Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 232: Inspiring Confidence

Episode Date: January 13, 2022

On this week's episode we cover: another one of the government's baffling attempts at COVID communication; a scientist who is running for Congress; Kentucky police trying to get exempted from paying s...tate income taxes; and the hot new economy all the kids are talking about known as The Great Reset Please support us over at Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We should have solved any problems. I agree. I love solving problems. You're always saying that. You're such a problem solver, Terrence. I love to solve problems. In fact, that's why I've been trying to solve the problem of COVID-19, but haven't figured it out just yet.
Starting point is 00:00:21 The cracked investigative staff been on it. What if, here we go what if we developed cancer to go after the virus not does anybody thought of that what if you put cancer cells in the virus what if we gave the virus pretty powerful that should work the answer seems pretty powerful all those people that were were like, fuck cancer, fuck cancer. It's like, well, what if this is the savior? It's got to have some benevolent purpose. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You know? Tom, speak. Yo. Speak into your microphone. I'm sorry. Yo. Speak up, boy. Maybe I just need to rest it on my chin like this.
Starting point is 00:01:06 No, no, that's perfect. Do it like that. Looks like I'm sucking a big Smurf dick the whole time. How big a boy are you? You could put cancer in the virus. You could put... Here's the thing. Why have we not tried to use
Starting point is 00:01:28 mountaintop removal to fix the virus? What about arsenic? What about arsenic? What if we went to these old coal mines and redeployed all the miners and put them back to work with the skills they have gathering
Starting point is 00:01:43 arsenic that we then use to put in the virus coal miners save the day again i tell you what whatever's in my aunt whatever is in my aunt's well water i bet you my aunt sharon's well water i bet you it could take out the virus did y'all see this thing people are suggesting using piss? Like piss treats COVID-19. Also a fan of piss. I love piss. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Guys, I think I might have got too high to record. It happens. Look, I'm kind of high. It'll work. I almost texted y'all and said, hey, can we just all get real high this time to see how it goes? I'm kind of high.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah. And Tom's got naturally occurring cannabinoids, which they're saying fixes is another thing. Also a COVID. It's a COVID thing. I literally just sent a fellow pothead the article that i received yesterday from another pothead and we started thinking well how many potheads do we know who've had covid let's i mean i can't think like the idea was like weed was like this holy
Starting point is 00:03:08 molecule it was like more than just a plant it was holy and it could fix anything and honestly we should bring that back because um we all need something to believe in right now yeah I think we I think we need a plurality of tactics to fight the virus hey why'd you say throw everything at it naturally occurring cannabinoids
Starting point is 00:03:35 what's that mean I don't know you're naturally high all the time nah it's just something in my my sweat you like you test positive yeah i always do yeah i test i've been testing positive for 30 years now for thc i did i did listen to this i did me and tyro did uh fail a drug test after we had uh remember when you'd have somebody do a little shotgun
Starting point is 00:04:06 where they would take it and then blow it in your mouth? Damn. Mid-tide and all together. Holly sexual behavior. We went and hung out with these girls and they did that. That was before Christmas and then we failed a drug test in May.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Damn. That's fucked up. Just from them blowing in your mouth just just once i swear well they did say they did say they were like it doesn't look like y'all did it looks like y'all been in a room with somebody that did it and i was just like five months later five months later i was always told you get 30 days you could like and you maybe you could get it out in like 15 days if you like exercise a lot and drink a fuckload of that niacin that turned your skin really red. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And what was the other one? Like the, what's the fucking, pectin, fruit pectin?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, I think that was it. There's a million different things. I don't want to get out of pocket here, but THC does cling to fat cells. And the bigger the boy you are, the longer it stays in your system. Well, I wasn't a big boy in those. Neither of us were big boys in those days. Well, then I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You should have told him. Looks like you've been in a room with somebody. That's what they did. That cop, Mark, said, I ain't gonna get you boys in trouble or nothing, but it looks like y'all been in the room with people that smoking dope. Tasha just been like, well, yeah, I arrested them. This is workplace harm. They're in jail now, sir.
Starting point is 00:05:41 On my watch. Off the streets this week two two hotties blowing smoke damn oh man that's the thing though i re-watcheded Friday though Recently and it's like There's a good stoner movie I'm like what happened to the stoner Film genre man What was the last great stoner movie Pineapple Express I guess
Starting point is 00:06:17 I was about to say Pineapple Express Probably I don't know Seth Rogen did a pretty good christmas movie i enjoyed it i watched it again this year a few years back called the night before or something like that had had lana or alana from broad city oh really yeah she fought she she backdives off a building in New York and lands safely in a trash pile. So hot. Very hot behavior.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You, my friend, have been locked up too long. You're the only person I know who would get horny over a backdive. Backdiving some trash. I love a daredevil I love a cowboy Oh god damn Ew I'm just off my SSRI So I'm hornier sorry
Starting point is 00:07:18 Damn That's not what happens to me I just shit a lot Damn. That's not what happens to me. I just shit a lot. When you're awful? Yeah, yeah. Serotonin keeps you regular. Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Well, it's like one of those things. I don't know. I guess it's like getting off any drug. Like, it's like one of those things. I don't know. I guess it's like getting off any drug. Like, it's gonna fuck your... Like, I was telling my girlfriend this last night, actually. If I could go back in time to like 2014, when they started putting me on SSRIs, I probably would just not do it. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It has helped me out a lot. But at the same time, I really hate that I've become completely dependent on this thing. That kind of like keeps me tied into the system. you know? Like, if something fucked up happens in the world, I'm gonna have, like, a two or three week period where I'm just completely insane and crazed because I didn't get this fucking, um, chemical and, you know, substance in me. And that's, like, that's, I mean, like, it's kind of like what we were talking about on Sunday. Like, no part of the healthcare system is designed to actually heal you.
