Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 336: Bloodied And Sometimes Nude

Episode Date: March 29, 2024

This week we wrote some essays Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 there really are people in this world who will die without having packed an ass with me to be fair i've never really had my ass kicked like not by the not young what what qualifies as an ass kicking like if you're on the ground getting oh you know you know you know if you've had your ass kicked I've been punched I've been thrown around that's not necessarily an ass kick that's not an ass kicking
Starting point is 00:00:31 an ass kicking is when you've exhausted all that you have and you come up bloodied and sometimes nude sometimes both like rags just nothing left in the tank nothing left no and you have to actually beg for mercy sometimes get on your knees oh yeah that makes sense i think i the mental image i have is like in a movie when someone's on the ground and someone kicks, they go, bah,
Starting point is 00:01:07 to your chest or your face. Yeah. Oh. And you, you know. Ah, man. One of the worst feelings in the world getting kicked in the face when you're down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I've had that happen. That has never happened to me. No, it's no surprise here, but I've had my ass kicked a few times. Oh, really? Yeah, I run my mouth a little too much sometimes. Well, me too, but generally I think that i've always thought of you as someone who could talk his way out of
Starting point is 00:01:31 pretty much anything i and that's generally true 85 of the time but that 15 of the time when my bluff's been calling oh i've been left bloodied nude guys this guy oh my god i never this guy chris birch at one time absolutely beat the hell we were good friends after he absolutely beat the hell out of me i had nothing i had nothing left in the tank let's go find him no no he's a good guy no he's fuck he's dead man he's a dead man he's dead man he's a dead man 60 rounds's a dead man. He's a dead man. He's a dead man. 60 rounds, motherfucker. Yeah, dude. Don't fuck with Tom 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:02:12 God. I don't even remember what it was about now. He's like a nice guy with like four kids and like a big house. He's an accountant. He like donates to charity and like volunteers with the food pantry. And you just call him breathing hard into the phone and say, you're a dead man, motherfucker. And I just go to his house.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And he's like, what? I pour gasoline on his lawn and light it all on fire. And his kids are like, get your fucking ass out of here. Get out of here if you don't want to meet your end. His house catches on fire and his whole family dies. And then it's a one last job kind of situation that's his john wick marion and he absolutely comes for you and it puts me in an awkward situation i'm like man hey i i told him you were good i tried to get him to stop told him we don't have beef anymore you don't understand like when he gets his mindset on something and there's just no stopping him it's
Starting point is 00:03:06 like yeah oh yeah he gets a little a little out there yeah so then he comes after me his methods are not subtle and then i become a good person and get four kids in a house and then he lights my house on fire and kills my family it's a never-ending cycle and i go after him and in the meantime he's become a good person and has worked. So you all alternate like who's John Wick at any given time.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You know what I mean? All the way into our 90s. Two guys that didn't know each other that actually still don't know each other and have just ruined each other's lives on multiple occasions.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Elderly men just like killing each other's families and telling the cops to stay out of it. Yeah, this is between us. Like, there's at least 20 people dead here. At the end of it, at the end of it, like, you know, like, any good story, some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends.
Starting point is 00:03:58 He's just like, you know, I didn't like my first wife that much anyway. Thank you. He's like, thank you. Yeah, he's like, I hated all those kids. They were Catholic. They wanted to be Catholic, and I wanted to be Baptist. I didn't want that. I didn't want it.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I didn't want that for them. So thank you. Yeah, so thank you. Thank you. But as you know, I was honor bound to kill you. I had to kill you. Come kill you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You know, that's what we'll do. Just 20 to 30 people caught in a crossfire. Women and children. Y'all share a hug, and then as your partner comes, you just pat your back. I say, well, buddy, if you need me to,
Starting point is 00:04:37 I'll come kill that new bitch of yours. And then he's like, I love my wife. I love this wife. And it just starts the cycle all over again. I'll try to get out of the cycle by marrying a guy and adopting four kids. Just constantly bringing new innocent people into this cycle of violence. You just go to the adoption agent and say, well, I've had a blood feud going on for six decades with a man that I married.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Sir, you're also 90 years old aren't you a little old to be adopted i've had to play they're not even listening you don't understand i've i've missed out on a lot of good years i need this give me these kids they're like blood feud okay all right she's like not even and you're a homosexual well now it's kind of a new thing i'm gay blood feud all right here you go sir here's your adoption papers they let me leave with 20 kids oh shit i've managed to keep like three of them alive while this guy kills he tries to i'm like congrats like You guys are the lucky three.
Starting point is 00:05:47 One is unaccounted for. You don't think they're dead, but you're not raising them. And it turns out that that guy's adopted him as his own, and he's turning him into a lean, mean killing machine that's going to come after you, too. So he's getting you from. That you're right. Now you got two blades you don't have to worry about. I know i know and i'm like i gave you a family and a home first i trained you let me wander off and
Starting point is 00:06:12 be adopted by this other by this other killer ungrateful little bastards it's the cops are just like man this is good stuff this is this is so fucked up that we're just gonna kind of stand back and watch and not they would do it dude i was i was talking to my brother the other night and he reminded me of something i totally forgot one of the funniest fucking things that ever happened to us when we were kids i must have been probably like 12 or something which means casein was probably like nine or so and we got our bikes stolen and like you know we weren't woke at that time so obviously like our parents called the cops and reported it
Starting point is 00:07:01 don't cancel me don't cancel me god called the cops on a simple bike anyways dude years we weren't about to get the time so we called the cops investigate this burglar dude years later like years after we hit like we're able to drive got cars of our own like we were we were like adults basically the cops brought the bikes back and they were like beat to shit they were like here are your bikes we found them you're like wait what like we were kids we're like yeah my i'm gonna be an uncle my brother my brother's got a baby on the way like dude i i was it's just hilarious just like they just were beat to fuck like just classic cop shit it's like what like what do you think led to that they were like man i gotta kill some time
Starting point is 00:07:59 the rays let's let's go let's go reopen the back the bike the bike and like it's a true detective sarge sarge that case has been cold for eight years we have no idea where the back piece well hear me out we'll just look at what models were missing and go replace them and just say hey we found them we gotta have something to do all right this seems relatively low risk carcosa it was like some some detective it's like tom is a flat circle tom is a bike wheel you go to some like just it's just like one of those weird arts installations it's just a bunch of stolen bikes and some sex pervert has just been stealing kids bikes for generations. Those two guys wind up killing
Starting point is 00:08:45 our entire family. So me and this guy have to team up. The guy that beat you up. We team up and go get these detectives. Kill our whole family just to return the bikes.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's a cycle of violence. Man. Just snake eating its tail. American story. That's an American story. That is. Speaking of American stories. Two hints.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I'll give you one. It don't matter if you're black or white. You can go to For that one. For that one. Speaking of American stories, I saw this story yesterday. Where is it at? Why can't I find it now?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Did I fucking... Do you ever do this? Do you open a tab and then wind up like... Let me tell you something. Long-time listeners of the show probably picked up on this, but I have brain fog to such a degree. It's kind of liberating in a way. Me too. But it's not partying well with my hearing loss.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I actually have to listen now. I can't just feign listening anymore. Oh, no, you mean... I have to actually have to listen now. I can't just feign listening anymore, you know? Oh, not you, man. I have to stay dialed in. And if I look at you like I'm looking into your soul. It's because I don't know what you're saying. It's because I'm trying to play catch up. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I read this story. Speaking of an American story, Beyonce's new album is out. do you feel about uh being wrong about everything that you what did i say but you said that that was gonna suck did i say that i don't know maybe you did i frankly i think it's pretty good i think it's pretty good yeah yeah i agree i mean like i here's the thing here's my thing i'm I'm up and down on Beyonce. I really liked the last album, The Renaissance, because I'm a little basic bitch.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I like anything with drums and bass. I like house music. Yeah, it had a little C&C Music Factory kind of vibe to it. Yeah, I love that shit. I did not like Lemonade. Didn't like it. I'm with you on that.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Lemonade, I didn't like. Couldn't get into it. It's not that I didn't like it. It's just... It's all right. I don't think Beyonce's ever put out put out yeah she's never put out stinker i'm with you it had some good songs but overall it just didn't yeah but i think uh i think this one's her best record i think really that's strong i'm strong it's not really a country record i mean i think that's just a lot of window dressing but i think it's just a solid yeah yeah i mean i think the window dressing is like we've established she
