Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 141: In the Land of Uz

Episode Date: April 9, 2020

RIP Bernie 2020, Death to America Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed the day he was born. He said, Let the day be lost on which I was born, and the night which said, A boy is born. May that day be darkness. May God above not care for it. May light not shine on it. Let darkness and a heavy shadow take it for their own. Let a cloud come upon it.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Let the darkness of the day bring fear upon it. As for that night, let darkness take hold of it. Let it not have joy among the days of the year. Let it not come into the number of months. Yes, let that night not be alone. Or let it be alone and empty. Let no sound of joy come into it let those cursed who curse the day who are able to wake up the leviathan let the early morning stars be made dark
Starting point is 00:00:55 let it wait for light but let it have none do not let it see the light of day because it did not keep my mother from giving birth to me or hide trouble from mine eyes. Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not come to my mother and die? Why did the knees receive me or why the breasts that I should have milk? For now I would have lain down and be quiet. For now I would have Lined down and be quiet I would have slept then I would have been at rest
Starting point is 00:01:27 With kings and wise men of the earth Who built cities for themselves That are now destroyed I would have been at rest with princes Who had gold who filled their houses with silver Why did I not die Before I was born Hidden and put away
Starting point is 00:01:42 As babies that never see the light There are the troubles Of the sinful stop There the tired are at rest hidden and put away as babies that never see the light. There are the troubles of the sinful stop. There the tired are at rest. Those in prison are at rest together. They do not hear the voice of the one who rules over their work. The small and the great are there, and the servant is free from his owner. Why is light given to him who suffers?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Why is life given to those who feel sad in their soul? They wait for death, but there's no death. They dig for it more than for hidden riches. They are filled with much joy and are glad when they find the grave. Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden and around whom God has built a wall? For I cry inside myself in front of my food. My cries pour out like water. What I was afraid of has come upon me. What filled me with fear has happened. I am not at rest and I am not quiet. I have no rest, but only trouble.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Amen, Brother Tom. Amen. Thank you for the reading of the scriptures The Burden of the Unaborted Well I'll just go ahead and tell you The burden to bear I'll just go ahead and tell you I've been walking around my house shirtless all day
Starting point is 00:03:00 Drinking god damn diet sun kiss One after the next I'm on my side Look at my lips all day drinking goddamn diet sun kiss one after the next. I'm on my side. Look at my lips. They're cracked and orange. They're cracked and orange. My hairline has receded. I actually have my 17 pounds in quarantine.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Oh, my God, Tom. Brother Tom, what is the significance of the story of Job, and how does it relate to our current plight as a nation and as a group of individuals who don't want to die? My man just cried to the heavens in a way only a man covered in boils with his dead wife could have. You know what's interesting though? This is the most interesting part of the book
Starting point is 00:03:52 of Job to me. Can I just read some more scripture real quick? This one's quick. This one's quick. This is interesting. There was a man in the land of UZ whose name was Job. UZ, baby. That man was without blame.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Isn't it hilarious? One of the most apt-named East Kentucky communities is named for where the guy covered in boils comes from. Wait, we're... We are fatalistic people my man oh my god that man was without blame he was right and good he feared god and turned away from sin seven sons and three daughters were born to him he had 7 000 sheep 3 000 camels a thousanden, 500 female donkeys, and many servants. My man Job was a slave owner.
Starting point is 00:04:48 What the fuck? That really cheapens it for me. But here's the interesting part. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to show themselves before the Lord. Satan came with them also. And the Lord said to Satan, Where have you come from? Satan answered,
Starting point is 00:05:11 The Lord said, From traveling around on the earth and walking around on it. And the Lord said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job? So basically, they're just up in the celestial court of God shooting dice with this man's life. But I guess I don't care so much about that now that I know that Job was a slave owner. Hillary Clinton and Job, they had a lot in common. They are persecuted, covered in boils.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And slave owners. and slave owners and slave owners wow so are we are is is are we jobe tom is that the is that the comparison you're trying to draw here by drawing our attention to the plight of the Bible's most well-known... Tortured soul. Tortured soul. Well, I just think today we're having that collective moment where we feel like shaking our fists toward the heavens and cursing God. And we won't be the first nor the last. It's not a good day i was sitting outside earlier mostly uh covered in orange stains around my mouth i sit up there and it came a nice afternoon thunderstorm you know just the rain comes down
Starting point is 00:06:41 it's nice i was like i'm gonna go sit outside and take it in god damn it wasn't two minutes later it started hailing the size of marbles out of the sky The rain comes down. It's nice. I was like, I'm going to go sit outside and take that in. God damn it, two minutes later, it started hailing the size of marbles out of the sky. 63 degrees, it just starts hailing. What? It's just not right. These are the days of pestilence, my friends. It really is biblical, what's going on right now. Just from start to finish.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah. There have... Osama bin Laden cast a curse on both our houses. And his great tragedy is playing out. Yes, exactly. Have you all smeared ram's blood around your door to protect your firstborns? I'll tell you, I laid in bed earlier with four witch books, spell books, essentially, laying around my body. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Michelle was quick to point it out to me. Just reaching for anything you could hold on to i sent out many pictures of pages from books in my home today it's like here here's a spell to protect you seal your brain off is it well well, you know. Go ahead. I was just going to say, with the passing of John Prine, you know, he really was right, an angel from Montgomery, to believe in this living is just a hard way to go. That's a goddamn true word that's never spoken.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Prophets. John, Job. I'm sorry, Terrence. I keep cutting you off to just ramble about my misery. It's all good. It's all good. We're recording this on the day of
Starting point is 00:08:38 the passing electoral-wise of our brother Bernard Sanders. It's been a long, long road. But you know what? I'm feeling positively fine. I'm vibrating, essentially. You're glad it's over with.
Starting point is 00:08:59 This is just the way the world's off your shoulders. Exactly. Put it behind us. Well, the poker player Phil Hellmuth said that his favorite thing to do was to play cards and win, followed shortly after by playing cards and losing. So there is, I agree with you in a sense, Terrence. There is a, when I was really heavy into gambling, there was, when I lost everything I had, I've done that at least four times in my life. There really is a euphoria that comes with losing everything.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Oh my God. And I don't know if it's just the lingering thing in the back of your head okay now out of clutter i can find some simplicity or just a fresh start or whatever it is but there's something something nice about being stripped down to the naked essentials of your humanity be that financially spiritually emotionally or otherwise are we being cleansed right now? It's resolution. I mean, personally, I have to have resolution. It's like earlier, I was trying to explain this to the Sams. I didn't do a very good job about it. But for the last 12 months, we've been involved in an electoral campaign with all of its uncertainties and speculations and potentials and setbacks and everything. And more and above all of those things, its contradictions.
Starting point is 00:10:44 More and above all of those things, it's contradictions. And for me, it is helpful to see them all resolved. Well, not all of them. There are still some lingering ones. But to see most of them resolved in front of our very eyes, because it is truth, and it is knowledge. And in truth, we can find ultimate freedom, my brothers and sisters. Tell me more. I need this today. What are the contradictions still yet to be resolved, in your opinion?
