Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 132: World Record for Blood Loss

Episode Date: February 6, 2020

What a week it's been folks. From the Iowa caucuses to impeachment to Trump's State of the Union, one thing is clear: the Democratic Party must die. Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My Steve, they whacked him. They whacked Steve. I want to read you the end. Like, that section of his speech goes on so long. Like, he gives a minute-by-minute account of Steve Scalise getting shot. He didn't actually get whacked because whacked would imply that he was killed and he lived. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I mean, this is prose out of noir. Yeah. Like, it said, a man who is braver than me and braver than all of us is in this room. He got whacked. He got whacked.
Starting point is 00:00:39 My Steve, right? I went to the hospital with our great first lady that night and we saw a man that was not going to make it. that was not going to make it. He was not going to make it, I said. She loves you. Why?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldn't give a damn. I don't know what this, like, he's talking about Steve Scalise's wife, but it's, like, out of nowhere. Do you see how he segues into that? That's so weird that he just said a lot of wives wouldn't give a damn. Like, Trump is so used to his wives hating him that he thinks most wives
Starting point is 00:01:14 just absolutely hate their husbands. That's exactly right. Most wives, if I was to get shot, Melania. She wouldn't care. She'd have a new one next week. A lot of wives wouldn't give a damn. I would say, how is he doing? She couldn't even talk.
Starting point is 00:01:29 She was inconsolable. Most wives would say, not good. I'm going home now. The doctor came in and the wife was a total mess. She was really devastated. It really looked like he had a 20-25% chance. I think you set a record for blood loss. My God, there's people that have bled out and still live.
Starting point is 00:01:56 You know what I mean? I think you set a record for blood loss. And Steve Scalise, I actually, honestly, I think you're better looking there. You're more handsome there. You weren't that good looking. You look good now. He looks better now. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:02:12 I don't know what the hell that is. Better now. What a guy. He was practicing for the baseball game against, I guess, the Democrats, right? And this whack job started shooting. Hurt Rogers. I don't know if Rogers is is here but hurt a number of people but really hurt steve
Starting point is 00:02:27 it was the second basement and he went down and it was terrible i saw the whole thing and it was terrible fortunately you had two brave policemen with you because of your high position in congress you had two policemen, and they were amazing. The man and the woman, and they came. They didn't have rifles. They were supposedly a pretty good sharpshooter with equipment, and all they had was a gun. They started coming in from the outfield shooting.
Starting point is 00:02:56 They were so far away that a handgun is not preferred. This guy has the rifle, and he's hitting people. He was going to move up, and there was no out. The entrance was a single entrance way on the other side hitting people he was going to move up and there was no house the entrance was a single entrance way on the other side from where he was i'm telling you dude well you know i've been even funnier if you said it's the bottom of the third we're up two runs on him that's what he makes it sound like got a guy on third and scoring position he's doing color commentary for the shooting of Steve's clips. Yeah. That's what he's doing. The entrance
Starting point is 00:03:28 was a single entrance way on the other side from where he was so everyone ran into the dugout but Steve was hit really bad in the stomach with a bullet
Starting point is 00:03:35 that rips you apart. It rips you apart and these two people came charging forward and one of them you know who? Him? Got the shooter.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hit him. And then got him killed him from a long distance it was amazing if you didn't have those two people you could imagine right you could imagine what would happen so melania and i went to the hospital that night this is in a speech about his impeachment acquittal i can't even it is the most unhinged thing. It's still going on. Melania and I went to the hospital that night, and he was in such bad shape,
Starting point is 00:04:10 and he's been working ever since so hard. Six months ago, they had a baseball game at the Nationals Park. I was watching on television. It's a game. You want to win it, right? And Steve is at second base. The poor guy can't even walk. Remember Bob Richardson of the New York Yankees?
Starting point is 00:04:24 He was known for range. Bob Richardson is the second player. This was not Steve Scalise. This was not Steve Scalise. This was not Steve Scalise. He had no range. I don't know who put you on the field. This is a true story.
Starting point is 00:04:38 So the game starts. So how's that? I don't even fucking know. So it's this and the guy that takes Steve's place, his baseball skills. I think so. So you're no Steve Scalise. No Steve Scalise. No Steve.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Steve, he can throw a guy off me. We're on the field. You, not so much. Not so much. So the game starts in the first pitch. Steve is standing at second base, and the guy is in really bad shape. And I said, this is terrible. A shot, ground ball shot. It's hit the second. I didn't have time to think too much, And I said, this is terrible. A shot, ground ball shot, is hit to second.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I didn't have time to think too much, but I said, this is not good. That ball is going toward him. And this guy stopped that ball, caught the ball. He's now laying down. He throws the ball to first base. He gets him out. I said, it's the most incredible thing I've ever, I've never seen anything like it, right? And then there's a pause.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'll say, I'll say, I'll say. Did Steve Scalise play in the game after he got shot? I have no idea, dude. like it right and then there's a wait hold on a second i'll say i'll say did steve scalese play in the game after he got shot i have no idea dude i i literally don't know it kind of sounds like he's went to a nationals game and then had like oh like after he's recovered maybe or that trump went to a nationals game and had like a fugue state where he was like it's just like the ball game it's just like that that, that violent day when people were screaming and Steve was laying on the ground. I don't fucking know what he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:53 This is insane, Dave. So, and then people applaud him because he goes right, and then the people in the crowd applaud him. And he gets him out, and then they took him out of the game, which was a very wise thing because you could never do that again in 100 years. But you weren't going to let that ball go through. So I guess Steve Scully may have been in a Nationals game.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I have no idea, dude. I don't care if it was hit by the greatest of all time. That ball wasn't going through because you're a warrior, Steve. You are fantastic. You and Liz and Kevin, what a group. I got lucky. I got lucky because you need the right people. If I had the wrong people there, it may be
Starting point is 00:06:28 a different story. Maybe we would be celebrating something else, but I really want to thank you, Steve Scalise and Elise Stefanik. I just read this story. Anyways, that's where the Steve Scalise story ends. It took at least
Starting point is 00:06:43 five minutes in his speech about the impeachment acquittal. Oh my god, dude. I still have no fucking clue what he was describing. This is the guy who the Democrats lost to in
Starting point is 00:06:59 2016. This man who basically just details in 16. This man who basically just details in fragments like a very like wild thing that happened. Was Trump even there? I don't think he was. He couldn't have been there. He's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:07:16 If I listen, here's the thing though, you know, if you got somebody that's unhinged that's going to go let off some rounds, you're not going to go for Steve Scalise if Donald Trump's there. You know what I'm saying? Exactly. You're not going to go let off some rounds, you're not going to go for Steve Scalise if Donald Trump's there. You know what I'm saying? No. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:28 You're not going to opt. I was there, saw the whole thing. Everybody else took to the dugout. They ran to the dugout. Right. It's like if Hitler was there and like some... I like this image of everybody just crowding in the dugout and Scalise just like bleeding out on second base.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And Trump is just sitting there watching it all. Just watching it all. Oh, man. This is crazy. Not good. Not good, folks. Look at Steve. He's dying.
