Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 191: Suezter's Millions

Episode Date: March 25, 2021

This week it's talk about the vaccine and how it can make you lose your mind; Kamala and Bill Clinton's symposium on girl power; and finally an invigorating conversation between Gail and Bret about PT...SD (Post-Trump Stress Disorder) Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 god damn my heartburn is perhaps worse than you i could worse than your ass burn nobody will understand the misery of when it comes up both ways just no no snow relief either way i could do an entire podcast on heartburn. All the various kinds. All the various foods that give it to you. All the various remedies. I could talk for hours and hours
Starting point is 00:00:35 about it. Maybe one day. Not today. Well, speaking of physical health and well-being, you're looking at two vaccinated, fully vaccinated individuals. And Tanya and myself. Well, we got two weeks or something left to go.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I do feel much better after spending two days in the bed, I gotta say. Because it took me out. Were y'all down that bad shot i was i was pretty down i mean i didn't have i don't think i ever ran a fever i didn't actually i did have a little bit of chills that first night but it was mostly just for me feeling so weak so tired i had just kind of achy yeah i i had a fever and and it fed into some general paranoia. And so Monday night, so earlier in the day on Monday, I had read this story. You know how there's the COVID long haulers?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, what's that mean? Oh, people who continue to have health. Yeah, chronic illness. Oh, people who continue to have health, yeah, chronic illness. I read this story of a long hauler who got COVID and, or a COVID person who had the long, anyways. And one of her long haul symptoms was that she said she felt like a totally different person now. She felt like her personality had been swapped out with someone else's. Did not even feel like the same person anymore. different person now she felt like her personality had been swapped out with someone else's did not
Starting point is 00:02:05 even feel like the same person anymore which raises all kinds of it uh which raises all kinds of issues for example what is the the self what is the personality how do you define an identity well it does make sense if there's like a neurological component to this. And if Adam Curtis is to be believed, we have all these cells floating around in our brain, but we only tap one of them. Maybe the virus sort of like just nudges one out and they just kind of swap out. That would be wild as shit. I'll tell you what, after a year of isolation, it don't sound that bad. Just getting a whole new one. I'm sick of this bitch.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I could use a whole new roommate, honestly, at this point. Let's shake things up a little bit. Yeah, fuck. 35 years in, I'll have another 35 with somebody else. Fuck it. We have a new character on the show, everybody. She's in Tanya's body. That would be so wild.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Whole new ho. I mean, at this point, I literally, there are worse fates, man. What if you were rebirthed as this chaste, demure, sort of, very reserved person? I don't understand either. And you're like, and you don't really even know how you got on this show just people tell you you've been doing a show and you're just like i'm just disgusted if you don't if you don't understand the words he just said just think of the way you currently are and then flip it to its exact opposite
Starting point is 00:03:39 what'd you say chased and demure yeah i do i think not just the perpetually horny savage uh outgoing like boisterous type you're just like this quiet reserve like sort of prude that hates witchcraft i'm gonna be when i finally i think that's what i'm gonna be when i finally get the right cocktail of meds When I finally get my ADHD under control And a few other things I've had lingering for a couple decades When I finally get on the right cocktail I might just be quiet
Starting point is 00:04:14 From here on out Just listening for the rest of my days That'd probably save me a lot of heartache If I just adopt the same thing I've been trying it for years and i haven't i haven't got there yet my doctors keep telling me it's coming they're like well just keep taking the these mood stabilizers we're going to give you some ssris and they just keep telling me and i've not reached stability yet so yeah i mean i told my doctor i wanted some other solution because I'm not horny enough.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You not horny enough. What exactly were you shooting for there in terms of horniness? I know it sounds weird, but I don't know. I'm blocked off. I'm kind of horny for myself but not really horny for other people at this point i've been there which is that that's why we all should be after that's the maybe that's the safest bed at this point but also like proof that you do love yourself after spending all year with yourself and all you want to do is be with yourself. That's true.
Starting point is 00:05:27 The dogs woke me up barking last night, and I had to come to go back to sleep. Although I will say something was going crazy around on the holler last night, like up here. Every dog on the mountain went ape shit at about 1.45 this morning, and I fell asleep at 11 o'clock i mean i was already in full rim by then these motherfuckers went bananas and my dogs started going crazy in the bed and i don't know what i i wasn't gonna let them outside i was like y'all gotta shut up ain't letting you out there there might be fucking 10 bears and fucking pack of coyotes i don't know what's going on out there but they would not stop and finally sassy had to go but my new puppy i haven't decided exactly what the deal is but when sassy freaks out
Starting point is 00:06:10 when there's like seemingly an emergency situation sassy runs to it she is like on site needs to be like lassie that's why she's missing an eye yeah exactly um ruby when sassy goes nuts or some other dogs pop off when shit pops off there's gunshots she runs to me and she sits up alert and i'm yet to figure i love it and but last night when i was asleep that's what woke me up she came and sit on my fucking head she literally came and like laid down on top of me and i ain't dumb ass something's going on out there hello but i haven't figured out quite if it's to protect me or for me to protect her what do you think probably mutual we can we'll protect each other i'm gonna i'm gonna assume it's to protect me i like that better yeah it definitely is but like the side effect is like uh yeah i get some protection in
Starting point is 00:07:07 this too yeah i think it's i mean i think it's smart it i mean i didn't realize it until ruby started doing it but sassy is fucking psycho for literally running into anything that seems suspect just sprinting head first into it after 12 years that's still her instinct man i tell you i i i kind of like that in a dog i had a dog uh a little gray pit bull that this son of a bitch stole off of me and i know who it was and if i ever catch him out it's on site it's on site but uh i'll never forget man we were on a hike and this you know like when you go up to, like, Bad Branch, and, like, you know where, like, all the snakes are up there as you get closer to the falls? Yeah. The snakes I've still yet to see.