Starting point is 00:11:22 All of them. The main contradiction is this we live in a society that is going increasingly increasingly to the right at a faster and faster pace with every year. Hey, man, I didn't like what happened in Hungary last week either. Are you still torn up about Orban's seizure of power? God damn, man, that was wild. It's because you didn't believe me when I was trying to be the Noah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I was trying to raise the concerns and nobody believes me. I was Chicken Little and nobody believes me. I believed you. I just didn't know it would come this quick. I was thinking, ah, we got 10 years before it comes. Little did I know I'd be sitting
Starting point is 00:12:20 around with an orange ring around my lips cursing the day I was born. Oh, fuck. around with an orange ring around my lips cursing the day i was born but look man i mean when you really look at it here's the thing here's what i told the sams on means morning news i i don't know why they called me to debrief about the sanders thing i was wondering the same myself i'm gonna be honest oh you were on the you were on the means news this morning yeah it comes a shock to me too i was like what tomorrow morning well i guess by the time this is out thursday morning you will have aired they must think he's got the face for tv no no I damn sure don't have it right now, I'll tell you. It's my cutting
Starting point is 00:13:09 analysis. To me, the only thing that will get you through these times there's only one thing that will get you through these times and that is a world historical perspective. You need to zoom out and look at things
Starting point is 00:13:28 from the lens, from the perspective of... E.H. Gombrich, A Little History of the World. I'm with you. Yes. Yes. Francis Fukuyama, my man. The end of history, bitch. Yeah, El Fin de Historia.
Starting point is 00:13:47 No, but really, look at what America is. I mean, just think about it. America is a rapidly declining global hegemon. Yeah. It is losing its hegemonic status on the global stage. This is nothing new. It's like I was telling the Sams, in many ways, all of these structural features and all the things that are happening now are very reminiscent of what happened in England 100 years ago, what happened in Holland 300 years ago. With the boy and the finger in the dock.
Starting point is 00:14:24 With the boy and the finger in the dock. With the boy and the finger in the dock. That's a wall, Tanya. Don't get excited. Pour some cold water on yourself. No, no, look, it's bernie bernie was this country's last real hope of managing the decline that was it that was what that is what we were ultimately fighting for at the end of the day we're we're fighting for social democratic policies that would essentially ease us into the transition of no longer being the world's leading, obviously not the leading industrial producer, but also the world's leading financial producer. Let me draw an allegory and then ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:15:27 All right. Are you saying to me that basically Bernie, that this country was the Christian that was on top of the house during the flood, and Bernie comes up on a little john boat and says, Get in. Get in. I'm going to save you. And the Christian on the rooftop john boat and says, get in, get in. I'm going to save you. And the Christian on the rooftop during the flood says to Bernie, he says,
Starting point is 00:15:50 now I've prayed to God and God's going to bail me out of this one. And so Bernie goes on. Hold on. Bernie goes on. The water gets higher and higher. It's getting up there. And Bernie comes back around says hey man you sure you don't want help come on come on nah nah i pray god's gonna bail me out of this one
Starting point is 00:16:11 i think you know where i'm going with this but that's so that you're saying that's the relationship between bernie and these united states i'd say that's it i mean did you see the video of that woman a week ago of all those cars going to church and the woman leaning out the window and saying, I'm covered with the blood of the lamb. I'm covered with the blood of the lamb. She's on a ventilator today. Now, here's my question. You had mentioned something earlier on Twitter, and I wanted you to follow up with it because I didn't really.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I was too busy making jokes about letting my nuts hang. But you'd said that, you know, basically that the time had passed for those social democratic policies because that's just a method of mode of politics. It's being dismantled all over the globe. Say more about that. Look, okay. It's basically my plot to get you to talk about Victor Orban. I was thinking about this the other day. Like, I think that in 500 years, historians will look back at this moment.
Starting point is 00:17:22 What are they going to see they're going to see a yes a declining global hegemon that had de-industrialized large parts of its of its society um had sent millions into poverty and immiseration all because the working class in this country is no longer necessary they are entirely expendable that was not the case 50 years ago in the 1950s and 60s the working class was not expendable you had to manage them through sort of these union like these these contracts and cooperations between unions and business you needed a working class you needed a labor reserve now it's like you don't need you could like you're seeing this now like with the way that we're talking about grocery store workers dying there's like four jobs that we really need yeah yeah i mean like we've just entire we've stripped
Starting point is 00:18:14 the entire system bare and and and tried to salvage and squeeze as much surplus out of it as possible and like there's just not a whole lot left it is all so concentrated at the top so so so my question to that is what will historians think about in 500 years that in that situation our response to that our solution to that was essentially a social democratic state that was more or less the same thing that existed in the 1940s and 50s it's it's a little it is maybe a little more aggressive towards the rich and it's maybe a little more ford link looking in terms of we got to do something about this whole climate change thing but at the end of the day it's structurally more or less the same like i mean there's been no interrogation of that basic premise and why should there have been that
Starting point is 00:19:12 was basically the premise that bernie was running on and we used it to our advantage but there's been no interrogation of that yeah and probably not even as aggressive toward the rich honestly i mean darren eisenhower i mean the the top effective tax rate was like 90 it was confiscatory so if you didn't pay it they just showed up took your shit you know what i mean like this is this is fair i mean bernie's platform is fairly mild by comparison really look i mean i don't want to like i'm not trying to disparage them i'm not trying to do like a post-mortem autopsy or like what's wrong. No, that shit's annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 All I'm saying is that structurally, like as an organizing vehicle, it was very effective and it exposed people to this new way of looking at the world. Right. the world right but as a politic as a um organizing principle it it was always going to be destined for failure in my opinion well i see what you're saying because you don't really have a bargaining chip with the labor force anymore in the same way the unions have been effectively neutered for the most part no yeah think think about this like the fact that you've got like something like 10 million people unemployed right now i mean i don't even know what the fucking number the fact that you've got something like 10 million people unemployed right now, I mean, I don't even know what the fucking number is. I mean, you've got like 6 million people filed, but we know that number is higher.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I think the future is going to increasingly, and in this country, I don't know what the fuck it's going to be like in other parts of the world, but in this country, the future is increasingly going to be de-industrialized out-of-work people who are essentially locked out of political struggle because we've we've seen this week that voting actually does not do anything like voting just struck just for structural reasons but like we've seen this week, the sort of veil lifted on off of what voting is and all of the barriers prevented to you. So you've got a massive group of workers who cannot work, who are locked out of political
Starting point is 00:21:16 struggle, who are locked out of social welfare programs. So I think the future is increasingly going to look like that group of people as a social force i don't know if they'll ever become organized into anything or if we will all just sort of hang like marx's sacks of potato sacks of potatoes you know alienated from one another that running up against an increasingly authoritarian state like i mean we have seen i mean because i don't know to me again like the voting stuff the courts rbg is 100 gonna fucking die before any fucking liberal can be in the white house like uh and then the office pool i got rbg going out about the same time as Kiss, which is sometime around the 20th of this month. Fuck. 420 plays.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. I mean, so again, I'm not trying to disparage any of that. It made sense. It was only going to be that way. Because here's the thing. At the end of the day, Bernie was essentially just
Starting point is 00:22:22 the millennial left's best hope at political representation because ever since the 2008 financial crash we have been locked out of that sort of political process we thought we found it with Obama he fucked us over and and then the last 12 years have been a slow awakening process to the fact that we, oh, we don't actually have any representation. We're saddled with debt. We are essentially, yeah, locked under debt peonage. We don't have health care. Rents are rising and wages are stagnating.
