Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 215: Have You Forgotten? (Tanya Did)

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

Tanya, Aaron, and Tom provide updates on Cop City in ATL, Bishop Sycamore, and talk about "the next 9/11" and what the foreign policy ghouls suggest we do about it....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, that was perfect. Ooh, look at us. That was clean. Not like yesterday. It took three times to do that shit. Hey. We are real bad now, shit. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:09 Well, I'm pleased to report, gang, that we are returning to normalcy. This out of the Metro UK today, breaking news. The Suez Canal blocked again as container ship runs aground. Woo! Hell yeah, again. Nature is healing. Cargo. Nature is healing.
Starting point is 00:00:29 This has to be, like, when are they finally going to come out with it and say that this canal is drying up or something, like, because of climate change? Yeah, exactly. And they're not going to be able to get these fucking ships through there anymore. I mean, it already, if you look at that motherfucker from an aerial view, it's like threading a fucking needle
Starting point is 00:00:45 through the tightest ass you've ever seen like there's just it's ridiculous already that whole shit is outrageous and they try to get the ships that are like the size of a couple football field lengths right through that shit yeah yeah they're sending like eight double wides across through there
Starting point is 00:01:02 it's like one of them you know you're on 15 and you're behind one of them wide loads carrying a trailer. You know what I mean? You want to get around that shit, but you can't even. Yeah. So is it, did it jackknife or is it? Let's read here what they say. It says that boats were briefly blocked from entering part of the Suez
Starting point is 00:01:22 canal for the second time this year as a container ship ran aground. Local media said the vessel became stuck at about the 54-kilometer point in the canal in Egypt. The Suez Canal Authority was forced to temporarily suspend navigation in one lane of the crucial global waterway while work to free the ship was ongoing i'm just imagining you know like a bunch of like arab guys that are like kind of the equivalent of like you know the like hillbilly dads that are like just give it a slap on the horse and shit yeah they're behind it just i love the memes of the last one the ever given that got stuck and then this thing is just a fucking monster.
Starting point is 00:02:08 What do the kids say? An absolute unit. Yeah, an absolute unit. And they're out there with a little bobcat digging out around it. Yeah, like a shovel and a picture. We'll get this thing moving here in just a minute. 34 days later.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I'll be sure it's not the same captain from last time. Oh, God, wouldn't that be incredible? They fired his dumb ass. It says the Suez Canal Authority was forced to temporarily suspend navigation in one lane of the crucial global waterway while work to free the ship was ongoing. You're telling me there's more than one lane? They got them going in both
Starting point is 00:02:52 directions. Buddy, didn't you see me turn off there? You see me put my indicator out, motherfucker? Yeah, so I just, somebody's blinker was broke and they just stuck their hand out and pointed to where they was going. Four ships going towards Suez from Port Said were diverted into a separate lane
Starting point is 00:03:14 as a result of the blockage, according to Al-A'in. Sky News Arabia reported that the vessel was successfully refloated a short time later and the channel was reopened. So we're avoiding like a crisis of last time. The ship involved was the Coral Crystal, a Panama flag boat carrier that was built in 2012. It is 738 feet long and 104 feet wide and was en route to the port Sudan on the Red Sea, according to Traffic Marine, a vessel tracking firm. The canal's tugboats managed to float the southbound vessel. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Latest incident comes after the ever-given, one of the largest container ships ever built got stuck in the canal for six days back in March, prompting chaos and worldwide shit. Good times, man. I laugh now, but my local grocery store is already out of all pretzels. wide shit. Good times, man. I laugh now, but
Starting point is 00:04:05 my local grocery store is already out of all pretzels. We're in a very dire... Like all pretzels? No pretzels. We're in a very dire commodity chain crisis right now, folks. We're out of all
Starting point is 00:04:21 pretzels. What else are you going to eat when you get stowed? Just a little bit of finger food, snack food? What am I going to crumble and put on top of my ice cream? Exactly right. Riddle me that. Truly bleak times. What am I dipping in my pimento cheese? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Well, crew. Very uncertain times here. we don't know well crew very uncertain times here we really are I just feel like we're on the what's the word precipice we're on the precipice we're edging
Starting point is 00:04:59 toward total supply chain meltdowns right now I just feel like it's barely a blip on the radar of news. Y'all know, I saw on Twitter
Starting point is 00:05:14 it's the one year anniversary of those crazy ass fires on the West Coast that made the sky all orange and shit. And they're still raging. Yeah, and it's still raging man yeah i was talking to a friend of the show sarah uh shout out uh sarah miller the the best in the business and yeah they've just had just the god-awfulest time um well uh we got a couple of updates, too, to some open-ended Trillbillies reported stories.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Aaron, you said there's some movement on Cop City. Oh, yeah, yeah. This all does make me feel like a real journalist. Yeah, right? I'm about to print my ass a journalist badge. Investigative reporter by the profession of my bio. Press pass. Wear your green jacket and some
Starting point is 00:06:05 christian i'm unpoor i have printed a fake press badge before and it got me through out of a tva board meeting i was thinking of doing that for a protest man just so i wouldn't get my ass beat by the cops even though they do that shit now they're beating the shit out of press too you know like those old timey fedoras. They had like the press ticket in the band. Yeah, the press ticket. He's got that in his beanie. He's like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Can't you see? Right. Yeah. Oh, man. But yeah, an update. I'll let some reporting. We did. We did an episode a couple of weeks ago, a free one.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And at the end, we ended with Cop city, which is in Atlanta, the Atlanta Police Foundation, which is like this, like pro cop organization, they're trying to push the city to approve of raising the last remaining green space in the city, which is the old Atlanta prison farm. So they want to spend $90 million to like, pretty much turn that into a training facility for the cops. And city council had tabled it a few weeks ago to vote so that the public could give their input. But I think something like 68% of like the Atlanta public is against it.