Starting point is 00:07:55 This snake crawled out. It was just a copperhead, but this snake rolled right out in front of us. Just a copperhead. And he just went over there and snatched that motherfucker up with his mouth and snapped it like that and threw it with his head i was like what the fuck obliterated just boom boom yeah wow threat annihilated just immediately yeah well the way we got here is I was talking about COVID long haulers. Then we went into the love of a good dog. Well, I was talking about changing personality, the way that COVID long haul symptoms are.
Starting point is 00:08:40 One of them could be a changed personality, a changed identity. one of them could be a changed personality, a changed identity. So anyways, that was on my mind Monday or Tuesday night when I had a fever from the vaccine. And so I started thinking, like, my mind started racing, naturally. And I really started to think, you know how everything has just been so literal and surreal and there's no subtext left to anything ever since you know basically trump got elected it's just yeah all of our fears just keep coming true and the worst just keeps happening and and so i applied that to the vaccine and i really did have a couple hours where i had gone down this sort of train of thought that
Starting point is 00:09:25 I had convinced myself that the vaccine really was some sort of deep state like mind control thing or like you know what I mean like that this was well I mean but it's not completely unfounded though I feel like in my
Starting point is 00:09:41 defense it's not completely unfounded the CIA has used vaccines for example to find osama bin laden uh they've you know vaccinated tons of people uh uh just to be able to find his blood type so that they could find him they uh you know they've experimented another point being is that what if just like every other thing in our current reality, it's just another example of our greatest fear is actually being true. The conspiracy not being a conspiracy, but, well, I guess it would be a conspiracy, but not a conspiracy theory, but like a, you know, a conspiracy fact.
Starting point is 00:10:22 What if? That's all I'm saying. I'm imagining you while you're postulating all this i imagine you just sweating laying in bed and watching frank vincent bludgeon uh joe pesci to death with the baseball bat and casino and you're like yeah that's what it is man they're trying to find osama bin one yeah what so go tell me more about what you because i i think it's probable that i don't
Starting point is 00:10:52 know enough about what people think the vaccine well like all the conspiracies about the vaccine so tell me more about what you were actually worried about last night i was worried about this is why last night just uh for everybody he told us he probably couldn't do the show he's too sick
Starting point is 00:11:08 so this is the head you're in you're like show's over folks y'all feel good today i do i by yesterday i was feeling a lot better i worked in the garden last night and felt i like had a boost of energy felt real good I feel fine um but what okay so like I guess the prevailing theory there's several probably there's like the Bill Gates microchip thing and then I think a part of it overlaps with like the anti-vaxxer you know giving autism and things so like perhaps mine was a little bit of both of those ideas because I was thinking about how covid changes your personality it can change who you are fundamentally and so what so then the vaccine could yeah potentially do that too yeah because what the fuck even is covid really i mean well
Starting point is 00:11:57 we don't we literally don't know yeah it's weird it's it's strange it's just it's like a vascular disease that travels through the respiratory path so it's like it's kind of like rabies in a weird sense you know what i mean like in the fact that it's like a virus that travels the central nervous system as opposed to the bloodstream it's like it's kind of an anomaly in a in some ways but what it reproduces in the respiratory system yeah i guess right but it's like mostly a vascular disease yeah yeah that that that was like the common early misconceptions is that it was only respiratory but so here's another piece of this well one though i've i have heard that one of the conspiracies specifically around bill gates is that it like makes you gay or something were you afraid you'd be gay you're
Starting point is 00:12:51 gonna wake up gay no uh i mean if that was the case gayer gay i was obviously we're not scientists we're no fauci but let's let's surmise for a moment the thing about this pandemic that i feel like i keep coming back to but i don't actually hear people talking about that much i mean in the early days this was compared to the flu a lot as in people saying that it wasn't a big deal because we're already used to the flu but the thing with the flu is like that was the last pandemic we dealt with was the flu and every year people die from the flu and we have to like we don't have to but there's a vaccine every year that is only so effective against the flu every year. And I've had the flu multiple times in my life.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And it feels like that's just what this is going to become. Like, we're all going to end, like, COVID is going to be literally exactly like the flu, as in we're going to have to get new vaccines every year if we want as an option. And our, like, likelihood of getting it is going to be more every year like we're and we can get it multiple times but it and it still feels like we don't know that much about the flu because it changes every fucking year and so even the current from what i understand even the stop me if i'm completely off base here but even if the as you all would but even as the current vaccine the percentage like the current vaccine's like supposed to be 94 96 effective right right
Starting point is 00:14:34 that's way higher than any flu shot most flu shots are like in the 70s i think well sometimes lower than that it depends some years it's like 18 some years it's 80 you know yeah yeah it's just all based on a guess yeah i haven't heard medical professionals say this i feel like everyone just keeps talking about the end of the pandemic like our like like i watched the news yesterday morning and they had fauci and the woman who's over the cdc on there and some biden guy and they were talking about how we have we we haven't turned a corner on the pandemic but we have approached the corner and whether we turn the corner is up to us still like all this shit they keep saying i hate this
Starting point is 00:15:17 any of these motherfuckers that put it on personal responsibility and they will not acknowledge their failures over the last couple years yeah i hate that shit and acknowledge the i mean obviously these are their failures but acknowledge the failures of the fucking governors this like states right shit has just like boiled up in such a sick a sick fucking way i mean i i mean i'm not trying to like i don't know i don't want to wade into those waters unless you sound like a lost causer yeah but well it's just you know it's the balance of like i really want local economies or whatever but i also know like we need a centralized planning body like we are too far gone for local kadokidokes to be like yeah we're just gonna fix this with a fucking solidarity economy and we're gonna trade fucking butt knives and dig ourselves out of capitalism like we're gonna have to have
