Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 181: Rare Girth Minerals

Episode Date: January 14, 2021

Local dipshits T&T struggle to make sense of the world with the help of the local newspaper Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, I've got an announcement to make for all the rest of you ignorant, cold-smudged rural dwellers in the United States. We've finally been given a lifeline. That's right. Letcher County will finally be back on top. We were down. We were kicked while we were down we were kicked while we were down the whole world laughed at us while we laid in the mud with coal smudged on our faces that we couldn't mind anymore you all laughed at us but now we'll see who's laughing now the tables have turned because just announced this week
Starting point is 00:00:42 ledger county is getting a rare earth mineral mine. Soon to be mined by the same company, I think American Resources, which is a coal company. That's right. This is is gonna be all the rage yeah we're gonna party like it's 1878 a lot of people don't know this but it wasn't the first like prospecting in Appalachia done for cobalt mining? That's kind of how they stumbled upon coal or whatever?
Starting point is 00:01:28 I think so. I'm just reading here. Upon analysis, it has been estimated that American rare earths initial site has the ability to produce rare earth oxides, having a mix of approximately 20% neodymium, praseodymium, and disoprosium. Those classic minerals we all know and love. Doc, let me just tell you what I see happening here. Right from the jump. The year is 2136.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And somebody's going to be fighting the war on neo... whatever you said. Neodymium. And then people are going to be fighting the war on neo... Whatever you said. Neodymium. And then people are going to be like saying, this is my heritage. This is what my daddy and his daddy's daddy and his daddy's daddy before him always mined. And these goddamn liberals are out here
Starting point is 00:02:17 trying to take it from us yet again. Yeah. My great-great-great-great-great-grandpappy was a dyspromia some minor it keeps the lights on bitch from a long line yeah keeps your uh iphone 603 going we're gonna have unreasonable power if you think about it man that's what i said we're back on top baby yeah they thought they kicked us down but let's see where you're at when you need your hey say it again uh i guess this pros this prosium we've also got cobalt and lithium
Starting point is 00:02:57 which i didn't know but fuck i'll get a job in the lithium mines just for the unintended consequences. That's what I was going to say. I'll work in the lithium mine. God, I'd be so goddamn happy. I'd come home happy as hell. I'd be broken down, but my mood would be off the charts good every day. You would have green lung, but your lung tissue would be coated in crystallized lithium. But you'd feel great.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But you'd feel so good. Your mood would be so good every day. How was your day today, honey? Oh, you know. Stable. Same old, same old. It was very stable. Very stable.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, rather pleasant actually uh you got your foot crushed by a bolt machine yeah but you really gotta reframe how you look at these things a temporary setback for a for a great comeback i say yeah um furthermore the sites in this region are unique in that unlike most sites in the domestic market they possess a low level of thorium and other radioactive elements that can be harmful to the environment in the process good to know i was worried about the thorium that's been on a lot of people's minds lately all the chatter about rare earth mineral mining coming and that's what that's good that
Starting point is 00:04:27 you have a company looking out for your best interest really and your health yeah i i agree um especially with rafting a reputation as this one yeah american resources which was this week honored on the NASDAQ stock exchange floor by being tapped to ring the closing bell. So we've got people advocating for us at the upper echelons of the economy, my friend. Can't argue with that, man. We're on the way up. Can't argue with that.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Go ahead. No, go ahead. I was just going to say, all of you laughed at us now who's laughing said you're down and out yeah that's right yeah how about that how about that joe biden how about that new york for always bitching about how you subsidize us well look we're gonna be subsidizing ourself off of that yeah you better watch how you fucking talk to. If y'all want lithium and what was it again? What was the other one? Neodymium.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Neodymium. Okay. When you're out there making your grub hub calls, doing your Instacart, calling your Ubers and all that stuff. Just know that one of me and my ilk are down there in the dionithium mines making it all possible that's right um no uh they have a processing facility apparently they're planning to open one they're they're planning to open dean mining's other four
Starting point is 00:06:02 operating locations i think they're turning an old, like, tipple site out in Dean. They're retrofitting it, man. They're retrofitting it, yeah. Dog, what if we, like, what if we just go to the next level? Like, we're still miners, alright? That's never gonna change. But, like, Eastern Kentucky
Starting point is 00:06:20 becomes, like, a real space-age place where, like, we're mining all these, like, like crazy ass arcane minerals that just nobody clearly knows what they do you know i guess lithium is for batteries for drugs right mood stabilizers etc etc i guess sounds like when i hear rare earth minerals i always think of like foxconn well here it says says graphene is one use of them. Graphene is used in tennis rackets. I do know that.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Oh. Well, you're welcome, Rafael Nadal. It is more than 100 times stronger than the strongest steel and is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It has many applications, including ballistic armor, electronics, solar cells, biomedicine, batteries, and aerospace coatings.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Dude, we really are going to be space-ified. You're right. Dog, I love it. We're leading America into the future. And by that I mean, this will absolutely crash and burn and never materialize. Smart money's on that happening. smart money's on that happening but here's what they're going here's what'll happen is they'll do like a cost benefit analysis and they'll realize oh let's retrofit some old technology that doesn't really work in the middle of nowhere that's a hard logistical conundrum to like get it out of that
Starting point is 00:07:40 right or let's just go find another place where it's easier to mine and we can do it cheaper yeah and we're the labor and we'll come back to it in the future if you know in a pinch yeah it's exactly right they've been talking i feel like they've been talking about rare earth minerals for years now well if i'm not mistaken i think when andrew carnegie was first prospecting in like southern pennsylvania west virginia and even down in eastern kentucky's tennessee like i think cobalt was the big thing yeah like that he was like he had his design set on and then i guess what carnegie become like a steel guy steel so like i guess metallurgical coal would have been his interest around here right but uh