Starting point is 00:07:58 He's dying. Someone's got to go help him. Dude, I mean, nobody really knows what he was talking about like when he started talking about the nationals park nobody that that nobody knows what the hell he's talking about there look you cannot convince there is only one person who's even within pardon my pun here this the ballpark of being able to beat this asshole when it's bernie because he actually has coherent thoughts and convictions and is not completely corrupt my god dude like this is who the democrats lost to. Hillary Clinton, widely considered, not widely considered, amongst her own people considered the greatest politician of her generation.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And she found a way to lose to, most amazing thing I've ever seen was a shot was hit to second base and Stevie wasn't, my Stevie wasn't going to let it get through him. I think he set a record for blood loss, folks. I think he set a record for blood loss, folks. Oh, my God. I think he set a record for blood loss. Oh, Jesus, dude. She lost to Donald. My Stevie set a record for blood loss, Trump. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:09:20 The good news is these assholes are done. They really are done. You mean the Democrats? The Democrats are done. They have to be done. They assholes are done. They really are done. You mean the Democrats? The Democrats are done. They have to be done. They have to be done. I mean, dude, they put on a master class in dipshittery. Dipshittery.
Starting point is 00:09:37 They could not have fucked that up if they tried. But worse if they tried to. I mean, at every level, they fucked it up. From the initial withholding of the vote and the quality control to the shadow app in acronym to 62% or 68% for five fucking days to today, Tom Perez saying we want to re-canvas. Let's re-canass a caucus mind you how do you recanvass a fucking caucus i everybody come back out you know what i mean i've been everybody only people that showed up to vote though nobody else i guess a recanvass i don't
Starting point is 00:10:18 even yeah how the fuck would you recanvass a car i guess in a sense i guess you could just go back over the results like from the different precincts or whatever but like I don't see how that gets you anywhere. The funny thing about this Tom Perez stuff is apparently he did not tell the Iowa Democratic Party that he wanted
Starting point is 00:10:38 to re-canvas before tweeting about it which says so much really. It says so. He's just as online as the rest of us. but also i guess they did this because the buddha judge campaign had called in and made more complaints they're just fucking whining more because in the last 12 hours we're recording this at like fucking 2, 3 on the 6th. I guess like last night, Bernie started to finally, you know, we all knew he was fucking winning. He finally started to surge.
Starting point is 00:11:14 The numbers actually finally started to bear that out. Yeah. And so little Mayor Pete, the little rat, just started freaking the fuck out and put in a few calls to the DNC like oh Tom to CIA I mean it's just fucking incredible the only thing they've got left in their repertoire is like maybe trying to assassinate
Starting point is 00:11:36 Bernie or something like that and they'll just fuck that up hilariously and end up fucking doming Mayor Pete fuck now who now what And end up fucking doming Mayor Pete. Fuck, now who? Now what? That was our shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 God damn it. You're absolutely right. They're so fucking incompetent. They can't do anything right. I mean, I don't know. Like, as soon as all this started to happen, I feel like I've been cackling for 24 hours or 36 or 48 hours. But as soon as this started happening,
Starting point is 00:12:14 I was getting strong Epstein vibes. You know what I mean? In the sense like, oh, they're really going to try to get this over on us. They're really going to try to get this one over on us. But the difference between this and Epstein is that this is actionable. The Epstein, we are helpless. We all know that it's a farce and there's nothing we can do about it.
Starting point is 00:12:32 We all know that they did it in front of our eyes and that they are going to get away with it. But this is different. This is different because it's actually, it's actionable. You know what I mean? Like we can actually turn people out and help Bernie win. Yeah, we can actually turn people out right and help bernie
Starting point is 00:12:45 win yeah we can make it harder for them to try to fuck right whereas like the criminal justice system is like siloed off and it's undemocratic democratic the best we can hope for is getting bernie in there to open up an investigation yeah epstein business but i swear to god man this i mean it is just a master class in yeah i mean again you you are reminded over and over again that these are the people that lost to trump yeah and it's so funny everything that they've done for the last four years is just grasping at straws to try to conceal this fact the the big takeaway from iowa 2020 is that you should be you should be convinced at this point that bernie actually won iowa 2016 yeah i mean it's like he lost by like 0.2 percent yeah or something yeah he won fucking he's a two-time Iowa winner. That's right. That is funny.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's like, Elizabeth Kapp made that point on Twitter. It's like, oh, remember when Bernie won every county in West Virginia and they still gave the delegates to Hillary Clinton? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Well, the thing is, is that this goes to show you, and we talked about this yesterday, is that like, he either needs to win with just a landslide you know an overwhelming amount which is probably probably gonna be the case i mean who knows but it seems like there's no fucking way pete's gonna win new hampshire and well in fact nate silver's called
Starting point is 00:14:20 all the super tuesday states for bernie already right so like it's he's if he wins it in a landslide, we don't even have to fucking worry about the convention. Here's what I'm going to say. If Bernie wins New Hampshire in a landslide like it's projected, who else has a path to the nomination? There's nobody. There's nobody.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Biden is fucking gone. Warren, gone. Klobuchar, gone. Buttigieg's not going to win another state. No. I mean, he didn't win iowa let's just say that yeah no this is like yeah there's nobody else either bend the knee or just fucking go yeah it's either buddha judge you know doing what he does as a rat trying to survive the nuclear fallout of this or bloom Bloomberg just blanketing every fucking state
Starting point is 00:15:05 with millions and millions of ads until we're all so fucking brainwashed we don't even know anybody else is in it. Yeah. But that's not gonna work. It's not gonna work. Because if it was gonna work, it would've worked for Steyer,
Starting point is 00:15:17 who fucking completely collapsed. Our coalescence is too strong. Yeah. So no, no. We're about to steamroll this motherfucker. Yeah, we're gonna... I've said motherfucker yeah we're gonna i'm telling that i've i said it we're gonna pile up skins that's what it's gonna be that's gonna be we're about to steamroll these assholes because history is on our side um yeah yeah but it is
Starting point is 00:15:39 funny it is funny to see them the the sort of death flail. You know what I mean? It is. I mean, it's either that they're so incompetent. There's so many things to unpack here. It's either that they're so incompetent and stupid that they can't pull it off right. But I think in that sort of Venn diagram, there's also a small sliver of people who, for their own future careers, have to start hedging their bets now. Yeah. I think this is probably why when Nate Silver and these people are probably doing this now.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, it's like, oh, let's just give it to Martin. Yeah, they're like, oh, shit, like, fuck. Well, guess wrong. Because they just didn't think this was ever going to be a possibility. You're seeing this. So on Monday, I created an alt Twitter account just to follow all the worst Warren, former Hillary people, Buttigieg people, just to follow all the worst assholes.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And you're seeing it the way that they are now sort of talking about it. They're like, oh, it's really not helpful for Bernie to come out and say this. Like, what, that he's winning? That he won? Yeah. That he won? Like, you let every other asshole have carte blanche with that. You let Pete do that
Starting point is 00:16:47 before there was even one fucking result in, but you're gonna chastise Bernie because he's leading by more than 65, or how many? 6,000. 6,000 votes.