Starting point is 00:22:56 All these things. Like Bernie was our shot at gaining political representation. That failed. I don't really know what to do next. But I just want to i just like i just want to say something like i will never forget when i was canvassing i'll never forget this interaction i had we were canvassing in this poor neighborhood in cincinnati we walked up to this apartment complex and i think it was like probably section 8 housing or something it was basically
Starting point is 00:23:23 bombed out like it was completely run down and or something. It was basically bombed out. It was completely run down. And there was this woman sitting out in front, and she just looked like she had a fucking day. She just totally physically exhausted. And she was just smoking a fucking cigarette. And me and these two other canvassers, you know, doughy-eyed, idealistic, you know, walked up to her.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Oh, ma'am, is Stephanie home? And she's like, no. No, she just looked at me like... Stephanie's not coming home. Yes, exactly. I will never forget this look that she gave me. She just looked at me and just smiled with the most, like, amused smile I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Because, like, I immediately started going into my spiel, like, oh, you know, I'm Terrence, I'm with the Bernie Sanders campaign, we're just looking for Stephanie, we wanted to remind you that next week is a primary, and et cetera. And she just looked at me like it was so amusing that anybody would be trying to involve her
Starting point is 00:24:22 in the electoral process. You might have, well, just been trying to recruit her to go space camp exactly exactly and that and that ultimately is the story that we're talking about both of us are oppressed me and that person but that person is on another level you know what i'm saying like i am sort of of the petty bourgeois class who has also been unable to realize their own political aspirations and goals but that person is probably working exactly probably working 16 hours a fucking day you know what i mean has zero time or energy for any kind of political electoral struggle and ultimately that's who bernie would be appealing to but the structural barriers that exist make it literally impossible for that person to become sort of actualized and mobilized yeah
Starting point is 00:25:18 yeah it's not it's not bernie or the message it's just the sort of arena we decided to let that play out in. I mean, but look, I mean, I personally, so like we were talking, I was talking to the Sams and they were like, so what do we do next? What do we do fucking next? Oh, they hung you out to dry really is what happened. They needed someone to go out there, someone with a pretty face to go out there and do the Baghdad Bob. Everything is fine. They needed a to go out there, someone with a pretty face to go out there and do the Baghdad Bob. Everything is fine. They needed a shit pig.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Self-appointed. You usually call one of us when you need a shit pig. Self-appointed shit pigs here. Yeah, yeah. And that's what I am. I love to be shit on, ultimately. But this is what i was telling them like i don't know what's next i don't know if you can um divert all this campaign's resources and infrastructure into something new i'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that's not happening
Starting point is 00:26:19 that it was never gonna happen i lost my mind trying to grapple with that about two weeks ago, a week ago. That's not going to happen. Yeah, I remember having a talk with you and saying, well, Bernie's got the highest amount of active duty military donors of any candidate in history. Maybe he could stage a coup with that kind of support and that kind of money. And I floated that as like something a serious person would say. And then when I went to bed that night, I said, Ah, man, come on. Grow up, sexton.
Starting point is 00:26:51 What is that? We floated a lot of shit that a serious person would say that was completely out of touch with reality. Yeah. I mean, if you're trying to level up, you know what I'm saying? That's how you level up, but that just wasn't in the cards in the cards but also i mean it's like we're talking about today like bernie's such a mensch that that you know it's like you know i think that you know gun to his head back against the wall i think that that he thinks it's like you know there's some generic benefit to electing somebody like joe b, you know, if we can't have all these things.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But, yeah, I see that as sort of darker than even the alternative. Well, look, this is the proof positive that this country's institutions and governing philosophies and everything are just accelerating to the right? Because they have the same gun to Bernie's head that the conservatives have to the liberals' head. Yeah. I mean, essentially, the gun is, you know— This is how you achieve power in this country. If you're going to do it, you have to do it through patronage and clientage to us and uh let's just be honest that's not going to happen because like look let's
Starting point is 00:28:11 i mean let's just say this okay i mean i well this this is and i know this sounds like the 5g stuff but but goddamn man it's like we we knew this shit was rotten from day one. We did. Everybody did. You know what I mean? We knew going into Iowa, the guy that developed the app that fucked everything up there gave $2 million to a never Bernie pack. Yet for some reason we act like these elections have integrity just by virtue of being American elections or something. Bernie wins the next couple, and it's like, oh shit, now we got a correct
Starting point is 00:28:45 course. Now it's just to the point where they're just doing flagrant shit, like the Supreme Court thing in Wisconsin this week, or Joe Biden actively goading people to go to the polls in the middle of a fucking deadly pathogen in the air. Literally.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I mean, Bernie, they couldn't even fucking campaign they had to call off all campaign fucking activities it's like the biden campaign did no bernie even before even before this morning they were like we can't in good conscience rely on any campaign we can't do any kind of traditional turn out the vote they're they don't want it's like they're trying to get elected and know that it is going to literally kill people well the you know the wall they have bernie backed up against is if you don't support us trump gets elected again yeah and in in it's and it is truly you holding the bag and bearing the responsibility for that,
Starting point is 00:29:45 which is even more potent because I believe Bernie still has residual guilt from 2016 because they let him believe that shit. Well, I mean, I was telling, again, I was talking earlier to the Sams about this, but in 2016, Bernie wasn't trying to run an insurgency. Bernie was trying to pull hillary to the left and that's why he hung in there so long bernie dropped out early this time it's because he knew the insurgency failed the realignment was not going to come right and it's you know it's it's kind of scary because in some ways you know in a different time i feel like that realignment
Starting point is 00:30:28 would have come but um i was talking to some of my friends in the oil fields about it and they were giving me shit about it today when they heard he dropped out or whatever and they're all rejoicing because you know like the market had a little bump up and all this kind of stuff yeah i saw that and like three days ago these guys are talking about, oh, well, here in about six months, we'll be, like, paying people to take oil. You know what I mean? And what they don't understand was that, like, and I, I mean, I hope this is not true. I mean, I do kind of hope this is true for the planet in the longer run, but for the workers' sake.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Like, real soon, they're going to wish like hell, we all are going to wish like hell that we would have went this way about it. Yeah, I mean... Well, what I'm saying is, like, if the market's not going to easily rebound from this pandemic, this is going to be a restructuring thing two, three years in the making. Especially if Trump and his cronies try to jam this go-back-to-work thing down our throats, and then this thing just hangs around
Starting point is 00:31:30 and never goes away. You know what I mean? So what I'm saying is, guys in that position would have been like, if you had Bernie as a leader there, maybe they nationalized the oil sector and all that kind of stuff, and you stay in a job.
