Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 173: Welcome to Sextonwood Parks and Resorts

Episode Date: November 19, 2020

Please support political prisoners in Georgia: This week it's apparently international men's day on the pod. This means Tom gets his own theme park, just like Dolly Parton.... Support us on Patreon!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hell yeah we got a lot to cover we've we've got a lot to cover in an hour right off the top i have to wish everybody all the fellas out there happy international men's day finally oh yeah finally finally something for the other half we get our day man we get our day what is the history and that's actually why tanya doesn't appear this week it wasn't because she's out on hiatus it's actually because we asked her not to show up yeah in recognition of international men's day it's illegal out of respect for anyone good ally that she is she's decided to comply it's actually a religious holiday um yeah i'm trying to look up the history.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I am too. I'm looking on the Wikipedia page. It was inaugurated in 1992 on 7th of February by Thomas Oster. The project of International Men's Day was conceived one year earlier on... What the fuck? Wait, what was going on in the early 90s the longest running celebration of international men's days in malta oh my god malta's for the fellas you know there has to be some cultural backdrop to this shit yo yeah um the imd and its grassroots
Starting point is 00:01:22 they're striving for gender equality and patiently attempt to remove the negative images and the stigma associated with men in our society yo hold up there's in 1968 this american journalist john p harris i guess wrote an editorial this is from the wikipedia page highlighting a lack of inbound lack of balance in the soviet system he said quote harris stated that although he did not begrudge soviet harris stated that although he did not begrudge soviet women their march day of glory its resulting gender inequality clearly exhibited a serious flaw in the communist system which makes much of the equal rights as given to sexes but it turns out this is it the women are much more equal than the men dude under communism
Starting point is 00:02:06 in the soviet union wow i guess probably because the bolshevik revolution was launched on literal international women's day right like the yeah international men's day is anti-communist? It is. I mean, obviously. This presents a conundrum then. I want to celebrate, I do, but I don't want to buck the revolution. You know what I mean? Or the pending revolution, I should say. I mean, everybody knows this podcast's long, detailed descriptions,
Starting point is 00:02:43 tales, stories about prostate. We have long raised awareness about the plight of the modern prostate. And so obviously we are in some way obliged
Starting point is 00:03:00 to celebrate this day. I'd just like to say I don't regret any of that work. Somebody had to bravely confront the stigma, and by God, that's my cross to bear. May the lump in your prostate never metastasize into cancer. That's right. Yeah, may the lump in your prostate just stay local
Starting point is 00:03:23 and never spread. They have yearly campaigns, yearly themes. 2016's theme was Stop Male Suicide. Well. You know, here's an interest. I'm not making a value judgment on any of this, but I do know that. Remember when we first kicked up this podcast and that one dude that had the men's rights thing? That kept accosting me and sending me weird emotional blackmail text messages and stuff?
Starting point is 00:03:59 This reminds me of this, because that was his beat. Yeah, I'm a leftist and we should come on each other's podcast also i edit the men's right the men's rights uh reddit i'm like he called himself a leftist there was an early attempt around 2016-17 to carve out like a a leftist men's rights thing or it wasn't a men's rights thing necessarily it was like raising awareness of like men's issues yeah to be fair hey regardless if that's even if that's totally innocuous it's abysmal optics right yeah that's not a good look that's not a good look wow wow well happy men's rights day happy international men's Day to the dude.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I saw going into the liquor store yesterday and successfully pulled off something I've never seen and I probably will never see again. My man was not wearing shoes and was not wearing a shirt, but he was wearing a mask. And he successfully managed to buy liquor. No shoes, no shirt, but had the mask. But had the mask. Wow. I was like, dude, that guy rocks. That guy fucking rocks.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Man, that is a true hero and I don't use that lightly. Exactly. What did they get to say to you? Exactly. It's like, like look these are hard times you know we can't all put on shoes and shirts but i got the mask that's all that has been good that'll be a fifth thank you what if what if he uh was he using his like shirt as the mask it's like here's a quick fix i just take my shirt off and use it as a mask no he had a legit mask man i do miss the days of my childhood in eastern kentucky where you just could go they never enforced no shoes no shirt no service no so you just going anywhere you know and in
Starting point is 00:05:59 that retrospect probably not the most sanitary thing in the world, but, you know, there's something I love about going to the double quick and getting me a, you know, Coca-Cola and going shirtless. That's the trillest shit in the world. That and peeing outside. That's, you know what I'm saying? It's the most manly shit you could do,
Starting point is 00:06:23 man. Yeah. Well, speaking of, speaking of manly shit you can do man yeah well speaking of speaking of manly shit we have um you know uh if you want to be a real man you have to learn how to eat a little humble pie every now and then you have to be able to issue a mea culpa maybe Maybe you did something wrong, said something wrong. You got to own up to your mistakes in life. And that's what we're doing today. Today is a big apology tour for all of those who said we slandered Dolly Parton. Are we going pro-Dolly now? Nobody told me this before we started recording.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I was ready. I had the bullets cocked back to go the opposite direction. No, you got to hold it. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. No, we owe an apology to Dolly, and we owe another apology to Barack Obama. We owe an apology to Dolly for doubting her abilities to save the world and
Starting point is 00:07:26 we owe an apology to brock obama for for stealing the idea of the e-crisis the uh epistemological crisis had to think for a second i was like is it? Well, we have one of those too. The virus. We stole the idea from him and we just want to issue an apology. Sorry, Barack. You know, we're men. You know, we can own our mistakes. Yeah. We have our own shortcomings.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So what is it? Was Barack 44 or 45? 44. Now? No, I mean like President Obama. No no 44 is present now but i mean yeah i heard it's now the ontological crisis which which i have to say is a better uh it's a more fitting term it rolls off the tongue better less syllables right onto okay so okay okay let me just get this straight we need this where we need to start coordinating before we start recording we're doing ontological
Starting point is 00:08:29 crisis dolly's good sorry barack obama yeah yeah i got it exactly changes the course of things but i got it yeah um back into the good graces of the fans indeed that's right that's right um so if you if you are interested in hearing me reacting in real time live on air to the news that barack obama had like watson and crick stumbled upon the dna helix of our moment and announced that we're in epistemological crisis you can go to the patreon because i do react to it in real time there um but what was our stance on this this week fellas what what is uh is is is it that barack obama just you know swung and managed to just knock one out of the park or is it that we are inveterate losers? Or, or, or, let's not discount the possibility
Starting point is 00:09:28 if he's a crypto fan of the show. Exactly. That's where I would have gone with it. He borrowed a line from us. That's where I would have gone with it. Let's not underestimate our influence here, that the former most powerful man in the world does tune in every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I mean, he's a multifaceted man. Did you see his Spotify playlist? Yeah. You know what I love about that shit? Other than it just being, like, tucked in between two jazz, like, bookend with two jazz standards. But
Starting point is 00:09:57 the total, like, just... Okay, maybe this is wrong to say. Okay. You're among men. No among me like only in america brooks have done i'm not saying a black man can't enjoy country when i say that i'm just saying that ain't even their best song oh dude neon moon come on i feel like that's the song if you don't listen to country and you know spotify was gonna like you know do an algorithm of a generic playlist you know of like songs that are either featured in commercials or where you should play when you want to feel good you know driving down like a
Starting point is 00:10:35 road you know that's that's what that was but yeah well yeah it's like uh clear that's like just like okay we got to give some concession to these uh ignorant cold smudge reprobates what's that one brooks and dunn song i hear all the time on the mcdonald the ford commercial that's the one i'll slap on here what he's trying to do is he's trying to rip off the springsteen americana i mean like his his book is called a promised land you know what i mean like it he's got like i feel like he's aiming for some sort of like springsteen americana nostalgic image of america you know what i mean like no red states no blue states yeah yeah you still believe in that shit man god damn man my man's jacked way up on america yeah it really is oh dude right now man chill out bro well that's what he means it's like by epistemological crisis right i guess that's what he's saying is that like
