Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 323: Yes But With Conditions

Episode Date: December 28, 2023

An episode on plane rides and the TV show Yellowstone. Also features two diseased articles: one from Max Boot, and another from Ross Douthat. Enjoy! Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It sounds simple. It's what you're thinking. We should fire Anthony Blanken. These are the sounds of a man that's Yellowstone peeled. Oh, man. Dude, I... Yes, I'm almost done with season one of Yellowstone. And I'm trying to save my takes for it
Starting point is 00:00:26 because i want to do an entire episode maybe i might want to devote my entire life to figuring out the last section of yellowstone oh man oh man my favorite shit that dude like i lost it there's like two old-timers standing on a gate and they're watching john dutton it's like 73 year old ass like ride a bucking bronco and one of them's like his doctor's my son and he cut out a six inch piece of his colon the other day he got cancer and the other one's like damn dale it's like dude in what world is like a 73 year old man riding a bucking bronco after having a foot of his colon cut out well what he's telegraphing is that uh it's real men uh you know ranching the yellowstone and get on bucking broncos even though they've had part of their intestines
Starting point is 00:01:26 snatched down. That's what a real man does. But he's also like... A real man defies doctor's orders and gets sepsis. Well, he's also like having an affair with the governor. And I mean, dude, it's just I I am very confused by it right because I was like I started
Starting point is 00:01:50 the show and I was like oh like the concept's great got a great concept but the execution is so insane like someone dies every 15 minutes like I know this sounds really boring like if you've seen the show you you're like, yeah, that's what Yellowstone is. Well, as I said before, it's basically Sons of Anarchy, but swap out bikers for cowboys. And then the other thing is, I don't know if you'll be relieved
Starting point is 00:02:21 or you'll feel like you felt when that guy wrote that blog post about Ellis Keys that just kind of dead ended and left you on a cliffhanger but the writing on this show just sort of dead ends and like the next seasons 2 and season 3 are pretty good
Starting point is 00:02:36 you know what I mean but the last 1 or 2 seasons is just so circular and it's like clear that they just don't know what to do with this show well part of the reason is that like Taylor Sheridan seasons is just so circular and it's like clear that they just don't know what to do with this show. Well, part of the reason is that like Taylor Sheridan, he writes with
Starting point is 00:02:51 archetypes, right? Like that, this is the constant across all of his products. Like that movie Wind River and Hell or High Water. It's like he picks a few archetypes and then like shades them in and that's the that's right it's like you can't really with a movie that fucking kills like that
Starting point is 00:03:13 works you can do that with a movie yeah the tv show yeah like with a tv show you have to keep fucking upping the ante they're like and then yeah and then at a certain point, which is crazy because he owns TV right now. He basically has like 40 shows running concurrently. He's got Tulsa King, Mayor of East Town, not to be confused with Mayor of East, right, maybe Mayor of something. Mayor. Mayor of.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Mayor of East. Mayor, yeah, but there's also a show called mayor of east i forget i get those two mixed up i mean i i just watched the episode i watched right before i came over here by the way you're getting vacation true billies this week like i'm you know i i have been we weren't paying attention this way to what so we weren't paying attention this way i got i've been caving my brain in with fucking yellowstone like before i came over here this fucking park ranger got impaled on a fence post because a horsefly landed oh i thought you meant like that happened like i was like you know that also happened in. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Now, my real life has not been that exciting. Other than the former felon named Dwayne, I flew next to on the airplane out of Lubbock. That was the most exciting, like, slice of life I've had lately. What did you and Dwayne talk about? Well. The yellow stuff? No. It's like I sat down and he was like, you know, like had no bags,
Starting point is 00:04:52 had nothing. Just the clothes on his back. He bought a sweater in the airport. He bought a sweatshirt in the airport because he was cold. Like that's all he had was like the clothes on his back. And he was like tatted up. And we were sitting on the air on the runway. And he starts freaking out, man. He's breathing really hard and heavy.
Starting point is 00:05:13 He keeps putting his head between his legs. And finally, I was like, are you okay, man? Are you all right? And he was like, man, I'm just claustrophobic. I've just never flown before. I'm really claustrophobic. I got to get the fuck off this airplane. And I was was like man like i don't think they'll let you off like if if you try to run they'll think you have a bomb or something and and uh and the the you like trust
Starting point is 00:05:34 me i've tried the undercover they cuffed and stuffed me the airline marshals i told him i said the airline marshal will still you running and he was like man i didn't even think i'd be able to get on this flight like my daughter kept telling me that former felons can't fly and i was like i was like no they can't vote or own it no no no no it's your constitutional rights that have been revoked but yeah they'll let you buy a ticket anywhere and the contiguous 48 that is but he was freaking out he was losing his shit and then the guy on the other side of me across the aisle he kind of felt he kind of found it amusing uh because he was like man normally this would be me like i'd be the one
Starting point is 00:06:17 freaking out and losing my shit and i was like how did i get put in between like two guys because like I'm the opposite like you know me you're you're slightly hoping the plane goes down I I am hoping the plane goes down just takes a lot of decisions off your plate I I have I've dreamed about it for years and let me tell you what it would fix a lot of my problems yes it would take all a lot of decisions off my plate all my uh like um you know i think that like if it was happening it would feel like a dream right it wouldn't feel like real life you'd be like is this real is this happening yeah and you get to go out like that you're not like shot in the chest you're not like squirming in pain or anything so if if you just heard a guttural scream from the cockpit and just felt like the plane just dropped 1500 feet in a second you just you just throw your arms up like it's a roller coaster
Starting point is 00:07:18 i mean it'll never happen to me because i actually want it to happen and life doesn't work like that like the things you want to me because I actually want it to happen, and life doesn't work like that. Like, the things you want to happen don't actually ever happen. You know? Here's what I'm wondering. Do you think anybody has ever abdicated their exit row of responsibility? Yeah. Like, okay, so here's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's like you paid. Here's the thing is you want me to pay the extra cash for the six inches of leg room and help out in an emergency pick a horse and ride it pal well there's no it doesn't matter the emergency unless it lands on water but other than that like it doesn't matter anyways do people also not understand that water turns into concrete at a certain you know but that's they want you to open the door right before you hit the water and throw out one baby right hope that at that you know that's what i'm going to tell them next time i take the exit i'm gonna say yes but with conditions and i'm gonna name what those are here's the most you're going to get out of me. If this sucker goes down, I'll pop the hatch open. That is, if I'm still conscious, I'll probably be losing. In the event that happens, I probably won't be as lucid as.
Starting point is 00:08:35 But I will grab one baby and throw it into whatever river we land on. That way it has a puncher's chance of surviving. What the thing is, is it would probably just get sucked into the engine and just blended. Yeah, that's not what I had in mind. Anyway, see you in hell, boys. I just jump off and dive into the river and swim up.
