Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 347: The Moon Belongs To The People

Episode Date: June 14, 2024

This week we cover: Fetterman's car crash, recent news from Gaza, the Nova Music Festival Museum Exhibit, Biden's further degeneration, how everything is running on fumes, and one man's quixotic quest... to assemble an Ocean's 11 team of experts to save the glaciers Please support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's program, we'll be going through the anatomical structure of the rumen also known as a punch which is the largest stomach compartment in ruminants and the larger part of reticulo reticulo rumen which is the first chamber in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals now open your textbooks, please to page 45 in the Alimentary Canal of Ruminant Animals. Now open your textbooks please to page 45. Today we're gonna be looking at the Saccus dorsalis, the Saccus ventralis.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Thought we covered that last time. Yeah, and I thought there was an illustration of John Fetterman as a ruminant, you know, in the textbook. He is a grotesquerie, isn't he? He does regurgitate his cud and chew on it all day And did you guys see the thing?
Starting point is 00:00:54 Is that what cows are doing? I'm sorry for going for is that what cows are doing when they just keep Smacking their gums. That's it. They they regurgitate from the rumen and they chew the cud and And well the reason Aaron and I were talking about it was because we were talking about camels Well how we got on that topic was we were talking about Banning cars and how that's gonna piss a lot of people off So people have to have some sort of like individual little mode of transportation So I can I can have my little my little private yeah my little treats and so it's like well I guess we'll have to either bring back horseback and horse drawn buggies or we could experiment
Starting point is 00:01:35 with camels camels are ruminants and they also barf up their cud and chew on it all day just like giraffes giraff I think also too. I think with a warming climate, a warming world. You know, I know in Mad Max, you know, all the cars, you know. Which I guess is a commentary on cars themselves. Everyone drives cars and trucks and stuff, but maybe we'll just have tricked out camels instead, you know. Yes! Across the wasteland, you know what I mean? That'd be tight.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Hell yeah, dude. Yeah, they can survive in rather spartan conditions. Yeah, yeah. The perfect beast of verting. Doesn't need much water, you know? They hold water. They hold water. They can go a long time without water.
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's just like a natural cradle. I mean, some people saddle their camel, sure, but you don't really need to. You don't have to have a saddle. Exactly, you got a natural saddle I'd sit in between them hunks just how really I play the drums on it might be playing bongos on those homes Did you guys see I was very upset to find out it wasn't real but uh one of these accounts brisk God they posted this a Video of a zip lining camel in Saudi Arabia and it was a real yellow helmet
Starting point is 00:02:47 No, it wasn't real. Yo, apparently CGI, but I wouldn't my headcanon is real There's a lot of things in my headcanon that's real I Need to I need to see a giraffe with a helmet on that would be so funny to me like a fucking giraffe With a football helmet on would have the holes for funny to me, like a fucking giraffe with a football helmet on. Would I have the holes for the two horns for the two little stars? Yes, yes. You know, I feel like every joke has been made on Twitter
Starting point is 00:03:14 and so like I don't even find like the house style that funny anymore, but what it's doing is taking me back to the wholesome sort of, I was watching the three stooges the other day and having a great time I go to the The summer screening film series or whatever at the Kentucky theater and before every movie they play an old Looney Tunes cartoon Oh, yeah, and it's like it's oh man. It's uh
Starting point is 00:03:40 It's good stuff. We're into japes and larks these days. Oh yeah, dude. You know what we should do, man? You know, I think if the news is as bad as it is remember way, way back when they had newsreels and movie theaters, you know? Yes. Like updates on World War II, now!
Starting point is 00:04:00 On the front! What a bummer! You're just wanting to go watch you know like you know Fucking some 40s noir and you just have to be reminded of the horrors of the world Right like you wouldn't be reminded of them in a 40s noir Like that wasn't the subject of the movie you're getting ready to watch anyway Like that wasn't the subject of the movie you're getting ready to watch anyway Dude All right, speaking of ruminants and grotesqueries that chew their cud. Did you guys see?
Starting point is 00:04:35 That Federman had another car crash this week Not fatal unfortunately, but yeah, not fatal. Um, I was an actual car crash not a stroke. That's not shorthand for stroke No, he he had a car accident Which he rear-ended another driver a 62 year old woman who had to be taken to the hospital 62 goddamn The accident was the latest example of unsafe driving by Federman He has received two speeding tickets for violations of at least 24 miles per hour above the speed limit.
Starting point is 00:05:07 After the ticket this year when he was driving 34 miles per hour over the limit, he was required by the state to complete a driver's improvement course. At other times, aides have said Federman has texted and FaceTimed while driving, prompting concern among his staffs and fears about riding with him. Yo, you know how we lived at the time?
Starting point is 00:05:26 I mean, there are a couple, at least one politician I can think of actually. I think he used to serve, he was a Dixie-crat that served in Marjorie, what's now Marjorie Taylor Green's district, and a founding member of the John Birch Society. I don't remember his name, unfortunately, but people can look it up. But he died in a plane crash. I feel like there were times when, like, famous people died in plane crashes, you know what I mean? Yes. Maybe we need to famous people died in plane crashes, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yes. Maybe we need to bring it back with car crashes, you know what I'm saying? Federman could be a, you know, patient zero, you know what I mean? Federman's aides have refrained from messaging him while behind the wheel when they knew he was driving, afraid he would answer them according to the three people.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's probably true of most people in his life you call John just cuz because you have to and you're you actually kind of hope he doesn't but Wish yeah, we should be calling him at all times could you I mean constantly like facetiming while driving like I don't know Maybe that is that more or less safe than actually holding the phone up to your also to I mean like he's a US senator and Isn't the part of the job is that you have all of these like sort of um? How can I say it like these amenities and services that are provided to you like a driver or some shit? I mean not a butler or something like that, but does he have like a driver? You don't understand Aaron. He's a man of the people and he wears sweatpants to show that he's a man of the people
Starting point is 00:06:50 He wouldn't get so highfalutin as to accept a million dollars from a pack and Have a driver Do you what kind of car do you think he drives? Does it say what kind of car he drives a Chevy Traverse? Do you know what that is that's just that's just a painfully low imagination for corruption If I was on the APAC take I'd at least be balling out of control. Yeah, right Or maybe he's just so frequently in traffic incidents that he doesn't want to get anything too expensive to fix, you know
Starting point is 00:07:24 just fucking driving your Chevy Traverse a six foot eight Human ungulate chewing your cud driving your Chevy Traverse Face-timing about your depression just Yeah, yeah, just just doing your better help appointment over FaceTime while you're driving You know, he's a man that cares about the people, you know, I mean so whether that means Supporting the mass killing, you know a genocide or whether that means taking little old ladies out with the Chevy Traverse Like we have this with the homicide has to be downsized, you know We were always afraid to text John while he's regurgitating his cud we're always
Starting point is 00:08:09 afraid he's gonna choke on it he will be the first ungulate to choke on his own cud it's like oh we we texted him while he was barfing up his cud guys you know when he's behind the wheel he likes to chew his cud and dial in Y'all called him while he was chewing his cud Dude, he was with his wife at the time his wife said the crash made for the worst anniversary ever, but we're great John said Let me let me just say I don't want to give too many identifying details away, but let me just say that multiple people with knowledge of the town he is from have
Starting point is 00:08:50 Messaged us saying that it's a known secret that those two are not Giselle if you listen to this If you are listed You leave that fucking ugly room, rumen and loser, that ogre. Yeah, she's like, the last straw was like she was kissing him and he accidentally passed his cud into her mouth. That's a no-no. If you're an ungulate coupled up with a non-ungulate, everybody knows you gotta keep that cud to yourself. But she she has to hold a cud bucket, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Or the oats bucket while he's driving. So not only is he texting or FaceTiming and doing this shit and chewing his cud. He's got his oats. He's dipping into the passenger seat in her lap to eat the oats, man. That's what happened when that's why you hit that lady, man. You got a face full of oats. My God. I don't know why that makes me laugh so hard Oh
Starting point is 00:09:50 My god, I don't know why that makes me laugh so hard, but that's pretty good On a related note. There's a warrant out for my arrest Turns out did you get to the bottom of uh, I got to the bottom of there's an act of I got a bench warrant for failure to appear on a speeding ticket dude did like one of these like can happen to be cameras get you or some shit no I remember what it was it was me and Katie Slinginger were driving down to Weitzberg it was the day after the flood that was almost two years ago I've been driving around I had other shit on my mind then. I had other shit on my mind, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah, yeah, you did, yeah, you did. I totally forgot. I mean, I just totally forgot about it. Well, it turns out I didn't even think to inquire it, so I got a letter from the state saying that they were gonna cancel the registration of my vehicle. We're gonna execute you. Yeah, we're gonna actually, actually son.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah. Damn, dude, you and Fetterman are gonna be bunked up. I'm gonna tell you something, that's what some are calling a fate worse than death. He's gonna be trying to pass his cud to you down from the top bunk. I'm like, hey man. I said, God damn it John, I told you.
Starting point is 00:11:04 He said, hey you damn You snuck some cut in the prison. He's like he's like trying to pass you cut down like what else you got there? Close out a razor or something like that Covered in cut just like passing me literature about that why should support Israel Damn dude, so you better get that taken care of. Yeah, they start something new in prison political Judaism That they team up with the the what are the Aryan Brotherhood? Hmm You're a race trader cuz I joined the no I zero feet of difference Did you guys see the?
