Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 341: Sedition Draft 2024

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

A discussion on the continuing protests on college campuses, as well as the overwhelming crackdown on them Please support our deranged show on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, we've just found out that Aaron's going to Angola as the first draft pick of the campus anti-Semitism won't stay in draft. Hoping we win this year. Looks like it's going to be a tough year, but you know. Aaron Thorpe, first round draft, Louisiana and Angola. Terrence Ray getting also a first-round draft. ADX Florence. Ah!
Starting point is 00:00:28 Man. They've already got a chance. I'm a dark horse second-round pick that can really help, you know, federal prison. What's the one in Martin County call? Big Sandy. Yeah, Big Sandy. They're in a rebuilding year so they're
Starting point is 00:00:45 you know thinking about getting a bargain on me in the second round make sure they get you in there early oh man for those of you at home we just watched president biden's remarks about uh anti-semitism on campus and uh kind of shattered a little bit i i was honestly it was very entertaining watching your face aaron it was just like how how far can he pull the skin away from his eye like how much further can my jaw drop unhinged until it unhinges from my top jaw like a fucking anaconda or something you start looking like the thing and the thing right it's it's been draft week it's been draft week all around this week i mean like the nfl draft literally but then right like yes biden's anti-semitism campus uh carceral draft
Starting point is 00:01:42 uh where we were all beheading but then i was at the i was at the gym the other day and i did not take a picture i wish so bad i would have taken a picture but i have a strict policy of never taking photos of strangers like uh unless they like consent to it or unless they're like in a police situation yeah exactly exactly yeah but But not the shit that everyone's doing online now where it's like, oh, look at what this person's doing. It's like, what are you taking a picture of that lady and her kid for, man? Are you a gym influencer? Are you like making fun of people's physique?
Starting point is 00:02:13 No, it had nothing to do. I only go to the gym at like 2 p.m. And the only people that go to the gym at 2 p.m. are usually old people. And I wish I looked over and they had CNN, the trump trial on the tv and there were like at least four or five old people like crowded around that motherfuckers they were all just like looking like hanging on everywhere as soon as it came on dude they all
Starting point is 00:02:39 like i saw i looked out of the corner of my eye and i all saw them moving towards the tv it was like a herd of buffalo and some shit like that. Like moths to a flame, you know? Yeah, dude. Yeah, I wanted to say, too, right before we recorded, I was trying to find out if it was playing on CNN. So that's when I told you, Terrence, in the chat. I told you all I saw. You know, they're showing the Trump trial.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And I don't know, man. They just had the music, like the epic music, as if it was like, you know what I mean? Some like sporting event. And then the anchor said uh they've got the challenges right actually a commercial for challengers came on right before that so i was a little bit it was a little bit uncanny but the the announcer was like a gavel to gavel coverage and i'm like dude they're really i'm gonna tell you something if you put a uh trentnor, Atticus Ross soundtrack to the C-SPAN proceedings, that really could give it a shot in the arm and be tight as hell. To Trump walking out to that real pulsing synth music,
Starting point is 00:03:33 that could be tight as hell. Gavel to gavel coverage is amazing. Absolutely amazing. Oh, man. Oh, man. I don't know anything about that. I've not even remotely checked it. I've made it a point to not learn about that.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Like if somebody talks about it, I turn around and walk in the other direction. If I see it on TV, I turn it off immediately. Not on watch cable, but if I see it, I don't get it. Aaron and Trump leading the Louisiana Angolans to the league title next year you know hand in hand hand in hand if yeah if i'm going to jail i like i at least want to be in there with trump god you know here's the thing if i if they could swear to me protection and that i would be trump's bunk mate i i would from an anthropological standpoint, I'd mortgage two years of my life for that
Starting point is 00:04:28 experience. No, you're right. That's kind of like, I guess, the crew of the Enterprise. They beam down to a planet, you know what I mean? For anthropological reasons. It would be a case study. Tommy, it's not gay. It's just the two of us here
Starting point is 00:04:45 nobody will ever know in your fantasy you're having sex with trump it's not gay if it's in prison it it's just it's it's just a um rehashing of every single it's it's just a rehashing of their entire approach to this thing from day one it's like um plenty of like dude they are reproducing everything trump ever said and did he literally just went out there and did a speech where he said plenty of blame on all sides or plenty what was trump's uh thing um it was uh uh good people on both sides plenty of good people about he literally just went out there and did that and it's just like everything they said true i mean i know it's a hack point but it's just it bears repeating like if they're passing laws that like urge the department of education to
Starting point is 00:05:57 broaden the definition of anti-semitism and like clamp down on it and like i what it's i told time like it's it's lighted out for us i'll see you boys in the funny papers yeah we're i'm yeah adx florence first round draft like we're fucked the thing man is just like you know it's like with the speech he he hinged upon every single bad faith claim or accusation that's been made right like i mean we've seen videos right especially that video uh of that woman who's wearing the shirt that says i'm a jew right and she's walking through the through the quad and nobody gives a shit right we've seen videos of peaceful protesters being attacked by cops or by fucking black shirts who are literally recreating right the fucking
Starting point is 00:06:47 like the fucking pillaging right these settlers right and i guess the west bank but it's just like dude i mean everything and i just want to bring one thing it's like everybody everybody knew what trump was doing when he said to the proud boys stand by and stand back or something like that you know everybody knew right that when trump was president anything that he said and did right it had weight to it and it influenced people and inspired people but when it's joe biden i mean like what the fuck is he's like he's like he's like just just he can't do anything right he's weak you know he's ineffectual right well it's it's one of those things where if you listen just with your CNN ears, that sounded like a very even-handed speech,
Starting point is 00:07:31 but when your lived reality is going to these protests and being on the ground, you realize that they weight that rule of law a little heavier than they weight free speech. 100%. Well, I mean, what did he say? He said, I tried to write it down uh you know there's a right to protest but not break the law dissent must never lead to disorder uh in america we respect the right to protest i mean like if you look at what happened on like austin's campus on ut austin like it was quite literally an example of them proactively going and triggering a violent response from the protesters i mean like i wouldn't even call it a
Starting point is 00:08:15 violent response from the protesters they literally they just went in and started cracking skulls like that's why i was really nervous me and tom went to a protest on uk campus yesterday and that's why i was nervous because it seems like every video i've seen the cops have been the ones that have gone and started it and there was a huge police presence there for it it was it wasn't a a particularly huge protest or anything like that and it was totally uh peaceful and nobody was like busting windows or anything. And still yet, like right around the perimeter, they had like tons of vehicles, tons of police. They were like ready to crack down at a moment's notice the first time somebody goose-stepped. I've never seen, I'll say this, I've never seen anything like it. It was, I came into campus from, I don't even know my directions directions let's just say it was the east side
Starting point is 00:09:07 on the east side it's always east side oh yeah yeah and i came across a police barricade they had this road barricaded and this this suburban pulled up with like some frat boys inside and one of the the driver goes hey is this protest pretty big and the cop just like flatly immediately just said i don't know and just tried to get them to go away because i don't you know what i mean like i think most cops like they hate to they they hate to have anybody like challenging their authority like obviously it goes towards like the most of their ire goes towards like leftists and everything. But like,
Starting point is 00:09:47 and they would never beat the shit out of like frat kids at a party or something. But all cops fucking hate people, right? They see themselves as above people. They don't fucking like people. So if you ask them a question, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:58 basically it's in a tone of fuck off, you know, that was, that was the thing. It was just, it was in a tone of fuck off. And like, that was my first thing.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And so then I, I went into campus and then it's immediately i'm greeted by like five massive police uh suvs um at least like a dozen police they've got the fucking rv the one i was telling you about tom yesterday the one i saw driving in lexington there's this massive it's the size of a tour bus it's called like a mobile command center, like the Lexington Police Mobile Command Center. They've got that motherfucker out there. And then I finally got up to the protest, and I just hung back for the first like 10, 15 minutes. I just wanted to see like what was going on.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So the whole perimeter of the protest, there was cops. Again, I have been to plenty of protests in my life. Never seen anything like this. The of cops around the the perimeter there was undercover cops i assume they were undercover cops or who knows like there was this guy on a bicycle guys jogging and one guy sitting on a bench reading a newspaper you know get the fuck out of here get the fuck out of here yo that's some spook shit yo i mean it wasn't but it was like tantamount to that yeah and they had earpieces in and um and i just followed one of them i just followed one of them for like five minutes i was just walking behind him and just like it's just
