Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 162: Playing To Win

Episode Date: September 3, 2020

This week it's anarchist jurisdiction zones, Biden's anti-protestor ads, and the disturbing cottage industry that's sprung up around Breonna Taylor's murder Support us on Patreon: And/or buy a T-Shirt:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's a one-way ticket to Guantanamo, apparently. Man, I swear to God, if I end up in a fucking labor camp or end up in some sort of terrorist camp because of Rand fucking Paul... God, wouldn't that be something? Then I really cursed the day I decided not to fucking hide up in the hills in Perk Creek and throw rocks at his ass when he campaigned at Pine Mountain Grill. Truly. It is funny... Well, it's never too late to hide in Perk Creek and throw rocks at his ass when he campaigned at Pine Mountain Grill. Truly. It is funny.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Well, it's never too late to hide in Perk Creek. It is pretty funny. This is the most unoriginal point in political commentary history, but it is really hilariously ironic that the guy who made his career off of, like, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants
Starting point is 00:00:44 is now leading the charge against Antifa. And infringing on people's liberties and everything else. Everything you campaigned on. And it's all because this dumbass had to walk through a crowd of people, right? Yeah, because he got swarmed. Like, God forbid. God forbid. The biggest bitches in the world no i'm within a fucking foot of them no yeah if if you you really can't get any better evidence than that that like this whole libertarian
Starting point is 00:01:17 liberty anti-government bullshit is really just a form of bourgeois ideology cloaked in rebellion but it is honestly the most and actually ran paul's own father ron paul is the best example of this but it is quite literally the direct descendant of confederate ideology because confederate ideology Confederate ideology. Because Confederate ideology is simultaneously aristocratic, bourgeois, and libertarian, anti-government, rebellion, or whatever. And Ron Paul famously got
Starting point is 00:01:56 caught writing all that pro-Confederate shit in the 90s. Yeah, John Birch Society. He prophesied the coming race war, and these fucking assholes have been like wheeling it into being with the rhetoric for decades now lordy mercy well yeah um i heard literally i was driving into terrence's driveway yesterday and the news that just like the you know very quick news bite that I heard was so dystopic.
Starting point is 00:02:25 It was so terrible. The first one was clips from Portland's mayor talking about how Trump started all this division. The most divisive character in human history. Come on. Yeah, I like that tweet. He's like, the first by mayors now sending deputized troops into portland to clean up the streets let's hear it let's hear it for that they're deputized they're wearing rainbow cloaks yeah running in uh but yeah trump yeah he's i guess just pissed at trump or whatever
Starting point is 00:03:02 and uh of course course and like you started this I can't get this under control you started this shit you're a maniac well I'm sorry to cut you off Tanya but this is related to it
Starting point is 00:03:19 did you guys see that earlier this week so we're recording this on September 3rd, Thursday, Trump signed a memo today to restrict federal money from going to, quote, anarchist jurisdictions. The memo cites Seattle, Portland, New York City, and D.C. Per the memo, below is... What? Yeah, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Listen to how the department of justice defines an anarchist jurisdiction um the department of justice oh my god yeah in in identifying anarchist jurisdictions the attorney general in consultation with the secretary of homeland security and the Director of OMB shall consider as appropriate whether... These are the classifications of how you get to classify or qualify an anarchist jurisdiction. One, whether a jurisdiction forbids the police force from intervening to restore order amid widespread
Starting point is 00:04:20 or sustained violence or destruction. So basically, if there's riots and basically if the mayor steps if there's riots and protests in the mayor steps in and says no we're just gonna let him burn everything down and just ties the cops hands as it as has happened millions of times obviously that definitely happens every single day yeah clearly um two whether a jurisdiction has withdrawn law enforcement protection from a geographical area or structure that law enforcement officers are lawfully entitled to access but have been officially prevented from accessing or permitted to access only in exceptional circumstances except when law enforcement officers are briefly withheld as a tactical decision What in the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Wait, so they are literally just trying to threaten against defunding the police. Yeah. Check out. Name one place where cops are not allowed to go in this fucking country exactly truly there is nowhere um number three it's all these it's all these i mean these are the people that yell straw man straw man straw man and all they make are exactly um number three whether a jurisdiction disempowers or defunds police departments then you don't get federal money so there you go saying the quiet part zero federal dollars um wow was this an executive order what is this it was a memo released by Trump yesterday, Wednesday the 2nd. He signed a memo today, so I guess some executive order.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Number four, whether a jurisdiction unreasonably refuses to accept offers of law enforcement assistance from the federal government. So if Trump wants to send the National Guard in and the mayor says no well you're fucked um no more federal funding and five any other related factors the attorney general deems appropriate so essentially what we've got here is if you're not allowing the cops to go anywhere and everywhere they choose then fuck you andmore, it is basically just codifying the idea that cops are allowed to just go and be anywhere they want to go. That nowhere is off limits for the cops, essentially. And it's creating them again as some, like, marginalized group.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's like reinforcing the Blue Lives Matter shit, as in, like, we're having to take extra measures to protect the police which is completely fucking absurd yeah i saw that more police officers have died from covet 19 than uh like gunshots in the last two years jesus christ or this year so far um yeah per the memo doj will publish public lists of anarchist jurisdictions in 14 days. So you can go down to your town square and they'll nail a list of anarchist jurisdictions. The anarchist version of the Diet of Worms. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I hope they declare my king, Kentucky. I'll tell you where they don't want to go doing that shit is Pistol City. Yeah. Most of eastern Kentucky. That's the only place that the cops aren't really allowed. Yeah, most of eastern Kentucky will be an anarchist jurisdiction because there's no law at all. There are no cops. Where are they?
