Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 348: Easter Island Property Brothers

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

This week we're talking climate doom, Stonehenge, Netanyahu and Biden fighting over who's more committed to genocide, Anthony Blinken's early Zionist writings, and how the Pentagon created an anti-vax... campaign to discredit the Chinese Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's a crime in progress Dude speaking of crime in progress I Think in the other day. It's it's the movie heat but it's two Mormons and They're trying to do the soaking thing, you know, the thing where they like, lay on the bed and put the penis in the vagina, but don't move. It's like two Mormons and they're trying to do that,
Starting point is 00:00:34 but the third person doesn't show up. Like the guy who's supposed to jump on the bed. And they're like, where the fuck is Reed? Where the fuck is he? I'm already here and he's just he's just bailed on me Yeah, dude Imagine if you're getting ready to soak and you your boy didn't show up and you didn't get this up I mean, it's kind of like uh
Starting point is 00:00:55 I guess it's like the inverse or I guess similar similar to uh, you know He went out and got cigarettes and milk and never came back, you know Yeah Dude, you'd be so pissed. Like, I want him to live in San. Yeah. We need to start using that as a metaphor for non-commitment and failure and disappointment, you know? Soaking?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah, no, the guy who's not supposed to, the guy who doesn't show up, the third guy who doesn't show up. There's always a third guy that had one job that he didn't do. Uh-huh It's like the lookout. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean it's the guy that didn't show up to the soaking It's the guy that didn't Get away driver secure the secure the proper permits on 9-eleven the guy that didn't secure the proper permits on 9-eleven. Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah, any number of getaway drivers yeah the joker basically exists because the third guy let everybody down well the joker killed the third guy a secret third guy always fucks everything up this is that what happened the joker killed the third like the joker is so much of a joker he killed the getaway driver he kills the getaway driver. Yeah, just to pick up the extra the extra shifts If you think about anything that ever went sideways anytime the mafia was busted anytime some sort of racketeering Operation was busted up. It's because somebody Down the chain dropped the ball. That's you do you you think? Or the main guy was a law enforcement asset.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Do you think in history, has there ever been an example of the failure of the third guy to appear leading to an assassination? Peter. Like was there a third guy? Peter, the apostle Peter. Jesus even told him, he said, you'll deny me thrice before the cock crows.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, no. What if he didn't though? What if Peter denied him only twice but on the third time he was like, yeah, that's my boy Jesus. Do you think the crucifixion still would have gone through? I have to sit with that one for a little while. What was the role and function of Peter denying him three times? Would it have mattered anyways?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Like, we should look at this from Peter's point of view. Like, perhaps he gained nothing from claiming that he knew Jesus, you know what I'm saying? What if he denied him six times? Why'd it have to be three? He denies him 83 times. He's like, well, I know you said three, but turns out I just told him I never even knew you. He's nice 83 times He's like well, I know you said three but I've
Starting point is 00:03:26 Turns out I just told him I never even knew you took some liberties I know they say a third time's a charm, but you know fourth time no harm Yeah, they say Jesus and agony on the cross and the aspirin is like you sure you don't know this man. He goes Jesus she's not ringing any bells. No Jesus Jesus not ringing any bells no Hey, Jesus, Rolodex Is that the she yeah, he's like is that the husband of the new president of Mexico? They're like, oh you got the wrong guy. No, that's cloudy a shine bombs husband No, no, no, we're talking about the son of man up there on the cross
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh, no, no, no, no, no that can also 8,000 years about 8,000 6,000 years too early, you know 6,000 years I think no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, a heatwave. Like, I don't know about you guys, but I can't even think straight. Like, it's... It's so hot. I, uh... I don't know, I went outside earlier to smoke a cigarette and I was in the shade. And man, you know it's hot when, like, you're in the shade where you think you can seek refuge from the sun? And it feels even hotter.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Like, I felt like I was in like an open air dome chamber of heat and light. It's oppressive. If cold weather is racist, then exceedingly hot weather is an overcorrection. It's a response to, it's too woke. It's too woke. It's too woke, the sun is too woke, man.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Too bright, no, no, no. Somebody trying to prove they're not racist. This weather is the meteorological equivalent of, now I don't have a racist bone in my body. But. But. But then they end up tanning though, you know? They get a little bit darker, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:18 So it's a bit of a contradiction. That's right. I scared the bejesus out of someone this weekend saying I think we should be in save the Jesus the bejesus Saying that we should ban cars and it Didn't go over well, but then I was like yeah, but like Let's be real here like we have heat domes and atmospheric rivers
Starting point is 00:05:43 Like you can't argue anymore that like the new climate isn't essentially, I mean the heat dome is crazy, right? It's just like geothermal heat that just gets trapped under a layer of atmosphere. It just doesn't move, it can't move. What's that, wait, so are they dropping new natural phenomena related to climate change? What the hell is an atmospheric river atmospheric river rather you buckled up?
Starting point is 00:06:09 I'm gonna tell you some hard truths in the next hour Atmosphere Gryver does sound like a 70s prog rock band Exactly exactly what I was thinking about there. They're the ones who would be saying singing who earthrider. Thanks for the Great Lakes Yeah, it's Neil Pert's first project His earlier work I Think I don't really know what an atmospheric river is. I think it's just like concentrated channels of precipitation get stuck in the atmosphere and they basically stuck in the atmosphere and they basically,
Starting point is 00:06:48 like I said, they concentrate large amounts of water and so it basically is like a rushing water through the sky that just dumps all at once on a place. You make it sound like an amazing Miyazaki film. I'm just imagining castles in the sky and rivers and shit, but no, this actually kills people. Well listen. Go ahead, now go ahead. I got got something tack on there after you're done. I was just going to say, atmospheric rivers are typically several thousand kilometers
Starting point is 00:07:13 long and only a few hundred kilometers wide, and a single one can carry a greater flux of water than Earth's largest river, the Amazon. Jesus Christ. Yeah. That's just one, Aaron, just one. A single flux. Now here's the thing is when that David Foster Wales dude or whatever his name is the other DFW. David Wallace. Yeah DWW whatever. When he did that sort of thing everybody's like no no you know you just, you're scaremongering.
Starting point is 00:07:49 You're scaring the hoes, Dave. You're scaring the hoes both past, present, and future, Dave. One thing that we didn't account for is that we're probably going to see some very cool, like objectively cool things as the earth disintegrates to dust. It's just what those beautiful outliers portend for our future that is the troubling part. Yeah, absolutely. You know what it reminds me of?
