Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 184: The Eat Pray Love Coalition

Episode Date: February 4, 2021

We talk about reincarnation and the recent Dolly remake of "9 to 5," and then top it all off with a diseased article about the Democrats' new strategy going into the 2022 midterms Support us on Patre...on:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 starting to talk to your therapist about big world problems instead of your own pussy bitch problems that's funny because i started talking to my therapist about big world problems and she was like what you're talking about here is self-actualization and most people don't ever reach it. Wow. Yeah. That didn't do anything for any of us for your ego. No, it would be bad if I did reach it. Or wait, maybe it would be good.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh. I don't know. So you were complaining to her about self-actualization and she was like, don't worry about that. You're never going to get there. Pretty much. Yeah. I mean, basically what I was saying was like, why can't I ever just get my life together? Well, I mean, that's not quite it either. It's like, how do I get my life together and in the process make the world a better place without destroying myself?
Starting point is 00:01:04 And she was like like that's not gonna happen yeah she was like i don't it's a tall order let's just focus on what's going on with your family right now let's just focus on reframing your thoughts to start out right did you know she took you to an island yet she hasn't taken me to any islands. Buddy, when that happens, then you'll be in business. Check, please. Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. Tom, you didn't give me a check-in earlier. I asked the Trillbillies for a check-in, and Tom denied me. I'm sorry. I can't keep up with the grief. If I'm in a group text with more than one there's if i'm in a group text more than one person which wouldn't be a group text forget about it i turn my head for 20 minutes and then there's 900 messages our group text is not unmanageable yeah it was like six texts tom i just said, how you doing, Tom? Well, no, I was on calls, too.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Well, the point is now, how you doing, Tom? I'm okay. I think I'm allergic to my cat. I'm sneezing all the damn time. You're just discovering that? Y'all been together for years? No, if I've been honest, I've been sneezing for several years, but now it's just like, hmm. Now it could be COVID, so you're noticing it?
Starting point is 00:02:28 No, it's not. I mean, I've not lost my sense of smell or taste or anything. I just meant we're more sensitive to our ailments now, I think. Yeah, to our. That's true. I am. Very true. Speaking of self-actualization and ailments,
Starting point is 00:02:48 I think I've finally figured out the afterlife. I think I've finally figured out the proper attitude to have with regards to death and what comes after. And the hero. Well, attitude's one thing. Finally! I was going to say, if you've seen something we haven't seen, I'd just prefer you keep it to yourself. It's all the same to you.
Starting point is 00:03:06 No, man, I want to know what's on the other side of the veil. I don't want to see it myself, but I want you to relate it to me. Again, truth not helpful. It has yet to be at all helpful. This is not a peek behind the veil. This is not a look into the gaping maw of the abyss. look into the gaping maw of the abyss. It's a logical,
Starting point is 00:03:26 rational, reasoned conclusion about how to view death. About how to view the afterlife. Questions, you get this in therapy? Because if so, I won't I got it
Starting point is 00:03:44 staring into a fire. So know nicole and i went up to most that's how most people have it intimated to them that's right historically historically moses with the burning bush yeah yeah so already it tracks so we went to Ohio this past weekend and hung out with some of our expat diaspora Whitesburg friends up there. Friends and colleagues? And we were talking about, like, you know, life, death, what comes after, etc. And I think that the best way to look at this, the one that makes the most sense and is the least frightening, is reincarnation. For several reasons. Reincarnation allows you to not be terrified by the idea of eternity because, ostensibly, you forget, I guess, that you are a reincarnated soul.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Right? I mean, there are people on the planet who have not forgotten. And who, at age three, say that they're a reincarnated spirit from 1921 who witnessed their husband get murdered or something. Yeah. Three-year-olds say that? Yeah, there are like... or something yeah three-year-olds say that so yeah they're like you don't think kids are creepy as fuck yeah when they stare off at something that you can't see i don't like that i want to tell y'all something when i was a kid i saw a i can't swear to it that I saw it in the physical realm,
Starting point is 00:05:26 but I saw and remember clearly seeing a being by the light of my TV screen when I was, like, young. Uh-huh. What was it doing? Sorry. It was just kind of there. It kind of looked like the dog from Neverending Story. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:46 That would be very scary. Very unnerving. Yeah. In fact, I wonder sometimes if it's not a faulty memory and I was watching the Neverending Story on TV. You know how the images kind of bounce? It could have been that, but it was very real in the moment. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:06 We've got a lot of those. We've got a lot of those. Or it could have been a past life. You could have been watching TV in a past life. Let's say maybe you were a four-year-old in a past life who got killed in a terrifying lathe accident at a factory. They were working in a factory for some reason because there weren't child safety labor laws. You never know. And you were reincarnated as Tom Sexton.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Is that? Maybe a lot of labor history is just kind of based on like creepy children coming back. But so I was a textile worker in Birmingham in 178484 you know what i mean that kind of shit because you always see like a trope in scary movies it's like like a little fancy lad and like a newsboy cap and some suspenders and some like rogue oxford shoes yeah or at least in insidious one there was one of those. Let me ask you this. What do y'all make of Deja Vu? Do you feel like that's a little... A little sight into another life?
Starting point is 00:07:15 When you get Deja Vu? Yeah, I get it all the time. Really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I get it all the time, too. um really i yeah oh yeah i get it all the time too i think probably the more rational um arrow morris umbrella man rationalization for that is that i've drank myself stupid yeah so time has no meaning you know what i mean it's just like yeah right a lot of things are in motion and my mind gets boggled down by just stuff that hasn't happened, but it feels like it's happening.
Starting point is 00:07:48 On that note, I don't know about you guys, but I have had the hardest time keeping track of things that happened just in the last year. For example, so like my social. Yeah. Yeah. Well. The last year makes no fucking sense on any timeline, on any plane, in any nothing. None of it. Well, it's weird because I can feel.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So I know. So there's a specific date after which my social life is dead. Right. It's like March 1st, 2020. And so like after that, I'm not really making any more memories. But I keep mistaking things. For example, we went on tour in 2019, and I was looking at pictures of that the other day, and I was like, damn, was that just a couple months ago?
Starting point is 00:08:35 And it was like my brain could not fathom the idea that I had lost a year. Does that make sense? Like, my brain keeps reaching for recent memories, and all it can pull from are older memories yeah that's true i've been saying yeah we went on tour last summer i was like wait that was two summers two fucking years ago yeah i've been doing the same thing it's because literally nothing happened last summer yeah last fall last spring um i yeah but that is interesting like you're just our relationship to time and how that like developments can like stunt our perception of it and like our ability to comprehend it yeah i another thing that happens to me too that i don't know if this happens to y'all but like i like um just like we'll remember things as happening like and it's kind of similar to what you're talking about but
Starting point is 00:09:36 like remember things is happening like more recently yeah like in february of 2020 a new epoch in my life happened. Right. I was talking to a friend about this the other day. What's epoch? Everything that came after that. An epoch. Feels not like reality. And I'm not just talking about this generic, like, damn, everything's fucking wild, man.
