other, I mean, Hopper, Daylight Detector, these sort of comparators, these are all kind of- Is that a Dennis Hopper block? Yes. Dennis Hopper as a block. Yeah. Driving a bus. He's driving-
Starting point is 00:57:33 Being furious. He's furiously driving a bus and laughing at somebody. Slime block? Is that a block? Stop me if you want this i don't think you i mean the only slime block i could think of would be the gelatinous cube yeah from dungeons and dragons and i'm a big fan of the old uh gc there's a you can make basically like a slime slime block in minecraft and stuff sticks to it so like a a common thing that you would use it for is to attach like a big row of them together.
Starting point is 00:58:07 And then just instead of having like eight pistons to move eight blocks, you could have one piston to move eight slime blocks because they just attach to each other. Right. So you just. Oh, so you can have your whole door on one. Yes. Piston. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:20 That's kind of cool. It is cool. Is it cool enough to make it the best block in the game? Hell no. I would say no, not even. I guess if it has these deep, practical Redstone applications, people might say, oh, yeah, the best block is one that's behind the scenes and it makes everything work.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Maybe it will be a command block. How do you feel about the command block? Do you know about those, Pflax? That's too sweaty. Never heard of them. Yeah, too sweaty. What does it do? You type code into it and it does stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yeah, it's just too much. You can use them to, like, fucking make the game mode into hard and spawn yourself a diamond pickaxe enchanted with efficiency six. I don't know, fucking whatever. Yeah, it's a bit sweaty next up a prismarine sea lanterns talking about your underwater base do you have any particular attachments to those lanterns i really like actually they're really nice yeah yeah is it is it white tell tell us tell us why that should be well it's an illuminated block but it's like um you know like how you can
Starting point is 00:59:22 get like different colors of bulbs but like you know like you can get like the hot white or like the sort of like um almost like the candle glow color you know it's like almost like a like a brown like golden or brownish sort of you know yeah so the so the the sea lantern is like a hot white, but it's not super bright, but it still illuminates. And it just looks nice. Just, just looks really good.
Starting point is 00:59:50 You know, it's like an led or something. I'm not convinced. No, not a fan. No, not, I'm not convinced.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Uh, so finally, let's just do a couple of final ones. We got magma, which is kind of a solid form of love. We've already got lava on the list so i don't think we better it's i think lava is probably better what's the difference between magma and love magma is kind of like a like a hardened lava so like you can walk right on it
Starting point is 01:00:16 without sinking into it and it will damage you but is that accurate is that how people would describe the difference is lava well in minecraft i don't know but in minecraft that's what it is and if you place it underwater and you swim over top of it it will pull you down towards it so it's good for like elevators and stuff if you want to make a water elevators i type in magma and the first result is magma cube no i just want to talk about actual magma magma cube so magma cube is in minecraft that's like a gelatinous cube of of lava whereas the slime cubes are obviously slime i didn't realize you explored so let little minecraft uh p flex yeah sorry yeah flex is a big time new bit mine okay so it's good it's good to have this perspectiveava is magma once it's out.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Right. So when it's underground, it's magma. When it's out, it's lava. When it's in the closet, it's magma. It's magma. And then it comes out as fabulous lava. I'm coming out. I want the world to burn.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Whoa, that's magma. That's lava, sorry. Okay. We got hard glass. That's lava, sorry. Okay, we got hard glass, we got some pact ice, we got kelp, we got podzol, we got stonecutters
Starting point is 01:01:33 and nether reactors. Domecutters? Nobody's cutting my dome. Thank you very much. Stonecutter. We got shulker boxes and we got... Shulker boxes are great. What about purpur? How do you feel about that? I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 01:01:50 The fuck is that? It's kind of the purple end stone blocks. Oh, right. Yeah. Not end. Yeah, it almost looks like a tile or something. It's like a purple tile-y sort of texture, right? I think we're pretty much there. I did. We didn't do actually. planks. We missed planks. Well, that's it. They're boring as shit. Nobody cares about them.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Cool. No, right. So we have on this final shortlist, we have actually got 11. Right. Okay. And so what we'll do is we'll cut through some of these by doing some playoffs so first of all uh let's do the lava water playoff um which one of those is going to make it through lava is my vote yeah yeah lava okay lava gets through fine water's out uh and then we've got to do um sand okay versus ice um which one of those is gonna make it through sure i'd probably say sand honestly i think sand as well um and then also we've got Obsidian. Yeah. Okay. Versus grass. I'm going to say grass. I'm going to say grass.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Right. And so then we're on to the quarterfinals. Okay. Right. So the quarterfinals will start with well, this is a bad matchup, but we just gonna do it log yeah okay versus iron ore block oh man versus iron which one of those two is key as much as i love iron ore blocks it's
