Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 301: Tons of Lanes to Run In

Episode Date: July 27, 2023

Topics today: ecological tipping points, indigestion, the flawed teleological premises of sports, real-time reactions to Mitch McConnell short-circuiting during a press conference, one year anniversar...y of the flood, and synth your piece. Apologies in advance, it was too hot to think during this one. Sign on to urge Congress to stop GOP attempts to fast track a prison in Letcher County: Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 many people are saying that the Gulf Stream is going to collapse by 2025. What does that mean for us, you ask, Terrence? Well, what does it mean for us, actually? I think that... It seems like a bad thing. I read that and I said, that seems less than ideal. Apparently, there are several tipping points that scientists are worried about ecologically globally worldwide worldwide tipping points so it's not just the two the two degree drop that
Starting point is 00:00:37 everybody's on edge about it's also these other markers that are a little more, I don't know, how do you say, visible? Yeah, there's five. I'm sorry. The world is on the brink of five disastrous climate tipping points. Giant ice sheets, ocean currents, and permafrost regions may have already passed point of irreversible damage. So, oh, 16 tipping points? So, oh, 16 tipping points?
Starting point is 00:01:14 But I'm the lunatic nutjob that says if we killed oil executives and beheaded them in the town square, I'm the crazy that goes to jail. Why is that? Seems like a stacked deck. I'm going to bring back, I'm going to start bringing back a lot of Occupy terms. Yeah. Top 1%, deck stacked against us. Deck stacked against us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:38 The deck's stacked against us, man. What does it mean when the deck is stacked against you? Well, I guess in the strictest terms, it means that the the dealer's cheating so he's got cards in his sleeve yeah or you know whatever he's you know stacking the deck visual cues from someone across the room who can see your cards that would be more of the player's way to cheat you know like uh you know like in a lot of card house you'll see them run the old chip placement stuff like that to signal to somebody else what they have so that you're taught you're telling me that both players and dealers can cheat uh yeah and so if the deck is stacked against us we can cheat yeah i used to play with a guy that for many years named travis cornett that was
Starting point is 00:02:28 notorious cheat when he dealt like his chops were amazing but after everybody found out he he wasn't really that great of a card player he just took us to the cleaners because he learned how to cheat yeah son of a bitch i mean it's all if you just learn some skills like that early in life cheating learn how to pick a lock yeah a lot of that will serve you well in life actually yeah yeah same hey hold on a second i gotta turn on the ac are you stripping i'm hot dude I'm hot, dude. Every time we start recording, I start getting hot. I don't know if it's because I'm nervous or if it's because I'm turned on or if it's because I'm just completely...
Starting point is 00:03:23 Have high blood pressure? I'm excited to be talking to my friends. Yeah, that is nice. I do get nervous when I have to address the hoary masses. Thankfully, I don't have to do it live and in concert. Yeah, dude. Imagine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Do you want to know the 16 global tipping points? Yeah, let's get back to that first for you. Too far into the silliness. We need to know what we're up against. Greenland ice sheet collapse. So all these things haven't happened but are imminent, correct? These things... I don't understand
Starting point is 00:03:56 this graph. Hold on. I gotta decipher the graph first. Very important to know. The Earth may have left a safe climate state beyond one Celsius degree global warming. So estimated range of global heating needed to pass tipping point temperature. Can you make sense of this graph? What does this mean?
Starting point is 00:04:21 You've come to the wrong place. You want me to decipher a graph? Dude, I hate graphs. I don't believe in graphs or charts for that matter. Yeah. Is that what the chartists were? You know what I mean? Like in England in the early 18th, 19th century?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Weren't there chartists? I think cartographers. Oh. I think the people that make the maps also make the charts and graphs in those days. I've never respected that profession, honestly. The same people that make maps also make charts and graphs? I don't know if that's true or not. It just seems right.
Starting point is 00:05:00 You don't respect surveyors? Yeah, I guess I kind of do i take that back charts and mac makers are up there it's an important gig did you know that the job of appraiser i was thinking about this the other day i was like where's the term realtor come from why is it called realtor i I mean, real estate, obviously. But why is it real? Why is it, yeah, real estate. Yeah. So did you get to the bottom of that?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, well, I found out that the profession of appraisal began in England during the 1500s. You know what also began in England during that time? I think slavery. Okay, Shakespeare, though, too. It's a wide spectrum of human experience, bro, and enclosure. So we get Shakespeare, enclosure, slavery, and the realtor, really all in one century.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Were lawyers called barristers back then too i think so i think that they were barristers according to wikipedia one of the largest real estate deals in history is known as the louisiana purchase i've heard of that have you heard of that one yeah i have heard of that a little more extensive than we think wasn't there was more than just Louisiana involved in Louisiana Purchase right? yes it was the land was bought
Starting point is 00:06:36 from France for 15 million dollars making each acre roughly 4 cents that's a deal would you take that deal? each acre was worth four cents. Four cents. How many acres?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Let's see. Let's see if we can find out the Louisiana purchase. 18 or wait. 80, 828,000 square miles or 530 million acres. I take it, yeah. Yeah. Was Illinois involved in that?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Wow. Tom Sexton on the record. Mayo asked colonizer. You're on the record. Oh, damn. I shouldn't have said anything. I walked you right into that trap. I always heard that Bill Clinton could have ran for president of France because he was born in Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Weren't some of those states involved? Maybe not in the Louisiana Purchase, but in some sort of land acquisition. France, because all of those states, Arkansas, Illinois, they're all French pronunciations of English words or of native words. You're telling me if you were born in an area that was originally included in the Louisiana Purchase, you can run for. You could be duking it out with Macron. You could. Yes, you could. You could. Theoretically, Bill Clinton could run for president of France. No way. Bobby jindal could
Starting point is 00:08:06 have been uh the you know uh an alderman in paris um okay dude tipping points so this the the chart says the risk of climate tipping points is rising rapidly as the world heats up. Estimated range of global heating needed to pass tipping point temperature. Greenland ice sheet collapse is the first one. We're apparently not there yet. West Antarctic ice sheet collapse.'re apparently not there yet. West Antarctic
Starting point is 00:08:45 Ice Sheet Collapse. Also not there quite yet. Tropical Coral Reef Daya. Northern Permafrost Abrupt Thaw. Barents Sea Ice Loss. I've never even heard of the Barents Sea.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I didn't even know that this was... It's like Terrence, but Barents. Barents. Barents Sea. Terrence Sea kind of sounds like truancy. Yeah. Labrador Sea current collapse. Well, that's easy.
