Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 203: Age/Sex/Launch Codes

Episode Date: June 18, 2021

This one we talk about the DSA cop at the Capitol riot, the Biden-Putin cybersex summit, American holidays, the world of polling, nonprofits, and NGO's, and finally Speak Your Piece Support us on Pat...reon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ever since they've started with those recording warnings it always takes me back to police interrogation I endured when I was about 10 I busted the windshield out of a old Datsun there's just no dots a car that was had been sitting down by the park you know for several months and I figured well nobody want this so I took a bottle of Boone's Farm I found in the park and just, I don't know why, I just, I just sucked my dead. And then they took me in and told me why that was not appropriate. And what, why, what did, did they record your interrogation?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Well, no, the, the Dotson belonged to Timbo Reed, who despite being 5'4", was one of the most physically imposing men I've ever met in my life. Wait, imposing at like 5'4", you mean he was just like built? He just cocked diesel. He was just like one of those guys that all the guys wanted to be him and all the girls wanted to be with him. You know what I mean? At 5'4"?
Starting point is 00:01:06 At 5'4", like one of the OG short kings. Hell yeah. Also, he was just a very good athlete and very mean. You know what I mean? Small,
Starting point is 00:01:15 but wiry. Anyway, I dip, ducked, and dodged him for months and it came to a head one time and he taught me a lesson. He didn't hit me though, so that was nice.
Starting point is 00:01:26 He taught you a lesson without hitting you? Yeah, about going around busting people's windshields out with Boone's Farm bottles. It was my earliest introduction to juvenile delinquency. Oh, shit. Yeah, my earliest introduction to juvenile delinquency was me and two friends peed in a styrofoam cup and put it at his neighbor's doorstop. Or in his friend's door.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Classic. Yeah, and so we rang the doorbell and ran, and when she opened it, it spilled out all over the porch. And to this day, I still feel terrible about it. If I ever run into her, I'll apologize. Hey, maybe you didn't know this, but that was my piss in that cup that time. Just some neighborhood boys being bad. She's like, oh, oh i know i saved it and then out trots three kids that look exactly like me i had you i had you blown from your piss i used to think that's dude this is funny i used to think that's why when i was growing up i was
Starting point is 00:02:41 like why do my brothers look like me i was like surely the only explanation is my parents get in the toilet after i pee and collect a piss sample just a just a dumb fucking kid just a total ignoramus surely what happens well it's funny because like that is like a heady concept but you've skipped right over the most logical thing just because you didn't know anything about sex that is yeah that is hilarious what it it revealed that i had an understanding of genetics but had no understanding like didn't even have no... No concept whatsoever of sex. Yeah, it's not really that you were a dumbass.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It's just that there's just one glaring hole in your knowledge. That's just like being a kid, though, man. I mean, kids are dumb as hell. Yeah. I was a dumbass kid. Imagine that. Sad to leave the dumb shit. Imagine that.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I'm a dumbass adult, so you can imagine what I was like when my head my brain was the size of a walnut that's true my sister told me that uh told me that it was biologically impossible for women to fart and i believed this for like like i don't know like 12 13 years of my life until like literally i know this sounds ridiculous until literally i had like a girlfriend like uh i think it was like like maybe in i don't know it wasn't in middle maybe in like middle school um who farted when we were together and like i know this sounds ridiculous man i. I feel embarrassed, like, saying this. This is one of my darkest, deepest secrets I tell nobody. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I don't know if I wasn't paying attention to biology or anything like that, man. But, yeah, I thought it was impossible. And when I told my sister, she, like, laughed so hard, man. I had a similar thing where I was an embarrassing age when I realized girls did not pee out of their butts. Because I just always saw girls sit down to pee, and I thought, well, maybe they do two things out of their butt. Instead of just one. I was not aware of vaginas, I guess, probably at that age. I was like, well, I only sit down to do one thing but i you know i
Starting point is 00:05:06 hear a stream that's weird girls pee on their butts okay makes sense yeah well speaking of mysteries that will never be solved um i i don't know i over the last 24 minutes, I was going to say 24 hours, but it was really just in the half hour leading up to this show, I've really been trying to figure out who the fuck this Michael Fanone guy is. He's the D.C. police officer who was, you know, tased in january 6th storming of the capitol he was tased and had a slight heart attack um he's he's like in the news this week because apparently georgia representative andrew clyde refused to shake his hand um he he did like which which state georgia okay he did the um in the like the liberal conception of this the liberal narrative like finone which is a great last name for a cop very similar to fatante that's what i was thinking i was like is this the dsa cop dsa cop showed up at the january 6th capitol and honestly
Starting point is 00:06:28 have we ever have we seen finon and fey tante in the same room again think about it um could be the same guy yeah uh yeah so in the liberal conception of this finonone has become Jesus Christ, and Andrew Clyde has become, what, I guess, I guess he'd be Peter. He denied him. He basically, what he did, he, um, actually, this works out, because, um, so when this story was going around, all the stories had Fanone on the cover, or on the front of the stories, and I was like, that's not the cop. Surely that's Andrew Clyde. Because it's like, he's this good-looking middle-aged dude. I mean, I think he's pretty handsome,
Starting point is 00:07:10 especially for like a police officer. Cops usually either look like the Walmart brand of a hot guy. You know what I mean? Kind of like a porn star look. You know what I mean? Kind of like a porn star. You know what I mean? Yeah. Or, or they look like,
Starting point is 00:07:31 or they're, they're neck meat. The back of their neck looks like that of a Sharpay dog. They look like fucking thumbs, man. Yeah. Really? They do.