Starting point is 00:08:03 But they won't declare it one, though, because apparently we vote for Trump or whatever. You know what I mean? Right, right. But technically, we would fit the bill for a lot of this because it is pretty lawless. I did yesterday. There aren't any Trump signs on my creek and up my road, but i got rerouted over a crossover i had to drive over the mountain and take another creek out yesterday because that truck fell or that tree fell and i saw a huge banner that said that had a big train on it and said all aboard the truck train
Starting point is 00:08:37 and i know the bitch that lives there She's a fucking surgical technician at the fucking hospital. These are healthcare workers. It's so fucking bizarre. Well, speaking of that, you almost died yesterday, eh, Tonya? Yeah, it felt like some Final Destination shit. Like, I came around a corner, and I had Louie in the car with me. And then I see this guy that I know waving me down and I thought maybe he had wrecked or something and so I stopped and then as soon as I got around
Starting point is 00:09:11 the corner where he was I saw the tree and he was like this tree just fell and I was like just now he said oh yeah just now and I was like fuck like I was the first car there he lives there and he of course he went on this long rant he was like I've been calling the power company for three weeks i knew that tree was gonna fucking fall and they wouldn't come out here they said we don't cut trees we have such a fucking i mean y'all know my the power issues that we've had up here this year alone and it's just i mean that me and him talked about it yesterday like i was like oh yeah we've been out of power so many times he said it's fucking ridiculous just infrastructure is so bad and there's just no even like foresight about i mean people literally are calling and saying hey this is gonna fall and take out the power line like it's not like people are ignoring the problems around and the company's
Starting point is 00:09:58 just like oh we don't cut trees well obviously you fucking do you contract someone to cut trees you stupid bastards like what are you talking about get fucking ass plunder whoever the fuck on the phone to make it cut it down he was like my nephew works for a splunder and they need to get the fuck up here he said and he was like quoting how many um how many rate hikes they've received in the past three years he was like they got a 23 percent rate rate hike 18 months ago which they said was to cut trees it's like people know how they're being fucked you know what i mean this isn't yeah but yeah it was um it was really scary and then i thought about the rest of the day of how i was like narrowly escaped death and it's very i felt very tom it felt like
Starting point is 00:10:43 a very tom sexton thing to be thinking that how i just narrow narrowly escaped death i had a similar situation earlier in the year remember we're on car creek where the fucking rock slide happened just before i got there yeah yeah if you hit hellhounds on our trail time truly they really are like like they just don't care about people i don't really there's no other way to look at it. The corporations that are supposedly to service us, they're monopolies and they don't give a fuck about us. And they couldn't care less that someone could have died under that tree.
Starting point is 00:11:16 No, definitely not. No, no interest. If you had died under that tree, you would have been a footnote to a footnote in like the local newspaper and they would have published your arrest record oh absolutely i i could i would love to have seen the mountain eagle headline if i died under that tree radical antifa podcast bitch dies after and then they would find i'm find there's this one picture of me on Facebook that I should probably just go delete or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:49 and tag myself that I just know would be the one that they would find. It's from like five years ago but I was on tour with Globsters and it was like a promo picture of me with a knife to his throat and I just know that that's the picture the paper would print if I died she was no angel
Starting point is 00:12:07 of me with a knife to a guy's throat and then the then the power company guy would say well that was one for the safety video and then they just move on or they would they would they would like print some picture of my tits out and be like she uh she dabbled in witchcraft and pornography yeah she failed porn star dies oh shit well no it's if you wouldn't have stopped by my house and just gone straight home no it was before it was on the way out well but it happened to me up maybe louie saved that happened to me up... Maybe Louie saved. That happened to me up the same holler when we went up to your house for Fourth of July. We missed the tree falling.
Starting point is 00:12:52 That holler's dangerous. Oh, yeah. It's coming in and out of that fucking thing. Yeah, well, according to my neighbor, he says it's all those pine trees because they're so weak, blah, blah, blah. And like, I mean, it don't take... You don't need an advanced degree as tom would say to know which trees need to be look dead and are hanging over the road and need to be
Starting point is 00:13:09 trimmed this ain't rocket science like yeah and they just don't give a fuck i don't know i mean our counties have no money and he was even standing there like when i when i got there he hadn't called anyone no one knew this had happened i was like well who should we call and he said well this is a state road i said the county wouldn't be responsible he said no it's state until you get up to the church and then it's county doesn't fucking matter all them motherfuckers use those distinctions for us to pass the buck to one another to see who'll do it first exactly that shit does not matter they can't nobody's gonna call them down for going 15 yards past their jurisdiction cutting a fucking tree now i know that's what i said i said well the it's it was three o'clock
Starting point is 00:13:49 i said well if i were you i'd call the the courthouse right now because they're not closed yet he's like i'm trying to he had his phone in his hand he said i'm supposed to be at work right now i'm supposed to be going to work i can't he's like i don't know who to call i was like damn sorry man gotta go the i mean in a way it's like man okay yeah i get it it's it's like that's like the like one of the handful of public services that like like the cops love to go past their jurisdiction everybody else doesn't yeah exactly yeah totally well they had it cleaned up in about an hour though i don't know who ended up coming up it's kind of weird we were talking about the adjustment bureau last week and then that happened yeah remember yeah
Starting point is 00:14:31 like the one little thing but the wildest example of that is eddie george was a running back for ohio state and his mom was a airplane flight attendant and she was supposed to be on the Lockerbie bombing. And she called in because of his Heisman Trophy presentation that she wanted to go to. Now think about that shit. Think about everything that had to happen.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Not only did he have to be the best player in college football that year, he had to have followed that exact trajectory to save her from dying in that bombing right scary to think about the road not taking yeah do you think this podcast would exist if i hadn't had a mental breakdown in 2012 and moved to eastern kentucky do you think that you guys would have started your own podcast with somebody else just uh probably about like the joy of painting can't say yeah time to just lead a painting class and me talk about how much everything
Starting point is 00:15:35 looks like tits well me painting tits so yeah uh well maybe we could have had a titty podcast who knows if you wanted if you want any federal funds to fix the trees in your holler you better not live in an anarchist jurisdiction my friend you better return your antifa card right now put it in the mail send it back to headquarters where it will be promptly shredded it you know it really isn't a one-to-one but like it is seems like they are whipping up that public fervor against antifa in the same way they did like internationally against al-qaeda like something that just like sort of exists but not really you know you want to really as go to like you want to really scare yourself you want to really scare yourself. Go ahead. You want to really scare yourself.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I remember in the late 2000s, early 2010s, they were entrapping young Muslims in this country for sharing Al-Qaeda videos and, I mean, just simply passing media around. They were calling that terrorism and prosecuting it as such and that's what really freaks me even if you just sent it to your uncle and said isn't this shit wild like you they've set the precedent like and this obama went along with it you know uh they set the precedence over the last 15 years they've laid the groundwork to essentially turn yeah antifa and the left wing into the next threat to national security um and the only thing that keeps them really from scattering it from completely um bringing the whole thing down is that they're pretty incompetent um but i would thankfully i wouldn't i would it if, um, if you start seeing stuff like