Starting point is 00:11:17 just like i followed i just want to say i love that like it just reminds me i saw people kettling the cops you know and like just these tactics that they would use so like I'm just gonna follow your crowd the way you're following us you but the thing that really was astonishing that I've never seen it anything like this was the amount of fucking press the media was insane there was at least like so there's local news right a bunch of like local news reporters and there's tons of cameras every time they would do the chants from the river to the sea or intifada intifada the the cameras would start rolling we can't we can't do when they're having like a inter inter religious prayer
Starting point is 00:11:59 sessions you know we can't we can't do it when they're like doing political education or giving speeches we have to do it there's're chanting and waiting in the signs. There's a gentleman talking about living in apartheid South Africa and his experience there. It's like, no, none of that. But as soon as you get a bunch of Arab people saying a scary word, then that's what they're going to dial in on. It was interesting, man. It got me thinking just standing there. man it was like it just kind of it got me thinking like just standing there like if you were just you know like average american like sitting at home uh you know you've kind of just stayed aloof
Starting point is 00:12:33 from this the whole time like it's now being beamed in to like five o'clock news hour you know what i mean to like the average american's dinner table and it's really wild that like you are invited and encouraged to see those statements as tantamount to the revival of the third reich and i i don't really think that people are leaping to that point like readily um i also don't think they're necessarily being radicalized in the opposite direction either it's hard to say like i don't you know i don't fucking know um but it really did get me thinking like if you if you are just the kind of like maybe like an apolitical person who like we were talking about the other day like you're raised in american public school system like you're taught about the holocaust and stuff you're taught about like anti-semitism and hitler and everything
Starting point is 00:13:27 and like the the news is encouraging you to see this as like the new hitlerism and you reject that like that's an interesting thing like what is the distance that's being traveled there you know what i'm saying like what what is the distance that like if you reject that and you say no actually like israel is the purveyor of global anti-semitism like zionism is endangering jewish people in the jewish faith it's interesting that's just an interesting thing i guess it's like it's there's some sort of like force field or like field of energy that's like be getting hinted at there that like is mystified obviously it's mystified every time you like turn on the tv and every time that they pump that out at the five o'clock news but i i don't know man this is kind of what i meant last week by it being sort of like prime
Starting point is 00:14:15 contradiction like it's the lengths they have to go to to mystify it it's it's it's it's it's almost like i don't know how to put it but it's almost like it's almost like there's this barrier or something like that this permeable barrier you know but i guess it's semi permeable right there are only certain ideas that can filter through you know and then when they get beyond that they're kind of the word the meaning of words are twisted you know like i mean just the fact that if if you're telling or you're saying that Jewish students feel afraid because there are students protesting against genocide. Right. Then wouldn't you say that's like a cooptation? Right. Of that, of that, of what's really going on.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Right. Of that fear of that genocide, which is like, you know, being exacted out on the Palestinian people, you know? I don't know, man. It's just like for the past seven months, we've just gotten to this weird, topsy-turvy world where, like I was saying to you in the chat, you know, it's like the utility
Starting point is 00:15:20 of words, right? So like, I guess, speak truth to power, right? They're trying to strip that away, right? They're trying to strip that... Right, not even speak truth to power right they're trying to strip that away right yeah they're trying to strip that right not even speaking to the power just to be able to like narrate narrate the world in a comprehensible coherent way in general exactly it's like forcing all words into this like hyperbaric chamber where they lose all meaning and ability to absolutely drive the world in any meaningful way well yo i mean that's why that's why i saw uh you know you we've been seeing reporters um who've been whining
Starting point is 00:15:53 about students not wanting to talk to them and it's like well dude every time that you fucking every time that they talk to you you don't you don't you don't write what they say you don't listen to what they say you just twist it to facilitate slaughter. So why the fuck would they speak to you? You know? Yeah. Did you see that video of that girl that was crying because none of the protesters would talk to her? And she was like, yes, violence. This is violence. I need to stress the president of the United States just got on TV and said that college students must suffer they must get their shit kicked in because a lone protester went out there and said that nobody would talk to her and that was violence also also too also too let's just say that when he says um um occupying like buildings right is violence right dog i mean i know this is a hack point but
Starting point is 00:16:47 civil disobedience is just like i mean this is just like a cornerstone right of like movements right in america anywhere in the fucking world right but especially in america right liberal project and the whole liberal fucking thank you of the whole fucking liberal project and so the fact that that that that he's saying that it's violent for them to you know you know how those windows and shit all right man i didn't watch all those videos but i can guarantee you know how those windows got fucking smashed first of all by those black shirts right and by the fucking cops dude yeah you know what i mean trying to fucking take it back well also i mean he's he's talking about this relationship to to peaceful
Starting point is 00:17:21 protest and the rule of law but like there's never been a continuum of respect for peaceful protest and the rule of law i mean look at selma look at you know any number of peaceful demonstrations that ended up in water cannons and and dogs being sicked on people in the civil rights movement yeah and then to fast forward today uh cops fucking billy clubbing 19 year olds with signs you know what i mean it's like there's like the relationship is completely asymmetrical and like to act otherwise is just you know willful ignorance at best it always has been that what you know martin king got shot fucking memphis on fucking hotel balcony like you know what i mean like fuck out of here with like no we respect no you don't
Starting point is 00:18:03 you fucking crack down on the slightest hint of dissent you know what i mean like fuck out here with like no we respect no you don't you fucking crack down on the slightest hint of dissent you know what i mean i mean yesterday oh go ahead no no i know i just wanted to say yo it's like it's like this idea that that the people that are protesting want to commit violence right you know i'm not saying that there aren't elements right of any movement right of militants right and people that are willing to do those things right and i think it's necessary right but at the same time you think the majority of people that are that are uh uh participating these protests want to go out there and fucking like and be anti-semitic and like you know and commit hate crimes and shit like that man yeah it's fucking insane dude well that's
Starting point is 00:18:38 the that's that's the thing it was the juxtaposition i've just found myself in a weird place yesterday it was the juxtaposition because i was i went myself in a weird place yesterday. It was the juxtaposition because I went and I stood next to the wall of cameras. Again, that I've never seen at a protest before. I've never seen that in my life. I've seen a few cameras here and there, but I've never seen a fucking... It's just like a blob, a blob of lenses and shit like that. Like an amorphous mass of lenses. They were kind of preparing for
Starting point is 00:19:05 this like this was gonna be the super bowl of protest you know what i mean and it was a good turnout i'm not like saying anything about the event but it was not like it was not like you know it was not fucking uh blm 2.0 you know what i mean or anything like that like that magnitude no it was it was it wasn't even an encampment it was just literally like a protest on campus led by i mean there's like a lot of leaders in the muslim community there like if anything it was i i mean i hesitate to say this because what words even mean anymore but if anything it was predominantly liberal you know what i'm saying just in the sense that like the uh sort of like liberal muslim contingent was there um but not like i went and i stood by the cameras and i was like
Starting point is 00:19:55 trying to see what they were seeing through the lens as it was projected back onto the average Kentuckian's TV screen. And it's like, if this is the Third Reich like you are trying to portray it to be, what you see is a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial, young and old, like the ones we were at intergenerational. People aren't marching in
Starting point is 00:20:30 lockstep. No one is saying any kind of hateful... Me and Tom are just sitting there getting sunburned and fucking cutting up jokes with each other. You know what I mean? Meanwhile, the counter-protest was four dudes that looked like they were in a Christian motorcycle club.