Starting point is 00:07:17 But apparently, you know, due to like propaganda, especially, you know, in like, I guess, upper middle class, like suburbs atlanta like buckhead and whatnot people that actually don't even like live near where this cop city will be but um it was approved last night by the atlanta city council and uh kind of disappointing i mean i don't know nobody i don't know if anybody listens to the show it's from atlanta i mean i hope so but um andre dickens which is one of the at large city council members he's always been more amenable to organizers you know and activists especially with like housing advocacy but um you know he agrees with brian kemp who just released a statement you know saying that he agrees with the building of cop city so andre dickens and
Starting point is 00:07:59 like nine other fucking city council members you know voted for that shit so yeah first time anybody's ever said they agree with Brian Kemp. Exactly right. And willfully put it out there. Yeah. I mean, it's like because people I mean, people are just thinking that especially I mean, I guess in light of the uprising last summer, it's just wild that like the city council members could actually like full throatedlyroatedly say like you know like not only are we not going to defund the police but we're going to give them 90 million dollars most of that taxpayer money so they could build like a playground for cops you know and seating green space
Starting point is 00:08:37 yeah exactly exactly in a in like a you know just fucking concrete jungle that's it exactly it's probably going away like land in new orleans yeah so it was previous so it was already owned by the cops or like the bop or whatever because it was a prison farm yeah it was actually i don't know who owns it now i guess the city owns it now but it was firmly formally owned by like you know the uh i guess the the jail system in the in the city they were it was an old prison farm and i mean the cops were still using it as like for like they were like old school buses there and shit like that and they would use it for like target practice like just dump magazines into the side of this building and shit but you know it was still like a place where people would go they would like it looks pretty cool it's pretty dark
Starting point is 00:09:24 like in a weird southern gothic kind of way but now they're just gonna make it a uh yeah this training facility that's gonna include i thought we covered this uh on the show but they're gonna include a cop academy called the institute for social justice so like oh my god yeah man it's like beyond even parody. It's interesting because we're going to talk about this a little bit later in the show, obviously. But like this country is just addicted to here's the solution for our problems. Let's double down on the things that God is there. Exactly. It's just such it's just such a weird way to approach any problem you know what I mean it's like
Starting point is 00:10:06 the old adage you can't dig yourself out of a hole like that's something we say it's like I'm digging myself out of a hole what are you talking about it makes no sense you know that's the American way it's a very American idiom and it is just so depressing that
Starting point is 00:10:23 I mean these fucking people should be afraid to do shit like this after the uprisings last summer like ideally these people would be afraid to seed 90 million dollars more than they're already getting what's that in addition to their already budget right yeah and and i mean what's crazy about it too is that they're leasing it the city is leasing the land to um i think not the atlanta police foundation but i think apd the police department they're leasing the land at what is it like ten dollars or is it five five or ten dollars a year for 50 years you know what i'm saying they're gonna be leasing this land for like less than like an eighth of you know what I mean just meanwhile rent is skyrocketing for poor people in the city it's just
Starting point is 00:11:15 I mean it's just like there's I don't even know what else to say about this drum but like they just continue to defund life and life exactly they defund life and fund punishment and death and destruction and um yeah i mean it's beyond parody it's like what can we even say about it it's so goddamn depressing we're in a pandemic like ideally we would you know go just show up at these people's houses and make their lives fucking miserable and it's not even safe to do that it's like we are well the dark the dark days friends i just want to bring it up too man this was especially fucked up about is that uh my comrade asia arnold uh she's the one that wrote the article in the intercept that we had talked about but she um she tweeted something she was like you know black voters in georgia were the ones that
Starting point is 00:12:06 carry joe biden in atlanta right were the ones that carry joe biden like over the finish line but who is being punished right with this even after that slip up on charlemagne exactly right yeah what do you say you ain't black if you don't vote for joe biden yeah they cannot wait to fuck their own you know just yeah absolute buffoonery yeah so that's the update about that and i mean like i don't know i guess if anybody's interested in what else is going on i mean i mean you can hit like me up about and i'll like you know link people to some organizations that are trying to you know uh see what next steps they're going to take so I don't know what's going to happen next but you know
Starting point is 00:12:49 well I just can't wait for the next election when everybody's voting against their best interest again because this is the most important election of our lifetime again again again let's run the jewels straight to the voting box.
Starting point is 00:13:06 That's where vote or die. Yeah. Well, in another update of a recently covered Trill Billy's topic. We're getting press
Starting point is 00:13:21 passes, bitches. We need to, man. We breaking the fucking news over here. We do have a freaking track record of breaking the news, but there's been an update with the Bishop Sycamore, the mystery school as covered on the last week's Patreon. They've in a, you know, I guess for our purposes, a horrible twist of fate. They got rid of their last coach who was what was his name? God. Not Tyron Jackson.
Starting point is 00:13:58 That's the new one. Tyron Jackson is the new coach. Well, anyway, we'll get to it. But they've dispensed with their old coach who just said, you know, we're a fledgling school. If any of you in the press corps have any suggestions for how we should develop our curriculum, I'm all ears. It turns out us here in the press corps do have some suggestions. Right there, Tanya in the back.