Starting point is 00:11:30 was trying to chase after the after the yellowstone yellowstone money yeah but you listen to it it's like okay this is not pandering like i thought it was going to be like this weird pandering there wasn't any characters on the album that used a family because the Islamic terrorists used them as human shields? Who was it? You said somebody took us to task because, oh, you're wrong about the title because it's a nod to the Carter family. You, friend, are shit fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's actually her legal married last name. I was like, what? Oh, man. No, dude. married last night like i was like what oh man no dude the maybe i'm sorry i shouldn't call you shit fucking stupid maybe it's a double entendre maybe it is wow don't waffle say what you mean say it with your chest commit motherfucker i don't know um there is a there is a uh there is a character on yellowstone though the kid who's slumming it who in a moment of vulnerable it actually comes back the the the story arc with him in season two is them you find out he killed an entire family in Iraq or Afghanistan or whatever because some piece of shit Islamic terrorist
Starting point is 00:12:50 used his family as human shields. And then he gets to redeem himself. Taylor Sheridan revisits that theme a little too frequently for comfort. He loves the human shield. The human shield is a really fascinating component of imperialist ideology because like if you really think about it like the concept is we all use them we all use human shield yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean i've used i use them every time i go to the bank i've
Starting point is 00:13:22 been a human shield i've been a human shield. I've been a human shield. Yeah. If you think about it, yeah, I've been a... I've deflected a lot of criticism in my day, physically, with my person, you know? Yeah, the concept of the human shield is basically like what we would be... When that guy kicked my... You know, the guy you're in the blood feud with? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess, in a sense, I was a human shield. You were a human shield.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Really protecting you, who I didn't even know yet at the time. I know. That's the way time works. That's why time is like a bike wheel. Time is like a bike chain. In the strictest sense, I was just a bulwark against your decades-long blood feud
Starting point is 00:13:56 that would come later. But at the same time, you are also the cause of it. That's dialectics. You were both bulwark and cause. You said you had nothing else to say yesterday. I don't. I don't have anything. There you are also the cause of it. That's dialectics. You were both bulwark and cause. You said you had nothing else to say yesterday. I don't. I don't have anything.
Starting point is 00:14:09 There you are. I have nothing else to say. I have nothing else to add. I just have American stories. I'll never run out of American stories. Oh, man. No, the Cowboy Carter album is like, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I know this is the story i was thinking of no it's not in the cut those are american stories yeah those are american stories yeah andrew huberman getting all the pussy the the that's a that's an american story optimizing all those women what did you say last night like if you wrote that story 15 years ago the spin would be like look at how cool this guy is yeah this would be it would not be that would in no wise be like a like a public harangue you just make him look like a really cool guy like every movie that was coming out van wilder yeah stuff all made that guy that guy was aspirational at one point well it the thing is is it's the subtext is and we all know this is true i'm just gonna say something that we all know deep down intuitively
Starting point is 00:15:17 to be true in the same sense that like economics is like i have fewer of these items therefore the value is increased it's just something that happens at an intuitive level. We don't know where that comes from. We all know that people who don't have sex are just better moral people. That is just the way it is. You think so? Yeah. It's like if I go through a long period without having sex, I'm like, I'm just a good person.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. No big deal. It's just my new thing. It's just my new thing. I pivoted from being lascivious'm just a good person. Yeah, it's no big deal. It's just my new thing. It's just my new thing. I pivoted from being lascivious to being a good person. That's the intuitive thing. Had to get the sex out. That's what was holding me back.
Starting point is 00:15:55 This is the thing, and this is the thing about the movie Poor Things. Oh, do you hear the Joe Diffie? The ghost agent. I love it. The radio. the oh do you hear the joe diffig the ghost i love it the radio the thing is is that movie for better or for worse people are like oh it's about a mentally handicapped that's not what the movie is about the movie is about how periods of uh let's how do you put it dry spells the opposite what's the opposite of a dry wet
Starting point is 00:16:26 spells yeah well you're having way too much just when you can't i mean you can't beat it off with a stick you can't those are when you are most likely to discover great profound truths about yourself really that's the message of that movie yeah through sex we've come to enlightenment and that is basically the um just of your bog standard the cut essay yeah it's like i had sex therefore i came to a truth here's what here's what here's what i here's what i learned about the situation and insert place by uh the sudan hooking up with a 27 year old creative director from williamsburg that is like yes you're the basic format of the cut of the cut of the cut of the cut essay is like i had sex with a coal miner now i understand i understand the trump vote now i understand the trump in fact i'm
Starting point is 00:17:26 thinking about voting for him i've been so imbued with that from this experience that i'm starting to come around and see what they see in trump exactly i like i had sex with someone in a deer stand you know where you hunt deer from i'm familiar you know yeah you've had sex in a deer stand i have not but whatever that's dude you're such a bad deer hunter you probably would have sex in a deer yeah it's going on the hunt boys and it's oh you ain't going on i know what you're doing i know what you're doing yeah you're having sex in a deer stand so you can get get it on. I mean, that is the common denominator, right? Because it seems like every essay in the cut is about, like the big one this week was the Age Gap essay.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Yeah. And I think what she learned in the process of the age gap essay was if you date men your own age, you are basically training them in how to become human beings. You're teaching them how to brush their teeth. You're teaching them how to wipe their ass. You're teaching them how to bathe and walk. you're teaching them how to bathe and like walk basically like the the premise is that when you date a 21 year old male as a 21 year old female the 21 year old male is a little baby straight like just shot straight out of the womb like fresh in the earth yeah right and he doesn't know anything about anything but you a 21 year old female know everything about everything
Starting point is 00:19:05 and so the way to get around this is a be really hot b date a man that's at least 10 years older than you that way you don't have to teach anyone that's the shortcut yeah i support that because like teaching people does suck also i'm old now so now i'm the beneficiary of this what's that book pedagogy of the oppressed yeah they need a book about like pedagogy of dating your own age yeah it's like about how like if if you date a man under the age of 25 you're going to be teaching him everything about life interesting i'm gonna be honest with you i didn't really i never really learned anything from from anyone from anyone you dated no not that i'm not saying that i just i i can't recall uh ever uh needing to learn how to brush my teeth and going to a partner being like hey
Starting point is 00:19:59 i got a question for you just not a big deal. But my shit smell a little tart. What's going on? Your teeth are rotting. My teeth are rotting. You smell like shit. Your body is like, you have not bathed. I just sort of never had a girlfriend, so I'm... I never learned how to be human.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm completely derelict. I've never ate a meal. Yeah, I've never ate a meal. Yeah, I've never ate a meal. And then like six months later, I just, I look great. I smell great. This is absurd. The premise is absurd because I remember when I was like 24. It is so goddamn stupid.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I'm sorry. It is so fucking stupid. It's to be unbelievable. I'm not trying to pick on anybody, all right? and i know that there are some truths to the general argument no no no no no i am trying to pick on people i'm telling you if you're in your early 20s of any gender you're shit stupid i did meet and only because i was shit stupid and i and continue to be to some degree i wonder if there's different tiers of course there is like I wonder if there's different tiers. Of course there is.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I wonder if there's like a guy in his mid-50s or something that's like, I'll wait until y'all get to be my age. You know what I mean? Y'all think you got, yeah. You mean like guys who once you get to your 50s? Like is there wisdom to be ascertained at every tier? Oh, of age? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, definitely. And I'm waiting to get some, I'm waiting just to have some shit dropped on me that's gonna blow my mind. You know what I'm saying? By the cut essay? No, no, not, no. I don't, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:21:39 What? No, no, no. I'm just saying, like, am I gonna, like, wander up a mountain one day and run into, like, a guy in his mid-50s and he's going to be like, here's the real secret to it all. He's going to blow your back. He's going to fuck you. He's going to blow.
