Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 299: Mothers of Convention

Episode Date: July 13, 2023

This week we discuss all the latest developments in climate change, artificial intelligence, motherhood, and liberty Please support us (and our friend Piedmont) at Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay. Welcome. It's July 13th. The day before Bastille Day. Right? We also missed Friday the 13th by one day, I guess. Shit, you're right. Thursday the 13th. Bullet dodged. Bullet dodged. No hockey mask serial killers. Vodage No hockey mask serial killers When I was a kid I used to be really scared of that
Starting point is 00:00:27 I used to be very freaked out by that Like all day I would be looking over my shoulder I think I'm just going to pretend to feign illness So I don't have to go to school today Why? It's Friday the 13th man They should give kids off Because imagine if you do go to school on Friday the 13th
Starting point is 00:00:48 and something terrible happens, like a goblin does a school shooting. Not a regular person, but a goblin. Not a regular person, but Freddy Krueger shows up and does a school shooting. You'll be scarred for life twice over. You'll be scarred by the shooting and then scarred by the shooting and then scarred
Starting point is 00:01:05 by the fact that it was freddie cougar on the friday the 13th yeah so say he leveled up he's like uh i'm not gonna use the finger blades anymore i mean what if a goblin showed up but he didn't do a school shooting he just ate lunch in the cafeteria and got tummy ache it just said just said like a normal kid see you guys later it was like was that a goblin yeah they they give him detention because he didn't he wasn't being quiet in the lunch line and yeah so he has to sit by himself in the class on friday the 13th one more one more unruly action are you you're going back back to the Bavarian Black Forest where you belong, you fucking goblin. Go back into the fairy tales from whence you came.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I got a question a little along the lines of this. Why, it seems like we have stopped the momentum with superstitions. It's like every superstition we still hold is from yesteryear. But why, as time goes on, do we not develop new superstitions as's like every superstition we still hold is from yesteryear but why is it as time goes on do we not develop new superstitions as new things arise you know what i mean like what is a superstition for the digital age i guess conspiracy theory might fit the bill slightly except a lot of those are real well yeah a lot of those are real and have like a political kind of lens to them i was thinking about this the other day what happened to like shit like their bermuda triangle or spontaneous human combustion like that
Starting point is 00:02:29 shit doesn't happen anymore man what you're talking about is a superstition like like walking under a ladder seeing a black cat a black cat across throwing salt over your shoulder for good luck that kind of stuff yeah why do we not have anything we've not added anything to the superstition canon in a number of years yeah like basically what you're saying is the equivalent would be basically like if you go to a website and it takes longer than five seconds to load that's a bad sign you know what i'm saying if you get if you get the capture wrong more than like three times it's a bad sign the screen right yeah he did the capture thing when he got out of the capture bloody marriage i'll ever do that you go into a dark room and it's like no that's why
Starting point is 00:03:16 is that is that when you look at the mirror though and say it like uh or candy man candy man candy man yeah you take kissinger kissinger kissinger Is that when you look at the mirror, though, and say, like... Or Candyman, Candyman's a similar... Candyman, yeah, yeah, yeah. You say Kissinger, Kissinger, Kissinger, Kissinger three times. And he shows up in your house. Some bloated old Nazi pops up behind you and encourages you to do war crimes in Southeast Asia. Order a drone strike on your house. Order a drone strike on your own house.
Starting point is 00:03:43 That would be a good... Just a stupid on-the-nose horror movie about summoning Henry Kissinger and then just bad things happen to your friends and family and the most, you know. Your block gets invaded. Yeah. We used to do Candyman, yo. I remember that shit. Nobody's stepping on cracks to break their mother's backs. Only backs we're breaking are those of our...
Starting point is 00:04:10 Never mind. Those of the working class? Those of the international proletariat. Yeah. Exactly. I still didn't step on cracks because I'm OCD. And I used to walk home from school and I used to not do that because I really did think that it would hurt my mom.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And now I don't do it just because I'm OCD and I don't like the thought of stepping on a crack. It just, something about it is gross. Yeah, yeah. You know, I have a friend who, he thinks that if you're walking down the street and you guys like split poles, there's two of you and you split a pole or a tree or something friend who, he thinks that if you're walking down the street and you guys, like, split poles, there's two of you and you split a pole or a tree or something
Starting point is 00:04:48 like that, he thinks it's bad luck. So he will literally, like, walk back around if I split the pole and walk on my side to avoid a... Our superstition is just OCD rituals and we just didn't know how to call them. Yeah. A long time ago. What you're supposed to do in that situation tell your friend is one of you gets on one side of the tree the other one gets on the other side of the tree and then you try to pull
Starting point is 00:05:09 it apart like a wishbone and whoever gets the bigger the bigger side gets the bigger yeah the bigger side okay okay oh the wishbone is another game man that's another one well that's the with the wishbone thing is very not ocd conducive because it's I hate that like when you break it one side you're gonna come away with a bigger piece like I like um true OCD head I need um I need it to split
Starting point is 00:05:35 evenly you know what I'm saying that aggravates your OCD even more I don't like that that's that shit I don't like that's what that song was that's that shit I don't like that either That's that shit I don't like That's what that song was That's that shit I don't like Wish bones splitting unequally That's that shit I don't like
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's the real meaning of the song Chief Keef a fellow OCD hit The almighty Sosa Won't step on You won't catch that guy stepping on a crack no way walking under a ladder no um i heard uh go ahead go ahead no i don't have anything go ahead no no i was just gonna say to uh i remember one time i was walking with a friend she said that if a cat crosses from left to right across the street, then that's good luck, supposedly, as opposed to right to left.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So I guess people are putting spins on superstitions, man. People are remixing them a little bit. Yeah, you have to. In today's day and age, you have to put spins on these things. That's what RFK Jr. is doing this week after decades of environmental advocacy. He's putting his own spin on it on the Jordan Peterson program. Dude, like I said in the group chat, I hate him so fucking much. He sucks so bad.
