Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 317: Ye Workers Of Iniquity

Episode Date: November 16, 2023

Recorded 11/16/23 Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. They done brought the kingdom of earth down. The kingdom of heaven and earth. They done brought the kingdom of heaven down to earth. They done did it. What is the root of David?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Open your Bibles with me, church, to Revelation chapter 5, verse 5. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not, behold the line of the tribe of Judah, the root of David. Now I ask you, what is the root of David? Dust that out. Where is Michelangelo's David housed housed i like fucking italy i think the louvre or something no dude it's like uh was the david was the the statue so yeah probably the louvre you can go see the root of david uh rendered in Oh man And their dead bodies shall lie in the street
Starting point is 00:01:08 Of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified And they of the people in hundreds and tongues And kindreds and tongues And nations shall see their dead bodies Three days and a half And shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves
Starting point is 00:01:24 Oh man oh man oh man oh man the the two prophets are gonna lay dead in the streets for two days and then they'll rise again and then things will get real crazy there's 16 cubits my house is all fucked up with cubits man man i don't even know what a cubit is i didn't learn the metric system i like i am fucking so dude like this that okay so like this zionist rally right like um the the whole thing was a christian zionism rally it was not like a a jewish zionism rally like everything i saw every video i saw was like every suburban like the the, actually at this point, probably the literal people I went to, like, church camp with growing up.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Like, those are the people at that rally. No, there were Jewish people there, don't get me wrong, but it felt like the majority of them. Yeah, Chuck Schumer and Michael Rapaport. Michael Rapaport. Yeah. michael rafferty yeah yeah but for the most part you might as well been at uh you know at uh new life uh church of san antonio texas yeah oh yeah on a sunday 100 this um this guy who was like i think like trump's ambassador to the un at one point i think think that's who he was. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:05 But, first of all, he had two really funny, two really funny tweets. His name was, what is it? David Friedman. Overheard today at the rally,
Starting point is 00:03:22 a local police officer said he received a career's worth of thank yous in one day. Yeah, imagine that um he also said what i think is the funniest thing maybe one of the funniest statements i've seen final estimated head count at the pro-israel rally in dc 290 000 people makes this the largest jewish gathering in history since mount sinai oh my god there that broke me that broke me it's like it's like are we real do we really live in a we do i know we do because most powerful people in this country believe that a man lived in the belly of a well for three days like even the jewish writers of that don't literally believe jonah lived in the belly of a whale for three days. Like, even the Jewish writers of that
Starting point is 00:04:05 don't literally believe Jonah lived in the belly of a whale for three days. It's allegory. You know what I mean? We live in a world legislated by people that believe in mythic realms and legends. Oh, dude. Not dissimilar to,
Starting point is 00:04:20 and before you get on your high horse about that, you need to think about your Star Wars and Disney consumption before you start taking john hage to task because there's only three feet of difference between disney adult and fucking christian's honest 100 dog the moment i stopped going to church like okay i didn't stop going to church after this but i stopped going to this specific church and started going to a church where they were a little more kind of like, you know, loosey-goosey, a little more light. Where were the condoms burning?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, like, okay, it wasn't the condom. The former or the latter? It was after the condom had been burned, which goes to show you my commitment, by the way. But I remember saying in a Bible study group one Sunday morning, after I was like licking my wounds because I was mad because I couldn't afford, my parents weren't going to shell out for me to go to church camp, and all my other friends got to go to church camp.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And I was like, man. And they would come back like on fire for the Lord, like, oh, man. Man, I'm on fire for him. That's why I'm on fire. I have a jacked off in 13 days i've got that god you imagine like uh young evangelicals laying their coin down like their alcoholics anonymous coin you know yeah i got i got 30 days jack off free yeah whereas me because i hadn't gone to church camp and wasn't on fire i had probably jacked off that morning he had eight hours jack off you could see it in my eyes they were like terrence is definitely not nofap like he's drained his seed look at him like i was like yeah i can tell i stayed up all
Starting point is 00:05:58 night the night before watching like ease wild on on the e-. Wild on with Brooke Burks. Like that's the close we. Folks, this was. I love how everybody, every like guy in his mid 30s like jacked off to the same things. Yeah. Well, yeah. It's like. Yeah, folks, this was 2002. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 It's like I remember one time this girl sent me a picture of her titties this was like 2002 over msn messenger and it took like six hours to you know send i just imagine you going about your day like you're like making some pizza rolls like like you're planning for that jpeg to load in six hours and you're're going to jack the devil out of it. Yes, dude. And then when I saw her at school later, she pretended she didn't even really know me. I was like, what the fuck? And so it goes.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I dated many women who we talked every night on the phone, but at school we acted like we didn't know each other. Yeah, what was up with that? Very weird time. Why did they do that? I don't know. Okay, I got super sidetracked um anyways sorry enough about our baggage i was thinking about sunday school one sunday morning i was like in
Starting point is 00:07:15 bible study class and i was like well you know i was i don't know we were talking about something i don't even remember how we got on the topic but i was like i was like but yeah i mean this is the bible like you know it's surely we don't think of it literally right like these are apocryphal stories like you know like to like live our lives by they're not like literal right and everybody looked at me like what are you talking about like this is the bible this is god's word of Of course it's literal. And I was like, okay, what? Okay, let me just, I just want to bring us back here. So you believe that a man lived to be more than 900 years old named Methuselah. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Honestly, the one- And they're just like, without batting an eye, they'll be like, it was a different, it was something to do with there being less sin in the world or something that's the thing what was the biological explanation for that i think that there was an implication that like because a man lived to be 972 that like yeah there was less sin in the world he was jacking off less having less uh infidelity fewer infidelity. He was doing intermittent fasting. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Allowed him for super longevity. That's the thing. There was way better accountability back then. Accountability buddies were everywhere to be found back then. You couldn't throw a wet cat not hitting accountability buddy. Now, nobody wants to be accountable. Much less be accountable for you accountable for you yeah it's like because like i a few weeks ago went down like a youtube rabbit
Starting point is 00:08:55 hole and like christian zionism um just not not like on explainers on Christian Zionism. Like I was like watching various sermons from John Hagee and like Leesburg Cornerstone Church, Virginia and all this shit. Like, you know, watching sermons from the Christian Zionist perspective. And it totally fucked up my algorithm so that now every time I log into YouTube,
Starting point is 00:09:21 I get all these, you may like Kenneth Copeland videos. Well, I get all of my favorite... Because this is the thing. This is the thing where there's overlap between the Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist projects is that it's all based on this extremely shoddy pseudo-history. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Pseudo-archaeology. shoddy like pseudo history you know what i mean like pseudo archaeology right it's like it's like it's like um like if you were to go to the creation museum up in northern kentucky near cincinnati and then you based a murderous worldview on what you found there you know what i mean it's like you saw some animatronic uh dinosaurs being uh brought onto an ark you know what i mean or whatever or wait how did the creationist feel about it's i've been so detached from where do they land on dinosaurs they land on where they land on dinosaurs is that they um we coexisted among us they walked among Yeah. And you went up there and you saw a guy with a fig leaf over his cock leading two brontosauruses onto a gopher wood boat, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:34 And then you're like, you know what? I think I'll go subjugate an entire race of people now. Well. And so it happens. This is the thing. Where do we draw the line because if if like the pro-israel stands want to um play this game where do you draw the line it's like well okay what about the phoenicians they inhabited the levant prior to the ancient israelites it's like, that's what I'm all about. I'm all about resettling the Phoenicians