Starting point is 00:11:34 we have two different visions of america us and the trumpers and um and we can't come together i guess in in in unity over because we all are operating off a different set of facts and yeah yeah it's like you know but i don't i don't think we should give obama too much credit though because that is that is a quite you know obvious observation yeah anybody he could make it you know what i'm saying wow we just we're coming off a three-month stint of just uh hey yeah we pulled that out of the hat you don't look at us bunch of dummies over here we aren't exactly intellectual titans and even we managed to fucking observe that um no yeah but i i don't know i think that it's you're right aaron it doesn't take any advanced degrees to notice that um you know we're all operating on you know different information at different times um on a serious note what i really think, aside from the yuck yucks,
Starting point is 00:12:46 I think what Barack Obama means by epistemological crisis is like, let's get away from me a little bit. It's like basically he's saying if you disagree with me, it's an epistemological crisis. If you deviate from the optics, then the standards and the norms and the decorum that I've set by being this graceful figure, then we're in an epistemological crisis. I don't really think he's really getting at the neck and the norms and the decorum that i've set by being this graceful figure then we're in an epistemological crisis i don't really think he's really getting at the neck of the centrals of like what it means that we all don't have really any sort of accepted collective
Starting point is 00:13:13 narrative anymore so he's covering his own ass basically i think that's what his whole project is man i think that's the whole reason joe biden's there like like the i think in the same way that's not a one-to-one okay i think in the same way that mitch mcconnell has left his imprint on the republican party for generations barack obama has like it is his party and like it's clear where his interests and where his loyalties lie and all these things that's not an original observation by any stretch but i think if you look at just the whole project right now they've been trying to protect the legacy absent this sort of super charismatic like naturally gifted politician yeah like so what they're trying to do is protect this like watered down ass fucking ACA legacy that he's left behind. But they don't have the aplomb or the panache to to like really sell it to us like and make us feel good about it.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Exactly. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I know what you're saying. And Joe Biden's like, you know, the best thing Obama is like, I mean, it's just people are expecting another four years of Obama and the Democratic Party because they don't actually, you know, offer anything material. They just have to, you know, have a, you know, a figurehead, you know, a spectacle, if you will. In a way, they whiffed in 2016 on this when they couldn't give us four more years of bill. Right. And I don't say that like I know I take a lot of heat for Hillary Clinton. It's like on her own merits and blah, blah, blah, blah. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Murdered a lot of people. What I am saying is that there was a strong current of like Clinton nostalgia. You know what I mean? That was tied to, oh, maybe Bill Clinton will like, you know, tacitly be the president for four more years or something like that. Because people were in such like trying to like glum on to something and you know michelle obama wasn't running and you know yeah you know whatever so i think what they've done is successfully reproduced that but like shifted from the clintons and like okay uh relationship with the clintons is over obama's my new girlfriend and then the way we get this is by bringing Biden in here
Starting point is 00:15:26 and then echoes of Kamala Harris, who has, you know, like a lot of those same sort of neoliberal trappings, but like, you know, sort of in a package that's like, you know, more appealing to people. She's charismatic, you know, and all these sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Not white, female, you know, all that. Well things. Not white, female, you know, all that. Well, I mean, just looking at the name of Obama's book and the things he said recently in interviews and stuff like that, like I saw a quote recently from him where he was like, I still believe in America. I still believe in the promise of America and the dream of America. Like it's very obvious now that like we've just,
Starting point is 00:16:03 we have two visions of America competing against each other, right? But its audience is only a very specific upper middle class stratum of society. I don't know if you guys saw this, but there's been a few reports about
Starting point is 00:16:19 how they've won, how the Democrats won in 2020, the White House anyways. There's one in the New York Times that detailed how Georgia turned blue. Essentially, the story is that to make up for the decline in the African-American vote, they made up for it in the suburbs and around Atlanta. Like, they got a huge boost in the suburbs. And then one of the crazy ones...
Starting point is 00:16:48 Hold on, let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Is this prove Chuck Schumer's 2016 theory correct? Absolutely. Yeah. In the same way that, like, they... I don't know if you caught this part, Terrence, but I was talking about how, like, that, in a sense,
Starting point is 00:17:14 I don't know if you caught this part, Terrence, but I was talking about how, like, that in a sense, like, basically this year's election was the fulfillment of the promise of, like, 2016. And that, like, except for, except of, like, a return to Clinton nostalgia is a return to Obama nostalgia of via Joe Biden. of via joe biden in the same way as schumer's theory about the moderate republicans in the suburbs of philly is that in a manner of speaking was he correct but he had the wrong state and also the wrong leanings of the people absolutely yeah i mean yeah i think go ahead terrence i was just gonna i was just gonna give some stats to back that up. Someone had tweeted out, I think Matt Karp tweeted out, a tale of two blue Ohio's. Bay Village, Ohio, population 15,000, household income $102,917. 66% of its residents have bachelor degrees, 94% white. It swung 33 percentage points from 2012 to 2020 in favor of the Democrats. Compare that with East Cleveland, Ohio, about the same population, but the household income is $21,000, bachelor degree 13%, and race, ethnicity is 91% black. From 2012 to 2020, went negative 45 points on the democrats they they are they are explicitly
Starting point is 00:18:27 targeting white educated wealthy areas suburbs they're they're not going after working class black latino or working class white people they are they are exclusively targeting wealthy educated people in suburbs exactly like they said they would in 2016. And so now they're having a very small, or I guess it could be a very large needle to thread here, depending on which way you look at it, because it seems to me that Biden is starting to try to make some of these overtures to the left that are completely empty
Starting point is 00:19:05 they're not like they don't really have anything but like it seems to me like him and obama right now their whole project is trying to piece together a coalition like a new coalition a promised land coalition call it whatever the fuck you want well i wanted to mention something because you're talking about the strategy of appealing to suburban moderate conservatives and how these two counties in Ohio, the differentiation between that demographic showing up, white, upper middle class, suburban conservatives versus people of color, right? Working people of color. and i was talking to malika jabali um about this very thing in midwest actually and what what i found interesting is um if if it wasn't for trump like forget you know if he had a better response to covid but if it just i guess yeah he had a better response to
Starting point is 00:19:58 covid but he also wasn't so grotesque i guess you know like those kind of factors would people have turned out for biden actually probably bringing up if he got through another stimulus and you know mitch mcconnell was willing to work with him on that um and his response was better actually yeah i do wonder if these people would have turned out you know yeah i'm not sure i'm not entirely sure and threading that needle between kind of paying lip service and saying that we're still a party of like, you know, people of color and, you know, young people, but also trying to target these folks. It's I don't know. It seems untenable. Like you're playing with fire, you know? at this a few months ago but there was a story about how some members from the i believe it was like the black congressional caucus who were telling the biden campaign the biden administration like look you have to make a choice you can't simultaneously say you want diversity in corporate you know boardrooms and in wall street and at the same time dedicate yourself to large populist left-wing policies
Starting point is 00:21:08 that will help working people, you have to pick. You know what I mean? And we're in this weird sort of limbo. Well, it's not even that. I mean, it's probably intentional. It's probably tactical from the Dems. But we are in this position where they're giving lip service to those very things, as you were just mentioning. And at the same time, they are targeting, they're specifically
Starting point is 00:21:31 catering to, uh, um, uh, you know, white affluent suburban people. So it's like, I think I got, I think I lost y'all. I think I got cut off, but I was talking about Biden's, you know, student loan proposals. I mean, did y'all see that? got cut off but i was talking about biden's you know student loan proposals i mean did y'all see that yeah yeah yeah it was the figure floating around was 50 000 like a like a week ago and now today it's like 10 000 with with like some qualifiers a lot of qualifiers the qualifiers are let's see if i can pull them up the qualifiers is you have to have a private non-federal student loan, and you have to be economically distressed. And, you know, who the fuck even knows what that means?
