Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 119: Satan is Trill, Pt. 1

Episode Date: October 24, 2019

Part 1 of our Halloween special has Tanya and Tom swapping haint tales, and dabbling in the dark arts with our friends Carrie, Matt, and their daughter Ophelia while Tarence is on vacation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now let me say, are we live? Let me say, I started to bring the Ouija board, but I opted not to only because bringing the Ouija board to somebody's house is almost like doing cocaine at a party. You know what I mean? Make sure the host is into it. Yeah, you can't just bring that on somebody. Yeah, you gotta clear it with somebody. I would have been into it.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I don't know. Some people get real about Ouija boards. They believe they are super legit. And I err on the side of optimistic superstition. Oh, yeah. I don't necessarily think any of that is real, but I want it to be a little bit. You don't really have an adversary relationship with the supernatural, I've noticed. No.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm into it. You're real into it. I'm not scared. I'm into it, too. I mean, I'm into it, too. But the reason I'm into it is because I really have never had a real experience, which is a great preface for this episode. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:00 If I saw something or whatever, I probably might be like, eh, I ain't fucking with that no more. Well, I was going to say, now that we've created this circle, we've got a full four square and we are very close to having all four elements. Dangerously close. What's the
Starting point is 00:01:15 fourth element? Air. Which, Matt and I both are cancer, so we're both water, but he is a cusper. So we're going to give him Gemini for the purposes of this, right? I think Gemini is air. We have to look it up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So how many days until you're not on the cusp anymore? 21. The 21st is Gemini. Oh, yeah. That's why you're on the cusp. So if you're like a couple days past that, you'd still be a cusper a little bit. Still be a cusp for a little bit. But while we're on the Ouija board,
Starting point is 00:01:50 one, I want to say that in our circle here that we've created, if a spirit comes, we have to agree to interview them. That's the rule. It's the rule. Which spirit from the great beyond wants to be the first one to come on the trail? That's the question. But the other thing is, when this episode airs, I will be visiting the world's largest Ouija board. The world's largest Ouija board?
Starting point is 00:02:08 They just set it up in Salem on the commons. The sun shines through it and it burns it. Yeah, through the big lens. Just burst into flames. Okay, Gemini. I'll also be visiting. Everybody thinks it's the devil, but really it's just it's because they recently they recently opened the first witch board museum so it's a museum all about witch boards so there's others
Starting point is 00:02:33 besides the ouija the ouija uh was you know rose to fame is the coup de grace well no but it did well no actually you know is know, is that Parker Brothers? I've written disproportionately about the Ouija board. I know two topics, Ouija boards and rabies, and the Ouija's pretty interesting. Well, and Parker Brothers was headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts. There's a funny story about how they got Parker Brothers to buy the Ouija board. Because originally it was made by this Danziger and company out of
Starting point is 00:03:07 Pittsburgh is where it started in the 1800s. And the guy that invented it, William Fold, actually fell to his death in one of the factories that he had claimed earlier that the Ouija told him to build. Which is super
Starting point is 00:03:24 creepy. Where was the factory? I don't know. But Ouija told him to build. Which is super creepy. Where was the factory? I don't know. But Ouija, like, the Ouija, like, exploded, like, at different times in, like, history. In the 60s, it outpaced Monopoly in sales. Wow. So you want to talk to ghosts for five bucks? There you go.
Starting point is 00:03:42 There you go. The little triangle. I love that it's compared to monopoly which is like the most capitalist board game no arguably i like this who's the person that moves it like you know because if there's three or four people at any given time there's always one person it's you it's always you the way the way the way g works is almost creepier than what we think it does, honestly. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I think it's weird that, well, okay, if you can trust everyone to really just sort of, I can totally see how subconsciously, like, you're moving it, right? I trust everyone, but someone's moving it. Even if they don't mean to be. Well, that's how it works. Right, but I think that sometimes people move it like they're not like there's not one person because if you feel one person pushing it everyone would know like you could tell the force is coming so if everyone is subtly pushing it it's almost weirder when it's
Starting point is 00:04:36 like a collective conscious thing yeah and it just feels like it's moving myself yeah that's creepy yeah so i want to know more about what you know about rabies. All right. Where to begin? I know. Stick a pin in there. Next time. We'll circle back to that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Next time. That's just, those are two interesting things. Yes, we've gathered here instead to drink beer from chalices. Literal chalices. Let's light the sage. In particular because... I feel like my cup's not festive enough now. It's very fall.
Starting point is 00:05:10 The colors are nice. It's okay. We'll keep this going as best we can. Is this a real plant? It is. It's perfect. That's our water element. The miracle is that it's living and it's in my house.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Amazing. That's why I asked. that's our water element. The miracle is that it's living and it's in my house. Amazing. That's why I asked. It's fake as shit. No, I have several plants that are alive now. There's another one that's alive behind you. I'm so proud of you. Thank you. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I've been working really hard. That's a beautiful fern. And I've kept a Christmas cactus alive for almost an entire year. Ooh, yeehaw. I don't know if I've told y'all this about this house but I have one very specific super triggering memory in this house from when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:05:52 because this used to be my dentist's office God that's gotta be horrifying Up here or downstairs? It's up here I don't know why you ever come over here Well I can remember being a kid and having to have like, I don't know if it was a root canal or what it was. It was some
Starting point is 00:06:08 painful procedure, but I just have this image of sort of coming out of anesthesia and kind of freaking out with like three people standing over me and laughing. So I think about that every time I come up here just subtly. Imagine having to walk up a flight of stairs to get your teeth fucked with.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Damn. That'd be the worst part about being a dentist office here. of stairs to get your teeth fucked with. Damn. That'd be the worst part about being a dentist office here. I bet you get anxiety just walking up the steps. There's always a twinge of it. But it's actually transformed as a very nice space for me. I always feel good when I come up here. Well, it's very much our home now.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I almost think that's almost creepier to me than if somebody had died in here or something because I just really hated the dentist for a while it kind of makes sense with these like window yeah do you remember
Starting point is 00:06:56 anything about how it was laid out I can't remember at all only the trauma we only cling to trauma here I thought it was also like a law office too. It was. After that maybe or before that? Yeah, before that probably.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Before that. So like they had like you come up here and this was like the lobby, the living room. And then there was one exam room. All the bedrooms basically were exam rooms. And then I don't know what this was here. Just think about that when you go to bed tonight. Nobody died, I'm sure, but there was a lot of pain and agony that went on and on. And teeth.
