Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 252: Warkin' Hard or Hardly Warkin'

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

First we take a look at what Amy McGrath's been getting into since we last saw her. Then we take a ride through Pencesylvania with another generous offering from The Atlantic Magazine's Ideas section.... And finally we hear from a listener who went through a harrowing experience. Please go support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Agent Aaron Thorpe, are you prepared to accept this mission should you choose to accept it? Yes, sir. Are you prepared to accept it if you've chosen to accept it? Yes, sir. All right. Well, then you have been granted the privilege of hearing the message from the dying embers of democracy. Agent Aaron Thorpe to save democracy by infiltrating the Secretaries of State office of at least 14 states.
Starting point is 00:00:33 14? It's something like arbitrary like that. It was like a number. I'm gonna need backup, man. Hold on. You're gonna need some backup. You're gonna need backup. That's why i'm here to
Starting point is 00:00:45 help you even though this message will self-destruct i'm the message i will self-destruct at the end of this message i'm here i'm here to help you you can take me with you and once i'm done with the message and i self-destruct that'll be the the way i help wait are you gonna self-destruct on camera i can self-destruct on camera i can self-destruct on camera? I can self-destruct on camera. I can self-destruct off camera. Whatever you want me, however way you want me to self-destruct, just let me know and I'll start winding my message down. All right. And then I'll explode and maim like 14 individuals in a farmer's market. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Oh, shit. So, like, I was not aware of this. Tom sent me this last night. I was not aware of this. And you sent it to me, too, because I didn't see this shit. I did not hear of this. Yeah, I'm really shocked I didn't hear this. I'm, like, six weeks late to this.
Starting point is 00:01:38 This is fucking rules. Tardy boys, man. Yeah, the tardy boys. tardy boys man yeah the tardy boys never underestimate the tardy boys to arrive late to his story never wrote todd but not necessarily wrong either um i was late to this okay so uh amy mcgrath she worked like the the pack the political action committee for those of you not in the know for those who you don't know what pack is you're new to politics it's not pac-man not pac-man not the loud pack no no not the six pack none of those things um her pack i think her
Starting point is 00:02:23 pack is called like your honor or something like that it's it's something called like are you serious yeah it's it's called uh dude honor bound honor bound pack that is some loser shit man i mean I mean, this is a reference, I'm assuming, to not just duty to the country, but it's an implication of her military background. Because wasn't she like a fighter pilot? A fighter pilot, yeah. Like, honestly, that's the fucked up thing about Top Gun Maverick, is that the real Top
Starting point is 00:03:01 Gun Maverick is Amy McGrath. The real Top Gun Maverick is Amy McGrath. It's not like this cool leather-wearing jacket or bomber jacket-wearing guy with sunglasses. It's just fucking Amy McGrath with her bob or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. So her campaign pack, Honor Bound, gave all this money to another project that she started called
Starting point is 00:03:28 american sos project did not did not see where this was going honestly it really caught me by surprise um i didn't know what they meant by sos but they mean it quite literally yeah like a call for help right right? A call for help. The bad signal. Yeah, she put out the bad signal. So let me play you the ad. The ad is fucking great, by the way. Because the ad commits a cardinal sin of video media,
Starting point is 00:04:08 which is never put a better piece of media in your media and oh yeah i know what you're saying you know what i'm saying like yes how like for example like hillbilly elegy they had like terminator 2 playing on the tv or something you know what i mean it's like that just makes me want to watch terminator 2 yeah i'm just about to stop this shit and just watch terminator 2 exactly this is an advertisement for another movie within the movie so it fucks up by opening the ad up with obviously something you can't top you cannot top the way this ad opens it it fucks up for several reasons because it's an amy mcgrath ad so ostensibly it's aimed at the sort of like liberal middle right yeah yeah but they fucking hate trump they're the people who don't find him funny in any ways like they've they literally have
Starting point is 00:04:57 like a visceral reaction when orange man comes on screen and says things yeah people are nauseous yeah yes yes they throw up yes i can't understand these people because i find them to be hilarious obviously so so obviously that's a fuck up because they're not gonna watch it because it's got again cheeto man talking so who is this ad for the only answer i can come up with is this this ad was made for me and you and the entire true billy's audience really it's for it's it's for people like us it's for people with like calcified braid to mine content right and pick out the most and you know what this reminds me of it i think i think we had done an episode like last year where we were talking about amy mcgrath was brought up and apparently and correct me if i'm wrong man but wasn't she filming wasn't she airing ads in like republican
Starting point is 00:05:57 states or some shit like that it was just like like like completely going for the wrong demographic and target you know right she was like that well one thing like they were airing ads in like ohio media markets and stuff which like these people can't vote for emmy mcgrath they can't give her a lot of money which is like that's the whole point of this thing right i mean like if it's not obvious at this point it is a grift like 1000 percent dude she's setting up like shell companies like shell packs or whatever man to funnel this money to a losing so he could burn like a million dollars she's a pile of money she's creating more shell companies than like gm when they're trying to shed their pension obligations
Starting point is 00:06:38 they went hard after bernie madoff man but the democrats are like the biggest like pyramid scheme like you know what i'm, but the Democrats are the biggest pyramid scheme. You know what I'm saying? They really are the biggest pyramid schemers, man. This is a quintessential example. But yeah, no. So you know it's a grift because it's content that's not made. It's content made only for the deranged. That's a pretty good definition of a grifter.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Somebody who exclusively makes content for the deranged. Yes, yes. The most deranged members of our society. Oh, shit. So, again, it's not an ad for anybody. It flew under my radar, which means that nobody watched it. Not even the libs watched it who it was, again, ostensibly aimed at.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And the conservatives, of course, because who's Amy McGrath? To them, it's top-down. They may have heard that name somewhere. Yeah, like once ever. They have no existence of any Democrats that are running for office at all. Exactly. Or otherwise. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So let me play the video for you like i said just keep in mind that it's uh it opens with a banker obviously the trump quotes in this are hilarious so what are we going to do here folks i only need 11 000 votes fellas i need 11 000 votes give me a break i've listened to what the president has just said. President Trump, we don't agree that you have one. But, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is the data you have is wrong. That's the secretary of state. The Georgia secretary of state. No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:08:18 No, you don't. You don't have. Not even close. You're off by hundreds of thousands of votes. We're in a field. Amy McGrath is sitting down at a bench. I'm Amy McGrath. And like so many other veterans, I fought to protect our democracy.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Well, that phone call with President Trump berating Georgia's Secretary of State is what autocracy sounds like. We would expect this from Vladimir Putin, not an American president. Of course. And President Trump is still pushing his big lie. sounds like. We would expect this from Vladimir Putin, not an American president. And President Trump is still pushing his big lie. Imagine what would have happened if the secretaries of state in Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan had not stood up to him. Republicans and Democrats.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Here in Washington, they don't build monuments to secretaries of state, but maybe they should. Donald Trump thinks this is the weakest link in the chain because it's an office no one pays attention to. They don't build monuments to secretaries of state, but maybe they should This is the weakest link in the chain because it's an office no one pays attention Like so so she's as she's pointing out right here. She's like sitting in front of the Washington Monument Like we don't build you think it's the actual watch the bottom. Maybe take his legs with fucking green screen type of shit 1000% green screen it looks fake a little bit too shiny She's got i mean she's growing her hair out a little bit you know she's she's looking a little
Starting point is 00:09:31 um she's looking a little more like the girl bossy yeah i guess i don't know she like i uh she's i think what it is is she's trying to appear more relaxed. Like I don't have the weight of democracy on my shoulders anymore. So like, it's up to you now, my followers, my millions and millions of followers. I'm passing the baton. I'm passing the baton to you.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Take up my mantle, the McGrath mantle and go forth and save democracy by focusing on secretary of state elections in like four states that are already held by republicans right i think most of the ones she named were held by republicans fucking loser mentality right so it's like to them it's fascinating because like it's kind of a continuation of like the rogue white house staffer or rogue EPA staffer or whatever in the early Trump years. It's like a kind of deification of the brave, you know, principled like whistleblower in the institution or in society. Like it's you know what I mean? It's like. Yeah, it's the institution or in society like it's you know what i mean it's like
Starting point is 00:10:45 yeah it's really it's really about like i mean they use the same patriot except they don't really use the word patriot because that's been like you know uh that's been dominated by the right they took that right right right it is the same kind of like sense of like save your country right and it doesn't matter what party you're a member of as long even if you do it at the last fucking second to save your own skin like that um mike pence uh op-ed or whatever by that person that was like democrats he should be a hero to democrats mike pence of all fucking people you know what i'm saying it's um yeah like they yes they have put on this sort of like godlike pedestal the the principled objectors the consciousness objectors inside the administration and like yeah she named the
Starting point is 00:11:33 arizona secretary of state and the georgia secretary of states um but uh let's see what else she's got here so he's been recruiting election deniers to run for secretary of state in crucial swing states this year people who will do whatever he asks when they count the ballots in the next presidential election we have to stop this from happening that's interesting so is that is that true it's like trump is trump focusing on his secretary it's kind of smart if that is the case but you know he couldn't he couldn't honestly if that's the case he didn't come up with that shit you know what i'm saying it's like and this is and this is why this shit is insane what she's saying right because you damn
Starting point is 00:12:15 no you damn well no trump is not coming up with that shit so it's all these republican operatives right right of the same party of people that she's hoping will recognize their true duty to this country. You know what I'm saying? Like, she's investing this hope in the Republican Party that is actually trying. You know what I mean? They're trying to, like, do this minoritarian rule. Like, what do you think? You think you're going to have the one, like, Liz Cheney?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Like, the brave one Liz Cheney who's literally just doing it for like media time. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like FaceTime for cynicism. Like, come on, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you're right. That is like an entire apparatus of operatives who go out and kind of like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:59 You know, I'm reading that Rick Perlstein book before the storm. I mentioned it on the Patreon episode. On Patreon, yeah. About Barry Goldwater and everything. It's fascinating how many people were behind the scenes kind of engineering things. People who didn't want to be out in the limelight, who looked for holes or loopholes in the sort of laws and norms and stuff