Starting point is 00:08:17 I know this, I mean, I know it wasn't good, but I remember those wildfires a couple years ago, was it like two summers ago that were happening in Canada, and I think all of the smog, the orange tinted smog was in New York City and it looked like something out of Blade Runner. I mean the same thing I think had happened in LA, and I remember thinking about it, I'm like, man, if it's in the world, yo, it looks pretty cool, you know? With the beginning of the end. It's got bisexual lighting, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it did look like the Diablo screen grabs, you know people pointed that remember that one picture was going around like the Diablo ad and it was like the It's a little it's a little much just so video games I want to ride a canoe on the atmospheric river. I want to be like the Lewis and Clark on the atmospheric river I want to be like the Lewis and Clark on the atmospheric river and I'll link up with Sacajawea in the sky. Sacajawea in the sky bro on the atmospheric river. You know what I'm thinking man? Actually, you know we were talking about using camels as personal for mobility and stuff?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Like, why can't you just take advantage of the atmospheric rivers? Let's start like paragliding you know what I mean to get around or you mean like something like that water skiing I guess oh yeah I guess it's if there's water in the atmosphere where we're on water in the sky we're earthrider we're thanking the Great Lakes that's exactly right man remember sky remember them algae plumes remember when that was the thing I was concerned This still is a concern the thing is is every Environmental thing you've heard about in the last 10 years hasn't gone away
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's like our bodies in the sense that like you develop some fucked up thing And then you get another more even more fucked up thing and you kind of forget about the previous I saw you know what I was thinking of when you you started to talk about that is like back in like 2012 when they were saying that they had recorded rain near Mecca Saudi Arabia that had fallen from the sky and that it was the temperature of that rain was like a 180 degrees or something so it's like scalding people as it was like hitting them. You know what I mean? And I thought I thought
Starting point is 00:10:27 Well, that's gotten better surely But then the other thing I thought about is well We've not start you know we've made zero progress on climate, so that's probably even hotter. It's right words now You know what it's like man. It's like You know you don't hear about saving the whale so much anymore. You know I mean I know those big They're like yo this Ted blue whales left in the wild bro. It's over well. They tried to like make us Think that they were fine with that whole You know I know the words falling out of fashion, but Psyop last year when they were like oh the wells are fighting back
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's like no. Yeah, the organs and shit and crap sinking boats and so they're not fighting back I saw fighting that song a couple weeks ago, and they didn't they didn't they looked like they didn't have much fat left in They were on Zoloft. They're asking us for a few dollars to buy some they're paying the whales are paying handling they were paying and handled yeah they were they were having a I guess what would it be I guess like the whole the part of a hull of a submarine that they were catching changing mm-hmm throw fishing or something they had bar up with their noses yeah surface it's fucked up nah dude dude. It's all bad. It's all bad. That's why I don't give you you know that like
Starting point is 00:11:49 I don't give a fuck about the whales Not that my commitment to the whales has been after I saw them blow water up with my own two eyes I've recommitted to the whale no I love the whales I cut myself off mid-sins because I have a bad Habit of doing that on this show where I start a thought and then just stop saying the thought I was Usually me too Well, there was this week those what like stop the oil protesters or whatever Through something on Stonehenge and people were really cornstarch. I think yeah Through something on Stonehenge and people are really cornstarch. I think yeah something like that and like I don't know the stuff The epic Stonehenge account was like there's like in on these rocks that if you touch one cornflower
Starting point is 00:12:33 they're gonna die and it's like I You know that clip where that guy's interviewing Harrison Ford about Star Wars And he's like what happened with Greedo after Boba the Fett shot him in the eye Or whatever in in Harrison Ford's like I don't care That's how I feel about the Stonehenge thing like I don't care who fucking cares dude Throw paint on it throw all the paintings. There's nothing It's all gonna be gone guys. We lost I every day I fucking it's it's I think about this every day like the the the way the
Starting point is 00:13:10 Ecosystem is changing the way I've noticed it change just over the last 10 years I spent the last 12 years outside basically and the changes I've seen in that amount of time have been so drastic and insane guys. It's done Like there's not gonna be people in the future to see the painting so fuck it of time have been so drastic and insane. Guys, it's done. Like, there's not gonna be people in the future to see the painting, so fuck it. You could blow that shit up for all I care. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I'm gonna go ahead and tell you something, too. We're talking about no fish in 20 years and we're bitching about throwing cornstarch on Stonehenge. Yeah, it's like, I don't even know what Stonehenge does, bro. They've been telling me my whole life, oh, it's a portal do the stars man To I just want to point out like first I want to stop you guys dead in your tracks to your disrespect to my culture
Starting point is 00:13:56 as a kelp here Put some respect on the better my apologies. Yeah, thank you. But yo, I was thinking, I saw Akira Stormer's comments about that as post, and of course, this feigning outrage, because I don't even think this guy cares either. It's just what you have to do. But I just think there's like, I don't know, there should be some kind of metric to see
Starting point is 00:14:21 how depraved and evil a person is, about how mad they get about inconsequential things when terrible things are going on like this motherfucker doesn't tweet about anything else you know I don't know much about the UK but I know just the decimation of the social welfare system you know I'm saying that the Labour Party has been privy to you know and it's just like or I mean even what's going on in Israel which I mean of course he wouldn't speak out but he has to speak out about the rocks getting cornstarch
Starting point is 00:14:43 on that's okay so I am doing a little bit of a bit like yeah, I do If they really ruin some like rare beautiful paintings like that's kind of fucked up, but even then I probably still wouldn't Listen, this is a mural of Fife dog from tropical quest in Laurelton's peripheral gardens where I grew up where he's also from if that Got paid toward it. I'd be tight, you know what I'm saying? I wouldn't care for that, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't care for that. I see that. I feel the same way about that Randy Travis
Starting point is 00:15:12 and Travis Tripp mural that's on the gas station by my house. Oh yeah, I agree. Ricky Skaggs, Randy Travis, Travis Tripp, that's somebody else and they're having an old fashioned hoedown. That should be like a UNESCO site You know what I'm saying or world heritage site if they threw paint on the thing of dogs playing poker that would fuck me up Forgive I'm pardon fucked up But some rocks come on man. We I think our understanding of them shits is that it at the most it's like some odd
Starting point is 00:15:50 Acoustic thing where they like bang on the rocks and it doesn't matter what's on the road as a burial I thought it was like a burial ground or something like that. It might even be that they've not told us they've my whole life They've been like we're gonna drop the Stonehenge files like they've been saying that about JFK files forever Life they've been like we're gonna drop the Stonehenge files like they've been saying that about JFK files forever But nobody's gotten to the bottom of it also waiting for Easter Island the head statues there nobody knows that's about dude when I was a kid that one fucked me up I was like bro. They've got big heads on the 9 Bro, and they're just nobody knows how they got there bro.. Nah, you know it's always fucked me up, man. See, this is, you always get me thinking
Starting point is 00:16:27 about mysteries of the world, right? If anything, actually, those kids, or those people, those activists should be credited, because they shed new interest, right, on Stonehenge. But also, too, man, I was always tripped out about those paintings or carvings of what looked like astronauts, you know? And like the Mies and the Aztecs and the Incas and shit,
Starting point is 00:16:46 you know what I mean? I was like, oh man. Dude, I have to say, like, I know it's like bird brain shit and if you take it too far, it does venture into racist territory, but like the ancient aliens thing would be tight. It would be dope if they- It would have been objectively tight.