Starting point is 00:07:39 They kind of look like thumbs. Like spy kids. You know what I mean? Like if you guys ever see that, those big thumb thing. Yeah. That's literally what cops look like or either exactly as you said like uh ridiculously handsome porn stars right yeah he's he's kind of handsome um he's got like a spider web tattoo on his neck the man's got a neck tattoo which is another thing that i thought was very interesting um and uh and so yeah so i guess in the liberal conception is this would actually work with him being jesus because technically
Starting point is 00:08:13 a guy like andrew clyde who is a republican um would be you know exalt you know exalting him worshiping him because he's a cop but obviously obviously, you know, they don't, uh, they don't see him as a one of their own. And, um, apparently what happened was I guess Fanone was in DC meeting with lawmakers around this January 6th commission and, um, went to shake Andrew Clyde's hand, and I guess he just looked away and looked at his phone. Yeah, he pulled his hand away and then wiped his hand through his hair.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Too slow. Gotcha. Psych. Psych. And Fanon has been making the rounds. He's been on every goddamn tv show where i'm going with this is this dude is very sus i think this dude is pretty sus like he looks us i just looked up a picture of him and you don't imagine terrence you said that when they uh when you look at articles they showed pictures of who i thought was the representative
Starting point is 00:09:22 yes but actually andrew clive looks like he would be a fucking cop like yeah he looks very weathered exactly to put it kindly yeah right like this dude looks like he would be a q anon representative from georgia like the cop does like the roles are very yeah the roles are very uh they're flipped yeah it's so the dude is very sus and let me put let me put together a short case for why um so uh first of all eric swalwell is actually the person who tweeted about this first which is really funny um he tweeted about uh he said representative Eric Swalwell said that you'll recall that he was one of like 30 people who ran in the Democratic primary
Starting point is 00:10:10 in 2020 said that DC police officer Michael Fanone ran into Clyde at the Capitol on Wednesday introduced himself as someone who fought to defend the Capitol and put out his hand Clyde refused to shake it to honor Trump House Republicans will dishonor the police.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I love... Man, you know what? I love that liberals have gone, like, so... Like, I guess they've never, like, really disowned the police. They've just always been, like, hollering about reform and defund and all the usual calls.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And not that I'm against that in principle. I just don't think it's going to avail much. But I like that now they're just bootlickers because they think trump's a uniquely heinous historical figure yeah yeah yeah i mean go ahead here no i want to say too i think like what they don't understand is that uh like the way that i guess like the republican party or just like the right has like shifted so like drastically like these people don't support the police because they think that the police are like shifted so like drastically like they these people don't support the police because they think that the police are like a hindrance to like the world goals that they want you know they don't think the cops are actually going hard enough on people you know
Starting point is 00:11:34 so i think like on january 6th uh i remember reading uh there were these q anon protesters and whatnot all these uh also militia groups and shit that were basically shouting at the cops like hey you're supposed to be on our side you know we were with you and now you're like look at what you're doing you know what i mean right so i think lives like kind of don't they don't get that man it's troubling but yeah um they've definitely latched onto him as, you know, a hero, obviously. Like, well, I'll get to this in a minute, but let me just point something out here. You know, so like I said, in the last couple months,
Starting point is 00:12:17 Fanon has kind of become this media figure. In the same way that I was talking with a friend about this the other night, it's very fascinating now how um it's been accelerated in the last 10 years i want to say really probably since like joe the plumber but it's fascinating since it's fascinating how a regular american or you know just a regular person can become sort of fetishized or commodified into this sort of like meme or other thing commodity so like the best example in my in my mind is the covcath kid remember the covcath kid the one that was taunting the the elder nathan phillips yeah
Starting point is 00:13:01 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you know and they can go on to like have a good pretty you know pretty good like grift and media career um as you know i'm sure the cub cath kid has now been put into like a heritage foundation you know vat somewhere and they're pumping them full of steroids to get them you know to be the next to run for uh senator from northern kentucky let me pause it one more dance to you we're talking about mean like people that become memes and then go on to sell high heights look no further than the president of the united states joseph robinette biden yo yeah he's never there's i don't know if there's any human alive that's been mean more than him you know what i mean right and myth-making about his like you know his friendship with
Starting point is 00:13:53 barack obama his black friend yeah right you know and it's interesting because like hillary couldn't escape like any of that like kind of myth-making like trying to reinvent herself or i guess like uh you know like kind of earn trust you know like she didn't really do a good job and i think the republicans for 30 years like attacking the clintons but joe biden's like this dude's been like what would it have as long as it's been like 50 years since he's been like in congress yeah just sent into congress man and it's like he's done horrible fucking shit but like you know it's just amazing how i mean i guess because of the circumstances how dire it was you know to get trump out of office but like how fucking bad this guy was man and it all just kind of got ignored you know and swept under the rug didn't
Starting point is 00:14:41 biden and this is telling how long he's been in office but i think biden did the same thing for congress that some people from like eastern kentucky used to do to like join the military lie about their age like like don't didn't you have to be like 30 or something he like got elected when he was like 28 but lied about his age or something or maybe or maybe they just like made an exception for some reason a couple months or something i think uh this sounds familiar i'm not sure anyway long goddamn time yeah um well i think that finon has a promising future as a media figure uh he has definitely come out uh like i said spoken out on multiple occasions against politicians who have sought to rewrite history and deny facts about the brutal events
Starting point is 00:15:28 he experienced that day. It's been very difficult seeing elected officials whitewash the events that day or downplay what happened, he said in April. And this is the kicker. I experienced the most brutal, savage hand-to-hand combat of my entire
Starting point is 00:15:44 life, let alone my policing career, which spans almost two decades. Oh, boy. I mean, he endured the most harrowing hand-to-hand combat experience of his life with a guy that dressed in l corns and painted himself blue and then like a couple of like holler grandmothers yeah this this is how sociopathic these people are man like you know like it's like this this this crusade you know that these people have over 20 years he's saying this is the most violent, you know, hand-to-hand combat. It's like, dude, you're, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Like, they're itching for a fight, you know. They look forward to the violence, you know. Well, I looked it up. So CNN published the body cam footage of his body cam. And it is kind of like, all right, I guess I would probably be shitting my pants. But at the same time, it's really not any more insane than being... So when I was like 20 years old, I went to like a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. You just watching Flea going...
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah. And I remember feeling like panicked as fuck like if there was a stampede or something like uh you know there's so many people around for you know what looks like miles um and uh and i remember feeling pretty panicked about that um but if you've ever been like in a mosh pit at a big show like that like what his body cam shows is no more insane than that with the exception that apparently one of these guys had a taser and just kept tasing him um but yeah i mean i still can't get over the mental image of young terrence at goddamn red hot chili peppers which tour was it it was um it was lollapalooza actually in chicago
Starting point is 00:17:53 was this the summer that uh uh beavis and butthead do america came out and they had the cover of roller coaster of love by ohio players on there That might have been a little before my time. I think I was still in middle school when that happened. Yeah, I mean, no. I mean, I guess I could see how, to some people, yeah, it would be the most insane hand-to-hand combat. But I don't know. There's just a few things about this guy
Starting point is 00:18:26 that I just don't understand. Probably the weirdest thing about him is that he joined the D.C. Metropolitan Police after 9-11. He said it was the reason he joined, but he became a narcotics officer. So he's been a narcotics officer for like 20 years, usually like a plainclothes officer,
Starting point is 00:18:46 and was just like on the steps that day. I don't know, man. It's just, I mean, granted, I think that probably what's happening here is that he's just a guy that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and the liberal media has, like I said, latched onto him and turned him into this godlike speaker but i don't know man i just he's the solely
Starting point is 00:19:14 sullen berger of uh of cops pretty much yeah are liberals are using like are they using him as kind of like an example of how far gone the Republican Party is? You know what I mean? Especially with Andrew Clyde, I guess that's their point. Kind of use him as his prop to say the Republicans don't even support the police anymore. While also paying lip service to the BLM movement. That's basically what swalwell was saying you know he said they would rather serve trump than the police it's just like dude this is how low it's gotten this is how bad it's also why you were dead in the water in your presidential run
Starting point is 00:19:57 about two weeks in among other reasons yeah i think well again, the craziest thing that this guy's past is also that he ran for national leadership with DSA in 2016. That's not being talked about enough. Yeah, you're right. What was he trying to accomplish there? It makes you wonder. Man. It makes you wonder. What a time.