Starting point is 00:22:10 I mean, like, that could mean anything. Exactly. Exactly. I'm going to drop you a pile of unpaid bills on your doorstep as my proof of financially distressed. This will be their strategy going into these runoff elections in georgia now we're in a very curious you know very interesting place where georgia is the state that fucking you know jesus we'll decide all this we'll decide if the democrats have a majority in the senate and all bruh bruh i'm not a prognosticator, you know what I'm saying? I've been living here for about seven years now, right?
Starting point is 00:22:48 And I don't mean to pop anybody's bubble, but if you thought that John Arsene, I mean, Warnock is different. I'm not just going to whittle it down to John Arsene, but he's not winning, man, against David Purdy, okay? I'm not just going to like whittle it down to John Austin, but he's not winning bad against David Purdy. OK, we're not getting left over the other hand because I think that she is. I know I'm in my own little bubble, especially in Atlanta, but I really do think her selling stocks, her and her husband selling stocks right before the pandemic really hit is like just looked upon disfavorably by a lot of these people who voted for biden you know this time around you know like she kind of has that same sort of stench i guess that trump does especially you know tying herself so close i mean and they all do but i think her specifically seems to be more in that sort of you know crony capitalism unconscionable sort of like whatever it is like the bare minimum that offends these people you know which wouldony capitalism, unconscionable sort of like whatever it is, like the bare minimum that
Starting point is 00:23:46 offends these people, you know, which would make them vote for a Democrat like Warnock. But I'm just telling you, man, I live down here and I don't think I don't know. I was wrong about Biden, you know, turning Georgia blue. I was wrong about that. But this just seems like insane that people are hinging a democratic controlled senate on two seats in georgia like that's just like i don't know man dude that is the that's the diciest shit you could imagine really yeah yeah it's like it's like you are dancing on like a razor's edge you know i don't and in particular john awesome bro john awesome man i mean did y'all see the axios video they were asking him that shit was so fucking good he was just swatting away every progressive proposal like flatly yeah
Starting point is 00:24:37 do you support anything at all that would materially benefit anybody's life in your state. Medicare for all, no. Green Deal, no. Rent control, no. I mean, like, just going down the fucking list. Just, no, no, no, no. Thing is, bro, if you had, like, like, an ounce of political acumen and charisma,
Starting point is 00:25:02 you might be able to pull that shit off, you know what i mean ah but he's dead but he's like dude he's like the most like lifeless guy on top of not believing in anything he's like dead like he's physically like you know when you you know when you're just next to somebody and staying next somebody you don't even have to talk to them but you just feel the presence maybe the emanating warmth of a living body yeah bro this guy is cold as fucking ice he's like he is not a human being at all uh it's it's interesting like you know i'm reading this new york times article and they're talking about georgia like how georgia turned
Starting point is 00:25:38 blue right and so they've got this interesting infographic in the middle of it like how different kinds of places in georg Georgia changed from 2016 to 2020. Change in share of the two-party vote. Plus seven points. So in favor of the Democrats, seven point increase in favor of the Democrats in high income areas, six point increase in favor of major majority college grads, six point increase in suburban areas,
Starting point is 00:26:13 five point increase in majority age 65 and over and then just one percentage point increase in rural white less educated and majority black and so i mean you know reading these numbers we had said this probably i don't even remember the episode, but you could probably go back a year ago when we were very skeptical of Bernie's chances in this race. The ultra-left phase of Troubili, as the hardcore fans probably refer to it as. But it's like, I remember thinking maybe about a year ago, you know the thing the thing about america is it is a true bourgeois democracy in the sense that the bourgeois and the petty bouche like they're they're the ones who decide these elections and they're fine with a contested senate and congress as long as like the figurehead running it like to the face of the empire uh is just not as bad and nasty as as trump and you saw that this this was kind of mirrored in Kentucky when people gave Bev in the boot.
Starting point is 00:27:09 What I'm trying to say here is that these numbers, whether in Georgia or in Ohio, just prove that workers have, you know, the working class and the poor have very, very little say and very little input in the electoral process um and maybe we should have been more up front about that about bernie going into it maybe we were kind of you know in denial about that fact well we were riding high man yeah you know we were riding high and this was way before covid or any of this shit so it seemed at that time, like, you know, the sky was the limit. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh, yeah. Well, speaking of Georgia, this would be a good little place to sort of step sideways and, you know, explore Georgia a little bit more. And to look at, honestly, the chances of these two democratic candidates in the runoff elections in in january and um to help these two candidates over the finish line to get them uh you know finishing first with you know the picture finish And everything is going to Be none other than Fighter pilot Amy McGrath Who has launched
Starting point is 00:28:30 A super pack to influence Georgia runoffs As if you couldn't Prove herself to be nothing but capable As if you didn't need a bigger Harbinger of doom Kiss of death right there The kiss of death
Starting point is 00:28:44 Oh my Harbinger of doom what is the name of her Democratic majority action is the name of her super PAC yeah she some she couldn't deliver in her own state now if I was if I was involved in either of these campaigns i'd say no good to fuck out wave it off man because you can't man she's the fucking yeah she's the fucking kiss of death she's just a fuck she's a loser i mean they love losers every every time i see claire mccaskill on um msnbc i'm like, it just reminds me that this party is just, the idea of winning to them and governing is just anathema, man. So it's just a revolving door of these fucking losers.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And Amy McGrath is the latest one in one of the most, in the most consequential fucking race in a long time. And she's going down there. Jesus. race in a long time and she's going down there jesus well yeah if you didn't need a better you know crystal ball you know uh sort of prediction as to how this will turn out look no further than the help they're getting calling in the cavalry yeah well um so that about covers georgia the elections everything going on earlier at the top of the show we said we had an apology to make and um and so now it's time to eat crow fellas now it's time
Starting point is 00:30:15 to eat some humble pie i hope you have got your bibs on and you're ready to get after it um because our very own dolly parton is single-handedly responsible for saving america um because she was again because she contributed to the vaccine trial because jad abram robs dad from radio lab helped her in a car crash dude okay i'm sorry but something about that story doesn't add up so the story is this this was in the washington post the story is this that dolly parton was in a car accident in 2013 and jad abramrod's dad was the one who helped her back why the fuck was dolly parton driving a car? That's what I want to know. Was she driving or was she like in there when she or like...
