Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 152: Tanya Turner, White Resident

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

This week we do some debriefing about our local self-organized Juneteenth art parade, review some Speak Your Pieces, and then maybe even submit a few ourselves. Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I just want to point out something right off the top real quick, if I can. How weirdly prophetic it is. We did an episode about a couple of guys with pencil mustaches and Liberace rings with little snub-nosed pistols that smack people leading the revolution, and then Trump tweets about wise guys. Robing bands of wise guys. Just as we predicted. Yet another.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Hey, I'm fucking trying to burn the McDonald's down over here. Can we get one of these wise guys on, interview them, figure this thing out, straighten this out? I'm just trying to figure out what fantasy Trump lives in. Oh, man. i'm just trying to figure out what fantasy trump lives in oh man he he's he's having a real normal one yeah i think that's called brain disease well my man is um he's he's not doing well and i mean there was a, there was that rally that they did last week. And, I mean, like, the big headline out of it was, like, crowd cheers Trump as he drinks a glass of water. What?
Starting point is 00:01:20 You didn't see that? No. Yeah, he was, like, bragging about how good he is at drinking a glass of water with one hand. But it wasn't even a devil's milkshake situation? In a sense, I guess it was. To prove you don't have some sort of degenerative disease. Oh my god. Good point. Good point.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Good point, Tom. Does it have a muscular atrophying? But the thing is his physical body is the devil's milkshake. Not the water. No, someone
Starting point is 00:02:01 the next devil's milkshake will be, the devil's milkshake in the communist future will be grinding up all of these old decrepit fucks and then like daring the new leaders like i guess whoever rises on top of the ashes of the old to like drink the milk the literal visceral milkshake of the ground so so we should ask booker to drink the ground up body of mitch mcconnell aoc jamal bowman uh booker and bernie they have to drink for it's like it's like a game of of Thrones when you had to eat the horse's heart without throwing up. I never saw it. I'll tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:02:51 It's communion. And what has to happen is Bernie has to die. And they all have to take of his body and drink of his blood. Oh, my God. Bernie died for all of them. Bernie seems healthy. He probably puts good things in his body. But would you seriously drink anything that even remotely came within 10 feet flying distance of Trump?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Or Mitch McConnell. It's just, like, full of cholesterol. No matter what it is. It's just fat. Just chicken fat. Well, anyway. Yeah, it's like you poke him it's chicken fat comes out the headline that came out of this rally was uh about the water drinking thing and my very first
Starting point is 00:03:35 thought seeing that was like he's lost it man he did it's not the same anymore it's not like you know we had like locker up in 2016 and shit like he was pulling out he was banging out hits left and right and now this is the best he can do fucking drinking all he could do is drink some water well then like throw it to the side like it's a damn baseball bat after he hit a home run and i think even trump is like still like like a cool like a cool guy enough to know that like drinking a glass of water for a half empty stadium to their cheers and like these are not people he would hang out with in real life it's like even he recognizes how uncool that is well yeah apparently there's like i've seen several reports that say he's incredibly frustrated with this campaign at the moment because the the rally wasn't well attended.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm telling you, like the hits just aren't like it's it's like late career Kanye. And maybe that's why Kanye has an affinity for him. Because the wheels have fallen off. Trump's glory days were right before he got elected and right after he got elected. His golden era, the Trump golden era was like 2008 to 2018.
Starting point is 00:04:59 He had a good decade of just cranking out the hits. That's all any of us caning out the hits. That's all any of us can hope for, really. A good 10-year stretch, my God. Cranking out the hits.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Talking about his campaign, who is running his campaign? It's wild to me who... He throws people away left and right and even the poor little minions he still has he exposed most of them to COVID uh in Oklahoma so they're probably in quarantine right now at least eight of them now have tested positive for COVID Trump Trump has created a has done a classic blunder,
Starting point is 00:05:46 in my opinion. Because let me just put my hat on for a second. I'm going to just not be a leftist for a second. If I'm some craven maniac working for the Trump campaign, he needs to learn the lesson that if somebody is at the table with you and they're stacking the deck for you,
Starting point is 00:06:05 occasionally you have to fold the winning hand just so it doesn't look so goddamn obvious. And it's like if Trump would have done just a couple of things, right? If he would have, one, let the Fed prop up the economy like it is already doing now, gave everybody enough money to fucking stay home for an extra couple of months and kept shit out of circulation he would have cruised a fucking victory over joe biden like it with that's what joe biden trying his damnedest throwing out all the stops now biden's coasting and nobody's seen the motherfucker in three months in person except for that one video of him running backwards apparently he can run backwards that was probably from like 2008 video that looked like obama era
Starting point is 00:06:52 but yeah he had way more hair a little less hair he has more hair now seems like well it's just uh it's just a weird thing and it's just like so easily avoidable well you're right tom he could have bought the election he could have literally bought It's just a weird thing. And it's just so easily avoidable. You're right, Tom. He could have bought the election. He could have literally bought everybody off with more stimulus checks. I mean, he still can. It's not too late.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's not too late, Trump. It's not too late. Give everybody money. It's obvious money doesn't... Yeah, it's obvious money. They pull money out of anywhere. It's like money isn't real. That's obvious money doesn't yeah it's obvious money they're just they pull money out of anywhere it's like money isn't real that's obvious yeah it's like if this motherfucker shut down ice he'd be a leftist hero oh for now give everybody trump bucks truly i mean at this point it it really could come down to the smallest the smallest token
Starting point is 00:07:45 could push him over the remember when we surmised that it was going to be legalization of weed he was going to legalize weed he couldn't even do that he couldn't get behind that that was that would have been a home run because it would have been it wouldn't have like alienated too much of his base most of them would have probably been into it uh and he would have he would have brought so many centrists over so many sick people he could he could have made it like he's a health care hero even though he's killed hundreds of thousands of people in america now they're going the thing is you have to keep the working people immiserated enough to keep the wheels greased and everything running. That's the only rub with that. The thing I think
Starting point is 00:08:30 is like Trump would have reigned for a thousand years if he would just abolish student loan debt. Like the simplest gesture. Anything. Do you think it's him or Republicans? No. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Go ahead. Just Republicans being just like so bloodthirsty that they refuse to give a fucking inch to humanity. Not one goddamn inch. Did y'all see the story about how poverty went down in april and may
Starting point is 00:09:06 uh poverty um poverty levels went down in april and may because of the stimulus checks um like that's how bad that's how immiserated people are that a 1200 stimulus check made all the difference in the world. It's great. Surely it wasn't just stimulus. Surely it was unemployment too. People getting extra unemployment. Yeah, it was the cumulative effect of all those things.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It's fucking crazy though. Just paying people the wages that they actually deserve and a little extra cherry on top it's crazy and we could do that for the next 100 years with no sweat off our sack yeah and it was a pentance compared to what they gave to a bunch of corporations fucking cruise ships and shit i don't even know what all they spent money on but people got
Starting point is 00:10:07 crumbs. Well, I mean, I think the larger point here is that I think he's finished unless he can... It's not even so much the lack of vision and policies. It's like he just doesn't even have it in him anymore. It's like he doesn't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You know? Like, he attained what he wanted. He got to the in him anymore. It's like he doesn't give a shit, you know? Like, he attained what he wanted. He got the fucking highest office. It's like, meh. He probably, I mean, does he even want to be president anymore? I think he does. Go ahead. Go ahead, Terrence.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I'm sorry, no. I was just going to say, it didn't seem like he wanted to be in 2016. I mean, he was very clearly caught off guard by himself winning. I'm sorry, no. I was just going to say it didn't seem like he wanted to be in 2016. I mean, he was very clearly caught off guard by himself winning. Now I think it's an ego thing. I think he's not as interested in being president as he is just being the man, you know? You the man, homie?