Starting point is 00:11:48 The rave music festival museum exhibit What did y'all didn't see that wait wait wait say that combination of words again? So you know how like There was a music festival that rave music festival Okay outside of Gaza like on October 7th it like the zone of interest shit What'd you say zone of interest shit? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Um, I guess they turned Someone turned that into like a museum exhibit as a kind of like well You know how like they've been touring the world trying to show these videos of
Starting point is 00:12:29 October 7th. Yeah Gal Gadot. I remember was that a premiere of one of them, right? Right Zionist Wonder Woman. I guess they've been trying to do this Let's see an immersive exhibition brings the Nova... Israeli music festival that Hamas attacked on October 7th has recreated a New York exhibit. An immersive exhibition brings the Nova music festival's campgrounds, including tents and burned out cars to lower Manhattan.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yo, they really what their own 9-Eleven, dog. They really, really do, yo. I can't explain how surreal this is. Everyone should really go look this up. There's even a gift shop where you can purchase hats. Like what did the hat say? Like a raver getting shot by a boss fighter? Or is it the parachuting? Like what the parasailing? Well, let's also just not lose sight of the fact that we know the IDF murdered most of these people. 100%. The hats say like, breathe. Breathe, Nova. Yo, I have to say real quick though too. It took, I mean, October 7th is compared,
Starting point is 00:13:39 Joe Biden did it himself as Israel's 9-11. And I know that for them to make that building, that new building, that memorial, right, took a long time, you know what I mean? But I don't know if this is fair to compare this. I feel like the turnover has been pretty quick, right, into profiteering. I don't know if you can call this Israel's 9-11, especially when the IDF has killed many of these hostages
Starting point is 00:14:06 Bravers as well, you know, I know they're worse than Boston after the marathon bombing You know Boston wanted their 9-eleven so much so that they called the CIA got Joe Karzharnaev to come Set off a homemade bomb that maimed some people Well, some people die shouldn't be be fastetious with that, that is terrible but yeah. Wow. All right. Wow. That's why your driver's license is suspended. You slandered the good people of Boston. There's a cop now, Kentucky cop that's actually came from Boston and he's heard he's heard this he's like you don't fuck with this guy I Love
Starting point is 00:14:51 This person that made this exhibit Let's see there's Objects from the side of the massacre including charred cars bullet-pocked portable Toilets empty liquor bottles camping tents plastic cups overturn, jewelry, backpacks, and t-shirts. Where's this exhibit again? It's in New York. This just sounds like garbage that's just floating in like, you know what I'm saying? We're gonna find out most of this was sourced from Bonnaroo24. 24 Well the guy one of the co-founders actually he said He said music is an international language whether it's Coachella or governor's ball or Glastonbury
Starting point is 00:15:33 We go because that's where we feel connected. No, I just had a dark thought boys They're gonna bring this festival back next year on some like we won't let the terrorists Oh my god, dude. You are fucking so It's gonna be it's gonna be the Coachella of Israel, dude And it's gonna spread all over the world and shit like that. You know, I'm saying music is an international language I just like I Like because he says here there were hundreds of people from abroad that came to this festival It's a collaboration with DJs from India, Brazil, Europe, and the United States. You're exactly right, Tom. Like, they're
Starting point is 00:16:07 gonna fucking hold it again. Like, we will not be intimidated. They'll hold it in New York. They'll probably hold it in the United States. They'll hold it at Ground Zero. Or where it formerly was Ground Zero. I'm gonna make a solemn promise if they bring that to this soil And then the great crime of course is just the manner of entertainment they're bringing you know goddamn Bush era EDM Well, I think it would be I think in order to recreate At least some of the events of that day, you know, which righteous, you know, again, but maybe they should just have people come down in parasails, you know, to these concerts,
Starting point is 00:16:52 you know what I'm saying? Like, when those ravers were looking at these Havas fighters coming down and they were like, what the fuck is that? You know what I'm saying? Listen, you know, I've got a lot of forebears that were Civil War reenactors. Maybe my calling is October 7th reenactment Perhaps told y'all that there's a former teacher of mine that posts in the voice of I'm talking about on his regular account not his like business account. He had he is living his gimmick as Robert E Lee
Starting point is 00:17:22 Perhaps my gimmick that I get to live, but Shawthus is this, is that I get to be one of those brave Hamas paragliders. I am the Robert E. Lee of Hamas and that's how I reenact. I mean dude, they're gonna be so on the lookout for anything that like a Pigeon will fly over and they'll shoot like 30 ballistic missiles at it or something right like they'll probably kill themselves They're gonna build an iron dome for these rays Every every brave is gonna have its own bitty iron dome. No, I know Oh my god, it's like how What's the what's Palantir?
Starting point is 00:18:05 You know Palantir is like just making inroads into all these industries They're even getting into horse racing like Palantir is gonna create their own fucking iron dome specifically for this goddamn shit festival And like there will be no living birds in like a 50 mile radius No living creature at all In like a 50 mile radius No living creature at all There is a video going around of the IDF using a trebuchet to like
Starting point is 00:18:35 launch Fire like I don't know like fire balls into Lebanon this morning Did you guys see what like it isn't this like this is like some medieval tactic. What the fuck is going on? Yeah, I had a history professor in college who taught us all about the trebuchet and There's a lot of people out there still making trebuchets so like I guess like you know, you could probably hire some like grad students from University of Kansas to show you how to do it. They should build a trebuchet, I guess, into space. I'd fuck with that.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yes. Like a launch you fast and high enough? Hell yeah, dog. Well, speaking of the rave, speaking of the rave, there's a few news items I want to get out of the way before I go on to what I wanted to read today. So speaking of the rave, this past weekend, the IDF did a quote unquote, like hostage rescue operation on four hostages.
Starting point is 00:19:49 The manner in which this was done was unlike, I think Aaron in the group chat you referred to it as pure godlessness and I think that that is the best description I have seen. Because they basically did like a Trojan horse thing. They disguised themselves as humanitarian aid trucks. And they would think they were even coordinated like and dropped off on the pier that the humanitarian peer that the United States built which I was told wasn't functional but I guess is Functional if you're doing war crimes, so I guess There's that To like 200 Palestinians were killed in the process, in the action of this operation?
Starting point is 00:20:28 I think almost 300, right? 270, I think. I wouldn't misspeak, but it was almost over 200. I guess what I found so astonishing, I mean I was just utterly speechless, right? Just for the fact that again, they used the US-built pier. They were disguised as humanitarian aid trucks. This isn't even like, I mean, there's multiple people who describe seeing these trucks
Starting point is 00:20:53 and hearing the people in them saying, like, we have food, we have pots and pans. Like, those IDF soldiers were advertising themselves as humanitarian aid workers. And this is like a war crime. I mean, obviously, everything Israel's done up to And this is like a war crime. I mean, obviously everything Israel's done up to this point is a fucking war crime. But like, I guess it's just, that was bad in and of itself.