Starting point is 00:11:08 back in their ancestral homelands. I agree. And the other thing too, man, is if we want to talk about the anti-Palestinian current that's in our society, think of how far this goes back palestine derives from philistine which is synonymous with a big oaf in our culture someone who doesn't watch your oaf someone who doesn't watch david lynch movies right somebody that's never seen blue velvet you
Starting point is 00:11:39 know what i mean yeah so this goes back you know what i'm saying it's i don't know there is a there is a current well it is interesting that like so now i've got all these videos on my youtube trying to cram this like pseudoscience down my throat like about like you know look at these vases this is proof that this is the ancient israelites home and And it's like, you know, by the way, I'm assuming that there's probably a pseudo-biological explanation for why Methuselah got to live for 900 years. And I'm sure Jim Baker sells it in a powder form every Sunday on this program. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Or like Benny Hinn when he was selling chelated supplements. Well, this is the... All these guys are wellness influencers, even though they look like absolute shit. They look like butter stuck in the microwave for 20 seconds. What I'm so fascinated about the Israeli project is that it is all based on history from 2,000 years ago, a lot of which is apocryphal some
Starting point is 00:12:45 of which is accurate um some of which is uh biblical but like the way they go about like perverting and distorting it all like like the samson doctrine or like how you saw that video did you see that photo today circulating of idF soldiers studying a Torah with a combat knife? Oh, yeah, yeah. It's just like the way they like go about like, it's like, okay, you say this is all based on like 2000 year old tradition, but like you just go out of your way at every step to, you know, like I said, like distort and like sap all of the meaning out of this, you know, this very... This text that has meant a lot to a lot of people. Exactly. For a long, long, long, long time.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Exactly. It's just... You know what I mean? And I don't mean to come off as like religious or like a rabid atheist or anything. Those people are fucking annoying. I mean, people way smarter than I ever thought about being have died for this stuff you know right but but yeah when you start getting these like yeah weird perversions of yeah yeah i'm with you yeah it's i don't know man it's this is like or or or you know uh i hate to say it but you might not be third in line for the throne of Solomon when you're a Hungarian from Philadelphia.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I just want to say that. I mean, it is crazy because so much of this, I've tried to explain this to various people over the past month because, dude, talking with family members, talking with people in the past month because like dude talking with family members talking with people in the community like dude you just drive 20 30 minutes around here every church sign you see references in some i won't say everyone but like a shocking amount of them makes reference to the fact that like oh man it's coming it's finally here he's coming everybody is convinced this is the end times but you know here's the thing about the end times the
Starting point is 00:14:52 end times are not like the old end times the new you know i've been i've been thinking about that a lot these days like the if christ returns on his horse to smite the enemies of the Valley of Megiddo, like it's going to be a lot more banal. Like we've, we've made everything epic bacon in our heads, but like, he might just like come down on like a, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:16 a bank mule or something. A LeBaron. Or give some people some stern talking to. Yeah. He's like in a Chrysler. Yeah. An ethereal Chrysler Le lebaron a delta 88 on 24 inch wood grain yeah yeah i don't know it is yeah it's it's it's i'm sorry go ahead well what is so what i find so fascinating about it right i was trying to
Starting point is 00:15:44 explain this to you to you the other day? I was trying to explain this to you the other day, or trying to articulate this after seeing the footage from that completely disturbing rally, but it was disturbing in a way that I can't quite put my finger on. If I had to describe the current moment in a word, it would be just barren, almost sort of desiccated almost sort of like desiccated i feel like desiccated is like the order of the day it's like we're past the point where like the corpse is rotted like now we just have bones you know what i'm saying like we just have right that's the just sun-dried viscera and flies and crows and shit that's that's even the crows don't
Starting point is 00:16:24 want they just kind of come by and peck at it every once in a while when they get desperate yeah that's how i felt watching that rally i like i wasn't even really disturbed in the sense that like not in the way that i would have been like a month ago or something like i don't know it's just like everything is in such a late stage of decay and perhaps that is the sign of you know fascism but let me let me just say probably the surest sign that if you're looking just for like some sort of visual cues that what's going on is bad uh 300 000 people uh begging for there not to be an end to bombing children is bad enough on its own.
Starting point is 00:17:08 By the way, you say 300,000. I put a huge asterisk besides that. It's like Barry Bonds' record in the Baseball Hall of Fame. It's like when you're trying to convince people you're not short. You're like, oh, yeah, I'm like 5'8 1⁄2", 5'8 1⁄2". Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or when you're a kid. Like, kids are the only people that, like, tell you they're 10 1⁄2".
Starting point is 00:17:36 Like, they want you to know that, like, they're old. They're not like their other 10-year-olds. Right. They've got six months on them. Right, right. other 10 year olds right six months on right right um but the other sure sign that things are bad is when you get uh john hagie uh in his fucking snail trail just up to the podium john hagie is an absolute psychopath and i know this because i grew up in a in a family of Hagee Stans. Yep. And I'll never forget this as long as I live. My mom's friend, we'll call her Linda,
Starting point is 00:18:11 was in this horrible marriage to this horrible man named, we'll call him Gideon. Okay. And. Was this man Cuban? No. No, he was not a Gideon. He was a.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Gideon. I say that because he had just like a biblical name that wasn't super common. Okay. Interesting. And. Hezekiah. You know. She was like.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It was so weird because she would always like give me me a John Hagee book for my birthday. One was called Israel, the Final Countdown, or Iran, Final Countdown, or something like that. Yeah. It was going to talk about, like, the relationship of Israel to Iran. And, like, when you start seeing them button heads, that's when the clouds are the clouds are going apart yeah and it is funny that like for as much as we pride ourselves in liberal democracy in this country and all this stuff that we are essentially governed by people that uh think the big one is going to happen you know based on like signs and wonders and you know uh blood moons and you know whatever else you want to you want to drum up but the thing about hagi that it doesn't surprise me at all is like the why christian zionists like
Starting point is 00:19:43 him would find comic like first of all let's just get this out of the way this is a point that's been made a hundred times but I mean this is even going back to when we had Sarah Jones on the show many many years ago we were talking about him and this is a man that fundamentally views Jewish people as cannon fodder for the return of Christ 100% like if he felt This is not a friend of Jewish people, and I'm not talking about, I'm talking of any strap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:11 The entire Christian Zionist project, by the way, which I need to stress, there are, I don't know if people realize this, and I think some people think it's almost quaint or cynical, or they think that people don't, i had someone in my mention say like they don't really christians don't really believe this they don't really like blah blah blah oh brother like like dude okay anyway i'm sorry to interrupt you i'll put a pin no no no no no no no go for it i was just gonna say that like the entire christian and christian zionist project there are entire foreign policy think tanks like run by like the the billionaire devos family that
Starting point is 00:20:53 like literally push an end times christian zionist foreign policy which means that they and and and i need to stress, they do have some institutional purchase. If you lived in the Bush era, you can see that. Yeah, exactly. And they're still very powerful. Obviously, they got purchased in the Trump administration, but even domestically, a lot of the things that they push, uh you know find expression and legislation like all this abortion uh you know legislation and packing the courts and all this other stuff these people 100 believe this you know why because we are human and we die like i can't stress this enough. If you think that after you die,