Starting point is 00:11:03 That's disorienting, you know what I mean? To go from being the man to not the man. That's happened to me a time or two, honestly. Not at the same level, but... You know, it's hard to deal with. You have... You've gone... You've gone from being not the man... You've gone from being the man to not the man?
Starting point is 00:11:24 I'm just saying, in my life, occasionally, I've been the man. We all fall short of the glory, Terrence. Now I'm not the man. You know, it's cyclical. But one day. Amazing. Amazing. What a sweet day.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Amazing. Amazing. Once we die. I had an idea the other day for, this is completely unrelated just because I'm trying to take us off topic and I've got nothing else to say about politics. I was thinking the other day about a prank. Are you guys into pranks? Do you ever prank people? I like a good prank. I always have.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I hate pranks. I hate pranking people. I tried to prank Tom for his birthday, and he didn't like it, so. I just assume not talk about that anymore. Well. I had an idea for a prank um okay so let's say your friend buys a puppy you know and it's like a golden retriever puppy and um and so you go you wait a year and then you go out and you buy a golden retriever puppy and then you go
Starting point is 00:12:46 every single year after that you buy a golden retriever puppy so like over maybe 12 years you have 12 golden retrievers and they're all one year apart and you have them around your house and then once your friend's dog reaches about 12 years old then you swap it out with the one golden the first one you got that's a year younger and you just keep doing this for maybe 15 years to where they think they think they've got a dog that lived to be 36 because you just keep giving them a new golden retriever every time the other one dies. Yes. They're like, why won't this fucking dog die?
Starting point is 00:13:31 What the fuck is going on? That is elaborate. That's not a prank. That's like a mission. A life's mission or something. That's almost like Tom Sexton's black a prank. That's like a mission, a life's mission or something. That's almost like Tom Sexton's blackjack strategy. Theoretically, you, I mean, there's controls in place for this, obviously. But theoretically, if you're playing a home game of blackjack, if you just kept doubling your bet every time,
Starting point is 00:13:59 you couldn't lose unless you just ran out of money. So if you had bottomless pockets, you would just win all the time there you go so uh i love blackjack you don't want to talk about politics terrence what is there to say really i mean trump is well common common is in frankfurt today the rapper oh god the rapper i say rapper very lightly the let's well the entertainer the ibm spokesman what i'd call him common was like in frankfurt kentucky today common was the quintessential getting out ahead of it trash man rapper because he like the vast majority of his songs were like yo i treat women like shit i like to beat on them and they suck my dick but that's all right like i'm i'm all right i think about it at night and it's just like if people were like hey that's
Starting point is 00:14:58 poetry man he had he literally had songs like that in like the mid-2000s that were about how bad he treated women but the fact that he like acknowledged it was like he was like oh okay like common thinks on another level he thinks a couple steps ahead common to me is you know that thing that's going around it's like name one rapper everybody thinks is really good, but is really trash. Common's that guy for me, honestly. Oh, my God. Dude, he is absolutely... We've bagged on him enough. I'm sure he's in Frankfurt for a noble cause.
Starting point is 00:15:32 He's a terrible rapper. A terrible rapper. The only thing that made him... I was going to say, he doesn't get any points with you all for being in Frankfurt for Breonna Taylor. He doesn't get any points for that. We're just talking about his art. Strictly his art. See, we're getting back to the Dolly thing.
Starting point is 00:15:49 We have to separate the person from their output. The only thing that made Common redeemable was the people he surrounded himself with. He did one album with The Roots that was amazing. And he did two albums with Kanye that were both amazing. But the rapping on it is egregious. Like, it's, I don't know. Kanye loves Common.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Look at that scale on her. I only know, I literally only know one Common song. So anyway, Common's in Frankfurt today. Yeah. There's a bunch of people in frankfurt today including including brianna's family's lawyer and i guess that's who i saw him speaking louisville a couple weeks ago after they voted on brianna's law and he said at that time he said i've got ti and alicia keys texting me wanting to know when they need to come to Louisville.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And so I guess Coleman was at the front of that train. Of course. So, because he's not a Kentucky lawyer. He's like a nationally known lawyer that represents people dead at the hands of police. Is it Benjamin Crump? Is that his name, I think? Crump, yeah. Crump, yeah. Yeah, he was like, I think he kind of came out around the trayvon martin stuff right yeah and so he's
Starting point is 00:17:11 been in kentucky for the past couple months working with brianna's family and they're all at frankfurt today you think um because brashir likes to see himself as such a nice guy such a cool like Brashear likes to see himself as such a nice guy, such a cool, like, friend, Daddy Andy. You think he'll come out and shake hands with people and wave and thank them all for coming out? Real patronizing? Probably. I'm anxious he'll come out and say, hey, you can't be doing that now. Six feet apart.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Six feet apart. Yeah. Yeah. Six feet apart. Six feet apart. Yeah. There were... Did y'all hear what happened in West Virginia? Uh-uh. Our old pal, Jim Justice, the governor of West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:18:01 West Virginia has been the state with the least amount of COVID cases. I think them in Alaska and Hawaii.aii uh-huh that sound right that makes sense yeah and places yeah uh but they've had a bunch of spikes this month since june one their cases are up like i don't know i'll have like tripled or something. They've got, they're having a spike. And so this pissed Jim Justice off because he had been looking good. And so do you know how he, what he chose to do to handle it? Oh my God. What? He fired, he fired the state's top health official who had been overseeing all COVID matters in the state.
Starting point is 00:18:52 He pulled a full trump and fired her. It was like, nope, she's out. So he's going to be handling it on his own from now on? I don't know. He hasn't pointed to anyone. Now, as COVID cases are soaring in West Virginia, there's literally no one at the helm. He tossed the pilot out of the plane. He's like... Remember when...