Starting point is 00:08:27 It's just designed to patch things up, get as much shit into you as possible, and get you out the door so they can make more money. It's designed to keep you in working order but not thriving. Exactly. Like literally working order. Good enough to work. Right, right, right. So now, eight years, or what? Yeah, seven, eight years later,
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm still on this drug, and it fucks your kidneys, or your liver up after a long enough amount of time. You know what I mean? It's just, it's one of those things. It is kind of interesting you said that it kind of keeps you plugged into the system.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You'll have to... It makes you dependent on it. You know what I'm saying? Well, you can find you some herbal supplements to grow. Let's give homeopathy a try. What the hell? I mean, that's all we can do.
Starting point is 00:09:27 We can grow something. Or just stock up on mushrooms. I feel like if you just trip your way out of a withdrawal, you'd be fine. These recommendations explain so much. Oh, wow. I saw this thing i sent it to tom last night i was really astonished by this um hhs what is that health and human services department of health and human services like, I got an ad on my TL from them, and maybe you guys got this too, but it's essentially, like, an advertisement for the vaccine, like, it's encouraging people to go out and get the vaccine, and, like, there's at least four separate entire, like, four entirely separate things about this tweet
Starting point is 00:10:26 and messaging that is so strange and bizarre. So like I said, it's a tweet from Health and Human Services. And this is what the tweet says. I had to read it at least 20 times. And I woke up this morning and I read it a few times like, am I dreaming? Like, it has a dream logic. You know when people talk to you in dreams and, like,
Starting point is 00:10:51 it's kind of nonsensical? Sometimes it can be extremely just incoherent and surreal almost. That's kind of what it feels like. It says, stop the emotional pain and suffering covid causes we can because vaccines help prevent severe illness and death from covid so just in case you missed that there's three sentences stop the emotional pain and suffering covid causes period we can period We can, period, because vaccines help prevent it. You know, it's kind of an interesting thing when you're talking about just a big global event. You'd think you'd spring for a copywriter if you're trying to, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's worth a shit. A big global event. They gave it to some unpaid intern, probably. You know what I'm saying? Just like, yeah, just fucking say something. We don't care. It doesn't matter. I think, let me just play editor.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I think it would have read better if it had said, can we stop severe illness and death from COVID-19? You're damn right we can. You're damn right we can. You're damn right. And then I'd say get you and your loved ones to Frazier's Farmer's Supply.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Pick up ivermectin in the tube today. Can't afford ivermectin? Ask your doctor if piss treatment is right for you today. I would offer some alternatives, you know what I mean, i mean for the needle averse you would at least offer a catchy phrase which is you're damn right we can like that would be a good catchy phrase for at the moment you know even if it's not true like people would be like you're damn it inspires confidence that's what you have to do
Starting point is 00:12:41 in these things it inspires bad syntax does not inspire confidence. That says, oh, God damn, we're all going to die. Well, it's like we see the material effects and impacts of them not giving a fuck and not trying at all. Tweeting from there, but I don't even know at this point. They've probably already all left the earth at this point. Has anybody seen Joe Biden in the flesh on the planet earth? Like not,
Starting point is 00:13:10 it may not even be here anymore. They might be on his space station. I'm not even persuaded. That was him talking to those auto workers. I guess it's been two summers ago now, but like when he was gonna fight one of the model workers in detroit that was tight that should have happened because that would have been so fucking tight imagine them just beating the hell out of joe by about 40 autoworkers
Starting point is 00:13:36 stomping his ass instead the last i saw of his ass in the metaverse was a bunch of very strange kids singing some kind of biden song to you the weirdest shit you've ever seen i think i saw that which is like i know it's kind of cliche to say this but a classic example of like one of those things that if you saw a video of that from like North Korea, the entire media class would be like, look at them. They're slavishly devoted to this madman. Disgusting. At least like, at least that guy, what, Kim Jong-un, like he's got a working brain.
Starting point is 00:14:26 like he's he's got a working brain and i mean like that's that's a leader who at least would be a little more respectable to be able to look up to and who do you honest to god honest to god who you think's more popular right now joe biden or kim jong-un where in america Where? In America? Hell, Cleveland, Pyongyang, wherever. You say what you want about that guy, but one, he's a fantastic dresser. Two, he's some decisive leadership anyway. I've not really gone based on Korea, I don't think, on this show. Mostly because I don't know much about the world outside of, like, my county. Yeah, me neither.