Starting point is 00:08:27 yeah we've just had a bunch of cobalt just sitting under here not doing nothing with it i could have been licking the rocks this whole time could have been feeling much better getting blue lung well the letcher county or the whitesburg Mountain Eagle does not disappoint this week. I mean, it is packed full of great and not depressing content. Such as letting us know that the vaccines are available, but apparently our deaths have been underreported. Have you heard about this? I saw that was the front page news today. The deaths have been underreported.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So... What did they think was happening? What were they attributing them to? I really don't know. There's a conspiracy theory. I mean, here's the thing. You got a county of 18,000 people when, like, 12 people die unexpectedly.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That's not nothing. In the next county over, Wise County, which is maybe 30,000 people, it's about the same population base. They've had 70 deaths, man. That's fucking nuts. 70? 70. But there's a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:09:37 How many have we had? What's our numbers? Like 60. It's about the same. So about twice the size and almost the same amount of deaths. Yeah. the same so twice about twice the size and almost the same amount yeah there's a conspiracy theory in the speak your piece that i guess we'll get to but basically the gist of it is that hospitals get money for every covid death or something i think that's what it is so that's why they've
Starting point is 00:09:57 oh that's why the numbers are so high man that's actually we're truly if we're truly living in an e-crisis i'm just gonna start putting the most batshit stuff out there if you could just say that like the hospitals get money for covid deaths like what could we put out there that like would that would move the needle yeah like we gotta we need to start you we gotta start weaponizing the e-crisis in the direction we need society to go in my opinion yeah you're right you're right we're not utilizing it we're sitting here telling the truth we're post-truth man you're right you're right why don't they just lie they really should just lie. Just be like, the vaccine gives you superpowers. It makes your dick really hard.
Starting point is 00:10:52 The vaccine has a compound in it similar to sildenafil. Andy Basir telling everybody this. Now, if you go get the vaccine, your dick will be hard for two weeks. You want to go do it. That's fine. That's normal. Donald Trump just nuts his britches every time somebody gets the vaccine. That would send them flocking.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. Oh, fuck, man. So, there's a lot to cover this week i wrote out every single thing we could potentially cover it's almost an entire page of um college ruled notebook paper uh okay so there's there's a whole lot um i thought perhaps we could start working our way to what i said we got some ground to cover today we got some ground to cover i thought perhaps we could start working our way to what? I said we got some ground to cover today. We got some ground to cover. I thought perhaps we could start working our way through it by covering some Speak Your Pieces.
Starting point is 00:11:54 So we might as well just go ahead and get some of those out of the way. Okay. We got a lot of stuff today at Speak Your it's speaking peace yeah i mean we knew that it would it would deliver this is the first speak your peace after the uh the capitol hill siege i'm not calling it an insurrection i'm not giving these people that this is i i hate that people call this thing an insurrection it's like i don't know i don't really know what else word to call it an insurrection sounds like it's out of star wars or something it's it sounds badass yeah yeah see just like insurrection you're giving too too much right
Starting point is 00:12:39 yeah uh when i turned my television on last wednesday listen i just also want to say before we get into this this is really checking the pulse of rural america yeah and i know that you've i know that you got a good sample size because when you send these to me it's usually like two or three there's 17 pages of screenshots here so listen, listen, here's what, from their own mouth, here's what these people believe to be the truth about this. Dude, there are some in there. Trump supporters. There are some in there that are so entirely nonsensical. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like, what I really want to illustrate here is the diversity of opinion. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Okay. Even amongst the trumpers let's kick it off when i turned on my television last wednesday i thought i was watching antifa and black lives matter in the white house see so you got the trump supporter that thinks that this crowd is no better than those antifas in the summer. Or is actual Antifa themselves.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Or is actually, or, yeah, or. Has been infiltrated by Antifa. Yeah. Uh-uh. I just listened to a newscaster just say that what happened at our capital last week will go down in history as our... Hold on a second. Maybe that wasn't meant to be read. Wait, did it cut off?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Okay. Yeah. Oh, never mind, never mind. I see it, I see it. I see it. I listened to a newscaster just say that what happened at our Capitol last week will go down in history as our darkest hour. Well, I want to remind her about the Twin Towers. To me, that was the darkest hour.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And as far as those riders going into the Capitol, don't those buildings belong to Americans? See, some of the people that were in there in the insurrection seemed to think the same thing. That's right. Don't they pay taxes to keep those buildings going? Yes, that is their building too. I'm editorializing here. If they want to spread shit on Washington
Starting point is 00:14:57 crossing the Delaware and break the windows, they're more than entitled to. Yeah, sure, they went about it the wrong way, but that is their building also. God bless America and we hope this will never happen again. What in the hell's wrong with America anyway? Look what they did
Starting point is 00:15:14 at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Why can't we protect what the public owns? God bless America again. Hey, listen, that's a valid question in an era of a trillion dollar nat sex day why couldn't we keep the capital under wraps i like the good question i like the part that was they went about it the wrong way like it reminds me of this woman i spoke to in damascus virginia over the summer like in june who was like yeah right right right, right in the middle of the, of