Starting point is 00:21:45 there is another life where, like, things are pretty much the same, and, like, you don't have to worry about the terrifying prospect of, like, the party goes on without me, I'm, you know, pushed into oblivion, extinct, like a match being snuffed out, then, like, the afterlife is an extremely comforting idea.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And so much so, i have found myself i used to warming back up to the not that i'm jealous of people who can believe it because i used to believe it i used to believe it wholeheartedly so much so that it would give me panic attacks my very first panic attack was realizing that oh god after you die it goes on and on and on and on and on there's no end to it because we're humando we are a lot in life is to be buried that's what the latin human comes from and so to our finite brains the idea of it going on forever and you not being afraid of it probably signals that you need some some sort of counsel yeah i was and i'm not trying to shit on anybody's source of hope i am not i hope there is an afterlife that we all get to dance around in our new heavenly bodies and whatever i don't i don't discount that
Starting point is 00:22:59 out of hand i'm just saying that our like christian zionism zionism is fundamentally our inability to to deal with our own failed finite existence just like every other thing but we've made it somebody else's problem but but it yes it's fused with the imperatives of empire is what it is it's like in this weird thing it was sort of born of this anti-Roman Empire ideology, and it then became fused with the pro-American Empire ideology. Which is funny, because, you know, what the scripture says about the rise of the Antichrist is that he'll come out of the revived Roman Empire.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And it's like, and we're still sitting here slack-jawed with drool coming out of our mouths, and we're like, nah. It's not us. It's not us. No. Like, Christians love to delve into eschatology and apocalypse and the end times, but they want a safe distance from it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 That's why they love America so much. It allows them to comment on all this shit, but without getting their hands dirty, without having any skin in the game and all this stuff. So we can sit over here in our fucking ivory towers while kids are being massacred by things called Hellfire Missiles. Yep. That's what I said on the show last week. The Antichrist has power to call fire out of heaven. They got a little literal thing called Hellfire Missiles.
Starting point is 00:24:16 They're dropping, they're like huge blenders. They're dropping them, people. Yeah. I saw a video. And everybody still cannot see. Yeah. It's incredible well and the thing is the thing is is like i was talking to someone recently and they were talking about like struggling with a family member who's trying to convince them of this stuff and i was
Starting point is 00:24:35 like don't argue with it there's no point because the thing is you can't argue with someone who is ready at a moment's notice to walk into the light who thinks that the life beyond this one is infinitely better and more seamless and more comfortable and you know what i'm saying like you can't argue with that because like that is if that's the guiding philosophy then that means that every that everything here on this plane is incidental and that people and that yeah that we can a lot we can walk away and wash our hands of children being murdered by hellfire missiles and that like we don't actually have and that's why the i i don't know i mean i just i that that's what's really scary to me about it that's what it was really scary to me
Starting point is 00:25:21 watching that the clips from that rally especially with mike johnson who is our speaker of the house is like a christian nationalist can they can they just for the life of them can they just get somebody that's not a greasy little freak to like spearhead the party uh-huh why does everybody have to be like a sniveling little greasy fucking weirdo yeah like have you seen the video did you watch that video i sent you of his wife oh my god yeah you've said that perfectly it was like the evangelical voice yes yeah but yeah it's just like this weird like it's like brainwashed kind of it's ava braun shit it's just like i'll go along with your patriarchal thing and do everything you
Starting point is 00:26:03 tell me to do but i want something out of it. And it's like, you know, power, influence, being the wife of the speaker of the house. And like, I mean, what really is so scary, in my opinion, is that like a lot of, you know, this is the interesting thing. It's like a lot of like Christians, Christian Zionists deploy history here. People have even tried to appeal like Christians, Christian Zionists deploy history here. People have even tried to appeal to me because they know I like history. Like, oh, you know a little bit about this, right? And it's this weird, it's this very weird and scary thing where like a lot of, not all
Starting point is 00:26:38 of it, not even most of it, but some portion of it. And I learned this in a class in college, but some portion of our history, our knowledge of the world 2,000 years ago, does come from the Bible. And so it kind of can become this thing where if biblical history gets assimilated into capital H history, like accepted mainstream history, then it can start to look like it's coming true. It can start to look like it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And that's what I meant on an episode a few weeks ago when I wasn't endorsing this. I think people misunderstood me. I was not endorsing this like linking up of Christian eschatology and Marxist eschatology. What I was saying was that you can have this situation where Christian history, eschatology, literature becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that also verifies the Marxist conception of history, of class struggle. And so that you can have this instance where you can have... The difference is one is material, one is immaterial. Yes, but they both serve the same function, which is that, let's say we do have a nuclear Armageddon. The nuclear Armageddon will be a product and function of the class struggle, of the material drive of history.
Starting point is 00:28:00 However, you can look at it metaphorically, it is also a rapture-like event that proves the entire eschatology of Christianity. And I really have to point out that the whole project of Christian Zionism is an imperial project. The whole thing is to basically turn the world against us, us and Israel, so that we're fighting back to back. Which is also tied to why Christians have had the sweetest deal going for the longest time anywhere in the world, and they still act like they're a persecuted underclass. Yes, exactly. And you can read anything you want into that eschatology into
Starting point is 00:28:49 that like conception of the world like iran for example like wasn't babylon in the ancient area that we would call like persia or iraq you know what i mean like this yeah that area right but or also a big part of this is like a larger a large part of this is informed by like the tim lahaye left behind series which appeared around the time of the y2k millennium so that tells you something that is a that is a millenarian thing the antichrist there was eastern european yeah it was Nikolai Karpathia. Karpathian Mountains, where Dracula famously was, you know, set. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah. Revealing the bias towards Swarthy, you know. Eastern European. Well, I think that, like, I guess my point here is that you have a large populace. You have a large percentage of this population. You saw them at that rally earlier this week who are totally gung-ho and convinced that this is the big one. This is it. This is the drain spiral.
Starting point is 00:30:02 We have now passed the threshold. You know what I'm saying? We're in it and uh i i really cannot stress enough what kind of mindset that is that is a death drive because the death drive what what's in operation there is that like i said earlier what happens on this plane does not exist if i die a better world awaits me so i'm just gonna fuck it let's all walk into the light together if that means new worldwide nuclear armageddon if that brings us one inch closer to the actual rapture so be it if that we all want is somebody to hold hold hands with while we walk into it exactly we're born alone and die alone is scary
Starting point is 00:30:42 that's why we have to reconcile things to religion and faith and and i think those serve a problem again i'm not anti-religion at all and i think those things serve a purpose i think what's the source of your hope is a a question that we all have to wrestle with and resolve in our own ways and that can be a lot of things to a lot of people but yeah fundamentally what it is is we're afraid to be alone so we you know we go to these tribal things and i think you're right i think that you can see this death drive though in every aspect of this sort of mature capitalist state like when we were talking a few weeks ago about how oil refineries in north amer America don't have the capacity to refine the most profitable form of oil now. So we export the oil to be refined in, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:33 South Pacific somewhere and then re-import it. And like how much carbon that, the thing there is the reason they don't retrofit and upgrade these refineries in North America is it would be too expensive. Now, I also want you to consider the fact i saw another thread the other day that like arguing against it makes you seem like a scold and like makes you seem like this like austere degrother but it is true just about how much carbon we pump into the atmosphere from small engines from like leaf blowers like what the fuck is the point of a leaf blower? You know how much carbon leaf blowers emit into the atmosphere? Once you start seeing the death drive, it's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:13 You know what I'm saying? It's everywhere. Yeah, and you know what's funny? It's like a... I was thinking about that the other day when I was eating a Chipotle bowl or something. I was like, man, this day when I was eating a Chipotle bowl or second ass or something. I was like, man, this piece of paper, this bowl, and this metal tin lid, and we just throw it away and go get another.