Starting point is 00:16:10 a swift fucking centralized planning unit to at this point you know yeah well it's funny that everybody that like uh you know talks about the like the civil war was about states rights and not slavery like the autonomy of the states and all that kind of stuff and it's like well guess what let's let's just let's just say for argument's sake you're correct it's still a problem yeah like obviously and so now it's very clear obviously commerce is still moving freely across these totally ridiculous imaginary borders and like me i got vaccinated before my mother who is 60 almost 60 years old and works in a grocery store every day how the fuck you know what i mean like this just has made no sense
Starting point is 00:17:02 yeah because she's because she's literally she literally lives an hour away from me across an imaginary border where the governor is a complete fucking psycho and has been hoarding vaccines yeah um i think like the fact that I'm even, was even questioning momentarily that this might be some sort of government mind control program. Granted, I was not in my right mind, but at the same time, I still sort of feel that way. Since you can't trust anything, you, I mean, like, for example, as you just pointed out, like, how do they know this is 90%, 96% effective, but like the flu shot, we can't even get down to that level of precision. Why does COVID have all these attenuating symptoms? Like, I read this thing the other day about the CEO of Texas Roadhouse recently committed suicide because he got covid
Starting point is 00:18:06 and he was a long-term tinnitus a long hauler yeah he's a long hauler and he had tinnitus so bad that he killed himself like a ringing in his ears from covid and like what are there's covid toes you know there's these neurological what the fuck is this does it just wreak havoc on the body like well i mean they just my neighbor i guess she's a long hauler i mean i they've just started using this language but like she got covet in literally in november and is still on oxygen like she's had she she's my age she's like a couple years older than me and she literally has has like oxygen tanks at her house now yeah i'm not like i can imagine someone listening to this and be like well well, I'll tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It's an RNA virus with blah, blah, blah. And like, I know that I'm not I'm not a fucking idiot. I understand what viruses are and how they work and that this is probably originated in some sort of fucked up, you know, capitalist industrial farming practice. I get all that. that the point i'm trying to make is since it was clear from day one we didn't have any preparation or way to deal with this how can we fully trust the vaccine thing and i guess my larger point there is i've kind of understand why people would be skeptical i definitely understand why people would be skeptical sure yeah i mean at this point i'm short of, full QAnon psychosis, anything anyone says to me, I'm like, why not? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Who knows? It'll be the sea crisis. I'm not going to bargain with you shit. You know, I got the lady at the fucking fruit stands. Like, the government released this on it for population control. And I was like. Hell yeah, sis. You know what I know.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. Power to you. Well, here's the thing, too. Like, this isn't even a rich reach this is just objective fact if donald trump said on february 2nd to bob woodward this thing's aerosol spread and way worse than we even think it is on february 2nd i my my presumption is that uh the good dr anthony fauci probably knew about that too because he probably told trump that there was part of the people that told him that and in march when the lockdown happens they're still saying oh if you're not sick you don't need a mask like that's a
Starting point is 00:20:13 deliberate lie yeah like i get like they're trying not to like cause this like big panic or whatever but like uh if you go to the doctor and you have cancer the doctor should probably tell you that yeah i mean there we now know that there were conversations at the federal level about how a mask should go out with that first stimulus check when was that when did the first stemmy come june i think april may yeah oh was it june was it that late it was definitely a lot yeah there should have been a fucking mask sent to everyone and they literally decided not to because it would cause panic right what more panic could there fucking be well that was like trump's excuse too right with all of it he was like oh i
Starting point is 00:21:02 just didn't want to cause an uproar what also i forgot to much to do about nothing i forgot to mention this to you after the first vaccine i got i got something called covid arm i forgot to tell you about this tell you guys about this like about two weeks after i got my first vaccine this the part the site on my arm where they stuck me at became swollen and red and raised. And I shit you not, the fucking hole. Reopened? Yeah. Like in rabies?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Dude, like the fucking, like, I swear to God, I squeezed it. This is disgusting. I'm sorry. But seriously, like, I was so freaked out about this. And so I called the place where I got the vaccine. And they were like, well, just keep an eye on it. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like I was so weirded out about this that I was adamantly not going to get my second vaccine.
Starting point is 00:21:57 But my girlfriend talked me into it. Did you take your next vaccine in the other arm? No, I did it in the same one. We'll see what happens. Fucking COVID arm. You're going to turn into a werewolf. the other arm no i did it in the same one we'll see what happens fucking covid arm i know again you're gonna turn to a werewolf yeah again i'm sure that somebody like will be listening to this like well there's particulate that gets under the subcutaneous layer of the skin and blah blah i'm just like i i know however this was not explained to me and why the that doesn't happen to me when
Starting point is 00:22:23 i get flu shots and there's already paranoia and fear around covid my point being is that i know it is crazy sorry i interrupted you no i but my point being is that you're not crazy you're not insane if you think that this is like fucking mine there's plenty of precedence for this like i just think just in the event that you do go down the same rabbit hole it's totally fine i accept you it is just wild that i would never have thought we'd be sitting here you know a year later anti-vaxxers we're not we're obviously not we all got bags i know but we also are just saying like the, like, the people that get derided as insane and weirdos and freaks, there's actual precedence for these things. Like, the reason we don't know the natural history of most diseases is because after the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, they said, huh, actually, it is kind of unethical to like just let people just be ridden with disease for our experiments. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Right. Like that, like this government has done that to human beings. Right. Yeah. And they are. MKUltra is a real fucking thing. You know what I mean? And imagine what they're doing to people locked up on the border right now.