Starting point is 00:06:58 What's his deal, man? I think Ken Klippenstein posted this tweet where there was a time, I think it was Time Out magazine or something like that, where it was in the 90s, man, where he was being heralded as sort of the legacy of his dad. And now he just seems, has he always been batshit crazy? Has nobody ever noticed that he was this insane or has it been like a thing budding over time he started out as a well he came across my radar and probably tom's too as an as a mountaintop removal like anti-mountaintop removal like coal mining activist so it's like he was like a big environmentalist he was an environmentalist yeah so it's that's why it's fascinating to see him talking to jordan peterson about climate change being basically a fake like elite it's which yeah i don't know engineered by a leak
Starting point is 00:07:55 cabal of people oh god dude it's like dude there's this there's there's a article in the... Okay, so obviously there are so many different data points you can pull to point towards how bad climate change is right now. One of my favorites at the moment, which is personally impacting me, is that 90% of Georgia's peach crops have been destroyed because they typically need three three months to like three chilling months at the beginning of the growing season to be able to ripen and they didn't get
Starting point is 00:08:31 that because we've had the hottest summer in human history so far record yeah on record and so it's like another year in a row i'm getting tired of breaking these records man he's getting a little bit exhausted so it's like 90% of the Georgia peach crop has been destroyed. I fucking love peaches, man. It's my favorite fruit. So we're going to have to change. My state is going to have to change.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's a state fruit. Well, I'll be honest with you. Y'all are already faking the funk a little bit because South Carolina actually is the peach state. We'll let you have it the peach state. I know that. We'll let you have it, I guess. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:11 You know what? I'll take it. This is a war of propaganda, man. I don't even think I've had a real Georgia peach, man. I've been living here now for eight years. I'm pretty sure I've eaten a peach and it came from another state. I think that South Carolina peaches were probably impacted too, right? Or am I just saying that to dig myself out of sight? I was in North Lander, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah. You know, I didn't know until recently, but peaches were brought over by the Spanish. Yeah, I knew that too. Peaches and pigs brought over by the Spanish. Didn't know that. Not native. Shit, man. It's a heartbreaking fact to learn because I associate Georgia as the peach state and
Starting point is 00:09:49 feel warmly for it because of that. And it's a double fraud. It's stealing peach valor, man. These articles say that South Carolina just see worst peach season in years. Oh, so South Carolina too. Dude, listen to this article I just saw in the New York Times about Phoenix, Arizona.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Summers in Phoenix are now a brutal endurance match. As the climate warns, forecasters say that dangerous levels of heat crank up earlier in the year, last longer, often well past Halloween, and lock America's hottest big city in a sweltering straight jacket in triple digit heat god damn in triple digit heat monkey bars singe children's
Starting point is 00:10:32 hands water bottles warp and seat belts feel like hot irons devoted runners strap on headlamps to go jogging at 4 a.m when it is still only 90 degrees come home drenched in sweat and promptly roll down the sun shutters neighborhoods feel like ghost towns at midday with rumbling rooftop air conditioners offering the only sign of life which is which is which is a vicious cycle because that further perpetuates the climate change and we crank up the ac we're so far oh this fucking venus dog this is like the fucking like this is crazy dog that's literally a J.G. Ballard story. He talks about it being so hot that people have to come outside at night.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's so fun. Did y'all see the Obama-Hassan Minaj clip that was going around? Yes, dude. Did that put y'all in just as bad a place as it put me in? in just as bad a place as it put me in. Not because I thought Obama had the keys or any of his people had the keys to fixing this thing, but just knowing that they're fully prepared to let things get to an apocalyptic state.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And in fact, at peace with it, was disconcerting. They've been at peace a long time ago. Yeah, you're right. They've been at peace time yeah you're right peace like initially it's right you're right like there's nothing really like there's nothing they could have singularly done that would have stopped this um like maybe there is i don't know but i do tend to think at this point especially with everything with the supreme court everybody everybody's like Obama and RBG did this. And it's like, yes,
Starting point is 00:12:06 but at the same time, I also feel like real forces of history hours. Like, I don't think that any of these people could have done anything to stop the fucking freight train that, that we all got on in the eighties and nineties that it's on autopilot. Yeah. It's on it.
Starting point is 00:12:21 The fucking plane is in free fall. And like, who can fucking pull that out not jesus you know jesus not taking the world obama was obama was running around with ethereal bisexuals back when we could have actually done something about but you're right tom the alarming thing was that they all already have baked those forecasts into their sort of like the way they navigate the world. And the point he was making was that his daughter Malia comes to him and says, my friends really feel like there's no point to anything because the world is falling apart and is on fire. So what's the point of doing anything and he was
Starting point is 00:13:05 basically like well you know we probably won't stop things at two degrees fahrenheit or at two degrees celsius or something like that what okay what is it he just says it so flippantly i i keep hearing conflicting reports where are we at on doomsday clock and like you know like five years ago like 11 59 59 don't you remember like four or five years ago we started the show we did an episode and i remember talking about like there was some sort of i think it was when that wallace article was going around about that everybody was calling alarmist or whatever and there was like you know oh my god it's the countdown we have to make we have to reduce emissions by this by this point and or you know it's going to warm or whatever i feel like the
Starting point is 00:13:51 goal posts are constantly moving on that question yes yeah yes is anybody y'all got got any guesses as to what we're what the current not that it matters my i think it's supposed to be still two degrees celsius but i'm pretty sure that they're gonna do some um what's that that climate summit shit when they get together and kind of shift the goalposts right to be like okay let's give us a little more time so that we can squeeze out more profit while we're killing the fucking planet but it's supposed to be two degrees celsius right i don't say this in like a like a like a get the guillotines out kind of way or anything like that i don't say i don't say this in an epic communism way but how much goddamn money do you need
Starting point is 00:14:32 where are you gonna spend it at when we're all just like a barren wasteland ruled by roving bands of war boys you know like where the fuck are you gonna spend that dude like i saw somebody say some shit like um i forgot who it was but they said something like well the some countries will be fine like you know like the western world will be fine and like uh richer people be fine i'm like dog i don't i think that people think like as if this is going to be a nuclear apocalypse they're going to have like bunkers and shit like that when it's's climate change, that's the great equalizer, man. Obama used that example.
Starting point is 00:15:08 When food scarcity and water, where are you going to go, bro? Obama used the example of Bangladesh in that video. He did, yeah. And he basically conceded that, well, Bangladesh might be underwater, but we'll be okay in Indianapolis or wherever. Oh, my God, man. Well, there was an article in the nation a few months ago about how like the ipcc put out another report or something like that this was back in april
Starting point is 00:15:35 do they do anything else but put out reports like what is the they just let you know it's getting worse guys those motherfuckers are the most report... Can you imagine a more demoralizing job than being an IPCC report guy? No one's full well, nobody's going to do shit about anything you're ringing the bell about. You think your job is fucking meaningless. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 The point of the article, it's in The Nation, it says, the media's recent turn to climate optimism is a cruel fantasy. The basic point was that nobody reported on the most recent report, which is like, you know, whatever. It doesn't matter. Even when they did report on it, nothing was changing.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Like, it doesn't fucking matter. But it is an interesting thing to point out in the sense that, like, it does seem like the mass media has just been like, yeah, fuck it. Didn't they blame... Wasn't it that article in The Hill a couple weeks ago where they said that studies said that scientists were at fault for not
Starting point is 00:16:35 ringing the alarms about climate change over the past few decades? They're blaming the fucking scientists. I remember that, yeah. You guys weren't apocalyptic enough, you know? You're doing what didn't go hard enough, man. Obama's playing with fire telling his daughter that. Like, he's really playing with fire.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Because, like, basically she came to him and was like, all my friends are kind of like, they don't see any point in living. They don't see any point in reproducing and having families and kids because the world's going down in flames. And he basically was like, yeah, but it'll be fine. He's playing with fire by doing that because, like, what's going to wind up happening is, like, Malia and them are going to become, like, third world Maoists,
Starting point is 00:17:16 and they're going to start strapping bombs to their chests and, like, blowing up post offices and shit. Just, like... Blow it up pipelines. These kids are all... Basically his daughter was like, my friends are all nihilists and they have... They're losing regard for human
Starting point is 00:17:31 life. Let me radicalize you a little more. And they're turning to me thinking that I have, you know, at least an audience with a man that ruled the world for eight years. What should we tell them? We'll tell them that Bangladesh is fucked
Starting point is 00:17:47 and if they don't live there, they shouldn't worry about it. Maybe you should move. Oh my god, son. Terrence is right about these goddamn whales and everything. We're spreading all these weird things about comrade