Starting point is 00:10:03 This pandemic and shit. I ain't talking like that shit like we just like the platitudes we spout off about this thing i'm talking about like i think it's not outside the realm of possibility this is a different a different timeline yeah different dimension i can see that now when do you think that happened i don't want to get into it but it's When do you think that happened? I don't want to get into it, but it's about February of 2020. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Everything in my world changed overnight, and I was just like in the upside down. I'm still in the upside down. I just don't recognize anything about this reality I'm living in. Yeah, I'm there now, now too but it's only been a few months for me i definitely had i mean surely we're all dealing with this just like really feeling as far removed from reality as we ever have yeah like i'm sure it yeah i'm sure technically it's depression, and I'm sure it was technically a panic attack, but it definitely just felt like this just wasn't reality anymore. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And I was ready to call 911 just to see if anyone would show up. And you know if Beetlejuice pulls up in his vehicle but it's probably a safe bet it's not reality yeah i don't know man i just i think i've been having a hard time and i worked through this in therapy the other day but i haven't been having a hard time with the motion of time and like the concept of time and uh the number one thing i think that makes me depressed is the passage of time and how it happened like just thinking about being on tour two years ago two almost two years ago now a couple months i remember you pulling that wedge out of the trunk like it was yesterday yet i don't remember yesterday. Yeah. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Well, I think it's because we basically lost a year. I mean, that's not an insignificant thing. It's really weird to think about. But, for example, I was thinking about this the other day. When Tom and I moved in together, at that time, I had only been living here for like a year and a half. But so much changed in my life. From the time I moved from Austin, Texas to the time Tom and I moved in together on Main Street in downtown Whitesburg. Let me tell you something interesting about that.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I want you to look at the date today. February 3rd, 2021. Yeah. The day we moved in was February 1st, 2013. What? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? That feels like last summer.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Dude, it's weird. I think it's like when I look back on that time, I mean, not just, not, not, not just the fact that I'd moved halfway across the country to another world, uh, et cetera,
Starting point is 00:13:12 but like things were so like monumental, I guess, like big things happened like every month or so, you know what I mean? And now if I rewind the clock about 16 months because that that that all the things that happened happened in about 16 months now 16 months ago that was i guess when we were coming off that tour in 2019 yeah i mean that's crazy nothing really happens no i mean you heard talk of this early on in the pandemic people were like
Starting point is 00:13:47 oh y'all can't just stay at home for a few months and we've got people been locked up for their whole you know most their fucking life yeah and i wonder how this compares exactly i wonder how this compares to like people literally being in solitary confinement for years well i i think about that too just because like like the wherewithal and i'm not comparing the two things because this is not at all bad i mean like i'm no sitting here door door dash yeah no if you want to know how bad it is like magnify it by like a million you can't yeah you can't order food you can can't go anywhere you want. You're alone with your thoughts 24-7. Yeah, yeah. But I can't...
Starting point is 00:14:29 I am bitch-made in the grand scheme of things because I couldn't even fathom that. It would just be so... I couldn't imagine coming away from a 10, 20-year prison sentence where I had to do that shit. And see ungodly shit. Yeah. A little too close for comfort. You're absolutely not the same person.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And the only comparison is that we are absolutely not going to be the same people. No one is going to be the same, is the same after this. We're not the same right now as we were a year ago. Well, that is the interesting thing about prison. I mean, literally, it is punishing you by removing time i mean basically it's like you have three grams of weed on you you have 20 years of your life it's ours now you've mortgaged your time to us because you had a plant in your pocket i mean honestly i know this is like you know we've banged this drum we've we've banged every drum we know to bang we're just going to keep on doing that it's spoiler alert but uh it is it is un you need to look no further than
Starting point is 00:15:32 the punishments that we use in this society to measure it like that's it that's all you need to look at we we we've chosen homelessness we've chosen literal corporal punishment we've chosen to let people just disappear into solitary confinement until they are not even themselves anymore themselves like these are all choices that we've made consciously as a society where it's over this is there's nothing there's what's over. There's nothing. What's the. Read it back to us Terrence. The message on that. That thing out in the way.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Hobbs somewhere. The monument. Long term nuclear warning message. Turn away. There's nothing of honor here. Nothing. Nothing. Honor is an important thing to have in life it really is i mean there you really realize in
Starting point is 00:16:30 times of hardship how like simple just simple concepts and values really go a long way like honor just have a little bit of honor dignity respect those kinds of things yeah it's funny we have we've abandoned those for shopping essentially and advertising advertising literally took everything from us well consumption let me just give you an example last week when we had alexandra skaggs on the show we talked about the cost of concordia which was a cruise liner that sank off the coast of Italy because the captain basically drove it up on land and tore a massive hole in it. So as it was sinking, he just abandoned ship, left everyone on board, just bailed. This happened in 2012. And so what I'm saying is that you don't want to be that guy.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You want to make sure that no matter what happens in life, you have a little bit of honor. Just be an honorable person. Just be somebody, you know? Yeah. That's it. You ain't got to do nothing. Just be somebody. Well, anyway, speaking of honor.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So, Dolly Parton. well anyway speaking of honor um so dolly parton before we move on to this dolly thing let me just say let's put a bow in this reincarnation thing you guys should think check it out just think about it because the scary thing about death is like oh i'm just not going to be here anymore. But you will be if you get reincarnated. But the thing about dying and living after death is that, oh, it lasts for eternity. But with reincarnation, you get your shit wiped every time you die. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:18 So you don't remember your previous existence. Unless every now and then there are a couple of mistakes will be made when yeah you will get put into the body of a three-year-old and not have the ability to forget your past life which apparently happens but that just tom did you hear what i just heard yeah i hope i wish like hell it would record into the thing like that it was so wild because it you're what you just said drug real slow and then spit out like you're chopped and screwed there yeah for real and then you sped up to catch up and it was fucking weird you will be back is something a three-year-old
Starting point is 00:18:59 that what it'll be who knows fuck that was so scary well let me ask you a question did you get any insights into what you're going to come back as or what you have been in the past you know um i don't know but let me say this i mean don't you guys don't you you've met people before in your life where you're like, I've known them before, right? You're like, I know them. And it's more than just like, I've seen them somewhere,
Starting point is 00:19:32 they remind me of someone. Biblical sense? No, like in the spiritual sense. Yeah, I did. I'll tell you this, I had a very strange experience with somebody that ended up being my sister one time oh my no it wasn't that oh my god but i i i can i can remember having a very being drawn to this person who ended up being my sister later on in a meeting that at the time we
Starting point is 00:20:06 didn't know we were that she still may not know but i know i see but that was that was trippy as hell it's like you know that why chromosome you have well i got it too so you're saying that you've experienced this and that maybe you might have known this person in a past life well we're actual literal siblings but i felt but i felt that uh a warmth a connection based solely on a very brief interaction if that makes sense i mean that kind of happened to my cousins they met and and found out they were sisters because they were in the same beauty pageant because they looked just alike and they were in little miss bell county what yeah and it was pretty crazy they're half sisters and the the older one she's like a year older, came up and said, like, you're my sister.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Holy shit. To like a five-year-old. And she just started sobbing. It was like a whole situation. Anyway, they're full grown now. They're like my age. But that's how they met. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Was it one of those situations? I don't know if I would have went that route. What? At five. That just creates another trauma pathway, probably. Yeah yeah a six-year-old said you're my sister and it looks like looking in a mirror they look just like you know my uncles had just like tons of of kids no one knew about they didn't know about it's a flock my uh my friend there well i won't say his name on here because i'm going to say some potentially identifying details but he almost uh had a thing with his sister one time
Starting point is 00:21:56 because he had the disadvantage of being born to a guy that was something of a rambling man who had been the drummer for percy sledge the drummer for George Strait, and later on, a guy in a metal cover band called Mr. Metal. But Mr. Metal got around, and apparently some girl he was interested in happened to be sired by his Mr. Metal, who also sired him. Sired. Sired. Jesus Christ. I can't talk.