Starting point is 00:23:44 what i mean and imagine what they're doing to people locked up on the border right now i don't even want to wade into it but you know i it's just there's they're bound to be using those people for like it's just sick what's happening and there's no doubt in my mind that they are using all of these caged fucking bodies at the border for some experimental shit well that might be a good pivot point um did you guys see the the so i guess did you guys see where the u.s embassy in haiti tweeted out like do not come did y'all see that like they use oh yeah from biden yeah it's like so i mean what it was just based on something biden had said in the past but um like by not come to haiti do not come to america from haiti i love that i love that like you know democrats ran on the melting pot and you know land of opportunity and blah blah blah blah blah blah and now we're just like closed
Starting point is 00:24:44 borders people because they're scared to death to alienate republicans on immigration yeah i mean the biden administration this is according to the guardian has so far deported more haitians in a few weeks than the trump administration did in a whole year with the use of a highly controversial trump era public health order denying asylum seekers basic legal rights. Yeah. Is this like Biden still in that like antiquated Haitians have AIDS mindset? Could be. I mean, Biden has literally said that.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I mean, Biden has literally. It actually might have been biden that said that i mean no i mean there's i found a video of him the other night saying um what if haiti just quietly sank into the caribbean it wouldn't matter a lot i mean oh my god man i am i'm listening to that david graber book about debt. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, yeah. His book about debt. And he talks about, like, sort of just the cruel fucking irony of, like, all these countries of the world that, like, we pour in our altruism to. And now we're, like, you know, relief money and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And then, like, liberals like Biden kick their feet back back and just like, why can't they get it together? And it's because basically these European countries like France and places, these colonial powers were usurers to these places and shackled them with this fake concept. And Madagascar is still paying France for a mess that France made in Madagascar. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And, like, Haiti is, like, one of those, like, absolutely, like, one of those places that's, like, these, like, rich liberals need it to exist in, like, absolute squalor because of, you know, so they can say, like, oh, we'll do it. Like, that was Clinton. The whole Clinton Foundation's big thing was haiti stuff yeah but i'm so weird i was literally having to watch david graber fucking youtube videos last night yeah i'm i'm weighing in my mind whether i want to go in on some dip shit who said that i was shilling for biden and deleted his patreon as a result oh god that's fine man the point though and this is related to the haiti thing the point is that the biden administration can do social democratic policies and it not threatened their larger like ethno-state uh or immigration you know uh aims or or whatever and uh and so my point in saying that was what does that say about your politics if it can be co-opted by the liberals i mean it's
Starting point is 00:27:34 interesting thought experiment um i wasn't defending biden and and if you read this thing about haiti this is a fucked up this is a terrible person like basically trump with a with a nicer uh set of uh manners and stays out of the public essentially don't you want to get back to a politics you don't have to think about yeah yeah what were you doing shilling for biden terrence what was it yeah you should have known man how are you shilling i stay shilling that's all i do is shill um well on that note um another thing i had on my list to kind of talk about today, to talk about the just sort of hollowness of liberal politics is like Bill Clinton and Kamala Harris are... Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:28:34 They're holding... What is it, Tom? Are they holding a conference for like... They're holding a Clinton Global Initiative Summit on the international treatment of girls. Yeah. And women. Yeah. And women.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. Yeah. So this was Clinton's idea. And that's why he's involved. The only thing I can figure this out is this is another one of those mind control things. I mean, I mean, seriously. it's just how did no one tell him namely his wife this is a terrible idea or namely the vice president of the united well that's what i was gonna say coming kamala i mean like she has agreed to this listen i've been deprogrammed and i've been out of clinton
Starting point is 00:29:25 world for about eight years now but i'm curious if they if like this is as like patently insane to people as it is like it's probably particularly like sort of in the me too era like if this is just as insane to like normal liberals as it is to us. How does this man have a public life? And it's also as if he's just taunting people with that. Do you know what I mean? It is like... I was reminded recently. Monica Lewinsky was 22 years old right we
Starting point is 00:30:10 years ago like i i mean i just think about the 22 year olds in your life that you know and how scary like i wouldn't want any of them to be in a room with bill clinton you know it's just like i it's it's it's impossible to even describe in words how insane how just complete buffoonery just absolute fucking what'd you say tom mind control it is it's weird it's like it's almost like the literal equivalent of like uh glary gary glitter's summit on like uh child trafficking or some shit you know what i mean it's it is like just so fucking perverse it's just insane i mean this man was literally tied to epstein well not only that the guy has like a like very credible rape allegations from the 70s still like you know what i mean or maybe from the 80s rather
Starting point is 00:31:16 and he's not just some random guy he was the president he was the yeah he was the governor of arkansas when all that stuff went down but like i mean like even like listen let's say let's say let's just say that that that those allegations are trumped up or something like the man still is not like the mouthpiece to be talking about you know like the treatment of women you know what i mean He's talking about, you know, like the treatment of women. You know what I mean? Do they think this is a part of redeeming him?
