Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 130: Tomorrow's Peehole

Episode Date: January 24, 2020

In this episode we discuss the Virginia gun rally, "yall" culture, and the ongoing destruction of one Jeff Hoops, former CEO of Blackjewel coal. Support the Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Got the COPD. I really do think I've got... Just a quick COPD. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and just start coughing and just have all this clear, thick, nasty stuff that comes out of my throat. If you have COPD, is that why people have the CPAP? I think so. Or is it for sleep apnea?
Starting point is 00:00:22 Both, maybe. Yeah, there are multiple reasons you might have a CPAP machine. I feel like you all were sick a lot because of that fucking carpet. Definitely. You don't feel better now? I feel so much better because of that, but I still, and it's been for years, I just have just chronic phlegm in my lungs. You think it was from the years you smoked?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I think it's a combination of like you know having asthma in a kid as a kid and then my family burning uh house coal as they call it which is just the same oh i don't have coal same kind of coal as any coal but uh and then smoking for maybe six or seven years while i had with asthma, which is fucking stupid. And I think probably working in the oil and gas industry for a few years too and breathing in rock dust. Right, right, right. We used to have to bag coal slag and you would have to do it in these warehouses
Starting point is 00:01:24 and there would be so much dust in the air. You would go home and literally cough up. Oh yeah. I'd cough up blood. Oh God. I would, you'd go home though and cough up black stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I would be, I would be like sneezing out and coughing up black stuff for like several, a couple of days after I was off a shift for that. It was like a week long shift or something. An interesting thing about the oil industry, some of the materials, so sandblasting in particular, like the material they use for that comes from coal. So it's this nice little perfect circle.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Like the shit that is not burned off in coal, you know, is a slag. Yeah. And so then they'll crush it down to a very partic slag. Yeah. And so then they'll crush it down to a very partic, you know, like a particulate size. Yeah. And they use that in sandblasting for like oil tanks and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Sounds awful. Yeah. Again, nice little circle of fossil fuel. Your bodies are trash. Yeah. Do you ever start any of the podcasts off with a, let's start it off with some prayer. Please, Lord, look after us three podcasters.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Make sure we have a safe episode while we're recording it. Thank you for all the Patreon subscribers. And, Lord, I just want to thank you for all this cool shit I got to do because my friends are really famous and fun and people like them a lot. Yeah. I'm trying to think. Like, my grandpa used to pray he had a particular thing he would say every single time. It's easier that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. You just memorize something and then you just mail it in. Right. Another 80 years. Well, welcome to the show. We got Mr. Carter filling in for Mr. Sexton. Got a wife guy here. It's truly an honor.
Starting point is 00:03:17 This is the husband of Slut Pills bassist. That's right. Carrie Wells Carter. We got her wife guy here. It's the whole bassist family. Yeah. Ophelia even, you know, our daughter, she will often pick up any little instrument
Starting point is 00:03:33 and be like, I got my bass. Especially like this little Mickey Mouse or Elmo guitar or something. And it had four strings. string you know she didn't uh call it anything for a little while and i was like oh look you got your bass look it has four strings and then she's called it her bass since then so cute love that she's getting pretty good at drums she's so good at drums yeah yeah and what a week away from three years old what does it feel like to have a prodigy on your hands?
Starting point is 00:04:07 You know, it makes you very self-aware of your shortcomings. She's already better than you at drums. That has got to be a weird feeling. Let's say if you were Mozart's parents, you know, your five-year-old child is running around composing symphonies and shit. You're just like, man. Did he start at five? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yes, Mozart would be able to, this is what they said about him anyways, who knows if it's real. But even at a young age, five years old, he'd be able to go into a symphony or orchestra or something and memorize every single part. And he would go home and he would write out every part, from violin to French horn to, you know. To, like, in your mind, know that this is going to sound good, like this little melody line is going to sound good, harmonize with this instrument. And, like, I can do that in practice, but not in my brain. Like, I like writing little melody lines.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I have a hard enough time finding harmonies. Oh, I'm actually really bad at that. Carrie's good at it, though, vocally and instrumentally. Well, I was in choir in high school, and so I have a little bit of training. Just a little bit. From praise and worship choir? Yeah, when I would play drums, they'd set up a mic, and I would sing some harmony.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I think that's extra difficult to do, because especially just with live, no monitor instrumentation, to be able to sing in harmony while you're playing a percussive instrument is pretty impressive. It is. Last night at the Slut Pill show, the opener, Cream Boy, the drummer
Starting point is 00:05:49 sang back up. I was just like, damn, you're doing the most. I do like that. I'm trying to think of some famous ones. There was Phil Collins, obviously. Levon Helm.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Don Henley, was he the drummer of the Eagles? Was he? I should know this. My dad was obsessed with the fucking Eagles. Living it up. A much deeper cut, there's this band Sir Lord Baltimore that the drummer was the singer as well. And he sang very high.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And so I was always impressed by that. When your instrument takes your entire body to play and then you can sing in pitch perfect like it's yeah it's crazy i would be absolutely exhausted i'm so out of shape it also kind of is like you must be a little bit of an egomaniac to need to do that it's kind of showing off a little bit yeah definitely why would anybody want to show off why would anybody make a tour with their band in it and use their podcast as an excuse
Starting point is 00:06:50 to tour their band around so they could show off how good they are at drones? So they can be on the poster twice. You know, Rod that plays with Tyler sings backups.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I just never remember that. Yeah. I think it's just an impressive talent to have. Yeah, yeah. There was a punk band in Wattsburg for a few years
Starting point is 00:07:09 where Derek sang and played. Oh, yeah. Drums. Man, that just, that had left my head completely. Glad I can deliver that back to you. There's been all kinds of real random,
Starting point is 00:07:20 you know, that reminds me of, actually, even last night, my buddy Joe that I've played music with on and off over the years and was in a couple bands with, I had found a tape in an old shoebox of us recording drunkenly sloppy, stauner music on a cassette tape. It sounded like we just put a tiny cassette recorder under a pillow in this practice space, like pretty crude recording. Yeah. It's kind of weird to think about.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I was like, I don't even remember this song at all, and I wrote it. Yeah. Well, look, I was just getting in bands that could write their own songs and learn full songs right when youtube was getting popular so this is some fun uh terrence um you know trivia but if you go to youtube and search for the band scabbage scabbage s-k-a-b-b-a-g-e scabbage is this a scabbage if you're playing horn it is a scabbage
Starting point is 00:08:31 and so there is footage of me as like an 18 year old a 17 or 18 year old playing in the scabbage and so yeah no you can find it it's on YouTube pause the recording in this move i found an old notebook with some gibberish in it that i'd wrote that i had no
Starting point is 00:08:54 memory of and i guess maybe you could call it poetry but it was mostly just a stream of consciousness maybe it was jokes i don't know it. It was weird though. I mean, I used to think I wanted to be a writer. You are a writer. But I'm a failed writer. I used to want to think I was. You get paid to write. I'm not sure. And also you can't fail at something that no one's
Starting point is 00:09:18 ever read. And I'm still trying to pressure you into letting me read the story you wrote. Yeah, I did write a book about Hobbes. A whole book? An entire book. Damn damn i just feel really self-conscious about it because it's so bad because it's it's like here's here's why i think that like the narrative is fine and like the sort of sequencing and everything it's like it needs a little bit of work but overall i think it's fine but what's so hard what it's really so hard about writing fiction is to put your name on it.