Starting point is 00:21:15 But then the like 24 to 48 hours afterwards, I don't say this lightly, the website was the most unusable it has ever been in the entire Time I have been on there. It was weird something. It was like this insane like blood thirsty like bloodlust triumphalism where like everything you said like every like every other post was just like people saying like Well, they're lucky like we haven't killed every single person there yet, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Like literally just like that level of genocidal advocacy. Dude, it just to me, you know, it underscored, you know, Biden and others who have been, you know, kind of, you know, if one, I remember Biden said one Israeli life is worth like, he did like 9-11 math, right, it's like, worth how many American lives, right, but just what the worth of a Palestinian life is, you know, and the fact that people are being triumphant and congratulating, right, Israel and, you know, Zionism for, I mean, in what world, I guess, would you have a situation where
Starting point is 00:22:31 a peer, which I don't think, now I started getting conspiracy shit, was that peer ever meant to work? Was the peer always made for military operations? And then you can use the peer, this humanitarian peer, to carry an operation that kills 200 people, over 200 people, to save four. Like, if that had been reversed, it happened in any other country, you know? I even think if the United States had done it, right? You'd have critics within the United States. But like you said, just the unhinged bloodlust and the fact that, like, a Palestinian life then means nothing. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:06 it was just like you said, man, it was just it was it was truly depraved man. Like it was it was godlessness is what it was, man. Yeah, I mean, I think that you're exactly right. Like, I guess I'm trying to like pin down or like nail or like understand why Right, like I think it was maybe Maybe it was because it was just such a blatant. Okay. I guess this is this is probably a big reason why the backdrop for this is That the United States has been going around the world for the last week or two Anthony Blinken has been going around the world telling world leaders that Israel wants a ceasefire Anthony Blinken has been going around the world telling world leaders that Israel wants a ceasefire when Netanyahu is out here publicly saying he will never agree to a ceasefire
Starting point is 00:23:53 Even if Hamas returns all the hostages. I have to remind people What happened in October 7th was really not that far I mean the casualty numbers were higher, but that's probably because the IDF killed a lot of fucking people but like it's really not that outside the realm of like what Hamas has usually done which is Go in Kidnap Israelis to use as hostage bargaining chips for the thousands and thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel and That's generally virtually the whole population mind you And that's generally virtually the whole population mind you
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, yeah when you're fenced in that's everybody Yeah, I mean, it's just pretty standard protocol but Not now has been saying like publicly like even if they returned all the hostages this war will never end basically like they have made it they Have made it abundantly clear everybody in the fucking world Except maybe John Kirby and Biden even they fucking know it that like the end goal here is complete annihilation And in complete ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, honestly And can I add something real quick? Didn't you see today, man, that I saw a headline
Starting point is 00:25:08 that I think the House had downvoted a bill that would have provided aid or funds to rebuild Gaza, after this supposed day after, kind of what happens after that. So it's like, it was never about the hostages. It's not even about quote rebuilding Gaza after this right which would include some kind of permanent ceasefire I mean they want to Commit a general carry out of genocide and raise Gaza so they can do whatever the fuck they want to do You know right Israel can have it for its own, right?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Sorry, there's a big explosion outside my house. They've got me The guy you were Tom I'm next for you're next dog Well, no, you're exactly right and and like and I guess the reason I brought up the rave Festival exhibition wasn't like I'm not trying to like dance on anybody's graves even though I still to this day Yeah, yeah, I don't yeah, I don't think I don't think it's a good idea still to this day to hold a rave Next to cause I mean an open-air prison. Yeah, if you think if you think I'm exaggerating There are videos that came out just in the past few weeks of Gazans who were able to escape on October 7th And they're running through these fields of banana plantations that Israelis have planted and like they are genuinely elated They're ecstatic. It's like this crazy juxtaposition, right?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Like they're finally free and not only are they free they found this like paradise like this sort of like oasis in the desert which is completely like fucking geo-engineered by Insane Western capital and you know I'm saying all this I mean it's just like I guess it's like the juxtaposition of all these images The reason I only pointed out the rave exhibition is saying is they don't give a fuck about their own People they don't they don't actually I know that like they are insane about like their linear all it there their genealogy and like their lineage and everything to the extent racial supremacy is yeah they got go
Starting point is 00:27:15 fucking retrieve the semen and whatever fucking dead soldiers not see shit by the way I'm sorry that's not see. Absolutely but like that's just it's the thing it's the thing that like I Genuinely think that the reason there was so much triumphalism and like bloodlust after the hostages were Retrieved was because of two things it put on blatant display With the backdrop of net yahoo saying we will never agree to a ceasefire It put on blatant display that there is this crude moral calculus of like There are about like every Palestinian life
Starting point is 00:27:54 There's about like 250 Palestinian lives for every one Israeli life or something But but even more than that I think that the reason why people reacted the way they did is Because they got what they said they wanted which was the hostages returned and they realized oh We don't give a fuck about these hostages like fuck these hostages actually. They're a reminder of our own Weakness they're a reminder of our own failures a reminder of our own inability to finally fully solve The quit the Palestinian question. Yeah, they were used as pretense to just kick all this off. And like, yeah, I mean with that whole October 7th reenactor bit, I don't mean, again,
Starting point is 00:28:33 I don't mean to tap dance on anybody's grave because obviously it's awful, but the loss of life. But, yeah, it's just like this, that whole thing was just fucking, yeah, it's just pretense to just do whatever the fuck they want to do it like they don't give a shit about like Any of those people no it really felt more like the comments I saw man It started to dive less into celebrating the rescuing of the four hostages. Yes, and more of a more of not an oblique celebration,, but more of a justification as to why 200 plus Palestinians had to die. I mean, there were deranged people, don't get me wrong, that's saying, like you said, we should kill more.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But you know what, I was also thinking, man, I'm going to mention the peer again, because dude, not only does it make me think that that peer was never for humanitarian aid, right? That that was just a front, right? But it also makes me think that they want to put a freezing kind of effect on aid, you know what I mean? If organizations now are worried about their own safety, right? Because even the United States won their own safety, right, because even the United States won't protect them, right, then I mean, and don't get me wrong, there
Starting point is 00:29:50 are no there are organizations that are still committed to providing aid. But it just it just, you know, it throws it back to the people who are trying to actually, you know, carry out humanitarian aid that, well, is it safe enough for us to go here? Because even the United States government, you know won't protect us You know, yeah, I don't know man it's just it just brings up all these conspiracies where I just have to keep thinking like Like when you're denying the reality so much so and you're trying to have me buy into this like for lack of a better term Psyop like what else am I supposed to think you know?
Starting point is 00:30:20 All right. Yeah No, I mean you're I think you're absolutely right. I mean What are we supposed to think when John Kirby gets out there like he did this week and Said one of the most insane things I've ever heard a government official in the United States government say It was something along the lines of well. We did even worse stuff in Iraq that's Something along the lines of, well, we did even worse stuff in Iraq. That's insane for several reasons. Let me tell you why. The first reason? They just admitted it. They just said it. They just admitted it. He admitted it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 The second reason is he's basically saying that the IDF is a more noble army than the United States Army. That's insane. Why do they keep... Dude, why do they keep, I mean, I don't mean to break up a hack point, but just this moral army shit, the most moral army, it's like, it's like they know, right, that the reaction of a sane person
Starting point is 00:31:17 is to reject all of that. So they have to continue to force feed it and repeat it, right, because it's not about them believing it anymore, right, I mean, they just have to, this is just what they have to say You know in order because otherwise to even hint towards the reality, right? I mean like I don't know man it's just I don't know man, I mean it's just this rolling mass of like carnage and
Starting point is 00:31:41 incoherence and like just dead eyes like carnage and incoherence and like just dead eyes like The video of biden at that juneteenth celebration just like whacked out of his fucking mind, dude And I think billy porter who's tabbed to play james baldwin in his biopic going there and kissing his hand. Listen brother Listen brother when I saw that dude When I saw that man, I can't I mean like what what would what would what would compel you? Right first of all Joe Biden's probably not even know what's going on He's probably thinking like a butterfly landed on his hand or a dog is licking his hand or some she has no idea What's happening? Well? Why would you debase yourself like that? They start scratching Billy Porter's belly
Starting point is 00:32:22 Tell me we got to do something about these people I would be gold retriever I'll do something personally about these motherfuckers. I just the whole fucking thing is It is so astonishingly grotesque That like I mean truly in the same week you have Biden going to the D-Day celebration and like turning around and like Macron also like not knowing what to do and having to turn around who and like Didn't him going to the Juneteenth thing and then just like the video of him just being absolutely out of his mind
Starting point is 00:33:00 This would be an amazing absurdist fiction novel or something a post-part of novels just the dying president not even King right that Everyone knows is insane, but you have to humor him right? Yeah, the human his genocide you have to humor him about facing You don't have it Him doing the wrong turn in the wrong way Kanye shoulder shrug and they just join it dude, but this week McCrone called a snap election of Parliament and Kanye shoulder shrug and they just join him. This week, Macron called a snap election of parliament and I read this thing in the New York Times that like, I don't know how on the level this is, but they said it with a
Starting point is 00:33:35 pretty high degree of confidence that his calculation in doing this, in calling this snap election when he's actually pretty vulnerable and like Marine Le Pen Her party could like win these elections They were they were sort of speculating but also kind of saying it like they might have some inside baseball that his reasoning for doing So was to invite Lapin's party in and make them govern basically say like okay if you're anti-establishment Then why don't you just do why don't you govern and be established and see how that works out
Starting point is 00:34:08 for you and it's just it's just that to me is part and parcel of like Macron turning around in the thing in the D-Day celebration and it's and it's what's so what is honestly so symbolically arresting and crazy about it is that they were at the... What was it? 80th anniversary of the launching of D-Day operations at the beach of Normandy? Just like this trajectory of like the West going from like this triumphant moment of like, we're storming the beaches of Normandy, we're gonna take down like fascism, it's just going all the way from that. We're walking into the sea. Yeah just gosh the AI thing they really did have they turned around and now they're walking straight into the fucking sea and now they're letting the fascists just take
Starting point is 00:34:55 back over or they themselves are doing it in a more able efficient way but it's I don't know it's's just like all these images, like rolled into one, it is so, it's just, like I said, it's just arresting, it makes you speechless. What I, what, go ahead. Go ahead, go ahead, no, go ahead, Tom. Well, I was just gonna say, what I think could be a foot too as part of that is like, I don't know what Biden's calculus,
Starting point is 00:35:24 oh, pudding brain, Biden, but it seems to me that with the whole of sort of, let's give them the reins and see what they can do. You know what I mean? That whole sort of perverted bipartisan need that libs have to just let the co-exist with their enemies like that. I think they think that the worst outcome is, well, at least we share the same class interests, so in the end, it's not gonna be that bad for us. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Right, right. Yeah, you know, I just keep thinking about something you keep saying, Terrence, how they've adopted, not just the rights framing, but even if we're looking at how they've adopted, you know, not just the rights framing, but even if we're looking at, you know, a lot of things that Trump, you know, was only work things that were on his platform, things that he was advocating for.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And it's just like, I don't know, man, it's just a way for you to, a way for them to make the unconscionable, like palatable, you know what I mean? You know, because it's not coming from the bad orange man, you know. So if Biden is the one to carry out this genocide, then automatically you have to be in support of it, right?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Because under Trump, it would clearly be worse, right? Dude, can you imagine how fucking bleak it's gonna be in the second term when they're still doing the genocide? And I, I, I, I don't know. First of all, I can't almost can't believe that he will, and they're still doing the genocide. First of all, I almost can't believe that he will. Like I said in the chat, that if he does win and serve his second term, I mean, honestly, I think he might just die in office or either just pass it on to somebody else.