Starting point is 00:20:29 man it makes you wonder what a time yeah the body cam footage is pretty interesting because um yeah well there is apparently some dude there that just keeps tasing him i think he got tased like five times there is there was the vast majority of people were like we're better than this protect him you know and then they eventually did form like a cordon around him and escorted him back to where the police were at. So it's like, I mean, in the aggregate, most of these fucking chuds, they still obviously, like, love him. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I don't know. Well, yeah. Well, anyways, I don't know. It's an interesting thing. I had a few things I wanted to talk about today, other than the January 6th hot cop. And maybe the best place to start would be the Putin-Biden summit this week. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 This is the first time they've met, right? Since he's been elected. Yeah, it is. I mean, there was like a really good quote that came out of it, I thought. From Biden. Or, I'm sorry, not from Biden, from Putin. I'm trying to find it real quick. It was, uh, I thought it, I thought it lined up pretty well. He said through his interpreter, there is no happiness in life. There is only a mirage on the horizon. So cherish that. um obviously joe biden is homosexual uh also death is the ultimate adventure
Starting point is 00:22:11 death is the ultimate adventure man you know there's a few things to kind of tease out from from this meeting um i think the the large sort of part of it the biggest part of it was over like cyber weapons and stuff like there's a big article in the new york times said once superpower summits were about nukes now it's cyber weapons um and so i think that that's like mostly what they talked about it was like mostly about the hacking stuff um and biden biden's talking about cyber weapons and hacking stuff i mean i'm sure he has you know you know he has his uh his aides and you know people that you know he's appointed and shit but it's just it's just funny knowing that he has no idea probably how any i mean i
Starting point is 00:23:02 don't have any idea how any of that shit works. Yeah, well, he was talking about cybering. He was like, we've got to stop Americans from cybering with Russia having cyber sex. It was around, man, it used to be around the clock ASL and what are you doing? You up? and uh what are you doing you up now it's uh it used to be around the clock sex in these gay bathhouses now it's around the clock these kids are hanging out in the chat rooms around the clock saying asl question mark come on man come on yeah it's funny i was just i mean not intentionally but just because uh the uk npr station is like just my default on the radio i got in the car and and biden's like giving like
Starting point is 00:24:00 his post game on it and he's like well I told him our American values would not be compromised. You know what he's doing? I was like, motherfucker, nobody talks like that. I know good and fucking well you didn't sit down in this meeting with Vladimir Putin and just start tough talking him with the same platitudes that you give.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Maybe he does. Maybe Joe Biden's that goddamn stupid. I don't know. I'd like to know for real what's going on. I want Biden to come out and just be like, well, we talked about Miss USA 1974
Starting point is 00:24:36 and what a leg she had on her. That kind of stuff. There's got to be some kind of locker room talk before they get into the pressing issue absolutely you know without a doubt um it's like putin's like yeah i took down this fine red bomb the other day yeah you know what i mean it's just like something you know what i mean she had fat she had an ass on her that wouldn't quit. They just ain't jumping right in there
Starting point is 00:25:05 talking about cyber security. They gotta break the ice for us. Yeah. Well, I like this part from the New York Times article. In the nuclear age, America knew where every Soviet weapon was located and who had the authority to fire them.
Starting point is 00:25:21 In the cyber age, there is no way to count the threats or even figure out who has their finger on the keyboard the modern day quote-unquote button a general hackers working for the svr the premier russian intelligence agency other hackers freelancing for a ransomware service provider like dark side which was responsible for the attack on the company that ran the colonial pipeline or teenagers in nuclear age, it was abundantly clear what would happen to a country that unleashed its weapons on the United States. In the cyber age, it is anything but clear.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Okay. Okay. Let's just rewind there and talk about the big bad United States and their response to nuclear stalemate. It was clear what was going to happen. I think Khrushchev was quoted as saying that if the u.s wants war we'll see them in hell and like kennedy was like oh god anything
Starting point is 00:26:13 you know what i mean oh no like i'm just i'm sick of us just talking like we're badasses when historically we've like tucked our tail between our legs. Always. Every single fucking time, yeah. Yeah. You're absolutely right. Just time and time again having our bluff called and just... Listen, if a man says that he'll see you in hell, that's... You don't want anything to do with that type of cat. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:41 You don't want no problem with that. You don't want to place that bad man. Yeah. It's a man with nothing to lose yeah well I mean so you know as I was looking into this story a little bit I kind of went back I was reading these two things at the same time
Starting point is 00:26:59 but you know how like on the Patreon episode this past weekend we read from the Atlantic's wonderful segment section called Ideas? Their Ideas section? Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's an amazing article in the Ideas bin that, you know, which we should probably start making a habit of reading more.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I'll just throw in a bunch of ideas and we can pull from a hat. But there was an amazing article in there from March 2021, so a couple months ago, from Ann Applebaum. Do you know who Ann Applebaum is? Ann Applebaum. She wrote a book. I had to read it in college. It won a Pulitzer, I think um about the gulag system in the soviet union um okay yeah she's kind of like timothy snyder like she's kind of one of
Starting point is 00:27:52 these uh probably an intelligence asset like probably literally works for the state department or the cia in some way she's a propagandist she's a cop made some money like demystifying some of that stuff or whatever exactly she's a propagandist for empire um but uh she she she wrote this article um the science of making americans hurt their own country a new report lays bare why russian disinformation succeeds um i just want to read this because this is wait can you can you read that title what was the title again the title was the science of making americans hurt their own country we're self-harming we are self-harming as a nation we are self-harming the people are the oh my god oh boy jesus man all right um okay I mean, just the title alone, I was like, oh, I gotta
Starting point is 00:28:45 dine out on this. We gotta see what's going on here. I'm gonna take a bite out of this shit, yeah. I looked into this, um, I just wanna read a section from this, because it's one of the most unhinged, like, you know, really in the past two or three years, I
Starting point is 00:29:01 I've really struggled with uh, with paranoia, with the idea that you may never know the ultimate truth to some of these larger processes going on around you at all times, that there are forces at work that not only can you probably never get a glimpse of, but you don't even know what you don't know. You know, it's the unknown unknowns, as Rumsfeld once said. Even the more you know, the more you don't know. Yeah. And so, you know, you can easily kind of go down rabbit holes where you start to just feel completely insane and paranoid and just
Starting point is 00:29:45 conspiratorial yeah you're talking about my like 3 a.m yes exactly exactly um well what i'm going to read right now honestly puts any kind of paranoid conspiratorial thought i've had in the last two or three years or so just just completely dwarfs it makes it seem like fucking Dr. Seuss or something this is from her article for decades now Russian security services have studied a concept called reflexive control the science of how to get your enemies to make mistakes to be successful practitioners must first analyze their opponents deeply to understand where they get their information and why they trust it. Then they need to find ways of playing with those trusted sources in order to insert errors and mistakes. This way of thinking has huge implications for the military.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Consider how a piece of incorrect information might get a general to make a mistake. But it works in politics too. The Russian security services have now studied us and worked out that large numbers of Americans, not only Fox News pundits and OANN broadcasters, but also members of Congress, are very happy to accept sensational information, however tainted, from any source that happens to provide it. As long as it suits their partisan frames and as long as it can be used against their opponents, they don't care who invented it or for what purpose. their opponents. They don't care who invented it or for what purpose. As a result, supplying an edited audio tape or a piece of false evidence to one of the bottom feeders of the information ecosystem is incredibly easy. After that, others will ensure that it rises up the food chain. Russian disinformation doesn't succeed thanks to the genius of Russians. It succeeds thanks to the sharp partisanship of Americans. And this is the best part. This is the money shot.