Starting point is 00:17:26 that in the next five years, if, if simply sharing a podcast or some other form of media with another person that has, uh, that is Antifa adjacent or whatever could land you in prison. Um, because you're right. They've, they've turned it into the next existential threat. It was first, it was communism. Then it's antifa it's podcast now it's podcast well i'll tell you what's wild is that i mean i guess they do this all the time just totally contradict just full of contradictions but it's like in the same breath they're trying to um you know weaponize and and um turn like of the far
Starting point is 00:18:08 left whatever faction um into this like terror whatever boogeyman yeah yeah but they're also trying to convince in this elect in this election cycle that that's the whole Democratic Party. Did y'all see Mitch McConnell spoke in Kentucky this week at a Farm Bureau dinner for candidates and Amy McGrath
Starting point is 00:18:37 Amy McGrath didn't show up. She was invited. It was supposed to be like a candidate thing the first time they were going to be together and she didn't go. Let me go ahead and tell y'all something let me just interject real quick amy mcgrath has done her duty she's raised the money and now she's just like she's no reason she's doing what she came to do he was in frankfurt or somewhere at this uh farm bureau thing and she was in paducah they the news cut i only know this because i was at my sister's house and she had the news on and it was just
Starting point is 00:19:05 it's so wild watching Louisville news because it's all, the Louisville news cycle really is all about Breonna Taylor. That's the truth. Like every time I'm there, I'm just like taking in a ton of Breonna Taylor content about what's going on locally and like this week of course it's the
Starting point is 00:19:21 derby and how they're like expecting and trying to figure out how to how to like combat all the protests that are going to happen at the derby everywhere else is just like no one's talking about brianna taylor in the news we don't hear shit but the local louisville news is still on this hammer anyway um so they cut to they cut to amy and she's like in a in a field it's raining she's covered in water she looks crazy and she's talking about i don't even know what out in paducah oh i think she's literally was talking about that nuclear plant or something crazy about jobs and
Starting point is 00:19:58 shit like anyway um but what mitch mcconnell said was wild the clip they showed of him was him saying i think uh amy not being here today he said i've never missed this dinner and you know and whatever but what Mitch McConnell said was wild. The clip they showed of him was him saying, I think Amy not being here today, he said, I've never missed this dinner, and whatever, however long, he's been running 30-some years. He said, and Amy not coming today just shows you how much the Democratic Party hates rural people.
Starting point is 00:20:18 That's what he said. And he said, and I'm here to tell you folks, there are no more centrists. There are no centrists. I used to work closely with Biden, with Joe Biden. We were friends. We were close. But he, I can assure you, that man is ready to support the riots and looting in the streets.
Starting point is 00:20:41 That's what he said. At a Kentucky Farm Bureau dinner. There's like 17 people in there they're all spaced out wearing masks and suits every one of it's all men in suits it's just so bizarre well he's right about one thing that the democratic party does hate rural people that's true well do you guys want to um do you want to listen to the Biden ad that they just put out today or yesterday? Please, God. About the protests and the riots?
Starting point is 00:21:09 You got to check this out. You got to check this out. All right, let me set this up. I want to make it absolutely clear. Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted. Fires
Starting point is 00:21:27 are burning and we have a president who fans the flames. He can't stop the violence because for years he's fomented it. But his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. Violence not bring change it'll only bring destruction it's wrong in every way if i were president my language would be less divisive i'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country not raise it donald trump is determined to instill fear in america because donald trump adds fuel to every fire this is not who we are i believe will be guided by the words of pope john paul ii words drawn from the scripture be not a pharma i'm joe biden and i approve this message what the fuck uh yeah there you go pope john paul ii huh so i thought he was gonna take a turn there
Starting point is 00:22:22 and talk about polar bears. Terrence made the best point about it on Twitter. There's two lines you can take on the demonstrations. One is violent crackdown, a la Trump and the Republicans, or harness that energy to try to form some kind of movement or something but Biden's taking the third route which is he's just scolding
Starting point is 00:22:52 he's not like that's exactly what he's doing you could either harness the outrage and anger which is all legitimate you could say that we have rioting and looting You could either harness the outrage and anger, which is all legitimate. You could say that we have rioting and looting because of decades of systemic racism, because we're in the middle of an unemployment and housing crisis, because society is basically unraveling because it can't contain all of its many contradictions.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You could say all these things, but what Biden is choosing to do is just scold the people and say they should be prosecuted for rioting and looting. He's not trying to harness the anger in any way. And that's why I think, I mean, I really, you know, I was in Columbus this weekend and just driving around, like, I didn't see very many Biden signs. I saw a lot of any functioning adult 2020 signs. And I saw a lot of Black Lives Matter signs. But I just don't think there's a lot of enthusiasm for Biden.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And I really felt this week like it's possible he will lose. But I go back and forth every single day, obviously. If he does lose, it'll be because of that because he can't actually harness any of the existing anger and outrage towards change the third yeah it's like he they instead i mean this is a this is a historic democratic bullshit but instead of talking about all the talking directly about all the things that people are experiencing right now like for god a fucking pandemic i mean does he have an ad about this fucking pandemic he's got dr bronner's build back better disinfected that's right the bottle um it's just he's literally they instead of talking about what they are going to
Starting point is 00:24:47 do are able to do are planning to do they talk they literally only address their haters like whatever whatever reply guy has said about them whatever trumper is in their fucking comments that's who they talk to it's's insanity. It's absolute fucking insanity. It's crazy. Yeah, it's... The weird thing about Biden is Biden could... Obama campaigned with a more left, more radical agenda than what he became as.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Biden can't even do that. Biden is campaigning as this scolding, like, functioning adult. That's what I was thinking. Like, you could, I mean, obviously Obama didn't do anything, but he did campaign on a radical departure from the existing reality. And Biden can't even do that. And it worked. from the existing reality and biden can't even do that and and so that's what makes me think that he might lose because that doesn't inspire any actual you know it doesn't inspire anything in
Starting point is 00:25:54 anybody and so there's low enthusiasm and there's then there's going to be low voter turnout and then trump will run away with it and it's's pretty fucking comical to just listen to all these liberal pundits and people on Twitter all day and on the news and on NPR or whatever just basically scold you and say, another Trump administration is going to be it's going to set us back
Starting point is 00:26:17 50 more years for the climate and all this. And it's like, well maybe pick a fucking candidate that people can actually get inspired about. And that represents a radical departure from the way things are. And Bernie was that candidate. And they've made it clear that they're not going to commit themselves to anything like that. Which is interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Again, I keep coming back to that. But I keep coming back to that video that obama made which is like if i was running in 2020 i'd be running bernie's campaign and what he means is like ah we i would at least make empty rhetorical gestures to change which we can't even get that now and so it makes me wonder if they really are playing to win i really don't know i mean it makes you wonder it's it is hard to think i mean i think that they have the potential to raise more money with trump in office and we we have we would have to be crazy to think that that's not what they're motivated by that money's not what they're
Starting point is 00:27:20 motivated by you're right it to me it feels like echoes of John Kerry 04. And you even see this with celebrities wearing the vote or die shirts. It's like, I'll tell you, there is a correlation between running a uniquely piss-weak candidate against somebody deemed uniquely bad in a particularly, like, you know, uniquely bad time. You know what I mean? So when you got to get LeBron James on national TV wearing a vote or die shirt. I mean, we should really drop T-shirts that say vote and die because voting is going to be a literal slaughterhouse. Well, that's what I want them to do.