Starting point is 00:09:45 No, it's dialogue. Because then you start hearing yourself through other characters and you're like, oh, this is what I would think that somebody would talk like. You know what I mean? Everyone's like, hey, bro.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. That's so tight, man. Lovely weather we're having today here in Hobbs. Yeah, it's stuff like that. Well, you just have to keep the dialogue minimal. Yeah, but that's why people read. I mean, for me personally, the only kind of fiction I like is good dialogue.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You know what I mean? Because I don't like the kind of fiction that's like 20 pages of like flowery language about like you know or or some sort of like uh you know people that like try to be writerly literary for for its own sake yes literary for its own sake like there's a few writers that can pull it off like maybe cormac mccarthy or something yeah where it's like if anyone else was doing it, it would be terrible. Like, it's, you know, where it's like a 300-word sentence with no punctuation whatsoever. The boy stared at the laborer's head. But I love it.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I love, I can envision every word perfectly. Like, he has one of the most, like, beautiful writer's voices as far as being able to to paint the picture but the actual technical writing of it is pretty poor yeah yeah yeah but i like stories and stories are told through dialogue yeah in conversation and that's why it's really hard for me to do i mean i feel like i've gotten better at it like when i go back and read stuff i wrote when i was like 20 i'm like holy shit you know my mom the actually offensive and racist yeah this is not on my poor holy shit i was a very unaware misogynist well yeah i mean like when i realized i could i figured out how to get into my myspace account i just immediately
Starting point is 00:11:42 deleted it without reading anything i was, I don't want to see this and no one else needs to see this. Right, right. Well, go ahead. I was gonna say, my mom showed me, she's like,
Starting point is 00:11:54 I wanna read something I found and it was like a poem I had wrote about my dad in middle school and it was surprisingly actually pretty good. I was really surprised by this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But then she handed me the piece of paper, and I didn't recognize the handwriting at all. My handwriting had changed that much. It was like real loopy. Were you doing cursive? Yeah, it was cursive, but it was plain. Well, they tried to force you to write cursive. I think my handwriting just got worse.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It looked good, whereas my handwriting now is horrible. Is Clarissive mandatory anymore? No, no, it's not. Which is so tight. It was for us. I can't believe they fucking made us do that shit. But I like it because it's fast. I do, yeah, I still write that way.
Starting point is 00:12:36 The way they used to try to make you do capital S's. Oh, yeah, it looks ridiculous. It looks like a treble clef in fucking music. So stupid. Cues too I think just Normal print Makes my hand hurt Quicker
Starting point is 00:12:52 Lifting your finger Every time Yeah Yeah The mechanics Well I All this just to say though
Starting point is 00:13:01 Think about If five years from now We're probably gonna look back On what we've done With this podcast And think we were fucking idiots. There's shit. We're going to be so embarrassed. There's shit from like a week ago.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah. I walk around currently saying you're a fucking dumbass. When I like, well, I'll think of something, something will pop in my head that I've said on here. And I'm like, oh my God. What's terrifying to put your voice out and your thoughts out to like X number, thousands of people. And knowing that each of them are going to have a different opinion of every single word you're saying. After that CNN piece aired
Starting point is 00:13:32 I didn't leave the house or look at my phone for two days. I was like well I'm canceled. It was great. My mom called me when it aired the second time. It's so funny. It was like your friends are on the news. It's so funny the things you prioritize and don't prioritize because for me the CNN thing was barely a registered blip. Well it's so funny the things you prioritize and don't prioritize because for me the cnn thing was barely a registered blip well it's because it's because i feel like we have a podcast world
Starting point is 00:13:51 where it's like a lot of people i don't actually feel a lot of accountability to oh you got dragged into the normie world i got dragged yeah all this world got drug into normie world my mom's phone's ringing off the hook and i'm like no peace my aunt lisa has watched it no no if anyone listens to my podcast i'm i'm over i'm done i was like no i mean what's the worst people will find out that i smoke weed like i've never admitted to killing anyone on here or anything well yeah well terrence and i have about 200 more episodes right right very true. It's very, luckily we have admitted to crimes. We either have committed
Starting point is 00:14:28 or want to commit. What's really funny is that there are things that you say and do and that people will pick up on patterns over time. If you've done this for three years
Starting point is 00:14:38 like we have, it's like I'm sure there are patterns and behavior and things that I say that I'm not even aware of that people are probably listening to. Like, that's Terrence being being terrence again we'll never fucking figure it out
Starting point is 00:14:48 maybe some super fan has like made a compilation of clips of you saying the same thing over and over again in multiple episodes or something like that or it's just me laughing there's just like there's like a 30 minute clip of just my monogal laugh that you could cut together. One of those 10-hour loop videos on YouTube of you laughing. Well, I just gave 20,000 people the tip on Scabbage. Yeah, can't wait. It's going to go from three views to 3,000 views. Can't wait. Oh, my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I even sing a song on it. Wow. Is it like a full multiple videos? Wait, it's a full album? No, it's like a YouTube. It's a concert. It's like we played a concert. Oh, y'all played a talent show.
Starting point is 00:15:37 No. Well, there is a talent show video and a concert video. And so on one of the songs, though, I sing. Oh, fuck yeah. Can't't wait and the singer plays drums we should drop this so you get up in the drum kit right before our tour dude it's so bad like watching it hold on did you watch this recently i go back and watch it every year or so. Oh my God. So it has five views. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty fucking bad. Jesus. I mean,
Starting point is 00:16:07 I was so lame. I was like, you know how like Alt-Right has that soy face meme? I feel like the first, you've probably seen this, right?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Soy face? If anyone is aware of soy face, I just know like the soy boy stuff. I mean, yeah. I've probably seen it.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Well, me from ages 14 to I guess 22, I was totally soy boy. Soy face. What's that mean? You know, just like, I don't even know how to explain it. Very. You look like a frail liberal. What an 18-year-old me would have called gay, but meant it in a homophobic way. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:50 You know when you called people gay and it was fucked up? Right, but you actually didn't know any better. But you didn't know any better. Because you were a child. You were like, that's gay. Yeah. Every now and then I still say it, though. I have to admit.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's so good. because sometimes that's the only word that will describe something like yeah sometimes you see something and you're like that's just gay i have to use the n-word i mean that's the only appropriate word right now i however have never said the n-word you can't you can't describe this woman without saying bitch unless it's impossible but i don't mean it like that i mean some things are just they're just they're just like me like you you're gay as fuck yeah i'm sorry living in glory i'm sorry anyways but you know all of it you i'm sure you've said way worse stuff in your head than you've said actually said oh absolutely imagine how many times you've said the n-word in
Starting point is 00:17:51 your head even if it was just you reading rap music like oh yeah i've said because of like ghostface kill i've said the n-word thousands of times in my head well this is this goes back to the age-old question um which is if you say it alone in your car with nobody else around no one will know only you is it racist yeah or does racist need to have a racism need to have a social dimension to have any sort of actionable yeah it's got to be uh it depends on what's it yeah you gotta it's got to bounce off something isn't rubber or glue yeah the liver the liberal the liberal view is that that that would be prejudice in order to be racist it has to be systemic right okay that i guess that's
Starting point is 00:18:39 it's not i mean it's not the liberal view. It's actually just true, I guess. But that's what. And, you know, some people will just say the word, bad words because they're so forbidden and so taboo. Yeah, racism has power. And they're like, actually not. I really feel like there's some people that that's their shock value word and they really are not racist. They're just a fucking idiot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. a fucking idiot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a family distant family member who um just deals with a lot of mental health issues as a teenager he would when he would like wanted to like piss
Starting point is 00:19:14 everyone off because he was like having a lot of anger and couldn't control his anger he would say i hate america fuck america i hate all of you i hate america because he felt like that was the worst thing he could say to like make everyone and everyone's like yeah totally okay because these are a bunch of damn you have to take it a step further you have to say like fuck god i hate yeah he probably did that too but it's just i love what people think it's like the illest thing you can say i also don't like i don't like the united states being referred to as america but that's a that's for a whole different podcast no i think it's for this podcast i mean episode not uh i didn't mean podcast isn't shit i don't like i don't listen to podcasts oh well on that note then so we can start going through the things I wanted to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:20:07 So on the note of racists and calling America America, or I don't even know what your position is on that or what mine is. I mean, it's the United States of America, but there's North America, there's South America. It's confusing, you know? Well, it's white supremacists. There you go. I think there should just be one. Well, it's white supremacists. That's what it is. It's white supremacists.
Starting point is 00:20:23 There you go. There you go. So, first on the agenda of things to happen this week, on day one of this week, Monday, Martin Luther King Day. Oh, yeah. It's always a good one. Every year. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Just the flows of content. They run like the river. So, if you weren't down at the Whitesburg, probably First Baptist Church, or... They moved it to Kane this year oh okay hearing about our county judges talk about the time they experienced racism as a 12 year old white man in like 1953 then you might have been at the virginia gun rally in richmond so did y'all see anything about this yeah i actually i was like tormented whenall see anything about this? Yeah. I actually I was like tormented when I
Starting point is 00:21:08 found out about this because when I went through and started looking at headlines they were days old and I was like Terrence is supposed to be on top of this shit and he should have fucking told me about this and this has been happening for three fucking days and I had no fucking idea that there was just like all it was just like
Starting point is 00:21:24 militia fucking. I was a little bit worried for a couple of family members I have that live there. Yeah. Yeah, just bananas. I was just like, really if there's thousands of people with guns,
Starting point is 00:21:35 no matter what the reason, something bad, like the probability of something bad happening is exponentially increased. But you know, what's crazy is nothing bad it didn't at all it was just a big fucking cock and ball show like every fucking thing ends up being did you see the picture there was a guy holding a 50 caliber uh did you see that like a 50 caliber gun 50
Starting point is 00:21:56 it was massive a 50 caliber gun like automatic it was huge like it could shoot off automatically 50 rounds of ammo i know the count the size of the bullet which is very large bullet um it oh it's not how many it's one of those guns that you could be like try hiding behind anything and it will kill you okay so 50 means the size of the shell. That's right. Not how many. A very large tree, you could probably be safe for a little while. For three shots. Like, this is a 50 count. He's holding it here. So I guess the audience can't see.