Starting point is 00:17:03 If they stopped by and they were like, man, we got this thing called marijuana bro and that's what they shared with us the scene I just want to say I got this piece of sci-fi art I like a lot and all it is is an alien ship lowering down one of the the Easter Island heads you know and they're a bunch of early like a tractor beam just letting it down not even dog it's like rope and wire they're using the open wire off of a you know you all think we're advanced we're about where you all were in the 70s honestly what if that was the case they had these amazing aircrafts that like loud the travel but like their
Starting point is 00:17:43 actual like how they do things is just very primitive very rudimentary yeah you think you like aliens when they finally get here you're gonna think okay like i want this like retaining wall behind my house and i want this like home and such and such home improvement projects done and they're just like they're like giving you a quote for that you know what i mean like scratching their head give me a quote for that and you're like man. What are they talking about over these these guys from Pluto or and then they're like But I want to be honest with you. They're gonna come back. They're gonna like kind of waddle over to and they're gonna be like That's gonna cost you like it just an exorbitant amount of of money and then the timeline they give you is like 62 years
Starting point is 00:18:26 Well, yeah They hand you the invoice or whatever the quote and it's in some kind of insane Runes and you feel kind of queasy hearing it and they're like saying weird things to you like Yeah, like certain consonants in their language like shoot a shoot a needle through your spine or something like wait Now dude the aliens are gonna show up not in some amazing starship. It's gonna be like a Hyundai or some shit like that You know That would be so dope if they came to earth Not to study us not to take a stoper, but just to do nice things like renovate our homes
Starting point is 00:19:06 So you guys you guys have horrible aesthetic sense Look at this monstrosity. It's gray washed. They make yeah, they give us all makeovers. They're super Queenie like they're super flamboyant They're like what's up? Then that you like you leave for a couple days and you come back, well, more than a couple days, because again, they've got some primitive methods. You leave for your house for about six months
Starting point is 00:19:31 and then you come back to what would have normally taken like a couple of day laborers, like an afternoon to do. You come back six months later and it's like this very tasteful art deco palette and you're like, huh, you know, I didn't really even see this shaking out this way. Not what I wanted, but you know. I was wanting some like other shit
Starting point is 00:19:54 like y'all got up there and they're like, bro, we don't have other shit. We've just pilfered things over the centuries. We've just been designing our architecture based on your broadcast feeds in the past like 60 years You know drive it joy drive Soviet era you goes that we just picked up after the collapse She put a new transmission and they run like a top
Starting point is 00:20:15 man You know like Pluto is you guys pegged all wrong. You know how Pluto is surrounded in like a shroud of gases Like that would be a plan smoking vape. Yeah like planet of gases? Like that would be a cool- Like planet smoke and vape? Yeah like planet smoke and vape. That would be a cool house. Like your house, the exterior of it is just various gases like orange and pink and blue gases and stuff
Starting point is 00:20:36 and you just walk through the gas to go outside. But how would you, how would you like, so you don't have a door but no there be some kind of chemical or Agent in the gas so if a motherfucker that you don't like what's to come through they get repelled this is a dude they like So I did it what white people to come into my hole Yeah, but you I guess what's something that would like Deter a white person like a smell it reacts to like no melon into some shit like that That sounds like a biological weapon
Starting point is 00:21:14 That would be crazy a bio weapon that kills everyone on earth that has no melanin in them FBI was just joking. Yeah. Yeah crazy. Yeah That'd be a crazy joke right moving right along On Aaron to run away with any ideas Dude you could do that. I don't care fuck it. Everything's fucked man. Just Man, it's gonna call ask me and order everything need. I guess what you're describing is basically just what every home in Portland, Oregon was like during that summer we're talking about
Starting point is 00:21:50 with those wild ass fires. With a heat dome? That orange sky. Oh. No, the wildfires. I think they had wildfires in a heat dome like at the same time or some shit. Jesus Christ, man.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Not ideal. Yeah, man. I may have just made that up, I don't know. I'm just, I'm in my making up era. Some people have flop eras, now I'm just, I'm in my making shit up era. Technically, everything is made up. Like, you know, I saw a tweet, man,
Starting point is 00:22:19 from an incredibly racist tweet. I mean, it's always been bad, you know, since even before I guess Must Cook Over, but people are just saying this shit. This guy was like, Juneteenth is, I think it was Andrew Tate actually. He's like, Juneteenth is a made up, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. He said the word nigger dog, it was crazy, like hard R. But dude, he just said Andrew Tate. I honestly didn't even have offense to the racism, honestly, right? Because what else are you else you can expect right? This guy's a pedophile, but there's an Andrew type black though He's yeah, he's mixed. He's mixed I don't know if he I
Starting point is 00:22:55 Think yeah, I think he is black. I think yeah. Yeah, I think he had I'm not sure it was more It was more the pronunciation that you took exactly the spelling, right? But forget even slurs, yo. He was like, Juneteenth is a made-up holiday. And I was like, dog, isn't every holiday made up? Like, people were getting mad about him using slurs. And I was just kind of like, I was just like, every holiday is made up.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Are you saying there are holidays that are more real than other ones? I guess if you have adopted those politics, you have forfeit your right to just leisurely use that term Man that's It's so funny that like sit right wingers think that like certain holidays were like gifted to us from on high By whom I don't know the aliens God. I was gonna say the aliens first that God the aliens Yeah, God just down
Starting point is 00:23:47 came down from Mount Ararat with the pillar, the stone pillars, it said. Now you have to celebrate Columbus Day. That's just unalienable. I haven't even vented the God yet, but I will. I'm working. Yeah, right, right, right. There will, but I will I'm working. Yeah I'm gonna invent the ultimate con man on the high seas one of these days And when I do you'll remember his birth you'll be off of work for his birthday
Starting point is 00:24:19 And there'll be a really good soprano is better about it. Yeah Speaking of sopranos busy David Simon Going on this What's David Simon have to do with sopranos I thought no he didn't write he did the wire He did a think of the wire the wire. Yeah, never mind David David was his name that did Sprannos Oh David Chase David Chase. Yeah, sorry. I didn't chase. I didn't mean for you to catch a stray my bad David Chase? David Chase, yeah. Sorry, David Chase.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I didn't mean for you to catch a stray. My bad. What did David Simon say? He was just doing this whole thing. I think I see a lot of Hollywood types do this, where they're doing like a, they see how wildly unpopular this shit is now, just amongst John Q. American. You mean supporting Israel? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:07 So what they're doing now is like retconning the whole entire history of that conflict and saying like, well, I put it as much on Yasser Arafat as I do Benjamin Netanyahu. Like there's not been this asymmetrical relationship going back decades and decades and decades, you know And as if as if this is not within people's lifetimes, you know because I mean it's one thing to say that like, you know when when you