Starting point is 00:20:48 And a handful of frat boys that were standing over with them by the bushes. I loved watching that because you could tell the four motorcycle protesters. It looked like the Bellamy brothers over there in the bush is what it was they were eyeing each other like the four counter protesters and then like the four frat boys they were eyeing each other like should we join forces yo i don't even do it this is the fucking thing dude is that yo uh whether it's uh these pro-israeli counter protesters or whether it's just these frat boys who've been deputized i mean they're pro-israeli counter protesters too but i don't want to call them pro counter protesters they're fucking goons
Starting point is 00:21:35 right they're fucking thugs right but like like if you if you if you look at the pro i don't even say pro-palestinian these are just these are just anti-war protests right i think you should put it in there of course they're pro-palestinian but they're anti-war right to put in that context too that's that liberals look at that and to them you would think that they would say that that's emblematic of america right multicultural young interfaith and all of that right why is it every time you look at the pro israeli shit it's all fucking white people it's all older white people or like again these ss youth looking motherfuckers right like it's just like like the the dichotomy and the fact that
Starting point is 00:22:17 these this multicultural multiracial interfaith like contingent you know what i'm saying of old and young they're being called like thugs and goons and black shirts right but the guys that are actually waving israeli flags you know what i'm saying he's hyper nationalist you know all fucking white people dude and if there's like and if there's like a woman there like she's probably chained or some shit like that you know what i'm saying like it's just this is not i mean i don't know man it just like to the fact that you could look at that and say that that's a model a paragon of like progressivism or where america should be at it's just fucking insane to me dog yeah i like i was talking to my brother last night my brother's like
Starting point is 00:22:59 a very apolitical person like in fact like a lot of times he gets really annoyed by like woke stuff he's not like um like a bigot or anything it's like see he just sees it as like cringe and that kind of you know what i mean like he sounds like a dude like he's just a dude just a right yeah just a right i don't play these dudes like that all right doesn't listen to the show or anything like that but i was talking to him and he was just like because i was like you know i just got back from this protest and he was like um you know were you uh protesting our country's policies in the middle east or something like that he was just kind of being facetious and i was like yeah um you know blah blah blah and he was like yeah he's like honestly man from my point of view just outside looking in just like totally like knowing nothing about this he was like i'm genuinely kind
Starting point is 00:23:47 of shocked at the scale and amount of protests and the corresponding inaction of the u.s government he was in the sense that like he was like generally like when you see that level of like protest there's some sort of even empty gestures but yes, yeah, I think that was the thing. But then you look at Biden's statements today, and it's very obvious. Again, it's like trying to understand how much of this is intentional, how much violence they do want versus how savvy and Machiavellian
Starting point is 00:24:20 they think they're being. But when Biden comes out and says these things, it literally feeds into the atmosphere that would lead 200 paris you know stormtroopers to climb a little erector set ladder like you know kicking through a window like we gotta get these guys out of here you're seven grenades in an ar-15 go hog wild brother just flaking yo can i can i say to that i do think that this is like like this reminds me of 2020 when you could tell that the cops were just itching to fuck people up you know what i mean like i'll never forget before the curfew yesterday it felt like that yesterday like
Starting point is 00:25:02 tension they're twirling their batons and shit like that and tapping them against their thighs and shit like that like they're ready to use them and this is a reason for them because they're like little fucking boys with toys yo this is a reason for them to go out and use all that equipment and fuck people up again you know what i'm saying yeah you don't need any advanced degrees to say that people that uh pull something out called a mobile command center trying to get back their GI Joe youth, you know? Dude, this is, the UK yesterday was handing out these cards. I grabbed one. It says, as a public university, we must uphold free speech rights
Starting point is 00:25:36 no matter the perspective while ensuring safety. If you have a safety concern, please speak to a UK PD officer on site. It's like, okay. Dude, dude, dude dude i just i just also what i just also wanted this idea of safety there were like over 34 000 people dead in palestine right like i mean i don't even know it might it might be they've been stuck on that number for three months i know i know i keep saying that number but it's more than that they just quit counting they keep saying yeah god's a health quit counting. Yeah, God's a health ministry. Is there even
Starting point is 00:26:06 a God's a health ministry as we once knew it? Like, is there anybody to even count that way they were? Untold, but it's just this idea that he keeps talking about protests, right? And he'll never say what the protest is about, but it's just, like, I mean, the
Starting point is 00:26:22 the, I don't know, man, the level of protest, how many it is, I mean, people are fucking don't know, man, the level of protest, how many it is. I mean, people are fucking just horrified, yo, you know? And the fact that you can hand that away, like hand wave that away and say, well, people have the right to protest, but then double down on law and order, you know? When these kids are protesting against genocide, it's just, I don't know, man. It's just, it's demonic, dude. It's frankly demonic, yo. You know, my brother is not representative
Starting point is 00:26:45 because he's still my brother and he knows what i do for a living and my political beliefs and everything so it's still triangulated in some ways but i do think it is somewhat representative in the sense that he was like yeah i mean it seems like there's kind of a lot of killing going on the protesters want the killing to stop it seems pretty straightforward to me and i think a lot of americans probably see that you know what i mean like but like what stretches the fabric of all of this is that you have you know when we talk about like ideological reproduction and like the media and quote-unquote manufacturing consent like this goes all the way from the white house like people i don't know just the people being so incredulous like how could you blame biden for what's going on how could
Starting point is 00:27:29 you blame biden for like the police response and it's like well i mean it's uh first of all he is the president he could do first of all the bug stops with him i mean but second of all theoretically yeah yeah they shape how these ideological institutions both campuses and the media reproduce this stuff and so like when you have that wall of cameras going out there and like trying to you know command americans to like see this as the rising tide of anti-semitism on campuses and it's just like again it's just like a protest with like me and tom as beavis and butthead in the background and you know what i mean like just like a totally innocuous thing where people are just trying to like voice their disagreement with the thing
Starting point is 00:28:16 but like looking increasingly worried over at the fucking uh cops yeah twirling their batons in the corner it's like it's it just stretches people's um i don't know it just stretches the bonds i guess it stretches like the sort of like illusion of the facade of the suspension of disbelief like how much further okay if if this is all to like especially uh during an election year if this is to sort of re-galvanize right this like i don't know this american like chauvinism or whatever it is right um like i don't know man like how much longer do you because you don't think that those people watching msnbc and shit have kids at college you know right you know what i mean you don't think like they know young people you know and have
Starting point is 00:29:03 spoken to them even if they don't agree with them. You know what I'm saying? Like, so it's like, how much longer do are you going to like peddle that these are Hamas actual anti-semitism like when nazis are fucking marching in fucking virginia or some shit like that you know what i mean it's almost like it's a drop it just dissipates you know they're not covered at all they would genuinely send in enough cops and maybe even the national guard eventually to literally manufacture to force people to see them as hamas supporting anti-Semites like that is the whole reason they send those troops and those cops it is it is quite literally to provoke a situation where they can then point to it and say these are Hamas supporting anti-Semites but I don't know man the whole thing is the the did y'all see that like CNN segment? Earlier, you were talking about how a lot of the people,