Starting point is 00:36:57 But even that, right? Even thinking about that is like, I don't even know what's gonna happen, right? Well, I think that the thing is, is they have single-handedly undermined all of their own arguments for why they exist. I was thinking about this yesterday, and I didn't make the argument very well on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:37:13 but I was thinking about this. I remember when Obama left office, I remember how so many, there were so many like think pieces and tweets and stuff going around of like, here's a picture of Obama in 2008, like look how young and like optimistic he looks. Here's a picture of him in 2016, like he's got gray hair, he's weathered, he's like wizened by age and wisdom and all this.
Starting point is 00:37:35 It's like the burden of the crown wore heavy on him and he took the burden on himself. And it's just like, by putting Biden in there there you realize you've undermined that entire fucking thing There is no like burden. There is no stress There's no crown that you wear that you make the big shots and call the big decisions because Biden's obviously not doing shit Yeah, and he's also and he's also half dead. Anyway already, you know I also want to point out a little inside baseball of my own They said the same thing about Bill Clinton, but Bill Clinton dyed his hair white to look more distinguished.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, shit, I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that was like a preemptive choice for him. Like he dyed his hair salt and pepper when he came in and then like just progressively did more of it while he was, and I know that first, right from first hand, so. Yeah, look at him nice it's just the
Starting point is 00:38:26 pressures of the position well that's like they the implication is that the position is so esteemed and it's so simultaneously like noble but also demanding that it takes a tax on you physically I I mean, I guess you can make the argument because there was a video going around of Biden from 2019 on Twitter, and it really was astonishing how much he has decayed, degenerated. But he was uncorpsed like? Yeah, just in five years.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So like, I guess that is the thing. Nah, I think you're right though. I think it undercuts him in, because what it proves is that, I think I've said this before You don't really need someone who You can sit down and drink a beer with right? You don't need someone that you feel like is or at least then their calculus right who's dynamic, right?
Starting point is 00:39:19 You just need somebody to sign off on shit. You know what I mean? You need a figurehead you just cuz I mean the guy's a corpse man I mean just that Juneteenth event meant and seeing him leering with the width like this half open Guru like grin and just like leering with his shoulders. So unsettling There's very creepy I was telling Tom yesterday. What makes that clip and this is one of the challenges of doing an audio Medium but like cuz we can't convey this. But if we were on Joe Rogan I'd be like, um... Jamie pulled up.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Jamie pulled up, yeah. But here's the thing. What makes that clip so unsettling... Is he's had, and I was telling Tom yesterday, he's had so many facelifts and like tucks or whatever, that like, he's smiling smiling and all of his skin is Accumulating in the center of his face right where his nose and his eyes meet and like so all of his face His skin is pinned back like stretched back way to the back of his head But like he's got this like part in the middle of his face that can't be
Starting point is 00:40:23 Like court it can't be like lassoed and pulled back. It can't be tamed. It can't be tamed. And so it's like kind of bulging out and it's like sticking out and at the same time he's got this vacant look in his eyes and he's got this like- And Chuck's supposed to those big white piano key veneers.
Starting point is 00:40:40 He's got the smile. Exactly. And like that to me, and I know this is a trite point, but it was so emblematic of the entire thing, right? It's like trying to just pull this, just trying to pull this like, the flesh taught on this absolute grotesquerie and trying to convince everybody that that's not
Starting point is 00:41:03 what you're seeing. You're seeing something different dude It just looks like you know sometimes it looks like he's wearing a mask You know you know to be like real faces a mask or something like that and I don't know but there are all these I like that you bring up these images man because I'm Like as a as the grotesqueries the horrors continue. It's just like it kind of leaves you speechless man But symbols seem to become even more salient right at times like this You know if we're talking about the pier
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'll never forget Anthony blinking going to Ukraine and playing on that fucking up Bruce Springsteen song God Why is it fucking out of my head um keep on rocking the USA? Yeah? Exactly yeah, right in a free world, right? And it's just like no young no Yeah, sorry, sorry no, you know and it's just like dude like like just like, dude, like, it's just. Get your white people music right here. Yeah, get my white people music right here. You're right. Sorry, sorry. I always confuse Seinfeld and Friends, by the way, too.
Starting point is 00:41:51 No, I'm kidding, I don't do that one. People get really mad at that. But, nah, man, I don't know, dude. It's just, it's just, sometimes I just have to think, and I know pathologizing these people doesn't really matter, but I have to feel like how aware are they of this? You know what I mean? Is all of this like an intentional
Starting point is 00:42:06 Psyop or is it just like this machine that keeps rolling where I mean I guess this is how it would happen and this is how the pieces would fall together you know I don't know how much of his conscious I don't know how much I mean I know the genocide is conscious but like I mean Jesus man I don't know what else to say. Well and the reason we're only the only reason we're asking that question Is because it seems to be kneecapping them at the polls They seem to be trying to do everything they can to lose and they will still probably win Which begs the question?
Starting point is 00:42:37 What does a second term look like of a president presidential campaign that tried against all the odds to lose? I Mean, I don't even know what that looks like It looks like no get better. What it means though is that if people, and I said this to you earlier Terrence before Tom got on, but people in my neighborhood, in my black neighborhood, I can sense, even from people I've spoken to, some of my neighbors, but other older black folks, younger black folks on the other hand, no. But I sense that people are maybe like my mom is like yeah this Gaza situation right she calls this is not looking good right you know but are still willing to vote for him and I think what that means is that if you don't have a red line that means
Starting point is 00:43:38 that they know that they're aware of that and they can do I mean they don't give a shit already but they can do anything the next term you know I'm saying they can do anything or not do anything at all right not Do anything at all will probably be the yeah preferred option I mean two more things I just wanted to pick out from this week one of which was a 12-minute expose on CNN on these camps in Syria where they've detained family members of Isis fighters have y'all seen that no These camps in Syria where they've detained family members of ISIS Fighters have y'all seen that no
Starting point is 00:44:11 I recommend everybody go check it out. It's Dude, it's absolutely Discussed I mean it's astonishing Just for any of those who you I mean John Kirby was telling the truth like The United States probably did just as bad of things if not worse in Iraq and whatever like as the IDF But like yeah, they've got these camps in Syria where they've been detaining family members of ISIS fighters like women and children in horrific conditions
Starting point is 00:44:42 We're talking about thousands of people horrific conditions. And we're talking about thousands of people. Just for being suspected of being in some way affiliated with ISIS. Which we basically created, by the way. Right. I mean, and then the other thing I saw in the New York Times was that there's this G7 summit this week in Italy, and the United States is planning to pledge a 10-year security pact with Ukraine This is also the same week that it was like revealed that like the average Ukrainian soldier is like 43 years old
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's like they don't have first of an IDF soldier. They don't have to be exactly they don't have ten years left They don't even have I'm guessing they're not like a Tom Brady 43 They don't even have I'm guessing they're not like a Tom Brady 43 I'm guessing they're kind of a hard-living 43 brother. I saw one of the one of these gentlemen, and he was grizzled and weathered He looked pretty bad. He was he I wasn't thinking he was Tom Brady with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 43 I just yeah I just need you to imagine like the the absolute demons That will be born in the vacuum that that's gonna create just the whole it's gonna get into Ukrainian society There if they grind this on for ten more years
Starting point is 00:45:56 God damn Dude, it just reminds me of that. Uh, was it the Janet Yellen said, um Was it wasn't she said that we don't that we don't have enough to fight two wars? We can afford two wars. We can afford two wars, exactly, right, right. That's why I brought it up. Yeah, man, and I think too, we've talked about this, but it feels like this is like some sort of,
Starting point is 00:46:18 like these last flailing attempts, right, to reaffirm America's position in the world, right? And to also make Americans feel good about their own country, you know, It's just like that State of the Union address Biden had given I think about last year. I think it was when he highlighted Gaza and Ukraine right as like these two these two new fronts that America that we have to fight on in this new American Century for what's coming right and it's like yeah, man, I guess uh Yeah, I guess this is I guess this is American century for what's coming, right? And it's like, yeah, man, I guess uh, Yeah, I guess this is I guess this is their plan for a second term, right? Or not even just for a second term, but just beyond Biden's presidency, you know?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah, it's just what it is is your I mean, you're right. It's it's the classic American imperialist playbook I mean, we are the biggest fucking cowards in the history of empires like straight up like we We just basically like set like very various societies against each other have other people fight the wars I mean genuinely like I know that like we've pointed out all the neo-nazis running around in Ukraine, but like The only reason we point that out is because it does reveal a contradiction
Starting point is 00:47:27 at the heart of US imperial policy. And the fact though that like we've basically set that up as the bulwark against like Russian expansion, something that we also had a hand in creating. Right. I just, dude, I don't know. It's just the reckoning that is coming for us It can't be it won't be bad enough like the jushy when they're coming home to roost man But I mean as Malcolm I said, but it's gonna be you're right man. It's like ah
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, we just that's such that's also a good point about um about sort of like I just gets me thinking about The United States having to find like a, like a, like a mirror, right? Like an enemy, right? Which is going to be either China or Russia, you know? And that this is just sort of the plan, right? Sort of the plan and I guess a world that is no longer so unipolar, right? Where there are countries, I guess, at least that are starting to question, right?