Starting point is 00:32:35 You know what I mean? And I think that this partially explains why the libs are so cavalier about this. I want someone to genuinely explain to me how it is not a contradiction how two years ago you had them so in this house we believe in science and fast forward today and then to today and they've made common cause with christian zionists who are ready to nuke the fucking world part of it in my opinion stems from the fact that the libs have no vision and no answer so like secretly subconsciously they may be fine with nuking the world because it gives them an out. We have an off-ramp.
Starting point is 00:33:09 There's finally an off-ramp. The West doesn't have to deal with any of these problems anymore. No more contradictions or questions. Let's all walk into the light together. I think it's very concerning. That's why I don't really see any purpose in arguing with any of these people. These people have fully... This is a matter of life and death.
Starting point is 00:33:32 And like I said, if the life after this is better than this one, there's no sense in arguing over that, man. One of the greatest tricks Capital's ever played is impoverishing people, not only materially, but also spiritually and mentally, to the point that we've clung our hope to the great hereafter rather than right now which is also not for nothing totally unscriptural from a christian perspective scripture says god gave adam the power to subdue the earth god gave the earth to the children of men and the fullness thereof god i've always like anytime i've ever wrestled with my own christianity
Starting point is 00:34:07 or anything i've i've often thought about you know the deists which you know are often you know sort of tied to thomas jefferson right a good guy but there is something i do like about the idea of like acknowledging that god just does not he exists but he just does not meddle in our affairs you know what i mean because at least then you have like person like the idea of that like i have to be a part of this and i instead of like this hands off jesus take the wheel shit which is just baby brain shit you know what i mean life is overwhelming right no question about that it's tough and god knows i'm not a portrait of fucking mental stability but i at least have the presence of mind to know that i can't just live how i want to right you know what i mean even though i do sometimes and
Starting point is 00:34:57 it's wrong yeah you know it's it is interesting that i think that, like, if you view Christian Zionism as a project of fascism, that's the only way to view it, right? Because it embraces death. It embraces mass death as a solution to the world's problem. I just want to go ahead and say, I just want to go ahead, I want to put something to bed here. Fascism is here. We can quit talking about it like it's something coming down the road.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah. You know what I mean? It's here. Again, I think that this is the thing. To Christians, it appears that that verifies everything that they've been taught and believed. Dude, I was reading again, this is not scientific. This is just fucking YouTube comments, but I don't know how many youtube comments i've read in like john hagie videos
Starting point is 00:35:48 and all these other videos that were like i was a black i was a backslider lord i was i was backseat baptist i never i was going to church two three times a year and then all this started on october 7th and i've been on my knees praying every day and it's just like to them it looks like i've been on my knees praying every day. It's just like, to them, it looks like... I've been on my knees sucking cock every day. Every day since, Lord. It looks like a verification of that. But we know it to be, as materialists, a verification of the class struggle and of the gears of history really cranking into motion.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Whereas we see that, they see just the confirmation of all their sort of, like, myths and legends and what they've staked their eternal hope on. Right. Now, in the same way that there is anti-Zionist Jewish people, there are also Christians that reject that. Oh, yeah. That say that we need to cast aside the wrong parts of our tradition and lift up, you know, the better angels of our nature in that regard. Just like there are Jews all around the world who find it absolutely disgusting that they're massacring tens of thousands of people in their name or distorting all of their religious traditions and practices just for this fascist project of annihilation. I mean, I think that, like, and perhaps there is a tangent here,
Starting point is 00:37:15 perhaps because, like, if you consider Marxism to be, like, a project of the Enlightenment and of the West, a lot of which is based off of Christian theology, for better or for worse. It either accepts it or rejects it. Then, like, perhaps, again, I think people interpreted me saying this as an endorsement of this, but I was saying, like, if you just look at it from, like, the 10,000-foot perspective, perhaps there is something about the religious worldview, the Christian religious worldview, that contains a kernel of truth about the class struggle that was then picked up on by, you know, radicals in the 19th century. Because otherwise, how do you explain that,
Starting point is 00:38:00 like, you've got this signal event that verifies these you know various sort of like yeah these are various eschatologies these various world views like these various also something we got to talk about as long as we're dealing with like apocryphal stories like there is no consensus on the idea of the rapture in the end times right it's all based on like a vaguely veil well also i mean the book of revelation but also like a thinly veiled reference and i think thessalonians one of the one of the thessalonians about being called up right you know and the dead in christ will rise and and so forth um uh first and then people sort of ran and fashioned a whole sort of uh myth out of that right that you
Starting point is 00:38:48 know that we call the rapture like you you won't find the word the rapture in the bible right you know what i mean that's like an invention of like uh you know like early 20th century pentecostalism like that turn of phrase you know right right right and then spread to the southern baptist and you know so on and so forth and then you got like a hodgepodge of various denominations that make up something called evangelicalism which is essentially about getting money dude this is i think this event will be kind of the thing that pushes a lot of american catholics into protestantism evangelicalism like did you see that Bishop Strickland or whatever in Texas who was dismissed by the Pope?
Starting point is 00:39:30 No. And people were flipping out, like, the Pope can't do this. And people were pointing out, like... The Pope finally pulled Buck Strickland's credential. Yeah. Yeah, no, the idea of the rapture as it is currently defined is not found in historic Christianity.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It is a relatively recent doctrine originating from the 1830s. The term is used frequently among... Okay, so it had been around a little bit before. Yeah, the term is used frequently among theologians in the United States. I thought it had its origins in Pentecostalism like the azusa street revival that gave us pentecostalism just because pentecostalism is so tied to the acts of the apostles yeah you know what i mean like we believe in healing laying on of hands speaking in tongues right all that kind of thing so it would make sense that this sort of scattershot idea of a great calling up into the sky would be one of those type doctrines.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Right, right, right. Nevertheless, we still believe it wholeheartedly. I think this gets at something that's very interesting, which is that everywhere you look now, from the economy to what's going on in Gaza, economy to what's going on in israel when what's going on in gaza everywhere you look now there is this widespread attempt to basically retcon every single aspect of society like you've got biden celebrating bidenomics right and saying that no the economy is actually good they're trying to like change your perception of the world rather than change the world itself. That man last night was still talking about beheaded babies and babies being burned alive. Last night.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Stuff that's been thoroughly debunked. I mean, and it extends back into the past, too. Like with their attempts to rewrite history. The historiography of the term rapture itself is an example but also just uh i mean did you see that video clip of the press asking biden about like can you show us proof like what evidence do you have that there are terrorist tunnels under al-shifa hospital and he said nope not i won't show you anything don't have to don't have to and then you've got like kirby you know spokesperson for the defense department, Kirby going out there and saying, we have evidence saying that Hamas has been storing materials, weapons.