Starting point is 00:31:44 But if the market continues to tank like this, they're stuff and you stay in a job but if the market continues to tank like this they're not going to be in a job yeah yeah well i mean were you were you saying something tanya i heard noises i i don't know uh you know like um i don't know i don't know i got nothing guys i got fucking nothing i just it's just wild to me that Bernie's like, oh, still, you know. I mean, what, you've been saying this for weeks, Terrence, but just like the DNC strategy to try to, if they were going to put Medicare for All or any type of actual health care plan on the platform,
Starting point is 00:32:42 they would have already got well done it. And at this point, I honest to God god today it hit me that honest to god i feel like we are more likely right now to get medicare for all from the republicans than we are from the democrats i mean there's probably you know whatever there's no difference in them to begin with, but I swear. Did you see Trump's tweet? He's like, trade. What I love is that trade actually means like hottie. Yeah. Like babe.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Trade, folks. I'll give you one, it mitt romney for for five thousand of your most battle-hardened online bernie see what i thought he was talking about was that reference to that you know his little hot mic moment when he said i would rather run against uh i would rather run against hillary than bernie any day of the week because bernie's absolutely right we've been getting screwed on these trade deals and i think think Trump and his world, because trade is the only thing that he, like, is it within a range of understanding? Yeah. So he's got, like, four things he always talks about.
Starting point is 00:33:53 It's hydrochloroquine, trade, models, and, I mean, that's pretty much it. Three things. Golfing and other politicians' wives. Golfing and then, like, yeah, ranking the fuckability of other politicians' wives. And I think that's just like, you know, he can sound semi-intelligible on trade because he knows some of the words, you know. So he just points to the one thing he can speak, you know, semi-intell about so he's like trade folks bernie's absolutely right we're getting screwed on these deals you think that was it i mean it could have been i didn't really understand it was funny he was like elizabeth warren if she just would have dropped out uh bernie bernie would have been
Starting point is 00:34:40 able to what's all this what is what is though, and I don't give Trump any credit. I mean, fuck Trump. Let's just establish that up front. But what's funny is that the lord and emperor of all dumb guys has more political acumen than any liberal commentator out there. Oh, yeah. It's not even close, really. That's not to say we should be seduced by that. If you're some idiot that's seduced by Trump,
Starting point is 00:35:07 you've got a whole other thing going on we can't even help you with. It's just astonishing, dude. He understands antagonism. He understands conflict. He understands politics. He understands that this is essentially what politics is in this day and age really he is a man of the theater he serves it exactly because look you know we we pointed this out on an episode a few weeks back but could you imagine the leaders of
Starting point is 00:35:40 this country 200 years ago they were slaveholders and rapists and all these things, but they would have loved a crisis like this. And the reason why is because it would have given them an opportunity to get on their fucking pedestal and be great orators and leaders. And these are the times that tribe men's souls and all this kind of shit. Andy Brashear. They would have loved it. He's reveling in it yeah yeah yeah but even then andy is just doing and he's not what i call master orator well he's put these ducks to rest now it's like you have to either do what andy's doing which is yeah don't like be showy just do the bare minimum and hold
Starting point is 00:36:26 things together or do it like trump does and just make it a spectacle about the whole thing and insult everybody in the process i mean here's the thing that's so tricky about that dude that i don't understand if you'd asked me a week ago i would said no joe biden's got a better chance to win this thing than people think because we're when we come out on the other end of this crisis, people are just going to be begging for somebody to right the ship. But the bedeviling thing about it all is Trump's numbers keep going up, and he's handling this worse than you can imagine. And you want me to tell you why I think this is?
Starting point is 00:37:02 People just want somebody that's going to go on TV and talk to them every day. Yeah. Is he even doing that? Yeah, every day he's doing the same thing Andy's doing. Five o'clock pressers every day. Where he's going and hawking, you know. Fosse, Dr. Fousey or whatever. Key-laden treatments to remove coronary calcium and stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So he is literally still going on the same time as Andy. Going up against Andy every day. I love this. Well, I don't think he's going up against Andy. I think it's more just like, you know, in a crisis, you do daily briefings like this with everybody. I just mean it's at the same time.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yeah. Let's look at this man's greatest hits during his 5 o'clock pressers i mean he acts like he's fucking oprah winfrey or something it's like he goes he goes he's standing up there mind you he's just talking about the sobering report we've got like 50 000 people that have died of this already and all this kind of stuff and he's like folks our goal is the models you know i don't make the models but we got to come i want to come in under the models i don't have any experience with these models well not these kind of models the man talking about his penchant
Starting point is 00:38:19 for fucking models while there's a global pandemic i don press i mean dude like the thing that blows my mind is you've got multiple stories you've got this story in the los angeles times about the fed seizing uh ppe and another stuff without any explanation you have them diverting thousands of masks to fucking Israel. You have them not sending PPE to New Jersey because Bob Menendez said some nasty things. Nasty things, folks. He's real mean and nasty. And sending it to Colorado instead because he likes Senator Gardner. He is 100% running this thing like he's a mob boss.
Starting point is 00:39:08 It's being run like a cartel, essentially. Like, you just have to kiss his ass enough, and he'll do whatever you want. And that's why you see Governor Newsom from California coming out here and saying, Well, we're going to source our own stuff. We're a nation state. We're going to source our own stuff. And none of it, in none of it are they actually being antagonistic to Trump. None of it enters into the realm of politics.
Starting point is 00:39:33 They'll just ignore them and they'll try to, when they go low, we'll go high. None of it is, they're not exploiting this at all for any political gain. Meanwhile, that's everything that Trump is doing. Yeah. It's like if Rashida Tlaib was the governor of Michigan, you could imagine her saying, listen here, you dumb son of a bitch. There's tens of thousands of people dying and you're not off the hook here. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:57 Like some sort of something. Something. God damn it. Say something. Like you've never cussed somebody out like do something yeah maybe that doesn't work with a sociopath like him but fuck engage engage don't joe biden's even saying i don't want to get into a political contest with with the president of the united states can you blame him it's a really it's a really tight line they're walking.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Essentially, they're saying on one hand, we cannot be antagonistic to him because we can't afford that because in their minds, conservatives hold sway over everything that people do, and so they think they'll be disparaged if they disparage him. So they're doing that on one hand,
Starting point is 00:40:41 and on the other hand, they're saying, well, Bernie voters have to get in line because we can't risk having another Trump, another four years of Trump. Really and truly, they want to put us on the hook for their bin of huge fucking pussies. Yeah, and there's a thing. That would have mattered 50 years ago. These stories about Trump seizing supplies and selectively distributing them here or not there, that would have mattered 50 years ago. If we actually lived in a capitalist state that was trying to gradually accumulate more capital and pursue global hegemony but now we two things have happened we have become the global hegemons and we have become so extraordinarily wealthy and i'm not saying us i'm saying the people that run
Starting point is 00:41:35 the country that they have nothing left again it's like i've said before there's nothing after this and so this is why i'm even start and people will call this blackpilled or nihilistic or despairing or whatever. And it's not, it's not at all because I am absolutely not nihilistic at all in any way. But I am, I am starting to become convinced that it's not even, it doesn't even make sense to pursue Medicare for all anymore. This country had its referendum on Medicare for all and universal healthcare. It was in the 1960s. It was when we could actually afford a social safety net and when there was enough surplus circulating through the system
Starting point is 00:42:11 that it could actually be done. This country had its referendum on those social welfare policies. It said, well, we'll take Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. The rest can get fucked. And then the 1970s happened. They detonated the economy and there's just scraps left and bernie was their last fucking hope of trying to assemble whatever he could like fucking macgyver of something try to take some dental floss to break out of a turkish
Starting point is 00:42:38 prison but it's not it's not happening because i think because we were talking about this i was talking about this with sam knight because like the labor party proved that you can do a you know a natural nhs style whatever all of those programs to propel them forward have to have some national regenerative uh sort of element to them they have to have some sort of nationalizing impulse to them and guess what there is no america anymore there is never going to be any kind of large-scale consensus within the democratic party or the republican party or whatever that could actually bring that into existence because this country is 100 just it and dedicated to its own utter destruction. It just doesn't realize it yet.