Starting point is 00:31:51 Is this his redemption story? I think what it is, I think it's just like, I think what it, like, it's hard to articulate. But, like, when you're really in that sort of democratic, like, sort of mainstream of mainstream liberal machine like none of these people can do any wrong do you know what i mean like i know there's probably ardent clinton supporters that are like you know like you know those people like that pop up on twitter and it's like he was just getting a blow job that's between you know all that kind of shit and uh i think there's just some people that just cannot conceptualize of like like the president is above reproach i mean we saw this with like the trump impeachment like like they think holding a former president accountable sets a dangerous precedent for all the dominoes to fall you know what i mean yeah right and clinton just benefits from that you know yeah i remember
Starting point is 00:32:52 do you guys remember how people thought he was an absolute genius for convincing trump to run i mean people that gets lost people don't talk about the fact that he was literally the person that convinced trump to run in 2016 remember how people thought that that was genius i remember multiple people saying against hillary yeah i remember multiple people saying like he's the jedi master of politics like he's gonna get like creamed and it's just like but that just gets memory hold i don't remember i don't have any memory of that at all now listen just consider this sort of like barren like viral disease laden landscape that we find ourselves in now that we're all trying like futilely to carve out a little joy with the
Starting point is 00:33:38 news of the vaccine and everything this is the wages of clintonism all of this stuff this is the wages of Clintonism. All of this stuff. This is the complete abdication of doing any sort of meaningful politics and saying, well, the tech companies and stuff can take it from here on out. We'll just continue to run for office and get these donations and everything. But essentially, it's like the Zuckerbergs and the Bezoses and the Mark Cubans of the world
Starting point is 00:34:01 that are in charge now. You know, look where it's gotten us that's why they call him the that's an interesting thing it's why they call him like the jedi master paul you know it's like why people attribute that stuff to him because he was just in the right place at the right time you know i mean any president could have been the president in the 90s and they would have been heralded as the best president ever it's just like yeah if fucking uh joseph mingala would have been the president he would have been heralded as the best president ever. It's just like... Yeah, if fucking Joseph Mingala would have been the president, he would have been heralded as a fucking genius.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah. Yeah, it's exactly that. He just benefits from the fucking time. And then the other thing, too, about the Clinton thing... Man, I got so many embarrassing fucking Facebook statuses about Clinton's speech at the DNC. And I'm just like, man, I was really all in on that shit at one point.
Starting point is 00:34:51 It's like you just go and deconstruct it and it's just like there's just nothing there. It's just like vapid. It's just vapor. When you first moved back, you wore suits every day. I would still do that. I like wearing a suit. I thought that was your just your clinton era mindset well it was just anyway it's like
Starting point is 00:35:12 there but it's and it's like like you remember like the i miss bill shit oh my god and like it was so weird because it's like oh i remember it's like like and like culture man like culture is like i think gradually trying to make it like the early 2000s again which was a horrible time but like right now we're firmly like pining for the clinton 90s you know what i mean like we're not trying to make our own history anymore we're just like oh that felt good because we're so fucking seared from everything that's happened to us from these circumstances that we've inherited that we're just trying to go back to a time when things there was a narrative that made sense to us you know what i mean as a people or whatever free britney right yeah well um well let's you know let's pivot here there's uh all those issues but
Starting point is 00:36:11 there are solutions to those issues and more importantly there is hard-hitting commentary and analysis and i'm referring of course to the uh inimitable uh insightful words of gail collins and brett stevens in the pages of the new york times um we're have to have a setting for this one and i don't know uh i guess we could we could throw a couple out there um maybe this one could be set on the decks of that boat that's like currently wedged in the Suez canal. Um, you had a very funny tweet about that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Well, that's interesting because we just talked about the coast of Concordia a few weeks ago. And, uh, once again, it's just like, could you imagine fucking up on a scale, like a magnitude like that?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Like I beat myself up for, you know, just stupid things I've said or whatever. I mean, there's no coming back for that one, I guess, if it was me. Oh, man, no. The day I make a Costa Concordia error of mistakes, the day I check out of my own elect. Right. Could not live with myself. of my own elect right could not live with myself um so yeah let's let's set this one either on the deck of the of the suit of that boat or at the bottom of it where that tiny excavator is trying to dig it out okay i need some like jackhammer noise or something. Yeah, okay. I'll splice in an in-loader sound on the way in.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So, anyways, the many faces of post-Trump stress disorder. It seemed like everything was calming down until it wasn't. So, lights, camera, and action. Gail, before anything else, I know we're we're both as one in our sense of heartbreak and horror at the massacre in georgia and while it's not yet entirely clear what exactly motivated this brave perpetrator it has sparked an overdue recognition of anti-asian hate crimes oh absolutely brett as well as the wrenching regret that this is still a country where in many places anybody can walk down to the corner gun shop on a whim and buy a rapid fire weapon that
Starting point is 00:38:53 can kill multiple people in a matter of minutes i agree there too and the third thing we both agree on is that it's good to once again have a consoler in chief in the white house not to mention someone who doesn't stoke uh racial divisions like a certain former president i could mention yeah and i don't mean millard fillmore either i just want to pause there not to mention someone who doesn't stoke racial divisions okay this guy during the campaign was saying that the virus came from China and that we need Biden. Biden was saying this, that we need to be aggressive on China. He just this week had his own words quoted in a meme telling people from Haiti to stay there and don't come here. Yeah, he's not he's not stoking racial divisions.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Not at all. But yeah, I don't mean millard fillmore either anyways continue gail brett i've never been a big defender of millard fillmore but i do think you're mostly prejudiced against his name if he'd been christened say joshua fill, he'd have been just as bad a president, but less memorable. Little known fact, after his presidency ended in 1853, Fillmore, who had been a Whig, was the anti-immigrant know-nothing party's presidential nominee in 1856, and actually won Maryland's eight electoral college votes that year. Lesser known fact is Fillmore was out of the country at the time of the nomination, given the state of communications back then, supposedly knew nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So he was a know nothing, know nothing. But I'm sorry, go on. I wonder if there'll be more or less people naming their children Donald in the future. Oh, my God, this is going to be bad. Depends on the zip code gail if the numbers began with three or seven more if they start with oh one or nine i'm guessing that donald is going the way of miller top time out here so what the fuck i read that and i had to look that up because i was like what the fuck so this tells me several things this tells me first of all that