Starting point is 00:15:46 the biggest protests and riots and everything. She was like, oh, it's just crazy right now. You know, they're just burning everything down. And then she looked off for like five second pause and goes, well, but you know, we all make mistakes. So it's like, you know, gotta have a little grace for everybody hello russia and china here we come you tyrants have always had a one-party system so you could oppress your people well america here in america we've always had a two-party system. Republicans and Democrats.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Now we've gone to a one-party system ourselves. The Republican Party is finished and Democrats will take us into communism. Finally. Finally. We see these so-called radical extremists on TV going into the U.S. Capitol and causing a ruckus. We have some of those radical extremists right here in Letcher County. They can hide in their... I think this is the one that blew my fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I think this is the one. There's one that blew my mind. This might be it. This feels like it has potential to blow my mind they can hide in their job to cover their own high and end but everybody knows that they like to fly their little flag with the snake on it that says don't tread on me well now you boys know how it feels don't you you make the confederate flag look like racism but the flag isn't the racist you are the racist everybody knows you're nothing but trouble one of these days you're going to stick
Starting point is 00:17:32 out the little yellow flag where the sun you're going to stick that little yellow flag where the sun don't shine me myself i'll fly the stars and stripes and i'll fly the stars and bars but i will never fly one of those cowardly yellow flags and here's what's interesting about that this is fascinating that this is the most fat one of the most fascinating things i've ever read because you have you have a confederate flag sympathizer thinking that the don't tread on me people are a secret cabal of shitsters that are like bringing shame to the american flag and that other most american of flags the confederate flag it's like they are the true sedition and also it's like it's like it's like the spider-man
Starting point is 00:18:20 pointing at each other dude i've i thought about i read that one yesterday and i probably did not stop thinking about it over the course of the next 24 hours what what's what's afoot there man no it really is someone who is pro-us pro-confederacy and thinks that the don't tread on me people are seditionist uh traitors to the flag and furthermore there's a weird line in there where it's like one day you're gonna stick that thing where the sun don't shine it's gonna fuck and also and and also you're and also you're gonna fuck yourself with the flag in front of me and i'm gonna jack off while you do it oh man oh i'm telling you man do we have the whole spectrum of thought today it is man we have a lot there's and here's the only listen for everybody hurling bad faith shit toward us, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yes. Nobody is saying that this thing or that thing is not fascism or that there's not fascists in the Trump consensus or that Trump doesn't have fascist elements in his presentation or whatever what we're trying to say is that there are a myriad of different opinions and weird incoherent politics in this number yeah it's what we're trying to get at no that's exactly right i wanted to i wanted to address that even a little bit. I never address the haters. You know, I always assume that anytime someone throws a fit over what we say on this show, they just want attention. But this is the only thing, really, over the course of the past three and a half years
Starting point is 00:20:15 that's really gotten under my skin. The idea that we just don't take this seriously enough or something like that. I mean, first of all, I have have to ask what do you want from us we're fucking just two dipshits who live in the woods if you're getting all of your analysis and what you want to think from a podcast maybe rethink some things but also man if you're getting if you're getting your all your analysis from two dipshits that live in the woods you might just go ahead and do the natural progression, get into crystals and animal sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Consult the oracle and so forth. Right. But also, no one knows what to think right now. We're all fucking just as confused as the next person. Maybe some of us are a little scared, with good reason. Maybe some of us are acting like we aren't. But we're just trying to make sense of things in real time without being completely
Starting point is 00:21:08 doomer. Alarmist. Yeah, alarmist or doomer or whatever. So it's like, what do you want? It's just like, I do take this seriously. But at the same time, do you want me to get on here every single week and tell you to be more afraid? Be more scared. Be
Starting point is 00:21:24 more paranoid. You know, retreat into your own shell into your own world what do you want children save yourselves rip out your mercury feelings like that's what you sound like fucking del gribble on like pirate radio also another thing motherfucker we live amongst these motherfuckers that's exactly wall to wall that's exactly okay that's exactly god damn that's exactly my next point it's like i know these people and so it's like for me to call them fascists would mean that i would have to give them a little more credit than i know they actually i mean there are fascists among them there are actual fascists in the in the in the ranks there's no doubt there's no doubt about it. Yeah, there's no doubt about it. But at the same time, I know a lot of these people just because they're like,
Starting point is 00:22:08 my racist dentist or something. You know what I mean? It's like my racist dentist or like this guy that like, you know, is like, still thinks that Trump's going to wave a magic wand and like keep his job and all this kind of shit. Well, yeah. And then you could say, well, what are you doing in a community? Well, motherfucker, you don't know anything about me listen i don't i don't try
Starting point is 00:22:29 out credentials i don't try out credentials i don't do that you're right you're right it's not a fucking it's not this is not the fucking this is not the fucking activism olympics you fucking dipshit suck my fucking cock you don't know me exactly anyways people if you have go ahead what were you gonna say i was just gonna keep reading okay people if you have anything to say about joe biden you better get it in before january 20th because big brother will be watching after 20 thank you oh boy oh big brother i hope trump supporters were watching the protests outside the capitol building these scumbags were not patriots i doubt that you could find a dozen patriots in that crowd that served in the military and
Starting point is 00:23:20 were honorably discharged there are cow cowards, including Trump himself, who have egged this on, but are not there in person. This is not who the American people really are. These are simple-minded, gullible fools who have fallen under influence of a mentally unbalanced leader, just like the Jim Jones cult, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Germany under Hitler. The caller who compared Bideniden to hitler obviously failed american government if they even bothered to take it in the first place
Starting point is 00:23:50 true truth thoughts about that no just once again just documenting the plethora just the the vast spectrum of thought. After watching the fascist traitors storm the Capitol, I believe that every last one of these freaks should be shot and the congressional traitors that helped incite this riots along with them. I like that the cure to fascism is more fascism. I picked this one out because there's a certain type of democrat that is i don't really know how else to put it other than to say that