Starting point is 00:08:57 There's no situation where being the doorman to the unknown is going to actually save anybody's life. I just want to know who the poor bastard is to actually save anybody's life. I just want to know who the poor bastard is too that's like the plane went down and there's like several
Starting point is 00:09:11 people dying or dead. Like half the plane's torched or whatever. And he like still stays in the pocket and helps those that remain off like dutifully. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I just don't know if that's ever happened. I'd be pissed. would like i guess it happened with that one movie uh scully show what was the name sully sully yeah yeah yeah he he set
Starting point is 00:09:34 that puppy down saved everybody's life well he was drunk though oh is that what it was yeah when i was like in um they made us this is like the broke-ass fucking drug rehab thing i did they made us watch that movie i forgot about that yeah they were like this is what drugs and alcohol will do to you i was like what turn you into a hero uh tom you missed the point the thing is is that he's a functional alcoholic and there's no such thing. So he becomes more dependent on the alcohol, but it also gets him into more shit. And so the feedback loop keeps escalating. Know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:10:16 I hear you. That was the lesson. But when I think Captain Sullenberger, I think hero. I don't think guy that trapped in a feedback loop. Yeah. Okay. I see. i see what you're saying listen i'm not against a or any of that but uh i just think maybe they need to rethink the sullenberger exam you think that was a one case where like being an alcoholic actually probably it may be if he wasn't boozed up he wouldn't have made such a reckless decision that just so happened to pay off you could be right but didn't
Starting point is 00:10:50 you could argue there are hundreds of people alive today because of Sullenberger's alcoholism you could argue that reasonably but didn't him being a drunk get them in the situation in the first place where he had to pull off an insane extraordinary you're focusing on all the wrong
Starting point is 00:11:06 sorts of details there all right uh-huh well captain cook anyways duane the former felon was like freaking the fuck out and then and then they get on their you know intercom they're like we're gonna be here for another 30 minutes on the runway and he's losing his shit he's as soon as he hears that he starts freaking the fuck out and i was like i was like just breathe man tell me about your life and he was like he's like i deliver games like for like keno what is keno a casino game is that like a gambling game well I mean yeah it can be yeah I don't even know what it is it's a lottery yeah it's a lottery game
Starting point is 00:11:50 in Kentucky well they got him in Texas too apparently he's like he drove down from Dallas to deliver a bunch of games dropped off his truck and then they just bought him a plane ticket back to dallas and um
Starting point is 00:12:06 and uh he was telling me he's got a daughter and he was telling me about his life and then the plane takes off and uh and he's like oh fuck he's like he's like screaming oh shit man yeah dude and people people around us like some people are like really annoyed some people are like trying to tune it out and then um we get in the air and we start like banking left and banking right and like and he's like oh shit he's like screaming and like again he's and then i love this guy like he honestly it was kind of endearing it was his first time flying and like he was like this is fucking beautiful he's like look you can see the sun right like a few minutes into it he's like this is cool actually no that's what happened he
Starting point is 00:12:57 he came to love it and um there's a lesson there too yeah there is a lesson and the guy sitting on the other side of me who normally has flight anxiety, their roles switched because Dwayne was like, man, I was so scared. I thought the plane was he's like, I thought the wing was just going to break off and we were just going to plummet into the ground. And everyone around us was like, like, you know, you're like and you're like, you're like, yeah, yeah. Pity that pity that that's not how it played out there you know you're like you're like yeah and isn't it great that it didn't go now i mean and that would have been the perfect one too man because like dying next to a guy like duane would have been you know poetic and magical you know what i mean because it would have been, you know, poetic and magical. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Because it would have been his first plane ride. He's like in his fifties. He had to have been in his forties or fifties. Like his first plane ride, it like starts off scary, but then becomes whimsical and, and, and fun.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And he's elated. And then it turns South really fast and what happened it turns out it would have if it would have gone down oh yeah but instead this story had a fucking happy ending man fuck yeah you were thinking it was going to be like colannis more sets ironic i was gonna i thought it was gonna be ironic yeah yeah yeah you know that's what you're thinking it's like yes this is the guy from the song ironic yes this one's gonna go down finally my ship's coming i uh but yeah it was a beautiful moment you know yeah and um what happened to the guy that usually is nervous but um what happened to the guy that usually is nervous but he was like when the when duane said i thought the plane i thought the wing was gonna fucking rip off when he said that the dude
Starting point is 00:14:53 was like stop stop talking he's like i can't handle it and then the duane he was freaking out he's like this fucking shit's beautiful and there's like kids all around us and like i was just like dude you're just in the middle of these two guys like seriously like i and i was i don't know like the guy behind him at one the guy behind him was being a fucking cunt like he dwayne dropped his phone he was so excited he dropped his phone in between the seat in the panel wall or whatever and like hit the dude's foot behind us and dwayne was like can you grab that for me bro and the dude was just like no like he was being such a little fucking bitch you should reach back out got snakes on
Starting point is 00:15:38 his ass be like you hand him that goddamn phone for a smack the fuck out of you like seriously like just let the guy enjoy one of life's pleasures right like flying for the first time and a spoiler really kind of sucks after yeah it's like smoking weed the first time it's like man man. I don't know, man. It was. So anyways, yeah, I didn't actually see anybody get impaled. That was in the TV show I'm watching. The kind of shit that I've been dealing with in real life is former felons getting to watch the sunset from 30,000 feet. Man.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Beautiful. Kind of gorgeous in a way, isn't it? Yeah. Yellowstone is a story about slavery in the 21st century they brand they brand these guys why are they branded well i know it's because they get a second chance but like it's it's like some it's like some oh you know when you take the code of omerta and that that group that doesn't really exist, La Cosa Nostra. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I guess that's what it like what the equivalent is. Let me ask you a question. Are they taking anybody to the train station yet? Mm hmm. They did. The long black train. That's so goofy. Dude.
Starting point is 00:17:02 What? How long is it going to be before? Well, I guess theraine war is winding down i'm surprised we didn't see any like because you know every time a photo would emerge from ukraine it would be like a guy with a neo-nazi tattoo or patch or something i'm surprised we never saw any like yellowstone dutton ranch uh patches or brands? Buddy, I don't know about... Do you think anybody got branded with Yellowstone or got a Yellowstone tattoo? In Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oh, in real life? Yeah. You think that's for sure happened? 100% has it happened. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, you're so right. I've seen Dutton Ranch stickers on vehicles.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That show, I love the show. It feels, it thinks it has bars. Like, the Thomas Rainwater character, he's like, I'm the opposite of progress. I'm the past. It is kind of like uh isn't it like uh i don't want to be too crass here but like there are some parallels to the current situation and like through a dumb guy's lens of course but oh with uh israel palestine yeah i don't know why. It's settler colonialism.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yeah, I don't want to play fast and loose with that, but it does. Let's do it. It does. There's also just a lot of casual racism in it. Yeah. Very flagrant racism, like when the Chinese tourists are there.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I lost my shit. In America, we don't share land. I love that shit. Like, why? Why are they there? Like, didn't two of them die like a very gruesome death? Yeah, like, remember, they're, like, falling off the thing, and the bear's there.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But Rip is, like, there to save the day. But the one guy won't listen, and both the thing about that episode uh that episode is the episode where you really like john dutton's cancer really starts you know spoiler but john dutton's cancer is like he's got i got a sore i got a sore stomach my tummy hurts and he's like throwing up blood and shit dumb but he gets up every day like a real man that's exactly right yeah also also this is a man with stomach cancer that eats nothing but red meat red meat fucks the governor of the state yes he's racist to chinese tourists saves his grandson from a fucking raging river with cancer like anyways that episode the bear it's like dude i
Starting point is 00:19:57 oh man the bear the episode is titled the monster among us or something like that the bear you know sharon is like, yes, it's bars. Yeah, dude, the bear is supposed to be a metaphor. I shit you not. It's supposed to be a metaphor for John Dutton's cancer. Like, that's the thing. I was thinking a little more literal. I was thinking, like, the Chinese tourist, the bear,
Starting point is 00:20:22 like, the encroachment from the east on the Western way of life. You're right. Fuck. Do you think he's that? Do you think he's that clever, though? Not that it would be that clever. It's a little on the nose. I think he thinks he's very clever.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And I think that's why he was trying to draw a parallel between the bear and the cancer. It's like, man, when you really think about it, it's all around us all the time, man. Man, the beast lives within. And then when that switch flips and it turns to cancer. Yeah, man. Man, I don't know. Obviously, I'm only through season one,
Starting point is 00:21:00 so I need to let it stew a little bit longer. But I will say this. One more scene I'll point out does it seem like in the second or third episode when Rip takes Beth Dutton out on a date and they're watching some coyotes or
Starting point is 00:21:17 maybe even wolves eat an elk and she's like look at it she's like in the city when something dies they zip it up and they get it out of there out here they just let everything lay out it's like what the fuck are you talking it's so it's so dumb dude no trust me i mean you're from out you're from southwest uh-huh from here everybody zips things up there. It's not that much of a risk.