Starting point is 00:13:25 governing all the institutions and exploited them. And are the Democrats doing even that anymore? It seems to me that they have a vague appeal to, like, duty and courage and decorum and stuff. But it doesn't even seem like they're even really outdoing the... Maybe they are. I don't know. I'm not in that world.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You know what? That's such a good point because I was thinking about it. It was like, yo, she's saying that he's trying to get, whether it's true or not, trying to get these Republicans in these Secretary of State positions that will be favorable to him, right? Overturn election, next time what happens? So I'm just like, yo, if you know the game is rigged why don't you just cheat too you know exactly i know they and i know they gerrymander like i know they gerrymander in like liberal states and cities i know the democrats do it too but like why yo stop complaining and just like get your money up and like you know i'm saying like i don't know man you know maybe that's like cynical myself
Starting point is 00:14:22 but i mean it's all fucking cynical right like it doesn't really matter it's right right right that's the thing like i guess the mcgrath people are trying to fundraise to mount a like opposition to this like a counter insurgency um but they do it more from like a sense of like yeah you're right like civic duty and decorum and stuff whereas the republicans obviously do it to win win yeah they do it to cynically win exactly exactly uh which is like not an original point by any means it's just and that's why like going to the mcgrath mine is always going to uh you're always going to come back feeling bad about yourself yes because i mean it is just the men like the banality in the what's the word is is mundanity the word for monday the monday yeah the mundanity just like just like i mean it's just like bro it's like getting really stoned and sitting on the couch
Starting point is 00:15:19 and eating a whole entire bag of your favorite chips or candy or cookies and you just feel disgusting after that or like days when i don't do shit but like watch trek and i'm just on my phone and my brain feels like mush you know what i mean it's just like slop you know it's like you just feel kind of gross and icky like even listening to this shit but it's also pretty funny you know yeah yeah yeah um so all right honor bounds all right let's we've entered the dramatic third act of the commercial the top gun act yeah the time i mean to be fair she does rock the leather jacket um but uh like top gun maverick um obviously with amy mGrath. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure like all reboots,
Starting point is 00:16:08 it's just kind of a literal cut and copy and paste from the original. Like Superman Returns by Brian Singer was literally Superman 1978. It was just the same fucking movie. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. I don't know the thing about it though is that like this is like the second time in the past couple years that amy mcgrath
Starting point is 00:16:30 is like popping back up and then in georgia stacy abrams yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean it's just like these constant fucking like these losers this revolving door fucking losers that keep popping up you're fucking right because like and it's the same in texas with beto and we've pointed it out but when we pointed it out in the past that was one of those things where i was like yeah but that'll be irrelevant in a couple years like there will be a new crop of those type of people but no like they all just keep coming back even even like hillary i mean well hillary is like the the progenitor of it right because like you, there are like always whispers and talks of whether or not she's going to run again, which is happening again. Dude, like even just this week, though, wasn't there an article about perhaps Bernie doing it again?
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's like even with. Yes, I saw it on my timeline. I was like, what the fuck? No. Dude, it is so. It is. It is so, it is, it's just another one of those, like, facts or data points that you kind of fixate on as proof that, like, we might be heading towards something, like, cataclysmic. I mean, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:36 I don't know. It's just, like, there's no alternative and there's no one even to come off the bench. Listen, we can't even rely on that party anyway for anything but let's just say that they're the institutional uh defense against whatever you want to call it the creeping fash or whatever right but they still have the same people crop like popping up i mean i know they're like old as fuck like republicans you know so i can't say too much about dying feinstein like it's not on the other side but at least with the gop they have like marjorie taylor green i mean they had madison cawthorne but it's not even about being young blood it's just about fresh blood you know
Starting point is 00:18:09 like they constantly have these cycles every cycle that pop up and the democrats uh-huh what you get an aoc every four years you know every eight years dude that reminds me the paul pelosi thing about him getting a dui my theory about this my theory about this is that paul pelosi so paul pelosi is 82 years old he's like 82 or 83 damn dude that's fucking crazy right but like i think that the reason i think it was like orchestrated and engineered because like the charges have been dropped nothing has come of it it was whatever it just immediately disappeared i think that what it actually is is i think it's like a democratic op to because like when joe biden runs again in 2024 he will be 82 so i think they're trying to like put the idea out there like look they can still party 82 year olds can still yeah yeah yeah like they're gonna have like they're gonna
Starting point is 00:19:05 have like joe biden like i don't fucking know man like a photo op where he goes on vacation jet ski or he's like shooting hoops with obama you know what i mean to make it look like oh no i still got it this is the thing though okay going back to what we were saying a second ago though i'm afraid we might be entering the times the dreaded infamous times that try men's souls we might be entering a time that tries men's so as proof here let's finish the let's finish amy mcgrath's invocation to form the american sos project we need to engage in secretary of state races across the country and defeat these Trump anti-democracy candidates
Starting point is 00:19:48 before they can get into office. But I need your help to do it. Join the American SOS Project and help protect free and fair elections here in the United States. Like a card-carrying member? Otherwise, next time, a Secretary of State just might agree with him.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Watch, this is the best Trump quote. I won this election by hundreds of thousands of votes. Otherwise, next time, a secretary of state just might agree with him. Watch. This is the best Trump quote. I won this election by hundreds of thousands of votes. There's no way I lost Georgia. There's no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes. I'm just going by small numbers when you add them up there many times to 11,000. I won that thing by hundreds of thousands.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Would you add this? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. did she open the video with did she open the video with a trump quote and close it with a well and the trump quote itself is fucking hilarious because it's trump being like listen many thousands of numbers but small numbers but 11 000 you can't you can't put it in a sandwich like that you can't put the most important important part of your fucking whole pitch she oreoed sandwich she made an oreo an amy mcgrath oreo that where the crunchy chocolate parts are tasty Donald Trump quotes. And then in the middle is Amy McGrath being Top Gun Maverick. Yes. Telling you to stay and to thwart history.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Bled, flavorless, like white. Just like, no, man, I'm good on that shit. Vaguely sweet. She's sandwiched it i just love again i just love that fucking quote i'm just going by small numbers but when you add them up they're many times the 11 000 but he's so fucking ridiculous um oh my god man um well one thing up go ahead no you go ahead no i was just thinking one thing we were talking about like who this is supposed to be for and like you know it's really weird because it's not that i mean i know what a secretary of state is right but i think if you
Starting point is 00:22:01 just go out on the street and ask people especially in these like districts where she's trying to like pitch this ad to people don't even fucking know who this person is like they don't understand the mechanisms and i barely do right and you know i might be fucking wrong but i don't think so like people don't understand like these mechanisms of government and shit to understand what the fuck these people do you know what i mean dude this is also part of the thing with the chesa budin thing it's like nobody knows everybody has heard the term district attorney but like the people who would most benefit from a a quote unquote progressive da would be poor and working people who like don't pay attention to that micro level of politics i feel like like district like voting for district attorneys especially for recalls like only a very
Starting point is 00:22:51 specific i feel like class maybe a constellation of classes classes you know are really that interested in recall elections you know what i mean yeah yeah no man i think i think that i mean i didn't i don't know much about it besides he got recalled but like just the assembly of forces like these rich liberals reactionaries cops like you know small business like real estate like you know vultures and shit like that i mean like all of these people colluded and conspired against him and i mean i don't i don't i know probably san francisco is like not like a city that's you know it's it's it's probably like just a bunch of fucking rich liberals right but like the people there that would have been most most benefited from chesa budin probably either didn't know about the recall maybe or maybe if they did maybe just thought why bother going vote you know what i mean yeah it seemed like a whole effort that was just pushed by these
Starting point is 00:23:49 assembly of forces you know it is interesting i mean it's just whether you engage in it or not it's just a fact of electoral politics it's that like there are certain offices in certain kind of election there's a hierarchy of interest in certain elections like but i don't know i don't live in san francisco maybe it was on every fucking bus stop and you know a street corner i don't know who the hell knows but uh it is interesting though to see what offices like the left is like the electoral left is focused on and what offices the liberal left is focused on because i mean you know i i guess i do see the use in like i guess someone honorable having a secretary of state but it's like that's one of those things like that's a job that you
Starting point is 00:24:41 give to like the most responsible guy in your community like the nicest most buttoned up like uh you know guy with integrity the guy that has the most integrity in your community just the one that counts the votes like you know what i mean like it's hilarious that it's even a bipartisan quote-unquote position in the first place even though i know no such position really truly exists but it just seems like one of those positions, man, that like it just seems like if the parties are in control of running state elections and they do it through the secretary of state, then why would you think that a Republican secretary of state would deviate from the Republican national plan of minoritarianism you know what i'm saying like why would they do that it's honestly shocking that there were like a few like that one in georgia and the one in arizona it is honestly shocking that if like there were like two of them that were like no this is where i'm putting my you know shovel in the sand where i'm putting my
Starting point is 00:25:41 drawing the line in the sand yeah yeah i wonder why though because i don't think man i refuse to believe that these people do anything for non-cynical reasons even the people that i kind of sort of like right and maybe that's a controversial statement but i mean it's politics it's all transactional right there's always some level of cynicism to it but like i don't think these people did it because like liz cheney for example not secretary of state but like you know she's on the January 6th hearings and shit like that, spoke out against Trump. Dude, you're just doing it because you want to, like, salvage a legacy or, I don't know, man. Like, I don't think they're doing it out of, like, pure reason.