Starting point is 00:21:53 He's going to fuck me stupid. And then drop some knowledge on you. And I'll be like, I've been gay this whole time. You didn't even know it. I didn't even know it. Wasted so many good years. See, this is the thing it's maybe getting your ass kicked all those years ago prevented you from the self-discovery the self-knowledge of yourself self-knowledge of your own and that way you were a human shell
Starting point is 00:22:17 for your own self-development oh god boom i don't have to wait to go up the mountain. You don't have to go up the mountain for that. There it is. My mind's blown, bro. Right fucking here at XXXX Avenue in Lexington, Kentucky. XXXX. That's where I live. That's my address. Type that into your maps. Yeah, come find me. You want your mind blown?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yep. I'll be here all day. I think the thing is, one time I met, again, it's hard to speak in generalizations, but I did know, this is a true goddamn story, but I met a girl one time who was 26 or 27.
Starting point is 00:22:58 She was in law school. Did not know you had to pay bills. Straight up. I'm not lying about that. pay bills. Straight up. I'm not lying about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that, to this day, I have always been like, what? Like, that really is a poor things thing. You really did just fall out of a coconut tree.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah, you fell off the turnip truck. That's why I'm saying, like, you can't apply a universal to this. Because I have taught people things like, you have to pay bills. I'm going to blow your mind for a second here, okay? And only because I feel it incumbent to rep the fellas. I've met some incredibly dumb women. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:39 No, no, no, listen, listen. Now, the smartest people I've ever met have been women. That is true. There's no doubt about that. That is true, yeah. But it ain't all y'all. I'm just going to go ahead and say that. It's true.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It is true. The thing is. Now, in general, men are way dumber. Way dumber. On average. I'm not taking anything away. But let's just back it down a little bit here, too. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's probably because a lot of us play football. A lot of us get in fights. A lot of us get our asses kicked and get nude. And a lot of us drink chemicals. A lot of us give away $25,000 on parlor games at our megachurch. There's that. There's a lot of reasons why men are generally stupider yeah and they're from jupiter yeah and women are genius from venus is that the book i always
Starting point is 00:24:34 thought it went to boys go to jupiter to get more stupider when women go to uh college to get more knowledge that's so true. That is really true. I tried to go to Jupiter, but it wouldn't let me. It wouldn't let me. It's fucked up. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just saying that you can't apply universal to this because I think probably a lot, it has probably a lot more to do with class and stuff
Starting point is 00:25:02 than anything else if you're teaching a 22 year old male how to floss and brush his teeth chances are there's some other things going on there beside just his maleness that's not your boyfriend that's your son now that's that's that's in certain jurisdictions you will have adopted that man that's common law yeah that's common law that's common law son out there you have to quit having sex with that man immediately otherwise it's weird well that writer the one who wrote the age gap thing and i didn't write i didn't read it all right so i probably shouldn't even be talking about it because and when's that ever stopped us from yeah it just was like um it was long and i didn't want to read
Starting point is 00:25:45 all that but um i did look up the writer um and she wrote an article this time last year that got a lot of attention in these past couple days uh it's called my beautiful Friend, Envy as a Way of Life. This is a 21-minute article. I wonder if we could read it. Should we read an entire 21-minute article about envy as a way of life? It's just like a writerly thing. Envy as a way of life? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I don't mind dabbing. That's one thing I'd like to work out of me. I need to get my pocket watching out of me i do too i'm a pocket watcher well yeah i mean it's it's much better than me it's natural to be a pocket watcher in our in our society bro in our day and age in society especially like i read this article today medicare advantage is over billing medicare by 22 a difference that translates into a projected 83 billion dollars in 2024 man i hate this shit so much i hate the fucking health care system so much man i'm ready i'm ready to burn it down brother i read this article this book because I got sent the White Rural Rage book,
Starting point is 00:27:07 and so I was reading a bunch of other books in this genre, and I read one called Dying of Whiteness, which is a hilarious title. Dying of Whiteness. Dying of Whiteness. And it was like. I have to know more. It was so weird.
Starting point is 00:27:25 That's a stroke of genius. Dude. Because I'm buying that. If I see that on a bookshelf, I'm like, I have to own this. The argument was essentially that like guys in rural Tennessee are so racist, they won't sign up for Obamacare and they're dying of their whiteness and it was like I mean that's like that's like dude that's like assuming that like like all black people like rap it was weird like you're racist because you don't want the the shitty uh health care state mandated health healthcare that just so happens a black president came in under?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Dude, the late 2010s were, if the 2000s, like the aughts, like I said on the Patreon, I think I said that on the Patreon this past weekend, if the aughts were like a golden era for like pop sociology and like pop psychology, like the late 2010s were a golden era of like, I don't know how to put this,
Starting point is 00:28:27 like half like bastardized, like vulgarized social critique, like hybridized with pop sociology. So for example, the Dying of Whiteness book uses the W.E.B. Du Bois, Du Bois. Du Bois. I almost said Du Bois. Du Bois. I just wanted you to think I was smart. Just want to do the w.e.b. de bois the boys the boy i almost said the boy i just wanted you
Starting point is 00:28:47 to think i was smart i just want to do the french yeah why not say the boy i'll say the boy it used the w.e.b. de bois framework of the wages of whiteness and how like that can be like a dialectical thing it can convert privilege and status on you in society but it can also like bring these like deleterious social effects down upon you psychological effects as well and not only upon you but upon other groups trying to gain entry into the white social credit system i have still hung up i'm sorry sorry. Keep going. Well, and then it comes. So it uses that. But then it says basically that the people not signing up for the $400 a month premium health care scam. That was a massive handout to health care corporations. Isn't itself an act of racism, basically.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Right, right, right. That's like saying like that is it that is it was astonishing i mean like it is a little more nuanced than that his argument like compared to the white rural rage guy he is way more moderate measured and like rational this guy thinks we should round up anybody scottIrish heritage and cut off their bloodline. Pretty much. Lest we lose their precious democracy.