Starting point is 00:14:30 In the latest twist in the strange saga of Bishop Sycamore, the football team's new head coach, Tyron Jackson, said Monday that the self-proclaimed high school is not, in fact, an actual school. Tyron Jackson, who identifies himself on social media as the new head coach of bishop sycamore probably risky business buddy probably bravely so tell wcmhtv in columbus that he believes a quote mistake on paperwork egg quote had resulted in a misconception that bishop sycamore was even the high school that Bishop Sycamore high school is a school.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I don't know why anybody would think that Bishop Sycamore high school would consider itself a school. Weird. What gave them that idea? He described it instead as a post-grad football academy. And when we were talking about this yesterday, I was just thinking about how fucking funny it would be for all these good old boys that peaked in high school you know what i mean that like i just want to have a post late yeah yeah one to stay you know that that that third head of the the uh hat trick of rural manhood going to state and football going to the volunteer fire department
Starting point is 00:15:42 killing the deer that uh i mean it seems like a glorious way to close out what's that i said it seems like a glorious way to close out like your your golden years you know your middle age years you know what i mean well you know i've heard some people say it's been said that a person should plant a tree write a book, and something else. I forget what the third one is. Coach a high school football team. Yes. I, for one, think the good old boys deserve another option. It's either go to college, go to work.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But I think they deserve a go play more football option. I think they do, too. Shout out to Letcher County Wolves. Those boys have figured it out. A bunch of guys I went to high school with started a pro-am team, so they took matters into their own hands, not unlike our friends here at Bishop Sycamore. Quote, we do not offer curriculum.
Starting point is 00:16:34 End quote, Jackson told the TV station. We are not a school. Didn't that kid say they took them to the library one day? Said they bust them out to this seedy hotel where they stayed for three months. And then one day of their time out at the hotel, they went to the public library and sat around. Well,
Starting point is 00:16:57 you boys think about James Joyce's Dubliners. Any, any thoughts? And these are also note the fact these are like men in their 20s not high school kids and they've probably got them sleeping four to a room two queen beds you know you know they're getting cozy people like head to foot and shit oh they're getting cozy as hell we do not offer curriculum tyron jackson tyron jackson told the tv station we are not offer curriculum Taryn Jackson told the TV station we are not a school that's not what Bishop
Starting point is 00:17:29 Sycamore High School is and I think that's what the biggest misconception about us was and that was our fault yeah I guess it was we are a high school because that was a mistake on the paperwork
Starting point is 00:17:44 which is something that does not square with school founder andre peterson's account of things who said uh less than a week after the controversy broke that he vigorously defended the school's credentials to usa today sports and other media outlets pet Peterson told USA Today Sports last Tuesday that, quote, Bishop Sycamore is not a scam and has spoken repeatedly about a need to simply update the school's website. So we got one that's saying they need to, it was a mistake in paperwork. And then we got the founders saying, well, we just need to, we need a better IT department. But explicitly saying this is not a scam, it's like when you're looking for apartments
Starting point is 00:18:26 and somebody's like apartment for rent, there are no roaches. Trust me, there are no roaches here. I know, it's like the number one thing you say to throw off the scent of a scam is this is not a scam. Exactly. Yeah, and also if that's like your MO, like you're not a very good scammer to begin with.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has asked the department of education to investigate bishop sycamore ensure it is meeting minimum academic standards and following the law jackson's comments come less than a week after this is and that was the peterson quote i just read he said that the school has between 75 and 80 students and that tuition costs about two thousand dollars which if you think about what you get for it a three month long stay in the fucking comfort inn and suites and once once a semester trip to the public library kind of a bargain really oh it really is man you pay rent two thousand dollars some people pay two thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:19:20 rent a month you know here's a classic Here's a classic grifter's tale. This tells me Andre's not very good at this. Quote, if it's a scam and the kids are not going to school and not doing what they're supposed to be doing, then I'm literally scamming myself. Most importantly, I'm hurting my very own son, Peterson said last week. So when people
Starting point is 00:19:41 say stuff like that, I would literally be taking my son's future and throw it in the trash that is that's the darkest thing i could imagine when like he's just being so flippant with that well this is like a devil's milkshake situation where he's like yeah i put my own child on the line here it kind of is it's like an immaterial devil's milkshake yeah a psychic devil's milkshake here well anyway we know the story if you've signed up for the patreon last sunday uh if you if you're excuse me if you haven't signed up for the patreon last sunday we talked about bishop sycamore being under scrutiny after it played imG Academy, one of the top-ranked high school football teams in the country,
Starting point is 00:20:26 and lost nationally televised game 58-0, which prompted ESPN's broadcast commentators to wonder if perhaps the network had been deceived by Bishop Sycamore High School, which had claimed, quote, it had multiple Division I prospects on its roster. I thought it was just a ghost team of all ghosts. I mean, it has to be for you to lose 58 to zero. Like you couldn't have been doing anything at all.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And for them, there's telling us these grown ass men, 20 somethings got their asses handed to them that bad on ESPN by teenagers. Well, you know, Cat Williams got his ass beat by a child, you know, so sometimes it happens. Let me tell you something. Any guy that's ever played pickup and had the unenviable task of guarding a girl that's really good at basketball knows what I'm talking about here. There's no way you're winning in that situation.