Starting point is 00:22:34 But just, like, the picture of this guy, like, wearing big... This fucking dope bitch. This looks like J.D. Vance. It does. Yeah. Oh, my God. But it was just a bunch of guys like J.D. Vance. It does. Yeah. Oh, my God. But it was just a bunch of guys like that, and there was a lot of funny photos of guys, like,
Starting point is 00:22:50 putting their gun rifle barrel, like, on their, resting it on their foot, like, on the inside of their shoe and stuff like that. Like, guys with all this fancy. Typical no-nos when it comes to handling firearms. Guys with fancy weapons, but who would never really have a need to use them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like, this is what I realized. When I was at the Harlan County coal blockade, these three percenter guys showed up. There was like three or four of them. What does that even mean? What's three percenter mean? I think it means like three% of the American colonies. They only received 3% of the penis they were supposed to get.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So they were pissed off. That's why we had the American Revolution. We're not getting fucked enough. It's all dick measuring. I believe that. So I don't know. It has something to do with that it's some like right-wing militia thing but regardless i learned a lot about these guys because what they're like contractor truck drivers a lot of these militia guys they're just like contract truck drivers
Starting point is 00:23:59 which is another big tool they just get oh man i bet a lot of them are assassins, too. They're always on the road, always in a different city, do little hits here and there on the side for some extra money. Some extra cash. And what's disturbing is they're always on Tinder. When I was on Tinder here, basically you immediately run out of people on Tinder, like immediately. There's like 20. And then it's just the new people that pop up are just truck drivers who are passing through. Passing through.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. You never think of that aspect of it. Well, these are the kinds of guys who are like really in the malicious stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And they're all, you know, invariably right wing. It was very funny to watch them try to, I don't know, I'm not even really sure why they were there. I guess they had like
Starting point is 00:24:44 a sort of vague political view on the world and so they wanted to show up and show solidarity with the miners. But regardless, these are the kind of guys that go to militia rallies like this. There was like 20,000 people there.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That has just blown my mind. 20,000 fucking people. That's crazy. No one was shot or anything. Man, people love guns well yeah i mean have you ever been to any of it been to a gun show i heard that as soon as it came but they have all these like at convention centers and shit they have gun shows all the time yeah i walked into one one time because i used to cater at uk like um in a place outside of rep arena and they had one at
Starting point is 00:25:26 rep arena and i was just like this is insane this is the most insane thing i've never been to one it's just like as far as i can see tables of guns which is sort of a hazard flea market also in the right time of year no yeah you can pass one of those on the side of the road on 15 but that times 100 yeah i've never uh The most guns I've ever been around was probably at Court Days in Mount Sterling. Man, there were... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I think they've calmed it down a little bit, but there were hundreds of guns. There was even... Somebody had a gun that was like... It was like a state police issued revolver,
Starting point is 00:26:00 and I'm like, can you buy this? Well, my shotgun on the side of it, it says Depew Police. I have no idea. I wonder if they auction off old shotguns like they do those shitty Crown Vicks. Oh, like Surplus? They probably do. Well, you know, in 20, 30 years, you're going to start seeing all those Surplus like MRAPs
Starting point is 00:26:22 and tanks and stuff, you know, the SWAT vehicles that they have. Yeah, we have we're getting a trailbilly tank that's the whole reason we have a podcast we're gonna true billy m-wrap we'll just park it up on this fucking hill you know just like not everyone should uh should drive not everyone should have a gun honestly well yeah i mean i feel like that just gets into eugenics Yeah You know what I mean It's just slippery slope You know I like You know I was Raised with a bunch of
Starting point is 00:26:53 Dumbass redneck people from the head of the Holler growing up I mean not my parents But people I went to school with and was friends with And all that and like you know There's something you really can never take out of me No matter how educated I get And no matter how many books i read the jd vance thesis i love getting up in the hills and riding four-wheelers and shooting guns and stuff like it's fun i think what you're describing is not so much an inherent hillbilliness it's just an inherent
Starting point is 00:27:21 desire for fun right because those things are actually fun you can't change the fun you had as a child this is literally nostalgia well it's everyone is like paying big money for it because it's true riding four-wheelers is fun shooting guns is fun yeah all that shit is fun it is guns are great by no means don't don't take this to be to interpret it that we're anti-gun. All of us. Oh, yeah. We've been getting shit because we made fun of Letcher County for making this a 2A sanctuary. All three of us sitting here are gun owners.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah. We just moved my guns. And Michelle picked it up to move it. She's like, this isn't loaded. And I was like, who do you think you're with? We got loaded fucking shotguns in our closet? My brother keeps loaded guns in his house. Well, I keep mine.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Loaded fucking shotguns in our closet? My brother keeps loaded guns in his house. Well, I keep mine. I just keep shells in the reservoir, the shell reservoir. And then, you know, you just pop one in the chamber if shit goes down. That's right. I mean, I know where mine are. They're hidden by soft pink material in my closet right now. And she got pissed at me because I was like, yeah, I'm glad those are out.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Don't hide them in the back of the closet too far i need to take them to matt and let matt clean them oh yeah the last time i cleaned my shotguns matt clean them and she said i can clean a fucking shotgun i was like oh shit okay fuck all right i'll clean the fucking shotgun maybe maybe we can split them up and i'll clean some y'all can split custody. It's fun. I like the maintenance aspect of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They definitely need clean. They've not been clean since you cleaned them last.
Starting point is 00:28:51 That's probably been six years ago. And you know, there's a misconception. Like, you don't have to actively be firing them. You just need to clean them at least annually. Yeah, yeah. Because they sit around. Yeah, everything gathers dust, and they've got like grease and metal and shit and you know that combines with it well i'm glad we can clear this up that we're not against guns for fuck's sake i
Starting point is 00:29:11 don't know how a lot of people were talking about i don't know why they freaked out about that but it is still pretty stupid what they did making making lecher county a gun sanctuary is fascist doesn't make any sense it's they did that as a power move you know what i mean and we it is some like we've talked it's like a bizarre 2016 politics like they're taking our guns he's gonna take honestly it's like 2012 yeah like 2012 like obama because trump is the president but here's why here's why i realized that they're doing that because after that virginia rally like yesterday they passed a bill a gun restriction bill in virginia it's called like a red flag bill and so all these towns and cities are probably not cities but towns in virginia have passed to a sanctuary which they think will will like trump any state legislation that they think it will yeah obviously it will not
Starting point is 00:30:06 can i fire my shotgun on main street and then the police show up i'm like i thought this was fucking gun sanctuary you should you should do that let's see what happens yeah let's just go out shooting our let's just actually let's set up a recorder and like record the whole thing see what happens sit around wait for the cops to come, and they won't because... No, because they don't give a shit. It's a gun sanctuary, right? Well, the funniest thing I've been seeing online, the standard liberal response to the gun owners,
Starting point is 00:30:36 like when you see, especially the photo of that guy holding a.50 caliber weapon... I don't even know what that was. I like how you thought it was it just it doesn't even make any sense none of it is even it's just like this isn't even sensical but the funniest thing i always see and stuff like that it's like liberals are like he's just they're they say they're doing it to overcompensate for having a tiny dick you know what i mean like oh he must i'm sure he gets laid or stuff like that like they they say
Starting point is 00:31:09 it to like they say that people want guns to overcompensate we said that about 10 minutes ago right oh did we say that okay because they only got 3% of their dicks. You know, I couldn't resist the joke. It's an easy, it's a softball. It's like a little wiffle ball. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. Everything to do with machismo is dick size related. It's only funny when we do it. This is the, I mean, honestly, this is the Trill Billy's motto.