Starting point is 00:41:06 they don't obviously they don't record this in person they they probably send messages back and forth to each other on email because there's no way that brett could dial up in his mind the zip code map of this i i don't know maybe he can maybe he's that big of a fucking dweeb yeah but i yeah i had to look it up so three and seven are the zip codes for most of the south and texas oh one and nine are the northeast um new york area and the western the west coast so um wow anyways yeah i'm sure that wow i'm sure that the vast majority of kids in the south are gonna like people i mean maybe they'll start naming their kids donald i don't know anyways i i have a cousin and uncle both named donald's well they're ahead of the Don They're ahead of the curve
Starting point is 00:42:05 They're ahead of the curve yeah To get back to your point It is sort of amazing How much Joe Biden has turned out to be The perfect president for the moment But I have a vague memory That you're not a fan of his actual domestic agenda Someone once pointed out to me
Starting point is 00:42:24 That the American presidency combines the ceremonial role of the head of state and the political role of the head of government, unlike, say, in Britain where the queen is the former and the prime minister is the latter. I'm liking Joe a lot as head of state. He relates to human suffering, he shares the limelight, he speaks softly, and he isn't using social media
Starting point is 00:42:45 to pound himself into my headspace like a construction site jackhammer at seven in the morning and if you're a progressive he's getting a whole lot done trouble for me is i'm not a progressive which brings me to my objections to him as head of government well that's sort of why we converse although i really do enjoy the historical forays too wait wait obviously i i just need to jump in here that's an interesting thing i hadn't thought of that so it kind of just goes to show you not that you need to like psychoanalyze brett here or anything but it does give an insight into how these people arrive at politics it is purely through abstract reasoning like it's weird because he lays out these things
Starting point is 00:43:27 and says, if you're a progressive, you would like this, but I'm not a progressive. So, I mean, it goes to show you that their politics aren't based in any kind of real-world experience. They're quite literally just based in what they read in a book
Starting point is 00:43:40 and thought that that sounded good. And so, I mean, Brett's not the only one, obviously. There are a lot of people in the world like this, you know, namely people who, like, go to college and decide they're experts of, like, Chile or something and then angle their way into, like, a pundit. You know, you get what I'm saying. It's just an interesting thing. Anyways, I'm sorry for cutting you off, Gail.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, she's getting, she's about to get sassy. Obviously, I'm a fan of Biden's plan. The big infusion of money to jumpstart the economy and support the antivirus program has such widespread national support. Is that your big problem? Or the aid to the states and localities? Help for victims of domestic abuse i know i'm trying to tilt the argument here i love when liberals get a little feisty they always like try to cool it at the end also i before i read this okay let me read this first then i want to
Starting point is 00:44:40 circle back and make an aside an editor's note okayail, did you ever see the 1980s remake of Brewster's Millions? I feel like Brett has echoed Brewster's Millions more than once in this column. Like, I remember bringing up Brewster's Millions, and not because I love Brewster's Millions, but, like, I seem to remember, like, him talking about this. Yeah. You're a little one-note, Brett. Richard Pry prior plays a minor league baseball player who learns that he stands to inherit 300 million dollars provided
Starting point is 00:45:11 he can spend 30 million in 30 days and not just buy giving it away or buying fancy assets turns out it's not so easy to do what a fucking idiot dude what was your editor's note to this? Or was it Brewster's Millions? I just think that, like, I was just saying that Brad has definitely brought up Brewster's Millions in this column before. Yeah. You know, just to rewind a second to when Gail was getting sassy. She said, the big infusion of money to jumpstart the economy and support the antivirus program. Like, I don't know why when you said that, program like as i don't know why when you said that gail i don't know why when you said that it brought like the darkest vibes on me that just
Starting point is 00:45:53 immediately connected mentally to the mind state that i was in on uh tuesday night when i was having a fever dream and i think the reason why is because they i don't know how to articulate this it's like there is such a darkness at the heart of this country and to think to imagine that it can act benevolently is really what ignited my suspicion because i've not had any evidence in my entire life that this government acts benevolently to its people. It's only acted abusively and in harm and violence. And so the idea that they would help us, I think that's where the paranoia came from. And so hearing Gail say that, it just, I don't know, it just put it into stark relief for me.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Does that make any sense? Yeah, no, I think absolutely it does. I think, yeah, no no i think that makes sense it's it's kind of like when it i don't know it's like if you have a friend who bullies you all the time and then suddenly it's like offering you offering to give you his like lunch money or something you would be like what what's what's what's going on yeah what's going on here you know what i mean like that's kind of why i felt so particularly sort of dark and paranoid about it it's just like wait you're not doing this to help me i mean obviously you could say it's done for profit which is ultimately what is going on here but right um anyways once again i
Starting point is 00:47:24 keep cutting off gail because I'm sexist. I apologize. Go on, Gail. We're trying to silence women's voices on this program. Brad, I always thought of myself as pretty well-versed in pop culture, but every week you have a TV show or old movie that I've never met. I am, as always, in awe. That's only because I don't read books, gal.