Starting point is 00:21:22 If she cooks you, everybody's going to clown you. If you guard her too hard, the boys are going to say, oh man, that's cold, bro. Yeah, she's a girl. Why you guard her so hard? It's because she's going to toast me if I don't, motherfucker. Oh my God. Well,
Starting point is 00:21:39 we would be remiss if we let it be a Trillbillies episode without bringing up the sobering reminder that 20 years ago from Sunday is coming Sunday. The world stopped turning, gang. Seems like two of you forgotten, at least. I remembered a month ago. You remembered a month ago. You were a month early.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It was already 9-11 season. I could not believe that this motherfucker right here said, oh, this weekend was 9-11 and I totally forgot a month ago. What you girl forgot is
Starting point is 00:22:24 all sense of time and reality it's raw dog in reality but on the river honey i didn't have a care in the goddamn world someone would mention anything of consequence pandemic, I would put my fingers in the air. La, la, la, la, la, la. Just whittity out the other. Don't even go in. If you need a little glimpse into Tanya's mindset, looking at her back wall there, she's got like six blinky cat clocks that
Starting point is 00:22:58 just when the tail goes, their eyes go side to side. That's the mindset of somebody we're dealing with here. Oh, we have one back there, Tom. high are you on shrooms i might be i got baskets cross stitches plants a lot going on back here this is where i keep my high heels that are for pictures i see i was just looking at those i can't work i can't walk in those they're for pictures only you got like a rack of high heels yo that's pretty cool yeah before we hear. Before we hear from some veterans of the NATSEC community and our national defense on how we can prevent the next 9-11,
Starting point is 00:23:35 let's check in with the residents of Letcher County and see what they're doing for this Remembrance Week. This is a good one. You got the current. You got this week's, Tom. This is this week's. I'm curious. I i've not even looked at it so i'm wondering oh it's juicy other people have sent me pictures of it there's got to be juicy 20th anniversary oh boy let's get right in here well there's a bunch of juicy covid ones too no man i just want to make sure i'm clear on what i'm seeing on the television
Starting point is 00:24:06 you mean to tell me to left afghanistan with our tail between our legs and 13 members of the military killed and our president told us it was quote an extraordinary success well if that's true god help us if we ever have a failure i can't i cannot disagree. Yeah, at the end they got me. I was like, hey. I mean, are we wrong? Is this wrong? To declare Afghanistan an overwhelming success.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Can you imagine? After you dump billions of dollars, how many lives? I can't even say. You know what I mean put the country partially in a recession man yeah i wonder if he's talking about afghanistan as a whole or the decision to withdraw you know if he's talking about it as a whole then yeah it's he's got a point yeah well they've been standing on you know the one leg that they're out here helping the afghan people come the fuck on yeah i mean Helping the Afghan people by shooting the most sophisticated weapons in the world at them repeatedly.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's so fucking dark and bleak. I'm burning a candle for us. Burn a sage. It is no wonder that many Americans don't want to get the COVID-19 vaccine. It is because they can't trust their government. They are liars. No one should be forced to take that vaccine. If the
Starting point is 00:25:31 government cared about your life, they would stop bringing in illegal aliens with COVID and send them all over the place to protect their citizens. This is one that someone sent me. If you go to a damn hospital with COVID and have not taken the vaccine you will most likely be treated with less respect and they will most likely care less if you
Starting point is 00:25:52 recover or not we are free in america we have the right to the freedom of speech so if you want to get that vaccine then you should get it but if you't, the government has no right to force you to. You know what? Now here, the eagle speaks as it so rarely does and calls me out directly. Editor's note. When did the government, quote, force you to get a vaccine? If hospitals don't care about unvaccinated COVID patients,
Starting point is 00:26:23 then why are this area's intensive care units filled with those patients? And just how many illegal aliens with COVID did the government send to infect our people in eastern Kentucky? Neighboring Perry County has the nation's second-highest COVID-19 infection rate in the United States. Have you seen an influx of illegal aliens there? Or down in Bell County, which has the nation's fifth highest covid infection rate doing no small part to tanya's adventures there oh my god i text my mom when i saw that
Starting point is 00:26:53 i text mom i said hey do you know that bell county has the nation's fifth highest rate of covid right now because she works there two days a week. She goes back and forth to two different stores. She was like, shit's bad. What are you going to do? Fox. It's too hot to die. We're too hot to die. We're too hot to go out like this.
Starting point is 00:27:18 That is true. We got so much in front of us. Way to go, Joe Biden. It is good to see a president doing his job rather than be out golfing or lollygagging around Mar-a-Lago. Boy, what a president we did have, am I right? Mickey Stines is the best sheriff this county has ever had, in my opinion. He goes around busting everybody, but leaves the camp branch crew out that's where all your meth is coming from in this damn county uh long time
Starting point is 00:27:51 payroll long time listeners of the show will remember that mickey stein's uh told tanya that he would in fact he would die for her so for real yeah he did didn't he tanya live in court yeah uh i was in there complaining about the cop presence at our black lives rally and he stood up hollering and going on hoping and hollering do you know i would die for you and i just wish i'd said please please do yeah you better turn him use that you're the one with a fucking gun on you here bub i mean the same day these people are fucked the same day as our as our blm rally in our little town they found nooses all over town jesus and acted like it was like not connected and there was no big deal.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Wouldn't even put... And this very paper wouldn't even cover it. Jesus, yeah. What the fuck? Fuck on. I went to high school with a guy named Dougie Mullen, spelled D-O-G-G-I-E. And I'll never
Starting point is 00:29:01 forget him coming to play ball with us one day and Dougie went away as the first guy that probably was listening to dog pound in high school but he was also a guy that would like eat a bar of soap for ten dollars and then he came back he did a white nationalist turn and he came back with a noose around his neck and he came down to the basketball courts and he said, this is why all the blacks are getting out of Letcher County. And we turned to each other. We're like, what, all two of them? All two of them?