Starting point is 00:31:09 Was she a passenger or what? I don't know. I mean, even if she was a passenger, why the fuck... Dude, celebs don't get into car accidents. Unless you're Princess Diana. That's the only celeb, really. And Paul Walker.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Hey, celebrities don't get into car accidents. Was she driving like fucking Paul Walker? Well, I mean, like, there are two kinds of accidents you get into as a celebrity or a politician. Either you get into an accident yourself or you kill somebody. Yeah, someone cut your brake lines. I guess the better question is why was why wasn't dolly driving drunk that's the suspicion it's not that she was driving it's that she was driving sober i say she would have been a better driver had she driven drunk
Starting point is 00:32:00 famous people don't drive themselves famous, here's what happens with famous people. They never drive themselves until they get drunk, then they want to drive. Then it's like, I got this, I got this. And nobody knows how to tell them no. Oh, my God. I find it to be kind of a fishy story. Kind of like when she lopped her toes off on a piece of glass and her dad sewed them back on. Kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And never went to the hospital. I find that super curious, too. Wait, she got her toes cut off on glass and got them sewed back on? In that podcast in Dollies America, she said she hopped over a fence landed on a a broken mason jar which is just like total like y'all star fabrication and it cut all of her toes off wait all of them on one of her feet and she had to like she had to get them she had to go home and her mom sewed them on get this with needle and sewing thread. Tom, I'm sure some fucking nerd will fact check you on this and be like,
Starting point is 00:33:12 Actually, she just cut the subcutaneous level of her fatty tissue. She never said her toes came off. She said her toes came off. said her toes came off she said her toes came off well it's pretty funny because the dolly thing is like whatever dude i mean i don't even really care i didn't have the energy to fight about dolly parton on the internet this week and honestly you probably should never try it because for whatever reason people need to believe she's god incarnate um oh yeah and so you know you you are taking your life into your own hands the minute you walk out onto the tl with some dolly hate so more power and courage to you i'm looking at you mr sexton well i'm no
Starting point is 00:34:00 coward so i'll tell you what i did I just went out there and told the truth. Here's the thing about Dolly. Okay, here's the thing about Dolly. I don't expect that everybody in capitalist America shares my sense of morality, R.E. capitalism, okay? I don't. I think most people, even good people, decent people, think that the pursuit and the accumulation of wealth and we should get more money is generally accepted as a good thing. Absolutely. Not necessarily virtuous or anything, but you should do that. Even leftists I know. Facilitate your own effort.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Even fellow leftists I know, if somebody starts making money, they're like, you know, good on you. You know what I mean? Like, you know. Unless you're Chopper Travis. Then we want that shit. Or us. Yeah. As long as you're a patriot.
Starting point is 00:34:55 That's what becomes the problem. All right. All right. All right. But here's what I do expect people that, you know, claim to be decent to share my morality about is maybe don't have a dinner theater that recreates the Civil War in some, how should we put this, decidedly ahistorical terms. And I'm talking about the Dixie Stampede, of course, which people on the TL will be quick to point out. Oh, she quit doing that years ago. By years ago, we mean 2018.
Starting point is 00:35:34 2018 is when Dolly quit flying the Confederate flag over dinner at the Dixie Stampede. That's one Dolly myth-making thing that we should stifle. The other thing people will say to you is this. They will say to you, well, Dolly's not even involved in the day-to-day at Dollywood
Starting point is 00:35:55 any longer. I don't know why you all persist in putting that on her. She just licenses her name to the place. Well, there's another guy that also just licenses her name to the place well there's another guy that also just licenses his name to places and he's the guy that you all fucking losing your shit about putting children in cages on the borders okay that's what that wait wait top top top are you just to clarify are you drawing a parallel between valley park and donald trump all right hold on i ain't
Starting point is 00:36:27 done i ain't done yet i'm not i'm not drawing any parallels i'm just dispelling myths okay please continue please i'm just the myth buster here okay here's the other thing about dollywood you're fucking stupid if you think she's not active in the day-to-day operations. Just take, for example, hold on one second, let me pull it up here. In a Billboard magazine article dated oh man, this is ancient, August 15th, 2020.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Dolly Parton steers her empire through the pandemic and it keeps on growing. I just want to take a quick survey of people on the left here how many people think we should be in the empire business just by a show of hands didn't think so oh my god uh here it says uh cash money record oh wait cash money records was founded by brothers brian birdman williams and ronald slimwimps hold on a sec that's the wrong article ah damn it so not only is she comparable to donald trump but also like
Starting point is 00:37:32 joe exotic and birdman before he went to and birdman and brad from cash money record oh man uh that's a pretty sus crowd man i take it i take it i believe you well look um stall for a second while i pull this up so i'll stall i like this because i'm usually the one on this show who's like the edgelord asshole or whatever the one who intentionally dismantles sacred cows just to either hum a few bars just to get some content out of the week squeeze some content or to genuinely piss people off which i do like to do from time to time and so i for one am happy that it's not me this time i get to play innocent bystander and say you know dolly's just there you had your you had a in the patreon terrence you you had your own moment of tearing down idols when you like you know called out gandhi for being a
Starting point is 00:38:35 child molester he was also a racist i mean this i think this is what this show should be about well yeah i i agree i agree the difference between gandhi and dali is that gandhi never wrote any hit jams you know so it's like people don't i mean maybe some nerds have a really hard time you know decoupling their celeb obsession from gandhi but it's like for whatever reason man this country is so celeb obsessed it is just like they cannot concede they cannot hold two ideas in their minds at once they just cannot conceive of dahlia as anything less than jesus christ a good entertainer a good songwriter good guitar player like she is all those things but like when you start ascribing a morality to her
Starting point is 00:39:26 that is by her own admission she flatly rejects, it's just weird. Okay. On the morning of March 13th, this is from Billboard Magazine. August of 2020. That's this year if I was keeping score at home. Dolly Parton arrived at her Dollywood theme park.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Her Dollywood theme park. The crown jewel in her multi-million dollar empire. For an annual preview day for season pass holders. Located in the town of Pigeon Forge in East Tennessee, not far from where she grew up, the park had introduced a number of changes in the reaction to the coronavirus pandemic including the installation of over 300 hand sanitizer stations the event was also supposed to show visitors how prepared dollywood was to open the next day parton stayed all day to monitor the park, which bears her name, and meet with Dollywood staff to talk about the latest news of the pandemic. By the time she left that night, though, she was no longer convinced opening was a good idea.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Ross, the president of the Dollywood Company, which co-owns Splash Country Water Park, the Dream More Resort and Spa, and Dollywood's Smoky Mountain Cabins, as well as eight dinner theaters and restaurants in Tennessee, Missouri, and South Carolina, presumably the now-defunct
Starting point is 00:40:56 Dixie Stampede. So, I turn that to you, friends. If something is described as being mine and the crown jewel of my multimillion dollar empire, would y'all say it's safe to assume that I have some agency over what goes on over there? Also, like, this was written in August. And the pandemic. 2020, not 2019 or 2018 or 96. And the pandemic started what? And, like, we knew about it, like, since January, but really popped off in March.