Starting point is 00:25:33 You know you you challenge back with like well, you know, it didn't start on October 7th You know whether you want to talk about like the 1940s or even before that right in the 20s You know I'm saying but like it's like this happened within people even before that right in the 20s you know I'm saying but like it's like this happened within people's like this was in like I mean right beyond my lifetime I was like I was born right after this you know this wasn't like decades and decades ago you know you can't retcon shit like that I did see David Simon plugging an anti-net and Yahoo rally they're gonna have unlike Capitol Hill or some shit it It's like, oh, good luck.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Hey, good luck. But they're also, that's also like, they're like last ditch effort to like distance themselves from like the carnage of all this. Like, oh, if we just throw Net and Yahoo under the bus, then everybody will forgive us for taking the most insane position for the last seven months. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Or nine months now. Yeah. I think that's something that we've said recently too, man, is what they're gonna start doing once it, I mean, it just becomes like, there's no way that you can continue to just like, either deny there's a genocide or even just condone it, but they're just gonna start singling individuals out,
Starting point is 00:26:40 like Netanyahu, I mean, I'm even seeing sometimes it's like, and I even referenced this where it's like a far-right Israeli politician had a reference to Hitler quote, you know Oh, yeah advocating for the ethnic cleansing and it's like yo, but dog like I don't know I did is that the one where he said? God curse his name, but then like proceeded to praise him He's like like it's like that's like a New Yorker telling you no disrespect and then you'll tell him to go fuck yourself or something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Or it's genuinely straight out of the unreconstructed Confederate playbook, like Jefferson Davis now, or curse his name or whatever, but he had some ideas. It's the point still. I don't like him a damn bit, but you have to hand it to him on this one like, you know arcane thing But it's just like you know, if you if you I mean, I've seen polls, right? I'm not gonna you know, I can't I can't quote anything exact right now But just the general sentiment among the Israeli population is not too far from what that guy said, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, but like we were saying it's just like you you you have to pick out you have to Individualize it instead of putting it into context that this is not one person a one party But like it's an ethno state, you know Yeah, I mean, yeah, like you said it's just polls But if those are to be believed then three-quarters of the goddamn country think that they're either doing the right thing or not enough I saw like a video of that Smotrich guy. I mean he might be like the finance minister. I think in Israel I can't remember he was like walking through the streets, and there was like Teaming hordes of masses like surrounding him like yeah
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, I mean it was like fucking Hitler youth Hitler rally like what the fuck man well. I mean it's all like Nazi infighting man. It's a hitler rally. Do you like what the fuck man? Well, I mean, it's all like Nazi infighting man. It's like this week Netanyahu released some video basically Calling out he didn't call in he called out Biden for stopping arm shipments and
Starting point is 00:28:49 Biden was reportedly incensed and enraged and within like 30 minutes of them doing that there was a story that was like they're gonna read them the arms they're they're actually gonna read something else yo and it's so funny because it's like I'm sure Netanyahu knows that you know because I saw that too and I was like dude there's no way that we're stopping arms ship. I mean, this is just a rhetorical thing or even if there's some kind of slow down, there's still gonna be armed American made weapons that are getting to Israel, right?
Starting point is 00:29:13 But it's also just a way for, see, I hate this shit, man. Like they get to call out the United States and Biden, even though they're getting unequivocal support. You know? Well, dude, yeah, it probably literally, it probably came down to some supply chain issues some fucking Just some like dead-eyed contractor in like fucking
Starting point is 00:29:34 Virginia Beach or something probably forgot to sign like a Chain of custody paperwork and so left a letter off the head Circle the third guy that Left a letter off the head. Yeah, full circle the third guy that But talent and so it's that third guy that's jamming everything up That's who they need to hang this on some third guy some third guy So instead of getting like probably thousand missiles this month. They got like twenty three thousand and they're like, oh my god God And so then you get like Biden and Netanyahu
Starting point is 00:30:12 Essentially in a dick measuring contest over who's more committed to killing the most people here Fucking psychotic saw that fucking video. I put us like if you give us the tools and we'll finish the job I'm a fucker get your own goddamn tools you fuck. Yeah, that's crazy. They have the fucking tools Yeah, I know I know Dude, they're spending more time, but I don't know if y'all saw I mean, I'm sure you guys saw this But uh, they're spending more time like printing out Hitler Nazi propaganda and you know covering it with Arabic and planting it in the Palestinians like the fact that there's a whole entire in the whole of the Palestinians. Like the fact that there's a whole entire
Starting point is 00:30:44 Psyop dedicated to that with money, you know what I mean, that you're printing these with paper, you're going to get the Photoshop dog Adobe and you're creating this, you know what I'm saying? It's just sick, dude, it's fucking sick, man. I'm gonna go ahead and dispel at least one popular elders of the, probably cause the elders elders design trope is that I don't think that Jews control the media anymore after seeing some of his hands
Starting point is 00:31:10 pressure yeah dude it's oh my god yeah that that le cooed guy quoting Adolf Hitler Like Warmly and You know with praise that really fucking got me man. That's But I feel like it happens constantly like they're constantly saying like well you got a hand it to him Well, I mean like the fucking first six months of this literally the first you don't see this as much now I don't feel like but it was
Starting point is 00:31:51 Defining it was everywhere the first six months after like October 7th It was Hamas is worse than the Nazis they did They killed more people on October 7th in the Holocaust and that kind of stuff you don't have saying it was like It was like the most insane Holocaust denial you've ever seen in your life This is feel like they they don't say that as much as anymore. I don't feel like where I haven't seen it I'm sure they do. I'm not hitting translate tweet enough on enough Hebrew tweets No, it's like it's sorry to steal a will will medicare's tweet, but we'll have a funny tweet It's like um, you know, the New York Times would instead say,
Starting point is 00:32:27 Israel looks towards the past, right? You know, to build a better future, or some shit like that, you know what I mean? With that Hitler quote, you know? So it's like, whatever they actually even say, like, I mean, even if you have Israeli officials talking about nuking Gaza, you know what I mean? It either gets overlooked,