Starting point is 00:21:48 There's nothing I hate in that kind of shit where it's like, this is the real way of life and everybody else is the little pussy city slicker. It keeps driving that home,
Starting point is 00:22:03 especially in the scene where Beth takes out the big developer and you know tries to get his ass kicked by shit kickers and and he's like I'll leave you to your own kind it's like white people with
Starting point is 00:22:19 a lot of money like the Nate he's implying like they're the natives right right i don't know the way he writes women is so fucking bizarre like wait till you get to the spinoffs because you're gonna have to go watch the spinoffs one with like helen mirren and clinton clinton eastwood i'm gonna have harrison ford i'm absolutely gonna have to do that. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Well, that's Yellowstone. We'll pick that thread back up. I had a few articles to cover today. Maybe just one if we can't get through both. The first one, I just read it right before we started recording. It is a very weird, disorienting premise because it's by Max Boot, who is, you know, obviously an inveterate piece of shit. But like I, I read it and I was like go like i read the headline i was like maybe he's finally starting to uh see the error of his ways because the headline is gaza and ukraine are very different wars but they teach similar lessons um and so i was like okay well like maybe
Starting point is 00:23:40 he maybe he sees the parallels here not so so. He doesn't see the parallels. He said, at first glance, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine don't appear to have much in common. The fight in Ukraine is a conventional conflict pitting two states against each other, while a Gaza war pits a conventional military against a terrorist organization. He's lost the plot already yeah yeah yet as i've been talking in recent weeks with current and retired u.s generals and civilian analysts who are studying both conflicts is that we are civilian analysts we are civilian analysts yeah i love being a civilian analyst best get going um We're studying both conflicts.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I have concluded that they actually reinforce many of the same lessons. Hamas isn't just a terrorist organization, after all. It's a quasi-governmental entity that entered the war with an estimated 30,000 fighters. And just like the Russian army in Ukraine, it has engaged in terrible war crimes. Engaged, it started with 30,000 fighters and has so far lost
Starting point is 00:24:45 68. Just that sentence is it's just like someone taking it's like someone taking a fucking at the back of your head and slamming it against the bar in Bozeman, Montana. In both cases, the brutal violence is intended to terrorize its enemies into surrender. Hamas
Starting point is 00:25:11 leaders appear to not care about the terrible costs inflicted on civilians or even on their own fighters by the war they started on October 7th. Note that they don't open their tunnels to shelter civilians from Israeli bombing. The wars gaza and ukraine should remind complacent western leaders that our adversaries do not share our liberal values and thus are much less casualty conscious than western militaries are i mean dude i mean just obviously it doesn't matter pointing it out to a fucking moron like this not even a moron this is not a moron this is an evil person right like an evil spirit has embodied has come to inhabit his fucking flesh but like i just a lot of work has to go into denying that israel has killed 20 000 upwards of 20 000 people people. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Yeah, this is a special kind of delusion here. Yeah, and reading it, like I said, I don't know, it is a kind of whiplash because you go into it thinking, oh, maybe it'll draw some parallels, but it's like an insight into the pure ideology like i don't know like did you see right before just a few hours ago did you see that statement from anthony blinken about journalists no oh god he said this has been an extraordinarily dangerous year for press around the world
Starting point is 00:26:43 many killed many more wounded hundreds detained attacked threatened injured simply for doing their jobs i am profoundly grateful to the press for getting accurate timely information to the people i i mean it's that's almost like that's spoken almost like somebody that had something to do with killing some journalists right me myself i'm proud of these brave men and women that have given their lives for uh-huh you know um ukraine's not at all i did i did not at all we did not at all fund this well it's the same basically the u.s basically paid to take a hit out on several journalists. So, ostensibly, that's what's going on here. I think part of the thing is, like, looking back on this now, you're right, 100%.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Israel has intentionally targeted journalists, and the U.S. provided with their exact gps coordinates and whereabouts like 100 yes stay just keep your bombs away from from uh yeah the longitude latitude right exactly yeah the journalists are there stay away from there oh oh you fly oh yeah well nevertheless well also for future reference stay away from this place this place this place in this place there yeah it's it's just i think that uh it's interesting to look back on this now it was in the weeks after october 7th a very obvious like oh this is you know obviously the united states just doing its thing when you see Blinken like going in front of Congress and saying, like, we cannot allow Russia to bomb hospitals. Right. And then like at the same week that Israel's bombing hospitals and we're just like, oh, rubber room, they're trying to make us insane.
Starting point is 00:28:47 actually be a very like strange irony to look back on in like three or four hundred years to be like it really is wild to have these two wars sort of consecutively linked to each other right where like you have russia you know in the way that they have painted them like you've got israel doing the basically the crimes that they have accused russia of doing and which i assume russia has done and in the way they've painted ukraine and again i'm making a trite point here but in the way they've painted ukraine for that to basically be kind of like what's going on with gaza it's like can you ask for a better historical sort of irony to have those two things in such close temporal proximity like right back to back with each other right that's crazy and really just it is just laying bare like the sort of hollowness of all the things we consider values yeah right Yeah, right, right, right. It's very weird. It's I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:47 So Ukraine's commander, General Valery Zaluzhny, recently admitted to The Economist that he was wrong to believe that he could stop the Russian onslaught by inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders. But even though U.S. intelligence estimates that 315,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded, Putin keeps on attacking. So, too, Israeli commanders are mistaken if they think inflicting pain and suffering on Palestinian civilians will lead Hamas to stop fighting. This is known to intelligence analysts as mirror imaging, and it's a critical mistake to avoid.
Starting point is 00:30:20 What do you know about mirror imaging, dawg? I've never heard this term. You never heard that term? Mm- dog? I've never heard this term. You never heard that term? Mm-mm. I've never heard it either. Except for when I'm compared to Robert Pattinson. But in the military context, I don't know. It's got something to do with it.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's a term intelligence analysts use for assuming that your opponents will act and think as you would. Oh, Dan, that's that's some Beth Dutton shit, man. Yeah. She's like. Have you got to the part where they try to blow Beth up yet? No. Oh, Dan, never mind. Doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Dude, you could spoil it. I don't give a shit. It's like I mostly just watch for the reason every other american watches and that's the horses i just watch for the horse yeah i just think it's cool they do those show ponies and they slide them and stuff i think that's tight um general james e rainey commander of the U.S. Army Futures Command. What is the fucking U.S. Army Futures Command? I don't like the sound of that. Army Futures Command.
Starting point is 00:31:32 United States command that runs modernization projects. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas. What? What is that? Man, I'm just going to have to tell you something. There's some unholy things going on at your alma mater and thereabouts. Is it true? I mean, really a cursed place. It really is. I'm just going to have to tell you something. There's some unholy things going on at your alma mater and thereabouts. Truly. I mean, really a cursed place.