Starting point is 00:07:34 There's like a tooth fairy spirit that haunts the place. That's right. Teeth themselves are pretty fucking creepy. It's our exposed skeleton yeah it's the only part of the skeleton that you can see just on any like normally right
Starting point is 00:07:51 just walking around it is the only exposure of our skeleton and honestly after someone told me that I like couldn't everyone I looked at that smiled that day I was like you fucked up I went to see the bodies exhibit in new york one time and i was in college and it was i i loved it it was fascinating and i remember being like when i was i was getting
Starting point is 00:08:17 ready to go and i was like okay i want to really like know that these are real people i want to like experience this and look at these things and know that they were real people. It was still a huge challenge to do that. It's just so taken from the normal form. After that, I remember, I don't know, sometimes I get to where I can see where your gum, you can see
Starting point is 00:08:38 how your skeleton or how your skull is just by looking at somebody. It's fucky. Let me throw one at you. Sandy Earl is my fifth grade teacher, science teacher. She asked me to teach her fiddle. I have a feeling I'm not going to want to do it. Ask her about this.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Okay. When I was in fifth grade she had a real human skeleton hanging in her classroom. Like this was somebody in the not too distant past. Is that legal? Is that health approved? No, there was somebody in the not-too-distant past. Is that legal? Is that health code approved?
Starting point is 00:09:06 No, there was a skeleton at my old high school, too. But they're usually fake. They are now. But I think they used to sell them. If you have an old enough school that didn't have any funding, they have a real-ass skeleton. Yeah, they just waited for somebody to die. They never replaced them.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Y'all learned on them fake-ass skeletons. Y'all know nothing about these. God damn. That's not normal though when you think about it. There were... No, it's not. It's not normal. There were some jars that had organs in them.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And I swear, I could be making this up. It could be something I just wish happened. But I think there was a jar with a penis in it. But I could be making that up It could be something I just wish happened But I think there was a jar with a penis in it But I could be making that up You probably just wished it But I really think that that was true Maybe And you know it just looked like
Starting point is 00:09:53 A like 30 year old hot dog That someone had left in a Jar of like Pickle juice or something Oh fuck That is disgusting And they labeled it
Starting point is 00:10:04 I don't If I ever have an organ removed I would love to be able to bring it home Pickle juicers. Oh, fuck. That is disgusting. And they labeled it. I don't remember. If I ever have an organ removed, I would love to be able to bring it home. But a lot of times when you have to have it removed, they need to study it. So they don't let you have it. You did have a baby. Did you do anything with that shit? I wanted to check out my placenta, actually. I was really into it.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I wasn't going to bring it home and eat it. And I don't judge people who do that because there's some science behind it it might be wishy-washy but i i wasn't gonna do that but they they wouldn't let me they had to like i because of all the weird shit i had going on they had to send it off to pathology they had to like because i had shit going wrong right so they were like sorry we already put it in the thing and it's like my placenta but i wanted to see what it looked like what percentage of people that eat the placenta are vegan do you think? I hope a lot That's a good point
Starting point is 00:10:49 It's cruelty free meat Like you created it in your body But a lot of vegans who are pregnant will eat what they need to eat when they're pregnant So they might typically be vegan but might not have been for the past 10 months Wait is it technically meat? I guess. It's a muscle. What else would it be?
Starting point is 00:11:06 A muscle, yeah. It's an organ. It's an organ. It's like the only organ that you don't have all the time. That you create and then it goes away. And it's not a big deal if it leaves. Right. I think they're fascinating.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It's amazing all the shit that goes on in your body. Incredible. But yeah, if they would have let me bring it home... Some people will bring it home because it's what feeds your fetus. Some people will bring it home and put it in the ground and plant a tree. It has human faces all over it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Little babies growing. Yeah, a little human tree. Yeah, arms coming out of it with the nails or the leaves. This is weird what's happening here with this. Oh, wow. Did the wick fall down? No, the wick is up there, but part of this is still burning. Oh, are these like candles that...
Starting point is 00:12:03 They do melt super fast. And I don't know what that says. Because I know they're supposed to be... Aren't black candles supposed to be like... They ward off negative energy. Oh, well, we better hurry. They're burning down. It's going to be the shortest episode ever.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah, black candles are real good. Yeah, I like them. They're spooky. It'll be hard to keep this sage going. Yeah, I like them. They're spooky. It'll be hard to keep this sage going. It smells really good, though. I need to. This isn't the one, but my sister just made me, gave me, like, homemade burn sticks with sage and lavender. Incense. Yeah, she bundled it just like this for me. burn sticks with sage and lavender and incense.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah. She, she bundled it just like this for me. I like it. Like those earthy smells. I know. I love that. Michelle likes to burn like incense sticks and those are kind of,
Starting point is 00:13:00 I feel like they like make me want to call. Yeah. They're really bad. If they have charcoal. No, no. If it's real stuff, if it's like a plant or wood, I'm fine. But if it's, um...
Starting point is 00:13:09 If it is, um... Like, charcoal, it really messes me up. Mm-hmm. We have a visitor from the beyond. We need a... Who's this little witch? Beyond the parental boundaries. From beyond the living room. We need a fifth microphone for our girl.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Well, we figure she may now get to where she's like, why did you let me be on this thing? Yeah. What you watching? Yeah, so here we are. We're at this little pre-Halloween Tripoli special that Tom has summoned. So, I want to go back to the biggest Ouija board in the world for a second. I also want to know about other boards, other wish boards. Okay, well I just want to say we got Carrie
Starting point is 00:14:05 and Matt here as our special holiday guests. I think I've somehow been on every Halloween episode. I think you are. Three for three. I don't remember, was I on the first? Yeah, I guess so. You were on the very first one, I remember because you told
Starting point is 00:14:21 a great story about how you weren't afraid of the supernatural, but rather cutting your hand on the cut and meat at Food City in Pogba. You always have to bring in your resident skeptic. That's why I'm on it. Did you work in the
Starting point is 00:14:36 deli at Food City? Oh, no. The meat department where they would actually like, you know, where you buy like the cuts of meat and hamburger meat. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I saw all kinds of gross shit. I bet. And, you know, everyone always asks if that's what caused me to become vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I mean, I think it was definitely a big contributing factor, but I don't think it was the immediate cause to it. Yeah. But once you see or smell certain things, they never leave you. My friend Nick worked at a... I don't know if it was a Purdue or Tyson plant. Wherever they slaughter hogs.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And he said, the sounds, man. He's like, I couldn't go back. That would be worse than dealing with the dead parts. Having to... Ugh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just killing for a living. Sounds like a horrible job.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Speaking of, I found a... I found a person that I used to organize with on the website today. And his bio, his entire bio, was about him being a Vietnam vet and a trained killer. That's what he's hanging his hat on? Yeah, I couldn't believe it. That's a man that's really not worried about his, about PC culture. It really did say trained us. About PC culture. It really did say trained killer, position trained killer.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He's not wrong. Yeah, we had a guard at our school, at our high school, who would work at the, we had like a little guard shack at the parking lot, just to, you know, sign people in and out, or if it was near in the middle of the day. And I don't know, there were always rumors that he was a sniper in Vietnam and that he just, like, had seen some shit. Now he's just working the sign-in sheet. Yeah, just hanging out with high school kids,