Starting point is 00:31:24 thanks to the sharp partisanship of americans and this is the best part this is the money shot russian disinformation works because americans allow it to work and because those same americans don't care anymore about the harm they do to their country i mean the thing that i've never quite understood there's so many contradictions in the whole russia thing the whole russiagate thing but the thing i've never understood is that the people pushing it the hardest are obviously some of the biggest patriots but it makes us look like the weakest most you know inept it goes back to what we were talking about with the havana syndrome thing it's like they attribute to our enemies a strength that like and they don't even do the um the thing that i feel like they did with uh the taliban and al-qaeda and stuff where they would simultaneously say they're stronger than
Starting point is 00:32:10 they've ever been and but they're also very weak they don't even attribute the weakness to russia in this conception of things russia is the most powerful technologically sophisticated and also psychologically just like manipulative like they're just constantly like gaslighting Americans. They've got to eat on us. They live in our heads. Like, and I just don't understand. Making us look like huge pussies. Basically, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah. I'm watching Mad Men at Terrence's behest, and it's like the Russians are Don Draper and we're Pete Campbell. Yeah. You know what I mean? Pretty much, yes. Just sniveling little rich kid that thinks that, you know, just because we have the gold that we can, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:56 that makes us adapt to things for some reason. Yeah. I mean, it's also. Go ahead, Aaron. It's also like she's kind of like circling around but not really addressing the issue of like why is it that so many americans why is america so like partisan right now you know so hyper partisan like why is it that like americans would like want to hurt this country you know and hate it you know what i mean like she assumes like it's
Starting point is 00:33:20 like no america's perfect it's fine you know and it's it's it's uh it's like yeah no, America's perfect. It's fine, you know? And it's like, yeah, man, I think the Russians are pretty fucking, I wouldn't say genius. You don't have to be a genius to use your opponent's weaknesses against them. But, I mean, what the fuck are we doing, you know? Yeah. Like, we have our tail between our legs, you know what I mean? Well, it makes me wonder. I mean, obviously, I don't have a fucking stake in this.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I don't give a shit. Yeah, I don't give a shit either. I mean obviously I don't have a fucking stake in this I don't give a shit but it makes me wonder in the history of civilizations has a great and I don't mean great like in a positive sense I mean great
Starting point is 00:33:54 in terms of scale and power and influence has a great superpower ever gone down due to it's own neuroses just due to complete almost unfounded paranoia because that's what this is this is to its own neuroses? Just due to complete, almost unfounded paranoia? Because that's what this is. This is just constant neuroses.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Just like, I don't know, looking through the blinds at 3am just like the fucking Russians. It's not even Cold War shit. You know what I mean? I think after the Cold War, we didn't really
Starting point is 00:34:26 have an enemy to fight you know for a little bit we tried to like you know uh go into the middle east you know and paint these islamic extremist terrorists and like now like with the contradictions like widening and the material conditions worsening like i mean we're like literally like cracking at the seams you know like it's all coming it seems to be that it's all just coming from like you know within rather than without. And we have nobody else to turn to and blame. So this is why Biden has to talk about divisions and healing, healing the divide in our country. Because even they have to acknowledge it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, I think you're right. Honestly, I think anybody should be viewing this as a sign of extreme weakness. you should i think anybody should be viewing this as a sign of extreme weakness um just the sense that they that they have convinced themselves that yeah the russians are behind uh a microwave radiation gun that can like take down you know the healthiest american soldier in an instant or that they have developed these psychological uh studies and and games that like i mean like the fact that they buy into this tells me that they are much weaker than they appear i'm talking specifically about the sort of like liberal establishment because the liberal establishment spent all fucking week talking about how like uh how you know joy and reed had this
Starting point is 00:35:41 tweet about like i'm gonna re-up this uh i'm gonna re-up this piece from radio free tom about how the republicans are late stage bolsheviks they're coming apart it's just like you guys are coming apart you you're fucking insane this is exactly exactly like this is like you are literally becoming undone because like you can't reconcile like what's happening you know why people are so upset like why shit is the way that you know like oh my god dude well yeah i know it's not an original observation by any means like this is obviously been going on since trump won well and even well before that but i don't i don't know it's just uh they they seem the reason it's just pertinent right now is because they seem to be dancing on the grave of the gop right now you know they seem to be like we finally vanquished them we've conquered them they're done
Starting point is 00:36:29 like but i saw i saw this happen during obama too when they were in a much better position than they are now yeah yeah and we saw that turned out. Yeah. Yeah. They're dancing in the end zone right now. And it's like, you know, if Trump came after Obama, you know, I can only imagine what the fucking Republicans are going to be brewing up. And like, you know, what's going to pop out? Like, you know, even even look at the midterms next year, man. You know, like that's that's like one thing where i i just i don't know i think that'll be like an omen of like what's to come man like just kind of like you know the republicans once again just as they do just fucking taking over like the house the senate and the democrats
Starting point is 00:37:15 the same way it was like during the obama administration man they're just gonna be like pigeonholed you know and not even by the republicans but also by people like kristin cinema and joe mansion which is like i think that's the funniest thing, man. It's like they got everything they wanted, but again, I guess there's a microcosm of like, you know, a weakness within. They got everything they wanted, but within their own party, they can't get like, you know, like senators to vote on certain bills or to move on certain, you know, on certain legislation.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I hope, man, as we're all boiling in seawater and everything the last thing i see before i go down is kristin cinema with the ring that says fuck off and her just uh sitting under a sign that says everything happens for a re-sling and she's just you know like nero playing the fiddle while rome's burning it's just kristin cinema fucking getting hopped up at a goddamn applebee's while we're all just dying dying languishing yeah it'll no it's it'll be radio free tom having a ape chorus indian meal cuisine because his friend did y'all see that tweet he was like yeah yeah his indian friend it was a whole story it was like a whole fucking article he wrote, like, I was averse to Indian food, and then my friend talked me into it. Dude, I'm from Wattsburg fucking Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And I... Like, I've ate Indian food, you know what I mean? Dude, you're the real Radio Free Tom. Tom. Yeah, man. You should take that name back. You're a Radio Free Tom, my man. Yeah, he's just a pretender.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Well, you know, so I was thinking, we were talking about Kristen Sinema and the Wine Mom thing. I was talking to a friend about this the other day. I think, especially because it's Juneteenth, I think we should talk about it. But, like, have y'all noticed that Juneteenth has been getting the pride treatment over the last two or three years yeah yeah like there's probably institutions with
Starting point is 00:39:10 its origins in slave holding that are like letting their employees off for juneteenth now absolutely i mean they're gonna be doing like you know like uh car sales and shit like that and like you know mattress sales and shit like that like they do do for Memorial Day and Presidents Day. God damn it. I guarantee you, in like a year. You're right. Jesus Christ. It's just going to be like
Starting point is 00:39:33 woodcuts of emancipated slaves at Macy's. You know, getting 30% off of mattresses and shit. Oh my God. You're so right and shit. Oh, my God. You're so right, dude. Oh, my God, man. It's like you were saying earlier, Terrence, that, you know, like, kind of memefying or rather commodifying, like, you know, like, people, you know, making them larger than life almost.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It's like, yeah, man, we do that, like, you know, we do that every fucking holiday in this country, man. We do that, like, no, we do that every fucking holiday in this country, man. Mm-hmm. I think I remember seeing, like, Christmas stuff, like, literally out in, like, July. You know what I mean? Like, here. Yeah. Because they're prepping for the holiday season. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, man. That reminds me. Okay. I'm glad you mentioned that because I had an article and I almost forgot to read it, but we got to read it. It's good. So, yeah. Speaking of holidays, this is in the New York Times. This school board got rid of Columbus Day.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Then Thanksgiving went, too. Wait, they changed the headline just in the last, like, hour. God damn it. Where's this from? The Times? Yeah, New York Times. It's in New Jersey. I hate when they do that shit.
Starting point is 00:40:42 They change the fucking thing. They do that shit a lot, man. It's New York Times. It's in New Jersey. I hate when they do that shit. They do that shit a lot, man. When I checked it like an hour or two ago, it was like, then things backfired or something like that. I don't know. A month ago, the school board in a northern New Jersey suburb followed the lead of at least six other states and scores of municipalities when it voted unanimously to rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Starting point is 00:41:04 municipalities when it voted unanimously to rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day. Outrage followed, prompting the district to approve an extreme workaround intended to sidestep the complicated terrain of identity politics in an increasingly polarized nation. Holidays from school would no longer be labeled on the district calendar at all. Rosh Hashanah, Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, and the second Monday in October, whatever it might be called, would instead be marked only as day off from school in Randolph, a township about 40 miles west of New York City.