Starting point is 00:28:02 They had no qualms about asking people to go out and vote during the primaries in the pandemic. Biden was against moving primaries. He was against it. Right. Yeah, because he knew that favored Bernie. Then, now that he's sold the nomination up, now he's trying to take the moral high road. Jesus, man. They've just made every blunder
Starting point is 00:28:25 Imaginable Well I mean Just to connect this to what we were talking about a minute ago I mean You've got Mitch McConnell and Trump basically saying You know Or
Starting point is 00:28:41 Specifically McConnell saying I used to work with Biden I used to respect him i like him now he stands for writing and all this like protesting and all this and it's like i don't know it's the point has been made many times over the last couple years but like if they're gonna say that about you why not lean into it you know like who fucking cares like you know instead of becoming a reactionary like your whole fuck that whole fucking ad you just played us is a response to Mitch McConnell and them saying stuff like that
Starting point is 00:29:09 which tells me two things one Mitch McConnell and them have a strategy to paint every centrist democrat as fucking Vladimir Lenin and just keep on going keep on going keep on going as just like this sort of way to set up this boogeyman thing
Starting point is 00:29:24 that we're talking about. And the Democrats don't know how to deal with it. I think they're just totally set on raising a ton of money the next four years to run, you know, whatever dinosaur. And they already have the script written to blame it on Bernie Bros. Well, yeah. What they're doing is they're bending over backwards to make themselves the new respectable Republican Party. It's like I was saying last week.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Like, six very prominent conservative never-Trumpers who were fed up with Trump being mean and nasty, like, have managed to pull the entire party in their direction. The entire Democratic Party in their direction the entire democratic party in their direction and i was just thinking about the absurdity of that and like how funny it is that like trump is bad but like hasn't launched a war and killed millions of people and all this you know what i mean and i mean like he's done bad things but like he's not any worse than bush and in some respects bush has a much much higher body count than trump does but But the Democrats are willing to make friends with Bush just because Trump is publicly not woke, just because he's publicly a mean and nasty person. If he was privately a mean and nasty person, but publicly respectable and
Starting point is 00:30:40 put together and wasn't talking about raping people and all this, they'd be totally fine with it. But the fact that he does it publicly, and it goes against their notion that to be a good political actor, you have to be a good person, and you have to make all the correct virtue signals and say all the correct woke things, well, then that's essentially why we can't have healthcare and into the virus
Starting point is 00:31:06 and into the housing and jobs crises just because these fucking idiots are very concerned about coming off to society as bad people more or less I don't know
Starting point is 00:31:22 sick freaks it was I mean it's kind of hard to be shocked anymore I don't know Sick freaks It was I mean It's kind of hard To be shocked anymore By political theater Because it just feels Like it's
Starting point is 00:31:32 Hit a wall But I was pretty Pretty surprised To hear Trump Telling a reporter That people are
Starting point is 00:31:41 Getting on planes Wearing all black They have all these all this stuff they're flying around the country i love these like there's six guys there's six respectable guys they're wearing suits like it's just a classic trump fiction everybody else in this plane's wearing black folks they're wearing black and they're nasty guys and there's all kinds of them in there. It's like Antifa's got a bunch of frequent flyer points built up and they can send squads all over the country to fuck shit up.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Well, I think you pointed this out, Tom, that they've constructed Antifa in the same way that they constructed Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda was never really an institution. I mean, it was a loose assemblage of people people but it wasn't like a 501c3 like wasn't like they had there was no al-qaeda address with like osama bin laden has elected their president and there's a board right exactly but they've i mean i don't know yeah even even in the fuck even a decade ago kat williams was making jokes about how the people that they've like demonized as insurgents and all this shit are just like motherfuckers and cowboy hats and flip-flops these are just fucking people just trying to literally survive in the desert and it's just god damn
Starting point is 00:33:07 well it is it is i think i guess what we're going for what we're aiming at here is that like i don't know if biden will win lose or whatever but if he does lose it will 100 be because they have bought into the image of themselves that the Republicans have created. And there's nothing there to inspire enthusiasm. And I think even the libs know this. And it's why driving through some of those more liberal neighborhoods or whatever, you don't see very many Biden signs. It's because he's an old creepy guy like what is the very first thing you remember about biden before this race even began that he
Starting point is 00:33:51 was creepy joe that he was like always putting his hands on people i was like and so that offends their sensibility joe yeah that offends their sensibilities on that front and then like and then there's all you know there's the crime bill there there's his obviously decaying ability to shrink together two thoughts, all these things. There's just not even really enthusiasm among that crowd. And so if he loses, it'll be because of that. I have no idea what will happen. There's one primary progenitor for all this, and it's Barack Obama. Barack Obama runs the Democratic Party in the same way that Mitch McConnell runs it. And the idea of circling the wagons around Joe,
Starting point is 00:34:32 as opposed to Buttigieg, because Buttigieg arguably, it's almost like you could see this played out in real time. Like, they were trying to get Buttigieg Iowa as a hedge to rat fuck Bernie later, but then when Biden got the firm victory in South Carolina because of Jim Clyburn's fuckery, that seemed more solid than Buttigieg's questionable victory in Iowa. So they were faced with a choice. Who are we going to rat fuck Bernie with? Is it going to be Buttigieg or is it going to be Biden?