Starting point is 00:48:21 The United States, right? Whether this is in the International Court, or whether this is in other countries that are starting to cut diplomatic ties with Israel, and it seems like the United States is just going to dug in its heels, say, fuck all you other people, fuck its own people, right? And paradoxically, called Nazis, neo-Nazis freedom fighters, you know, yeah Yeah, I don't know it's it's um in the absence of anything to fight for like During the Cold War it was like well at least we're upholding this society against like the encroaching threat of communism like our
Starting point is 00:49:07 Imperial policies now they don't even have there is no society back home to point to That would have any promise of a better future Like that was the dream of at least in the 60s you could be like well at least our boys in Vietnam are fighting for this Like Fordist family wage, and we've got unions And they have a compact with the bosses and we can accumulate assets and own a home. We don't even have that anymore. Exactly, exactly, exactly. Like, at least we're killing people so I can eat a burger, you know what I'm saying? And have my white picket fence.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And you can't even do that anymore. No, no, no. Now it's like we can kill people so I can preach the gospel of easy financing. You know? Preach the gospel of easy financing, you know That's we're killing people so I can become indentured to the check cashing joints Killing people so art can make it so computers AI can make art. You know what I'm saying? There's no bargain to it. There's no like sell to the Empire anymore Like what do you get out of it? You get nothing? To the Empire anymore. Like what do you get out of it? You get nothing
Starting point is 00:50:07 You know now you know what it is, bro You get the realization that Israel has health care, right? You get the realization that they got free tuition is shit like that. You know what I'm saying? So it's like we're not even I mean you I really would have highlight that to people I know listeners know that but think about how insane that is, right? Yeah You're the fact that not only are you not receiving anything from it, right? But a genocidal country is benefiting right? Yeah, it's like in ways that you can't even imagine, you know, because you live in fucking America. You don't have health care, right? You're in debt college daily, you know
Starting point is 00:50:39 It really will go down is like an insane track like the ukraine saga really will be kind of an insane tragedy like just the fact that they Basically just threw these people to the woodchipper just as this weird cynical territorialist game with russia That like it's kind of the inverse of those two things like ukraine doesn't even get the health care Right, they get tons and tons and tons of weapons and Nazis To crank this out for the next 10 years, yeah granted Israel also gets the Nazis they get the health care and the weapons Yeah, yeah, I get the whole kit and caboodle
Starting point is 00:51:22 I just I mean getting caboodle I just I I mean It just as we get closer to the election just becomes more this just the the the grotesque Nature of it just becomes more acute to me. It's just like every day. I find new vistas of just nausea and like disgust Can I hear something up to go? Yeah? go. No, no, no, you go. No, real quick. I just want to say one thing I noticed, man, is that I haven't really been seeing any lawn signs, man.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Neither from Biden nor Trump. And I feel like that's just indicative of the fact that nobody gives a shit, you know? Or everyone is so disillusioned, you know? That's what I was going to say too. I was going to say like, have you noticed that they're not even running on anything? Nobody's running on anything for the first time like at least you know there was kids in cages at the border last time Nobody's running on anything nothing not a policy to be seen. You know what they're running on vibes dog This is the first immaterial election the sense that they're just
Starting point is 00:52:26 running on nothing vapor nothing when vapor they're running all the feeling that you get in a room right would you would you walk into the room and you look at the room and you suss it out and feel the energy from everyone like that they're running they're running on a memory a feeling right? It's that you return to some normalcy or maybe we I don't fucking know they're running on fumes They're like both both of their campaign platforms are fumes. They're running. We're running on fumes This feels like a like a like a like a playoffs and sports that is like like very uneventful You know what I mean? Yeah, for example the NBA finals this year
Starting point is 00:53:07 It's just like nothing's like it's just not No, thanks just no stakes like it's just Course of business, you know as usual. It's just seems like you can't get invested in it It doesn't even feel like an election year. It doesn't, dude, it doesn't. I actually forgot when the primary, I'm gonna fucking vote, but the primary happened down here. And I'm pretty sure I realized that day because I saw that the polling location there,
Starting point is 00:53:36 my place was open. And dude, it feels like if they're not lines, then there are cars parked in the parking lot. There are people going. And dude, it was just barren You know what i'm saying? There are people flipping their sides and shit like that and not even a lot of them either You know what i'm saying? So it's just like
Starting point is 00:53:52 It feels like no one is excited about this and you're just supposed to I mean, I guess it's uh, uh We're supposed to just go through the motions, right? You know and just vote based on vibes, man It's I well my brother I was talking to my brother on the phone, right? You know, and just vote based on vibes, man. It's easy. Well, my brother, I was talking to my brother on the phone the other night, and he was like, my brother, he's younger than me, so like, he's not been into this stuff as long as I have, but like, he was like, man, do you think we're like
Starting point is 00:54:16 going the way of like the Roman Empire or whatever? And I was like, dude, no, I don't. I think we're going the way of the USSR. Like truly, we'll probably have some sort of cataclysmic dissolution and reformation into something horrific. Because like that's just... I just... it would make sense that the two global superpowers that fought it out over the two great ideologies of the 20th century, capitalism and communism, both, in trying to take each other down Wind up taking the entire world with it. Yes. Yes And this is and decaying in the process and I think that like I think I think that that the thing is the thing here Is I'm almost a cruel a sub-surgeon, but
Starting point is 00:54:58 Well, no, I mean it is the cruel irony of it. It's like the two would mirror each other's collapse I mean, you know and I'm You know, obviously I'm a fucking Bolshevik Soviet Union Stalwart, right? I'm not trying to like I'm an apologist. Is that what an apologist is? But I just I just um, I Don't know. It's like me and Aaron were talking before you got on Tom and like we can
Starting point is 00:55:27 we're almost at an hour, but I wanted to read this thing in the Atlantic, but like It's um Like even five years ago. I still had some whole hope even five years ago like some hope that like Maybe the forces of the market. maybe capitalism will manage to like save us some time on ecological collapse sweet summer child It's like Okay, there is the reason I'm saying this I wanted to read this article in the Atlantic. It's called the glacier rescue project
Starting point is 00:56:04 I wanted to read this article in the Atlantic. It's called the glacier rescue project Um can't my god, they couldn't even save the whales bro. They try to save the glaciers now nigga. No You know, uh Guys I would tell you something we're not going to save the whales nor the glaciers y'all really you all understand that right I know well it's gas town or bust for us the bullet farm they go get people to try to buy it to like the way they got people to buy into recycling like that individualism like what we need to do is we did it you to go to your ice maker machine and get as much ice as possible And we're gonna ship it to the glaciers and pack it on top
Starting point is 00:56:51 Plan we were playing house the whole time with the environmental movement some of these Solutions are kind of like that like It profiles this one guy and I looked for him on Twitter because I was so flabbergasted I was just like so exasperated, that's the word. I was so exasperated reading about his story, I wanted to literally find him and reach out and tell him, brother, your scheme to save the glaciers, I'm telling you straight up, you would have a better chance if you put a bomb on your chest
Starting point is 00:57:27 and walked into the White House on the day that like Exxon- that would give you a better chance of saving the glaciers than you are playing that you've outlined here. Welcome to that climate summit every year where basically, like, yeah, we can't do nothing about it, you know what I mean? Just going in and suicide bomber pressure, but my yes friend You have a better chance hiring a Craigslist hitman to go down with a few Exxon mobile You know I mean Is it his name is? I'm gonna pronounce it wrong slowic. I can never pronounce Polish names to le chick maybe he's a
Starting point is 00:58:07 Glaciologist at UC Santa Cruz and his story is that he He started off like you know thinking like well, we're gonna We're gonna nip this thing in the bud in the mid 2000s He's like well, there's still like a moment where we can do something about this. In the mid 2000s he thought that still? Well I guess yeah, I guess I did. I kinda did. I guess I did too.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I guess I did too, yeah for a bad audience. I did too, I did too. Like I said, even as recently as five years ago, I was like, at least maybe we could buy some time. Right, right, right. I didn't think we were gonna save it with these mechanisms. I thought we could at least kick the can a little further down the road.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I think by 2012, I think 2012, 2016, I still had like a little further down the road. I think that's what it all work I'll be 2012 2016. I still had like a little bit of you know But basically he's at the point where now where he's like really frustrated with the way things are going and he wants to take Matters into his own hands and lead this expedition down to the Thwaites area on in Antarctica down to the Thwaites area in Antarctica. Okay, I read this book a few years ago called The Worst Journey in the World, about an expedition to Antarctica in the early-
Starting point is 00:59:13 A doomed one? In the early 26th century. It is hell, boys. It is hell. There is a latitudinal band at the southern part of the world where there is no barrier to wind so wind whips around this motherfucker at the bottom of the globe at Insane speeds and you have to penetrate through that to get it's part of it. It's frigid. I'm guessing too. Yes
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm gonna tell you boys something. I can't handle Cleveland in the winter time. I'm out. No, man Anything anything like I've said anything anything below 65 degrees is a hate crime. You know what I'm saying? I'm great with that man, right? Satanic weather Let me just start here the story of the glacier that had suddenly halted stayed with Chula chick He's talking about he saw an example of a glacier that was frozen in place by this I don't know I'm gonna get the science wrong But there was a differentiation in temperature above the glacier and in the water below it they created this like condensation