Starting point is 00:31:44 It's only funny When we do it We're just stealing jokes Left and right Say speak for yourself I write my own jokes Lady Oh god
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah Well it was It was pretty It was a pretty Weird ordeal Like the state freaked out And they thought Bad things were gonna happen
Starting point is 00:32:04 I mean I don't blame them Yeah i was slightly yeah if 20 000 people with guns are going to show up to any city i would i would say yeah state of emergency sounds reasonable that's a lot of that's a lot this is an emergency it doesn't you know 20 000 people with guns are coming I mean when you put it that way History probably will read it like A paramilitary organization Showed up in Richmond, Virginia
Starting point is 00:32:34 To try to intimidate the government I mean if they really Wanted to, they won't because Ultimately they're cowards but if they Really wanted to they could overthrow The state government of virginia with 20 000 people with guns yeah is that where the left can't do that the left can't call up 20 000 people with guns well this is what i'm saying is this where we start uh collaborating
Starting point is 00:32:56 with libertarians no i think this is where we have to start i don't know i go back and forth on this because sometimes i'm really annoyed by leftists who are like we have to start fostering a gun culture on the left because I'm like I mean but we really don't because we have so many like our strength is more in numbers in our ability to impact the bring the system to a halt rather than launch some sort of insurrection
Starting point is 00:33:18 how about slingshots why don't we just start using slingshots let's foster a slingshot culture you can fuck someone up with a slingshot David don't we just use slingshots let's foster a slingshot you can fuck someone up with a slingshot david and goliath yeah the original you can kill an actual giant the bible says it's so the b-i-b-l-e tells me so which you know if even if it was a real story um it it was probably some guy that was like six foot eight or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And it was just some five foot tall dude. Right, right, right. He's a fucking... Ah! He's a giant! Because people were a lot shorter back then. Oh, 250 years ago people were shorter than they are now. It's because their diets were a lot different than ours.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. Probably were eating hormone fucking pumped meat. HGH, baby. are now let's do it it's because their diets were a lot different yeah probably we're eating hormone fucking pumped hgh baby but no like the average height of someone in like 18th century france was like 5'4 or something like that i think what's the average height now is it taller than i guess all three of us are in this room we're about eight five eight huh yeah i think you're taller than me though I'm 5'9
Starting point is 00:34:27 are you 5'8 yeah I think I'm 6 feet tall according to the doctor we're giants yeah come at me
Starting point is 00:34:36 with a slingshot yeah but women I mean it's like a funny lesbian meme but like women who are like
Starting point is 00:34:44 6 feet tall are assumed they basically are but like women who are like six feet tall are assumed, they basically are looked at like they're like eight feet tall. You know, it's just like, Goliath was probably a lesbian. Goliath was a doc. That's why they thought he was huge.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Right, right. Martin Van Buren Bates' wife was eight feet tall. And he was like seven foot eleven. The giant. Yeah. The giant's in Letcher County.
Starting point is 00:35:09 The Van Buren Bates. Yeah. Who I'm related to, Martin Van Buren Bates. Yeah. So how many kids did they have? Two and they both died.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Really? One was stillborn and one lived like a handful of hours or something or a handful of days. And I only know this because Carrie and I were talking about this the other day at her parents' house and then she knew that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Me and Tom talked about the Van Buren Bates a lot. We've wanted to do like a Profiles in Courage, but we're just not really sure how to do it. Where's the joke? Exactly. There's no punchline. Maybe it's a David and Goliath story. You know, I think if you're like seven feet tall that can be a blessing if you're able to be an athlete but eight feet tall is a curse no matter what
Starting point is 00:35:51 dude yeah wasn't yao ming eight feet tall well he was like 7 10 or something well you just you can never be very comfortable no there's just no way to to get comfortable no i don't know how no he wasn't that tall i guess with money you can like have lots of things specially made for you. I would just go to concerts, honestly. And stand in the main front. Be in the main fucking front. Your back of your head would just constantly be covered in spit balls. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Speaking of money, before we finish this podcast, don't let me forget that i have a deeply diseased segment to share good all right good deeply diseased segment okay um okay so then then let's go we're going around the region we were in richmond virginia now let's go let's come over to kentucky uh let's go to floren go to Florence. Did you see the thing where they named their minor league team the Florence Yalls? I did. Well, you know why, right? You've been to Florence. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:54 They have y'all on their... On their water tower. Do you know why it says y'all on their water tower? I saw someone say online that the urban legend is that it used to say M. Mall. It used to say Florence Mall. to say florence mall and then maybe the m fell off or faded or something no they they weren't allowed to advertise for a corporation on a public fucking utility they went florence y'all so they changed it to florence y'all
Starting point is 00:37:19 it's probably it's probably y a apostrophe l lL. You know, you can identify the dumbest people on earth, and they spell y'all W-A apostrophe L-L. W? I mean Y, sorry. And the dumbest people on earth can't even spell fucking A. Wall, that's just wall. Yeah, Y-A apostrophe L-L. Yeah, they put the apostrophe in the wrong place.
Starting point is 00:37:45 You can just immediately identify that they're a fucking idiot. When they're trying to spell y'all and they spell it like W-A-L-L. At this point it auto-corrects. You shouldn't have this trouble anymore. When I spell it out, no apostrophes. I just do y'all. Yeah, just straight. I do too, but it but it auto corrects it every
Starting point is 00:38:05 time well you can override the auto correct and i did and my phone learned that i'm i'm trouble teaching my phone anything because there are several things michelle said that i could change that i complain about but i'd rather just complain yeah i was like man auto correct is driving me crazy and then i turned it off and then i was like this is impossible oh yeah yeah it's like i can't type fucking anything well you realize that when you're trying to type into the fucking search bar in your browser it's really only typing fast when i try to just type as fast as i possibly can and um with disastrous results with autocorrect or with nails on oh i don't. Oh, I don't...
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah, that's a... I don't know how you do that. I'd have to use a fucking stylus to send text messages. I just... I'll have to do it like this. You have to use the tip of your finger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Like the fingerprint. And you can make the keyboard a little slightly bigger if you make... I don't know. I do feel like my fingers are too big for my keyboard. Well, anyways,
Starting point is 00:39:03 the Florence Yalls... Rain us in. enough about your phone goddamn phone i i thought about it it would be pretty funny if you were someone who grew up in the town of florence did you ever see the m night Shyamamalan movie, The Village? No, yeah. Mm-mm. I didn't. Well, the premise is these people are raised in a village, and they're not told that it's a cult, and that there's a modern world on the outside. One of them escapes, and there's cars. Actually, I did watch it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 But the village itself is this primitive, sort of feudalistic type scenario. It's in the woods. No technology. It's in the woods. And aren't there like spiky log fence all around them?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. Yeah, okay. I think I did watch it. They use all this lore to keep everyone just afraid enough to not leave. So...
Starting point is 00:39:55 And the lore requires them to literally fucking dress up and act crazy. Right, right. And so, I kind of thought that living in Florence
Starting point is 00:40:04 would be like that because you're not told that like nobody on the outside world really talks like that like does gratuitous y'alls you know what i mean well i mean okay some people do but the vast majority of people don't do not because they just say florence y'. I think I only say it in text messages. I don't ever say it verbally. I do say it verbally in the sense like, what are y'all doing tonight or something like that. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I think my... I just always think of having it at the end of the sentence. Well, the gratuitous y'all is exactly... We're going to the bar, y'all. What's going on, y'all? Got new shoes, y'all. That's going on, y'all? Got new shoes, y'all. That's not needed. That's gay.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Jesus fucking Christ. Got a new car, y'all. Jesus. Luckily. I was trying to find an example of that got no shoes gay paying taxes is gay pay my taxes y'all yes okay that's good but there is yeah okay we on this podcast support a 70 percent marginal tax well yeah paying taxes disproportionately when you're in the lower classes, that's gay. But not...
Starting point is 00:41:28 Gay's good, people. Okay, so it's not gay. Look me in the eye, I'm the captain now. This goes... And gay is good. So this is like that episode where we had sucks or nah. But or nah is actually good. Right, yeah, exactly. Right, right. Yeah or nah is actually good. Right, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Right, right. Yeah, when nah is good. Right. No, I mean, Texas, like, I like roads to not be fucked up. They never. They're always fucked up. It's something, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:56 that's displaced a lot of wildlife and families, but it sure as hell makes it convenient to get places, doesn't it? Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm waiting on my personal airship. Fuck, fuck a road. But, yes, for the most part, nobody adds a gratuitous y'all
Starting point is 00:42:13 unless it's like an Instagram caption or a Facebook status. Yeah. Or something like that. Like a y'all at the end. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think my more natural, if I'm talking fast, is y'all. I say y'all. I just can't imagine going and paying money to go see the y'alls.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah. So since when does Florence have a minor league baseball team? I had no idea. This is news to me. Is it a new team? I don't know. So they're the Florence you-alls. Technically, no, they're the Florence y'alls.