Starting point is 00:41:34 In March. And Dollywood was still operating, like, for business during this whole time. Yeah. That's not a good lookout. Here's what's going to happen. Somebody's going to see that and say, ignore everything I said and say, well, what visionary leadership she displayed by shutting it down. If, in fact, we can agree that Dolly does have at least in part a hand in what goes on there.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Let me tell you what goes on there let me tell you what goes on there nine dollar an hour wages they got a god that somebody came into the mentions the other day talking about oh well actually there's like a a free clinic there that's free for all the workers and a lot of people go there just because it's the only place they can afford health care but they framed that as like that was like a good thing, like a benefit thing, you know what I mean? That's a company town, yeah. That's a company town, and also let me ask you a question. If I've got
Starting point is 00:42:33 prostate cancer, am I going to go to Dollywood to treat that? You know what I'm saying? Like basically what you have is like rapid care. It's Dolly care. It's like a rapid care with like Dolly's face on it right wait but tom if you if you get coronavirus while while working at dollywood you can get treated right that's like part of the empire and the vertical vertical integration is what it is right
Starting point is 00:42:57 i mean if that's how they're gonna run an empire that's probably the most efficient way did you are none of you aware that at Sextonwood Amusement Park, where people go to get bilked out of their cash playing... This isn't about me. ...interminable poker games, rook tournaments, you're telling me that Tom Sexton is not involved in the day-to-day operations of Sextonwood?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Interesting. Or the creative direction. Or the creative direction. The naming of it. The very hornily naming of it. I think it's so goddamn funny, dude, that they, that like, okay, like, even if you're like, oh, she just licenses her name to it, that's not much better. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like, oh, she's licensing her name to a fiefdom with roller coasters where people are suffering and getting paid nothing. And this is the number one attraction in the state of Tennessee, a state that contains Nashville. You know what I mean? I mean like I think you find that a lot where people will be like well you know this person I was in charge of like you know whatever empire was whether it was like a theme park amusement park or like a clothing line right um and people bring forth accusations of like um unsafe work unsafe work conditions or like you, low wages. And because there's this reification of like businesses and just the personhood of like, you know, an LLC or anything like that, the, like people can divorce in their mind, like Dollywood from Dolly Parton. Well, she must not
Starting point is 00:44:37 have known because like this thing is like self-automating, right? Like it's, it's, you know what I mean? And that, that's really, that's creepy when people do that i'm like it does have her name on it though it's the mint like it's just insane mental gymnastics dude and the thing i was talking to my friend yesterday before i got on the horn here with y'all and we were talking about how like but there's like a lot of like particularly white leftists that will like just go in on like why killer Mike's a huge piece of shit, but deifies Dolly Parton. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:11 And it all... One thing, that's apples and oranges, because I think Mike's politics obviously have some blind spots, right? Yeah. He will say the same thing Doy will say i'm an avowed capitalist like dolly says that on the damn podcast you know what i mean like about her that like i'm a businesswoman like first and foremost i'm a businesswoman and i just think that there's like this weird trend of like i know like right like, Fred Hampton says, you know, like, you don't solve black poverty with black capitalism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:45 But in another way, it's, like, feels weird for me as, like, a white leftist, like, commentator, whatever you want to call me, to, like, cast dispersions on, like, black people benefiting from that same system. Does that make sense? You know what I'm saying? No, I don't understand. black people benefiting from that same system does that make you know what i'm saying like it feels like it feels like an outgrowth of like the magical negro thing where like you there's a there's a morality that should just be ascribed to black people that like you know what i'm saying it's like the black girl magic thing and all that kind of stuff yeah i mean well given given historical context right i mean like as a black dude like i obviously feel more comfortable like going after
Starting point is 00:46:24 people like killer mike but it's also like this understanding where of course black capitalism isn't going to save us, but I could see how black people generally would favor the idea of free enterprise given, you know, historical or social context. And it's just kind of weird when like, you know, white folk on the left are going after like one person, but decidedly not another. You know, and I get a lot of that has to do with like, you know, your proximity to like culture and just personal taste. But it's just kind of like, yo, maybe you should back the fuck up. Like, you know, take take a seat, bro. Take a couple of seats.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But also just like it too to tack on to that. Just like on paper like killer mike isn't even in the realm of dolly part killer mike ain't got like hundreds of people on the payroll and like you know what i mean like you got a couple wing places in atlanta and that's about it you know what i'm saying that's not even good that shit is is trash. He's got a barbershop. You know what I mean? He's got a barbershop. A small stake in Cripicola. Where you can get wigs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:29 So it's like, it's just so, it's like, I don't know, man. It's just like, that whole shit is like, if we're going to judge everybody on balance, you got to acknowledge there's some like baked in racism there. You know what I mean? Like as far as the celebs go. Yeah. Yeah. there you know what i mean like as far as the celebs go yeah yeah well i think the larger project in both cases and especially the the american obsession with celebrities i think is um
Starting point is 00:47:53 yeah a very effective mechanism for killing class consciousness you know it's you know you you see the way these people like you said tom they do these mental gymnastics to justify the exploitation of workers and stuff because it's Dolly. It's not the same. It's Dolly. It's like, well, they're still selling their labor. They've still probably got another job outside of fucking Dollywood because they can barely make ends meet.
Starting point is 00:48:21 It's just like, I don't know. would because they can barely make ends meet it's just like i don't know it's it's a very hard thing to talk about because um it give it giveth and taketh away because in many ways i feel like bernie was so popular because he has his own kind of little sort of celeb status as well and so it's like in some ways i'm like is is celeb the like, is celebrity the only way to mediate people's class consciousness? I don't know. I'm not serious. No, I think that has some merit, man. Because like y'all know I'm like fucking told you guys I'm reading DeBoer.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And there's a section where he talks about stars. He's talking about celebrities and how they're kind of atomized avatars of the spectacle. Yeah. Right? So, like, they're, you know, it seems like they have this freedom to do whatever they want, but they themselves are permitted, right, to do certain things that fit into the grander large presentation of this like false unreality oh yeah right imagine what would happen to dolly if she started talking about communism or something or actually or just you don't even have to go that far imagine yeah imagine if she started talking about like i don't know like the working class i don't know i mean maybe she'd be
Starting point is 00:49:41 fine but it's it you're right i think that there's things that even they can't say i mean look what happened to fucking colin kaepernick you know like with nike now though he got recruited you're right he got rehabilitated you're right jesus fucking christ dude no you well dolly is uh donald trump as well as gandhi and she gave people kofi in the, we all contain multitudes. What else can you say? The thing about COVID and all of this is it was always going to have to read down to the capitalist benefit. That's part of the fucked up thing about living in the society we now live in. Is that like for us to dig ourselves out of this COVID thing.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I was listening to the story on NPR this morning. Like, for us to dig ourselves out of this COVID thing, I was listening to the story on NPR this morning. I mean, do you realize how much money is going to have to be spent to disperse, just in America, 350 million vaccines? Like, they're going to have to, I mean, they're hiring some tech company in, like, Connecticut or some shit like that. Like, the guy who started the Priceline website or whatever, like, they're hiring him to, like, roll out this innovative new kind of syringe that's kind of honestly gave me sort of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes vibes. It's, like, not a real syringe. It's, like, sort of a throwaway one. Just a little tiny one that, you know, has the vaccine in it.