Starting point is 00:24:32 they would be considered maybe like a radical jacobin or something in the french revolution like democrats who would literally massacre half the u.s for being republicans just so they can have like tax credits and access to health care yeah like that would gladly murder every conservative in the country if it meant that like they could keep the earned income tax credit yeah it's weird it's like they're they're they are hyper um i don't say violent but they are sort of vigilant in the way that these right-wingers are who are like i'm just waiting for the storms coming i'm just waiting for it to happen these people are also the exact same but they are hardcore democrats dude let me just i'll just go ahead and tell you dude always because it's been kind of a colorful affair this week over at Peter's Out for Burning.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But what these guys that, like, they just, like, call me a liberal all the time in there or whatever. And that's fine. I don't give a shit. I let them razz me or whatever. But what these guys don't understand is that, like, as strong man as your worldview is, the liberals are actually even more demented because the liberals were the ones that were fully on board with us pacifying a country in the name of getting one guy,
Starting point is 00:25:55 one Saddam Hussein. Right. Was it Madeleine Albright that said that it was worth it to murder Iraqi school children by the scores if it meant getting Saddam Hussein? Yeah, it was with regards to the sanctions. like it was worth it to like murder iraqi school children by the scores if it meant getting saddam hussein yeah it was with regards to the it would be worth it yeah right that it would yeah yeah that's right that yeah that it would like basically we would like kill these kids starve them out and all that kind of stuff not necessarily literally said
Starting point is 00:26:19 that children would be acceptable collateral damage for getting sadama that he's that he's that he's that bad bad and rude of a dude this is someone who i'm pretty sure wrote a book on literally on fascism about like right you know how right after trump got into office there was like a a sort of cottage industry or a i wanted i wanted i wanted to talk about that a little bit, actually, because I was talking to Lee about that the other day. Because, like, interesting that, like, in 2016, right? This is what I just want to say about the fascist thing. And I'm not making a judgment call about any of that kind of stuff, okay? I just want to, like, I'm i'm just like calling balls and strikes here
Starting point is 00:27:05 there was a concerted liberal effort to like paint trump as like a fascist from like day one based on like him saying some gnarly things going into office right like some awful like fucking disgusting things and it was weird it was like almost like the purpose of that served to like, it's like some sort of stimulus for like the publishing industry or something because Margaret Atwood ate good off that. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:35 The Sinclair Lewis estate ate good off that. Right. You know what I mean? Yeah. But yeah, keep going with what you're saying. We'll circle back to that a little bit i i that's all i was gonna say i mean i was just gonna say that yeah i feel like periodically in american public discourse you get those sort of um sort of hysteria driven ideas or whatever
Starting point is 00:27:59 and and people glom onto them you know to sell to sell books. People got careers, you know, and they want to sell books. It's not really dedicated to any sort of profound or insightful analysis or anything. It's quite literally to sell books. Right. Let me start this from the top again. After watching the fascist traitors storm the Capitol, I believe that every last one of these freaks should be shot and the congressional traders that helped incite this riot along with them no quarter no second chances no excuses kill them all and be done with it we're
Starting point is 00:28:35 going to have to get it over with sooner or later anyway and i'm going to go ahead and tell you one other thing i know about this person without even anything else they own a shirt that says murder all drug dealers and pedophiles and shirt that says murder all drug dealers and pedophiles and they themselves are probably a drug dealer and or pedophile i i do need to make it clear that i do hold as a personal belief the belief that belief in conservative reactionary thought should be illegal in polite society i literally do think that it should be i don't know what the mechanism would be in terms of like how you police that but i do think that a healthy just society would ostracize any kind of reactionary fascist thought to such a way that it could never gain any kind of ground. I do need to state that up front.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Traction again. Right, right, right. Yeah. But I'm not willing to do that in the name of Joseph Robinette Biden. I'm not willing to do that either. But what I am willing to say is, if your name's not Dusty Hill, or if you're not a member of zz top you should never say use the phrase no quarter i agree
Starting point is 00:29:54 if the hospital is getting money from the government when covet is listed as the cause of a patient's death, then it's no wonder we're getting the astronomical figures about death rates. If a patient did not die of COVID-19, it should not be listed as the cause of death. People need to wake up.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I've been saying it. I've been saying it. I wonder what they think about the uh the uh front page this week yeah the fact yeah that our deaths are underreported apparently yeah the first act of the new 117th democratic congress was to cancel out the words mother or father or brother or sister. We are now called parents and siblings. What about Mother's Day and Father's Day? Do you know what this is in regards to?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Is this something? I have no idea. I didn't know if it was one of those like culture war things or if the dims passed some sort of resolution that struck out gendered language from like the constitution or something which probably doesn't even have gendered language because it was written by like old white men right like you gotta remember in those days even if you said man you were talking about you know literal me like literal literal men because women didn't have rights yeah the rights of man it's quite you're right but they've they probably passed some woke resolution to like i don't know make the constitution woke or so who the fuck knows
Starting point is 00:31:38 i wonder what they're doing about that three-fifths part to try to get that out of there. I swear to God that CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and all these channels have been lying to us all. Yeah. Checks out, honestly. Man, it is wild. I've been watching MSNBC this week, and it is wild just exactly how committed to just a marginally nicer capitalism that that network is. You know what I mean? I used to just think, okay, that's just the liberal disposition.