Starting point is 00:15:08 They seem like they've got a pretty good thing going on, you know, compared to what's going on here. It seems pretty fucking tight. Well, the thing is, is you can never, I learned this, you can never, it could be the best shit in the world or it could be the worst shit in the world, but I don't trust anything Western media has to say about quote-unquote rogue states.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah, and I'm just saying, from what I've seen, the things I have seen, they look fucking dope as shit. So, I mean... They got cool marching patterns. The uniforms are fantastic. Yeah, I was what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:15:45 All I've seen is their entrance on the Olympics. I don't know that I've seen much else. Yeah, hell yeah. Wait, so where I was going with that is like, you've got all these markers of failure, things collapsing and stuff all around you, but it is also funny to see the accompanying like attempts at propaganda because they're they're just
Starting point is 00:16:09 nonsensical stop the emotional pain and suffering because it causes we can because vaccines help i mean like i mean okay so like i said there's a few things wrong with this that whole intro was pretty fucking weird. Pretty weak and weird. Right? It sounds like, you know, have you seen those bots that write the webpages and stuff? That's what it kind of reads like a little bit. It does.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's exactly what it reads like. You're right, Tom. It's like a bot. Like, written by an algorithm or something. It probably was they probably contracted out some silicon valley shit to just write them like their messaging around covid because they don't again they don't give a shit anymore yeah um but then like the second weird thing is the photo which is like it's just kind of a weird photo to put on a covid thing it's what it is someone's
Starting point is 00:17:03 grabbing their back of their head and they're just like bawling weeping crying so it's like did they get hit i guarantee you too i'll guarantee you too what that child in real life was crying about when they were photographed was not the mental anguish of covid 19 or do you think like the health and Human Services people have a photographer going around that says, Now listen, when you see anguished cause by COVID-19, I need you there to document it for our social media accounts. Wait, so the picture on this ad was a crying baby? No, it was a crying, maybe a teenager, young adult. It's kind of hard to... Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:17:44 But you know what I mean? Like I said, they're grabbing their head. And it's kind of hard oh i see but you know what i mean like i said they're like grabbing their head and like it's not clear that like covet is the situation it's just kind of a weird image to include on something about this but again whatever the third strange thing about this is the the overall message of it is covet vaccines can prevent broken hearts too which is like so strange like um is that what we're talking about myocarditis or or are you talking about like you know the anguish from seeing a loved one suffer with it i guess can prevent broken hearts. Is this their way to advertise during the Valentine's Day season? It might be, Tanya. I didn't even think of that.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It might be. My God. If that is the case, that's so grim. That's so grim. St. Valentine wants you to get vaccinated. Do it for the ones you love. They're going to have that little flying fat-ass baby, Cupid, going around. But instead of an arrow, he's going to have a hypodermic needle.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Cocked and loaded. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. That's how I'd do it. Oh, man. shit oh listen the thing i saw this week that made me the maddest was that tech bros are getting sent home with literal test machines where they can just test themselves for covet anytime they want super easy like it's an electronic thing or something? Yeah. Is this true? I'm sure it is. I'm sure it fucking is.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And we're giving those to tech bros who work on the internet already? Whose jobs are completely meaningless and pointless. They're all online! They're all online! I will give them round the clock testing and their huge bank accounts. They deserve it for the vapidity that they've done to themselves with that line of work.
Starting point is 00:19:57 That's crazy. I would believe it. I'd believe it. The fourth weird thing about this tweet and ad, this is the fourth and final thing, I see that they finally, finally pivoted to saying vaccines help prevent severe illness and death from COVID. They no longer say, which they definitely did
Starting point is 00:20:21 and have tried to make us all forget, they definitely said, like, nine make us all forget they definitely said like nine months or six months ago or whatever like this like the vaccines will save you like they said what do they say i didn't even catch the end of what you said what they said the vaccines will save you the vaccines will i don't know prevent you from getting covid but like prevents the spread and all this so they said well they did say they did say you won't get it at first yeah yeah let's be i mean even today i was complaining about a lie we've been told and then i just started laughing at myself like all we hear lies period
Starting point is 00:21:05 is 100 falsity falsehoods and i'm like they lied again and joe biden actually did say folks if you got the vaccine you're not gonna get sick yeah it's just it's just a continual moving of the goalposts before long that should be like a bad flu vaccine in a year, you know, when it's like 8% effective because they guessed wrong. Oh, my God. You know, we are two or three weeks out from a think piece in the Atlantic that, and maybe this has already been done. I need to check.
Starting point is 00:21:39 It opens up with- I love when we play Oracle. It's my favorite game we play. It's my favorite game we play my favorite segment it's gonna open up with like yeah like the image of vietnam like we were talking about tom i ain't no rich man sir yeah helicopters you're in saigon and then it's in you know it's gonna take us to like the streets of of america and just you know it's gonna take us to the streets of America and it's gonna talk about how in the 60s the reason Vietnam wasn't a success
Starting point is 00:22:11 was because the media just could not find it within them to give the United States government a break. They were constantly busting their ass about how the war effort was a failure and all this other stuff and that's why we lost Vietnam. And then the article is gonna pivot and say something like, and something similar is happening today. And they're going to say how, like, the left is actually muddying the water and making vaccination and stopping the spread harder to do.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Because we've said the messaging was mixed and confused from the beginning and they're gonna say no if you would have just given us a chance if you wouldn't have been so hard on us we could have stopped this thing it's it's coming i guarantee it is yeah well vox nobody told you to print 94 and you and you go on to define that that was the percent of cases prevented they did that i swear to god they did that i've got documented they do they've got receipts on it so we're talking about it at the time like literally a couple weeks after it came out like okay come on really like they were it's again hubris the hubris i was talking to my friend pete and he was talking about you know pete's a real scientist and uh he was talking about the messaging we were talking about the
Starting point is 00:23:31 messaging of this is so fucked up because it's like we're treating this virus like it's the terrorists you know what i mean or it's like this sort of enemy that we're locked into like a moral battle for the fate of america's soul with or something it's like no it's just like a little flying fat sack with information in it with data in it basically it doesn't matter what we do or don't do it's here to stay and it's living with this because it's had the upper hand the whole time the real enemy is capitalism. That's the enemy! Yeah. Oh, man. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I ain't no rich man. Leone! Yeah, somebody touching down in a Blackhawk and you got Buffalo Spring Field and CCR playing. Yeah. I'm not gonna sing on this show anymore. I was told I was told in a personal note that I had no
Starting point is 00:24:30 lower diaphragm power. And therefore should not be singing. I was in choir, bro. I think you got a great voice. You could be a great baritone. We can all sing all we want. You don't come back.
Starting point is 00:24:45 No, hold on. I'm sorry. There's no coming back from somebody saying, frankly, you have no lower diaphragm power. Well, what kind of, is that the feedback you've been getting about Frank Sinatra? You challenging a dead Frank Sinatra to a duel?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Well, it's funny because I mean... I warned you. Look, for the last 30 years of his life, every review of a Frank Sinatra concert was, God damn, what happened to this guy? You know, and that was before he had he his esophagus erupted you know and it changed his voice but even before that people were like you know this guy really is not great live can't carry the notes you know we can't all be britney spears sorry frank
Starting point is 00:25:39 poor little thomas sexton has no business because he has no lower diaphragm power well no one has complained about my singing so i will continue to sing oh don't don't don't tackle one of the iconoclasts or they will have a critique of everything you say as if you can ascertain whether somebody can sing by just two seconds of a shitty Zoom clip. You guys gotta listen to this ad that I just got sent to me. This is from... Terrence's next great adventure is gonna be putting out a whole new line of... That magazine.