Starting point is 00:18:04 orcas and all that shit. Really, what we've done is fucked things so bad they're just agitated as hell because the ocean's too acidic. Yeah. You know, it's like... I think I'd pour some sharks coming right up to the fucking beach. I think I saw something like that. I think it was that, like, the content of, like, nitric acid or oxygen levels in the seas are, like, so bad that that's partially why the orcas and stuff are behaving this way. Basically, we've turned their fucking homes.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I mean, it's the same shit with everything else. It's, like, on land. It's just habitat habitat destruction we made them refugees yeah yeah yeah refugees from the sea dog dog that's dark that's like you ever had a you ever had a jolly fish tanks when you're little and you let them get like a little scuzzy unbalanced and you come home one day and and yuppie is laying on his side floating up the top and you're like how could this have happened that'd be like if you were constantly smoking cigarettes in one room with like car exhaust like just like use everywhere you literally carve a monoxide poison that goddamn fish why how'd this happen dude i mean not that no go ahead no you go i was
Starting point is 00:19:31 gonna say not to be like a like even more like uh apocalyptic about it but uh like the thing that creeps and freaks me out is like phytoplankton man because like i looked in this shit and they're um they're like the base of the aquatic food web, you know, like so many species. I mean, the entire marine ecosystem relies upon them, you know. But they're also like carbon sequestrators, I guess. Like they deal with carbon sequestration and they're responsible for 50% of our oxygen in the atmosphere. So when they die, not only will foods like a whole entire like food base collapse, you know. Most people live by the coast, you'll eat seafood, but the gonna get even hotter so it's just like damn dude and they're like microscopic tiny little things that we don't even we don't even fucking think about you know i love
Starting point is 00:20:12 that it's like the permafrost thing or like the amazon it's like you have carbon sinks and we're like everybody's watching it very nervously everybody's watching the permafrost nervously like oh fuck man oh fuck it's like watching a pot you know what i mean like making sure it doesn't boil over and then it does and you're like god damn it and because and then all the way for just a second all the time to that metaphor we are the frogs in that and that boiling over well it's just that, like, there are things on the Earth that have sequestered all this carbon. And we're making it so bad that it's just initiating feedback loops. It's like the air conditioner thing in Phoenix and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's, like, all contributing. It's like I was thinking, I was, like, flying into Dallas last week. And just, like, overlooking, like, flying into, into like the suburbs that's the urban sprawl outside of dallas and you just pass like a thousands of small buildings each with like 18 different air conditioning units on them just like dog we're so fucked dude like i was thinking this too with uh you just remind me i was thinking too when i was flying back into atlanta from new york man and like you know i was like dude this really is a city in a forest man like it's like you know like a city in like this green oasis it is yeah
Starting point is 00:21:36 they're trying to cut down one of the lungs of atlanta to build this fucking cop center i'm just like dog you guys are just already making a bad situation. Even worse, and they don't care, yo. They do not give a shit. I saw this article in the New York Times about how scientists have now come up with a type of paint that you can paint the outside of buildings that will, like, cool the buildings. It says, cooler than air temperatures at midday and up to 19 degrees cooler at night reducing inside temperatures and cutting air conditioning needs by as much as 40 okay that sounds fine but good luck convincing like the homeowners associations in the suburbs
Starting point is 00:22:16 of painting all every single house uniformly white to like keep this you know what i mean even cooler yeah that's not happening i'm sorry sounds cool sounds cool like it probably would work but it's not fucking happening in an america where like the fascist suburbs have to have their own fucking aesthetic like you know what i mean like like heterogeneity that's totalitarianism yes they're gonna be like it's total the woke the woke crowd wants us all to pay in our houses this color that's what i have to say i have to say like i'm not saying that isn't a good idea but i really hate where we get these like almost like cloudy with the chance of meatballs type of fucking like like yeah like devious ideas like oh we're just
Starting point is 00:22:58 gonna blanket out the sun or some shit like that's like dog why not just like i mean i don't even i don't know what the fuck you do i guess stop fucking like burning fossil fuels but that's not gonna happen overnight you know but it's everything to avoid actually like dealing with the issue itself you know yeah that's insane i pulled malia i'll get her baby blanket and we're gonna stretch over the sun we're gonna put it up on satellites and we're gonna blank out the sun for a little bit. We're going to have a blackout curtain for the sun. Blackout curtain for the sun. She's like, Dad, if you've been done. Who was that band that sang that song? Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got to let go?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Is that Counting Crows? Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. We've paved paradise to put up a parking lot. Damn, so true, bro. It's so true that we've paved paradise to put up a parking lot. Damn, so true, bro. It's so true that we've paved paradise to put up a parking lot. Who's that guy, Adam?
Starting point is 00:23:50 What's his name? Adam Driver? No, the guy that leads here counting crows. Adam of Adam and Eve, Adam? No, I give up. Anyway, that guy's the prophet. If that's even the band name question, I don't know. I was going to say Collective Soul, but...
Starting point is 00:24:10 Nah, dude. I think they sing something different. Collective Soul is a little grungier. Oh, okay. They had that song that was like, Heaven, let your light shine down. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I like that song. Whoa! That song popped. Yeah, that sounds sick. That sounds like a banger. Yeah. Oh, man. Jam Blossoms.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Maybe it's the jam. No, it wasn't the Jam Blossoms. They sang... What's that song they sang? Across the 110th Street. Is that shit? No, it's the Spin Doctors. I give up.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I quit. I quit. Well, keeping with the theme of, let's just go full bore into this, man. Let's just get fucking loopy with this shit. Let's get dark. Let's get dark. All right, boys. Let's get dark.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I've had a spate of articles I've been sitting on for a few weeks. I've been waiting to bring into this space. I've been intentional about showing up in this space. God, when he's intentional, watch out, ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up. This is in a website called venture beat the the title is the ai feedback loop researchers warn of quote model collapse is ai trains on ai generated content okay so before i read this article i just i just want to say that this further bolsters my theory that so it's like
Starting point is 00:25:43 at any given point in time you have a running tally in your head of all the things that are going wrong with the world. Obviously, there's the environment. It's like, yeah, we're destroying that. Abortion access, rights for trans people. I mean, I could just keep going down the list. Wealth and income equality generally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. could just keep going down the list wealth and income equality generally yeah yeah it's just you just keep going down the list police shit yeah yeah but but like the scope of how bad the internet has become a societal problem has never really been that clear
Starting point is 00:26:19 to me until now like okay so 15 years ago there was a lot of promise around quote-unquote the internet i remember reading interviews with chomsky and stuff being like well it could be good for spreading information and we could use it to topple governments that kind of shit but at this point it is now like the jury is in there is no question about it. The internet is a societal problem on par with carbon emissions, devaluation of life. What did you say, Tom? Pandemics, pestilence. Pandemics, pestilence.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Famine. What of the four horsemen? The reason why. The fifth horseman. So the reason why is because, like, whereas the environmental problem, like, brings harm to our bodies, you know what i mean like uh like our health and our well-being and everything the internet problem
Starting point is 00:27:11 brings harm to our minds it's like this is a thing that like i guess what i'm saying is like within 60 maybe even 20 years people will be so insane like brain addled insane yes like swiss cheese like addled yes like like boring holes through their brains yes you know completely 100% dog yeah it ruins your mind let me ask you a question before we go any further you think if we opted out right now and just became luddites like how long do you think it would take us to our minds to revert and heal to grow those billions of lost brain cells those synapses that we've we've like kind of put on us for the last 20 years you know at least uh-huh to re-groove our braids you know what's funny is that like all
Starting point is 00:27:56 the manosphere guys like they've got all these rules for like alpha being an alpha male like the i'm just gonna say this the one thing that you can do if you're truly worried about yourself and your masculinity and all this other stuff the one thing you can do that would be better than every other thing that you'll never hear any manosphere right wing influencer say ever because they need you to keep streaming is log off literally log off log off but they'll Log off. Log off. But they'll never tell you that because their whole thing is predicated on the idea that you keep streaming their bullshit
Starting point is 00:28:31 content. Absolutely. So let me read this article. The age of generative AI is here. Okay, I hate the phrase generative AI. I feel like it's one of those things. Isn't it already generative? What does that mean? I know, it seems like it's one of those things already generative what does that mean no it seems like it's like people like saying more like degenerative ai degenerative
Starting point is 00:28:50 got him got um only six months after open ai's chat gpt burst onto the scene as many as half the employees of some leading global companies are already using this type of technology in their workflows. As another aside, when did we start using the word workflows to just describe work? I could tell you about 2015
Starting point is 00:29:17 is when I heard about it. Yeah, okay. That's when I was thrown into the flow. They said, here's your workflow. They grabbed you by your ass and your collar of your shirt and threw you in? Yeah, you know how in Eastern Kentucky they say, I learned how to swim when my daddy took me. I was three years old and he just threw me in the creek.