Starting point is 00:26:18 You know what I'm saying? Because they believe it, you know? I think that they probably have some inclination of the bloodbath that's coming, and they're trying to save, some of them are trying to save their names for history. You know what I mean? And then there might be others that are just doing it for short-term gain.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Maybe they're reading the winds and being like, actually, Trump's becoming irrelevant, and the new political and cultural hegemony in the next 20, 30, 40 years will be the liberal cause. It could be that. But there is a tension there, which is that the conservatives have taken over most of the governing institutions in this country.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And so, I mean, I feel like that only ends one way. I don't know. know i mean it ends multiple ways but it doesn't keep going i'm so i'm not you know you brought up a good point too you like talked about like like the positions that the electoral like socialist left i guess goes for versus like you know left liberals and it's like you know i think that also that same sort of party discipline that the GOP has, like the lack of party discipline on like the liberal side. Right. Or the left side or whatever. I guess I'm going to call it. That's what kind of fails us, because what if you get like a slate of candidates running for like, you know, like I know New York DSA is focused on on the slate of candidates for city council or something.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But they already got to work within like a neoliberal, you what i'm saying like state legislature and shit right and like the discipline is just not really there so you can't really hold these people accountable so i mean i guess what i'm telling people is like don't fucking vote fuck electoralism no that's not what i'm saying i don't know i don't know what i'm saying all it is is it's just a limitation i mean that's that's it it's like if you choose to engage in this your limitation is these structures norms and institution if you choose to engage in like violent uh whatever like blowing up pipelines your limitations are potentially jail and part of your life taken away from you know what i mean like every path you take there's limitations um but it's uh but yeah but but but unless you're like a
Starting point is 00:28:28 conservative because i mean that's that's the thing like it's the thing i keep i just keep thinking about like especially reading those pearlstein books like every part of america like all the sort of norms and laws baked into it were overall, you know, meant to favor what industrial, you know, capitalist democracy has brought us up to at this point. Yeah. And so they can exploit that. They can exploit the sort of.
Starting point is 00:28:57 They're like fish in water, man. Like it's just their natural, like fish in water. And like, I mean, I don't know, the Democrats are trying to like. You're right. I don't know, they they they're able to move more i mean at this point like the liberals greatest advantage is that there are a lot of fucking liberals out there there really are i mean there's a fuckload and so and culturally dominant too yeah exactly and so like that um i mean i don't know i mean it's just it's just but at the same time with this buden recall you do see how in the aggregate when push comes to shove they probably will choose the fascist option um unless i mean that's just
Starting point is 00:29:41 because of the political economy of san francisco do you think any person in the sort of upper middle class of San Francisco wants the world to change fundamentally? Hell no. Fuck no. Hell no. No, the world is working out for them pretty fucking well. I mean, especially with Silicon Valley and everything. Now, the upper middle class in another part of the country, though, a different way and uh you know i don't know it just depends it literally is a massive motherfucking country and i don't know it's just
Starting point is 00:30:14 man what bothered me though i think what infuriated me with the recall thing was like after because essentially what it is is it's it's a pushback against this whole you know quote progressive prosecutor da and essentially what that means then is that oh we're just going to rely on police right and it just blows my fucking mind that a couple weeks after uvalde you know like after just like the cowardice and just like the inaction of the fucking police. And then people said, actually, I guess we'd rather an institution that like, like lets children die instead of like, you know what I'm saying? Like making these like reforms and changes,
Starting point is 00:30:53 because like you said, like they, I guess they would side rather side with the fascists. Right. You're right. Yeah. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I mean, it's a gamble. I don't know. I guess it's like the people making, um, this decision to you know be the conscientious objector from the trump administration like in their case it is also a gamble i mean i don't know this again like that's kind of the thread we were working down like why are they doing i wonder why they're doing this.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I wonder why... January 6th night? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that is... Wasn't a fucking congressional candidate arrested this week because of his participation in January 6th? He was arrested by the FBI. Yes, I think so, yes. I did hear that. I don arrested by the fbi yes i think so yes i don't i did hear
Starting point is 00:31:46 that i don't remember the guy's fucking name but yes ryan kelly a candidate for michigan governor who was at the capitol on january 6th is arrested by the fbi bro you a dumb motherfucker like you can't come on son you didn't you didn't get there you ain't win the election yet and if you won the election you were there yeah your ass would have been kicked out maybe i'm like what the fuck you're doing in dc but bro you can't like blow your load before you even he was a candidate right so he wasn't actually a politician he was a candidate he was a candidate yeah come on bro you get the office first and then show up then show up to the cookout man the thing is show up to the cookout man the thing is what the fuck are you doing ryan yeah like come on man um he was the first person running for election in a major state or federal race to be charged
Starting point is 00:32:37 in connection with the attack according to a criminal complaint mr kelly was charged with committing violence against a person or property unrestricted grounds damaging federal property disorderly conduct and entering a restrictive building or grounds without permission um damn dude so like that's the like that's the crazy thing like i would be highly i would be very surprised i want to know like are all these people still assured in their convictions like the q anon shaman is he like embarrassed or is he like changed his mind and the same with like guys like this because like another thing this happened this week was that one of the proud boys they like indicted like four yeah yeah the guy the the guy he's he's supposedly the black or brown Proud Boy.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were- They hung him out to dry. They were indicted on seditious conspiracy charges, dude. God damn. Conspiracy, like, they're basically being tried as treasoners, right? Like, dude, are we gonna see a fucking militia?
Starting point is 00:33:44 A firing squad? At the side of the fucking Lincoln body, you've been to some shit? Hell yeah, dude. Bring it back, bro. Bring it back. Holy shit, dude. That's so fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:00 These people are so stupid. But, like, it's crazy that like 2022 the revolutionaries being executed against the lincoln monument are fucking proud boys yo i do think though that i think that yo i don't think that i don't want to make it sound like okay these are people i'm not going to like try to do this dichotomy where you know there are fundamental differences between liberals and conservatives right they're just fucking people so everyone has shame everyone has the capability capacity to learn and you know be sorry and all that shit but i don't think that i think these people double down man because they feel like they got caught because it confirms their worldview man that they're you know what i'm saying that they're
Starting point is 00:34:45 patriots and this evil corrupt government is trying to take them down so why would it that because i know if i was a revolutionary i mean look at us man if i was dumb enough to go storm the capital and the cops were like you know charging me with sedition i'd be like yeah they fucking would the fucking pigs you know what i'm saying? It is pretty crazy, though, that all of them did that because they thought they would get away with it. They thought they would win. They basically had Trump being like, yes! Yo, that's an amazing scenario to genuinely believe in that you would have you would have stormed the Capitol and he would have came out
Starting point is 00:35:28 in a motorcade and saved you dude that's insane holy shit that is absolutely that is insane really oh my god also I wanted to say this
Starting point is 00:35:44 I was thinking about this too we were thinking about jerry six it's not that it's not that i'm cynical and i don't think it was a serious thing but the power the people in congress and shit they don't think it's a serious thing you know and their cynicism makes me more cynical because if they thought it was serious they would investigate the fucking cops right that were colluding with these groups right they would they would actually go to the material issues of why this shit happens but they're not going to do that what it is you're exactly right like you see them in real time manufacturing the narrative the the one that
Starting point is 00:36:21 gets put in history books i mean the craziest fucking thing I saw this week. Well, like, the Atlantic, first of all, was fucking knocking them out of the park, right? Yeah, it was just the whole bacchanalia of deranged content. Cranking them out of the park. And, yeah, and, like, I, you know, I have mentioned many times before
Starting point is 00:36:43 my, you before my utmost respect for the Atlantic Ideas section. And once again, at a momentous week in American history, they came with the heat. They came with the heat. They came with the heat. Dropping bombs. Yeah, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So yeah, this is by a guy named Jonathan V. Last. V. Last? He's last. Wait, it's like V. Last? He's lasting, bro. He's got the dick control. He's never coming. He's lasting forever.