Starting point is 00:30:05 the pro-Israel people, are white. There's a new book out. You don't say. Well, there's a new book out where they found a brother, man. They found a brother to go out there and say that... They found a black man? They found a black man to say that black Americans have turned their backs on Jews,
Starting point is 00:30:30 and that they're betraying the jews who marched with them in the civil rights movement i've said this before but when our turn comes i'll do something personally about these black liberals and conservatives bro when i'm up but it's my time motherfucker shit yo i mean dude it's like i don't i mean again man i i mean i spoke to my bob yesterday you know and um yeah what you said earlier terrence about this starting to creep into people's homes right and then evening news my mom is in ethiopia right now you know and she's watching this stuff you know what i mean and i don't know man like uh i just think it's interesting because all right when i talk to people who are i feel like even people that i talk to who are liberals at first maybe seven months ago it was kind of like you know well hamas did and no you got to support biden but, it's almost like it's it's it's pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:31:25 It's pretty bad, isn't it? You know, so I don't know, man. I don't know if that like translates to like him like that jeopardizing, like, you know, him winning the next election. But I don't I have to imagine that like like it's not a good look for you to be sending cops. Well, if he's doing creating the environment right where cops are sent on college campuses to beat the shit out of young people man a part of your base you know what i mean yeah i mean hell of a strategy well that's just the thing it's like the new york times headline after biden's thing is biden condemns campus violence and it's like if you just frame it that way if you just say it that way it, again, it just repackages the whole thing and just says, yeah, the students are the ones. It just bears repeating.
Starting point is 00:32:12 He is literally doing the Trump plenty of bad people or good people on both sides. You know what I mean? Like, he's, that's, okay, that's the thing. Republicans like to say plenty of good people on both sides. Liberals like to say plenty of good people on both sides. Liberals like to say plenty of bad people on both sides. They love to. They love to. Which is functionally the same thing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Those kids protesting, they're bad. I guess, dude, I don't know. Because the scenes from UCLA were really some of the most distressing ones. Scenes from UCLA were really some of the most distressing ones. This pro-Zionist crowd going out and tearing down the encampments. Dragging around this fucking old lady, man. Fucking... Yeah, absolute fucking barbarians, man. That shit broke me, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That shit fucking broke me, man. I mean, this is the Dana Bash story onnn where they were talking to that guy and his co-author they wrote a book called uncomfortable conversations with a jew they're doing like the anti-racist thing except they got they got so hold up so hold up so we're having we're having the national we're having the national conversation about race but okay all right whatever it's gonna be the robin d'angelo ibrahim x candy of the anti-semitism these two right here okay they're gonna answer the bell huh the start of this fucking segment killed me anti-semitism is nearly as old as time it is raging across the u.s you mean when you mean when you mean when with dust and gases collided to create the universe you know what i mean and then human
Starting point is 00:33:54 beings who have a conception of the forward movement of time is that what you're talking about yo bro i hate these go ahead. Prior to multicellular life. Antisemitism swimming in the waters. Also, let's just say something, too, OK? There was a walk around a long time before Judaism,
Starting point is 00:34:17 Christianity or Islam. Exactly. Relax a little bit. Exactly. Just, yeah, life itself. Yeah yeah multicellular life like it's just by by doing this it's it's it goes back to that like gordon ghee statement like by doing this it's almost like they dematerial-Semitism and make it like all encompassing cosmic force that like is like it's like dark matter in the universe. It like it's out there is this cosmic. It emanates and permeates through everything.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Right. Except when there are actual anti-Semites and fucking neo-Nazis, they don't say anything about it. I don't say shit about. I would I would have more. I would have more respect for that argument if they actually called out and attacked like i mean dude there was i think somebody posted a picture of a neo-nazi that was working with pro-israeli groups right to fucking clear out encampments you know well it makes total sense because as we've made many people have pointed out,
Starting point is 00:35:25 the Nazis were all about putting them somewhere away from everybody else. It was like slavers in Liberia, dog. Marcus Garvey was like, yo, go ahead, do that shit. Get them all out of here. Oh, man. I just, I don't know. It's just, it's increasingly, part of me thinks that, like, this was a really dark week, and I've been trying to, like,
Starting point is 00:35:52 tease out why, like, trying to, like, pull out the threads of why. And part of me does think that, like, I think on the left, it's starting to, it's just, it's sinking in. It was kind of like an interesting conceptual argument or observation in November, but it is not, the reality of it is now sinking in that there is no liberal net that can catch us if all of these civil rights are basically done away with you know what i'm
Starting point is 00:36:29 saying like generally generally like as the party of reaction the conservatives have always wanted to put real back civil rights because that's you know that's what they did after 9-11 and the the liberals have always been the ones to like you know you know, at least rhetorically say, like, well, we have, you know, at the very least, civil liberties. But it is now, I guess it's the thing is it took 23 years, but it took 23 years for the liberals to say, like, okay, now we are with you. Civil liberties mean nothing. And, you know, and I'm not, you know, I shouldn't be exceptional about this like this is a country that once had segregation uh basically forms of apartheid did not have universal suffrage like this has never been an equitable place but they at least convinced enough people for a long enough time that like that's what they stood for and and it seemed that way well no man he stands for what i found funny in that video he's
Starting point is 00:37:26 like talking about the rights right people have the right to go to class right people have the right to an education right those if those things were true right then you would campaign on making colleges and public universities tuition free right you know what i mean if you believe if you actually believe in any of those things then you would secure those rights for people right obviously what you care about you care more about zionism you don't even care about winning an election dog you care more about zionism beating shit out of kids who are fucking like incensed by a genocide than anything else you know like i want people to think about that that this i don't know i don't know if it'll lose i'm not sure it seems i don't know this just this seems really that this, I don't know. I don't know if it will lose. I'm not sure. It seems, I don't know. This just, this seems really fucking bad, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It might galvanize a lot of people who love law and order, right? But I don't know, man. I forgot what I was going to say, man. My bad. That is true. Man, I'm mad as hell. I'm so fucking mad. I just burned myself out, man.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Go ahead, Terrence. What were you going to say? No, I guess that's the thing. I just burned myself out, man. Go ahead, Terrence. What were you going to say? No, I guess that's the thing. It's like they've positioned two poles.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And on one is law and order, and on the other is anti-Semitic protesters. Exactly. And that term is so charged. But, like, the thing is, and, you know, being back on a campus yesterday and protesting this thing that, like, I was on campus protesting 15 years ago. The crowds parted and Terrence walked in with his boxing gloves on and they said, he's prodigal son's back. It's Olly Lack returned to the ring. There were kids going, they said, man, I heard what you did during the Bush era at UT Austin, man. You're a legend around here
Starting point is 00:39:05 ask you for your autograph i was like damn bro i didn't know it was like uh that's the thing the thing that got me through those years and is getting me through now is there are millions and millions and millions of people out there yeah that's true most of them in the middle east and in palestine specifically who who think Zionism is a great evil and stain upon humanity and who see it for the horror show that it is and who still maintain that there is nothing inherently like violent, racist, inhuman, subhuman about Jewish people who are not anti-Semitic. You know what I'm saying? And those are the people you're with. Those are the people who you're aligned with. There's a vast sea of them out there.