Starting point is 00:31:48 It really is. I mean, Army Futures Command was established by Secretary of the Army Mark Esper in 2018 to improve Army acquisition by creating better requirements and reducing the time to develop a system to meet them. Okay. creating better requirements and reducing the time to develop a system to meet them okay so i guess it's just like buying their motto is forge the future and their insignia is an anvil dog you can't have an anvil as your it's like looney tune shit yeah it's like what kind of acne what are you what are you just going around uh yeah dropping pianos on people and their teeth are keys like what's going on what's what are the weapons of modern warfare painting
Starting point is 00:32:29 painting black holes on the side of mountains with roads going uh-huh they're bombing isis forces in iraq iraq and like they drop an anvil and it goes into the ground and stretches the ground into the hole. Right. Yeah. Yeah. They're pushing their enemies off a cliff and it's like 30 seconds before they realize nothing's underneath them. Blah, blah, blah. Attacking is particularly hard to do in cities where buildings offer cover for defenders and civilians are in line of fire ukraine has seen a series of bloody battles waged in and around mariupol now in the gaza strip israeli forces are fighting simultaneously
Starting point is 00:33:15 in two major urban areas gaza city and conunis where hamas's vast tunnel network presents another threat dimension given that about 68 of the world's population will be living in cities by 2050 it's vitally important to master what the u.s military calls mout military operations on urbanized terrain now i guess you could think that if you were uh anyone other than john dutton fucking and john dutton will continue to wage his warfare and sticks that's right there's you know like john dutton's like main adversary in like the season one like that developer who wants to make that shit so he diverts his river he's got a line in in the first episode that's like cities are the sunset of civilization yeah Yeah. Did you catch that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Dutton's got a slightly different take on the situation. Uh-huh. Yeah. Well, like, Dutton... Like, that's the thing. It positions him... Jesus, this episode is turning into a Yellowstone episode. It positions him between the developer
Starting point is 00:34:22 who is progress in the future and Thomas Rainwater, who is the in the future and thomas rainwater who is the past the past gonna catch up with them and duncan's got a decision to make yeah and is he going to embrace modernity or is he going to turn to the past i mean that's the that's the thing it's and like he enlists his son to like run for attorney general or like his son wants to run for Attorney General. I mean that. Which is funny because it's a very liberal impulse.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Uh-huh. I'm going to need you to take the reins of power so we can stay in power. That's a good John Dutton, dude. It's almost like it's almost like it's almost like um uh yeah it's almost like talking like christian bell's batman yeah dude do you ever answer me
Starting point is 00:35:15 this and you can spoil this for me another taylor sheridan trope is the flashback like in wind river there's a flashback right at the moment like taylor sheridan has to give you flashbacks to tell you like why the scene you're about to see is important does this all the time and um it's all throughout yellowstone like and in all the flashbacks of john dutton in his 30s he's got a mustache do we ever find out what traumatic event made him finally shave the mustache? Oh, yeah. Yeah, like young John Dutton kind of looks like... Yeah, he does look kind of wild, doesn't he? Why does he got a mustache and he lost it?
Starting point is 00:35:55 What the fuck? Nah, a mustache is something you ride on out, you know? Yeah. Unless you're, you know, one of today's boys and you just have a little crusty one just to. Yeah, dude. Just because I know I know a guy pushing 80 who's had a mustache for 50 years. You you once you get a mustache, you got to be about that life. You have to be about that life.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Right. Yeah. If you're wearing one now, I don't want you to abandon it when it's not cool anymore. Tom Selleck never abandoned it. That's right, dude. Exactly. You cool anymore tom selick never abandoned it that's right dude exactly you know burt reynolds never abandoned it this is the kind of coward john dutton is he fucking shaved his mustache like a little bitch already shows lack of conviction honestly another lesson taught in ukraine and reinforced in gaza is that we must engage and
Starting point is 00:36:41 win the information war said retired u.s navy admiral james stavritis a former supreme allied commander of europe told me what the fuck man what a boy this means dominating the news cycle producing compelling visual content think tiktok style video and putting forward competent believable spokesman you guys are doing great at that keep it up you're doing fucking john curvey you're doing great you guys are doing just fine fucking jesus christ i like how that the military apparatus is just so weird now like there's all these new agencies popping up like it used to be basically just the navy the army the, the Air Force, right? And like the Coast Guard sort of loosely tied to it, you know, in the same way.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Mm-hmm. Now you've got Space Force. Now you've got this new, the Anvil thing. The Anvil. The Anvil. And it popped up in 2018. Popped up under Trump. Two years into Trump.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I know. You know? Just like, yeah, serve my country. Like, where'd'd you were you in the shit did you see combat nah i was pushing anvils out of the back of a b-24 bomb yeah no i was i was more focused on the future also another thing is how you're gonna have like a the future of combat agency or whatever the fuck it's called when you're living in a country with no goddamn future.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Living for the moment. Living for the weekend. Yeah, they need to retitle this the today's combat. You know. Ukraine has done a better job of information
Starting point is 00:38:24 operations than Israel because it has a better story to tell it is the victim of unprovoked aggression and it is not killing russian civilians the civilian go ahead um the civilian death toll israel is the victim of unprovoked aggression and it is not killing russians this is such a confusing statement because i don't know if it's talking about israel and ukraine anyways maybe he was drunk with real days i another thing israel man israel's not killed the first russian i don't know what the fuck they're talking about israel's out here killing all these russians oceans they go okay max um uh the civilian death toll is entirely on ukraine's side helping to
Starting point is 00:39:10 generate popular sympathy for its cause by contrast hamas uses palestinians as human shields making it inevitable dude it is wild that um because here's the thing it is wild to see again i'm not pointing out anything nobody hasn't already pointed out that we haven't already noticed. But like they have to explain why it's OK to kill 20,000 people. Right. Because they see a child get killed and buried in rubble. And they're like, oh, that's bad. A child shouldn't be killed.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Oh, it's because Hamas used them as. Yeah. Oh, that's right. That's right hamas used them as he yeah oh that's right that's right they used them they saw the what do they ever stop to ask why like the israeli bombs are like raining down and then they're just like hey go grab me go grab me a seven-year-old right so i could shield myself from this bomb right so what the fuck are y'all talking about grow up also how would that work i don't know man the human shields thing is completely it's asinine on its face it's asinine right but it's also like reading this that the same week that there was um there emerged a few days ago video and photos
Starting point is 00:40:20 of palestinians that had been rounded up and i think like taken to like a stadium or something and there was fucking children in those photos and videos and i mean i don't know it's just like uh yeah i don't i don't see how i don't see anybody being used as a human shield here i just see like children being abducted and taken from their families like israel is using palestinians as human shields literally yeah anyways i'm done i'm done reading fucking max boot the boot das boot i'm done reading das boot um i wanted to read another article from Ross Duthat because it was about the Colorado Supreme Court ruling, which we discussed a little bit on the last Patreon app. But I wanted to dig in a little bit because Ross has got a counterfactual. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:41:24 He came to a fucking counterfactual. He came to the Christmas dinner. Everyone's like, hey, I brought the dressing. Like, hey, I brought the turkey. Ross is like, hey, I brought a counterfactual. Everybody's interested. Just something to chew on here. Just something to chew on.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Ross writes, okay, the title of this is the anti-democratic quest to save democracy from trump let's consider a counterfactual in the autumn of 2006 god you weren't lying right out of the gate in the autumn of 2016 with american liberalism reeling from the election of donald trump a shattered hillary clinton embraces the effort to pin all the blame on Vladimir Putin. She barnstorms the country, arguing that the election was fundamentally illegitimate because of foreign interference. She endorses every attempt to prove that Russian disinformation warped the result. She touts conspiracy theories that supposedly prove that voting machines in Wisconsin were hacked. She argues that her opponent should not be allowed to take office,
Starting point is 00:42:27 that he's a possible Manchurian candidate, a Russian's cat paw. And she urges Democrats in Congress and Vice President Joe Biden to refuse to certify the election, suggesting that it could somehow be rerun or even that patriotic legislators could use their constitutional authority to make her the popular vote winner. What did she say about my uncle rerun? The reruns of manchurian canada he's a hamilton elector is what it is hey brother i ain't voting for no joe biden it's the will of the people rerun you have to
Starting point is 00:43:00 i refuse brother You have to. I refuse, brother. Her crusade summons up a mass movement, youthful, multiracial, and left-wing. On January 6, 2017, a crowd descends on the National Mall to demand that Trump the traitor be denied the White House. Clinton stirs them up with an angry speech, and protesters attack and overwhelm the Capitol Police and surge into the Capitol, where one is shot by a police officer and the rest mill around for a while and finally disperse.