Starting point is 00:16:33 keeping us safe. The most horrifying thing of all, the horrors of war. It really is, you think about it. Yeah, that's one thing. I was reading about, like, spooky places in the country. And it's funny how when you read about, like, haunted places, how many common themes there are. I'll just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? How, like, there were multiple places where there was apparently a woman in white who would ask for a ride and they get in your car and then they just disappear but there's a wet spot in your car because they'd like drowned or something you know yeah yeah just but it was like weird how in this one yeah there were like two or three of those but it smells real bad you should just feed it i haven't peed for a hundred years I've been holding it all this time
Starting point is 00:17:30 but some of the spookiest things were this would have to be I don't know if there is a place where you could have spirits kind of or like lingering parts of people I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:48 But it would be like where multiple fatalities happen. It has to be. You know, like a war battlefield. Like I've never been to Gettysburg. And that's actually, as much as I'm like, ooh, I'm into, I would love to see a ghost and stuff, that's one place like I almost feel weird about it being a place to go and visit. Totally. Because it just seems, I mean, I know it being a place to go and visit. Because it just seems, I mean, I know that it's important to,
Starting point is 00:18:11 it's an important memorial place or whatever, but like, oh, it just seems so weird. And like the tuberculosis hospital in Louisville and like any kind of hospital or facility. People love that shit, but that's always felt in poor taste to me a little bit. It feels weird. Yeah, it's just weird because on one hand, I feel like if you want to see some shit, it's going to be there. It would be. I went to the Rome Coliseum and the whole time, before leading up to it, I was like, fuck yeah, this is going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And as soon as I got in there, I was like, nope, I'm leaving. What did you fit in? Is there a palpable bad energy? I spent like $25 to go in there and see this huge cross hanging and them say a million people and animals died in that spot. And I was like, where's the near sex in? That's literally what I said. But the Pope goes in there and like says a bunch of prayers once a year. That ought to take care of it.
Starting point is 00:18:57 A million heads? Once a year, you know. I was just like, I got to go. No. Did you feel weird? I mean, like. Yeah, I felt incredibly uncomfortable. Well, I mean, I know like i got to go no did you feel weird i mean like yeah i felt incredibly uncomfortable i mean i know like seeing that present but did you i don't know
Starting point is 00:19:10 like from the outside it looked really like beautiful and just this like really intense huge structure i just feel like i hadn't seen anything like that but then once i got in there i was like no not me and then when you think our entire country and our way of being here is predicated on that absolutely yeah the bed i sleep in is overgrave the reason we have a senate yeah it makes a lot of sense for no good reason it's not democratic you know no no certainly not lord so the world's largest ouija board tom yeah i gotta know more about the world's largest Ouija board, Tom. Yeah, I got to know more about the world's largest Ouija board. I don't know much. I actually am worried that it was a temporary.
Starting point is 00:19:51 It is temporary. They're moving it around. And it was set up in Salem last weekend, and we are leaving tomorrow. And I'm afraid it's not going to be there this weekend, honestly. So you're going to miss it. Pretty sad, I'm afraid. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out as much as I can through Instagram because at the ripe age of 33, that's the only way I know how information moves.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It's like it rained and the board got all soggy. Yeah. Yeah. But it was pretty cool just to see the pictures. You should Google the pictures of it. I mean, they put it together like a little piece at a time. Yeah. It's beautiful. Yeah. I the pictures. You should Google the pictures of it. I mean, they put it together like a little piece at a time. Yeah. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah. I'm fascinated by the Ouija board. I think my first exposure, and I went on to bet it's your first exposure too, was in the liner notes of East 1999 Eternal. No, a real one, actually. Yeah. But you remember that one? Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, I never got to see it in person because I didn't I wasn't that cool in the I was pretty cool in the 90s but I wasn't cool enough to have hip hop records. Alright. I was pretty cool in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I had some classic rock and country records and 8 tracks. You know, like any... I don't know. Good country boy. Person that inherited their parents' music collection. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:14 What was your first Ouija experience? Just, I can't remember. I think maybe my cousin had a board and brought it over and me and my sister and her played it. What was your impressions? I was just like, stop, you're moving it. No, no, no, you're moving this. And then I think, of course,
Starting point is 00:21:34 I would be like, well, fuck it, I'm going to move it this time. And that's just, but we were also children. I think maybe, I would like, maybe it would be fun to experiment with it as an adult and see if it feels like, because it's kind of an awkward position the way you have to have your hands yeah and i think like you know where your arms or your hands are like kind of elevated above
Starting point is 00:21:54 the table and only your fingertips are touching it i think it probably has something to do with like your circulation being weird and the position your hands are in to like naturally want to kind of push a little bit so maybe if everyone is doing that but i don't know it like not misspelling shit and stuff is kind of weird like it seems like someone's moving it i always feel like every ouija session like going into it you're like oh my god this is gonna be so intense because like you know it's the fucking Ouija board, you know. It just has this eerie kind of quality about it. But every one of them is anticlimactic because it's always like,
Starting point is 00:22:32 you're moving it. No, you're moving it. And then you get, like, T-L-D-R-P-P, no, yes, 69, 420. You know what I mean? Someone is filling out boobs. What does it mean, man? This ghost gets me. But, you know, we would always play, like, Bloody Mary and then Light as a Feather and
Starting point is 00:22:52 stuff like that. Yeah. Growing up. Yeah, we did a lot of that. Candyman. Yeah. How does Light as a Feather work? Because I've heard a lot of stories about Light as a Feather.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I don't think it does work. Yeah, I don't know. It never worked for me. No, the only way we ever got it to work was when it was like someone that was significantly younger and lighter than us and we could actually lift them with our fingers. But then you were like, holy shoot. Let's go fill you in here
Starting point is 00:23:12 and play a lot of other students' board. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The first I ever heard of a Ouija board was also the first I ever heard of Marilyn Manson because my older cousin's mom found her stash of stuff she wasn't supposed to have, which included a Ouija board and a Marilyn Manson CD
Starting point is 00:23:32 and just busted it all up, put it in the trash, freaked out. And I didn't know what any of that meant, any of those words were. And I remember for a long time not being, not, like I kept hearing the word Ouija board but I couldn't say it what are you saying and then the only