Starting point is 00:16:56 He said, we got 6,000 votes in New England where I come from. That's a win. That's a win. Yeah, yeah. He's not fucking wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, dude. That's the fucking wrong. Yeah, dude. That's the other thing. Even if by some sort of fucking fucked up gorilla math they try to even give this to Pete or something, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Everybody knows the truth. It doesn't fucking matter. Yeah, you can go ahead.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Take those, you know, that paltry sum of delegates. We'll just go ahead and take the rest, though. It is incredible, though. I mean, honestly, in some ways I'm surprised, but in other ways it's like this is... How else did we think it was going to go? Because we knew Bernie was going to win, but how else did we think that them trying to come around...
Starting point is 00:17:40 Because there's the thing. There's these shameless grifters who have to pretend pretend that um the numbers are there for buddha judge or whatever but then there's like here's what i want to know man after the and i don't presume to know how fucking caucus works and i frankly i think they're weird i agree i don't know how i don't know how you look look let's look at this first round buddha judgeieg has like 2,000 people less than Bernie. Right. Second round, he gained some ground, but he's still like 1,800 or 1,900 behind Bernie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 There is by no metric in the world he won. The only one, and it collapsed last night, was the delegate count. Was the delegate count. And then that fucking collapsed last night. I have no idea how they're going to like... I mean, the only way this wins, it's almost like saying the new rules of football
Starting point is 00:18:34 are every time your team scores a touchdown, the other team gets two touchdowns. So you want to not score any touchdowns. But if you don't score any touchdowns, the person still gets two touchdowns every time they score one. Yeah. It is no sense at all. We accomplished some... But if you don't score any touchdowns, the person still gets two touchdowns every time they score one. It has no sense at all.
Starting point is 00:18:51 We accomplished history last night. What did he say? What was his fucking statement on Monday night? We have shocked the nation. We've shocked the nation. That's one way to put it. Did you see that video of him and that reporter? She was like, there's two things in democratic politics. It's money or personality.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Bloomberg's got the money. Bernie's got the personality. Yeah. And she's like, and he's like, well, I like to think that I've got the personality too. And she's like, I don't think so. She tells him, you suck, bro. You whack bitch. It's like fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:19:32 God, that's hilarious. Dude, I mean, truly, we're in the interregnum where history can't move forward. It's starting to go. It's like a fucking car you haven't driven in 15 years. I mean, it's starting to get up off of its fucking... But we are in the interregnum where the monsters are still floating around. But we are getting to the point where history is about to fucking get a little bit of nausea and it's gas tank. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:00 We're getting to that point. But we're still in the phase where it's like, we're having to put up with the CIA monsters and people like Tara McGowan and Shadow App and stuff. Man, the funny shit is, goddamn, all the fucking cretinous people sharing that Will Miniker burn your bus tweet, it's just like pearl clutching and whining and crying about it.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And it's just like, you don and whining and crying about it and it's just like you don't even matter anymore no too stupid to see it no you're too stupid to see it that's the quintessential thing about all these people they're the smartest people in the room they did better than us in all the tests and classes and universities smartest people in the room or you know they wrote their dissertations on the uh post-colonialism and neocolonialism. And they're the stupidest fucking people ever. You can imagine. And that's why they support.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's not so much that they're supporting Warren for their identity politics. Because they think that she's younger, got a better chance against Trump. It's because they're fucking stupid that's it they're just politically inept and i'm not telling you that to insult you i'm telling you that just to like this is just this is just objectively true yeah it was funny i saw that tweet that you'd sent in the group chat it was like about you know all the professors that you know they've written your their books about colonialism and all that kind of stuff and i was thinking about rick carick at Moorhead State,
Starting point is 00:21:25 the illustrious institution I attended. And this guy, when I had him in class, I was like, I dropped it because it was hard. But when I had him in class, I was like, man, this guy must be very smart. His class is very hard. Yeah. And he's just on Twitter now and fancies himself
Starting point is 00:21:41 like a serious commentator on these things. And it's like, yeah, he has fuck all followers or whatever. It's like Bernie Sanders, the worst Democratic candidate ever. And he's like making all these like reasoned like arguments for Hillary Clinton or whoever it is. You know what I mean? And thinks that it just thinks he's got the finger on the pulse. And it's just like, sorry, you may leave now. You spent too much time studying the problems of the world you
Starting point is 00:22:07 know what your problem is rick your whole brain's not enough cock and balls that's what it is that spent too much time studying the problems of the world and forgot that there are actually problems in the world in the present that people are struggling with every fucking day and that they'll take whatever history presents to them to to deal some sort of blow or strike against the powers that be yeah and if howard dean wants to be all his in between that we'll fucking like eat his fingers off and fucking banish him to the dustbin i just hate all these fuckers. Dude, I'm the same way. It's like, well, it's like... It's just like they're just transparently corrupt. Like Howard Dean's like a fucking pharma lobbyist now or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Right, right. It's like, of course, of course. They're corrupt or they're stupid or they think they know what's best. Honestly, I think the main... I think the largest driving impulse for most of these people, this is including Tom Perez.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Well, actually, Tom Perez. Actually, I think he's stupid. I think Tom Perez is just stupid. Because, you know. Tom Perez is just a guy that has like, he's got the reins, and it's just like, oh, fuck, what do i do now yeah
Starting point is 00:23:26 you know what i mean someone pointed it out on twitter i think sam sax pointed this out on twitter which is that um tom perez's job literally is to prevent a bernie nomination right right and and like it's not even conspiratorial to say that because all these hacks and dipshits get on msnbc every day talking about all the shitheads and pos about... All the shitheads and posers. Yeah, all the shitheads and posers get on MSNBC every day talking about taking Bernie down. So it's not a conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:23:52 These people are out with that. Yeah, so they're all either shameless grifters or whatever, or stupid. But I think the largest animating impulse behind all of them is a supreme loathing. They would never articulate this themselves, I don't think. This includes the professor, and it includes Tara McGowan, who I want to get to in a minute. But I think their largest animating impulse is a hatred of mass movements.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Oh, yeah. They deeply loathe mass movements. oh yeah they they deeply loathe mass movements but they however are or they they do understand that you do need large numbers of people to vote and that's why they're so obsessed and fixated on technological innovation and apps and stuff like that yeah because it's like we were talking about yesterday it is the adam curtis like people's individuality needs to be remained intact. Yeah. Maintained intact, but they still need to be managed on a mass collective scale. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And so this is what I was thinking about. I brought this up yesterday just cursorily. Is that the right word? Cursorily. Cursorily. But I want to go yesterday just cursorily. Is that the right word? Cursorily. Cursorily. But I want to go through the whole profile. And you know what? I figure, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 We'll just put it in our Profiles in Courage series because... Tara McGowan's getting Profiles in Courage? It's pretty fucking funny. First off, before we go too far down this path, let me bring it up. Did you see Mitt Romney's Profiles in Courage? I did see it. Yes. I was at