Starting point is 00:19:08 Go ahead, sorry. Heron this first kicked off and he said, he said, if you want to go eat at Bob Evans, go eat at Bob Evans. And then two days later, he was like, had this like noted like fire and brimstone. Like, well, you you know maybe it's coming for us and we need to you know whatever whatever he also said you can't be open if you're not following the fucking regulations and then he denied that he's ever said the word fucking his
Starting point is 00:19:38 whole life yeah that was fat that was an excellence Yeah, he literally said fuck on tape and then denied that he ever said it in his life. Yeah, I know it's a high bar, but that has to be on some list of top 2020 moments. I mean, there's a high bar. Of the quarantine? Yeah, of like 2020 craziest moments in 2020. That has to be up there.
Starting point is 00:20:09 My man is absolutely terrible. Him and Common should get together. They are frequently at a loss for words. Oh my God. Common literally raps like that. He'll be like, we're Chicago-ing. We got cold video you know and he does these pauses because he doesn't know what to say
Starting point is 00:20:30 my god am i getting canceled for a person in in common both of you seem to be very uncomfortable i can't speak to the validity of what you're saying clearly i have no no knowledge of commons i love because common had one good song it was the light and then he had an album produced by kanye that was good but only because the beats that's the thing that was the thing go ahead the only song i know by common is is it called testify all i remember is the video be is the premise of the song is that this woman gets away with murder by pinning it on her man and that was great that was seemed good oh that was i remember the album that that was on i remember the sample yeah yeah i like that song also the song he had with kanye called the food was a good song yeah that was all that was on the same album with
Starting point is 00:21:31 testify i had that one it's on the dave chappelle show yes but that's where i draw the line with my man now he just makes uh music for uh skype commercials my man works for Microsoft now. He's in under the Steve Ball or Bill Gates. Now he's leading rallies for justice in Kentucky. Where all rappers go to in their careers. Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Seriously. Except Nappy Roots. They began their careers here. That's exactly right. That's true. Where's our Kentucky rappers? Where's Nappy Roots?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Why ain't they in Frankfort? And what's his old, what's old new boy from Louisville? Jack Harlow? He's out there. No. What? The other one. Bryson Tiller?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah, Bryson. He lives in in Miami now if you were listening to Jack Harlow you would know that that's unfortunate Bryson took his talents to Miami fuck I don't blame him honestly Tom I feel like when me and Tom had a radio show we played Bryson Tiller non-stop I feel like I played a lot of Bryson Tiller in like 2015 yeah he was the biggest shit out so they're in Frankfurt for Breonna Taylor
Starting point is 00:22:58 I kind of want to talk about this this wasn't on my list of things to talk about I didn't really have anything to talk about today. Hate to venture off the master plan. Yeah, that doesn't exist. But I've been very fascinated with how... Well, fascinated and kind of disgusted
Starting point is 00:23:20 with how people have turned Breonna Taylor into a meme. I saw this tweet yesterday that said drink water use seasoning and arrest the cops who arrest who killed Breonna Taylor and it's like this has not been done with any other I don't feel like whether it was Eric Gardner or Sandra Bland or whoever like there was no I don't feel like anybody turned them into memes like this. I feel like it's very dehumanizing and bizarre. I just wondered if y'all had seen anything like it, or if you had any thoughts on it. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah, it's just like the sort of like... Yeah, they're just turning the situation into a meme and it's like i guess in a sense it's like well i mean this is where we're at in the world this is gen z this is how they are changing things they're memeing us all oh so you think it might be a generational thing no yeah i definitely think it is interesting um i also just think people are pulling at straws about what to do uh when we are all trapped at home yeah that's true but it's like the list of things to do is like call the mayor that number goes straight to a voicemail they haven't listened
Starting point is 00:24:40 to in months you know what i mean it's just like there's no like what can we do from our houses yeah well i feel like it's about to get a lot worse um aren't covid cases just completely fucking soaring this week texas peaked their most single day number at 5 000 new cases in texas this week amazing 5 000 new cases kentucky has surpassed 15 000 total haven't we cases yeah i haven't checked now the governor says that's just because we're testing more people. But, you know. And this is kind of crazy. Michela's parents' neighbor, like three or four houses down from them, they are the people who basically spiked.
Starting point is 00:25:45 They're like patients three, four, and five who spiked Letcher County's numbers. Because we're up in the double digits now, numbers. And they went to a church in Perry County. And they work. One of them works at Walmart. They all got COVID at church in Perry County. One of them works at Walmart. One works at the jail.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So we now have, like, a bunch of people, several people who came in contact at our walmart and now we have our first cases at the jail it is fucked it's just like so quick so fucking fast oh yeah it's where you go fucking just that just that it's spreading so bad oh fuck Just that? Just that it's spreading so bad? Oh, fuck. Not good. Look, at this point, it's like a radical act just to not get COVID. Just do everything you can and not get it.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Because, like, that should be your top priority. Just try everything you can to not get COVID. Just try to stay alive. Wear your mask. Disinfect. Truly, that's all we top priority. Just try everything you can to not get COVID. Just try to stay alive. Wear your mask. Disinfect. Truly, that's all we're doing. Social distance. Oh, my God. I love, I was talking to my mom the other day.
Starting point is 00:26:57 She was, like, I was talking about masks. Like, I feel like wearing masks in a small town is awesome. Like, you know how many fucking conversations I've got out of at the grocery store because like people aren't sure if they recognize that it's me or not i wear a hat and a mask and people are like is that terrible i don't i don't want to take the chance and so they just keep talking well the last few days the last two weeks i've been wearing i got a new mask sent to me that says Black Lives Matter, and I've been wearing that around town. How's that been going?
Starting point is 00:27:29 So, well, people stay the fuck away from me, I'll tell you that. Well, here's the thing. Are they afraid of the white resident? White resident, Tonya Turner. I want to clip that out of that article, and I want you to put that as your header on your, like, Twitter and Facebook. White resident Tonya Turner. I want to clip that out of that article, and I want you to put that as your header on your Twitter and Facebook. White resident. So for those not in the know, the local media has latched on to Tonya as local white resident Tonya Turner.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Against the cop. Against the cop police chief. Against the biracial chief of Wattsburg City Police. Yeah, I guess you have me to thank for our sheriff's department getting a free cake this week from Walmart. That was fucking hilarious. That was so good.
Starting point is 00:28:16 That ranked up there with the time that Buffalo Wild Wings did a standing ovation for the troops. I'm trying to find it. That shit was so fucking did a standing ovation for the troops. God. I'm trying to find it. That shit was so fucking goddamn funny.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Tuesday, I had to go to the grocery store. That was my first time in the grocery store. I'd actually got, a couple people asked me where I got my mask in the post office. That's really the only place I go on a regular basis. But I had to go to the grocery on Tuesday, and the kid checking me out. I had an old man stare at me for a long time. I thought he was going to say something, and I had already prepared myself to say, Suck my dick, old man.