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's what they did with me in work. Threw my ass in there. Sink or swim, you little fucker. ass in there sink or swim you little fucker um but as those following the burgeoning industry and its underlying research know the data used to train the large language models llms and other transformer models underpinning products such as chat gpt stable diffusion and mid journey comes initially initially from human sources books articles photographs and so on that were created without the help of ai now as more people use ai to produce and publish content an obvious question arises what happens as ai generated content
Starting point is 00:30:16 proliferates around the internet and ai models begin to train on that instead of on primarily human generated content so that's like throwing like a bunch of vomit on top of a pile of shit that's on top of like a pile of rotting flesh and meat and shit like that oh my god dude that's so fucking bleak yeah uh uh well anyways i'll save it for a minute specifically looking at probability distributions for text-to-text and image-to-image AI models, the researchers concluded that learning from data produced by other models causes model collapse, a degenerative process whereby, over time, models forget the true underlying data distribution. Degenerative AI, you're right, pal.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It is degenerative AI, you're right. Vindicated. It's degenerative AI, you're right, pal. It is degenerative AI, you're right. Vindicated. This process is inevitable, even for cases with almost ideal conditions over long-term learning. Over time, mistakes in generated data
Starting point is 00:31:15 compound and ultimately force models that learn from generated data to misperceive reality even further. Wait a second, hold on a second, saying hold on hold on so baked into it is a detachment from reality yes baked into baked into the model is a long-term secular trend towards degeneration because by its because by its very nature, what happens is in the early stages of AI,
Starting point is 00:31:51 AI uses current existing materials, books, films, movies, any kind of text in general, to produce answers, to produce things. And a lot of those times, even that's inaccurate. People have demonstrated this on... Some of the times, a lot of times it is accurate, but a lot of the times it's inaccurate. Regardless, so much of that content gets put out there and made available to AI five, 10 years down the line that once you are asking this AI five, ten years down the line for these answers, it will then go back and pull the content that it generated.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And replace, like, the original source itself almost. So that, like, the further you get away from it, it's like moving away from a mirage. You know what I'm saying? So that, like, the component parts become even more obscured to you it's like it's honestly it goes to my theory that we are reinventing the 19th century in every conceivable way it's like wait like we're going back to 19th century medicine just because the profit motive has hollowed out a medicine we're going back to like 19th century like like epistemology just like yeah like dude yeah i'm thinking about it too i guess with the uh i guess with the degenerative art is like
Starting point is 00:33:12 the internet is already like you know where you can have a vantage point to see all of cultural history right from like one vantage point you know what i mean but now like it used to be a thing where you know your teacher would be like yo don, yo, don't go to Wikipedia because anyone can change the article, whatever, right? Now, anything that you think, like, it's not just deep fakes and stuff like that. Like, how do I know this information is, like, legitimate or real? How do I know this piece of artwork? You know what I mean? It's, like, not already generative of something else that's already been made up through an algorithm.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Jesus, man. God, it's like a maze of shit, man. It's like a labyrinth of shit yeah honestly you know how um i feel like i'm pretty good at sussing out like what's ai and what's not mostly because ai produced images really creep me the fuck out like i get a very bad i get bad vibes and i remember seeing the clips from the new flash movie and then i think it was like choppa or someone had they had suggested that uh the movie was created entirely by like ai generated like cgi and it's like that makes total sense if that's the case like because
Starting point is 00:34:19 like i watched those clips specifically of the flash putting a baby in a microwave and dude i'm telling you it was that it was bad times for me it was bad times for me is that is that gonna be the new uh there's a munchkin that hangs himself in wizard of oz like actually if you pause it man ezra miller put a baby in a microwave and turned and like blew it up turned it on yeah vaporized a baby on the flash i'm ashamed to say that i went to go see that movie because i like i love the flash um and it was trash man but at the end it was fucking horrible dog at the end like they they try to like uh bring back like all of these characters like um Christopher Reeves as Superman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And, I mean, the CGI looks like AI. I mean, the whole movie is a CGI movie, but it made me feel icky and dirty and bad looking at it. It's the same way that Marvel's Secret Invasion, a lot of people are talking about this, their newest show, the credits, the opening credits are AI. Or AI credits.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I think it's the first show to do anything like that. But of course, Marvel would be the first studio to use AI because they already fucking make slop. People won't be able to tell the fucking difference. That's basically what's on the table with this writer's strike. I mean, dude, honestly though, you know how there are some movies and video games you can't watch? There'd be a disclaimer at the beginning of them. Like, if you suffer from epilepsy, do not watch this. There are flashing, blinking lights.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I need that for movies with AI-generated shit in them because I get a gross, disgusted feeling when I fucking see. It's like that tryptophobia thing. Yeah, like trypophobia. I get the trypophobia thing from watching that shit. Me, I'm allergic to bitch assness. So when I go into a movie, they need to say, listen, if you're sensitive to bitch assness, you need to walk out right now.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And I'll say, all right, give me my money back. I'll take my popcorn and go, man. Move your hard motherfuckers oldly. I would get out. I'm too soft, man. Pretty soft. I would say, hey, can we pause this movie? So is this saying that
Starting point is 00:36:40 if we're too soft, we should leave, or if we're too hard, we should leave? It's unclear. There's no clarity on that. Can we get like a meter, maybe like a scale, a range? A spectrum of softness? I'm surprised
Starting point is 00:36:56 not to sound like one of those wokeness is bad kind of guys, manosphere guys, but have we made any movies with like, I guess like ratings or trigger warnings in a way.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I know what you're saying. What studio is this, man? I forget. Every time they air an older movie, they have a disclaimer in front of it that says the views of this hot movie of its time and da- da da but we're gonna preserve it because yeah um well i wanted to finish this article real quick with um
Starting point is 00:37:35 the entropy article yeah yeah agvi ai entropy article um just like uh just this quote from it it perfectly substantiates what I was saying this person who worked on this study says just as we've strewn the oceans with plastic trash and filled the atmosphere with carbon dioxide so we're about to fill the internet with
Starting point is 00:37:58 blah this will make it harder to train newer models by scraping the web giving an advantage to firms which already did that or which control access to human interfaces at scale indeed we already see ai startups hammering the internet archive for training data um basically kind of like i was saying a second ago it's like we've created like the internet has become a massive social problem. And it's not even this, not even specifically this stuff. Like there was an article in the New York Times, Ohio plastic surgeon loses medical license after TikTok live streams.