Starting point is 00:41:34 It gets... We won't say why, but it gets way better. They just completely fucking botched it to the... just like as bad as it could have got. Yeah. Day off.
Starting point is 00:41:49 We'll just nondescript day off. Then on Wednesday, the school board said it was considering a complete about face scheduling a meeting for next week to vote on a resolution to restore all holiday names, including Columbus. Nah, you got to double down at that point, man. Show no weakness. What are you to restore all holiday names, including Columbus Day. Nah, you gotta double down at that point, man. Show no weakness. What are you doing? Nah, yeah, that's right. You're showing weakness.
Starting point is 00:42:11 You gotta double the fuck down, man. Some of the best parts in this, their attempt to address diversity essentially has caused division, said State Senator Anthony Bucco. Anthony fucking Bucco. Oh my god, dude. Anthony fucking Bucco. Anthony fucking Bucco. Oh my god, dude. Anthony fucking Bucco.
Starting point is 00:42:29 By trying to make everything vanilla, you lose that sense of diversity. He's a Republican, yeah, who represents the township. Dude, this gets so fucking good. Just hold on. Hold on to your fucking seats. The controversy comes as the
Starting point is 00:42:48 country grapples with how to recognize historical figures that are seen as symbols of white supremacy. In the wake of George Floyd's murder by a police officer in Minneapolis, statues of Columbus and Civil War leaders have been defaced, toppled or removed in cities across the country. Last month,
Starting point is 00:43:03 New York City, which operates the country's largest school system, faced criticism after initially trying to rename Columbus Day for indigenous people. I did not know this, but this is amazing. In response, the city similarly attempted to split the difference. The second Monday in October is now labeled Indigenous People's Day slash Italian Heritage Day.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Listen, I'm going to call that a win. God damn it. You mean, hey, listen, these fucking black guys, they get two holidays. They got the Juneteenth now, they got fucking March King Day. We can't even get fucking Columbus Day. Oh, man. We just want Columbus Day. Also, we got to share with the fucking Indians.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Are you fucking kidding me? Are you going to have, like, parallel marches, like, on that day? You know what I mean? That's literally an episode of The Sopranos. Yes mean that's literally an episode of the sopranos like it's literally an episode one of the best i would say one of the worst but it's very it's still very good um so yeah anyways uh randolph and affluent morris county township of about 25 000 people is, is 80% white. No residence identifies Native American, according to the most recent census data available.
Starting point is 00:44:30 There are four recognized Native American tribes in New Jersey, including the Ramapo-Lanip-Lanop Indian Nation, or Lenape. I probably butchered that, and I apologize. Which is based in the northern section of the state. The initiative to rename Columbus Day reportedly stemmed from a recommendation by a local diversity and inclusion committee um blah blah blah i mean uh senator bucco was among those who spoke out against renaming columbus day at last thursday's board meeting this is not real he said he was heartened that the school calendar may restore the names of all state and federal holidays if they want to add indigenous people's day to the calendar then
Starting point is 00:45:10 by all means do it but don't violate italian american civil rights by removing only them i dude a friend the other day asked me like is it worth re-watching sopranos like they hadn't watched it since the 2000s and it's like i've never watched it that's great and i was like yeah i mean and and so you know he re-watched some of the first season and he was like this could have been shot today and it's like yeah it's because nothing has changed really it's just i mean we're just caught in the same fucking loops man yeah yeah man that's so good when did the sopranos come out um started in like 98 yeah ended in like 2007 or something i think i mean maybe this is just like because i was like eight years old like then you know in the 2000s i was still pretty young but it feels like this
Starting point is 00:46:01 long like period since maybe like the 2000 i mean maybe since after 9-11 you know that has just felt like nothing has really changed you know yeah like at all like i feel like i don't know from the 30s to the 40s to the 50s and 60s i don't know i'm a dumbass but based on what i know it's like very like turbulent you know i'm kind of volatile uh-huh you know but we're like kind of stuck in this long ass like period man dude you guys gotta listen oh my god you can't revise history said state senator joseph pinocchio oh no dude really this is not real you're making that up i swear to fucking God. It's not real, dude. There's no Joseph Pinocchio. Nobody's last name is actually Pinocchio. There is no Senator Joseph Pinocchio.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Nobody's last name is Pinocchio, man. I swear to fucking God. Read this story. Senator Pinocchio, who is Italian and grew up in Brooklyn, said he had fought to preserve Columbus Day as a way to recognize Italian-American significant contributions to the country. It's a symbol, he said, of the hard work that Italian-Americans put into this country. I swear to fucking God. God.
Starting point is 00:47:16 No. I'm going to ask you to show off your hands again. The reason I do this sample size is because you know we got one from the southwest you know one from the northeast one from the mountains and my hunch is none of us went to like particularly great schools no just i mean just just judging from a small sample size list you can tell we're lacking in a couple of things. But how old were y'all when you learned the truth of Columbus? I'm not even talking about native genocide or anything, but just that he didn't actually discover America.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You've got grown motherfuckers named Pinocchio that actually think Columbus just ran smack dab into the contiguous 48 and the Italians founded this country. Every time he tells that story at a board meeting, his nose grows small. Hey, that's
Starting point is 00:48:18 not why they fucking call me that. It's just genetic variance. No, dude, you're right're right tom and that was one of the interesting things from the patreon episode on sunday like some of the feedback was like well despite what y'all say so there are classes there are uh high school teachers teaching critical race theory and howard zen and these were very important things and it's like i'm yeah like, yeah, I know there's like pockets of that, but I guarantee, I mean, like I was like 21 or 22 before I really learned the actual truth of Columbus.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, yeah. And I'm from a state with a very large native population and the political economy of the state is in many ways interwoven into the social relations of the reservations and the governance structures on those reservations. And even then, we still didn't we didn't learn about any of that. I mean, obviously, because, I mean, it's probably even more dangerous in a state like New Mexico. But, yeah, I mean, it's just you're right. We didn't learn about that until much later.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I mean, I literally remember in elementary school, you know, middle school, I guess, you know, it's like talking about Thanksgiving, you know, and there's no discussion about what actually, you know, settler colonialism, right? There's no discussion about that, man. So I guess, yeah, sure, there are pockets where if you go to some private school maybe or you know a school that i mean i don't know i would think it would have to be a private school man because you ain't learned that shit in public school i'm sorry like you're not you're not i mean majority like you
Starting point is 00:49:57 know over the country you're not especially in new york like new york city where i went to public school they wasn't teaching me that shit man they was just trying to trying to get us to, like, fucking out of our classes, not even so we could graduate, just so we can get the fuck out, you know? I didn't have teachers that taught that kind of stuff. Not to say I didn't have good teachers, but history, I had to learn that much later when I got older, and most of that was by myself, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, there you have it. I mean, grown-ass dudes. Joseph Pinocchio. One of my favorite King of the Hill gags during one of the Thanksgiving episodes, Del Gribble asked John Redcorn,
Starting point is 00:50:35 who's fucking his wife, he said, did your people ever celebrate Thanksgiving, Redcorn? He said, they did. Once. Once. That would talk. Well,
Starting point is 00:50:55 so, I guess that kind of brings us back full circle. What else you got? Tom, you had mentioned we had talked about honestly the best place to put this would have been a little bit earlier talking about the complete derangement of the