Starting point is 00:26:29 What? Shit. Old silly leftist magazine. Playboy? Hustler? Fake ads in it. I'm putting out Hustler. No, we hope.
Starting point is 00:26:40 We wish. Adbusters, I think is what you're thinking of. Adbusters. Yeah, you're about to start your own Adbusters. Thank is what you're thinking of Adbusters yeah You're about to start your own Adbusters Thank god you remembered I ain't got shit going on up here no more Listen to this ad This is dope as fuck Friend of the show
Starting point is 00:26:57 Jonathan Howard Sent it to me You gotta watch this This is awesome This is from Adam Parkhomingo This is one hell of a democrat Running for congress He's also a scientist
Starting point is 00:27:11 Watch and retweet He's doing equations on the board Uh huh Science. When my family immigrated here in the 1930s, they came to a country built by hard work and innovation. Uh-huh. American scientists gave the world the light. You're welcome, pal. When scientists immigrated to the United States in the 1930s. Yeah, what's up?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Which scientists were those? What were the scientists coming to the United States? What's this guy's last name west is that uh did it used to be like wise or something like a vice something german i helped to create the chips that power our current and future technology i'm running for congress because the science and innovation that helped build this country is now under attack. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Oh, no. Oh, bro. Tony Feltz, you lied to Congress, and you should be investigated. When did the people who are paid to be rational become corrupt religious zealots? When did our scientists become Ayatollahs? We can see the impact of these lies all around us. Wildfires that... I would like to ask a real scientist if what he's scribbling on the board is real or just like a bunch of gibberish. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Look at those equations, dog. Goodwill hunting over here. You know what? If you want to win the Democratic nomination, all you need to do is be an ex-soldier scientist. Yeah, you're right, dude. You're punching your ticket
Starting point is 00:28:59 to the nomination. I'm Matt West, and I'm running for Congress because we have enough politicians in washington that create problems what we need are more leaders ready to solve i've been saying it is he in a white science lab coat They put him in a lab coat. They're going to be like, Dr. West. And then he's going to be like Jill Biden. You know how people think Jill Biden's a real medical doctor?
Starting point is 00:29:37 This guy, people are going to be like, man, he's a great doctor. I want him as my primary care physician. And then it's like, he's just going to obscure the fact he's not a real doctor.'m dr poon and i'm running for congress i don't have a medical doctor i'm dr herbert west dr poon you have a doctorate in anthropology that's right man i love the thought of him showing up to the shoot where they're going to make this commercial. And they've got a lab coat for him to put on. He's like, no, I don't think. I don't know, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I don't think I should wear the lab coat. They don't really wear those anymore. Yeah. It's a little overkill. It's kind of a stereotype. We'll find out later. This guy's like an adjunct at chicago state or something yeah he's running for the sixth district in oregon oh man hell yeah that's awesome i mean the dms advertising has always been so entertaining because it says more about us than them.
Starting point is 00:30:48 What they think about us than them. You got to figure out what's under attack and then get somebody that checks that box and run them for office. That's what they do these days. Yeah. And it's, I mean, it's a tactic that was like pioneered in the nonprofit world. It was like, youered in the nonprofit world. It was like, you know what I'm saying? Like, find someone who disrupts, like, the conservative view of the world. And, like, maybe the things, the fact that they're saying it will change the minds of the people.
Starting point is 00:31:19 You know what I'm saying? But I guess in this situation, it's a little different. Not all nonprofit workers are Dems. Right. That's for sure. saying but i guess in this situation okay it's a little different not all non-profit workers are dems right that's sure but all dems have been non-profit hosts all democrats are non-profit hosts yeah at some point or another you've you've made your rounds in the ngo scene you're right what what is the the? Not all whiskey is bourbon, but all bourbon is whiskey or something like that. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Squares and rectangles. Oh, man. You're right, Tom. If you want to run, you don't even have to have, like, there's not even any policies here. As an identity, it's very funny. Again, like, my's not even any policies here. As an identity, it's very funny. Again, like, my people came to this country.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Scientists as an identity. You just hold a master's in biology and you were an ex-Marine. Yeah. And you're liberal. I mean, you're off to the races. Absolutely. Well, okay, so, like, this dude is pretty tight um i also like though the fact that they had him do equations on the whiteboard like just a whole fucking like wall of equations like he's matt
Starting point is 00:32:35 damon and goodwill hunting just fucking going at it that's the other thing they pull out they bring out he's standing there he thinks he's just gonna be like you know spitball into the camera they're gonna cut together the best parts and they roll out a They bring out. He's standing there. He thinks he's just going to be like, you know, spitballing to the camera. They're going to cut together the best parts. And they roll out a fucking dry erase board and a lab coat. And he's like, uh. What have I? I've sold my soul here.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You said you're a side production assistant on this. Okay. Here's a fun game. If you all, if either of you were running for Congress, were the Dem Dems nominee and you showed up to shoot day, what would they roll out to make you, to sell you? Relatable and cool? Yeah. They'd put Terrence in a cowboy hat. They would.