Starting point is 00:51:06 But anyways, I mean, it's so much money. And, like how much money pfizer and moderna are gonna get for these vaccines i mean like i mean i don't i don't know it's like you couldn't really ask for a better argument for nationalizing the sort of entire pharmaceutical industry entire health care industry but like i don't know it's yeah especially like thinking about like getting the vaccine out to more rural areas you know like you know getting it out to like working class like populations of color especially who are like you know disproportionately affected by the virus and i don't like logistically like i don't see in the current like socio-political context like the way this country is set up institutionally i don't really see that being a i don't see that being a thing for at least like another year or two you know
Starting point is 00:51:56 like after the initial vaccine comes out maybe i'm being pessimistic but it just i don't know that's another thing in this now that I'm thinking about. Like, why the fuck don't people ever ask, like, is it not just really bleak that we have to rely on the philanthropy of millionaires and billionaires to, like, get any relief at all? I mean, it's like, how fucking bleak is that? I don't know. i don't know dude i was watching i was watching the um this is kind of related a little candid but i was watching the spacex and nasa launch to the iss yeah and uh my sister was like cnn for a minute got off of the election trump news my sister was like isn't this cool and i was like no like it's not you know she was like oh it's space like give me a break and i'm like dude like it's you know we used to do this shit like without relying on private industry right
Starting point is 00:52:51 and she had the nerve to bring up the soviet union i was like that's a perfect fucking example right you know what i mean like why is elon musk i mean i know why it's because we shrink the budget of nasa and it's just not now that we're not like you know trying to go to war with like the soviet union send missiles like you know into space and like across the fucking world like the the prospect of like just just for curiosity's sake you know what i mean yeah like it's not that's not enough that's not enough incentive so part of that too is future asteroid mining you know future colonization of space for resources and shit like that. Elon Musk is going to be leading the way. Man is so beyond bleak.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Elon Musk and Tom Sexton of Sexton Wood Enterprises Industries. What kind of amusement park rides? In partnership with the Bureau of Land Management. I'm trying to think of rides that you would find at Sextonwood Park. You would drive over a large bridge, and that's just the ride? You just get an anxiety attack driving over a bridge? Yeah. It's like, do you have, I forget what the name for bridge fear is.
Starting point is 00:54:02 That's like, only people that have that can ride this ride you have i need a note from your psychiatrist saying you have this specific phobia okay good okay now strap yourself in that's the terror that's the horrifying part or like you you go through like one of those tunnels at the end of like a or the beginning of a football game you know what i mean like the human tunnel and people are just sneezing on you the whole time and the terror is like oh shit i got fucking legionnaires disease that's the terror it's all based on like sexton wood would all be based on very niche anxieties hypochondria and gambling it's all up baby chasing a little trim here and there oh man we can turn this into reality fucking synth music piped over the
Starting point is 00:54:56 the pa system sorry tom i'm a... Sorry, Tom. I'm a strange individual. I'm getting... I would have gone to that. That sounds a little bit too much like my actual existence. Like, I'm good. I think I would have like... I already have like crazy anxiety. I would think I would die.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Like, I would die. Well, speaking of anxiety and, you know, uncertainty about the future, I kind of just wanted to take a few minutes to just talk about COVID. Because I, you know, for the past few nights in a row, and, you know, full disclosure, this is also partially informed by the fact that both my parents got covid and just listening to them like talk about their experiences with it and just it's just completely unreal but for the past few nights in a row i've been there's been a point i've reached like you know i'll eventually just get i'll get so stoned that i'll just hit a point of just total freak out about covid i don't know if this happens oh hell yeah oh no hell yeah this is why i like having aaron on the show now i have a fellow um fellow weed fellow pessimist yes a fellow pessimist
Starting point is 00:56:16 but no i i kind of found myself last night in this sort of mental space where I had sort of... You ever seen that movie Contact with Jodie Foster? Yes, I fucking love that movie. That movie's awesome. It's so fucking... I've seen that shit like ten times. Yes. Like there's that scene towards the end where she goes through the fucking whatever it is, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:49 The wormhole. The wormhole, whatever the fuck she goes through. And she ends up on the beach of some, like, distant world and her father is there. And she's just kind of, like, got, like, this, you know, this sensation of awe, you know. Like, just this mixture of mixture of like fear and wonder. And I kind of felt like that's where I had landed last night. And it's where I've kind of felt the past week because this past week it has been a total. I don't know how to explain it, but you've got several different things going on at once.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I don't know how to explain it, but you've got several different things going on at once. Maybe the most prevalent of which is that governors are now starting to shut down their states. Pennsylvania, New Mexico, we're talking about it here in Kentucky. But the language and the way that they talk about this, it'll just send you for a total fucking loop because i don't if i don't know i mean if any of you have still been paying attention to your governors most of you have probably tuned them out a long time ago and rightfully so but if you have been you'll have noticed that over the course of the past two weeks or so they're like well well we probably need to shut down soon we probably they've all been saying, they've all been saying this. They've all been saying, we're thinking about shutting down again soon.
Starting point is 00:58:07 We're thinking about it. It's probably going to happen. And then some of them will take baby steps to do it. Some of them will actually go all the way out into doing it. But it has created this very bizarre situation, in my personal opinion, where you've got these governors just basically saying, well, we know things are bad, and we know that people are dying, but are they bad enough yet
Starting point is 00:58:30 to go back to where we were in April and May? And all the implications built into that, all the assumptions built into that are so mind numbing. It is just completely, I don't know, it's just completely mind-numbing. If you go back in time to April, March or April or whatever, and you read some of the things that people were saying back then, it's insane how little disregard for life we had entered into this pandemic with. Yeah. I mean, people back then were saying,
Starting point is 00:59:05 they were making, literally going on TV every night and making these calculations about how much human life was acceptable, how much, you know, some people are going to have to die, but we can't risk shutting down the economy. And this became the justification for opening it back up. And I have to ask myself, I really have to wonder if the numbers we're seeing now just if it gets through
Starting point is 00:59:27 to them at all you know what i mean because i feel like the numbers we're seeing now far far exceed anything we even envisioned back in march and april if you would have told me back in march and april that by november we would have a quarter million people dead you know i mean a million new cases within two weeks in november i mean it's just phenomenal have have y'all seen uh the movie uh fucking contagion i think it's been a long does it have um dennis or hoffman uh dustin hoffman or am i thinking of a different um this is the this is the serious virus movie um in 2011 it had marianne cotillard i think matt damon lawrence first yeah that was the ensemble cast were like half of these motherfuckers died right that was that was that was that was part of the appeal it was like oh shit you know they killed Gwyneth Paltrow.
Starting point is 01:00:25 God damn, yo. But I was watching that movie at the beginning of the virus. This is like, I mean, this is like April, man, or May. I don't know. We were going through that first kind of wave, right? I'm watching this movie with my ex, and I got this really chilling feeling, not because the movie was an accurate representation to what was going on. And the movie is like truly horrifying in its portrayal of like the virus itself. But the response from the government, right, and governments across the world, even amidst societal breakdown, was something that I could not see replicated in the real world.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And that's what scared the shit out of me. Right? Is that this movie is about the worst case scenario. And even in this movie, you have military scientists and some of the most, like, you know, leading epidemiologists and, you know, world leaders and even characters themselves. Like, I don't think that there was like this element of doubt and denial that there even is like a virus and i can't i couldn't even finish watching it because i was like yo this is like dead ass a better world yeah like i wish we were in the movie because where all these with ensemble cast dies i mean yo i would have been like you know like a fucking
Starting point is 01:01:44 background person i probably would have lived or i would have been a you know like a fucking background person I probably would have lived or I would have been a body of the corpse like I don't fucking know but like they went through massive death and got through it and we are literally now still creeping through and looking looking forward to a winner with no aid you know where people are going to be like you know trapped inside people people are going to go out and be trapped inside and passing it amongst one another and it's like yeah how much how many more people have to die is there even like an upper limit i don't think i don't think there actually is all of this has been baked into like the way sort of ideology gets reproduced like in real time it's i mean it's really bizarre i'm not trying to get
Starting point is 01:02:25 doomer with this i mean once again i think like tom said there ain't no such thing as doomer motherfucking if you could like yeah you got two eyes and you can see what the fuck is going on exactly just look at the fucking look at society around you there's no i mean i don't know i i don't really know um you know if people tune into this to feel better about themselves or about the world or whatever but like i guess the only thing i'm trying to point out with all this is just how in real time um human life just gets written off and how you just you see it like right in front of you i mean there was an article i don't know if you guys saw this. It was going around, I believe it was on Sunday or Monday, in Bloomberg from some dipshit named Tyler Cowen. COVID is increasing America's lead over China.