Starting point is 00:28:53 That was my line. I was ready to go. I was ready to fire it. Could not wait. Could not wait. It was on my tip. But he didn't say shit so i let him be uh but the kid bagging my groceries had a blue light had a blue thin blue line american flag mask wow a real standoff yeah and the kid
Starting point is 00:29:15 it was like he was bagging but then the kid uh sending my groceries through said oh i really like your mask i was like thanks man and the kid bagging my groceries he never said shit and then he said do you need help out and usually i take my own groceries out but i was like yeah i do i want you to fucking take my groceries out and put them in my car oh my god let's go kid i've i've seen class trading i've seen you morph into uh I want to speak to the manager like literally in the last 48 hours literally yesterday I was like how do I talk to a manager about this what do I do
Starting point is 00:29:53 the this that she's referencing is that the local Walmart managers I guess got together and put together a cake for the local law enforcement officers and the cake says hashtag you matter to me managers, I guess, got together and put together a cake for the local law enforcement officers. And the cake says, hashtag you matter to me, to our first
Starting point is 00:30:09 responders and essential workers. And it has a... Now let me tell you... It has an American flag with the thin blue line and what I guess is the new... A red thin line. For the essential workers. Thin red line for essential workers. But let's break this down because the hashtag in icing, in cake icing, is really the most important part of this cake.
Starting point is 00:30:34 That hashtag, because these people don't know what a hashtag is, obviously. They don't know what it means. But they know that that is a signal that you matter to me is the hashtag is a signal that this is about black lives matter yeah yeah for sure that is the if without the hashtag it's much more ominous you know what i mean it's much less poignant uh-huh both of those things yes Both of those things, yes. I'm the most important. I'm like, they put a fucking hashtag in icing on a cake.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Here's why they did it. Here's why they did it. What's the last public service Walmart needs for loss prevention? I mean, they got a goddamn cot in the back for them boys to stay overnight if they want to the only one they name yeah because they're out there fucking pension fucking single moms that are struggling with addiction and everything else working fucking
Starting point is 00:31:36 shit jobs at McDonald's for fucking I think shoplifting $20 items I misunderstood this so this is actually a cake from the sheriff's office Shoplifting $20 items. I misunderstood this. So this is actually a cake from the sheriff's office to Walmart. I thought it was from Walmart to the sheriff's office, but this picture... It was. No, this picture is from the sheriff's office to the Walmart.
Starting point is 00:31:58 No, because Walmart sent the sheriff's office the cake, and they posted thanking Walmart for the cake. Oh, got it. Okay. You following me? The picture is taken in the Letcher County Sheriff's office. I thought that's why. Yeah. The cake was delivered to the sheriff's office. They posted on Facebook, thank you
Starting point is 00:32:18 to our local Walmart. For keeping us in a job because we got nothing else to do. They took the photo that's how to be walmart's loss prevention arm they took the photo next to that little deposit in the sheriff's office where you can go drop your unwanted prescription drugs i've always wondered about that thing could you just walk in there and start picking shit out of it i'm looking for prednisnick's own. You're just getting
Starting point is 00:32:45 vikings. Listen, you may not believe this. You may not believe this, but I'm only looking for Omeprazole. Terrible hardware. Okay. That's fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:33:03 There's been some really funny local shit happen since last week. I don't have the paper in front of me, unfortunately, but I heard that the Mount Eagle let people
Starting point is 00:33:21 call on the KKK in Speak Your Peace. What do y'all think the efficacy is of that? Mountain Eagle let people call on the KKK and speak your piece. What do y'all think the efficacy is of that? Do you think the Mountain Eagle should have censored that and not printed it? Let's go to the tape and see what was said. I'm a First Amendment purist, Tanya. I think that in the interest of getting a finger on the pulse. Again, I'm ready to speak to a manager about this.
Starting point is 00:33:49 You have been on the manager speaking tip all week. You need a new haircut, Tanya. I'm ready to report this. You need a new haircut. Let's go to the tape on it and see what the pulse reads. No. Things have gone too far when they talk about taking Mrs. Buttersworth off the packages of pancake syrup. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And pancake mix because it is racist. What's next, Fat Albert? Hey, hey. Come on. This stuff has... He must have missed the whole memo on the Bill Cosby thing. What the fuck? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Who are they going to cancel next? Bill Cosby? Oh my God. I cannot live. What's next? Bill Cosby? Michael Jackson? What the hell?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Come on, this stuff has been around forever and it's not hurting anybody. It wasn't made to hurt nobody. This is just so sad. What's on my mind is all this Black Lives Matter stuff. Yes, most definitely Black Lives do matter.
Starting point is 00:35:04 But why are we dividing ourselves by fighting and feuding instead of coming together? Unity ticket. We've got to forget the past in order to forgive our brothers. Go ahead. Sorry. We've just
Starting point is 00:35:21 got to forget our past in order to forgive our brothers who had nothing to do at all with what happened they say remove the monument to jefferson davis and other confederate army monuments but what if they remove martin luther king statues let's be real we have to love one another but this is not the way. All we are doing is destroying and dividing our nation. And over what? Yeah, I mean, really and truly, when are we going to get Martin Luther King and Jefferson Davis at the table together?
Starting point is 00:35:55 To hash this whole thing out and find some common ground. When you really think about it, they're very similar. They're very similar people. I mean, this week's speaker piece is fascinating because there's more than one of them that is a fucking roller coaster. They just whipsaw you back and forth, and by the end of it, you're like, wait, what the fuck? I love those guys. Those are my favorite guys.
Starting point is 00:36:20 The chuds have started saying Black Lives Matter now. I don't know if you guys have noticed this but they've started saying yes black lives do matter because all lives matter but black lives also matter but then they have to fit it into they have to fit the square peg into the round hole of their own racism it's very fascinating to watch well if, if it's a modest but at least a small rhetorical win is that All Lives Matter has kind of fallen out of fashion a little bit as like a rallying cry. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's because the people have started listening to me and they're doing incrementalism correctly. So defund the police is now just as controversial a statement as Black Lives matter was five years ago and now five years though yeah when you stake out the defund the police position they're like okay all right black lives matter all right whatever you say but man in five in five years when we have our every five year dust up of this stuff in five years the cops will be saying well i guess probably we could use a
Starting point is 00:37:25 little less money we've probably been a little wasteful over the last little bit well we should say that execute the police execute the police and then the police will be like okay no no just defund just defund just defund defund please movement for black lives has been saying defund the police for six years. Since their policy platform. I don't know what helped kick it up into the media this year, but... It ain't new. Well, the cops themselves have kind of slipped on this. They, uh...