Starting point is 00:34:59 And they thought that Biden was the safer choice in all that. And I think that was kind of an error. But I think what tilted it in Biden's direction more so than just the South Carolina thing was that Biden was the one that was willing to protect Obama's legacy on health care. That's exactly right. And that's why Obama went from in 2000, at the first of 2019, he tells Joe Biden, Joe, you don't have to do this. 2019, he tells Joe Biden, Joe, you don't have to do this, to now he does the full-throated endorsement and the weird video where he kind of throws shade at Biden a little bit by saying he would have ran Bernie's campaign. He's tacitly admitting, oh, this is not perfect, but this is what we're going to go with. And it's all tied up in protecting Obama's legacy.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And then the other part to that is is you see what obama did with the basketball players last week like barack obama is single-handedly the biggest threat nobody wants to acknowledge this but he's single-handedly the biggest threat just by virtue of his power and influence to any change in this country which is a huge paradox from 2008. He's going to close Montanamo back. Yeah. You know? You know, speaking about the NBA strike, boycott, political strike, whatever you want to call it, speaking about that, it was really funny that all these people, like, jumped down Tom's throat or whatever for, like, you know, offhandedly referring to it as a boycott or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And that, like, just within 48 hours, the entire thing was completely done. And they were back to just play it. Back to just play it. All because of one guy. And it was even funnier to see people just trying to gatekeep the whole thing and apply their own politics to it. Like, a general strike is coming. And then not only that, but to see people being like,
Starting point is 00:36:55 people are going to see this, and they're going to understand what it means to go on strike, and they're going to go on strike in their own workplaces. And then before we know it, the whole country is going to be on strike. And it's just like, slow down down man man a lot can happen in a couple of days we've done none of the necessary legwork to ensure that that would be possible like how do you make a whole how do you make an economy that's 70 service industry go on strike we don't know we don't i mean like it's really funny because i think a lot of leftists have this idea that america is still like the america of like 1910 of like heavily manufacturing and stuff like that 50
Starting point is 00:37:37 at the latest it's like we have a totally different economy it's just like i don't know it's just um it's just like these romance most online leftists think most americans still work in factories oh my god it does feel though because of everything you just said it does feel like if there's ever to be a like wave of labor power used it's gonna be triggered culturally you know what i mean? That's what people are plugged into. It's going to be like a cultural trigger. That's what scares me. Because we don't have the organizing infrastructure and certainly
Starting point is 00:38:12 not the labor organizing. Well, when you're framing LeBron James as Vladimir Lenin for 24 hours, I mean, man, I'm not saying I don't dislike LeBron, but I mean but i mean like man y'all were putting a lot on him imagine the specific hell we're gonna be in in five years when like any kind of labor organized labor opposition or whatever has been relegated to the realm of culture wars where it is a virtue signal just
Starting point is 00:38:47 to be like me and my workers are not going to put up with bad working conditions anymore and and it has become like a cultural signifier if you're like no i love bad working conditions i think it's good for society for me to be in dangerous unsafe working conditions that's what well that's the ethos behind like the rise and grind shit man yeah like we've convinced a whole generation of like would-be bootstrapper entrepreneur fucking whack-offs that like actually there is virtue in suffering and then if you get lucky enough to beat that suffering there's virtue in immiserating other people to teach them a lesson so that they can then repeat your trajectory and rise and grind their way to, you know, a what do you call a business that you can just set it and forget it? Well, that's not a pyramid scheme.
Starting point is 00:39:37 That's not that's not new. I mean, that's the American dream. That's the original fucking lie or whatever but um i say this so genuinely terrence that i am really inspired by your ability to see five years from now because i see no future and and i'm literally looking into the tarot cards to find it so like i cannot imagine five years from now i can't even fathom it well i can imagine i can sort of imagine i can imagine you know we're fucking gurgling fucking boiling seawater
Starting point is 00:40:13 and we're trying to like stay afloat and we're calling out for jay-z and beyonce to save us from it'll be even more bleak it'll be like stephen miller on Dancing with the Stars. You know what I mean? Yeah, that kind of shit. Yeah, no, you're right. It's going to be like a police chief in some southern... It'll be like the Atlanta police chief or something like that who has hundreds of bodies on her hands or something like that just being rehabilitated on dancing with the
Starting point is 00:40:45 stars carol baskin is going on dancing with the stars i saw i know that's that's what i mean it's i saw that too and it's just like i love this country it is so incredible it's like if you do bad things you're rewarded for it yeah dude, dude. It wouldn't surprise me at all. It's like Dancing with the Stars season 26 and you've got both Jordan and Scott Peterson on there. One guy
Starting point is 00:41:16 murdered his wife. The other guy eats an all meat diet with his daughter. Talks about making your bed up while he lives like a slob dancing out the meat sweats man well see yeah we got nba fallout we've covered the biden protest speech um one more thing i do want to say about the biden thing before we get too far down the road about it is is there is also this matter of the republicans sort of the democrats sort of seeding the high ground on some keith issues to the republicans like y'all see this
Starting point is 00:41:52 this week where the cdc suspended uh evictions through 2021 like the democrats would have never done that i mean that is truly that is truly like echoes of the Republicans let them walk out on a ledge with those fucking pandemic checks. And their first offer was, let's give everybody $250. And then they laughed and gave everybody $1,200. And then they just keep fucking stepping on rakes like that in some key ways. And they don't understand that these fucking cretins can live with a lot of typically like robust social welfare state trappings so long as they can keep doing what they're doing what it is i've been thinking a lot about this um because i've really been fascinated with the moment right after they
Starting point is 00:42:39 sent out the stimulus checks and right after the cares act i find it to be a really fascinating moment in american history because if you really examine it and like peel back all the many things that were happening there was a solid month or so when everybody just went along i mean like we have been inundated for 40 years with this idea that government... Ever since Reagan said the scariest words in American language, in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you. Ever since the Reagan era, we have been told that government can't do anything for you. Both parties have fully you know internalized
Starting point is 00:43:26 this but it was really surreal to see after this pandemic started and they started having to hand out stimulus checks and in in unemployment everybody just suspend their belief in that like i don't know how to articulate this, but essentially everybody was basically like, well, we can the government can do things if things are really bad in like a pandemic, for example. So it's almost like the rules were suspended for a couple of weeks. Do you know what I'm saying? It's like it's like, yeah yeah it's the rules were suspended and everybody just went along with it and where i'm going with that is that the republicans are actually no longer afraid to just do new things they may be scary on one hand or good on the other