Starting point is 00:29:32 No, they're still here. Pretty sure they're on the court right now. What are you saying, Doug? Jesus fuck. So anyway, fast forward, Doug got back into the dog pound and married a black woman. So, you know, interesting, interesting. Interesting turn of events, yo.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah. Had a redemption arc, man. Shit. Oh, my God. For the first time in history. I love this. I love this. I love this. For the first time in history, the United States.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Sorry, I skipped over the best part. For the first time in her history, the United States has made an unconditional surrender. We gave $85 billion worth of equipment and arms to the Taliban, and they can use those against us. And we left some of our own people and our own allies to the mercy of the Taliban. The first time in her story. In her story. In all her story.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I like the gendering of America while citing what this guy perceives as a failure. Editor's note. Numerous fact checks have developed claims that the United States left $85 billion worth of military arms and equipment behind when they left Afghanistan. billion worth of military arms and equipment behind when they left Afghanistan. That false claim comes from a July 30 quarterly report by the Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that said, the most reliable narrator in my opinion, that said the U.S. has spent a total of $82.9 billion on Afghan security forces during the 20 years since the invasion began in 2001. Say that number again. That false claim comes from a July 30 quarterly report by the
Starting point is 00:31:35 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that said the U.S. has spent a total of 82.9 billion on Afghan security forces during the 20 years since the invasion began in 2001. So I guess what the editorial staff here is saying that we left $85 billion behind is what we've spent in Afghanistan in 20 years, which I think is probably a little on the low side. Yeah yeah that seems a bit of a conservative estimate to say the least wait let me ask you a question tom are these speaker pieces have they become more editorialized or like have like an editor's note added to them you think in the past couple years well let me speak on this please please do the editor of the mountain eagle is a prick and he loves to be i gotta interject i love
Starting point is 00:32:29 being gish this is just tanya's opinion that's my own editor's note he's a prick and he loves to get into a petty beef so he i i don't know that it's gotten more but he loves to gotcha yeah yeah he'd like to do the well actually yeah yeah he loves it well actually but the person who sent me that this week was like this is fact checking better than seeing him i mean it is though last one and we'll jump into what we we want to talk about this week to the caller who claims i keep attacking him over my hatred of quote woke-ism. Your reply to my comment about your hateful ideology was not asked for in any sort of way. You rudely retaliate with slanderous accusations and name-calling. You also stated that your freedom begins where my God-given freedom
Starting point is 00:33:20 ends. Being there is no freedom on the avenue of sin, God's freedom will never end, pal. You also stated my church does not rule things in this country. You are correct. The Christian church is a refuge for believers who wait for the return of Christ. There is room for you in the house of faith, my brother. Read John 3 16, Romans 10 9 through Ephesians 2.8-9, and do it in that order. And concerning your remark about the Taliban, where do you think wokeism came from? The Taliban. The Taliban responsible for all this woke propaganda. The Taliban responsible for that George Floyd mural
Starting point is 00:34:05 that people have been seeing, man. Oh, yeah, they're pissed about that. Well, I have to say that it looks like the citizens of Letcher County have forgotten. Maybe next week there will be some more. I was thinking, you know, for sure somebody will,
Starting point is 00:34:21 you know. Break up something about 9-11. But nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Well, to close it out here, that is, if I can sneak behind this paywall, I sent you guys an article from the Washington Post this week. On the eve of the anniversary of 9-11,
Starting point is 00:34:47 this is an opinion piece by Jason M. Blazakis, who states his credentials as being a professor of practice at the Middlebury Institute, sounds satanic already, of international studies and was director of the State Department's Counterterrorism Finance and Designations Office in the Bureau of Counterterrorism from 2008 to 2018. And I saw this on, on old 12 Ball at BoltzmanBooty on Twitter's feed, which is amazing if you don't follow them. But the opinion
Starting point is 00:35:30 says it's a real possibility that our next 9-11, not our first 9-11, that our next 9-11 could arrive from within. No shit. Tom, where'd you send us this at? It's in the group chat. In the group chat.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Not with Terrence, with just the three of us. Not on our phones. Okay. For many Americans... Wait, in the text message? Yeah, the text message. Oh. Tanya definitely did the reading. Oh, did you send this days ago oh shit yeah so yeah so just to tee this up blazakis is clearly one of these uh foreign
Starting point is 00:36:19 policy ghouls that you know among the worst people living. Yeah, and this like, to make it more inflammatory, the picture at the top of the article is the Alfred P. Murray Federal Building, Oklahoma City that was bombed in 1995. For many Americans, Blazakis writes, the first searing image of terrorism was not of jets plunging into Manhattan skyscrapers or a smoldering Pentagon, but of a heroic firefighter cradling a soot-covered lifeless infant in Oklahoma City. Two white men, both Americans.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I love the woke turn of the foreign policy ghouls two white men both americans have blown up a federal office building domestic terrorism fueled by government hating extremists awakened the nation in april 1995 i just can i just add like just like you know like i know you say for many americans i know exactly he's talking about it's gonna be white supremacy right but the fact that this motherfucker says domestic terrorism awakened the nation, not the fact that the United States was already committing
Starting point is 00:37:31 domestic terrorism on marginalized black people. Since 1776, baby. Since 16, whatever, you know what I'm saying? Actually, much further before that. To call government hating extremists come on but 1995 is when it all turned gang and as the united states prepares to commemorate the
Starting point is 00:37:54 20th anniversary of the september 11th attacks which is going to be truly something to behold we must confront the real possibility that our next 9-11 could arrive from within. We must resist the urge to see the horrific suicide attacks in Afghanistan in August and the apparent re-emergence of the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, both, you know, varying degrees of veracity, as a reason to return to dated strategies and tactics. As someone, I love this old cudgel right here. As someone, I mean, this is one of my favorite on Twitters.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Veterinarian here. As somebody who's had their fist in a horse's ass, I can tell you firsthand that Ivermectin. Foreign policy ghoul here. As someone who has worked on national security issues in the U.S. government for more than a decade, I've concluded that the U.S., quote, war on terror, end quote. I like that he put that in scare quotes. Yeah, exactly. I don't think he meant it the way it comes off.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Launched in the wake of 9-11 has left us unprepared for the domestic threat that grows by the day. So that's what's left us unprepared. That's what's left us. That's what's left us. That's what's going to catch us off guard. Yeah, okay. Complicating matters further