Starting point is 00:33:24 You're right. They'd smear coal dust on tom's forehead if i ever worked today in the mines no but i've grew up around it they'd they'd put her i'd have to put on a red bandana around my neck damn definitely have to shoot guns. Do what Tom? They'd have me working on a water line. They'd have to keep cutting it because water would come and blast me in the face and make me look stupid. They'd put a baby on my hip. Women have to be
Starting point is 00:34:00 mothers first. Yeah, that's right. They'd give me a make-believe child. We rented this child for the commercial. It'd be like one of those home-mech babies. You know, where you gotta feed them
Starting point is 00:34:16 and stuff and they'll die. Yeah, or Tamagotchi. No, when I did that that we had eggs and i was the one person in the class that got eight eggs i had to keep from breaking i had to keep you had eight eggs eight most people had one or two like like one other guy had five and i had eight 13 year old Tanya running around school With like a basket of eight That sounds like some fraternity initiation Bullshit
Starting point is 00:34:51 They should do that Cause too many kids are dying From that hazing shit They should just do that That's a harmless haze Yo I think it was slut shaming honestly I think they took one look at me and were like This girl
Starting point is 00:35:06 We need to throw the fucking book at this bitch Oh my god Give her eight eggs Give this bitch eight eggs Damn someone in the comments Someone in the comments said As Carl Sagan said More scientists are
Starting point is 00:35:25 required in politics. Democracy cannot function without an educated populace. Damn. Make America smart again. That's what someone said. In the ad? I think that sounds like winning
Starting point is 00:35:42 messaging. Make America smart again. Like the 1930s. You've been accused. Yeah, like when our Nazi rocket scientists came over here, for example. Those were the halcyon days. You know, it's like crazy, though. It's like the one thing that these fucking dumbasses have been like
Starting point is 00:36:05 holding over your head for generations, that you're elitist, that you're this, that you're that, and you're like, I know what we need to do. We need to run more scientists because people need to trust the science. John Q. America wants a candidate that can follow the science. By God, I know just who to get him. Mark West in Oregon 6. My God.
Starting point is 00:36:37 My God. Well, I think he's going to win, guys. I'm sure he will. I'm going to go ahead and tell you guys. I'm going to go on a limb, so I don't think Mr. West has a chance in hell of seeing a day in Congress. That's just my...
Starting point is 00:36:58 That's not me being a hater. That's just my instinct. You know how, like, congressmen... Like, you know bernie or like mitch mcconnell like when they're making a speech in front of congress they like usually have some sort of visual like bernie will have a pie graph or something on a easel next to him they're gonna give that motherfucker a chalkboard and a piece of chalk and he's just gonna dazzle them for hours in the Congress with his equations,
Starting point is 00:37:25 they're gonna be like, my God. That's how he's gonna filibuster. Yeah. He's the smartest man to ever be in Congress. My God. Yeah. He'll just have a meaningless voting record,
Starting point is 00:37:40 but he was respected by his peers because he could do like the whatever theorem has not been he could play tic-tac-toe on a chalkboard that's what i'd do cat got that one uh i would just write a cat again i would just write out pi like the number 3.14 and then just keep writing numbers be like he knows all of pie my god i'm gonna today i'm gonna finish pie if you if you did that is unless you vote for the build back better plan joe man joe mansions finally met his match. They really do. The funny thing is they really do think that.
Starting point is 00:38:27 That they'll be in Congress and he'll start doing equations on the board and it'll be too much for Joe Manchins and his head will explode like in Scanners. And then they've won. Vought, Vought, take all the federal funding. I don't care. Just make him stop. And there's Vought. He just... care. Just make him stop. And there's Biden. He just
Starting point is 00:38:47 just make him stop. Take everything you want. Fine. Yeah. Anything but the Pythagorean theorem. Oh, fuck, dude. God damn. Kind of sadism, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:11 I quit. I resigned. Meanwhile, you'll have that guy in Montana that body slammed the journalist giving this guy a swirly, so it might backfire on him, too. That's absolutely happening yeah holy shit that fucking hurt damn that's fucking good man um y'all see uh that uh baby dog and jim justice got covered
Starting point is 00:39:48 that uh baby dog and jim justice got covered baby dog got it too who's baby dog i just assume jim justice dog his dog got covered man what he's he's had baby dog out on the campaign trail with him against covid is baby dog a bulldog might be a frenchie or something. I remember baby dogs being a bulldog, but I can't remember. Yeah. Little thing. But it would be crazy if... Because we haven't lost any governors yet. To take out a fucking governor would be pretty... I would say we've not lost a single elected official, right?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Well, Herman Cain, unfortunately. The one that didn't deserve it. The the one that didn't deserve it the only one that didn't deserve it he he what was he elected at the time he was he over head or something yeah he was elected as president ceo godfather's pizza i don't think i don't think herman kane ever actually held office i think he was was just the CEO of Godfather's Pizza and ran for president, right? Yeah, remember he had the 999 plan. Yes, I remember the 999 plan. Flat 9% tax on everything.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Oh, yeah. Dude, speaking of that, speaking of that. That even the most conservative economist called a revenue killer. Dude, speaking of that, did y'all know that currently, so like the Kentucky legislative session is now, I'm sure Tanya already knows this. You keep up with this more than I do at this point.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So you probably already know this, but there is a bill currently in the Kentucky House that would make it to where police don't have to pay state income taxes. I'll be goddamned, Amy. That ain't even the worst thing going on up there right now, buddy. They've got a bill. They floated a bill saying that you don't have to submit bills ahead of time. Once they're submitted, you don't even have to edit the shit.
Starting point is 00:41:54 That's what I like to see. They don't have to be seen. These bills don't even have to go through a fucking committee anymore. That's hilarious. Just like, man, as soon as you say them, that's the law. Like, that's good. Yeah. You speak these things into existence, literally, the way God intended.
Starting point is 00:42:15 In the scripture, he said, we call those things that be not as though they were. If they get written on this here chalkboard, they be law. Yeah. Man, that is the day if they really if if cops get some sort of half-assed tax holiday or like the full monte they get the full like break on sales tax i don't even know what I'd do with that. I was at the gas station the other night. It was fucking nine inches of snow on the ground. I was about to run out of fucking gas. I went to the gas station, went in there, got me a coffee.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And then the clerk said to the cop that walked in, fucking campus guy of all things, says, Well, you know you all get free coffee and free something else there so you know help yourself and i was just like if for some reason that just fucking chilled my nuts dude it's so fucking ridiculous like the little parking lot spots at walmart up front like they can't fucking walk like if they have to walk an extra couple of feet that's going to be the end of the fucking world for them. Oh, yeah, they love to pull up right there in the loading zone. And we don't even have, like, expected mother parking.