Starting point is 00:44:19 hand you know anarchist jurisdictions on one hand stimulus checks and eviction moratoriums on the other hand. But they're no longer afraid to just do something that hasn't been done in at least 30 or 40 years. Whereas the Democrats are terrified. Democrats are absolutely terrified. And that's why you're right, Tom. They would not have done an eviction moratorium. I don't even know if they would have done a fucking stimulus handout and unemployment because they're so terrified of anything new of anything well it's in a weird way they have become you know like the republicans for the longest time their line was and it still is but like their line was well let's just like leave this up to the market. The Democrats have transferred their ideas of innovation
Starting point is 00:45:08 and doing new stuff, whatever that new stuff is, to the WeWorks and Ubers and that kind of shit of the world. You know what I mean? They no longer, truly, they no longer believe that government can do anything for anybody. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:45:23 That it has to happen in right that it has to happen like in like you know tech it has to happen you're exactly right it has to happen under the guise of tech innovation um yeah because to them it's like politically neutral and it's uh you know it it plays on all of their notions of elitism and expertise and all of these ideas that they need to bolster their own sort of technocratic supremacy. Yeah. and labor movement than the Republicans because they, I mean, the Republicans would probably have us all still working in factories. They'd be fine with that. And the Dems, the Dems are funneling support into these or into these fucking venture capitalists, maniacs who aren't actually creating anything like they don't like uber running this huge transportation system with they don't own one car you know it's
Starting point is 00:46:35 just like all of this like virtual they think innovation is like i mean they see this as like them making themselves futuristic. Their new 888 is eight hours delivering for Amazon, eight hours driving for Uber, then eight hours at home spent sleeping and playing on Facebook or Twitter. Eight hours at home with your Elon Musk
Starting point is 00:46:59 Neuralink playing. Yeah. You're eight hours at home home you need to be shopping yeah you have to be buying shit that's the only way this works it's true oh yeah um and i have you do y'all have friends that have started whose kids have started school have y'all heard the horrors of this virtual school situation my mom is is back in in-person school like they're back in person oh god my nephews are too and they've already been like my nephews have been in school for two weeks and they've already been sick home more than
Starting point is 00:47:38 they've been in school they didn't they tested negative for covid but they're all still sick i'm like what's happening no after talking with my mom i'm 100 convinced that um covid cases will increase but schools will just close down probably for like a week or two at a time and just disinfect the fuck out of the premises you know and then just put everybody back in and they'll just keep doing this for maybe the next two years it'll be one one week in person two weeks distance one week in person two weeks this that to me is even worse for kids learning and sense of routine than anything this sanitation theater is going to create some kind of super bug yeah that we can't get rid of that's exactly what it is like
Starting point is 00:48:25 this is so fucking terrifying because it's like that's not creating safety sanitizing so everybody's washing their hands and hand sanitizing way more than they probably even should proportional to the threat when it's like we really just don't need to be in enclosed spaces with each other right now yeah yeah um but anyway the the virtual education stuff is has become like so crazy just i've heard like i have maybe at least a handful of friends whose kids are now doing these like virtual classrooms and the teachers like they've lost their minds like they are trying to control what is like the kids can't be like playing with a toy in their own home they can't have a blanket on them they can't be like eating a snack they've just like turned into
Starting point is 00:49:10 fucking insane tyrants i mean i guess they're just like feel like because it's virtual they have to have like an extra grip on the like i don't know i mean in, in order to, I mean, I guess you do, whatever. Teachers are wild and having a hard fucking time, I'm sure, right now. But, like, especially the old school teachers who are, like, nearing retirement are, like, so over this shit already. And now are having to figure out Zoom. And they're, like, just pissed. And they're literally just like, are you eating a gummy? What the fuck are you doing? Like, get that blanket off that motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Like, it's just crazy. People, like I see people tweet about like kids smoking blunts in their classroom. Which rules. Hell, when I was in high school, kids just did that anyways. And they'd like blow the smoke into their backpack and the whole room would just smell like fucking butt now at here in whitesburg um i love it because if you walk by the middle school football field every day they're out there just huddled up you know playing they're they're you know playing full we got to have our football folks we will have it no matter they're not even doing like college football and like high schools and middle schools are still fucking playing because we've got to teach those kids yeah some good
Starting point is 00:50:34 american values like beating the shit out of each other and getting cte y'all we are desperate for brain damage and uh and covet 19 motherfuckers i have to tell y'all i saw i wished like hell i would have screenshotted it but it got taken down as soon as i fucking saw it but this guy i went to high school with who went on to become a male nurse which is funny because he's exactly the type of guy that would have called a male nurse like a faggot or something in high school. But he put this thing, and I guess he might be trying to teach
Starting point is 00:51:11 or coach football, like middle school football or something. And he put up screenshots from 300, the movie 300. And you know the scene where they talk about the agogi, where the Spartan kids would learn how to be warriors or whatever? He put up those
Starting point is 00:51:28 screenshots and then the screenshots of like Leonidas fighting his son or whatever it was. It was like using that as an excuse for why the boys gotta go play in the fall. I really do believe the thesis that 300 was the first document of the alt-right. It gave rise to it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Absolutely. People love that shit. I mean, Sparta has been the, I feel like, blueprint for every fascist regime. I mean, it was like the blueprint for Nazi Germany in many ways. regime i mean it was like the blueprint for nazi germany in many ways it's uh but this is like you know these are the values we have to teach our kids no matter what's going on no matter if we're spreading the disease anymore or if they themselves might get sick and die we have to preserve good old-fashioned american values no matter what the cost and uh and um and we're gonna do that speaking of I've been wanting to tell you this Terrence because uh another thing I heard on the
Starting point is 00:52:38 radio that was so depressing in your driveway and it's very your beat you may have already heard but uh Andy Brashear just announced millions of dollars coming from the ARC into eastern Kentucky. Care to guess what for? Let's see. App Harvest? Was Martha Seward and J.D. Vance connected in some way? No, no, but close.