Starting point is 00:30:10 There's some crazy stuff, man. Absolutely crazy stuff. We're at 30 minutes. We could read a 21-minute article. Obviously, we're going to stop a lot. I'm just really baffled. Her name is Grazie Sofia Christi. That's a hell of a name.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Grazie. Grazie. She's dating. She's married to an older man who's not teaching her how to floss. To answer your question, life is a tiered system of wisdom. And I'm realizing this as I get older. I conceptualize myself as an old man now which is bad i need to not do that i need to see myself as not young or not old but a secret third thing the secret third thing yeah yeah all right yeah um i do have
Starting point is 00:31:02 wisdom though okay well let me ask you a question. If somebody 10 years your junior was swimming upstream here, not somebody you'd want to make your bride. I'm talking like a young man that's an intrepid traveler that's come to you from far away. Probably the Orient. Right. And says to you, Rabbi, Master. Teach me wisdom. and says to you, Rabbi, Master, what life lessons would you impart to the youth?
Starting point is 00:31:36 What life lessons would I impart to the youth? Life lesson number one, don't make any mistakes. Ever. Don't't make any mistakes. Ever. Yeah. Don't ever make any mistakes. I think mine would be, I think I would, God forgive me for saying this, but it's literally the only bar I would steal from Nietzsche. And it is, if you don't have a good father, you should really procure one. The only thing that guy ever said worth a damn in my opinion uh-huh life lesson number two don't ever have any health problems don't make mistakes don't
Starting point is 00:32:14 have health problems yeah the kid is like these don't sound like life lessons these sound like unrealistic uh goals that no one could ever conceivably That's when you say, son, this is America. This is America. You want to be the subject of an American story? Life lesson number three, have money. Don't make mistakes.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Don't have health problems. And have money. Those are my life lessons. Yeah. When my friends were in, our buddies were in a couple weeks ago, they said,
Starting point is 00:32:51 I forget which director they said said this, but they said, in America, you can make two types of movies. You know, you can make a violent movie or you can make a sex movie.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Mm-hmm. In the movie that is your life, Mm-hmm. try to make it a sex movie in the movie that is your life try to have make it a sex movie that's what i would say that is a good more so than a violent movie i agree now sometimes those two run off in the woods it's true sometimes they can bleed into each other i know that's the thing generally speaking you want to be having more sex than violence in your life generally speaking yeah yeah yeah by many degrees yeah i think that that is um definitely something that you want to aim for um yeah i don't know i'm trying to think of life lessons poor things that's a sex movie. That's a sex movie, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I said, it's about how all moments of self-actualization and self-realization basically stem from the desire to fuck. Yeah. Which, I don't know, agree with it or disagree with it, it's a very interesting point to make in 2024 2024 where we all seem to hate sex it's like oh i mean it is for better or worse a sex positive movie i don't know take that for what you will i mean it's uh we have i guess we've decided that that's bad now
Starting point is 00:34:16 because it's like um everything positive is bad now like lizzo is now saying she's body neutral she's not body positive anymore she's body neutral. She's not body positive anymore. She's body neutral. Everything's neutral now. We thought that positivity was an overcorrection. So everybody's going neutral now. Everyone's going neutral now. Everybody's riding the fence now. Yeah, we're all riding the fence now. The funny thing is that when we were all sex positive and body positive,
Starting point is 00:34:39 we really weren't. We had these very puritanical, waspy like self-hating notions calvinistic self-hating notions deep down that it didn't really translate to actual positivity yeah we all still hated ourselves and thought we were bad for having sex yeah back when uh and having bodies nobody wants to have a body anymore that's what it is was it the great trillionaire our buddy derek over in louisville said uh yeah i'm sex positive positive i'm not gonna be having sex anytime soon yeah pretty much i spent many years like that yeah me too it's called it was called being a christian there's another one don't be spiritual before the age of 25.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, don't get into religion. I would even say 30, your third decade. I agree, yeah. Also, don't write a word until you're 30. 100%. Don't write a word until you're at least 30, maybe even 50. 100%, dude. Don't write words. Don't write words.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Don't find spirituality until you are old enough to have learned truly what loss means. Yeah. You can't say anything meaningful until you know what loss means. Yes. You don't really know. And I'm not talking about trauma. Because that's what everyone wants to talk about. Everyone wants to talk about trauma.
Starting point is 00:36:04 That's what makes you human. Yeah. That's not what makes you human. That's not what makes you human. Loss is what makes you human. And that can be traumatic. Trauma is what makes you alive. Yeah, trauma is what makes you alive. Doesn't necessarily make you human. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Trauma can go a lot of different directions. Because it is traumatizing to die. But you won't know it because you'll be dead. The preamble is what really feels like it'll hurt and scary for real for real i was so traumatized when i died it was traumatizing when i died i wonder if when we get to that celestial body or whatever comes after this if anything and people are like damn i didn't feel that shit to be honest with you i spent my whole life afraid of that i know and then when it came i just like just kind of quit everything just
Starting point is 00:36:44 went well here's a thought i had the other day you know how like you'll be having a dream sometimes and you um feel like you're you are falling you know what i mean like you step off jerk yeah what if after life what if it's that for eternity you never like you just constantly jerk no no that sense of of that sensation of terror of falling with no floor or anything beneath you like just one last burst and then you're off to no it's that forever oh you feel terrorized you feel terror like you're falling in an endless abyss for at a certain point it would fit it would cease to be terrifying yeah it would just be the ride it's just kind of it's well it's kind of the same way i feel about my anxiety have you noticed like my i don't know
Starting point is 00:37:29 if you've experienced this but my panic attacks are when i first started having them felt like somehow something worse than death was going to happen to me yeah now it's just like i still well it is thursday i still feel that. Oh, you still feel the terror. You still feel the death sting every time. I still feel the terror every time. Huh. Yeah. It's just like, ah.
Starting point is 00:37:51 For me, I'm like, I can't breathe and my heart's racing, but it's probably fine. Yeah. That's more how I feel about it. Yeah. Yeah. What my body does is none of my business. That's true. What I can change of my business. That's true. What I can change is my attitude.
Starting point is 00:38:07 That is true. You can affect your attitude, and there's another life lesson for you. Yeah. There's another life lesson for you. Also, if you're a young male, probably cut off your penis. Sooner the better. Sooner the better. Because that'll probably get you in trouble.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That's going to cause you a lot of problems. Yeah, it'll cause you some problems. Get rid of that thing. Cast it out. As far as the east is from the west. Preferably throw it in an ocean in an act of symbolism. If you insist on keeping it attached. And I don't recommend that.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But if you insist. Here's another lie and I don't recommend that, but if you insist, here's another one. Don't take your dick too seriously. Yeah. One way or the other. Yeah. That's the thing. The Lizzo body neutral thing is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Why are we doing that now? Let's see what she has to say about it. Body neutral. Lizzo embraces body neutrality. let's see what she has to say about it body neutral lizzo embraces body neutrality the trillionaire joke doesn't really work as well when you throw in yeah i'm sex neutral neutral about how i don't know if i'll be having sex or not yeah maybe maybe i'm indifferent to the possibility. Doesn't really roll off the tongue quite as easy. I don't know. Oh, it's part of a marketing campaign.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It makes sense now. Oh, okay. It's about she's launching a swimwear thing. Called Neutral. I guess so. She says she's moved on from body positivity. On the surface, Lizzo's new shapewear influence swimwear line seems all about control these suits have a power to hold let me tell you something i have broken into a
Starting point is 00:39:51 sweat trying to get some of these on that lizzo a trail bill trailblazer of fat acceptance has had to squeeze into bathing suits she developed for her brand yitty was a striking confession i feel like i shouldn't even say that word. It sounds like a bad word. Yiddy? Yiddy. I feel bad saying it. This is a yiddy beat. I feel bad saying it.