Starting point is 00:43:30 It just doesn't. And that's why the two fucking candidates that we have for November are insane, senile, rapist monsters. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. There's no fucking way out. Listen, that's not black-pilled either. I mean, we're saying as this country is currently constituted,
Starting point is 00:43:50 it's not going to get better. It only gets worse from here if there's not a massive systemic overhaul. A massive overhaul. The likes of which the world has never seen. A massive one, man. Like, I'm talking like... Well, the thing is, okay, the thing about these
Starting point is 00:44:12 sort of revolutions or upheavals or even small insurgencies within the Democratic Party is that they require some element of dialogue between the upper and lower classes. All revolutions have started like this. All revolutions have started with people in the upper and lower classes all revolutions have started like this all revolutions have started with people in the upper classes saying oh shit man i don't know maybe we've
Starting point is 00:44:31 been a little too hard but we've been riding them a little too hard like we need reform there is no one in the ruling classes of this country interested in even a modicum of reform even even like even the liberals who would typically fill that role you know what i mean petty boo exactly or not no no they didn't answer the bill on that in fact they antagonized us and called us children for six eight years exactly exactly are y'all still there i'm here are you there tanya tanya's heard enough she heard enough she she dropped out well you know just to continue on that one though i mean
Starting point is 00:45:19 it's not to say it's not possible it's not to say it's not possible. It's not to say it's not worth fighting for or whatever. It's just simply to say that we need a new analysis. Yeah. That's just what it is. We need a new analytical mode, a new way of conceiving our current reality and asking ourselves what is
Starting point is 00:45:46 possible within this yeah yeah no that's right it's not it's not to say that uh you know all of us that were out there canvassing for bernie and everything or like that should be rejected or like that shouldn't be applauded or anything like that but we have to we have to reorient ourselves and think about the playing field as it stands now and uh i mean that's really the 64 000 question i mean even you know uh when you know we were taking shit for you know being ultra left or whatever it's like it's it's still what everybody wants to know it's like well if not if not this if not this sort of like tried to to you know run a principled reformist politician to reform the democratic party like what are we left with you know and you know it's usually the response to that is some sort of posturing about guillotines or something you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Right. But, like, seriously, what's her program? Well, that's the thing. I mean, and this is the sort of impasse we find ourselves at. So an insurgency in the Democratic Party was impossible because of all the structural reasons we listed earlier. But also, the philosophy it was based on was ultimately wrong. I've been shocked at how frequent I've seen some variation on the following statement. Democrats hate poor people so much that they're committed to stopping an
Starting point is 00:47:26 insurgency from the left it's all predicated on the idea that they were just going to step aside and let us do it yeah like at no point were they did they fear us or or anything and this is kind of what i was talking about earlier i think i think for a second they did i think yeah okay after new hampshire yeah when obama called klobuchar and botiger said all right now get in line that was like that was like that was the choke point but that's it yeah but but unfortunately there's really no mechanism for enforcing that to become to be brought into existence the only thing we have is the bernie or bus thing the only thing we have is just telling them fuck you i'm not voting for biden in november which i we think
Starting point is 00:48:11 we should all do but it's never going to congeal or coalesce into any kind of institutional form well i mean as it stands today i mean it's like what will said that yeah about it bending toward class independence is absolutely correct but you got to go further than that and as it stands today like whether we vote for biden or not he's not going to win it's my prediction you know what i mean like whether we get whether we uh bend the knee or not biden's still not going to win this election and that that falls on a miscalculation made by the Democrats. But my whole, it's not even a conspiracy theory so much. It's like, to me, it feels like the Democrats are free rolling on this.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Because if Trump wins again, that ultimately does not, they don't like it. They don't like sort of the crass nature the government's ran by or that we're like governed by this like limp dick dumbass bulgarian but ultimately it it doesn't really fuck with their class interests to have four more years of trump you know what i mean no yeah no not at all it actually preserves their classes so to me it's just like it's just like if biden gets elected good if not well we're still rich but we're just going to kind of like have egg on our face for four more years. But we'll get it back. What were you saying? What were you saying, Tanya?
Starting point is 00:49:32 Nothing. Did we lose you there for a minute? Yeah, it's raining here. My internet cut out. Yeah, mine was, my lights were dimming and I was like, fuck, I'm going to lose them. Yeah, we got a tornado watch. I might have to take it to the basement. Us too.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I'm in a trailer on top of a mountain. How do you think I feel about a tornado? Oh, God. The worst possible position. Literally. I don't even think this bitch is tied down. I ain't got your hurricane straps down. No.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Fuck. I ain't got your hurricane straps No Fuck Well you know I don't say any of this to like Again I don't say any of this to like Disparage Bernie Or to be like ultra about it Or to be like fuck electoralism
Starting point is 00:50:16 Or any of those things I don't mean any of those things But I do think the left needs to Fundamentally reassess Where it's at And I think left needs to fundamentally reassess where it's at. And I think it needs to reorient its politics around an analysis that looks at – that is basically based in the fact that America is a declining entity. It's a declining world agency. And – go ahead. No, no, no no no i mean i think you're right and
Starting point is 00:50:48 i think you know like there's some like obvious things that are kind of in front of us i mean like if you know it would take a you know sort of herculean effort not really even really herculean because the conditions are are fairly ripe for it, but a general strike work stoppage thing seems like an obvious thing that we could do. I feel like in the short run, we need to be developing a program, but in the short run, just some guerrilla tactics around riding and strikes
Starting point is 00:51:19 seems like the low-hanging fruit. You know what I mean? Yeah. Truly. Seems like the low hanging fruit. You know what I mean? Yeah. Truly. Yeah I mean I think. We still have this big question. About the funding mechanism.