Starting point is 00:51:13 libs but you had mentioned the Data for Progress article on Sean McKelvey in the New York Times which there's some pretty good stuff in and I know Choppo covered it already but there were a few things that kind of were entertaining about it, right? Yeah, that's just, there's some just great pull quotes from it.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And yeah, you're right, they covered it on Choppo. But Sean McElwee referring to himself as the radio head of fundraising. You don't really know why you like it. Let's see, let's see. see he says he calls himself radio head for donors you can't really explain why i'm good but everyone knows that i'm good at it right right right but anyway it's just basically talking about how data for progress has like found purchase with like even mainstream democrats now and you know it opens up with saying, President Biden mentions it in calls, the White House reads its work,
Starting point is 00:52:08 and Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, teams up with its leaders for news conferences, blog posts, and legislation. The embrace of data for progress by the highest ranks of the Democratic Party is a coming-of-age moment for a left-leaning polling firm and think tank that is barely three years old.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And then it just kind of goes into some of you know their early successes of you know and they i don't know it's just it's just it's just to me i don't know it's just a sean mcgill we self-suck and it's like don't know. I don't know what else there is to really say about it. The chapel did say about it, but it really just talks about how they're basically underbid, all these traditional polling firms, and so the Democrats favor them, but how they actually are deluded into sort of thinking that you know they're moving the end moving the needle with like traditional democrats and like just kind of supporting like not that they're being co-opted that's the thing they don't recognize i mean i don't know if they recognize it but they are being co-opted like you're not moving the needle you know they're just like subsuming you into
Starting point is 00:53:20 their own fucking like establishment you know thing you know, thing, man. Yeah, yeah. Kind of neutralize you, you know. Or at least pay lip service, you know. Well, it's interesting because I think out of, like, the aftermath of, like, Bernie and, you know, the sort of, you know, DSA and everything, you know, everything that kind of transpired, you know, after 2020 and everything, it's like people on the left or ostensibly on the left have like went off into like a number of directions and one of the one of the primary ones is like people like really got into like the sort of i guess i guess you caught left
Starting point is 00:54:01 washing the ngo sort of like theory of change where it's like the net result is just they're just creating more fake email jobs for people, well, like myself. But, you know, kind of like justified their existence by saying, oh, look, well, Chuck Schumer's courting our data, and, you know, President Biden's courting our data, and President Biden's courting our data, and all this kind of stuff. And it's like, to me, I'm an NBA fan, and it's like one of the things that I think really makes the game suck these days is all these NBA front offices are spending their resources on data guys,
Starting point is 00:54:44 like sabermetrics guys they call them and these are usually like ex-poker players like like mark cuban just hired an ex-professional poker player to like sort of lead the organization's direction and fired a guy donnie marshall who like not only helped win him build him a championship team, but is also just like considered, you know, one of the best basketball minds in the world. His dad was a legendary coach. But like everything is just, it's just a big con job by numbers guys because numbers really don't tell you everything.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Because there's all kinds of externalities in life that like you can't account for. Like anybody that's spent any time at all like gambling knows that like scores and stats and all that stuff only tell part of the story also shit you can't account for is wacky shit who's gonna break their leg who's you know what i mean yeah yeah i don't know how you would have lived through the last year without having some sort of awareness that there are just contingencies and things that happen that you can't plan for like if you were to go back and listen to episodes of this show from 2018 from all the big uh leftist podcasts maybe i shouldn't
Starting point is 00:55:57 include us in that category but the medium-sized ones too um all those twinners the twinks and the bears yeah yeah and the otters um you i mean there was this sense that uh i don't i don't know it just we were all so certain that x y and z was definitely going to happen it happened yeah biden was definitely not going to make it you know that bernie was definitely gonna at least uh you know get farther than he did or whatever there was just this sense that we were very extremely confident about the outcomes of all these things and the thing is is that i mean granted you can say what you want about like the validity of uh the bernie campaign to begin with and whatever it would have happened but i think honestly the biggest wild card was just fucking covid
Starting point is 00:56:51 i mean i mean a big part of why he lost was just the pandemic compounding the fear and uncertainty people already had about trump and pushing people towards a candidate that they were familiar with, that they knew, and that they were confident could beat Trump. And so, I mean, we couldn't plan for that. Nobody fucking planned for a global goddamn pandemic. That's the thing, man. It's like if you were to take the Bernie campaign 2020 on a strictly numbers thing, he would have won 48 out of 50 contests like Chuck Rokas said he was going to.
Starting point is 00:57:28 You know what I mean? If no externalities, nothing wacky happens, on paper, no interference, no nothing, no Buttigieg doing whatever, if it was strictly a numbers game, Bernie would have ran roughshod over all those primaries and he'd be president. But that didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. Well, I think a large part of this and you kind of um pointed this out already tom that a large function that this serves and it's largely the function that ngos in the non-profit sector serve in general at least when it comes to politics is is sort of mystifying the democratic process. But even more than that, sort of co-opting and being able to suppress actual social movements and the things that they are demanding and trying to achieve. I don't think that every nonprofit non-profit starts out with that goal of course not but i definitely think that if you look at the trajectory of black lives matter what it started as in 2014 and then what it became in a kind of institutional form i mean you i mean
Starting point is 00:58:39 like what what was it like weren't the majority of the black lives matter founders supporting warren by the end you know what i mean like it's just you couldn't ask for a better demonstration of how um what had started off as the most important social movement of the 21st century so far became um this thing that had been co-opted and just basically you know neutered by a uh a sector that serves to mediate the the most fascinating thing about non-profits in that sector is that it simultaneously makes them look like they it makes them look to the streets like they are the legit mediators of power and that they have access and that you should go through them if you're trying to get change and it also has a double feature it's a dialectical thing it has a double feature to where
Starting point is 00:59:29 it makes that sector appear to the lawmakers as if politics is organic as if what is happening is as an organic thing and um and so therefore the people in your office making x y and z demands are representatives of what people in the streets are demanding. But that's not at all the case. We know that those people exist to mediate between street-level demands and what happens in Congress. chambers and halls of congress it gets spurted out as uh either a watered down demand or a talking point you hear over and over like d ray's eight can't wait thing or it gets uh repackaged into some polling thing that is completely meaningless we've seen it work the way that it works in the non-profit world uh with these numbers and stuff i mean you know, the way that they write grants for things,
Starting point is 01:00:26 like, oh, X, Y, and Z is going to create X number of jobs and it's going to do this. They do the same fucking shit with polling numbers. It's just numbers they pull out of fucking air.
Starting point is 01:00:35 And you can make them, you can make all of them say what you want them to say. You know what I mean? Like, that's the whole thing about, I think, why they're notoriously unreliable. I mean, I did i did polling like you know
Starting point is 01:00:45 political polling like not just canvassing but like polling as well for a little bit and like you know like people tell you people can be unreliable because they'll just tell you what they think they want you what they want you to hear you know just so they can get rid of you you know what i mean yeah yeah exactly running for local, one thing I know is that I kept a tally, and 608 people told me they'd vote for me, and I got 272 votes. Every motherfucker will tease me. I'm sorry. The grand externality is we're all a bunch of goddamn liars.