Starting point is 00:39:54 A lot of them aren't in America, but a large, a growing number of them are. Well, the good news is that at least one of them used to be the president, Donald Trump, who prays for a lot of... Awaken the people? Awaken the people to the evil of Israel. I don't know, man. It's a truly horrific spectacle to behold, and I don't know i if if if the united states government does manage to basically in all public spaces outlaw any mention of intifada or from the river to the sea as like forms of anti-semitism well i mean obviously this this entire project this show yes we're going on the draft we're if it's we're we are
Starting point is 00:40:57 we are drafted it's just it's just i wonder if you could that maybe they won't retroactively do it everything going we'll have to do this show like this from now on we'll just have to dance around and come up with our own dog whistles and code words you know you know what i was thinking too man i was thinking of that like you know like how how much longer before they start like banning they start calling for bans of the palest the Palestinian flag or wearing of keffiyehs and stuff like that. It's just like stamping out any sort of solidarity with the Palestinian people and Palestinian
Starting point is 00:41:35 people themselves, you know what I mean? And the way of life and culture and all these things. And then just replacing them with charges of antisemitism, you know? I don't know. That's just frightening, man. It's frightening that, you know, that Zionists, like, reaffirm, I guess, their identity by destroying someone else, you know? And the whole entire people, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. I mean, just how stable then is your ideology, right? If it's predicated upon wiping someone else out you know yeah and replacing them i mean and we're even seeing this dude i mean again we're seeing this reproduced here where i should have sent you the video uh i should send you guys the video but i saw the nypd i think after columbia after they had raided it and tore everything down they pulled down a palestinian flag from a flagpole and put up an american flag you know yeah you know and it's just like i don't know man that is that is just
Starting point is 00:42:31 by what biden said something once said palestinian once you know in that whole speech he had given islamophobia one fucking time i don't even know if he said palestinian he probably did he may have said it once but he said anti-palestinian and Islamophobia when he was saying, because of course they have to condemn hate on both sides, right? Well, he said Palestinian Americans. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like he was quick to point out.
Starting point is 00:42:54 It's like, actually, the people that have come here and assimilated, but those people over there, you know, like no mention of that. You know what it is. The people who can vote for me, basically. You know what it is? you know like no mention of that you know the people who can vote for me basically you know what it is you know how like how with zionists like every accusation is a confession pretty much like pretty much everything they say this is also true with liberals and democrats and i'm starting to realize that like their pivot to law and order right is the way they encircle the trump thing so then by saying that like you will have fascism
Starting point is 00:43:27 like you will have they're gonna trump is gonna lead everybody off to the camps and how dare you why would you vote for trump and fascism they are going to just prove that they can do fascism and that it is and that they can even do it more efficiently than Trump. And I think that... You know, like, mom, we got fascism at home. You know what I mean? Yes, exactly. Well, it's the logical conclusion of, like, Clintonism in a lot of ways. That is so true. Like, when Clinton comes on the scene and says,
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm not one of these squishy Democrats of yesteryear. I'm not George McGovern. I'm not whoever. Like, we stand for law and order. And they did that in their policy. They did three strikes. They did all that kind of stuff. Welfare reform. This is sort of the logical end point of clintonism i mean it's telling too
Starting point is 00:44:10 that you get four emails a day saying i here we'll fly you out to meet you meet three presidents in one brock obama bill clinton and joe biden meet three war criminals yeah i ain't even got jimmy on there anymore well jimmy's in hospice i guess he's on his way out anyway it's it's like the living mount rushmore it's like the living mount rushmore of like liberal scions like of like liberal values and truly what's left of yeah the promise of camelot man it is wild and i think like i think i saw will point this out on twitter but like it is astonishing how it is now it is legal to criticize right now so far anyways this will probably change too in about six or seven months
Starting point is 00:45:00 it is legal to criticize the american government but it is now not legal to criticize the israeli government dog when you're when you're at that level it is really astonishing and really a testament to how like disciplined and how um humane the left is and americans in general are that there aren't more anti-semites like if you have a situation where like you can't even criticize the israeli government yeah yeah yeah and people and people would take that yeah that there aren't more anti-semites like if you have a situation where like you can't even criticize the israeli government yeah yeah yeah and people and people would take that yeah well but also that's that is the that is the pernicious nature of that too and it's the pernicious nature of the whole israeli project is is now all the guys that have been you know spreading the
Starting point is 00:45:40 protocols of the elders of zion type conspiracies about the influence of foreign governments. They look like they're smelling like roses. You know what I mean? Like, see, told you. You know what I mean? And so now you're going to have people drift into those kind of beliefs and ideas and stuff. And I mean, I hope that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I'm not like trying to say no, but it's like, but it's almost like Israel needs that to run off of. Like that's the lifeblood of the project. A hundred percent. I mean, a hundred percent. The more wild things people say, the more they can point to and say, see, this is why we have to exist. It is wild, man. It's like I don't know how to explain this, and I have not found a way to articulate it yet, but I felt it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's like the sort of like mystical, like the sort of mystified form inside the sort of like rational shell or whatever it's like you can almost hold it in your hands like you have this thing and you were told that it is like anti-semitic to like say these things but if you just twist it another way and like i said earlier you you make that leap to uh traveling that distance to seeing that like actually this is not it's this inside it's turning the inside out skin suit inside out or outside it's like reversing that that process it really does show you it what i'm saying here is it would it would force you to question everything you know about not only the current american project not only the near past of the
Starting point is 00:47:14 american project but the entire fucking thing from day fucking one like you know what i'm saying like contained within that contained within our whole support of israel contained within the entire like media apparatus and like law and order uh edifice that is erected to enforce everybody to go along with it once you see it from a different angle you then see that it implodes all of the myths and things about our society it's almost like we've displaced our uh i don't know and this is why like settler colonialism is i don't think it's something that you can just like wave away and say like oh this is just cringe woke is and whatever because like it's almost like we've displaced all of our like neuroses anxieties guilt and shame and everything for the fucking u.s settler project
Starting point is 00:48:01 on to israel and that's why that's sort of why we're backstopping it in this almost like sort of subconscious subliminal way like yeah it has to be maintained if it doesn't oh fuck we're gonna have if it doesn't then we're fucked you know what i mean exactly identity crisis like you you know what you know what too i think this visually um i'm just stuck on i'm just stuck on the flag as a symbolism right because uh uh eric adams right this motherfucker this is another motherfucker i need to go um but this dude was like oh uh um it's it's insane right that uh that a flag from another country right is flying in our country dude and then of course people replied with scores of pictures of him waving as a brother waving waving israeli flags and shit like that you know what i mean the turkish flag yeah the turkish flag every flag on the plane every flag except the palestinian
Starting point is 00:48:52 the mayor is a flags guy it's a funny funny stance for a flags guy he is a flags guy yeah oh man it's i i um i don't know it is it is a really crazy thing and it's it's really wild to see like and i pointed this out on twitter but i really think that like the dims took a lot of lessons from 2020 and they um they basically this was our week me and I remember me and Tom, we had like a year zero episode at the end of 2020 that like you could track in a three part act or like a three act play, like the entire trajectory of that year. And, you know, came away with like the realization that like the Dems came out basically on top. They beat the Bernie movement in the balance and they beat the Black Lives Matter movement in the streets. And what's so crazy to me is to look back at that moment and they were like, Biden's just a placeholder.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But they never said what came next. They never even hinted at it. They were just like, oh, trust us. He's a placeholder. We have a plan. We have a plan. It's a grand plan. We'll tell you about it as soon as the election's over