Starting point is 00:09:22 All we got to do is get the dog whisperer. Cesar Millan on the coast. Yeah, Cesar. So a lot of seas are in danger of collapse. But if you are a Arctic trawler, you are shipping your wares from Russia to Canada, and you pass through the Labrador Sea. Instead of seeing whales off the side of the boat,
Starting point is 00:09:53 you just see various golden retrievers. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's the most low-hanging fruit joke in history. hanging fruit in history. Labrador Sea. We are apparently in very much in if I understand this graph correctly
Starting point is 00:10:15 anyways, we're very much in the period for when that could happen. Mountain glaciers loss. We're passing the period of that. are going by the way then the rest of these we've already blown through apparently west african monsoon shift done check east antarctic glacier collapse rainforest die back uh worldwide our first comedy i'm just gonna be me and you sitting on lawn chairs in Antarctica. Like sunglasses and sipping Mai Tais.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Northern permafrost collapse. Worldwide sperm shortage. Hey, what? All right, how's that slipping? Hey, is Global Warming warming gonna cook our nards there is a i read an article the other day about how uh these two scientists are have kind of made it their like white well like their Ahab-like mission to convince everyone that global sperm rates are declining.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Those two scientists, me and you, just running around like bearded madmen with captain's hats on telling dudes to jack off in this cup, we're saving the world. Now, you son of a bitch you don't understand there's no time imagine how much sperm and how much cum you have to collect to over like a 40 year time period to determine that you know yeah it's safe to say these guys have seen a lot of ejaculate yeah well i mean you could probably sure it's not sperm whales i don't mean that me it's all that'd be embarrassing if we had to step walk out
Starting point is 00:12:13 back if there were more sperm whales on the planet than actual sperms themselves be interesting yeah um northern perm yeah atlantic current collapse themselves. Very interesting. Yeah. Northern, yeah, Atlantic Current Collapse, Northern Forest Dieback South, Northern Forest Expansion North, Arctic Winter Sea Ice Collapse, East Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse.
Starting point is 00:12:41 So, we, so I guess all of this... We're falling out, man. Yeah, i guess all of this falling out man yeah i guess all of those things you need like eight degree rise in temperature okay i understand the graph a little bit better now let's do it do you think we're doing some sort of triage thing right now like without that obama video we talked about a few weeks ago, that was not comforting in the least. But we're like, okay, so here's what we'll do is we'll let it melt off to three degrees and we'll accept the consequences of that relatively minuscule. But we'll do something before we get to these eight degree changes that are going to melt off Greenland and shit like that. That's the thought process, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:24 And then we're just going to keep moving the gold posts as long as people are making money off fossil fuels. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so. I mean, on this article, then I saw some people saying that the Gulf Stream was not actually going to collapse and it was bad reporting by the Guardian to say so.
Starting point is 00:13:42 It's like, what am I supposed to believe, man? But what if you're wrong about that? Yeah. Well, they said that the Gulf Stream is not the same thing as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. So... What happens with that? Well, that's what the actual thing was about.
Starting point is 00:14:04 The article was about okay let me just read you what the first paragraph says the gulf stream system could collapse as soon as 2025 the shutting down of the vital ocean currents called the atlantic meridional overturning circulation by scientists would bring catastrophic climate impacts. But this guy I saw said that those are not the same things. The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is not the Gulf Stream. He said that was bad reporting. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:14:41 I'm going to be honest with you. Today's the first time I heard that phrase. Atlantel Overturn. What? The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The Atlantic Meridional Overturn Circulation, of course. Yes. You know, I'm going to have to wait and see what the Brookings Institute has to say on the matter.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, I'd say the same. Before I speak publicly, but I got to let the experts disseminate the information and let it flow downstream to me. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we could get in the ocean and see for ourselves. Well, I sent you a thing earlier that said, you know, we were on vacation down there with manatees a few years ago. Yeah. And now the manatees are hot tubbing.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Oh, they're in really hot water. And what have they done this time? They've said some bad words on the TL. So you guys are getting time out. And, you know, what if there's like a manatee that's floating around that's like, guys, listen, I know this is not normal, but
Starting point is 00:15:52 does anybody hate this hot tub temperatures? I think, dude, they've got a lot of fat. They've got a lot of blubber. They don't need that kind of temp. Yeah, that's true. And I understand as a man that can't sleep in a bed with anybody else
Starting point is 00:16:10 because I sweat so much that sometimes you got to be in the cool. Dude, I mean, it seems kind of like, okay, we have these tipping points, right? Why? Okay. What's going to happen when they all go, like dominoes? Like what happens? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:47 What do you mean, like, with like on all the ice that shit melts and it all shelves off? Yeah, yeah. Like, I guess to me, the one I'm worried about is the disrupting of those currents, the circulations. Like, that seems pretty big. It seems like a pretty big deal. What? Like, what exactly? Does anybody...