Starting point is 00:42:44 No, but I'm saying're the Florence y'alls. No, but I'm saying you know what y'all is. Right. It's just you-all. Well, when y'all gets cancer. So they're Florence you-alls. Yeah. So they are probably actually going to have the all-stars. They're going to have a y'all-star game.
Starting point is 00:43:00 They have to. Wow. They're going to have a y'all-star game. So you need to go ahead and get this trademarked if you're gonna do it wow well the funny thing is this ignited a huge debate on twitter the the the perpetrator of which is not here to defend himself mr sexton but tom posted something about that like basically his point that he's made on the show before is that back in the day people in northern kentucky in florence places like florence never would have owned the south it
Starting point is 00:43:31 was always oh not at all it's completely different i'm the cincinnati i'm from ohio northern kentucky is weird as fuck now that the south is cachet or whatever now that it's like uh cool now that there's like a southern thing now the south's on the it's trendy it's trendy now they're cashing in they're the fucking florence y'all so and he got he got clapbacks for this yeah he got some clapbacks for it tom was getting clapbacks all week also for making fun of our mlk day event he got in trouble for that yeah who came for came for him for that? Oh, man. I've been moving. I've been too busy for Twitter. Whitesburg people came at him.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Did he? What'd they say? They said, I'll have you know, sir, that... No, they didn't say that. But they were like... Love that. I don't remember the exact tweet. It was something like...
Starting point is 00:44:19 I get your point, dude, but we just talked about lynching and institutional racism. Oh, my God. Did anyone start out with, listen here, buddy? You know somebody's pissed off but then they say listen here buddy i'll have you know fuck i get your point y'all have you know y'all have y'all know they just replace every word that rhymes with y'all have y'all know. They just replaced every word that rhymes with y'all. Like, what's your favorite season in Florence, Kentucky? Y'all. Y'all.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Poor Tom. Tom's not really in a state right now to be taking all these L's. Y'all lay off my man. Yeah, seriously. Fuck off. Tom's going through some hard times. Fuck the fuck off. Oh, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Hey, I came off the bench for Tom. I'm not going to say an ill word about him. Literally, yeah. He's literally on. He is in the end zone right now. Step it in for Tom. That's right. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:45:18 We really do. I really thank you all a lot. I have fun doing this. It's nice to have a bench, too. But then for about a week after, every time I do this, have crippling anxiety around it i'm like when am i going to get a here's the thing people talk all this shit it's so goddamn funny people are like there's you got two kinds of like annoying fan it's the one who hate listen and talk shit and then it's the one that's like want to be on and it's like both situations i want to be like you have no idea the burden i carry you can never carry this burden i think you can but you never could like
Starting point is 00:45:51 walking around knowing your opinions are out there fucking last night at the bar i was introduced to someone and the person who introduced us said and she's a big trailbillies fan and before i could even say anything a girl went into it and she's a big Trailbillies fan, and before I could even say anything, a girl went into it, and she was like, oh yeah, one of my favorite episodes, and as soon as she said that,
Starting point is 00:46:10 my heart sunk. I literally felt nauseous just immediately. A fan. Because we were in a group of people, and I was just like, no, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Don't acknowledge it in real life. And Jesus, I literally wanted to just start walking backwards until I fell off an edge. Yeah, it's real life. Jesus. I literally wanted to start walking backwards until I fell off an edge. Yeah, it's like the Homer Simpson. Yeah, until I was in the bushes. Yeah, but she said her favorite episode was the Bev and Bells.
Starting point is 00:46:37 How funny that was. That was a good episode. She said, oh, I was, she's like, I cried, I laughed so hard. It was so good. It's pretty good. I only look at your old pictures. I go on SoundCloud and look what the what the episode art is and then i don't listen that's all i swear to god that's all i do i've i've listened to combined total i think
Starting point is 00:46:55 probably an hour's worth of y'all show don't come in here hating buddy no i just don't like should uh start posting more of our album art on our Instagram. Because you do put some work in sometimes on album art. A lot of it you do yourself, Matt. You're just going there to admire your goddamn self. Well, I'm not the teacher checking the students' work or anything. But sometimes... You need to know.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I won't name any names, but sometimes when people ask me i won't say i won't name any names but sometimes when people ask me to make stuff they don't use it or they don't use there's this one the one i always give credit they're one where they uh the first episode of this season i made that a year ago for an episode that was just tom and terrence and they just never used it i know and then i asked you i was like did you make that you And you were immediately so scared that I was pissed. You were like, I made that for an episode that was just them. And I was like, yeah, it was just them in this episode. I wasn't in it.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And you were like, oh, okay. You gotta trust the vision. You made that a year ago. I'm sitting patiently on the train waiting for our destination. I'm pleased as peach. We're on the Dollywood train. Just rolling.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Covered in soot. So, Florence, y'alls, what else we got on the plate? We got impeachment. We can talk about that. Oh, man, that's a... That's like a white hot nail that you just can't touch.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I know, it's like... Yeah, why? What's happened? What's happened this week? Is he impeached? I don't think so. What does impeachment even look like? Is it a fucking notary public letter sent, hand delivered? Does he have to sign for it?
Starting point is 00:48:41 I guess technically him being impeached is when the house does it starts they're removed from office as I guess another designation like that's the but no one no one's ever been removed from office thanks to impeachment I have not been yet Andrew Johnson was I think he's the only one that he was removed fully removed from office yeah my man fucked it up so bad they were like he was fully like you are no longer allowed to be president when people still have morals uh i'm sure there's another one that's some fucking history nerd from no there have only been three impeachments and multiple when all this had popped off, when an impeachment popped off. I think there's been four. Clinton, Nixon, Andrew Johnson.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Nixon wasn't impeached. I thought he was impeached. He resigned. He resigned before he could be impeached. I don't fucking know, man. Technically. Because he realized the Senate was going to remove him from office, and so then he resigned. Yeah, but of course johnson is
Starting point is 00:49:45 outside of our generation or any generation at this point that's alive it's like memory right oh yeah no one saw that happen on tv so it didn't really happen middle school was years and years ago i don't remember the fuck all about presidents at all yeah so no so i saw many many posts where it's like only three presidents that showed nixon clinton and trump they didn't do andrew johnson no because they they heard the number three and they assumed it was nixon yeah andrew johnson was just a fuck up a southern he was from Tennessee he must have been a Vols fan he was a Tennessee unionist and
Starting point is 00:50:28 but was a racist you know what I mean that's not why they impeached him though oh certainly not sir you gotta go you're being you said the n-word in your Oval Office last night
Starting point is 00:50:39 we heard it you thought you were alone you thought you were being racist by yourself but you're in fact speaking it into the world I just finished dolly's america podcast on the way here and uh they shared about these like eight bus that are in the tennessee capital state capital like the legislature yeah and one of them's literally of one of the founders of the KKK. Nathan Bedford Forrest. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Just literally. Yep. Well, they only have eight bus in this, like, big area, and it's literally a grand wizard. That's right. Man, let me help you redesign your layout of your cabin so you can have your drums set up. Yeah, man. You think I could do it? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'm looking around, and I'm like, you're not utilizing the space properly. This is the worst use of space I've ever seen. What the fuck, guys? It's just so much. And you need a bookshelf. What's bad about it? Put all the things against the wall, you leave a little bit of middle space open. Man.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Wow. Wow. Someone described to you what the inside of a home looks like once and then this is what you came up with fuck you no i love it i love it i love it i just i'm just really trying to push you to have you're going back on the bench i'm trying to push you to have you no i'm trying carter carter yeah come on yep come on we're sitting here we're sitting here the rest of the back on the bench. I'm trying to push you to have your... No! Carter! Carter. Come on. Mitch, yep.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Come on. We're sitting you. We're sitting you the rest of the game. Riding pine. All you have to do is move that here and then set your drums up over there.
Starting point is 00:52:15 All right. You don't have to work that hard. I'd help you. I just want you to have your drums set up because I think it would help you.
Starting point is 00:52:19 I think it would help you out. I think you would get better. No, I mean, you're already a great drummer. I think it would help you out. Mentally. Mentally,. No, I mean, you're already a great drummer. I think it would help you out. Mentally. Mentally, yes. You'd be a better person.