Starting point is 00:43:31 The election is still certified. Trump becomes president two weeks later, but he is ineffective and unpopular, and it looks as though Clinton, who is still denying his legitimacy, will be the Democratic nominee again, at which point right-wing legal advocacy groups announce an effort to have her removed from primary ballots um following the guidance of originalist scholars who argue that under the 14th amendment she has betrayed her senatorial oath by fomenting insurrection and is ineligible to hold political office is she okay before we go any further let me stop here here's here's he comes says, listen, put the shoe on the other foot for a second. I think it should be a writing, I'm sure this is like in the fucking annals of rhetoric or something. Maybe this is a straw man or a fucking something like that. But like, I feel like if you're gonna write something
Starting point is 00:44:26 you cannot pick a counterfactual or a hypothetical scenario that would never ever ever in a million fucking years happen like you might as well open up with something that's like let's do a counterfactual imagine gandhi strapped on a suicide vest and blew up 30 000 people in a shopping mall or something it's like yeah wouldn't be so wavy gravy then would it imagine martin luther king gunned down 30 people at a at the washington monument it's like you can't pick a counterfactual that would never in a million years happen and never in a million years would a democratic nominee try to decertify election results like i mean case in point hillary clinton did win that election right by like the fucking popular vote yeah it's like they and they didn't do shit like they you
Starting point is 00:45:28 can already see their assholes tightening up about that colorado supreme court decision like they don't want it they're like no no no no no no no that looks like winning no no no no no no no like they you don't understand we just want to raise money and hang out with famous people like they don't want and especially they don't want to win if it's like done by any quote-unquote anti-democratic maneuverings or whatever all right which i don't care about honestly the longer i live the older i get the less of a democrat small d democrat i get the more of an authoritarian i become like i don't fucking care man all right like i i'm under no illusions as to what is happening to this country. It's already fucking going down the tubes, man.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Well, just go somewhere with a group of people and try to get 10 opinions on what we should do for dinner. You know what I mean? Like, it's best just to have somebody just take the reins. Just someone tell... People need to be told what to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:48 People don't need a lot of choices, they need the right choices. Yeah. You know? I mean, this is the thing, like, I would relish the opportunity to be supreme leader. Like, I would love that.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Oh, man. It'd be a good job for me. I couldn't be trusted. It'd be too good job for me. I couldn't be trusted. It'd be too much pressure? Or you would make some fucked up decisions? No, I can make some decisions. I would just be like, I would get bogged down in minutia. Mm.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You know, that's where I'd get. I would just want to be like, you know these people that are like, man, they wouldn't want me to be president. I'd go in there and clean house, day one. I'd fire them all, you know these people they're like man they wouldn't want me to be president i'd go in there and clean house day one i'd fire them all you know i got that part down pat it'd be just what you do afterward that's you know that's that this is the thing tom i have a fucking solution for that what's that you just shoot everybody just fucking shoot them all. They don't have to deal with the future or anything. I like how in the Russian Revolution, in the Bolshevik Revolution, the Bolsheviks inherited the Tsars.
Starting point is 00:47:57 They were under house arrest, and they basically inherited it from the Kerensky government, from the liberal government. And it just became this question for a long time. What do we fucking do with the Tsars, man? Like, the Romanovs. Like, what are we going to do? And then finally Lennon was like, just go fucking shoot them, man. Fuck. I don't know what else to do.
Starting point is 00:48:16 We just got to get rid of this problem. Just go shoot them. In Ethiopia, they let Haile Selassie live in his, you know, like some of his royal quarters with his big cats or something. Oh, yeah? That's a little on the nice side. That is on the nice side. How you handle it is how you handle it.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Right. You can shoot them, shoot them. If you want to let them just hang out and feel like a special boy with their big cats, do that too. Whatever. We could do that. Fire all of them and then give them big cats. Yeah, do that too. Yeah. Whatever. We could do that. Fire all of them and then give them big cats. Yeah. Here's what we do.
Starting point is 00:48:51 We don't shoot anybody. We just put them as like the handlers of big cats because one of two things is going to happen. Either you're going to see some powerful,
Starting point is 00:48:59 beautiful, interspecies friendships blossom or they're going to be eaten and that takes care of your problem too either way it's an inspirational story yeah either way it's great you just have you just imagine the arab spring hit and instead of putting hosni Mubarak in tennis jail, now he's rehabbing a Bengal tiger with a hurt paw. Maybe he gets eaten. Maybe it grows old and big enough to eat him.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Maybe it's a powerful friendship that blossoms. And that's either way. Either way, friends. Either way. It just speaks to the power of the human spirit. Oh, man. Great. Great solution. oh man great great uh solution um no doubt some some readers firm in the consistency required by
Starting point is 00:49:52 the current effort to remove trump from the 24 presidential ballot will bite the bullet and say that in this hypothetical scenario yes she is i forgot what she is. She's betrayed her, oh, senatorial oath by fomenting insurrection and is ineligible to hold office. Others will pick apart my attempted parallel. Well, Ross, why'd you pick that parallel then? If you didn't want us to pick it apart. Yes, smarty britches. Insisting, say that it makes all the difference that Russia's interference efforts were real, whereas the voter fraud claimed by Trump was not, or arguing that Trump's conspiracy was more comprehensive
Starting point is 00:50:30 than what I've just described. My view is that you can construct the analogy any way you like. Again, Ross, it doesn't work like that. You gave us the analogy. Walk it out, coward. Yeah. Don't bring a counterfactual to dinner if you don't want to serve it up. Don't bring us a counterfactual to dinner.