Starting point is 00:22:25 That was a near miss. I don't know how you come back from that though. You know what I'm saying? You talk about trauma. Oh my god. Yeah. Well anyways. We've gotten everything out of this reincarnation segment.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I don't know. We could. I mean, it feels like punishment, honestly, which means that probably is accurate that you never get to actually leave this shit plane. You just keep coming back as some other shit. Come back as Joe Biden's dog or some shit. How did this? How are you going to come back is that wall that that smiley cat
Starting point is 00:23:05 wall clock back there just all for all the rest of eternity you just tell just wagging back and forth in your eyes it's not eternity that clock's broke no wagon tail so you sit there fucking the point still stands i don't know how the role she's broke too i don't know how the rolls got flipped here where you've become the black pill, Tanya. And I'm like, you know, it might be nice to stick around here on this earth. Yeah. I like this plane. That's fine with me. I'm going to stick around as long as I can.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I was on that shit. I was like, man, I'm going to quit saying stuff like, man, just fucking kill me. I don't want to die. Shit looks like it hurts. Well, I did want to die for the last couple months of last year. And so once that I didn't, once you cross the plane back over, everything feels so petty. Yeah. And now nothing stresses me out.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm literally in here smiling, loading the dishwasher. I'm like like i'm alive and i want to be wow fuck i get to load my dishwasher it's like i mean i probably just this is like an afterglow like i had a good acid trip and it'll probably wear off but i'm still in that i mean i am black peeled for sure that's a good feeling honestly it is really like you know people call me complain about stuff and i'm like honestly it is really like you know people call me complain about stuff and i'm like yeah man but can you believe you get to load your dishwasher think about that next time you're sad about your boyfriend you get to just load your dishwasher you get to just eat meals you get to just do your fucking laundry and eat beef you get to watch the sopranos fuck like it could definitely be worse yeah what you get to you get to do something you get to eat pussy which is a weird experience but like
Starting point is 00:24:51 nice you know i hope i eat pussy again it feels so far away yeah actually that's a bad example right now ain't nobody eating no pussy yeah thanks for that um back to back to wanting to die never mind no i'm kidding i'm definitely got an afterglow of like i'm alive and living and in fact i've really fucking lived for the first time in like a year friday night i want to tell you guys about it tell i don't want to i don't't want to i don't want to shift gears before it's time for it no go for it probably now's the time okay well get to the meat here in a second okay well just quickly for the first show to get to yeah for the first time in a year i felt like i was in a crowded bar friday night but I was alone in my house I've never experienced that
Starting point is 00:25:46 zoom doesn't do it for me usually right but I was in a zoom that felt like a crowded bar I got all dressed up I made myself a steak dinner I like did my make beat my face everything and then I was in this little stand-up show I got to do a little funny kiki for the people. It was really fun. And I have not laughed like that in a long time. What was it? It was this thing Drew Morgan does, this Eat Fruit Friday. Eat Fruit and Fuck Fridays.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Every other Friday, they do a live stand-up show on Zoom. And it was fun as fuck. It's Drew and DJ. It was really fun. I mean, I don't know any of the people. But they seemed fun. They seemed cool. By the end of it, someone had already drawn me.
Starting point is 00:26:42 We had a fucking court recorder. They were doodling fan art in the middle of the thing that's pretty tight yeah that's cool yeah at the end of it we ended up showing off all our worst tattoos that was pretty that was like the funniest bit of the whole thing very impromptu but you know i got some bad ones oh my gosh oh my god rough tom you don't have no tattoos do you either one of you do do you i don't have any i'm pure as the drifted snow i'm gonna keep it that way yeah same here man my body is a temple i'm just kidding. Well, anyway. I laughed.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I had big belly laughs. It was great. That's a good feeling. Yeah. I hadn't felt that in a long time. Again, everything feels... I'm in the afterglow of, you know, about as low as you get, I guess. Ready to call 911 for the last time. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 God. I've been there, my friend. I didn't have Tom here to take me to the hospital. Buddy, I would have. I know. I'd have dropped you off, you know, in the parking lot. And also made you ride in the bed of my truck. That's my favorite place to ride.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I would have sure have done it. Oh, my God. I'm reading this article in Jacobin. Don't hate the dolly. Hate the game. Jesus Christ, man. Well, let's get it over with. Man, I'm going gonna be honest with you that
Starting point is 00:28:27 when that the person that wrote that on that the first take was that like dolly's like our queen take yeah okay comrade dolly take you mean that one way back yeah well still this person wrote something for jackman this is kind of like the hedge. Like, oh, damn. Still, it's not Dolly's fault. It's capitalism's fault. Well, here's the problem with that, friends. Nobody, the website man, Squarespace, didn't hold a gun to Dolly's $800 million head and say hey why don't you uh make a perversion out of your song nine to five so uh we could sell more subscriptions to our website building service right that's all i want to say to don't hate the
Starting point is 00:29:14 dolly hate the game right right what's the game capitalism well i think it's like i think it's more the message behind the remake. So the remake is quite literally about you get off work at five, and that's when your hustle begins. And so basically it is an anthem for entrepreneurs. I think that was literally how it was billed. Oh, you're talking about the remake? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, the remake. For those keeping score at home, that's a 16-hour work day that she's talking about. So the labor movement, that's like two-thirds of the for what you will, for yourself, and for sleeping. Right. Wait, I got that fucked up. For the boss, for you, fucked up. You know, for the boss, for you, to sleep.
Starting point is 00:30:07 That's right. Dolly's suggesting that you take sleep and your free time and also work during that. There's a part in that song. To make a living. There's a part in the song that's like,
Starting point is 00:30:18 you keep working, working, working, working. It says working like five or six times in a row. It's just like, It's almost like a work.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah, it's like, dude, it's like, it's like they're trying to beat propaganda in your head or something. Did Dolly not say, she made a whole movie, a whole fucking movie about this. This isn't like she, you know, she, she penned the song, which is significant. She sang it probably a million times in her career. When did the, when did nine to five come out 80 81 or 82 i think and she made a whole fucking movie about it i mean you really can't get a better demonstration of how badly things have decayed where like in that song it was like an anthem for i mean you, you know, it's just like, you know, I'm not going to take this bullshit from the boss anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And now we're just like, well, we're just so resigned to everything. We're like, I'm fine working my three jobs a day, never sleeping. But now the framing, though, is like, you're the boss now. You can make a website to sell your tchotchkes and your tarot readings and just keep working forever all hours of all days through a pandemic this is yeah this is during a pandemic which i think is also significant this is the first super bowl during a pandemic right which there shouldn't be a super bowl right that's common knowledge right where we're right i mean we're all in agreement on that but i would i would argue that in a normal year
Starting point is 00:31:51 it shouldn't be football because there's something called cte that we know about now that we should probably be addressing and i'm hypocritical i still watch it but i admit up front we should probably be transitioning away from football yeah can you can you imagine being a parent right now letting your kid play football putting your kid in little peewee fucking football can you can you fathom that i could just just can't fathom like my insides being a hieronymus bosch painting between a virus in my lungs and like brain damage. You know, just like... There's just a lot to take in there. But no, it's
Starting point is 00:32:36 like, it's fucking, it's just un... The thing too, I think about the Dolly thing, it's like, nobody just, nobody says the obvious take is that perhaps somebody worth $800 million is out of touch. Even if she's from humble beginnings. You know what I mean? Well, this is the problem with trying to carry your identities into a new class strata.