Starting point is 00:23:52 Ouija board I ever was around as a kid we had lost the planchette the planchette yeah we had fucking lost the planchette so it wasn't even a complete situation you can't play with you without the planchette and it wasn't even a complete situation. You can't play Ouija without the planchette. So that's the little triangle thing with the circle. But you can use a planchette without the Ouija. Supposedly. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:15 How's that work? I don't know. There was my... I don't know what she is to me. I would just probably generically say cousin. But y'all know Cal and Becca Cook? Y'all probably know. Anyway, Becca Cook, Dennis, anyway. Do y'all ever believe people's names?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, we probably should. Okay, you should blame. Yeah. Well, Cal's mom, Robin, swears up and down he was named with a Ouija board. His name is like Calviston, which is a weird kind of, not weird, but you know, it's like an unusual name. Yeah. And apparently the story is that for some reason,
Starting point is 00:24:58 there was something, when she was pregnant with him, she was reading about the Galveston hurricane or something that hit Texas in the 20s or something. And somebody had suggested that some witchy figure had suggested that she name her son after that or something. And then during a Ouija session, apparently it spelled out, but it didn't spell it G-A-L. It spelled it out C-A-L. So, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Calviston. I mean, it makes sense. I mean, how else are you going to get Calviston out of a Ouija board? It's a bold move to ask a Ouija board to name your kid, though. That is. So, you really just move it to whatever you want to name them, right? That's right. It's like the principle of flipping the coin the whole point of flipping the coin really is to is so you discover what you want to happen yeah like you flip it and then you like subconsciously
Starting point is 00:25:57 want it to be heads or tails and then you actually know what you want. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Or, like, if you want to get, like, freaked out a little bit and you're, like, driving your car, you can, like, swear you see stuff on the side of the road, like the skinwalkers or whatever. Oh, my God. The blue fugates. Yeah. Monroe hitching around.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Actually, the reason I was late is because the state police were up on my road, and they're never up there. And I didn't see it, but Michelle said one of our local Charles Manson-looking dudes was wigging out near the house earlier. I don't know what. Something's in the water tonight. Wildin? No, Brandon's up there. Oh, good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And Louie and the pony are both in the yard. Okay, what's the deal with the pony? What's going on with that? So many people have asked me if we bought a mini horse. I don't know if she's a pony or a mini horse. I don't know the difference. I think she's a pony. That's what I've been saying.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Last night, Michelle was like, a pony is a baby horse. And I was like, no, it's not. Well, if she's the same size in two years, you'll have your answer. She's a baby horse. That's not true. No. She's a baby whore that's not true no she's a bowl anyway our neighbor has this pony and lots of other animals that they don't take care of and they
Starting point is 00:27:11 scream and holler and shoot off guns on my eye and they're fucking painting my ass and penny i've named her penny she's taken up with us is all i know oh you named her penny yeah that's my name for i don't know her real name. That's a good name for a pony. Penny the Pony. The Pine Creek Princess. And she's copper colored. She's pretty.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, she's gorgeous. Someone messaged me on Instagram and said her highlights are amazing. So I'm just going to keep Penny. Penny's going to be my new brand. And as long as she wants to come hang out in my yard, I'll let her. She's cutting my grass. She's eating my grass So
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's great Yeah that is good for that But she I was trying to Michelle and I were trying to figure out How much she weighs last night Because she's a big bitch Man
Starting point is 00:27:54 And Hundreds of pounds Yeah But because she's so much bigger than Louie Louie weighs 80 pounds She's probably clocking in at least 4 bucks You think? 3 to 4 bucks
Starting point is 00:28:03 Oh yeah And I just Even though I love her I'm, can you fathom having a 400-pound pit? Right. Because flies were bothering her the other day. I was just out in the yard with her, and she, I swear to God, I wouldn't believe this if I hadn't seen it. She just dropped onto her side like nothing, rolled around a bunch, and popped back up on her feet quicker than I could.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Penny is a nimble bitch. Oh, yeah. I couldn't believe it. Has anyone tried to ride her yet? No. Ponies don't like to be ridden. They're mean. I remember trying to ride one.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I rode one that was so short that I was probably... We could maybe put Ophelia on her, but I wouldn't want to be rode. I don't want to be road if I... I mean, I don't want to be... My feet almost touched the ground, and that thing was trying to, like, buck me off, and I was just, like, standing up. Okay. I have seen a saddled pony on Cram Creek.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Now, some of them, if you train them, I mean, they'll do it. A kid on it, but I'm not trying to ride... No. I'm not trying to ride Penny. Penny's past her prime. I kind of want to put her on a leash and walk her around the hauler, though. That sounds so fun. I think we are going to buy a brush and brush her.
Starting point is 00:29:13 She needs it. Her tail is a mess. They like it, too. Her tail is a dreadlock. I don't know how we'll get that under. You might not be able to. You might have to trim it down to the, you might have to trim it and then it'll grow. But they like, it's good for them to get their coat brushed because they get so much dust in it oh absolutely
Starting point is 00:29:28 when I have to have her on my ass earlier and yes just flew because I thought she might be clean because it just rained and this morning when I went to work she was soaked I was like oh you look rough sis I love it It's morning I left for work And she was like Hey baby She didn't like pizza and shit Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:47 Uh huh And that pimento cheese She ain't getting our pimento cheese That's our Oh we eat pimento cheese At our house Oh it's I've been buying it
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's jalapeno pimento You can't I mean I like it There's nothing better On a single sandwich Polly's Island Oh yeah You already know
Starting point is 00:30:04 You already know. You already know. This is like the part in a scary movie where something goofy happens as a palate cleanser. Just to break the tension a little. And now one of us is going to get an axe to the forehead. Ponies are kind of creepy, though. At night time, she's creepy when she's around. And she, like, comes up to the window, and I'm like. Penny, hey.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Only in the daytime, baby. Back it up i mean my biggest fear is that her insane owners are going to come up to the house because i don't even want to fuck with these people do you know who owns it i know who they like i know where they live and i hear their voices yelling and screaming and the guns they shoot all the time where's penny where the fuck is penny i kind of want to know what they call her, though. Like, what they named her. I gave her that name. No, she was already named that.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Well, what's crazy, this will bring us back to the spook, is the house in between my house and their house is Lulabelle. And Lulabelle is the kind of old sweet lady who's on the porch all the time, and you love to wave at her, but if you get caught in conversation with her you're fucked she will describe to you in great detail her cataract surgery she will not she there's just no getting away from her i can't i can't hear an old person talking about getting their eyes all cut up no i can't no it's rough and so um it's been a while since I got trapped in Lula Bell's web. But the last time I did, she was complaining about those people because they're like her most direct neighbors.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And she told me that's why she put a fence around her house with them because they do have a lot of dogs that bark at daylight a lot. Which we don't care as much about the dogs. I mean, they don't really bother us. They're entertaining most of the time. Until they're shooting off their guns at 3 a.m. And I was so pissed. I kept waking up. I was like, do you hear that?