Starting point is 00:25:25 the gym when that happened i was at the gym when it happened and everybody was crowded around the fucking tv these guys first i fucked mitt romney anyway but these guys like like you know the mavericks the john mccain john mccain's mitt romney's here's what they've done to society. They show up when their side is obviously going to win, and then they do this whole, like, I have to be on the right side of history thing. Right. To protect their own brand. That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Knowing full well when the cameras are not watching at that level or whatever, they're just going to go on and do whatever the whole team's doing anyway. What's going to happen is they're going to probably run Mitt Romney in 2024 again. Because it's the same thing with McCain. It's like, oh, we had eight years of a revanchist, fucking batshit insane, chauvinistic right-winger. Let's get a moderate. They're fucking done, too. They're done, too. I think they're fucking done too they're done i think they're fucking they're done too i think i truly think so i mean like read this speech by fucking trump like they've got to be fucking done steve
Starting point is 00:26:34 your standard bear said steve scalise set a record for blood loss okay today's profile encourage um following hot on the hills of mitt romney and rush limbaugh who was also given a presidential presidential medal for a lot of bravery going on this week when that happened on monday that's when i was truly like it's our time it's our time we're actually gonna win we like the their profit has been finally fucking taken down. It's a sign. It's a sign. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I hope I'm not getting too optimistic with all this. That's the problem. We shouldn't get too optimistic. You never know what the fuck's going to happen. But reading this, I was feeling pretty optimistic for several reasons. So this is in Ozzy, which is the infamous, I guess the publication behind the infamous Ozzy Fest. Ozzy Fest. Yeah, that would make sense.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Which I wish I would have been reading more over the course of the show because reading this, I realized how much Democratic Party politics converge. I mean, I've known this for years, but it wasn't really clear to me until Ozzy Fest. how much Democratic Party politics converged. I mean, I've known this for years, but it wasn't really clear to me until Ozzy Fest how much Democratic Party politics converged with the nonprofit world, which also converged with Silicon Valley and the tech stuff. I mean, this is all obvious,
Starting point is 00:27:59 but I'm sure there was all kinds of disease content on Ozzy I was missing out on. So I apologize to the audience. So as I'm sure there was all kinds of disease content on Aussie I was missing out on. So I apologize to the audience. But so as I'm sure you've heard, actually, it's funny. Okay, so this is in Aussie, meet the Democrats' most dangerous digital strategists. And so as I'm sure you've heard, in the Iowa caucuses, there was an app where the caucus leaders had to report their results back to the Iowa Democratic Party. And there was all kinds of fucking problems with the app. There's a funny video you can actually find online of someone who downloaded the app and is trying to navigate it.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Have you seen it? No. Dude, it is fucking crazy. There's an ad that pops up like every 10 seconds for like candy crush an ad that pops up for pete buttigieg you know all kinds of shit it's just like had all kinds of bugs was a complete fucking failure and so the woman behind the app is this woman named tara mcgowan so at the beginning of this um profile of her this is from september 5 2019. They had to put a little preface. It says, on February 3rd,
Starting point is 00:29:08 2020, the Iowa Democratic caucuses were brought to a screeching halt in part by the failure of an app produced by Shadow, the political tech company co-founded by Tara McGowan's non-profit Acronym. Below is her profile of McGowan and the risk she was taking with her unconventional
Starting point is 00:29:24 model. A model now threatened by the Iowa debacle. Oh my God. It's June 26th, the first night of the Democratic debates. So I don't know if you remember this, but on June 26th, the first night of the Democratic debates,
Starting point is 00:29:39 we were sitting in an Airbnb with our fellow Hellfire tour mates. Oh, that's right. In Raleigh. Paul Blast was there. Paul Blast was there. Shout out to the whole gang.
Starting point is 00:29:52 All the homies were there watching the first night of the Democratic debates. And on the other side of the world, or on the other side of the East Coast, Tara McGowan was sitting in a trendy... An underground lair. In a trendy Brixton bar in Washington's trendy U Street neighborhood where none of the Democrats are paying attention to the drama on the screen.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Instead, they are circled around Tara McGowan, a weapon of a woman whose innovative tactics make her critically important to the Democratic Party and the biggest threat to the orthodoxy that has made so many left-leaning digital gurus rich in the post-Obama era. This was an excuse to throw an open bar, the 33-year-old brunette quips, promising to keep her speech short. The event is also a birthday party for Acronym, the digital-focused non-profit she founded in 2017. It feels like we have lived a thousand years in those two years, she admits.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Indeed, Acronym has taken hardly any time in breaking the strategy firm ecosystem in the nation's capital. By the end of 2018, it had raised and managed more than $18 million, registered 60,000 voters, run 105 targeted ad campaigns in 15 states, helped elect 63 progressive candidates, and won 61% of the races it invested in. Its staff has grown from 5 to 38 and has quickly become one of the go-to digital organizing forces for everyone from Planned Parenthood and EMILY's List to Everytown for Gun Safety and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. And her organization's weekly newsletter, For What It's Worth, is the name of it,
Starting point is 00:31:30 is becoming a must-read thanks to its smart and illustration-heavy look at how the 2020 campaigns are spending money online. While most digital experts specialize in one tactic, the coordinated campaigns built by McGowan bring all the moving parts, from door-knocking and social media campaigns to digital videos and television ads under one umbrella. While the Democratic presidential candidates duke it out on the primaries, McGowan is focusing acronyms efforts on registering voters in Florida, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:31:56 Texas, and Arizona, blah, blah, blah, other states. While the numbers are impressive, what could upend Washington politics entirely is the structure of her organization. Unlike most digital strategists, her operation is what the IRS classifies as a 501c4 nonprofit, meaning a majority of its funds must be used to promote social welfare and yet acronym i just want to stop here the name acronym like to me is the perfect encapsulation of everything about these people like they don't like everything to them really is an acronym right like they have no souls or personalities or anything like everything like they just see everything in this strictly bureaucratic, technocratic sense in terms of acronyms. And yet acronym has a web of for-profit companies beneath it.