Starting point is 01:03:13 As the post-pandemic world order takes shape, it's clear that the U.S. still has huge advantages. This article basically says that because so many people died, because we have incurred so much mass casualty and loss, we are ipso facto superior to the Chinese because it proves that we're more resilient and we're stronger and we're braver. And we can channel all that into medical innovation and developing vaccines and relying on our capitalist institutions. And this is literally fascism. Hold on. It also – shit, I was going to go the opposite direction. It also does kind of sound like what some leftists would – like referencing the Soviet Union, you know, like post-World ii and the casualties incurred and then you know the proliferation after that and i mean i'm not saying like you know fucking style i mean i ain't gonna even go to it right before people fucking think that i'm like trying to endorse like some certain
Starting point is 01:04:16 ideas whatever but like you know it does seem like that kind of like argument where it's like oh yeah like you know we're better off because we were able to incur such like you know mass casualties and damage and we're still humming and ticking along and i don't really know if that's a good side you know yeah like that way you know what i mean yeah yeah that's uh that's not a good side i i think that um it's weird you know we're in tears we're talking about this a little bit the other day that it's weird. Me and Terrence were talking about this a little bit the other day. But it's like these weird myths or half-truths about China that you always hear people like that spout off, like female infanticide and all these different things.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I'm sure that China's got its own shit like anywhere else. like you know i'm sure that china's got its own shit like anywhere else but it's funny that like the things we like criticize them for whether true or not are the things that we're trying to we're doing to prove our superiority to them you know what i mean letting people die and so forth yeah absorbing all of this yeah i'm extremely fucking this is the thing that's why like i'm not trying to get doomer with this i'm not trying to say like things are just we're all gonna die things are gonna get bad the point i'm trying to make with this the overall point i'm trying to make with this is that if you are a leftist or any even somebody who just marginally cares about human life
Starting point is 01:05:39 i like want you genuinely sincerely to ask people, is this the world you want to live in? I mean, really, is this the society you want to live in where we just, in real time, rationalize death like that? I mean, just rationalize casualties like that right off human life on a massive scale. I think it's, I don't know. I just think that it's a challenge to all of us. It's just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:10 It's, once again, it's just like, if you open up your eyes, you'll just, daily will be astounded by just the sort of casual disregard for human life. Yeah. And. Yeah. And. Yeah. It. I was thinking about my bad. Go ahead. All I was going to say is I'm just pleading with people to just don't let that.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Don't let it harden you. You know what I mean? Like that. That is their goal. That is truly what they want here. They want you to become desensitized to it. They want you to become just totally like, well, that's the cost. That's the price of being America.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And it's like that does not have to be the case. We do not have to make these choices. We don't have to let people die. None of this was inevitable. I don't know. Once again, it's just I find myself morally repulsed but also in awe just watching it happen in real time. Yeah. And the turnover is so insane.
Starting point is 01:07:13 The normalization of it has been like so – it's almost immediate, right? Yeah. I think that if people like, I don't know, if you had been in a coma, you know what I mean, during this whole thing and you woke up and found out and somebody presented to you like actually what was going on, that we had like over a quarter of a million people dead. You know, we had tens of millions of people like, you know, under threat of eviction, already evicted or just, you know, economically insecure. And you had to contend with like you know regardless of like who's in power like i feel like it would break it would break that person's mind yeah to think that like if you weren't like you know aware and conscious in real time and were affected by this quick rapid normalization and it just hit you one day like your fucking face would
Starting point is 01:08:05 melt off just contemplating this shit because i don't know how a society what kind of psychic toll this is gonna have on a populace like will it will really ever i don't know i i don't know i think that like you said terrence they're really trying very quickly to make you feel like, well, this is just business as usual, right? I mean, we're at a point now. I mean, there was a few articles going around. And again, me and Tom talked about this on the Patreon over the weekend, maybe in a little more detail. But I mean, I feel like the details themselves have become a little more clear. But there was a few articles going around, one which is that like there's not a single i think at this point there's not a single american that doesn't know buddy that doesn't know
Starting point is 01:08:48 someone who has had covet at this point but then there was something in the new york times just a few days ago maybe just yesterday that said the coronavirus is spreading out of control in the u.s overwhelming health systems and killing more than 1100 americans a day um and you know you see all these new maps with different colors on them there are constantly having to develop new colors to denote how bad things are getting in certain parts of the country and um once again it's just like we have to sort of find our footing here because um there's a lot you can pack into this statement spreading out of control i mean we don't know what it's going to look like in a month i mean are aren't we getting close to some states entire health systems just being
Starting point is 01:09:32 i mean like can people even fathom that can they can even conceptualize that like entire health systems just like becoming you know how you have a panic attack and your brain just melts down you can't function like that's kind of how this might function at a systemic level a fucking entire health system just cannot go on it's just is overwhelmed and is um you know overflowing at the top so at least you saw that dark shit in south dakota where they were letting covid positive nurses continue oh yeah they were so overwhelmed jesus so like that's a little preview of what of how you know just a taste of how bad it can be yeah or the tyson the tyson shit man where like they're you know managers are betting at this like the poultry factory i think that tyson owns
Starting point is 01:10:18 operates that like yeah yeah yeah man the betting on people getting COVID, you know, like betting how what what percentage of the employees will like it. It again makes me think of like Marx's idea of reification, you know, subject becoming object and vice versa through this process of, you know, commodity exchange. exchange and how like literally it does mean now that like people like because when somebody says to you that 200 000 people died or 250 000 uh people or 300 000 people or even a million people like as a human being you can't like conceptualize like visually how many people that is and i think that's that's like how they're able to get away with it too because like unless you're like you have like you know some omniscient sort of like perception you can't see a million people right right and that's what that's what kind of creates like this alien i mean you're already alienated but now you're inoculated from this completely because like you can't you can't actually perceive it
Starting point is 01:11:20 you know visually speaking yeah and one thing they kind of did to us was like you know when they were like around the same time where they were calling us the human labor stock and all that stuff yeah yeah yeah it's the capital stock yeah human capital stock uh they uh you know they were saying stuff like well you know they were throwing stuff out like oh well three percent you know and like to the uninitiated three percent sounds like not like a huge deal but like you're talking like if that's you know allowed to spread all over the country and it looks like it's certainly trending that way and only going to get worse in the next month month and a half like you're talking like millions of people yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:12:01 people do and like people will like you know sit here and say oh well that you're being a sensationalist you're being a sensationalist and it's like okay that might be true but like we've also like just went in pacified countries under the guise of not of a single america if it's a single american life it's worth going here and doing this shit's like come on man yeah well come on and also also though tom if you would have said that back in march and april people would have been like oh if you would if you would have literally said 250 000 people will be dead by november i guarantee you half the goddamn commentary would be like oh you're being a sensationalist or half your co-workers or
Starting point is 01:12:40 whatever and it's just like at what point i don't know i mean it really frustrates me when people say that or they say you're a doomer or whatever it's just like i mean i don't know it's just like at what point is it acceptable to just write that off as sort of sensationalism or doomerism or whatever i i not that we could have done anything about it anyways you know i, I mean, obviously if you thought that that many people was going to die and you're just one of us on a podcast, you can't do shit about it anyways, but. But, but, but, but Terrence and Tom, people die all the time, right? People are always going to be homeless. People are always going to be like, Dave, this has been like just an idiot.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I mean, I don't even, sometimes I don't know if it's like, I don't think it's on purpose, like conscious, but it's also like just part of the system in itself. So like the ideology like has to sort of like create new ways of like, you know, producing narratives that are like, you know, normalizing. You know what I mean? Yeah. And yeah. And it's like, you know, this like people people will say like comparing it to the flu. Right. Well, the it's like, you know, people will say, like, comparing it to the flu, right? Well, the flu kills people, you know? And it's just like, okay, dude, but, like, this is exponential.