Starting point is 01:00:18 Process that basically froze the glacier in place. Wow. So this inspired him. That does sound kind of upsetting and kind of horrifying Yeah, that does sound bad now that you say it like that. Like this big ass thing that's supposed to move and it's just not moving? Well, I think it's actually the opposite. Glaciers aren't supposed to move. Like they're supposed to be stationary and that's the problem. Okay, okay. Is that they keep shelving off and then they get into the ocean and they start like dissolving like little ice cubes in the in the drink And so the story of the glacier that suddenly halted stayed with him around 2010 He began to wonder whether water could be drained from underneath a large glacier like Thwaites to achieve the same effect
Starting point is 01:00:58 He imagined drilling down to its subglacial lakes to pump the water out of them Imagined it gushing from the pumps outlet and freezing into tiny crystals before it even splashed onto the Antarctic surface like a snow gun. The remaining water underneath the ice would likely flow toward the empty lakes, drying out portions of the glacier's underside. With luck, a cooling feedback loop would be triggered. The weights would be frozen in place.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Catastrophic sea level rise would be avoided. Humanity would have time to get its act together. Hold on a second. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on of do nothing and like just stabilize things. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah like, you know just just I Don't like a monkey in around with the moon. They're doing right now Agree with you, bro. I don't fuck. I don't like any strategies evolving blotting out the Sun with you bro don't fuck I don't like any strategies evolving blotting out the Sun and I'm sure while this has a noble purpose I think we need to hear from a panel first there are other there are other proposals his has the most mileage likes the most up votes this one has the most votes some of the other
Starting point is 01:02:21 proposed some of the other proposals one of them involves stretching massive amounts of basically What lay in my mind kind of thing is like tarp like a big tarp over glaciers? So that they get they get shielded from the Sun and so they don't know You go down there with some Christmas wrap you wrap up the glaciers I call it like the cloudy with a chance of meatballs metric You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like like like or like the snow pierced in a metric Like how far you willing to go to permanently and maybe even like do even more damage to the environment, right? Would you talk of any schemes? Well Ted?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Terrence will remember this there was a guy that ran for mayor in Weitzberg several years ago named Tim Baker We caught him Chuck Norris cuz I'm kind of him looking like Chuck Norris sort of Kind of look like short look like Chuck Norris if he suffered from rickets And at the time the the issue was how we go to remediate Our little section of the north for the headwaters of the Kentucky River kind of start just outside our town or whatever and so it's like a lot of shallow water right there and so like a lot of the sediment and all the things to get in the river just sort of kind of sit there like a sheen and well all the diesel waste local oligarchs were dumping in there
Starting point is 01:03:38 whatever whatever but so at the time when when the Appalachian revitalization movement was really starting to catch a foothold with the mainstream politicians in the area and not just like, you know, KFTC people with their own theories about, you know, China and America's spiritual relationship going forward. A man named Tim Baker, the Chuck Norris guy, ran for mayor and his plan was this, to remediate coal mine runoff waste and legacy pollution in our section of the North Fork Kentucky River.
Starting point is 01:04:16 He said, here's what we're going to do. We're going to throw a bunch of sand in there. And then everybody in the room looked to each other and looked and well okay we'll elaborate on that a little further. Well here's what's going to happen the sands going to act like a filter. Everybody looked around and there is this everybody's like so Mr. Baker what you're saying is if elected mayor to stop pollution in the North Fork Kentucky River you're gonna throw a lot of sand in there. They said yeah, it'll be like a filter Yeah, we heard that but you're gonna throw a lot of sand into like a shallow river, you know
Starting point is 01:04:56 Say what you want about Saddam Hussein, but at least he had an engineer come in there and reroute the tigers and the Euphrates You know what I mean? What we're doing is just like well, let's just throw something in there and reroute the Tigers and the Euphrates, you know what I mean? What we're doing is just like, well, let's just throw something in there. You know what, that's such a good point, Tal, for a country that likes to think of itself as technocratic, but to some extent, you know, like, oh, we have the experts, you know, especially, I guess, within liberalism, right? Listen to the science. But really, more than anything, I think what's animated this country in maybe this political
Starting point is 01:05:33 economy is just having the one guy with the idea, you know? The one guy with the crazy idea, you know what I mean? And having that be the way that we go about changing things. I support this in inconsequential matters. Like if it's the guy that invented that bitchin' flying suit that jumped off the Eiffel Tower that was the subject of our first live show. I can support the guy like that standing in the, you know, a fort history and having the one big idea.
Starting point is 01:06:00 And only he suffers for his hubris. You know what I mean? But when it's like I Let me tell you what I saw the other day. It was so goddamn hot I saw a squirrel like I was literally walking back home I saw squirrel sitting at high top of tree right just kind of sitting there chilling And yeah, it had a nut or something. It's nothing I saw that nut fall from the tree. Oh And then five seconds later later I see this squirrel just fall and smack the concrete so hard that I can't unhear that sound. I know exactly what that sound is because I heard that sound before.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And then it bounces like over to the grass and just dies there. And I'm like, it's getting so hot. It's like paralyzing and it's like that had the howler monkeys that Alex brought up man or vultures vultures in India right you know all that kind of shit man this is what I'm saying like okay I am NOT I am
Starting point is 01:07:00 not against the not against the sand plant I'm not against I am against the sand plant I'm not against the... Not against the sand plan. I'm not against... I am against the sand plan. I'm not against the lone nut who has an idea and then people go out to, you know, make it work. However, his plan and all the other plans like it are so unrealistic, and let me just, I'll just read for you why even if these pilot experiments are successful and held as and held as such by the entire
Starting point is 01:07:30 field halting the mighty flow of Thwaites would still be a daunting challenge to trigger a cooling feedback loop underneath and it's ice a checkerboard array of separate drilling sites would be required estimates for how many range wildly from a few dozen to thousands mind you There are only 50 drilling bits in the world that can drill these holes 50 in the entire globe there's not another world that we can go get those from there's only How much fossil fuels or resources you think we would need to make the thousands of those? But it's insane so you would have to
Starting point is 01:08:05 You would have to go down there and set up a camp of at least 50 people in Let's see a much more accessible region of wets West Antarctica But if you were operating 100 such sites such as some economies of scale would kick in A Thwaites team could number five thousand people that's roughly the peak population of Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. Except in this case they'd be deployed across one of the world's most remote glaciers. Very few polar explorers have been here. This guy himself has never made it there despite 12 attempts. When I asked those who have been there about the prospect of sending a scientific mission
Starting point is 01:08:42 to the site, they seem dazed by the question Tula chick who is not just a scientist, but an engineer has given it serious thought I heard him out and then to try to imagine how the project might work I talked to some other people blah blah blah the missions cargo alone would fill thousands of shipping containers They would all need to be loaded onto a very large boat that would sell from Punta Arenas Chile and cross the southern ocean a latitudinal band where no land exists to stop sea winds from whipping around furiously on the planet. It sounds like going to the moon is easier than this.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah Mars Mars might be easier. Sands point, surely. There are, there, once you start approaching it, you'll start to hit glaciers that are a hundred feet tall. That might, you know, prove some issues if you need to make it through the glaciers. The planet's two most active glaciers, Thwaites and Pine Island terminate in the very same bay. They are constantly ejecting building block sizes blocks of ice into its waters. In this bay, calm breezes can become gale force winds in just minutes. Ice fog can white out the surroundings.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Ice fog? Yes. The fuck is this? Net-tutus of shit? So a lot of this is science fiction. We're gonna have to... A lot of this is stuff out of John Carpenter's the thing The thing drill these Even if docking alongside Thwaites where a simple matter
Starting point is 01:10:23 Even if docking alongside Thwaites where a simple matter Unloading people and cargo onto an ice shelf that can tower more than a hundred feet above the water would be impossible Nor can have that shit bro Nor can heavy planes land a bit farther on the glacier because it's ice stretches and wrinkles during its final seaward sprint The art the are Antarctic field season is only a few months long a cargo ship with a crane would need to trail an icebreaker Into the ronan island inlet and dock next to the ice shelf I mean, dude, it's just it goes on and on but you get the picture right it's impossible and granted this guy this
Starting point is 01:11:00 Glaciologist is someone who up until about 2010 was like oh we can tinker around the edges and maybe hit like slow this thing Down and now he's become disillusioned with the entire political process gone mad He's gone kind of mad Exactly, and that's why I'm saying like I wish I could sit as parody as parody I'm just saying like Genuinely rationally speaking if we're talking scientist to scientist I'm a scientist. He's a scientist. I'm telling him rationally couple of man of science here. Just having a little chat You would have a better chance of halting the glaciers melting if you just took out like 50 corporate executives
Starting point is 01:11:42 in some of the US government Together an Ocean's Eleven style house, but make it science. This is like 2001 like an Antarctic Odyssey or some shit like that. And not only that, not only that, there's not even like the logistical aspects of it that are science fiction. Antarctica is subject to various world treaties. So he has to basically go around the world and get permission from all the world's governments to give him permission to fucking do this. Oh, you got it.