Starting point is 00:47:46 The old humble. I know that routine. I fancy myself a learned guy, so I'm just going to act like a dumb guy. Right, right. But I have a feeling you believe Brewster has a moral. I do. Congress passed a $900 billion stimulus in December. Does anyone even remember that anymore or really know how the money was spent?
Starting point is 00:48:12 Now we have another $1.9 trillion in stimulus, meaning Biden has to spend several billion dollars a day for the rest of the year, and that's on top of the normal federal budget. Even the $1,400 stimulus checks he's sending out to most families in the country only gets him to about $400 billion. This might make some sense in the face of another year's worth of a pandemic, but assuming the vaccines work, we're spinning into an economic boom, which means it's totally unnecessary, hugely wasteful, and probably inflationary. I know Democrats think this is like a big political
Starting point is 00:48:46 winner for them since nobody ever says no to free money but that's a subject we should revisit in about a year when the cost of living shoots up and people start realizing that free money ultimately means increasingly worthless money editor's note trump did trump gave people more money and that didn't cause like any sort of weird inflation thing because all this shit is made up anyway yeah dude i hate i hate economic wonks worse than anything because they talk so definitively about something we all know is bullshit yeah but like only they know though only they know how the real gears of the economy turn. We have a fucking cotton industry that we just artificially prop up.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Cotton farmers can't sell anything in this fucking country. Right. Friend of the show and listener, John, J.P. Tormey. I don't know if you guys know him.'s written for the baffler before good guy yeah yeah um he said he had a good tweet about this the other he said always remember when any ancient dc psycho is screeching to the heavens about inflation that terror is based on a time when workers through low unemployment and high union density started to eat into the real profit margins of capital and yeah and so that's what you it's what you're talking about tom it's just like this wonk shit that is just a weapon against uh working class
Starting point is 00:50:11 uh politics right right in the same way automation like they threaten automation right right all that shit yeah it's wild though to see this breakdown that 400 billion was the money directly to people out of 1.9 trillion right imagine if we had split a trillion or two trillion dollars among everybody right right i just i like gail though you always you always have a movie i've never it's just like bruce's millions is a pretty popular movie and she's like 60 years old like anyways well i don't have a good movie reference to use as a comeback although i could make one up remember the comedy when tom hanks had to spend two hundred thousand dollars a day without letting anybody in the family know he had any money i seem to remember that hanks was in a film called the money pit which is about an epic fixer-upper of a house but maybe it really was an allegory about the federal budget
Starting point is 00:51:15 you always win pop culture wise she is so fucking stupid i love that movie but about inflation the fed can take care of pressing problems and a wholesome tax hike on the ridge would help balance the budget where's paul volcker when you need him oh my god who's that he was the old fed chairman right yeah? Yeah. Under, who was he under? Carter. Clinton? Carter? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just saying that the people in Washington who beat their chest about red ink are Republicans who keep cutting taxes on people who can well afford to pay.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, we will be in agreement into eternity about the fiscal hypocrisy of the GOP. But let's switch tack to another kind of hypocrisy looks to me like andrew cuomo was going out he's going to brazen it out as governor despite yet another woman coming forward with allegations of improper behavior something tells me that if he succeeds the hashtag me too movement will basically be dead your thoughts this is a fascinating answer uh gail so uh but strapping your bootstraps everybody oh god no no no no no no no you can't call a movement dead when it's transformed the american workplace what before me too male supervisors often felt they had their eye to put the moves on the women whose careers they basically controlled.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Some imagined their co-workers were eager to be kissed on the cab ride home from an office party, flattered to be propositioned, amused to be swatted on the rear end when they walked to the copy machine. I just, editor's note, so I obviously don't know what it is like to be a woman working in fast food, for example. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Me Too movement did not transform the American workplace in service industries, for example, retail. I mean, I don't doubt that it probably did for some of the professional careers oh yeah because this I mean like the H only non-profits only places
Starting point is 00:53:34 with HR departments where they're like hey we actually can't do this anymore because there's something there's like an online thing called the me too movie right but there are women probably still sexually harassed out the ass and serviced, like, low-wage workers, you know what I mean? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Because they're disposable. Absolutely. But it goes to show you what Gail's perspective is. Like, those are the only jobs that she sees as valuable. Like, professional, white-collar careers. Like, you know what I mean? Right. Like, you work at a large media company or something.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But even then, I then she's probably i think she's probably being a little too rosy you know what i mean like a little too i don't know just being a little too generous about yeah about the effectiveness of it but then again i don't know that's not my lived experience and let's just circle back around to uh bill clinton is holding a global summit yeah the treatment of girls. Literally. Also love that her examples here are all literal, like, scenes from The Office. Right. You know, this is just, like, ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Right. Anyway. Swatted on the rear end while walking to the copy machine. Really, Gail? Right. swatted on the rear end while walking to the coffee machine really gail right like does do offices even still use coffee machines i mean i don't work in an office anymore but no one's been in an office in a year uh oh agreed completely and all of it is obviously wrong what i mean is the politics of it if this had happened to cuomo at the time the harvey weinstein scandal broke i don't think the governor would have survived it now it seems he will his career is over i'm sorry he didn't resign but he's done
Starting point is 00:55:20 if he ever tries to run for something again he'll go through a hellfire of humiliation, followed by defeat. Feel free to remind me of this in the future. As you know, I disliked Cuomo from forever, and none of the revelations surprised me. But even now, I wouldn't entirely rule out a fourth Cuomo term.