Starting point is 00:38:43 She was broadcasting some patients procedures on TikTok. Yo, dog. It changes people's brains like literally it changes the morphology of your brain like not it just gets smooth but the neural connections are not as strong anymore you know what this rossi of dog it's like it's like this phenomenon you see where people will record or take pictures of like i mean shit that like back in the day whenever not everybody had a fucking camera in their pocket like a cell phone if you see like some like i don't know some lady like yelling at her kid or if you see somebody while i'm not on the train nobody would fucking be like yo look at this i have to show everybody yeah but now everyone needs a consent form yes yes you yes dude literally it's like can i record you doing this absurd shit to show the rest of the
Starting point is 00:39:22 internet for clout or whatever it is it turns turns people into like, I don't even know what they are, man. Like content zombies, dude. Let me tell you, I had a little run in with that today myself. I had a podiatrist appointment. I had a procedure done on my foot a few weeks back and I was going in for my follow up. And I was back there with the doctor and she said, she said, the doctor and she said um she said uh uh let me ask you a question you like dr pimple popper and stuff like that i was like well yeah i am one of those gross people that like to watch you know
Starting point is 00:39:56 blackhead removal videos and stuff i don't seek them out but like if i see them it's pleasing to me you know i don't mind that yeah sure, well, we're pretty famous around here. And I was like, oh, is that right? She said, yeah, you should check out our TikTok channel. She said, let me tell you what you should start with. She said, go Google the name of the clinic and double ram's horn. And I was like, wait a second. Oh, no. Let me get this straight you're a you're a medical office i didn't say this to have been my head i'm reasoning i was like you're
Starting point is 00:40:33 like you take you know if you like medicine like like paramount in this right is the idea of the hippocratic oath and like confidentiality and all this stuff. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's like you can imagine a world where, like, you know, something more serious than, like, you know, sort of ingrown toenail removal or whatever the hell they're doing on there. You know? It's like – I was just like – it's like it blurs the line of it is to, this place is to medicine what like WWE is to wrestling. Like collar and elbow Greek Roman style wrestling. What it is.
Starting point is 00:41:14 What Jerry Springer is to like social work probably, you know, therapy or some shit, yes. Yeah, it's medical entertainment, but the way that it's sold to you was almost like a doctor asking you if you wanted some extra perks. It's almost like a reproduction of the opioid crisis. It's like, hey, we've got the real medicine up front, but in back, we've got... In the back, though, we've got the real shit, though. Hey, better than that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 In the seedy back alley next to the dumpster. Or like a Faustian bargain where she's like, hey, you want to be famous, little boy? You want to show off your incision? It's's like i thought that's where this was going i thought she was gonna ask me to be on their tiktok channel in which case i was actually gonna walk out of there with my feet bleeding and just leave a trail it's like the it's like all of the influencers who use their children to get millions of followers on TikTok or Instagram or YouTube or whatever. You're right, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:42:11 It changes the morphology of your brain. You find yourself doing things that, honestly, probably no human in recorded history has ever done. It's like it makes you have lapses in judgment that are so unprecedented in the long history of human development literally fundamental to your survival literally yeah let me ask y'all a question though what if what if it got so bad we're like you got me thinking top well like health care is so unaffordable i mean already is that like doctors are like hey if you let me record this procedure and put it on my TikTok you don't have to pay for it
Starting point is 00:42:47 you don't have to put the hospital bill just let me record your heart procedure live for a billion viewers a lot of people do that shit let me record you doing chemo with R. Kelly's I believe I can fly in the background for my TikTok channel
Starting point is 00:43:03 if you do that we'll cut 75% off your bill I would agree to fly in the background for my TikTok channel. If you do that, we'll cut 75% off your bill or something. I would agree to it if the doctor agrees to, after he's got my chest open and the triple heart bypass, after that, he, like, reaches into my chest, like on Raiders of the Lost Ark or whatever, or Temple of Doom and pulls out my heart. You beating heart. All the while,
Starting point is 00:43:25 all the while, and it's like they're like doing, they're doing like, like, you know, lipping the scene, like the lines from the movie. Yeah. Where the heart's at.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah, or, or, or, listen, I cut Terrence's chest open all year. Party rock is in the house tonight. And then you just see Terrence's heart Just squirting blood Beating to the beat Yeah And then there's like
Starting point is 00:43:54 Every doctor in there breaks out in a flash mob Like it's fucking Remember flash mobs It's not even that far from being reality It's like so close to being that It's like everything is just entertainment like that. It might as well be that. Oh, my God, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Oh, man. Oh, fuck. Oh, shit, dude. We are so close to the first motherfucker killing himself intentionally on TikTok for the clips. You know what I mean? Not like it's a party and accident. Not even in a dark way. He's going to do it while Party Rock is in the house
Starting point is 00:44:34 tonight playing. People are gassing him up and he's just going to jump off a fucking building or something. Yo, you know, this is making me think isn't there a channel or some shit like that that shows like i mean there are cctv screens like i know in new york you could watch channels that are like public access where you could watch like streams of like you know people walking around the city and shit like that but um now i'm thinking like yeah man they're just gonna make
Starting point is 00:44:58 it's gonna be not only it's gonna be a surveillance state to make sure to keep you in line but they're gonna use that footage for reality tv man you know oh yeah and they'll uh you know they'll just use that shit man well again it's it's all kind of tied up in the the writer's strike thing too in a way which is like i don't i guess i saw i think the the conventional narrative on this is that reality TV was kind of born out of a writer's strike, right? But I think I may have seen something that said that that's not entirely true. That's not entirely true, that that stuff was like, yeah. It proliferated definitely during that time because the overhead was less. You didn't need you know yeah elaborate fiction
Starting point is 00:45:46 scripts or whatever they say but this might do the same thing for ai though man this is just an opportunity for the the film studios to just like you know not only get out of paying people but just like i mean be more efficient with the creation of this slop you know what i mean yeah you know like the same way they're trying to replace they're not fully trying to replace writers with ai but the writers will pretty much i think they'll edit the ai scripts you know you know trying to cut out the human element as much as possible and um yeah yeah man i guess it's easier to throw shit to the wall to stick to you know if i were to say something to my or matinee idols that might soon be on the picket line, I'd say, listen, Brad Pitt or whoever, Tom Cruise might actually do something.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Listen, you think you're immortal, but in 40 years, nobody's going to remember Mission Impossible 2, Tom Cruise. But they will remember the time that you went into David Zaslav's office and literally watched the breath leave his body with your two crazy-ass Scientology hands making that transfer for him. Dude, he could do it, like, no consequences. What if one of our matinee idols murdered one of these studio heads? Wouldn't that be so fucking...
Starting point is 00:47:03 That would actually start like a... Yeah. Let them eat cake. Like, that would be... If Brad Pitt murdered David Zaslav, I swear to God, I'd go out in the streets tonight and just start giving it out. And shot him.