Starting point is 00:50:51 We're going to have to stick back in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 more minutes, okay? Had Clinton explicitly tried to induce Congress to overturn the result of the 2016 race and had a left-wing protest on her behalf turned into a certification disrupting riot almost none of the people currently insisting that we need to take the challenge dude the funniest thing about this is that like if she had done that right if she had done that which okay let's say let's do our own kind of factual the pussy hat march which was like the largest protest in like fucking world history or some shit.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Imagine it went south and they fucking, the Pussyhat Riot, like they stormed the barricades at fucking Congress and installed God Queen Hillary as president. Technically, they would be fully within their rights of doing so because she fucking won the popular vote. Right. It's like, dude, I mean, again, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. So and I don't fuck. She's stupid as fuck anyways. In fact, I punched one in for Trump on a on a on a jay on a lark. The funny thing about this stuff, dude, like it's like the people saying like if you don't vote for trump or biden it's a vote for trump and i like get defensive and i'm like well fuck you and then i forgot like i've kind of given myself amnesia man like i've only voted for a democrat like once in my life in a presidential election that was 2020 i voted for biden just because it
Starting point is 00:52:23 was like the fucking pandemic and it's like well trump is not really handling this well and i don't know i don't know you you you you kind of graded trump's performance and gave him a c plus and decided that you couldn't abide that yeah i don't know why i was just at the fucking gym where the voting polls were, and so I was like, I'll go plug one for Biden. But it's the only time. Every other election I've voted for, like, Green Party bullshit, like fucking Jill Stein or Nader or some shit.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah. Anyways. What was I? Okay. Almost none of the people currently insisting that we need to take the challenge to trump's ballot access very seriously would be saying the same about a challenge to her eligibility instead they would be accusing that challenge of being incipiently authoritarian a right-wing attack on our secret democracy and they would have a point removing an opposition candidate from the ballot, indeed, a candidate
Starting point is 00:53:25 currently leading in some polling averages, pending the economic boom of 2024 that we can all hope is coming, through the exercise of judicial power is a remarkably anti-democratic act. It is more anti-democratic than impeachment because the impeachers and convictors are themselves democratically elected, he's talking about the representatives and senators. And subject to swift democratic punishment. It is more anti-democratic than putting an opposition politician on trial because the voters who regard that trial as illegitimate
Starting point is 00:53:54 are still allowed to vote for an indicted or convicted politician, as almost a million Americans did for Eugene V. Debs in 1920. You know, I mean, we wouldn't even be having this conversation if Trump had just locked her up, man. Why the fuck didn't he just do that? That's true.
Starting point is 00:54:13 That's true. Remember when he says, no, we don't want to do that. We don't care about that anymore, do we? Isn't it crazy that a million people voted for Eugene V. Debs in 1920? That's so tight. That's pretty good voter turnout, especially for a man in jail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 At the time. Sometimes the rules of a republic require doing anti-democratic things. But if the rule you claim to be invoking treats January 6th as the same kind of event as the secession of the Confederacy, consider the possibility that you have taken the tropes of anti confederacy consider that possibility the possibility that you have taken the tropes of anti-trump punditry too literally okay now we get an interesting thing from ross is january 6th akin to the firing on what's the fort sumter by south carolina by the secession of the states is this treason in the highest uh regard or order is this treason like how are we treating it all you know what i mean like i feel like history moved a lot slower
Starting point is 00:55:18 back then like you have these events and then sometimes like something happens two years later uh-huh like if they're if you know if you know there's this new movie civil war coming out and all this kind of stuff that's showing the you know america is divided and here's what's going to happen if it doesn't keep going right well we read in the history books or just on a pdf on a screen one day that the opening salvo of the civil war was in fact j6 uh-huh you're right you're right like we don't know that for a fact it could be man yeah i mean the thing is we'll never have a civil war in this country like the first one because the political economy of the south was confined to the south the political economy of the north was confined to the South.
Starting point is 00:56:05 The political economy of the North was confined to the North. It really was kind of about sectionalism. You know what I mean? Like two modes of production going to war. This is about memes. This is about memes. And largely how our brains have been
Starting point is 00:56:22 molded by our content, our consumption choices. Also, let me just tell you this. Just, you know. Every hot you have against your fellow man is completely made up. Right, exactly. And you'll realize that once you get on the battlefield. You're getting shot at.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Yeah. Look, I've been shot at. Not intentionally. I don't think somebody was shooting at me because they intentionally knew i terrence ray was there and i needed to die however i have it ruled out though i can't rule it out i did hear bullets whizzing by and so you you rethink some stuff in that moment one of which if you're in the Civil War, you'll be thinking like, do I really want to get fucking killed for a meme? Am I really mad at all those guys
Starting point is 00:57:09 like just really scared of dying that take their AVI pictures with a seatbelt on and try to save their car, you know? And also, here's the thing, just to drive the point home from what we were saying a minute ago. People in America can't take orders. They won't take orders. To have a a civil war you have to have an army and like no one is taking fucking orders from anybody i'm an individual
Starting point is 00:57:33 motherfucker i'm unique yeah that's the that's like sort of the grand thing like we always talk about individualism as like as like an impediment to like collective or mass action or whatever you want to call it and that's true but it's also an impediment to like all these like militia fantasies that all these fucking losers have i mean the right wingers are just as afflicted maybe even more so than the left is about this yeah you know what i'm saying like having to be a unique little butterfly fucking snowflake like they're not gonna fucking take orders from somebody who doesn't who doesn't like verify and validate their entire life experience from beginning to end that's not fucking happening trust me if someone's trauma is not acknowledged on the battlefield they're fucking walking away and i think the right winger is even worse about this than the left wingers so like no civil war there's no civil war coming i mean there is coming but
Starting point is 00:58:31 it's going to be far more banal than we even think i mean what our our theory on this for a long time now is that the civil war is already here it's just every individual against 350 million other individuals right it's like everybody is at war everybody's an army of one essentially in this civil war that's what you don't understand man yeah uh-huh and that for that reason we will continue having sometimes it's three against 30 or 50 million if you've got a wife and her boyfriend but yeah well that's because that's and this is why there's so many school shootings people are politicized towards terrorism but like they can't actually work in coordination with anybody else so it's like if if we were actually to have a civil war on like those
Starting point is 00:59:17 military terms you would see people building bombs in their basements and like strategically detonating them all stuff that requires a team of probably six to a dozen to two dozen people say what you want about the hamas boys but they had they were a well-oiled machine when they were making those sniper rifles absolutely that video teamwork makes the dream work still exactly can we talk about the quicker we learn this the quicker we can get into a civil war really get things popping like can we talk about the videos the al-qassam videos man jesus those are like that i mean the cut scenes right like the fucking editing on those things it's a cinema first of all it's a stab set yeah dude it'll it'll zoom in it'll zoom in on a portrait of someone
Starting point is 01:00:08 and recompose the next image as like a building or something it's like straight up hitchcock shit it's like really incredible like did you see the one that they shot from the backup rear view mirror camera on the back of a car no yeah man they use the camera dude come on that's like steven soderbergh shit they use the camera on the back of a car that you use for like backing up like a backup cam yeah they use that to like shoot film one of those fucking videos no shit dude that is ingenuity i'm telling you man just like breaking ground cinematic grounds is like really and it makes sense right because like movies suck now and they're just gonna keep getting worse anyway so yeah this is it yeah uh anyways sorry that was a tangent but But the term insurrection,
Starting point is 01:01:06 New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait wrote on Wednesday, is a defensible shorthand for January 6th, but it's not the most precise term because while Trump attempted to secure an unelected second term in office, he was not trying to seize and hold the Capitol nor declare a breakaway republic. I thought that these assholes were calling it
Starting point is 01:01:23 an insurrection or a coup, right? Am I losing my mind the rallying cry was stop the steal uh-huh they were trying to steal the election from them right i mean which is is that walks like a coup and talks like a coup you know and how realistic it was is you know whatever. Right. I think in their heart of hearts, they thought that they were just going to kick their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk and then just kind of stay there. Well, I think what we found so funny about it, right, like the comedic, the comedy that we mined from it at the time was that, like, it was funny
Starting point is 01:02:00 because it was never, ever going to be successful. Even if they murdered everyone in Congress, there's still got to be some deep military state that would step in and be like... The kind of funny thing about it was they actually probably could have made it happen. They got further than anybody else. The dumbest people alive got further than anybody else.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Seriously, if you're wrestling with self-doubt or thinking like oh my life is for nothing i'll never accomplish anything people should take note of etc just know that a guy wearing a viking helmet that painted himself up like really and truly could have maybe murdered nancy pelosi if he would have just had a little you know what i mean or whoever you know well i think that like what was funny was that it was totally uncoordinated and like sort of spur of the moment right it was like yes trump did tell them to go there he did encourage them to do it and if you're asking me which like i again don't really care i've already made terms with again see the patreon episode from a few days ago i've made
Starting point is 01:03:12 terms with my eventual death in a concentration camp however i'm just saying that like by their own definitions and norms and standards like it seems pretty clear to me that Trump, even if he didn't like have like battle plans drawn up and like formations and like fucking phalanxes and everything detailed plans, they still tried to do something that would like, yes. In any other country would look pretty much like a coup. Would look like a coup.