Starting point is 00:17:05 I need somebody... Remember everybody kind of said it was alarmist at the time, whatever that Wallace Wills guy wrote that thing. I need somebody to give me the straight dope about what's going to happen when the Greenland Ice Sheet finally comes off. Yeah. Like, what does that mean exactly? is it like when a scab comes off
Starting point is 00:17:27 like what kind of kind of growth then maybe we need to let them all melt off so the healing can begin that's what toxic toxic positivity is going to bring us to you know like it was like you know listen maybe we just need a reset you know like yeah it's like wait there's only like eight places in the world where people can live now but we've been heading in that direction for a while that is literally what quirky fascism is it's like fascism that's toxic positive toxically positive yeah it's it's the ultimate compromise with liberals and the conservative slash fascists i got a question is uh i read somewhere one time that if you were to bury everybody that has ever died side by side yeah you could bury them all in a plot about the size
Starting point is 00:18:21 of the state of oklahoma that's everybody in the history of the world that's ever died. I remember you telling me that. Yeah. You think we could pull off something where like everybody that's alive now could live in a, like the state of Oklahoma. Using the bodies of everyone that's died before. I mean, it would be a dumb place to go like to a place that has a lot of,
Starting point is 00:18:43 move everybody to tornado alley. That wouldn't be ideal, but this actually is a great idea what we need to do is we need to get every human being on earth to move to one place like oklahoma and what we do is we live there for as long as we can and until it becomes unlivable and then we move to Kansas. And then we live there for as long as we can until that becomes unlivable. And then we move to Nebraska. And we just keep, we do that. We exhaust all the energy of all the great plain states, and then we just keep going. We got 50 states to go.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Right, like maybe by doing so, we'll give every other part of the world a break, and they can restore and the dolphins come back come back to the venetian canals yeah or in this case the mississippi river yeah the manatees come back to the gulf sperms come back to the balls yeah we can procreate again yeah i wonder if that is happening though like i Like, I wonder if, like, if the planet itself we inhabit is imperiled, is there some sort of mechanism we don't even know about in the body that says, well, if there's no place for us, then we shouldn't reproduce.
Starting point is 00:19:54 So they just shut, your balls just shut down. Well, dude, it is funny that when you get cold, your balls go up. Like, they, like, the body knows. balls go up like they like the body knows it's like no we can't have our we can't have the uh you know the uh the hot house we can't have those things that are so important to vitality just out there in the cold that we have we can't have you freezing your nuts off bro yeah like if you're cold they're cold and then they let you bring bring your nuts inside folks if you're cold they do it automatically they just i know you don't even have to think about it isn't it crazy that's crazy i'm saying like
Starting point is 00:20:36 i don't know maybe it's like one of those things where it's there are extremes one way or the other and you can't go it's like we were talking the other day about athletes you can't go one you can't go towards one extreme you know what i'm saying right yeah it can't be sedentary but you can't be Carl Lewis either. Right. It's best to just be right in the middle. Totally. Fairly well-trained, but not too well-trained, and also not slovenly. Slovic? Slovenly, not slovically. Slovically.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Now, the Slavs actually had the right idea about athletics. Which is? Well, they got Nikola Djokic, who just doesn't even want to be there to begin with. That's how you should treat athletics. Be very, very world-class at it, but don't give it too much respect. I agree, dude. Well, okay. So that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:41 It's like the news this week is that lebron's son had a heart attack right yeah cardiac arrest which i guess is not his name it's well it's not his heart stopped okay what so i thought is heart attack not an umbrella which one is the umbrella term is it like i guess a heart attack is just when the blood flow gets obstructed by either a plaque or something else. Dude. This is bullshit. You got some bad information that totally changes the direction of this?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah, by this definition, I've had at least seven heart attacks. Why are you laughing? I was living in a state of denial. heart attacks. Why are you laughing? He's living in a state of denial. It's like I'm healthy. I've never had a heart attack. And that looked like Dave Portnoy from Barstool claims he's a heart attack survivor, but really he just had bad indigestion
Starting point is 00:22:38 and went to the hospital one time. He claims he's a heart attack survivor, and what he described as a heart attack definitely did not sound like a heart attack okay you are shitting me that's incredible there's been so many times i've had okay so when i first started having bad indigestion when i was like 18 or 19 i was like oh fuck dude it's happening i'm fucking getting a heart attack dude and you make your brother drive you to the hospital and they're like okay you're having a panic attack because you think suddenly got gas yeah and then after that because i was thinking about this the other day when i finally do have a heart attack
Starting point is 00:23:19 i'm not gonna wind up going to the hospital because like i have now trained myself to believe that every chest pain i have is in fact just indigestion just just normal course things yeah you're gonna be like turning blue and you're like it'll go it'll pass it does it does make me feel um it does make me feel strong though you know what i'm saying it's like it's i should also note that you also usually just eat grains and spell like your your likelihood of having a heart attack to the degree that you'd have one would be almost 100 stress correlated 1000 and also the fact that i drink a ton of coffee every day yeah but that's been debunked yeah but it's like a stimulant it makes your heart beat fast yeah but it's not like cocaine okay i think you're you're your heart's healthier than you think it is well my point being is that
Starting point is 00:24:15 like i feel now like um when someone when you're hanging out with someone like a family member or something they're like oh i think i'm something serious might be happening and you're like yeah you're fine it's just indigestion i get that all the time and in your head you're like that's right i'm i'm tough i'm austere i'm a i'm a warrior i'm spartan and if i'm a war i'm a spart I'm Spartan. I'm a Spartan. In fact, they are actually having cardio. Actually, they were having a mild cardio infarction. That'll pass.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Yeah. But LeBron James Jr., it's a scary fucking thing. You know, he's 18 years old. You know? Well, we had a discussion about this the thing is the problem with sports now is that we tend to think that like the arc of the athletic universe bends towards best better best uh efficiency we tend to think that there's like this teleological principle in sports
Starting point is 00:25:31 that will always get better and faster and more efficient and more athletic. And so we're always in competition with the past. This is the dialectics of athletics, of sports. We're always in competition with the past. The past haunts us it weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the at uh agile the agile yeah and so we push ourselves harder than we ever have before and i mean that's probably why kids are having heart attacks like 16, 17, 18.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It's, it's, we're being too hard on ourselves. We're being too, uh, competitive with our predecessors. Like I was telling you, it's like the argument between like, who's better,
Starting point is 00:26:17 my MJ or LeBron. Like, I mean, why can't we just say is MJ and just be okay with that. And just be fine with it. Say, listen, aesthetically, this is never going to be topped. You know, that's always the thing for me. People always throw out these numbers, but I don't go by that.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. I always go by who played the game the most beautifully. Ah. You know? Yeah. beautifully ah you know yeah and tennis roger federer may have been surpassed but nobody's played the game as as you know uh how would you say uh just visually stunningly yes well that's the thing like we don't know it also that's another thing i was mentioning to you the other day we've only been keeping records for like 100 years on sports.