Starting point is 00:32:59 You know what I mean? It's like at a certain point, you just can't do that. You know what I mean? It's like at a certain point, you just can't do that. You know what I mean? Even this show, I can't in good conscience sit here and pretend that I'm like this fucking little fucking mountain shoeless mountain boy. Right. You know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I make a good living. You know, I do something. I'm fortunate enough to be able to do something. Thanks in no small part to people listening here that I can, you know, it's a decent little side hustle. And I'm, you know, have a gig that pays fairly well, too. So it's like, I grew up extremely poor, but I can't, like, just call that forever and hope to ride on my poverty laurels because, you know what I mean? Because I don't fucking live in the back of a Buick Skylark anymore. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Nothing like that. Well, shout out to all the Shoeless Mountain Boys out there. But since when does it ever get like, I just don't, I'd like to know at what point that became like,
Starting point is 00:33:57 that opened doors for you. We may. Because the whole time I felt like a total piece of garbage at EKU we may because the whole time i felt like a total piece of garbage at eku even in high school being the only person who didn't have a ride home from softball practice because my mom was at work when did that ever open a door for anybody like and now there's a whole like this like valor conversation and i guess it's the circles we've created our in our for ourselves on twitter but like that wasn't fun
Starting point is 00:34:33 no i'm not it's not i agree i mean it's not i'm not saying that like it doesn't shape you or anything like that but at a certain point once you accumulate a certain amount of wealth, your class interests change. And it's easy to allow it to happen, I'm guessing. I'll go ahead and tell you, a hot tub has changed me. I'm much happier. Oh, we know. We're well aware. We're not hot tub rich yet, but we're climbing towards it.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Trying to get there. Yeah. but we're climbing towards you trying to get there yeah well i mean like i guess the the i mean it's pointless to kind of take a victory lap on the dolly thing because it's really not it's just funny i mean that's really there it's all there is too it's just funny it's another drum that's so annoying on twitter yeah it's just gonna keep coming around and like i still like i have fucking dolly votif candles people have bought me that i'm not taking down jesus i have well i do want to say one thing though the only one thing and i pointed this out on twitter it's the last thing i want to say just go to our episode with justin from well there's your problem pod go if you haven't saw my tweet about this, go to the 645 timestamp.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And then go and watch the Dolly Super Bowl spot and go to the 42nd timestamp. And then send money to at Tom Sexton on Vimeo. Well, the 40. So I have a crystal ball. You're not going to tell us what you said on the episode you have to go see it i just called it that's all i'm gonna say i called it you called her saying uh i called a very specific detail that's true you can make her dreams come true your dreams come true and that what she says at the 40-minute mark?
Starting point is 00:36:26 I can't remember. Oh, my God. You've got the whole damn song memorized. 47. Tanya, you're a Crypto Dolly fan. It ain't crypto. I'm pretty upfront about it. Also, I did what you said, except not on the episode.
Starting point is 00:36:39 But I went to the 40. I just listened to the whole thing. And at the 40-second mark, it said something about dreams, right? Chasing your dreams, maybe? Tonya, go watch it again. All right. But her whole fucking trip is dreams. She has the Dream More Resort, which was another thing 2020 took from me.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I was supposed to stay there. Didn't happen. Dream, baby, dream. Resort and spa. It's... didn't happen maybe dream resort and spa um it's uh well i mean the other thing is that she just this week i mean we literally called this she we called this back in i think when we recorded that episode i remember but she announced this week that she was offered two presidential medals of freedom from Trump and turned them down both times. Did she say why? I guess because it's Trump, I assume.
Starting point is 00:37:34 But she didn't say specifically? Because she claims she's not political. Right, right. But I think that was a wink and nod thing. But I think that was a wink and nod thing. It's like, the thing about Dolly, and I'm realizing this, Tanya, I'm realizing this as you're talking about still having the vote of candles and the background and all this. The thing about Dolly is that if you're a raging Trump MAGA person
Starting point is 00:37:57 and you hear that, she still gives an out. For every fan, she gives an out. She says, I didn't take two medals of freedom from Trump. And then she winks at the camera. And then you're like, was it because it was Trump? Or is it because she's a noble, honorable person? And so we all get to read into that what we want it to be. What we will.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And there's never any stance that she's I don't want to say this to just be too dramatic but it is just cowardly show business stuff. You know what I mean? You don't want to alienate any fan you don't want to fuck the bag up in any way. She is a whizness woman. Well the reason
Starting point is 00:38:39 No you're right but the reason that we're even having this conversation is because somewhere along the way in the last couple years people started trying to make her political otherwise she would just be in every other entertainers category in my mind is just a soulless cynical bastard who just you know doesn't have any values or whatever but at some point people started reading all of their politics namely liberals the same liberals who you know take game of thrones and harry potter and parks and rec and apply it to every other thing in the world they've also
Starting point is 00:39:10 done that with dolly and so that's the only reason we're talking about it right now 6 45 on a wednesday well i will say she's not well they cover all this on dolly parton's america that podcast they talk about how she's like so clever and threads every needle even you know in real time in interviews she always leaves an out like you say and they go they go into detail about that so you can listen to them talk about it i know whatever we're not trying to promote that fucking podcast oh i listened to it though by the way i did too um and but and she like tries to she she won't say direct things politically but she obviously and i think we even covered talked about this in the dollyology episode is that she obviously has political leanings that she's been unable to avoid. For instance, gays.
Starting point is 00:40:06 She loves drag queens. She loves the gays. She's made that clear multiple times, multiple ways. Also, a lot of her earlier songs are pretty political. She's got songs about abortion, all this shit. You know what I mean? It's like that. Although these are things that shouldn't be political, they are.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Right, right. Yeah. My question is, and I know Dolly's been a gay icon for a number of years now, but I wonder, like, at what point it was, like, politically expedient for her to, like, be that. You know what I mean? Because my hunch is she wasn't doing that on Porter Wagner's show. No. Or Kaz Walker's hour.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You know what I mean? I would venture to say it hit the accelerator about 12 years ago when RuPaul's Drag Race premiered. And she always comes up. She's like usually some joke or like someone does an impression of her. She's always in those always in she's frequently like parodied on the drag circuit yeah and rupaul's drag race is now the most successful like show ever it has like rupaul has set a world record for emmys yeah wow um well i mean once again there's nothing really to say about it.