Starting point is 00:37:18 He's lasting forever. Maintaining, man. He's edging forever. It's ages. maintaining he's edging forever there's ages um yeah jonathan v last mike pence is an american hero democrats should honor the republican who's trying to end trumpism so like i like you see something like this and i was like this was by the way right next to another great article in the atlantic so like there was the one about san francisco but there was this one i love this
Starting point is 00:37:52 one the one witness at the january 6th hearing who matters most it's you written by david from the most important witness to the iraq war is the person the atrocities of a million iraqis day that you witnessed you are the most important it's you the man reading this right now dude i fucking hate pieces like this because i mean like whatever i mean obviously these people are writing for a specific audience to read it. But when people like us read it, it makes me feel even more offended. You know what I mean? So, American Mike Pence is an American hero. At the January 6th committee hearings this week.
Starting point is 00:38:44 By the way So this sounds I don't know who the fuck Jonathan V. Last is But I'm going to assume That he is an 8th grader At like Parker Central High In you know Des Moines, Iowa or whatever
Starting point is 00:38:58 You know what I mean Cause the way this is written Is literally written He got like a little hat with a propeller on it like where it's like a striped shirt with a baseball bat like fucking nest from earthbound yeah he's got a massive pencil like an overly large pencil he's like a pencil case that's shaped like a dinosaur or some shit like that yeah he's a child at the january 6th committee hearings this week there's likely
Starting point is 00:39:26 to be evidence of gross misbehavior bordering on sedition from president donald trump and his confederates the object of the hearings is to hold close to hold these bad actors to account and propose systemic reforms to prevent another insurrection wait wait terry told it real quick you say confederates confederates he said confederates i hate when they try to do these historical examples like he's like like you know the last time this country was torn almost torn apart the civil war perpetuated by the confederacy it's like motherfucker i'm yeah i get it i get it like you know history i know that i know who was in the civil war god damn um here is another idea the committee might consider take a moment to praise mike pence congress can name a building in his honor. I swear to fucking God.
Starting point is 00:40:25 This is an essay contest at a middle school somewhere in the heartland. In dairy country. This is profiles of courage for kids, bro. This is like kids bought for profiles of courage. Congress can name a building in his honor. The House and Senate could propose nonpartisan resolutions recognizing Pence for his service to democracy. You'll get a Penn State. January 6th is now Penn.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Penn State University. Yes. They're going to name Penn Station and New York is going to be Penn Station. Every Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. For the man who saved democracy pennsylvania we operate up the entire state oh my god dude now they're gonna rename the lincoln body at pence body bit and
Starting point is 00:41:18 that's where they're gonna execute the the seditionist man outside of pence body bit oh my fucking god, my fucking God. Oh, my fucking God. Dude, I can't believe this is a real article, bro. It's exactly like 9-11. It really is.
Starting point is 00:41:33 It's like you really see how history is written in real time. Well, none of the important questions are asked. Like, as you were just saying, like, looking at the role of the police, why were all these pipe bombs planted? What the fuck is all that? You know what I mean? Like, all these questions, exactly like in 9-11. Like, all the fucking Bush family's ties to the Saudi family and everything.
Starting point is 00:41:59 But we're like, ah, nevertheless, man. Because if you try to unravel that like gordian knot of like contradictions then you're you have to implicate and indict yourself it's exactly right it's like staring into the abyss man it's like yo you cannot look into it you know what i'm saying because like then the pandora's box everything will be revealed you know you're right the house and senate could propose non-partisan resolutions recognizing recognizing Pence for his service to democracy. And then Joe Biden could give Pence the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Because while Pence... Wait, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Biden, Biden, go behind Pence. Lowering, lowering that shit over his fucking head, yo. Oh, man, dog. Yo, i would pay to see that shit dog i would pay to see that that's great dude please give him please give mike p Pence the presidential medal. Joe, please. Before, please. You need to start, like, a fucking petition. Some shit, bro. Please.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Oh, fucking hell, man. That's good. Because while Pence may not be the hero you or I might have wanted, he was the hero America needed. Like Batman straight out of fucking the Dark Knight. Like an eighth grader. Dude, can we just seriously take a minute and reflect on how immature this is? It is really scary.
Starting point is 00:43:38 This is how infantile the minds are of these people. Yes. It is hero worship to the degree that you completely throw out of the window all of the choices that like you have no like what's the um like object permanence i guess you know what i'm saying like all of these actors right including mike pence that this is about that you want to praise how he facilitated all of this it is literally like i've met babies and dogs with more object permanence than this man this is fucking insane dude apparently he's the editor of a magazine called the bulwark
Starting point is 00:44:10 have you ever heard of the bulwark hell no i hear that shit aaron you're telling me you don't wake up every morning and fucking hit refresh on the bulwark you go bulwarking you're bowling i'm not that high-minded yeah what a, what are you doing this weekend? I think I'm going to be working. I'm going to be working. I'm going to be working. Not working. Working.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm working. I'm going back at 2 a.m. for more bulwark. Checking out the new hot content on the bulwark. Waking up at 12 a.m. for that shit. Wark Waking up at 12am for that shit Pence has long been Characterized as a comically loyal Stooge standing behind the president
Starting point is 00:44:50 With befuddlement On his face and a fly on his head Yet Pence did more to protect Democracy both on January 6th And since than any other person Inside the Trump administration Or any Republican not named Liz Cheney Or Adam Kinzinger.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Recall that Trump had demanded that Pence refuse to count the Electoral College votes and certify the election at the joint session of Congress that was to formalize the outcome of the 2020 election. When Pence informed him that this was not legally permissible, Bob Woodward and Robert Costa reported the president told him, you can do this.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this. Oh my fucking God, dude. Oh my God. He's, um, Pence knew what the president's mafioso talk meant. Maggie Haberman writes that on January 5th, Pence's chief of staff, Mark Short,
Starting point is 00:45:50 called the Secret Service to inform them that, quote, the president was going to turn publicly against the vice president. And there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it. I mean, I love how they've like elevated to like Roman level Caesar drama. You know what I mean? He's going to turn publicly on Mike Pence. Like that motherfucker wasn't planning some like plot. He wasn't crossing any fucking Rubicon. He was literally making it up on the fly.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Dude, he was literally just like not even playing chess, just looking at the chess pieces like a baby and just like putting them wherever he wanted. You know what I'm saying? It's crazy because like these people hate Trump so much, but they give him like so much credit like they really literally like that that's the error that's really the part where like you could go wrong in these hearings it's like they wind up making trump look like some genius i mean again again i know this has been pointed out a thousand times but the election was literally stolen in 2000 and so like this now the fact that they're putting up such a big fucking fit, such a big theater presentation over it now, is really just proof that they really have no answers. And it is, I mean, like the theater of it is what's so terrifying.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You know what I mean? cataclysm is coming that like we had to sit through this entire drawn out process when we all well most of us you know lived through at least one american election being stolen if not it's just like we're not every single one probably shit i know in my state alone man about to go through another one probably yeah i don't know if she lost. She probably would have lost anyway. But anyway. Stacey Abrams. You think she'll... Don't doubt Stacey Abrams, man. Amy McGrath. Listen, bro.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Listen. It's some kiss of death. I don't know by who. Maybe it was Hillary Clinton. The kiss of death originally. Or just the kiss of death is their politics alone. Nah, man. She's going to lose again.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I feel that shit hard. I'm going to vote for her. But she's going to lose. Right. She'll probably lose. She'll probably lose. I mean, she's just... I don? Nah, man, she's going to lose again. I feel that shit hard. I'm going to vote for her, but she's going to lose. Right, she'll probably lose. She'll probably lose. I mean, she's just stuttered a little bit. You know, which is why... Anyway, anyway, it's just insane, man.