Starting point is 00:52:28 You're probably right. Because not only, if you got aggressive or stressed, there's been times where I've been, yeah. He's also investing in his own band right now, which I appreciate. True. Very true. Because we know Mike plays every day. Right. And you two slide hands.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I do not play the bass every day. No. No way. But I got all kinds And you too, Sly. I do not play the bass every day. No. No way. But I got all kinds of other shit I gotta do. Me too. I got... Like self-loathe. I got a self-loathe.
Starting point is 00:52:51 This man's busy. I gotta be neurotic and overthink all my relationships. He's setting fires left and right. I have to have my weekly panic attack. Like I've got to where I can schedule it. Okay, let's see what else we got on the list. got uh i don't know what happened with impeachment this week i don't know they just heard him in the senate they just heard the thing in the senate they're just tabling everything and nothing's gonna happen like and we're in hell and and everything's fucking stupid then they it doesn't
Starting point is 00:53:21 matter right because it's not gonna actually happen but i think that democrats are pissed because they feel like mcconnell uh has rigged the rules to basically favor to basically to make the hearing like 72 hours long like a very short thing well I know that they, you know, they, he like last second extended the time and added the house evidence into play. But other than that, he's just tabled everything else. Them requesting any other documentation from the, okay, admittedly, I have been watching it. We're looking at you. I mean, I did go over to your house the other night and you had it on
Starting point is 00:54:06 literally we're so disappointed in you but the thing is I mean you can gather all this and this is watching it in 10 minute intervals
Starting point is 00:54:15 randomly well all the news is are 10 minutes just on repeat all day long and I tend to take them I tend to suddenly
Starting point is 00:54:24 get interested in thinking about it and it'll be during a break or something then they'll just do an entire summary of everything and I'm like well that was convenient right right right yeah it's just a shit show just like we thought it would be
Starting point is 00:54:39 right a spectacle okay then what else we got on here? Jeff Hoops. So I wanted to do a little bit of an update on Jeff Hoops. So those of you who came and saw us on our tour in October? Is that when it was? September.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Because it was so hot. And I was like, it's September. It should be cool. It was so hot and i was like it's september it should be cool it was so goddamn hot um you'll remember that uh part of our live act was we held um it wasn't quite a seance it was a ritual though and um it was a ritual in which we all summoned together the destruction of jeff hoops jeff hoops is the ce of Black Jewel Coal. Oh, yeah, yeah. Quick ceremony we had there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Has he destructed yet? So he is currently on trial. Black Jewel, after they fired him as CEO, which is funny because he started the company, I think, they are now suing to, or I don't know if suing's the right word. I don't know about that litigious shit. But they're asking a federal court
Starting point is 00:55:50 if they can scrutinize Hoops' finances. They allege that he's stolen tens of millions of dollars from Black Jewel. To build the pantheon. To build the pantheon. Matt, have you heard about Jeff Hoops' Pantheon? No, but I thought there was some kind of development in that.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Dear God, is that your calendar? There is, yeah. Holy fucking Christ. But this is everybody. It's not just me. Who's everybody? Everyone you know? That I work with.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Oh, Lord. Oh, God, my personal calendar doesn't have anything on it. That would give me hives. Yeah, there's a lot of shit going on. But there was a hearing yesterday. I just don't know what any outcome from that would have been. I didn't hear anything. Well, it's funny because the...
Starting point is 00:56:37 So, Jeff Hoops' resort that he's been building now has a website. Oh. And it's called the Grand Patrician Resort. been building now has a website. Oh. And it's called the Grand Patrician Resort. So earlier, you know. Oh. Yeah. You know, we talked about on the tour that, like,
Starting point is 00:56:54 all the things you can get at the resort, it's modeled after ancient Rome. And so there's, like, a model of the Roman amphitheater or the Colosseum and several other ancient Roman destinations. But it has all kinds of other shit, too. It's got a spa. It's got a wedding chapel. It's got indoor and outdoor soccer fields, a replica of four baseball stadiums lined with state-of-the-art turf,
Starting point is 00:57:24 get a game of nine-hole golf in. Equestrian trails. But they've got a website now. You can buy a human being and torture them in a small black room. Yes, you can buy a human, slowly torture them to death,
Starting point is 00:57:43 roast them over a spit roast. A pleb from the nearby community. They go out and get a... Fresh peasant. They just roll up to Starbucks in a windowless van and kidnap somebody. It couldn't be Starbucks. Starbucks is still a little in the middle class. You got to go...
Starting point is 00:58:03 It's true. You have to go with... McDonald's. Trader Joe's. Dollar General. You got to go. It's true. You have to go with. McDonald's. Trader Joe's. Dollar General. They find somebody at Trader Joe's. I would say Dollar General. There's cheap food and there's middle class food.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I'd say Trader Joe's is like the middle class. Yeah. Petty bouge thing, right? I love it. It's awesome. I know this because Tanya loves it. What did you see? How they might be making the Magic Mart and Hazard Trader Joe's?
Starting point is 00:58:26 They're not going to do it. This is how thirsty our local news outlets are for content. So this is just total bullshit? This girl, this girl named Bailey and Hazard, got on Trader Joe's website and sent a tip. Like, hey, will you put a trader joe's in hazard kentucky no one's read it no one cares she posted on facebook some idiot at wyft saw that and then literally wrote a story that there's a proposal in place to bring a trader joe's to
Starting point is 00:58:59 hazard but it was a facebook comment on just someone it was literally just a facebook intern that runs the trader joe's i love local news affiliates yeah wow that's incredible they are so bored there's nothing happening well here's the thing i didn't even corruption that they're being paid not to cover i didn't even read it i just saw the headline exactly i was so furious that's how you read the news nowadays you just read the headline right i'm with you i had a ymt reporter tell me one time like oh we have to go easy on the coal industry well yeah it was just funny to hear her say that out to her you know out loud out loud no shame i don't care no they're two speaking of that two local news affiliates in richmond virginia ran the exact same story.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You love this? Which is funny. Gun rights advocates pick up trash after protesting peacefully in Richmond. And then the other one says gun advocates pick up trash, protest peacefully. We want to show an example. They just ran the same fucking story. They picked up trash from all the other assholes that did. They did this for Tyler Childers, too.
Starting point is 01:00:04 They said he swept. Country music singer sweeps up behind. They nut hung him all week long about that. It was crazy. I swear they mentioned it in two other articles. They were like, oh, if you really like that Tyler Childers picking up trash the other night, you're going to fucking love this shit. He took a shit in his own trailer
Starting point is 01:00:25 no it's just i just think that people can't fathom that man clean no i love tyler he's a great person but is that really a big headline news story whether you're a country music singer or a right wing gun zealot yeah amazing yeah and then they they they piggybacked on that and showed it and had to talk about him visiting an animal shelter in floyd yeah i did have a man tell me one time as a teenager that he couldn't fold clothes because he didn't have tits wow does he think that's what you're supposed to use the fold clothes with. In his mind, it's an elaborate. You put them in. You can make them move, right?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yes. You do it halfway, and you put them onto your tits, and you squish them together, and then it folds it. It's an elaborate folding device. People have those folding devices for their shirts. Well, men do, because women already have them.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah. Hey, not all, okay? You're right. I want to represent the small titty committee. All mini titters have tits. You can roll. What was it called? The tiny titty committee or something?