Starting point is 01:03:37 gotta be log right i thought you were gonna be shouting out for the iron ore block no no i've changed my mind i think log is just a bit more iconic right i i think so all right well say goodbye to iron ore block knocked out in the quarterfinals next up it is uh tnt okay versus lava which of those blocks are we keeping oh i'm gonna go tnt on this one yeah yeah tnt is probably more fun it's two major league right like oh lava we lost you early yeah um i think you're right you just got unlucky with the matchup yeah he did he got lucky and then we have grass versus cake uh i'm going grass on this one as well you think you think the grass think the grass block is the winner here? Yeah, for me it is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:29 100%, not a doubt in my mind. I'm okay with that as well, because cake isn't really a full block. I mean, it always had that. Most of these aren't, in my opinion, for sure. Well, no, I mean, never mind. And then the last quarterfinal is P-Flax's Sand versus Bookshelf. The Bookshelf block. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Bookshelf nerd shit. No, it's got to be Bookshelf. It's Bookshelf for me. You're the decider. Poor P-Flax. This is his favorite. I don't care. Well, if you don't care, then Bookshelf suck again, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:03 If you ain't gonna fight your corner I ain't fighting for it I'm going with Sips he's more passionate it's about passion it's about argument that's fine
Starting point is 01:05:11 so we have the semi-finals now the semi-finals we've got TNT versus Log right
Starting point is 01:05:19 well TNT wins I think it does yeah TNT's the winner I mean Log cannot win against tnt let's let's face it come on you don't think tnt i mean the problem with tnt we're we're over we're over egging the tnt here right like they hard to craft people don't see them very often no you don't encounter tnt that often in the game of minecraft sure but still come on log log is shit log the log is just
Starting point is 01:05:46 super lucky to make it to the semi-finals the log is like uh it's like england in the world cup right like right fair enough made it somehow made it to the semi-finals or whatever and then beaten by tnt the other semi-final is another unfortunate draw It is grass versus bookshelf. Oh, man. Now, these are obviously grass, you know, number one seed, but bookshelf is the outsider, which me and Sips have been rooting for throughout this. Pflax, how do you feel about these two blocks? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I'm going to go grass. Grass is so iconic. Man, I'm going for grass as well. Yeah, me too. It is such a good block. It just looks everything about it. I'm so glad we're in agreement on this. I thought you were going to fucking pitch a curveball
Starting point is 01:06:37 and go bookshelf, and I was going to have to be torn on whether to go for the meme. The meme fucking answer or the real one. I flipped a coin in my head, and it's grass. Okay, there you go. Well, that for the meme. The meme fucking answer or the real one. I flipped a coin in my head and it's grass. Well that makes the final TNT vs. Grass. That is a spicy one. Two super iconic blocks.
Starting point is 01:06:54 The thing is you try and blow up grass with TNT and it's just going to grow back in a big hole. Who's going to watch a video where you stick a thousand blocks of grass together and see what happens? As where you stick a thousand blocks of grass together and see what happens? Oh, I supposed to put a thousand blocks of TNT together That's what every micro video is
Starting point is 01:07:12 People get their start is is blowing shit up. I mean TNT all the way baby. No For me I'm going grass. It's up to you Lewis Whatever you decide is gonna be the the outcome. But yeah, you know for me it's up to you lewis whatever you decide is going to be the uh the outcome but yeah you know for me it's grass for sure we sort of made our careers on tnt you know it's a classic give honeydew 46 64 yeah you know it's a classic always remember that and that i mean i i remember i the fact that i remember what the tnt block ID is and I don't remember what the grass block ID is you know is leading me in that direction and I think that I think that it's oh my god I'm so torn I can't no you have to do like they do on The Apprentice and for that reason
Starting point is 01:07:56 you know I can't decide I'm torn like you think he's about to say it but it it leads into just like another layered yeah you know what you're you're shit you're shit you didn't do a good job and and for that reason i'm sorry to say i i just don't know i can't really figure this one out oh i think i think it has to be i hate to say it it has to be tnt i don't know why i just love it too much it's too much fun yeah it was a good it was a good final honestly both both blocks very good blocks in minecraft right they are it was very close it was very close but i feel like that that big red boy he just gives too much joy you're always you're always happy to find one a tnt block and
Starting point is 01:08:48 blow it up even if it's only a little small explosion it's it's so it's so much so wonderful what a joy this big red boy yeah well also i think the tnt somewhat reps the creeper right a little bit like like you know the tnt the creeper is a secret tnt block and as much as i hate them in game they really do make make it make it so much more exciting yeah you know without the creeper back in the early days anyway minecraft wouldn't have wouldn't have been the same um so a little nod to to that as a as a core thing and thank you for listening to this first of our bonus episodes oh my gosh yeah i hope you enjoyed it it's a bit weird um but we'll uh you made it we'll do more of these where we talk about other things we'll go through we'll go through less
Starting point is 01:09:37 interesting games and do some other weird ideas. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. Alright, take it easy. Bye!

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