Starting point is 00:32:15 But no, man. They really go out of the way to call it by name. You know what I mean? Like, they just say stuff like, you know, when they're talking about capitalism, they'll just like, what we need is like a conscious capitalism. Like, they name it like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So fucking weird, man, that like there's an actual like explicit project to save like this sort of like technocratic neoliberal sort of order we're living under now it's just like they just want the banks to be a little bit nicer yeah like there was like a book or a documentary on netflix maybe it was based off of the book by robert reich who was
Starting point is 00:32:57 clinton's labor secretary yeah the entire point of it was i think it was literally called like how to save capitalism yeah like saving capitalism or something like that right yeah it's funny that like if you just if if you know nothing about any economic system if you just know like root words think of how pejorative we think of the term capitalize like capitalize off something right like you're capitalizing off someone's misfortune like you are taking somebody else's misfortune and then making that yours that's that's that's where we get the name of this you know what i mean and that's the it's like in any other context the phrase capitalism or capitalize the root like it's considered pejorative and like a bad
Starting point is 00:33:45 thing yeah it means you're exploiting someone somehow right you're exploiting a weakness right yeah right yep the american patriots were in dc that's a great sentence just staged a peaceful protest because the Constitution was trampled on and the election was stolen from them. The Democrats and the fake news are trying to make a big deal out of this, yet it was no big deal when those thugs and terrorists were burning buildings down all across America. Man, you had Joe Biden fucking calling these people literal thugs and terrorists
Starting point is 00:34:24 this summer because they were burning down auto zones like shut the fuck up the democrats will paint this as a horrible thing when it was just people who were ticked off because their election was stolen the weird thing about this is um this person is insane and reading it it pissed me off because i was like there's just no getting through to some people but the weird thing is that the last sentence is actually kind of true the democrats are going to make this into a huge deal and it was also people that were really ticked off that their election had been stolen in their minds but i don't know i see a lot of people
Starting point is 00:35:01 on the left saying that this really was a huge deal. And I'm not saying that it wasn't. But I guess I just kind of look at it in the same sense that like a volcano erupts. And what am I supposed to do? Like, that's the thing. It's like, how am I supposed to have an opinion on a volcano exploding? It just happens. Like, what do you want me to say? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I mean, it's a big deal. And I'm not saying it's not but what the fuck am i terrence ray random eastern kentucky citizen gonna do about it other than to tell you to get more freaked out and paranoid you know what i mean let me i was let me just say this because this is this is interesting to to think about but like what was your reaction when that happened my reaction was literally because man i i'm so i'm so desensitized to shit now that i didn't i didn't view that as like not that it wasn't a big thing but i was just like oh this is just another wild day in the news cycle while other people were like declaring this like the the end
Starting point is 00:36:07 of democracy or oh man you know like like whatever it was but like i like is that just from being so online that i just viewed this as like just another day at the office or maybe it's just because we had so much proximity to like Charlottesville and like actual, like when like the traditionalist workers party came to Letcher County and we're like going door to door and recruiting and all that kind of shit. Like, well,
Starting point is 00:36:36 like I could see how somebody could say like those elements were present and I'm sure they were. I'm not saying that they weren't. And in fact, I'm pretty sure there's pretty good documentation that there were, I think the point, the point here that you're trying to make is that we would become so desensitized to crazy shit that my first reaction was literally just like,
Starting point is 00:36:58 man, this is pretty wild. I mean, that was really about it, you know? Yeah. I agree. Like, that's why I'm, you know? Yeah. I agree. Like, that's why I'm laughing so hard, because it's like, at a certain point, it's like, man, 4,000 people are dying a day, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:13 I mean. Yeah, like, something's got to give. Yeah, like, exactly. Like, a society cannot sustain long-term pressure and, yeah, like like long-term pressure like that without something like this happening so i thought it was going to happen sooner or later i just but also but also it's what's interesting about that is like that's our position most of these people don't even or i won't say most of them because who knows like that's that's the other thing about this whole thing it's like we should just just quit making guesses about the class composition
Starting point is 00:37:48 and what people are thinking and all this kind of stuff. But we're talking about 4,000 people a day die and all this stuff. What's on these people's mind was not any of those concerns. No. It was like internet conspiracies about their election being stolen from them by a noted radical communist, Joseph Robinette Biden. I mean, just to give you an idea, I've adopted the position, I think it's helpful to think of it this way. Was the Capitol siege a working class movement?