Starting point is 00:47:16 And shot him point blank at his desk. Yeah. And walked out. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it might have to take those means might be necessary because did y'all see
Starting point is 00:47:29 that the studios are basically like we're gonna starve out the writers like we're gonna wait we're gonna let them go homeless it's existential man it is we don't view it that way because we're so god damn house broken but like these motherfuckers are trying to starve us out you know what i mean like and if you don't think that i mean people
Starting point is 00:47:50 know this listed but i mean like i don't know the reason why i've been trying to pay attention to it or like i mean i don't know try to i'm just trying to keep like abreast what's going on because like if it's happening in the film industry of course it's not going to happen anywhere else you know every other little job that people do especially like in the service industry, of course it's going to happen anywhere else. Every other little job that people do, especially in the service industry, all that shit, man. If these guys are getting it, you know what I mean? And people think that writers are big Hollywood writers making money. I mean, they don't make shit, dude. They used to make more.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Now they fucking don't. Everything's been so thoroughly proletarianized. There was a time 40 years ago when you could have written one episode of Doogie Howser, M.D. You were one of the ten richest guys in Los Angeles, but now years ago when you could have written one episode of uh you know doogie hauser md and like that you were like one of the 10 richest guys in los angeles but now it's like uh you write one episode of fucking uh the george lopez program and you're fucking on snap you know yeah dude you could even
Starting point is 00:48:40 write a prestige tv show like uh, what was that HBO show? I'm trying to remember. West World, right? And they canceled it and pulled it from HBO. So you can't even watch it anymore, you know? Wow. They took the whole thing off? Yeah, they did the same thing as a Trekkie. I didn't watch this shit because this is the animated ones for kids, too.
Starting point is 00:49:04 But Star Trek Prodigy, they just yanked that shit right off of paramount man jesus yeah man yeah man so it's like it's not even just a generative degenerative slop but then it's like stuff that they don't even have faith in so they'll just pull the plug on at any moment, man. Yeah. Well, so, there are a few different ways we could take the... I had, like, two articles I wanted to read, but I don't think we're going to have time for both of them. So,
Starting point is 00:49:38 we can either read an article about Moms for Liberty conference. Did they do some Nazi shit again? They quoted Hitler again? What are the Moms for Liberty conference. Did they do some Nazi shit again? We haven't talked about it. They quoted Hitler again? They did. What are the moms doing these days?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Do what? What are the moms doing these days? Let's read this, okay? Let's read this. Okay, I had another one that was kind of more in line with the AI thing, but you know what? We've beat that horse to death.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Let's go. This is the outfit that, like you said, that they had the Adolf Hitler quote on some of their materials, and then they played ignorance about it. Yeah. Like, hey, we never heard of this guy. We just plugged him off Google.
Starting point is 00:50:12 We don't know who this guy is. Adolf, how do you pronounce it? It has really been like a banner year in rehabilitating Adolf Hitler. It's like every time you turn around someone new has what has walked there has like slow walked them their way backwards into defending adolf hitler when you're so anti-communist that you end up defending hitler um yeah we did what dom that's uh some dude was like that's one of the that's one of those things where it's like, somebody gets bored.
Starting point is 00:50:47 This is just a testament to what you're talking about, about this internet-related brain disease. It's like, you just get bored one day, and you're like, you know what? I'm going to go tell somebody that Lennon is no better than Adolf Hitler. And then you just, it's just a slippery slope to the just crazy shit you don't even believe but I know but just to feel something dog just to feel something
Starting point is 00:51:12 yeah like yo you know what is bad for you tweet like what oh man so we've not talked about moms for liberty but i feel like it's something that's been you know it's been in the discourse for a little bit the southern poverty law center
Starting point is 00:51:36 labeled them a far-right extremist group although i don't even know what the southern poverty law center does so i think they're not right they named far-right extremist groups i was gonna say I don't even know what the Southern Poverty Law Center does. They're named far-right extremist groups. They're like the IPC. They have reports. When I was growing up, I thought that they were combating poverty.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah, I thought so too because they were the Southern Poverty Law Center. I thought they fed people. That's what I thought. The the truth they feed them the truth they feed that's true yeah they um the what the moms for liberty did was they have a newsletter called parent brigade and uh this is this is how they came across my radar a few months ago they quoted hitler from a 1935 rally saying he alone who owns the youth gains the future that's they quoted early hitler classic hitler i know yeah 1930s maybe that was the justification now see we thought that everything was fair game before 41 so we did read the rest of the chapter so we didn't know what happened after this speech
Starting point is 00:52:52 we kind of yeah we were we kind of quit keeping up with hitler after 35 so don't know what happened after that yeah he did have any hits after that it's not canon it's everything after 35 is not canon it's not canon it's everything after 35 is not canon It's not Hitler canon It's not part of the expanded universe This group has ties To the Proud Boys In fact it was not even the first time
Starting point is 00:53:19 They'd been linked to this Hitler quote I didn't know that In 2021 Moms for Liberty Member Debra Cannon Who is a school board member in Central Buck been linked to this hitler quote i didn't know that in 2021 moms for liberty member member deborah cannon who is a school board member in central buck school district pennsylvania posted a comment on facebook featuring the same quote alongside a second quote from the nazi leader goddamn goddamn no which hitler i'm talking about not like a guy like a you know latin american politician i'm talking about like the actual og hitler the other one that he she quoted was if the older generation cannot get accustomed to us we shall take their children away and rear them to the fatherland okay well people were people
Starting point is 00:53:58 go ahead i think that they're quoting i think that they're not in their minds they're not endorsing hitler by these quotes they're saying that yeah the woke crowd is doing this stuff uh-huh yeah the woke crowd is the one they're like we're not saying the 14 words but we're just saying this guy who might have had some retrograde ideas hit on a couple of poignant things what was he cooking he was cooking so they literally said hitler was cooking that's literally what they did that guy was like uh hitler's actually better than lennon because he actually believed in what he was doing he thought it was he thought it was a net benefit for society ergo he was better.
Starting point is 00:54:48 All right, so they had a conference a few weeks ago. This is from July 1st. Trump, DeSantis, and Moore address Moms for Liberty conference. This is from July 1st, 2023. The group started in 2021 has already become influential on the right so um damn they just started in 2021 why did i think this was a group like from 90s or something i thought it was like john birch society like they were grown in the same petri dish the same nazi lab yeah yeah the same nazi lab but no they're two years old um they are on
Starting point is 00:55:27 a lot of school boards like it should concern you how many school boards they are on can i just say to that like i know that the right you know they have funding i mean they're they're the way that their institutions just are run and funded or antithetical to what you know i guess we it's anti-capitalist believe in or whatever but we should feel bad about ourselves that like two years dog two years and they're like on school boards like dsa what the fuck are you doing dog like come on son the school boards are it's really weird because school boards are kind of they have they command a lot of power in a community, but they're also the kind of like locust point for like how the respectable classes get to divvy out their money. Because schools are funded with property taxes.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And so the people who battle over that money are property owners, basically. And so it becomes, I mean, you know, this is a fight between kind of like suburban forces. You've got the educated suburban libs, and then you've got these psychopaths. Well, they're both psychopaths in their own ways. But these are psychopaths who do something with the power that they have, you know? Yeah. I'd like to see them square off with the Mothers Against Drunk Driving and then the Mothers of Invention. Frank Zappa's group.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, the Mothers of Invention, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Mothers Against... We had one in our community called Mothers Against Gang Violence. Or MAGVA. one in our community called like mothers against gang violence or or magva doesn't really roll off the tongue but they can get in this uh fatal four-way match up there there's there's a desantis quote in this story that i swear to god man i'll just i'll let you wait to get to it um they call themselves quote-unquote joyful warriors that's literally what they call it like that's um every time you see them talking on facebook they refer to themselves as joyful
Starting point is 00:57:31 warriors can i can i just say real quick i know but so joyful warriors they call themselves the um what was it the some the parent brigade or some shit like that the parent brigade like yeah this chick's name is deborah cannon everything about war dog it's cartoonishly fascist yeah yes yo they call themselves the einsatzgruppen they just want liebensraum that's they want liebensraum they just want a little bit of space bro um but this controversial group of conservative moms are mad and getting the attention of some of the republican party's most prominent politicians the members of moms for liberty which formed just two days two years ago in florida has since of course it's in florida this is an abc news by the way i can't remember if i mentioned that
Starting point is 00:58:22 and has since branched out nationwide say they're mad at their teachers their principals their president and now as they see it they're fighting back through school boards local elections and if they get their way the next president what the fuck are you mad about bro what are they mad about what are they that crt is being taught in kindergarten man dude this is what it is it's um this next paragraph the multi-day moms for liberty conference that began last week showcases how local issues like school curriculum and covet 19 restrictions in the classroom can have tremendous galvanizing influence among gop and gop leaning voters so like the fact that they started in just the last two years just goes to show you how much like valence how much absolute force like covid how much impact like covid and everything all the attendant
Starting point is 00:59:13 factors and consequences of it have had in politics but no one can fucking acknowledge any of that we all still paradigm shift yeah it's like the only people who still talk about COVID are the ones that think that it's so powerful that we might as well just bow down to it because it destroys every part of your living will. And like, you know what I'm saying? Or the ones who think. It's a sentient thing. Yeah, it's a sentient thing that like we must bow down to it and worship it. Or the ones who think that like the vaccine gave us nanobots and you know what i mean it's like it's like they're both diseased you know otherwise
Starting point is 00:59:49 otherwise no one talks about it between those two ends of the spectrum no one fucking wants to talk about it yeah if you if you wear a mask in public people look at you like oh that's almost like you're doing like some sort of sort of cosplay from a bygone era. Yeah. That's quaint. Like you're wearing bell-bottoms. He's wearing bell-bottoms. That's quaint.