Starting point is 00:47:53 They have no plan. Around this same time, some of Trump's supporters erected a gallows. An actual... Oh, wait, wait, wait. Shit, sorry. wait wait wait shit sorry bro I've been to protest before where they left in that shit man that shit is so funny dude they're doing the same shit
Starting point is 00:48:15 oh my god so yeah so the president is gonna turn publicly against the vice president you got this like really dramatic, you know, Roman influence, like Grekin tragedy sort of setup, which is exactly what happened. At Trump's January 6th rally on the mall, the president told his audience,
Starting point is 00:48:42 you're never going to take back our country with weakness. And he said he hoped Pence would quote, do the right thing by not certifying the election. After the mob stormed the Capitol, Trump tweeted, Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country. Yo, yo, I I don't really take these people seriously at all. Right. So I don't think that, you know, I'm not even, I'll be put out there. I'm not going to put that out there because I don't want people to be like, well,
Starting point is 00:49:08 if they had gotten a hold of Congress, people, they would have killed, you know, I don't fucking know. Right. Right. But all I'm saying is that it is kind of funny how he was just,
Starting point is 00:49:18 just shooting, just like, just, just fired off the hip and engineering sort of the murder of Mike Pest. You know what I'm saying? He's just casually just shooting shit out there, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Just like, oh, if they hang him, like, okay, that's fine with me. Like, come on, man. He's so cavalier about it, I guess is what I'm saying, about another man's life. Yeah. I remember thinking in the early Trump years, what really scared me was a guy like Pence, like a guy who believes all the same things as Trump, but is not driven by the same character flaws, to put it lightly, as Trump. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. manic guy to a certain group of people in this country whereas mike pence isn't like i guess like the kind of the perfect hybrid between pence and trump was bush bush was the like the perfect hybrid of a fucking killer but a guy who had like charm to a certain segment of the country like
Starting point is 00:50:19 and maybe that's why mike pence would take that bargain because he knows that he's not really like a rabble rouser he's not like a no like he's a statesman he's a statesman supposedly he's not a populist he's a statesman you're right so like he would take if they did offer them the presidential oh he would definitely take it um around this same time some of trump's supporters erected a gallows and i love this part an actual hanging station outside the capitol building do you think they really would have hung my pins bro they might have i mean that would have been fucking hilarious dog dog yo yo fuck 9-11 from now on i would have been like yo where were you on january 6th when you just motherf motherfucker was swinging in the fucking January air, man?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Dude. Yo, I'm not even saying this in like a, you know, romantization of violence. I'm just saying that that would be fucking wild, yo. That would be insane. Yo, and Trump's reaction. What if he gave the same reaction like he did when they told him RBG died? He's like, oh. First time hearing about it, actually.
Starting point is 00:51:30 First time hearing about it. Oh, really? That's too bad. He was a great man. Oh, fuck. Perfect hair. Other Trump supporters attacked police, breached the building, and roamed the halls chanting, hang Mike Pence. Whether Pence knew these details at the
Starting point is 00:51:45 time remains unclear he was being hustled out of ways by the harm's way by the secret service pence was probably unaware that one mile away as trump was watching the scene on television the president said two witnesses reportedly told the committee something to the effect of okay somebody qualifiers maybe mr pence should be hung did he say that come on two witnesses told the committee that you see really i do think he probably said that yo totally this is the thing this is the thing i'm saying is that he's so cavalier i mean like look i looked it up before we did this about presidents that had beef with vice presidents. There was Andrew Jackson and God, I can't even fucking remember the guy's name now.
Starting point is 00:52:32 There was Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Yes, Aaron Burr. They had fucking beef. There was Lyndon B. Johnson and Kennedy. lyndon b johnson and kennedy right but yeah this is like this is like yo this man is like literally using your life as like a political football he's just so cavalier like well maybe they should hang him maybe he'd learn his lesson that's just unprecedented i will say that is unprecedented per haberman's reporting the secret service Service wanted to evacuate Pence from the Capitol, but the vice president refused to leave because he judged that doing so would weaken our democracy
Starting point is 00:53:10 and give Trump and his violent followers a victory. Oh, man, yo. Imagine if he said that and they still hung him, yo. Dude, I guarantee you he would not go down as a martyr for history. His name would be forgotten. It wouldn't be forgotten. But he wouldn't be a martyr for the right you know i'm saying no he's making memes about it there's no fucking way that he he literally had a profiles encouraged moment and said doing so leaving this bunker would weaken democracy and
Starting point is 00:53:42 give a victory to trump and his violent followers like there's no fucking way imagine they made him he would be lost he would be lost to the dustbin of history you're right i'm just imagining him kneeling to the q anon guy like the dude with the fucking like the fur and shit like that he makes a meal down before him so fucking like if we're gonna have like fucking high drama in the dissolution of the empire why does it have to be like why does it have to be shit like televised news uh you know law theater court theater bro yeah i don't want fucking court theater i want mike pence getting hung by the guy with this parody you know parody
Starting point is 00:54:26 of course it's all fucking ridiculous and funny but like that's the entertainment like that's what we deserve that's the high drama we deserve yo they're trying to paper over the contradictions and hide them with these continued like proceedings proceduralism decorum civility but like you know maybe it's because we're diseased but we can see that shit for what it is man they can't they can't do it for log this is why like we will never truly know what happened to like julius caesar or you know what i mean like because like immediately after like history gets like corrected and then all the other shit just immediately gets discarded yeah yeah for
Starting point is 00:55:05 haberman's reporting the secrets are okay um so he stayed in an underground loading dock until it was safe for him to return to the joint session and formalize joe biden's victory see i don't know mike i kind of think it would be braver of him to have gone out there to the masses and tried to like appeal with to them you know what I mean? To appeal to them to say, my fellow Americans, you're better than this. And then, you know, obviously someone throws a... Get a rocket at him. A tomato at him or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That would have been braver. I think that would have merited a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Which, by the way, I think he deserves anyways, though. I still think he should get it, man. I still think he should get it, man. I still think he should get it. This extraordinary series of events added up to a constitutional crisis. The crisis was set in motion by President Trump and then abetted by Republicans in the House and Senate
Starting point is 00:55:57 who voted to reject electors. Had Pence done what the President of the U.S. and his party's members in Congress demanded he do, it's not clear what would have happened next. Pence single-handedly averted the next— Can I tell you what would have happened? Nothing. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:56:11 We would have just got a new change in, like, management, and nothing would have fucking happened, and everybody would have forgot about it next week, bro. Like, come on, son. Pence single-handedly averted the next catastrophe. See, Aaron? Here's where you're wrong. And then tried to restore some sense of normal functioning to our democracy. On January 20th, Pence returned to the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:56:33 The trumpets played a fanfare. He and his wife, Karen, were announced. And they were walked down the red carpet together, holding hands. The people assembled to witness the inauguration of Joe Biden clapped politely. When Kamala Harris made her appearance, her entrance, Pence applauded her in turn. the people assembled to witness the inauguration of joe biden clapped politely when kamala hell harris made her appearance her entrance pence applauded her in turn in the intervening months pence has tried however ineffectually to push back against the most virulent aspects of the trump administration dude this is a fucking guy who didn't he legalize gay transversion? Yes, yes. Therapy and estate and fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:06 This guy's a fucking sociopath. It's okay, Terrence, because when you throw other people under the bus, you can do that as long as you stand up against Trump. Democracy. Democracy, yes. Right, right, right, right, right. I forgot that democracy is the most important thing here.
Starting point is 00:57:24 He could have been a fucking goat eater, like fucking like goat fucker or some shit like that or a baby eater and they literally would have rehabilitated him if it meant that like he said one bad thing about trump uh-huh you're right yeah um last february pence gave a speech in which he said that trump was wrong about the election he also countered the revisionist view of january 6th as being a peaceful protest by very fine people who are now political prisoners pence called it a dark day and framed the question as being about the survival of democracy the truth is there's more at stake than our party or our political fortunes he said if we lose faith in the constitution we won't just lose elections we'll lose our country in april pence gave a
Starting point is 00:58:04 pedestrian political speech at UVA with detour to pay his respects at the memorial to Heather Heyer. Dude, I didn't know that. That is so disgusting. Like, fuck you. Yeah, like, fuck off, dude. Like, the fact that they didn't bother him at the time in 2017, it's a mockery of the whole fucking thing that he would go down there and do that
Starting point is 00:58:28 it's like fuck off if you want to show your respects don't fucking come here like go fucking kill yourself that's the level of mistake exactly like that's the level of mistake it is it's like you don't get to fucking atone for it by going to the site whatever it's like you've played a fucking
Starting point is 00:58:44 hand in this you piece of shit jesus man yeah it's completely disgusting um but in the eyes of this writer you know who is like dazzled by even just this this the most basic like a baby gesture then yeah it's it's heroic the story of mike pence is the negative space in the january six committee investigation as more deep fuck no i guarantee you that mike pence is the negative space in the january 6th committee investigation as more deep fuck no i guarantee you that mike pence what happened is if mike pence isn't at these things i guarantee it's because he flipped he fucking probably just ratted everybody out and like turned over a shitload of fucking documents and stuff oh immediately dude you know like not because he felt again not out of any sort of like, oh, I'm doing the right thing, but to save his own fucking ass, man.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yep. Without him, we might not have this committee. Without him, we might not even have this republic. Dog. The bulwark. I'm working, dog. I'm working so hard right now. I'm working so fucking hard right now.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Bro, you know what she just said bro that's like that's like an arsonist and his buddy like set your house on fire and like maybe one guy lit the fire and the other guy like you know what i'm saying like put his arms over the flame his hands so that you know it could catch fire and then you say like i don't know man like you know what i mean like you're just you're giving credit to the dude and saying he saved it when he facilitated the whole fucking thing man at least by not doing anything that's what happens when you you're it's what happens when you work too hard when you work too much man you work too you need to get off that work man stop working so stop. Stop working, Jonathan.