Starting point is 00:38:23 And it's too varied. siege of working class movement and it's too varied there's too many there's there's too many varied people involved in this to be able to label it a working class a strictly working class it was definitely a mixed it was definitely a mixed class thing and and like liberals should should applaud that because they love mixed class organizing you're right you're actually you're exactly exactly right. I mean, so far. Like the resource generation people, they love that shit. You're right.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So far, those have been arrested in the Capitol Hill insurrection. This is as of whatever today is, January 14th. An Olympic gold medal winner. A CEO. Oh my God. A CEO. A sitting state representative. A CEO, a sitting state representative, a retired
Starting point is 00:39:08 lieutenant colonel in the military, off-duty police officers, and the son of a judge. A butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker. So, I mean, yeah, we're dealing with a cross-class movement here
Starting point is 00:39:23 that you can't call one thing or another thing it's it is ticked off people pissed off at their election being stolen in their minds it is white supremacists trying to use the opportunity of something like this to further their own cause but like i said a minute ago i just assumed something like this was going to happen as soon as we determined back in april that human life as a society we determined that human life was essentially worthless and well i mean when when like we you know we were like you know it's wild thing about man it's like this shit has been around like i was talking with a friend about this the other day it's like man like when sandy hook happened
Starting point is 00:40:13 for example you know what i mean like people calling that false flag and all this kind of stuff like that really sort of set the wheels in motion of like the devaluation of like human life and like american like like modern american public life of course we know like a lot of people have been dehumanized and devalued for a long time but like will you allow somebody just to like mop up and murder a bunch of children in a fucking elementary school and like these pristine like sort of northeastern suburbs yeah you know what i mean like the horse is already out of the barn right yeah these pristine sort of northeastern suburbs. Yeah. You know what I mean? The horse is already out of the barn.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Right, yeah. And nobody held to account, nothing done about that. And I'm not making a sweeping pronouncement about gun control or anything like that. That's a whole different debate. I'm just saying that when it became okay to kill kids, you're not on a good trajectory there.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I mean, there were some things, though, in the news this week that indicated that perhaps some sort of larger forces were at work, like coup-type forces were at work. Because there was something I saw that said the panic buttons in ayanna presley's office had been ripped out like the whole thing so i don't i don't know man i mean this could have been a thing where ted cruz said let's get it let's do it boys let's get this thing going could have been unless it could have been i'm not discounting that you know i mean i'm just saying all i'm saying is that like you got to look at all this stuff and there's a lot going on here well really what i'm concerned about is people hear this kind of stuff and they're like they're not taking this seriously they aren't saying the correct combination of words x y and z and it's like once again i have to ask like what do you want me to do
Starting point is 00:42:01 do you want me to tell you to like workers of the world unite go out and lead an insurrection like i'm not going to tell you to do that mostly because i could probably go to jail for that but no but seriously like i do believe that but would you really do you really want that out of your entertainment do you really want to sit around every week and listen to me going you guys should you know you guys should organize right have you thought of organizing have you thought of like what you could be doing you you should organize and make the world a better place have you thought of that like of course you already fucking think that why if you didn't think that you probably wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:42:36 listening to this that's another thing man we all need to give each other a little grace here because it's like all of us there's only three feet of difference between what we all believe on the left and yet we act like these are like we act like these are chasms because we get bored and want to bicker on the internet dude exactly exactly right uh would some of you dedicated republicans please call in and have and explain how having terrorists on your party hold on let me start back from the top with some of you dedicated republicans please call in and explain how having terrorists of your party defecate on the floor of the capital of the united states america helps your cause this one is directed at you tom sexton well you're a terrorist my friend
Starting point is 00:43:27 oh boy here's a little palate cleanser just for a little break from the usual topics the jenkins city police are a complete joke and we definitely need a new mayor in jenkins thank you no argument there really one of the worst police departments in the country and that's saying so no argument there really one of the worst police departments in the country and that's saying so no argument there one of them's my neighbor so the world now knows the democrat party has turned america into another venzuela yep okay been seeing it i saw all those people heading to washington dc what a big crowd it was with all those people standing there but i'll bet you will never see that many people trying to get into a church house
Starting point is 00:44:17 church would be the best place for them to go right about now actually nobody should nobody anywhere should be trying to cram into a building of any kind i will say that definitively i love this one because this one has such a perfect tom sexton energy it's like i see all of you trying to storm the white house but why have none of you stormed the church house get right with god get right with god well that's a big good place to start. I wish I knew what this one was. There's not like it's just, it's cut off, but there's like one that reads,
Starting point is 00:44:52 Peasants were restless. And I would love to know how that started. I almost sent that one to you, but trust me, it's lackluster. It does not deliver. It's someone pontificating on some sort of biblical... It doesn't deliver. Okay. Last one here, I think, from the... Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:18 There might be some more here. When I turned my television on last Wednesday, I thought I was watching... Oh, we've already read that one. I thought they were watching Antifa, Black Lives Matter. There is one. Here's a,
Starting point is 00:45:29 there's, there's a local. I want you to. Okay. There's before you read it, there's two on here. I want you to hit about the UK basketball thing. So that's what I was getting ready.
Starting point is 00:45:39 That's what I was getting ready to get into. Okay. Yeah. All right. I want to talk about this. To all you Letcher Countians who are big uk fans how do you all feel about uk's basketball team taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem now i've been a big uk fan all my life and i'll tell you right now i'm done with them
Starting point is 00:45:59 they can't play ball worth a nickel And now they're doing what they're doing. They need to learn that just not some lives matter, but all lives matter. This is baloney. Unless they get a hold of this, I'm pulling away from University of Kentucky basketball, and I'll pick me someone else to pull for. Thank you. Okay. The Eastern Kentucky Colonels, I guess?