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah. She was just laying around. Didn't know a good thing. Didn't give a fuck. Which we had watched. It's not in the yard. I don't give a shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:01 We had watched this fucked up scary movie about Nazis. The night before Like that night And it was It's called Green Room It's on Netflix It wasn't bad honestly It tapped into my actual real fears
Starting point is 00:32:15 Which I don't care for Those are always the worst And so I'm laying in bed And there's just like Nazis firing off fucking shotguns in my backyard. I was like, oh, this is fine. Everything's fine. But anyway, so Lula Bell's complaining about them and saying that this is why she said,
Starting point is 00:32:34 first it was the pot-bellied pig. I guess they used to have a pot-bellied pig, which, you know, I wish they still did have a pot-bellied pig. I love a fucking pot-bellied pig. She said, then it's the dogs. I was like, oh, yeah. Is that pony theirs? She said, yeah, now it's that fucking pony.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And I was like, I love that. Penny the pony. And I was like, well, that's what I said. I said, I love that pony. What's its name? She said, I'd like to call it dead. Lulabelle. Don't you talk about Penny like that.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I know So if I Oh my god That's kind of intense Is it intense? She's wild I don't know There's something about like
Starting point is 00:33:13 I don't know Maybe some annoying small creature You could possibly exaggerate wanting it dead But a pony Literally A pony And she's so sweet looking She's very sweet.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I feel like it's actually adding a lot to this because you're getting creepy kid sounds. People are going to think it's just part of this soundtrack. It's just an old dentist client. A child scared of getting her teeth. Oh my god. So anyway, hopefully
Starting point is 00:33:42 Penny's just ours now. We did not purchase a mini horse though. No. We did not purchase a mini horse, though. No, we did not buy a mini horse. See, that's real life scary shit, getting your teeth pulled out and then somehow coming in possession of your crazy neighbor's pony and never knowing if they're going to come down and raise hell about it. I know. I am scared of them legit.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Because you all know we had taken up with the holler boxer too buster yeah what happened to buster i can't go there we can't discuss it he's just disappeared but when that right before that happened his owner oscar apparently came up raising hill on a side-by-side about took somebody somebody's porch off, screaming and cussing, looking for his dog. Oh, yeah. And so I went home at the time, thank God, but my neighbor told me about it. I was like, oh, fuck. I don't want none of that.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I'm out on this. So I got to lay some shit going on. For that reason, I'm out. I don't know the people on my creek. I know all the pets. Get them, Penny. Well, I know. I hate seeing that one dog that's chained up all the time. It makes me sad.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I have dreamed of that dog's liberation every day. I just don't understand. We were talking about this the other day. Matilda and Pauline and I. And we were like. Because it's like. They have other pets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:01 That are in the house. That are in the house. They have multiple kids. I've seen the kids play with that dog one time. Yeah, and it's like, I get that maybe they want like a guard dog, but what's a chained up dog going to do? I'm sure they're like... Going to bark?
Starting point is 00:35:11 It's named Bobo. I stopped and asked. I stopped and asked, hey, what's the dog's name? I just sleep better. Yeah. I just like having a dog that can't attack an intruder. And can't run around. But will just bark.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And I probably forget to feed every few days. Yeah, lives in its own dust. It's too big of a wild card, so we leave it chained up over there. And it's the only dog on a chain in the hauler. The only one. Yeah, I know. There's a lot of houses on the creek. So everyone must be
Starting point is 00:35:37 in agreement that dogs don't belong on fucking chains. Or what about those people on the walking trail down there that keep their dogs in a cage the size of this fucking table? Yeah, I don't like that either. I know the listeners can't see the size of the table, but it's not very large. Where? Where's that? Compared to a dog, it's not very big. You know, right when, like,
Starting point is 00:35:54 you go by Axe on the river bridge, and then it's a, yeah, to your right, right after you cross that bridge where you can see the over the road. Yeah, and you pass the Right after you cross that bridge where you can see the old road. Oh, yeah, like the school side? Yeah, and you pass the bridge.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I mean, you just hear barking all the time. Because they're just over there, over the hill, just in a little cage. I don't know what they're doing. It's almost, and they, those people seem shady. That's pretty fucking spooky. Cages. Cages. For anything.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Oh, yeah, for anything. Or any living being. Also can't go there at this point. No, that's too spooky. We're getting into the real scary stuff. Let's go back to the fun scary stuff. This is probably not real. Bring us back to witch boards.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Well, I'm excited to go to the witch board museum because I don't know much about other witch boards besides the witching. There are other witch boards. There is an entire... You missed it. One of the attractions we are planning to take in in Salem this weekend is the world's first witch board museum. I'm so jealous y'all are going on a ghost tour.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I have a Google Doc of all the things. You have a Google Doc of all the things you're going on. That's amazing. What part of the tale do you got going on? Well, I mean, I was just telling our friend Brendan about it. I mean, it's really like we're going to do the stuff we like to do in any cities, which is like thrift, eat, museums, and art galleries. So, like, Salem has some pretty epic art galleries and museums.
Starting point is 00:37:21 So, we're going to do a lot of museum and art galleries. The Salem Gallery has a satanic temple inside and it has like a replica Baphomet. Yeah, Baphomet, whatever. That was like top of Sarah's list.
Starting point is 00:37:37 A replica? Where's the original? Hell! Detroit Rock City, baby! Oh yeah, that. That thing is fucking sweet. We name it. Yeah. They've got that in there. So we're going to go in there and get some pics just like dropping it.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Oh, my God. I'm like excited for what Michelle is going to be doing up there. I cannot wait. But yeah, we're going to like a local art, dark arts market. There's like a booming art scene in Salem. Sounds like the weird kind of place I need to be. Totally. I mean, there's a totally like plastic junk part, but I love Gatlinburg.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I know. It's like witch Gatlinburg. Yeah, totally. And it's just like, you know, it is a really. Witch Gatlinburg sounds like heaven. Exactly. Most of the stores have tarot parlors in the back. Which will bring us to our next.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Oh, please. The last half of this Halloween special. I have my deck, but it's not very spooky. It's just lovely. You can bring it out. I want to see it. You want to see it? Have a nice show.
Starting point is 00:38:40 That'll give us four. Yeah, let's do four decks. What do you got over there, Tanya? The Smith White? Yeah, wait. do four decks. What do you got over there, Tony? The Smith White? Yeah, wait. The Smith White. The only thing you'll predict with that is a coincidence. Oh, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:38:52 All of them are just going to tell me I'm going to die a horrible death. That's not true. It is kind of true. I mean, last year I had a bad draw. Yeah, Tom died last year. I didn't die, thank God, but it wasn't my best year. Taryn, when we were talking earlier about our, like, just what we bring to the spiritual realm, I bring a lot of just excitement, like Carrie, and goodwill,
Starting point is 00:39:22 because I think you put into it, or you get out of it what you put into it, right? Like what you bring to the table. And I've told Terrence this multiple times that if you expect bad things to happen both at the altar, over the Ouija board, and in life, that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Generally, yeah, generally. I mean, you know, I'm not going to say capitalism isn't killing us against our will here. But I will say that even in our live shows when we were doing a little summoning, he was like, now, y'all are in this with us, so if the dark demon shows up, it's your fault. It's like, there ain't no demons showing up. We are casting fucking...