Starting point is 00:39:25 is that in today's politically charged environment, I mean, was this written by a fellow at the Brookings Institute, or was this written by some blue waver on Twitter? Some Warren Green account or something?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Complicating matters further is that in today's politically charged environment the biden administration will find it difficult to pivot toward the domestic threat but we must move beyond the narrow obsession with the international terror and mitigate the extremist threat at home and here's his prescription for doing so but before wait wait can i bring in one more thing though it was also too that i is troubling, man. I mean, the whole thing is troubling. He says complicating matters further is that in today's politically charged environment, the Biden administration will find it difficult to pivot toward the domestic threat. So are you saying that like you don't want to anger and inflame like, you know, conservatives and Trump's base? So you're not going to actually like go after like white supremacists and white nationalists and like, you know i'm saying like these extremists like that's insane you know like we don't want to upset
Starting point is 00:40:28 these people too much so we'll just keep letting them like do whatever the fuck they're doing you know or the more extreme elements i guess of their base or whatever man i think i mean they are like our own like internal strategy is to target uh black left exactly black extremist groups yeah black that's what they call they start they coined black extremist groups yeah it's not white supremacists it's a funny thing that like uh an inordinate number of the og black lives matter protesters like from ferguson era have ended up dead under very mysterious circumstances but ain't none of them january 6th i mean they're hanging out several of those motherfuckers to dry after like the fbi is like obviously put their thumb on the scales and we're
Starting point is 00:41:16 manipulating like these like people literally driving them to do this shit yeah people found dead in the trunks of their own cars and claiming it was a suicide yeah like fucked up shit classic suicide tactic i'm just gonna smoke myself in my to the back of the head i'm gonna shoot myself twice in the back of the head and then climb in a trunk and then die god damn it god damn i will say though i think the post uh missed a good opportunity this is already a terrible title but I so I'm gonna give them um an idea for a better title which would be five ways to mitigate the extremist threat at home turn it into an Instagram list make it it a listicle? Yeah, make it a listicle because it says here are five ways to do so.
Starting point is 00:42:08 A real missed opportunity on a listicle here. And they should illustrate it like it's like a recycling thing for kids, you know? Yeah, like color it up and shit like that. Give a hoot, don't pollute. Reduce, reuse, recycle Rihanna. Ay!
Starting point is 00:42:24 Okay, here's this guy's policy proposals, okay? And surely we'll all print these out and stick them beside, what's the guy that wears the Patagonia vest's name? DeRay? DeRay McKesson? Yeah, DeRay McKesson's seven policy proposals for producing police violence. Stick it up on the fridge. Getting rid of it. Number one, fund and expand FBI capabilities.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Well, I mean, that's just common sense. Police training. We need more police training. FBI are just historically so underfunded and expand their capabilities. Yeah. The FBI is just so limited in their scope of what they can do. I want to point something out in 2004, I was the subject of the United States secret service investigation into
Starting point is 00:43:19 online gambling. Now I understand that the FBI is not the secret service, but like, I feel like they're like on the same branch more or less you know what i mean yeah like fbi like you know is more broadly a a you know a police institution essentially while the secret service is more like they investigate like cyber crimes counterfeiting and weirdly have security detail for president which seems kind of you know not really overextension of the capabilities other things yeah so like if they knew about some dipshit and at that time moorhead kentucky that uh had some dealings with
Starting point is 00:44:00 and later And by the time they came to my house, they put a tree together and showed me how that I was, you know, what branch I was on, you know, and they looked us in the eye, me and my cousin said, basically, we got enough on you boys to put you away for 20 years for class
Starting point is 00:44:20 D felony organized crime. Jesus. And we were like, well, we were just playing poker. well, we were just playing poker. Yeah, we were just playing poker. We were just playing Yahoo games, bro. Well, they were trying to say, I mean, there was a number
Starting point is 00:44:35 of things they charged. They were trying to stick to us, but basically defrauding taxpayers by using a college computer for illegal means like that the same thing happened to me for downloading music at EKU that same time it was probably 2005 no I think it was my sophomore year the same shit happened to me and I got I got put on academic probation probably because I stormed into the office um because I thought it was about porn
Starting point is 00:45:02 and went the fuck off. And then when you found out about music, you were like, okay. And then it was music. I was like, oh. This is even dumber. You downloaded Britney Spears. Give me more like a shitty version of it before the album came out and they were real pissy about it. Yeah, they literally they were sending cease and
Starting point is 00:45:21 desist letters like all this bullshit language all over campus to people i i think an important lesson i learned in that process was you should never i mean like ops are everywhere no doubt about it but i also i think too you should never assume that like the cia or the fbi or the secret service or whoever you know are like always that intelligent because at the top of the tree they had my friend Brian Escobar who had nothing to do they said we know he's the ringleader I was like I think you're just saying that because of his last name but yeah exactly you have no evidence besides the fact that he is brown. Escobar, put it right at the top.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Right at the top. And we know that you all are just Escobar's minions. I was like, what? I love that they flashed out a crime tree to a bunch of little doe bitches in Moorhead, Kentucky. Oh, my fucking God. They really thought they had like a Rico case or something by a bunch of fucking dipshit college guys playing poker and like exchanging money like through the function on the website. It was weird. One of the guys ended up getting in trouble.
Starting point is 00:46:35 And fortunately, his dad, he's like a rich kid. And his dad was like a judge in like Greenup County. And he got tried in a local Greenup County court instead of a federal court because his dad made a sweetheart deal. And he ended up getting like two months of like unsupervised probation. And he was up for like identity theft, fraud, wire fraud, all kinds of shit.