Starting point is 00:51:36 That we built. And where to funnel it. You mean through the burning campaign? Yeah. I mean. i guess there's no sense in getting into the weeds of how truly terrible everything is but just the threats of yanking funding from the who during a pandemic it's just truly it was just really this is oh you're talking about the thing that people think china should pay reparations for covid oh fuck i don't know but trump threatened to
Starting point is 00:52:16 just like cut off the world health organization fuck you all we're not working with you anymore during a pandemic I guess that is maybe where they pivot to next maybe they push for some sort of armed conflict against China but wow wow wow I don't need to bark up that tree I'll be honest with you remember those commercials China was running a couple months ago
Starting point is 00:52:39 oh bro they I mean China would be able to assemble a coalition to knock our asses into the fucking stone age i mean there's i mean there's that thing too dude i mean there's no shortage of fucking hate for us around the globe you know what i mean it wouldn't be hard to form that coalition i mean but here's the thing america as a global empire is not ending soon it's not ending tomorrow capitalism is not ending tomorrow i mean neither of those two sort of organizational logics or forces are going to be ending anytime soon
Starting point is 00:53:19 the fundamental insight of marx is that the only thing that can bring that down is mass political struggle. And, you know, mass political class struggle, I should probably specify. And so, again, that's the, I mean, Bernie is going to contribute to that. He's going to continue to contribute to that for as long as he's alive. Well, he's galvanized it in so many ways. I mean, it's not like, yeah, this shouldn't be looked at as like a fuck Bernie, he's outlived his usefulness thing. I mean, he's... Oh, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:53:54 At all. He's played his role. I think, like I said, I think history will record him as an honest broker for the millennial left's political goals and aspirations in the process of doing that he has um he has injected class struggle back into our sort of political horizons now i guess what concerns me is that the way that media is constituted in this country and the way that people come to ideas is so um uh segmented and fragmented and maybe and even sort of stratified along class terms that that message will be so diluted by the time it gets to the person sitting on their porch smoking a cigarette
Starting point is 00:54:45 having to listen to me of all people try to explain why medicare for all is great um that's the part that concerns me um but i think if and i was listening to this episode i was listening to this interview of Mike Davis on The Dig, and I think he said something that has stuck with me, is that the left needs to stop being so goddamn Pollyannish about everything. I myself have done this a lot, especially around February or so. We have to stop being so Pollyannish about everything and saying history is ours. we have to stop being so pollyannish about everything and saying history is ours and and like you know and you know you're right about that max i was thinking about that you know like
Starting point is 00:55:30 one of our sort of um go-to phrases about this moment is like a better world is possible and i remember when we had a sod hater on and you know Assad said actually that's an open question you know and I've been thinking about that a lot lately but yeah I think that's a good point well yeah I mean I was
Starting point is 00:55:58 I was fucking looking at this Jacobin article from February 22nd from Conor Kilpatrick. After the Nevada blowout, it's Bernie's party now. Bernie Sanders' decisive victory in Nevada today shows that he is a working class base committed to fundamentally transforming our radically unequal system. He's on his way, not just to the nomination, but the White House. It's like shit like that.
Starting point is 00:56:27 It's like, come on. Like, come the fuck on, man. Man, it's like they wouldn't call it struggle if it was just a fox trot to power. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm kind of like again I'm not I'm not feeling even remotely blackmailed or despairing honestly it's kind of exciting
Starting point is 00:56:52 because the problem with electoral politics the problem with presidential elections I need to stop using this generalization of electoral politics the problem with presidential elections is how limiting they are and how ultimately conservative they are.
Starting point is 00:57:07 They suck you into this conservative vortex that you have no other choice but to sort of react to and adhere to. But I'm kind of excited as to how a larger movement of people can benefit from people like Bernie and Rashida Tlaib and et cetera movement of people can benefit from people like bernie and rashida talib and etc uh who are assisting that movement in congress and etc um because i i mean i don't know we could have a situation it's like the 1850s where we have where we focus more on some of these down ballot races
Starting point is 00:57:43 and get i mean honestly if we're talking about electoralism what we really need to be focusing on is the house we need to take over the fucking house of representatives and abolish i know how fucking yeah yeah yeah exactly senate races are very fucking hard they um you know you have to assemble statewide coalitions and stuff i think the house of representatives yeah you have to have statewide coalitions and stuff. I think the House of Representatives. Yeah, you have to have a ton of fucking money. But, like, the House of Representatives, man, like, obviously there, though, you're going up against more structural barriers. Gerrymandering.
Starting point is 00:58:16 The fact that this whole fucking judiciary in this country is packed by reactionaries. Like, I mean, you know, there was an election on tuesday with a seven percent turnout like because that's how bad it was pandemic seven percent i think it was set i think it was seven percent yeah it's gonna be interesting to see joe biden run opposed in these primaries and you're gonna have like like one and two percent turnouts and shit oh my god well here's the thing if you if you operated under the under the assumption that this pandemic is just another manifestation of the ecological crisis that's coming there's nothing that says future crises like this won't impede on the sort of electoral process and the conservatives will 100 sees that opportunity um because the democrats and the liberals they've shown that they're not
Starting point is 00:59:14 even remotely willing to do anything to uh ensure that people could actually have access to voting um you know i mean granted you could list be listening to this and be like well the democratic governor of wisconsin tried to call off the election um but here's the thing he didn't do shit when the wisconsin supreme court overturned his ruling so it's just like like you you can actually do that. I don't know if these people realize this, because the courts don't mean jack shit. They don't enforce laws. Just fucking override them.
Starting point is 00:59:53 What's the court going to do? Send their badass goons to rough you up a little bit? RBG going to send the boys in and rough you up a little bit? Yeah. What the fuck? The one thing I remember from, like, high school history class with its deification
Starting point is 01:00:11 of all the fucking genocidal assholes to the past is Andrew Jackson telling fucking Roger B. Taney or whoever the fuck was ruling the Supreme Court Gert B. Frode. Yeah, he made his ruling. now let's see him enforcement enforcing
Starting point is 01:00:28 that was hey andrew jacks was a genocidal maniac but there's something i like about the redneck energy emanating off of that if it was pointed in the right direction and not toward you know killing natives and you know rape and pillage and all that but yeah that's the thing like if you are in an executive uh role of power you can exercise that you can say fuck the courts or you can pack them you can do whatever the fuck you want but again these these democrats they're not interested in any of that and i don't see any reason why they're going to be anytime soon um just a quick smattering of their ideas suggests they have zero political imagination, particularly where overriding norms is concerned.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know. I feel like I have literally literally i have literally um as we used to say back in the activist social justice world i've taken up a lot of space tanya does terrence need to be more intentional about how he shows up in these spaces he sounds pretty intent to me i got some good news for y'all. I'll cheer you up a little bit. Please, anything.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Andy. Oh, God. Kentucky Governor. You knew it was coming. Kentucky Governor Andy B. Declared the Easter Bunny an essential worker so he can travel. Oh, my fucking God. Dude, he's going to send one poor bastard in a bunny suit
Starting point is 01:02:07 that's got covid around and give it to every child in the commonwealth those kids are gonna honey he's covid covid covered easter eggs he also announced today that the state of kentucky is forcing inmates to make masks and that one of our state Liberals love this guy. The hits keep coming.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And at least 15 people in one of those state facilities has tested positive for COVID-19. Yeah, it's the prison I went down a dark rabbit hole with the prison last night. has tested positive for COVID-19. Yeah, it's... The prison shit, I went down a dark rabbit hole with the prison shit last night.