Starting point is 00:32:57 A campaign consulting firm, Lockwood Strategy, a political tech company with a peer-to-peer texting product, Shadow, and a media company investing in a peer-to-peer texting product shadow and a media company investing in local left-leaning outlets fwiw media for what it's worth media in the works is an apparel arm rogue swag that would be the first what the fuck is wrong with these people that would be the first major liberal answer to conservative companies that skirt campaign finance laws by selling politically branded clothing
Starting point is 00:33:29 over Facebook and elsewhere, spreading political messaging without having to report the spending. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. They should look at Big Dog's wear for that. A lot of political messages
Starting point is 00:33:43 going on their stuff. That's right. It means the non-profit acronym is able to raise money, invest in for-profit companies to advance progressive aims, and then return any profits back into its mission. People don't understand why I'm creating a model that I can't get very rich off of, because I don't own the companies.
Starting point is 00:33:59 The C4 does, she says, and that's a huge threat to political consultants' bank accounts. Okay, first of all, she's definitely getting rich. Yeah, there's no question about that. But second of all, even if she wasn't, it's very clear that what she wants is like influence and social capital within this world. Right. Since the 1980s, says journalist Sasha Eisenberg, author of The Victory Lab, the secret science of winning campaigns, political firms have specialized in selling specific services, phone calls, direct mail, polls, etc.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Today, that can mean separate firms for online videos, TV ads, and even paid Facebook outreach. So consultants push for more spending in their individual silos as opposed to McGowan's strategy to fold everything under one umbrella, making winning her chief incentive. Oh, my God. Doing really good at it. I already forgot her name. What's her first name? Tanya.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Tori? Tara. Tara. Tara McGowan. McGowan has always had a rebellious streak An A student with an attitude She was kicked out of two private high schools While moving around the northeast
Starting point is 00:35:14 For her dad's corporate job Her transgressions included Writing pro-choice essays In religion class And throwing a party at her parents house as a sophomore she's a bad motherfucker she's like she's like she's like the archetype of like john hughes movie like yeah you know those movies you're like oh my parents are out of town and they throw these huge parties like that doesn't really happen like that no no fuck no it doesn't
Starting point is 00:35:43 or if it does it's like you and four of your buddies in your basement, like, drinking, like, Mag Dog 2020 or some bullshit. Five of your guy friends smoking mids. Smoking a rose they found somewhere. No, smoking brick press weed with seeds in it. Yeah. Drinking. Wild Irish Rose. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Well, a total badass throwing a party at her parents house Blah blah blah She was inspired to jump into politics By covering Barack Obama in 2008 Leading to jobs in Congress But we all fell for that one Can't fault her for that And on the 2012 Obama campaign So. And on the 2012 Obama campaign,
Starting point is 00:36:26 so she worked on the 2012 Obama campaign. This part is what broke me, I think. Oh my God. I knew that we shared two fundamental beliefs. They're quoting someone, I'll tell you who. I knew that we shared two fundamental beliefs, that better content yields better results, and that you can't do the same tactic twice
Starting point is 00:36:45 says kindred soul and punk rock political strategist arun chandra hey who pushed obama digital director teddy goff to hire mcgowan i need to read that again i knew that we shared two fundamental beliefs that better content yields better results this is the whole thing behind shadow the behind the shadow app and the acronym they thought that what won obama in 2008 was good content and that what won trump in 2016 was good content i'm here to tell you folks Won Trump in 2016 was good content. I'm here to tell you, folks, good content doesn't always equal victories. No, it does not.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Well, to me, it shows you what we were just saying a minute ago. It perfectly illuminates just how these people view politics. And again, it's not as some sort of vision for bettering people's lives this is not a profound original statement but it's interesting to see the mechanics of it work out in real time they fundamentally distrust and even loathe mass movements yeah and so the the hack that they've developed to get around that is by figuring out how to manage people through... Social media. Social media, through algorithms, while at the same time catering to their individuality
Starting point is 00:38:13 and their expression, their ability to express themselves. And that has worked. It's worked for a while. But I'm starting to think that it's not going gonna work for much longer especially because it failed so catastrophically this year and in 2016 yeah part of the lead that i've buried here is that the two people who developed shadow which tara mcgowan bought
Starting point is 00:38:39 or former hillary staffers. Let's see. When reached, many of her competitors declined to comment. Privately, Washington consultants griped at her nonprofit umbrella models, because she could still be paying herself exorbitant amounts through the private companies. And I guarantee you she is. She absolutely is. You don't throw open bars in the trendy, huge street neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:39:07 No, no. Yeah, if you're just like going out there, taking one for the cause. Right. Just living paycheck to paycheck for the cause, fucking drinking at trendy restaurants. McGowan has also advocated for building in-house digital teams at her previous stops, another blow to consultants that could foster distrust. As Tara has demonstrated at Priorities USA, much to my dismay, you get the better results and more efficiency, Brian.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I don't know what the fuck these people are talking about. McGowan is well aware of her detractors. She believes there are two types of people in politics. Those who are- Honestly, I'm sure this aged well. Those who are motivated by money and those who are motivated by power she wants power she literally stole that off house of cards that's a literal line off house of cards exactly right yeah she
Starting point is 00:39:55 yes she like like her icon and hero hillary clinton probably runs around with Kevin Spacey. Right, exactly. Like, it is incredible to me, like, how much the Epstein stuff was the nexus of everything wrong with what has been going on in the last decade. Listen, here's the thing. If you are a liberal of any stripe except for, like, Bernie Sanders, if nothing else, don't you want to kind of distance yourself from the fucking Weinstein, Epstein, fucking Meliud? They don't know how. For so long- Because all your heroes are vouching for all these guys. Still, kind of.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Who could have known? Hillary said, who could have known? Who could have known? I don't think they know how. I think that it's been like that for so long, they're just like, oh, so we can't do that that's not what you can do when you get to power yeah fuck just amazing really
Starting point is 00:40:53 um wow uh so anyways most motivated by money those motivate by power she wants power which means winning elections to enact the policies she believes in i'm gonna go ahead and go out on a limb here and say she doesn't believe in any policy she really doesn't believe in anything too often in any industry a drive for profit can lead to greed and i think that can blur the lines of real objective here she says this could be an election that changes entirely how campaigns are run it could be a catalyst yeah it could be a catalyst. Yeah, it could be. But not how you think it's going to be. Not how you think
Starting point is 00:41:26 it's going to be. So, Profiles in Courage, Tara McGowan, you know, the thing about our Profiles in Courage series is like you got some
Starting point is 00:41:39 real heroes in there. Mary Toft and I think Fess Whitaker is a hero. Franz Reichelt, hero. Hero. then you got some real degenerates in there like jock and mo cast yeah then you got tara here she's a wild and crazy girl man throwing all these parties these fucking keggers oh jesus. It's like, let's throw a heller and make an app. So, yeah, you know, like, we're sitting here recording as more and more,
Starting point is 00:42:18 like, as this unravels more and more, as this reveals itself more and more to be a complete and total clusterfuck. Yeah. Just a catastrophe. Of the high store. Yes, on an epic scale. And they won't be able to get away with this in New Hampshire, I don't think. Iowa's a caucus, which apparently makes it,
Starting point is 00:42:41 I mean, very undemocratic, but I don't think they're getting away with it now either. You know, I think they tried to by revealing the whole, you know, by slowly revealing all the numbers, withholding all the numbers, and you know.