Starting point is 00:42:14 There's tunnels under the hospital. There's hostages. That's what they said. They said that there's proof. There's evidence that they're holding the hostages in this hospital. And that's why the IDF has to storm it. A fucking hospital, by the way, where people are sick, dying, being treated, trying to rest and heal.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Let me ask you a question, okay? You've seen that movie John Q with Denzel Washington? A long time ago, yeah. Yeah, you know, like his little boy has this heart condition, and he's playing a baseball game and blacks out on the field, Denzel Washington. A long time ago. Yeah. Yeah, you know, like his little boy has this heart condition, and he's, like, playing a baseball game and, like, blacks out on the field, and then, like, he finds out he needs a heart transplant, but he's too poor to afford it, and they refuse it,
Starting point is 00:42:53 and then he holds, you know, creates a hostage situation to give his boy a heart. Now imagine. It's like the plot of Dog Day Afternoon, kind of. A little in the same way. Yeah, it's Dog Day Afternoon, but through the lens of the medical community. For HMOs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So imagine you're sick, laid up in the hospital, trying to heal from some sort of illness or something like that. And you find out there's a couple bad dudes in the hospital. Everybody was saying they're bad dudes dudes you know what i mean um can you imagine if like the united states military is like well there's only one thing we can do here and we got to drop a bomb on this on ohio omaha general it's just an insane way of doing things and it's, if you're going to sit here and talk about, oh, it's the children of light versus the children of darkness. It's modern civilized world versus the law of the jungle.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You're going to sit here and grandstand about that shit, but you're still going to blow up a hospital? Sounds to me like... Yeah. I think the thing is that rather than push rather than push back against the idf's claims on any of this or admit that they were wrong in backing this absolutely totalitarian right-wing genocidal government rather than doing that they're just going to uh try to isolate and ostracize anyone who thinks differently but at the same time basically passing out propaganda
Starting point is 00:44:36 that calls you crazy for calling any of it into question and now, are you crazy? No, are you crazy? And the thing is, like I said, it is fucking everywhere. This seems to be the Biden M.O., and I would imagine it's going to be the M.O. of every single administration for the rest of our lives.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But it's particularly front and center with him because this is a man that we have watched deteriorate in real time, and everybody says he's fine. Yeah, that's another example of them basically saying everything's fine. The same thing with the economy. Everything's fine. The same thing with Gaza. Everything's fine. The IDF is taking humanitarian concerns into account, and when you see them hoisting thei flag on top of the hospital
Starting point is 00:45:26 that's a humanitarian gesture that is not genocidal never mind the fact that like they published a video of them going through the hospital and said they found guns and ammo behind an mri machine as people pointed out you can can't store metal in a room with an MRI machine. Yeah, it pulls an... Yeah, what the... It was like... Yeah, that was so fucking stupid, dude. But they were like...
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, that's right. In an MRI unit. Can you believe it? They stored... It's like, wait a second. You ever see those videos of somebody putting a chair, like a metal fold-out chair in an new mark yes i mean fucking just the brazenness of it that's one thing
Starting point is 00:46:12 all right the brazenness of it is one thing the thing that really fucking makes you go the crack up f scott fitzgerald route is the united states government saying we don't have to answer to anyone fuck you this is right we believe we back them to the hilt fuck off that makes you go fucking crazy yeah i mean because it flies in the face of everything they've said for fucking eight years since trump was elected yeah i thought it's not it's like it's like it's almost like if you've been sitting here holding water for the biden administration because you're afraid of the encroaching trump administration well congratulations like there's this is no not meaningfully different from all the craziness you
Starting point is 00:46:57 experienced during the trump administration at 100 man it's the same thing. So don't start talking about like, oh, Trump this, Trump that. Like Biden is here today. Very bad. I mean, that's the thing. It rings so hollow. They're even doing this like we're recording this on Thursday, November 16th. Last night there was a protest outside the DNC headquarters. Dave Weigel was there, took videos of it and pictures and everything and it was so fascinating because you had all these people come out and say oh these protesters
Starting point is 00:47:34 tried to storm the dm's dnc they tried to make it look like january 6th but for like crazy blue hair pronoun users outside the dnc and and weigel was like i took videos no one stormed shit they just were outside protesting and the police went crazy on them i mean they threw one person down the stairs but but that's the thing like you then see like the media machine gear you know kick into gear where they're like these people are out of control they're storming headquarters they're you know what i'm saying where they're like, these people are out of control. They're storming headquarters. You know what I'm saying? So it's another example of just all the apparatuses are there,
Starting point is 00:48:10 all the mechanisms are there to morph and mutate and distort the reality around things. They're trying to drive us to the rubber room, man. That's it. They're trying to fucking drive us. fucking i'm like how do you explain yeah and it's so maddening it's almost like tom think about the fucking prospect the the entire concept of a hospital generally off bounds a place of healing and rest it's already stressful enough being in there you know exactly how did this become a site of like epistemological contestation
Starting point is 00:48:55 also to also to like your whole sort of thing going into this was we would never buy my hospital exactly like like that's on like the days after october 7th but then if you go back a year before with anthony blinken talking about in ukraine now who would bomb a hospital but the day we start bombing hospitals and that's okay when the rush when they were saying the russians were doing that in ukraine they were appalled or just now now we have to have the debate or just the video of the idf put you know we're rolling incubators into this hospital because we're good did you see that video did you see that fucking picture of them moving boxes that just said medical supplies on
Starting point is 00:49:38 them in english oh my god dude i mean this is all for the... It's red meat for these Christian Zionists here in America. That rally should have... Yeah, they're too goddamn stupid. That rally should have verified it. That's all it is. It's red meat. It's just like... You know what it's like?
Starting point is 00:49:56 It's like... What's that documentary that we watched that time about the Indonesian, The Art of Killing? It is. It's like all those guys are recreating like everything that went on it's it's a lot like that except the real thing is them recreating it like it's yes like nothing here's the thing about everything that just drives me and say everything is a fucking prop anymore yeah like even like a sweater is not a sweater it's like just like a reasonable facsimile of what people would have worn at one time to stay warm and we're just gonna throw it out in a year
Starting point is 00:50:31 you know what i mean dude that is spot on you're right that movie for those of you who haven't seen it the filmmaker got these guys it was indonesia right they got them to recreate the crimes that they had perpetrated in the 60s basically genocide and communists they the filmmaker got them to recreate the crimes that they had perpetrated in the 60s basically genocide and communists they the filmmaker got them to recreate them through film and by doing so these guys they they one of them anyways has like a fucking breakdown and realizes the the atrocities he's committed but then he kind of like sublimates it back into it and rationalizes it. What you're seeing now is almost the inverse. They're recreating the crimes in real time, but they're doing the crimes under— While they're doing the reenactment.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Exactly. For an American audience. For an American audience. As simulator. It's so fucking bizarre. an american audience as simulator it's so fucking bizarre and i think that honestly if i had to take a stab at what it is if i had to take a stab at like trying to understand like what this means like because i've never really quite seen anything like this you saw hints at it in like the russia ukraine thing because there's a lot of propaganda there. But this is propaganda on a whole other level.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's like I have this book that I've tried to read a few times. It's a little too dense for me, but I think I basically know what he's saying, and I do generally support it. It's by a Palestinian. His name is Wal Halak, and he wrote a book called Restating Orientalism. It's like a critique of Edward Said's Orientalism.