Starting point is 01:00:30 At some point, the January 6th committee will complete its work and issue a report, which will probably be heavy on malefactors who attempted to overturn our democracy. Hopefully, it will also have recommendations on how to avoid another January 6th. But the reports... 12 easy steps on how to avoid another generation. Listicle at the bulwark. But the report should reserve some space to praise Mike Pence, the man who stood in the breach. The man who stood in the breach.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Dude, fuck off. He put his finger. He put his finger and he stuck his finger in the hole the the hole of democracy all the democracy was coming out and he plugged his fucking finger in the hole man it's so like has like political culture always been this stupid i mean yes i mean no i don't think so, man. No, that's not true. I mean, I guess what I can remember politically is Obama and all that insane shit. No, Bush, what am I talking about?
Starting point is 01:01:34 But I feel like I'm just forming memories then. It's disgusting. It's kind of like it kind of is of a mind with the kind of disney worship you know what i'm saying like it is all part of a larger i don't know psychological condition or disposition sort of some sort of socio-psychological disposition where people are completely infantile. Like they really process the world as a child would and does. And the fact that that is the thing that is culturally hegemonic, that's what's so terrifying.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yes, man. It's like a massive fucking baby. Like fucking the biggest fucking baby in the world just like and like you see godzilla coming out of the water and you're looking at the fucking baby and you're like dude i don't i don't know if you got i don't know if you got that man he got like that heat that heat vision type of shit with his mouth the beams coming out of his mouth and you're just a baby man it's like yeah it's like yeah you're a big baby like that's you have the size you have like a size advantage on the godzilla monster whatever the fucked up thing crawling out of the ocean is but like at the end of the day you
Starting point is 01:02:55 also are a fucking baby so like you're going down bro bro like like yo you're so fucking right because i was thinking about it i think that that – I've always said this, man. I don't know if this is bullshit, maybe. But I think that the right are better materialists than liberals, right? Not the left, but liberals because the right understands that this is a contestation over resources. And, like, you know, their prescription for the problem, though, is, like, obviously heinous, right? Like, all the shit that's anathematous. for the problem though is like obviously heinous right like all the shit that's anathema to us but i think like i think like the liberal mindset like really infantile like infant infant infant
Starting point is 01:03:31 infant infantant it can it can only be infantilizing now because at one point it did seem like cap democracy could coexist with capitalism it seemed like that at one point it really did and it can't i mean it's just obvious that it can't and that's why they have reverted to the child like goo goo gaga state the big baby with the fucking like cloth diaper or like clothes waving a rattle or some shit like that it's just like like one string of hair like coming out of the same like one curly string the thing that gave liberalism it's like it's you know its whole reason for existence in the mid 20th century was that it did look for a while that they had figured out how to allow capitalism and democracy to coexist military keynesianism it was called
Starting point is 01:04:21 military keynesianism it says like once that once it proved that that was not going to manage the contradictions, they, they, it's just been a slow process over 40 years of them growing into infancy. It's degeneration, man. It's degeneration. It's degeneration.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yo, you're, that's exactly, that's exactly where I was going with it, but exactly because like I keep saying, I know I keep saying this, but it just really just blows my mind the confluence of events right that have been happening for the past since the pandemic really but i'm like oh bro they literally cannot are not
Starting point is 01:04:55 not only are they not willing to like like observe the contradictions and do what's necessary but they're not capable of even doing that so like you said the only thing that you could do is regression the only thing that you could do is adopt like a disney type like fucking like good versus evil narrative yeah because otherwise like it would be like staring into the face of god right like you just cannot do it man your face would melt yeah i mean over time like i don't think that like i i think further degeneration is possible it really is i think it's further degeneration is what does that even look like though that's terrifying bro i don't know i think it's going to be absolutely heinous i think it's
Starting point is 01:05:36 going to be absolutely i think it's going to be a bloodbath i mean it's going to be what it's going to be is it's going to be fortress states states it's gonna be like yeah the infantile fortress state you know what i mean like disney you can fucking hang out inside their park and what did you say last time you said you said political oh i just learned this term since you said it you were talking about political geography right that's attuned it's like political psychogeography is what it is man everybody's gonna have their own liberal haven and then the rest of it will be like parable of the sour wall cities you know i think that's probably going to be the case because there's no other the thing is is like america is so big that it might be able to handle that for a for a while not forever that might be another formulation though of how this
Starting point is 01:06:20 country figures out how to manage neo-feudalism contradictions is that yeah like some sort of something like that where like the only solution to this problem is a kind of reallocation or redistribution in geography because we got plenty of fucking space for that i mean depending on who you want to fucking uproot and like you know what i'm saying like yeah and with climate change too man and like climate collapse and shit like that, it'll definitely be like, yeah, like you're right. It'll definitely be like, yeah, everybody will have their kind of like own like haven and safe space, but have to defend it against others. You know what I mean? That's why that's why that's why they want to recall like progressive DAs like anything that even remotely fucks with the way that like now forming state
Starting point is 01:07:09 operates for police state because I think that like we are probably in the middle stages of that like what is probably going to become the final form of it anything that fucks with that has to go like and it probably seemed idealistic and hopeful and everything to them when they voted for him, like, two years ago in the wake of this rebellion. But, like, they now realize, you know, Orange Man is bad. You know, he's gone. So it's like they don't have to worry about that anymore. And so to them, part of the crisis has been solved in and of itself. Because that's how superficial they are.
Starting point is 01:07:44 because that's how that's how superficial they are that's how fast you know that's how easily uh persuaded and um entertained they are it's really you're you're so right because you're so right because the only i feel like like it wasn't necessarily bernie i think that that made the democrats even superficially um adopt some of his platform positions right like whatever nominal progressive direction they moved in slightly i really don't think it was because of bernie man right i think it was because of trump and i think it was because they needed besides just campaigning before they figured out oh all we have to do is campaign on orange man bad. They, I think for a minute they were like an alternative. Like we have the alternative.
Starting point is 01:08:29 We have the answer sort of. Right. Yeah. And, but you know what I mean? Like, I don't know if I'm making sense. It wasn't really because they endorsed those ideas.
Starting point is 01:08:37 It was because they recognize that they could capitalize on this progressive kind of upswing. You know what I mean? And, and seem like they were headed in a different direction, you know? Yeah, no, it was a completely cynical pivot in the moment, like a heel turn. And then once Trump is out of office,
Starting point is 01:08:57 you don't need these progressive ideas anymore. The crazy thing is, is that like, they didn't even have to do any of that. You know what I mean? Like the left already knew that, we already knew like Biden wasn't't gonna do shit for anybody even us even if he said he was going to it's like yeah even then we also didn't i don't know i think myself anyways but a vast majority of people probably didn't think bernie would either it just seemed like true the
Starting point is 01:09:21 it just seems like the easiest answer to the kind of you know like the most expeditious answer to the crisis in front of us at least bought us some more time but I don't know
Starting point is 01:09:40 they're just going for broke man I think like you said it last time we were talking about a couple episodes ago it's like yeah you don't really have anything mean, they're just going for broke, man. I think, like, you said it last time. We were talking about it a couple episodes ago. It's like, yeah, you don't really have anything left to offer people. So, like, you just double down, you know? That's the thing. Like, they're not even – I don't even know if they look at it that way. I think that, like, in the same way that when you're a baby, you don't know what you don't know. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Like, you are so insulated in your own mind and like sort of world like you don't know what you don't know any longer like the world just is sensory experience like what you put in your mouth you have you have no sight no taste no smell beyond like what is around what surrounds you five feet around you yeah no that's that's how checked out of it they are that's why like all of these calls to like feinstein retire like when are they gonna finally wake up and do something that's about the supreme court like i i hate to break it to you but they're not waking up ever and so like you have to adjust accordingly they're like they can't wake up because they have degenerated so badly like they're they don't even know that they don't know that they don't know
Starting point is 01:10:47 that they're fucking like there's so many levels to the shit you okay exactly it's like it takes it really does take like i mean a lot of people know this i'm preaching to the choir but like at the same time it's hard not to get sucked into it because the the democrats are constantly doing theater because they fucking love theater and so like for a moment you have to still have these conversations with your you know what few liberal friends you do have left at this point um or you have to see it in the news or whatever or the people who care about democracy like small-town newspaper editors. Care a whole fucking lot about it.
Starting point is 01:11:28 They put it on your newspaper every week. Jesus, man. But, yeah, no, Pence's attempt to— All right, we're not even finished with this. Sorry. Yeah, I'll go. I have nothing to talk about. Pence's attempt to salvage the Republican Party won't succeed.