Starting point is 01:00:11 God, man. Governor DeSantis, former President Trump, and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, all of whom are seeking the 2024 presidential nomination, tried to woo nearly 700 members of the over 150, member group on friday several key breakout sessions at the center of the group's mission such as quote protecting kids from gender ideology and quote getting flipped school boards to take action i thought you said ginger ideology at first i was like okay good, good. About time, brother. About time. Get these redheads out of here. Let's bring the IRA in.
Starting point is 01:00:52 These breakout sessions were kept behind closed doors with media access barred so that they don't let you in on those. And you said they have 150,000 members? 150,000 is what they say. Oh, my God, dude. Wait, the mothers do yeah how many members does dsa have it you have more mothers against liberty at that minute at that kind of membership and they had adolf hitler quote dude i'm i'm telling you i know so desantis is probably dead in the water right like he's probably not making it out of this primary but the next person who does have some carrot charisma and saying the thing that he says will 100 win i do feel like for a thousand years i feel like
Starting point is 01:01:38 there's a quote out there that like 40 of the u.s population is ready to go full fast at any moment at any point in time. I do kind of think that. I know it's not productive to think that way, but I do kind of think that. I totally think that. If they somehow won Matthew McConaughey to their way of thinking,
Starting point is 01:01:56 it'd be lights out for all of us. We have to... Anytime you see a charming charming charismatic person drifting rightward you it's your it is incumbent on you to physically stop them however you got like get a lasso and put that shit around their waist nope yank um yeah 150 000 people quoting hitler in the.S. It's not good, folks. That is terrifying, though. Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler of Sarasota, Florida,
Starting point is 01:02:31 whose wife, Bridget, was a co-founder of Moms for Liberty before stepping away to focus on her duties as a Sarasota school board member. What's her name, Bridget Missle? What's her last name? Bridget Landmine. Bridget Landmine yeah yeah bridget barbed wire bridget cruise bridget cruise half and missile c-r-u-z missile. Oh, man. Bridget Cruz missile told ABC News that the group's
Starting point is 01:03:10 groundswell over the past two years, two and a half years, is reflective of how the issue is playing out politically. The national conference in Philadelphia is probably doubled in size from the group's gathering last year in Tampa, Florida. The DNC slammed the group in participating Republicans on Friday morning.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Blah, blah, blah, blah. Katie Gorka, wife of former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka, told ABC News that the presence of key Republican candidates is a testament to how powerful conversations around education, including what is and isn't appropriate for students, such as lessons on racism, sexuality, and gender identity, will be next cycle the growing influence of moms for liberty shows that they had touched on a nerve of the national pulse katie gorka said she also said parental rights and education in general are going to be a key election factor both this november and local elections as well as next nove November in the presidential election.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Can I just say real quick parental rights? Like I feel so sorry for the kids of these people because all these people do is treat their kids like little slaves, like little versions of themselves. Right. And manipulate every facet of their childhood. So it's like, you already have like ultimate control over these kids. Yo,
Starting point is 01:04:21 now you want to do it for other people's fucking kids. Like that weird, like when Matt Walsh sent his kid to school with the american flag wrapped around there and it's like i don't think that was matt walsh that was another right winger matt but no wow i think right apologies to no but matt walsh also had something like that where like his kid was wearing a top hat and he was like i don't understand why he insists on wearing a top hat everywhere. And everybody in the comments was like, well, let me. Yeah, that should be like a sort of, you know, when serial killers as little kids, they kill animals and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And you kind of be like, okay, that kid's going to be fucked up. Yeah, if you're wearing a top hat to school. Yeah. Yeah, man. Watch out for that kid. Yeah, if you're dressing up like a fucking captain like a plantation owner yeah yeah from the robber baron era yeah it's probably not a good indication of where your ideology is going um okay so nearly all attendees jumped to their
Starting point is 01:05:23 feet in raucous cheer as desantis on fr Friday touted the various divisive policies he's enacted in Florida. This is the quote I was talking about. This is an opinion. So fucking stupid, dude. He said, I think what we've seen across this country in recent years has awakened the most powerful political force in this country mama bears and they're ready to roll
Starting point is 01:05:48 dude oh that is so fucking bleak dude mama bears mama bears man who says that the grizzly the grizzly yo mama grizzly bears mama bears it's well trump would never say some shit this goes back to my thing about how like american fascism is so quirky it's like i'm quirky and random and we're gonna slaughter six million people yeah it's also it's also infantilizing yo you know what i mean like uses very infantilizing language like mama bears you're talking about like these fascist like women no it is it is it is the classic american quirky fascist formula mama bear it's like it's like nah like they mean business they're out to basically kill your children but they're gonna do it and be cute about it because they're little mama bears little mama bears oh my god yeah we just we just threw uh 20 children in
Starting point is 01:06:43 the furnace i'm so random i'm so right i'm so quirky when people used to say like people used to say that yeah she's so crazy uh-huh so random um oh my god the article then goes on to basically talk about how like trump also spoke and has obviously got a bigger audience there people aren't entirely sure why desantis is in this they're mad at him for being in it even though they love him what he's doing in florida um republican support with moms for liberty members could help them make up lost ground with female voters, some experts say. Even as Democrats seek to paint these moms as members of the GOP base rather than swing voters up for grab, highlighting how Moms of Liberty has backed book bans.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Moms are the key political force for this 2024 cycle. We have an opportunity to harness all the energy, all the concern, DeSantis said in his remark. Yeah, man. It's like the older I get and the more... Yeah, I don't know, man. That's really an amazing statement. Moms are the key political force for this 2020.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Mama bears. Mama bears are the key political force. The mama bear constituency, man. The sad part is that all these people are on the school boards and uh they're making it basically a open-air prison for your child both in terms of what they can and can't do what for their cubs for their cubs yeah for their cubs what they can and can't do what for their cubs for their cubs yeah for their cubs you know you know what else too is like it doesn't even matter if they win like the gop wins national elections or local elections sure but like you were saying terrence the school boards man like once they get that shit man like i mean i'm talking about like at your kid you know what i
Starting point is 01:08:42 mean and you're what your community looks like you know what I mean? What your community looks like. What your kid's being taught. I mean, they've won, man. That social reproduction, that battle, man, they've won that shit, dude. Oh, yeah, dude. Let's flip that coin on its other side, Aaron. Now, what if the mothers of invention take over the school board? That really would be quirky and random. That would be quirky and random
Starting point is 01:09:06 i guess well i don't know it wasn't zappa conservative though yeah he was did zappa sucks i'm sorry like even his music and there's plenty of fucking conservative artists i that i listen to or watch their movies or read their books fuck frank zappa his music sucks ass, dude. That shit sucks. Hey, it's like, it's like, yeah, what if, uh, I'm just going to do a quirky and random music, make it music. Now, don't let rerun hear you say that. He loves, he loves that.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Does he? Oh my God. Well, I like Captain Beefheart, man. Yeah. But fuck Zappa, but fuck that shit nah nah well anyways that's that's pretty much the moms for liberty the um uh just thought it would be an interesting uh group of people to cover because it seems as if they are we're to have to hear more about them.