Starting point is 00:32:44 or the people who are diehard supporters will somehow, you know what I mean? It either gets overlooked or the people who are diehard supporters will somehow, you know what I mean, twist those words, you know, to make it sound like somebody would be like, well, that Hitler quote, the only reason why he brought it up is because he was talking about a fascist Islamist, right? Hamas, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:57 That's why he brought the quote up. But then he brings up the quote to argue for ethnic cleansing you know right there's no situation where you want to bring up a Hitler quote when you're advocating for ethnic cleansing not a lot of utility there oh man fucking a dude it, it's pretty bad. It's like to the point, like I have seen no less than three articles on the front pages of major outlets this week casting serious doubt on Biden's prospects. I specifically read one in Politico that was like, the problem with Biden is Biden, because they were talking about all the down ballot elections that
Starting point is 00:33:47 Democrats are pulling pretty well in Like dem and that biden is just i mean he's even losing he's even losing support with like middle-class suburban white women like that's That's your fucking i read butter baby yeah Well that happens when you can't talk Hard to garner support when you can't communicate I just I just it's like on that note man I I still can't believe there's gonna be a debate later this month. Oh, man
Starting point is 00:34:21 Dude on that note did you guys see this? This is this dude this blew my fucking mind This is from CNN Former President Donald Trump will get the final word when he debates President Joe Biden on CNN next week After a coin flip to determine podium placement and the order of closing statements. The coin landed on the Biden campaign's pick, Tails. Biden's campaign chose to select the right podium position which means that the Democratic president will be on the right side of the television screen and the Republican rival will be on the viewer's left side and that makes that allow us. Listen bro, they did that because they know he's gonna fall asleep before the end of the
Starting point is 00:35:07 season closing statement. Yeah. No, that's a coin flip whether he makes it through the night or not. Yeah, right. Listen, if that shit'll put me to sleep, I know what it's doing to his fucking dumbass brain. Dude, that's insane. Oh, god.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Like, you know his strength is not debating it's gonna be on a strong closing statement but they just gave it away Trump is the guy who always has to have the last word and that's literally what you gave him Trump is like the guy when you try to leave his house you're like alright bye he's like no you bye and you're like alright bye he's like no you like I know you goodbye is like what what, you buy. And you're like, all right, bye. He's like, no, you buy. You're like, all right, bye. No, you can buy. He's just like, come on, dog. What are you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yo, I don't think, I don't mean this as a joke. And I know that people would say, why do you think that? That doesn't make any sense. That's antithetical to politics anyway. First of all, the Democrats are not doing politics. But I don't think they want to win. I really don't think that they want to win, man. In that political article, they quoted one strategist
Starting point is 00:36:08 and he was like, I think Biden, and I think we've maybe even talked about this before. I think I've seen this guy saying a similar thing in another article we've read, but this guy was like, I think Biden should lean into it and be self-deprecating. It's like, okay, you're self-deprecating about like- What is he, a fucking stand-up comedian You've put you've put on 20 pounds. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:33 Right not that you're losing your attachment to reality Also, you have the nuclear codes while that's going up Also, you can't joke about something that is so consequential to your figure. It also to be self-deprecating requires a degree of self-awareness that he clearly doesn't have. It requires the awareness that you are deprecating yourself. If you are confused about the concept of self-recation you can't self deprecate We have I've had so many I've seen so many amazing images this this year so far, but genuinely
Starting point is 00:37:21 Probably the best I like you could not ask for something this beautiful and poetic but like at the g7 summit last week, which was like the New York Times brand, a story about it, and it was an incredibly like surreal story because every single person there, I think with the exception of Maloney, is vulnerable to losing the next election. Like they're all.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Who's Maloney, is that the Italian lady? Italian, yeah, yeah, the Italian fascist lady they're all alone is that the Italian lady Italian Yeah, yeah, the Italian fascists like the melon Italian fascist melon lady. Yeah, but it was like true dough McCrone Fucking you know Biden like several losers ball And like that was the pretense of the article It was like G7 meets with every leader there on the verge of vulnerability of losing their election. But the best image of that was you've got these seven ineffectual, just completely clueless leaders, just not prepared in any way for the moment
Starting point is 00:38:21 to meet the moment, to meet the demands and urgency of the moment. Much less the demands and urgency of the moment. Much less the future. Much less the future. And there's this demonstration of this hang glider or a paratrooper or something coming down and he parachutes into the ground. And right at the moment when he's about to do
Starting point is 00:38:38 his fancy thing and land, Biden just turns around and just starts walking away, walking away in the opposite direction. And everybody think it was like a boss barricade or some shit like that. Did he get shook? Yeah, he got triggered from his epigenetic as a boss. Yeah, because his dad was in a kibbutz. He had the epigenetic trigger.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Well, and also you got to see an uncle eating my cannibals, too. It's amazing how many people in this race have uncles eaten by cannibals This moment we have two men running for office that have experience with I Is dude, you know, it's so funny about that top yo, we got RFK Trump at Biden and RFK and Biden have said the craziest Trump's the most level head now granted his intentions been elsewhere, but still dog his cheesecake factory rat you know to me It's kind of insane expensive dude
Starting point is 00:39:55 The Atlantic actually had an astute observation for once this week Maybe the first time I've ever seen it which is that like Trump's campaign has lost all substance in the sense that there's no great Hits anymore. He doesn't do lock her up, he doesn't do build, there's no slogans like that. It's crazy, you know what I'm saying? That was all his 2016 and 2020 campaigns was these slogans, but he's got none of that now. Dude, I wish I could, I don't have it in front of me, man, but I got this, I've been meaning to post it.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I got this postcard, yo. It's a mock postcard, right, for my brother-in-law, because his male's addressed to here, and it's a Democratic Party postcard. And I think it's actually handwritten, because sometimes they would send that to make it seem like, oh, we really care about you. We're going to write you a handwritten postcard, but it's always printed out right. But this one, on the front of it, it has like gun control, abortion, immigration, like just words, right? Just like issue words, right? And then on the back is a handwritten
Starting point is 00:40:52 note that basically says that, oh, it's basically talking about gun control, which I'm not saying for some people in every election, that's not an issue. I'm not saying that, right? But I mean, like there are other issues like that But, I mean, like, there are other issues, like, that people, I mean, Israel gods are the economy, right? Right, even abortion, right? Yo, it didn't say any of that, except one printed word abortion on the front. And it also was written, like,