Starting point is 00:50:07 exactly well don't y'all think that like how can i say this don't y'all think that all right they don't have any hitters on the benches right they have no shooters on the benches right so it's like in the absence of even a figurehead you know what i mean i mean i guess biden is the one that embodies that long order but it feels like like i don't even know what i'm trying to say i'm trying to articulate the fact that it feels like that this entire ideological project doesn't even need a charismatic figure like obama right it doesn't need someone like that anymore right you can put in this decrepit like you know this decrepit guy who i guess you know i mean who is more palatable to them than someone like trump even though there's hardly any daylight between them you know right
Starting point is 00:50:59 you know what i mean i don't know if that makes sense but it's like i can't even think of who they have because it's not it's not definitely i mean fuck her but it's definitely not aoc it's definitely not younger progressives they might try to make that happen though i mean they might they might try i think they do have some shooters for example like fucking andy brashear like they or like gretchen whitmer or like the thing about gretchen whitmer is a good one actually the thing about democratic candidates is like you can pretty much slot them in and make them be whatever you want them to be like put all your hopes and dreams in them and they fucking disappoint you exactly we've seen the fucking routine from day one um but you are spot on in the sense that they don't even need that anymore
Starting point is 00:51:39 they don't need that dynamic that structural dynamic because if their whole thing is just law and order, they're going to use anti-Semitism as a pretense for introducing the law and order dynamic into democratic politics. And you're exactly right, Tom. It's the logical extension of Clintonism. This is like when they were expanding mass
Starting point is 00:51:59 incarceration and kicking everybody off welfare reform and creating these massive surplus populations and cracking down on crime, guys were doing that clinton and joe biden it's just like like and granted like everybody fucking pointed that out in 2020 but like things were so dire and crazy in 2020 global pandemic trump etc like They could convince enough people, like, oh, here's a placeholder, without having to say what comes next. But it's obvious now that what comes next is basically Trumpism as Biden.
Starting point is 00:52:34 The boot on your neck is what comes next. Well, that's an American tradition, just absorbing the enemy and then just becoming that. We did it with Nazism after the Second World War. You know what i mean and it's and then we just put a nicer veneer on it but that's just the way it goes i mean and to the point about clintonism too it's like i feel like there was such as like interference
Starting point is 00:52:55 ran by like the robustness of the economy and like the emergence of like culture during the clinton era like the 90s were just like everybody remembers the 90s fondly like if you're of my generation you know what i mean whether warranted or not and like all that ran interference for like you know the the disassembling of the welfare state like moving entitlements to block grants uh you know again three strikes things we're talking about like the you know the transfer of you know the the beefing up with the carceral state the military apparatus all these things and we just didn't really feel it as much because you know things were you know for a lot of people were you know i don't want to say all people but for a lot of people were humming along fine yeah there's a buff now we see it now that we're in
Starting point is 00:53:41 leaner times we see it more acutely you know what i mean like we see like it that we're in leaner times, we see it more acutely. You know what I mean? Like we see like, it's like after all of that artifice is wiped away, we see like just the bare bones of the Clinton project. And it's like here in our face and it's like, oh yeah, well this is not meaningfully different from Trumpism. It's true. It's so,
Starting point is 00:53:57 it's true. It's like they, they know that the economy is, obviously it's not doing as good as it was in the 90s. I mean, the U.S. economy is growing at, like, single digit, like, low single digits these days, right? Like, you get, like, 1.6% growth per quarter now or something. Something that, like, you would have seen from China in, like, the 70s. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Right, right, right. And it's... Yeah, after the cultural right right it's just it's not to say that like america is like um like losing economic hegemony per se just that like things are you're right it's leaner times and they try we've pointed this out for a long time they tried to basically convince everybody it's fascinating how I no longer see anybody say this at all. But remember, for a few months there, they were basically saying the economy's doing great.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Everything's great. They've stopped saying that. They've stopped saying it. And the reason why is because they've switched to law and order. Well, in fact, I mean, when Joe Biden's delivering these sort of esoteric remarks that just like pop up on a Thursday afternoon for 10 minutes, most of them before campus anti-Semitism were geared at like encouraging people you can invest in America. Like, I know what you're doing. You're basically doing a phone drive.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah. Yeah. You're trying to gin things up before the election so you can point to, you know, see what we're doing here? It's like, no, what you've done is you're shaking the bushes in the months up to the election to to pad your stats you know it makes it's it's interesting link in 2021 after january 6th i remember there was this very palpable fear that because the biden administration was talking about it they were talking about uh in cracking down on the j the january 6th uh protesters rioters whatever you want to fucking call them um that they were going to target like antifa with
Starting point is 00:55:54 equal fervor and force i don't know if that ever actually happened i'm sure it did um but i do think that part of their whole thing of consolidating their position, part of sort of undermining Trump's whole thing while keeping the left at bay is using this moral panic about anti-Semitism. And the thing about moral panics, I mean, I've studied them. I mean, I've, you know. Listen, I've spearheaded a number of them i've led a couple myself yeah i've led a few moral panics in my time yeah they create like a social vacuum that you can like basically deputize like free core type people into going after their neighbors like moral panics like you know, we've seen them in this country.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Like, you saw them after 9-11. They create very paranoid environments. And it is not, I just, you know, not a good thing that the specter of anti-Semitism is the thing that they are coalescing around because we know for a fact that's not actually, they don't give a shit about anti-Semitism. Like they will let neo-Nazis march in Charleston with police escorts,
Starting point is 00:57:17 but the minute you call out Israel's genocide, then yeah, you've got a billy club coming down on you. So it's, i don't know i just putting a finer point on this whole progression of the democrats to basically assume the trump position because you saw a lot of people on twitter saying like this is the alternative to trump and it's like yeah yeah it is because you know how you know how far gone this is, man? And after Kent State, Nixon, who also fomented and created the atmosphere for those students to be shot, but even Nixon, and you could say for whatever duplicitous reasons, right? I'm not entirely convinced that he actually felt bad but he did release a statement
Starting point is 00:58:05 right that said that um you know it was disproportionate right the uh the violence right these students being shot and i think even in i forget what other school that it was um i forget what other school that it was that black students were also shot um sorry the name of the school slipping me but i can't even imagine god forbid you know had someone been killed by the police on any of these college encampments i i literally cannot imagine biden coming out and saying something as unequivocal as that you know they were talking about we're talking about he would talk about fucking nixon dude you know what i mean yeah you know like a rabid anti-communist racist you know what i mean people people have to see like parallels in history like they have to i mean marx was a huge fan of doing this uh and i do a historical
Starting point is 00:58:59 parallel yeah but it's also at the same time you have to look at it dialectically like it is entirely possible that like biden becomes both trump and reagan and reagan and nixon you know what i'm saying yeah yeah we have the synthesis thesis synthesis you can run these like very vacuous like identity politics at the same time that you're running the law and order platform like the silent majority platform that's fucking crazy dude think about that for a second they're basically trying to run the silent majority nixon law and order platform while at the same time saying that obama era obama ever like like Obama era, like like social sensibilities. It's crazy, dude. It's like 2000s, like multicultural cosmopolitan sensibilities.