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah, yeah. Go cheer on the goddamn uh fighting norse of northern kentucky fucking imbecile uh i wanted this is funny do what go ahead i wanted to talk i wanted to talk about this this is an uh an item i'm kind of bummed tanya couldn't be on the show because i wanted to talk about this with her uh this is a pretty fascinating deal so the university of kentucky basketball players i guess decided to take a knee during a national anthem at a recent game is that correct correct so in response the entire state has lost its goddamn mind the two things i wanted to bring attention to specifically um a county just a few counties over from us knox county they passed a resolution i shit you not they passed a resolution
Starting point is 00:47:16 these are grown adults grown men and women they passed a resolution um denouncing the action and calling for a reallocation of tax dollars from their extension office so in the state of kentucky the university of kentucky funds these agricultural extension offices that employs i don't know probably like two dozen people i mean these are good paying jobs for every community. These fucking people passed a resolution calling for the defunding of these extension offices because that's how fucking red, nude, and mad they were about this knee thing. And this isn't even the craziest one. The craziest one I saw was in Laurel County, which is also close to us. one i saw was in laurel county which is also close to us the local sheriff's department there is asking people to bring in their university of kentucky gear clothing attire or whatever
Starting point is 00:48:15 and is giving them blue lives matter shirts in exchange for them yeah we'll give you something you can wear and be proud of they said said. His shirts, A, look like absolute shit. Dude, they're awful. Like, absolute shit. Looks like they, like, he said, we've got all first responders represented on here. We got police, we got fire, we got... Podcasters. All the way down to, yeah, podcasters all the way down. yeah podcasters all the way down we we respectfully
Starting point is 00:48:47 declined to be included on the t-shirt that's right for obvious reasons uh they did want to include us though um duh this is this is absolutely absurd complete hysteria but i was thinking the other day about how funny like i don't know if you remember when colin kaepernick first did this i believe it was 2016 when he first did this i remember what people were so mad about they thought that it was an offense against the flag against the troops against the nation and now five years later after it's gone through like the human centipede of the trump administration and everything it is now an offense against the
Starting point is 00:49:31 cops it's just like how did here's my question how did it even start out like how i mean excuse me how did it even get to that point do you think like is it just the case that that like we are a country ruled by cops now like there's that powerful because we've just people like people in power feel so unsafe because of the dumb shit they've been doing they've unwittingly made these people like they've went from the subjects cops have went from the subjects of powerful people until now the powerful people are the patrons of the cops. Dude, that is exactly right. I mean, you're exactly right. Because they really did.
Starting point is 00:50:11 They fucked around and made them a dangerous, murderous force that's extremely well-funded, and there's nothing you can do about it now. You're exactly right. As they stripped society of all of its resources in the neoliberalization of everything stripped society down stripped the commons down of any kind of uh welfare programs of anything to help anybody they knew that that would incur the wrath of the public so they had to empower the cops to serve as a buffer between us and them and in the process that meant that cops could now be job programs for communities and so that meant that in order to keep those jobs you have to have a certain ideology attached to it
Starting point is 00:50:52 and so yeah no there is there is a new deal for much of the country it's a new cop deal that's exactly right oh my pretty soon it's going to be a situation where you have to take a line on that shit dude they are the biggest fucking babies i mean like it is incredible like you are that offended that these basketball players took a knee that you're asking people to bring in their kentucky gear to give them cop shirts i mean dude i once, I cannot get over the image of six grown adults coming together while thousands of people die every day. The world just plummets into chaos. And the thing that you decide to pass a resolution on is whether you are sufficiently pissed enough or not at these fucking college kids like give me a fucking break and you know what's the funny thing about that like extension
Starting point is 00:51:53 office thing like it is so catty that you are people that have these people that have fucking been like spouting off their fucking cum dumpsters dumpsters about free speech and the end of free speech and all this kind of shit are so fucking pussy that they are willing to try to take the task of fucking extension agents of a landmark school. of a landmark school just to like just because some 17 18 19 year old kids decided to do a protest during the national anthem i mean like if you're if if an 18 year old kid lives rent-free in your head like that you're a fucking loser you are the biggest fucking loser in the history of the world that's loser shit dude dude it's loser shit it is it is you got fucking grow up with these fucking guys that look like the back of their necks look like a goddamn sharpay because they just fucking sit in their idling cars all day eating goddamn tater wedges and fucking mozzarella sticks fucking scheming on 17 year old high school girls
Starting point is 00:53:04 and they're sitting there and they're pissed about one thing or the other it's like man they're just fucking scheming on 17-year-old high school girls. And they're sitting there and they're pissed about one thing or the other. It's like, man, they're just... And the whole capital scourge thing, that's what we've got to keep our eye on, is the whole cop angle. Yeah. Especially if we're talking about fascism.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah. Well, one more thing I want to say about the UK thing that I hate so much is that, like, I'm just seething just as a fan of the game and the team at the idea that some fucking statin-popping fucking atherosclerotic fucking pig in Knox County is going to fuck around and run off the best coach in college basketball because he doesn't want to have to deal with this shit and he doesn't want to have his kids have to deal with this shit and he would be well within his rights to do that yeah yeah and he can coach any fucking where he wants to and in the meantime we're gonna get some dumb ass like Billy Kennedy it's gonna win a 17 games a year and like bring it fulfill their dream of bringing in a bunch of corn-fed fucking white boys that fucking never win. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:08 This makes me fucking sick, dude. I mean, I swear to God I hope these people fucking die, and I mean that literally. I hope that sheriff in fucking Laurel and Knox County, I hope they drop fucking dead. Well, maybe they can bring Tom Sexton out of retirement if Calipari does leave. I'll serve faithfully, but trust me, I think the right man's in that position right now.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah, well, I think that's about it i had a reading for us today um but we're at an hour and it's gonna it's so ridiculous i think it'll probably take at least half an hour to get through so we can save it is there any other thing like there's a few other news items we didn't cover this week for example diane feinstein umstein registering to run again. At the ripe old age of 91. 91 years young, baby. There was also a thing I saw that said, this is kind of along the same lines along the same lines of like the panic buttons
Starting point is 00:55:25 ripped out in the Capitol. There was someone, there was a news item I saw that was very bizarre. Like the FBI had contacted like known far right leaders leading up to the Capitol siege and had basically asked them not to go to DC. So basically like, please, please don't go. Please don't go to DC, no. Oh, God, yeah. Please don't do it. Man. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I thought that was pretty interesting. I just don't know what's going on. This is the thing about this moment. This is why everybody's frustrated with the discourse, why they don't know what to think. Because. What, brother? It's... You know, man, brother against brother,
Starting point is 00:56:09 sister against sister, non-binary person against non-binary person. You know, it's almost like something that happened in the 1800s all over again. That's right. That's right. Well, I mean, I think that the fact of the matter is you've got thousands of people dying every day.