Starting point is 00:27:07 We don't know what the records were like in the Greek Olympics. No, that's a funny thing to think about. You know, I was thinking about when we did the forums episode, the episode on the forums, and I said, well, listen, information has come along that it's very likely somebody of average intelligence now is way brighter than socrates ever was yes the same thing like these guys at the first olympiad they were probably running like very modest you know 40 times and stuff like that yeah and we don't know you know they were
Starting point is 00:27:39 writing about these as great feats of strength but the greeks also were uh you know they were a bit uh epicurean too you know well that's the thing that's like why just because someone sat around and ate grapes and fucked all the time yeah just because you're faster than someone a thousand years ago what does that really mean is it really worth having a heart attack over let's also extrapolate that out to warfare you know much has been said about the 300 spartans making a stand at the battle of thermopylae against a million man persian army which yes you know yeah uh it was immortalized in a movie from 2007 called the 300 uh i always think I thought you were referring to This Is 40 by Judd Apatow.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. We're going to march out 40 new fathers in middle management to take on a million man Persian army. Hilarity ensues. But think about that. We ascribe
Starting point is 00:28:44 all these things to the Spartansans the spartans could have been huge pussies for all we know yeah yeah yeah you know i mean in the million man persian army might have just been an eye test army it might have been like 2 000 guys but to 300 dudes it looked might as well been a million right you know right also 300 like when you when you're counting people like i've been in those workshops i've been in those like social justice circles where they're like all right we're gonna go around you're gonna count off one two three four five one two and those are the groups you're in and everybody always fucks it up and there's like one group with like way too many people in it you're like what yeah like when you're counting people it something always
Starting point is 00:29:29 gets fucked up because people want to be more than just a number man you know what i'm saying so it's like there's probably spartans and then there was the athenians they were there supporting on this i think that's how the movie made it seem anyways the movie made it seem like the spartans were in the thermopylae pass yeah wedge themselves down in there but then they made it seem like the athenians were up on the ridges like cheering them on like but they were kind of being pussies about it kick their ass yeah like the movie implied that the athenians couldn't come down and fight with them yeah because they were a little well there's even that joke when the when the uh persian
Starting point is 00:30:23 messengers show up at the first of it and they says, rumor has it the Athenians turned you down and if those philosophers and boy lovers turned you down. I mean, were the Spartans doing that too? I'm sure the Spartans were having gay sex too. That's kind of what
Starting point is 00:30:41 it was. Grease and antiquity. Why do we always talk about antiquity so much? I mean, I like it personally, and I'm sure the audience hates it, but just me and you, it always goes back to the classics for some reason. It's because we missed a good opportunity to be modern conservatives.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We really did blow right past that i think about that a lot so much like family strife could have been avoided if i had just taken that route yeah you would have been wrong but would you've been happier wrong on the wrong side of history uh you know just have a terrible legacy a shit legacy but like you'd have a lot less stress that's the thing i can never understand about conservatives it's like okay there are some artists out there that are so good their art surpasses anything they did or believed but for the vast majority of like conservatives it's like yeah you'll die being known as like a racist coward who you know hated people for no reason it's like that's that's really not a legacy
Starting point is 00:31:57 like okay i'm just what i'm saying is this i'm too afraid of death to be a conservative right right yeah yeah that's true it's like uh yeah i'm too afraid of what they'll say about me if anything you know right to uh to just sit it out yeah you're right man we missed we we did miss that. But the thing is, you can talk about that stuff. Those guys love the classics, though. I mean, love the classics. Love it. Love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:32 There's this guy that I used to read all the time. Just not even really seriously, but just because I used to listen to Tim Ferriss and shit like that a lot. Yeah. His name was Ryan Holiday. And I still see that guy. man's like probably 40 years old now or something and he's still out here beating uh the uh meditations of marcus aurelius i did like i was you know you like you thumb through your like your uh instagram like clips and stuff like that i said that guy's still out here talking about marcus aurelius in 2023. Dude, you can, honestly, you can live off that to your very last days.