Starting point is 00:40:03 Light and pixie dust in there. up we got good energy we got energy to save the fucking people that's what we're out here trying to get at so we're only bringing good shit out of here even the death card which scares most people off is about resurrection and leaving bad shit behind and it's also an inevitable thing that everybody's just going to have to get over. That's why we created religion, so that people could have peace of mind. Amen. I brought you a gift, Tanya.
Starting point is 00:40:35 By brought you a gift, I mean it's in the truck. But I brought you a copy of Sylvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch. Thank you. I saw you post that. I would like that. Which is good Halloween reading, but good also anti-capitalist.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah. I have a little witches and capitalism book I need to read on the, that's on my list. I have a special shelf of my witch books now. I've gotten up such a collection. But we're also going to go to some bookstores. Speaking of, some bookstores
Starting point is 00:41:05 and there are just like countless just like witch tool stores one of my favorites that i visited last year because my second visit to salem is hosswitch so it has a lot of tools as i got h-a-u-s with the own lots yep that's a nice touch oh hosswitch when i was there at hosswich i bought a locals guide to salem that is written by like a dozen local artists and i read it on the train home or the train back to dc where my car was and really wished i'd read it before so now i'm fully prepared yeah because i want to read it again on the way back it's called wichitopia and it's just a a book put together by Salem locals about the actual best parts of Salem.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Are there any historical witches that are your favorites? Well, I do appreciate the few witches who were pressed to death. That's a pretty epic way to go. I know it's intense.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Being slowly crushed to death is a pretty bad death. Yeah, it's crazy. And of course, in the Hollywood adaptation, The Crucible, Giles Corey is one of the people accused of witchcraft in the 1600s. And he was pressed to death. I've visited his grave. And in the Hollywood adaptation, they put some on him. Because this is why they would press him to death.
Starting point is 00:42:39 They would put on just enough to be in extreme pain before they died. And they would try to get... It was like a waterboarding. They would try to get, it was like a waterboarding. They would try to get, try to get confessions and shit out of them and names and shit. And in the Hollywood adaptation in the crucible, y'all ever seen this? No.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yeah. It's been a while. I saw it in school. They, they, they get him pressed, you know, almost to death and then ask him to confess or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And he said, and they said, what do you have to say for yourself? And he says, more weight. Bring it on. Yeah, just bring it on. So I think that's a pretty funny. Yeah, slowly.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Like, you know, there was this guy that I knew. I think he was a brother of this girl I went to school with on my holler. And he got crushed in an instant by a car that fell off a jack and ever since that ever happened like i've been so paranoid about like a jack failing like anytime my dad and i are like doing normal service work to my car i'll i'll like sneak around and put like fucking blocks under the sides and stuff this is an extra head like if it falls it'll only fall in it It should be okay. Yeah. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:46 it's scary. I mean, that's my, one of my, like my closest neighbor that was in my grade, his dad was put in a wheelchair that way, under a car.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I have my brother-in-law, his little brother died that way. Yeah. Fuck that. I mean, rocks fall into the mines. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:01 but like, that is, I think that's one type of death where you really would not know what happened like it would just be sudden blackness like you've just been crushed but imagine it being over a course of like an entire day like slowly over hours yeah it's a one one rock at a time horrible or probably like days or weeks you know but most witches work on which is very quick or you might actually get used to it if it's a gradual weight i'll be like this kind of doesn't feel that way yeah carrie wants like a 45 pound weighted blanket she wants to i want she wants me to
Starting point is 00:44:39 uh turn over wake up in the middle of the night and look over and she's just a frail blue corpse more weight under this 100 pound blanket. What do you have to say? More weight. More weight. Yeah, it got down cold one night and we pulled out the down comforter
Starting point is 00:44:58 and I forgot how good it feels because it's so heavy and now it's hot as fuck outside again and I'm sweating it out under that thing because it feels so good. now it's hard as fuck outside again and i'm sweating it out under that thing because it feels so good it does it feels so good i have we have a really nice woven blanket that is heavy but it's i mean it might be eight pounds it's not like it's i mean it's a heavy blanket it's a heavy blanket but it's not like a weighted blanket i don't know i got to try one i tried to ask them how do they make them heavy? What is the material? They put glass beads in them. Sounds dangerous. It's like little pockets.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Why? It's not shards of glass. It's little round balls. It's like stones. Yeah. Smooth stones. Jagged rock. They put razor blades in the blankets.
Starting point is 00:45:41 What if you had sleep paralysis and then you had a weighted blanket on you and you were just fucked, you couldn't get out of bed or anything. That is the worst. Have y'all ever experienced sleep paralysis? I have not, but I have had people close to me describe their experiences and it does sound awful. Have you? I think maybe one time, but I don't.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I do think I've had a similar experience. I have had many experiences, usually if I'm napping or something, one time but i don't i i do think i've had a similar experience like i mean because i have had many experiences usually if i'm like napping or something if it's like not a normal sleep um to where to where like i'm i'm i'm aware that i'm dreaming but i'm not super asleep that's right but i don't but i've never had anything really concerning happen during it. It's like, it's just usually like, I don't know. Like, something will be happening in my room, but it's nothing, it's mild. It's nothing scary. But I've heard of people having really horrible sleep paralysis.
Starting point is 00:46:37 So you do have sleep paralysis. I have it fairly regularly. What happens exactly? Well, it's just like, I guess it it's just your body your mind wakes up just a little bit a fraction before your body does and so like usually it's kind of brief but it can be intense and the worst that ever happened to me was sorry worst that ever happened to me was i had i had a strep throat one time and i was like real feverish and just like uh you know what i mean and i remember waking up and in the bed and my fever had broken while i was asleep and it just
Starting point is 00:47:13 felt like somebody dumped a bucket of water in the bed with me like i was just beat tired but the bed was like all gross i was like okay'm just going to go downstairs and sleep on the couch now. Well, this is why I don't sleep on my back anymore. I've made a conscious effort to become a side sleeper because back sleepers tend to get sleep paralysis for whatever reason. It's not clear why.