Starting point is 00:53:04 What I caught on the radio, or you want to keep let me see um so it was i'll give you three tries one okay that's okay so it wasn't sustainable food systems no i don't i didn't hear that um could i mean i could have missed it but that's not the one that's not one that i heard so i guess then the next one would be teaching people how to code. No? No, it's even worse than these. It's literally even worse. It's the bottom barrel Appalachian transition thing.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Absolutely, bottom of the barrel. For an ATV park slash shooting range? One more level down. One more level down. One more level down from that. What is it? What's one level down from that? Elk viewing. Elk viewing.
Starting point is 00:53:57 An elk viewing park that will fully employ its millions of dollars. This one's like, I don't even know, like $700,000 something. I don't know. And the other one's like i don't even know like like 700 000 something and i don't know and the other one's like half a million elk viewing to fully employ five people uh and and bring tons of tourists we're in a fucking pandemic yeah who the fuck is coming to eastern kentucky let's all hey let's all go stand six feet apart and look at these invasive fucking cows with horns that are nobody wants here because they have no natural predators they're literally gonna have to fly more elk in they're literally gonna have to fly more elk in for the elk viewing okay elk viewing and the other one is drum roll. An industrial park. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Now that is the bottom row. Another industrial park. How many industrial parks are sitting empty and dusty in this motherfucker within a hundred mile radius from here? Please tell me. Within a hundred mile radius from Whitesburg, there's got to be at least two dozen. At the very least. Oh, yeah. Easy. At the very least. yeah easy at the very least just empty dusty industrial parks i've never seen one useful 15 from white sprague to lexington i can name you
Starting point is 00:55:13 at least four uh-huh now what they're gonna start doing once they figure out that people don't want to come view elk they're going to start sending all of the captured antifa terrorists to the to those parks in eastern kentucky and you can either view them or hunt them one of the two they'll allow you to hunt the antifa big game and i mean this does like i mean i think probably the first person who said this was our favorite eugenicist um uh harry caudle and this motherfucker like famously told taught in his uk classes that one day eastern kentucky would be a lake oh they were damn up the entire fucking place for people in lexington to boat in um and then whatever was left that was that whatever was too high to go under a lake would be ferris wheels and shit so like maybe that's the only five-year future i can see is like any bottom land being
Starting point is 00:56:20 like covered up with the lake water we all get houseboats it'd be kind of tight though yeah we all get we all get houseboats it's just trailers with boobies trailers with like a thousand milk jugs attached to them it'll be and then yeah every mountain every mountaintop has a big eye the eye of london it has like a big ferris wheel on it so you can see as far as the eye can see welcome to welcome to the anarchist jurisdictions number 606 and you can hunt Antifa terrorists and later
Starting point is 00:56:56 that night you can relax by watching Jim Justice on Dancing with the Stars and the three of us can you imagine Jim Justice on Dancing with the fucking stars the three of us can you imagine jim justice on jim that's what the fucking stars the three of us will be working a ferris wheel in in overalls hey i'm gonna be running a snow cone booth baby i'm gonna do one of those fucking janky ass uh lemonade stands with cotton candy or maybe the rabbits are goldfish, like on the little ring toss.
Starting point is 00:57:26 No, I like the one where you shoot, you know, you shoot the water, you spray the water thing at the little other thing. And you win a goldfish. You win a goldfish, right. But instead you win a massive Eastern Kentucky North Fork carp.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Like a two-foot-long carp. Hey, let me give y'all a little piece of recommended viewing for this weekend, if you want it. It's on HBO Max, I think, and it's called Class Action Park. It's about this crazy-ass water park in New Jersey that was opening from 1980 to 1996, I think. They shut it down. But go watch that shit.
Starting point is 00:58:13 It is incredible. I've heard about this. Well, my other topic I wanted to bring up before I have to hop off here for my next four-hour fucking conference is that the New York Times is dropping a Breonna Taylor documentary tomorrow. Did you see this? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:38 We are getting a New York Times documentary on Hulu about Breonna Taylor before we've heard one update from the Commonwealth attorney. He hasn't said anything. There's this weird Breonna Taylor cottage industry that's popping up and it is fucking bizarre. It is very bizarre. They had a BreonnaCon. BreonnaCon. What the fuck? What do you think is behind this?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Why do you think so like what do you think is behind this why why do you think well there's like a few national orgs that i and i think it really is like what we're talking about like the crux of like social justice theater and uh celebrities that has like literally moved in a headquarters into louisville and i mean we should get someone from Louisville on to talk about it. And maybe they're doing some good. I don't know. I'm sure that people in Louisville were trying to work with them and figure it out. But now it's like they figure out, they get like boots on the ground, like some military shit,
Starting point is 00:59:37 and they figure out how to leverage the local situation for celebrities. So celebrities can like help. I'm telling you, this is true like this is it's a it is a cottage industry it's like how do we plug celebrities into um what you're trying to do here locally i mean what do you think so you could lump all of this in under the larger sort of concept like what tom was saying of a sort of brianna taylor cottage industry why this specific death i mean what what do you think it is about it that has turned it into this meme this simultaneous um opportunity for both non-profits and celebrities like what what is it about this one specifically
Starting point is 01:00:27 i wonder i i have a theory about it and the theory about it is and and when i say this i don't mean that like brianna was a cop blah blah blah blah i don't mean that at all what i mean is that like it's a lot more palatable to a certain white liberal worldview that brianna taylor who was did things the right way and wasn't somebody that shoplifted or whatever other you know bad thing they've said about michael brown or whoever else that like it's easier for them to key on her they think in their mind by their calculation that like there's something more um because you know she was quote unquote did things the right way or whatever that like there's something something more to her humanity than say somebody that uh shoplifted or had a record or
Starting point is 01:01:23 whatever whatever else you know what i mean right well i don't want to belittle the like local organizing around her because there's a lot of incredible i mean they've steadily held an encampment yeah well that's separate six months exactly exactly but but i was about to say and so some of that maybe is like some local some some of the local organizing being successful but i also think it's an aesthetic thing that she's a like a beautiful curvy black woman which people love to consume in entertainment like people love to see black women on tv they don't want to talk to them in public they don't want to be nice to them they don't want to interact with them but they are like this you know black women are like this um ornamental thing that people like
Starting point is 01:02:11 to see and so i think there's an aesthetic thing that they because the brianna con was like a beauty it was like they were selling beauty products yeah oh my god that's bleak i think it's so i think and the people like people were grossed on them in the comments. This is not a hot take. Plenty of people in Louisville I saw were just like, y'all are fucking insane. This is sick. I think another part of it is it's those things combined with the fact that she was killed in a gentrification project or effort and and and so that brings up a contradiction that the liberals you know can't work around it it mirrors back to
Starting point is 01:02:55 them their own complicity in it and so yes and and then i think all of that runs into the reality that of political sort of impotence or the reality that nothing is going to be done about it. I mean, none of the officers, or maybe was one of the officers like fired or slapped
Starting point is 01:03:20 on the wrist? I mean, nothing. One was fired, I think. He was fired for sexual misconduct like i'm just not because of brianna i'm just what also he just happened to be part of that but it was something else that he got fired for yeah i'm pretty sure i just think there's something about this specific moment that makes this into a meme rather than say sandra bland you know what i mean like yeah exactly like yeah like what was it about Sandra Bland, too?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Well, they also still maintain that she killed herself. They have a whole storyline behind it. Brianna was fucking... What's the even word? Yeah, you're right, because she also... It was like execution style.