Starting point is 00:41:18 it looks like some fucking Zodiac killer shit. I'm not gonna lie to you. Like, the handwriting is, like, frantic. You know what I'm saying? I have to find the answer. We gave you all the clues of who you should vote for. Yeah, yeah, the other little snowman man. Yes, yo. I mean my point is that it's it's it's a green it's substance. It's substance-less, right? Like I know that those are key issues for Democrats But there's nothing in it like you would be better off reading the frequently asked questions on his campaign site or who is Joe Biden? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's almost like this is like an artifact or a memento that whole symbolic value More than it's communicating any information any any even any even any even attempt to persuade you you know what I'm saying yes Did that I mean at this point they're undercutting their own arguments like this past week Biden ran an ad on Inflation after fucking nine months of telling us that there is no inflation inflation has gone down the economy's fine So they're like it they're doing the same thing with all these things that they've done on Gaza where they've said like we hear you We see you we know this is bad, but we're still gonna keep doing it, but we know this is bad But we're still gonna keep doing it But we know this is bad, but we're still gonna keep doing it
Starting point is 00:42:26 Ever mind you of the things that we didn't protect and didn't promise that we were gonna do But we're still gonna run on those things Astonishing I don't mean it's it's it's political mouth. I can't even call political malpractice. It's just it's just I don't even know what it is man, the the going back to that image of the g7 thing where that like paratrooper dropped in What was so funny about that was that when he turned to walk away? All these other leaders were kind of like looking at him like should we do that too? Like what should we do? I'm gonna speak to any heads of state out there okay within earshot of this broadcast
Starting point is 00:43:06 many are and I'm gonna tell you and I and I'm sure most of the those that have a seat of the UN are listening but You do not under any circumstances have to follow this man anywhere Least of all not to the bathroom because no you know You're gonna find yourself in the legends of the hidden temple If he decides to walk off a cliff Yeah, unless your name's Evo Morales Evo Morales we need to see you in the principal's office everybody else follow Joe Biden Office everybody else followed your body
Starting point is 00:43:49 We couldn't have even Various series of memes of like people following Biden to various places. Yeah, like the legends of the hidden temple Said to the Darnia wardrobe the Narnia wardrobe the The Narnia wardrobe, the beach that makes you old. Like just all these various places like, where are we? The Woodstock 98 stage when DMX took the stage. To literally a sea of, like the whole world watched, you know? Every man, woman and child watched DMX perform that day. Rest in peace, rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh my god, dude. That's where I made the game. Just, just the decay, man. Just like the, someone dug up, I think it was Tim Barker on Twitter, found this article that Anthony Blinken wrote when he was in college for the Harvard Crimson in September 1982 called Israel's saving grace
Starting point is 00:44:46 I thought it was a fascinating artifact It starts off Israelis of all political persuasions are living a new year of shame in the aftermath of last week's massacre of innocent Palestinian refugees as the details slowly emerge It seems clear some members of the military knew of the carnage undertaken by the Christian militia from its start, but the horrors of Shatila and Sabra obscure what we must hope will be the Jewish state's eventual salvation, thank God, but I wish I had it saved my bookmarks. But I saw when Biden was a senator, I don't know how to pronounce his name, is it spelled Begin, Begin, I guess, the Prime Minister, right? And there's that anecdote of Reagan calling, right, calling him to cut it out when I think
Starting point is 00:45:40 it was the war with Lebanon, I think. It was, yeah. And yeah, and at the time, Biden, who was then a senator, had I think he met with Begin and he said, he was like actually congratulating him, you know, and that that he would have supported them going farther, even if it meant killing women and children, you know. And like, I think even that dude was just kind of like, well, like, I think he said something akin to like well You know just like not attacking civilians is just like a humanitarian
Starting point is 00:46:09 Like I mean in my words a red line, you know, and I just thought it was kind of ironic that like, you know I mean all these horrible things that you learn about Joe Biden, you know that he supported when he was a senator and it's like You know, he's always been genocide Joe, you know, always know always been that guy you know well and also also Blinken too well like it is a fascinating thing because this is like a document that shows that like His roots in like liberal Zionism right and how they they used to have even this like modicum of rhetorical gesture towards the Palestinians But the whole, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:46:47 the whole point of this dumbass little article he wrote when he was probably like 22, 21 or 22, is just that like, well, Israel may not be perfect, but at least it has democracy and that's the thing that saves it. And that's like, that's literally at the heart of the whole American thing too. It's like, oh, it's not perfect,
Starting point is 00:47:02 but we've got democracy and that's what saves it. You know what democracy just means, man? It just means that it's not perfect, but we've got democracy and that's what states You know you know what democracy just means man It just means that like like I mean I know people know this is probably a moot point But it's just like you know like whenever they say Israel has democracy all that really means is that they quelled the democratic rights of other People right yeah, it's almost like just the inverse you know what I'm saying because countries that have that you know have democratically elected leaders Who implement democratic socialists right? You know what I'm saying? Because countries that have that, you know, have democratically elected leaders who implement Democratic socialists, right? You know social welfare policies. Those are not democratic countries
Starting point is 00:47:31 I mean look at what they're saying we talked we talked about it with Alex took what they're saying about Mexico You know what I mean? Right? So it's just like it's always just I don't know people know this but it's just like it's just Everything is the inverse. Everything is opposite. They're like Bizarro from Superman. You know what I'm saying? You know saying I am having a bad day. Oh, you're having a good day. Okay. That's great bizarre. You know we are not killing children Oh, you are killing children. Okay. Yeah, I mean it's the every accusation is a confession thing and it is Also true for America. You know what I mean right right exactly. It's I don't know Well, I Don't have much else today we're closing in on an hour, but there's this there's a story I wanted to bring up
Starting point is 00:48:13 because I think it Popped up and kind of went away as quickly as it popped up But this is a really fascinating stories story it's in Reuters I don't know if you guys saw this Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during the pandemic at the hole up hold up wait wait they ran an anti-vax campaign to undermine China yeah all right so if they will blame talk sure this let's talk all right hold up I All right. So if they will blame China, let's talk.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Hold on. I was just saying, if they will blame China, if they know if the American psyche, right, the xenophobic, xenophobic psyche was blaming China for this, right, wouldn't it then be like, OK, the vaccine? I mean, I don't get it. Yeah, you got to talk through this. I don't know. The levels of xenophobia and racism and just disregard for the American public is just a little bit too it's just a little bit too layered for me. So I do remember now that I recall walking around in my little ghost neighborhood I do remember seeing posters of a