Starting point is 00:59:53 But it's Nixon, though. A better seed, like a better like soil bed for actual fascist politics, because what you do then is you basically take all of the meaning out of any kind of like multiculturalism or what you would call like woke politics any any kind of like gesture or semblance towards equity and equality you've basically said that it is meaningless and in fact the only one that matters is anti-semitism yeah nothing else matters uh racism against black and that's only because of empire and that's only because of empire because of empire yo yo like i'm thinking like like like yeah let's be clear about that you know it ain't got nothing to do with just some deep abiding love of the jewish people
Starting point is 01:00:39 it's weird it's like the unraveling of the empire and like America's hegemonic position is unraveling around this very specific question every time? You know what I'm saying? I mean, it's like I've said before, man. It's just, it's like, you know, I think that, well, not Americans themselves, like, you know, constituents, but, you know, like, I don't know, the architects of empire, right? And then a business, right? you know like i don't know the architects of empire right in a business right like i think they see israel as like like a like a brother a sibling you know what i mean you know what i mean and in in order to indict israel would indict the united states you know and all of those things whether it's settler colonialism or racism or police brutality or hell if we've been talking
Starting point is 01:01:42 about climate change you know what i mean or if we're talking about how how environmental factors like that are the most affecting the most marginalized and most vulnerable communities you know like it's all wrapped up in this and yeah man i think that the the the third line is really empire man you know and sort of like being able to control this narrative you know yeah but i don't know it's it's it scares me because like you got two things that are one is very promising which is the fact that like i said earlier you've got all these things swimming around in the ether and it's astonishing that more americans aren't actual frothing at the mouth anti-semites it's actually a very good thing yeah it is i thought americans were like honestly i thought they were pretty fucking stupid but apparently well
Starting point is 01:02:28 at the same time they are really fucking stupid though americans are really fucking stupid i was telling tom the other day did you know that in the uh jim crow south i mean obviously there was lynchings during segregation in america there was not lynchings in south africa apartheid like that's this weird it's this weird thing where like the competitive nature of american like fascist populism like created like terrorism and that's what when i said a second ago like i've never seen like a better like seed bed for actual fascism i don't mean to say that biden's not doing actual fascism i'm trying i'm saying they're trying to do like a better like seed bed for actual fascism i don't mean to say that biden's not doing actual fascism i'm trying i'm saying they're trying to do like a top-down fascism with the police
Starting point is 01:03:09 when i mean actual fascism i mean like a kind of like more populist like kkk type like you know what i mean like you've got like shop owners and you know they'd be like middle class people going out and being like yeah like let's do crystal knock 2.0 uh and like i'm saying that that has a precedence in america we are a society that really can't get out of the mid-century if you think about it i mean like even our hegemony is tied up in our like sort of monopoly on manufacturing post-world war ii our political ideologies have just been absorbed from the remnants of nazism and then now we're cynically using the victims of nazis to like basically have our way in this region that we have terrorized for decades and decades over oil and other resources and it's like it's just like
Starting point is 01:03:58 america just decided who we were going to be in the late 40s and we just haven't swayed from that you know i mean it's taken on different iterations. It's like the technologies and times have changed and whatever, but basically you can drill it back down to that. Even the right wing's obsession with going back to this imagined time means basically going back to that time period. All politics of the last 10 years have basically been about going back to that time period you know all politics of the last 10 years have basically been about going back to even the bernie thing was about rick returning to like 1950s like
Starting point is 01:04:33 yeah yeah yeah some post fdr or fdr style yeah but like you know it's just i mean i don't know man i know we've said this in so many different ways, but like, I just want to know the utility of like, like anchoring yourself to this, like this, this like collapsing or throbbing calculus you know as to why biden can't come i mean not even come out publicly and say something it's not about what he says but i don't know man it seemed like i said it seems like you would rather he's more wedded to zionism than winning the presidency right or being or his legacy even right or even i don't know i don't know no i well i think it just goes back to like what we were saying a second ago like i am now convinced that they are their strategy is trying to basically absorb trumpism and make it a form of bidenism because they have no better alternative right in an actual like functioning democracy that wasn wasn't decaying around us in every single way, they would offer some sort of alternative vision and path forward.
Starting point is 01:05:53 But because that's not on the table, because things are decaying rapidly, they're just going to try to absorb the actual content and substance of Trumpism. and they're going to make it palatable right that's what i mean that's why it's an insane proposition they are basically trying to do the nixon trump law and order thing but like make it woke yeah yeah make it in the service make it in the make it make it in the service of all of these social, you know, all the shit that they hold, that they claim that they hold dear. You know, multiculturalism, right? Yeah. Interfaith relations, right? The fact that, like, yeah, man, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Again, it's just alarming because what you see is that this has a negative impact on black and brown, I mean, Jewish people, but black and brown people as well. You know, I mean, at the protest, like it's just insane to me that there are a bunch of white people. Right. Calling like black and brown people anti-Semitic. Right. Calling young people anti-Semitic. Right. And then telling them that they're privileged. Right. Or maybe not choosing to vote for a genocider you know like again loss of meaning man yeah i mean well and if it's like tom was just saying like it's like they just stuck out that uh position staked out that position in the late 40s
Starting point is 01:07:20 of like the anti-communist position but when there's no communism left to 40s of like the anti-communist position but when there's no communism left to fight they have to crack down on yeah on campus liberals it loses yeah that's the closest thing i ever but you know what's funny because those it seems like like uh like uh their charge of anti-communism and you know now this charge of anti-semitism like i don't know i just feel like the groups like the two groups right there's an overlap you know what i mean like i mean it's always people it's always people that are struggling and organizing right for a better world you know what i mean but you you can't look at that and think that that's noble right like far from it like you said terence you have to look at these people as like they're
Starting point is 01:08:05 trying to initiate the third the fourth reich you know what i mean that's that was the juxtaposition yesterday and i know i've come across it many times but it was weird to put myself in the shoes of the person seeing what the cameras were saying in the sense that like you have a chant stop bombing hospitals and you are instructed to see that as the revival of hitlerism and does it work does it not i don't think it works necessarily i also think it's very concerning though because it will work that's irrelevant because they're not going to change their position exactly it's irrelevant because they're not going to change their position because what they're doing is they're using it as pretense for law and order crackdown so it
Starting point is 01:08:45 doesn't matter the content as long as you can make such a insanely sensationalist claim as that if you can make an insanely sensationalist claim as that because that is a bold thing to say it scares people enough to then sit back and say like okay well i guess if that's hitlerism if it's hitlerism to disagree with killing children and bombing hospitals, then I'm going to chill because that is a bold thing. That is that is a raw exercise of power. And that's what I say. Like the Democrats are taking that position of like law and order power because they have nothing left. Essentially, like we've known this for a for a long time.