Starting point is 00:41:29 We haven't already said about it, but it is a very funny song. Just as a standalone thing. As a story. From beginning to end. As a story, it's hilarious that someone wrote a song called 9 to 5, and then in 1980 or whatever, and then in 2021, things in 1980 or whatever and then in 2021 things are so hollowed out and stripped of all meeting we're all so overworked and underpaid and and and so that's that's the only thing we can imagine now we're just like well we can't do anything to help people
Starting point is 00:41:57 so just work harder just work harder keep working working working work just stop just keep working until you're dead because that's all your life is motherfucker it truly is pandemic propaganda like yeah keep working through a pandemic by making your own website so fucking bleak well that's the order of the day honestly across the board that is what biden and these people tell you every fucking day with the stimulus check and i mean like they really do tell you every single day you're not in the driver's seat what are you kidding me shut the fuck up you'll take what we're gonna give you you know what i mean like that's that's that's their lesson that's what they've taken away from beating bernie and and the defund the police to commit uh demands that's they're just like no you're gonna do
Starting point is 00:42:45 whatever the fuck we say there's nothing conciliatory about it and it's like do you remember just a few short months ago when everybody was like berating you from being for being obstinate about like or like negative about like the biden shit and all that kind of stuff really and it's like it's like yeah absolutely you didn't experience any of that i've been in a dark hole tom no one dared come for me yeah i've been one edge away from strangling a stranger now well well no now i'm feeling more rage. I've been thinking a lot about that scene in Fried Green Tomatoes. When that young girl takes her parking spot and she just rams her car into the girl's car and is like, fuck you. I kind of fantasize about those moments.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. At this point. Well, we all. Yeah, nobody. Yeah, I've been too sad. Yeah. At this point. Well, we all... Yeah, nobody... Yeah, I've been too sad. Nobody's fucking with me. My therapist says my anger is just my stage... The stage of grief I'm in.
Starting point is 00:43:56 She says it's totally normal, so... It is totally normal. I'm riding it out. I'm riding it out. I experienced it. If you go back and listen to the pod, probably. March 2019 to December 2019. Okay, what was your timeline?
Starting point is 00:44:09 How long do I get? You're bouncing back a lot quicker than I did, I'll say that. I do feel pretty good and strong these days. Yeah, I mean, I don't even think I really got over that shit until like maybe six months ago. I'm definitely not over anything. I'm harboring a lot of anger. Yeah. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah, that'll happen. You'll have those on those big jobs, as Tom likes to say. The big jobs. But I am really angry at Joe Biden. I'm really angry at whoever is dragging you and me and whoever else for love. We knew this was going to happen. But like in the Trump years, maybe we didn't even feel it necessarily because we were dragging liberals that whole time. But there was a little bit more of a, dare I say, unified front.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I hate to use the you word. And uh and now that it's it's worse things feel worse because everyone's like or not everyone but like libs and i'm when i'm talking about libs in my life like liberal close like my loved ones people who i love who are like oh did biden just on the first day he did all those executive orders oh thank god la la la i'm like where's my money where where where's the money give him time tanya he's got a big mess to clean up okay okay? Why? That's what you just said, Terrence. I knew this is what... We're like T-minus nine months away from him running on. He's got to clean Trump's mess up.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Give him time. That's what he's going to be saying three years from now. There was a big mess to clean up. Yeah. Well, that's what he's going to run again. After he's already intimated that oh i just want to be i'm just going to clear the way for somebody else to step in there you bet your bottom dollar if the motherfucker's got six brain cells left to cobble together he's gonna run again oh my god well they every single fucking day that that we don't have
Starting point is 00:46:21 money we're not being paid to stay home and the fucking economy isn't shut down joe biden is a murderer i don't care like this man it has blood on his fucking hands you know that's just all there is to it i know i absolutely agree i mean it's very and and of course we don't as if he don't still have tons of ir blood on his hands. And yet. And yet. Yeah. In prisons. He's stacking. Yeah. Stacking his fucking body count. That is true.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And we're praising him. By the minute, he's stacking a body count. And we're praising him for signing documents. For writing his fucking name. He's reversing the Muslim ban. It's like, we shouldn't have had a muslim ban you know what i mean like yeah he's just doing the bare minimum decency he's sending trans people to the front lines of afghanistan good on you joe put some put some fucking hair on y'all's chest oh my god fuck no i i i agree um you know it's really it's bad because to your point about the sort of unified front or whatever it's like in the trump
Starting point is 00:47:35 years we were all kind of brought under the same vague umbrella of bernie we're like oh he's gonna run again probably so you, we're in this. We might have some political differences, but we're all on the quote-unquote Bernie left. And so that kind of held us together. And we were all kind of united in a way with the liberals in our hatred of Trump. But now we have neither of those things.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Trump is gone, and the victory of Biden means that Bernie will never be president, like, obviously. And so we've got nothing. Trump is gone and the victory of Biden means that Bernie will never be president. Like, obviously. And so we've got nothing. And so let's just spend all day tweeting shit at each other and just getting into the most meaningless arguments and debates of all time. And just tear each other apart all fucking day. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It's making me feel stupid. Like, y'all know, I mean, it's it's you know i'm not the fucking princess of twitter i've never really understood it fully okay okay i'll admit that but i shouldn't have to be glued to a website all day to be able to keep up with like the most minute of details it doesn't matter no you don't have to nobody needs to the point is is that that is what is done objectively that's what they do you don't need to nobody needs to the point is is that that is what is done objectively that's what they do you don't need to know what the content of it is because none of it matters well i keep having to text you all what in the hell's going on and i keep telling you it doesn't matter you're like nothing well and and it's like it's and it most most of the time
Starting point is 00:49:02 it turns out that i basically knew what was going on but it made so little sense right that i thought i questioned my own sanity yeah yeah which brings us back to you know what is reality at this point right um anyway i i have i have like a a very you know obviously i've said i'm angry and i have a very unchecked anger with the dems right now that's just like boiling and brewing and getting worse and worse and uh well it's just it's it's it's impossible to put into words how bad everything is right now let me if if you're a game i want to prod that a little bit. Let's light some fire under that anger that's already burning. Because this will get you grinding your teeth. You're going to love this.