Starting point is 01:04:02 She was executed in her bed. In her own house. But so was Botham John, too. Right, right. Anyway, while we're on this, I have to hop off here, but did you all see that this week it was released that one of her ex-boyfriends, not the guy she was with, I forget his name, but one of her ex-boyfriends was offered a plea deal to get out of a 10-year drug sentence. Y'all didn't see this this week two days ago maybe it's happened when i was in louisville because i saw it on the local news um one of her ex-boyfriends was offered a plea deal back in july that's it's just come out though he was arrested on a bunch of drug charges that happened back when he was with her and they
Starting point is 01:04:42 offered him a plea deal for no time versus 10 years if he would say that she was involved oh my god cops are fucking criminals man they are delaying this they are going to delay this until they figure out a way to demonize her or they can or they can pay somebody off to say she was complicit in it or something somebody that'll take the bag yeah yep like they we are we have not seen the end of this it happened i'm pretty sure the plea deal happened in in july like the that and so it's like now we're hearing things two months later like they're keeping how did they keep a wrap on that do you know what i mean that's insane yeah so it's untelling what's what's going to continue to unravel like this is crazy which tomorrow this i mean hulu is
Starting point is 01:05:26 dropping a fucking documentary about her tomorrow that that the new york times created which we cannot trust with any story well i mean i i mean i'll say this it's like when we let nike co-op like colin kaepernick's protests and all that kind of stuff and i'm not against kaepernick getting paid or whatever my that's not what i'm saying but like there is money to be made in activism now as like an aesthetic choice you know what i mean and you're seeing that in the brianna taylor cottage issue you got motherfuckers i saw gq run an article about the ethics of selling brianna taylor like merch. That's wild to me. GQ. That's even like a...
Starting point is 01:06:09 Once you actually fuse this though with a class politics, that's when Nike and GQ and everybody will get off board. They want nothing to do with how this is related to class. The GQ thing said that.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I didn't mean to make it sound like they were like Nike. I just mean they were saying that it was fucked up. Oh, I see. Even the like. In the article, yeah. Then they won't touch the gentrification stuff because of that reason. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:38 They didn't really get into that. It's a closed magazine. Well, before you go, Tanya, can we do a clap just so i can get everybody's audio synced up well just one more thing i want to show y'all before we go look what i found while i was digging for a set of headphones the melungeon heritage association where the is this is this what you're caught is this the call you're going to tanya the melange and heritage association yeah yeah it says their tagline is celebrating the richness of culture and the diversity of heritage that is appalachia oh my god dude it's really funny
Starting point is 01:07:17 like appalachian studies in the 80s in the late 70s and 80s if you go back and read some of those journals they had to take the malignant thing seriously um it was just eugenics yeah i saw some maybe it was a joke and i just didn't get it that's totally possible because i'm a dumbass but i feel like i saw some malignant stands on twitter recently i'd love to i'd love to roast them I guarantee you there's a woke defense of it I guarantee you if you look long enough there's someone out there who was going to cancel us for saying something
Starting point is 01:07:54 derisive about Melungeon race science because there is a horseshoe theory even though the Melungeon thing is just providing cover for white people to say that they're not part black. That's all it is.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah, exactly. I mean, William Isom said this recently. We brought him here for our fucking MLK Day thing a few years ago, and he was like, I got bad news for you folks. Your Cherokee princess mamaw was actually black. She was probably basically enslaved. Yeah. Now people...
Starting point is 01:08:30 It's just a fucking... People have had this idea so beaten into them at this point that they have to be able to have a scientific genetic explanation for this stuff. And that's the horseshoe theory of wokeness. It's why you've now started seeing stuff like amplified that's the horseshoe theory of wokeness it's you know it's why you've now started seeing stuff like amplified melanated voices it's like people are just reduced to their genetics it's like the darkest thing ever
Starting point is 01:08:52 23andme baby well thanks so much we'll see you later Tanya thank you go to the Patreon go to the Patreon please support us on the patreon uh we had a good episode we've had two good episodes we've had a lot of good patreon episodes lately but last week we talked about the nba strike the week before that we talked about um we had a profiles in
Starting point is 01:09:21 courage a really good one the spear Spear, John Murray Spear. So if spiritualism interests you at all, go check that out. Patreon, slash Trillbilly Workers Party. Give us $5 a month. And, Tom, are you still selling shirts? Yeah, I'm going to run the pre-sales on the shirts through Labor Day. So get them before Tuesday. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Is there a website that they can go to? All righty. Well, if you'd like to throw us your support go to patreon go to big cartel um wear your shirt in public wear your shirt to your grandparents house have them ask
Starting point is 01:10:13 you awkward questions about what a trailbilly is um and uh and yeah thank you so much for listening and I guess uh is that it guys that's it that's it that's it alright well we'll see you next time

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