Starting point is 01:01:40 The itty bitty titty committee. You can roll cigarettes with your breasts and like no no that's too badly carry groceries in I use them to wash dishes dude no I'm a dishwasher now
Starting point is 01:01:57 I don't do shit so apparently at the Grand Patrician Resort you can host your wedding there you can play there with the fucking lions at the Grand Patrician resort you can host your wedding there you can play there with the fucking lions at the grand patrician coliseum you can play with lions no we're you know the thing that we did
Starting point is 01:02:13 on our tour i guess we could just say because we'll never be able to do that show again i don't think um you know you give it up you leave it up to the audience how they want to kill execute jeff hoops after the revolution whether you know and it has to the audience how they want to execute Jeff Hoops after the revolution. And it has to be, there's three ancient Roman styles of execution. The first is crucifixion. Classic. Classic. The second is you have to fight a lion in the Colosseum.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Oh, yeah, damn. Very Hollywood. Right. And then the third is you get molten gold poured down your throat. My personal favorite. That's pretty brutal that's beautiful i think okay prove your worth fight the fucking lion see that i'm you're a millionaire right flashy hollywood round yeah yeah yeah and you don't one of the crowds pick that on the tour you get a weapon is there a weapon or is it you have to fight it with your bare hands we'll give you a weapon uh we'll give you like a you want
Starting point is 01:03:03 you want a toothpick you Like a small, like a stick knife. Yeah, you get a butter knife. You get a butter knife. A letter opener. The serrated butter knife. No, no, no, no. You get a slingshot. We'll give you a slingshot. A slingshot and just like
Starting point is 01:03:19 three rocks in your pocket. But there's, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you can also live on the Grand Patrician Resort, though. What? Homeowners on the Grand Patrician Resort live in extravagance, enjoying all the conveniences of the resort and one of our beautifully built townhomes or condominiums. Grand Patrician Resort features a multi-generational community
Starting point is 01:03:39 appealing to the ever-busy and the never-busy with on-site security 24-7. Talks about swimming pools bike trails do you think it costs like a hundred thousand dollars a month i mean a year to live there it's probably even more than that two hundred thousand dollars a year i mean it seems like a this is pretty absurd why love because it gives you, it says, why live, why work, why play, why love? To love, honor, and cherish. The Grand Patrician Resort treats every wedding as if it were their own. We desire to capture the vision of each bride and groom,
Starting point is 01:04:15 bringing the magic of their love to life as only we can. With spaces to accommodate intimate gatherings or grand affairs, blah, blah, blah. With our ancient Roman design structures, beautiful landscaping, and stunning interior spaces, we considered every Instagrammable moment. That is absurd.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I'm going to be in West Virginia next week. I think I'm going to ask, I'm going to go do some street interviews about the Grand Partition. I'm starting to feel about this the way we feel about the Boone Hotel. This isn't happening. Actually, the Boone Hotel is happening.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Come on. They can work on that every day until we all die. And there's not going to be a profitable hotel in that dump between a closed up florist and a lawyer's office. So it's probably not really happening. But they did write a story up in the Mountain Eagle this week that said, phase two, now ready. Phase two of 87 phases. Start booking your rooms, people.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Phase two of 87 phases. To be completed in 2087. Everyone you know and love will be dead. However. Oh, shit. No, this would be an excellent place to... Play a scabba... To do a scabbage concert for the revolution.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Scabbage show. Let's book a scabbage show. It would be a great place to marry, to consummate the revolution anyways. To marry the proletariat with the dictatorship of some kind um anyways that's a grand patrician resort uh if you want to check it out go to grand patrician you just wanted to point out that it has a website now yeah i guess i i wanted to give an update on Jeff Hoops. He was supposed to have
Starting point is 01:06:05 a big trial today and he did and they ruled like they need more time and evidence or some shit. He got an extension. He got an extension. Little bitch.
Starting point is 01:06:13 So gay. Yeah. So gay. Yeah, see? Wait, wait, but I thought now we're now I'm confused
Starting point is 01:06:22 because I thought gay was good. I'm trying to trying to confuse. Trying to fuck with us. Trying to fuck with y'all. Although, I do want to tell y'all about my deeply, deeply diseased segment. Yeah, please do.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Because I'm pretty much out. You're going to be on this weekend, right? You're going to come back with us? You have to. Really? We need you again. We're going to call you off the bench. You or Carrie.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Oh, shit. I'm starting two games in a row? Nope. Holy shit. Bring your cough drops so my sister came to lexington for the show last night okay and she's telling me about all this new stuff she's gotten from dump from out of a dumpster and i was like what dumpster what are you talking about and she was like two doors down from me dude they set up a huge dumpster and so i'm like back up back up back up back up who's throwing away this perfect awesome leopard print chairs huge nudes of women framed nudes like all this stuff yeah these like chandeliers and fucking really fancy lamps like gold like with um like gems hanging off of them and shit it's like all this
Starting point is 01:07:26 cool shit she showed me pictures of it so she backs all the way up the woman who used to own her house now she rents off somebody else now but this apparently this woman had married this rich guy in this is in louisville and she owned like five houses in a row. This man died. And so now she owns like all these five houses. And she finally started selling them. So that's how Angela ended up. Like she's in one of those houses. And they're not like, they're nice houses.
Starting point is 01:07:53 They're like big basements. But I guess the biggest one, the woman kept and she's been living in it. And it's like two or three doors down from my sister. And apparently the woman's a hypochondriac. I almost didn't want to tell this story without Tom. Because I wanted Tom here to give us. The inside scoop of what it's like to be in the mine. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Yeah. So she figures out there's a leak in her roof. And she calls in a roofer. She's getting a new roof. The roofers find some mold. Of course, you get a leak in the roof you're gonna have mold that's just all there's to it shit's got wet right she goes ballistic she calls in a mold company it seems what has happened though is that this company who treats
Starting point is 01:08:38 mold caught on early to what was about to happen here and they convinced this woman that this was the worst type of mold possible that these people these this is awesome that nothing in the house could be treated she'd have to just get rid of it all they help her bring a dumpster there so they're like they they she moves out immediately she's gone she took her cats in her mercedes she bounced so she comes back every couple days and the mercedes check things out right and they're treated supposedly they're treating the house they're like put a new roof on it and they're just like do you know chemical in the fuck out of this house but in the meantime she's getting rid of everything her jewelry everything because of whatever these people have told her and then and
Starting point is 01:09:26 the reason we've come to this conclusion is because they were putting some stuff in the dumpster in this huge industrial dumpster they brought my sister has been going out there with a chair jumping in the dumpster and throwing stuff out to her roommate every night and then climbing out of it so my sister's been digging stuff out of the dumpster hell yeah finally there's all this stuff out on the lawn that my sister's looking at and she finds a little cardboard note that says don't take anything cops are watching.
Starting point is 01:09:52 It's written on cardboard and my sister's like what the fuck? And she's like that's ridiculous. So that night a full U-Haul van pulls up after dark. It's the people who run the mold company they've come back and they load up every piece a huge white leather couches like holy shit multiple bedroom suits all these huge dressers all this really super nice furniture they load every piece of
Starting point is 01:10:21 it into the fucking u-haul and the neighbor even calls the cops because the neighbor's like this can't be right and they talk to the cops and they convince the cops that this is like they are helping this woman la la la get rid of this because they like legit convinced her none of this is treatable and they are taking it to dispose of it for her and they just stole this entire house worth of fucking sweet ass shit And this woman is a nut. Wow. They must have just realized early on that they could take this woman for everything she's worth. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:10:51 They're a mold company. They just go in your house and like a spray foam people. They just spray mold all over your shit. And then steal it from you. Your house looks like a loaf of bread. It's crazy. So my sister's ended up with a ton. She got like a ton of bread. It's crazy. So my sister's ended up with a ton. She got like a ton of quilts and stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Damn. These nice quilts, a couple nice living room chairs. And I'm sure she just washed them in the washing machine and they're fine. Yeah. Well, so if you are an up and coming organized crime startup. Go with mold. Yeah, go with mold. The rich are throwing away their money right now they're very gullible right now she was telling me this over dinner and i was like this
Starting point is 01:11:31 is a deeply diseased segment the thing about the deeply diseased thing is that rich people now have gotten so comfortable like a lot of the old millionaires and wealthy people in the late 19th century were like you know grew up in poverty or or you know what i mean like rockefeller like these guys like sort of made their name carnegie and so they were kind of like uh nouveau riche you know what i mean but now you know and then over the 20th century, like, billionaires paid, you know, a fair degree of taxes in the 1950s and stuff. But just over the last 30 years, just how comfortable they've gotten. They've gotten literally stupider. They've gotten literally dumber.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Well, they're literally diseased. They're hypochondriacs. Well, yeah. They don't want to touch anyone. There's that. Germaphobes and everything like that. Like, there's no reality. Like, when you're a billionaire, like reality doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah. Like you create your own reality at any moment. That's exactly right. So the thing here is, is they are fucking up so bad right now. Like. It's our time to strike. It is our time to strike. I truly believe that.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Be the fucking mold people. Get in there. Be the mold people. Get the the mold people get the shit that's right oh you go to some billionaire so oh shit do you hear that buzzing noise oh your whole shit's fucked up you're invested with squirrels are you serious okay squirrels carry squirrels and we'll just keep doing that with all their houses until we've requisitioned, expropriated all of them.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And turn them all into public housing. Exactly. They're so dumb. They're fucking up so bad. Like, you know, I guess I'll just buy a new house. This one's fucked up. It's interesting, a big thing that happened this week that I thought was kind of
Starting point is 01:13:26 noteworthy was hillary clinton coming out and saying something against bernie and not reading the room like not because literally yeah and did nobody likes them and did not understand that it's not 2016 now and no one gives a fuck about her yeah i mean for the first time you had people that hated bernie and that were with her yeah actually coming out and being like this is uncalled for why she's saying this you know what i mean she doesn't like she's some people just can't deal with being completely irrelevant she cannot shut the fuck up shut the actual fuck up hillary shut up but another thing that's happened between now and then that I think is incredibly important is fucking Jeffrey Epstein. That is the thing that any time anybody brings up Hillary Clinton to you in polite conversation, any kind of context, all you have to say is Jeffrey Epstein and walk away.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Has she made any comment about it? Has she said shit like, how could we have known? This is so disappointing. Has she said shit like, how could we have known? This is so disappointing. No, the only thing I've really seen her say about it is when she went on Trevor Noah and did that pre-packaged, scripted, like, did you have Jeffrey Epstein killed and her and Chelsea laughed about it and gabbed about it or something. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:14:37 No. It was very obviously like, what's the word I'm looking for? Scripted. It was very obviously contrived. Does this mean Pizzagate's real? Yes, it does in some ways. But seriously, I think that... They threw him off the trail. It was actually Lasagna Gate.