Starting point is 00:49:52 This is in Politico. The article is titled, House Dems Move to Yolk GOP to QAnon. House Democrats are preparing to center their strategy for the far-off midterm elections on a simple, aggressive message. Republicans are the party of QAnon. Making an unusually early move to protect their narrow majority, House Democrats' campaign arm on Tuesday launched its first TV ad campaign, spotlighting supporters of the fringe conspiracy theory,
Starting point is 00:50:26 including those who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. It is the first step in a larger plan orchestrated by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's new chair, Sean Patrick Maloney of New York, to exploit the growing friction between Trump hardliners and establishment Republicans in the GOP base, which Maloney sees as a major weak point for the party. If Kevin McCarthy wants to take his party to crazy town and follow these dangerous ideas, he shouldn't expect to do well in the next election, Maloney told Politico in an interview.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Crazy town. And it's important to the country that the democratic party continues to be the responsible adult this oh my god blood on their hands they this is they always pull this shit i mean you know you know what you know what image comes to mind right now nancy pelosi pelosi kneeling in a kente cloth that's the image that comes to mind at this moment it is very funny because it's in the room you can just imagine this like sniffling little fuck just being like now i've got the solution uh we're kevin mccarthy wants to take the party to crazy town uh it's important that the country should know the democratic party continues to be the responsible adult it's like what what would make you think that that is a a winning formula um oh god i want to dip you in a vat of acid whoever you are pal
Starting point is 00:52:00 one day truly might not be today might not be tomorrow we've said this before but these people belong in empty rooms with a drain to the end of time um the thing i think about i i have no idea how you sit here and the phrase coastal elite which i hate okay i hate but it's entered the cultural lexicon for a fucking reason right okay and this never-ending stream of trying to understand the trump vote and all this kind of stuff it's like joe biden gets elected and they just forgot all that because you know what it's like let me tell you what it's like it's like when you've grown up poor and you get a little bit of like a a good paycheck for the first time yeah you know what i'm saying and like if you're anything like me you go out and
Starting point is 00:52:54 you just you just go indulge yourself and whatever you want to indulge yourself in my my usual being uh at one time boo booze, clothes, and chasing women. Right. But it's just like you just like, every lesson about like, you know, maybe just like fiscal responsibility or whatever just like goes out the window. You're like, no, fuck, no, I'm going to get fucked up, which is a good impulse because you should because you, in the long run, you can't win against this. Right, right. But you know what I'm saying man it's like they've just they've they have they have absorbed nothing nothing like i can't find a a bottom of my anger and rage though you know what i'm saying it's like it's like my relationship with the democrats is like my relationship with like people that i absolutely hate,
Starting point is 00:53:45 but I can't unfollow them on Facebook because I love to hate their posts. You know what I'm saying? It's like that kind of abusive. It's like, oh, this motherfucker's always going to say some dumb shit that's going to get me just enraged enough to where it's fun, but not enraged enough to where I actually want to go break something. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's what it's fun. You know what I mean? But not enraged enough to where I actually want to go break something. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's what it's like.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I've crossed. I think I've crossed. I want to break stuff. Well, I mean, with the Democrats, yes. I'm talking about with. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you missed the metaphor. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:54:23 All right. But I do have a question about so is it a bad idea to to tie the republicans to q anon this is a good question i don't think that's the bad idea i think the bad idea is saying like the alternative being like the the party of college education and all that. Oh, right, right, right. The way they define themselves. I didn't get to get to that point. So the reason why it's a bad idea is because they're creating a dichotomy.
Starting point is 00:54:58 They're saying that the Democrats, quite explicitly, they say literally, this Maloney dude, he says they can do QAnon. He's referring to the GOP. They can do Q anon or they can do college educated voters they cannot do both so that's right that is why i think that it's not a good idea that's the first reason there's two reasons why i think that it's not a good idea that's the first reason the The second reason is spelled out later on in the article. Basically what he says is QAnon is not an especially popular movement at the moment. But by, I don't know, by like tying the GOP to them, it's like don't you think that they're going to wind up making it more popular than it already is oh yeah that makes sense it's the it's the strisand thing man right i mean that's kind of what they did with the tea party shit honestly and then we got all these fucking tea party candidates
Starting point is 00:55:58 well but they were but the thing about them is they were successfully absorbed into the mainstream Republican Party. I don't know that's going to happen for Marjorie Taylor Greene, particularly because they're looking at removing her from all of her committees and all that kind of stuff. But the actual drawing attention to that, she is correct. The actual drawing of attention to that is going to make it rise in popularity because you're also dealing with an environment where everybody wants to see Joe Biden thrown into the jaws of a Hieronymus Bosch figure. Again,
Starting point is 00:56:30 you know what I mean? They're so, they're so fucking stupid, man. Like they don't, they don't understand that they're deeply despised by a lot of people. Let me read. And that their moment came just because people are desperately grasping
Starting point is 00:56:45 for a sense of normalcy a sense of decency a sense of just dignity right but they can't see that like i don't know man that shit is not going away anytime soon it's dark it's pretty weird that they're coming so hard for what's her tits, yet Ted Cruz reigns on. You know, I just... Well, let me finish. Let me continue on this article. Maloney has the unenviable task of shielding a razor-thin Democratic majority during a redistricting cycle and a midterm election. So that's something I totally forgot about.
Starting point is 00:57:21 They are going to have to start redistricting soon because the census results are about to come in um and so uh he's betting democrats can mount a successful offensive using the kind of culture war attacks the gop ruthlessly deployed against democrats last cycle including the barrage of defund the police ads that force moderates to run away from the party's left the gop's waffling on qAnon has been on full display in recent days, as party leaders struggled to contain the fallout from the extremist rhetoric of freshman Marjorie Taylor Greene. McCarthy has been largely silent,
Starting point is 00:57:55 as Democrats have moved to sanction her. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, however, took the highly unusual step of denouncing a House member, a move Democrats say underscores the GOP's split. And here's where we get the quote. They can do QAnon or they can do college-educated voters. They cannot do both, Maloney said. Party strategists are betting the right's embrace of the far-fetched conspiracy theory will be politically toxic and hamper their efforts to win back the house in 2022 no it's not no it's not
Starting point is 00:58:30 dude because oh my god they don't understand the reason the gop is so is as successful as they are is because they are exactly a big tent that includes fucking Warren Worthington III kicking his feet up in the goddamn Hamptons. And fucking Jethro Bodine over here on the QAnon Reddit. You know what I mean? They're not mutually exclusive. I know. Like, when you are a reactionary party, when you're a fucking reactionary party, you don't get to have your drathers. fucking reactionary party you don't get to have your dreathers you take anything you can get because how the fuck do you think these people are so goddamn despised and unpopular yet managed
Starting point is 00:59:11 to stay in power an inordinate amount of the time right yeah you're absolutely right you you don't get like you don't say it you take whoever the fuck is going to like vote for you you know what i mean you're absolutely right giving them ultimatums it's the most asinine thing in the world when has that ever fucking like man dude i really want to fucking i really listen i don't wish ill on anybody but there is a class of people i wish ill on that i wish that they would find themselves like journalists in like Juarez in like 2007. And it's like lanyard dicks that fucking... God damn, it's not a fucking game, you fucking dweebs. God fucking damn it.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Already, Democrats are seeing encouraging signs. Challengers in Republican-held districts are beginning to jump off the sidelines, citing the attack last month as a motivation for running. Republicans have done a hell of a thing by motivating really top-tier quality candidates to raise their hand, said Tim Persico, the DCC's executive director. The events of January 6th and the subsequent coddling of QAnon and the refusal to take any responsibility, I think that that has had a profound impact on people's interest in running. Democratic recruiters, I'll tell you who one of the candidates are that they've recruited
Starting point is 01:00:33 lately. Jay Chin, a lieutenant commander in the Navy Reserves, who lost his race. Jay Chin. Do what? Who's Jay Chin again? I don't know. He's just a troop. It's the Amy McGrath thing.
Starting point is 01:00:50 They're just hiring more troops. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I don't know, man. This Jay Chin guy, he was a naval intelligence officer stationed in Kuwait when a Shiite militia stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad in December 2019.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Attacks that he monitored in real time he said he experienced deja vu watching domestic terrorists invade the seat of u.s government oh my fucking god this is who the democrats are recruiting to run um if this was orchestrated by any other country this attack on the capital it would have been considered an act of war but because these were trump supporters because this was incited by the president then all of a sudden patriotism is thrown out the window like the thing the fascinating thing is like these don't these guys don't understand that these people are also patriots they quite literally have two different views of America that are so far apart.