Starting point is 00:55:40 The lesson of recent politics seems to be that the scandals rarely break a politician, and voters often admire shameless polls who never apologize or back down. He's not wrong. Is that you, Tonya, or Gil? Well, I have long contended that people vote for the person they think will accomplish what they want done, never mind the morals. Jefferson, Jackson, Grover Cleveland all got elected despite scandals in their private lives. Cuomo, I hate saying his name, I can't say it right, openly lived with Sandra Lee, a celebrity chef, for most of the time he was governor.
Starting point is 00:56:23 But grabbing powerless women in your administration is going too far wait i gotta interject here what this is an interesting thing you know i would i would say gail is probably one of the liberals who was absolutely blown away by trump's nomination and i'm not absolving myself here i was myself was pretty shocked about it but the reason why they were shocked about it was because of you know how crass he is there was the pussy grabbing tape and all that but what she just says here she says i have long contended that people vote for the person they think will accomplish what they want done never mind the morals so basically what she's saying is
Starting point is 00:57:02 she's saying that she understands why Trump was elected, but she doesn't actually think that. Does that make sense? She was either she's lying or she was just feigning outrage the whole time. Right, right. That's kind of a dumb point, but it's just interesting, I guess. You know, I truly hope so, too. And maybe I'm still traumatized by a certain former president I mentioned earlier
Starting point is 00:57:26 who also just bulldozed his way through a nominee. Post-Trump stress disorder should be a disdiagnosed medical condition. I wonder if those of us who suffer from it might be entitled to some relief if in that giant stimulus package we were arguing about she typed he he i guess a still traumatized conservatives rescue program let's see if congress can come up with anything that interesting cue Cue the laugh track. Cue the sign. Give it up for Brett and Gail. The boat is still stuck in the canal, by the way.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Smattering of applause. The Suez Canal is still blocked. 12% of global trade has been halted because of these two. Oh, shit. Oh, my gosh. Oh, god damn. I am starving. Too much coffee this morning, my friends.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Too much coffee. Well, I mean, we can save speaker pieces for the Patreon this weekend. There's a lot of them. I will say this. If you want a reason to sign up for Patreon, the speaker pieces this week were perhaps the horniest I've seen them in a long time. Like, speaker piece goes through waves, you know?
Starting point is 00:58:59 There's like a lot of subtweeting where people are like like i'm gonna fucking kill you and then there's a lot of um you know political stuff where uh you know people trade shots at one another but then there's like every now and then like a wave of horniness and my only explanation for that is that it's easter coming up yeah it's spring it's it's a very fertile time yeah very horny very horny time this is the first yeah it's the first uh issue of spring this week i couldn't be less horny yeah yeah i have no interest in other humans at this point anyway that's why i was like doc i need off the zoloft and she was like no you don't trust me i was thinking about increasing your dose actually That's why I was like, Doc, I need off the Zoloft. And she was like, no, you don't. Trust me. I was thinking about increasing your dose, actually. She gave me the age old, like Terrence said, just keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 00:59:53 That's what she told me. All right. Yeah, that is one side effect of Zoloft. You will have zero libido if you're on the kind of doses that i'm on anyways yeah well i mean i i was on like a very low dose because it was for my pmdd from my like basically my pms and but then when just shit hit the fan in the fall and i finally lost all grip on reality i literally emailed her and said i need you to double my dosage and just did it. I didn't even have an appointment. Like, you need to call in a double dose.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I'm fucked up. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that checks out. It tracks. Is Easter, Easter's not this coming Sunday. It's next. It's the first weekend in April. Well, he's not risen yet.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Not yet. Not on Zoloft, he won't. Good one, Gail. Still got it. You still got it. Still got it. Winning that pop culture zing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Okay. All right. Well, anyways, hopefully that's an inducement to sign up for the patreon but if you need any more reason um plenty of content over there we put out we unlocked an episode just this past week um that i thought was pretty good deal um and i am i'm on four podcasts this weekend wow yeah look at you little pod queen well two of them are ours two are two episodes of course and then i'm on into the abyss get today check that out it's fun and then i have my um my patreon episode drops on sunday on the full moon so happy full moon everybody that's right um and uh just to set the record straight currently uh
Starting point is 01:02:01 amazon twitter account is going around telling people that workers don't pee in bottles in Amazon factories. You love to see it. But they definitely do. Literally, who gave them the green light to start tweeting, to start replying
Starting point is 01:02:18 on Twitter? And how in the fuck was that their first chime in? It was about piss bottles. And the one guy's going after bernie on there it's like man bernie's got a lot of desperate people that do a lot of desperate things for him and nobody likes amazon right um somebody pointed out that it might have been paul blessed i can't remember but like isn't rare very rarely have we seen amazon it's just like publicly as just whiny and pathetic as we have over the last week or so over this union yes yeah um
Starting point is 01:02:54 so fuck amazon support the union um all right anyways uh go check out the patreon thanks for listening everybody and uh have a good rest your week peace out

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