Starting point is 01:02:50 You're talking about Cook County Jail in Chicago and Rikers Island are the two highest infection rates in the world. Oh, my God. Yeah. Albany, Georgia. Oh, my God. I've been to Albany, Georgia.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Albany, Georgia on the florida panhandle it's not a big place you know what i mean and it has a massive covid rate because of the fucking jails do you see a missus place in mississippi they're like they're giving inmates raw chicken and shit yeah i mean bro 30 people have died in mississippi prisons since in parchment yes december 29th or something like and it's not been reported on anywhere the only information you can find about this shit is fucking anarchists posting videos online that prisoners have sent them from inside yeah from like stolen phone or from uh hidden phones i mean the whole fucking system is is melting down in a way and being reconstituted in a way that is so authoritarian and and frightening that the liberals response
Starting point is 01:03:54 to it the fact that it is it lags so far behind it's like our internet connection here i was trying to clap and let's sync it all up it's like you've got cuomo like not expanding medicaid and you've got fucking andy ordering the prisoners to make masks and i i i don't know maybe again people would listen to this and be like oh here's a doomer nihilist no we're not a doomer you're the governor of kentucky i'm sure there's some fucking outfit in this goddamn state that he has the capability of making masks how about you ask them to make masks not the poor bastards that you're like dude i saw shit inmates in rockers island getting paid six dollars an hour to dig mass graves yeah i saw that too well it's like you know we're talking about several months ago or for all
Starting point is 01:04:39 for other new yorkers too what's that time so i couldn't get to the bottom of that tanya i could never could because i also saw i just feel like so many horror stories are coming out of new york and i feel scared to even put that on anyone i know in new york and be like hey can you let me know what's actually going on over there like as if people don't have enough to deal with but i mean one of the last things that i saw coming out of New York was that they thought that they were going to have to start, you know, quote, burying people in public parks until, like, whatever, until they could get a hold of it. And that is a mass grave. I guess they're not using that, like, loaded language, but that's what that is.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Yeah. Well. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. You know, a couple of months ago, and I don't say this to say, like, see, told you It's crazy. You know, a couple of months ago and I don't say this to say like say told you so or anything. But when we were talking about like, you know, like the like a good entry way into. Left struggle is to get in to the prison abolition movement because everybody's got a prison or some sort of incarceration facility nearby where they live and it's just sort of a good it has everything to do with all of our values and ability to get beyond yeah and past any fascism here totally but
Starting point is 01:05:58 and two and two i feel like it's the most vulnerable institution in society that people that live in these places actually have some sway over how that gets done, over what becomes of these places. And so it just feels like the perfect sort of choke point for if you're sitting at home struggling, figuring out how to get involved in this to take up that cause. in this to like take up that cause you know well i just want to say before we log off and you know go on our way and go throw ourselves off pine mountain no i it's it's so funny how i'm the one who takes the mass brunt of the doomerism. I feel the opposite. Like, I feel like this is a new phase. It's not even, it's not the end of anything. Okay, it is the end of this, but it's a new phase, and we need to develop a new orientation
Starting point is 01:06:58 and relationship to Bernie and to that sort of philosophical mode and organization of trying to change American politics. And what that means is we need to start... My cats are fucking murdering each other. But what that means is we have to start... Can you hear them? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Is the baby getting over on Leon? Shit. What that means is we have to start. I mean, it's trite and it's cliche. I don't really know how else to word it. There's no really easily marketable way to word this that makes it succinct and powerful. But we have to start leading and we have to start doing it in a way that uses the resources of Bernie rather than letting him sort of lead it.
Starting point is 01:07:52 I know this whole thing, the whole premise of this whole thing was not me, us. But let's face it, in American electoral politics, that's not how it works. Especially not in presidential elections. It can never work as a not-me-us type thing. The good news is we still have the numbers, though. Exactly. We still have the numbers, and that basic organizational premise does work at the local level. And I'm talking about municipalities, work sites, and maybe even house of representative races um i would strongly dissuade you from pursuing governor races senator races and district attorney or whatever the fuck those those are if
Starting point is 01:08:37 we are talking about needing rapid change that can put a a sizable amount of weight and leverage on the system in a way that makes it crack and bend to our will we have to be selective and strategic about the places we uh pursue and target and try to win and that means that might mean in some instances using b and in others not. You know, he is a resource and he is a great leader for us but the phase of this whole project where he leads it is now over. I know, again, there's nothing profound
Starting point is 01:09:16 or insightful about that. It's just that you all and myself included and all of us have to have a mental, a cognitive reorientation of how we view politics and how we want to see it change because we don't have a lot of time left and again this pandemic is just a preview of what the next decade is going to look like yeah is there a pill for that could i get a prescription michelle was taking a water pill today.
Starting point is 01:09:45 I said, just give me 10 of those. Just dehydrate me right now. I already begged you this morning to drain the blood from my body. He just have mercy on me. God damn. God damn. I would like to have that if it was safe to go to a facility.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And I'd love that at Keith Richards surgery where they just like basically do dialysis on you and take all your blood out and put fresh blood in. Yeah. I also just want to dissuade people. Don't fucking. I know it's appealing. I know it's alluring. But the whole like let's buy guns and try to do this like militant overthrow style like trust me bro it's not gonna fucking work two words predator drones
Starting point is 01:10:33 stay in your life that was always the thing to me like when those like amon bundy types were like forming these like right-wing militias and stuff like that it's always like to me it's like bro like like i don't know how to explain this to you but your local police like agencies are armed to the teeth in ways you could never be yeah you know what i mean like and i just know that if like if that's true in letcher county that's probably true in most places you know what i'm saying yeah i mean the thing is yeah, in theory, philosophically or whatever, it's symbolically very satisfying to imagine murdering a billionaire. But it's not possible right now.
Starting point is 01:11:17 The way that this country is organized geographically, the way that it's organized in terms of production and everything else. Like, we have to build, like, deep, lasting connections and networks in our communities. Before we start murdering motherfuckers. Exactly. Exactly. For that to even be a reality. That's several steps down the line.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Now, if you want to get comfortable holding a gun, go for it. I think everybody should be, personally, as a gun owner, I think everybody should be comfortable and proficient with guns. Absolutely. But you quit with these weekend warrior fantasies about, like, you know. Yeah, but by the time that's even a necessity, I'll probably be too fucking old to be a forest gorilla. So...
Starting point is 01:12:00 I already am too old. Yeah, exactly. We're getting fucking old, guys. I couldn't get to the top of High Rock without stopping. It took me, it took me 16 hours to get to High Rock. Yep,
Starting point is 01:12:14 we're getting fucking old, and, and so, yeah, I hope that that's, you know, maybe it won't put you to sleep, but maybe it'll at least put you at ease.