Starting point is 00:38:02 All of them across the board. I don't know if you guys saw this but there was an article in slate this week that was like i must have closed it but it was basically like how police are talking about how cops are talking about um how cops are talking about the george floyd's killing and the protests and like all of them across the board are like yeah george floyd went too far and our own police chief said that at the meeting that one night was like yeah george floyd went to yeah and i don't know if you caught this tanya i meant to ask you about this but it's like he almost said the same thing about brianna taylor and i couldn't decide he kept it very very vague
Starting point is 00:38:40 he wanted to say yeah that it was also just as bad but like they've they have thrown chauvin under the bus it's very fascinating that there's a well because he's already been arrested after after these people are arrested then they're all safe to say yep the law was followed because all they care about is the stupid fucking law that's what he i mean even even the sheriff that was yelling at me and he was just like i would die for you because we hold uphold the law it's always the fucking law who gives a fuck about it anyway they they can throw chauvin under the bus because he's already been he's already in jail he's already been charged so they can say yes that was murder because the courts have said it's murder but that hasn't happened foronna, and so they won't say that.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Right. Well, it happened, one of them got arrested, but that's... No, he did not get arrested. He was fired. Or he was fired, I'm sorry. Yeah, no one's been arrested. Yeah. Yeah, and that Chauvin motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:39:39 you know what'll happen to him? The same thing happened with the dude that murdered Laquan McDonald. What'll happen is he'll do, like like six months in the clink and get out and fucking do a UFC promotion with fucking Joe Rogan or some shit. Not Joe Rogan. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to besmirch Joe Rogan like that. No, I mean, he's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:39:58 You remember like when fucking what's his ass Zimmerman that murdered trayvon martin was going to do like a celebrity boxing thing with dmx or whatever and then that motherfucker he's out here signing confederate flags he auctioned off the gun he killed um he killed him with yeah just the most like reprehensible such a fucking ghoul oh god i mean nothing has not only brianna in kentucky but the fucking national guard killed david mcatee and nothing's happened to them nothing yeah that is really even heard nothing else about it is that the that's really interesting is that the first time national guard has killed somebody since the kent state massacre in, like, 1970. I mean, like... I doubt it, but...
Starting point is 00:40:46 I mean, killed somebody in the United States on American soil. I don't know. I don't know either. You know a couple of them went cowboy building houses in Kuwait and probably just murdered some locals just to scratch the itch. Well, yeah, I mean, that definitely, definitely happened. Absolutely. But the only press conference
Starting point is 00:41:06 that ever addressed that was the next day and the fucking governor didn't really say shit about it he asked the guy over the National Guard like some general motherfucker to come up and talk about it and that was before even they had
Starting point is 00:41:22 released they probably already knew but before they had admitted that the shot was fired by the fucking National Guard. But he was like, all these National Guard, this has been their mission from day one. This is what they've been trained to do. You mean to tell me that we have an undisclosed number of National Guard members, even in every state, including the state of Kentucky, number of national guard members even in every state including the state of kentucky and their only mission their entire life's training is to tear gas people in the streets it's like fucking crowd peaceful crowd control you're telling with guns that's what you're telling me the motherfuckers ain't even trained to use guns they like they're like trying to like fucking
Starting point is 00:42:01 even trained to use guns. They're like trained to like fucking I don't know, fucking build water wells and shit. Right, and they were like basically deputized in Louisville and handed a bunch of guns just to like what? To what?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Stop looting from Target? To the people raising hell about our county judge executive, Terry Adams. Hell, I think he did the right thing, but he should have done one more thing. He should have brought the Ku Klux Klan in behind them and watched what they would have done with them. Thank you. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:42:39 That's what I'm saying. Why? Okay, I'm with you on this. The Mountain Eagles should not have printed that why did they print that okay i'm gonna toss this up to people i what what's the thought on this terrence you think well i just told you mine i'm about to call i'm calling fucking ben uh so tanya you're definitely 100 should not have platformed that fuck no okay terrence where you land on this i just want to see i just want to
Starting point is 00:43:11 i just want to see where y'all land on the first for the sake of being contrarian sure i'm gonna say yeah why not okay so now you put the deciding vote on me. Yeah, I think. Oh, boy. Do you think they even discussed it? Do you think? Because I've literally sent in speaker pieces that were not printed.
Starting point is 00:43:41 They do not print every speaker piece. They chose to print that. I think the Friday, June 12th march in Weinsberg was of a contentious nature tanya you have anything to do with that rather than a high moral cause today about 45 minutes ago i asked a person who marched while they marched that person said black lives. I asked another question, and the person looked at me, bewildered and amazed, and made a few unflattering remarks and walked away. Now I know exactly who they're talking about. Suck my dick, old man.
Starting point is 00:44:16 This was literally you. Well, Tanya, this person has some words for you, ma'am. Ma'am. Literally you. I want this person to know it was a legitimate question and I'm not a son of a bitch for asking that. He said S-O-B. He said S-O-B, by the way.
Starting point is 00:44:34 It's funny to call somebody a son of a bitch. I would still like to know. I am confused. The confusion of a call gives no legitimacy to a purpose. Thank you. I'm just trying to come out to you and you just had to tell him suck my dick, old man.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, why did you pull the whole it's not my job to educate you routine? You have to educate him. That's amazing. Is that the first time you've ever landed in Speaker piece as like just said that wasn't about me that was absolutely you're the only one that anybody describes of as of a contentious nature
Starting point is 00:45:17 oh come on no no i i'm i'm white resident okay it's true i'm white resident I'm white resident you're a white resident of a contentious temperament fuck me to a certain person probably Tanya when the time comes to prove who owns this land I just happen to have a video of you digging up
Starting point is 00:45:40 the landmark you thought you moved you can do it in jail for this you can do it in jail for this. Alright, you can do time in jail for this. So if you want to push the issue, then push it, buddy boy. Okay. What fucking landmark?
Starting point is 00:45:57 I don't know. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you. We have a lot of opinions about the Confederacy. More and more. To those trashy people who think black lives matter in the United States. God damn! Dude, they're letting it out today.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Let me tell you a little history lesson, folks. And they spelled it with an X. and they spelled it with an X. The stars on that Confederate flag do represent racism. I think this is the one that goes back and forth and I was like, what the fuck? This is a whipper, man. They represent the state's...