Starting point is 01:13:53 They ain't even on that anymore. They're like, well, you get in your car or drive to the grocery store every day, don't you? You know how many people die? It's like, oh, come on. You know how many people get attacked by sharks this thing is already yeah exactly yeah this thing has already killed five times as many people die annually from the flu i mean and it's fucking mid-november we still got another month and a half to go what's really gonna be mad we ain't even in the season do what so we ain't even in the flu season on top of all this shit really uh but again once again i'm not trying to like
Starting point is 01:14:25 black pill anybody um but uh myself personally if you're trying to like get through this without going completely fucking insane without it melting your brain like aaron was just describing like um i personally have just resorted to just essentially cliches and by that I mean like I just repeat the serenity prayer to myself that's it that's all I have that's the only thing I have right now I mean because like no amount of like reading
Starting point is 01:14:56 or anything really can can you know encase your brain with the kind of sort of preparation for dealing with any of this it's just like you know change in case your brain with the kind of sort of preparation for dealing with any of this, it's just like, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:07 change what you can. Um, and, uh, I don't know. Pray for serenity for the things you can't change. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 01:15:15 the different. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, I don't know, dude, it's a,
Starting point is 01:15:20 it's just one of those things where, you know, you, I think people tell themselves little lies, right? Like, I don't know if I told you guys, but I have a friend who, she's a librarian, she has a co-worker who just completely
Starting point is 01:15:34 has turned into like a COVID truther, you know, she doesn't believe in this shit. And this friend says that this co-worker is really like sane and you know, like still pleasant, but just a quote rational person and um she thinks this is like her way and a lot of other people's way of dealing with this where you just completely push it out of your mind and you know not trying to be preachy but for like
Starting point is 01:15:57 you know if you don't want to get doomer just understand that like this all of this is untenable and at some point like i don't know i mean i guess it could creep on like this until like you know a million people are dead but like we all we got is each other you know what i mean like just find that kind of solace in solidarity but also be aware of like what the fuck is coming and uh maybe i don't know you'll be better equipped to deal with it you and your comrades because otherwise this shit will make you crazy. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I think that's a really good sort of point to go out on. I know we're well over an hour, but I kind of wanted to go out on a few speak your pieces, if you had any, Tom. It might be a good sort of palate cleanser. Palate cleanser here. There's a little dispatches from back home here real quick see what see what let's take the temperature real quick boys my wife voted for donald trump i'm going to divorce her he's told more than 35 000 documented lies since he was elected and has paid only $750 in income taxes. Everything
Starting point is 01:17:06 that came out of his mouth was a lie. The Internal Revenue Service let him buy with Owen $450 million and he was bragging about it. Thank you. I guess Amy McGrath has been sucker punched again. But Kentucky used her and got $90 million.
Starting point is 01:17:26 That's more than she would have gotten if she had won. She would have been taking orders from AOC, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala. And Kamala. More than she took from the military. That's the best part. She would have taken more orders from AOC, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala than the military. Kentucky can't be bought. She needs to stay home and raise her three beautiful children.
Starting point is 01:17:52 The reward will be far greater in the end. You got to hit it with that little bit of Southern hospitality. That's right. That's right. When I was a kid, we played Rebels against Yankees and the Confederates against the Union. So did Dolly. It made millions off of it. That's a little editor's note.
Starting point is 01:18:16 That's a little editor's note, yeah. The kids divided up and played games. I wonder if in 100 years from now the adults are going to still be playing Trumpsters against the socialists. Hey, it's a good question. Last one and we'll go out. Wait, wait, wait. There's one more I just sent you
Starting point is 01:18:37 that I want you to read. Okay, two more and then we'll go out. Two more. Hey, Joe Biden. If you take all the carbon dioxide out of the air what are the plants going to do huh isn't that plant food if the scientists are saying this and that it might be because if they said it the other way they wouldn't get any funds would they my favorite thing about speaker pieces sometimes they don't punctuate it's like cut
Starting point is 01:19:06 out a little bit there could you read that one again i'll try again hey joe biden tom if you take all the carbon dioxide out of the air what are the plants going to turn to go out isn't that plant food man you gotta love y'all not hear me yeah we can hear you now yeah okay uh if the scientists are saying this and that it might be because if the scientists are saying this and that it might be because if they said it the other way they wouldn't get any funds with that i don't i can't look i try i try bag on nobody's grammar because mine's bad but i can't do nothing with it. Sorry. I could have screened that one before I sent it to you. Sitting here
Starting point is 01:19:50 watching the news on television. One thing I see is the world's largest group of bullies trying to take an election they don't have yet. Thank you. I do love how they've turned into
Starting point is 01:20:04 the Hillary people after 2016. They're like, just a bunch of bullies. The Dems are just a bunch of meanies and bullies. Except they have a way less body of evidence for their claims. I mean, and the Hillary people didn't have a lot to go on either, but it's like a lot years ahead of this. Well, that about covers it for today, folks.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Thanks for listening. Hopefully you made it all the way through this one without completely getting just spitting mad about Tom's take on Dolly or um... Don't care. Laughter
Starting point is 01:20:44 Um... Wait, Terrencerence before we head out can i mention one thing real quick absolutely uh just real quick i won't give too many details but um a couple weeks ago in atlanta there were um raids on um uh organizers um here in atlanta including a personal friend of mine um he's known as dick afrenic or was known as dick afrenic on twitter um so pretty much i'm just pointing people towards the atlanta solidarity fund um if you could just spare a few bucks to help some political prisoners some comrades with some legal support so that's um atl hell yeah you know we'll put a link in the show description um dick afrinic is a very good writer and he's been on our um you know sort of i don't know sister show the antifada quite a bit um yeah their history is a weapon series and um
Starting point is 01:21:41 Antifata quite a bit. Yeah. Their history is a weapon series. And so go help him out and go help them out. Like I said, we'll put a link in the show description. Thanks for mentioning that, Aaron. And if you'd like to support us, you can go to Patreon, slash Trill Billy Workers Party. We got all kinds of good stuff over there.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Like I said, got a good episode on Sunday of me getting to hear in real time Obama stealing my very own legacy right out from under my feet. And a final note, I think Tanya's going to be out for a little while. I'm not sure how long, but she will be back. So hold your horses. Stop yelling at us. It's going to be international men's day at the Trailbillies podcast for a little bit, I think. It's like when you take a birthday month.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It's just the fail us for a minute. That's right. People were like like where's Tanya I miss her I'm like motherfucker I miss her too but so thanks for hanging in there with us and thanks for supporting us and we encourage you to go
Starting point is 01:23:00 with God this week or whatever your higher power is the ultimate abstract. That's right. That's right. And we will see you next time. See you later. Bye.

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