Starting point is 01:03:42 It's like, and it was comical because these people are fucking idiots however i do think it basically invalidates your but again fucking hillary clinton murdered how many fucking people across the world during her tenure at secretary of state fucking president obama running for a second term after all the shit he did in his first all these people are war criminals and don't have a fucking who should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power like if we're talking just strictly in ethicist terms right none of them are fit for office right from a moral perspective that's exactly right they're all trump is probably honest honestly the least of those
Starting point is 01:04:20 dude trump we forget bush launched the invasion of iraq in his first term that means he got elected in a second term with already like a hundred thousand bodies on his hands not to mention the three thousand people he killed in the towers yeah like we forget bush was only present for like a year when all that really went down nine months not even yeah nine months i guess yeah so it's like yes by yes by those standards right like no none of these people should be allowed anywhere fucking near the levers of power right however like if trump is the unique threat that you say he is and i do lend some credence to that idea then you take the fucking dub just fucking let him i don't i could be wrong as i raised on the patreon it could make
Starting point is 01:05:14 him into an underdog trying to force him out this way they should have done this three years ago but like if the courts say he can't run just fucking go along with it man don't be so broad-minded you can't even take the fucking dub yeah don't cut your nose off to spot your face it would be funny if he did try to declare a breakaway republic though as chate pointed out what would that look like i don't know that's the thing about america it's why like a heart a civil war is hard to conceptualize because it's like other than like some states in the south i guess it's you know a breakaway republic would not would not include dc it would include what fucking texas florida louisiana alabama mississippi georgia fucking tennessee
Starting point is 01:06:07 i mean it'd be like some of those classic those classic southern states we all know and love but i don't think it would really work because like it would be like if in 2023 the entire economy the entire political economy of every state in the south was run on coal mining and the entire political economy of every state in the north in the west was run on renewable energy so it's like that's how you get the ideological buy-in that actually you know puts those two military forces together that's not really possible now because like you have red states but you have like nashville you have atlanta you have fucking jackson mississippi you've got like these pockets where like there's not it doesn't cleanly fall
Starting point is 01:06:59 on these like sectionalist lines of the first civil war so it's not really going... You can't declare a breakaway republic, I guess. Without incurring some serious, serious civil unrest or... It wouldn't be ethnic cleansing. It would be some sort of mass population transfers.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah. I don't know. Taylor Sheridan should do a civil war show uh show yeah they should have tabbed him to direct this civil war movie yeah yeah it'd be like ranchers against like it'd be like ranchers and bikers because this is the only way he sees america right he doesn't see republicans and democrats he sees like ranchers bikers um mobsters which are bikers um he sees uh like uh federal he sees white criminality he sees white that's kind of the main thing he's preoccupied with and and the encroachment on white criminality,
Starting point is 01:08:05 which is like keeps the social order with brown and black criminality. Uh-huh. You know what I mean? Like just go watch Sons of Anarchy, you know, when the Mayans show up or the, what's the black street gang? So is it in his conception that like white gangsters are superior to black gangsters? Yeah, yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:08:28 I mean, because look, look at the backers in South America. They're like cool. You know what I mean? All these other people are like kind of like cowboys and barbarians. You know what I mean? Oh, not literal cowboys, cowboys in the sense they're reckless and whatever. But he does. But the white gangsters are the calculating like smart.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Okay. You know what i mean i see i guess i think with yellowstone where it's like it's funny because that shows like at first you're like oh john dutton is running a criminal syndicate through this and he also like like has some like standing with like the law enforcement community because he's like a land what is land yeah like a land officer and uh but it's like but it's like but that doesn't like kind of hold because in the later seasons like you just see them like at like a like a barn dance while tyler childers is playing in the background or something. You know what I mean? And they're just having fun.
Starting point is 01:09:31 There's something that happens with Sons of Anarchy and Yellowstone. I've never seen another show where it gets a little goofy. It buys into its own mythology. Well, also, too, they'll just be having fun. You know what I mean? It'll just cut to these like very serious hardened criminals and then they'll try to humanize them by like showing them like getting in a water balloon fight or something you know what i mean and then like halfway through the water balloon fight you'll hear some gunshots ringing out and it's like some mexican bikers like stole a kid and they got to go get like the one of the white guys kids back off the brown horde you know
Starting point is 01:10:07 you're right and they end up cutting the deal and all being friends or they end up getting like this crazy revenge you know well it posits a fleeting american experience that is like a constant threat of being driven out of existence yeah right and that's why they're allowed to have like the picnic with the water balloon fight it's like yeah you would normally just be ordinarily good people however it's all these other forces in the world that are making us do bad things yeah right yeah it is it is sort of the chuds version of uh if hillary would have won we'd all be at brunch right now it's like if if if we had our way,
Starting point is 01:10:46 even hardened criminals could have tickle fights with each other. Do you think he's a – do you think Taylor Sheridan's a MAGA guy? No, no, no, no. He's for sure not a MAGA guy. He is probably a guy that is probably – he's not a liberal. He's not MAGA.