Starting point is 00:46:41 Oh, I think what it is is a typo. I think what they meant to say, the stars on that Confederate flag do not represent racism. Because it makes sense if you read it this way. They represent the states that fought for the South in the Civil War. People need to know that Southern soldiers
Starting point is 00:46:57 are United States veterans, too. Actually, they're not. They're literally not. By definition, they're not.'re literally by definition they're not they're literally not and i think it's time we recognize them if the wrong person gets the confederate flag into his or her hands they can use it for racism but i am not a racist i'm a relative of a confederate veteran and i continue to honor my ancestors the way I choose. This was Mitch McConnell that wrote this in, I guess.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah. This just goes to show you how dumb some people are in this country. That's hilarious. The people need to know that Southern soldiers are United States veterans, too. A very interesting take. So let's popcorn that States veterans, too. A very interesting take. So let's popcorn that one around, gang. Tanya, southern soldiers, U.S. veterans or not? Excuse me, I'm busy writing in to speak your piece right now.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I'm going to need a minute. Okay. We'll table you. Terrence, over to you. I was wondering why you look so concentrated. I'm typing. I'm typing an email to the Speak Your Peace right this very second.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Tanya, when you write in the Speak Your Peace, do you try to like make it do you try to do like the Speak Your Peace speak? Do you try to like make it into like the rhetoric and style of Speak Your Peace? Sometimes. Depends on how pissed I am.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I have one in there this week. See if you can find it. See if you can guess which one's mine, Tom. I didn't send them all of them, but I bet I can figure it out. I found yours here, Tonya. Let me guess. Oh yeah, Tom, why don't you guess?
Starting point is 00:48:43 I got a guess here. Let's talk about the booger man coming to every little town in the united states reminds me of the 60s and early 70s this is tanya's in the 60s martin luther king was said to be coming to every little town to start race riots that never happened martin luther king never caused a race riot he was the one who got killed not the people who thought he was going to come and hurt them the american people are afraid they have to have guns because they don't trust god i trust god take care of me instead of my gun that's i like this i try he acknowledges he's a gun, but that's not where his faith lies. Or their faith lies. This one's excellent because it is an interesting look at the recent explosion in the conspiracy theory of the coming Antifa super soldier bus.
Starting point is 00:49:39 But this one calls it the booger man. I mean, you know, but it is. But by doing that, it reveals the sort of like folklore behind it the reactionary folklore behind it like that there's that there is this like monster that is coming to like serve this reckoning this sort of like almost like racial reckoning and it's like that's it's that doesn't exist you know what'd be funny is if this person is like an old person and actually just misheard Charles Booker as Booger Man, and it's actually Charles Booker coming to all the small towns in eastern Kentucky in campaign,
Starting point is 00:50:16 and he just totally botched it. Tonya, did you write, Terry Adams better come up with something to say for himself was that when you uh is that was that all of it i don't think so or maybe or better yet the fiscal court needs to chime in probably best to keep your man like that quiet yeah that was mine yeah i knew it do you do you think that was an attempt to make it sound like a speak your peace? Definitely You nailed the speak your peace style in my opinion
Starting point is 00:50:50 On TV news for everybody to see What's the email site done? I just sent this email To I mean to send in a speak your peace You just email Mountaneagle at So all of any interest in Mountain Eagle goes to the same email.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And I just emailed simply, why did the Mountain Eagle print a call for the KKK? Yet no mention of a People's Juneteenth Parade declared a national holiday by Governor Brashear and a Wattsburg main street full of art for black lives i'm so truly confused about this journalistic decision that's a little preview next week speak your piece you nailed the style tanya i am true what what the fuck mountain eagle dad they didn't because there you sure, Terrence? Are you absolutely 100% sure there's no mention in that whole paper of the Juneteenth Parade?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Let me check. Because I haven't seen a copy myself. That actually might be in next week's. There's probably more on that next week. No, it happened Friday. It was on Friday. That's plenty of time. Well, you're talking about an understaffed paper.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Tom. Tom. All you got to do is walk down Main Street, walk out the front door of the Mount Eagle office and take some pictures. Also, they didn't have to do anything because WYMT covered it. They could have just copied WYMT's coverage. Also, Tom, the rally that they covered and put on the front page of last week's paper what happened on a friday night later even than the juneteenth parade god bless you mr president we know you are going to be president for the next four years that are coming after the
Starting point is 00:52:41 election the man who killed this man by putting his knee on his neck knew what he was doing. What? He knew he was killing this man. Anybody who has studied any martial arts knows where the pressure points on the neck are. God damn, I hate when I'm reading something serious, and the classic Eastern Kentucky thing is to make a batshit point that goes sideways and it makes me laugh at it. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It was cold-blooded murder. Okay. That's a good start. This guy recognizes that George Floyd was lynched. We saw it. Once again, though, it does the whiplash thing it starts off
Starting point is 00:53:26 with god bless you mr president we know you'll be president for years my blood pressure is peak right now we go god bless you mr president after this we go god bless you mr president george floyd was murdered and now we're going back a little bit this way when he says now plaque for george floyd would be fine but i can't see holding a national holiday in his honor but he should be remembered but he should be god bless america oh this is what they do this is how you could tell if a black lives matter is racist or not watch this watch is what this is amazing this is amazing this is the style this is the racist style of black lives matter and black lives do matter if there's a do in there it's racist if there's not a do in there it's not racist white lives matter all lives matter
Starting point is 00:54:21 we know this thank you they he put white lives matter in the paper? Yes. Oh, my God. All lives matter. We know this. Oh, my God. Let me ask you a question, though. Nah, never mind.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I'm not going to ask that. What were you going to ask? I'm not going to ask that. Are you sure that Juneteenth is not in there at all i looked at i looked all through they didn't mention it so we tom it was pretty badass uh we had well we probably had about six or seven cars like maybe more than that just fucking going up and down main street just honking for an hour how many did you say how many did you say like six or seven right dude we had like 25 well at one time though i mean people would stop and they would like you know get out and talk to
Starting point is 00:55:14 people i mean there were there were more than we even had like little little old ladies ladies. Marsha Banks joined in. Oh, she's the shit. Yeah. But the thing is... Sorry, continue. This went on for an hour, and all of those storefronts in downtown Main Street have some sort of Black Lives Matter message in them, and it did not make the paper once.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Like, nothing. Nothing about it. Nowhere in the paper. We circ we circled wymt had a camera downtown the entire time they were down there for like four hours yeah we got drunk afterwards at skeet side and photo bought we like got behind her when she was live at six on wymt on WIT. Oh my God. Listen, the best part, listen, Deja was definitely the grand marshal.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Her ass was hanging out the side of the car the whole time. Every single lap they did around the courthouse. But it just so happened that right,
Starting point is 00:56:20 we did it from four o'clock to five o'clock and the courthouse closes at 430. Tom, you would have loved it. We were honking horns at the courthouse sitting there Natasha Rachel's hanging out of my sunroof Dustin Hall is in the back seat cackling uncontrollably because he's so embarrassed and and I'm laying on the horn and uh natasha's screaming black lives matter justice for brianna and the woman it's 4 30 on the nose and and terry adams secretary who we had haunted that very
Starting point is 00:56:55 monday we had seen her that monday in his office is having to lock the front door of the courthouse at 4 30 on the nose and we are screaming and honking the horn right in front of a wymt camera amazing nothing in the paper folks nothing to see here i literally go ahead let me ask y'all where you land on something since we're talking about like local journalism because this is a little bit of an axe I've had to grind a little bit. Not bad, because in some ways I agree with them, okay? So I won't call it an axe, more like a little hatchet or something to grind with them.