Starting point is 00:40:11 But she has tailored the concept of body positivity to fit the times. The idea of body positivity, it's moved away from the antiquated mainstream conception. It's evolved into body neutrality. You have to hear her tell it. She has anything but neutral. I'm not going to lie down and say I love my body every day. The bottom line is the way you feel about your body changes every
Starting point is 00:40:29 single day. She continued, there are some days I adore my body and others when I don't feel completely positive. A promotional campaign this year that teased Yudi's swimwear, an extension of the line of sports bras, leggings, and other shapewear showed the singer flaunting her backside
Starting point is 00:40:45 in a one-piece thong swimsuit. Well, anyways, you get the idea. I just wanted her to expand on body neutrality. I don't know. I'll be honest with you. I'm leaving with more questions than answers. Yeah, she says my body is nobody's business, but that doesn't seem like what she's been doing with oh i'm gonna make it everybody's business this summer
Starting point is 00:41:08 there's never a day when i regret taking a walk or doing some balat pilates i'm taking the time every day to put some love into my body man we was like i mean do your thing lizzo i don't really maybe she means the colors. Maybe the colors are neutral, like Pantone. Okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, they might be. Body neutral. Grays, browns, khakis, and navies.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Maybe that's what she means. Yeah. That's fine. That's an interesting concept. Pantone? No, just body neutrals. It's just neutrals. I think that's what we're all going for
Starting point is 00:41:46 We all just eventually want to be just like floating heads What do you mean? Like we don't want to have a body We just want to be like a disembodied head Just a disembodied head that says pithy things Just floats I want that, personally Towards the end of my teens
Starting point is 00:42:03 It began to dawn on me that my face was probably fully formed, that no radical change was forthcoming, that even back when I still held out hope, my futures were meanwhile settling treacherous into a mediocrity which surprised, humiliated, crushed me. In other words, I was not going to betray any great beauty. I was only going to be what I was, attractive, occasionally, like most people. Relative to whoever happened to stand nearby, I horrified i couldn't get over it being average
Starting point is 00:42:30 looking is by definition completely normal why hadn't anyone prepared me for it she looks neutral this is gratis is what she's saying she just looks neutral this is grazie sofia christie of talking about how envy is a way of life i could not have discovered i was plain without discovering k was pretty she is my friend of many. I could not have discovered I was plain without discovering Kay was pretty. She is my friend of many years. Back then it obsesses me, how we make each other exist. We attend elementary school together,
Starting point is 00:42:54 then high school. She enrolls at a nearby college. Her tall grants me my short, my plump, her skinny. Her leonine features my pedestrian ones. I resent her as much as i exult in her company in between us and without words for it the female universe dilates a continuum whose comparative alchemy seems designed to confront me make me suffer lift me up are men writing like
Starting point is 00:43:17 this because i want to start writing like this you would be spitting if you were yeah interesting all right okay i'm gonna start i'm gonna write an essay like this right now okay okay all right let's open my notes out toward the end of my 30s i had a certain jane a sequo quoi what is that j-a-n-e-y space jane a c-quad jane e c-quad jane a c-quad toward the end of my 30s i would look into the mirror and see perfection and see perfection reflected back at meed back at me. Reflected back at me. Haunting me.
Starting point is 00:44:09 You have to do this, like, comma thing. This is the way this is written. Reflected back at me. Taunting me. Haunting me. Jagged with the ups and downs and valleys of my craggy visage. There she was. Needing me. Wanting me.
Starting point is 00:44:23 But I didn't love myself enough. My craggy visage there she was needing me wanting me but i didn't love myself enough my craggy visage that's when i met brian 30 years ago he beat my friend tom senseless in a backyard boxing match that turned into a real match his tallness would accentuate my short his big dick my shorter than me okay that was the thing that was the thing his average dick my monster my my uh mine that has to have its own protective. His baby balls. My melons. He's reading this and he's like, this is fucked up. It's not true.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's not true. This is another plot point in our years long blood feud. I'm writing like chic, prosaic writing in the cuts about how I'm going to murder him and his whole family. That was the first time I murdered Brian's whole family. The first time I murdered Brian's whole family. But that wouldn't be the last time. But that wouldn't be the last.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I would get three or four different iterations of his family murdered before we finally decided to put this all behind us. It's just people online. And he mine. Just sharing it, just ad nauseum, like, this is beautiful writing. The pink mist
Starting point is 00:45:56 rose above the eastern Kentucky hills and hollows. On the day I burned Brian's house down. The screams of his children mingled with the screams of the does and the doves as they lighted off from their perches on the wires. silky condensation of Kentucky's Kentucky Springs morning dew
Starting point is 00:46:30 on their little paws. This is masterful writing. This is why I come to the cut. Nobody sets a scene like Terrence Ray. Nobody sets a scene for decades long blood feuding murders like Terrence Ray. nobody sets a scene for decades-long blood feud and murders like doing it's right
Starting point is 00:46:45 as the deer frolicked and the antelope played i could have had one thing on my mind and it was the the idea that revenge is a dish best served cold oh my god did you see the front page of the mountain eagle today of our of our great home whitesburg some want court to sell rec center or turn it into the new county jail oh my god dude okay i want i want to point out how how quickly things change in 10 years okay yes yep when that center was built and people were upset okay because they thought we spent too much money okay this is the same people that seem to think that we need 24-hour police surveillance around the clock and millions of dollars in uh weapons of warfare for a town with a relatively low crime
Starting point is 00:47:46 rate now but most agreed that this was a positive thing for kids to have something to do to go exercise and participate in wellness and all that stuff now we're so deluded by the idea that crime is just rampant and overrun that we're willing to mortgage that for more room in the jail. It is enough to make you cry when you think about it. I mean, I know that yesterday I kind of showed my ass and I was being a little crybaby bitch because not only is my personal life completely turned upside down, but the fact that you can just see it everywhere you look,
Starting point is 00:48:28 that everything is going to continually get worse across the board. Not a single aspect or area of our lives will get better in our lifetimes. It's just a bit much sometimes, all right? And sometimes I just fucking collapse under the weight of that knowledge it's like we're done you know what i mean like this is what i mean when i don't i don't have anything to say anymore it's like dog you think all the piss is gone it's all gone as the brits they're gonna turn the rec center into a jail a thing that was conceived to sort of, you know, a common refrain you always heard growing up in Eastern Kentucky. There's nothing for anybody to do.
Starting point is 00:49:12 That's why we turn to drugs. Yeah. And decades-long blood feuds, etc. Okay. And one little antidote to that. This place became like a third place for many people, you know? And not a few steroid dealers.
Starting point is 00:49:29 And we're going to take that, tear it all down, and make a jail out of it. Who said that? Whose idea is that? I'm sure they won't tear it all down. I'm sure that they will just literally retrofit it and turn all the stuff into...