Starting point is 00:33:10 There's other books, though, is what I'm saying. They're not written by other people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I was thinking about that with Oppenheimer. I'm surprised he didn't go for a classical Greek quote. Honestly, it's kind of a curveball. He went with the Bhagavad Gita.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Isn't that how you say it? I am become death destroyer of worlds. Like who showed him that quote? Does the movie get into that? That would be a great movie. Like I need to know how he found that quote. Surely he was not reading. In the same movie, he goes to a communist party function at this house.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah. And somebody's taking the task. I think Florence Pugh, who plays his girlfriend in it. Wait, he wasn't married? He didn't have kids? No, he did, but they maintained a liaison. He had a mistress. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And he said, he flexes by saying he's read all three volumes of Capital in the original German. Oh. So why didn't he use a quote from that when he dropped the atom bomb? He's like, 30 yards of linen equals... How bad would that set back the movement if we were forever tied communism with the atomic bomb with the exchange value of the atom bomb today we bring hell upon our enemies but tomorrow the working class
Starting point is 00:34:41 like that was his vision he wanted to bring a nuclear weapon to the working class was he really a die-hard cpusa guy or was it like cynical was he just trying to get some tail or is he like it seems like he was a guy that was too smart for you know what i mean like i'm here and i'm sympathetic but i'm not gonna call myself a communist. Doesn't he realize that you can be... You know how many pedants get attracted to the left just because you can be too smart in it? That's the whole thing. He could have done it.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Oppenheimer would have flourished in the modern left. Yeah. There's so much stuff out there at this point, dude. I don't even know where to begin it's like theories of inflation modern monetary theory uh you know uh interest rates uh theories of imperialism what is the price what is pricing what is value all these things that like i'll never be able to answer those things but they all they all have their very sectarian adherence
Starting point is 00:35:50 yeah you know what i mean yeah like i don't know i'm just saying like there's tons of lanes to run in is what you're saying there's tons of lanes to run in is what i'm saying i'm gonna have to carve out a niche and i don't know what it would be. Probably like the Marxist theory of cockfighting or something. Just be the cockfighting guy on the left. Dialectics of cockfighting? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I understand that. Yeah, it's something I really know about fairly intimately that I've never participated in. Dialectics of self-hatred i'm trying yeah i could do that one i mean because like think about it like why do why do people hate themselves like i feel like there's like an evvo psych explanation, right? Yeah. But like Evo psych's kind of a discredited pseudoscience.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So you don't want to go down that route. Or are you going with it as the self-loathing guy on the left? I'm going to say it's like, okay, here's my materialist dialectical explanation of it. Society going all the way back since the agricultural revolution has had in groups and out groups every group dynamic has an in group and an out group yeah like a core and a periphery and i guess this kind of maps onto like what hierarchies are but regardless like you don't ever want to be outside of the in group but sometimes you'll never be in it and you can't accept that and it causes a complex or it causes you to melt down like taibbi or glenwald or whatever you know i mean like or you know it causes those kind of like
Starting point is 00:37:41 brain which causes them to then go try to be in with the outcrow exactly and so then people develop like an identity around the outcrow um but like some people don't find themselves in either uh but they have a lot of like self i mean i think that they like okay i think that it then activates some sort of like neural mechanism in your brain that because you can't fit into either you then look for because i've been thinking about this because i've been being i'm trying to be more intentional about this. Not trying to reroute or redirect every single thing I see and encounter in the real world to a thought that encourages me to hate myself.
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's like, but then in so doing, I've realized that there is a reward system for that. Sort of like addictions. You probably do get a dopamine rush when you're like, you're fucking stupid. You're a piece of shit that is true like there is like the whole self-loathing thing and even our friend
Starting point is 00:38:50 oppenheimer realized this when he was you know caught up in some scandals yeah but yeah that is true part of us like doing the whole like i'm so fucking stupid is like trying to shake that feeling of guilt or shame. Yeah. And get a little dopamine, like a little moral dopamine burst or something. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think you do get a dopamine rush from it. You know?
Starting point is 00:39:21 Yeah. Anyways, that's how I went from dialectical materialism to neuroscience that they just effort effortless i wouldn't i would say effortless yes i've i've become life i have become life giver of positive. Give giver of hope. Giver of hope to the world. That's the thing. Like Oppenheimer should have been like a toxic positivity guy. He's like, you guys are just looking at this the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I've given life. I am life. Giver of hope. I have become life. You know, it's interesting because one of the ideas he floats in there is like giving like the irradiated lands back to the native americans there interesting and it's like i do do you think he knew the shit would cause cancer and all that stuff later did they think that like that was just like nuclear energy is that and that was it there was nothing else to be
Starting point is 00:40:25 honestly people talk about the first atom bomb detonated on land obviously in new mexico white sands i guess that that would be mescalero apache i'm pretty sure if i remember from my new mexico history growing up but no one wants to talk about the first nuclear weapon detonated underground. That occurred about an hour, about 45 minutes outside of the town I grew up in. Wait a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Different project? Different project. This happened in like 1961. Oh, so later on. Yeah. Is this the one that gave everybody on the john wayne gangas con movie cancer no no i think that one they like exploded and i think they exploded that one in the atmosphere okay there's like three places you can explode an atom bomb like in the atmosphere on land and underground that was insane all all but a handful of crew members like died miserable cancer deaths just years after making that movie
Starting point is 00:41:33 the um what i'm talking about is called project plowshare um project plowshare was a project in the 60s to seek out, quote unquote, peaceable uses of nuclear weapons. And the first use of that, the first site of experimentation occurred, yes, about 45 minutes outside of where I grew up pretty close to where the whip site is now the um the waste industrial pilot plant or whatever where they store you know where they've been looking for the glow-in-the-dark cats yes yes uh but yes like it was called like project gnome and they exploded it in like a hay-like salt formation because they were trying to see if it would store energy there that they could extract for later use. And use for peace process. Use for peace process. And then by the late 60s, early 70s, you know what this had evolved into?
Starting point is 00:42:40 What's that? They had been using this basically as a pre... I didn't say modern, but like a precursor to fracking. So they were like exploding atom bombs outside of... They tested one outside of Farmington, New Mexico, on the other side of the state in a natural gas... In like a bedrock formation that had natural gas in it to basically break it up and release the natural gas, uh, in, in like, um, a bedrock formation that had natural gas in it to basically break it up and release the natural gas. So it's kind of like proto fracking.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Okay. So my hunch is they could have did that with a lot more tame of a weapon though. Am I right in saying that? Yeah. Also seems like there could have been some, the combustion from that might've like caused a bigger ripple with the natural gas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Also seems like there could have been some, the combustion from that might have like caused a bigger ripple with the natural gas.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm guessing if you detonate an atomic weapon in a patch of natural gas, that's probably, you're probably going to get more bang for your buck that way. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Maybe. I don't know how things work. Well, that's the thing. You can watch video of in the Department of Defense archives. There's like a video of Project Gnome where you see the land just goes... where they blew up this atomic bomb underneath it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And I mean, a lot of people where I live in and from have cancer. And I mean, it's probably because of all the natural gas and oil drilling. where I live in and from have cancer. It's probably because of all the natural gas and oil drilling. But, I don't know. They have dropped a lot of atomic bombs on New Mexico. I really have.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Think about that. I don't know, man. Have they ever been able to conclusively tie any of that stuff to cancer clusters in New Mexico? I don't know, man. Have they ever been able to conclusively tie any of that stuff to cancer clusters in New Mexico? I don't think so. But the thing is, you know better than anyone, you can't ever really conclusively tie a cancer cluster to any one thing. That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:42 They'll say, no, it was smoking. Yeah. No, it was his insistence off living off of any sausage. What caused that cancer was his reliance on potted meat for all his nutrition. Little Debbie cakes. So, anyways, I'm sorry to take us down the oppenheimer tangent but um i think mcconnell had a stroke mid-sentence today who mitch mcconnell he had he might have had a stroke oh man I'm watching it right now oh no oh no
Starting point is 00:45:30 is it bad yeah dude god oh no dude oh no oh shit dog he definitely Oh, no, dude. Oh, no. Oh, shit, dog. He definitely stroked out.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Have you seen the video? I've watched it. We're on a path to finishing the NDA this week. Been good by the arts and cooperation. This week, been good by the arts and cooperation. And a string of... Well, that's not good. That's not good. That's not good. Is there anything else you want to say?