Starting point is 00:57:33 So, like, I kind of got out there a little bit, maybe showed my ass on the TL a little bit by saying that, you know, noting that a lot of people didn't ever receive absentee ballots that they closed 2 000 polling locations etc etc and i think like a lot of the more sort of like liberal commentariat their refrain was actually no you're wrong and people like outside of kentucky that are saying this saying voter disenfranchisement whatever are wrong and like robbing us of our
Starting point is 00:58:15 agency and like they just think we're dumb hillbillies that can't do any better for ourselves et cetera, et cetera. My question for the crew here is this. My opinion on this is that both things can be true. Like, yes, yes, turnout was great. People had more opportunities to vote than ever before. It was, I hate to say words like bipartisan effort, but yes, Andy Beshear and the Republicans, they agreed to all these terms or whatever. But why can't it also be true that, like, there is only one polling location in the 43rd largest city in America and six in Hal Rogers' hometown?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Yeah, there were six in Pikeville, too. These all are true. I mean, journalism is desperate for like strict dichotomies they can't handle they can't nuance yeah they can't handle any details i mean i guess they can't fit it in 300 fucking words or whatever i don't even know but of course it's all true you didn't even get to vote did you you? Me? No. It's ridiculous. I'm confused. Plenty of people didn't get their ballots.
Starting point is 00:59:27 I'm confused, though, about the various moving parts here. So are, like, liberal... Are, like, coastal elite liberals saying that, like, we couldn't handle an election because we're dumb hillbillies? Was that a thing people were saying no i think what they were saying was that and i listen i think they're right i think because i think what it was is there were like maybe outside journalists saying that okay closing 2 000 polling locations a couple weeks out from the election should give you pause i agree with
Starting point is 01:00:03 that and then the rebuttal is well actually people have plenty of time to vote because they expanded Locations a couple weeks out from the election should give you pause. I agree with that. And then the rebuttal is, well, actually people have plenty of time to vote because they expanded early voting and all this stuff. This is just another case of y'all coming in trying to tell us how to run things and think we can't do things for ourselves and we're not whatever, whatever. You know what I mean? But in my opinion, is it not kind of a lateral move to expand early voting if you're also going to close down 2 000 polling locations and end voting at 6 p.m so much so that one of the guys running has to file a fucking injunction to get people who are in line to vote you know what i'm
Starting point is 01:00:42 saying yeah i mean they've always closed it at 6 p.m., and it's always been totally slanted against workers. It's ridiculous. Well, my thoughts, and I wasn't going to put this out on the TL, and I wasn't going to tell it to either of you, but my contrarian take on this is that they shouldn't have had an election at all. Because if you think, i do think this i do actually think this if you think that it was bad for them to hold a primary in the middle of a pandemic in march you have to also hold the same principle now because it is bad they should not
Starting point is 01:01:22 be holding any kind of in-person um voting or anything in the middle of a pandemic. I mean, honestly, I don't disagree with that. I agree with that. I agree 100%. If it is safe for me to pay for shit online with my fucking bank, it has to be safe. It has to be secure for me to vote with my phone. Yeah. Why are we not voting digitally?
Starting point is 01:01:44 This is fucking so stupid i agree with you look at the nba all-star voting no controversy the thing is is that what their retort their rebuttal to that is that it can easily be hacked by like fucking russians or what this is how much this is how far down the failed state hallway we've gone now. So now they can say, you know, we can't even implement digital voting. They can't send you a secure key in the mail that you then use to log on to a website and then vote through that. Because they say Russians will hack it. I mean, the thing is, I've tried to uh i was telling somebody this the other
Starting point is 01:02:28 day like the whole thing with booker is like i support him we had him on the show i i've done uh what i can do to help him win but at no point was i going to get my hopes up because the the thing i took away from bernie is that we live in a failed state. There's no such thing as democracy. And if you're putting your hopes into like thinking we can elect people to help us, then like, it's just not going to happen. But mostly because,
Starting point is 01:02:54 yeah, it's the, we lack even the infrastructure in the political will to even enfranchise people to help them vote. They don't want us to vote. They like, you saw the videos of people lined up outside that place in Louisville, banging on windows. Banging down the doors.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I mean, it's just like we're so far beyond even being able to elect people to help us. That's why I can't get my hopes up anymore. It's just like... It's just self-preservation at this point for you well booker is ahead in the polls even though we only have a small percentage of them right now he um so i need to check this again because i don't know if this is true as of can i while we're talking about russia can I ask a question? Uh-huh. About Russia?
Starting point is 01:03:48 You've come to the right place. You've come to the right place. Well, I thought, I genuinely thought the Russia conspiracy theories and shit were kind of behind us. Oh. That was wrong. I was wrong. I was wrong. Just run-of-the-mill Democrats locally have just like really casually mentioned to me recently about how all this stuff going on to divide the country, and you can only guess what that means,
Starting point is 01:04:23 and you can only guess what that means, is caused from Russian intervention. The Russians are working to divide the country right now. This is like run-of-the-mill local Democrats. Have y'all heard this take elsewhere? Oh, absolutely. It's been the predominant take since 2016. Really 2016 really that's still what they're hanging on am i that oh you're saying like right now like this yeah right now yeah now well here's the thing here will be the test here will be the test
Starting point is 01:04:59 i will be so heartbroken if char Booker utters the words Moscow Mitch. True. I don't think he will. I don't think he will. But I'm telling you, this week I heard the words come out of a man's mouth. A Democrat, a union supporter, said the words. He said, who was it? Globachov was his name?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Globachov. That's what he said. Globachov. Amy Klobachov? What was his name? Globachov. That's what he said. Globachov. Amy Globachov. Amy Gorbachev. He said it. He said it out loud. He said he could take over America without firing one shot. Well, I'm going to have to beg to differ because Gorbachev has one foot in the grave.