Starting point is 01:01:45 I mean, as a leftist, I get to say this because I hate America and death to America. Fuck this goddamn place. But they don't understand. But they don't see that in the QAnon person's mind, they are just as much of a patriot as anybody else. They don't understand that. They don't understand that storming the Capitol is patriotism do the q anon people it's fascinating it's actually what this country's built on like people act like you made a good point terence i've been thinking a lot about last couple weeks is that the founding of this country was the result of a right-wing revolution
Starting point is 01:02:19 right on the left we tend to just our conception of revolution just ends with like the french revolution and like left-wing revolutions. But they play out in all sorts of ways and orientations. And to borrow that Max Ellbom phrase, there is revolution in the air. And it's not just left revolution from sort of our nascent left movement. There is also something else brewing over here, too. And it's an open question who who like sort of takes the roses in the end but uh yeah it's uh it's uh yeah it's the damnedest thing yeah i mean that
Starting point is 01:02:56 has been a really amazing thing like you have this thomas jefferson quote that quite literally says the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants or some shit. And people sit around saying, I don't understand this. These people aren't patriots. They want to split Nancy Pelosi's wig? I don't understand. Yeah, me too. It's like maybe you don't have a slave owner write the founding fucking document.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I don't know. Yeah, maybe quit being uh all this like the you know what's wrong with america can't be solved with what's right with it and all that kind of yeah well what's wrong with it is so bad it can't fucking write any of the wrong you would not say that about hitler's germany like if hitler had somehow kept on to power and kept ruling you wouldn't say well we can right this wrong from Hitler's wrongs nobody would in their right minds would ever fucking say
Starting point is 01:03:50 that but we did that to the indigenous people here and we still say we still tell ourselves imagine that imagine rehabbing Nazis yeah we have a holiday to celebrate it exactly it's just it's I don't know,
Starting point is 01:04:06 the cognitive dissonance, it's just. It's something I like to point out on Twitter from time to time. There's a very specific, like you can draw like the ill through line from what's wrong with America right now and the crisis we face and all this kind of stuff to why we have like Nathan nathan bedford forest middle school
Starting point is 01:04:25 you know exactly could you imagine could you imagine having joseph mingle in middle school dude it's really i mean you're absolutely right well and this all brings me to like how i mean this is this is what makes it feel it's just like really hard to wrap my head around reality right now because you know I I think I'm a socialist I want the government to operate in a way I want there to be a big government umbrella that supports the people what the what's the fucking point of government right what is the literal goddamn point other than to make everyone safe and happy and whole right like we create this thing that it's literally just a safety net that's the whole point this is the opposite of that it's the literal fucking opposite is what we have right now
Starting point is 01:05:20 and it's very difficult like everything i say just sounds like totally black peeled anarchy because all the government we have operating right now is so unbelievably fucking maniacally violent and murderous at this point the bodies are piling up around us literally we're watching fucking funerals on zoom like this is how i have watched drone footage of mass graves being dug in this country and put like i just don't know where we're going from here what's the fucking what is the goddamn climax here i don't know i mean I think it's still a little ways off you know what I'm saying I'm waiting for that Adam Curtis documentary to come out to get some answers myself that's the only thing I'm looking forward to right now oh man um I don't know I don't know to answer your question Tanya I mean i think that we're probably in one
Starting point is 01:06:26 of those liminal spaces between the next phase of whatever crazy shit is about to happen um you know what i'm saying i'll be in my hot tub if anybody needs me just steaming literally um let me finish all i'm saying is don't be surprised when you have um president tom cotton and vice president marjorie taylor green right whatever no i i just nope there's nobody who else is going to answer the bell you know what i mean and harness the energy of the Trump thing. You know what I'm saying? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I don't know. But what we do know is we don't have an opposition party. We have just a, well, man, it's a well-trodden territory, but we just have people that are content to be the adults in the room. I lost you guys. Can you hear me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we need you. You're the adult in the room i lost you guys can you hear me yeah yeah yeah we need you you're the adult in this room sorry sorry i lost you so you can hear me again yeah yeah you're good okay um hello hello so let me finish this article okay um maloney argues there's a big difference between the gop's attacks in 2020 which
Starting point is 01:07:47 exaggerated the democrats position on policing reform and other issues to be democrats attacks against q anon their characterization of our party in the last election was a lie and an effort to demagogue what i'm talking about is a clear-eyed description of the power marjorie taylor green and others have right now in that caucus. Democrats want Republicans to spin the off-year, answering for curious members such as Greene and Lauren Boebert, as well as the 139 House members who voted to block certification of the election results just hours after a violent pro-Trump mob overtook the Capitol. after a violent pro-Trump mob overtook the Capitol. They see an opening against many of those members,
Starting point is 01:08:28 including Representative Andy Harris, whom witnesses said nearly stoked a fistfight on the floor the night of the January 6th attack. Harris' current Eastern Maryland district is overwhelmingly Republican, but Democrats in Annapolis could draw a new congressional map that makes his district more competitive, and would-be challengers are ready to take advantage heather msure a 2014 democratic candidate for governor and former congressional staffer and state legislator says she had not been considering a return to politics until january 6th after which
Starting point is 01:08:56 she decided to challenge harris it was like waking a hibernating bear it's like my fiercest mama bear came out what the fuck man we got a bunch of that's this is who we're fielding to fight back we got you know what we got you know what we got here's what we got we got a bunch of fucking amy mcgraths and a bunch of eat prey lovers and we're running them against the most bloodthirsty people you can feel you're exactly right tom that's like running the fuck playing the goddamn cleveland browns against the fucking fucking undefeated miami dolphins from the 70s oh man it's unreal man i believe our cleveland fans would be very mad to hear you say that because they're having a good season. Turned it around this year, boys. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Historically, I should say. Sure, yeah. Try to walk it back now, Mr. Sorry, Cleveland. I love you. GOP campaign officials, meanwhile, have brushed off the Democratic line of attack, arguing that many Americans are not familiar with the intricacies of QAnon, whose followers believe Trump was secretly battling a cabal of Satan-worshipping child sex traffickers
Starting point is 01:10:19 who worked in the deep state of his administration. Oh, can you hear me, Tom? Yeah, I can hear you. I think Tanya dropped. Oh, can you hear me, Tom? Yeah, I can hear you. I think Tanya dropped. Oh, did she? Shit. We lost her. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:10:35 Well, let's put a bow on it. All right. Let me finish this. This is the point I was kind of trying to make earlier. GOP campaign officials, meanwhile, have brushed off the Democratic line of attack, arguing that many Americans are not familiar with the incontroversies of QAnon, whose followers believe Trump was secretly battling a cabal of Satan-worshipping child sex traffickers who work in the deep state of his administration. The real threats of QAnon, Republicans say, aren't as readily apparent to the average voter unlike democrats policy proposals like policing or health care reforms and they point out that all but 17 republicans voted to condemn q anon in a floor vote last fall the three non-freshman republican
Starting point is 01:11:15 members targeted in the end i wonder who the gotta hear both sides were i myself would like to know um this is hilarious because it then quotes a guy from the national republican congressional caucus or committee whatever the fuck that their equivalent of the dcc is um we are going to continue hammering house democrats for their job killing socialist agenda and leave elevating fringe conspiracies to the dccc i mean dude you're you're dude just a if this thing is a war okay let's just examine the tone on one side you got some fucking nerd saying well either you're the party of college educated people or you're the party of q anon which is it and then on the other side you have them like just like breathing fire down there you know what i'm saying well the funny thing about this the funny thing about this is that
Starting point is 01:12:16 they literally say right here they say it right here explicitly that they think that many americans are not familiar with the intricacies of q anon but at the same time they think it's a big enough of a problem to tack it on to the gop and then run with that and make it their entire fucking thing like if it's not a big or well known thing right now why the fuck blow it up and try to make it bigger no No, it's the Barbra Streisand thing, man. It's the Barbra Streisand problem. It's like what you want to do is you want to minimize that. You want to ignore it almost because it's already on the way out.