Starting point is 00:42:57 If they do this at every stop, yeah. I mean, it's just going to be insane. But I mean, I just don't see who's got another path to the nomination now well this is the thing to me about the people pearl clutching over bernie or bust it's like the majority of people are with bernie you don't realize now it's like it is the choice you have there mr uh pearl clutcher is bern Bernie or bust.
Starting point is 00:43:25 That's really it. Yeah. Either you're going to vote for Bernie or you're not. Because nobody else is going to win. Right. So make your choice now. Yeah. Because, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:36 To me, I mean, in this whole show, all the fucking time we spent criticizing electoral politics. The fascinating thing to me about all this is that this event has simultaneously proven us correct and false about many things. It's proven us correct in the sense that there are all these structural barriers and all the things that we thought were going to exist. Incorrect in the sense that you actually can harness math's movements with all kinds of
Starting point is 00:44:08 platforms and tools and all this other shit. But most importantly with a message that actually is coherent and simple and makes sense and people feel passionate about. You can harness all this stuff
Starting point is 00:44:20 to actually sort of go against the fucking elite. Go up against the forces of capital. Right. And so even knowing all that, it's still been pretty shocking, though, to see them try it. Well, also just sort of the feeble tactics, too. Yeah. Like, I was expecting some, like, high-level fucking just, like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:40 It's like an app. A malfunctioning app is going to be your out- A malfunctioning app by a partying fell daughter is what's going to be your unraveling. A malfunctioning app, a half-assed coin toss by a 19-year-old... That shit was amazing, man. Like, they could...
Starting point is 00:45:01 They just send the corniest people out for us. Yeah, that's the thing. That's the thing. They're sending the corniest people out for us. Yeah, that's the thing. That's the thing. They're sending the corniest people. And if we can't beat them, maybe we should just crawl back into a hole, hang it up, become black-pilled nihilists and write fucking romance novels about Frankenstein. Right, that kind of shit. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Because if we can't beat these assholes yeah we don't deserve we don't deserve anything we don't deserve the trust of the masses or the fucking uh of history you know the trajectory of history or any of that no no no jesus fucking christ yeah yeah yeah well it feels good to be a winner. It does. It feels good to be proven right and true. It does. Let Tom Perez go ahead and run his little recam is what he needs to do. We're just going to go ahead and steamroll the rest of them
Starting point is 00:45:52 while he's doing that. It feels good to be a winner. It feels good to be validated. It feels good, you know, having lost friends literally and on social media in 2016 saying that Bernie would have won. It feels validated to be like well he did and he probably won in 2016 too i want to read canvas of all 2016 but that's the thing think about that think about we lost four crucial fucking years to doing anything meaningful on climate change just to pave
Starting point is 00:46:26 the way. Just, well, also just to placate fucking Hillary Clinton. Yes, exactly. You know what I mean? Or just, or rather, not placate necessarily, but to preserve her pristine legacy. That's exactly right. Yeah. Like, the amount of time we waste on the whims of the elite yeah is fucking
Starting point is 00:46:46 incredible yeah and then that's it and then that's the thing that's another choice it's like to me it's like those are your two choices waste your fucking time on the whims of the elite go with bloomberg or fucking join something that might actually change i'm gonna tell you something i hope everybody that's got behind bloomberg just holds their fucking head in shame. Yeah. Like a Theltese in 300, you know, the hunchback trader. May you live forever, John Cougar Mellencamp. Who is a Bloomberg guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I saw something fascinating today on Twitter. Let's see if I can find it real fast. From, I think he's a friend of the show. I'm not sure if he listens. If he doesn't, it's no knock on him. But a very smart guy. Gabriel Wynant. I hope I said that right.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Do you know who that is? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He had an interesting little thread. It said, a couple of years ago, a friend and I started working on an essay drawing a structural comparison between the rule of finance, especially post-2008, and the absolutist state. Both emerged as centralizing responses to crises of extraction of social surplus. In each case, the ruling class had to gather under the umbrella of the sovereign,
Starting point is 00:48:00 become its franchisees more or less directly in order to reproduce themselves as a class the ultimate political consequence of this in the absolutist case was the invention of social revolution before there was a verset versailles you could not overthrow the state in that way and that's why you got the french revolution the somewhat he didn't say that i need a note that that's just the editor's note as editors know the somewhat speculative upshot in our moment was that similar to absolutism the rule of finance means that social struggles meet hard limits in their local instantiations and so are referred upward toward a central summit. And this is the organic logic of Bernieism, basically. He writes that it was an attempt to account for the fact, I suppose, that it seems easier to elect the most left-wing president in history than to organize a medium-sized workplace into a union which is i i think that that is true yeah i don't know it seems right because it is very fucking difficult to organize
Starting point is 00:48:57 a union yeah not i'm not saying that you shouldn't do it in fact i think that that's probably should be your biggest priority and then you plug that union's energy into a presidential campaign like this. But I think he's got the basic contours of it right. We kind of live in almost a sort of quasi-feudal world. A lot of people would disagree with that, but it feels very feudalistic to me in many ways. Look at fucking these prison towns we've got yeah um i don't know i guess the difference is that we aren't serfs anymore but
Starting point is 00:49:31 but anyways i guess the thing um you know we've got maybe 10 more minutes here but like the thing that has just been occurring to me more and more since Monday is like how much longer. And it's fascinating that this primary has occurred. It's concurrent with the impeachment trials in the State of the Union. And so it's fascinating to me to see how much people can continue to labor under the pretense, under the charade, the facade, the kayfabe or whatever. You know, and I just have to ask you again, it's like how much longer can you live under that?
Starting point is 00:50:17 How much longer can you live under the pretense that this is a democracy? And you know what I mean? Greatest country on earth. I mean, yeah, this is the thing I struggle with. And I told you this yesterday. It's like with an election like this, it's like you start to wonder how much of it's rigged. You know, because everything is mystified.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You start to wonder how much of it's rigged and how much of it is a result of ineptitude and ideology and all this. and and the thing is just like with the epstein stuff is that like it all still has to have like a semblance of of uh a veneer of a veneer of legitimacy right right because that's we're still in that weird interregnum period but that is dying it's going away and so it's like i just have to ask liberals because this is the thing. Weirdly enough, there are liberals that listen to our show. I don't know if that's the case for Choppo or any of these other shows. But I do know that we have liberals that listen to this show. And so I have to ask you, how much longer can you continue under the pretense without fully fucking going insane?