Starting point is 01:12:15 You know, if they can't even agree, you know, on how to like, on how to like stem like the climate apocalypse, you know what I mean? And what to do, then how are you gonna get them to agree? Oh, you know what I mean? Letting you do this are you gonna get them to agree oh you know I mean letting you do this shit in anarchy man well you say that but if you can here's how you got finesse that you gotta tell them there's something valuable they can extract after underneath these holes like some sort of like there's actually we now have knowledge there's the world's
Starting point is 01:12:41 biggest reserve of lithium underneath these but first we have to drill these two huge then you get everybody on on our phone board But if you pitch them that we're gonna the fate of mankind rests on us doing this. They'll be like No good for profits I was telling Aaron before we get on then I've been reading this book it's my woman named Liliana dog, Inova I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing her last name correctly, but she's From France and she has this book that I just bought on a whim. I didn't even buy it I just requested the publisher send it to me because I'm big balling like that these days And I just thought that the title was interesting The title is called Discounting the Future.
Starting point is 01:13:26 And it's about why action on climate change is pretty much impossible. And the reason, it's a very fascinating book because it's part economics, it's part business school, just finance stuff. It's also part philosophy and theory and history, but basically the argument. She's making is that Economist in the not even economists managers CEOs and managers in the 70s and 80s during the turn to financialization
Starting point is 01:13:59 started changing how they viewed like what we would call cost benefit and Essentially in their investment portfolios in planning they switched to something called discounting. It's an actual term It's an actual equation that you use in I guess you would call accounting in in how you plan your investments It's a she calls it like a political technology. In that way, it's kind of like insurance or debt.
Starting point is 01:14:29 It's called derivatives. Pretty much, yeah. The concept is basically this. The concept is that where you derive value from has nothing to do with the production process or the labor that goes into the production process or the Things that you sink into the production process like overhead the value comes entirely from investment revenue flows from the future and
Starting point is 01:14:57 So you get this weird dual action where you simultaneously? devalue the future by where you simultaneously devalue the future by devalue, by valuing the present. But in the same action, you are also giving voice to the future, you are saying that there is a future. It is this weird thing where you expand the horizon sort of conceptually, but then you sublimate it back into the production process and say that the future Like sort of conceptually, but then you you you sublimated back into
Starting point is 01:15:29 the production process and say that like the future actually is Going to be not as profitable as the present right and I don't know if that makes any sense and it kind of know It is it is it prospecting almost in the sense like It actually kind of is the very first people to practice this were like timber harvesters in Germany in the 19th century Who basically said that like you can't price a forest on the individual trees You're pulling out of it and what it would fetch on the market you price it by the entire Orchard itself and what it would be worth in the future and the premise is that it would be worth less So you have to max extract in the present. Right now, right.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And again, I know that sounds cliche and almost common sense. Yeah, I know what you're saying, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you read business textbooks, and she provides all these examples from business 101 textbooks you get in college, they have equations for this, for discounting. And it's kind of become like writ large,
Starting point is 01:16:25 how we approach, in business it's called like, it's called like net value positive or something, or net positive value, but in public policy it's called cost benefit analysis. Bro, that's formulations of apocalypse is what that is, bro. It's exactly what it is. Like it's like you're robbing from the future in a myopic way to
Starting point is 01:16:46 Gain profit in the present but that window right of what I mean if I let for lack of a better term I don't want to be like, you know, I'm like too hyperbolic but like a livable future, you know I mean, it's the inverse of Christianity's You discount the future to have this wonderful or do you discount the present to have this wonderful future it's the inverse of it is fascinating spark it is fascinating that um in the books you calls it like we were whereas like the the the world powers used to have an imperialism of space We now have an imperialism of time where we like we we basically sort of like foreclosed but in a weird way
Starting point is 01:17:33 The time also the future also kind of imperializes us like by by being this foreclosed upon horizon it Concretizes the current moment and sort of paralyzes us from doing anything about it and in a way they they sort of acclimate us to it with like everything we consume in terms of like we've talked you know at length about like apocalypse movies and all this stuff but the future has never been like a positive horizon in any of our imaginations You know what I mean? Not in our lifetimes not in our lifetimes at least you know it used to be in the 19th century
Starting point is 01:18:11 Yeah, yeah, totally I think Alex brought it up last or no on the David Banks episode that we haven't put out yet. Yeah But us what they've done is they thoroughly mind the future out right? Yes, reminds me the old cooking sons t-shirt says earth first We'll mind the other planets later They've mind the future already right and then what they're selling back to us is guys Who you know like the future is so shaky and uncertain? But it's shaky and uncertain because you've you've already laid waste to it because you've already laid waste to it. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Oh, God, man. It is a fascinating, there's a lot of interesting concepts in it, she's talking about how money is how we mediate sort of like price value, sort of like use value and exchange value, but discounting is how we sort of mediate these various temporalities, the future and the past and the present, and like how, like once you take this far enough,
Starting point is 01:19:10 you start to see it in, like I just said a second ago, even public policy with like cost benefit analysis. And so when I read this article, the problem with it isn't that it would be, the cost would be too high. That's not the problem. I mean, it is logistically high. That's not the problem. I mean, it is logistically impossible. That's really the problem.
Starting point is 01:19:29 But the more, I guess, more pressing issue, and I've not finished the book yet, but I do wonder if this is where it's going. The more pressure, the more pressing issue is how do you even place a value on the future and why are we even thinking about time in these investment-like terms in general? Does that make sense? No, that makes perfect sense, man. That makes perfect sense. Why is that the framework to begin with?
Starting point is 01:19:56 Yeah, that's a good question. Well, I like what you said, Tom, mining the future and that this is all really rooted in speculation, but I don't know, man, it also I know it obviously short sighted, but it is terrifying because at the same at the same time you have an entire industry like around AI. Right. And I guess emerging technologies that are trying to push this future to ask you, you know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 01:20:22 The force feed it to you. And I mean, I call them future hustlers because that's essentially what they are, you know? But it only feels like a reification, right? Of sort of like past industries or behaviors or corporate tactics and all that, you know? But it just has this veneer of like, well this is the future we all finally imagined, right? We're finally getting it, you know?
Starting point is 01:20:42 I think it's, go ahead, Tom. No, no, no, you go ahead, Tom. No, you please. I think it's some, go ahead Tom. No, no, no, you go ahead. No, you please. I was just gonna say, like, this is like what bookmakers know. You remember me? Like I think about the, what was the guy from London Review Books, Terrence John.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Oh, the Lancaster. Yeah, we talked, Terrence sent me this essay a long time ago, and I think about it all the time, about like, where's the money gone? And he opens that up with talking about the William Hill bookmakers in London and how that like the odds of I think he was saying Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party, who was it the woman that ran the Tories? Theresa May.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Theresa May. Theresa May. We just talked about this. Running the Tories and Donald Trump Theresa May just talked about this running the Tories and Donald Trump winning the US president like the odds of all three of those things happening were worse than Barack Obama joined the English national cricket team and them finding the Loch Ness monster And of course all three of those things happened Interestingly the longest shot on the board was Lester winning the Premier League that year, and that happened too. So what they know that bookmakers know is that
Starting point is 01:21:53 so many wacky things can happen, right? That's why parlay betting is so huge and ultimately it's a sucker bet, even though I still do it just because I've treated it like buying a lottery ticket, you know? But it's so improbable and yet it's the most popular like form of betting because like you know you see like I can bet very little when so big and it's just and it's because it's hard for multiple things to happen you know what I mean the more things that you're wagering to happen and if any one of those falls you lose the whole thing right right like and I think it's it's it's almost like that in a way it's almost like and
Starting point is 01:22:30 I don't mean to get too protean here but it's almost like when LeBron James was in high school and you know there was this big scandal that he got a new Hummer and these like throwback jerseys from this like sporting goods store like basically on credit and the calculus being that they were weighting his credit worthiness on his future earning potential. You know what I mean? But for every LeBron James,
Starting point is 01:22:54 there's like six guys that were supposed to make it and didn't make it and probably ended up with a bad car note or what, you know what I mean? That made the same kind of deal. And that skews things like that. So that's an interesting concept you bring up. I'd love to read that. And maybe even have the person on that wrote it.
Starting point is 01:23:11 I think I would like to have her on. And I think that what she's trying to point out is that this lends itself to the practice of maximizing shareholder value in the 80s and 90s and 2000s that we see today that if If the future is unwritten there is one thing that has to be true Against all against all contingencies against all Loch Ness monster sightings against all asteroids hitting the earth or whatever Barack Obama taking up cricket. Yeah, there's one up cricket. There's one thing that has to be true.
Starting point is 01:23:47 It's baked into the equation. It's baked into the whole practice of discounting in corporate practice now. And that is that no matter what you do as a manager, at a corporation or a firm, you have to maximize shareholder value. They have to fucking get paid. Shareholders have to get paid. That's what this whole thing is for. I don't know, it is an interesting thing
Starting point is 01:24:07 and that I've thought about multiple times that neoliberalism and the financialization of everything has simultaneously created more avenues for democratic participation in various corporate American schemes and everything. Finance schemes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's also,
Starting point is 01:24:29 but it's also at the same time, it's like, I think it's created a very specifically bad kind of leader. By like blurring the distinction between like public and private, like in between like planned and unplanned and all this, it is created as a leader who is Specifically unsuited to these times and I think that that's kind of what we're getting at Aaron We're trying to figure out like how much of this is like conspiratorial how much of this are they doing it intentionally or unintentionally?