Starting point is 01:01:22 You're right. How can polls account for the fact that we are in veteran liars and fake friends voters are the ultimate fake friends it's like you know all our politics i know we've talked about it before i mentioned it you know but like our politics is like it's no longer tethered to any mass politics any mass kind of social movement you know and it's like it's enough for biden to say well we're looking at the data you know from these certain groups you know yeah and like it's it's uh you know this technocratic approach you know that
Starting point is 01:01:54 warren had you know it makes it appear organic yeah exactly it makes it appear organic which you know again not to like you know harp on like bernie you know and like you know, again, not to, like, you know, harp on, like, Bernie, you know, and, like, you know, just kind of focus on that. Because I think what was hopeful for a lot of people and what I noticed in language, right, was, like, that I'd never seen before in any presidential campaign. Well, I guess Obama or Clinton running as well. Even Obama kind of did it. It was Bernie's, like, not me not me us and always using kind of inclusive language you know like we our you know and then um listening to hillary talk about like um you know or warren for example right talk about like what she was going to do right i mean it's the same
Starting point is 01:02:37 thing with same thing with biden i mean they all did it and i think it was a really hopeful that time because it really felt like i was a part of something bigger than myself. And for many people, you know, felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself. And I know it's a it's insidious the way that like Black Lives Matter for I don't know if you guys saw there. They have like not demand. I guess they have a list of demands or something. They came out with like a couple of months ago. I talked about it with Dave Anthony and Josh Olson on the West Wing thing. like a couple months ago i talked about it with um dave anthony and josh olsen on the west wing thing but this just came to my attention but like six or six out of the nine or eight demands were about trump you know and this is like months after this motherfucker's been out of office right
Starting point is 01:03:17 so that kind of like you know and that's from the national organization so that kind of like uh was really a stark reminder of how like you know this whole movement i mean even look at the the bill that they did the george floyd policing act or whatever right evoking his name you know it's just it's and um what i think it was brianna taylor was on the cover of like what was it vanity fair or something like that you know like yeah dude it's just like all this like you know grotesque aestheticization, you know, of politics. And then, like, kind of like you said, Terrence, and we say again, like, making it seem organic. And it makes me, drives me crazy, you know, because I'm like, this is not fucking, like, sincere or real.
Starting point is 01:03:56 But people, like, think that, like, okay, the needle is moving, you know. Things are getting better. But it's like, nah, man, they're just, like, kind of painting over shit in, like like you know gold you know what i mean right it's like a it's like a golden turd yeah it's basically what they're doing man um no i think you're absolutely right um and i do want to issue a slight correction to what i said earlier when i said nobody could have planned for that um there were a few people that could have planned for our global pandemic uh you know just one is working in the lab in wuhan yeah i was gonna say the pentagon who received multiple warnings over the past couple years
Starting point is 01:04:39 that like the next big global pandemic will be a coronavirus SARS type yeah I read something like they knew they knew about this like at least five years ago before all this stuff but I also saw that when Trump came into office I guess Obama had like like in response to the Ebola thing while he was in office like opened up a bunch of pandemic readiness centers all over the yeah and when trump came in he closed almost just out of spot i mean it's just like the only reason i'm laughing is because how fucking morbid it is it's like yeah i know i don't mean i'm not laughing at 600 000 dead i'm laughing how goddamn petty well yeah and just how dysfunctional and fucked up our society is that like that we would even vote a guy like that into office that would like you know make a decision
Starting point is 01:05:32 like that that's so cavalier it just wipes away 600 000 people it's just it's just it's it's so atrocious that it becomes just black gallows, you know, black humor, just gallows. Yeah, it's gallows humor, man. It's just absurd. It's fucking insane. Oh, my God. Well, anyways, let's close out. We had some good speaker pieces this week. I think that would be a good way to close this out.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I thought there were some pretty decent ones um from the old weisberg mountain eagle speak your piece they've been kind of shitty lately um yeah tom and i did an ep on sunday at where they were all just trash they wouldn't give us nothing good yeah man it was they were liberal speaker pieces man now there's there's some good ones um they're specifically and i don't know i don't think there's any covered in this week, but there has been a multi-month long battle between two dudes being like, you call me a traitor, loser, you're the traitor, sir. It's just been gone going for fucking months now. This is a good one to open up on.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Speak your piece is supposed to be for someone to speak their mind. Yes, I want to speak my mind. It's been a year since that bunch took the swap shop off the air, and it isn't right. We need to be able to swap and trade. They ruined a good thing. You know, a lot of people forget, and barter economy still exists. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yeah, real hardcore Trillbilly heads will know that one of the very first Patreon things was me and Tom doing a parody of the Whitesburg Swap Shop. I think maybe even the first. Yeah, I think so. But yeah, dude, they have been pissed about the Swap Shop. And honestly, I kind of agree with them. It's fucked up they took the Swap Shop off the air. And they did it apparently because they didn't like people advertising on there
Starting point is 01:07:25 well and i think even more than that they didn't like people just calling in and shooting the shit they were like like you'd have like old timers like calling in and being like well what's going on guys yeah well listen i know a way we can foment a revolution. That's just, we just got to open the swap shop back up with us. I'm down. Let's sell some shit. Let's be the Whitesburg flea market again. Yeah, man. Just good old-fashioned mercantilism.
Starting point is 01:07:59 There was a girl on Sandlick who, if she had been a car, would have been a Lamborghini or even a Porsche. Never would I have dreamed she would have turned into the Pinto when I saw her the other day. Harsh. Dude, there is a specific kind of speak your piece that, I don't know, I'm sure it's not exclusive to Speak Your Peace, but where they classify women as various types of vehicles. Extremely sexist, but an interesting prosaic choice. For sure. When Mickey Stines ran for sheriff, I voted for him.
Starting point is 01:08:44 When I try to call him now, one of his deputies answers the phone and tries to act like him. He needs to do something about them deputies. I like that. This is Mickey. Yeah. After my brother's house burned. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Before we go too far.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Mickey Steins is famous for those that don't know. Mickey Steins is famously the one that told tanya he would die for that's the one after my brother's house burned down i went to buy some dinners down at the dairy queen and my brother told me to leave all i wanted to do was try to help him now how can he be a preacher and do this to his sister and i love my brother and i told him that but he told me to leave some of these like are just interesting that like i i think i get kind of you forget how lonely people truly are sometimes yeah you don't mean that you would like you need to get something off your mind so much you just call the newspaper like say it in a voice machine let them print it yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:09:50 i mean you gotta that's why it's an amazing in my opinion i've always maintained this it's an amazing metric of uh like if you're if you want to talk about polling if you if you really want to talk about scientific polling and you're trying to test the political temperature of a community, read Speak Your Peace. That's way more scientific in my opinion because, yeah, people are just airing grievances that they have no one else to air them to.
Starting point is 01:10:16 So you're getting raw, unfiltered shit. They're not even filtered through other people's opinions. That's just raw. And it's not Facebook either because you can't upvote it or anything. That's what makes it so good. Yeah. It's like an anthropological survey, man. Have you noticed
Starting point is 01:10:31 it looks like Facebook has turned into a flea market? I thought you wanted a swap shop. Yeah, goddamn Zuckerberg's got his tentacles even on swap shop. I like this. Yeah, goddamn Zuckerberg's got his tentacles even on Swap Shop. Yeah. I like this.