Starting point is 00:43:34 We don't even have pregnant people parking. No. Oh, yeah. We have cop parking. Oh, yeah, yeah. People are supposed to be like, ain't she supposed to be able to run, like, an eight-minute mile or something? That's a cop. People are supposed to be in some kind of physical supposed to be able to run like an eight minute mile or something as a cop?
Starting point is 00:43:45 People are supposed to be in some kind of physical condition. Once you're in, you're in. I just don't know how at this point you can even look at yourself in the mirror at this point. Just like how whiny they are and how they get handed everything. There's no accountability whatsoever whatsoever i'd like that these motherfuckers will fix their lips to say the entitlement generation
Starting point is 00:44:10 there's nobody more entitled on the planet than a fucking cop you're so entitled you could kill people and face no consequences that's entitlement yeah there is um there's also a bill that would require an armed officer in k through 12 schools uh there's a bill that would prohibit classroom discussion of race sex or religion and disciplines teachers for violations damn dog i mean like how would you actually like like what are you going to teach about at that point like if you can't talk about race sex religion i mean those are the three best things i want to know all the fun shit i want to know who's going to be the first third grader to murder a cop like he protected and served like they said all this shit but really and truly all you're gonna remember about this guy is that a third grader found a way to kill him i mean the kids do seem to be at their
Starting point is 00:45:11 breaking point right now there's like school walkouts happening all over the country you love to see it the kids are not okay yeah they're ready they're ready to snap on a motherfucker i cannot believe that they're gonna be sitting booby traps like they're so smart kids are so smart they'll be sitting booby traps for cops and let them do a manhole listen to this the reason they gave for this bill people have stopped becoming police officers. So we're trying to incentivize people who go into and stay in that line of work by passing something that will appeal to them financially.
Starting point is 00:45:55 People have stopped becoming police officers. That is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard in my life. I mean, just anecdotally. Everybody KU school, yeah. The cop school in KU is overflowing. Everybody's trying to be a goddamn cop. If you ain't on the draw, you're trying to be a cop. Literally.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's a duality of things. Which is kind of the same thing. Being a cop is kind of getting on the draw. Yeah. You get to live in public housing for free if you're in Letcher County or for a dramatically reduced rate. Like, cops live up there for like Letcher County, or for a dramatically reduced rate. Like, cops live up there for like $20 a month or $50 a month rent. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Now they're going to get tax breaks. This is kind of a funny quote. Language in the bill would cover local police, Kentucky State Police, and sheriff's departments. Asked why his tax exemption wouldn't include other challenging public service jobs such as firefighters and nurses, Dotson said he's open-minded. Quote,
Starting point is 00:46:50 Oh yeah, all of them have approached and are talking to us about that. End quote. Quote, My thing is, I want tax reform in the state of Kentucky. I want to do away with state income taxes altogether, but being what it is,
Starting point is 00:47:01 police officers are, you know, they protect and serve, and we are running short on those right now we're running short on them running short on protection i'd like to know where in the fuck he thinks that there's a shortage of goddamn cops we got teachers sure i mean there's there's cities they're offering 40 an hour to come be a substitute teacher literally and and and all we've done for teachers is cut their goddamn pensions.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And, yeah, nurses quitting as well. You know what I'm saying? But it's funny, he says this even in... He says, I'd like to include the others, and we may very well down the road, but I think this will be the first step. It's like...
Starting point is 00:47:44 I don't know. You just have to. I gotta look out for the man first of all that's taking care of my 72 stingray out in the garage there. Making sure nobody comes steals it.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Those fucking cunts, man. I swear to God. Oh, hell. And other news, to go back to science beat, you know, there's a comet twice the size of the Empire State Building hurtling toward Earth right now. A what? There's a, I think it's, what is it?
Starting point is 00:48:21 Is it a meteor? It's an asteroid. Asteroid. Oh, do we got a don't look up situation? Something like that. I don't think it's, I think it's gonna miss us narrowly. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Unfortunately. Let's pray. Let's pray. Let's pray on it. It is kind of- I put that comment on my prayer list. Just please. Like, yo, going to the government let's pray on it I put that comment on the prayer list just please going to the government
Starting point is 00:48:49 can we pull it towards us what do you mean the inverse of that movie we're super online guys we could go and pitch a movie about guys that go to the president begging for a mercy kill for the universe. Listen, I know y'all got your sights set and NASA wants to intercept this thing,
Starting point is 00:49:16 but what if we just didn't? Don't say we did. Nobody's having a good time down here. Look around. You know you're going gonna get washed in the midterms your approval ratings at the bottom let's just all go quietly into the light biden has had to float this because i mean it don't seem like he wants to live either
Starting point is 00:49:43 well he's not again he's not even on planet earth Because, I mean, it don't seem like he wants to live either. Well, he's not, again, he's not even on planet Earth. He's not even alive. They're in a space station in orbit around the Earth. So they're like, yeah, let's just, okay. Yeah, we'll just vaporize them all. We can go back down when they're gone. When they're gone, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Oh, boy. Huh. Damn damn damn Some lawmakers Favor rewriting the tax code this winter To shift the state's financial dependence Away from income taxes And in favor of consumption taxes Motherfucker
Starting point is 00:50:19 The more you eat The more you pay The more you pay They're gonna say elected officials, cops, firefighters, everybody that's an important voting bloc also gets a break on the consumption tax. Basically, if you don't make enough to have a tax burden, we're going to tax your consumption. And that's how we're going to float this economy.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It's true. Critics say changes favor the wealthy who do not need to spend as much of their income as do the poor, meaning a smaller portion of a wealthy Kentuckian's assets must go towards consumption and therefore to consumption-based taxes. So yeah, they literally are just like setting it up
Starting point is 00:51:03 to where they can tax the poor through sales tax just tax the absolute fuck out of them um but give tax breaks for like the people in the sort of like feudal noble hierarchical like thing cops are at the top subjects right exactly cops are at the top top but then like they'll be able to yeah they'll slot nurses and teachers in there eventually. You know. They're going to see how much longer they can jerk them around. I'm not saying that as a negative toward nurses and teachers. I'm saying, well, they may not even actually do that.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Maybe they just want to give it to cops and troops. Yeah, that's right. I don't know if I'm elected I'm going to start something called fuck my wife while I'm deployed tax and it's just you get charged a surcharge every time I fuck your wife while you're
Starting point is 00:51:58 overseas while you're on the wave of this military budget. Yeah. If we're going to do regressive taxes, every time I fuck your wife, you're going to pay the price, buddy. Just opening the bill when you get back, the invoice, like, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. He fucked her 800 times. Sorry, officer. Every time I nut on your daughter's face, you're going to pay a surcharge. Oh, my God. Again, I have the visual of Tom sneaking out of a window with an apple pie on the seal. Cartoonishly high-stepping through the backyard you just see me before you just saw me float to the scent of the pie like peppy lepew well there was uh speaking of the asteroid didn't one explode over pittsburgh on new year's day
Starting point is 00:53:04 like a comet exploded over Pittsburgh. It sounded massive, like a massive explosion. It was a what now? It was a comet that... First I'm hearing... Or it was a meteor. I don't even know the fucking difference. A loud boom reverberated over suburban Pittsburgh on New Year's Day.