Starting point is 00:51:21 I mean, I hit that a long time ago. I blew through that a long time ago i blew through that a long time ago right but like how much longer can you continue to sit in these meetings and talk about things talk about that are not real yes yes exactly just i mean like or that are real you talk about the problems but what you're saying what do you but like i'm talking about like solutions to problems that are like sort of um pre-programmed as part of the kayfabe i guess you might say yeah i think um now we've talked something we've talked about is sort of like the sort of neoliberal order we're under is is creates these fake problems to like push out
Starting point is 00:52:06 workers and to create sort of the uber class of whatever that problem is you know what i'm saying you know like just like you know creating problems that don't really exist so you can like make minor improvements to the inconvenience factor of those problems and then selling it back to you right yeah it's like we just live in a world that we redo that every day every single day every single day and it applies to everything not just like you know door dash or lift or whatever the case may be you know and the point of it all is to atomize you at the most fundamental level and that's also the point of the shadow app and that's the point of democratic party politics is to atomize you to put you into a common space where you can be managed but your individuality can be catered to and maintained and maintained yeah but but that's
Starting point is 00:52:59 called atomization yeah and it's lonely and you're by yourself and i was listening to this speech that adam curtis gave recently where he was talking about like okay individualism can be great you know it can be very great but you are also alone you're completely alone so guess what happens when the world starts to get really bad and you're completely alone it's not looking good for you my friend enjoy your cult of self but uh you're gonna need people we're gonna need each other that's exactly right yeah and so like that's i think that is fundamentally why these people hate the bernie campaign so much yeah they see solidarity and bonds well and and and and also too the other thing is like individualism is what they've what they is their politics you know what i'm saying it's like ifism is their politics.
Starting point is 00:53:45 You know what I'm saying? It's like if you even look at, I don't know how you would call it. I mean, it's weird because they pay lip service to this idea of like, you know, coming together, we need to form these coalitions and all this kind of stuff. But in what they're selling back to you, it's all about cultivating the self. It's all about being individual be this and be that and they see something like the bernie thing where we have these deep sort of visceral relations but we don't even know exactly you know what i'm saying exactly and that scares them
Starting point is 00:54:17 because there's there's actual power in that like i would i would go to the mat for any of these motherfuckers i'd anybody in my replies replies on Twitter, any of those people. It's exactly what it is. Because, yeah, Adam Curtis has this documentary series, Century of the Self, where he talks about Edward Bernays, who was Freud's cousin. And Edward Bernays figured out that you could, by studying people in focus groups and getting feedback on the kinds of things that they like and stuff, you could easily atomize them and sell them more products. Consumers are better consumers when they're atomized. And that's why Bernie kills them so much, because the Bernie movement is not full of atomized consumers who consume politics the same way you would toothpaste or any other fucking product. Yeah, no, it's a good point.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And that's why it drives them fucking crazy. And also another thing, I think, to that atomized point to being better consumers, sort of the sad, tragic irony of that is is you're buying and consuming to be more of an individual so you will actually gain acceptance
Starting point is 00:55:24 into something exactly you know what i'm saying you don't have to fucking buy anything no or express yourself no i mean be nice if you threw two dollars and 70 cents out or 27 dollars right right or 69 dollars or four dollars and 20 cents or whatever you're putting out there but you don't have to do that no you just have to want a better fucking world you You have to give up a part of yourself to something greater. I mean, dude, ever since I was telling you this last week, I've been feeling more optimistic. I've also been feeling a little depressed in the sense that
Starting point is 00:55:56 a lot of my depression probably stems from hopelessness and pointlessness of existence and all that. But it's been pretty fucking nice lately to be like man billionaires might be back on the menu yeah like that's good you talk about helping people with mental health medicare for all would help but eating oil executives would also be really good well here's what's here's what's interesting about all that here's what's interesting about all that i just thought you know back when we were doing the ultra left sink song and dance okay back in those days like a pin in that but yeah okay okay so you know like like i mean how should i say this basically i just i thought well okay even if bernie wins they're not i mean not much
Starting point is 00:56:49 is really going to change right because like is this that but seeing these people quake and actually becoming genuinely yeah undone by his surging and now what's looking more and more like an inevitability at least to win the nomination. That's like, that's good. Dude, I had the exact same thought today. Yeah. Like, because, okay, first of all, the whole ultra-left thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:13 You gotta keep in mind, like, a lot of people's politics are based on their immediate environments and context. Right. We live in eastern Kentucky. The fucking, we're literally, it's flooding right now. It's an apocalyptic scene.
Starting point is 00:57:26 To tell people what we're dealing with here, all the roads are washed out. It's not going to stop raining until it starts snowing in three days. Yes, that's exactly right. And then it's going to snow several inches on top of all this flooding, which is like a climate change. What do you prepare? How do you prepare for that? It is 100% climate change. What do you prepare? How do you prepare for that? It is 100% climate change derived. So like a lot of our,
Starting point is 00:57:49 and so we live in this crumbling place where like coal has fucking left and where we are also pretty atomized. But we also live in this place where like nonprofits are still around and sort of have hegemony and all this. And so it's like, I think any person who has been on the left like we have for
Starting point is 00:58:06 personally i've been on the left for about a decade now would be pretty skeptical about any kind of anything presenting itself as electorally facing right but you're right the more i was thinking about it the more i've been thinking about it since monday seeing them come out like this and being so antagonistic leads me to believe that Bernie would not—and I may eat my words here, I could be entirely wrong—but he would be very foolish to just get into office and then start governing like Obama or even Warren. It seems to me that by virtue of the fact that he is already so antagonistic to these forces, and they are to him, that he actually will be interested, not just out of self-interest, but also from his own ideology and perspective and all this, in actually making deep-reaching changes to this society. And this is, again, this goes back to what we were saying earlier, the challenge to liberals.
Starting point is 00:59:07 It's like, do you want to sit around for 20 more years? Keep in mind, 20 fucking years ago, George Bush lost the election but became president. Do you want to sit around for 20 more years bellyaching about the fucking electoral college and not doing shit about it? Yeah. Do you want to spend 20 more years talking about climate change? want to spend 20 more i mean like every item down the list
Starting point is 00:59:29 this whole fucking society is just rickety and ancient all those things though man take a back seat to because this the rallying cry has been seared into their brain so much all they think about is the number one priority is beating trump yeah and you remember like when we were talking yesterday and we were talking about like how that democrats and liberals sort of take their cues from the republicans yeah and like they're just that's sort of their daddy all that is is they see that mitch mcconnell's politics have got purchased and that he has somehow managed to impose his will on our society, potentially for decades, if you're talking about padding up the judiciary and all this stuff. And they're saying, this is a very Mitch McConnell thing to say,
Starting point is 01:00:12 our number one priority is beating Trump. Because it's the inverse of the number one priority is stopping Barack Obama or whatever. You know, the Mitch McConnell famous line about obstructing Obama. That is exactly right. And it's like, no, that's what works. They said, that's what works. So we we're just gonna do the liberal version of that and they don't understand that in order for that to work you have to already be deeply entrenched and be in the lead exactly you're not in the lead because when you had your mandate you fucking squandered it that
Starting point is 01:00:38 is exactly right like they have this idea that a guy like pete butta judge is going to come out of the woodworks and become mitch mcconnell or something no it's like you have no understanding of how power works no no zero no i gotta take you a little fucking bread rat boy and fucking throw him in a ditch somewhere yeah well going into this uh Monday is the New Hampshire primary. We've got a rat problem that needs to be exterminated. We got a rat problem. It is funny that Pizza Rat was like a big cultural figure. Now it's like Pete's A Rat.