Starting point is 01:11:43 It will not— Okay, well, thanks, JonFast uh if we finally get to that part it will fail not because of any intrinsic problem with the party itself okay where's this going political parties are merely vessels for the will of the people but because the problem with the republican yo dog it's like it depends like this is like a fundamental like the focus on the two-party thing has made people i think it's kind of been like an op that's successfully made people think that both parties operate the same way but like they're fundamentally that they're virtuous like fundamentally they're virtues right exactly exactly because they exist and they're big then surely they must uh you know uh reproduce on
Starting point is 01:12:28 terms of virtuous principles so also i want to know something if party political parties are the will of the people then was trump really wrong because the people that got him in the office wanted him to be fucking king so i mean like in that case you're right dude you're exactly right he was just doing what the people wanted him to do they're the ones who wanted trump they're the ones who approve of january 6th they're the ones who insist that trump actually won in 2020 they're the ones who are clamoring to nominate him again in 2024 um republican i mean like this is the thing like liberals it's easier for the liberals to fall back on this. Like, the problem is Republican voters.
Starting point is 01:13:10 When, like, I don't know, I feel like it's a trap that you don't even have to really fall into. Like, yes, there are a lot of bad Republican voters. There are a lot of misled Republican voters. There are a lot of whatever. I mean, it's just too big a group of people to make a universal thing or whatever. whatever i mean it's just too much too big a group of people to make a universal thing or whatever it is true however that the people running the republican party are bad like you that is universally true that every single one of them is unequivocally like a psychopathic like blood bathing like fucking yes you know insane person malik worshiping yes yeah malik exactly whatever like you can't make a
Starting point is 01:13:46 generalization about a large group of people like a voter base but you can about the people running that party including mike fucking pitts you goddamn idiot who you were praising yeah like that's the contradiction in this thing that's why they always go for like they they are i don't know man it's really weird like they're liberals who hate people and so like they always go for like the profiles encourage like great man the individualizing right right right so that's why the answer to them is it's bad because republican voters yeah yeah yeah yeah oh dude that i mean and that thing too just fucking blows my fucking mind is like so like if again it's a it's a paradox right because if the republican voters are bad and then they vote these people into office who then do bad things then what's the problem what
Starting point is 01:14:38 are you complaining about you know right right right right right no i exactly i mean well he says right here, Republican voters view all the terrible outcomes from the first Trump administration not as bugs but features. This is what they want. But political parties are not monoliths. About one-third of Republican voters have a relatively clear-eyed view
Starting point is 01:14:56 of what happened on January 6th. About one-fifth of Republican voters know that Joe Biden won a sacred landslide... a sacred landslide victory over trump for real sacred sacred uh about one in 20 republican voters prefers trump to pence for 2024 okay that's well that's not enough to actually make him the nominee not relevant at all you said one out of 24 yeah like probably one out of 24 want fucking Eric Adams for president. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:27 Yeah, you're telling me if I reach in a bag of 24 jelly beans to pick out a blue one out of green ones? You know what I'm saying? That's a very small amount of fucking people. Yeah, what are you talking about, man? Democrats ought to be trying to pry these voters away from the Republican Party in the event that Trump runs again. Okay. How? Okay, how?
Starting point is 01:15:49 Okay, exactly. How? What is your fucking answer? How? Like, by invoking, like, democracy? Like... By shaming them? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:59 By making it clear that the Democratic Party appreciates Mike Pence as a hero. Yo, is that really the end of that sentence yo dog dog i'm running for office i'm running for office in uh in your district and my number one platform is to make sure that we have january 6th it's pence day man who does that appeal to who the fuck are you talking to? No, they don't want to win, dog. They don't want to win.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Who does that appeal to? I just don't. You know, I mean, like, it's like five or six years into this, like, reckoning on the left between, like, a, you know, a populist movement based around like norms and virtue principles and virtues of like democracy and unbound duty or whatever the fuck amy mcgrath's thing was or like the alternative which again i've given up on i don't fucking care anymore but it is just the alternative like offering people like social democratic uh material benefits all that etc i don't obviously one of those one it could possibly be the case that the other one could win maybe fucking aoc like uh you know is a macavelian
Starting point is 01:17:19 genius and like takes over the house and all this other stuff that could be the party that could be the case i'm not against any of that. I'm not against running progressive DAs. I'm not against engaging in electoral politics. None of that. I just keep coming back to the fact that it's too late. I feel, personally, that it's too fucking late. All the fucking things that are afflicting us right now,
Starting point is 01:17:43 it feels like the window for doing something about them was a long time ago. That was, like, 30 years ago, man. Right. That's why, like, I'm trying to develop a worldview that is based on that fundamental. It's like. It's too late. It's too fucking late, man. It is time to be looking at, like, out of fucking.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Like fucking Bunker Boys, bro. Bunker Boys. Yo. Oh, seriously, though. It's just like. Not Doomer. It's not Doomer shit. No.
Starting point is 01:18:16 I'm fucking staying alive, bitch. Prepper shit, bro. Prepper shit. This isn't Black Pill. I'm not fucking, like, blowing my. I'm not walking off a bridge because the fucking world is failing fuck no i'm surviving bitch bro i was bored ready for the end of the world like i've been like i keep using this word calcified man my heart and mind has been calcifying for 31 years up until this historical moment it is like a fatalism i really do think it's like this kind of fatalism where it's like you.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And I mean, I'm guilty of this, too, but it's like you can't envision or it's difficult to envision anything outside of electoral politics. You know, it's difficult to like even conceive of how that would happen. So the only thing that you can do is kind of convince yourself of these like true. thing that you can do is kind of convince yourself of these like true yeah you could say that the party has been moved to the left a little bit but the whole country's moved so far right that it's inconsequential you know so it's just like it's just like i mean i don't i mean again not trying to be doomer about it but it's like yo if it was gonna happen it probably would have happened already in the way that these people envisioned with entryism, I guess, is what it's called, right? Changing the party from within.
Starting point is 01:19:28 It would have happened already, dog. Right, right, right, right. I just, I feel like we can close the book on that. That seems pretty. Yeah, like, it's okay. I think it's okay to close the book on that. Like, I don't know why it's controversial to say. If you want to continue plugging away at that, so be it.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I don't care. I'm not going to stop anybody. I'm not trying to, exactly. And I don't even think it's necessarily wrong or misguided everybody's on their own goddamn path because that's all we've got at this point all you can do is just kiss your ass and just hope that like it turns out for the fucking best and like support one another there's like no way to really say for sure what's the right and wrong path other than like don't be doomer and try to look out for yourself and others and try to stay alive that that's yo that's all you can do and i mean in the meantime read and like educate yourself like that's that
Starting point is 01:20:18 that's it you know maybe learn how to like ride a horse. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, ride a horse. Ride a horse. Shoot a harpoon. Yes. Bow and arrow. Yeah. Hell yeah. Anything like that. Grow some food.
Starting point is 01:20:32 All those things. Put poison like at the end of a dart, the tip of a dart. Yeah. Like rub it. Squeeze a frog's back till like a green poisonous ooze comes out and you rub that on the tip of your arrowhead. Use it as assassinate, yes, yes. Assassinate your political enemies in the apocalypse. Exactly, there are all kinds of skills
Starting point is 01:20:55 you could be learning right now. Oh, shit. Anyways, so there's one more thing I wanted to talk about today. We we're almost we are so far over but it's all right no matter i don't care um we've been talking about like you had you had you had told me that there was something new with the fulton county da it's this it's it's an interesting thing to like juxtapose chesa budinein. I'm never going to get his fucking name right. Chesa Boudin.
Starting point is 01:21:27 If you're listening, Chesa Boudin. It's an interesting thing to juxtapose that with the Fulton County DA, who we talked about on the show a few weeks ago with regards to the young thug thing. Yeah, yeah. And I told you I had something on that. You did. You said said you're fucking crazy um so wait first of all was there any new news from her like what's going on with that the only
Starting point is 01:21:52 thing i sent you because i thought it was funny was that um apparently she has like a security detail because there have been threats on her life but not it's not just from like it first of all it's not from ysl it's not like officially through ysl it's through fans which ysl is like um young thugs clothing brand and record label so it's fans of young thug and like gonna and all these other rappers and shit but also she's getting death threats from chuds like these mega chuds because apparently she's gonna open up like a a special something I don't know a jury I don't know something into the presidential elections in Georgia here so she's not just getting it huh interesting so she's like going after the whole Trump
Starting point is 01:22:38 stop the steal thing yeah she's doing that and then also though she's going after a completely different like it's like a Venn diagram, yo. It's like the people who think that the election was stolen. Then people who like YSL and Young Thug both hate the Fulton D.A. Two completely different fucking people. I mean, I'm not saying that Trump supporters don't listen to Young Thug. Pretty sure that they don't. I'm not saying that Young Thug supporters aren't Trump supporters.
Starting point is 01:23:05 They might be. But, you know, it's just that kind of confluence of finding the right enemy to hate, which, you know. Right. It seems very much like she's got her eye on higher political office. You said that last time. Yeah. I mean, it's like this is some high-profile shit. She's trying to be mayor man she's
Starting point is 01:23:25 trying to you said last time a good point that that they're going after organized gangs and shit and crime which she's talking about gangs right like just black boys man and gangs and shit like that she's uh she's trying to like like stake like out a path for herself and try to build like this thing you said this thing that she can run on that she knows that will get her attention if she decides to run for future office right you're exactly right that's exactly right um okay after we did that episode i got a message um on the old instagram and uh so let me just read you this this is this is pretty crazy. It's from a message from someone named Brett. 29 years old. About to turn 30.