Starting point is 00:53:26 There was no obvious signs of thunderstorm, earthquake. Some people thought it was fireworks, guns. But it was a meteor. A meteor exploded over Pittsburgh. I don't know. What you're talking about is the steelers making the playoffs that's what that was ah yes i should have known um what was i gonna say fuck there was something else i was gonna add to that
Starting point is 00:53:58 tax thing but i forgot what it was it it slipped my mind already sorry dude must not been too important attacks on rim jobs specifically just more sexual acts you planned attacks right they should do that um did you this reminded me did y'all would y'all see back when they first started getting to play football in person again? They packed so many people, crazy loons, into the Virginia Tech Stadium. The stomping and cheers registered on the Richter scale, an earthquake. I believe it, man.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Those fucking college football stadiums You think about that These are in towns The size of Wattsburg But they put like 180,000 people in there Oh my god I don't even think
Starting point is 00:54:54 You'd get 180,000 people In Wattsburg That's nuts That'd be asshole to L-Ball That is so crazy Yeah where's Virginia Tech tech at blacksburg yeah do you know what the great reset is have you heard about that oh i've heard about the great race the unplug and replug in my only troubleshooting skills
Starting point is 00:55:21 that's what i call it wow that well that is kind of what the great reset is i mean it's basically like prince charles and some other global pedo elites essentially suggested we unplug the modem and plug it back in and that might get the world economy kind of back on its feet again what's what's he referring to as the modem here? I don't know. I don't even really know because it's a vague set of proposals from an influential organization has been transformed. I like how they're mum on the details here.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I like how they're mum on the details The vague set of proposals From A heretofore Unnamed But prestigious organization What's the Grove place? What's that fucking Grove place? Bohemian Grove
Starting point is 00:56:19 No memo from Bohemian Grove Just in It's influential Listen guys Mimmo from Bohemian Grove just did. His influential work in the past. Listen, guys. After we get done jerking off in front of the owl, we're going to blow an Earth's cartridge and stick it back in there. Give it the owl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:43 This game cheats. Give it the old... Yeah. This game cheats. That's me at the courthouse. This is not fair! That's what we do. We do need a great reset. We all need to stand up as the global proletariat and say,
Starting point is 00:56:58 this game cheats. And we need to throw in the cartridge. We need to smack the controller out of the hands of the global pedo elite we need to take the cartridge out blow in it stick it back in there and say let's go again motherfucker and keep doing that till we win. Oh, Lord. I fogged up my glasses. It doesn't really mean, like... It doesn't really mean anything,
Starting point is 00:57:32 I don't think. They did a video about it, but from what I can tell, it's just like... Well, here, I can play it for you if you want. We have an incredible opportunity to create entirely new sustainable industries. for you if you want. That's the modem, I guess.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Nature. Oops. I don't know. Tanya's absolutely flourishing up there. Tanya don't want to reset. Yeah. Uh-huh. It's sore. They get a Christopher Hitchens hologram to do this? bold and imaginative action together with determination and decisive leadership. It's SOAR. It's basically SOAR.
Starting point is 00:58:30 It's like shaping our Appalachian region for the modern world. For the entire world. I thought we agreed not to speak of that anymore. Do you think Hal Rogers has ever participated in that global elite pedo stuff yeah definitely actually no i i tell you why did you say hal rogers right yeah yeah the thing i've learned about how rogers from studying him for so long at this point is the reason he got where he got is he is the biggest fucking nerd imaginable like he did the homework like he he was out doing the
Starting point is 00:59:13 grinding people people to pulp while they were doing the pedo well they were all jerking off in front of graven images yeah yeah yeah yeah but maybe i don I don't know. I was just curious. I mean, man with unreasonable power is bound to have, you know, ran off in the woods with a 14-year-old boy at some point. It's true. They have Appalachia on here, I think. Look. Of and from these mountains, they got mount mountain top removal on the Great Reset video.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Of and from these mountains. Are we going to do programs called the Reset Zones? The Reset Zones. We should make a comprehensive list of how many things we've been labeled. The Appalachian region? Tanya, your problem is you continue to define this region by its poverty. That's true, Tanya.