Starting point is 00:52:08 He didn't like... He's not throwing out Edward Said's book. He's just pointing out a lot of the deficiencies in it. Edward Said was a literary critic. He was not a historian or anything. And so he's kind of like... Kind of in like Chomsky in a way. Yeah. A guy that like
Starting point is 00:52:23 sort of comments outside of his like discipline his credential discipline exactly well this book restating orientalism he's kind of trying to retread that and he's trying to make a critique of like modern knowledge and modern knowledge systems i guess what you could call like the e-crisis trying to understand like the origin and uh accumulation of modern knowledge. And there's something that someone wrote about it. Walter Mignolo, an Argentine semiotician and professor at Duke University, said of restating Orientalism. He said, And I think that this is, if you look at what's going on right now,
Starting point is 00:53:18 in a materialist sense, you know, the fucking framing of class struggle, I genuinely think that what is going on worldwide is like a massive i don't i'm not going to call it decolonial or recolonial or anything but there are lines of domination and power that are shifting along lines of nationalism colonialism that that don't fall neatly within our accepted understanding of what these things look like so basically what i'm saying is like that that general process we outlined on the episode last week with the louisville tenants union of how the similarities of land dispossession and liquidation between what's going on in parts of Louisville and in Palestine. I think that this is a worldwide phenomenon, and I think that as such, various powers,
Starting point is 00:54:17 including the United States government, but also obviously Israel, this is part of the retconning of reality around you because systems of power and domination yes they require like enclosed knowledge systems and that means getting us all to go along with it and i think that when we talk about the quote e-crisis that's what we're talking that's what we're running up against yes it takes the form of social media and the algorithms and everything else, but that's just the instrument that's being deployed. These powerful actors are using these instruments to basically try to shape these knowledge systems and cram them down our throats. extent to which they go because didn't you say and i'm not going to like name names or anything but just at the most facile level like depersonalized level like don't you know people who have like tiktok accounts that have been approached by like israeli proxies and basically
Starting point is 00:55:18 like yeah one of my good friends from college has like three million tiktok followers makes these little skits and was approached by this group called the Six. They call themselves the Six Points. And they've got a couple of big sort of public facing boosters in the stand up comedy community. But they approach these. I mean, really. Where you always start. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Well, yeah. you always start yeah well yeah and um they um reached out to my friend that and they you know offered like 1500 a video to like um just make stuff sort of like making fun of like people from the muslim world and yeah or like if they like sort of make a joke that like is kind of like has to do with something to do with the muslim world they kind of push them and like pay them to go a little bit further with it you know what i mean i just think about that that stuff because you know yesterday someone had pointed out that a lot of people simultaneously and seemingly without coordination had made all these TikToks about like the Osama bin Laden letter. Did you see that? Like Osama bin Laden's letter to America
Starting point is 00:56:32 in like 2002. Like all these people had just had like spontaneously, quote unquote, started quoting it and talking about it on TikTok. And that's what I'm talking about. I don't know who's behind that, but I have to assume someone in sub agency or institution is behind it. And that's what I'm talking about. I don't know who's behind that, but I have to assume someone in sub-agency or institution is behind it, and that's what I'm talking about. All these actors have presences, and they try to influence our sort of like, the way we build knowledge,
Starting point is 00:56:57 the way we build our perception of the world, and people could even probably say that about us. I mean, you could go look at our funders they're all on where you can become one too paid for by the generous patronage of supporters like you yeah yeah the point i'm trying to make is that like you aren't crazy you aren't having a crack up you shouldn't go to the rubber room with the straight jacket but if you do i mean i'll be there with you but that's part of the point. The point is to destabilize your conception and perceptions about these things to the point that you feel insane even having to argue it.
Starting point is 00:57:35 You genuinely feel insane having to argue that hospitals should not be invaded. be invaded yeah you feel insane having to argue that refugees that we should not drop missiles called hellfire missiles that shoot out blades everywhere and shred everyone around them right i mean you should not have to point out when you see the idea of posting about how magnanimous they are and benevolent they are and providing incubators because quote we are not at war with the population of palestine should not have to point out that on october 13th israeli president isaac herzog said we will hold the entire palestinian population to account they are all responsible for this like the the whole point is to make you go it's to destabilize your it's again we're just retreading ground here but it is this wearing the skin suit inside out taking the part of you that is human and forcing it inside
Starting point is 00:58:32 out inside you so that you didn't feel guilty and bad for even having to engage in the first place it's bad it's a sorry state of affairs. There is some hopeful things, though. Did you see this? Friend of the show, Ann Boyer, resigned her post as poetry editor of the New York Times Magazine. I did not see that. She put out a statement. I've resigned as poetry editor of the New York Times Magazine. The Israeli state's U.S.-backed war against the people of Gaza is not a war for anyone.
Starting point is 00:59:05 There is no safety in it or from it. Not for Israel, not for the United States or Europe, but especially not for the many Jewish people slandered by those
Starting point is 00:59:13 who claim to be essentially doing it in their name and stuff. Hell yeah. So there's still... Shout out, Ian. Yeah. That's tight.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I mean, I don't know. This, I agree. there is a lot of i mean people aren't having it man and that's fucking awesome because there i have never seen a push quite like this to convince people that they're insane and to shut the fuck up and go away yeah and i mean we're not going to. So something's got to give. Right. Either you quit, or I'm going to the rubber room.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Or both. Actually, Palestine will be free, but I will be in the rubber room, too. I think that's the most likely outcome. The rubber room liberation front. Yeah. The RRLF. Oh, shit. most likely outcome the rubber room liberation front yeah the rrlf uh shit well i don't know i just think it's topical because i just i've just been thinking so much also just about like the administration's attempts to portray the economy as great it's good actually it's amazing like they released a statement this week actually
Starting point is 01:00:27 saying how good it is yeah uh biden said uh today we saw again that the american economy continues to grow even as inflation comes down it's a testament to the resilience of american consumers and american workers supported by bidenomics My plan to grow the economy by growing the middle class. I mean, you know, it's conjuring an illusion out of an illusion. There's no material basis there. Again, yeah, wages are growing, sure. Like, unemployment is down. But, like, the cost of living is absurd.
Starting point is 01:01:04 It's insane. Rentss it's all i mean you know debt fucking child cost of child care but that's the thing like if you just bracket out like certain things then you can make a good enough case and i guess send people out like stancel to uh beat badger people over the head. I mean, that guy's another example of it. I don't know how many people I've seen him drive insane, because as long as you just stick to the line and say, no, Israel has a right to defend itself.