Starting point is 01:10:07 God, man. I still can't believe 2021. Yeah. That's insane, man. They're a force to be reckoned with, bro. Oh, God, dude. God help us all. What do y'all think we need to do if moms are
Starting point is 01:10:24 for 2024 and maybe for not even just the presidential election, but for the future of the left and this movement in this country? What should we do to engender the moms to our side? What does the left need to bring the moms to our side? Well, first you got to neutralize the moms for liberty. Yeah. So you got to turn them all into grandmoms. Because no one's going to listen to grandmoms for liberty. No one's going to listen to grandmoms for liberty.
Starting point is 01:10:53 No. So, you know, and I'd be willing to bet that there are probably a couple grandmoms in there. And we need to know the ratio of mom to grandma. They're L it they're larping it i'm pretty sure there's some dads in there too how can we trust you when you're false advertising here when you're really the grandmother's for liberty and grandma nana's for liberty yeah i like the granny's for liberty i like the trend in american politics of various constituency groups, like special interest constituency groups, adopting a familial position like Daughters of the American Revolution
Starting point is 01:11:31 or Daughters of the Confederacy or Moms for Liberty. That's what we need to do. Uncles against something. Uncles against bitch assness. Uncles against bitch assness uncles against bitch assness in film and TV that's actually pretty good I wear the shirt that says that uncles against bitch assness
Starting point is 01:11:57 in film and TV uncles for drunk driving? Uncles for, yeah. Coming out strong for body language. You know how they give the NRA ratings? Like the uncles against bitch asses in film and TV. There's only one movie that's got a perfect rating for that. That's The Outlaw Josie Wales.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Even the good, the bad, and the ugly loses a few points. Oh my god. On that Moms for Liberty Hitler quote thing, didn't Tommy Tuberville have a... Didn't he have a quote about white nationalists recently? Didn't he call... I don't know what he said about them.
Starting point is 01:12:44 He said something controversial and stupid, which is de rigueur for him. about white nationalists recently didn't he call i don't know what he said about that he said something controversial and stupid which is de rigueur for him this is the this is the football coach senator from alabama right yeah former that beat out doug for that doug ford lost to or whatever what was that guy's name doug was it doug ford doug jones see i don't even doug ford i don't even have this motherfucker's name dog dawg. You know, that's so embarrassing, man. He said, what he said was that it was an opinion to say that white nationalists are racist. It's an opinion. I think, hey, coach, I think the science is in on that one.
Starting point is 01:13:20 The funny thing a bit is about those guys from, like, Mississippi and Alabama is is that like people kind of assume like hey yeah 2023 like they don't have racism like they used to back in the old day it's like no you don't understand like racism for these people was a way of life they passed down that they passed down that teaching like he really did probably have a father and grandfather like yeah yeah who like were 100 on board with the kkk if not literally may have even been clansmen themselves uh-huh yeah just go go go go read about parchment prison in mississippi and tell me yeah dude yeah these are kind of guys like you know they find out that uh you know their great great grandfather was a slave owner they're like no but he treated them well though and actually they were
Starting point is 01:14:10 lucky to be slaves you see we found some writings in a closet that said that they were friends yeah their relationship wasn't of uh owner and, but rather, you know, they were like brothers. Except, you know, he wouldn't. They were like my children. Yeah, he only wouldn't grant him his freedom as a matter of, you know, just course. But he basically was. Dude, moms are getting out of control. This is insane.
Starting point is 01:14:41 New York Post. New York City mom stands up to government overreach post-COVID. Mom army is stepping into the breach. She said, you cannot fuck with Mama Bear's kids. Author of Super Moms Activated, 12 Profiles of Hero Moms Leading the American Revival. What the fuck is this? Is that like the Hitler Profiles of Courage? The Bob's?
Starting point is 01:15:04 Listen, the Jonah Hill scandal has opened my eyes to the way people weaponize aesthetics and language. And what they're trying to do is usher in fascism behind the pit bull mom kind of thing. Like, oh, you don't mess with my cubs, I'll claw your eyes out shit. Because everybody likes that person. I don't. But, you know, in society, that person i don't but you know in society that person has purchased and is disarming yeah you know you know what it is man i think it just goes back to my uh this whole moms for liberty and i know it's not the original point but um
Starting point is 01:15:35 i mentioned before but like the rights whole project is like progeny and social reproduction you know like that's the reason why the great replacement they're like oh we're getting replaced by black and brown people by immigrants oh trans people they we don't think they can reproduce you know and also their values right um or whether it's like abortion right access to reproductive rights so like now it's like yeah down to the school level you know it's all about like they feel like their way of life is dying man that's why everything is like coded in military terms you know i still can't believe that girl that woman's name is Deborah Cannon, but everything else is like, yo, dude, they see this
Starting point is 01:16:08 as, like, an existential war for them, you know? And shit. Totally right. Yeah, man, you know. Like, some people be like, yeah, man, I'm okay with, like, you know, just having healthcare and having a social democracy. They're like, no, we want to, like, control
Starting point is 01:16:23 a child's life from cradle to grave, you right more so than we already have control over you know that's what we're competing with you know what i mean that is really that is such a bizarre fucking idea it's like they want they it's so weird it's like they want children to be their children even if they're like 83 and their child is like 65 they're like no that's still my that's still my little bear cub it's still my little bear yeah you'll always be my little bear no matter if you're uh six or 36 like no wonder everything is so warped and deranged like hey these motherfuckers are on the tit till they're in their fucking 40s right exactly they can't grow up yeah it is a kind of arrested development combined with like some sort of
Starting point is 01:17:12 like revenge from being ridiculed in their youth yeah yeah and now they get to take it out on their old children god man okay all right boys well let's uh close up shop for today uh would like to encourage everybody to go please check out the patreon slash trill billy workers party there is content i just want to say it again special thanks to everybody that's up that pledge and to those that i think some of you might have misheard me, I meant you should up your pledge, not down your pledge. Just a little point of order there. Is this like the disclaimer about bitch-ass-edness?
Starting point is 01:18:01 It's hard to tell when you mean up your pledge. When you mean? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah i just want as a point of clarification i meant for you to give us more money not less money not less money if that wasn't clear enough uh okay so please go do that at the patreon um people are saying sunday's episode was a good one so go see for yourself or hear for yourself um and until then i guess we'll see you over at the patreon peace out bye see you boys adios

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