Starting point is 00:46:56 What the fuck? Jesus, man. But he was actually stealing money off people and running a scam, like friends of ours. But we didn't know that till later on. Anyway, fund and expand FBI capabilities. Until recently, the vast majority of FBI resources were devoted to tracking individuals tied to groups such as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Both fictions depend upon who you ask. While this
Starting point is 00:47:20 is changing, the FBI's resources are yet to be aligned to the rising tide of domestic right-wing extremism. In a 2019 congressional testimony, Michael McGarrity, then assistant director of the FBI's counterterrorism division, said 20% of the Bureau's counterterrorism agents worked on domestic terrorism, with the rest devoted to international terrorism. Even though he noted domestic terrorists carried out more attacks and killed more Americans than international terrorists, which is an interesting thing to admit, right? Because like we've been told that this like boogeyman from the Orient is going to come and like murder all of us.
Starting point is 00:47:59 They've long relied on the great mysterious other, you know, to like to fund their wars, to sell us all going to Iraq in the first place. Exactly. And now when it doesn't serve their aims, now that now like that, you know, these unstable white men are the ones that like are their new boogeyman. You know what I mean? You can't flip the narrative. You can't flip the narrative. And we've all narrative i mean you talk about cat we've cat we have that's a great joke about them call them just calling anyone an insurgent it's like what's it we don't i don't know no insurgents hell i don't know no insurgents what's an insurgent look like they're just out
Starting point is 00:48:40 here in flip-flops and dog pants. These are just civilians, motherfucker. Oh, my God. But, yeah, we've long known this, that, like, psychos here are a way bigger threat to anyone than people somewhere else. But even then, it's like, it's still fucking overblown, right? Because it's like, I used to work with these motherfuckers at the fire department. They were all into this malicious shit. and even a significant portion of these guys are just like
Starting point is 00:49:09 guys that want to feel something on the weekend and bored with their lives and they're like on yeah that in therapy and then somebody told them about q anon or something and then but like most of those guys are just like i'm not saying they're good or anything but they're like blustering fucking dumbasses and not like guys that are going to pull off some January 6th type shit. Well, I mean, even the guys that did January 6th, I mean, like we saw the way that turned out where it was like, I mean, frankly, like, you know, the people will still like fear monger about it and say, well, this was a transformative day for America. But I mean, yo, it was like like a bunch of idiots bumbling around at the fucking Capitol who didn't know what the fuck to do. And yes, I understand it was scary for people there. But I mean, I think that's the best example of like, yeah, these people aren't the smartest, most I'm not going to say most dangerous.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But I think it is like kind of a bit overblown. Well, it gets dangerous once you get the FBI like embedded with them. Yeah. And trying to go like go to do some like chud fucking like white guy that likes to you know build his arm stock and have like 4 000 rounds of ammunition and all this stuff once you get the fbi involved to kind of like you know push on those nerve centers that's when these motherfuckers do this shit yeah and i mean this all goes back to an abolitionist value system like these are almost all rooted in issues of fucking poverty and no health care system a piss poor education system like this is a cycle um that creates just people who have no have nothing to go on but fear and confusion, essentially.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And listen, I'll tell you right now, man, like you're not going to like, I mean, we know this. Right. But like liberals think that you're going to like, you know, convince these people through logic and reasoning, you know, to change their minds. Bro, I don't care if you hate black people as long as you I feel like you have health care. If you have like, you know, a school that your kids could go to, like you live in a neighborhood where you feel secure and safe, bro. And you're not going to take all of these sentiments that you have to go out there and like what it's done like you know what i'm saying like yeah just like stay the fuck away from me you could be bad but like at least you won't be bad enough to go out there and do something about it you know what i'm saying god damn it policy proposal number two, update the domestic terrorism statute. Not one January 6th insurrectionists have been charged with terrorism.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And I love how they use these like, okay, how inflammatory this is. And even white supremacist Dylann Roof's murder of nine black parishioners in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015 didn't merit the change in the view of prosecutors. Even the actions enacted after the Oklahoma City bombing have been used to target international terrorism, but not neo-Nazi groups or other domestic threats. A stronger terrorism statute would be, would in many cases pave the way for longer prison sentences and provide clearer pathways to prosecution of accomplices without violating constitutional concerns. Hmm. Not really persuaded on that front, but go on. Yeah, it's like, oh my God, like oh my god dude the echoing of dylan roof it is like it's so it's so weird to see this sort of right turn toward the language of like social justice yeah and to see them embrace that
Starting point is 00:52:35 and use these boogeyman like roof and everything to just press those buttons like it's just the most like cynical shit although even though they won't do as necessary i mean even just defunding the police right even tanya you were talking about issues of poverty right like education even doing things like that like they don't want to make that turn right that emancipatory turn but they want to make this right-wing cynical turn and like capitalizing on identity politics man can't yeah and cash in that way yeah i mean this cycle is them continuing to make life harder and more miserable and unlivable but between minimum wage the wealth gap all this shit like they just continue to make life harder and less like more unlivable literally less
Starting point is 00:53:18 survivable and their fucking answer to the consequence of that is just more guns, more jails, more jails, more police overreach. Yeah. More death and destruction. We're going to get to that in a second. This last one's going to throw this. There's a couple more, but this man is so funny. The next policy proposal, treat the far-right challenge as a transnational issue. The U.S. intelligence community should adjust its collection priorities to better measure the overseas far-right threat posed by neo-Nazis and like-minded groups. After the 9-11 attacks, our intelligence agencies focused on groups such as al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, and their affiliates.