Starting point is 01:14:55 You know... And they just went to the wrong fucking place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was an Italian restaurant. Yeah, they just got confused. It was like, oh, fuck. It's gotta be in that pizza place. It was the Italian restaurant all along. Well, they just got confused. It was like, oh, fuck. It's got to be in that pizza place. It was the Italian restaurant all along.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Well, we should have known. But seriously, like, it is funny that, you know, Hillary Clinton now has her name tainted not just by Epstein, but also Harvey Weinstein. Yeah. Like, too. It's not a good look. Not a good look. She will Harvey Weinstein. Yeah. Like, two. It's not a good look. Not a good look. She will not accept it.
Starting point is 01:15:27 No. She will not accept it. But I do think that, like, there's been a... Well, she has been married to Bill Clinton all this time, and, I mean, he's... Right, yeah. She's not going to let her affiliations with the worst men in the world bring her down.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Bring her down, right, right exactly but there is something to take away from it in the sense that i think that there's sort of been a discernible shift against the elite in some ways that wasn't there four years ago i mean maybe maybe not maybe i'm being maybe i'm looking at it too gliceful. I love it when you're a little optimist. I like this. I like just a slightly optimistic Terrence. I think it makes for a good livelihood. That's where I'm at right now.
Starting point is 01:16:17 The people are hungry. The billionaires are looking really good. They're looking tasty as fuck. They're meaty. And I think that they might be on the menu. They're on the menu, and they are insane. They have, there's no, they are so weak. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Like, I'm at the point where, like, even if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, even if he doesn't beat Donald Trump, I'm kind of at the point where we're going to start seeing so much agitation in the next few years like well you're voting for budaj i do i do think my accelerationist brett stevens take is we want a president budaj because there's not there he encapsulates perfectly the kind of guy who would be running an empire during revolution you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:17:05 like a louis xvi or a romanov a guy who is so unsuited for his times for the contradictions of his time yeah and he could help make politics really boring like we're used to right right i'm not used to knowing every fucking uh member of someone a president's administration their name and the reasons why they're bad. They're terrifying. Yeah. Well, Trump's making it easier
Starting point is 01:17:31 because there's no one that really even works in his administration. Right. Like most people have left. What's his face? Fucking Munchin and a couple tumbleweeds.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Munchin and Pompeo. Yeah. He's and a couple tumbleweeds munching in pompeo yeah he's one of the tumbleweeds true the last time i was at michelle's dad's house we were over there he was talking about the um the ambassador woman what's her name um nikki haley no no the one that they they've been like grilling that they were... They fired her, but it took them like 10 times to get her fired. All this shit. Uh-huh. What's her name?
Starting point is 01:18:12 I don't remember. You know, it's a... I don't know, some European name. Yeah, it's a European name. I can't believe Nikki Haley's an ambassador. She was. She was the ambassador to the UN, though. ambassador she was i know she was the ambassador to the un though there's there's speculation that she might that trump might drop pence and run nikki haley as his vp i mean i would not be shocked
Starting point is 01:18:32 yeah i wouldn't be shocked by that wow but anyways i'm sorry what were you saying i just can't remember but he was like they've drugged this woman for everything she's worth he's like they've running people left and right. Is she a liberal or is she like a... Yeah, I think she was like a liberal ambassador to... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:52 It's embarrassing when I literally know no details about anything. Just fucking cut this all out. We made up all kinds of shit. I thought I could get there by like process of elimination, but...
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah, her name's Badussi. Okay. Badussi Williams? She was the ambassador to the great land of badusi i don't know i can't i'm not even gonna google it oh well it's just a mess and every day it's a hot new hell on cnn things are pretty interesting but you know i feel like life has been just as interesting at any other point in history but we just have the internet now yeah we do see it in front of our faces yeah at all times i'm just constantly taking in information it's exhausting it's really destroying my brain slowly well they did move the doomsday clock closer to midnight so things are getting worse even the scientists agree they've been doing that for
Starting point is 01:19:45 a while though imagine how tedious that must be you will go up there every like five years and you like move it a little bit closer and now is it two minutes what are they gonna do when it's after midnight nothing happened then the cult of science will be discredited they're like god damn man it's fucking 130 what do you think what how what do you think the conversations are around a big table with how they decide? Because it's all like a it's like a scientific card trick.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Well, maybe there's some billionaire hypochondriac that's like, I think it needs to go up a few more seconds. It's a PR move for them to signal something. Why else would they do it? Well, I thought they started doing it because of like nuclear weapons like they were yeah like i think the doomsday every time you uh um it's like the uh every time a bell rings and angel gets it's like every time you uh
Starting point is 01:20:38 make um fuck what am i not talking about you refine uranium you uh Fuck, what am I not talking about? You refine uranium. Doomsday Clock gets a second. Yes, you do nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion. As we were talking about on our Patreon. Fast food nuclear fusion.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Enriched uranium. Well, I think it's every year that we don't disarm nuclear weapons. And continue to create more. And then being like, actually, we trillion dollars this uh for the budget this year because we need to make more we need even more because we don't understand nuclear fusion space force you have to fucking uh there's a box you you can donate an old cell phone to to give to someone overseas fighting in the mar and shit but they're gonna every year build like 53 billion dollar jets
Starting point is 01:21:30 and stuff. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And these motherfuckers out there. Stuff a shoebox to send abroad. You're right because they're always collecting in front of Food City and stuff. Yeah. Let's send stuff to our troops. Let's send those cell phones to the troops. We've sent everything we have to the troops. But as a big fucking $5 billion jet flies over your head.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Right. You're like giving them your last change. It'll be a Means TV special. Yeah. So. Thanks for being on with us, Matt. Thanks for being on with us. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:22:00 It's a lot of fun. Good to have you off the bench. I've just loved sitting here with Pat and Louie this whole time. Yeah, our fourth trailbilly here, Louie. He's been great. He loves to warm the bench. Totally. I want to plug a show.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So Slut Pill and my and Matt's band, Tenure, will be playing a show on this Saturday. What is that, the 25th? Yeah. I think so. a show on this Saturday. What is that, the 25th? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I think so. At Summit City in Whitesburg, doors at 7, show is at 9? Yeah, I think so. $5 cover. I know that some of you love to drive around and spend your money. Hang out.
Starting point is 01:22:39 And hang out with your favorite podcasters. I'll be there wearing fringe. Yeah. I do think they've got some good cheap beer on tap too. That can draw some people in.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Slut Hill's on tour. They play Chattanooga tonight and their album drops tomorrow. We're trying to put together a Slut Hill tenure tour. With Trillbillies. Coming soon to a town near, a village named you, near you. Y'all.
Starting point is 01:23:12 A village named y'all. Oh, it's the big come up. It's nothing but major dates. Y'all tour. That's right. Major villages. Be on the lookout for that. Come out to our show on Saturday.
Starting point is 01:23:23 And I guess we'll see you over on the Patreon. Oh, yeah. Go support the Patreon. Please. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbilly Workers Party. Got good content over there. I've been seeing a lot of new subscriptions. Lucky dogs.
Starting point is 01:23:40 That's right. All right. Well, we'll see you over there. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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