Starting point is 00:49:44 Honestly, if you had to go to jail pretty sick jail to go to the rich the rec center especially if they keep the hunts brothers pizza oven in the back they will not do that what's it's just we lost we lost and and what what it is what did i should i made the mistake of reading mike davis's prisoners of the american dream all right you're reading prisoners the american dream i'm a little i know this was probably not mike's intention but i'm a little black billed all right i'll just say it it's pretty doomer it's like this book i mean it's you know it's just i mean mike didn't part with that message though i feel like the last thing he wrote before he died was pretty bleak okay if i could find it
Starting point is 00:50:33 i know i have it open because i read it sometimes one of the great honors of my life is one of the last interviews he gave he mentions us he does yeah i mean i would say one of the last things he wrote is pretty dark man uh we are living through the nightmare edition of great men make history unlike the cold war when politboros parliaments presidential cabinets and general staffs to some extent countervailed megalomania at the top there are very few safety switches between today's maximum leaders and Armageddon. Never have so much fused economic, mediatic, and military power been put into so few hands. It should make us pay homage at the hero graves of Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov, Alexander Berkman, and the incomparable Shalem Schwartzbard. The Nightmare Edition.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Dude, Mike knew where we were going the nightmare edition we it's we armageddon is where we are just read that there are there are a few safety switches between today's maximum leaders in armageddon never has so much fused economic mediatic and military power been put into so few hands. I mean, we're cooked, man. They're turning the rec center into a jail. It's, dude, it's. That is an example of tomorrow's people. We're lost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Guys, they're going to take Oracle Arena, home of the Golden State Warriors. Mm-hmm. And they'll turn that into maximum security one of these days. Yeah. If there's any justice, Draymond Green will be inside. Well, it's the thing. I guess I should have known that they would do that eventually. Because I know Letcher County, for those of you who are constantly complaining we don't talk about Appalachia anymore, you must be eating this stuff up.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah, you must be. You got a little egg on your face. Don't look now. Yeah. But I guess I should have known that they would eventually turn, like, they would eventually build a new jail in Letcher County, right? Because the jail in Letcher County is so small. Like, they were going to have to. It's the same thing that, like. like like hell the gates are expanding every day well it's like the same
Starting point is 00:52:49 thing like when that ship ran into that bridge in baltimore people were like and i didn't even know that this people were like wow it's almost like we need to spend more money on infrastructure than jails and it's like well you were 100 correct yes but however you don't understand that in the minds and this is the whole point i was. However, you don't understand that in the minds, and this is the whole point I was trying to make with that Operation Unite thing, in the minds of these municipal planners, in 100 years, there will not be civilians
Starting point is 00:53:13 for civil infrastructure. There will be prisoners for carceral infrastructure. Yeah. So they will continue building jails because they don't need to update infrastructure. Yeah, it seems like part of that you know we talk a lot about ai and especially you know i mean i was thinking about last week when the late night with the devil came out and they were taking the task the filmmakers
Starting point is 00:53:36 were putting ai and stuff in there but part of the ai calculation i think is is just the assumption that a lot of people will be locked up in the in the longer term future yeah do you know what i mean like that's part of that calculus which is also dark it it's an it's it's a harbinger of things to come yes in the sense that like a lot of jobs will be replaced and and you know things will be much shittier obviously um but also a harbinger in the sense that it assumes that there's going to be a human capital force that will be um you know exploitable exploitable and and also just uh not free right right right right they won't have their mobility limit. Yeah. Limited. Yeah. Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah, it's pretty bleak, man. Ooh, pretty bleak. So age gaps. Age gaps. Let's get back to that. Let's go back. Let's go back. Let's take a couple steps back and go back to blood feuds.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Let's get back to age gaps and blood feuds. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for, you know, taking us down the Mike Davis route. Rest in peace, big dog. RIP to the king. The last email I had for Mike Davis was he was basically just like, I'm just chilling on morphine. I was like, nice.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Man, one of the great regrets I've had in my life, before Mike passed, not asking him what was up with that horny toad and those lizards and amphibians he unleashed in his office that one time. It's better not to know, honestly. That's money left on the table. We'll put it up there in the pantheon of mythology. Yeah, some things it's just best not to know the answer to. Don't you want to know about envy as a way of life? Yeah, yeah my joy but it also gives me a narrative all in all it feels radical to make a world together she and i a silent tournament of first kisses compliments report cards what is with this kind of writing
Starting point is 00:55:36 that like lists everything off like this like everything is kind of like itemized yeah i don't i don't disagree with it on the face of it but it's just a style it's just a stylistic choice in the same vein as little fires everywhere yeah that sort of type of title i live at a fixed point from k her lucky arms her lucky neck her lucky elbows i will say this i am jealous of writers who get to write like this because i don't get to write like this sex writers yeah well yeah sex writers why don't you write about sex i get to write like this. Sex writers. Yeah, well, yeah, sex writers. Why don't you write about sex? I want to write about sex.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That's how I got started having it first. There's two types of writing you can do in America. It's violent writing and sex writing. Hey, this is sex writing. What I mean is like it's uninhibited. It's like she basically just gets to riff. Like, I don't get to do that. I feel like when I write, I have to write like it's a book report or something.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah. You know? And I'm a journalist. That's what sucks, man. It sucks being a journalist and not a writer. There's even less money in being a journalist than there is in being a writer. Damn. I miss just fucking, you know, letting my hair down and just writing like I want to write.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'd love for you to let your hair down. Just let my hair down? I'd love for you to let your hair down. I want to look like Ed Harris in Love, Lies, Bleed. I'm going to put my hair down like Ed Harris in Love, Lies, Bleed. I'm going to put my records on. I'm going to sing my favorite song. I'm going to let my hair down and just write i pursue beautiful
Starting point is 00:57:06 friends like some women do men who will strike them in bed at night what wait what okay i want to write i want to write about sex this is fun on account of our addictive relativity that's okay on account of my envy which i've made like many women the secret passion of my life there's something gorgeously pretty about many women's lives they're not trying to be great they're trying to be better it's why women diet together dye their hair light then dark then light again dress for each other race to get engaged wait to get divorced find a taken man more attractive than a free one become what well this is we're not women like we're probably not gonna understand this this is the deficiency the great deficiency of our podcast uh that's true that's true we
Starting point is 00:57:51 we need uh we need that that insight i just want to just say something though and i maybe to her point i've dieted with a group of women before. It was a great experience. I used to get into the, I used to do Weight Watchers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was kind of nice to get in there and say, looking good, Kathy. And, you know, a 57-year-old accountant in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:58:18 That was, you know. I love it, Brenda. I love it, Brenda. A woman, a woman. woman oh girl need that need that brownie recipe i'm serious i used to i used to be very active in the forums did you dye your hair with them i didn't dye my hair with them but we combined we lost over 37 pounds in the summer of 21 did you race to get engaged wait to get divorced did you find a taken man more attractive than a free one i don't like that that's the thing though that's just true for anyone across the board because like it's simple economics like i was saying earlier when
Starting point is 00:58:56 someone is in a relationship you intuitively find them more attractive because their stock is up someone wants them when they're out and they're just like some desperate bastard who's got nothing going for them, their stock is down. Very down. Their stock is plummeting through the floor. Do you see what I'm saying? I understand what you mean.