Starting point is 00:54:03 We must continue to do so, but also augment U.S. foreign intelligence capabilities against international neo-Nazis and other extremist groups that communicate with share propaganda with and sometimes financially support far right groups here at home. So you're getting a little you're getting a little like, you know, we want to you know, we also you know, we want to keep our eye on the Islamic world. But also we kind of need to keep our eyes peeled on what's happening in the Crimea. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:32 This is kind of wild. It is kind of funny to think that we're so obsessed with borders that we only we see all of we see terrorism only as either domestic or abroad not a like not as both these people all interconnected like a world fucking
Starting point is 00:54:57 that is pretty bizarre we really love a border oh my god here's where we get into the NGOization of the uh of the deep state take the fight to social media platforms all right let's go from fundraising to operational planning to propaganda i'm ready yeah social media sites are the unseen back offices of modern terrorism social media companies are being are big on self-policing, implementing their own usage policies,
Starting point is 00:55:30 and removing content that violates their standards. I know that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. I have to run a VPN not in the day-. all the time. to the top. I'm a big group of standards. All the time, yo, all the time. The U.S. government could sanction overseas far-right groups, essentially name them as terrorist entities, as an impetus for domestic social media platforms to shut down these groups' access.
Starting point is 00:56:01 This approach would aim to keep international terror groups from metastasizing in the United States. Now, here is the cherry on top. Enlist non-government help. Finally, the U.S. government... A few volunteers. Yeah, don't mourn and organize those that are afraid of domestic terror. Enlist non-government help. Finally, the U.S. government needs to encourage and fund private sector and nonprofit programs that can help stunt extremism. Because federal, I swear to God, the Sierra Club is going to have like a program. I'm going to go to work and they're going to have a program on like fighting right wing extremism and in the workplace, that kind of stuff. How to be an anti-racist at work.
Starting point is 00:56:50 You got a neighbor that's maybe listening to Burzum a little too much. If you see something, say something. We must enlist non-government groups that have experience at uncoupling individuals from extremism and that work side by side with local leaders to identify at-risk populations and individuals. To identify at-risk... We can throw these motherfuckers in jail before they try some shit.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Sorry. Before they try some shit. Some citizens arrest. I'm going to be out here lassoing motherfuckers for popping off in the streets. Yeah. It's like, it's basically like we should all be George Zimmerman's concerning.
Starting point is 00:57:35 This effort should be part of the U S long game and one devised to ensure that our liberties, human rights and privacy are not trampled upon in the name of fighting domestic terrorism. I don't understand the sort of dissonance that has to be happening in somebody's brain. The proposal above said we got to take this fight to social media platforms. This one says we need to spy on our neighbors, essentially, and enlist the help from the non-profit world, and then say that we're going to make sure that your privacy is not trampled on. An aggressive and intrusive use of federal authority is a real threat too. America's radical right extremists and Afghanistan's Taliban might seem like polar opposites,
Starting point is 00:58:18 but their approach to financing, recruiting, propagandizing, and fighting are surprisingly similar. The connective tissue is a desire to crush the system whether the u.s government or the general world order by and large america's domestic threats have had free reign but even as we mourn the loss of life that the last month in afghanistan the most insidious threats are often the ones in our own backyard often the ones closest to home oh my god man i want to mention something about that um that last one enlisting ngo help like i don't know anything about like de-radicalization i know that's been floating around the internet but just this idea like it's hot i know i I'm not even going to get into it, but like just like the idea of like, all right, uncoupling.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I mean, even at risk populations, all that language is like risky as fuck, but like uncoupling individuals. Like, I'm not really sure that like, like, I don't really know how you deal with like that, like de-radicalizing people like that. But I'm not really sure the answer is to like kind of coddle people and like of course in your own personal interpersonal relationships if you know somebody that's hateful like that's something that you got to deal with on an interpersonal level but like how do you make that like it reminds me of uh tom you and terrence did a show about this uh like a racist anonymous kind of thing you know what i mean like which is this soft liberal approach to like de-radicalizing people but i just feel like that's not how it really works you know the black pastor and it saying uh i'm a racist and then like yes yes i suck dick to belittle my indian neighbors
Starting point is 00:59:56 what have you done for what have you done for drugs motherfucker oh my god racism is my drug it's my drug uncut premium i don't know man it just feels again like i don't know like we talk about all the time just get into like the root systemic problems and not trying to you know trying to as you were saying tom you have this like uh like this schizophrenia of like whether you want to like you know protect people's privacies but then also trample on them you know what i mean it's just uh it's just kind of like whether you want to like, you know, protect people's privacies, but then also trample on them. You know what I mean? It's just, it's just kind of like, it doesn't really make any sense. Yeah. Some fucking foreign policy fucking nerd ghoul here, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:36 like giving us like policy prescriptions to fight like entities that are to be clear, mostly fictions and to the degree that they exist, the United States created them, empowered them. Exactly. I mean, Osama bin Laden was a fucking CIA asset for 40 fucking years. Exactly. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:56 Exactly. Well, anyway. I guess that's why Trump said he was small potatoes. He's small potatoes. Small beats. That's all I got for the week.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Any announcements? Concerns? Questions? Queries? Nah, man. Your girl's on life support. I about passed out in the hot tub this morning. Well, in the shower after the hot tub pray for me love and healing energy send love and healing energy to tanya my blood pressure's low i got my sugar down
Starting point is 01:01:38 lord i had my been bad all morning. Ooh, can't get it straightened out. My grocery store is out of pretzels and donuts. What am I to do? No donuts? Tanya blames the condition in the Suez Canal for this. Suez Canal is due to – donut shortage is due to the canal there. Oh, Lord. Pretzels.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Thanks, you two, for being good troopers and sports through the technical difficulties and thank you all out there that uh do to flee and faithfully tune in every week and keep us going uh if you like what you hear or even if you don't like what you hear and you just say hey i'd like to support uh small business go on over to slash Trillbilly Workers Party, where for $5 a month, you can get an extra episode every week. Or for less, you can just throw in there and just, you know, as a love offering, as we used to say in the church growing up. But, yeah, I guess we will see you all there on sunday lord willing and
Starting point is 01:02:48 the creek don't rise so with that we better do bye what is today the night yeah

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