Starting point is 01:01:36 No, the economy's good. Here's the thing about Stansel, though. Stansel's playing a dangerous game, because he is trying to drive people insane, but he ain't built for that. You know what I mean? A lot of these guys aren't no i will go ahead and tell you uh while i think they should die in rotten hell ben gevier and benjamin netanyahu in their youth would absolutely beat the hell out of me no question about it stancel ain't built like that, though. You know? Uh-huh. I mean, don't get me wrong. Those motherfuckers have a long road to hoe, too.
Starting point is 01:02:14 But. Yeah. I already have this vision in my head. Anybody that's about my age will know there was a G.I. Joe animated movie, and there's a scene where Nemesis Enforcer pops up, and Sergeant Slaughter has to step in he's had enough and they tussle for a little bit before sergeant slaughter slams him on his back and says this is for duke and gives him a you know the you know the knife handle fucking yeah two hands right to the chest this is for falcon this is for
Starting point is 01:02:48 and then he says this is for the us of a of course i would amend it to not be for the us of a and then he says you make me sick and throws him in a hole uh well yeah i just um you know while we're while we're at it while we're talking about it yeah the uh i think it should be heavily documented and go down in history that john haggie spoke at that rally uh i think that you know that's should not be passed like they had multiple people chanting no ceasefire that this was a hate rally. I mean, this was a fucking, it was like a Nuremberg rally. This was a hate rally.
Starting point is 01:03:28 These are Christians' inus. They hate life. They embrace mass death as the solution to the world's problems. I cannot stress enough, if something was closer to fascism, I don't know what it would be in America because that is it well the thing about
Starting point is 01:03:47 the hallmark of christianity is the idea of sort of of being passed from death into life because you have love for your brother it is it is fundamentally a death cult but one that with a hopeful refrain yeah you know what i mean that we can sort of be reconciled even in our ultimate going down. Yeah. What Christian Zionism does is removes the hopeful refrain and just frames it as you've got to be good enough. You have to believe these opinions. You have to subjugate these people, and this is just the fulfillment of prophecy.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And if you're not on board with that, I don't know what to tell you. Right. But through another lens, we just call that good old fascist right well that again yeah to point out like yes you're i think that's a good summation of what actual christianity is yes a love for your fellow man uh and it's an acknowledgement that this is if if you believe in an afterlife which i don't't, but if you do, which most or all Christians do by definition, it is an acknowledgment that this plane we inhabit is not only important, but of utmost importance. That in many ways you can read it as even more, what goes on here is even more important than what comes after.
Starting point is 01:05:05 And you can't just throw up your hands and say, all right, it's over. Let's just nuke it all and walk into the light. If you're a Christian, yeah, like I said, you have to be concerned with the here and now. God's not really concerned. I think where a lot of American Christians get fucked up is that they think that their God, as they've conceived of Him,
Starting point is 01:05:23 is concerned with their fealty to Him. Yeah. And He's really not. If you look at the character of, at least in terms of the Christian New Testament, I'm not speaking about the whole Bible writ large, but God is definitely more concerned with how you're treating your fellow man. That's what you're going to be judged on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Not if you were pious enough or like, you know, even says it. Lord, Lord, we did many mighty works. We cast out demons in your name. We did this, we did that. And what happens? And then God says, depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. I never knew you. So.
Starting point is 01:06:00 That is true. It is. That is 100% true. If you have your eyes on the afterlife, you have sinned. You have failed. You better be concerned with those Palestinians. Yeah. Because I'm going to tell you something.
Starting point is 01:06:13 If you're not. I mean, and if you conceptualize religion as something that is true for the people that believe it, then, okay, I guess you could say, you could take the bleak route and say that, like, oh, they just died, nothing happens, and they never know that their religion was not real and not verified. However, because we do live on a, we do live in this world, your actions here have consequences that resound not only on you and your family after you're gone but future generations of believers and to me that isn't that is the definition of the afterlife i mean that's the afterlife that i've
Starting point is 01:07:01 believed in ever since i stopped believing in the metaphysical one. I've always believed in the material afterlife. There is an afterlife, but other people are going to be here and you're not. And what's the quality of your service that made it better for those people? That's the big question. One thousand percent. And in light of that, how you answer that question and how you look at yourself in the mirror or sleep at night. Like that's, I don't know. I just don't, I don't,
Starting point is 01:07:34 I do not understand and plenty of people have pointed out the pointlessness of pointing out hypocrisies, but there is nothing fellowship worthy. There's nothing brotherly or Christianly about chanting en masse for no ceasefire, for continuing to murder people. I think that's what the scripture refers to as the spirit of Antichrist. Yeah. I mean, the very definition. You don't have to. The problem with American Christians, too, is they're all the time concerned with some sort of weird cosmic event that's like a sign or a wonder yep and they just won't take things on face value it's something i've said a couple times on the show but it's like for people that are like you know always
Starting point is 01:08:15 looking for like the surest sign of the end time they're the least curious people i've ever seen it is it's also funny because like in their conception the antichrist is like fascist coded you know what i'm saying like why else would tim lahaye have done in the left behind series like the eastern european nicolai carpathia it's like the whole the subtext is like fascism like oh it's authoritarianism like you know what i'm saying yeah but it's like they embrace it i've never seen a better analogy for american christianity like actually embracing the spirit of the antichrist yeah like yeah like whole cloth whole cloth yeah it's astonishing it is man that's you know there's this phrase that's been ringing in my head over and over, and I'm working on this thing that I'm going to pitch maybe about some of these things,
Starting point is 01:09:08 but the phrase, the reprobate mind, you know, is usually echoed by evangelicals in the Scripture to, like, condemn homosexuals because of where it comes from, I think in Romans. And I really don't think there's a better phrase for actually what these Christians have, but their reprobate mind, where the Scripture says that you'll believe a lie, be turned over to a reprobate mind to believe a lie and be damned. And that's exactly what you're seeing with these people. Now, will they suffer eternal torments? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:47 If there was a just god maybe so but well i would go so i would say that yes probably not however it depends on how you define afterlife because eternal torment if we are all tied together if we're all bound together by the material world by social relations relations, by our common humanity, if the future of humanity is hell, then that means you are damned to hell. And the other thing, too, I was thinking about, I was thinking about these John Kirby characters and Anthony Blinken and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:20 There is kind of an eternal damnation because your name is forever going to be attached to that exactly so you may not care in the here and now and you may think that like okay well i'm just taking my marching orders or i'm doing whatever and like you know i'm a flawed man and you can do the whole broken man routine but the reality is you could change you could have changed it a month ago you could have stepped in there you could have said something but instead you're continuing to do this and you're going to die in great shame one day yeah and your friends and family might remember you as a swell guy and a great dad but everybody else is going to remember you for what you really are yep and that's that's uh and that's that's what's fascinating again
Starting point is 01:11:03 about it it's just like i thought in this house we believed in science. I thought in this house we didn't believe in these superstitious. It's like they don't believe in that because they have no answer. Like, truly. They don't have an answer. The best they've got is quote-unquote Bidenomics, which is an illusion. is quote-unquote Bidenomics, which is an illusion. It is premised on an argument,
Starting point is 01:11:30 on trying to convince you that the world is not what it seems. Right. That's insane. That just goes to show you how hollow and completely facile their whole project is and why it's ultimately terrifying if we're talking about the- It is weird. It is weird. I mean, we referenced, referenced i mean a lot of people
Starting point is 01:11:45 on the left reference like in the trump era like hyper normalization that encouraged documentary and like you know there's parts in there where he talks about how like putin would like consult with these like avant-garde theater people to like do these like protests you know these sort of fake protests and stuff like that and how like we all sort of got our brains broken by what we were seeing every day knowing that it was not right knowing right it was like off knowing that there was some sort of you know chicanery going on and how that while at the same time bemoaning some future trump presidency we've just adopted the same sort of schadenfreude tactics you know yeah well i hope i said that right no no you did congrats if you want to be really
Starting point is 01:12:34 pretentious you can say schadenfreude of the real germanic pronunciation but you know the stakes here is like nuclear armageddon and if like they're fucking fine just like going along with like the Christian Zionist view on this. I don't know, man. That's very terrifying to me. And just the fact that they have zero moral backbone at all. Just like, dude, like the fucking video of Anthony Blinken in February of this year saying that we cannot allow Russia to bomb hospitals. Or like the Hillary Clinton tweet from last year saying that we cannot allow Russia to bomb hospitals. We can never let the crimes Russia's committing become our new normal.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Bucha is not normal. Mariupol is not normal. Irpin is not normal. Bombing schools and hospitals and apartment buildings to rubble is not normal. Earpin. Is not normal. Bombing schools and hospitals and apartment buildings to rubble. Is not normal. It's like, that's the inside, that's the skin suit worn inside out. It's like, I thought we all agreed that the red line was bombing hospitals is not, like not. And now we know, for some people, there are no red lines.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Right. I don't know, man. It is wild. Just the whiplash, I guess. Just the fact that you've now got Zelinsky. I read this time profile of Zelinsky. Dude, he is so on the outs. He couldn't even get on Oprah a month ago.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Oprah won't even have him on anymore, bro. He's done for. It's like the meme of all the deposed and or dead people. Yeah, he's done for. Calling him into heaven, brother. He's going to get cooed or something, probably. I mean, I would not doubt it. And it's probably going to be some insane right wing.