Starting point is 01:24:57 It's like I think a big part of it is that they don't even know what the fuck they're doing Because they were not raised in a world that prepared them for this world now. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And it's also just feels like the sort of, I mean, I guess for lack of a better term, the reckoning, as you said, right? Like it is in part due to their actions, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:22 You know, because they were not prepared for this. They were not even prepared for this future world, but they discounted it entirely, you know? Yes, 100%. I don't know. I'm curious, and indulge me for a second if you would, boys, but like, what would happen if, and this is like, obviously, like a long shot thing
Starting point is 01:25:41 to happen, but what if we all reprioritize what we value, right? And like all of a sudden, like seaside mansions were like de class and we didn't want that. We didn't want to aspire to anything. And we basically just, like what would happen if we just devalued the US currency in the sense that like, we're not, and I'm sure this is well-trodden territory for more serious intellects and whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:04 But I'm just curious is well-trodden territory for more serious intellects and whatever, but I'm just curious like the crypto thing really kind of missed the mark for me in terms of something like that because it is so like Transparently a scheme from the get-go but like what if what would happen if we could like basically as a society decide that like We don't want their streetwalkers gold or anything that they value and so it's like If that currency doesn't trade anymore, do you have like the military might? Do you have like all the fact like if your money counts for shit? You know, I think what you're getting at is that I think what you're getting at is that value is socially constructed and
Starting point is 01:26:44 the entire practice in science of economics is trying to convince the world that everything we know and accept about economics is inherent to human thinking and is naturalized in how we perceive the world. So for example, with discounting, the premise would be something along the lines of, what's the fucking, I'm gonna fuck this idiom up. I'm not good at this stuff, because I'm gonna fuck up, but it's like a nickel in the hand is worth two birds in the bush or something like that.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Like the thinking. Okay, okay, man, you're the undefeated king of the boss. What is the actual saying? One in the undefeated king of the box. What is what is the actual saying? One in the hands worth two in the bush I think it's the point saying basically that if there's $40,000 in front of you, but in the bush there might be 200,000 the 40,000 is better Say that again time you broke up. What'd you say?
Starting point is 01:27:46 I was just saying meaning that like if there's $40,000 in front of you that's material that you can reach out and grab but there might be 400,000 underneath the bush it's best to go with the 40,000. Yes, you do see. So this example is kind of like what is behind the premise of discounting. And what is interesting about it is that the primary economist who came up with it, like this guy named Irving Fisher in the early 20th century, presented it as human nature. That it's human nature to go for the $40,000 in front of you rather than what might be in the bush, what might be down the road. And there is some truth to that,
Starting point is 01:28:26 because in a capitalist society though, in a capitalist society that prioritizes competition among human beings and other workers, that prioritizes financial investments and those types of things. But it seems to me obvious that capitalism distorts human nature. So like what we're talking about when we talk about value
Starting point is 01:28:50 and why we value these things over other things, these are entirely contingent upon the mode of production. There is nothing about human nature that says we have to inherently value this at the expense of this, or that like the present is worth more than the future or anything like that Because how do you even put a value on those types of things? We're talking about abstractions that have no value Right right and also to turn the time you might you said something man
Starting point is 01:29:14 Um, you know the value of seaside mansions and that specific example Well, I guess they'll become like valueless once you know once the seat once the way that you know We have sea rise level that'll be more true than we realize in the Not right in the future exactly. Oh also too man. I was thinking I know we're about to go man Probably close out well thinking like it's just to go back to like sort of how this discounting the future Sort of cycles back to or is also apparent in like you know bourgeois politics It's like you know just go back to the election. It's like we hear liberals telling people that they have to think about potentiality
Starting point is 01:29:49 that Trump might win and what he might do in the future instead of recognizing why people are upset right now. And I guess that's why it feels so unnatural because people don't think like that. I mean, there are a lot, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people who think that their everyday lives might be fixed by Biden, but for people that are not gonna vote for him, There are a lot of people who think that their everyday lives might be fixed by Biden, but
Starting point is 01:30:05 for people that are not going to vote for him, that are who voted uncommitted, for them right now what's happening can't be discounted for what might happen. I think the point is that there is this weird disjuncture between the horizon of politics and possibilities and What can and can't be done and I think that if you're going to try to Build a larger project or a political vision It has to simultaneously take into account that a better future is possible and by getting there, we can make the present
Starting point is 01:30:49 pretty fucking good. And so it doesn't have to be this like, it doesn't have to be this like bifurcation between. Either or. Yes, it doesn't have to be like, I mean, I don't know, because like, I struggle with this because like the Democrats, obviously like, their whole thing right now is trying to tell you that what's going on right now doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:31:08 This is in weird contradiction with the whole premise of discounting because the premise of discounting Privileges the present over any kind of political future But what they're doing is an inverse of that It's a cynical inverse of that. But like when you get to the political realm, I mean, we are kind of talking about something that is a little different than an investment, but you know what I mean? But at the same time like they are kind of like selling it all Wholesale. I don't know. I'm not even...
Starting point is 01:31:42 For the Kentucky fans, I'll spell this out for you It's when John Calipari told you nothing had nothing mattered before the NCAA tournament in March But you actually had to win those games to improve your position for the future and then when you get there your position is worse And you have to play a tougher opponent The present absolutely does fucking matter, it turns out, for the future. So yeah. Exactly. That was a really good example, actually.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Well, but that's the argument that she's making in the book. By doing this, we are also hollowing out the present and making it impossible to build anything on for the future. And so, yeah. And robbing the present that we know exists of all meaning in the process in order to Maybe something better comes down the line or whatever right or maybe we'll get ourselves out of this one this time You know or maybe a lone scientist nut will fucking
Starting point is 01:32:38 Manage to pull off a Manhattan project in the most remote part of the world for remote Spartan part of the world I mean listen man again if we're talking about the the snowpiercer metric you know cloudy with a chance of meatballs I mean go for it man you know if you're able to go for these big these big super projects why not yeah I mean I guess there's nothing stopping him and I guess if he succeeds that'd be cool But I don't think that it's um My man's going He's going like HMS terror
Starting point is 01:33:15 Route we'd be better living in the upper atmosphere of Venus, you know, which is probably habitable for human beings You know, I mean, we'd probably be better doing some shit like that Just leaving you tied on kidding Well my favorite quote is from preacher man Fasper who was a member of the young Patriots the hillbilly comrades of the Black Panthers, and he said to you Astro pigs the moon belongs to the people The moon belongs to the people Man all right, it's probably a good place to end it today
Starting point is 01:33:56 If you'd like to support us on patreon, please go over to patreon the link is in the show notes A note on the patreon something I've noticed The people who hate Bob Dylan are on the main feed. The people who love Bob Dylan are on Patreon. And apparently never the twain shall meet because I'm not hardly got any negative feedback on the Patreon regarding that kind of podcasting. But on the main feed. What's a great Cartman's a dud on both sides of the fence.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Apparently a Cartman is a dud. But on the main feed I have basically been told I am not only lower than dirt and worthless for doing Bob Dylan, that I have no future in podcasting and have offended the entire medium at large. Fortunately you have a present. Yeah. Yeah. So what have a present.
Starting point is 01:34:53 What matters right now. So I just want to say that like if you subscribe to the patreon if you don't if you love Bob Dylan but you're not subscribed to the patreon then go do that. If you don't love Bob Dylan you can still go subscribe to the Patreon. Because there's still like one or two episodes a month there that aren't go do that. If you don't love Bob Dylan, you can still go subscribe to Patreon. Because there's still like one or two episodes a month there that aren't like that. It's like, we had like two weeks in May where we took some time off and just did a couple of silly episodes and people decided that we had, Gaza had broke our brains and we'd gone off the deep end like we were gone insane. God forbid a man have a couple of broke weeks and I
Starting point is 01:35:28 I just want to address these fucking losers. Please go please go subscribe to How there's a warrant for my arrest I assure you nothing's broken. So now Have a bounty hunter come to my door tonight turn me over to Clark County detention center This will become an all-timer episode Daniel the first episode before before Tom, you know, he's incarcerated that's the side Please go do that. I really don't want you to be a job You know he's incarcerated Please go do that. I really don't want you to be in jail Podcasting from jail Yeah, go through there was a band there was a soul band a funk band was it the notations
Starting point is 01:36:22 They recorded like two albums from prison That's so sick I've been receiving a call from oh They recorded like two albums from prison. That's so sick. I bet it's time to sound bad. You were receiving a call from... Oh, that's what Sean did. Who's now like a political leader in Belize when he was locked up for that shooting that happened that night with Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez,
Starting point is 01:36:37 which let's call it what it is, knowing what we know about Diddy now. Diddy's probably on the hook for that too and let a man go to prison in his stead. But he recorded an album from jail, Did he's probably on the hook for that too and let a man go to prison in his stead but He recorded an album from jail or some songs at least it is a thing I'm just I'm just thinking of the the cover of that album and they've got mics Through like they're holding mics through the jail cells like bars and they're recording I
Starting point is 01:37:06 Don't I'm sure that that sounds like a good episode episode or find it but yeah dog we're gonna be doing that I'm gonna be like visiting you in the like your call you have a call from Fayette County Detection Center like boy Crowder and It's like boy Crowder and Railing given rightling good. Yes All right, please go support the Tom Sexton bail fund slash show Billy workers party link is in the show notes. We'll see you over at the patreon in a few days Until then we'll see you later. We are news

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