Starting point is 00:59:21 It's a simple question of economics. We don't understand it. We just surrender to it. See, if I was a writer, I would say that. That's bars. That is bars. That's bars. So you ever write something that's just so tight and just whips?
Starting point is 00:59:35 Not really, but... Not whips, as in this whips whips ass. I'm jealous of writers who do. I'm not that kind of writer, man. I've just been reading like nothing but elizabeth hardwick lately and mike davis this is that's my diet lately elizabeth hardwick i wonder why i was thinking yesterday i'm gonna have to sit this man down have a talk with her two writers who really were obsessed with the tendency of lives to sink down
Starting point is 01:00:01 um a woman can spend her whole life in real or imagined competition with her friends, finding herself in the gaps between them, especially in the game of looks. There is no excellence. That is not another woman's inadequacy. No abundance. That does not mean lack a great beauty is discovered like crude oil or gold.
Starting point is 01:00:21 That means in a parched desert or a dirty river bed where the rest of us mislanguage our democratic, where the of us uh goes mislanguage until until it's time to cross the river sticks all right i didn't want to say this i didn't want to say this i looked up this writer and she's hot as fuck it's like you can't you can't you can't say oh yeah okay it was classic you can't come on there is nothing more more off-putting than somebody that's conventionally attractive that's like, does the whole, oh, I'm just a fucking... Shut your ass up. Shut your ass up.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Shut your ass... I would never do that. I would never do something like that. Our democratic sensibility commands us to raise all unfairness, yet the way we sacralize beauty, our treatment of the way we sacralize beauty, our treatment of the women who try to level it, our satisfaction when no one can, calls our bluff. For me, the humiliations stack up.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I nurse them like little children. I pick at them like scabs. The horrid boy I desperately love who pretends to love me, studying Kay's legs on the trampoline. We are 17, and I study them too. Up and down, slender, hairless, vanishing up the thighs into the sun i love this kind of episode wait wait reading it's a sex episode just reading essays that like we have no business reading insights into a whole inside baseball that we have no fucking business way holy inappropriate for us to even
Starting point is 01:01:46 try to pass judgment on this like whole other world that like we have no business whatsoever we have no experience in have never belonged to have no not a woman not wrestling with gay thoughts presently
Starting point is 01:02:02 I do I have to say though i think we have more in common than not because i too have washed a woman's legs as she jumped on a trampoline uh-huh now i was young when i did that i just want to be clear about that that's something i've done recently interesting i don't know when's the last time you're even on a trampoline i figure i feel like i was one on one in like i'm not on one enough frankly i love them they're kind of dangerous though and honestly when i'm on like i said i've not been i've been on like one in the last 10 years and i think when i was on it i was like how did why did my parents ever let me on one of these things yeah they are kind of death traps.
Starting point is 01:02:45 And then you can take a bad bounce on them and just injure any number of things. The funnest thing was like, what was it called when you would, was it called bouncing? Like you would jump at the exact same moment as someone else and send them sky fucking high. They go over the fucking fence. Yeah. That's how I learned about physics really from trampoline damn this is so that's it that's a good title everything i learned about physics everything i've learned being gay on a trampoline
Starting point is 01:03:12 this tone in women's literature this snake twist of the belly that signals envy in the same place as desire engrosses me some of the most exquisite passages of eroticism are in the voice of women Hey, I'm going to tell you something. I said it once, but I'm even more convinced. It's a sex essay. This is a sex essay? It's a sex essay. In that moment, I wanted to take the dishcloth and wipe my face from the face of the earth.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Damn. Well, anyways, you basically get the idea. So people were taking this to task? No, this was the other thing written by the writer who did the age gap thing honestly this person references a lot of books i like like ferrante elizabeth gaskell is it is it her flowery style that people find off-putting or i don't know i think it's the um bourgeois sensibilities.
Starting point is 01:04:28 There's no proletarian energy. There's no proletarian center of gravity in these essays. This is completely and entirely bourgeois. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. This is not right. And we've given sex to the bourgeois, so we determined that, what, last week or the week before that? That is true. The proles. was the the polyamory discourse is that what everybody's getting up is that what it was i think so everybody was like well that's the reason it's it's i forget
Starting point is 01:04:57 anyway i don't know i don't know either dude i'm basically qualified to comment on about three topics also i'm vitamin deficient well i can't i shouldn't even be talking about this that is true this man has rickets and scurvy i'm fucking vitamin deficient as fuck yeah i can't be talking about this kind of stuff i'm battling obesity brain fog i'm fat and i got brain that's your excuse
Starting point is 01:05:28 oh god oh man i'm ugly and can't read good i just want to say something though i mean i i you know i i've i've i've i've tangoed with the green-eyed monster a few times which is not special everybody gets not oh you jealousyvy? Yeah, I've had it a few times. Dude, of course. Yeah. Of course. I mean, do women get a penis envy?
Starting point is 01:06:12 Where's the essay about penis envy? Actually, I think it is. Oh, is that what it is? I always thought penis envy was like when you were jealous of another guy. Is that not what it is? I guess it's a form, but no. What is it? What is it actually?
Starting point is 01:06:31 I think it's Freud's assertion that... Your dad's dick is better than your boyfriend's dick? No, that would be Browser's assumption. What is penis invasion? I'm not qualified to comment on that. Come on. When you throw me something like that, I'm just going to say, listen, I ain't got the credentials. Give it to me.
Starting point is 01:06:59 A stage in Freud's theory of female psychosexual development in which young girls experience anxiety upon realization that they do not have a penis. I'm going to tell you something. It's just I kept that back in the oven for a while. I literally thought it was when you were jealous of another guy's penis. This is one of the best realizations. This is like when my buddy, I'll just refer to him as B,
Starting point is 01:07:23 said that he got so scared during the Magic Johnson crisis. Yeah, during the Magic Johnson. When Magic Johnson made his announcement during the AIDS crisis, not the Magic Johnson crisis. Everybody was Magic Johnson. He said that he got so scared of sex because he was coming of age at that time. He said, so I started doing anal thinking it was safer. It's like the first four people I slept with, I just did anal.