Starting point is 01:05:45 And he's no longer anywhere close to the reins of power. Furthermore, his country fell. Level with me, though. If we're supposed to be... What is there even to say to that? It's the legacy of fucking stupid-ass red-baiting Cold War propaganda is it. It's like we spent the entire 80s and fucking 90s getting Yvonne Drago
Starting point is 01:06:10 pumped into our fucking heads and these dumbasses can't let go of it. It's infantile, it's stupid, and if you're out here saying Moscow Mitch, go to hell. At this point, it's so fucking trite and stupid. What are we supposed to do if that's the baseline it but it's
Starting point is 01:06:26 also though you're exactly right tom it's the actual literal descendant of in the 1960s liberals said the same thing about the soviet union when it came to the civil rights movement that they were the ones stoking uh you know these racial protests and other stuff and it's like it's inconceivable to them because this is fundamental it's like, it's inconceivable to them, because this is fundamental to the liberal worldview, it's inconceivable that anybody would fight back and that they would actually try to assert their own humanity and try to achieve some sort of emancipatory egalitarian.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Exactly. Like, it's just inconceivable to them. So that's the sort of way that they rationalize it yeah their alternative is listen let's let's have a beer summit with the reactionaries and talk some sense into them and we'll if that don't work we'll keep talking some sense into them yeah until some sense is talked into them i was so caught off guard. I really don't know what to say about it. There's nothing you can't say to those people. You have to write them off
Starting point is 01:07:31 because you're not going to change their mind. There's no way. Those people are so far gone. You know what I mean? They're not going to fucking... Those people... It's the exact same thing Tom has been saying for months. That is literally what people were saying
Starting point is 01:07:44 when the Soviet Union fell. this is widespread i like belief in these like conspiratorial uh you know things going on behind the scenes that there's no way to dissuade people otherwise it's just also some friends called me out for being conspiratorial. Give me the deets. Well, I think I have to wait. I think I have to wait till we hit end record to ask you all this. It's too much. Mostly because I'm going to reveal how ignorant I am.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I understand that. And you two already know. I do that every week. I'm not worried worried i don't give a fuck about you two i do it twice a week every week i don't even know how to explain to you what's happened but it sent me into a little bit of a spongebob moment where i was like uh was it regarding that milwaukee child sex trafficking house uh no no i haven't heard that that's conspiratorial that really happened right definitely but i feel like there will be a push soon to try to cast it as an epstein like conspiracy when in all it was connected to epstein yeah like liberal friends were like wait you really are buying into this like haitian baby stuff it's like haitian baby stuff that's
Starting point is 01:09:04 what they said and And I was like, I don't know what you mean. And they were like, Epstein, like, you think that people were drinking Haitian baby blood?
Starting point is 01:09:11 And I was like, not exactly, but... Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Here's why I want to pause it. I'm not saying I believe that either. But we're talking
Starting point is 01:09:19 about the same class of people that go and fucking play with each other's dicks in front of a big owl statue like once a year well that's what i said i was like my i mean the only thing it's not beyond the pill is what i'm saying the only good thing i could respond was i mean it's not hard to believe that the people in power are pedophiles like that is not a stretch of the imagination look up how's
Starting point is 01:09:42 that conspiratorial go to wikipedia and type in dutro affair like seriously this now we sound like alex jones google s i m u oh god i don't know anyway after the episode i'm going to tell you all what happened because I was left so confused. Well, then, okay. Then we'll stick a pin on that for after we hit stop record. But before we go, we're recording this on Thursday, June 25th. It is about 1.15 p.m. As of right now, Charles Booker is ahead of amy mcgrath by about four three thousand votes
Starting point is 01:10:28 um yeehaw and booker won letcher county but what not but only by like in-person voting um not melon ballots or anything so i don't know how he'll do there but i wanted to read you off some of the vote totals um from ledger county um bernie sanders received 34 votes i feel like i know every single one of those 34 people i mean i was one of them obviously i don't know did you vote in person i went to the clerk's office on monday they had early voting so i went i got to vote early so you are counted in that yeah okay i mean i voted for bernie but i did a million so you're not my total's not not counted there yeah um michael bloomberg received 11 uh amy klobuchar received 10 um interesting tulsi gabbard received nine what what um wow elizabeth i bet it was all those guys that hang out in the veterans museum all those old veterans because she's hot and a
Starting point is 01:11:35 veteran she's hot and a veteran hot veteran uh elizabeth warren got seven um john delaney got six what andrew yang got four um yang gang tom steyer got three and michael bennett got three as well devol patrick received zero how many did Biden get? Biden got 74 votes. That's not even that much more than Bernie, honestly. No. Well, Bernie, I think, won Letcher County in 2016, right? Yeah, against Hillary.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Yeah, he did. Against Hillary? Terrence, answer me this. Were you mining coal right before we recorded What's on your hands Oh I had a fucking pin explode on me It's everywhere It's all over me I feel like I'm in 6th grade again
Starting point is 01:12:37 Looks like you just come off third shift on the belt line Is it on my face too I'm gonna start doing that I'm gonna. Is it on my face too? I'm going to start doing that. I'm going to start putting it on my face and going into Walmart. You're going to do black face? It's tough in there, yeah. Going to Walmart?
Starting point is 01:12:54 Black lung face is what it'll be. I'd advise against that. Oh, okay, all right. Well, that probably about wraps it up for this week. A little bit of a chaotic episode. A little all over the place, but you know what? Well, it is the season. It is the season.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I think I've been thinking about it, and I think I'm going to release our Dolly Parton episode to the public because I've had more than one person tell me they would like to share it with their liberal friends who they don't feel like ever get an alternative analysis of people like dolly i cannot handle any more dolly stands in my dms and mentions so you think i should keep it behind a paywall? Yes, just for my own peace of mind. These fucking people are out of their fucking minds.
Starting point is 01:13:49 You're telling me that will give me even more of a reason to take it off the paywall. Alright. Well, I'll go ahead and tell you right now. Dolly stands can suck my dick. You heard it here first, folks. I'll bring them all out and let you choose which one to suck.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I'll tell you something. If you know Tanya Turner, you know that's not easy for her to say, too. So y'all should really listen to this and take note. Yeah. I cannot deal with any more dolly stands. Well, maybe I'll keep it behind the paywall. I don't know yet.
Starting point is 01:14:22 I don't know. You love to torment me. You're definitely going to't know yet. I don't know. You love to torment me. You're definitely gonna release it now. I don't know. I'm not. I don't see how it shakes out. This is like the podcast version of like Tanya's trying to get in the truck and you just pull up
Starting point is 01:14:37 a little bit. Keep pulling up a little bit. Like a bastard. Okay. Well, maybe I will. Maybe I won't. But if you would like to go check it out before I do or don't, go to Patreon, P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trailblazy Workers Party and throw us five dollars.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Tell you what else to do. Go subscribe to Means TV. Terrence was on a few weeks ago. Tom was on this morning. And I've got a hot sex ed project in the copper coming out in July. There you go. Look at you. So subscribe to Means TV.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Subscribe to Means TV. Subscribe to Go buy a Common album for fuck's sake. Why not? Subscribe to my OnlyFans. Subscribe to Tom Sexton's OnlyFans. I've got a
Starting point is 01:15:35 baby pool set up on my porch. I think I should start OnlyFans just in my baby pool. Yeah, that looked pretty... It's not you doing anything sexy. It's just you sitting in a baby pool. I just sit in it and smoke blunts. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:49 That's tight. All right, everybody. Well, we'll see you next time. Have a good week and a good weekend. Bye. Be well. Bye-bye.

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