Starting point is 00:49:15 big red dragon and a hypodermic needle coming out of his out of of his claws, so. Yeah, this tracks, I was wondering where that came from. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China's growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by COVID. The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid
Starting point is 00:49:49 that was being supplied by China. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military's propaganda efforts have morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines Roaders identified at least 300 accounts on X that match descriptions shared by former US military officials
Starting point is 00:50:19 Here's one of them coat COVID came from China and the vaccine also came from China. Don't trust China, one typical tweet read. All right, that answered my question then. I guess at the beginning. So how's that impersonating Filipinos? Somebody out there said, you know, I thought Chad Hugo was the better half of the Neptune's actually. Another another post read from China PPE face mask vaccine fake, but the coronavirus is real Okay, the only you know, and this is a long article and you know, we could spend the rest of the entire fucking day
Starting point is 00:51:01 Getting into it, but I genuinely I've tried not to talk about the COVID years and the Vax years on this show just because it was such a frat and honestly like when I go back and look at the things I was writing and thinking and saying at the time It's like Jesus man. It's like very paranoid. I was obviously very like not doing great But like the traumatizing time in fairness most people weren't Well, it's yeah, it was a trauma time for that one guy said he's having the best year of his life Yeah, the guy who gets to go everywhere by himself because no one is there yeah
Starting point is 00:51:41 But I do remember specifically saying at the time and catching heat for it that people Understandably would not get the vaccine and what I meant by that is that the US government obviously had no and no vested interest in seeing people get better and Avoid the virus and this is kind of just like proof of that like there's I mean I got the Vax I got all the Vax's I mean you know to me like I'm back stop But like I also at the same time I'm still getting back. I'm still getting back I'll say at the same time though like I understood some of the paranoia and distrust because I I'm sure if you go back and listen to those episodes
Starting point is 00:52:24 You could probably even find an episode where we're gonna We probably say something like oh, it'll come out in five years that like the Pentagon ransom anti-vax came in because right Oh god about right on cue four years Says I just I don't know it's just um It's just an interesting thing Just you know there's really no it just makes you I don't mean to be you know, don't mean to put on put on my tinfoil hat But uh, it makes me think about like I mean, you know
Starting point is 00:52:54 You said this earlier Terrence like this overused term Sia, but if this sort of Psychological operation was for any reason at all Run in the United States if if not by law enforcement actually. I don't even know what I'm saying, right? But it's just, stuff like that just doesn't reflect well because if you can do that to another country, why wouldn't you just do that to your own people? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:18 And that's the thing, the article goes out of its way to be like, well there's no evidence that they did this on Americans, but it's like, it doesn't matter because the world the virus doesn't give a shit about like nation boundaries or whatever if you're running this campaign in highly like crowded urban areas in the Philippines and Southeast Asia that are gonna be vectors for virus infection it doesn't fucking matter if you're running the operation
Starting point is 00:53:45 over there or over here, because that means that a large portion of the global population is not gonna be vaxxed and they're gonna be spreading it around. And we live in, I'm just, we live in a globalized world, right? I mean, there's just like, if the whole idea is that, well,
Starting point is 00:54:00 everyone has to be inoculated, you know what I mean? But then you're undermining that. Yeah. And you're only harming your own population you know ultimately you know or potentially at least right. I was just trying to figure out like what are some of these accounts that were impersonating Filipinos. This specific detail. I'm really hung up on it. How are they selling it?
Starting point is 00:54:23 Like it's not like it's not like when God what was that woman's name for Pete Buttigieg's campaign? Liz Smith, right? With the Chenadu, you know what I mean? The very African, I forget where he was from, but he was, so he's supposedly an actual supporter of Pete Buttigieg. But I just got me thinking, I remember know, like, I remember it being like a detailing point that he was actually, I think Nigerian, you know? And I was like, well, how would, if you didn't know he was, how would you, like, how would
Starting point is 00:54:54 he post, how do you post like a Filipino? What does that mean? Okay, I'll tell you what it means. Here's one post, and you can't see it it but I can maybe just describe it for you It has a red curtain on one side are a bunch of pigs like actual swine actual pigs and they've got a bunch of like needles stuck in them and There's like blood all over the place and on the other side of the curtain are Muslim Filipinos and so the implication is that also they squeeze some
Starting point is 00:55:26 Islamophobia in there yes that the implication is that the the vaccines contain like pig lipids pig fats or something that would like not be haram that is or that they were that would be her arm yeah dude that's like that's like that's like I don't know man this just reminds me of Trump talking about like like uh, like uh, uh, dipping bullets in pig's blood or some shit like that, you know? Oh yeah. Like as like a war- it's just like, like, insanely like, like Islamophobic and racist, you know? Yeah. Just like, dude, what the fuck, man?
Starting point is 00:55:58 One of the finest men I ever knew is a Filipino Muslim. Shout out Dr. T. Doll. No way. The whole T. Doll family while we're at it. I love that family Shouts out well um it's an interesting story that I thought Just goes to show that um that no point during the pandemic that the government actually give a fuck about what happened to anybody Also just I guess like, I don't know, man. I don't know if this is so far reach, far stretch, but it does just kind of make me think about like, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:35 what this country is funding, you know, in Gaza, you know, in Palestine. And just like, you know, just kind of circling back to this idea of like, like, well, if they're willing to do that to other people, you know what I mean? If they're willing to carry out operations, you know just kind of circling back to this idea of like like well if they're willing to do that to other people You know what I mean if they're willing to carry out operations You know and crimes against humanity like this you know and you know campaigns like this then uh I don't know man That just doesn't bode well. You know for anyone here now or in the near future you know mm-hmm You know if you don't give a shit about any other country Which I don't know why you would because everything you know kind of reflects
Starting point is 00:57:05 Back here, but that should give you pause well. Yeah, I mean we're talking about this where they're like and who knows I mean maybe in my entire life I've heard about like surges in bird flu and everything but like we're all understandably a little bit like PTSD triggered so like I hear about these like surges in bird flu and I'm like oh fuck it's happening again Yeah, but hey Hey, and also too. I'm just gonna tell you don't be surprised. Yes, right. Yeah, if it does take off. I mean there The precedence is already there and also they're banning masks in certain states do that They talked about doing it in New York and like yeah, I was to get all conspiratorial But it is the perfect storm for something else to pop off right, right?