Starting point is 00:47:37 You can see the demons easier. I guess that's probably You open your eyes and there they are. If you're already in the fetal position you can hide from them Right yeah You might not be looking in their direction I go to sleep I'm laying on my back Last thing I remember is the boxer
Starting point is 00:47:53 Starred Mickey was it Mickey Rourke Yeah And Passed out And when I woke up I had the same kind of thing It's now where I wasn't really Woken up like my body hadn't quite caught up to my mind I could open my eyes but I still couldn't like come to and standing in my room well in the living room it was like it was not vision it was a green work wasn't Mickey
Starting point is 00:48:21 Rourke worse there's a bunch of guys in hoods standing over me watching me sleep on this couch they were standing like on my end tables they were standing like on my kitchen tables everything were they varying sizes or were they like normal people size
Starting point is 00:48:38 no they were like different like were they little? no there was no little ones they were like all normal humans when I mean little I mean like 3 inches tall that would freak me out too yeah would it be scarier if they're little or if they're normal size what would be scarier yeah i don't know but that sucked yeah i'm sure how so how long did it take for you to like come out of that i mean it was brief but intense probably i don't know probably you know 15 seconds it feels like a century though and how did it go away like
Starting point is 00:49:11 were your eyes closed and you were looking at your room as you knew it or were your eyes open and it was like a full it was my room it was my room but the hallucination was like everything was green and there was these just weird it's like you were looking at through like a camera or something yeah i will say i had i have a weird memory of this because i don't know how much of this would have been a dream or not because i was really young i was maybe four three i mean i was old enough to remember i remember this clearly no one else could have told me this because it was all from my point of view um but i really don't remember how old i was but i know that one time when i was sleeping as a kid I had fallen asleep or I had fallen out of bed and um and I didn't wake that didn't wake me up apparently um but I ended up being like I didn't wake up until apparently I
Starting point is 00:49:58 had found my way under my bed and it was up against the wall so I I was like trying I there were bats flying around the ceiling in my dream or whatever and I was trying to get out from under my bed but I couldn't because what I was feeling was the wall so I felt like I was like in this box and couldn't get out and so that I think I started then like crying or screaming or something because I remember my mom came and she was like why were you under the bed but I'd remember I do remember seeing like bats flying around the ceiling and me trying to like get away from them but then not being able to get out from where I was that might have been sleep well lucid dreaming is also a thing too that feels like lucid dreaming almost yeah yeah kind of um yeah you have to be aware for right I was such i was such a little kid to me it sounds more like
Starting point is 00:50:45 or in my mind it feels like but i have not had any other thing like that um i don't know do you guys remember the car that i totaled yeah which one i remember that i remember when that happened that freaked me i have totaled multiple no that scared the shit out of me because i remember i had like a premonition almost. I did too. I wasn't. Yeah, you were like, oh shit, I'm about to get in my car. But no, I saw like on the news.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I saw it was on the news. Really? Yes. I don't even think I realized that. Yes, because I saw like, oh, wreck on 160 or whatever. And it described that coming out of that hauler. And I was like, fuck. It was when you were living there. And I was like, oh, God, I hope that holler and I was like fuck it was when you were living there and I was like oh god I hope that it and Tanya and it was you that's shit out of me
Starting point is 00:51:30 Matt takes me you call you doing the radio or what this morning well we hooked you up after that i hope you should just send me a picture of you in the hospital and i would feel like a total piece of shit um well i was gonna say there was a job it wasn't you i mean this isn't why i wrecked but there was like a wild blind spot in that in that car it was a rogue but but at night there was a spot The way that the like Back seat was I saw a fucking gross face So many times in that back seat Through the rear view mirror So many times Like kind of because of the way
Starting point is 00:52:13 So many times Because of the way the street light Would go through trees At night And honestly it got worse Because it looked After I watched that fucking movie Babadook Because that's what it was like looked, after I watched that fucking movie, Babadook.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Because that's what it was like. Remember that? I hated that fucking movie. But it would look like that. It was almost like a scratched up face. And it was the way the seatbelt and the back top of the seat was. Yeah, I know those things. And it was just like that same anyway
Starting point is 00:52:45 that car was doomed i'm lucky i walked away you remember i think it was on creep show too the thanks for the rad lady the hitchhiker oh yeah one where she keeps like running over him and escaping him he just keeps looking more fucked up every time and he comes back and he's like hanging off the car or like popping out of the seats and shit. That absolutely fucking terrified me when I was looking at it. I don't know why I was watching it, but. Fuck, Tom. Yeah, Creepshow 2 is why. Creepshow is.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Well, to close this out, should we do a one-card draw each? Oh, shit. We'll culminate this with the tarot. Well, here's what I was wondering. Is this going to call some kind of. Because we got to a Patreon. You want to stretch it out a little bit? Okay. And do a two-parter? Yeah, and the tarot will Well, here's what I was wondering. Is this going to call some kind of... Because we got to do a Patreon. You want to stretch it out a little bit?
Starting point is 00:53:26 Okay. And do a two-parter? Yeah, and the tarot will be the second part. It'll kind of be like the second part for the Patreon. But you want to subscribe, doesn't it? You're not going to know what cards we draw unless you subscribe. Because we can just do like a full draw from that. You know what I mean? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I love a two-parter that runs over into the Patreon. Annie up, bitch. Tis the fucking season. You don't know what you're missing. I also just have a few more questions. We're coming up on a solid. Yeah, I want to, I know, I have so much more I want to know and hear about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I like being spooky. I haven't had a good spooky time this October yet, so. And I have a very elaborate bat costume I'm going to be making in the next few days. We haven't even watched a single horror movie. I know, because our kid won't go to sleep. There was one time where I swear I think we actually did do the horror movie every single day on October. We did and it was before our child
Starting point is 00:54:14 was born. Right. But you and I almost did last year. It's fucking hard to pull off. We had a long list. We didn't get through it but we came pretty close. But I had fun because I had never seen any I had never seen more than just the first movies of like Freddy and Jason and stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:29 So we went, we spent two years doing that. I fucking love the Hellraiser movies. We did the Hellraiser movies for the first time last year. Which is why I have Hellraiser Fuzzy Dice in my car. I had never watched the first Hellraiser until last year. We watched all of them. I liked it. Yeah, that was actually, that's my favorite series so far.
Starting point is 00:54:46 The ones that I should have watched and haven't. I think one day Michelle is going to spend a lot of money on that box. That's what my fuzzy dice are. I would love to have a real lament configuration that moves and shit. They're very expensive. The ones I've seen online are fucking super expensive.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Yeah, I'm sure. That's cool, though. Maybe somebody makes one on Etsy that's a little bit cheaper or something like that. Yeah. Look at the Etsy version. On Dreams, though,
Starting point is 00:55:12 I don't have any other, like, I mean, I've definitely had, I did have a reoccurring dream for a while where I was visited by a witch. I would be, like, in my playground, I would be on the school ground,
Starting point is 00:55:22 like, my playground at school, and, like, at a table at a picnic bench thing. And this witch would come in my dream. I, it was like, it happened every few weeks for like a few months of my life. Scary witch, kind of witch. Like definitely like a creepy witch, but nothing bad ever happened. Yeah. I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And like, that's something that happened so long. Um, but yeah, like I had, um, I don't know. Like, that's something that happened so long. Make sure she's not fucking with my phone. But, yeah, like, I had, I don't know. It's like it wasn't, it was a scary dream. But I don't, you know, that was a long time ago. Yeah. I had, I was telling Tanya about this last week. I have, she diagnosed me with a haint.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Oh, fuck. But I have a similar thing where I hadn't had one in a long time. But I've been visited in my dreams by this man. He's described him like the old man from Up. His fashion choices leave a little bit to be desired.