Starting point is 00:56:27 There's no end in sight. Having a bunch of dumbasses storm the Capitol is kind of scary. And so none of us know what to think. And when we're fearful, I mean, I feel like this is just common sense, a truism. When you are scared scared when you're fearful your brain doesn't work right you know you don't think about things you don't think through trust me man i've been scared going on 20 some years now yeah you don't think about things in the proper perspective in the proper lighting or anything like that um i'm not saying that there's
Starting point is 00:57:06 nobody out there offering any answers and that nobody has their answer i mean because i do think that there are plenty of people out there who have who have offered great assessment great analysis and everything but um but i also think that we can't walk around at all times just being scared and paranoid uh but anyways i don't fucking know man um well i don't know i guess that about covers it this week uh there was one there was one other thing i had on my list and i was gonna ask if you saw it the white house put out a video last night where trump basically condemned the violence at the capitol the first time he had done that yeah yeah tucked his tail between his legs after throwing bricks yeah dude this was a very strange video it did not feel real it felt like a deep fake am i did you get that feeling too i've it it felt like there was some on the other side of that camera somebody was holding him hostage like walk this back now or uh you know or consequences you know what i
Starting point is 00:58:10 mean yeah yeah yeah or or like i said they could have just been like all right he's not gonna go out there and say it we'll just fucking hire some tech company to do it like i said a deep fake and uh oh yeah well there's that too you know they can yeah. Well, there's that, too. You know what I mean? They can fake that shit pretty easily. It didn't look like him. He was doing mannerisms and hand motions of someone who wasn't Trump. It was just, I don't know, someone who was acting like they were Trump or something. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:58:42 People need to wake up is all I'm saying. Let me ask you a question. What do you think? You know, i don't know man people need to wake up is all i'm saying they let me ask you a question what do you think if you know i don't know man it seems like trump's quickly becoming an international prize saw that uh his creditor deutsche bank has dropped him and all this stuff and you know people like just the Trump brand is toxic. But at that invariable point that he does get rehabbed, if he does, you know, he has committed the unpardonable sin of, you know, breaking with norms and traditions and decorum and so forth. But, like, do you think, like, if he gets around to writing his memoirs or whatever, that it's just going to be some batshit stuff? Like, he just says that was a hologram it just causes like further chaos or do you think like that the the national security state will just sort of like keep him like contained for the rest of his life i don't know man the thing is i thought the national security state would never let him be president in the first place but that's on me i'm pretty dumb i did not realize that we live in a petty bourgeois well we're also underwriting how dumb this country
Starting point is 00:59:50 is though too well that's what i'm saying like we live in a bourgeois democracy and this is why people really have to think about this capital siege in that light we live in a country that was established for slaveholders literally literally merchants and slaveholders. And that's who the country has always been for. And so when they storm the Capitol, they're just expressing their class interests like they always have. So, I mean, I don't know. You got to look at it through that lens. I mean, that's who this democracy is for.
Starting point is 01:00:23 It's not for me. It's not for you. It's not for the working class working class has always been put under the boot and shut out of the democratic process in this country with a few slight exceptions there were a few moments maybe in the 30s and the 60s where they weren't but that's about it and reconstruction but yeah but that's about it and also i would say that like if this country had a chance for redemption at all along that arc right like if we were going to get away from that it was blown when we didn't hang uh you know william bedford forest
Starting point is 01:00:56 yeah some of these other guys you know again yeah yeah uh yeah i go ahead i'm sorry no i i don't that's exactly what i was gonna say too i mean that that's this is who this country is for and so maybe that's why when i see them storming the capital i am alarmed but at the same time i'm like well i mean this is their country in the sense that they are the ones who expect their interest to be expressed and manifested in how it operates and who it operates for um and those are the people we have to defeat i mean those are our enemies so yeah oh my god i don't know anyways uh thanks for listening this week we got let's go ahead and wrap this one up um uh we have a patreon if you want to go listen to that we got an episode every sunday um five dollars a month you can go to patreon p-a-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com
Starting point is 01:02:05 slash Trillbilly Workers Party. Go throw a couple bones at us. Yeah? We'll take some bones. We'll take all the bones. We'll take all the bones. So go support us there. And thanks for listening, everybody.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Please don't take any of this in bad faith. Yes, please. We love you. Why don't you love us? Okay, all right. Well, we'll see you next time. Peace out.

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