Starting point is 01:12:27 I don't fucking know. I don't fucking know. Well, yeehaw, fellas. You okay, Tanya? I got the hiccups now. I feel like... Define okay, my man. There's just no okay anymore. I was on water pills and got the hiccups. Listen, i feel like okay my man there's just no okay anymore that was the
Starting point is 01:12:46 water pills and got the hiccups listen i'm on edibles i've had three other calls today i got allergies i've been sneezing my goddamn head off. Michelle thinks I got the coronavirus. Oh, God. No, I'm just kidding. But every time I sneeze, she looks at me like she's going to kick me out. Well, any closing thoughts? Anything you want to say about that? I literally talked over you the entire time.
Starting point is 01:13:24 I'm not a good ally. I got, I was too exhausted. I didn't have no fight in me today, Terrence. Yeah. I'm sorry. I couldn't chime in. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:38 It's all good. Well, yeah, I don't know. Closing thoughts. Eamon Bundy really wants the coronavirus. He said said i want it now he wants it now and here's the thing my man if you really want it probably ain't hard to get yeah it's like the most highly contagious thing we've ever dealt with
Starting point is 01:13:57 yeah you know go to walmart without a mask for a week straight and you'll probably get your wish. I want it now, god damn it. I don't know. It's a full moon. I'm out of sorts anyway. I literally am making snake holes. Well, it's wild. It's like last night there was like this big super red super moon. We got the news John prime passed and then now
Starting point is 01:14:26 bernie's dropping that's just some weird cosmic energy going on right there that's it makes this reorientation necessary i agree it ain't good so yeah to sum it up the long-awaited for political political realignment did not come we gotta look for new means and methods uh i opened i took a bath last night and opened my journal and i hadn't written anything i do a daily like a few one-liners with with a tarot reading usually wife jokes yeah but that's all that's that's beside the point i brought out i pulled out my big main journal And I hadn't written that motherfucker until mid-February I don't even know what to put in there Talk about trying times
Starting point is 01:15:12 If you tried Matilda's cooking Hey I know My February entry Was just like Hell yeah I'm going to Dollywood in April Bitch Just fucking So happy where Andrew was just like, hell yeah, I'm going to Dollywood in April, bitch. Just fucking
Starting point is 01:15:26 so happy. Never get too comfortable, gang. If someone offers you a free trip to Dollywood, probably gonna come with a price. Like a big spiral. 100,000s of deaths globally yeah
Starting point is 01:15:46 oh fuck on a on a slightly lighter note did just did y'all see our boy jd vance is saying that the covid numbers are actually um not as high as they're being reported he thinks there's a mass conspiracy of people reporting COVID numbers way higher than they actually are. Oh, I love it when our boy comes out with a good take. Imagine that. Yeah, he's a 5G guy.
Starting point is 01:16:13 What's that mean? This idea that 5G is a Chinese conspiracy to make everybody sick or something. Yeah. Who knows? Yeah. Who knows? conspiracy to make everybody sick or something yeah who knows yeah who knows all i know is we're governed by shitheads and posers at best and at worst genocide lunatics so good night stay safe everybody truly i'm just i feel like I've already lost some friends because of E-War. And I just. Oh, Donya, you went in on her ass today.
Starting point is 01:16:51 And I mean, what I'm getting at is that I just am already dreading what's coming. When they start telling me to vote for Biden. I just can't. When they come out for Biden, it is going to... I don't know how to... I don't know how to handle it. You know, I've been wondering this myself.
Starting point is 01:17:17 The sort of more centrist libs... So I know a lot of them that have sort of squared that circle and rationalized it and been like, well, we, at all costs, we have to get Trump out.
Starting point is 01:17:28 It doesn't matter if Biden is who he is, but I have honestly seen a lot of like people who I would consider maybe left of center or progressive or anywhere in between Biden and Warren, who have been like questioning things who are like, is this really the guy? Is this really what we're going with? And I think that that's very interesting. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I don't know if that's the case with your friends, Tanya, the ones that will ostensibly be ostracizing you for, um, for, uh, going in on Ewar's ridiculous goddamn fucking tweet about bernie today but it's just really you know to quote reverend thomas sexton it's it's a
Starting point is 01:18:13 we're on a very diseased timeline right now you sound so defeated i'm so sorry you know i don't say this to draw a one-to-one to bernie and martin king obviously it's not a contest but it's like it is funny how you know people hated martin during his lifetime but they love him and now that he's dead and it's kind of like a similar thing with bernie it's like you know that he hated him when he was out there beating the bushes and stuff and now that he's like sort of um you know he has submitted these are fucking maniacal doms out here we're dealing with well i don't think it's even submission i just think it's like he just reads the tea leaves on it and now it's like now you all love him and commend his leadership and all that stuff when you were disparaging him at every step for the last eight years
Starting point is 01:19:04 they're desperate for his support and he should disappear well because they don't understand he doesn't operate under the same moral code that these vultures do these fuckers can spend fucking two years on the fucking campaign and debate circuit talking about how one another's a rotten son of a bitch that did this and did that and did this and then they can just reorient around whoever wins in the end and act like they're the best person and their best friend and that's just the way politics goes and but uh you know we believe in something over here you know yeah well i mean ultimately bernie's a good person and um it's not to say that the left needs a bad person. I think it's really stupid when people are like,
Starting point is 01:19:51 the left needs its own Trump. Even stupider when they say that Bernie is the left's Trump. Right, right. I think really at the core of it, Bernie would continue this campaign if coronavirus wasn't a thing. Yeah, honestly, you're, right. It's like, I think really at the core of it, Bernie would continue this campaign if, like, coronavirus wasn't a thing. Yeah, honestly, you're probably right. Like, the thing is, is this pandemic stuff
Starting point is 01:20:11 stuck a dagger in the... I mean, it was the nail in the coffin, right? Like, made it completely impossible. Fucking, fucking that disgusting piece of shit, David Axelrod. Bernie bowed to the mad... Bernie didn't bow to shit. Bernie, Bernie's looking out for the spread of this goddamn virus that disproportionately could affect him.
Starting point is 01:20:32 You know what I'm saying? Well, crises in this, again, this will be the general trend over the next few decades is that crises always benefits the right whether that's biden or fucking trump or whatever and they certainly benefited from this man they certainly fucking use it to their advantage um the democrats have used it to their advantage to beat bernie the republicans have used it to their advantage to consolidate more power in their hands and so um i don't know what kind of leaders we need in the future but we just need to be really fucking aware of those dynamics yeah yeah well uh poor went out for the boy um he he he uh he did his best and uh we're out a pint of blood for our boy pour out a pint of blood for our boy he did his best um we salute you bernie uh no honestly probably go donate blood i i donated
Starting point is 01:21:33 blood personally thank god i know you had to take you had to take my appointment when i got exposed yeah um but yeah thanks bernie thanks to the people who worked on this campaign For the people who volunteered for it I mean But it's not the end, so You know, the thing is It never fucking ends The road goes on forever
Starting point is 01:21:56 And the party never ends Misery too Alright, adios Alright, well We'll see you on the Patreon Misery, too. All right. Adios. All right. Well, we'll see you on the Patreon. Go listen to our Patreon. I'm sure the next episode will be a lot better than this.
Starting point is 01:22:16 P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash truebullyworkersparty. Sleep tight. We'll see you later.

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