Starting point is 01:14:20 You're going to get some sort of Victor Orban type character in there that's really going to galvanize, like, the Azovsvs and everything the same things we were screaming about from the start of that conflict i know that's this is the thing it really should it really should put us all on alert because dude we have turned the entire world against us like did you see that thing about how arab leaders all around the middle east have have have turned against Biden even more than they did against Bush? I mean, it's, dude, it is like the scene in Casino. They are going to take us out to a fucking cornfield and beat us to fucking death with bats. Us and Israel.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Oh, man. It still won't be good enough. You know, like, Biden met with Xi yesterday. And Xi was like, we can exist in prosperity. We don't have to, like, be in conflict. We don't have to be at odds. And the thing that I walked away from that thinking. We don't know anything else, though.
Starting point is 01:15:22 That's what I'm saying. Our prosperity is predicated on perpetual conflict. Yeah. You know? The thing is, you're right. You're exactly right. She's like, no, no, no. You realize you're kind of fucking the bag up, really.
Starting point is 01:15:35 That's it. Yeah. That is it. That's the thing. China seems to be the only world power that doesn't want to nuke the entire world system. Right. So, I mean, i take that what you will i still don't think that they're communist personally get mad at me all you want but they're not but they all are rational and they don't want to nuke the world system like so many in the west do i love that story about g you know spent a couple years in iowa like with some kind
Starting point is 01:16:07 of i don't know like exchange program or something like that and he still keeps up with his friends in iowa yeah you imagine if like if like uh yeah like uh the leader of iran or something like uh was a americorps vista in let Letcher County and we still kept a correspondence. Yeah. Yeah, I guess we should wrap it up. But yeah, no, Zelensky's fucked. I saw a tweet that said, Poland has imposed a transit blockade.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Zelensky canceled presidential elections. The Russians are about to begin destroying energy infrastructure. And there's no news about further supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine. It's like they, and again. Can we afford two wars? Sure. But, you know, I think we're kind of over this one.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Right. I don't know, man. Just gets at what we were talking about on the Patreon this past weekend. It's like, what is the end game here? Is there one? Is it fully propelled at this point by like death's death cult christian zionism because that means we've all got skin in the game at this point so it's like it's like you know it's not just something that you can kind of like watch from
Starting point is 01:17:18 afar and say like oh religion is a cancer on the world it's's like, bro, your fucking skin is on the line. We all could get nuked as a result. Yeah, literally. Yeah. All right. I got to call it because I'm so congested at this point from the rampant wildfires just burning eastern Kentucky to the ground. wildfires just burning eastern Kentucky to the
Starting point is 01:17:43 ground. And it's just kind of wild how impervious we are to natural catastrophes. It's like, yeah, just wildfires running roughshod through the woods and we're just like, just another day in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Yeah. I cannot breathe. It's miserable. But if you would like to go listen to our past Patreon episodes on this topic and other topics, please go to slash Trillbilly Workers Party. There's a link in the show notes. Pretty easy to sign up. You can get all kinds of content on this and much, much more.
Starting point is 01:18:24 So please go do that. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing. And, yeah, don't let them drive you to the rubber room. Yeah. Do your best to stay off a crack up. That's right. Yeah. That is right.
Starting point is 01:18:43 All right, gang. Well, thanks again for listening this week we'll see you on the patreon feed in a few days adios why don't you get kidnapped by them in gaza and see if people come and save you because we should have a ceasefire and negotiate with terrorists they They're just gonna say, no, you stop bombing us, we'll stop bombing you. Here, take them back. Yeah, they'll just stay here, take them back. Israel controls whether they have water, whether they have electricity.
Starting point is 01:19:13 No, no, no, we generously give them water. We generously give them electricity. It's their land, my dear. It's their land that was taken from them. It's not their land. Jesus was a Jew, do you know that? He was born there. The Jews were there first. We the Grower, we the Old Testament,
Starting point is 01:19:30 we the New Testament. I know that there's over 400 Palestinian villagers that were destroyed in 1948. It was called the Nakba. Indigenous people. So should we all be kidnapped and tortured, our babies put in an oven because we took
Starting point is 01:19:46 it from the Native Americans? But yet you're living here. I think we should torture you and your family. Let's cut open your stomach, take out your fetus and throw it in the oven and then smell it while they torture you and cut off your body parts and rape you, make you naked and drag you through the street. Just wish your kids were going to be there. Yeah, you are fucking so stupid. Where are you doing this to people? Just wish your kids were going to be there.
Starting point is 01:20:07 So stupid. I wish they would rape you alive. They would kill you. And if your mother was alive, they would send a video for your mother to see how you burn. That's what I wish. And if this is okay for you, so I don't know what you wait for. It's terrible what you say. It's terrible. It's terrible that people had it
Starting point is 01:20:28 People burned alive The mother watches on TV, on the video, on the media They film it It burned people alive Why don't you go to Gaza? Why don't you go to Gaza to meet them? Why don't you go to Gaza? Why don't you go to Gaza to live there? Why don't you go there? Why don't you go there?
Starting point is 01:20:50 Let's be very clear. Let's be very clear. Thank you.

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