Starting point is 01:07:58 God takes care of children and fools. That's true. Okay, well then what is it called when you're jealous of another man's penis? Is there not a word for that? I think that's just your standard. Envy. I just think that's just your standard. Run to the middle of envy.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Oh, man. Man. Oh, man. You know, I mean, the show has obviously fallen off, right? But at least this is better than what we recorded yesterday. Penis to penis. Oh, boy. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Uh-huh. Man. Well, anything else to add? Do you want to read anything more from the cut i think i'm good on the cut what i would like to bring it back to is parting wisdom parting wisdom the last thing you would say to that young man as he leaves your uh ashram okay based on my life experiences yeah okay there's been a lot of good wisdom dispensed in this episode no no not in this episode over the over the years like humanity in the history of humanity yeah i mean think about this kenny rogers the gambler i never count your money you're sitting at the tight right
Starting point is 01:09:22 no window fold them in when the There's a lot in there. It is true. Yeah. That's basically where I formulate my worldview. Hmm. I think me, my advice is don't make any decisions. Just don't. Don't make any decisions.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Just be indecisive your whole life? Just be indecisive your whole life. Let life beat your ass and push you around. Don't make any concrete decisions. Don't make any. If somebody tries to put you to a decision, say, here's some valuable tips. Say, who's to say really? Let me see what whoever institution has to say stall
Starting point is 01:10:08 as long as possible let me circle back on that exactly and we do this every day in fake email world you know yeah just gonna circle back nothing ever gets done no yeah what else i don't have to it doesn't matter i mean the world's going you could essentially filibuster your way through life you can i there are limits though you do have to pay bills unfortunately you gotta do that you know unfortunately um taxes and bills and rent yeah and to some degree uh you have to die you do have to die to some degree yeah yeah i mean the thing is about life is that you will die multiple times actually what i realized many spiritual deaths you will die spiritual deaths at least two by the time you're 30 yeah i mean i feel like i have had about two or three yeah death like i'm saying like death and rebirths yeah deaths and rebirths like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah. Yeah. Or like a flower. Yeah. That rises and you drop your seed and then you rise again. What's the best advice you've ever been given? The best advice I've ever been given was probably from D. Davis
Starting point is 01:11:25 he gave me some of my best advice he said he said you never want to give your hometown speech at the capitol you never want to give your capitol speech back in your hometown
Starting point is 01:11:44 that's where it's lived by I wish I'd have known a lot sooner at the Capitol, and you never want to give your Capitol speech back in your hometown. That's where it's lived by. I wish I'd have known a lot sooner. Same here, brother. That is definitely... Because I have had very few mentors, right? I've not had a whole lot of people telling me, like, yo, this is the way you live life. I've not had a whole lot.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I've had a few here and there. But on the whole, I've had a few here and there but on the whole i've had very few mentors he's a good mentor yeah he's one of the few guys that he's at least giving me advice he's at least tried to give me advice that has steered me away from self-destruction and an early grave. Yeah. Which is the most you could ask for, for a mentor, really.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah. Career advice. A mentor seeking to keep you alive, that's a good mentor. Yeah. Career advice, that's a whole other thing because the industry that our forefathers grew up in is very different from the industry now. Yeah. forefathers grew up in is very different from the industry now yeah like you if you're get if
Starting point is 01:12:48 you're getting paid like pennies for like 5 000 word essays like it's we're cooked man you know what i'm saying yeah granted i guess i could write for the cut and i'm trying to you're trying to write for the cut i'm trying to write for the cut yeah and I'm trying to. You're trying to write for the cut? I'm trying to write for the cut. Yeah. Yeah. Trying to get into sex, aren't you? Trying to get into sex. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:10 As a literary device. Yeah. Strictly as a literary device. I've never really had any sex that I would describe as literary. You know? But maybe that's what makes it literary. You'll know. You'll.
Starting point is 01:13:22 You'd know. You'd know it, I would imagine. I had some literary sex one time. time yeah i was getting top while i was being made to read the american line by john meachum that's pretty literary as literary as it gets, that's pretty literary. I'm going to give you that one. I'm going to give you that one. I've never had anything like that. Hmm. Hmm. I was sucking Larry McMurtry's dick in a bathroom one time.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Yeah, you were. You never sucked out Larry McMurtry. I did. I sucked out... Louis L'Amour, maybe. I sucked out Larry McMurtry. I had Larry McMurtry and louis mcmurray both going at the same time that's how's in lubbock in the 70s is a different time that's
Starting point is 01:14:13 right man it's a different time oh yeah okay well if you like what you've heard if you found an ace that you can keep in this, then, you know, keep us in business by visiting slash Trill Billy Workers Party. Yeah. At least it's an upgrade from yesterday's benighted attempt. Benighted's been doing a lot of work. Anyway, thanks for playing
Starting point is 01:14:48 thanks for listening and go check out the Patreon and until next time yeah let me see what wisdom I would dispense with here.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Don't build any bombs. Don't even call the coolest girl man. Or dude. Or dude. Yeah. That's not good. That's fucking dumb. Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Don't even do that. Don't do that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah don't um if anybody tries to get you to smoke something that is not explicitly marijuana or tobacco do not do that yeah if it's white don't it should not be smoked if it's white and powdery it should not be smoked if it's white and powdery and on a foil friend don't smoke that now we're getting to some real wisdom don't inject anything well yeah definitely don't inject anything unless it's you know definitely don't inject anything. Unless it's, you know. Definitely don't do that.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Unless it's anabolic steroids. Yeah, unless it's in service of raising your serum testosterone levels. Yeah, in which case, that's fine. Yeah. But, yeah, don't. No foilies. No syringes. Honestly, just don't get into drugs.
Starting point is 01:16:23 That's my best wisdom. Honestly, my entire life, I'm sitting here right now where I am right now. That's what they always say in AA. I'm sitting here right here in this very seat right now because of decisions I made when I was 17. You ever listen to Dave Bixby's song about drugs? No.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Cue it up there. I think it's called like Ode to Drugs or something. Yeah, I mean, that's probably the best advice you're going to get. It's not worth it. Yeah. Financially? Certain drugs are worth it. Cognitively, are they?
Starting point is 01:17:04 Yeah. I don't know. know i mean i've done pretty much all of them i'm regressing here yeah forget i said that yeah all drugs bad i have heard this song yeah i know this song you ever heard this is dark song. Let this be the warning to you. This is a very dark song. Yeah. We can't play this. We're going to get a fucking copyright thing. We're going to get a copyright injunction.
Starting point is 01:17:34 We're not an injunction. We already have a few. Yeah. We're on thin ice. We are on thin ice. We're on thin ice with the labels. Yeah. Spotify took some episodes down.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Oh, man. and i tried to get them put back up and they said fuck you they said fuck you you'll never work in this town again they really did literally just laughed at me i have a team of goons they send around to kick our ass every once in a while too for playing uh kanye's 808s and heartbreak in 2017 when do we do that there's another fucking wisdom for you. Don't put copyright material on your podcast because you think no one's going to listen to it when you're 29
Starting point is 01:18:12 years old. In fact, don't start a podcast. Furthermore, don't have heroes. Furthermore, don't have heroes. They will let you down as evidenced by... Oh, man. Don't do anything. Furthermore man. Don't do anything. Furthermore, just don't do anything.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Sit in a house for your life. I can't remember any nuggets in particular, but I remember reading Harry Dean Stanton's entry into Esquire Magazine's What I've Learned series. Yeah. There were some nuggets there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Go read that. That's the thing about wisdom. It's like you remember having received it, but you're like, I don't remember the specifics. I can't remember. Here's the thing about wisdom You remember having received it but you're like I don't remember the specifics Here's the lesson If somebody's spitting Absorb that committed to memory But this is the thing this is the great tragedy of life
Starting point is 01:18:56 And you get it in like Cliche Aphorisms platitudes Like youth is wasted on the young But truly, truly. What does it mean, youth will be served? I've never heard that one. Dinner like youth will be served.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I've never heard that one. I've just heard it on King of the Hill. I didn't know that one. The great tragedy of life is that all the wisdom you received as a young person is 100% true. But because it was coming from an older person, you were like, fuck you, man.
Starting point is 01:19:27 This is stupid as fuck. Yeah, I'm gonna live forever. What are you talking about? And it's like, if you just listened, but you won't, that's the thing. That's the tragedy.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Yeah. And you get to where I am, 36. Like, what the fuck did I do? Well, oh my God. What have I done? Oh my God. All right. i do well oh my god what have i done oh my god all right uh patreon yeah go over there sign up tell a friend tell a friend that's right that's right all right well we'll see you later bye guys

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