Starting point is 01:09:24 But like, i don't know it's just it's i just um i don't know i would caution people not to go too alarmist and crazy just yet because who the fuck knows how this shakes out uh but at the same time like you know it's they're not fucking around i mean what, what we saw, I could feel it yesterday. I could feel it. We're just waiting for something. I mean, what we saw over the weekend, man. And, you know, that that just I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:53 It just it just makes me think that I'm thinking of this tweet from this fucking moron, man. And this was getting passed around a lot. And the picture, the original post uh a picture of uh officers sitting on top of like an elderly person right um i don't know if it was a professor but someone who had been at um one of these uh encampments or one of these protests and this fucking moron says this is what could happen under trump if you don't vote for biden and it's like who the fuck is the president right now man i mean these people are so far gone that or like somebody said to me well are you white right because you don't want to vote you and i'm just like dude they're so far gone that like i mean now it's yes now it's in the
Starting point is 01:10:39 defense of in the defense of black and brown people we have to vote for the guy who's giving cops more money to kill black people and giving israel more weapons to bomb brown people right yeah it's in the service of it's in the service of of uh identity and like liberal id paul right or liberal racialism i guess you know i'll tell i'll go ahead and tell you, this is like somebody left on their AIM message one time. They said that, what was it? I saw somebody say one time, they said, bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity. That's a classic. I love that. That's what America is.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I said that one a lot in 2005. Did you? That was a Bush era, like, AIM away mess. Like those old people around the CNN Trump trial, that was me before the Bush memes in 2005. Yeah. But like what you were just saying, what you were just saying though, Aaron, is true.
Starting point is 01:11:40 And if you look at like how welfare reform was actually introduced, they did it like oh this is in the interest of black communities we have to make them yes being dependent with the crime bill and they're good and now they've just taken they've taken that structural approach that structural policy and they've combined it with the carceral thing and just like said all right we'll see you in the streets we will fucking kill you it'll be in your interest it'll be in your interest as black americans it'll be in your interest as latino americans i mean they're actually doing that you see james carville opening up his old cocksucker a few days ago he was like just
Starting point is 01:12:17 scolding young people for not wanting to come vote for biden so you motherfucker i'll kick you out in a fucking creek somewhere and leave out of a pontoon boat he's like you don't know what's at stake well you couldn't think too much was at stake because you married one of their top fucking shooters it's uh it's not it's not uh it's not it's not yeah yeah i guess i don't want people to be alarmist either but just the weekend just uh that horrified me, man. I think, you know, I guess this last thing I'll say, I think, too, just these black shirts being deputized while the cops just stood by, you know. It was just such a repeat of 2020.
Starting point is 01:12:56 The boat shoes being deputized. Yeah, with the boat shoes being deputized. It just reminds me just of 2020, man, you know. You had all these Proud boys and shit like that fucking people up and i mean i even saw this shit in atlanta man like uh during the stop the count uh uh rallies or whatever at city hall down here where the cops had cordoned off all of the uh counter protesters which i guess would be like you know like liberals the left whatever they cordoned us off but they gave these trump motherfuckers the free street and we're talking to this nick fuentes motherfucker you know so it's just like it's not even just
Starting point is 01:13:29 law and order but it's it's vigilante justice he's creating the environment for that you know it was like that yesterday like i turned around and like three frat guys were chatting up a cop and i was just like what are they talking about yeah what do you talk to what do you have to say did you see did you see that like tom cotton thing where he was like these universities are disgusting cesspools of anti-semitism and i was just looking i was just looking at that um that book about uh how anti-semitism goes back to the beginning of time and dude her her interview was crazy she was literally reproducing anti-semitic tropes against the people she sang her anti-semites like pro palestinians she was like anti-semitism is a shape-shifting conspiracy it's like holy shit
Starting point is 01:14:19 like what is it elders of zion or something like that it's the same thing of like the Israel they're almost like a crypto reptilian race I don't know where that came from it's getting dark out there man it is getting dark and there is no liberal I just need to stress this to people there is no
Starting point is 01:14:42 liberal safety net to protect anyone their civil liberties, anything like that. You've got to look out for each other because there is. Look, I said this months back, man. I said this months back. Like, I remember this when, you know, when the bombing had started, the bombing of hospitals, the mass slaughter, the starvation, you know, with in our name, with our money, you know. slaughter the starvation you know with uh in our name with our money you know and you know it was like if they do that shit to palestinians what makes you think they wouldn't do it to you right and now that we're seeing these protests that's exactly what the fuck that violence right you know what i mean i you know if if i'm not even gonna go there man but i swear i swear to god
Starting point is 01:15:22 like they're already using rubber bullets against students. I saw photos of students getting shot in the face. So it's just, you're just reproducing, I guess, the tactics that a lot of these motherfuckers learned when they trained with the IDF. And they're just bringing the war home. It's like we said last week, they are the ones bringing the war home. They're bringing the war home they're bringing the war home man so i'm just you know if if anyone still is on the fence about a really a really weird thing by the way it's like those a lot of those weather underground not a lot of them i mean i
Starting point is 01:15:55 will say that like someone pointed out that the weather underground is kind of responsible um actually for um like they did so many prison breaks in the 70s that the weather underground is kind of responsible for um i think more lax i'm gonna fuck this up it had something to do with like for like what what moat surrounded prisons or some shit with crocodiles or something like that they they had something to do with like sentencing reform just because they did so many prison breaks in the 70s but like a lot of those like a lot of those um people also wound up to be the architects of the current neoliberal hell so it's like they are still bringing the war home but now they're
Starting point is 01:16:38 using the cops to do it against the protesters and uh i don't know man just fucking echoes across time what can you say all right well um i guess we're gonna call it if you'd like some lighter fare some um a little more uh tongue-in-cheek uh uh fair you can go over to the patreon um where we i mean we we've we've we've definitely had some serious episodes over there recently but we've also had some more light-hearted we've also cut up a little bit we've actually been cutting up so um please go check out the patreon and support us over there because who knows how long this motherfucker is gonna last no i mean if it's freedom of speech this is all speech man i think i've seen the same black man drive past my house twice like you know
Starting point is 01:17:40 it's already it's only noon man yeah we got we got uh three guys jogging and a guy sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper around this motherfucker. Better yet, they install a park bench across the street from my house where there was not a park bench. And now there's a guy just sitting in a residential neighborhood that just makes no sense. There's a guy sitting there
Starting point is 01:17:59 reading a newspaper with a top hat or something like that. Putting infrastructure in that your community desperately needs just to monitor you yeah that's really funny instead of a police tower they just build like park benches so so agents can sit on the front of every subversive known subversives house they even put like up a newspaper kiosk. You can read a new paper every day. All right, gang.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Please go support us on Patreon. It's more than support. You're getting something out of it, too. You are. Go sign up over there. We don't have fans. We have family. That's right.
Starting point is 01:18:42 That's right. All right. Well, we'll see you over there in a few days. Be good to each other. Be good to yourselves. Adios. Peace out.

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