Starting point is 01:24:11 So happy birthday, Brett. Happy birthday, Brett. They live in North Carolina. So this is the message I got at first. Let me just read it to you. This is pretty fucking crazy. The Fulton County DA indicted me on charges for a felony terroristic threat because i made a tweet that said good morning i'm gonna blow up cnn
Starting point is 01:24:30 why he's gonna blow up like cnn oh yeah good morning i'm gonna blow up cnn um funny tweet in my opinion i mean yes would i encourage anybody else to make it um no and made many tweets like that that's why i'm on my seventh account yes yes and as yes you have made many tweets like this and as brett pointed out himself he said you know probably not the best thing to tweet but he didn't tag cnn um didn't reply to anything they said regardless i guess the fbi was just like name searching and they uh he spent four days in jail and had to spend eight thousand dollars on lawyer fees what the fuck um so let me let me go through the details of this dude this is fucking nuts um he's not even from georgia he's down in atlanta uh with some friends and yeah like i guess they were walking by the cnn
Starting point is 01:25:28 building and he tweeted good morning i'm gonna blow up the cnn um wait did he ever i hope he had a picture be funny even a picture attached like smiling like with the cnn like the sole logo in the background like smiling hella hard cheesing i'm going to blow up the cnn centers caption i hope so um like yeah like like he like he said no tags completely isolated on an account with 86 followers man they're fucking going after the lobies it's fucking they really are man um so anyways uh he's about to go out to a party he says next thing i know i'm getting three calls at once from various atlanta numbers so i answer one of them and it's the fbi he starts off by asking me questions about my mental health and not even
Starting point is 01:26:16 mentioning the tweet i tell him i don't believe he is who he says he is and i don't want to talk to him so he tells me to google the fbi number of the city i live in call it and dial this extension uh he hangs up i don't do it he calls back two minutes later and says he is outside my apartment asked me about the gun mounted on the wall in the living room this can be seen if you look in the window and asked me if my cat will be all right if i don't come home for a while this is fucking crazy dude yo so he threatened the man's cat he's threatened a man's cat this is how dishonorable they are and after this story i am more convinced than ever that they listen to every single fucking trail billy's episode so hi i know you're listening you have no honor this is not this is not honorable
Starting point is 01:26:58 behavior also it was all parody everything that we said about mike pence swinging in the january breeze it was a fucking joke i'm not the one who erected gallows outside of the capitol i didn't do it everything is obviously a joke on this show uh the thing is is this show literally is just us like bitching and moaning how everything is fucked every week so obviously we're not going out doing anything no we're cowards at heart we're definitely not supposed to do it um he then explains why they called and continues asking me questions about where i was how many weapons i own and where they were he then asked me about a post they found about my mother dying in a post about my hospitalization dude like just manipulative fucked up shit like you know what i'm saying like fuck is your mother dying like there's no fucking need to bring any of that in this is some mobster
Starting point is 01:27:49 shit like mobster is like uh uh what are your kids names again uh exactly bob exactly you know what i'm saying like what the fuck he he asks if he can speak with my friends and ask them all the same questions after about 20 minutes he says thank you i have all i need we have to hand this over to state police state police then call me and say that they already know where i am to stay there and that they were going to come watch me delete the tweet and then i could go to the party afterwards very fucking crazy that they know where the fuck he is and all he had to do is just delete the tweet well he had already deleted the tweet about 10 minutes later nine cops are outside with plain clothes and bulletproof vests on i'm asked to pull out my phone i do they
Starting point is 01:28:33 tell me to put it on the ground and put my hands behind my back i say why i said you said i could go and he said exact quote things change i was never read my rights i was put in an interrogation room with a clock that looked very intentionally broken. It had wires dangling out of the bottom of it. I have no idea how long I was in there. I fell asleep. I was never questioned. I was brought to Fulton County Jail on the charges of felony terroristic threat. I spent four nights in Fulton County Jail.
Starting point is 01:28:59 It was not given the blood thinner medication I take daily. In my first appearance via zoom the public defender asked that my bill be set at five hundred dollars on the grounds that i was clearly joking admit it was stupid and learned my lesson and the district attorney said this is an exact quote have we not learned anything from january 6th actions have consequences. $20,000 bail and no social media for the duration of this case. Fucking insane. Dog. Dog.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Have we not learned anything from January 6th? They're going. Yo, first of all, very sorry that happened to Brett. All of that sucks, especially. But, yo, hold up. They're going to. I'm just still baffled at the fact that she said compare this January 6th. They're going to use this for time immemorial, bro.
Starting point is 01:29:49 On everything. For every single thing, dude. They will use this when there are, like, police drones making sure that you go straight from home to work. You know what I'm saying? When we live in our little walled prison, like carceral cities, it's going to be like, remember January 6th, never forget.
Starting point is 01:30:11 It's the new 9-11, bro. It's the new 9-11, man. And like three cops died. Three cops died, man. Problems. Yeah, the judge signed off on this. I was indicted by a grand jury in early may all the research i did in grand jury indictments in georgia as well as advice from lawyers friends who are lawyers made it very pressing that i immediately hired a lawyer so he hired a lawyer
Starting point is 01:30:41 eight thousand dollar retainer um you, I admit tweeting that was dumb, but I've tweeted wilder things in the past with no consequences. I grew up online. I grew up on, you know, it's just, you know, our lives, obviously. Yeah, sounds like us. I admit it was dumb, but I don't think it was $10,000 dumb. I also never got my phone back. Just, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:31:02 It's just. Dude, Fulton, I'll tell tell you now like uh i've never been there but uh fulton county jail uh one of the worst jail systems that you could possibly want to be in i mean these are the people that are gonna overreact to a tweet you know what i'm saying well i guess the fbi but that's another thing is like you didn't tag it so that means like they and how did they find out where you were i know dude it's creepy man i think what it is i think what it is is that like the da has made it a priority and i don't know what the like the linking up of the da and like the fbi is i know like like every state georgia probably has its own fbi um like its own bureau of investigation or whatever and so maybe that
Starting point is 01:31:46 was them i don't i don't know regardless i guess maybe the fbi was uh surveilling and they handed this over to the fulton county da i mean and this is this is i think a prime example in why having like a quote-unquote progressive da is useful because they're not going to do stupid shit like this where you would hope not theoretically you would hope they wouldn't like go after people making you know jokes online it's yeah it's uh i don't i don't know it's i don't know it's just it's just another crazy example of how like the state when it wants to can find you and everything about you and make your life living fucking hell and uh can't stop can't stop a mass shooter like in the evolved you know that is that is exactly fucking right and like as he pointed out to me in his message
Starting point is 01:32:39 like um he said it's wild the way the fbi agents talk to me like he started out the gate with making it seem like he already knew everything about me which only makes it more wild when they're aware of someone who's threatening to to do a mass shooting and they don't do anything i i mean it's like bro this is what gets me into like american gladio type of thinking man like i'm not being conspiratorial but seriously it's like you know it's like how the fuck they know everything about you they know everything about you but the the the the including where you are at any given moment bro yo i'm looking at my phone right now where i'm talking about i'm about to throw this shit out the window man like what the fuck
Starting point is 01:33:20 dude like you know what i'm saying like dude me too and how how liable are we like not liable is not the word maybe but you're literally carrying around like this fucking gps device around you all the time it doesn't matter if you turn off certain things these radio signals they can like kind of like i guess um just a cross reference and use it to triangulate where you are and it's like you know everything about me and the shit that i post but again you can't stop a guy from going into a school or a supermarket and killing people man very fucking crazy dude very why is that i don't know i'm not being conspiratorial it's just like weird um well anyways i thought it was an interesting a tale of two da's
Starting point is 01:34:03 it's an interesting bookend. We did our episode like Amy McGrath political ad. We made a little Oreo. Oreo, sandwiched it. Except this is one you actually want to eat. You want to take your time to bite through. I almost called her Oreo McGrath, man. Oreo McGrath.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Oreo McGrath. Oreo McGrath. That's tight. Oh, shit. All McGrath. Oreo McGrath. Oreo McGrath. That's tight. Oh shit. All right dog. Well that's probably it for the day. There's people that
Starting point is 01:34:31 saw my office like looking at me like I'm insane. But thanks for tuning in everybody. We want to go check out the Trillbillies. Go to
Starting point is 01:34:41 P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbillies. This week's Patreon episode, people really liked. People really fucked with it. We had our good friend Katie on. We talked about, what did we talk about? Not the genetics one.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Anarchists versus communist baseball. Nah, but it was a specific story. Oh, it was a shit. What did we talk? We talked about the resource, well, not specifically resource generation, but the rich kids who want to invest their guilt away by impact washing or transformative investing yeah yes transformative investing i know you want to listen to that so go that shit was really good go over to patreon you check that out um all right well thanks
Starting point is 01:35:19 for listening everybody we'll see you next time

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