Starting point is 01:10:53 It's amazing how some of these old chicks go to the beauty parlor and get their hair all dolled up and put on the lipstick and makeup to get some younger man behind the door of a hotel room. Just who in the heck do you old girls think you're fooling? Do you think you'll be in the running for playmate of the year if playboy is ever introduced to the public again y'all are nothing but a bunch of losers hey listen let hey listen let the let the old ladies do the thing i feel like this person's salty man i was just happy did they did they take playboy away they're not doing playboy anymore that was the best part hey if if the jackals and the fans ever let play
Starting point is 01:11:32 playboy be a free and open press again when we finally stop having mass burning events of all the playboys in town in town squareboy, is Playboy off the shelves? I don't know. No. That's one to post, people. I don't know. It'll never be off. Yeah, titties will never be off the shelves, man.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Titties will always be relevant. The green helicopters flying high on number one hill. Watch out, because they are coming for you. They are coming to check out the marijuana crop on number one hill and jenkins see that's the most useful this like warning your name perhaps a week too late sometimes but yeah this motherfucker's in jail already but yeah also like that it's not black helicopters in eastern kentucky but it's a source of conspiracy but green green oh yeah dude to the snobbish person who commented that i excuse me let me start over to the snobbish person who commented that the only true statement i have posted in speak your peace so far
Starting point is 01:12:37 is when i agreed with them that i didn't have the brains nor the guts to rebut them actually i gave a concise and accurate rebuttal to each of your imbecilic comments but you're too ignorant to realize it so please move on and let someone else occupy the idiot corner this is this is one of the people in this ongoing feud uh so next week tune in and there'll be the response to that now i realize that to give any credence to the comments of an idiot is a waste of time thank you what are these dudes even what are these people even beefing about yeah what's the source of the beef it's um it all started with the january 6th uh right man man the shadow of danny fe Danny Fatante looms large.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Transformative day indeed. Yeah, one of them is a lib who is mad about the Republicans treating the cops bad. And one of them is a conservative who claims that he is indeed. Oh, actually, in one of them them i think it's the conservative he uh always he always talks about being in the service but one one week he let it out that what he meant by being in the service in vietnam i wasn't even vietnam it was uh he said that he was a contractor handling hazardous material and that he had seen combat but what he meant by that was that he had seen people come into the base who had got like their leg blown off or something and he was like i served my country he served his country by being a military contractor yes exactly the weirdest kind of valor stealing energy is military contractors because like they're there on the
Starting point is 01:14:23 bases but they don't do jack shit yeah yeah they're profiting their war profit but this this guy was like yes he was he was basically framing it like the sacrifice he had done for this country yeah the sacrifice for him to see a young man with his legs blown off that was a sacrifice sacrifice. Which even that probably didn't happen. I have a purple heart from the Rand Corporation. As a long time reader of the Mountain Eagle I'm becoming frustrated that the Letcher County Grand Jury just keeps charging people with drug crimes.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I'm not sure what that means about the people of Letcher County. When I was a kid growing up there, the grand jury had bigger crimes to charge people with. I'm not sure whether the people or the grand jury are being lazy. We need more entertaining crimes
Starting point is 01:15:16 in the county. It's awesome. I like how this starts out. It's like, oh, this might be like an abolitionist thought. It's like, nah, somebody's just bored.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Commit more crimes. Another another day another person gets busted with percocet right right well yeah they're pining for the days of like the acro murders you know just really sensational or the steven seagal yes or that well i mean I mean, that was... Yeah. We still haven't managed to get those guys. Actually, someone did write in and say that one of them was out of jail now, but the other one is still in jail. Fucked up.
Starting point is 01:15:59 If Putin lived in America, he would be a Democrat. If Putin lived in America, he would be a Democrat. I try to broaden my horizon. I'm sitting here watching Nova, which shows the government spending all this money to try to do the same thing they did in the 1960s, seeding a cloud. They're telling me we put 10 billion tons of carbon into the sky every year.
Starting point is 01:16:24 That's a lot of burning i don't think the earth is in such bad shape from burning fossil fuels lots of other things are in play too anyway god bless america it's these externalities we're talking about i dude the cloud seeding is interesting um i read this thing the other day. What is cloud seeding? Apparently when – I think it's a way to – it's like one of these – like what's the word I'm looking for? Like climate engineering solutions to stop climate change. Like changing the weather? Yeah, like if you increase cloud cover,
Starting point is 01:17:04 that maybe it will drop the Earth's temperature some more. You know what I'm saying? Yo, this is the plot from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, man. I'm not seeing it. It is, yeah. But it is interesting. This is one of those kind of conspiracy theories that people have alleged that the CIA has ways to manipulate weather.
Starting point is 01:17:27 And apparently, and this comes courtesy of the podcast Subliminal Jihad, so shout out to those guys, but apparently, if you go back and you watch the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, when he's being sworn in, the clouds part and a radiant beam of sunshine comes down and like illuminates him. And people have like written about this. I think there's this woman who was like in his administration.
Starting point is 01:17:59 I think her name is Barbara Honiger or something. She wrote a book about, you know, the October surprise and all this. wrote a book about, you know, the October surprise and all this. But she said that, you know, she thought that it was because of God, you know, like, because of Reagan. Anointing him as the leader of the city on the hill. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:15 But there is some speculation that this was one of those, like, weather engineering things where they did manage to find a way. And they decided to use it on his inauguration. Yes, yes, yes. So, I mean,
Starting point is 01:18:31 just something to think about. The CIA took the day off during William Henry Harrison's inauguration. He was not... Or they were trying to sabotage him. Are you ready to meet God? This is the last one.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Are you ready to meet God? Read Revelation 22.7, 22.12 through 13, 22.16, and 22.20. You know what's funny about that? They would have just been better served saying, don't just read Revelation 22. It's just like they're like, no, we don't like 17, 18, or 19, so throw those out.
Starting point is 01:19:12 But the rest of them, read them all the way through. Right, right, right, right. Ask Jesus to save you before it's too late. I'm sorry, one more. Miles apart, but so close to my heart. Hopefully we find each other again. In quotation marks, 831.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Well, I mean, can't ask for anything more romantic than that. Happy to facilitate it on this program. Yeah. Well, there you go. program. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:19:43 well, there you go. Speak your piece for the week of, uh, I guess if we're going by newspaper weeks in Whitesburg, it's the week of June 16th. 16th. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 01:19:57 uh, if you'd like to hear more, speak your piece or more content, um, please go to the Patreon. Got all kinds of content there for you. slash
Starting point is 01:20:10 Trillbilly Workers Party. I guess we went a little long today, but I'm trying to get the show's average episode length to be about two or three hours. So we're gonna work our way up to that. Gradually working toward that. I mean, because I am impressed.
Starting point is 01:20:26 There's like radio guys who will have like eight-hour radio shows, you know, a day. Like, how the fuck do they do that? You got to have superhuman vocal strength. And I'm trying to work up to that. Not to mention, you imagine sitting behind a booth for eight hours a day, you have like major prostate issues. Awesome. Next year, we do this show a year from now,
Starting point is 01:20:50 God willing, and the creek don't rise. The front page of the Mountain Eagle is just going to be the fiscal corridor kneeling wearing Kente cloths on June 10th. I'm looking forward to it. Looking forward to getting a new mattress. Get a car. Yeah, well, so yeah, go check out the Patreon.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I thought our last episode was really good. The one about critical race theory. So you're definitely going to want to check that out. And it was about critical race theory and how capitalism can be good again. Provided by that ideas section in the Atlantic. We do
Starting point is 01:21:32 have, also, we do have confirmation that Tanya will, in fact, be back next week. No take-backs on this one, so for all y'all pining for Tanya's return, her Olly-like return to the ring tune in next week um or her ali like return to uh what wasn't ali like the occluded madi in shia islam
Starting point is 01:21:58 i mean the metaphor works yeah but. Yeah. All right. All right. Anyways, tune in. And thanks for tuning in and tune in some more. And have a good weekend. We'll see you next time. Happy Juneteenth. Happy Juneteenth.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Recording stopped.

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