Starting point is 00:46:20 Oh, no. Oh, man, that's not good. Go back to me. It looks really bad, it's like sad honestly it's like i can't believe i'm actually kind of feeling sympathetic for the bastard yeah i don't know there's this man that's done all this harm to my actual his actual assault on my very being i actually feel a tinge of sympathy for. It's just like... Maybe you had a panic attack. Sometimes that happens to me. You know?
Starting point is 00:46:51 If you ever see me at a live show pulling that number, I'm not having a stroke. It's just... I'm just having a panic attack. I remember that show with Choppo in Nashville. It's just your face. He just fucking... panic attack. I remember that show with Choppo in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:47:07 He's just fucking just go solid. Man, that's unsettling. Well, on that note, it's this week, man, the one year
Starting point is 00:47:23 anniversary of the flood. That is true, isn't it? Well, we got three days. Yeah. In the newspaper this week, the Mount Eagle, they were boasting about how they're receiving some big rewards for their news coverage of the flood.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And you know what? I try on this show to not get out there and be histrionic about how often we're passed over, and no one ever rewards us for our hard work and everything. Nobody's ever nominated us for a Hugh Hefner Award for free speech. And that's got to change today. That has got to change. Because we also did some excellent reporting on the flood.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And I think that it's pretty fucked up that we didn't get honored in that. That's true. Very true. But in all seriousness, floods. So I learned a lot about, I mean, the term disaster capitalism gets thrown around a lot. But I think that that's an insufficient term. I don't think it's a... I don't think it's a... I don't think it sufficiently describes
Starting point is 00:48:50 what is happening after something like this happens to your community. Because, yes, there are all kinds of changes in the political economy that you see happen. Obviously, it just seems like after this flood, even more real estate and property and stuff is just getting funneled upwards, redistributed. It's crazy to think about. But yeah, I've not seen any great housing expansion.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I've seen a lot of people leave with these fema buyouts and then what's remaining is bought up by the five wealthy people that remain yeah turned into airbnbs or like the like ugliest fucking uh mom fashion stores yeah dude it has been fascinating to watch all of the changes in like property ownership in um not just geography but in like who owns what and like what businesses are where um but honestly one of the most fascinating things is like, I was talking to this guy who works at the courthouse cause like our office is right next to the courthouse. And he was telling me about this group called ER assist. Uh, have you ever heard of ER assist?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Have I told you about this? There are a consulting firm that gets brought into communities after they've experienced a natural disaster, like a flood, a fire, a tornado. And they essentially get tasked with piecing it all back together in a way that consolidates the business interests, consolidates the sort of hegemony of the various power brokers what are these outfits called er assist er assistant yeah and uh honestly the best because i was like looking into it i was like who are
Starting point is 00:50:55 these fucking people like okay i'm assuming that like maybe they voted on this at a city at a fiscal court hearing right like they were like um okay does the court have permission to hire er assist to um fulfill these duties post-flood and they probably all voted for it but like it wasn't published in the newspapers as far as i recall like this wasn't like a community-wide forum on hiring these people they're basically people who just come in honestly what they are my best analog to them is mckinsey they're basically like they're basically like the sort of natural disaster equivalent to mckinsey they kind of like go reinforce the soft power of like the regional uh business interest capital interest first and
Starting point is 00:51:46 foremost yeah yeah so it's not like i don't know also i i should say i don't really know the ins and outs of the term disaster capitalism i've not read any of the various theories and books on it in my mind like i kind of have this image of like vultures coming through and like picking things apart but like that's probably incorrect. I'm sure the theories are much more nuanced and fleshed out than that. But definitely what I've seen is not like necessarily vultures coming through and picking things apart. the invasion of iraq and the kind of imperial like soft power that got laundered through that when they like tried to have a provisional government where they like debathified everything and like tried to rebuild the country on these terms of like democracy and free trade and
Starting point is 00:52:37 everything and like that seems very much like what er assist does it's like they come in and they have like all of their sort of like charts and graphs and numerical statistics that show them like what a county has to do to basically implement austerity and not get pitchforked in the process yeah and that's an insane they do this everywhere they show you how to basically cut costs, immiserate people, but keep the hoary masses at bay. Dude, they're overseeing the entire process of property condemnation.
Starting point is 00:53:15 They literally get to basically decide what property gets condemned and then auctioned off. That is so amazing. Yeah, I mean, like again i don't know who these fucking people are they're like base they're headquartered out of like arkansas or some shit i want to say or like yeah it's not like a theme of people it's like some third party shit oh that's yeah exactly it has the veneer of like some sort of official thing but really
Starting point is 00:53:41 yeah they're like there to like basically get properties at pennies on the dollar make sure that like the people with the money can buy them or whatever they're a private consulting firm it's like people think that like oh after a flood or something like that it's fema comes in and helps out now they're here for like a month and a half they're here for like they're here for like 42 days or something and they're like so yeah and then like er assist comes in and they basically get this like piece everything back together uh i hate them with their own values and principles that i'm saying that like are driven by these capitalist demands i don't know man it is and, I had never even heard of these people
Starting point is 00:54:25 until I was talking to this guy who works at the courthouse. He was like, have you ever heard of this group called ER? He was skeptical. He was like, who the fuck are these people? And what's their authority? Yeah, exactly. But who, like,
Starting point is 00:54:42 I wonder who floats this to the fiscal court and then, like, gets them to, like, yeah. Oh, they do. They probably, I guarantee you, they probably look for disasters that happen. And then they approach the fiscal court and say, we can help you with this. Right. Like, you're going to be getting some FEMA money. You're going to have to figure out what to do with all this condemned property. You're going to have a lot of people leave and changes in the tax base.