Starting point is 01:00:11 You've only ever defined this region by its poverty. If you could step outside and say that we're so much more a fertile cultural crescent than... Resilient! A resilient people! A hard-working people. crescent then resilient resilient people with hard work people rough home people that operate on on two i guess you could call these cryptocurrencies
Starting point is 01:00:34 faith and grit yeah a people of promise god there is really no other no better burn than telling somebody they have potential they really do look at us right by every three years there's like an implication there when somebody says you have potential there's like a potential there's like a just a hint of you know you're not gonna make it but you could in otherwise different circumstances. I wonder how long it's going to be before the SOAR initiative embraces crypto and NFTs. They will take any goddamn time.
Starting point is 01:01:17 They probably already have, yeah. Yeah, I think probably. I'm behind on my SOAR, but I guarantee like they've uh probably promoted crypto mining it's like an industry of the future if the governor has i'm sure the sore nerds have oh has andy is andy on some crypto shit yeah well a lot of those crypto mining operations are getting booted out of places in the northeast and so they're going to where it's kind of like mirrors what auto manufacturing did well let's just go to the place where there's you know little oversight no tax bases and uh desperation i truly uh my mind does not comprehend whatever wavelength people
Starting point is 01:02:02 are communicating on when they start talking about crypto and NFTs and data mining. I know it's been going on. Literally someone was mining crypto with a computer in the back of the boom
Starting point is 01:02:20 10 years ago. Still to this day, I couldn't tell you what that means. That's already funny. Could have been rich if they'd left it running. Tonya, I'm not going to do your homework for you. It's not my job to educate you.
Starting point is 01:02:36 It's not my job to educate you on the fungible and the non-fungible. So anyways, well, anyways, is there a great reset tom i mean are they resetting everything well i have a lot of people say that they are and i trust the fidelity of any statement made by tim chuck norris baker former former candidate for Whitesburg mayor, who pioneered the idea of dumping tons and tons and tons of sand into the North Fork of the Kentucky River to soak up all the oil and coal refuse in there. No reason to suggest that it's not on the way,
Starting point is 01:03:22 if he's saying it is. I suggest that it's not on the way if he's saying it is. So he thinks, so what they, I think what they think it is, is that it's like a sort of attempt to establish a one world government. I mean, capitalism is going to have to change, right? Because like, it kind of feels like, for example, like the healthcare system has kind of run up against this central contradiction of running on the profit motive. I mean, it's on the verge of collapse.
Starting point is 01:03:55 You know what I'm saying? It's like it is really stretched to its limits in terms of like what it can absorb and do. So it feels like they probably will have to intervene some way and um but maybe not maybe they just want to let it all collapse that's what i can't tell i'm like how crazy are these motherfuckers are they willing to just let it all collapse are they going to intervene at some point or what because this i mean i don't know it's if if the numbers they're
Starting point is 01:04:25 giving are accurate and they're saying yet like 85 000 people will die in the next like three months like 35 000 people die a year from the flu and that's 12 months i mean we're talking twice that amount more than twice that amount in three months like what i'm saying is shit's got to be falling apart right the wheels are falling off let me ask you a question what if we're sitting here one day i'm gonna do a little rapture drill with you real quick for those of you what if we're sitting here one day recording this program and uh we hear a loud we hear the uh a loud trumpet like noise coming from we don't know where you know biblical tanya's doubting so she says oh that's just a transformer it's blown up
Starting point is 01:05:14 terrence says no that's uh that's kevin howard he's taking up bugling and i say no guys new skull band downtown no guys i think that's the trumpet of the archangel gabriel calling those that are dead in christ first and then we walk outside and we see the great whore of babylon out there like how much would your mind be blown if you saw like a biblical like creature just like right like a literal biblical creature not like you know an allegory for something like a literal like hydra with i don't know that i can be shocked much more than i am at this point i think i've hit my limit of reactions i don't know that i have anything else i would think i would just be, cool. It would have to be somewhat less horrifying than the potential horror show
Starting point is 01:06:12 we might be staring down in the next couple months. I mean, right? So you'd take your chances with the great horror Babylon? I would. I would take my chances with the great horror Babylon for sure. Sounds fun. Sounds fun. Sounds fun anyway. With any Great Whore.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Todd, you say, I'm the Great Whore of Pine Mountain. We got something in common. Come get in the hot tub. Let us converse. I just want you to know, great whore, that I'm pro-sex work.
Starting point is 01:06:52 I pay for my porn. I supported Bernie's measures that he wanted to do that ultimately didn't get done, so I just want you to know I'm an ally right before she just bites me in half and thrusts me into the lake of fire are there any good movies about this this sounds great
Starting point is 01:07:15 left behind remember this is the end yeah it's like a it's pretty good that's pretty funny yeah yeah um well that's probably about it for me um unless you guys have anything else the great war babylon that's about it for me yeah i might have to tap out um it would be funny If the rapture did happen And one of us got raptured Or maybe all three of us gets raptured And the audio runs for like Two, three years And someone finds it who didn't get raptured
Starting point is 01:07:56 What we need to do Is do what CNN You know CNN's got the doomsday thing we were talking about It's just an old crusty video Of the naval band playing uh uh swing low sweet chariot in front of ted turner's house we need our own we need our own rapture thing it's just like we need to set by time soundcloud to release just like just the worst audio we've ever recorded.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I'll get to work on it. Episode X. In case of Rapture, this episode will be unmanned. Okay. Well, if you want to go to the Patreon and support us and listen to the good content over there, please do so at Patreon. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash DrewBillyWorkersParty
Starting point is 01:08:48 where $5 a month will get you all kinds of content that you can listen to and enjoy. So go to that website today. What are we up to over there? 200 some? It's about 200 Patreons. We have close to 200
Starting point is 01:09:03 Patreons if you could just get us over we have around 198 patreons so if you could just get us close to 200 um that would be helpful um so go over there and listen to us um uh, anything else, guys? I have my heart and mind is clear. All right. Good to know. Well, we'll see you over at the Patreon. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Bye.

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