Starting point is 01:12:52 And also, that's exactly right. Go for the people who can be brought in. But then again, I didn't work with Bernie, so who the fuck knows? Maybe nobody can do it. There's like a ton. But, dude, there's like a lot of those people, QAnon people that are like, oh, like they kind of see the ruse now that Trump's not in power or whatever. There's always going to be the true believers for sure. But like you can already see, feel that stuff on the way out.
Starting point is 01:13:17 You know what I mean? And they're going to try to pin it on them and have a resurgence of that shit. It is. You're going to have the second wave is gonna be even nutty dude you're right i mean you're right with enough time it'll just be metabolized within the gop like every right-wing movement has been in the last 50 60 fucking years of the republican party something new gets brought up incorporated into the things that they do like they incorporate the things they don't like.
Starting point is 01:13:45 They discard it. And then something new comes in ten years later. I mean, it's fucking clockwork at this point. Here's what will happen. You'll see more Marjorie Taylor Greene's run for office and get in there. And then eventually, it'll be like with the Tea Party thing. It'll just be like the GOP will just absorb that into their mainstream platform. party thing it'll just be like the gop will just absorb that to their mainstream platform and and uh johnny ray gilroy that from kansas that got in there as a republican you know he was saying that
Starting point is 01:14:14 you know that uh mexicans have a third eye on the back of their head that you know that they always you know or some dumb race science shit whatever it is some batshit conspiracy theory and then they'll just like act like oh no that was never anything he said right right just eccentric whatever remember when ram paul came on the scene and they had they had found out that he like did some sort of like uh some sort of like he was in some sort of weird fraternity where they prayed to like a water god or something like that. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:48 We're in Paul's and all this weird shit. And like every motherfucker in that goddamn house over 70, like, you know, got jacked off in a coffin when they were at Yale. You know what I mean? It's like,
Starting point is 01:15:02 yeah, the adults in the room if you're a member of congress you have absolutely chances are unless you're just some like howdy doody motherfucker from wherever like if you're like went to any of these like big like harvard like, Harvard Princeton yells or something, like, you absolutely, like, got naked and, like, chugged malt liquor while somebody fucking jacked off or something, you know what I mean? Oh, my God. Now we're getting into my belief system. All right, let me top this one off here let me top you off sir but you know what i'm
Starting point is 01:15:50 saying though it's like what like and they wonder like why they believe like a lot of people believe in all these crazy conspiracies well it's because you and 18 of your rowdy friends go and buttfuck each other from a giant owl once every four years and act like that's just boys being boys you know i mean on that note there was like a new photo today like a new epstein photo today published with him like holding a fucking four-year-old on a plane literally did you see that? What's the date on the photo? I think the early 2000s, bro. Oh, man. God damn, dude. That's fucking market shit.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Let me finish this one. Let me wrap this one up. Oh, this is a great way to end it. Happy, healthy voters don't show up to vote in midterms. It's the pissed off angry ones, said Ian Russell, a Democratic strategist who works with several endangered House Democrats. Who do you really want in charge? Do you want Joe Biden and the Democrats or this cast of crazy?
Starting point is 01:16:58 It's not just QAnon. It's the whole package. Republicans have thrown us a midterm lifeline that we might not have had otherwise the fucking hubris midterm lifeline we wouldn't have had otherwise god bless see how that works out for you yeah yep you know once again just want to put my i also like the tacit admission that they ain't shit though in that right we wouldn't we wouldn't have had that other one we've been fucked otherwise so it's like equal parts hubris and just like a cell phone right right well i mean they don't have
Starting point is 01:17:40 to go back to your point like they're gonna tack tack it on to the Republicans and prolong it and make the resurgence even worse. But the reason they're doing this is because they don't have Trump to run against anymore. And now that Trump's gone, that's what they're doing again. They're just finding the closest enemy that they can. The closest straw man that they can. Yeah, and it's like... I wonder too, though, man. man it's like that shit is not that shit that dog's not gonna hunt and i like maybe maybe biden wins re-election in 2024 or
Starting point is 01:18:15 whatever right just because like usually democratic candidates get in there and whatever and they'll have a second term like with clinton obama or whatever but man 2024 but maybe 2028 what what the fuck are you gonna run on if you don't do some sort of sweeping like fdr style program i don't know man like if if if you are just thinking like let's just keep this thing humming along like you know the clinton it's obama sort of it's tenuous as fuck man i mean everybody knows that that's the fascinating thing about this most this current moment everybody knows that things are just a little tenuous that things are just barely held together well that's why revolution is in there i hate to say that like and sound real corny about it but you know what i mean like people know that that like there's something brewing and the you know what sort of like form that takes is again an open question but yeah can't stand no i mean i agree even if
Starting point is 01:19:20 even if the quote-unquote revolution never comes from the left or the right or whatever, you can't deny that some really crazy fucking things have happened in the last nine months or so. Yeah. That have really pushed us all to the limit. God damn. Yeah, you're right, man. It's, uh... They better build their walls high, man, is all I know.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Because I wouldn't want that kind of smoke if I were in power. A bunch of brain broken fucking, you know what I mean? Because, yeah, we're a house broken country, but you can only stay house broken for so long. You know what I mean? Like the people are either going to walk right into the wood chipper, they're going to, like, try to throw you in it. Yeah, I mean, it's just the truth. Or the other. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah, and you're going to run up against that wall sooner rather than later, is my hunch. I don't know. Yep. Well, let's wrap this one up. Sorry we lost Tanya. She just texted us, in fact. She said, lost-yens.
Starting point is 01:20:30 So. Rip. R.I.P. Thanks for tuning in this week. Folks, if you want to go to the Patreon, go do it. I hear the most recent ep was really good. We had a good one. I'm going to unlock it later.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I tried to unlock it today, and for some reason the SoundCloud messed up. We'll unlock it for you. You'll like it. But there's more content on the Patreon exactly like it, so make sure you go check that out. exactly like it so make sure you go check that out slash trailbilly workers party uh throw us five bones um and enjoy that premium shit that's some premium shit man all right well thanks for listening this week everybody we'll see you next time alright well thanks for listening this week everybody we'll see you next time same bat time same bat station
Starting point is 01:21:28 that's right adios

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