Starting point is 01:01:19 That's pretty funny. And that pizza has been this sort of symbol of elite pederasty. Yeah. It's full circle, man. Alright, yeah, so anyways, if you want to fucking get rid of the Epsteins and Weinsteins of the world, if you want to fix everything wrong with all the things you fucking complain about
Starting point is 01:01:41 every day, then fucking just get on board. Just get on board and quit being a little fucking bitch about every day, then fucking just get on board. Just get on board and quit being a little fucking bitch about it. God damn it. I mean, because like, again, if you try to do the whole fucking moralizing high moral ground, what about,
Starting point is 01:01:56 there's children at the concentration camps that can't afford to be this privileged. It's just like, motherfucker. Listen, here's the thing about this. Every person I've seen make that argument as a harvard professor or grad student literally i know literally that's literally so i want every each and every one of you to suck my fucking dick is what i want you to do seriously stop that's it that's it that's it and i want you to come to a place like where I'm from because you fuckers wouldn't survive the smell of this fucking place.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yep. I'm serious. My God. Are they burning coal in their house? You're right, man. I mean, that's the most fascinating thing to me seeing all these fucking like all these people i thought were these brilliant like intellectuals and like people who like understood colonialism and all this shit just bankrupt shills man just complete fucking either shills or idiots or idiots or just yeah you can write all these wonderful sentences about the finer points of colonial imperialism, and yet...
Starting point is 01:03:07 Buttigieg. Buttigieg. Yeah. Yep. Warren. It's so fucking sick, man. Dude, I'm going to tell you something. I mean, like, it's going to be highway time around here.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Like, when I was saying, like, these motherfuckers wouldn't know what to do in a place like this, let me tell you just a smattering of things that I've heard happening here. So I told you about my friend Scott. You know, he got broken in on. Oh, yeah. Scott survived, but not unscathed, okay? Right, right. I'll show you a picture of that later.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Anyway, listen to this shit, Dave. I was talking to Brandon Black, you you know up at the courthouse yeah and he was like man we're just like things have gotten so bad here that we're starting to see violent crime like we've never seen here he said there was this kid it's like a 12 year old kid that was like dealing drugs for this guy like this guy in his 20s and they go meet at the uh racetrack at ison like the dirt track at Ison. Oh, yeah. And this kid pulls up on his bicycle to get the drugs,
Starting point is 01:04:10 whatever he's going to go sell for this guy, pills or whatever it is. And the kid has a fucking sawed-off shotgun on a bicycle and shoots the guy, doesn't hit him, grazes his leg, okay? And tries to rob the guy, like't hit him, grazes his leg, okay? And tries to rob the guy.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Like, he's going to kill this dude, or, like, shoot this dude and rob him. And I guess he didn't know, like, if you're shooting somebody with a shotgun, the fight's kind of over. Like, you don't come back from getting shot with a shotgun, usually. Tried to rob this guy, and this guy pulls out a 9mm, and this kid's getting away on his bicycle. This guy's drugs. This guy's shooting.
Starting point is 01:04:48 He misses the kid. He gets away. A fucking gunfight at the ice. A gunfight. A 12-year-old kid on a bicycle and a dude in his 20s. God damn it, dude. This is apocalyptic, man. Meanwhile, the fucking creek's spilling over the banks.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Creek's spilling over the banks creek spilling with banks we're getting to get snow on top of that here's this is crazy remember me telling you a story about i don't believe this shit there's got to be something with this remember me telling you a story about the the there's a tape at the at the courthouse of the woman that gets baptized yeah and she comes up dry yes and runs and everybody's like the thing that the sheriffs do is they haze the deputies and make them watch
Starting point is 01:05:27 that tape alone by theirself in the dark. Well, apparently they found that woman laying naked in a stream up at Thornton in like freezing weather. She had like severe hypothermia.
Starting point is 01:05:40 She ended up living. What? But they found that woman, that same woman from the video in the creek at ice of what naked fuck i mean dude there's something going on here like it's like fucking true detective season one shit well the difference is that you've moved and so it's you're more
Starting point is 01:05:59 attuned to it now whereas i am here every day and like i've just kind of that makes sense i've normalized yeah of course the mysterious river woman okay yeah whatever and so weird man a bunch of robberies and shit yeah there's it dude it's bad but the thing is is like you made an excellent point on Twitter the other day, which is that I'm from a very sick place. And listening to these people prevaricate and hedge and be totally disingenuous, it's just fucking maddening. Like that guy who was on MSNBC or whatever the past few nights melting down about Bloomberg not being an oligarch or something.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Do you see that guy, Jason Johnson or whatever? Fuck you, Jason Johnson. It's just like, I can't fucking do this much longer, man. I can't fucking do it. No. I can't. And I know for a fact a lot of other motherfuckers are at that point too. Yeah. So, get on board
Starting point is 01:07:00 or get eaten. Yeah, that's it. That's it, man. This doesn't have to be bad. It doesn't have to be violence. It doesn't have to be violence. It doesn't have to be bad. Like we've said, there are plenty of resources. We know enough about computers and algorithms
Starting point is 01:07:13 to allocate resources and wealth. This doesn't have to be bad. You get to pick how you want it to be. Yeah. That's all I have to say. That's all I got to say, yeah. So we can do it the easy way? We can do it the easy way or We can do it the easy way.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Or we can do it the hard way. Make no mistake. If you don't choose the easy way, you're going to get the hard way. Exactly right. And God help us. Fuck. All right. Well, thanks for listening this week.
Starting point is 01:07:39 We got a Patreon episode every Sunday. Also, let me go ahead and just tell you I'm not going to say what we have up our sleeve for this coming week, but you probably want to go ahead and subscribe to the Patreon. Yeah. You really want to go ahead and subscribe to the Patreon. Yeah. If you really
Starting point is 01:07:58 want the good shit. Yeah. I agree. Is that this week? Yeah, that's this week. Or I guess not this Sunday but the next Sunday, I guess is what you're saying, right? Yeah. Right. Okay. Yeah, we got some good stuff lined up for you.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah, not this Sunday. For you motherfuckers. But the following Sunday, we got... For you little assholes. A very, very, very, very, very, very, very special treat that you should... For your little assholes, we've got a treat for you. We've got a treat for you. It's bleach. It's bleach.
Starting point is 01:08:25 It's bleach. We're going to bleach all your holes. Hope you're ready. All right. Subscribe to the Patreon. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trailbilly Workers Party. We will see you on Sunday. Goodbye.

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