Starting point is 00:57:48 Uh-huh, and and this ain't even done popping off. Let's just you know to be continued Hopefully not Hopefully not man. I'm still kind of confused on one thing about that story though It's like what what was their evidence that like? China's having too much influence in the Philippines Do you tell us a doesn't seem like somebody very or what I guess he would have been he would have been there 2020 You're right. I put it. I don't know necessarily that they have much influence there yet
Starting point is 00:58:22 I think it's more like they're trying to curb that from yeah to to drive a wedge between Philippines because because of growing Chinese influence in the South Pacific in the region right right right so yeah I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if this is true or right, but uh You know I I shouldn't say it's maybe then I not. I don't know if China, you know, shipping vaccines to other countries around the world, right, if at a less cheaper cost than the United States would. I'm not saying this is the case.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I don't know for sure. I'd be interested to know if that was a factor, right? And trying to curb, I mean, it's the same thing in Africa, right? Where like, you know, whatever you want to say about China, just building infrastructure, right and in countries where they these countries Oh the United States the World Bank the IMF. Oh them they're in debt, right? I mean, so it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, man, you're doing a good job by making China look, you know, I mean like the bad guy you know, I mean, it's it's well, it's very silly and to Bring that back to what we were saying a second ago They were willing to sacrifice large amounts of Americans to accomplish that because like I said if you have a large fucking global demographic That's not vaccinated that fucking impacts Americans like I'm sorry and so it's it's in this Imperial global cold war we have with China like they have made it abundantly clear that they're perfectly willing to sacrifice Americans to further their agenda and their interests
Starting point is 00:59:52 So well, it's par for the course for a fork. What's that term par for the course? I guess Car for the course car for the poor car for the poor They are for the poor I'm saying that's some American-ass shit this is a car for the port it's car for the port brother dude I can't stop thinking about those heads on Easter Island imagine if you were like back in the day you were get you like told your boy like in a neighbor island, yeah, I got some head on Easter Island.
Starting point is 01:00:26 He'd be like, oh, what? Nah, imagine being one of the guys that they told you to move out the way when the aliens were lowering the Easter Island head, but you did it, and there's one guy buried under there. They've got the backup noise. Surely some rapper has made an illusion to getting more head than Easter Island Let's look it up, I'm sure if they haven't dude that would be crazy
Starting point is 01:00:56 More head if they have it I'm gonna make a meme with a really like old ass like you know picture like 90s looking digital camera picture of the Easter Island and that text that says exactly yeah more hit I'm getting more head than Easter Island it's like a 0.5 JPEG dude I don't see any really well I'm gonna go ahead and claim the copyright on that if you do use that in the future you will be paying me publishing no dude mate me I'm the one who said it you have to pay me Look at you steal his idea top
Starting point is 01:01:32 I'm just kidding true Billy's we'll split the publishing Okay, all right, let's wrap this up final thoughts Noam Chomsky is dying this week. Or maybe not. He might not be. He might be dying next year. I just want to say, I'm not laughing like Noam Chomsky's dying, but what I am laughing is that- His beautiful penis is dying? There's nothing to laugh about, motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I just think it's funny that, I'll just put it this way, I hope that I'm well loved enough that people publish my obituary before I die You know People are so Anticipatory of my death, you know to be but in a good way to honor me that they published my obituary a couple days a week before I die well, I feel like we re-ref we riffed on Chomsky on the Feel like we re ref we riffed on Chomsky on the
Starting point is 01:02:30 Patreon we had a bonus episode yesterday, so if you want our unfiltered thoughts on Chomsky You're not getting it on main motherfucker So you're gonna have to pay for that shit. I did send him an email asking him if you liked bionicles 19 He never replied to me, and I hope that he does You have either one person he's never replied to There that's fucking great, maybe he thought it was like some I Glass Maybe he thought it was like some I Glass Do you like bionicles mr. Chomsky
Starting point is 01:03:12 I do sorry oh My god all right if you want us to if you want to hear our thoughts on Chomsky and is More specifically his bedroom etiquette go to is more specifically his bedroom etiquette. Go to We should have asked, did anyone ever email and ask him if he eats pussy? I'm sure many people have asked him that. What if he didn't and it was like a junior
Starting point is 01:03:34 soprano type deal and all of it, or what if he did and it was a junior soprano type deal and all of his boys made fun of him? Like, did you hear this? No, he eats pussy. You mean, like, you know Batman, DC Comics said that Batman doesn't eat pussy. So what if it's like Batman?
Starting point is 01:03:48 Is that the official line? Dude, like somebody had, somebody had a- That's Cannon. Yeah, Cannon, somebody, I think somebody had alluded, like, and maybe it was like the Harley Quinn show, I think. The animated one, the adult show had alluded to Batman. Nah, I think he was literally eating pussy in one scene, or implied. And I think think yeah, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:07 one of DC's rules is I guess you can show ass and titties but Batman can't eat pussy. Dude, I should have brought this earlier, but I should have brought this up earlier. As we're closing out, I was closing my tabs just now. Do you think that Biden opted to be on the right side of the screen so as to appear like a right Wing you know them today like Trump would appear as the way so when you say right
Starting point is 01:04:32 It's a little message like he would be a right wing. Yeah, yeah, you know why is he on the right side of the screen? Okay, I'm the right side of the screen. Okay, if you're watching it, right? He'll be on the right and Biden and Trump would be on the left or maybe he's trying to persuade people that he's on the right side of the screen, okay. If you're watching it, right, he'll be on the right, and Biden and Trump would be on the left. Or maybe he's trying to persuade people that he's on the right side of history. Or maybe they misinterpreted, because it's such a fuck up campaign and they're so half, like half-hardly doing this.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They didn't realize that by putting, they thought that Biden would be first from his standpoint, but because when you're watching it, he's actually second on the right, you know what I mean? Maybe it was just a mistake, you know? Could've been. I get that mixed up all the time, like stage left, stage right, I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Dude, I get my left and right head mixed up all the time. You mean to your left or your right, you know? I'm kidding, I do that. Starboard and aft. And it's on vantage point. Yeah, I should've asked him if he wants to be starboard. Wait, starboard is the right and the left the left side right? No starboard is right? Shit, I should know that from Star Trek shit man starboard not even from sailing but from spaceships
Starting point is 01:05:37 How'd you know that from the spaceship show I watch Everything's a nautical reference Damn I want to know that now All right Go check out the patreon go listen to our thoughts on Noam Chomsky with her friend Sam Wallman from down the woman Sam some some woman and That link will be in the show notes so until next time we'll see you later maybe bye guys

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