Starting point is 01:11:04 He's probably Rogan-esque i would guess yeah i was gonna say like die hard it seems like in 2008 there was a kind of like left populism like jim hightower type shit remember jim hightower yeah the hightower report yeah yeah like that's kind of like his deal like he's like not he's he's not leftist. I don't mean that way. He's to the right of that for sure. Right. But he's not mad guy. I think he probably, he probably fancies himself like a common sense guy.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Like he probably thinks Trump is bad, but he probably like agrees with much of the sentiment in Trump world about like the way the world's ran and how everything's upside down and all this stuff. But he probably thinks it's insane to vote for Trump. He instead thinks that we need a John Wayne character behind the helm. An old West law man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Okay. Well, you know, stay tuned. Watch this space as I continue watching this show and then maybe we'll have a deeper dive into it. And keep that in mind. Let me just finish these last two paragraphs from Ross. This concession prompted Howes of Online, the concession, oh yeah, Chait's concession,
Starting point is 01:12:17 prompted Howes of Online derision from his left-wing critics, but Chait is obviously crashingly correct. Terrible adverb, Ross. Crashingly? Come on. critics but shait is obviously crashingly correct terrible adverb ross crashingly come on there are arguments about precedent and implementation that tell against the case for trump's ineligibility and prudential arguments about the wisdom of suppressing populist fervor for by judicial fiat but the most important point is that there are many things a politician can do to subvert a democratic outcome all of them impeachable and some of them potentially illegal,
Starting point is 01:12:46 that are simply not equivalent to military rebellion, even if a bunch of protesters and rioters get involved. To insist otherwise, I mean, I don't know, man. Like, if you tell them to do that, though, right? Like, again, I'm not trying to, like, litigate this or adjudicate it from a liberal perspective or even a leftist perspective but like trump basically told him to do that he was basically telling them to like string mike pence up by
Starting point is 01:13:13 like i mean could you imagine if they had succeeded in that that would have been hilarious yeah they just fucking like strangle mike pence man we could have got something out of this ordeal yeah like would have been hilarious if trump would have just had his vice president murk like on his way out the door to insist otherwise in the supposed service of the constitution is to demonstrate yet again that too many would-be saviors of our republic would cut a great road through reason and good sense if they could only be assured of finally getting rid of Donald Trump. See, to me, I think honestly the opposite. I really don't think that like what you're raising here, Ross, is of any concern. I really don't think so. I really don't
Starting point is 01:13:58 think that like any of these libs, they don't have the fucking juice man no one has the will to power there is no lenin-esque like impulse in any of these people like the moment they see it's expedient for them to fucking cut bait and get the fuck out they will they're not gonna fucking do anything to impede trump like i i just think that like they it makes for good column space in december 2023 but like when rubber meets the road like they're not gonna do shit that's exactly right i i want to live in some fucking banana republic shit like fucking take his ass out and like execute him on tv like chow chesky or whatever dude it would be so sick if they gave him a Columbia necktie. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I want to see something like that. I actually want to live in a world where if there's disapproval, we violently remove people. Or send them to a big cat sanctuary. Learn the law of the jungle real quick. Or you don't and it's beautiful and everybody
Starting point is 01:15:08 wins i just keep coming back to like the pussy hat march and it's like i mean the vast majority of liberals in this country which i assume to be the vast majority of politically active people they're i'd say they're both mostly liberals i think they outnumber at this point conservatives like the whole reason that they stormed the fucking capitol building in the first place was because they realized that they're outnumbered conservatives they realize that they are an ever dwindling shrinking uh portion of the population that's why you have that's why you see them rigging the judiciary and doing all this other stuff uh but like the liberals don't have any will or imagination to use their majority right right right right and so that's why i don't think
Starting point is 01:16:01 that this is anything to even really make hay about. Because what they want to do is they want to use their will and majority to like, you know, have a ten thousand dollar plate dinner with like, you know. Yeah. Mark Ruffalo or whoever. Well, you see this like on the immigration issue, like there was a big story in The New York Times this morning about like these immigration immigration like these caravans coming up from central america and how like the biden administration hasn't done anything about it and they haven't done anything about it because the minute that they do they lose another thing to run on same thing with dobbs i mean we're making a trite point here. However, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't make any sense, really, to get bogged down into the weeds. I'm like, is this breaking precedent? Is this setting bad precedent?
Starting point is 01:16:54 What's this going to... Dog, there's no precedent. There's no future. You can't set precedent for a future that will not... You know what I'm saying? This country has no future this country's good three ways to sunday wake up yeah at least in its current form maybe we can have some sort of like oh there will be a few there will be a future in a sense but what that
Starting point is 01:17:17 looks like i think is an open question but in terms of what we have known it to be that's done well it it has to go through it has to go through some sort of like what's the transmutation right in the same in the same way that like the roman republic had to sort of like go through this like mr smith level transformation into the roman empire or or the sort of like marxist mcm prime circuit to like transform money into capital back into you know money prime like it has to go through some sort of transmutation process right or in the same way that like how we slew down the soviet union and then raise them up using like necromancy from the grave and turn them into like the Russian Federation. You know what I mean? Like you are our enemies.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Now you're our allies. But now they're fucking our enemies again because we can't keep the lid on that. America will have to go through some sort of like portal or transfer transmutation where we become. We're still America. But like there's something that's like substantively different right yeah turning water into wine or in this case it's like turning hay into fucking shit into chicken salad there you go that chicken shit into chicken salad oh man That chicken shit and the chicken salad. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:18:47 All right. Well, I think that's probably a good note to end on. Thanks for listening this week, everybody. If you'd like to go hear more of our show, please go check us out on Patreon. Our most recent Patreon episode is a banger, if I do say so myself. You've got me interested to know what Jim Hightower's up to these days.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah, what is he doing these days? Is he still alive? I don't know. Like, that's a name I have not heard in a long time, not even thought of in a long time. He's still alive, age 80. Former commissioner of ag in Texas. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Succeeded by Rick Perry. When Rick Perry was still a Democrat. Jim Hightower's lowdown. You can subscribe and get two newsletters a week. Oh, he's on Substack now. That makes sense. Okay. I mean, I just want to rebrand as a guy that wears a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 01:19:47 That's what Jim Hightower does. Jim Hightower probably doesn't even ride horses But he wears a cowboy hat Dude he's already got his January 23rd newsletter Is the Democrats a donkey in a baseball Uniform and he's missing a ground ball My grandpa wore a cowboy hat his whole life and I never saw him ride a horse once.
Starting point is 01:20:12 We're just dating for the fashion. Man, man. I might do it. I might start doing it. I wish you would rebrand as a cowboy hat guy. I would start doing it. I would start doing it. I'm going to start doing it.
Starting point is 01:20:27 That'd be so sick. Hell yeah. I might carry around a six shooter. Me and you should rebrand as truck. You should just go full bolo tie, cowboy hat, and boots, and I'll just wear a coon skin cap and overalls. Let's become archetypes, Tom. Yeah, and I'll just chew on straw all day.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Let's become archetypes, Tom. Yeah, and I'll just chew on straw all day. I mean, I used to work with this guy. Shout out Jack Sites. I don't think he would be embarrassed to be associated with me or to hear me re-quoting him on this podcast. But he told me one time, he's from West Virginia. And when we first met, I told him I was from New Virginia. And, and like when we first met, I told him I was from New Mexico and he was like,
Starting point is 01:21:08 I always remember this. He said, you, you, you Westerners, man, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:13 give you a hundred thousand acres and all you'll do is just spend it. You'll spend the, your whole life just mending fences. You give a hillbilly a hundred acres and they'll work every goddamn square inch of it. And I was like, man, that, that is, it is the truth. You give a hillbilly 100 acres and they'll work every goddamn square inch of it. That is true. And I was like, man, that is it is the truth. Yeah, you people do have an embarrassment of riches.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Yeah. Well, I mean, I was raised nowhere near a farm or a ranch. Though I'll have, you know, sir, I am no cowboy. though I'll have you know sir I am no cowboy okay go to the Patreon P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbilly Workers Party and please go support us like I said the most recent episode's a banger
Starting point is 01:21:56 and I think it's the last why did I do that did you hear that it's the high tower report that was a high tower the uh most recent episode i think will be the last patreon episode of the year most likely so or maybe not i don't know we'll see but anyways go to patreon and check it out regardless um i guess this will be the last free episode of the year. So, you know, do you want to hear our end of year takes, conclusions, whatever? Go to Patreon and maybe we can get some good.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I don't know. The only year we did an end of year wrap up was 2020 because that was like a momentous year in human history right like we had to that year 2024 might be as well but for like all the wrong reasons okay anyways please go check out our patreon and
Starting point is 01:23:03 we will see you next time thanks for listening everybody peace out

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