Starting point is 00:55:09 We can help you with these things. Yeah. It's fucking nuts. I got to read more about this outfit. ER assist. Yeah, I don't really know much about them beyond just what I've read online and heard from that dude. Disaster funding solutions. Disaster.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Oh, boy. Bentonville, Arkansas, home of Walmart. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Financial consultant in Bentonville, Arkansas. Visitors from all over come to our little town, our little town that has, like,
Starting point is 00:55:48 bangos in the Crystal Bridges Museum. Yeah, and there's really nothing about them. Like, I don't see any real... Like, you plug something like this in and you expect to see, like, an Intercept article, like, an article from the Intercept or something about who these people are and, like, what they they fucking do and i've not really seen anything about them oh my god uh but anyways one year on from the flood i mean it's like on the front page of the
Starting point is 00:56:17 newspapers this week and it's like okay yeah let's talk about the flood a year later it's like there's these personal stories of recovery and stuff, and those are good. You need to hear about those. But what is going on at the level of political economy? Well, it's that. It's that shit. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I don't know. Amazing. Yeah. All right, anybody in White'sburg talking about things a year on then they're
Starting point is 00:56:49 going to speak your pieces if there's anything yeah yeah yeah yeah pertinent weird that the
Starting point is 00:56:55 FBI has come in twice recently to clean up Letcher County is our sheriff's office incompetent editors know
Starting point is 00:57:03 both of the FBI investigations you speak of are. Both of the FBI investigations you speak of are the result of larger conspiracy investigations that began outside of Letcher County. In one of these cases, the Sheriff's Department did arrest one of the suspects previously. Is the point
Starting point is 00:57:20 there with the editor's note to say that, yes, while some of us here may indulge in chicken fighting, the call is coming from outside the house this time. I guess. That was the other thing this week. Yeah, there's a big chicken fighting bust in Metra County.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Yeah. Wait, was it that wasn't what it was talking about? FBI investigation? I bet it was. I bet it was. I bet it was. Let's see here. Everyone is complaining we need jobs. Well, nearly every business in Letcher County and the surrounding counties is hiring. We say, but they don't pay enough.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Well, anything is better than nothing. We don't need jobs. We need people willing to work. than nothing. We don't need jobs we need people willing to work. I know companies paying from eleven to fifty dollars an hour no one will apply or they can't pass a drug test. Teacher jobs are open but no one will apply. School bus drivers are needed but no one will apply. I talked to a very frustrated construction company owner who said he can't find people to help build homes, do paint work, work etc if he hires he must babysit them but when the babysitting is over they're out so how are these people driving new vehicles new side by sides with no job how do they pay for them without working something's wrong with this yeah what happened
Starting point is 00:58:42 to self-respect get a job job. There are many out there. Support your families through work and stop depending on handouts and selling drugs. What happened to self-respect? What happened to self-respect when everybody was selling their precious limited time on earth to somebody else for pennies on the dollar? To the person who was complaining about District 4 Constable Terry Perkins, he does get out and patrol weekly. Nobody is at fault for the crime wave going on except for the person doing the crime. Oh, my God!
Starting point is 00:59:19 Things are so bad. You know, we have an epidemic up there, so I'm going to tell you know we have an epidemic up there so i'm gonna tell you we have an epidemic an epidemic we're like a bunch of parrots we just read about something that's supposedly going on somewhere else and we assume that it's happening in our backyard too terry perkins not at fault for the current wave. There's a headline. Nobody is at fault for the crime wave going up, except for the person doing the crime. What crime wave? My brother in Christ, what crime wave?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Let's see what we got here. People are inside more than ever. The old cat killer needs to hang his shtick up. He never has anything funny to say. I know, dude. It's like, dude, you've been doing this for fucking like six years now like give it a fucking rest this is to the person who keeps putting down mr donald trump he has been our best president since reagan we have had one good democrat president and that was Mr. Clinton. But please
Starting point is 01:00:25 people, if you can't keep your comments to yourself true on your tongue until it falls off, then we won't have to read that you're putting down a good man in the paper. I'd like to know what's going on with the roads around here? Where does the money go to? Not the roads. Is it true that some bodies aren't being buried deeply enough in Letcher County that the vaults are not being used? That's something that demands a little
Starting point is 01:00:56 interrogation, in my opinion. Wait, you skipped over the best one. I got you right here. The state of Kentucky, this one. No, it's not this one, but it's keep going.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Okay. State of Kentucky's department of fish and wildlife resources charges so much money. It's unreal. You can't even go camping anymore without having a pocket full of money. Then you must pay extra money for a fishing license. So what good does it do to go camping? Enjoy with your family thanks a lot kentucky yeah um no it's on the first page i sent you so see that ad for southeast community technical oh okay i got you people
Starting point is 01:01:43 have trouble with the way christ are being treated in China. But if they look at their modern Bibles, they will find they are printed in China. American Bible publishers are having their products printed in China. Think about it, folks. Think about it. I did think about it. I thought about it quite a bit, and I'm still not seeing quite the connection,
Starting point is 01:02:11 but if you say so. I'd just like to say this is just a guess. If Trump is re-elected president, I will give the credit to the mainstream media and Joe Biden and his administration. Thank you. Oh, man. re-elected president i will give the credit to the mainstream media and joe biden and his administration thank you oh man okay here we go i've been watching the controversy unfold over a new country music song i don't know what it's all about but i hope the media never finds out about the song charlie daniels put out several years ago called Simple Man. And there's another one Merle Haggard put out years ago called The Fightin' Side of Me.