Starting point is 00:56:22 He wears like a dark green, like an olive green jacket with a yellow turtleneck under it. Is the man from Up? Is that what I'm saying? He's kind of the man from Up. Hey, Tom's the little boy? Oh, God. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:56:38 This is sad now. Yeah, it is. Because, you know, let's not read too much into that, please. Okay. He's real sad. Well, the earliest visitation, we'll call it. I can just see his plane this day. I was, you know, my mom was big into, like, watching those TV preachers when I was little.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And I can remember falling asleep one night. Did she ever order a prayer cloth? Oh, yeah. Damn. All that kind of stuff. Okay. There's more to that then later. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I mean, every pillow in my mom's house still has prayer cloths in them. Like pinned in them. Wow, really? Yeah. Every pillow? Yeah. Which, if you think about it, is kind of witchcraft. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's kind of, yeah. But on the side of Jesus. Right. Jesus witch. Jesus yeah. But on the side of Jesus. Right. Jesus witch. Jesus powers. All right. So the first time I remember being young and seeing him in the light of the TV screen, I don't know if that was like a sleepy hallucination or a dream or whatever,
Starting point is 00:57:38 but I remember seeing him, okay? And I've been visiting sporadically. And then this all culminates in the other night I was staying over here, and I don't know ifadically. And then it all culminates and the other night I was staying over here and I don't know if it's just fucking the way but I have to sleep propped up because I have acid reflux. The way your body's configured, folks,
Starting point is 00:57:54 with your brain chemistry and stuff and how you see things. And I guess that's why maybe the back thing, sleeping on the back, does the sleep paralysis thing or whatever. This man took a sex wedge on tour. Well, if it helps. Not for sex.
Starting point is 00:58:06 We had to pull a huge sex wedge out of the trunk everywhere we went. Ingenuity. Yeah. He came the other night in the dream. And it was like a career retrospective. It's like all these things,
Starting point is 00:58:23 like these visitations were like compiled in one and then when i woke up it zoomed out and he was standing outside of a dollhouse it was like my life was happening in this dollhouse and he was like looking in this dollhouse and i was not i was not here for it i was like but i woke up and now my first instinct was i wanted to like get alex but i was oh i don't have alex now i'm just sitting in this dark fucking creepy room by myself yeah so damn god damn but i was gonna ask you though i was gonna ask you because remember after the ghost face ray quan show we stayed at your grandparents house yeah what what's what's the what's the situation there you got any family stories about that did you have an experience i didn't necessarily have an experience and it could have just been
Starting point is 00:59:14 like older people's houses sometimes have like a little bit of uh i wouldn't even call it unsettling but like yeah something going on here you know what i mean interesting well but i was i was just curious about this because i my granddad would had had passed by then do you remember yeah he had it hadn't been long yeah okay so my mom ended up like um she fixed up the house it's old we don't have you know we don't get to see it anymore and it does show up in my dreams a lot uh just because, I mean, it was like, I mean, it's like my family's home. I mean, my granddad built it. It's not like it's old or anything. It was just like an old ranch.
Starting point is 00:59:51 But it's interesting, though, because this was the other dream-related thing I was going to talk about. When my grandmother died, she, I was 14. I was a freshman in high school and um she whenever we would all go visit and stuff it's just like they're just on like a nice little it was like a really old subdivision which now everything has built up around it so it's like it just seems like a little normal neighborhood but whenever we would leave the car we'd be parked out front of the house so they would my grandparents would walk out and like we'd take forever getting in the car we'd be parked out front of the house so they would my grandparents would walk out and like we'd take forever getting in the car he'll billy goodbye you know my whole family just talks too much so you know but they would be in the yard and they'd wave us as we went by but the
Starting point is 01:00:34 morning my grandmother died um before my sister before we had been told my sister said that she had a dream that like in her dream she was in the car and was driving away, and my grandmother was waving at her. And she said it just felt like just like that, like we'd been there and we were leaving. And the day my granddad died, I was working. I was at the settlement school, so I was there in the office. And I don't know why I would have had to have stayed late. I mean, it was in the summer. So, I don't know what would have been going on. Maybe, I don't know. Anyway, I was working late.
Starting point is 01:01:09 So, I went into like the living room. You know, they called me and told me. Also, every death in my family happens in the morning. Or like in the middle of the night. I don't know if you all have had that. Early in the morning. Early in the morning. It's like if I get a call at 8 o'clock, I'm like, fuck, somebody's died.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Right. So, I had just been at work and, you know, got the call. And we'd been expecting it. It wasn't like it was horrible or anything. But so I went up to the, we had like a little lounge area in the office. And I went up there. And it was the old office, which was kind of creepy. Real creepy.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Real creepy. But I was taking a nap on the couch. And just because it was a long day and I'd mentally and emotionally exhausted but I have before I woke up it was like a like a weird sleep thing where I like um I felt somebody pat me on the back like it was a comforting thing it wasn't anything bad it was just but I've it was like I felt somebody pat me on the back and I woke up and nobody was there but it was something that I was it was almost like to me in mind the way i've rationalized that is like it was him and just be like bye you know it's okay but yeah uh
Starting point is 01:02:14 so after my grandmother died though because that was that was at least 12 15 years apart i would go we wouldn't we would go to the house i would like maybe this is weird but i would just like welcome a like spiritual visit from her in that house i would like like please somebody now my great-grandmother did die in the house um my mom's grandma she lived with them for a little while when she was got real old um and then i guess my grandmother did and my granddad did not or did was he at the hospice care at that point yeah i guess he was at home he see he moved around a little bit yeah anyway so they did but we never had anything weird it just but it's almost almost like if you felt weird
Starting point is 01:02:56 there it almost makes me think like that's a good thing yeah it wasn't it wasn't like a weird feeling and maybe it's just like a biased thing because i think you probably knew i had prefaced recently yeah preface for that but i just yeah i have a very similar thing shit like this happens to my mom all the time like she knows when something bad's happening when something bad's about to happen and i have a really creepy story about something like this this is what i came for well um we're gonna take a break first because people are gonna have to pay to hear it because this is also also i gotta pay we're gonna take a little break we're gonna regroup and i'm gonna tell y'all about my mom's fucking premonitions this bitch is wild
Starting point is 01:03:37 hell yeah y'all find us on patreon and when we hope you have a really beautiful spooky week. Bye. Okay, bye.

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