Starting point is 01:02:52 The liberals would come out of their graves if they heard the lyrics to those two songs. Editor's note. note as we understand it from reading music industry news accounts the lyrics aren't the issue some people are having with jason aldean's chart topic song try that in a small town instead the controversy surrounds country music television's cancellation of the video that accompanies the song which was written by the songwriting team of which was written by the songwriting team of ice continued on page 16 yeah i think the real thrasher kurt allison tully kennedy and kelly lovelace so what's he saying that the that does the debate does the editor mention that the video takes place at the site of the lynching? The editor goes no farther than that.
Starting point is 01:03:52 But the thing is, it's like Jason Aldean this week was like, my song didn't say a single thing about race. And it's like, dude, literally the first line is about the knockout game. It's a racist. It's like, dude, I don't know. It it's like i hate that fucking mealy mouth cowardly bullshit it's like if you're gonna fucking go out there and say that shit like you better fucking stand by it like don't don't just do it yeah don't just like a perform it and sing a bit like oh why are the lips so pissed off it's just like well fucking say what you mean dude stop yeah especially if you're going to be the you know we don't we're we don't
Starting point is 01:04:25 back down from a fight we're the tough guys bullshit they do dude that charlie daniel song god damn dude give me the lyrics to simple man dude um if i had my way with people selling dope take a big tall tree and a short piece of rope. I'd hang them high and let them swing till the sun goes down. That's a uh, uh, that's uh, uh, uh, uh. That's straight up just racism. That's just straight up.
Starting point is 01:04:55 That's not subtle at all. That's uh, straight up. God damn. Was it you that was in the car with me when I was making you listen to all of Hank Jr.'s most racist hits? You remember that?
Starting point is 01:05:13 That's very echoes of if the South would have won, we'd have had it made. Yeah. Yeah. The fighting side of me, I don't get, though. Yeah, that one's... I mean, like, listen. Yeah, that one's... I mean, listen, everybody's got their... If you're a mainstream country music artist,
Starting point is 01:05:34 even Willie Nelson has some fucking cop songs. Beer for My Horses. Yeah. Rare Willie Nelson L, but still. Yeah. You're going to cover those kind of songs in that fucking shitty ass industry totally there is a speaker piece that references benny hens video raw anointing of the spirit and i gotta say that's an incredible name for uh what what is raw anointing it's raw
Starting point is 01:06:02 for a... What is raw anointing? It's raw? It's an anointing that's raw? I gotta be honest with you, my friend. I'm out of the anointing business. That's just not my beat anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I would definitely like to know what they're talking about there. Well, they also said that Franklin Graham was doing his best to ruin his late father's reputation. If you
Starting point is 01:06:34 want video evidence of how Christianity and our churches are being ruined by grifters making millions of dollars, visit YouTube and search the name of Benny Hinn and his raw anointing of the spirit. While you're at it, watch the videos of the wacky money grubber Paula White. She's certifiably insane.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And don't overlook Franklin Graham, that hateful creep who is doing his best to ruin his late father's reputation. If you wonder why our churches are losing so many people, just look at the work of these three jerks. Go down one, two, three speaker pieces. Good morning, Mr. Brock. This is Brian Brock, and I've been trying to get in touch with you. I had it in the paper last week, but you still don't answer my call and you won't honor your contract it's getting bad well if you're you're going to speak your piece to try to shame somebody yeah you are scraping the barrel there yeah something is wrong you need to call me you know where i live and you know what the problem is you owe me about two hours work to
Starting point is 01:07:43 clean up the mess that you made when I gave you my bridge, which was worth thousands of dollars. Damn. If you're not a man of your honor, I hope the next person you deal with gets your promises put in writing. Ah, man. I hate that for them.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I hope they can reach an amicable solution there. I do too, personally. Hal Rogers and the Planning Commission says Letcher County is getting a prison for jobs, but we won't have anyone to fill the jobs that open now in our county. During the 20 years it has taken to get a prison, the Planning Commission should have had a backup plan to bring other jobs here. When asked, they said they didn't try anything else.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Sounds like we didn't need jobs as bad as they said. If the prison is approved, it'll take six years to build. That's a long time to wait for a few jobs. So the update on that is that Hal Rogers is trying to basically force it through
Starting point is 01:08:47 using a sort of like mechanism, the same thing that Manchin used on the Mountain Valley Pipeline. There are various petitions floating around for you to sign to get people to pressure him to not do that. Maybe I can find one and put a link to it. For you all to sign.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Yeah. Sign on, sweet angels. Yeah, nothing like signing on. Yeah. Yup. That is if you're ready for battle. Yeah. If you're not, if you're not ready to be one of the 300 in the... We don't need your signature, but if you're not if you're not ready to be one of the 300 we don't need your signature
Starting point is 01:09:27 but if you are we'll need you to sign on that's so gross they called that Thermopylae Pass the hot gates or something didn't they? hot gates that's so gross
Starting point is 01:09:41 oh man I'm so hot I can't even think straight today That's so gross, dude. Hotcakes. Oh, man. I'm so hot. I can't even think straight today. That's good. Let's call it there. Yeah, I apologize for the substandard episode. I just, it's, this is a hot, it's sweltering.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It's just hot. We're victims. The show suffered because of climate change. Yeah, truly. Okay. Well, thanks for listening, everybody. Please go check us out on Patreon. P-R-T-O-E-O-N dot com slash Did I spell that wrong?
Starting point is 01:10:14 I think you spelled platoon. Dog, I'm fucking sweating. Go check us out on P-L-A-T-O-O-N dot com slash The Oliver Stone flick The website for that movie Also is where we get paid
Starting point is 01:10:35 Nailed it Dude look I've literally unbuttoned my shirt So that my stomach can hang out. Oh my god, that's hilarious. It's fucking hot, dude. Alright. That's P-A-T-R-E-O-N
Starting point is 01:10:58 dot com slash Tribal Workers Party. Go subscribe today and know that you'll be blessed from on high because of uh-huh yep don't get caught slipping like mitch man don't get caught lacking man that did not look good it did not all right well thanks for listening to us everybody we'll see you next time peace out

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